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Page 1: ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics · 2012-10-31 · Welcome From the New Dean Table of Contents ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics It is my pleasure to be

Welcome From the New Dean

Table of Contents

ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics

It is my pleasure to be writing this note as the new Dean

of the School of Science and Mathematics. I joined The

Citadel in August 2012, after serving as department chair

of physics at Wright State University in Ohio (where

else?!) for eight years. Having been in the position for a

few months now, I can say that it is every bit what I ex-

pected – from the clear mission, to the outstanding peo-

ple (faculty, staff, students), to the challenges and oppor-

tunities. I should thank my predecessors, Dr. Chuck

Groetsch, the founding dean, and Dr. Spike Metts, the

interim dean, for giving the School a great start. My vi-

sion is to take the School to the next level, with signature

programs and faculty and student achievements that will

be recognized state-wide, nationally, and internationally.

We remain committed to being at the forefront of STEM

education in the region. This includes improving science

literacy, preparing science and mathematics teachers,

educating the future researchers and educators, and help-

ing train tomorrow’s workforce. I was recently at a re-

gional STEM meeting where one school counselor asked

what The Citadel is doing to help with the shortage of

STEM teachers; clearly, we need to do a better job adver-

tising our academic programs. It is, of course, difficult to

provide an affordable first-class education when state

funding is below 10%. A large part of my duty as Dean

is to help our departments identify additional resources

for helping us carry out our mission.

We have had an annual newsletter since 2008 and I cer-

tainly look forward to continuing this tradition for re-

porting on news and events from the past year. I encour-

age you to read about all the great things our faculty and

students do. I do want to welcome a couple of new assis-

tant professors who started in 2012: Dr. Rigoberto Flórez

(PhD, Mathematics, SUNY Binghamton) and Dr.

Michelle Richardson (PhD, Sports Management, Univer-

sity of New Mexico). We also welcome three new staff

members to the School, Ms. Margaret Gannon (fall

2011) in MACS, Ms. Ijuana Gadsden (fall 2012) in

HESS and Deborah Howard (fall 2012) in Physics. Last

but not least, I would like to thank Dr. Dena Garner for

serving as interim department head of HESS last year

and congratulate Dr. Harry Davakos on his appointment

as the new department head of HESS.

School of Science and Mathematics News… p. 1-3

Department of Biology News … p. 4-5

Department of Chemistry News... p. 6-7

Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Science News… p. 8-9

Department of Mathematics News… p. 10-11

Department of Physics News… p. 12-13

The Citadel

Lok C. Lew Yan Voon, Dean

Page 2: ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics · 2012-10-31 · Welcome From the New Dean Table of Contents ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics It is my pleasure to be

School of Science and Mathematics News


The recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Alumnus award of the

School of Science and Mathematics is Dr. James D. Bearden

III (‘65). Dr. Bearden is the Vice President of Clinical Research

for Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System; Managing Physi-

cian for the nationally recognized Gibbs Cancer Center; and

Director of the Bearden-Josey Center for Breast Health. He is

board-certified in Internal Medicine, Clinical Oncology and

Hematology; he is the first Board-certified oncologist in South


While at The Citadel, Dr. Bearden was President of the Pre-

Medical Society. Dr. Bearden graduated from MUSC in 1969

and has served as an adjunct professor there. He has also

worked in adjunct faculty positions at Wake Forest University

Cancer Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., and the University of

Texas Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Bearden has

made significant contributions to the medical profession by

publishing a large volume of articles in scholarly journals.

Bearden is a Certified Principal Investigator by APPI and has

served as a Principal Investigator for one of only eight continu-

ously funded CCOPs in the country. He is also Principal Inves-

tigator for one of only 10 sites funded by the National Cancer

Institute’s Community Cancer Center’s Program. He has been

affiliated with the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center since 2005.

At Spartanburg Regional, he served as Medical Director for the

Hospice Program for 10 years. He is a Past President of the

Spartanburg Medical Society and is a Senior Partner and Presi-

dent of Palmetto Hematology Oncology Associates. He has also

served as President and founding Board Member of the South

Carolina Oncology Society.

Only one of two community physicians on the National Cancer

Institute’s steering committees for Multiple Myeloma and SX-

QOL, Bearden has served as a member of the American Society

of Clinical Oncology Cancer Prevention Committee, as well as

a member of the Executive Committees of both the Southwest

Oncology Group and the Alliance Oncology Group. Bearden is

a Research Affiliate of Hollings Cancer Center and was Chair-

man of the Cancer Care Committee at Spartanburg Regional

from 1976 to 2010. A former member of the Spartanburg Re-

gional Healthcare System Board of Directors, Bearden is a

Charter Founding Member of Carolina Alliance Bank and is an

Elder and prior deaconate at 1st Presbyterian Church in Spartan-

burg. He is also on the Board of Trustees and was a former Vice

Chairman of the Board for Spartanburg Day School. Dr.

Bearden served his country through a military career that in-

cluded 10 years of active duty and 10 years of reserve duty and

retired as a Navy Captain.

He has been awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award by the

Medical Alumni Association of the Medical University of

South Carolina. He is a recipient of the Order of the Palmetto

and the Betty Ann Moore Award in honor of extraordinary ser-

vice in the fight against colon cancer. Dr. Bearden currently

practices in Spartanburg, where he has lived with his family for

more than 30 years.

Outstanding Student Award

Each spring, the School selects one cadet to receive this

award for outstanding academic achievements. There are

always numerous seniors who qualify and it is never an

easy decision to select the most outstanding one. For

2012, the awardee is Shanna M. Couch (HESS). One

can read about her Citadel accomplishments in the HESS

section. In addition, she has been honored with an NCAA

Postgraduate Scholarship following her graduation this

past spring. Couch, who is currently pursuing her doctor-

ate of physical therapy at the University of Kansas Medi-

cal Center, was one of just 29 female student-athletes

nationally, and the first in Citadel history, to receive the

prestigious award.

2012 Distinguished Alumnus Award

Dr. James D. Bearden III, ’65 Awardee

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Page 3 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

2012 Undergraduate Awards School Awards: School of Science and Mathematics Outstanding Student

Award for outstanding academic achievement in the School of

Science and Mathematics. Shanna M. Couch –HESS

Thomas Francis McGarey Award for outstanding achieve-

ment in the field of natural science.

Charles Preston Payne – Biology, Evan Aguirre - Physics

Dr. Francis Eugene Zemp Award for the highest scholastic

rating for a graduating senior continuing on to medical

school. William Welch - Biology

Biology: Outstanding Freshman Award—Rosemary Eggers

Outstanding Sophomore Award—Grace Raines and Ryan


Outstanding Junior Award—Stiles Harper

Outstanding Senior Award—Charles Preston Payne

Chemistry: Outstanding Freshman Award—Bradley Mueller, Joshua

Arp, Barrett Bradham and Samuel Huntington

Outstanding Sophomore Award—Stiles Harper

Outstanding Junior Award—Benjamin Cook

Outstanding Senior Award—Anna Fuzy and Dolph Eich

Analytical Chemistry Award—Frederick Shriner

Wideman Scholar—Samuel Huntington (freshman), Kyle

Page (sophomore) and Nicholas Hasty (junior)

American Chemical Society Award—Joshua Edwards

Health, Exercise, and Sport Science: NASPE—The National Association for Sport and Physical

Education (NASPE) Outstanding Major of the Year Program.

Shanna M. Couch, Bonnie J. Ramage and Paul J. Wasilchak

The Keith Hamilton Award—Senior HESS Major best

demonstrating outstanding academic achievement and poten-

tial for future professional growth.— Alexandria R. Burns

Mathematics and Computer Science George E. Reves Award— For Superior Ability and Out-

standing Achievements in Computer Science and Mathematics

Gordon C. Finlay (Computer Science) and Chinnaphon Ut-

taraparwanich (Mathematics)

Physics: Outstanding Freshman Award—Levi G. Southerton

Outstanding Sophomore Award—Ryan J. Boodee

Outstanding Junior Award—Daniel K. Pittman

Outstanding Senior Award—Evan M. Aguirre

Teaching Assistant Award—for excellence as student teach-

ing assistant or physics tutor.

Kurt L. Lichtenstein

National Physics Honor Society SPS— for Junior or Senior

Physics Majors or Applied Physics Minors displaying an out-

standing academic record in physics.

Eric S. Berman, Daniel K. Pittman and Djordon L. Porter

New Director for The STEM Center of Excellence

I am pleased to announce the hiring of a new director for the STEM center, Ms.

Glenda P. La Rue. Ms. La Rue has an MS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech

and was most recently the Program Director of the College of Engineering Diversity

& Outreach Office at The Ohio State University. In her previous position, she was

responsible for a variety of tasks including K-12 outreach, recruitment and reten-

tion, and also increasing the representation of women in engineering. Her role will

be to promote STEM education in all its form at The Citadel working with the

Schools of Education, Engineering and Science and Mathematics, and with the


Seed Fund for Student and Faculty Research

Ms. Glenda P. La Rue

This past year, the School received a generous donation from Dr. Hap McSween (’67) to help establish an umbrella fund to sup-

port student and faculty research. We are very grateful for his vision that this is one of the primary needs in our School. Over the

last few years, faculty in our School have increased their efforts at providing a research experience to the undergraduates with a

small but effective summer research program. The donation by Dr. McSween provides us with the incentive to seek further

funds in order to endow a research fund for both student and faculty research.

Page 4: ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics · 2012-10-31 · Welcome From the New Dean Table of Contents ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics It is my pleasure to be

The donation of the “Indian Hut” property by V. Lee Faircloth (Mathematics, ’67) has been a catalyst for several educational and

research activities over the past year. The property consists of 544 acres of bottomland forest habitat near Georgetown, including

an idyllic stretch of over one mile of Black River shoreline. Cadets and graduate students enrolled in Ecology, Invertebrate Zoolo-

gy, and Field Methods courses took field trips to the property for experiential learning opportunities. In-depth observations of

wildlife and flora in and around the property were made on these trips. In addition, Dr. Joel Gramling and graduate student Kristie

Burr developed a GIS Wetland Habitat map of the property that has been geo-referenced to the National Wetlands Inventory data-

base. This will allow for a more systematic study of habitat diversity on the property. Dr. Gramling has also started to compile a

list of plant species found on the property. Dr. Paul Nolan and graduate student Sarah Diaz (pictured above) are currently conduct-

ing a survey of birds using the property.

Biology News


tion to The Citadel’s CASTLE group enti-

tled, “A Novice Perspective on Building

an Online Course in Blackboard Learn.”

Drs. Paul Rosenblum and Danny Gus-

tafson returned to the faculty after taking

well-deserved sabbaticals this past year.

Dr. John Zardus is on sabbatical for the

2012-2013 academic year, and he will

spend time with colleagues in Australia at

the James Cook University in Townsville.

Ms. Sandra Walsh has become a Visiting

Instructor within the Department. Dr.

Paul Nolan recently traveled to Lund,

Sweden to present at the International

Society for Behavioral Ecology. One of

his undergraduate research students, Cait-

lin Black from the College of Charleston,

also presented at this international meet-

ing. Noteworthy is the fact that Caitlin

Black won the best student poster presen-

tation awards at both the Society of Inte-

grative and Comparative Biology and the

South Carolina Academy of Sciences this

past spring for research conducted with

Dr. Nolan. Dr. Kathy Zanin will be pre-

senting education research entitled

“Effectiveness of Supplementing Tradi-

tional Lectures with Animation” at the

American Society for Cell Biology this

December. She has also given a presenta-

Student accomplishments for the

2011-2012 academic year included

Preston Payne being awarded the

Thomas Francis McGarey Award for

outstanding achievement in the field

of natural science, William Welch

was awarded the Dr. Francis Eugene

Zemp Award for highest scholastic

rating for a graduating senior continu-

ing on to medical school. Outstand-

ing Biology major awards went to

Rosemary Eggars (Freshman), Grace

Raines and Ryan Rhodes

(Sophomores), Stiles Harper (Junior)

and Preston Payne (Senior). Cadets

Ronald Willis and Mark Pierce, and

graduate students Pamela Corwin and

Jonte Miller were inducted into the

Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi this

past Spring.

Student Accomplishments

Dr. John Weinstein with the Biology major award

winners at the School of Science and Mathemat-

ics Undergraduate Award Ceremony in April.

Graduate student Sarah Diaz


Biology Research at the Faircloth “Indian Hut” Property

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Page 5 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

Presentations Joel Gramling “Invasive Plants on Kiawah Island” - October, 2011. “Diverse Wetland Restoration Approaches under Working-Lands

Programs in the Southeastern U.S.: Implications for Ecosystem Services” Ecological Society of America’s 96th Annual Meeting in

Austin, Texas by Diane DeSteven* and Joel Gramling, August, 2011. “Conservation Ecology in the Lowcountry of SC: Aliens, sea

level rise and other threats” The STEM Center of Excellence at The Citadel’s STEM Innovation Institute for K-12 Teachers in July,


Sarah A. Latshaw, Paul M. Nolan, and John A. Gerwin. “Using the habitat preferences of painted buntings (Passerina ciris) to

guide restoration initiatives on a developing barrier island in South Carolina.” Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Ameri-

ca, Austin, TX, August 2011.

Claudia Rocha “Microbial Pathogenesis: weapons and strategies”. The 2011-2012 STEM Innovation Challenges Institute. July 11-

15, 2011. The Citadel, Charleston, SC.

B. Burnley*, H. Matthews*, P. Sullivan*, C.L. Rocha and D. Donnell. 2011. “A system for the Expression and Control of Appe-

tite Regulation Protein in E. coli”. Cadet Undergraduate Research Conference. The Citadel. March 18. Charleston, SC.

E. Hinkle*, J.R. Tyrrell, P.M. Nolan and C.L. Rocha. 2011. “Who said all feces are bad feces?”. Cadet Undergraduate Research

Conference. The Citadel. March 18. Charleston, SC

John Weinstein “Sediment Contamination in Coastal Stormwater Detention Ponds,” Charleston Area Stormwater Pond Manage-

ment Conference. North Charleston, SC.

Coen L.D., Proffitt C.E., Geiger S.P., Kimbro D.L., Weinstein J.E. 2011. “Florida Gulf Coast oysters and associated fauna: Effects

of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and setting baseline conditions for future disturbances.” Coastal and Estuarine Research Federa-

tion 21st Biennial Conference, Daytona Beach, FL. October 2011.

Blick, J.P., Zardus, J.D., Frick, M.G., & Clementz, M.T. “Archaeological Sea Turtle Barnacles from San Salvador, Bahamas Date

to A.S. 900-1320”, 31st International Sea Turtle Symposium, San Diego, CA, April 12-15, 2011.

Northcutt, Z.D.*, & Zardus, J.D. “From Sea Snakes to Mud Crabs: Genetic Variability Amongst Hitchhiking Octolasmis Barna-

cles”, Citadel Undergraduate Research Conference, Charleston, SC Mar. 18, 2011 (1st place award). *student collaborator

Joel Gramling—Department of Defense Cooperative Agreement –Monitoring of the rare plant Lindera melissifolia at the Marine Corps

Air Station in Beaufort SC ($7,943)

-NASA (SC SpaceGrant Consortium) –Use of remotely–sensed data to analyze locally-collected data on the hammock islands of the

Lowcountry. Education reform (K-12) and the importance of experiential learning for educators and students. ($7,140)

-Commission on Higher Education – Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Grant - “Developing Highly Qualified Middle and High School

Level Science and Mathematics Teachers through Project-Based Learning” ($76,000, in collaboration with School of Education)

-Commission on Higher Education – Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Supplemental Grant 2012– “The Kiawah Island Chinese Tallow

Tree Survey Institute” which was proposed through The Citadel School of Education. ($52,160, in collaboration with School of


John Zardus -Continuation of a National Science Foundation grant, year 4 of a 5 year award, Phylogeny on the Half-Shell -- As-

sembling the Bivalve Tree of Life, $25,816, Senior Collaborator (P.I. Gonzalo Giribet - Harvard University).

John Weinstein- BP/Florida Institute of Oceanography. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Assessing Impacts on a Critical Habitat,

Oyster Reefs, and Associated Species in Florida Gulf Estuaries. Subcontract through Florida Atlantic University, $20,706, year 2 of


Faculty Grants

Echt, C.S., Demeer, D, & Gustafson, D.J. 2011. Patterns of differentiation among endangered pondberry populations. Conservation

Genetics, 12, 1015-1026.

Frick, M.G., J.D. Zardus, A. Ross, J. Senko, D. Montano-Valdez, M. Bucio-Pacheco, and I. Sosa-Cornejo 2011. Novel records and

observations of the barnacle Stephanolepas muricata (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Coronuloidea); including a case for chemical medi-

ation in turtle and whale barnacles. Journal of Natural History 45: 629-640.

Gramling, J.M. , Laurel Wilt, A Growing Disease Problem in Bays and Other Woody Species. The Journal of the South Carolina

Native Plant Society, Spring (2011), 5-7.


Page 6: ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics · 2012-10-31 · Welcome From the New Dean Table of Contents ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics It is my pleasure to be

Interior and exterior renovations to Byrd

Hall began this summer. The building

was surrounded by barriers making the

normal things like delivering nitrogen gas

interesting. The exterior stucco has been

repaired and the building coated thanks to

funding from the TCF. Faculty, staff and

students endured the noise and disrup-

tions this summer and the beginning of

the fall semester and now the external

part of Byrd Hall looks great. Additional-

ly, funding has been provided to upgrade

the analytical chemistry laboratory as

well as a research laboratory. Four hoods

will be added to improve the ventilation

on the third floor of the building. These

improvements are expected to be started

later this fall and completed in the spring

of 2013.

Research Focus

quantification of biologically and envi-

ronmentally relevant metals.

The faculty has received grants from the

Citadel Foundation and the South Caroli-

na Space Grant Consortium (SCSGC).

Dr. Holly Bevsek received a grant from

the SCSGC to investigate "Reaction of

Methane with Hydrogen Peroxide Ad-

sorbed on a Martian Soil Analog". Dr.

Bevsek, Dr. Blanton, Dr. Dorko and Dr.

Adair received grants from the Citadel

Foundation (TCF) to support their re-

search projects. Dr. Bevsek’s TCF sup-

ported research project involves reactions

of nitrogen oxides in carbon nanotubes.

Dr. Dorko’s research project is a theoreti-

cal investigation of beryllium sulfide and

magnesium sulfide clusters as possible

hydrogen storage materials. Dr. Blan-

ton’s research examines chiral catalysts

and reagents for use in novel asymmetric

syntheses. Dr. Adair’s research is to de-

velop, validate, and optimize sample col-

lection and preparation techniques for

Chemistry News Faculty

Bryd Hall Renovations


The Chemistry Department welcomed

twenty freshman majors in August after

saying congratulations to five graduates

in May. The faculty continues to stress

the importance of involving students in

research as part of their education at The

Citadel. Six students participated in re-

search projects this summer. The faculty

and students presented and published

their research, received awards and are

active in the community. The department

has submitted its periodic report to the

American Chemical Society for the re-

view to retain certification. Construc-

tion upgrades and repairs of Byrd Hall are


The department continues to encour-

age our students to pursue research

through working with faculty in the sum-

mer as well as with the senior research

thesis. The faculty believe research pro-

vides the opportunity for the student to

experience the excitement (and some-

times frustration) of science learned in

their courses. The faculty has also been

involved in research. Dr. Michael Dorko

and Dr. Ron Hemingway received the

Medbery Research Mentor Award for

their work with undergraduate students in

the research laboratory. Patrick Riley and Dr. Ronald Hemingway at the

National ACS Meeting in San Diego

Page 7: ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics · 2012-10-31 · Welcome From the New Dean Table of Contents ELEMENTS The School of Science and Mathematics It is my pleasure to be

Randall W. Hicks and Holly M. Bevsek, “Utilizing Problem-Based Learning in Qualitative Analysis Lab Experiments”, Journal of

Chemical Education, 2012, 89(2), 254-257.

Brian C. Hixson, John W. Jordan, Erica L. Wagner, Holly M. Bevsek, “Reaction Products and Kinetics of the Reaction of NO2 with

gamma-Fe2O3”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, 115(46), 13364-13369.

Blanton, J.R. Clark, R.W. Asymmetric Syntheses Utilizing Crown Ethers with Chiral Appendages as Phase Transfer

Catalysts. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 2012 11(2), 25-28.

SJ Christopher, EL Kilpatrick, LL Yu, WC Davis, BM Adair. Preliminary evaluation of a microwave-assisted metal-labeling strate-

gy for quantification of peptides via RPLC–ICP-MS and the method of standard additions. Talanta, 2012. 88: 749-758.

HJ Clewell, RS Thomas, EM Kenyon, MF Hughes, BM Adair, PR Gentry, JW Yager.“Concentration and Time-dependent Genomic

Changes in the Mouse Urinary Bladder Following Exposure to Arsenate in Drinking Water for up to 12 Weeks.” Toxicological

Sciences. 2011 123: 421-432.

New Technology


This summer we had 5 students involved

in research with our faculty and 1 student

participating in an internship with

MeadWestvaco. Joshua Neeper (rising

senior), Holly Horton (rising sophomore),

Ben Cook (rising senior), Rick Shriner

(rising senior), and Sam Harbison (rising

junior) participated in undergraduate re-

search with Dr. Hemingway, Dr. Bevsek,

Dr. Dorko and Dr. Adair. Matt Hill

(rising senior) worked with scientists in

the Oilfield Chemicals Division of

MeadWestvaco. They were involved in

the following research projects:

Dr. Holly Bevsek organized a biweekly

lunch time research meeting for the facul-

ty and students from Chemistry and Phys-

ics to share their work. The students high-

lighted recent results, successes, and chal-

lenges and offered support and helpful

tips to each other.

This “group” meeting was funded by the

Chemistry Department and the Dean of

the School of Science and Mathematics.

Students working with faculty in the de-

partment received small stipends from the

Jane Allan and Samuel Adam Wideman

Student Research Fellowship.

methods. This summer two of our

students used this instrument in their


In the spring, the department purchased

an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical

Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) with

funds from the Provost’s Office, the

Dean’s Office and the Chemistry Depart-

ment Restricted Fund (donations to the

department through TCF). The ICP-OES

is used to quantify multiple elements sim-

ultaneously and over a wide range of con-

centrations. This instrument will be used

by the students as well as by Dr. Adair in

her research to develop, validate, and

optimize sample collection and prepara-

tion techniques for quantification of bio-

logically and environmentally relevant

metals and metalloids in representative

matrices at relevant concentrations and to

apply element specific detection of het-

eroatoms or elemental tags to produce

more accurate biomolecule quantification

Student Accomplishments

Page 7 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

Cadets John Jordan, Patrick Riley,

Anna Fuzy and Evan Eich

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Health, Exercise, and Sport Science News



and a knowledge and experience of the

sport industry, through various positions

she held over the years in industry.

Dena Garner and Lori Williams were

appointed Directors of Exercise Science

and Teaching program respectively.

Finally, the HESS department offers now

three Bachelor degrees in: Physical Edu-

cation –Teaching, Sport Management,

and Exercise Science. In addition, it of-

fers three Graduate programs: M.A.T. in

Physical Education, M.S. in HESS

(Exercise Science), and a Graduate Certif-

icate in Sport Management –Sales and


Tim Bott Served as SCAPES – past pres-

ident (SC Professional association for

Teaching and Coaching. Also attended a

coaching education program conducted

by a local sport organization, and re-

viewed the curriculum for a local compa-

ny, Stretch and Grow Charleston, and

provided them with an analysis of the

content related to movement education

and fitness. Stretch and Grow Charleston

currently provides physical education and

physical activity for preschool children in

the area.

Harry Davakos was appointed Chair of

HESS department, July 1, 2012.

Wes Dudgeon completed data collection

for 2nd year of NIH-funded grant investi-

gating the effects of home exercise inter-

ventions in persons living with HIV/


Dena Garner – served on Thesis Com-

mittee for Ashley Strickland (CGC)

“Performance mouthpiece Reduces Blood

Lactate Concentrate During and After

Resistence Training Exercise.” and

Thesis Committee for Larry Buchanan

(CGC) “Mouthpiece Use Reduces Serum

Cortisol During and After Acute Exercise.

Research with Ben Hepner (CGC) Effects

of Mouthpiece Use on Gold Perfor-

mance” Michelle Richardson was appointed as

Assistant Professor of Sport Management,

replacing Dr. Linda Schoonmaker who

retired after five years at The Citadel. Dr.

Richardson brings in a zest for teaching

Student Accomplishments Shanna Couch graduated in 2012 with a perfect 4.0

GPA and was named the first honor graduate of the

Corps of Cadets. Additionally, she was the 2012 Out-

standing Student of the School of Science & Mathemat-

ics, and an Outstanding Major of the Year for the Na-

tional Associations of Sports and Physical Educa-

tion. Shanna was also a member of the Women’s Soccer

team. Besides majoring in Health & Wellness, Shanna

also minored in Biology and she began work in her doc-

tor of physical therapy degree at the University of Kan-

sas Medical Center last June.

Alexandra Ray Burns was a participant in the Honors

Program, and she was named second honor graduate of the

Corps of Cadets. This is the first time that two female ca-

dets shared the top academic honors, and both coming from

the same academic department. Burns served as 4th Battal-

ion Academic Officer. She has been accepted in the Col-

lege of Pharmacy at MUSC, where she started in the fall of


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Page 9 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

Publications Garner, D.P., Dudgeon, W.D., and McDivitt, E. The effects of mouthpiece use on cortisol levels during an intense bout of re-

sistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 25(10) (2011), 2866-2871.

Garner, D.P., Dudgeon, W.D., Scheett, T.P., and McDivitt, E.J. The effects of mouthpiece use on gas exchange parameters during

steady-state exercise in college-aged men and women. Journal of the American Dental Association. 142(9) (2011), 1041-1047.

W. D. Dudgeon, “Impact of aerobic and resistance exercise on the health of HIV-infected persons.” In the Journal of Lifestyle Medi-

cine [3(6); 489-499, 2009] 2011 Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine.of the American Dental Association. 142(9) (2011), 1041-1047

Presentations Bott, T. & Norris, D. (2011, November). Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Motor Competence, a developmental Per-

spective. Annual South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Bott, T., Lyles, B., Garnet, C., and Neuroth, D. (2011, November). Clear!!! A badminton progression for secondary

physical education. Annual South Carolina Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference, Myrtle

Beach, SC.

Bott, T. & Williams, L. (2011, March). Fit to Teach: Achieving NASPE/NCATE Standard 2. American Alliance for Health, Physi-

cal Education, Recreation and Dance Convention, San Diego, CA.

Davakos. H. Economic Impact of 2011 Cooper River Bridge Run. International Conference of Sport Management, Athens, Greece,

July, 2011.

Dietary Habits of Greek High School Students (co-presenter).Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2011.

Physical Education and Sport: Greece (co-presenter). As part of International Physical Education and Sport. San Diego, CA, March


Networking 101 (co-presenter). As part of Sport Management Forum: Voices from the Experts. Greensboro, NC, Feb. 2011.

Dudgeon, W. Suspension Training Improves Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Cardiovascular Fitness and Body Composi-

tion in College-Aged Females. Presented at National Strength and Conditioning Association Meeting in Las Vegas, NV.

Garner. D.P. (November, 2011). Use of mouthguards in athletics. Southern District/South Carolina Alliance for HPERD Conven-

tion, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Garner, D.P. (November, 2011). Use of mouthpiece in golf to improve performance. Southern District/South Carolina Alliance

for HPERD Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Garner, D.P. (June, 2011). The effects of mouthpiece use on gas exchange parameters during steady-state exercise in college-aged

men and women. American of Dental Sleep Medicine Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Garner, D.P. Scheett, T.P. Dudgeon, W.D., McDivitt, .J. and Rodriguez, M.A. (February, 2011). Increases in VO2/kg, VCO2, and

VO2 with mouthpiece during steady state runs. Southeast Regional Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine, Greenville,


Werner, P., Williams, L., & Sweeting, T. (2011, April). Coal miners’ song: Folk dance and the national dance standards. American

Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention & Expo, San Diego, CA.

Werner, P., & Williams, L. (2011, February). An integrated approach to folk dance to implement national standards. Southern Dis-

trict AAHPERD/NCAAHPERD Joint Convention & Exposition, Greensboro, NC.

Werner, P., & Williams, L. (2011, November). Using traditional folk dance to teach creatively. South Carolina Alliance for Health,

Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference and Exposition, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Werner, P., & Williams, L. (2011, November). Designing sequences in children’s gymnastics. South Carolina Alliance for Health,

Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference and Exposition, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Williams, L. & Kirchner, A. (2011, November). What’s your approach to improving children’s fitness? South Carolina Alliance for

Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference and Exposition, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Williams, L., & Hall, T. (2011, January). A school wide approach to combating the obesity epidemic Part II: Strategies and models

for events and activities. Share the Wealth Physical Education Conference, Jekyll Island, GA.

Werner, P., & Williams, L. (2011, November). Using themes to develop units of work in gymnastics. South Carolina Alliance for

Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference and Exposition, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Meyer, F., Williams, L., & Bowie, S. (2011, February). Setting the stage for quality dance. Southern District AAHPERD/

NCAAHPERD Joint Convention & Exposition, Greensboro, NC.

Faculty Grants Wes Dudgeon - Funding agency: NIH/NINR (1R21NR011281-01A2) Role: Investigator Title: Home Based Exercise for the Pre-

vention of HIV-associated Cardiovascular Disease. Amount: $227,583 (Subcontract to Citadel for $67,803) Date:(2010-13).

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Cadet Chinnaphon Uttaraparwanich and

OC Gordon C. Finlay were the winners of

the Reves Award for the 2011-2012 aca-

demic year for “Superior Ability and Out-

standing Achievements in Mathematics

and Computer Science.” The Reves

Award is given annually in honor of the

late George E. Reves, former professor

and department head. Both Cadet Ut-

taraparwanich and OC Finlay were Elec-

trical Engineering majors. Cadet Ut-

taraparwanich earned a minor in Applied

Mathematics, and OC Finlay earned a

minor in Computer Programming. In

addition to their outstanding academic

record in this department, both have been

very active in department activities out-

side the classroom.

Mathematics and Computer Science News Faculty


Dr. Leslie S. Cohn is on sabbatical for

the fall 2012 semester, and Dr. Mei-Qin

Chen will be on sabbatical in the spring

2013 semester.

In August 2012, Dr. Rigoberto Flórez

joined the Department of Mathematics

and Computer Science as an assistant

professor. Rigo received his Ph. D. from

the State University of New York at

Binghamton under the guidance of Pro-

fessor Thomas Zaslavsky.

Effective with the start of the 2012-

2013 academic year, Dr. George L. Ru-

dolph was promoted to associate profes-

sor, and Dr. Shankar M. Banik was

awarded academic tenure and promoted

to associate professor.

Publications Cadet Uttaraparwanich and OC Finlay receiving their awards.

Student Accomplishments

Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Shankar M. Banik, Venkatesh Sarangan, Chandra N. Sekharan, Delay Constrained Subtree Homeo-

morphism Problem with Applications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, December 2011, Vol . 22, No. 12,

pages 1978-1985.

Chandra N. Sekharan, Shankar M. Banik, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, On the Heterogeneous Postal Delivery Model for Multicasting,

Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), October 2011, 13 (No. 5)(2011), 536-543.

Shankar M. Banik, Zachary C. Aardahl*, MMMDDVC: Multi-source Multicasting using Multi-cores with Delay and Delay Varia-

tion Constraints on Overlay Networks, In Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Middleware and Network Applications

(part of 8th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations – ITNG 2011), Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2011,

pages 661-666.

Leslie Cohn, On the Ubiquity of Gorenstein Quasi-Orders, Academic Publication, Ltd. Bulgaria. ISBN: 978-954-2940-05-0.

R. Florez and L. Junes, a Relation Between Triangular Numbers and Prime Numbers, Intergers 11, (2011).

R. Florez and D. A. Narayan, An Optimal K-Ranking Characterization of Oriented Paths and Cycles, Bulletin of the Institute of Com-

binatorics and Its Applications 61 (2011), pages 97-108.

C. W. Groetsch, Spurt Optimization, The Mathematical Gazette (London) 95 (2011), 69-70.

C. W. Groetsch, Matter Gravitates, But Does Gravity Matter?, PRIMUS 21 (2011), 142-148.

C. W. Groetsch, “Linear Inverse Problems”, pp 3-41, Chapter I, in Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging (O. Scherzer,

Univ. Vienna, Ed.), Springer, New York and Berlin, 2011. ISBN 978-0-387-92919-4.

D. A. French and C. W. Groetsch, Olfactory Cilia: A Case Study in Inverse Modeling, pp. 1-12 in First Symposium on Inverse

Problems and Applications, (J. Delgado et al., Eds.), Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico, 2011, ISBN 978-


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Page 11 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

Shankar Banik (with Zachary C. Aardahl*), “MMMDDVC: Multi-source Multicasting using Multi-cores with Delay and Delay

Variation Constraints on Overlay networks”, 2nd International Symposium on Middleware and Network Applications (part of 8th

International Conference on Information Technology New Generations – ITNG 2011), Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2011.

Mei-Qin Chen “Eigenpairs of Adjacency Matrices of Balanced Signed Graphs”, Carolina Mathematics Seminar, The Citadel,

Charleston, SC, October 2011.

Stephen Cotter “How College is Different From High School”, Summerville HS Mathematics Department, 22 classes, Summer-

ville, SC, November 2011.

Rigoberto Florez “Projective Representation of Non-Representable Matroids (of Biased Graphs)”, The Combinatorics Seminar,

Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, May 2011.

“A Representation of the Bias Matroid in a Projective Plane”, Combinatorics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of

South Carolina, Columbia, April 2011.

Chuck Groetsch “Inverse Problems and Regularization Theory I & II, a short course for postdocs and doctoral students, Texas

A&M University, College Station, Texas, 21-22 May 2011.

“Inverse Problems, von Neumann’s Theorem, and Stable Approximate Evaluation of Unbounded Operators”, 25 minute talk at the

Carolina Math Seminar, 28 October, 2011.

Upasana Kashyap “The Maximal W-Dilation and Morita Equivalence”, AMS Special Session on Recent Progress in Operator Al-

gebras, AMS Central Section Meeting, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 2011.

“A Morita Theorem for Dual Operator Algebras”, AMS Special Session on von Neumann Algebras, New Orleans, January 2011.

Antara Mukherjee “Isoperimetric Inequalities Using Varopoulos Transport”, MAA Southeast Section Meeting, Tuscaloosa, Ala-

bama, March 2011.

“Non-Euclidean Geometry – Euclid’s Chagrin or Gauss’s Triumph?”, Sigma Xi Brown Bag lunch talk, The Citadel, Charleston,

SC, October 2011.

George Rudolph “On the Structure of Algorithm Spaces”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2011, San Jose, CA,

August 2011.

“AD-NEMO: Adaptive Dynamic Network Expansion with Mobile Robots”, STEM Innovation Institute 2011, The Citadel, Charles-

ton, SC, July 2011.

“Parallel Simulation of Electromagnetic Effects in Aircraft Design”, High Performance Computing – Getting Started Workshop,

MUSC, Charleston, SC, February 2011.

Michael P. Verdicchio (With S. Kim), “Identifying Targets for Intervention by Analyzing Basins of Attraction”, Pacific Symposium

on Biocomputing, 16, Hawaii, January 2011.

(With G. Alterovitz, S. Cavalcanti, M. Wang, and M. Ramoni), “Reverse Engineering and Synthesis of Biomolecular Systems”, Pa-

cific Symposium on Biocomputing, 16, Hawaii, January 2011.

Li Zhang “Special Case Studies of the Stochastic p-Hub Center Single Allocation Problem with Service Constraints”, The 12th IN-

FORMS computing Society Conference, Monterey, CA 2011.

Publications, Continued D. Joshi, A. Samal and L-. K. Soh: Extracting Information from Microblogs and Mobile Social Networks for Dynamic Decision

Support. Position paper for The NSF CyberGIS Project All-Hands Meeting 2011. Oak Ridge, TN.

U. Kashyap and D.P. Blecher, A Characterization and a generalization of W-modules, Transactions of the American Mathematical

Society 363 (2011), pp 345-363.

Peterson, Adam and Martinez, Tony and Rudolph, George. On the Structure of Algorithm Spaces. In Proceedings of Internation-

al Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Jose, California, July 31-August 5, 2011, pp. 658-665.

Jung S., Verdicchio, M. P., Kiefer, J., Berens, M., and Kim, S. (2011) “Learning Contextual Gene Set Interaction Networks of Glio-

blastoma and Identifying Subtype Specificity.” In Eighth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology (WCSB

2011), Zurich, Switzerland, June 6-8, 2011.

Verdicchio, M. P., and Kim, S. (2011) “Identifying Targets for Intervention by Analyzing Basins of Attraction.” Pacific Symposi-

um on Biocomputing, 16, Hawaii, January 3-7, 2011.

Li Zhang, Special Case Studies of the Stochastic p-Hub Center Single Allocation Problems with Service Constraints, pp 120-129.

In Proceedings of the 12th INFORMS Computing Society Conference. Monterey, CA, 2011.

Faculty Grants C. Groetsch - $4K (NASA-SC Space Consortium). Curriculum development project: Mathematics for Cosmic Exploration.

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Student Accomplishments

A team of three students complet-

ed the first prototype of the Atsa

Armrest Camera (AAC). The AAC

is the first version of the Atsa

Suborbital Observatory, which will

be an astronomical telescope

mounted to a manned commercial

suborbital space plane. Fit and

function testing were completed at

XCOR Aerospace in Mojave, CA,

using the engineering test bed

cockpit of XCOR’s Lynx space-

plane. The students were funded

through the South Carolina Space

Grant Consortium’s Palmetto

Academy Program, and represent-

ed three different institutions in

South Carolina.

A cadet physics major conducted

experiments for the Laser Desorp-

tion Infrared Spectroscopy pro-

gram at NASA’s Jet Propulsion

Laboratory under Caltech’s Sum-

mer Undergraduate Research Fel-

lowship Program during the sum-

mer of 2012.

A cadet physics major was a member

of the NASA Ames Academy for

Space Exploration. This is a college

internship for rising juniors through

second year graduate students.

Through this program, each intern has an

individual research project and together

they complete a group research project.

For individual research, Boodee did a

feasibility study into “Utilizing Martian

Caves in Future Habitation Trips to

Mars.” He worked as the head of the

structures team for the group project,

which was engineering a sampling appa-

ratus for a submersible that will monitor

very cold arctic lakes.

A physics major from the College of

Charleston worked in The Citadel Physics

Department undergraduate research labs

on setting up an experimental system for

performing laser-induced fluorescence

measurements of mesoscopic systems,

particularly carbon nanodots. He designed

and tested electronics for operating an

electrospray ionization system for loading

the ion traps that will levitate and store

the nanodots. He also set up a vacuum

chamber for housing the experiment and

fabricated an ion trap from a printed cir-

cuit board.

Undergraduate Research Focus

Cadet Honors

Cadet Erik Pratt received the first place Sigma Xi stu-

dent research award for his study of the compound

double pendulum. Cadet Pratt worked with his re-

search advisor Prof. J. Berlinghieri in developing an

innovative method for recording angular positions of

the two arms of the pendulum which allowed for the

analysis of the onset of chaotic motion.

Physics News

Cadet Erik Pratt

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Page 13 Vol. 4 No. 1 Fall 2012

J. Berlinghieri, R. Hilleke, M. Rowland*, E. Rooman, Plasma acoustic speaker, Winter meeting of AAPT, Jacksonville, Fl., 8-11

January 2011

M. Pratt*, E. Rooman, J. Berlinghieri, The double compound pendulum, Summer meeting AAPT, Omaha, NB, 30July – 3 August


J. Berlinghieri, R. Hilleke, M. Rowland*, E. Rooman, Plasma acoustic speaker, Winter meeting of AAPT, Jacksonville, Fl., 8-11

January 2011

P.R. Briggs, E. Aguirre, L. Sollitt; "A New Algorithm for Assigning Fluxpoint Energies to Solid State Detector Passbands"; Fall

2011 AGU (San Francisco); SH31B-2014

L. S. Sollitt. E. Aguirre, P. Briggs; "Toward A More General Technique to Infer Ionic Charge States of Solar Energetic Particles";

Fall 2011 AGU (San Francisco); SH31B-2019

P.R. Briggs, E. Aguirre, L. Sollitt; "A New Algorithm for Assigning Fluxpoint Energies to Solid State Detector Passbands"; Fall

2011 AGU (San Francisco); SH31B-2014

L. S. Sollitt. E. Aguirre, P. Briggs; "Toward A More General Technique to Infer Ionic Charge States of Solar Energetic Particles";

Fall 2011 AGU (San Francisco); SH31B-2019

S.A. Yost, V.V. Bytev, M.Yu. Kalmykov, and B.A. Kniehl, The Epsilon Expansion of Feynman Diagrams via Hypergeometric

Functions and Differential Reduction, Proceedings of the Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical

Society, Providence, July 9-13, 2011, SLAC Electronic Proceedings, 2011.

Saul Adelman A Five-year Spectroscopic and Photometric Campaign on the Prototypical Cygni Variable and A –type Supergiant

Star Deneb (2011, Astronomical Journal, 141, 17, with N. D. Richardson, N. D. Morrison, and E. E. Kyrukova)

JS. Narayanan, N. Daniilidis, S. A. Möller, R. Clark, F. Ziesel, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and H. Häffner J.; Electric field sens-

ing and compensation with a single ion in a planar trap, Appl. Phys. 110 114909 (2011).

J. Berlinghieri, R. Hilleke, M. Rowland*, E. Rooman, Plasma acoustic speaker, Winter meeting of AAPT, Jacksonville, Fl., 8-11

January 2011

Tim H. Osborn, Olga V. Pupysheva, Rachel S. Aga and L. C. Lew Yan Voon, Ab initio simulations of silicene hydrogenation.

Chem. Phys. Lett. 511, 101 (2011).

G.G. Guzmán-Verri and L.C. Lew Yan Voon, Band structure of hydrogenated Si nanosheets and nanotubes J. Phys. Cond. Matter

23, 145502 (2011).

L. C. Lew Yan Voon and M. Willatzen, Electromechanical phenomena in semiconductor nanostructures. J. Appl. Phys. 109,

031101 (2011).

Faculty Grants Scott Yost - U.S. Department of Energy grant DE-PS02-09ER09-01 2010 – 13, Precision Studies of Hadronic and Electro-Weak

Interactions for the LHC $74,000 for 3 years. (The third year)


Cadet Hall internship at JPL Pittman presenting results of Atsa project

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The Citadel receives less than 10 per-

cent of its operating budget from state

appropriations. Other revenue comes

from student tuition and fees. We could

not offer the caliber of education that

we do without the generous support of

those who believe in the college's mis-

sion to develop tomorrow's leaders. To

learn how you can help support the

School of Science and Mathematics at

The Citadel, please feel free to contact

any of the officials listed above.

Department Heads:

Dr. John E. Weinstein, Biology

Dr. Lisa Zuraw, Chemistry

Dr. Harry Davakos, Health, Exercise, and

Sport Science

Dr. John I. Moore, Jr., Mathematics and

Computer Science

Dr. Joel Berlinghieri, Physics

The Citadel

Grimsley Hall 210

171 Moultrie Street

Phone: 843-953-5300

Fax: 843-953-5293

E-mail: [email protected]

The Schoo l o f Sc i en ce

and Mathemat i cs

Lok C. Lew Yan Voon, Dean

Susan LaMontagne, Administrative Assistant

Krystal Oliveira, Interim Assistant Dean for


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