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Emerging Asia’s Public Pension Systems:

Challenges and Reform Efforts

Donghyun Park+ and Gemma B. Estrada



Demographic transition toward older populations is turning old age income support into an

issue of high and growing importance throughout Asia. Population aging is most advanced in the

sub-regions of East Asia and Southeast Asia. In this paper, we analyze the current state of public

pension systems of China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and

Vietnam. Our diagnosis of public pension systems reveals their main shortcomings. The key

systemic weaknesses include low coverage and inadequate benefits. Overall, Asian public

pension systems still have a long way to go in terms of affordable, adequate and sustainable old

age economic security. We conclude the paper with policy recommendations for pension reform.

Keywords: Pension, social security, Asia

JEL Categories: H55

+ Principal Economist, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Division, Economics and Research Department,

Asian Development Bank, 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES 1550. [E-mail]

[email protected] ++

Economics Officer, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Division, Economics and Research Department,

Asian Development Bank, 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES 1550. [E-mail]

[email protected]


1 Introduction

Providing economic security for the elderly may well be the single biggest social and economic

challenge facing developing Asia (henceforth Asia) in the 21st century. The growing importance

of old age income support is primarily due to a seismic demographic transition which is

fundamentally reshaping Asia’s demographic profile. A young continent reaping the

demographic dividend of a large youthful workforce is giving way to a graying continent where

the ratio of retirees to workers is on the rise. In contrast to industrialized countries, most Asian

countries do not yet have mature, well-functioning pension systems. As a result, they are ill

prepared to provide economic security for the large number of retirees who loom on the horizon.

This paper looks at the public pension systems of eight countries in East and Southeast Asia –

namely, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam –

which encompass a wide range of income and development levels. The demographic transition

toward older populations is much more advanced in these two sub-regions than in South Asia.

The demographic trends of the eight countries as a whole resoundingly confirm the

conventional wisdom of a rapidly ageing Asia. All eight countries are experiencing a secular

increase in the proportion of the elderly relative to working-age population [Figure 1] and total

population [Figure 2]. It is evident that the entire region will have a drastically different, much

greyer demographic profile by 2050. As in the industrialized countries, Asia’s demographic

transition is driven by falling fertility and rising life expectancy. A constellation of economic and

social factors such as improved female education and better medical care is inducing Asians to

have fewer children and enabling them to live longer. Other demographic indicators also point

unequivocally toward a graying continent [Table 1]. The median age of all the eight countries

except the Philippines will exceed the world average by 2050. Furthermore, life expectancy at 60


is already fairly high and by 2050 fertility rates will fall below levels required for a stable


[Insert Figure 1]

[Insert Figure 2]

[Insert Table 1]

In addition to population ageing, a number of other factors also point to an urgent need to

strengthen old age support in Asia. In particular, the weakening of informal family-based old age

support mechanisms suggests a greater role for formal pension systems throughout the region.

Asians have traditionally relied upon their children to take care of their material needs in their

old age. The family network was in effect Asia’s pension system, especially in rural

environments where extended families of three generations often lived together under one roof

and younger family members supported older family members. However, the far-reaching social

changes which accompanied the region’s economic progress have given rise to smaller nuclear

families which are less conducive to intra-family support. Such changes include rapid

urbanization [Figure 3] and declining relative importance of agriculture in the economy. In short,

urbanization, industrialization and socio-cultural changes are creating a vacuum in Asia’s old age

support, a vacuum which must be filled by formal pension systems.

[Insert Figure 3]

Globalization and globalization-related labor market developments provide further rationale for

strengthening Asia’s public pension systems. While Asia has reaped enormous benefits from

globalization, it is not immune from the structural dislocations it wreaks. Globalization produces

both winners and losers, and increases the sense of economic and social insecurity. Well-

functioning social protection systems, including pension systems, can ease such insecurity and


thereby promote public support for globalization. The competitive pressures unleashed by

globalization are forcing firms to reduce labor costs. As a result, workers are more likely to lose

their jobs and move from one job to another. In Asia, workers’ loss of job security due to

globalization is compounded by large numbers of workers in the informal sector [Figure 4].

Those workers are usually unprotected by labor regulations and lack access to pensions and other

benefits. Asia’s growing labor mobility and prevalence of informal employment calls for

improving pension coverage and portability in the region.

[Insert Figure 4]

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 ABCs of Public Pension Systems reviews the

universal core functions and objectives of public pension systems. Section 3 Overview of Asian

Public Pension Systems looks at the broad anatomy of the public pension systems in the eight

countries. Section 4 Diagnosis of Asian Public Pension Systems seeks to identify the main

shortcomings of Asia’s existing pension systems. Section 5 Way Forward for Asian Public

Pension Systems looks at the main directions for pension reform which emerge from the

diagnosis of this chapter.

2 ABCs of Public Pension Systems

A pension refers to an annuity or lump sum of cash received by individuals upon their

retirement. In light of population ageing and other trends outlined above, building well-

functioning pension systems capable of protecting older Asians from poverty is no longer a

luxury but an absolute necessity. Broadly speaking, an optimal pension system is one which

covers as much of the society as possible, delivers adequate yet affordable retirement benefits for

its members, and do both on a financially sound basis. For individuals, society and the

government, the main objectives of any pension system are to: (i) smooth consumption over


lifetime, (ii) provide insurance against longevity risk, inflation risk and other risks, (iii)

redistribute income, and (iv) alleviate poverty. However, these have to be traded off against

economic growth, labor market efficiency and flexibility, and against other needs like health,

education, and infrastructure. Individual, fiscal and societal affordability should be kept in mind

in designing pension systems. Benefits must thus evolve over time as affordability grows.

There are five core functions which any pension system must perform (Ross, 2004). These are:

(1) reliable collection of contributions, taxes and other receipts, including any loan payments (in

many pension schemes, a member is permitted to borrow for housing, education or other

purposes but the loan needs to be repaid); (2) payment of benefits for each of the schemes in a

timely and correct way; (3) securing financial management and productive investment of pension

assets; (4) maintaining an effective communication network, including development of accurate

data and record keeping mechanisms to support collection, payment and financial activities; and

(5) production of financial statements and reports that promote better governance, fiduciary

responsibility, transparency, and accountability. In developing countries, organizational reforms

which enables pension system to perform the five tasks more professionally and effectively is a

prerequisite for broader systemic reform.

At the systemic level, a well-designed pension system should have the following properties.

Ideally, a pension system should be broad based, i.e. be adequate in terms of both coverage and

range of risks covered; affordable from individual, business, fiscal, and macroeconomic

perspectives; actuarially and hence financially sound and sustainable over time; robust so as to

withstand macroeconomic and other shocks; and provide reasonable levels of post-retirement

income coupled with a safety-net for the elderly poor. The above implies a fairly complex

objective function for a pension system. The society needs to decide through policy makers on


the relative weights given to adequacy, affordability, sustainability, robustness, and the level of

safety nets. Different societies will make different tradeoffs according to their circumstances;

and the same society may opt for different tradeoffs at different stages of its economic

development and demographic transition.

More generally, although all pension systems share universal core functions and objectives,

there are different kinds of pension systems. Societies will therefore have to decide which kind

of pension system best meets its needs. The big strategic choice confronting Asian countries in

the context of pension system design is the choice between individual risk bearing and social risk

pooling. A good example of individual risk bearing is defined contribution (DC) pension plans

which make the individual responsible for his own investment and longevity risks. In contrast to

individual risk bearing, under social risk pooling, society pools together the risks of all individual

members and bears the risks on their behalf. For example, in government-mandate national

defined benefit (DB) pension plans, society as a whole shares investment and longevity risks.

Related to dichotomy between DB and DC pension schemes is the dichotomy between pay-as-

you-go and fully funded pension schemes.

In the real world, pension systems rarely rely exclusively on individual risk bearing or social

risk pooling. Instead pension systems typically incorporate elements of both but differ with

respect to the relative importance of each. In fact, the World Bank’s multi-pillar model [Box 1

on World Bank’s Multi-Pillar Model of Old Age Income Support] recommends combining

five different pillars of old age income support with varying degrees of social risk pooling. One

of the five pillars consists of defined benefit pay-as-you-go pension schemes while another pillar

consists of mandatory defined contribution pension schemes. The multi-pillar model has greatly

influenced current thinking on pension design and reform among policymakers around the world.


This has led to a consensus that effective old age income support requires a healthy mix of

individual risk bearing and social risk pooling. The multi-pillar model thus provides a useful

conceptual framework for thinking about pension design and reform. However, the real

challenge for each Asian country is to develop a multi-pillar system which best suit its own

needs, preferences and capabilities.

[Insert Box 1]

3 Overview of Asian Public Pension Systems

Identifying the directions for pension reform in Asia requires an understanding of the current

shortcomings of Asian pension systems. Understanding the shortcomings of Asian pension

systems, in turn, requires a basic understanding of Asian pension systems themselves. One key

characteristic of a pension system is the pension age, or the age at which retirees begin to receive

their benefits. This ranges from 55 in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to 65 in Korea and

Philippines [Table 1]. Pension age is lower for women than men in China and Vietnam. The

difference between life expectancy and pension age is the number of years that a retiree has to

depend on pension benefit for old age support. Other things equal, the larger this difference, the

larger the liabilities of the pension system. The life expectancy-pension age gap ranges from 6.7

years in Philippines to 19.2 years in Malaysia and for women in Vietnam. The pension age is

expected to rise throughout Asia in response to rising life expectancy.

[Insert Table 1]

In some countries, including Australia, Chile and Hong Kong SAR, the pension systems have

been set up by the government but they are run by the private sector. Individual pension

members can choose from among different private-sector pension fund managers. In contrast to

such countries, the pension systems of all the eight countries are managed by the government.


However, the basic structure of the pension systems for formal-sector workers is far from

uniform in the eight countries. The pension systems of China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore

are defined contribution or notional defined contribution while those of Korea, Philippines,

Thailand and Vietnam are defined benefit. Defined contribution systems are generally prefunded

while defined benefit systems are not. The structure of China’s pension system combines a

defined benefit pillar with another pillar consisting of defined contribution and notional defined

contribution schemes. Among the eight countries, ignoring the broader social safety nets, only

the pension systems of three countries explicitly redistribute income. Philippines has a minimum

pension which pays higher benefits to poor retirees. In China, the redistributive element takes the

form of a DB basic pension. In both China and Korea, pension benefits depend partly on average


The formula for computing pension benefits varies widely across the five countries with

defined benefit pension systems – China, Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam [see Box 2

on Benefit Rules of Asian Pension Systems]. Areas of differences include earnings measure

used to compute benefits, indexation of benefits to wages and prices, and qualifying conditions

for pension eligibility. For an individual who enters the labor market at 20, the defined benefit

replaces 85% of income in Vietnam, 80% in Philippines, 50% in Korea, 35% in Thailand and 40%

for China’s redistributive basic pension. Under the defined contribution and notional defined

contribution pension systems of China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, the worker receives a

lump sum consisting of accumulated contributions and interest income upon retirement. The

contribution rate for employees and employers differs substantially across countries [see Figure

5]. Employee contribution rate ranges from 2% of wages in Indonesia to 20% to in Singapore. It

should be pointed out that workers also make contributions under defined benefit systems. Total


contribution rates are the highest in Singapore and Malaysia and lowest in Indonesia and


[Insert Box 2]

[Insert Figure 5]

It was noted earlier that Asian countries face a strategic choice between social risk pooling and

individual risk taking in pension system design. The pension systems of Singapore and Malaysia

are unique in the region for their heavy tilt toward individual risk taking and relative absence of

social risk pooling. Unlike the other countries of the region, the two countries explicitly reject

the social insurance principle in old age income support. Both countries have national provident

funds, which are essentially mandatory savings schemes. Singapore set up its Central Provident

Fund (CPF) in 1955 and Malaysia established its Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in 1951.

Employers and employees are required to make contributions to the funds, which are managed

by government organizations on behalf of employees, each of whom has an individual account.

Although the primary purpose of the two funds is to encourage saving for retirement, both CPF

and EPF allow their members to use their balances for a variety of purposes. These include

housing, pre-retirement investments and tertiary education. Furthermore, members can use part

of the balances only for health expenditures. The mandatory savings nature of the funds has

contributed to high national savings rates.

Relative to Singapore and Malaysia, social risk pooling plays a greater role in the pension

systems of the other countries. However, the six countries diverge widely in terms of the

economic, institutional and technological capacity needed to apply the social insurance principle

on the ground. For example, the Korean pension system is a comprehensive social security

system comparable to those found in welfare states. At the other end, Indonesia is just beginning


to lay the foundations of a new social insurance-based social security system. The main pension

systems of Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are all defined benefit systems which

protect individual members from investment and longevity risks. In China, the redistributive

basic pension is a defined benefit scheme. The only country with a defined contribution system –

Indonesia – is moving toward a more mixed system with greater social assistance. In addition to

the predominance of DB plans, the pension systems of the six countries are largely pay-as-you-

go (PAYG). Only Korea’s DB system involves significant amount of pre-funding. The benefit

payments of the other DB systems depend almost exclusively on the contributions of current


Another noteworthy characteristic of many Asian pension systems is that they are relatively

new and very much in a state of flux. The oldest systems are those of Malaysia, Philippines and

Singapore but even those are constantly evolving. The relatively advanced Korean system was

created only in 1988 and is still undergoing reforms. Indonesia enacted a law designed to

establish a comprehensive social security system in 2004 although it has yet to be fully

implemented. Likewise, Thailand and Vietnam are also in the process of revamping their pension

systems to extend coverage and improve benefits. The on-going evolution of China’s pension

system reflects the extensive structural transformation of its economy and society. A milestone

1997 decree provides the basic structure of the new two-pillar pension system – (1) PAYG DB

basic pension and (2) funded DC and notional DC pensions. China is in the middle of a systemic

consolidation from a highly fragmented system to the two-pillar system.

The total size of pension assets in a country is relevant from a macroeconomic viewpoint. For

example, the assets of the provident funds of Singapore and Malaysia represent a large part of

national savings. Total pension assets also influence the impact that liberalizing pension asset


investment has on financial markets. Countries such as Korea, Singapore and Malaysia have set

up public funds to manage the contributions of funded or partially funded pension systems. The

public funds of Thailand and Philippines manage the contributions of pension schemes for civil

servants. China has established a dedicated reserve fund – National Social Security Fund – in

2000 to help cover future pension liabilities arising from demographic trends. The assets

controlled by Asia’s public pension and reserve funds are quite sizable but vary widely across

countries. Total pension assets in 2006 ranged from less than US$1 billion in Indonesia to more

than US$180 billion in Korea. The ratio of pension assets to GDP is the highest in Singapore,

Malaysia and Korea [Figure 6]. The overall trend in the investment portfolios of Asia’s pension

funds is toward greater diversification in terms of both asset classes and rising share of overseas


[Insert Figure 6]

4 Diagnosis of Asian Public Pension Systems

The brief survey of Asian pension systems indicates a great deal of heterogeneity in design and

structure. Pension reform requires a diagnosis of the main weaknesses of the pension systems.

Those weaknesses impede the ability of pension systems to fulfill their basic objectives such as

enabling consumption smoothing and relieving poverty. A diagnosis is essential for identifying

the main areas of pension systems which need to be improved and strengthened, and hence for

mapping out the strategic directions of reform. Broadly speaking, Asian pension systems suffer

from failures in (1) performing the five core functions of pension systems as well as (2) fulfilling

the ideal properties of pension systems such as adequate coverage. Those failures suggest that

Asian pension systems still have some ways to go if they are to achieve their main objectives.

4.1 Performance of Five Core Functions


There is a fundamental difference between developing and developed countries in the context

of pension reform. The institutional capacity of developing countries lags considerably behind

that of developed countries. It is thus unproductive to frame pension design and reform issues in

Asia in the same terms as in developed countries with more well-established pension systems.

With the exception of Singapore and Korea, there is significant scope for reducing administrative

and other transactions costs. The prevalence of such costs constrains the amount of resources

which can be made available to pensioners. More importantly, high administrative and

transactions costs impede the ability of pension systems to perform the five core functions to

varying degrees in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. For example,

administrative inefficiency interferes with the collection of contributions from and payment of

benefits to hard-to-reach groups such as rural and informal sector workers. The fact that many

Asian pension systems are in a state of flux further add to their high administrative and

transaction costs.

Compliance cost is a specific transaction cost which adversely affects the pension systems of

many Asian countries. Compliance cost refers to the cost to the employers and the employees of

complying with the provisions of pension systems. For example, employers have to collect

contributions from employees and remit them to relevant authorities, in addition to contributing

their share. Compliance costs are high when the pensioner does not get benefits on time, and has

to make several trips to ensure that benefits are paid. Furthermore, in some countries, the

employees have to pay bribes to receive statutory benefits which are their right. If compliance

costs are too high, employers and employees may choose not to participate in the pension system.

Furthermore, if the government has only limited capacity to enforce compliance, employers may

evade rather than contribute. Even in countries with superficially comprehensive pension


systems, such as Philippines, widespread non-compliance means a wide gulf between nominal

and effective old-age income support.

The lack of institutional capacity can be attributed in large part to the generally weak

governance and regulation of Asian pension systems. Effective performance of the five core

functions of pension systems requires efficient governance, management and regulation. In pre-

funded pension systems, governance and regulation are especially important for the sound

financial management and productive investment of pension assets. In well-developed financial

markets such as the US and UK, pension funds are subject to explicit regulatory structures and

laws governing pension funds. In contrast, in Asia banks and insurance companies are regulated

but there has been a glaring absence of regulatory body for pension funds. Lack of strong

governance and regulation also breeds lack of public confidence in pension systems, which, in

turn, discourages compliance and participation. Political support for pension systems will remain

fragile unless the general public is confident that they will honor their future promises.

4.2 Issues in Pension System Design

At one level, Asian pension systems are failing because they fail to effectively perform the five

core functions of pension systems due to high transactions costs and lack of strong governance.

At another level, they are failing because to varying degrees they are not well-designed – i.e.

adequate, affordable, robust, sustainable and equitable – pension systems. At this level, the

biggest failure of Asian pension systems is that they cover only a limited part of the total

population. The percentage of population covered by pension system differs from country to

country, but no country has managed to achieve anywhere near universal coverage. The share of

the labor force which is covered by pension systems ranges from 13.2% to 58% [Figure 7]. The

coverage rate for working-age population ranges from 10.8% to 40%. By way of comparison, in


developed countries such as the US, Japan and Germany, pension systems typically cover around

90% of the labor force and between 60% and 75% of the working-age population. Therefore,

even in high-income Asian countries such as Korea coverage falls well short of developed-

country levels.

[Insert Figure 7]

The coverage of Asian pension systems tends to be skewed toward urban areas and the formal

sector. For example, in China it is estimated that less than 10% of rural workers have pension

coverage. Low rural coverage, in combination with the large numbers of rural workers, helps to

account for China’s low overall coverage rate of 20.5% of labor force and 17.2% of working-age

population. Massive rural-to-urban migration is adding to the pool of informal-sector workers in

China, Vietnam and other countries. The limited coverage of rural and informal-sector workers

reflects the high administrative costs of reaching them and the limited institutional capacity of

Asian pension systems. Pension coverage is also higher for government workers than private

sector workers throughout the region. In fact, in many Asian countries, including Korea and

Vietnam, pension systems initially covered only government workers. Government workers’

better access to pension systems is part and parcel of the privileged position and stronger rights

they enjoy relative to private sector workers. A general lack of portability in Asian pension

systems also contributes to the low coverage. For example, migrating Chinese workers cannot

take their rural pension rights to urban areas.

Another key performance indicator where Asian countries perform poorly is the replacement

rate, or the ratio of retirement income to pre-retirement income. The replacement rate is a widely

used measure of the adequacy of pension benefit as a source of post-retirement income. A higher

replacement rate enables the pensioner to achieve a higher standard of living. Pension experts


generally recommend a replacement rate of between 66 to 75 percent, adjusted for both longevity

and inflation risks. A pension modeling study completed in 2008 by the Asian Development

Bank (ADB) computes the replacement rate for Asian pension systems. According to the ADB

study, the replacement rate ranges from 19% in Indonesia to 79% in Philippines [Figure 8]. The

computed replacement rates are higher in China, Korea, Philippines and Vietnam than in

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Among the eight countries, only Philippines has

replacement rates within the recommended range. This implies that by and large Asian pension

systems are not providing an adequate retirement income for retirees.

[Insert Figure 8]

China’s relatively high replacement rate is deceptive in light of its low coverage. If pension

benefits are high but only a small share of the population receives those benefits, it is unclear

whether the pension system is adequate. A useful index which gives a more accurate picture of

the adequacy of a country’s pension system is the product of multiplying the coverage rate and

replacement rate. The proposed index thus incorporates both replacement rate and coverage. In

the case of China, the proposed adequacy index adjusts the high replacement rate for the low

coverage. Conversely, for countries with high coverage but low replacement rate, the index

adjusts the high coverage for the low replacement rate. The adequacy index is computed on the

basis of coverage of labor force. For the ADB study’s replacement rates, the index ranges from 3%

in Indonesia to 24% in Korea [Figure 9]. For both sets of replacement rates, the most adequate

pension systems seems to be those of Korea, Malaysia and Philippines while the least adequate

pension systems seem to be those of Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

[Insert Figure 9]


The apparent adequacy of the Philippine pension system brings the issues of sustainability and

affordability to the fore. Sizable benefits for a high share of the population are not sustainable in

the long run if the country cannot afford such a generous pension system. In this case, the

adequacy of the pension system is more apparent than real. A widely used index of sustainability

is implicit pension debt, which can be broadly defined as the present value of future pension

promises. As noted earlier, in Asian countries with defined benefit pension systems, pension

promises are unfunded or only partly funded. Studies by the World Bank found the implicit

pension debt of Philippines, China and Korea to be substantially larger than the public debt of

those countries. Therefore, relatively healthy fiscal positions should not be allowed to obscure

the fiscal risks due to large future pension liabilities. Furthermore, in all three countries the

relative size of the implicit pension debt is large enough to raise concerns about the pension

system’s ability to honor its future promises. In Korea, such concerns have spurred a reduction of

benefits beginning in 2008. The implicit pension debt is much higher in China and Philippines

than in Korea, which suggests that the need for sustainability-enhancing reform is even stronger

in those countries.

Asian pension contribution rates are generally quite low and hence seemingly affordable for

both employers and employees. However, widespread non-compliance in many lower income

Asian countries suggests that the true pension costs are higher and hence less affordable for

individuals. On the other hand, pension costs do not seem to significantly distort the incentives

of employees to work and employers to hire, even in countries with the highest contribution rates.

Given that many Asian pension systems are still evolving and consolidating, it is too early to tell

whether they are robust to macroeconomic and other shocks. However, the more established

pension systems of the region have come through the Asian finally crisis unscathed. Finally, it


was earlier seen that only the pension systems of China, Korea and Philippines have safety nets

designed to protect the elderly poor. However, those safety nets fail to provide enough income

for even a minimum standard of living. For example, the basic monthly pension in the

Philippines is only 300 pesos or about US$7, and a recently introduced means-tested benefit for

the Korean elderly is only about 5% of average wage. The replacement rate for low-income

workers substantially exceeds that of average-income workers in China, Korea and Philippines

but not in the other countries.

5 Way Forward for Asian Public Pension Systems

The diagnosis of the current state of Asian pension systems should make it abundantly clear

that there is an urgent case for pension reform throughout the region. There is substantial scope

for improving the effectiveness of the pension system in performing its five core functions in

many Asian countries. Asian countries are also still a long ways off from having well-designed

pension systems which satisfy ideal systemic properties such as adequacy and sustainability.

Since failures in both function performance and system design stand in the way of good

performance, addressing both types of failure is essential for pension reform. Asian countries

vary greatly in terms of their pension-related needs and capacities. There are thus no one-size-

fits-all solutions when it comes to pension reform in Asia. However, a number of common

region-wide themes emerge from the diagnosis of Asian pension systems. Those themes will

help to set the directions for pension reform throughout the region.

One common area of reform is to strengthen the institutional and administrative capacity of

Asian pension systems to perform the five core functions of a pension system. Strengthening

institutional capacity is the point of departure for pension reform in Asia since building a well-

functioning pension system is simply not possible without adequate institutional capacity. The


lack of capacity is more pronounced in poorer countries such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam

but affects the other countries as well. The mundane nature of core functions such as developing

accurate data and record keeping systems should not detract from their significance for Asian

pension reform. In the sequencing of pension reform, the nitty-gritty homework of capacity-

enhancing organizational reform should be completed before broader systemic reform.

A second common area of reform, related to the first, is the need to improve the governance

and regulation of Asian pension systems. Strong governance and regulation are essential for the

operational efficiency and transparency of any pension system. They are also essential for

building up the institutional capacity to perform the five core functions. Examples of specific

measures to promote governance include better accounting, more rigorous financial controls,

human resource development, computerization, and greater disclosure to stakeholders. Current

regulatory structures for pensions are weak in Asia. There is thus a strong case for a dedicated

regulator to ensure professionalism in performing core functions, to develop the pension fund

industry, promote financial education, and help to bring about a systematic perspective which

integrates the different components of the pension system.

In light of low pension coverage throughout the region, a third area of reform is expanding

coverage. Even in richer economies such as Korea and Malaysia, coverage is far from universal

and there remains substantial scope for further widening coverage. Administrative inefficiency

hampers the ability of Asian pension systems to cover more than a limited segment of the

population. Coverage expansion should first target the formal sector and only later extend into

the informal sector. Due to the growing mobility of Asian workers, lack of pension portability is

becoming a major deterrent to expanding coverage. One solution is to offer fiscal incentives for

defined contribution occupation pension plans based on individual accounts. One major benefit


of such plans is their portability. In countries with fragmented pension systems, such as that of

China which is organized on the basis of cities, better coordination and possibly consolidation

will also enhance portability.

There is a real danger that Asia’s pension systems, if left unreformed, will be unable to honor

their future pension promises. Therefore, enhancing financial sustainability is another area of

pension reform, especially in countries with defined benefit pension systems. Painful but

necessary reforms which adjust the parameters of the pension system – i.e. retirement age,

contribution rate, benefits – are required to promote sustainability. Asia’s population ageing

favors a larger role for fully funded defined contribution pension systems, which are less

vulnerable to demographic pressures. More generally, pre-funding, which can also occur under

defined benefit systems through accumulation of reserves, renders the payment of benefits less

dependent on the willingness and ability of future workers to support the elderly.

At least some pre-funding is desirable in light of Asia’s rapid population ageing, and Asian

countries are already beginning to move in that direction. A prominent example is China’s

establishment of the National Social Security Fund. With more assets to manage, it is imperative

for Asian pension funds to improve the returns from the assets they manage. The experiences of

the highly regarded Chilean pension system clearly illustrate that this is possible even for

developing countries. In the past, government interference has channeled much of the funds into

low-return domestic assets, often for policy-based investments. However, Asian governments

have now begun to deregulate and liberalize pension fund management. For example, the share

of foreign assets is growing in the pension funds of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.

Maximizing the returns from pension funds requires the deepening and broadening of domestic

financial and capital markets. In this sense, financial development is as much a pre-condition as a


hoped-for byproduct of pension reform. Higher returns from better asset management allow for

more adequate benefits and strengthen financial sustainability.

Given their general failure to provide safety nets, Asian pension systems must strive to do a

much better job of protecting the elderly poor. Old-age poverty is especially relevant for Asia,

where large numbers of the lifetime poor will never participate in formal pension systems.

Indeed the lifetime poor may constitute as much as 30% of the labor force in some Asian

countries. The best way to provide old age income support for the elderly poor is to establish a

universal social pension system which pays a small amount for basis sustenance to the entire

population. An alternative to universal coverage is to limit the beneficiaries through means-

testing. Either way, the basic social pension will be financed from general budgetary revenues

rather than contributions. Setting up a separate social pension system with the explicit objective

of poverty relief also helps prevent the ad hoc uses of the main pension system’s funds.

There is also a case for Asian policymakers to think outside the box. There is no reason why

the parameters facing the pension system should necessarily be constant. For example,

government policies may help reverse or slow down the fall in fertility and encourage longer

working lives, which would change the demographic and financial equations facing Asian

pension systems. Better health enables people to work longer, and government policy can

encourage firms to hire older workers. Korea, which has tried to limit population growth for

decades, has reversed course and is now offering a wide range of fiscal incentives to encourage

larger families. Policymakers may also provide tax breaks for children who support their parents.

Filial piety cannot be legislated but it could be influenced by financial incentives. Box-changing

policies entail fiscal costs of their own so these will have to be weighed against their benefits.

After decades of growth-oriented policies and rapid economic growth, Asia is finally paying


more attention to social protection. This shift is not merely due to the fact that Asian countries

have become richer and can thus afford to devote more resources to protecting their citizens from

various risks. It also reflects a growing recognition that the traditional narrow definition of

growth is harmful for inclusive growth. In light of Asia’s rapid population ageing, a particularly

important component of social protection is to protect the old from not having adequate income

to meet their needs. Economic growth in a society where a large and growing segment of the

population is poor and marginalized cannot possibly be inclusive. More fundamentally, Asia’s

demographic trends mean that the social and political constraints to sustaining high growth may

eventually become overwhelming in the absence of well-functioning pension systems. Therefore,

the case for urgent pension reform in Asia is as much economic as social.



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Figure 1

Ratio of Population Aged ≥65 to Population Aged 15-64, 1950-2050

Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United

Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision and World Urbanization

Prospects: The 2005 Revision, http://esa.un.org/unpp, Thursday, January 10, 2008; 11:06:58 PM.









1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


PRC Indonesia Malaysia Philippines

Singapore Korea, Rep. of Thailand Viet Nam


Figure 2

Ratio of Population Aged ≥65 to Total Population, 1950–2050

Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United

Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision and World Urbanization

Prospects: The 2005 Revision, http://esa.un.org/unpp, Thursday, January 10, 2008; 11:06:58 PM.










1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050


PRC Indonesia Malaysia Philippines

Singapore Korea, Rep. of Thailand Viet Nam


Table 1

Demographic Indicators of Selected Asian Countries Country Total Population


Average annual rate

of change of


Total Fertility

Rate (TFR)

Median Age

Year 2007 2050 2005–


2045–2050 2005–




2005 2050

World 6671.2 9191.3 1.17 0.36 2.6 2.0 28.0 38.1

PRC 1328.6 1408.8 0.58 (0.32) 1.7 1.8 32.5 45.0

Indonesia 231.6 296.9 1.16 0.10 2.2 1.8 26.5 41.1

Korea, Rep. of 48.2 42.3 0.33 (0.89) 1.2 1.5 35.0 54.9

Malaysia 26.6 39.6 1.69 0.41 2.6 1.8 24.7 39.3

Philippines 87.9 140.5 1.90 0.50 3.2 1.8 21.8 36.3

Singapore 4.4 5.0 1.19 (0.38) 1.2 1.6 37.5 53.7

Thailand 63.9 67.4 0.66 (0.27) 1.8 1.8 32.6 44.3

Viet Nam 87.4 120.0 1.32 0.21 2.1 1.8 24.9 41.6

Country Life Expectancy at


Life Expectancy at

60, 2000–2005

Percentage of

population aged

60 and above

Population aged

60 and above


Year 2005–




Men Women 2005 2050 2005 2050

World 67.2 75.4 N.A. N.A. 10.3 21.8 672.8 2005.7

PRC 73.0 79.3 20 17 11.0 31.1 144.0 437.9

Indonesia 70.7 78.6 18 16 8.3 24.8 18.9 73.6

Korea, Rep. of 78.6 83.5 23 18 13.7 42.2 6.6 17.8

Malaysia 74.2 80.1 19 17 6.7 22.2 1.7 8.8

Philippines 71.7 78.7 19 17 6.0 18.2 5.1 25.5

Singapore 80.0 84.6 23 20 12.3 39.8 0.5 2.0

Thailand 70.6 78.1 20 17 11.3 29.8 7.1 20.1

Viet Nam 74.2 80.3 20 18 7.6 26.1 6.5 31.3

Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations

Secretariat,World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision and World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005 Revision,

http://esa.un.org/unpp, Thursday, January 10, 2008; 11:06:58 PM.


Figure 3

Urban Population as Share of Total Population, 1950-2030

Source: Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations

Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision and World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005

Revision, http://esa.un.org/unpp, Thursday, January 10, 2008; 11:06:58 PM.












1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030


PRC Indonesia Malaysia Philippines

Korea, Rep. of Thailand Viet Nam World


Figure 4

Share of Informal Sector Employment in Urban Employment

Source: Key Indicators 2005, Asian Development Bank.






















Sri La







, Rep.







Figure 5

Employee, Employer and Total Contribution Rates of Pension Systems, 2007

Source: ADB’s Pension Modeling Study (2008)




























Employee Employer


Figure 6

The Ratio of Total Pension Assets to GDP, 2006

Note: China’s assets refer to those of National Social Security Fund (NSSF). The assets of Philippines and Thailand

refer to those of the pension systems for government workers.


























Figure 7

Share of Labor Force Covered by Pension Systems and

Share of Population Aged 15-64 Covered by Pension Systems, 2007

Source: OECD-World Bank’s Pensions at a Glance Asia (2008), ADB staff estimates for Malaysia and Singapore.








China Indonesia Korea Malaysia PhilippinesSingapore Thailand Vietnam

Labor Force Working-Age Population


Figure 8

Replacement Rate – Ratio of Retirement Income to Pre-Retirement Income, 2007

Source: ADB’s Pension Modeling Study (2008)




























Figure 9

Adequacy Index of Pension Systems, 2007

Source: ADB’s Pension Modeling Study (2008), OECD-World Banks’s Pensions at a Glance Asia (2008), ADB

staff estimates for the coverage rates of Malaysia and Singapore.

Note: The coverage rate used in the calculation is the coverage rate of the labor force.


























Table 2

Pension Age and Basic Structure of Pension Systems, 2007





Difference Between

Life Expectancy and

Pension Age (Years)

Defined Benefit


Defined Contribution

Element of



China 60 (55) 13 (18)

Defined Benefit,

Defined Contribution,

and Notional Defined



Indonesia 55 15.7 Defined Contribution No

Korea 65 13.6 Defined Benefit Yes

Malaysia 55 19.2 Defined Contribution No

Philippines 65 6.7 Defined Benefit Yes

Singapore 62 18 Defined Contribution No

Thailand 55 15.6 Defined Benefit No

Vietnam 60 (55) 14.2 (19.2) Defined Benefit No

Note: The pension age in parentheses refers to the pension age for women, where different from men. Life

expectancy refers to life expectancy at birth.


Box 1

World Bank’s Multi-Pillar Model of Old Age Income Support (1994, 2005)

Despite considerable debate and experience in the design and reform of pension systems, no

single idea, system or model has emerged among Asian countries. However, from a practical

policy point of view, there is a growing recognition in Asia and elsewhere that a multi-pillar

system is better able to address the various risks associated with population ageing than reliance

on a single-pillar system. The World Bank’s seminal 1994 report Averting the Old Age Crisis

laid out a three-pillar model for pension systems. The model has since then become a common

point of reference for thinking about pension system design and reform.

The first pillar was pay-as-you-go, defined benefit pension schemes which were publicly

managed and financed by either social security contributions or general taxes. These were the

traditional pension schemes based on social insurance principles. The second pillar was

mandatory defined contribution pension schemes which were funded, privately managed and

based on individual accounts. The second pillar was emphasized by the 1994 report, which was

pessimistic about the future of the first pillar even in OECD countries. The third pillar of

privately managed, voluntary savings was to support and complement the second tier in

providing economic security.

In its 2005 report Old-Age Income Support in the 21st Century, the World Bank has added more

nuance to its basic three-pillar model. The resulting five-pillar model adds a zero pillar which

provides a minimum level of protection as well as a fourth pillar which includes family support.

The fourth pillar is of particular importance in Asia, where parents were traditionally supported

by their children in their old age. Zero pillar reflects an emerging consensus that the lifetime

poor require basic pension or social assistance financed from general budgetary revenues. The

lifetime poor may constitute as high as 30 percent of the total labor force in some developing


Asian countries. The World Bank’s multi-pillar model provides the intellectual underpinnings of

the now widely accepted notion that a mixture of defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution

(DC) schemes, with varying degrees of social risk pooling, is required for a well-functioning

pension system.


Box 2

Benefit Rules of Asian Pension Systems

China: Both the defined contribution and notional defined contribution pension pay a lump sum

consisting of accumulated contributions and interest income upon retirement. The redistributive

basic pension is a defined benefit pension, and pays 1% of the average of city-wide average

earnings and individual earnings for each year of coverage, subject to a minimum of 15 years of

service. The earnings basis for benefits is city-wide because pension systems are organized on a

municipal basis. The basic pension is indexed to a mix of wages and prices.

Indonesia: The defined contribution pension pays a lump sum consisting of accumulated

contributions and interest income upon retirement.

Korea: For an individual with 40 years of contributions, pension benefits were designed to

replace 60% of earnings until 2007. Due to pension reform, the replacement has been reduced to

50% in 2008 and then will be reduced 0.5% every year until making 40% from 2009 to 2028.

The earnings measure used for computing benefits is a weighted average of individual lifetime

earnings, adjusted for wage growth, and economy-wide earnings over the previous three years,

adjusted for price inflation. Pension benefits are indexed to price inflation.

Malaysia: The defined contribution pension pays a lump sum consisting of accumulated

contributions and interest income upon retirement.

Philippines: The monthly basic pension which is independent of earnings is 300 pesos.

Earnings-related monthly pension is the greater of: (1) 20% of workers’ average monthly

earnings plus 2% of average monthly earnings for each year of service exceeding 10 years or (2)

40% of the workers’ average monthly earnings. The earnings basis is the greater of: (1) average

earnings over 5 years prior to pension claim or (2) average earnings for the period in which


contributions were made. Benefits are periodically adjusted for price inflation and wage growth

on an ad hoc basis.

Singapore: The defined contribution pension pays a lump sum consisting of accumulated

contributions and interest income upon retirement.

Thailand: Workers accrue 1% of their earnings each year up to a maximum of 35 years. The

base wage used to compute benefits is the average wage over the last 5 years prior to retirement.

For example, an individual who worked for 20 years would be entitled to 20% of the base wage.

Rules for indexing benefits to wage growth and price inflation are discretionary.

Vietnam: The monthly pension is the sum of three components: (1) 45% of career average

earnings for employees with at least 15 years of service, (2) 2% of the average of earnings in the

last five years prior to retirement for each year of credited service beyond 15 years, and (3) a

lump sum equal to 50% of the 5-year average monthly earnings prior to retirement for those with

more than 30 years of contribution. Pension benefits are indexed to changes in the minimum


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