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  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno



    A non- techn ica l rev iew








  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    Copyright United Nations Environment Programme, 2006

    This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for

    educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright

    holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. U NEP would

    appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a


  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno



    A non- tech n ica l re

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno



    Ac knowledgements


    The Hydrogen E conomy and Sustainable De ve lo

    What is H ydrogen?

    T he Environmental Implications of H ydrogen

    A G lobal H ydrogen Energy System

    Technical and C ost C hallenges

    H ydrogen Production, D istribution and Storage

    Fuel Cells for M obile and Stationary Uses

    Carbon Capture and Storage

    The Transition to the Hydrogen Economy

    Investment in H ydrogen Infrastructure

    G overnment Support

    Long-Term Projections of H ydrogen Use

    Hydrogen and the Developing World

    Relevance of H ydrogen to D eveloping Economies

    Implications for National Energy Policy-mak ing

    Role of International and Non-Governmental O rganisati

    Key Messages

    Annex A: Ke y Players in Hydrogen Re se arc h

    and Development

    National and Regional Programmes

    Private Industry

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    T his report was commissioned by the D ivision of Technology, I ndustry and

    Economics of the Uni ted Nations Environment Programme. M ark Radka an

    D aniel Puig managed the project, with scientifi c support from Jorge Rogat

    Trevor M organ of M enecon Consulting was the principal author.

    The report benefited from comments and suggestions from G ert Jan Kramer o

    Shell H ydrogen, H ans Larsen of Ris National Laboratory ( D enmark) , Jianxin M a o

    Tongji University ( China) , Stefan M etz of Linde AG , Wolfgang Scheunemann o

    D okeo G mbH ( G ermany) , H anns-Joachim Neef of G ermany and T horsteinn

    Sigfusson of I celand ( co-chairs of the Implementati on and Lia ison Committeeo

    the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy) and Giorgio Simbolott

    of the I nternational Energy Agency. Their help is gratefully acknowledged.

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    T here is a growing belief among poli cy-makers, environm

    energy analysts and industry leaders that hydrogen is the f

    will revolutioni se the way we produce and use energy. I n

    reliance on finite fossil energy is clearly unsustainable, both

    economi cally. Soaring prices of oi l in recent years have dr

    energy-security risks of relying on oil and gas, and hav

    perception that the world is starting to run out of cheap fue

    to move to more secure and cleaner energy technologies

    held to be the most promising of a number of such techno

    deployed on a large scale in the foreseeable future. Repla

    hydrogen in final energy uses could bring major environmen

    as technical, environmental and cost challenges in th

    produced, transported, stored and used are overcome.

    UNEP is following developments in hydrogen-energy te

    interest, as it holds out the prospect of providing the ba

    energy future one in which the environmental effects of en

    use are greatly reduced or eliminated. I ndeed, the hydroge

    likely never become a reality unless it brings major environ

    there are widespread misunderstandings about the role hy

    the global energy system, how quick ly it could be introduce

    large scale and its impact on the environment. U NEP believ

    to keep countries, especially those in the developing world

    true potential, costs and benefits of hydrogen, and


    In keeping with its mi ssion to encourage and facili ta

    environmentally-friendly technologies, U NEP has decid

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    government support, and describes long-term projections of hydrogen use. T h

    report then considers the relevance of hydrogen for developing economies and

    what it could mean for national policy-making, and the role of international an

    non-governmental organisations. A concluding section summarises the ke

    messages contained in this report.

    Annex A describes the activities of k ey players in hydrogen energy research and

    development. Annex B provides references to selected publications on hydrogen

    and the addresses of relevant websites for readers looking to fi nd out more abou

    hydrogen developments and programmes.

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    The Hydrogen Economy and Susta


    In terest in hydr ogen as a way of deli veri ng energy se

    growi ng in recent year s in response to heighten in g c

    envi ronmenta l impact of energy use and wor r ies ab

    fossi l-fuel suppli es. Hydr ogen, as an ener gy car r ier, c

    replace all forms of final energy in use today an d pr

    ser vices to al l sectors of the economy. The fundamenhydrogen is i ts poten tial envi ronmenta l advantages

    At the poin t of use, hydr ogen can be bur ned i n such

    produ ce no harmfu l emission s. If hydr ogen is produ

    emi ttin g any car bon d ioxi de or other clim ate-destab

    gases, i t cou ld form the basis of a tr u ly susta inabl e e

    hydrogen economy.

    What is Hydrogen?

    H ydrogen is the simplest, lightest and most abundant elem

    making up 90% of all matter. I t is made up of just one elec

    and is, therefore, the first element in the periodic table. I

    state, hydrogen is odourless, tasteless, colourless and non-to

    readily with oxygen, releasing considerable amounts of e

    producing only water as exhaust:

    2 H2 + 02 2 H20

    When hydrogen burns in air, which is made up mostly of n

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    partial oxidation. A major shortcoming of the processing of hydrocarbons is th

    resulting emissions of carbon dioxide and airborne pollutants. M ost othe

    production processes in use or under development involve the electrolysis o

    water by electricity. T his method produces no emissions, but is typically mor

    costly compared to hydrocarbon reforming or oxidation because it require

    more energy and because electricity is, in most cases, more expensive than foss

    fuels. Today, the commercial production of hydrogen worldwide amounts to

    about 40 mi llion tonnes, corresponding to about 1% of the worlds primar

    energy needs. T his output is primari ly used as a chemi cal feedstock in th

    petrochemical, food, electronics and metallurgical processing industries.

    H ydrogen holds the potenti al to provide energy services to all sectors of th

    economy: transportation, buildings and industry. I t can complement or replac

    network -based electricity the other main energy carrier i n final energy uses

    H ydrogen can provide storage opti ons for intermittent renewables-base

    electricity technologies such as solar and wind. And, used as an input to a device

    known as a fuel cell, it can be converted back to electrical energy in an efficien

    way in stationary or mobile applications. For this reason, hydrogen-powered fue

    cells could eventually replace conventi onal oi l-based fuels in cars and trucks

    H ydrogen may also be an attractive technology for remote communities whic

    cannot economically be supplied with electricity via a grid. Because hydrogen

    can be produced from a variety of energy sources fossil, nuclear or renewable

    i t can reduce dependence on imports and improve energy security.

    Box 1: Energy Sources and Carriers

    Primary sources of energy such as coal, oil and natural gas store various forms of k i

    occur in a natural state. T hey can be burned directly in final uses to provide an enerbuildings, or they can be transformed into secondary energy sources for final consu

    allows energy to be transported or delivered in more convenient or useable form. Ele

    secondary source of energy. Hydrogen is also a secondary source, as it must be pro

    source. It can be converted to energy (heat) either through combustion or through an

    generate heat and electricity. Secondary sources are also known as energy carriers.

    The Hydrogen Econo

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    Road transportation is an important and growing source o

    and climate-destabi lising greenhouse gases. T here is cl

    harmful impact on human health of exposure to pollutants

    trucks. As a result, local air quality has become a major pol

    countries. Air pollution in many major cities and towns in t

    has reached unprecedented proporti ons. M ost rich, ind

    have made substantial progress in reducing pollution cause

    through improvements in fuel economy, fuel quality an

    emission-control equipment in vehicles. But rising road traf

    part of the improvements in emissions performance.

    Because of increasing pollution from road traffic, road veh

    focus of efforts to develop fuel cells. Replacing internal

    fuelled by gasoline or diesel with hydrogen-powered

    principle, eliminate pollution from road vehicles. Fuel cells

    provide electrical-energy services in industrial processes an

    direct use of petroleum products, natural gas and coal.

    H ydrogen could also contribute to reducing or elimi nating

    dioxide and other greenhouse gases. For this to happ

    manufacturing hydrogen would have to be carbon-free or

    intensive than current energy systems based on fossil f

    achieved in one of three ways: through electrolysis usin

    solely from nuclear power or renewable energy sourc

    reforming of fossil fuels combined with new carbon c

    technologies; or through thermochemical or biological te

    renewable biomass.

    D espite the potential local and global environmental ben

    hydrogen, there are a number of uncertainties about

    consequences of a large-scale shift towards a hydrogen econ

    mainly the potential effects of significant amounts of hydr

    into the atmosphere. T he widespread use of hydrogen woul

    inevitable, but the effects are very uncertain because scienti

    understanding of the hydrogen cycle. Any build-up of hydr

    in the atmosphere could have several effects, the most se

    be increased water vapour concentrations in the uppe

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    and implement internationally agreed rules, regulations, codes and standard

    covering the construction, maintenance and operation of hydrogen facilities and

    equipment safely, along the entire fuel-supply chain. U niformity of safet

    requirements and their strict enforcement will be essential to establishin

    consumer confidence.

    A Global Hydrogen Energy System

    T he transition to a hydrogen-energy system would represent the ultimate step o

    the path away from carbon-based fossil energy. T he worlds energy system ha

    been becoming gradually less carbon-intensive as it has moved from coal to o

    and then natural gas. T he technology exists today to produce, store, transport and

    convert hydrogen to useable energy in end-use applications, such as fuel cells

    Technologies to capture carbon dioxide and other gases released during th

    process of producing hydrogen from fossil fuels and store them have also been

    demonstrated. Almost every big car manufacturer plans to begin commercia

    production of fuel-cell cars within a few years, and small fuel cells to supply powe

    to remote communities are already comi ng onto the market. M ost of the major ocompanies have active hydrogen and carbon capture and storage programmes

    We can imagine today what the hydrogen economy might look like (Box 3) .

    M ajor technological and cost breakthroughs are needed before the hydroge

    economy can become a reali ty. T he cost of supplying hydrogen energy usin

    The Hydrogen Econo

    Box 2: Hydrogen E xonerated as the C ause of the Hindenburg D

    Televised images of the spectacular destruction of the Hindenburg airship affect peo

    and their acceptance of the gas as a safe energy carrier. The Hindenburg burst into

    reporters and newsreel cameras while landing in N ew Jersey, in the United States, o

    of the hydrogen that fuelled the airship was blamed for the disaster, which effectively

    1997 study by a retired National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) engi

    that hydrogen played no part in starting the Hindenburg fire. According to the study,

    the airship, which contained the same component found in rocket fuel, was the prim

    Hindenburg dock ed, an electrical discharge ignited its skin, and a fire raced over the

    37 people who died, 35 perished from jumping or falling to the ground. O nly two of

    these were caused by the burning coating and on-board diesel. T he hydrogen burne

    from the people on board.

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    and at an acceptable cost. T he Earths resources of oil, nat

    certainly large enough to meet our energy needs for man

    Improved electric batteries in cars and trucks or improved em

    of technologies in use today could prove to be the preferr

    pollution problems. Renewable energy sources or nuclear p

    be a more cost-effective solution to the threat of global war

    I f hydrogen does emerge as a competitive energy carrier

    existing systems overnight because of the slow pace at whic

    stock that makes up the global energy system is replaced. deployment of carbon capture and storage technology

    element of the hydrogen economy for as long as fossil fue

    main primary source of energy will be a mammoth undert

    to a hydrogen economy would, therefore, be gradual, po

    decades. T he construction of enti rely new supply infrastr

    The Hydrogen Economy

    Box 3: A Vision of the Hydrogen Economy

    What might a hydrogen economy look like? Jump forward in time perhaps 100 years, but pos

    The world has made the transition to a hydrogen economy. A n efficient and competitive hydrog

    storage and transport system has been built. Hydrogen has become widely accepted as a clea

    sustainable form of energy. Emissions are a fraction of what they once were, even though the w

    and economy are now much larger. C ities and towns are filled with highly efficient hydrogen-po

    conveying people and goods, emitting only water vapour and driving along with only a gentle h

    vehicles refuel at public stations where hydrogen supplies are received by pipeline from centrali

    facilities. O thers fill their hydrogen tanks from home or at their workplace from either small-scale

    reformers or renewable energy powered electrolysis plants, some using photovoltaics.

    In this future world, home owners have the choice of buying electricity from the grid or supplyin

    needs with a dedicated fuel cell that provides electricity and thermal energy for heating and coo

    uses hydrogen produced by a small reformer, using natural gas supplied through the local pipe

    network. Electricity is produced in centralised power plants, using gasified coal or natural gas. T

    is captured and piped to a storage site or converted to useful and safe solid products. Some ofproduced is burnt in highly efficient gas turbines to provide electricity, and some is piped to cus

    vehicles and distributed generation plants. R enewable energy sources also contribute to both p

    production. Hydrogen is used to store the intermittent energy generated from wind turbines and

    Source: Adapted from Commonwealth Governm

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    Technical and Cost Challenges

    Formidable techni cal and cost chall enges wi ll need to be over come for

    hydrogen to be able to compete wi th, and eventual ly replace, exi sting

    energy technologies. The biggest advances ar e needed i n

    tr an spor tati on and storage of the fuel, as well as in fu el cell s in

    vehicles. And technologies that capture the car bon d ioxide emi tted

    when hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels and store it un der groun dneed to be adequately demonstr ated on a lar ge scal e. Lar ge cost

    reduction s ar e needed especia ll y in the man ufactu re of fuel cells

    for hydrogen to become competiti ve wi th exi sting fossil fuel- and

    renewabl es-based technologies. But recent advances in technology an d

    a sur ge in publi c and pr iva te spend in g on resear ch, development and

    demonstrati on suggest tha t the requi site techni cal and cost

    breakthroughs mi ght be achievable wi thin a genera tion .

    Hydrogen Production, Distribution and Storage

    A critical hurdle on the road to the hydrogen economy is the efficient and clean

    production of hydrogen. As an energy carrier, hydrogen has to be manufacture

    from a primary energy source. T here are many industrial methods currentl

    available for the production of hydrogen, but all of them are expensive comparedwith the cost of supplying the same amount of energy with conventional form

    of energy ( several times more expensive compared with fossil fuels) . T h

    distribution and storage systems that would be needed to supply hydrogen on

    large scale are also much more expensive because of the low volumetric energ

    density of the fuel. Bri nging production, distribution and storage costs dow

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    Natural gas is usually the cheapest feedstock for producin

    reforming. Even so, producing hydrogen from natural gas

    three times more than producing gasoline from crude oi l n

    of capturing and storing the carbon dioxide produced in the

    of countries are conducting research into how to improve th

    reforming of gas and other fossil fuels, and how to lower pr

    Par t i a l oxid a t i onof methane is also used to produce hy

    involves reacting the methane with oxygen to produce h

    monoxide, which is then reacted with water to produce

    carbon dioxide. O verall conversion efficiency is generally

    reforming, which is why the latter technique dominates co

    today and is expected to continue to do so.

    Gasi f ica t ion of coa lis the oldest technique for mak ing

    used in some parts of the world. I t was used to produce the

    to cities in Europe, Australia and elsewhere before natural g

    T he coal is heated until it turns into a gaseous state, and

    steam in the presence of a catalyst to produce a mixture

    60% ) , carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of sulph

    synthesis gas may then be steam-reformed to extract the

    burned to generate electricity. Coal gasification for electrici

    more thermally efficient than conventional coal-fired pow

    polluting. Research into coal gasification is focused on handsulphur and nitrogen oxides major pollutants and carb

    without combustion of the synthesis gas in the plant.

    H ydrogen can also be produced from b iomass, such as cro

    dung, using pyrolysis and gasification ( thermochemical)

    processes produce a carbon-rich synthesis gas that ca

    hydrogen in the same way as natural gas or coal-based

    advantage of biomass over fossil fuels is that it producescarbon dioxide, since the carbon released into the atmosp

    absorbed by the plants through photosynthesis. But w

    remote locations where biomass supplies are ample and c

    hydrogen production costs are generally much higher than

    biological routes to producing hydrogen from biomass inv

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    solar and biomass, electrolysis would produce carbon-free hydrogen. But larg

    reductions in the cost of renewables-based electricity and nuclear power are

    needed to enable hydrogen produced by electrolysis to compete with

    conventional sources of energy on a large scale.

    T here is some scope for reducing the cost of producing hydrogen. In 2005, th

    US Department of Energy set a new production-cost target of $23 per gallon o

    gasoline equivalent ( in 2005 prices) by 2015, regardless of the way the hydroge

    is produced. Achieving the target would require a halving of the current cost

    Steam reformi ng of natural gas or some other fossil-fuel feedstock is likely to

    remain the cheapest way of producing hydrogen for the foreseeable future

    except where electricity is available at very low cost.

    H owever hydrogen is produced, i ts widespread use will require large-scal

    infrastructure to transport, distribute, store and dispense it as a fuel for vehicles o

    for stationary uses. Because of its low volumetric energy density, hydrogen must bcompressed and stored as a gas in a pressurised container or chilled and stored i

    a cryogenic liquid hydrogen tank for convenience. Both techniques have bee

    demonstrated and are in commercial use today, but they use significant amount

    of energy and the tanks are expensive to build and operate. T he potential fo

    storing hydrogen safely and efficiently in a solid state is being investigated.

    Transportation and distribution are faced with similar problems. Compressed

    hydrogen can be transported by pipeline, but the energy-intensive nature of thitechnique means that i t is only economi c over short di stances. T here are som

    small hydrogen-pipeline systems in operation today, mostly in the United State

    Box 4: Ce ntralised versus Loca lised Hydrogen Production

    Hydrogen can be produced in two ways: in large-scale centralised plants for bulk su

    facilities using local energy inputs. T he choice of production has important implicatio

    needs. C entralised production would benefit from economies of scale. T his would fa

    technologies, including steam reforming and coal gasification. The main drawback is

    infrastructure to transport and distribute hydrogen, possibly over large distances. It

    existing gas pipelines to hydrogen, though compressors and valves might have to b

    Alternatively, mixing in small volumes of hydrogen typically up to 15% by volume

    the need for modifications to the gas distribution network, but separating the two ga

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    and Europe, but none exceed 200 kilometres in length. O ve

    is cheaper to transport hydrogen by road, rail or barge in

    then vaporised at the point of use. H ow successful research

    in bringing down the cost of transportation and storage me

    the viabili ty of hydrogen as an energy carrier and whether ce

    production prevails ( Box 4) .

    Fuel Cells for Mobile and Stationary Uses

    The fuel cell has a long history. I t was invented by an Englis

    in 1839. T he term fuel cell was coined later in 1889 by Ludw

    Langer, who attempted to build the first practical device us

    coal gas. Fuel cells were used in the US and Soviet space prog

    and 1970s. Although hydrogen can be burned in conventio

    boilers, turbines and internal combustion engines, fuel cells

    technology to exploi t hydrogen because of their high efficie

    A fuel cell is a device that uses a hydrogen-rich fuel and

    electrical energy by means of an electrochemical reaction

    two electrodes an anode ( negative) and a cathode ( po

    around an electrolyte. H ydrogen is fed to the anode and ox

    T he electrolyte causes the proton and electron in each

    separate and take different paths to the cathode. T he elect

    external circuit, creating an electrical charge. The protothrough the electrolyte to the cathode, where it reunites w

    reacts with the oxygen to produce water and heat ( Figure

    Figure 1: Fuel Cell C onfiguration

    The Hydrogen Economy

    hydrogen fuel excess

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    Because there is no combustion, fuel cells give off no emissions other than wate

    vapour for as long as the hydrogen is pure. Fuel cells are quiet and reliable as

    there are no moving parts, and can be small. T hese attributes make fuel cells

    highly promising technology, especially for automoti ve vehicles. T hey can also b

    used in stationary applications, to provide electricity or heat for bui ldings.

    A number of prototype fuel-cell cars, buses and trucks have been or are bein

    demonstrated in various places around the world: the most recent models worwell and prove popular with end users. M ost use the proton exchange o

    polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM ) technology. PEM fuel cells operate a

    relatively low temperatures of around 80 C, which allows a rapid start-up tim

    and causes less wear on system components. T hey have a higher power-to

    weight ratio than other types of fuel cell. H owever, they require a noble meta

    catalyst, which adds to the cost. O ther technologies under development includ

    the solid oxide fuel cell ( SO FC) , which uses a solid, non-porous cerami

    compound as the electrolyte, and operates at high temperatures; and thealkaline fuel cell, which uses a potassium hydroxide solution as the electrolyt

    together wi th non-precious metals as the catalysts at the anode and cathode

    operating at low to medium temperatures.

    Several leading car manufacturers are working on demonstration fuel-cell cars

    some of which can travel up to about 500 k ilometres before they need refuelling

    In June 2005, the American H onda M otor Company became the first automotiv

    manufacturer to lease a fuel-cell vehicle to an individual customerD aimlerChrysler has a fleet of around 100 small fuel-cell vehicles in operation i

    several countries, and aims to begin commercial production in 2012. BM W plan

    a production run of its new hydrogen-powered car in the hundreds by 2010, with

    sales aimed at fleet operators and individuals in Europe and the United States

    T he hydrogen fuels both an internal combustion engine for motive power and

    separate fuel cell to supply electrical power. Ford, G eneral M otors and Toyot

    also have major fuel cell development programmes. M ost of the models currentl

    being developed are fuelled directly with hydrogen, without on-board reformi nof gasoline or methanol. T he latter approach was originally the focus of fuel-ce

    vehicle development as car manufacturers believed that it would be easier to

    make use of the existing fuel-distribution infrastructure. Technical and

    environmental problems have led most of them to abandon on-board reforming

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    production cost of a saloon car ( sedan) fitted wi th a fuel-c

    to be as much as $1 mi llion, though car makers and fuel-c

    reluctant to reveal the true cost for commercial reasons.

    closer to $2 million. At present, the most competitive fuel

    times more per kW of engine power than a standard gas

    combustion engine, though fuel efficiency is twice as high.

    Technical challenges also need to be addressed. T here is a durabili ty and dependability of fuel cells. C urrently, fuel cel

    that operate at high temperatures are prone to break

    relatively short operating lives. M ore important, there is

    practical system for on board storage of hydrogen. T his is

    challenge facing developers of fuel-cell vehicles the conse

    very low energy density at atmospheric temperature and

    enough fuel to travel 400 ki lometres, hydrogen would need

    extremely high pressures to fi t into a standard-size car fuel possible to compress the gas to 700 bar. But even at that p

    to be 4.6 times larger than a normal gasoline tank to contain

    as far as with gasoli ne. M ore research is needed to find affo

    are strong enough to wi thstand the pressure and resist the i

    yet light enough to carry in a normal car. Li quid storage fo

    practical problems, because large amounts of energy are n

    hydrogen gas and maintain i t at a temperature of mi nus 2

    storage method currently being investigated is to store themetal hydrides alloys created through chemical process

    hydrogen could be released as needed. But such a syste

    vehicle fuel efficiency.

    T here have been major advances in fuel-cell technology ov

    so, and this gives hope that fuel cells may one day be a

    conventional vehicle technology on performance and co

    require yet more research and development. Bring

    The Hydrogen Economy

    Box 5: C ompeting Options in the Transport Sec tor

    Hydrogen as a transport fuel is just one of several options for enhancing energy security and re

    C O 2 and noxious gases In practice hydrogen might exist alongside other fuels creating a syst

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    commercial production will undoubtedly lower unit costs. I n fact, car maker

    are confi dent of achieving large cost reductions in just a few years. Toyota aim

    to cut the cost of fuel-cell cars to $50,000 by 2015. G eneral M otors aims to hav

    a car in full commercial production by 2010 with a fuel cell costing no mor

    than $5000. T he US Department of Energys Fuel Cell Program has a goal o

    lowering the cost of stationary fuel cells by a factor of ten to around $400 pe

    kW or less. T his would be close to the current cost of a combined-cycle gas

    turbine power plant.

    Carbon Capture and Storage

    T he prospects for the hydrogen economy becoming a reali ty in the foreseeabl

    future hi nge on advances in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, an

    its integration into hydrogen production based on fossil fuels. T his is a necessar

    but not a sufficient, condition. Success in deploying CC S would also pave the wa

    for environmentally acceptable production of electricity using fossil fuelshydrogen would still have to compete against electricity in final energy uses

    including transport.

    T here are three distinct steps involved in CCS associated with hydroge


    Capturing CO 2 from the flue-gas streams emitted during the productio

    process ( pre-combustion capture) .

    Transporting the captured CO 2 by pipeline or in tankers.

    Storing CO 2 underground in deep saline aquifers, depleted oil and ga

    reservoirs or unmineable coal seams.

    CO 2 capture and transportation has been carried out for decades, albeit generall

    on a small scale and not with the purpose of ultimately stori ng it. T here is a neeto improve these technologies for them to be widely deployed on a large scale in

    association with hydrogen production, and to lower the cost. At present, mos

    capture research and development is focused on post-combustion capture from

    burning fossil fuels in power plants. M uch more work also needs to be done o

    carbon storage to demonstrate its viabili ty and reduce the cost ( Box 6) .

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    The Hydrogen Economy

    D eep saline aquifers, depleted oil and gas reservoirs and un

    are the most promising options for underground CO 2 stor

    saline aquifers the single largest potential storage opti

    enough to store decades-worth of global CO 2 emission

    storing the gas at the bottom of oceans, but the prospects a

    of the unk nown environmental effects. Transforming CO 2 in

    it underground is still at a conceptual stage. All three storagdemonstrated on a large scale. A particular concern is whet

    back into the atmosphere.

    T he future cost of CCS will depend on which technologie

    are applied, how far costs fall as a result of research and deve

    uptake, and fuel prices. Capturing CO 2 from plants which c

    and hydrogen might be more economical than stand-alone

    production with CO 2 capture. Total CCS costs can be brok etransportation and storage:

    Current estimates for large-scale capture systems are o

    per tonne of CO 2 ( IEA, 2004b) . Costs are expected to f

    technology is developed and deployed on a large scale

    Box 6: Current Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration Projects

    A number of C C S demonstration projects have been launched in recent years. In most capture

    technologies are applied at power plants. Various small-scale pilot plants based on new capture

    operation around the world. O nly one power plant demonstration project on a megatonne-scal

    announced: the FutureGen project in the US . This is a coal-fired advanced power plant for cog

    electricity and hydrogen. Its construction is planned to start in 2007. O ther demonstration proje

    C anada, Europe, and Australia.

    There are about a hundred ongoing and planned geologic storage projects. T he two largest are

    C anada. The first is at the offshore Sleipner oil and gas field, where C O 2 is stored in deep saline

    1 million tonnes of the gas has been stored each year since 1996. N o leakage has so far been

    second involves the use of C O 2 to enhance oil recovery and its subsequent storage undergroun

    oilfield in C anada. A bout 2 million tonnes per year have been stored since 2001. The results of

    suggest that the gas can be stored permanently without leakage or other major problems. P ilot

    that CO 2-enhanced coalbed methane and enhanced gas recovery may also be viable storage m

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    At present, the total cost of CCS typically ranges from $50 to $100 per tonne o

    CO 2. T his is equivalent to about 1530 US cents per gallon of gasoli ne, $204

    per barrel of crude oil or 24 US cents per kWh roughly equal to the curren

    cost of gas-fired power generation. By comparison, the average price of a perm

    to emit one tonne of CO 2 under the European Emission Trading Scheme wa

    around $28 in September 2005. CCS costs could drop significantly in future

    perhaps by half within the next 25 years depending on funding for research an

    development and the success of demonstration projects. I n thi s case, C CS woulbecome competitive in Europe, even without any increase in carbon values.

    CCS will not ensure a sustainable energy future, as fossil fuel resources are finite

    But, if integrated into the production of hydrogen and/or electricity, it coul

    provide the basis for a more sustainable energy system over a transitional period

    lasting at least several decades. T he planets fossil-fuel resources are far from

    being depleted. Proven reserves of oil are equal to 40 years of curren

    production; natural gas reserves are equal to 67 years, and coal reserves, 16years ( BP, 2005) . Exploration and improved production technologies tha

    enhance recovery rates will undoubtedly increase these reserves. I n the very lon

    term, as fossil resources are eventually depleted, mank ind wi ll have no choic

    but to turn to renewable energy technologies if they have not becom

    competitive with fossil fuels associated with CCS before then.

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    The Transition to the Hydrogen Ec

    The tra nsiti on to a hydrogen economy would requi r

    dolla rs of investment in new in fra str uctu re to produ

    store an d deli ver hydrogen to end u ser s, as well as to

    fuel cells. The need to in stal l car bon captu re and sto

    add to the cost. Conti nu ing gover nment suppor t for r

    development, an d strong incenti ves to ki ck-star t in veessenti al . The tr an si ti on to the hydr ogen-ener gy syste

    several decades, becau se of the slow tu rnover of the

    capi tal that either makes or uses ener gy and the shee

    capacity that would need to be bui lt.

    Investment in Hydrogen Infrastructure

    T he introduction of hydrogen on a large scale woul

    transformation of the global energy-supply system. A v

    produce, transport, store and deliver hydrogen, as well as

    cells, would need to be built. And consumers would need t

    fuel-cell vehicles and related equipment. T he installation o

    the carbon emitted in the production process and store it

    add to the cost, though this would be needed regardless ofcarri er for as long as fossil fuels remain the primary sou

    hydrogen and related infrastructure would be needed not ju

    energy facili ties, but also to meet rising global energy needs

    challenge and an opportuni ty to introduce new hydrogen-e

    The Hydrogen Economy

    The Tra

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    enough centralised hydrogen plants to supply the fuel needed to run all the cars

    trucks and buses in use in the world today would require a staggering $8 tri llion

    in investment not including the cost of carbon capture. T his sum is equal to

    almost half the total cumulative investment in the entire energy sector that th

    International Energy Agency estimates will be needed worldwide over the nex

    quarter of a century ( IEA, 2005a).

    Cost is the principal barrier to investment in hydrogen. No private firm will invesin a commercial hydrogen venture unless it believes that it will be able to

    compete against existing fuels and turn a profit. H ydrogen is sti ll far from bein

    competitive in most applications, but that could change with technologica

    breakthroughs and government incentives or mandates. I f that is the case, th

    opportunities for profitable development of hydrogen facilities would expan

    over time. Initially, i nvestment may be limited to a few remote locations, wher

    the costs of fuel distribution and electricity infrastructure are relatively high

    where public concern about environmental sustainability is especially strong andwhere governments provide large incentives. As the market develops mas

    production of supply equipment and fuel cells will bring economies of scale

    advance the learning process and further lower costs.

    But cost is not the only barrier to investment. As with any radically new

    technology, hydrogen could face the classic chicken-and-egg conundrum: th

    lack of a market in the first place deters investment, preventing the market from

    developing. Put another way, why develop hydrogen cars when there is ndistribution network, and why develop a distribution network if there are no

    hydrogen cars? H ydrogen use will not take off unti l critical market mass i

    achieved. T he market needs to be large enough to demonstrate to potentia

    users and fuel providers that hydrogen is a safe, reliable and cost-effectiv

    alternative to conventional fuels. T he more fuel-cell vehicles there are on th

    road, the more confidence other vehicle owners will have to switch fuels. And

    the hydrogen refuelling network would have to be developed quickly: a lack o

    refuelling stations would be a major impediment to persuading vehicle ownerto switch to hydrogen, even if there were a financial incentive to do so.

    The sheer scale of investment in a hydrogen project, together with inheren

    technical and financial risks, could also discourage private companies. G overnmen

    intervention in the form of financial incentives and regulatory measures that ti lt th

    The Tra

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    also conti nue to play a role in meeting energy needs in statio

    and in buildings, and possibly in the transport sector as

    compressed natural gas) . I t might also prove economic to

    natural gas for distribution through the existing gas-pipeline

    Figure 2: Linka ges betw een Hydroge n a nd the Res t of th

    The Hydrogen Economy

    Wind, nuclear andsolar power



    Steam reforming

    Hydrogen production

    Hydrogen storage

    Buildings/industryVehicles Thermal powergeneration






    The Tra

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    Government Support

    For the transition to the hydrogen economy to begin, there will most likely be a

    need for decisive government action in two areas:

    Research, development and demonstration of hydrogen technologies. T hi

    effort could be vital to achieving the necessary technological breakthroughs

    Incentives to encourage investment in hydrogen infrastructure and switchinto the fuel once technologies are deemed to be economic.

    Because hydrogen is a long way from becoming competitive, the focus o

    government action today in the field of hydrogen is in research and developmen

    ( R& D ) . Research i nto the use of hydrogen for energy purposes goes back man

    decades, but the scale of publi c ( and private) funding for hydrogen and fuel ce

    R& D and demonstration activi ties has increased enormously in the last few years

    T his reflects significant technological advances that make it more li kely that thfuel will become a viable energy solution in the not too distant future, as well a

    a growing urgency on the part of policy-makers to seek out sustainable energ

    solutions that address environmental and energy-securi ty concerns. M an

    governments now expect the transition to the hydrogen economy to begin

    within the next two decades and are look ing to speed up the process, ofte

    through collaborative international and joint private-public sector programmes

    T he International Energy Agency ( I EA) estimates that current public hydrogeR& D spending worldwide amounts to about $1 billion per year ( IEA, 2004a)

    T his spending might seem impressive, but is actually modest compared to th

    sums governments are spending on other forms of energy R& D . I n membe

    countries of the O rganization for Economic Cooperation and D evelopmen

    ( O ECD ) , hydrogen accounts for only about 15% of total energy R& D budgets

    R& D spending on hydrogen is thought to exceed that on fossil fuels an

    renewables, but is sti ll much lower than that on nuclear energy. I n 2001 th

    latest year for which comprehensive data is available O ECD countri es spen$3.8 billion on nuclear energy, $700 mi llion on fossil fuels and $760 mi llion o

    renewables ( I EA, 2004d) . Total O ECD R& D spending in that year was $8.

    billi on. O fficial data may underestimate the importance of hydrogen R& D , a

    some activities related to hydrogen are covered by fossil-fuel, nuclear energ

    and end-use technology programmes.

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    production-related projects will account for 1.3 billion and

    1.5 billion. O ther industrialised countries account for almo

    some developing economies notably China, Brazil and I n

    their own programmes. D etails of national and collab

    programmes, as well as private-sector activities, can be foun

    Source: Internation

    D espite recent increases in public spending on hydrogen R

    by that of private companies and organisations, including en

    makers, chemical producers, power uti li ties and fuel-cell

    total amount of private hydrogen-related R& D spending is

    but it i s thought to total about $3-4 billi on per year. T his g

    how optimi stic the private sector i s about the prospects for

    much of this spending would probably not occurcommi tments from the public sector. M any private rese

    partnership with publicly-funded programmes. A continued

    commi tment to R& D will remain a key determinant of the

    efforts to bring hydrogen energy into commercial use.

    Hydrog en Foss il fuels Renew a bles Nuclea r O

    C anada* 24 47 30 47

    Japan 270 n.a. n.a. n.a.

    G ermany* 34 14 74 154

    France** 45 33 27 359

    Italy 34 15 61 107

    United K ingdom 3 5 20 n.a.

    United States* 97 416 243 371 1

    * Federal spend ing only. ** 2002 data.

    Table 1: Public Research and Development Spending on Hydrogen an

    Tec hnologies in the Largest OEC D C ountries, 2003 ($ m illion)

    The Tra

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    taxes to encourage the development of the natural gas transmission and

    distribution network.

    G overnments will also need to work with fuel provi ders, equipmen

    manufacturers, car makers and standard-setti ng bodi es to establi sh appropri at

    standards and codes for designing, building, testing and ultimately marketing

    hydrogen-related equipment. T hey will be crucial to ensuring safety and

    lowering costs. I nternational harmonisation of standards would encouragtrade and avoid parallel development of incompatible equipment an

    technology lock-in with di fferent standards, further dri ving down costs

    G overnments will also be called upon to assist in promoti ng public awarenes

    about the benefits of hydrogen, as well as the training and education o

    industry personnel.

    Long-Term Projections of Hydrogen UseI t is extremely hard to predict how soon the transition to hydrogen as an energ

    carrier might begin and how long it might take, as it depends critically on

    technology breakthroughs in a number of different areas. I t is impossible t

    know when these might occur and the extent to whi ch they will lower costs an

    enhance the competi tiveness of hydrogen vis--vis conventional forms of energy

    As a result, all long-term projections of hydrogen use are based on assumption

    about supply costs.

    H owever successful current hydrogen R& D efforts are in bringing down cost

    and improving performance, the transition process to a hydrogen econom

    would undoubtedly be gradual, probably lasting several decades. T he planning

    construction, operation and decommissioning of energy infrastructure stretch

    over very long timeframes. C ars and trucks typically last a decade or two, bu

    power stations, oil refineries and pipelines are built to last for decades. Retiring

    them early would be very expensive. And the widespread deployment of carbon

    capture and storage technology will be a mammoth undertaking. M obilising athe investment needed to completely overhaul the entire existing energy system

    within a decade or two would simply not be practical, even if we were prepared

    to pay the enormous cost of phasing out existing energy facili ties early. So, eve

    if competitive hydrogen technologies were to emerge within the next 20 years,

    would probably take most of the rest of this century to complete the transitio

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    Hydrogen and the Developing World

    Developi ng econom ies have at least as mu ch to gai n from a move

    towa rds the hydr ogen economy as industr ial i sed ones, since they

    genera lly suffer more from ur ban poll uti on and their econom ies tend

    to be mor e ener gy in tensive. Yet the tran si tion wi ll probably star t la ter

    in most developi ng nati ons, as they ar e less able to afford to

    par tici pate in R&D and the finan cial in centi ves needed to ki ck-star t

    the process. The r ich wor ld mu st be ready to suppor t developi ng

    econom ies in mak ing this happen, as an d when i t becomes a vi able

    ener gy solu tion , to the benefit of the overal l pu sh for hydrogen.

    Inter na tiona l and non -gover nmental organi sations have an

    impor tan t role to play in assistin g coun tri es in creatin g a mar ket-

    based policy envi ronment w ithi n which hydrogen and other emerging

    ener gy technologies ar e able to compete agai nst existing, conventi ona

    energy systems.

    Relevance of Hydrogen to Developing Economies

    Although most current hydrogen R& D is taking place in the industrialise

    countries, developing economies have as much if not more to gain frommoving to the hydrogen economy. Their towns and cities generally suffer far mor

    from the pollution caused by road traffic, coal-fired power stations and industria

    boi lers. M any developing economies are more economi cally vulnerable t

    fluctuations in international energy prices, as their economies are more energy

    intensive. T he poorest countries lacking appreciable resources of fossil fuels ma

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    in the coming decades. M ost of that increase will take the fo

    and coal unless there are breakthroughs in technolog

    energy policy that allow renewables and/or nuclear energy t

    role than currently appears likely. T he earlier these countrie

    to hydrogen, the less their energy use would be tied to foss

    the quicker they could achieve energy sustainability.

    T he initial focus of efforts to establish hydrogen syseconomies will most likely be on transport and possibly o

    remote, rural settings where the cost of connecting

    electricity grid is highest. T he local environmental gains

    conventional automotive fuels to hydrogen would generally

    developing than in industrialised countries, where automo

    vehicle-emission control technology is already much mo

    polluti on is consequently less of a problem. In most citie

    world, road traffic is the primary source of air pollution reached catastrophic proportions in many cases. D emonstra

    cell vehicles and refuelling systems are already underw

    developing world. T he joint G lobal Environment Facili

    D evelopment Programme Fuel Cell Bus Programme, fo

    commercial demonstrations in Beij ing, C airo, M exico City, N

    and Shanghai. China has also set up its own fuel-cell bus de

    with the aim of putti ng 200 buses into commercial operation

    O lympic G ames in Beijing.

    T he local availabil ity of biomass, solar energy and wi

    provide the basis for the production of hydrogen in tho

    fossil fuel resources are scarce. T his would preclude the

    store carbon dioxide. Biomass, in particular, could be a

    some countries. T he modular nature of fuel cells make

    option for supplying power to remote, off-grid communit

    provide a means of storing electrical energy generated fror wi nd energy.

    Implications for National Energy Policy-making

    What should the governments of developing economies

    The earl ier developin g

    economies begin the

    tra nsition to hydrogen,

    the less their ener gy use

    woul d be ti ed to fossil -

    energy systems.


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    As hydrogen technologies approach the stage at which they are ready to b

    commercialised, policy-makers will need to pay more attention to the

    implications for the transition to hydrogen of immediate decisions abou

    investment in large-scale conventional energy infrastructure. As developin

    economies grow richer, they will build thousands of power plants, as well as new

    refineries and pipeline systems. T hese facili ties will be intended to last man

    decades. Replacing them before the end of their economic lifetimes would be

    very expensive. T here is a risk that a decision taken today to pursue conventional energy project will hinder the introduction of hydroge

    technologies at some point in the future, by anchoring the energy system to

    fossil fuels. T here is inevitably a trade-off between the benefits of providin

    modern energy services today and developing a sustainable energy system in the

    longer term. T here is an urgent need to make available those services to the tw

    billion people in the developing world that do not yet have them. Waiting fo

    affordable clean energy solutions to emerge is neither a practical nor a morally

    acceptable option.

    T he best way to ensure that energy investment is undertaken in the mos

    economically efficient manner i s to establish a market-based policy framework

    T he aim should be to establish competi tive markets and effective mechanisms fo

    regulating natural monopolies, and to make sure that energy is priced correctly

    In properly regulated, well-functioning markets, competition ensures that the fu

    costs of supplying energy are reflected in the price the consumer pays. I n practice

    this is often far from the case. I n many developing economies, energy is heavilsubsidised, leading to excessive consumption and waste, and exacerbating th

    harmful effects of energy use on the environment. Subsidies can also place

    heavy burden on government finances and undermine private and publi

    investment in the energy sector, impeding the expansion of distribution network

    and the development of more environmentally benign energy technologies.

    G etting energy prices right does not stop there. T he environmental and healt

    costs of harmful emissions from burning fossil fuels are rarely reflected in thprices of those fuels, especially coal, in most countries developing and

    industrialised alik e. T here is no perfect way to do this, but one sensible approac

    is for governments to tax the consumption of each form of energy according to

    how much carbon dioxide and/or noxious gases it emits. At a minimum, the

    dirti est fuels should be taxed more. I n that way, the external environmental cost

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    in rural communi ties that lack access to modern en

    development plans could be modified to support the

    link ages between hydrogen, renewable technologies and

    supply electricity and other forms of commercial energy t

    served by existing distribution network s. T his could be ju

    barriers to the deployment of hydrogen and i ts long-term s

    and economic benefits.

    Role of International and Non-Governmental Organis

    T he rich world will need to help poorer countries to switc

    T he G 8 leaders attending the G leneagles summi t in July 200

    it is in their interests to work together with developing eco

    to achieve substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emiss

    private investment in more sustainable energy techn

    hydrogen and their transfer to those countries. T he rich to help pay for the poor to switch to low-carbon energy. T h

    as charity, but rather as part of a cost-effective strategy to

    global warming.

    International and non-governmental organisations includ

    important role to play in thi s process. I t i s not for any organ

    winners among the various energy technologies that could

    years. T he aim should rather be to assist developi ng econenergy-policy landscape that promotes efficient, compet

    facilitating the rapid introduction of hydrogen energy as a

    competitiveness. T his will requi re energy to be priced and

    the full account of the environmental costs and b

    technologies. T he scale of the challenge should not be

    energy-market and pricing reforms that are necessary to m

    thorny issues in many developing economies. D evelopm

    lending institutions and export-credit agencies will need to providing technical assistance to help developing economie

    well as to supply the capital needed to bring hydrogen pro

    UNEP will play its part in encouraging and facilitating the a

    and other emerging technologies where they are economic

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    Key Messages

    H ydrogen holds out the promise of a truly sustainable global energy future. As

    clean energy carrier that can be produced from any pri mary energy source

    hydrogen used in highly efficient fuel cells could prove to be the answer to ou

    growing concerns about energy securi ty, urban pollution and climate change

    T his prize surely warrants the attention and resources currently being di rected a

    hydrogen even if the prospects for widespread commercialisation of hydrogen

    in the foreseeable future are uncertain.

    Considerably more research and development will be needed to overcome th

    formidable technical and cost hurdles that currently stand in the way o

    hydrogen. Large reductions in unit costs, notably in bulk transportation an

    storage, and in fuel cells, are needed for hydrogen to become competitive with

    existing energy systems. Finding a practical solution to the problem of storing

    hydrogen on board vehicles is a critical challenge. G overnments, energ

    companies, car makers and equipment manufacturers, who between them arinvesting bill ions of dollars in hydrogen-supply and fuel cell R& D an

    demonstration, are confident that these challenges can be overcome

    Unexpected technological breakthroughs stemmi ng from advances in basi

    sciences, which could have a revolutionary impact on hydrogen supply and fue

    cells, cannot be ruled out.

    I f technological and cost breakthroughs were to be achieved in the near future, th

    transition to a hydrogen energy system would sti ll take several decades. The slowturnover of the existing stock of capital that either makes or uses energy and th

    sheer amount of capacity that would need to be built to replace existing system

    and to meet rising demand will mean that fossil fuels will most likely remain th

    backbone of the global energy system unti l at least the middle of the century.

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    that process may start later in most developing economies,

    to afford to participate in hydrogen R& D . T hey could spee

    introduction of hydrogen by establishing a market-based p

    ensures that energy is priced and taxed efficiently. In any

    must be ready to support developing economies in

    sustainable energy paths. I nternational and non-governm

    have an important role to play in assisting countries

    environment within which hydrogen and other emerging can penetrate the market, as and when it becomes a viabl

    Annex A: Key Players in Hyd

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    Annex A: Key Players in Hydrogen Researchand Development

    National and Regional Programmes

    M ost O ECD countries and a growing number of developing economies have activ

    hydrogen and fuel-cell R& D programmes, wi th aggregate public fundin

    worldwide now running at about $1 billion per year. Fuel cells account for abou

    half of this spending. M ost of the rest is devoted to production, transportation an

    storage, with small amounts going to end-use technologies not based on fuel cells

    such as gas turbines and internal combustion engines. Total spending haincreased sharply in the last few years. The biggest increases in funding in dolla

    terms have occurred in the United States and the European Union. Almost all othe

    countries that undertake hydrogen R& D have also stepped up their activities.

    Some countries have integrated R& D programmes that cover all elements o

    hydrogen supply and end uses. O thers focus on specific aspects. In each case

    the balance of funding between different research areas reflects a mixture o

    national policy priorities, indigenous resource endowment, and researchtraditi ons and strengths. For example, the CO AL21 programme in Australia,

    country with very large coal reserves, covers hydrogen production from coa

    integrated with CCS. G ermany places heavy emphasis on fuel cells for vehicles

    reflecting the countrys traditional strength in vehicle manufacturing.

    United States

    T he US government carries out most of its hydrogen and fuel-cell R& D under thH ydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program, run by th

    D epartment of Energy. T he governments strategy is to concentrate funding on

    high-risk applied research on technologies in the early stages of development

    and leverage private-sector funding through partnerships. T he administration

    sharply increased funding in 2003, with the launch of a five-year $1.2 billion

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    the federal government will continue with phase 2 and lau

    will involve building large-scale infrastructure for manufac

    distributing hydrogen. Subsidies are expected to remain in

    momentum. T he final phase 4, the realisation of the hy

    expected to begin in 2025.

    Figure 3: Trans ition to the Hydroge n Eco nomy Envisa ge dHydroge n Programme

    Source: www.hy


    Japan was the fi rst country to undertake a large-scale hyd

    programme a ten-year, 18 billion ( $165 mi llion) effort th

    2002. T he New Hydrogen Project ( NEP) , which started up

    commercialisation. Funding has been raised each year sinc


    Transition tothe marketplace

    Expansion of marketsand infrastructure

    Realisation of Hyd

    Technology developmentR esearch to meet customer

    requirements and establish

    business case leads to a

    commercialisation decision

    Initial market penetrationPortable power and stationary

    transport systems begin

    commercialisation; infrastructure

    investment begins with governmental


    Infrastructure investmentH 2 power and transport systems

    commercially available; infrastructure

    business case realised

    Fully developed market andinfrastructure phaseH 2 power and transport systems

    commercially available in all regions;

    national infrastructurePHASEIV





    Strong government R&D role Strong industry comm

    Commercialisation decision

    Annex A: Key Players in Hyd

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    Source: International Energy Agency (2004a

    European Union

    M ost EU funding for hydrogen-related activiti es is provided under the Renewabl

    Energy Sixth Framework Programme, which runs from 2002 to 2006. Som

    100 mi llion ( $120 milli on) of EU funds, matched by an equivalent amount o

    private investment, has been awarded to R& D and demonstration proj ects fohydrogen and fuel cells after the first call for proposals in 2003. Further calls fo

    R& D proposals, worth a public and private investment of 300 million ( of whic

    EU funding will amount to 150 mi llion) , are planned. Total public and privat

    funding is expected to reach 2.8 billion over the ten years to 2011. O f thi

    amount, production-related projects will account for 1.3 billion and end-us

    projects in communities, 1.5 billion. Some other EU programmes also includ

    some activities related to hydrogen.

    All the hydrogen projects that are being funded by the European U nion ar

    intended to support the large-scale Qui ck Star tinitiative, which aims to attrac

    private investment in infrastructure projects in partnership with national publi

    institutions and the European Investment Bank. T he ultimate goal is t

    accelerate the commercialisation of hydrogen-related technologies during th

    coming decades. Production-related projects aim to advance cutting-edg

    research to build a large-scale demonstration plant that is able to produce

    hydrogen and electricity on an industrial scale and to separate and store safel

    the CO 2 generated in the process. End-use projects are intended to explore th

    economic and technical feasibility of managing hydrogen-energy communities

    known as the hydrogen village. T his will involve establishing centralised an

    decentralised hydrogen production and distribution infrastructure

    autonomous and grid-connected hydrogen/power systems, a substantia

    2010 2020

    Fuel-cell vehicles on the road (number) 50, 000 5, 000, 000

    Hydrogen refuelling stations (number) - 4000

    Stationary fuel-cell co-generation systems (M W) 2200 10,000

    Table 2: Hydrogen C omme rcialisation Targets in J apan

    The Hydrogen Economy

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    its large fossil-fuel reserves. O ne focus of R& D is the pro

    through the gasification of coal under the C O AL21 progr

    Canadas hydrogen R& D focuses on production from re

    fuel cells. N otable successes include the development of

    cell, which led to the worlds first demonstration of a fuel-

    the H ydrogenics alkaline water electrolyser. Public fundi

    at over C$30 million ( US$25 mi llion) per year and cumuthe early 1980s exceeds C$200 mi lli on.

    I n France, hydrogen activities cover PEM and so

    production technologies based on coal-gasification w

    high-temperature solar and nuclear energy, and small bi

    reformi ng; and storage devices. Total annual governmen

    EU contributions, i s estimated at about 40 million ( $48

    Germanyis a world leader in hydrogen and fuel cell de

    have become the main focus of public and private R& D

    reflecting in large part the countrys traditional strength

    T here are a number of demonstration projects unde

    hydrogen-refuelling stations at M unich Airport to suppo

    fleet of hydrogen-powered BM Ws, and the Clean Energy

    in Berlin, which involves the installation of a refuelling

    fuel-cell cars. I n fact, nearly three-quarters of th

    demonstrated in Europe are in G ermany. In total, th

    industry employs an estimated 3000 people. Total

    hydrogen-related activities is estimated at 34 million ( $

    In Italy, public funding has averaged about 30 million p

    of the decade, wi th about 60% going to hydrogen produ

    fuel cells. Several demonstration projects are unde

    achievement is the construction of a plant producing

    electrolysis integrated with photovoltaics. Another

    Project, aims to demonstrate urban hydrogen infrastruc

    the Lombardy region.

    T he government of Koreaonly started funding hydro

    Annex A: Key Players in Hyd

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    commercial operation in time for the 2008 O lympi c G ames. T he first hydrogen

    powered buses have already begun operation in the city under the UND P/G E

    demonstration project. T he Shanghai government also plans to introduce 100

    fuel-cell vehicles by 2010.

    Indiahas budgeted 2.5 billion rupees ( $58 million) to fund hydrogen and fue

    cell projects in universities and government-run research laboratories over th

    three years to 2007. A planned pilot project involves blending small amounts ohydrogen into diesel fuel for use in about 50 buses in New Delhi. N ationally

    there are plans to introduce by the end of the decade 1000 hydrogen-powere

    vehicles, of whi ch 800 will be three-wheelers, and 200 buses. C ar makers ar

    expected to contribute at least 5 billi on rupees ( $116 mi lli on) to th

    development and demonstration of fuel-cell vehicles over the next five years.

    Russiahas a long history of hydrogen production and R& D . A national hydroge

    development programme, financed by the federal budget and private investorsis under discussion, aimed at developing a market for hydrogen-powered

    vehicles. H ydrogen-related activities were stepped up i n 2003 with an agreemen

    between the Russian Academy of Science and the Nori lsk Nikel Company on

    fuel cell development programme. Total joint funding will be $120 million, o

    which $30 million was budgeted in 2005.

    Brazilhas devised a Hydrogen Roadmap, which aims to commercialise fuel cell

    for transport and off-grid energy systems. T he focus of Brazilian hydrogen R& D

    is on production from water electrolysis; reforming of natural gas and reforming

    or gasification of ethanol and other biofuels; storage technologies, includin

    metal hydrides; and fuel cells.

    Private Industry

    Pri vate-sector spending on R& D and demonstration of hydrogen, fuel cells an

    related technologies is thought to be considerably larger than public budgets

    Precise budgets are not available. T he International Energy Agency estimates tha

    private-sector spending currently amounts to between $3 billion and $4 billion

    per year up to four times the amount being spent by public bodies. T he mai

    players are oi l and gas companies, car manufacturers, electricity and gas uti li tie

    and power-plant construction companies. A growing number of firms tha

    The Hydrogen Economy

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    integrated with CCS. T he Department of Energy is nego

    agreement with a consortium led by the coal-fired electric

    the coal-mi ning industry. T he consortium wi ll be respon

    construction and operation of the plant, and for the monit

    and verification of carbon dioxide capture at the plant

    expected to contribute approximately $250 million towards

    project, which is estimated at $950 million ( in year-2004 do

    T he Cali fornia Fuel Cell Partnership is another example of a

    public initiative, involving car manufacturers, energy c

    developers and government agencies. I t aims to develop a

    cell vehicles under real day-to-day driving conditions

    development of refuelling infrastructure.

    International Cooperation

    G overnment and private R& D efforts are complemen

    multilateral international collaborative initiatives, all of w

    in 2003:

    T he International Partnership for the Hydrogen Econom

    to serve as a mechanism for international collaboratio

    hydrogen and fuel cell R& D and commercialisation. I t

    advancing policies, and developing common technical co

    accelerate the cost-effective transition to a hydroge

    educates and informs stakeholders and the general pub

    and challenges involved in, establishing the hydrog

    members include 12 O ECD countries, the European C

    non-O ECD countries: Brazil, China, I ndia and Russia.

    T he H ydrogen and Fuel C ell Technology Platform, set

    Commi ssion, brings together all EU-funded public/pr

    being undertaken withi n the Commi ssions Framework

    to develop awareness of market opportunities for fue

    technologies, to elaborate energy scenarios, and to

    between stakeholders withi n and outside the European

    Annex B:

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    Annex B: References & Information Sources


    BP ( 2005) , Stat i sti cal Review of Wor ld Energy, BP, London.

    Commonwealth G overnment of Australia ( 2003), Nation al Hydrogen Study,


    Energy Information Administration ( 2005) , Intern ati onal Ener gy Outlook, US

    D epartment of Energy, Washington, D .C .

    European Commission ( 2003) , Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell s: A Vision of

    our Futur e, D GT REN, Brussels.

    H offman, P. ( 2001) , T omor row's Energy: Hydr ogen, Fuel Cell s, an d the

    Prospects for a Cleaner Plan et, M IT Press, M assachusetts.

    International Energy Agency ( IEA) ( 2004a) , Hydrogen a nd Fuel Cells: Reviews

    of Nationa l R&D Programmes, I EA/O ECD , Paris.

    ( 2004b) , Prospects for Car bon Captu re and Storage, I EA/O ECD , Paris.

    ( 2005a) , Wor ld Energy Outl ook 2005, I EA/O ECD , Paris.

    ( 2005b) , Energy Poli cies of IEA Coun tr ies, I EA/O ECD , Paris.

    ( 2005c) , Prospects for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, I EA/O ECD , Paris.

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) ( 2005) , Specia l Repor t on

    Car bon Di oxide Captur e and Storage: Summar y for Poli cymakers andTechni cal Summa r y, I PCC , G eneva.

    Larsen H ., Feidenhansl R. and Petersen L. ( 2004) , Ris Ener gy Repor t 3:

    Hydrogen and i ts Competitor s, Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde.

    National Research Council and National Academy of Engineering (2004) , The

    Hydr ogen Economy: Opportu ni ties, Costs, Bar r ier s and R&D Needs, National

    Academies Press, Washington, D .C .

    Rifkin, J. ( 2002) , The Hydrogen Economy: The Creati on of the Wor ld -WideEnergy Web an d the Redi str ibu tion of Power on Ear th, J.P. Tarcher Publishers,

    Los Angeles.


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  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    About the UNEP Division of TeIndustry an

    The UN EP Division of Technology, Industry and Ecgovernments, local authorities and decision-maker

    industry to develop and implement policies and pr

    sustainable development.

    The Division works to promote:

    > sustainable consumption and production,

    > the efficient use of renewable energy,

    > adequate management of chemicals,> the integration of environmental costs in develop

    The Office of the Director, located in Paris, coord


    > The International Environmental Technology Centre -

    which implements integrated waste, water and disaster manag

    focusing in particular on Asia.> Production and Consumption (P aris), which promotes sus

    and production patterns as a contribution to human developm


    > Chemicals (G eneva), which catalyzes global actions to bring

    management of chemicals and the improvement of chemical s

    > Energy (P aris), which fosters energy and transport policies for

    development and encourages investment in renewable energy> OzonAction (P aris), which supports the phase-out of ozone d

    in developing countries and countries with economies in transi

    implementation of the M ontreal Protocol.

    > Economics and Trade (G eneva), which helps countries to in

    Hydroge n holds out the promise of a truly

  • 8/12/2019 Economica Del Hidrogeno


    For more information, contact:


    Energy Branch

    39-43 Q uai Andr C itron

    75739 Paris Cedex 15, France

    Tel. : +33 1 44 37 14 50

    Fax.: +33 1 44 37 14 74

    E-mail: unep.tie@ unep.fr



    Hydroge n holds out the promise of a truly

    susta inab le g lobal energy future. As a clean

    energy carrier that ca n be produced from

    any primary energy s ource, hydrogen used

    in highly efficient fuel cells could prove to

    be the answer to our growing concerns

    about energy security, urban pollution and

    climate c hang e. This prize surely wa rrant s

    the a ttention a nd resources currently be ing

    directed at hydrogen even if the

    prospects for widespread

    commercialisation of hydrogen in the

    foreseeable future are uncertain.

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