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Page 1: ElToroFeb08

Los Rancheros AssociationOFFICERS

President: Darlene Richardson — 785-8780 • Vice President: Mary Dimsdale — 785-2571

Secretary: Bridgette Levinski—265-0773 • Treasurer: Rey Abaya—670-8711

EXECUTIVE BOARDCharles Eldred—264-0357 • Evelyn Ely—785-3997 • Ron Gomez—782-5183

Pat Higgins—783-5780 • Julie Manzo—783-1911 • Linda Moniz—780-0631

Norma Moore—887-0463 • Jeanie Schultz—784-1997

CONTACTSDime Bingo . . . .Lorraine Schmuck — 783-7294 HMOA Representative . . . . Mary Dimsdale — 785-2571

Hot Line . . . . . . . . . . . .Juan Pueyo—782-4624 Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . Joy Cunningham — 785-4609

El Toro Editor. . . . . Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997 Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce Stevens —785-5889

Neighborhood Alert. . . Linda Moniz — 780-0631 Spectrum Meals (Tu&Th) . . . Ruth Horton — 732-6671

The EXECUTIVE BOARD meets the LAST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m.in the main clubhouse.

Los Rancheros RESIDENT’S ASSOCIATION meets the FIRST THURSDAY of the monthat 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse unless otherwise announced.

EL TORO — Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997 • e-mail el t o ro . e d i t o r @ c o m c a s t . n e tDeadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the 10th of each month for the following month.


From the EditorArticles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an

informational service to the residents. Contents are the optionof the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion ofthe editor, the homeowners association or management.

Reader response is welcome. Your article must be inmy paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to mye-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. Allsubmissions must be signed with your name/phone num-ber included, as any article must be verified. Your namewill not appear, if you so request.

Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articlesconsidered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissionsmust meet the Editorial Guidelines set forth by the pub-lishers, Mobile Home Park Magazines.

Whenever possible, the editor prefers to “capture key-strokes” for material to appear in the El Toro. If you aretyping something up, you might as ell type it directly intoan e-mail and send it to me that way. No e-mail? Well, OK,submit the hard copy and we’ll manage.

PLEASE DO NOT “FORWARD” EMAIL. Forwarding resultsin those little >> marks all through the copy, plus it exposes MYe-mail address to YOUR whole broadcast list and I DON’Twant THEIR forwards. If you are submitting an item someonee-mailed to you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mailwindow to send to me at: [email protected].

Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

EDITORIAL POLICIES(http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/mhbsite/editorial/rules.aspx)

The Mobile Home Board publications informs and pro-motes the mobile home system; residents, managementand those that serve the mobile home community.

The Mobile Home Board publications are not politicaltools. They are a source of information and enjoyment forpark residents. To ensure this policy we have developedthe following guidelines:

Editorial Guidelines:• Editor is responsible for gathering information and

sending it to us in a form they want. Each editor mustallow all resident’s organizations and management to par-ticipate in the publication.

• The publication is not to be used for disputes by eitherresidents or management. Mobile Home Park Magazinesmust remain neutral in all resident/management issues topreserve the integrity of the magazine. Not all residentsare on one side or the other of an issue. Since we do notresearch each story, we cannot use Mobile Home ParkMagazines to weigh either side of these very fragile rela-tionships.

• Resident political organizations are asked to limit theirinformation to meeting notices and reports of chaptermeetings. • No listings of in-park-services (i.e. babysitting,handymen, Avon, etc.)

Page 2: ElToroFeb08

Spanish Ranch #1Information Sheet

EL TORO MAGAZINE is published monthly and distributedaround the first of the month. Dates and times of activities are

noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will beannounced in the regular section of pages.

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICEManager: Teresa Cruz, A.R.C. Mgmt Co.

Shari and Kenny Bachmann, relief managersOffice hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.

On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-HolidaysOffice address: 28400 Granada Circle

Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door(next to laundry room on front side of bldg.)

Phone: 510-783-5535

ORGANIZATIONSThe Los Rancheros Association and the Spanish Ranch #1Ladies Club are automatically comprised of park residents.

There are no dues.MEETINGS of the Los Rancheros Association are the FIRST

THURSDAY of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the MainClubhouse unless otherwise announced.

LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of eachmonth at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD THURSDAY ofeach month to go out to lunch at various area restaurants.

BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY of each month.

SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

TRANSPORTATION#391 SHOPPER’S SPECIAL — Leaves hourly beginning

10:10 a.m. on TUES. and FRI. for SOUTHLAND from frontof Main Clubhouse. RETURNS at Noon, 1 and 2 p.m. Ask for

transfer if you plan to return on the bus. #77 AC TRANSIT BUS — Leaves for downtown every hour

5:52 am-5:52 p.m. M-F. Bus stops outside the park acrossfrom Ruus Park. To go to Tennyson Shopping Center, bus

stops at corner of Ruus Park. Catch return bus at Tampa sideof Payless Shoe Store. Sat.-Sun. service 8:31 am-6:31 pm

AC TRANSIT FARES — $1.75 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and65+ is 85¢. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an additional 25¢.

MISCELLANEOUSThe Clubhouses are available to residents for private affairs.

Contact the Office, 510-783-5535The POOLROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available for

residents to use. See the office for a key.

COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTS are to be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and

must be SIGNED. For any complaints or suggestions concerning safety, maintenance, replace/repair, give a

copy to the the Executive Board as well as the Office. Thesealso must be in writing and must be signed.



Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject.

Send to [email protected]. (You must sign your name but we

won’t use it if you don’t want us to.)


To All Ladies at SR-1Come join us at any of our events. Get acquainted!

LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the third

THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) ofeach month at 12 noon. All are welcome.

2008February 21 Elephant BarMarch20 Red LobsterApril 17 Marie Callender’sMay 15 Mimi’sJune 19 Sweet TomatoesJuly 17 ApplebeesAugust 21 Olive GardenSeptember 18 SizzlerOctober 16 Dino’sNovember 20 Dell CafeDecember Christmas Party

Coordinators: Joyce Stevens, 785-5889and Joy Cunningham, 785-4609


AnnouncementsResidents interested in obtaining a copy of the

questionaire distributed at a recent association meet-ing, intended to evaluate living conditions in the park,are asked to call Norma Moore, 887-0463.

★ ★ ★

Please, fill out the Resident Emerg e n c yInformation form that was included with your Januaryrent statement, or use the form in this issue on page 12.This information is essential for planning an effectivepark-wide emergency response in the case of a naturaldisaster or any park systems failure.

It is especially necessary for elderly, disabled per-sons or any others with special needs to have this formon file in order to receive assistance when needed.

Don’t delay! Get it in today!

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Join us for

BINGOFirst and LastSaturdays

of each month, NOON TO 3 P.M.

Snack bar open before playand during breaks

serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

NOTICEPer state law, no one under the age

of 18 is allowed in the clubhouseduring Bingo

Jerrye Zinnel1905 -2008

Our own centenarian“Coffee Lady” JerryeZinnel died January10, 2008 at the ageof 102, following ashort hospitalization.J e r r ye hosted themonthly coffee socialright up to year end.

Join us for the

Jerrye ZinnelMEMORIAL

(and possibly final)

Coffee Socialwhere you can get acquainted and enjoy amidmorning break (or get rolling if youjust got up)! Drop-in for a few minutes oran hour—your choice. Come on by!

Saturday, February 1, 2008

9:00-10:00 a.m.(This happens before Bingo)

Coffee • Tea • Doughnuts

We remember Jerrye, making thecoffee but saying “I don’t drink coffeemyself,” cutting all the doughnuts in halfso favorites could be shared, finishing upall the doughnut holes herself so theywouldn’t “go to waste.”

Jerrye was a character, surely one of akind! Bright and funny as well as opinion-ated and stubborn, she was behind thescenes for a lot that got done in thepark. She decorated the Christmas treein the clubhouse for years. She was aregular participant and helper at LadiesClub functions, Spectrum and Bingo.

She will be missed! (Now where’s theother half of that doughnut?—Ed)

In the SR-1 clubhouse

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1. Coffee: There is coffee avail-able every day during office hoursfor all residents of Spanish Ranch 1in the main club house.

2. Please check your watershut off valves to make surethey work properly. They are located atyour utility pad, before your water meter.

3. Vandalism: Please call the police andthen the office if you see anyone vandalizingany property in the Park such as brokenstreet lights, signs and back gate key pad,etc.

Thank you,Teresa Cruz, Manager


Join the

Ladies Club

at noon on the

second Thursday


DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and let’s get

together. Dessert provided.

It costs only a dime a game, winnertake all! + .25 for the bank which gets raffled

back to somebody at the first gathering in January.

Come to the Main clubhouse on theSecond Thursday, at noon!

For more information call Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294

Ladies Club Dime Bingo Dessert Schedule:January: Lorraine • February: Darlene

March: Louise • April: BridgetteMay: Joy • June: Darlene

July: Lorraine • August: FannieSeptember: Louise • October: Irene

November: Joy • December: Christmas Party


RESIDENT INFORMATION www.spanishranch1.blogspot.com

The web address is not case-sensitive, but you MUSTuse a number 1 (one) and not a roman numeral I (i).

PICTURES FOUNDA large package of family photos was

found on Miranda on November 26.

If you lost them, please contact SuzanneHicks at 887-3160 or notifythe office.

(The ethnicity of the pic-tures appears to be Indian orPakistani, so if YOUR neigh-bors appear to fit this descrip-tion, please call this notice totheir attention!)


Sure, you feel sorry for that stray cat or dog,but if you feed it, it WILL stick around

and perhaps not go back toit’s rightful family.

Don’t leave pet food outside!

Food left out will attract raccoons, stray pets, opposums,

and other varmints!

Only indoor petsare permitted in the

park so don’t encourage outside animals to stay!

Note to Residents: Volunteers are available to cometo your home and show you where your water and gasshutoff valves are located and how to check them.Please call NERT co-captain Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199for more information or to request this.

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Comedy Corner contributed by S. Higman (no. 163)

(most copyright info unknown - web-exchange)

Stumpy and Martha

Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the state fair every year. Every year Stumpy would say, "Martha, I'dlike to ride in that there airplane."

And every year Martha would say, "I know Stumpy, but that airplane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollarsis ten dollars."

One year Stumpy and Martha went to the fair and Stumpy said, "Martha, I'm 71 years old. If I don't ridethat airplane this year I may never get another chance."

Martha replied, "Stumpy, that there airplane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars."

The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal, I'll take you both up for a ride. If you canstay quiet for the entire ride and not say one word, I won't charge you, but ifyou say one word it's ten dollars."

Stumpy and Martha agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds oftwists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word was heard. He did all histricks over again, but still not a word. They landed and the pilot turned toStumpy, "By golly, I did everything I could think of to get you to yell out, butyou didn't."

Stumpy replied, "Well, I was gonna say something when Martha fell out, but ten dollars is ten dollars."

Daddy's Room

One summer evening during a vio-lent thunderstorm a mother was tuck-ing her small boy into bed. She wasabout to turn off the light when heasked with a tremor in his voice,' ' M o m m y, will you sleep with metonight?''

His mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug.''I can't dear,'' she said. ''I have to sleep in daddy'sroom.''

A long silence was broken at last by his little voice.''The big sissy.''

Blonde in a Car

A blonde walked into a gas station and saidto the manager, ''I locked my keys in my car.Do you have a coat hanger or something Ican stick through the window to unlock thedoor?''

''Why sure,'' said the manager, ''we havesomething that works especially well forthat.''

A couple minutes later, the manager walkedoutside to see how the blonde was doing andhe heard another voice. ''No, no! A little to theleft,'' said the other blonde inside the car.

Jesus & the Robber

One night a robber broke into a home and heard a voice say, ''Jesus iswatching you!''while he rummaged through the desk. He replied, ''Who said

that?!'' Once again he heard the same thing, ''Jesus is watching you!'' The robber looked around the room only to see a parrot. He asked the parrot what itsname was. The parrot replied, ''Cornelius.'' The robber said, ''What kind of a name isthat?! Who names a parrot that?!'' The parrot said, ''The same person who named thatrottweiler behind you Jesus!''

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◆ Electricity may be lost. You cannot run mechan-ical breathing aids; you will not be able to recharge apower wheelchair.

◆ Telephone service may be interrupted.

◆ There will be serious problems with transporta-tion. Roads may be closed or, blocked; transit, taxi andparatransit service will be disrupted.

◆ Don’t expect help from fire and police personnelfor at least 72 hours; they will be busy with the mostcrucial situations. You will be left to rely on your ownresources with the help of neighbors, friends and fami-ly during the first 72 hours after a major earthquake.

◆ Your home is the best place to stay if it is not toobadly damaged to be safe.


1. Tell your neighbors NOW if you cannotmove well or quickly in an emergency and makearrangements for someone to check on you.Develop a personal support network of peoplewho, following a disaster, will make sure that youhave everything you need.

2. The most important supplies you will needinclude:

➤Several Flashlights (by the bed and around thehouse; electricity may be out)

➤Battery Operated Radio (to listen for informa-tion about the disaster)

➤3-Gallon Supply of Stored Emergency Water(enough to survive a disruption)

➤Supply of Canned/Dry Foods & manual can-opener (food to prepare without power)

➤Whistle or Loud Bell (to attract attention).

➤Extra Batteries (for flashlight, radio, hearingaide or other personal devices)

➤First Aid Kit

➤Extra Money (banks may be closed and ATMmachines not working)

3. Have an “‘out-of-area” contact and call toadvise of your status. Use this contact to relay mes-sages between you and family members, friends, oryour personal care assistant. It will be easier to get anout of area phone line, versus a local phone line.

4. Personal care assistants. Your personal atten-dant or home health agency worker, may have prob-lems related to the disaster and may not be able to helpyou. Talk with your primary care provider about aback-up plan of how and where to get assistance, if this

primary provider is unavailable.

5. Identify a location where you can reunite withfamily or friends if you must evacuate your home.Notify your personal care assistant of this location.

6. Try to always maintain a 3-day supply of yourprescription medication. If you use oxygen, keep anemergency supply for 3-days or more. Check with yourlocal pharmacy and neighborhood grocery to see if theymake deliveries. After a serious disaster, it may be hardfor you to get out of your home for a few days.

7. Prepare an emergency go kit that you couldgrab and take with you if there is a need to evacuate.Along with a change of clothes, include necessary med-ications, basic toiletries, any special sanitary aids, andimportant contact information or phone numbers.

8. For all medical equipment requiring electricalp o w e r, such as breathing equipment and infusionpumps, check with your medical supply company abouta backup power source. This could include a batterypack or generator.

9. Keep extra mobility aids on hand. In an emer-gency you may be able to substitute a car battery for awheelchair battery. Otherwise, have a manual wheel-chair, canes, crutches and walkers as a backup for usein an emergency.

TIPS DURING AND AFTER AN EARTHQUAKE:1. If you are in a wheelchair, stay in it and go into

a doorway that doesn’t have a door. Cover your headand neck with your hands.

2. If you are in a bed or out of a wheelchair, stayput and cover your head.

3. Be prepared for aftershocks. Turn on yourportable radio for instructions.

4. PG&E’s 24-hour, toll-free power outage hotlineis 1-800-743-5002 to find out if an outage has beenreported in your area and when power would berestored.

THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR HOME:1. Eliminate hazards in your home. Securely

anchor medical equipment, appliances, bookcases,hanging plants, etc. Place heavy objects on low shelves.

2. Plan evacuation routes (more than one) out ofyour home and the area. If you need to get out of theneighborhood, know the quickest route. Figure out howyou can get out of each room if the doorway is blocked.

3. Know where utility shut-offs(for electrical, gas & water) are locatedand how to use them.

4. Keep family or personal recordsin a watertight, fireproof container.

Emergency Preparedness Tips for Seniors & People with Disabilities(This is good advice for the rest of us too)

Produced by the Bay Area

Emergency Preparedness

Coalition for Seniors and

People with Disabilities


Page 7: ElToroFeb08

Mercy Brown Bag ProgramThe Mercy

Brown Bag Program distributes a grocery bag

of nutritional food to low income seniors

TWICE MONTHLY. Bags consist of 10-15 items

including bread, fresh produce, assorted canned

foods and other items depending on availability.


Low income seniors age 60+; only one brown bag per household.Monthly income limited to $1096 for a single person; $2192 for a

household of two of more.


Come at the time listed below and bring a Driver’s License or otheridentification with birth date and current address. Also bring all sourcesof income for verification including: SSI, Social Security, Pension, etc.

Come any 2nd or 4th Thursday of any month.


An annual voluntary contribution of $10 is requested.


Bags are distributed to registered participants on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at:


Newark, CA 94560

For more information, please call the Newark Senior Center at (510) 742-4840.


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Greetings Neighbors,

I am very happy to report that Mary Fabianfrom the Hayward Police Department thinksthat our walking has helped cut down on thecrime. She attended our January meetingalong with officer G. Sanchez, one of the beatofficers for beat H. Mary gave us some of thestatistics of the crime here in our park. I wassurprised at some of them. She feels thatmaking our presence known has helped. Sothank you to all of those who have walked. Myspecial Thanks to Kevin and Clint who havebeen so faithful.

The most effective way that we can helpreduce the crime in our park is to be awareand report everything. No matter how silly itmight seem, if it is not the norm or you don'trecognize someone don't hesitate to make apolice report. Call the office and call me. Weneed to make lists of vehicles that are parkedin guest parking for a few days and not mov-ing. The office needs to know, it might be astolen car or someone is living in it. If you seea lot of foot traffic in and out of one house andsuspect something is going on, report it.Someone will check it out. It might be nothingbut it is best to be aware.

There was a scam reported. A guy wentup to a residents' house and said he was hereto clean the gutters. But, before he could dothat he would need a check for $1000. Pleasebe careful of scams. Solicitors are not allowed

in the park. Call the officeand report these people.

We have had a report of apit bull loose again. It didn'tgo after anyone but it isscary to have a strange dogcome up to you. Please keepyour dogs in the house or on a leash. Thisneighbor did not report this incident to theoffice but I hope they will next time. Animalcontrol should be notified when dogs are loosetoo.

There have been some changes in theCommunity Policing Division of the HPD. Ihope to have the new list along with newphone numbers at our next association meet-ing. Neighborhood Alert meetings are gener-ally the last We d n e s d ay of the month.Everyone is welcome. The meetings are helddownstairs at Southland, 7 p.m. SpanishRanch has our Neighborhood Watch meetingsthe second Tuesday of the month, at the mainclub house, 7 p.m.

We still have a walking group. I haven'tbeen very good about it during the holidaysbut will get back to it. We meet every night infront of the main clubhouse at 6:30, weatherpermitting. If you want to walk one night orseven, it's OK. Dogs are always welcome.

Be safe. Be aware.Linda Moniz, Neighborhood Alert510-780-0631



(file a complaint, too or call the police, 293-7000.)

Come join your neighbors and bring yourgood ideas for making our park safe, drug-free and a nice place to live!



Put your mail in the


MAILBOXlocated in front of the

Main Clubhouse close to thestreet (near the Park map).

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Present: Darlene, Rey, Bridgette, Charlie,Julie, Jeanie. Excused absence: Mary, Pat, Norma,Evelyn. Also absend, Linda

Minutes: Tabled to next meetingTreasurer’s Report – Rey Abaya. Balance in

Checking Account = $498.54. CD balance =$2620.62

COMMITTEE REPORTS:Grievance Committee: Julie Manzo gave

report from their meeting with Clayton Hage, thenew Regional Manager for Allresco.

Deposit is now $100 for rental of the mainclubhouse and $50 for the small clubhouse.

Hot Tub will be completely redone this Springand be closed for approximately 2-3 weeks.

Management will continue to offer leases andmonth-to-month.

Clay will talk with owner about removing allor part of the carpet in the main club house andreplacing it with linoleum

Hall doors to the rest rooms/sauna and thekitchen will be open during business hours.

Billiards room will continue to be lockedManagement is entertaining the idea of having

a fitness center in the small clubhouse.Tree issue was brought up. Mr. Hage stated

that all trees were the responsibility of each resi-dent.

Discussion ended with this topic.Next meeting will be in a couple of weeks and

has not be scheduled at this time.

Present: Darlene, Mary, Bridgette, Charlie,Julie, Linda, Norma, and Jeanie. Excusedabsence: Rey, Pat and Evelyn

Pledge of Allegiance was said.Secretary’s Report: We haven’t received this

month’s El Toro so we will table this until the nextmeeting.

Treasurer’s Report – President gave in Rey’sabsence. Checking balance = $498.54 CD balance:$2,620.62

Minutes of Los RancherosAssociation Board Meeting —

December 27, 2007

Minutes of Los RancherosAssociation Meeting —

January 3, 2008

Continued on the next page

Grievance Committee ReportThe Spanish Ranch I Association Grievance

Committee met with our new Regional Manager, ClayHage, of ARC (management group) to discuss problemsin the park. We will be meeting with him often to helpget this park in better shape.

December 19, 2007 MeetingClay said the maintenance crew is checking and

repairing the pump house on a weekly basis.

Clay will check with the owners about removingsome of the carpet in the Main Club house to replacethe dance floor we lost and to make it easier for the res-idents to clean after rental of club house.

Clay will consider leaving the door open to therestrooms by the water fountain until 6:00pm.

They are considering turning the small club houseinto a GYM.

We need to let him know how much storage spacethe association needs.

Handles on inside of shower doors are to bereplaced immediately.

Rules and directions/locations will be made clear onrental agreement for club house.

This winter they are going to repair/replace thedrain, skimmer and the circulation pipes to the pump.

We have volunteered to paint the street signs withthe street names on the backs of the signs. We wantpaint that is more visible at night. Management willprovide us with all supplies.

January 10, 2008 MeetingHe will get approximately 15 solar lights to put

down Granada Drive from the back gate towards thefront to do a light test to resolve lighting problems inthe park.

He will immediately look into getting the main shutoff valves for the water repaired, approximately 3 or 4of them. He assured us that a water flow test has beendone recently on the fire hydrants and that extensivetesting has to be done by law in 2008.

They have been trying to hire a resident mainte-nance person and are making it a top priority to findone.

Will look into putting video cameras facing the backgate to help curb problem with vandalism to the backgate.

He is going to get approximately 6 more signs toput around the park letting people know about kids atplay.

He will look at Saga Palm Tree blocking parkingspace on Granada Drive.

He will remove laundry line at horse shoe pit areaand get bushes trimmed around side walk area sur-rounding the actual pit area.

Submitted by: Mary Dimsdale for GrievanceCommittee members, Norma Moore, June Hart, JulieManzo, Suzanne Hicks, Rey Abaya, Evelyn Ely andFran La Torre.


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COMMITTEE REPORTS:Flea Market: Julie stated that both dates are

available: April 13 & 19th. Motion made, second-ed, and passed to book 4/19. Mary Dimsdale willsubmit the Rental Agreement for this.

Grievance: Mary Dimsdale said she would geta report together to have it printed in nextmonth’s El Toro in it’s entirety.

HMOA: President asked Mary where the1/19th meeting would be held, she didn’t know;Norma stated it would be held at Pueblo Springsat 10 a.m.

Hot Line: President asked Juan about the HotLine, he stated they had been no progress on this.

OLD BUSINESSTabled Secretary Reports from last months

meeting. Corrections, omissions or deletions to theOctober 4 minutes as printed in last months ElToro: Norma wants Lease discussion added tominutes in its entirety. President asked Monty ifhe would forward a copy of his report to her or edi-tor. Under Old Business, first sentence, correct itto read: Norma informed us the PUC had come…

Last sentence under Old Business should read:Darlene handed out copies of Jarsco leak report.

Motion to accept minutes with corrections;Seconded. Passed.

Corrections, omissions or deletions to theNovember 1st minutes as printed in last monthsEl Toro: under New Business, fourth paragraph,second sentence should read: Norma stated shewas told an estimate was given to Mark & Sagit onrepairing the 60 shut off valves and it would costapproximately $100k.

Motion to accept minutes with corrections;Seconded; Passed

NEW BUSINESS:Suzanne made a motion to write a letter to

HCD about tree situation, and suggest that resi-dents send a letter as well, seconded and passed.Fran LaTorre volunteered to write this letter.

Norma stated that she spoke to Ortega and hetold her that Spanish Ranch I water lines weregrandfathered in, stating that Mr. Earp could putin the water lines any way he saw fit to.

Monty asked about lighting and was told thatit is on the Grievance Committee’s list.

Peter Childress asked about the water drainswith all the rain we are having. Norma stated thatKenny and Max are scheduled to drive aroundevery hour, all week long and check all the drains.

Norma made a motion to send a similar letterto HCD about our sewer problems.


Cat Owners! Keep ’em IN!

Only indoor petsare allowed in the park.

Keep your cat in the houseand s/he won’t be out digging

in someone’s flower bed.

Be a responsible pet owner!

Seconded. Passed.President brought up that a large package of

pictures were found by Suzanne. Everyone wasasked to take a look at them and see if they recog-nize someone. Discussion about putting lost &Found items in the El Toro. Jeanie stated that canbe done.

Monty stated that he is against painting thestreet signs ourselves as it might make manage-ment move the replacement of all signs to the bot-tom of the list. Discussion followed.

Clint brought up that we are supposed to havea blue marker in front of every fire hydrant.Suzanne stated that management slurried overthem.

Norma brought up about Evelyn’s water prob-lem and that management contacted the firedepartment the day before, why could they makeus aware of the water shut off sooner.

The President read from an email from DawnPlaskon: “that she has a saved a voice mail, aswell as spoken to battalion chief, Mark Bennett,with whom Teresa had spoken with. He stated thecall from Teresa was received on the morning ofThursday, December 27 between 8-9 a.m. This cor-responds with the time at which association boardmembers and emergency response members werenotified. The plan to notify 4-5 key person was putinto place so that those residents could then passon the information to their immediate neighbors.”

Monty wanted clarification on what Mary stat-ed in Grievance Report; President stated that herreport would be published in its entirety in thenext El Toro.

Mary made a motion to publish Norma’s con-tact information in the El Toro for residents toobtain the questionnaire to be sent to the law firmof Enderman, Turek & Heater LLP. Seconded.Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.Submitted by Bridgette Levinsky, Secretary

Continued from the previous page

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Come and Eat!! It’s a SNAP! (Senior Nutrition and Activities Project)

All SR-1 seniors are eligible and invited to participate in

SPECTRUM MEALSA government-sponsored program for seniors over 55.Es un programa guvernamental para ancianos mas de 55 años.

Tuesdays & Thursdays in the main SR1 Clubhouse(except holidays)

Martes y Jueves en el Clubhouse (menos dias feriados)

NOTE! Signups are r e q u i r e d. You must call before noon the day before.Tiener que registrarse antes de doce un dia nates. Llamen a Ruth Horton 732-6671.

Call Ruth Horton — 732-6671for reservations or information. (Help is invited, too.)

Meal served at 4:30 p.m. Come early to socialize.Las comidas estaran servidas a las 4:30 p.m. Illegue temprano para

socialisar se lon ellos.

$3.25 at door • Non-seniors/Guests $4.75 • 10 Dinner Tickets: $30.00$3.25 en la puerta. • Los invitados pueden atendes por $4.75.

Donations are always accepted.

Meals include fish, BBQ chicken, vegetarian spaghetti, salads, soups (more so in winter),pork chops, hamburger, lasagna, and — always a dessert! Milk is included with each meal.

NOTE: on days soup is scheduled, you can substitute a hamburger or veggie burger! A Spectrum menu is posted in the SR-1 clubhouse.

More information: Food is delivered hot from a central facility. Volunteers monitor the temperature of the food as it arrives and served and keep a log

as required by the government.All SR1 seniors are eligible and invited to participate.

Dinner is served 5 nights a week at the Josephine Lum Lodge at W. Tennyson and Oliver.(Lunch is served at 11:30 daily — same menu.) Phone 785-1997.


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Family Household Name _____________________________ Phone ______________________________________

Address ___________________________________________ Date _______________________________________

Family members or other residents in your home:________________________________________________________



Pets: Type__________________________________________ Name/s _____________________________________

SPECIAL NEEDS Please list any special needs of family members, including those who may require assistance fol-lowing a disaster. _________________________________________________________________________________


Does anyone NOT understand English? __________________ Primary language_____________________________

SPECIAL SKILLS/TRAINING/EQUIPMENT Please indicate if you or your family members have any of the fol-lowing that would be available to the neighborhood following a disaster:

Medical (specify type) Doctor___ Nurse___ CPR___ First aid___ Other _________________________________

Firefighting______________________________ Plumber/Electrician/Carpenter ______________________________


Vehicle to Transport Injured_________________________ 4-Wheel Drive Vehicle ___________ R.V. ___________

Camp Stove____________ Camp Light _______________ CB or HAM Radio ______________ Tent ___________


Flashlight(s) _____________________________________ Emergency food ________________________________

Emergency water supply____________________________ Emergency medication___________________________

Battery operated radio______________________________ Other (Please list)_______________________________


Are you interested in serving on this park’s Disaster Preparedness Committee? Yes__________ No______________

Are you willing to help in the case of disaster, after your family is cared for? Yes__________ No______________

Anyone in your household bilingual? What languages? ___________________________________________________

May we call upon these individuals available to translate in an emergency? Yes__________ No______________

This information is being gathered that we might better assist park residents in case of a natural disaster, utility inter-ruptions and any other disruptive event, and will be available to first responders. If you do NOT want parts or all of thisform shared with others, specify here: _________________________________________________________________

In the event that no one is home, I hereby give permission for gas, electricity and/or water to be shut off if it is neces-sary to do so for the safety of the residence and/or the neighborhood.

SIGNATURE ______________________________________________________ Date____________________



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President’s Commentsfrom Darlene Richardson, Los Rancheros Assocation President

I attended the Grievance Committee meetingwith Clayton Hage, Suzanne Hicks, Norma Moore,Julie Manzo, June Hart, Mary Dimsdale, andEvelyn Ely. These are my unofficial notes from themeeting that I want to share with everyone.

There is now a sign on Miranda but not the size ofbackboard or letters and not on the pole that Clayrequested. Clay will be taking a census of all streetsigns tomorrow with Kenny taking digital pictures.Each sign will have it’s own sheet listing the problemsand the corrective measures to be taken.

Reflective paint, brushes etc. Clay with speak withTeresa to get the ball rolling on this item. GrievanceCommittee will gather the work force to complete thistask. Pizza party to follow work done.

Clay advised owner to set aside funds each month,order new signs in April and install the new ones pos-sibly in August.

Trees: Macatera had a tree cracked for a couple ofyears and with the heavy rains and winds large branch-es broke off and fell to the ground. Doesn’t look like anyproperty was damaged by this.

Lighting: Clay will seek out the part of the codethat sets the ‘standard’ for lighting and see if SR1meets this standard. If it does meet this standard andresidents need more lighting it will discussed with theowner. Clay will have higher candle power put in eachlight on Granada to see if this helps.

Sewer: Clay has recently signed two invoices for theflushing of two separate lines.

Fire Hydrants: Clay stated that in order to get a‘Permit to Operate’ the park, one of the things they hadto submit to HCD was a “flow test” of every hydrant.Which includes pressure and volume testing. 24 HourFire Protection did all of this testing and compiled theresults into a report for HCD. A MAJOR full test that ismandatory will take place in 2008.

Resident Water Shut off—residents not comfortabledoing it themselves. Suncoast Plumbing has given anestimate to replace 32 smaller and 28 larger water shutoff valves for approximately $100k. Clay will get thisestimate from Suncoast and see if it lists the location ofall the water shut off valves. Clay stated that the ownerwants to know how many and where all the shut offsare. Clay agreed that whenever possible a 72 hournotice will given when water will be shut off.

Sewer clean outs: 36 more should be installed. Claystated, “Management can’t allow health and safety togo away.” In Clay’s past experience, if a park owneradmits wrong doing on one thing then it opens the floodgates to all.

Maintenance Manager and crew: “Not yet”, Claysaid. They have offered the job to two separate individ-uals; one had already found another position and thesecond had some issues and could not be hired. He washoping for February 1, but is now shooting for March 1.He believes the standard practice for managers not liv-ing on-site would be that they live within 15 minutes ofthe park.

Rent: when is it late? Rent is due on the 1st ofevery month. Then they had on a five (5) day graceperiod, bringing the date to the 6th of the month. If the6th of the month falls on a Saturday then the rent isdue Monday morning. Late notices will be sent the 7thof the month or the first business day following the 7th.For example if the 7th falls on Saturday then the latenotice will be sent on Monday the 9th. If OfficePersonnel come in on the 7th and there are checkswere deposited in the night slot then they will NOT beconsidered late and no late fee will be assessed.

Speed bumps: Clay stated that insurance compa-nies hate speed bumps because of the people that doNOT slow down. Resulting damage to their car (oralignment issues) are incurred and they sue the insur-ance company for compensation. He believes there areissues with the paving that was already done and willprobably have to do a soil analysis before moving for-ward with any paving.

Gate in front: Clay will get a price for one. Hebelieves it is upward of $25k.

Video camera: Clay will look into putting surveil-lance in the tree at the back gate.

Children playing signs: Clay asked us how manyand suggested starting with 6. He would like us to giveour recommendations as to where they should be put.

Owner of park: Clay stated that the owner is theRutherford Investment Company and Patrick Mockleris the person he reports to. A group of investors hasbeen brought together on the SR1 acquisition and thatis where Monterey Coast comes in. He hasn’t heard ofTarrant Bell. Allresco is NOT part owner and is a feebased firm working for the owner.

Sprinklers: along perimeter of park, we were toldthey were not operational and the sprinkler headscould be removed. When doing so, it was learned thatthey were still operational. Clay will look into this.

Small Clubhouse: laundry line is still hangingdown at approximately 4’ height. He will look into thisitem. Also the fence and bushes.

Clay will look into the Saga palm tree onGranada/Alcazar that is over grown into the visitorparking lot.

Clay was asked if he was meeting with any othergroup at SR1. He stated he was not.

Next meeting to be held on February 13th at 6:30p.m. in the main clubhouse.

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F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 8

Jerrye ZinnelMEMORIAL

Coffee Social9:00-10:00

El ToroDeadline


BUS10 A.M.

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BUS10 A.M.

BUS10 A.M.

BUS10 A.M.


BUS10 A.M.

BUS10 A.M.

BUS10 A.M.

BUS10 A.M.






Assn BoardMeeting

7:00 p.m.


Meeting7:00 p.m.










Assn BoardMeeting

7:00 p.m.



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