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  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    SENIOR CAREPT. Intra Media Insan Cendikia

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng



  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Tourists who come to Bali with various backgrounds purposes, such

    as to enjoy a variety of art, panorama and culture in Bali;

    Most tourists coming to Bali is the age group known as DI!" #DualIncome o !ids$;

    DI!" is the age group that has a lot of free time which allows them

    to stay longer in a destination;

    Tourists Visiting in Bai

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    "anur tourism area has a famous icon which "anur beach% The main

    potential of "anur is a coral reef that stretches from the north to the

    south coast of "anur;

    The potential attraction of "anur beach that is the beauty of the sea

    landscape, sunrise, maritime tourism and sailing with catamarans;

    "anur as tourism destination has a wide range of tourism facilities,

    such as hotels, villas, bungalows, artshop, etc% are located near the

    beach; &ccommodation facilities and tourist activities offered in "anur

    besides its beaches, which is associated with art, cultural and

    historical monuments;

    Most senior tourists who visit in "anur is very interested in culture,

    tradition and friendliness of the local community;

    A!out Sanur

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior Trend

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Targeting o" Senior Tourist 'lobally around the world, the number of senior tend to

    increase along with the advance of medical science;

    A##ording to t$e stud% &Aging in t$e T'ent%()irstCentur%* A Cee!ration and C$aenge& de#ared in

    +,,, t$e -o-uation aged , %ears /ore t$an t$e age

    o" 0 %ears and under1

    (lderly)"enior market has potential to be developed%

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior 2 Po-uation P%ra/id Trend o"

    Euro-e3 A/eri#a and 4a-an

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Indonesia Po-uation P%ra/id

    +,5, and +,60

    * Indonesia is currently e+periencing a demographic bonus, but will

    begin to decline as happened in the nited "tates, (urope and -apan

    are shown in the population pyramid in ./01;

    * Indonesia has the opportunity to take chances senior care services

    with higher incomes #those from (urope, &merica and -apan$

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior 7i"est%e

    most of the 1/2 generation

    aware of the need fitness,

    health and freshness;

    3/2 age group has nearly a

    third of total purchasing


    sing the opportunity to enjoy

    old age with traveled and

    gathered with his age group%

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior Condition In the senior will be a process of disappearance of the

    network4s ability to self5repair or replace and maintain

    normal functions slowly and so can not defend againstinfections and repair any damage caused% #6onstantinides;


    "o that senior tourists re:uire special treatment because of

    their physical and psychological limitations%

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Inna Grand Bai Bea#$ Ma-

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Inna Grand Bai Bea#$ 7a%out



  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    8ote Pre9ie' 2 )a#iities

    ocation < ocated in "anur Tourism &rea, close to the

    city centre and the airport;

    6lassification < =otel bintang lima dan bertaraf

    internasional; &rea < > 9/ hectare;

    ?acilities < 0 categories of accommodation #Tower

    Building, 'arden @ing dan 6ottages$,

    spa, meeting and confrence room, bar andrestaurant, golf course, arcade shopping

    area, children play group, swimming pool, fitness

    centre, water sport, football field, tennis

    court, jogging track, clinic, parking area, &TM,

    room service and security .9 hours,

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Cottages 7a%out



  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    ocation < ocated in garden area;

    Aiew < 'arden and beach Aiew;

    uantity < 7. cottages, C . room; oom ?acilities < &6, private canopy, mini bar, film, tea

    and coffee maker, telephone and "I;

    Ether ?acilities < -ogging track%

    Cottages Pre9ie' 2 )a#iities

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    The period -anuary5&pril ./71 the most tourists come to Bali from

    &ustralia, 6hina, Malaysia, -apan, and "ingapore with a percentage

    of .1%.7 percent, 7F%.. percent, 1%G9 percent, 1%0G percent and

    9%F7 percent;

    oom Eccupancy ate #E$ on a five5star hotel in Bali in the

    period &pril ./79 by egency)6ity are Denpasar #31%9.H$, Badung

    #3.%G.H$, Tabanan #18%19H$;

    E according to the classification of star hotels, namely the period&pril ./79 0 "tar =otel #3.%0.H$, 9 "tar =otel #3.%.3$, 1 "tar =otel


    The average length of stay Tourists period &pril ./79 by egency)

    6ity are Denpasar #9%73H$, Badung #0%F.$, Tabanan #0%3/$%

    Touris/ Re9ie'

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior Care Pros-e#t

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    rovision of the Directorate 'eneral of Immigration o%

    ?%.1357.%/. ) .///;

    T$is -ro9ision states t$at senior tourists /a% !egranted Te/-orar% Visa as a te/-orar% resident "or 5

    %ear and /a% !e e:tended u- to 0 %ears1 ;9aid "or

    ages 00 and a!o9e

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Cottages De9eo-/ent Pros-e#ts

    &llowing for adjustments in the cottages layout in accordance with

    the standards and re:uirements for the elderly;

    &llows for the addition or renovating one of the cottages for the

    purposes of the main facilities of senior care, namely< small hall,

    medical room and office center; ?or medical services ) clinic can use the facilities available at the


    ?or housekeeping services can use the facilities provided by the


    ?or nurse services will be provided in accordance with the:ualifications and re:uirements needed and open opportunities for

    cooperation with the ?aculty of ursing I in Bali that specifically

    deal with the elderly%

  • 7/24/2019 Draft Presentasi Senior Care Eng


    Senior Care Ser9i#es

    hysical &pproach

    hysical treatment is divided into two, namely

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