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Page 1: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision


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Page 2: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision

Servant Leadershipand the Transformation of Society

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Servant Leadership:

Servant as Leader

Leader as Servant

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Leadership in the Gospels

• Matt. 23:11 - The greatest one must be a servant.• Mark 9:35 - The first will be last and servant of all.• Mark 10:42-45 - Leaders are servants, not lords.• Luke 22:24-27 - Last Supper reminder.• John 13:1-15 - Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.

• Phil. 2:3-7 - Imitating Christ by being a servant.• 2 Cor. 6:6 - Paul lists the qualities of a servant.• 1 Timothy 3:1-13 - List of qualities

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Words of Jesus

• “Whoever wants to be first must become the servant of all” (Mark 9:33-36).

• “Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first” (Mark 10:31).

• “Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant” (Mark 10:44).

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Servants, not Lords

• Leading like Jesus: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lorded over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant.” (Mt 10: 25-27).

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Leadership Definition:Influence = To affect change in thinking,

action, attitude; Also = changes in structures, culture and strategy.





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Leadership Elements

• Michigan: Saw leadership as a location on one continuum between Task and Relationship.

Task Relationship

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Leadership Studies

– Task AND Relationship

–Not mutually exclusive components

– Led to New Model

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Developing Relationships

Dual Focus

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Task and RelationshipLeadership Through People Skills


















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The Five Steps -- LTPS

1. Develop interest and gauge receptivity

2. Raise receptivity and get views of other

4. Vent emotions and resolve disagreements

5.Work out a final resolution

3. Present your views

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On the meaning of leadership:

Leadership Behaviors

• Leadership as behaviors (sociological):

– Modeling the way.

– Inspiring a shared vision.

• Creating a sense of direction.

• Enhancing the achievement of goals.

– Challenging the group process.

– Encouraging the heart.

– Enabling others to act.

• Delegating

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Delegation:A Key Leader Behavior

• Delegation (like Moses and Jethro):

–Opportunities for leadership and discipleship.

–What activities must be done by the person in my position?

–What activities can be done by others?

–How can I find meaningful work to delegate?

– Then:

• Support

• Feedback

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Poll Question #1

• Think of your leader.

• Which form of leadership would best describe your pastor:

• A. Transactional

• B. Transformational

• C. Charismatic

• D. Adaptive

• E. Servant

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A.) Transactional Leadership

• Rewards

• Punishments

• Extrinsic Motivation

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B.) Transformational Leadership

– Transform themselves.• Self-monitoring

– Transform followers into leaders.• Coaching / Mentoring.

– Transform teams and organizations.• Visioning / Adapting.

–Transform society

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C.) Charismatic Leadership:

Leader-Centric Approach

• Charisma = Attraction between followers and leaders

• Charismatic leadership = > Dazzling effect on followers:• Intense loyalty• Blind obedience• High identification with leader

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D.) Adaptive Leadership

• Adaptive challenges vs. technical challenges– Examples

• Type I

• Type II

• Type III

• Identify adaptive challenges

• Frame the issues

• Mobilize people for change

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E.) Servant Leadership

• Servant as Leader: begins with natural instinct to serve, to serve first, then to lead.

• Two roles – servant and leader – are often seen as opposites:

– Servants - who put the needs and interests of others ahead of their own;

– Leaders – who change the thinking, the actions and the attitudes of others.

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Poll Question #1 Reminder

• Think of your leader.

• Which form of leadership would best describe your pastor:

• A. Transactional

• B. Transformational

• C. Charismatic

• D. Adaptive

• E. Servant

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Poll Question #1 Results

• Think of your leader.

• Which form of leadership would best describe your pastor:

• A. Transactional

• B. Transformational

• C. Charismatic

• D. Adaptive

• E. Servant

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The Idea of Leadership

• Leadership is distinct from Authority.

– Authority is positional.

– Authority = Management position.

– Authority deals with day-to-day operations.

• Leadership vs. Management:

– Leadership can emerge from anywhere.

– Leadership inspires.

– Leadership transforms.

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– Plan

– Budget

– Organize

– Staff

– Control

– Problem-solve

– Manage

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John KotterLeading Change (1996) and Sense of Urgency (2008)

• Managers deal with today.

– Leadership is all about change.

• Leadership is not a divine gift.

– Therefore, leaders are life-long learners.

• Most people long for stability.

– Therefore, leaders stimulate change.

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Leadership and Management

• Leadership:

– Transforming

– Visioning

– Inspiring

– Strategic planning

– Initiating new projects

• Management:

– Reforming

– Implementing

– Motivating

– Operational planning

– Operating current projects.

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Leadership and ManagementMost organizations are

“over-managed and under-led”


Adapted from Leading Change by John P. Kotter

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The Eight-Stage Process of Creating Change

1. Sense of Urgency

2. Guiding Coalition

3. Vision and Strategy

4. Communicate the Vision

5. Empowerment

6. Short-Term Wins

7. Consolidating Gains

8. Anchoring in the Culture

From Leading Change by John P.


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Urgent and Important

ImportantAdapted from Leading Change by John P. Kotter




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White Water RaftingStrategic Thinking

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“Good to Great” Leadership Traits

Jim Collins

• Level 5 Leadership Traits:

–Are “ambitious first and foremost for the cause, the movement, the mission, the work – not themselves”.

–Combine personal humility and the professional will to do whatever it takes to get great results.

– The window and the mirror

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Robert K. GreenleafThe Servant Leader (1971)

• Servant as Leader: begins with natural instinct to serve, to serve first, then to lead.

• Two roles – servant and leader – are often seen as opposites:

– Servants - who put the needs and interests of others ahead of their own;

– Leaders – who change the thinking, the actions and the attitudes of others.

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Robert K. Greenleaf

• Humility: (like Jesus,

Moses, David and Solomon)

- The greatest virtue necessary for the servant leader.

• Ultimate test of the servant leader:

– Are those being served healthier, wiser, freer?

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Robert K. Greenleaf

• Servant leadership is paradoxical (like the

parables of Jesus).

• Stands in sharp contrast to pedestal leadership of Rome.

• Followers will be stronger, healthier andmore likely to serve.

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Servant Leadership vs.

Pedestal Leadership

• Servant Leadership:

– Delegates

– Supports initiative

– Emerges from anywhere

– Accesses power for the interest of the team

– Gives glory to God and credit to others

• Pedestal Leadership:

– Commands

– Controls

– Relies on position

– Uses power for personal interests

– Seeks personal glory and status.

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Poll #2: Which paradox creates greatest obstacle to the practice of servant leadership?

A.) Paradox 1: Servant leadership is neither hard nor soft.

B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders.

C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision with the people they lead.

D.) Paradox 4: The servant leader is humble, not selfless.

E.) Paradox 5: Servant leaders get great results, but they are directed toward the group.

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7 Paradoxes of Servant Leadership

- Paradox 1: Servant leadership is neither hard nor soft.

- Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders.

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7 Paradoxes of Servant Leadership– Paradox 3: Servant

leaders create a sense of shared vision with the people they lead.

– Paradox 4: The servant leader is humble, not selfless.

– Paradox 5: Servant leaders get great results, but they are directed toward the group.

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7 Paradoxes of Servant Leadership

– Paradox 6: Servant leaders practice both the “Iron Rule” and the “Golden Rule”

– Paradox 7: Servant leaders gain power as they serve others.

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Poll #2: Which paradox creates greatest obstacle to the practice of servant leadership?

A.) Paradox 1: Servant leadership is neither hard nor soft.

B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders.

C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision with the people they lead.

D.) Paradox 4: The servant leader is humble, not selfless.

E.) Paradox 5: Servant leaders get great results, but they are directed toward the group.

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Servant Leadership





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Discussion Question

Reflect on these 7


Do they make sense to


What questions do you


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Poll #2 Results: Which paradox creates greatest obstacle to the practice of servant leadership?

A.) Paradox 1: Servant leadership is neither hard nor soft.

B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders.

C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision with the people they lead.

D.) Paradox 4: The servant leader is humble, not selfless.

E.) Paradox 5: Servant leaders get great results, but they are directed toward the group.

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The Servant Organization:Servant Leadership and

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

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The Servant as Leader

• Motivated by mission, vision and core values.

• Devoted to the success of their congregation.

• Willing to share power with others.

• Place themselves at the service of others.

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Servant Leadership Settings

• Self-Leadership

– Self-awareness

• One-on-one leadership

• Team leadership

• Organizational leadership

• Community leadership

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Measures of Leadership:Faithful and Effective

• Strategic measures

– Mission, vision, goals and objectives

– Nine areas of ministry

• Parish self-assessment

• Operational measures

– Financial and demographic measures

• Parish life study

• Behavioral measures

– Servant leader behaviors (SLBs)

– Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)

• Field visit

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Leaders as Servants

• The Leader generates energy around:

+ The mission

+ Clarity of vision

+ Clarity of values

+ Organizing lives of service =

= Empowering new leaders into service.

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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

• Practicing Discipleship:

– “See how they love one another” (Tertullian).

• Three criteria

– OCBs go above and beyond the call of duty.

– OCBs have no extrinsic reward.

– OCBs benefit the organization in some way.

• OCBs are “pro-social” behaviors.

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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

• Helping

• Initiating

• Participating

• Self-Developing

• Cheerleading

• Housekeeping

• Sportsmanship

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• First: Minimum performance of members

• More important: Organizational citizenship behavior (OCBs).

• For example:

– To increase hospitality in a congregation, increase member satisfaction.

– To increase member satisfaction, consider impact of leader behaviors.

– The leader has to pay close attention to those who are closest to newcomers and visitors.

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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

Best Work

OCBsDiscretionary Behavior




Basic job performance

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Behaviors and Outcomes

• Behaviors of those doing minimal performance in a congregation.

– Outcomes of minimal performance.

– Usually this is result of extrinsic motivation.

• Behaviors of those doing OCBs in a congregation.

– Outcomes of OCBs.

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Social Capital





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Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs)

• Helping

– Members help each other.

• Initiating

– Members initiate.

• Participating

– Members participate.

• Self-developing

– Members developinto leaders.

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The Big Question

• What would you see a leader doing if she or he was enhancing OCBs?

• What can you do to enhance OCBs and motivate your team members?

• What leader behaviors will most likely inspire OCBs?

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Four Direct Keys to Servant Leadership

• Invitation: The Voice

– Leaders invite people to participate.

• Inspiration: The Spirit

– Leaders inspire people toward to serve.

• Modeling: The Hands and Feet

• Leaders demonstrate that service to others.

• Affection: The Heart

• Leaders show that they care for others

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Three Organizational Keys to Servant Leadership

• The Servant Culture:

– Leaders set norms for servant behaviors.

• The Servant Structure:

– Leaders create systems that enhance the ability to serve.

• Servant Strategies:

– Leaders create a shared sense of purpose (mission) and direction (goals and vision).

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Discussion Questions:• Share stories and examples of servant leaders.

• What are their leadership traits and behaviors?

• What effect does servant leadership have on members of the team?

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scanned images

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• 1. How has life changed most significantly in your organization over the past 10-20 years?

Internal Changes

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Trends Outside

• 2. Name two or three major trends outside your organization that are currently affecting your work.

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Trends Within

3. Name two or

three major

trends within

your line of work

that are currently

affecting your

ability to do your


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Global Changes

• 4. How will the world in which we work look differently in the next 2-3 years? For example, what demographic, economic, cultural or technology changes are occurring that most affect your line of work?

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5. How are these new realities affecting your ability to do your ministry?

Effects on Your Work

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• 6. At this time, what is most unique about your line of work and how does that affect you for the future?

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New Directions

• 7. Based on the above, what new directions should you take in the next 2-3 years?

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New Initiatives

• 8. What new initiatives should you attempt in the next 3-6 months?

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Community Impact

• 9. How will the community be improved if you are successful in fulfilling your mission and accomplishing your goals?

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Vision Statement

• 10. What key words or phrases are so closely associated with what success would look like that they ought to be included in your Vision Statement?

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Planning Steps

• Next Steps:

• Where do we go from here?

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Max DePree Leadership is an art

• The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality by articulating a compelling mission, vision and values.

• The last responsibility of a leader is to say “thank you”.

• Everything in between, the leader is a servant.

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Reflection Questions

• What do you need to work on the most in order to become a servant leader?

• Identify skills.

• Identify practices.

• Set personal and professional goals

• Share at your table

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Page 84: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision

Wrap-Up and Evaluation

Page 85: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision


• Learn continuously.

• Listen carefully.

• Be open to new ideas.

• Act with humility.

– The window and the mirror.

• It’s not how many followers you have but how many leaders you develop.

• Put your team, your organization and other people first.

Page 86: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision

Thank YOU !

Page 87: EbenerDanR@sau...B.) Paradox 2: Servant leadership is not a position, but people in positions can be servant leaders. C.) Paradox 3: Servant leaders create a sense of shared vision


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