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  • 1.eCommerce SEO: Content and Link Strategies STEPHANIE CHANG

2. STEPHANIE CHANG Consultant, Distilled [email protected] @stephpchang 3. eCommerce Sites are Challenging 4. They can contain legacy URL structures that are difficult to change 5. resulting in ugly URLs like this http://www.site.com/lists/nonbrowseskussetgrid.aspx?SkusetId=813166&cm_sp=W13_09_902_LYSOL-_-Na-_- Na&web_track_id=103708553&position_id=7&promocode=99999&lcb=1 6. That cause massive duplicate content issues across thousands of product pages. 7. But URLs arent the only reason why duplicate content exists on eCommerce sites 8. These product pages have the same content as other eCommerce sites because the only content they contain comes from the manufacturers product description. 9. Thin and duplicate content significantly increases your sites chances of getting hit by Panda 10. Its about having unique content. Not unique as in what % of my content is different from every other site 11. Unique as in standing out. Heres a great article on redefining unique content. 12. Not to mention eCommerce sites are known Stephanie Chang@stephpchang for having boring category pages that few sites want to link to. 13. Why? Many eCommerce sites lack a unique value proposition. Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Think about your site. 14. What Makes Your Site Unique? 15. Short-Term Tactical/Strategic Content Ideas 16. Encourage Product Reviews Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Make it obvious for customers to write product reviews. Remind users to write reviews, while also offering them incentives to do so (especially for the first reviewer). Amazon Email Amazon Incentive 17. Or Analyze the Reviews Yourself Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Like Revoos Just Buy This One 18. Look Into Utilizing Product Review Vendors (for English-speaking audiences) Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://www.seoverflow.com/ecommerce-product-reviews/ by @balibones Make sure review content appears within the code and mark up aggregate reviews using schema.org 19. Sell Unique Products. Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Get press coverage based on the interest it receives Coverage = links! 20. Example of a Unique Product Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Zombie Apocalypse Shopping Experience from wish.co.uk 21. Or a Unique Twist on Common Products Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Robot Tea Infuser generated 789 Links from 201 LRDs for Modcloth 22. These Products Arent One-Time Opportunities Leverage new opportunities by pitching fresh angles Original product released in 2011 23. Produce Product Videos Increase Conversions and Rankings Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Should be placed on product pages (not on YouTube). Utilize rich snippets. Example of rich snippets appearing in the Google SERPs 24. Videos Can Also Be Transcribed Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Video transcriptions are considered unique content. 25. Receive Credit for Photos Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Make photos embeddable. Add a script to images, so if someone right clicks on it, theyll get an embed code with a link. http://www.paddymoogan.com/embeddemo/ 26. Incentivize and Intrigue Customers Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Plant Konami codes on the site to reveal product discounts. Change it every day to a different product - generate traffic, awareness, and links. Received links from: www.independent.co.uk ww.gizmodo.co.uk www.buzzfeed.com 27. Want More Tips? Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://www.linkbuildingbook.com/link-building- resources.html#Ecommerce 28. These work for awhile, but have limited potential. Its time to start thinking long term. 29. The Content Strategy 30. Short-term strategies usually involve getting links, but not necessarily the acquisition of customers. 31. Our end goal should be to acquire BOTH links and customers 32. by growing long-term organic traffic through content that speaks to our brand. 33. So That We Can Create This! Stephanie Chang@stephpchang via Adria Saracino, Head of Outreach at Distilled http://www.slideshare.net/DistilledSEO/adria-saracinosearchlove-san-diego-2013why- your-cm-is-failingfinal 34. You Need to Gather Data Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Using existing data from Google Analytics, various SEO Tools, and conducting competitor analysis 1. Google Analytics 2. SEO Metrics 3. Keyword Research 4. Competitor Analysis 5. Existing Content Review 35. Obtain Customer/Product Insights Stephanie Chang@stephpchang By surveying/interviewing existing customers and going through the sales process yourself 36. Figure Out Your Audience Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Now, its time to put together some customer personas based on the data we collected. 37. Understand Your Brand Voice Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://voiceandtone.com A great brand voice guide by MailChimp 38. And Incorporate that Brand Voice Into Your Content Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Ensure your content speaks to your audience personas (example: Bonobos.com) Email campaigns Lookbook 39. Create a Content Plan Stephanie Chang@stephpchang An editorial calendar will keep all planned content organized and make sure everyone is on the same page. http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2010/08/content-marketing-editorial-calendar/ 40. Future of Commerce - integration of commerce and content Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Example: Whole Foods puts together an online magazine 41. And Red Bull Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://contently.com/strategist/2012/01/24/red-bull-media-house/ 42. Heres What You Create With This Data Stephanie Chang@stephpchang Mr. Porter Video Series. This specific video received 108,918 views perfect way to leverage brand awareness utilizing YouTube 43. And theres more from Mr. Porter These numbers did not come from link building, but from a cohesive content strategy. 44. Other Types of Content You Can Create Customized Products From Polyvore and Kate Spade Saturday 45. When Putting Together This Content, Think about How PR and SEO Can Work Together Integration helps in identifying keywords to target and the type of stories to pitch that will generate organic search value. 46. Asking for Links from Journalists Be gentle when asking for a link. Ask for attribution/credit and be sure to ask for the followed link at the beginning. 47. Dont Forget to Think Outside the Box and Have Fun! http://producten.hema.nl/ 48. Metrics to Measure Success 49. Create an eCommerce Tracking Plan Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://cutroni.com/blog/category/ecommerce/ A great resource for all your Google Analytics ecommerce tracking needs. 50. Metrics to Measure Success Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://www.convinceandconvert.com/content-marketing-2/the-4-types-of-content-metrics- that-matter/ Organic Traffic, Page Views, Downloads Facebook Likes, Shares, Tweets Trials/Demo/Email Sign ups Revenue, Lifetime Value of Customer 51. Content Funnel + Metrics Consolidation of Content Based on Where It Sits in the Funnel Consumption Metrics Share Metrics Lead Generation Metrics Sales/Retention Metrics 52. LCV / RFM Churn % Retention % Repeat visits Net promoter score Purchases LCV / RFM CPA Avg. $/user Latency Sign-ups Inquiries Downloads Referrals Assisted leads @stephpchangStephanie Chang CONSUME LEAD SELL/RETAINRETAIN Mentions Shares Links Traffic Rankings Affinity http://www.slideshare.net/DistilledSEO/adria-saracinosearchlove-san-diego-2013why-your-cm-is-failingfinal 53. See, Think, Do Stephanie Chang@stephpchang http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/see-think-do-content-marketing- measurement-business-framework/ 54. The Content Marketing Framework Keep iterating and learning throughout this process. 55. Have clarity on what content speaks to your sites core audience 56. This will ultimately garner both customers and links. 57. Thanks. Any questions? STEPHANIE CHANG [email protected] @stephpchang

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