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269Review article S W I S S M E D W K LY 2 0 0 5 ; 1 3 5 : 2 6 9 – 2 8 1 · w w w. s m w. c h

Peer reviewed article

Ebstein’s anomaly – review of a multifacetedcongenital cardiac conditionC. H. Attenhofer Josta, H. M. Connolly, W. D. Edwardsb, D. Hayes, Carole A. Warnes, G. K. Danielsonc

a From the Cardio Vascular Center Zurich, Zurich, Switzerlandb Cardiovascular Division, Division of Anatomical Pathology, the Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, USAc Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, the Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN, USA

Ebstein’s anomaly (EA) is a rare but fascinat-ing congenital heart disorder which occurs inabout 1–5 per 200,000 live births, accounting for<1% of all congenital heart disease [1–3]. Thisanomaly is currently most easily diagnosed byechocardiography. In the past, diagnosis was estab-

lished most commonly at autopsy. By 1950 onlythree cases of EA had been published in the firstvolume of Circulation [4]. Since then EA has beenincreasingly recognised but its ideal managementstill poses problems for attending cardiologists. Inthis review we summarise the current data on EA.


Wilhelm Ebstein (see figure 1) was born inPrussia in 1836 and graduated with a medical de-gree from Berlin in 1859 [5, 6]. He published onobesity, metabolic disease and the gastrointestinalsystem, but his fame stems from an article on con-genital heart disease. In 1866 Ebstein describedthe first case of a malformation of the tricuspidvalve, entitled “Concerning a very rare case of in-sufficiency of the tricuspid valve caused by a con-genital malformation”. The patient was a 19-year-old man with a long history of dyspnoea and pal-

pitations [5, 6]. Prior to his death he was extremelycyanotic, with marked jugular venous pulsationssynchronous with the heart beat, cardiomegaly anda systolic murmur extending into diastole. At au-topsy Ebstein described an enlarged and fenes-trated anterior tricuspid leaflet; the posterior andseptal leaflets were hypoplastic, thickened and ad-herent to the right ventricle, there was a thinnedand dilated atrialised portion of the right ventricle,an enlarged right atrium and a patent foramenovale [7]. A figure from the original article is shown

Historical background

No financial support declared.


Ebstein’s anomaly (EA) is a rare but fascinat-ing congenital heart disorder accounting for <1%of all congenital heart defects. Since its descriptionin 1866, dramatic advances in diagnosis and ther-apy have been made. In this review, we describecurrent diagnostic criteria and classification, natu-ral history, clinical features, and prognosis, typicalechocardiographic features and pathologic find-ings, and the spectrum of associated cardiac mal-formations including left heart anomalies associ-ated with EA. Differences between Ebstein-likechanges associated with congenitally correctedtransposition and EA are described. The spectrumof typical ECG and conduction system changes,arrhythmias including accessory pathways and ec-topic atrial tachycardias related to EA are also re-viewed. Differential diagnosis of EA is discussedincluding tricuspid valve dysplasia and prolapse as

well as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardio-myopathy. The review describes managementoptions in EA including catheter interventions, in-dication for operation and surgical options includ-ing tricuspid valve repair and replacement.

Overall, EA is a complex congenital anomalywith a broad pathologic-anatomical and clinicalspectrum and no two patients are alike. Therefore,precise knowledge of the different anatomic andhemodynamic variables, associated malformationsand management options are essential. Manage-ment of EA patients is complex. Thus it is impor-tant that these patients are regularly seen by a car-diologist with expertise in congenital heart disease.

Key words: Ebstein’s anomaly; tricuspid valve re-pair; diagnosis; echocardiography; arrhythmias; surgery

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The embryonic events leading to EA are notclearly defined. The leaflets of the tricuspid valvedevelop equally from the endocardial cushion tis-sues and the myocardium [10]. Some of the spec-trum of EA is reminiscent of the developing tricus-pid valve during week 8 of development. Theleaflets and tensile apparatus of the atrioventricu-lar valves seem to be formed by a process of delam-ination of the inner layers of the inlet zone of theventricles. In EA, delamination of these leafletsmay have failed to occur due to an incompletelyunderstood mechanism [11].

There are heterogeneous genetic factors inEA. Most cases are sporadic; familial EA is rare.Sometimes EA has been observed in familial clus-

tering of congenital heart disease. In Labrador re-triever kindreds a tricuspid valve malformation re-sembling EA has been mapped to chromosome 9[12]. A genetic study of 26 families with EA hasbeen performed [13] in which 93 of 120 first de-gree relatives were investigated. No case of EA wasfound, but 2 first degree relatives had ventricularseptal defects and another, who died at 7 months,was said to have congenital heart disease. In dis-tant relatives there were 2 with ventricular septaldefects and 2 with Fallot’s tetralogy.

Maternal lithium therapy may in rare caseslead to Ebstein’s anomaly of the offspring [14].Other environmental factors such as viral infec-tions are in rare cases a cause of Ebstein’s anomaly.

Figure 2

First figure of Ebstein’s original case report. This figureshows right atrium and right ventricle opened along rightborder beginning at the superior vena cava. A = rightatrium; B = right ventricle; b = valve not quite closing theforamen ovale, i = rudimentary septal leaflet of tricuspidvalve with its chordae tendineae inserting on endocardiumof ventricular septum; r = opening giving access to rightconus arteriosus and, in the opposite direction, to the sacformed by membrane h, h’ and posterior part of endo-cardium of ventricular septum o. For complete figure legendsee original article.Published by permission of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings,where it was published by Mann RJ, Lie JT. The life story of Wilhelm Ebstein (1836–1912) and his almost overlookeddescription of a congenital heart disease. Mayo Clin Proc1979;54:197–204.

Embryology and genetics

Figure 1

A pencil sketch of Wilhelm Ebstein published in theFestschrift celebrating Ebstein’s 70th birthday. Published by permission of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings,where it was published by Mann RJ, Lie JT. The life story of Wilhelm Ebstein (1836–1912) and his almost overlookeddescription of a congenital heart disease. Mayo Clin Proc1979;54197–204.

as figure 2. This report was almost overlooked andnot quoted in the English language literature until1900 [6]. Ebstein’s original paper was translatedinto English in 1968 [8]. EA was first diagnosed ina patient during life around 1950 [9].

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Figure 3

Diagram of the tricuspid valve in a normal person, in right-sided Ebstein’s and left-sided Ebstein’s. The top diagramshows the normal tricuspid valve with the anterior, posteriorand septal leaflet in one plane. Right-sided Ebstein’s is thenshown with displacement of the posterior and septal leaflet,the maximum displacement being at the crux of the poste-rior and septal leaflet. In left-sided Ebstein’s (bottom) thedisplacement is similar, as shown below.Figure reproduced by permission of the Mayo ClinicProceedings (Anderson KR, Zuberbuhler JR, Anderson RH,Becker AE, Lie JT. Morphologic spectrum of Ebstein’s anomaly of the heart. Mayo Clin Proc 1979;54:174–280.)

Pathological features

EA occurs in about 2.5% of autopsy series inpatients with congenital heart disease, males andfemales being affected equally [15, 16].

EA is a malformation of the tricuspid valve andright ventricle marked by a spectrum of several fea-tures which include: 1) adherence of the tricuspidvalve leaflets to the underlying myocardium (fail-ure of delamination); 2) downward (apical) dis-placement of the functional annulus (septal>poste-rior>anterior); 3) dilation of the “atrialised” por-tion of the right ventricle with variable degrees ofhypertrophy and thinning of the wall; 4) redun-dancy, fenestrations, and tethering of the anteriorleaflet; and 5) dilation of the right atrioventricularjunction (true tricuspid annulus) [16–18]. In thenormal heart there are three tricuspid valve leafletswhich are called “anterior, posterior and septal” or“anterosuperior, inferior and medial (septal)” [3,10]. Typical of EA is apical displacement of thehinge point of the valve from the atrioventricularring (septal>posterior>anterior leaflet, see figure 3)[3, 11, 19, 20]. In the echocardiographic image thisdistance is measured from the point of insertion ofthe anterior mitral valve leaflet to the point of in-sertion of the septal tricuspid valve leaflet. The an-terior leaflet is not usually displaced. The point ofmaximum displacement is the commissure be-tween the posterior and septal leaflets [11]. Evenin normal human hearts there is some downwarddisplacement of the septal and posterior tricuspidleaflets relative to the anterior mitral leaflet but al-ways < than 0.8 cm/m2 body surface area [16]. InEA the spectrum of the malformation may rangefrom only minimal displacement of the septal andposterior leaflets up to an imperforate membraneor muscular shelf between the inlet and trabecularzones of the right ventricle. The anterior tricuspidleaflet is the most likely to have some degree of de-lamination; it may be severely deformed, so thatthe only mobile leaflet tissue is displaced into theright ventricular outflow tract or, in less severecases, it forms a large sail-like intracavitary curtain.The anterior leaflet may contain not only a trueorifice but also several accessory orifices [16]. Thechordae tendineae to the anterior leaflet are gen-erally short and poorly formed (see figure 4).

In EA, the right ventricle is divided into 2parts: the inlet portion is functionally integratedwith the right atrium (atrialised right ventricle),and the other, trabecular and outlet portions, con-stitute the functional right ventricle.

This anomaly results in variable but oftenmarked dilatation of the true tricuspid annulus andthe presence of a large chamber separating the truetricuspid annulus from the functional right ven-tricle (atrialised portion of the right ventricle) asshown in figure 4 [3]. The true anatomical tricus-pid annulus is not displaced; however, it is less welldefined than in a normal heart [16]. Other featuresinclude tricuspid valve dysplasia with adherence

of the tricuspid leaflets to the underlying myo-cardium (failure of delamination), redundancy,fenestrations (accessory orifices), tethering of theanterior leaflet, right ventricular dysplasia and ab-normalities of the distal attachments of the tricus-pid valve [4]. The dysplastic tricuspid valve may beincompetent and/or stenotic.

Two thirds of hearts with EA exhibit dilatedright ventricles. Dilatation often involves not onlythe atrialised right ventricle but also the functionalright ventricle and infundibulum. In some cases,right ventricular dilatation is so marked that theventricular septum bulges leftward, compressingthe left ventricular chamber [16]. In severe casesthe inferior wall of the right ventricle may consistsolely of thin fibrous tissue resembling a post in-farction aneurysm [16]. A study by Celermajer [21]comparing the hearts of six neonates with severeEA showed that there was significant thinning ofthe right ventricular free wall distal to the tricus-pid valve.

A study by Zuberbuhler et al. analysed 14 EAhearts at autopsy [20]. There was wide variabilityin the communication between inlet and trabecu-lar portions of the right ventricle, which could bebetween the papillary muscles, through a pinholeor foramen. In two cases the anterior tricuspidvalve leaflet was imperforate, with no communica-tion [20]. The septal tricuspid valve leaflet may beslightly dysplastic, rudimentary, or have the ap-pearance of cauliflower excrescences. The anteriorleaflet may be normally formed or display a sail-like structure with variable adhesions.

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Classification of Ebstein’s anomaly

In 1988, Carpentier proposed the followingclassification for EA [22]: type A: the volume of thetrue right ventricle is adequate; type B, there is alarge atrialised component of the right ventriclebut the anterior leaflet moves freely; type C, theanterior leaflet is severely restricted in its move-ment and may cause significant obstruction of theright ventricular outflow tract; and type D, almostcomplete atrialisation of the ventricle with the ex-ception of a small infundibular component. Thisclassification is not currently used at our insti-tution, because in actual cases there may be littlecorrelation between the degrees of severity of thevarious components of the anomaly listed in thisclassification (degree of leaflet tethering, degree ofapical displacement, degree of dilatation of theatrialised right ventricle etc) [3].

Later, Celermajer et al. described an echocar-diographic grading score for neonates with EA,GOSE (= Glasgow Outcome Score Extended)Score Grade 1–4 [23]. For this score the ratio ofthe combined area of the right atrium and atri-alised right ventricle to that of the functional right

ventricle and left heart in a four-chamber view atend-diastole was calculated (ratio <0.5, grade 1;ratio 0.5–0.99, grade 2; ratio 1.0–1.49, grade 3; andif ratio ≥ 1.5, grade 4).

We have employed two approaches in describ-ing the severity of the anatomical deformity ofhearts with EA. The first is based on the echocar-diographic image, in which the pathology is de-scribed as anatomically mild, moderate, or severe,as derived from an impression formed by summa-tion of the amount of displacement of the leaflets,the degree of tethering of the anterior leaflet, andthe degree of right ventricular dilatation. Thisclassification, which resembles others, is impreciseand subjective but has the advantage of simplicity.Our second approach is to describe the exactanatomy of each of the Ebstein heart structures in-volved, as visualised at operation and recorded inthe operative note. A detailed nomenclature is thenemployed which emphasises the features that sur-geons have found to be important when consider-ing valve repair versus valve replacement [3].

Figure 4

Ebstein’s anomaly as seen at autopsy. A: Example of the tricuspid valve anatomy in Ebstein’s anomaly as seen at autopsy. In this example the superior aspect of the right ventricular outflow tract has been re-moved. The anterior leaflet is redundant and tethered to the right ventricle by numer-ous abnormal attachments. The tricuspid valve orifice (TVO) is directed superiorly and a fenestration (asterisk) provides an additional cause for tricuspid regurgitation.The right atrium (RA) is dilated. AO = aorta, PA = pulmonary artery; LAA = left atrialappendage.B: Ebstein’s anomaly with severe tricuspid regurgitation. Inferior half of a specimenwith severe EA dissected in four-chamber format. The posterior leaflet forms an intra-ventricular muscular shelf arrowhead that delineates the atrialised portion of the rightventricle (ARV) and is attached to the free wall by numerous large muscular stumps(white arrows). The shape of the ventricular septum (VS) is distorted by displacedseptal leaflet. Marked dilatation involves the right atrium (RA), right ventricle (RV) and true tricuspid annulus (dashed line). LA = left atrium; IVC = inferior vena cava;ARV = atrialised right ventricle; LV = left ventricle.



Associated cardiac malformationsIn addition to right-sided abnormalities of the

heart, abnormalities of left ventricular functionand morphology as well as other left heart lesionshave been documented, as shown in table 1 [17–19,24–27].

Angiographic analysis of the left ventricle in 26patients with EA showed that in 12 of them leftventricular end-diastolic volume was increased>80 ml/m2 body surface area, while the left ven-tricular ejection fraction was decreased in 8 but

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never in patients with reduced left ventricular cav-ities [24]. Sixteen patients had an abnormal patternof left ventricular contraction.

We recently reported on 3 patients with EAwho had left ventricular echocardiographic fea-tures resembling noncompaction [28]. We subse-quently analysed 106 consecutive patients with EAand found left heart abnormalities including ab-normal valves, myocardial dysplasia, or a ventric-ular septal defect in 39%. 18% of the patients hadleft ventricular dysplasia resembling noncom-paction. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction oc-curred in 7 patients [29].

Overall, an interatrial communication is pres-ent in 80–94% of patients with EA [2, 30]. In anautopsy study of 15 EA cases, 5 had a perimembra-nous or muscular VSD, 13 had an atrial septal de-

fect, 2 had a patent ductus arteriosus, and one caseeach had pulmonary atresia, patent foramen,coarctation or persistent left superior vena cava[20].

Complex EA includes patients with pul-monary stenosis or pulmonary atresia, ventricularseptal defect, mitral stenosis and in rare casestetralogy of Fallot [27].

Bilateral Ebstein’s has been described [31, 32].In one patient with bilateral EA, the mural leafletof the mitral valve was diffusely adherent to the leftventricular wall, with the anterior mitral leafletplastered against the septal wall, producing an atri-alised area and restricting the subaortic outflowtract. Hypoplasia of the ascending aorta was alsopresent [32].

reported abnormality prevalence

Aortic valve bicuspid occasional

atresia rare

Aorta coarctation rare

hypoplasia extremely rare

subaortic stenosis rare

Mitral valve prolapse frequent

cleft extremely rare

parachute extremely rare

additional chordae occasional

accessory tissue occasional

double orifice mitral valve extremely rare

dysplasia rare

supravalvular ring extremely rare

Pulmonary veins stenosis of individual veins extremely rare

cor triatriatum extremely rare

partial or total anomalous pulmonary extremely rarevenous connection

Left ventricular myocardium noncompaction frequent

endomyocardial fibroelastosis rare

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy rare

abnormal papillary muscle rare

abnormal muscle bands occasional

Ventricular septal defect muscular occasional

perimembranous occasional

Pulmonary valve/artery hypoplastic pulmonary artery occasionally

pulmonary atresia extremely rare

pulmonary stenosis occasional

Atrioventricular septal defect complete, partial extremely rare

Table 1

Summary of asso-ciated heart lesionsin Ebstein’s anomaly.

Ebstein’s anomaly in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries

Corrected transposition of the great arteries israre, occurring in 0.6–1.4% of patients with con-genital heart disease. Most patients with congeni-tally corrected transposition of the great arterieshave an abnormal systemic tricuspid valve, thus

fulfilling the EA criteria in 15–50% of patients [11,33–35]. It is unclear whether the fundamentalnature of EA is identical in concordant and dis-cordant atrioventricular connections [36, 37].Pathoanatomically, left-sided EA differs from

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Figure 5

Echocardiographic example in a patient with severe Eb-stein’s anomaly with apical displacement of the dysplastictricuspid valve’s functional orifice. RV = right ventricle; ARV= atrialised right ventricle; RA = right atrium. This is theapical four chamber view (apex down) in a patient withsevere Ebstein’s anomaly (displacement index 22 mm/m2

body surface area). The arrow points to the functionalorifice of the dysplastic tricuspid valve with the grosslydisplaced septal leaflet. The anterior leaflet is severely tethered and nearly immobile.

Figure 6

Echocardiographic example of mild Ebstein’s anomaly. RV = right ventricle; RA = right atrium; LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle. This is the apical 4-chamber view (apexdown) of a patient with mild Ebstein’s anomaly. There is only mild displacement of the septal leaflet (arrow) by 11 mm/m2 body surface area. The anterior leaflet is mobile, the right ventricle only mildly enlarged.

Figure 7

Example of moderately severe Ebstein’s anomaly with tethering of the anterior leaflet. RA = right atrium; LA = leftatrium; LV = left ventricle; ARV = atrialised right ventricle.This is the apical 4chamber view (apex up) of a patient withmoderately severe Ebstein’s anomaly. The displacementindex is 13 mm/m2 body surface area. It well shows incom-plete delamination of the septal leaflet (long arrow) andmoderate tethering of the anterior leaflet (small arrow).

right-sided EA in the following criteria: the atri-oventricular sulcus circumference is not increased;the anterior leaflet of the valve is anatomically dif-ferent and smaller, with a cleft in 30% of cases; andthe anterior leaflet may interfere with the ventric-ular outflow and the ventricular cavity [37]. In ad-dition, the morphologically right ventricle is rarely

dilated in young patients [17, 18]. In an autopsystudy of 14 patients with corrected transpositionof the great arteries, the atrialised portion of themorphologically right ventricle was, contrary tohearts with EA and concordant atrioventricularconnections, thinned and dilated in only 1 case[36].

Echocardiographic features of Ebstein’s anomaly

of the septal tricuspid valve leaflet from the inser-tion of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve by atleast 8 mm/m2 body surface area [16]. Tethering ofthe tricuspid valve is present if there are at least 3accessory attachments of the leaflet to the ventric-ular wall, causing restriction of valve leaflet motion[39]. Valvular dysplasia may also occur in EA andis defined as the presence of valvular thickening,nodularity and irregularity. Right ventriculardysplasia is defined as decreased wall thickness <2 standard deviations (SD), dilatation (chamberdimensions >2 SD) and dyskinesis (paradoxicalseptal motion, paradoxical systolic expansion of theatrialised right ventricle or markedly decreasedwall motion) of the atrialised or functional rightventricle or both. Marked enlargement of the rightatrium and atrialised right ventricle is consideredto be present if the combined area of the rightatrium and atrialised right ventricle is larger thanthe combined area of the functional right ventri-cle, left atrium and left ventricle measured in theapical four chamber view at end-diastole [23].

The site and degree of tricuspid valve regurgi-tation and the feasibility of valve repair are also as-sessed by echocardiography [17, 18].

Cine MRI may also be helpful in providing a better assessment of both right and left ventri-cular size and function when echocardiographicimages are limited [40, 41].

Echocardiography is currently the diagnostictest of choice for EA and has largely obviated theneed for cardiac catheterisation as a diagnostic toolin EA [38]. Echocardiographic examples of severeand mild EA are shown in figures 5–7.

Echocardiography allows accurate evaluationof the tricuspid valve leaflets, the size of the rightatrium and size and function of both ventricles.The principal feature of EA is apical displacement

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foetus neonates children adolescent adult total %21 pt 88 pt 73 pt 15 pt 23 pt 220 pt

Cyanosis 0 65 15 2 1 83 (38%)

Heart failure 0 9 14 2 6 31 (14%)

Incidental murmur 0 8 36 5 3 52 (24%)

Arrhythmia 1 5 7 6 10 29 (13%)

Abnormal foetal scan 18 0 0 0 0 18 (8%)

Other 2 1 1 0 3 7 (3%)

Adapted from Celermajer et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 1993;23:170–176.Neonates = 0–1 month; children = 10 years; adolescent = 18 years; adult >18 years at time of presentation.

Table 2

Presenting featuresin the different agegroups.

Clinical features

Presentation The cardinal symptoms in EA are cyanosis,

right-sided heart failure and arrhythmias. Theclinical presentation is dependent on age at pres-entation and the degree of haemodynamic distur-bance, which in turn is dependent on the extent ofdisplacement of the tricuspid valve leaflets, the sizeand function of the right ventricle, right atrialpressure and degree of right-to-left interatrialshunting [38].

On examination, the jugular venous pulserarely shows a large v-wave despite the presence ofsevere tricuspid valve regurgitation, since the largeright atrium engulfs the increased volume. A mul-tiplicity of sounds and murmurs from the rightheart with a widely and persistently split secondheart sound are typical [38]. Digital clubbing de-pends on the degree of cyanosis [38].

In utero, severe EA may lead to cardiomegaly,hydrops and tachyarrhythmias. EA is a commonlesion referred for foetal echocardiography by theobstetrician [39]. The intrauterine mortality rateis high in the severe forms of EA [42].

Neonates with EA may present with conges-tive heart failure due to tricuspid valve regurgita-tion, cyanosis, and marked cardiomegaly caused byright heart dilation [39]. 20–40% of all neonatesdiagnosed with EA will not survive 1 month, and

fewer than 50% will survive to 5 years of age. Ifneonates are symptomatic their prognosis is al-most always very poor [21, 43, 44]. In subjects <2years old at presentation, a haemodynamic prob-lem is more common than in older patients (72%versus 29%, p <0.01). In subjects >10 years old atpresentation, an electrophysiological problem ismore common than in younger patients (43% ver-sus 10%, p <0.01); these data are shown in table 2[23].

Symptomatic children with EA may have pro-gressive right heart failure, but most will reachadolescence and adulthood. In adulthood, patientsusually present with arrhythmias, progressivecyanosis, decreasing exercise tolerance or rightheart failure. In the presence of an interatrial com-munication, the risk of paradoxical embolisation,brain abscess and sudden death is increased [23].Exercise tolerance is dependent on heart size (byechocardiography or chest radiograph) reflectingright ventricular dilatation and oxygen saturationat rest [45]. In patients with EA undergoing surgi-cal repair, exercise tolerance is significantly greaterpostoperatively [46]. Surgery brings about an es-pecial improvement in exercise intolerance in pa-tients with an atrial septal defect, although tricus-pid valve repair or replacement favourably affectscardiac output response to exercise [46].

ECG changes, conduction system, arrhythmias and pacing

In most patients with EA the ECG is abnormal. Anexample is shown in figure 8. The ECG may showtall and broad P waves due to right atrial enlarge-ment, as well as complete or incomplete right bun-dle branch block [38]. The R waves in leads V1 andV2 are small. First degree atrioventricular blockoccurs in 42% of EA patients, partly due to rightatrial enlargement and partly due to structural ab-normalities of the atrioventricular conduction sys-tem [38, 47]. The conduction system is situatednormally [19, 48], but the A-V node may be com-pressed with abnormal formation of the centralfibrous body and the right bundle branch may beabnormal and/or show marked fibrosis [11]. Complete heart block is rare in EA. Bizarre mor-

phologies of the terminal QRS pattern result frominfra-Hissian conduction disturbance and abnor-mal activation of the atrialised right ventricle [49].Patients with EA have a high potential for devel-oping tachyarrhythmias which are a commoncause of morbidity and death.The downward displacement of the septal tricus-pid valve leaflet is associated with discontinuity ofthe central fibrous body and septal atrioventricu-lar ring with direct muscular connections, thus cre-ating a potential substrate for accessory atrioven-tricular connections and ventricular preexcitation[15, 16]. In 6–30% of patients with EA such connections aremultiple and there are one or more accessory path-

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ways [2, 38, 49, 50]. Most of the accessory path-ways are located around the orifice of the mal-formed tricuspid valve [47]. It is almost alwaysWolff-Parkinson-White pattern type B. Overall,approximately 14–20% of EA patients will haveone or more accessory conduction pathways withWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome [30]. Dalientofound Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in 4 of26 patients [24]. The occasional occurrence of sud-den cardiac death in patients with EA is believedto be due to atrial fibrillation in the presence ofWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome [49].

In addition to the tachycardias from accessorypathways, ectopic atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter,atrial reentry tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, andventricular tachyarrhythmias may also occur [49].Acquired incisional atrial tachycardia is also com-mon in EA.

An early study of 52 patients undergoing sur-gical repair of EA at the Mayo Clinic at a mean ageof 18 years showed that preoperatively 65% hadarrhythmias including paroxysmal supraventricu-lar tachycardias (35%), paroxysmal atrial fibrilla-tion or flutter (19%), ventricular arrhythmias

(15%) or high degree atrioventricular block (6%)[51]. There were 5 perioperative deaths; 4 oc-curred in patients with perioperative ventriculartachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. During a31-month follow-up, patients who did not havepreoperative arrhythmias did not develop new ar-rhythmias postoperatively.

Overall, supraventricular arrhythmias occur in10–20% of older patients with EA and in 5–10%of neonates. Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachy-cardia is found in 1–2% of EA patients.

Permanent pacing is required in 3.7% of pa-tients with EA. Problems of permanent pacing inEA were reviewed in 15 patients, 11 of whomneeded pacing for A-V block and 4 needed pacingfor sinus node dysfunction [52]. All eight patientswith a VVI pacemaker were paced epicardially; 2patients with DDD pacemakers had transvenousatrial and ventricular leads, 4 DDD patients hadtransvenous atrial leads and epicardial ventricularleads, and 1 patient had both epicardial and trans-venous systems. Complications requiring surgicalintervention occurred in four patients (lead dis-placement, lead failure, a lead causing tricuspid re-gurgitation, and exit block with secondary di-aphragmatic stimulation) [52]. In the presence oftricuspid valve prosthesis, the ventricular lead forpermanent DDD-pacing is most commonlyachieved by an epicardial approach or an approachthrough the coronary sinus or a cardiac vein. Al-ternatively, for preoperative bradyarrhythmias, apreviously-placed transvenous ventricular leadmay be located outside the prosthesis sewing ringat the time of implantation of the prosthesis. Place-ment of a transvenous ventricular lead through abioprosthesis is effective but less desirable becauseof the possibility of propping one of the valve cuspsopen, thus creating tricuspid regurgitation; thiscomplication can be prevented by transoesoph-ageal echocardiographic monitoring to insure thelead lies safely in a commissure between the cusps.

Figure 8

Example of a typicalECG in an Ebstein pa-tient. This ECG of a44-year-old male withEA shows normalsinus rhythm with 1st degree AV block(PR interval 256msec) and right bundle branch block(QRS duration 152msec), QRS axis 57º.There are no signs of preexcitation.

Differential diagnosis

Cardiac disorders causing tricuspid valve re-gurgitation and primary right-sided heart chamberenlargement may be misdiagnosed as EA. Theanalysis of 22 patients misdiagnosed as EA prior toreferral to the Mayo Clinic showed that EA couldbe ruled out by the absence of apical displacementof the septal tricuspid leaflet of ≥ 8 mm/m2 and lack

of a redundant, elongated anterior tricuspid leaflet[53]. The most common diagnosis was tricuspidvalve dysplasia, while other diagnoses included tri-cuspid valve prolapse, traumatic changes of the tri-cuspid valve, arrhythmogenic right ventricularcardiomyopathy, and tricuspid valve endocarditis.

Natural history and prognosis

The largest study reporting the natural historyof 505 patients with EA was published 30 years ago[50]. This study consisted primarily of patientsaged 1–25 years, 67 patients were >25 years and

only 35 were <1 year old. Of the infants below 1 year old, 72% were in heart failure, but in 81%of the others growth and development during in-fancy were average or good. 71% of children and

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adolescents and 60% of adults had little or no dis-ability and were classified as NYHA I or II [50].After initially high mortality from congestive heartfailure during the first few months of life, mortal-ity settled at an average of 12.4% spread uniformlythroughout childhood and adolescence. 13.3%died of natural causes and 31 of the 57 patients(54%) who underwent surgical treatment did notsurvive the operation. This study was publishedprior to the echocardiographic era and thus doesnot reflect the EA population we currently en-counter.

Echocardiographic features correlating withearly death at 3 months of age were tethered distalattachments of the anterosuperior tricuspid leaflet,severity of right ventricular dysplasia, left ventric-ular compression by right heart dilatation and areaof the combined right atrium and atrialised rightventricle larger than the combined area of the func-tional right ventricle, left atrium and left ventriclemeasured in the 4-chamber view [39]. The degreeof apical displacement of the septal leaflet does notseem to be a prognostic feature [39]. Shiina et al.reported that absence of the septal leaflet predictedpoor functional capacity [54].

Obstruction of pulmonary blood flow is an-other cardiovascular lesion associated with earlymortality in EA [39]. Another study found that anyassociated cardiovascular anomalies were associ-ated with increased mortality [55].

Celermajer et al. reviewed 220 cases with 1–34years’ follow-up. Actuarial survival for all live-bornpatients was 67% at 1 year and 59% at 10 years[23]. Predictors of death were echocardiographic

grade of severity at presentation (relative risk in-creased by 2.7 for each increase in grade, CI1.6–4.6), foetal presentation (6.9, CI 1.6–16.5),and right ventricular outflow tract obstruction(2.1, CI 1.1–4.4).

Bialostozky et al. analysed the data of 65 pa-tients (all <48 years), 20 patients were >20 years oldat last follow-up and only 5 were >30 years [56]. Inthis rather young population asymptomatic ormildly symptomatic acyanotic patients withoutarrhythmias had a good prognosis; the only death(sudden cardiac death) occurred in a 30-year-oldasymptomatic male with a history of paroxysmalventricular tachycardia. Some moderately or se-verely symptomatic patients died suddenly, in anumber of cases due to ventricular arrhythmias orsurgical therapy. The only survivor of the severelysymptomatic group (age 46) had had heart failurefor at least 10 years.

In rare cases patients with EA live to over 70years of age, and one reported patient died at theage of 85 [38].

In an early study of 67 EA patients with a meanfollow-up of 12 years, 39% of patients remained infunctional class I or II and 61% progressed intoclass III or IV. Death occurred in 14 (21%) patientsand this was predicted by the following factors:functional class III or IV, moderate to severe car-diomegaly with a cardiothoracic ratio of >0.65,cyanosis or O2 saturation of <90%, or being infantsat the time of diagnosis [38]. In the 31 patients un-dergoing surgery modified tricuspid annuloplastyseemed to be the procedure of choice; 12 of 16 pa-tients so treated improved [38].


MedicalPatients with mild forms of EA may be fol-

lowed medically for many years. Regular evalua-tion by a cardiologist with expertise in congenitalheart disease is recommended.

Endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended inEA, though the risk of endocarditis is low.

Physical activity recommendations are sum-marized in Task Force 1 on Congenital Heart Dis-ease (26th Bethesda Conference: Recommenda-tions for Determining Eligibility for Competitionin Patients with Cardiovascular Abnormalities)[57]. Athletes with mild EA, nearly normal heartsize and no arrhythmias can participate in allsports. Athletes with severe EA are precluded fromsports unless the patient has been optimally re-paired , has a nearly normal heart size and there isno history of arrhythmias.

In patients with EA and cardiac failure who arenot candidates for surgery, we recommend stan-dard heart failure treatment including diureticsand digoxin; the efficacy of ACE inhibitors in rightheart failure in this situation is unproven. Hearttransplantation is an alternative treatment option

in select patients who are not candidates for stan-dard surgical treatment.

Catheter interventionsAt present most patients with symptomatic

WPW syndrome, with or without EA, should un-dergo electrophysiological evaluation and proba-bly radiofrequency ablation of the accessory path-way(s). Catheter ablation has a lower success ratein EA than in cases with structurally normal hearts,and the risk of recurrence is higher [58, 59]. In onestudy, 26 of 30 patients underwent successfulradiofrequency ablation of the arrhythmogenicsubstrate [49]. All types of supraventricular tachy-arrhythmia associated with EA should also besuccessfully ablated at the time of repair of EA afterelectrophysiological identification for best lateresults [60, 61]. This can be accomplished withoutan increase in operative mortality [60].

Surgical optionsIn an early report published in 1959, two pa-

tients who had undergone tricuspid valve repairdied [62]. Successful surgery for tricuspid regurgi-

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tation in EA was first described in 1962, the tricus-pid valve being replaced by a prosthesis [63]. Theinitial review of EA patients undergoing tricuspidvalve replacement found surgical mortality of 54%[50]. Disappointing results at that time were alsosimilar high early mortality and unsatisfactory lateresults for tricuspid valve repair by the methodsavailable at that time [62, 64].

In 1972 we introduced a modified annulo-plasty and repair and reported the results in 16patients [65]. The mortality was lower (13% early,

13% late) than previously reported, but higherthan currently obtained. Subsequently, 25 years’experience with 314 patients was reviewed in 1997;overall early mortality was 6.4% and late mortal-ity 7.3% [66]. Since the initial report we have alsoused other modifications of valve repair and re-placement, depending on the anatomy encoun-tered [18, 67]. One technique for tricuspid valverepair is shown in figure 9. This allows the ante-rior tricuspid leaflet to function as a monocuspidvalve. Valve repairs are feasible if the anterior

Figure 9

Illustrations of surgical technique in tricuspid valve repair for Ebstein’s anomaly. A: The surgeon’s viewpoint through an obliqueright atriotomy. In this example two papillary mus-cles arise from the free wall of the right ventriclewith short chordal attachments to the leading edgeof the anterior leaflet (AL). The septal leaflet (SL) isdiminutive and only a ridge of tissue. The posteriorleaflet (PL) is not well formed and adherent to theunderlying endocardium. CS: coronary sinus. PFO: patent foramen. IVC: inferior vena cava. Reproduced by permission of the journal OperativeTechniques in Thorac and CV Surg where it waspublished: Dearani JA, Danielson GK. Tricuspidvalve repair for Ebstein’s anomaly. Operative Tech-niques in Thorac and CV Surgery 2003; 8:188–192.B: Typical example of the surgical approach (con-tinued). First the base of each papillary muscle ismoved towards the ventricular septum at the ap-propriate level with horizontal mattress suturesbacked with felt pledgets (small arrows), then themattress sutures are tied securely (small arrows).The posterior angle of the tricuspid orifice is thenclosed by bringing the right side of the anteriorleaflet down to the septum and plicating the non-functional posterior leaflet in the process (largearrow).C–E: Further description of typical surgical steps:C: Posterior annuloplasty (arrows) is then per-formed to narrow the diameter of the tricuspid an-nulus. The coronary sinus marks the posterior andleftward extent of the annuloplasty. D: Anterior an-nuloplasty is then performed to narrow the tricus-pid annulus further. This annuloplasty is tied downover a 25 mm valve sizer in an adult to prevent tri-cuspid stenosis. E: The completed repair allows theanterior leaflet to function as a monocuspid valve.Redundant right atrium is excised prior to closingthe atriotomy.



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leaflet is mobile and not too deficient (at least 50%of normal size). Most fenestrations can be re-paired. The main prerequisite for successful repairis a free leading edge of the anterior leaflet. Repairsmay be done with or without internal plication ofthe atrialised right ventricle.

In 1988 Carpentier proposed his repair involv-ing mobilisation of the anterior tricuspid leaflet[22]. For his types B and C, temporary detachmentof the anterior leaflet and adjacent part of the pos-terior leaflet was followed by longitudinal plicationof the atrialised ventricle and adjacent rightatrium, repositioning of the anterior and posteriorleaflets to cover the orifice area at normal level, andremodelling and reinforcement of the tricuspidannulus with a prosthetic ring. His group de-scribed their experience with this repair in 191 pa-tients with a mean age of 24 ± 15 years [68]. Theyreported that conservative surgery was possible in98% of patients selected with the intention of per-forming reconstructive surgery. Early mortalitywas 9% and late survival 82 ± 5% at 20 years. Themost common causes of death were right heart fail-ure and arrhythmias.

As noted previously, 20–40% of severelysymptomatic neonates with EA will not survive thefirst month. In the neonate, a cardiothoracic ratiogreater than 0.85, GOSE echocardiographicseverity score grade 4 or grade 3 associated withcyanosis, and severe tricuspid regurgitation all pre-dict neonatal death without surgery [23, 69]. His-torically, operative mortality in neonates with EAhas been prohibitive, but recent improvements inneonatal management and surgery have yieldedencouraging results [69]. Biventricular repair com-bined with correction of all associated cardiac de-fects is feasible, and the medium-term results aregood [69].

There is controversy as to the merit of usuallyor routinely adding a bidirectional cavopulmonaryshunt after tricuspid valve repair or replacement toreduce right ventricular volume load. The disad-vantages include a longer operating time, loss ofcatheter access to the right heart from the upperextremities for procedures such as rhythm assess-ment and ablation or placement of transvenouspacemaker leads, and late sequelae in some pa-tients troubled by pulsations in the neck veins. Weoccasionally use a bidirectional cavopulmonaryshunt when the right ventricle is functioningpoorly and it is difficult to wean the patient fromcardiopulmonary bypass. Because concomitant leftventricular dysfunction may be present when theright ventricle fails, direct pressure measurementsare important to document that left atrial and pul-monary artery pressures are low, otherwise theshunt will not be feasible. With regard to the useof the univentricular approach instead of a biven-tricular approach we have performed a modifiedFontan procedure in only 2 patients in our overallseries of over 500 operations for EA.

It has not yet been shown whether tricuspidvalve repair or replacement has the better long-

term outcome; neither is it known whether bio-prostheses are preferable to mechanical prosthesesfor tricuspid valve replacement. One study sug-gests that valve repair is less durable in adults thanin children [70]. It is known that tricuspid biopros-theses in EA have greater durability than in othercardiac positions, especially in paediatric patients;freedom from bioprosthesis replacement was 80.6± 7.6% in one study with up to 17.8 years’ follow-up (mean: 4.5 years) [71]. In one series of 294 EApatients there was no statistically significant differ-ence between valve repair and valve replacementwith regard to freedom from reoperation at 12years [71]. Similarly, there was no difference be-tween bioprosthetic and mechanical valve prosthe-ses with regard to freedom from reoperation [71].However, we currently prefer valve repair, whenfeasible, over valve replacement because repair hasthe potential to be more durable over a lifetime.Some of our early patients are doing well and freeof reoperation more than 20 years after valve re-pair. We prefer bioprostheses over mechanicalprostheses, and reserve the latter for selectedadults who are already taking coumadin for an-other indication [18]. Bioprostheses are preferred,especially in paediatric patients, because they avoidthe expense, inconvenience, and risks of long-termcoumadin anticoagulation and because there is noevidence at present that mechanical valves havegreater freedom from reoperation than have bio-prostheses in the tricuspid position in EA patients.

Although we and others [72] have noted a re-duction in atrial tachyarrhythmias after standardEA repair, which includes right atrial reduction, wecurrently prefer to combine repair with directedanti-arrhythmia procedures [18, 60, 61]. This canbe done without increasing operative mortalityand yields much improved late results [60].

Indications for operationObservation alone is advised for asymptomatic

patients and symptomatic patients with no right-to-left shunting and only mild cardiomegaly. Chil-dren who have survived infancy generally do wellfor a number of years; surgery can be postponeduntil symptoms appear or progress, cyanosis be-comes evident or paradoxical emboli occur.Surgery should be considered if there is objectiveevidence of deterioration such as progressive in-crease in heart size on chest radiography, progres-sive right ventricular dilatation or reduction of sys-tolic function in echocardiography, or appearanceof premature ventricular contractions or atrialtachyarrhythmias. The appearance of prematureventricular contractions is considered to reflectstress on the myopathic right ventricle and to sig-nal that correction of tricuspid regurgitationshould be considered, since surgical mortality hasbeen much greater in patients who exhibited fre-quent premature contractions or more seriousventricular tachyarrhythmias prior to operation.Once symptoms progress to NYHA class III or IV,medical management has little to offer, surgical

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risks increase sharply and surgery is clearly indi-cated. Biventricular reconstruction is usually pos-sible, but if advanced cardiomyopathic changeshave occurred, especially involving the left ventri-cle, cardiac transplantation is the only option.

In rare cases patients with cyanosis on exercisewho have an atrial septal defect or patent foramenovale but only mild or moderate tricuspid regurgi-

tation may benefit from device closure to alleviatecyanosis and prevent paradoxical emboli. Thedegree of tricuspid regurgitation must be carefullyassessed, however, since with low velocity flow onechocardiography it is often underestimated, andclosure of an atrial septal defect alone may worsenright ventricular dysfunction.

Follow-up care

EA is a complex congenital anomaly with abroad pathologico-anatomical and clinical spec-trum. Management is complex. It is therefore im-portant that these patients are regularly seen by acardiologist with expertise in congenital heart dis-

ease. These patients must be followed at a tertiarycare centre or at least in collaboration with a con-genital heart disease cardiologist in a tertiary carecentre. This recommendations follows previouspublished recommendations [73–75].


EA is a complex form of congenital heart dis-ease. No two hearts with EA are the same. Preciseknowledge of the different anatomical and haemo-dynamic variables, associated malformations andmanagement options, is essential. With alternativemanagement strategies it is hoped that survival inEA patients of all ages will continue to improve.

Correspondence:C. H. Attenhofer Jost, MDCardiovascular Center ZurichKlinik Im ParkSeestrasse 200CH-8027 Zurich, Switzerland


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Schweiz Med Wochenschr (1871–2000)

Swiss Med Wkly (continues Schweiz Med Wochenschr from 2001)

Editores Medicorum Helveticorum

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