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Page 1: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Dunedoo Central School


P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street


T: 02 6375 1489

F: 02 6375 1152

E: [email protected]

W: [email protected]

17th February 2020

DCS won most successful school exhibit at this year’s show. Students entered numerous

categories within the Bowman Pavilion including cooking, garden produce, story and col-

ouring competitions. DCS was also awarded a second place with one of the school’s silver

laced Wyandotte hens in the Poultry Shed. A huge thank you to Mathew Williams for

transporting the chooks to the showground for us and checking on them throughout the


Ella Hickson also represented the school in the led cattle section, assisting local studs in

the wing. Ella was awarded a second in the Parading category and participated in Junior


Agricultural Students in years 9—12 had the fantastic opportunity to visit Langdene Merino Stud las Fri-

day to see first hand their Embryo Transfer

program. Students got to see the flushing of

embryos by Genstock Reproductive Technol-

ogy, which involved a surgical procedure un-

der anaesthetic. We would like to thank Gar-

ry and Kelly Cox for such as amazing educa-

tional and eye opening experience.

Page 2: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Welcome to Week 4!

Well done to all of our students and

staff who assisted or participated in

our local show on the weekend. It

was, as usual, a great community

event. Thank you to our Show Com-

mittee for the great Dunedoo Central School display and all

of the students who contributed to it. Well done to all of our

students who competed in the many different events

throughout the show, with many wonderful entries in the Bowman Pavilion. Congratulations to Timothy

Sweeney, Sally Brougham, Sophie Kline, Chloe Brougham, Mya Clisby and Asha Russell who all won a

prize in the Writing Competition.

Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-

peting in the Lions Youth of the Year competition last Thursday evening. Both students

spoke very well and will go on to compete at the Regional Final to be held in Muswell-

brook on the 15th March. Congratulations to Georgia for winning the Public Speaking


Staffing: Welcome to Ms Meg Tyler, joining our staff tomorrow in the Secondary De-

partment. Meg will be teaching Yr 7 LOTE and Music, Yr 8 Radio, Yr 9 & 10 Geogra-

phy and 7-10 English. Meg has taught most recently at Ivanhoe CS.

Late to School: I continue to be concerned by the number of secondary students arriving late to school. It

is mandatory that students arrive to school on time. Students are required to be at school from 8:50am

until 3:10pm each day. If students are late for a legitimate reason such as a Doctor’s appointment, please

contact the front office on 63751489. Students who are late will complete a detention after school on

Tuesdays and/or Thursdays to make up for the time that they are late. I appreciate your support in this


School Events: Next week we have two exciting events occurring. Dunedoo Sports Club are hosting a a

Pro-Am event next Tuesday 25th February in conjunction with the Women’s NSW Golf Open. Students

from Yrs 3—6 will participate in a range of Golf activities at the Sports Club on Tuesday morning, hosted

by Sharon Nott and assisted by some of the Professional Golfers. The secondary students will have a

presentation at 9:30am with a Professional Golfer. Some of our students will have assist with catering at

the sports club or have the opportunity to be a caddie for the golfers. We are hoping that our Radio show

may broadcast from the Sports Club as well as some of our classes may go to view some of the event.

This is a very rare opportunity for our community and one which we would like our students to be a part

of in some way.

Next Thursday, the Minister for Education,

the Honourable Sarah Mitchell will be vis-

iting our school to announce the com-

mencement of the Aurora Opportunity

class. Currently we have two students en-

rolled in the Aurora Pilot Program, Fletch-

er Hogden and Will Kline. We anticipate

that there will be Media present for this


P & C: Don’t forget our first P&C Meeting

will be held this Thursday 20th February

@ 7pm. I hope to see many new faces

there! Have a great week! Donna Lane

Page 3: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

I hope all the mums enjoyed their Valentine

poster that was made by the students last

week and that a great weekend was

had...especially those who made it to the

Dunedoo Show.

Thank you to the parents who attended our

Parent Information Meeting last Wednesday.

Both Infants classes are now working with the

Seesaw App so I encourage you to create your

account following the instructions that were

sent home with your child last week. We look

forward to uploading samples of your child’s

work and posting photos of what we have

been up to in class.

I would like to remind parents about our daily

‘Crunch ’n’ Sip’. Students need to have pieces

of raw fruit or vegetables that they can eat

quickly. Suggestions could include carrot

sticks, a banana, or a quartered apple. We on-

ly break for 5-10 minutes and children are

struggling to eat everything sent from home in

that time. Please also remember to cut up

your child’s fruit if he/she doesn’t like eating it


The Infants students will be heading to Kahka-

ma House this Wednesday afternoon to read

their readers with the residents. It should be a

lovely experience for both the children and

elders. Mr Ben Kline - Infants

We are entering Week 4 and I can’t believe how

quickly the time is going! Our swimming champions

have been given their notes for Dubbo District

Swimming next week—please let us know if you

need assistance with travel etc. Thank you to those

parents who attended our information session on

Wednesday afternoon last week. We discussed a

number of things, and it was good to have some

parent feedback also. All classes have now joined

Seesaw, which is an online forum for students to

post photos, work samples and make comments on

other’s posts. Parents are invited to join this forum

also, and notes will go home containing further in-

formation and instructions on how to join.

Congratulations to all students who had entries in

this year’s Dunedoo show. Special congratulations

to those who were awarded a certificate or ribbon

for their entry. Our fish display was created from

the contributions of all students K-12, and looked

great in the Bowman Pavilion.

Our SRC captains and vice captains will attend their

first Young Leaders Day at Red Hill on Tuesday. I’m

sure they will enjoy their time and engage in some

valuable learning opportunities. Sport for years 3-5

continues to be swimming, and ALL STUDENTS will

attend the pool, whether swimming or not.

I have a large number of nameless jumpers and

hats outside my classroom. Please remember to

label children’s clothing, and come in and check our

lost property if your child has misplaced their jump-

er or hat.

Enjoy your week.

Mrs. Georgia Shephard Assistant Principal - Primary

Page 4: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Year 3-4:

Mrs Michelle Gavin - Classroom Teacher

KINDER: I have been very impressed with how well students are progressing with their home readers. They are

clearly being practiced at home and I encourage this to continue. There will certainly be students moving

up to higher levels this week! Please remember to send them in your child’s bag each day so they can be


Every morning in our literacy sessions students participate in L3 activities. L3 stands for Literacy, Learning,

Language. Working in small groups, children rotate around a number of set activities with a focus on

reading or writing with me at the ‘jelly bean’ table. It always takes a little while for the class to settle into

these routines but at this early stage they are doing very well.

This term in Science, students are completing a unit on the weather, looking closely at the different types

of weather and how these affect our daily activities. Kinder are also studying a History unit this term with

Mrs Armstrong called ‘Families and Cultures’.

Have a great week. Mr. Ben Kline - Classroom Teacher

Welcome everybody to Week 4 of Term 1. Congratulations to the following students who received Merit

Certificates last week: Shayla Sawyers (Student of the Week), Deegan Little and Callum Smith. This is

recognition of your effort towards learning so far this term. In Maths this week, the Year 3-4 students will

be consolidating strategies involving Addition and Subtraction and starting concepts involving Multiplica-

tion and Division. P.S – Can I please ask all parents to return any outstanding Permission Notes to the

Front Office as soon as possible (eg -, pink and green notes). P.P.S – A reminder also that we will be swim-

ming for Sport until the end of term, so students are asked to pack their swimmers and $3.50 entry fee

unless they have a season ticket. Have a great week everyone. Mr. Adam Honeysett - Classroom Teacher

Year 1-2:

Page 5: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

YEAR 5/6 G:

Year 5 Maths have been working on the addition and

subtraction strategies—jump, split and Compensation.

They had fun working in pairs doing these activities.

Yr 5/6 CAPA—We got down on the floor with some re-

laxing music and did swirl art.

YEAR 5/6 S:

Georgia Shephard—Stage 3 Teacher

Year 6 Maths: This week we begin a unit on Adding and Subtraction where we will look at different strategies used to

add and subtract whole numbers and problem solving strategies. Congratulations to those who handed

in their weekly homework sheet last week - ’our raffle board’ is quickly filling up. Everyone is encouraged

to keep practicing their multiplication tables at home.

Mrs Cathy Gallagher

Year 6 explore what they can do on ‘Seesaw’ before

parents get their login details this week.

Page 6: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions



Carpenter A fantastic start to ‘Big School’



Max Currie

Seanna Brown

Being a great friend to his classmates

Fantastic counting in Maths

YEAR 1 / 2 - MS GAVIN 2 Emily

Sawyers For always being coop-erative and consider-ate



Brentley Wil-liams

Indi Myott

Always doing the right thing and working hard

Being a kind friend and who always helps others

YEAR 3 / 4 MR HONEYSETT 4 Shayla

Sawyers For having an enthusi-astic approach to all set tasks



Deegan Little

Callum Smith

Settling in well to his new school and making new friends

Working well in Maths groups to start the year off

YEAR 5 / 6 S - MRS SHEPHARD 6 Chloe

Brown Choolsing a positive learning attitude at all times



Lakkita Moffat

Robert Watton

Settling in well at DCS

Working hard to complete writing tasks

YEAR 5 / 6 G - MRS GALLAGHER 6 Shelley

Cox Having a positive atti-tude to her learning



Tiarnie Batty

Dan Walker

Being an enthusiastic, happy and helpful part of our class

A fantastic start to the new school year


Little Amazing effort at the swimming carnival

5 Layla Jenkins Settling into big school well

Page 7: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Year 9/10 Mathematics (5.2): We are currently completing a topic on Measurement. Students have re-

vised calculating perimeters and areas of plane and compound shapes and this week will be calculating surface

areas and volumes of prisms and cylinders. We have started nightly homework, which consists of approximately

10 short questions and should take 5-10 minutes to complete. I encourage all students to complete this nightly

homework to review and consolidate the learning taking place in class.

Year 11 Mathematics Standard: Algebra and Formulas is our first topic for this year which students

have almost completed. We have looked at simplifying expressions, using formula to evaluate, rearranging the

subject of a formula and problem solving. Homework is usually given each night with several questions from the

current exercise in the text to complete. I encourage all students to complete this homework as regular revision

and practice is very important in mathematics.

Year 12 Mathematics: We have completed our first topic for the year, Further Trigonometric Equations’

and this week will commence ‘Further Differentiation’ building on skills we learnt last year.

The first assessment task for Year 12 will be held on Friday, 28th February, and students

have been given a bank of questions to complete in preparation for this task.

Year 12 Mathematics Extension 1: Today we start a new topic ‘Proof by Mathe-

matical Induction’ after completing the last topic ‘Trigonometric Functions’. The first as-

sessment task is due later this term. Mrs Gallagher

Afternoon study will be held this week with Mrs Gallagher supervising on

Wednesday and Mrs Stoddart on Thursday. We are looking forward to seeing

students there!

Page 8: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Checkout DCS Facebook page for 2 of the tunes being performed!

Gold Digger-The Girlz

Marrying my dream man, millions in the bank

Can’t slow me down, I’m at the top of the rank

Spendin’ all his money, And I find it kinda funny

I don’t need any piggy bank!

I’m a gold digger, digger, digger,

I’m a gold digger, digger, digger,

I’m gonna pull that trigger trigger, trigger,

Cause I don’t need no Mr, Mr, Mr

Stop cheating on me with my half sister, sister, sister,

I’m a gold diggerrrrr


Little Town-The Bois

4 bois in a little town, actin’ like we all have big gold crowns

Breakin’ every single rule, ‘cause we are cool

We eat lots of food and that’s no shame to our family feud

We have lotsa money, and a big gold dunny

Us bois have a big house, with a furry little mouse

We have a big pools, ‘Cause we are not fools

The bois with 4 spas have a lot of fancy cars

Cruisin’ down the street in our Lamborghini,

Eatin’ the best Chicken Fettucine

This is the end, ‘cause we took the wrong bend

Hope you liked it, ‘çause we won’t be doin’ it again!

An Australian State of Mind-lil Chelay

(verse extract)

I’m rappin’ to the poster,

And I’m gonna move your roller coast-


Yellow, pastel pink, rose gold, like a


Boy, I tell you, I thought you were a tutor.

Yea, ya, in an Australian State of Mind

Song title- Rap-sody

Georgia, Abby, Ashton

I tried to get the kids to text me their

lyrics but it didn’t come through-are

you able to just get a verse from either

of the girls??

Last week, in one period, Year 7 were challenged to create a rap style song and present it to the world!

After much brainstorming and wondering what to write about, 2 groups chose to use a lyric creator

while 2 groups put their brains to the test!

This Thursday from 8.30am. DCS LIBRARY 2nd March—16th March

Page 9: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

This year Dunedoo Central School was excellently represented in the LIONS Youth of the Year Quest by both Georgia

Lane and Harrison Hogden. These students were not only outstanding ambassadors for their school, but also for their

local community and family.

Both students underwent a fairly rigorous interview process on Wednesday 12th February where they were required

to speak about various current affairs issues, their leadership qualities and credentials, current patterns of academic

study, sports and hobbies as well as general knowledge. The interview panel of judges consisted of Rob Ingram, Win-

some Rowbotham and Sue Stoddart.

On the evening of Thursday 13th February both students took part in the Public Speaking component of LIONS Youth

of the Year at Dunedoo Sports Club. They were required to produce and deliver a five minute prepared speech as

well as deliver two impromptu speech topics. Georgia’s prepared speech topic was on the changing nature of love

over time while Harrison presented a speech concerned with the ways in which technology has enriched our lives.

The impromptu topics were:

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning to drive in Dunedoo?

• How can this generation fix the environmental mistakes of previous genera-


Both students spoke incredibly well on the night and engaged well with the audience.

Georgia was deemed the Public Speaking Winner on the night by the judging panel

(Rob, Winsome & Sue) in a narrow contest. Both contestants will now

compete at the Regional Level at Muswellbrook on Sunday 15th March.

Shane Hall

Once again, Year 8 were outstanding at Radio. We have created a schedule of presenters where 2 stu-

dents host the whole program with either Ken or Barbara present to assist. This roster will be published

next week so you can listen to your star presenter on 96.1! Then the other students rotate through pre-

senting reports from the previous week’s newsletter.

Each student contributes $1 and Nick and Ailsa are responsible for purchasing mega chips which are

eaten back at school.

Radio membership is $5, and all students are expected to be members. Membership forms will be sent

home with students tomorrow. Mrs Fergusson

Lions Youth of the Year 2020—Club Level

Page 10: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Week 4 Week 5 TUES - Young Leaders Day—Red Hill THURS - P & C Meeting, 7pm, Library Annexe - All Welcome!

TUES - Binnaway Junior Judging - Dunedoo Junior Pro Am Clinic WED - Dubbo District Tennis Trials THURS - Dragons Visit 10.10am - Dubbo District Twilight Swimming Carnival FRI - Scripture begins K-6 - Clean Up Australia Day

Wishing you a wonderful day

Fletcher Hogden Year 5 20th Feb Callum Smith Year 4 20th Feb

Hello and Welcome to Week 4.

A huge thank you to Ella, Annette & Roger for your help last week!

Slush Puppies, unfortunately, are not available at the moment, due to

the floor not being completed.

Monday 2nd March & Tuesday 3rd March, the canteen WILL BE CLOSED

for the completion of the renovations. Sorry for any inconvenience this

may cause.

Tuesday Special (18.02.20):

Hamburger $5.00 Sherri

Page 11: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Dunedoo Junior League & Netball

Expression of interest for coaches for the 2020 season.

Football Teams Netball Teams

6’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, 14’s 6’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s

Please contact Mick Inder 0427751 146 [email protected]

Kinder to Yr. 6 $35.00

Year’s 7 to 10 $65.00

Year’s 11 & 12 $85.00

Year 7/8 TAS (Timber & Ag) $30.00

Year 9/10 Industrial Tech. $50.00

Year 11/12 Industrial Tech. $50.00

Year 11/12 VET (Metals) $80.00

Year 7 & Year 10

Notes have been sent

home. Please sign and

send back into DCS

School Office.

DCS & St Michael primary students will be doing a compli-

mentary MYGolf session at Dunedoo Golf Club during the

Pro Am on 25th Feb (50 International and Australian Women

Golf Professionals will be in attendance). If parents/

guardians/grandparents would like to come down and watch

their child match it with the top golfing players of the

world!!....the MyGolf session will run from 9.30-11am and

will be coordinated by Sharon Nott. Breakfast, Morning Tea

and lunch will be available at the Sports Club+ entertain-

ment. A one off opportunity not to be missed.

Page 12: Dunedoo Central School P.O. Box 45, Digilah Street DUNEDOO … · 2020-02-18 · Lions Youth of the Year—Congratulations to Harry Hogden and Georgia Lane for com-peting in the Lions

Junior Active Leader Landcare

(8-13yrs) program will start on 3rd

March. Bringing physical activity and

nature discovery together the 8 week

program combines Bushwalking, Ori-

enteering (Dunedoo Woodlands),

Camping/Hiking (Warrumbungles) and


Registration forms can be obtained

from DCS front office. Active Kids

Vouchers accepted.

For further information please contact

Sharon Nott

Ph: 0428-859 509. Places are limited so

book early to avoid disappointment.

St Michaels’ Hall

Starting Tuesday 18th February

5pm (No morning class)

All levels welcome.

Cost— $12,

Hope to see you there!

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