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1 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Detecting Differences Between Concealed and Unconcealed Emotions Using


Shelby Clark1*, B.A and Dr. Shashi K. Jasra, 1PhD.


Biometric analysis is everywhere – even in our cell phone security through facial and fingerprint

recognition. It has recently become widely useful in forensic settings as well, being used for facial,

fingerprint/palmprint, iris, and voice identification1. Using the iMotions Facial Expression Analysis software, I

looked at detection differences between concealed and unconcealed emotions when presented with various

stimuli, specifically looking at the time in percentage that each emotion was elicited throughout the stimuli.

Fourteen participants, eight females (F) and six males (M), were shown seven different videos aimed at eliciting

specific emotions to be measured by the iMotions software. Prior to exposure to the stimuli, seven of these

fourteen participants (4F, 3M) were asked to conceal their emotions while watching the following videos. The

seven different emotions that were measured by the software include contempt, disgust, fear, joy, anger,

surprise, and sadness. The alternative hypothesis states that individuals who concealed their emotions during

presented stimuli will have significantly less detectable emotions elicited in comparison to individuals who

were not asked to conceal their emotions. The null hypothesis states that there will be no significant difference

between detectable emotions of individuals of the concealed group and the unconcealed group. There was no

statistically significant difference of emotion detected between the overall concealed and unconcealed

participant averages with regards to time (%) (p=0.07, a ≥0.05).

Keywords: Biometric identification, facial expression analysis

2 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

1 Forensic Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Windsor, 401Sunset Avenue, Windsor Ontario *Communicating Author Contact: Shelby Clark, [email protected]


The iMotions software describes biometrics as a way to investigate internal bodily signals that reveal

emotion and other signs of physiological arousal2. Applying this to a forensic setting, biometrics is the

automated recognition of individuals based on both biological and behavioural characteristics. Biometrics

ranges from facial, fingerprint/palmprint, iris, and voice identification1. This allows for identification because

certain biometric traits are specific to that individual.

The iMotions Facial Expression analysis uses an engine called Affectiva (AFFDEX). This engine identifies

thirty-three feature points on the face (e.g. points on the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.). The movements of these

facial feature points are tracked and analyzed throughout the presentation of stimuli. Specifically, this engine

identifies a smile, brow furrow & raise, frown, eye closure, nose wrinkle, various lip motions, chin raises, and

smirks. iMotions then interprets these expressions into seven basic emotions: joy, anger, surprise, fear,

contempt, sadness, and disgust. iMotions also measures positive, negative, and neutral expressions throughout

all stimuli3. Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) measures skin conductivity through the sweat glands in the skin being

activated which is commonly triggered by emotional stimulation. This allows researchers to measure emotional

stimulation when emotions may not be apparent through facial analysis4. An Eye Tracker is also included in this

iMotions software package, which tracks eye movement throughout presented stimuli and serves as a measure

of participant attention. It analyzes how long someone looks at something, and importantly, measures if a

participant is paying attention to the stimuli2. The combination of facial expression analysis, GSR, and eye

tracking allows for effective emotional analysis, and in this case, the differentiation between concealed and

unconcealed emotional expression.

Materials & Methods

- iMotions software suite (physiological and facial analysis software): version 7.0- iMotions Shimmer Kit: Galvanic Skin Response and Photoplethysmography biosensors- Logitech HD camera- Laptop with Bluetooth capability- GP3 Professional Bundle- Additional display monitor- Windows 10 Operating System

A recruitment e-mail was distributed by the science department secretary that advertised our research

to University of Windsor students. The e-mail contained general information about the study, with attached

consent forms and letters of information about both methods of the study. Participants were also recruited in

3 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

person through info page handouts, as well as postings in the common areas of campus. Fifteen participants

were attained for the study, with a 6:9 distribution of males and females. Fourteen participant’s data was used,

as participant R’s facial recording did not occur due to technical issues. Therefore, for data analysis, fourteen

participant’s data was used in analysis, with a 6:8 ration of male and female participants.

Table 1

Participant Information

Participant Number M/F Concealed/Unconcealed

R1 F Unconcealed

R3 F Unconcealed

R4 F Concealed

R5 F Unconcealed

R6 M Unconcealed

R7 M Concealed

R8 M Unconcealed

R9 M Concealed

R10 F Unconcealed

R11 F Concealed

R12 M Unconcealed

R13 F Unconcealed

R14 F Concealed

R15 M Unconcealed

Table 2

Stimuli presented to participants and their descriptions

4 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Stimulus Stimulus Description

E1 Contempt – woman being racially discriminatory

E2 Disgust – worm being eaten by insects

E3 Fear – man with camera on his head walking along the outside of a tall building

E4 Joy – dog taking a bath and swimming

E5 Surprise – video of an explosion

E6 Anger – customer yelling at store employee

E7 Sadness – penguin parent discovering deceased child

The following procedure took place in Essex Hall Room 208 at the University of Windsor. Participants

were run through the study between January and March 2019. Prior to procedure, workstation setup must be

completed. An additional monitor was run through the VGA output of the iMotions laptop. The shimmer kit,

GP3 eye-tracker, and Logitech HD were connected through USB ports of laptop. The gazepoint program was

started and a 9-point calibration cycle was complete. Next, the shimmer kit wrist module was turned on and

the probes attached. The iMotions program was started and ensured that each device is properly detected.

Finally, calibration settings were set for the study and the participant profile was ready for the active

participant. Here, each participant was explained the procedure and given a consent form. Once the consent

form was attained, the shimmer kit wrist module was attached to the participants wrists and their proper

fingers (PPG sensors attach to the ring finger, GSR sensors attach to the index and middle fingers). Calibration

for gaze tracking was performed prior to the presentation of stimuli. Following this calibration, some

participants were asked to conceal their emotions, and others were not told anything. Requesting emotion

concealment of participants was alternating, depending on the gender of the participant. Further, each video

was approximately 15 seconds long, with a cooldown period between each one, where only a black screen was

shown. Once the stimuli videos began, the researchers would leave the room. After the videos concluded, all

sensors were removed from the participants and they were free to go.

Since significance between various concealed and unconcealed groups were analyzed, T-Tests were

used through excel to determine statistical significance using the significance level, alpha (a), with a level of

0.05, or 5%. This 5% is the likelihood that a difference existence is being shown, when in reality, there is no

5 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

actual difference. Any p-value lower than 0.05 or 5% is considered significant, while anything higher is not

statistically significant.


Table 5

Average time (%) of detected emotions throughout stimuli presentation

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Overall Concealed Category 1.12 9.47 4.56 5.99 10.47 9.51 12.81

Overall Unconcealed Category 8.21 37.41 6.13 15.5 16.3 13.12 59.51

Unconcealed Female Category 9.31 13.11 24.42 2.15 2.51 34.29 65.33

Concealed Female Category 2.85 11.07 17.33 5.41 1.37 11.52 20.01

Unconcealed Male Category 23.75 13.14 2.91 11.43 15.82 41.59 51.75

Concealed Male Category 10.31 7.44 1.33 3.43 0.8 6.73 3.2

The results of a t-test and given p-values suggest that the time (%) of emotions detected by the overall

concealed and unconcealed participants were not statistically different from one another. iMotions did detect

less emotions, on average, from the participants in the concealed group compared to the participants in the

unconcealed group, but it is more than 5% likely that extreme values were seen by chance. Therefore, this was

not seen as a statistically significant difference. T-tests were performed on all data sets in order to determine

statistical significance.

Table 6

Average time (%) of elicited emotions in concealed and unconcealed category

6 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 7

P-Values from average concealed vs unconcealed participant emotions

Value Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

P-Value 0.01 0 0.53 0.19 0.04 0.49 0

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Concealed Category 1.12 9.47 4.56 5.99 10.47 5.11 12.81

Unconcealed Category 8.21 37.41 6.13 15.5 16.3 13.12 59.51

7 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 1 – Total average time percentage of detected emotions between concealed and unconcealed groups.

There were no statistically significant differences seen in terms of emotion detection between overall

concealed and unconcealed participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.07, a≥0.05).

The data was also divided into female and male groups. iMotions software detected significantly less

emotions, on average, from males in the concealed group compared to the male participants in the

unconcealed group. Of female participants, there was found to be no statistically significant difference of

emotions detected between the concealed and unconcealed group.

Table 8

Average time (%) of detected emotions in male participants

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Concealed 23.75 13.14 2.91 11.43 15.82 41.59 51.75

Unconcealed 10.31 7.44 1.33 3.43 0.8 6.73 3.2

8 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 2 – Total average time percentage of detected emotions between male concealed and unconcealed

groups. Statistical significance was seen between male concealed and unconcealed participant averages in

regard to time (%) (p=0.02, a≥0.05).

Table 9

Average time (%) of detected emotions in female participants

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Concealed 2.85 11.07 17.33 5.41 1.37 11.52 20.01

Unconcealed 9.31 13.11 24.42 2.15 2.51 34.29 65.33

Figure 3 – Total average time percentage of detected emotions between female concealed and unconcealed

groups. There were no statistically significant differences of emotion detection observed between female

concealed and unconcealed participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.22, a≥0.05).

9 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 10

Average time (%) of detected emotions in concealed participants per gender

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Female 9.31 13.11 24.42 2.15 2.51 34.29 65.33

Male 23.75 13.14 2.91 11.43 15.82 41.59 51.75

Figure 4 – Total average time percentage of detected emotions between female and male concealed groups.

There were no statistically significant differences of emotion detection observed between female and male

concealed participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.90, a≥0.05).

10 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 11

Average time (%) of detected emotions in unconcealed participants per gender

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Female 2.85 11.07 17.33 5.41 1.37 11.52 20.01

Male 10.31 7.44 1.33 3.43 0.8 6.73 3.2

Figure 5 - Total average time percentage of detected emotions between female and male unconcealed groups.

There were no statistically significant differences of emotion detection observed between female and male

unconcealed participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.11, a≥0.05).

11 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 12

Average time (%) of detected emotions during baseline measures

Category Elicited Emotion

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

Concealed 0.33 1.97 4.63 5.4 3.7 1.61 1.84

Unconcealed 6.97 8.61 12.27 11.58 14.95 5.49 13.12

Figure 6 – Total



percentage of detected emotions during the baseline measure. There were statistically significant differences

detected between the concealed and unconcealed group during baseline measures (p<0.01, a≥0.05).

Table 13

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E1 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

12 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

R1 0.15 0 3.81 9.651 0 21.77 0

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R3 3.81 0.17 1.85 0 10.31 0.79 0

R4 0 0.17 2.50 31.17 3.36 0 0

R6 0.45 77.70 89.20 66.78 1.99 0 1.66

R7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R9 0 0 0.33 0 0 0 1.14

R10 7.22 1.17 0 1.45 0 0 0

R11 0 0 0.17 0 0 0 0

R12 0 0 16.27 1.99 14.29 0 61.91

R13 0 0 5.47 2.52 0 0 0

R14 0.90 0 0 0 0 0 0

R15 0.60 0.17 0 9 5.48 0 0

13 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 7 - Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E1 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger contempt from

participants). There were statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and unconcealed

group during this stimulus (p<0.01, a≥0.05).

Table 14

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E2 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 1.96 12.46 10.78 26.62 43.76 14.98 31.99

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R3 0 0 0 0 0.83 0 0

R4 0 3.18 0.49 29.5 11.60 0 0

R6 5.714 69.551 36.711 58.516 21.358 10.394 46.122

14 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

R7 0.299 0 0 0 0 0 0

R8 1.805 51.741 96.013 62.833 31.281 77.725 46.736

R9 0 0 6.291 0 6.323 9.89 6.198

R10 80.602 96 73.466 99.668 20.73 27.287 74.327

R11 18.496 8.97 20.598 9.167 36 95.447 89.119

R12 20.965 0 45.763 83.028 14.95 0 92.133

R13 46.142 92.833 83.25 72.651 31.419 11.22 7.008

R14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R15 5.12 0.331 0 76.833 26.91 2.997 0.104

Figure 8 - Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E2 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger disgust from

participants). There were statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and unconcealed

group during this stimulus (p<0.01, a≥0.05).

15 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 15

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E3 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 0 0 0 0 0 2.99 0

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0.16 0

R3 15.07 0 3.87 0 11.31 1.74 6.04

R4 0 1.84 0.33 17.5 3.36 0 0

R6 18.65 38.27 33.39 36.09 82.12 3.78 13.13

R7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R8 0.45 0 0.99 0 0.33 0.32 0.21

R10 8.42 0 0 1.33 0 1.58 0

R11 20.15 10.30 8.97 39.5 8 27.00 14.40

R12 0 2.65 0.17 0 8.97 0 0.52

R13 1.51 1.33 3.15 1.34 0.51 0 0.11

R14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R15 0 0 0 50.83 6.98 5.99 1.14

16 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 9 - Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E3 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger fear from

participants). There were no statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and

unconcealed group during this stimulus (p=0.43, a≥0.05).

Table 16

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E4 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 0 0 5.48 4.66 0 28.71 0

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R3 0 0 13.45 92.58 6.32 0 0

R4 0 3.85 5.66 36 21.01 0 0

R6 7.07 88.02 100 68.97 2.32 0.16 11.27

R7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

R8 0.15 2.65 1.16 4.33 1.83 2.21 3.52

R9 17.216 1.9 4.139 26.027 29.784 1.727 6.508

R10 0 0 0 17.61 0 0 0

R11 0 0.17 10.30 0 0 0 0

R12 0 0 20.17 88.85 23.09 0 72.88

R13 0 0 21.39 70.47 0 0 0

R14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R15 6.33 10.25 0 80.67 29.24 2.68 0

Figure 10 - Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E4 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger joy from

participants). There were no statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and

unconcealed group during this stimulus (p=0.19, a≥0.05).

18 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 17

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E5 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.73

R2 1.80 0 0 0 0 0.63 0

R3 20.40 14.55 25.38 0 75.71 68.88 55.26

R4 0 0.17 0 0 0 0 0

R6 20.90 18.14 3.65 3.04 6.46 0.79 3.52

R7 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.16 0.62

R8 0.15 0 0 0 0 1.90 1.76

R9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R10 23.16 51.67 76.78 56.98 58.21 77.60 71.12

R11 43.61 58.80 43.19 73.17 89.17 91.05 81.04

R12 0 0.66 0 0 0.17 0 0

R13 0.15 0.83 2.99 0.17 0.85 2.44 0

R14 0 0 2.5 0 0 0 0

R15 0 13.22 0 0 3.65 8.83 1.35

19 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 11 – Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E5 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger surprise from

participants). There were no statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and

unconcealed group during this stimulus (p=0.04, a≥0.05).

Table 18

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during E6 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 0 0 0 0 0 8.04 0.21

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R3 15.53 91.64 35.63 4.89 8.32 77.41 99.79

R4 0 43.48 0.49 1.5 2.35 0 0

R6 1.35 20.63 18.11 46.71 34.11 45.83 71.56

R7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

R8 0 0 3.49 3.67 7.65 8.70 4.97

20 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

R9 0 0 0 10.788 0.166 64.364 67.562

R10 1.20 0 0 0.66 0 0 0

R11 9.17 0.66 0.66 6.67 49.83 99.53 94.72

R12 0 0 0 0 1.33 0 7.87

R13 1.82 1 8.96 0 0 11.87 0

R14 0 0 0.83 0 0 0 0

R15 0.90 0 0 0 1.50 10.88 0

Figure 12 – Total average time percentage of detected emotions during the E6 stimulus presentation

(attempting to trigger anger from participants). There were no statistically significant differences detected

between the concealed and unconcealed group during this stimulus (p=0.43, a≥0.05).

21 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Table 19

Total average time (%) of detected emotions during 76 stimulus presentation

Participant Emotion Elicited

Contempt Disgust Fear Joy Surprise Anger Sadness

R1 12.97 48.84 21.23 14.98 88.69 11.20 62.42

R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.29

R3 5.02 79.10 5.21 1.69 61.73 48.03 98.86

R4 0 0 0.50 0 1.513 0 0

R6 0 2.16 0 41.65 77.48 2.84 6.10

R7 2.39 0 0.99 0.33 0 0.47 21.2

R8 0.90 51.08 97.34 99.5 99.33 99.05 99.79

R9 0 0 7.45 0 0 0 0

R10 92.48 99.5 100 67.77 98.67 100 100

R11 1.35 0.83 0.66 0.17 0.17 0 0.10

R12 37.56 74.88 93.90 12.15 73.26 35.49 82.20

R13 81.85 98.33 65.01 72.32 96.45 97.24 99.58

R14 17.12 49.83 90.83 94.86 100 100 100

R15 3.01 3.31 2.32 17.67 3.65 2.21 2.28

22 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

Figure 13 – Total



percentage of detected emotions during the E7 stimulus presentation (attempting to trigger sadness from

participants). There were statistically significant differences detected between the concealed and unconcealed

group during this stimulus (p<0.01, a≥0.05).

Discussion and Conclusion

The objective of this experiment was to analyze the differences between concealed and unconcealed

emotions when presented with an array of stimuli. The total average time (%) of detected emotions between

concealed and unconcealed groups was analyzed. There were no statistically significant differences seen in

terms of emotion detection between overall concealed and unconcealed participant averages in regard to time

(%) (p=0.07, a≥0.05). This was contrary to our alternative hypothesis, that predicted that individuals who

concealed their emotions during presented stimuli will have significantly less detectable emotions elicited in

comparison to individuals who were not asked to conceal their emotions. We therefore accept the null

hypothesis: that there will be no significant difference between detectable emotions of individuals of the

concealed group and the unconcealed group.

Male and female concealed and unconcealed groups were compared as well. Total average time (%) of

detected emotions between male concealed and unconcealed groups. Statistical significance was seen

between male concealed and unconcealed participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.02, a≥0.05). Total

23 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020

average time (%) of detected emotions between female concealed and unconcealed groups. There were no

statistically significant differences of emotion detection observed between female concealed and unconcealed

participant averages in regard to time (%) (p=0.22, a≥0.05). Gender was also compared in terms of concealed

and unconcealed categories. The total average time (%) of detected emotions between female and male

concealed groups showed no statistically significant differences of emotion detection (p=0.90, a≥0.05).

Comparing female and males in the unconcealed category, there were no statistically significant differences of

emotion detection (p=0.11, a≥0.05).

Looking at specific emotions elicited throughout the stimuli, there were statistically significant

differences between certain emotions shown between concealed and unconcealed participants. Displays of

contempt (p=0.01), disgust (p<0.01), surprise (p=0.04), and sadness (p<0.01) shown to have large differences

between the two groups. The participants in the concealed group on average elicited sadness the most out of

all the emotions, 59.51% of the time. Participants in the unconcealed group also elicited sadness the most out

of all emotions measured, at 12.81%. The concealed group showed fear the least (4.56% of the time), while the

unconcealed group showed contempt the least (8.21%). These shown differences relate to the findings of Lei,

Sala, and Jasra5 who concluded that individuals react differently depending on the stimulus presented. This is

important to consider when looking at this data. Personal biases and experiences may play a role in how a

stimulus is processed and how emotion is expressed by an individual. Further, stimulus was selected to the

best of our ability, but may not have been representative of certain emotions for one person in compared to


Obtaining a larger sample size may help increase accuracy for this experiment, as only fourteen

participants were taken into account. This could also explain the large standard error bars seen in all figures.

For future research, further looking into further gender differences in emotion expression using iMotions

software may be useful when looking at concealed and unconcealed emotions. It also may be useful for future

research to look further into the types of emotions elicited and measured by iMotions when comparing

concealed and unconcealed participants.

24 JEFSR Vol. 5 No. 1 2020


I would like to thank the Forensic Science programs at the University of Windsor for providing access to

the iMotions software and all the resources needed. I would also like to thank my fellow researcher partners

Aikede Aikebaier and Joel VanSteensel who assisted in the intake of participant information and completed

other analyses with iMotions software. Thank you to Dr. Pardeep Jasra for stepping in as research supervisor

for Dr. Shashi Jasra during her absence. Finally, thank you to all participants for volunteering their time to help

with this study.


Jain, A. & Ross, A. (2015). Bridging the gap: From biometrics to forensics. The Royal Society Publishing.


Farnsworth, B. (2017). What is biometric research? iMotions. Retrieved from https://imotions.com/blog/what-


iMotions. (n.d.). Automatic Facial Expression Analysis. Retrieved from https://imotions.com/facial-expressions/

iMotions. (n.d.). Galavnic skin response (GSR): The complete pocket guide. Retrieved


Lei, J., Sala, J., & Jasra, S. (2017). Identifying correlation between facial expression and heart rate and skin

conductance with iMotions biometric platform. Journal of Emerging Forensic Science Research. Retrieved

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