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Preceding Sunday, August 2, 2015

Emmanuel Lutheran Church 1036 W A Street, Moscow, ID 83843 ‐ Phone: 208.882.3915 ‐ Fax: 208.882.3917

[email protected] ‐ www.emmanuelmoscow.org

With Fall and the beginning of a new school year just around the corner, it’s a good me to also start thinking about making it a priority to plan our upcoming Chris an Educa on into your schedule!

Join on Sunday mornings for:

J.A.M. for children through age 12. (Currently mee ng every Sunday.)

Prayer Pieces Book Study ‐ reconvenes in September with a new book! (Title to follow.) Meets in “The Gallery” at 8:30 AM.

Adult Chris an Educa on ‐ “Gospel of Mark” begins August 23, 8:30 AM, in the Fellowship Hall. Lead by Kurt Queller.

Join for weekday opportuni es:

MARY Circle ‐ meets the first Monday of the month, 1:30 PM at Good Samaritan. Call Dorothy Schnaible with ques ons. 882.1292.

LEAH Circle ‐ meets the first Tuesday of the month, 11:30 AM. Call Gen Long with ques ons. 208.877.1190.

Men’s Breakfast ‐ meets the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 AM, Fellowship Hall. Start your day right, with breakfast, devo ons, and fellowship.

Please watch for more detailed informa on on these great opportuni es in future issues of the Emphasis: Weekly Edi on.

A Foretaste of Upcoming Chris an Educa on

Issue #: 1-150802


Wheat is used to represent the bread (the body of Christ)

in Holy Communion. “I am the bread of life”

(John 6:48).

In the parable of the wheat and the weeds

(Ma hew 13:24‐30), Jesus uses wheat

to represent believers, while weeds, or tares, represent unbelievers.

(Taken from The NEWSLETTER Newsle er, h p://www.newsle ernewsle er.com)

Sunday Mornings

Prayer Pieces Book Study. On break for the summer.

Adult Chris an Educa on. On break for the summer.

J.A.M. ‐ Jesus And Me! For children through age 12.. Following the Children’s Sermon during worship, J.A.M. leaders will escort the kiddos down to the Fellowship Hall for cra s, games, songs, and a snack. Children will return to the Sanctuary just prior to Holy Communion.

Check out page one! Find out our new Fall “Ed Opps” schedule beginning soon!

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Sunday’s Scripture Segments

Scripture readings for this Sunday, August 2, The Tenth Sunday a er Pentecost, are:

Exodus 16:2‐4, 9‐15 A food crisis becomes a faith crisis for the Israelites in the wilderness.

The hungry people forget God’s saving work in the exodus, and they wish for the food they had in Egypt. Nevertheless, God miraculously meets their needs,

with manna for bread and quail for meat.

Ephesians 4:1‐16 Chris ans share fundamental unity and diversity. Our unity consists in the one body,

one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one bap sm, and one God. Our diversity is expressed in various forms of ministry, whose goal is

equipping the saints and building up Christ’s one body.

John 6:24‐35 Many of the five thousand people Jesus fed in the wilderness con nued to follow him

throughout the countryside. Jesus challenges them to consider the real nature of their quest.

Sermon Title:

“How do we make sense of Jesus?”

Pastor Dave Daugs

YOU CAN HELP CHANGE THE WORLD! Every Sunday this summer Mission Endowment (ME) is helping to collect items for baby, hygiene, and school kits. One week, one item at a

me we will Change the World! Check out the Servant SCOPE on Pg. 9 in the Emphasis for more informa on!

This Sunday, August 2, is Bath‐size towel Sunday! (Dark color recommended, about 52” x 27”.)

Our Passion for Compassion will Change the World!

MISSION ENDOWMENT GIVES AWAY MONEY from the Endowment every year! That’s right, we do!! And we need your help to make that happen. Look for the request form in the Church narthex or on the website, fill it out and return it to the Church office by the due date (October 11). Then plan to a end the All Saint’s Potluck (November 1) where you will describe your project (in 2 minutes or less) and vie for votes. Having trouble deciding which non‐profit we should support? Look at the ELCA website for ideas. We solicit requests for local, regional, and interna onal groups.

COMMUNION IS A WALKING COMMUNION. You may take the bread and then drink from the common cup or from the small glasses. Grape juice (yellow) is in the middle of the tray and wine (red) is on the outside of the tray. A er you have communed you are welcome to kneel at the rail for prayer.

CORDELIA FREE SUMMER CONCERT. On August 9, 2 PM, enjoy the sounds of Jon and Rand. Rand Walker and Jon Anderson will perform great music of the past 40 years.

NEWS FROM LUTHERHAVEN! Did you know? Lutherhaven serves more that 4,500 kids each summer at Camp Lutherhaven, Shoshone Mountain Retreat, Shoshone Creek Ranch, Idaho Servant Adventures and at Lutherhaven Day Camps around the Northwest. This summer we also helped program camps for the Army Na onal Guard, Idaho Drug Free Youth, the Air Na onal Guard, Idaho firefighter training, Hospice of Spokane and North Idaho, and the North Idaho Catholic Youth Camp! Learn more about our camps at www.lutherhaven.com

Thanks to all who helped pull together for the Church‐wide Picnic last weekend at Ghormley Park!

Special thanks to Kim Campbell and son Charlie, who sent out emails, bought burgers, dogs and chips, and generally rallied

the troops to help. Pastor Daugs, Larry Lass, Ron Landeck, and the rest of the "guys" who got the barbeque over. And everyone who showed up with chairs and food and

enjoyed a great lunch with friends. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you to our hard‐working Emmanuel “pain ng crew!” A huge thanks to Mark Wemple, Gen Long, Vern Kinnison, Irv Johnson, Carl Hunt, Martha Hunt, Charlie Campbell,

Luke Gresback, Pastor Daugs, and all who helped with this! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you, Jack Kelly, for leading us in worship on July 12 & 19 while Pastor Daugs was away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER:

Cam & Jeane e Johnston.

NOTE: Our Emmanuel Prayers & Concerns Sheet is printed the first issue of each month in the Emphasis: Weekly Edi on. You can also pick up an updated copy every Sunday from the

Prayer & Concerns Bulle n Display located in the Narthex. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Happy Birthday this week to: Clara Dockter, Kaleb Maxwell, Shaun Hill, Curt Flisher, Maureen Marten, Gen Long,

Elise Deringer, Kendyl Landeck

BRING YOUR GARDEN TO CHURCH! Please support Moscow Backyard Harvest, in their Bring Your Garden to Church program! Bring your extra produce to church with you on Sunday, August 9, then every other Sunday, and a Backyard Harvest representa ve will collect it and distribute it to those in need. Put your offerings in the basket in the Bridge area labeled Bring Your Garden to Church!

PRESCHOOL REMINDER! This fall we will begin a Mon/Wed/Fri, combined a ernoon class for 3 & 4 year olds. ELC members have first priority on registra on! Who can YOU invite to our Chris an Preschool?

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Thank you for your service

THIS Sunday August 2, 2015

Ministers: The Congrega on

Presiding: Pastor Daugs Dir. Of Music:

Janet McIntosh Organist:

Gail Grubbs Altar Guild / Bread:

Norene Benne Acolyte:

Cooper Cox Altar Flowers:

Norene Benne Assis ng Minister:

Kris Daugs Communion Assistant:

Janet Williams Counter:

Helen Joyner Kas Dumroese

Fellowship: Pastor Dave & Kris Daugs

Lisa & Don Bender Steve & Andrea Fountain

Robbie Giles Greeter:

Josh & Nikki Cox and Family

J.A.M. Leader: Janet Williams

J.A.M. Assistant: Gretchen Isakson

Reader: Martha Hunt

Usher: Vern Kinnison Kurt Queller

Josh Cox Patrick Blaufuss

Charlie Campbell

Thank you!

4 ‐‐ 1‐150802

Wednesday Jul 29 8:00 AM Weekly Publica on Deadline

7:00 PM Hog Heaven Band (Hall)

Thursday Jul 30 Church Office Closed

Friday Jul 31

Saturday Aug 1

Sunday Aug 2 Tenth Sunday a er Pentecost

Readings: Exodus 16: 9‐15; Psalm 78:23‐29; Ephesians 4:1‐16; John 6:24‐35

9:30 AM Worship Service

11:00 AM Fellowship (Hall)

Monday Aug 3 7:00 PM Youth & Family Mee ng (Hall)

Tuesday Aug 4 6:00 PM Habitat For Humanity Board Mee ng (Hall)

Wednesday Aug 5 8:00 AM Weekly Publica on Deadline

Thursday Aug 6 Church Office Closed

Friday Aug 7 Church Office Closed

Saturday Aug 8

Sunday Aug 9 Eleventh Sunday a er Pentecost

Bring Your Garden To Church!

Readings: 1 Kings 19: Psalm 34:1‐8; Ephesians 4:25‐‐5:2; John 6:35, 41‐51

9:30 AM Worship Service

11:00 AM Fellowship (Hall)

2:00 PM Cordelia Free Summer Concert Series: Jon and Rand (Cordelia)

Monday Aug 10

Tuesday Aug 11

Wednesday Aug 12 8:00 AM Weekly Publica on Deadline

9:00 AM ELCW Piecemakers (Hall)

Thursday Aug 13 Interna onal Le ‐Handers Day

Church Office Closed

6:00 PM Church Council Mee ng (Hall)

Friday Aug 14 Church Office Closed for Cont. Educa on


J.A.M. ‐ Jesus And Me! For children through age 12. Following the Children’s Sermon, J.A.M. leaders

will escort the kiddos down to the Fellowship Hall for cra s, games, songs, and a snack. Children will return to the Sanctuary just prior to Holy Communion.

Adult Chris an Educa on and Prayer Pieces Book Study will resume in September.

·The churches’ ongoing ministries of care for the hungry and neglected, especially in Zimbabwe, China, Darfur, Ethiopia.

·Vic ms of war, oppression, injus ce, and cruelty.

·People and organiza ons working for jus ce and peace.

·Any people we have come to see as our enemies.

·All those living in fearful homes and circumstances.

·All those who are vic ms of natural disasters.

·Students and members abroad.

·Our sister churches: Grace Lutheran Church ‐ New Orleans; Ulanga‐Kilombero Synod ‐ Tanzania.

·Military service people from our families serving: John M. Swanson & Evan B. Marten, grandsons of Maureen & Dwaine Marten; Jaren Doherty Jr., Clara Dockter’s grandson; serving with the Marines in Afghanistan.

·Those who’ve lost loved ones.

·Prayers of Thanksgiving.

Cam Johnston.

Joan Plowman and her family, to become reunited.

Dorothy Schnaible.

Neil Mar n.

Yolanda Wya .

Edna Holbrook, con nued strength.

Don McBurney, Tammy Greenwalt’s uncle, who is having surgery.

The Behler family, Nikki Cox’s aunt & uncle, who lost their home to a fire.

Bert Kerste er, friend of Ron Landeck, recovering from kidney cancer surgery.

Theo, Shirley Engerbretson’s grand‐nephew.

Tom Henderson, grandfather of Jessica Weller’s friend.

Fukuko Garre , Janet Williams’ mother.

Mike Sprenger.

Those with special needs:

John Pritche , friend of Shirley Fra ord; Layton Tannihill, friend of Noell Swearingen, ba ling leukemia; Dave Blain, childhood friend of Anne & Kevin Peterson, is losing his ba le with brain cancer. Please keep Dave, his wife Karla, and their en re family in your prayers; Diana Jones, a soccer mom friend of several members of our congrega on, would like us to pray that her breast cancer treatment will be successful; Richard Woock, Jessie Weller’s uncle suffering with bone cancer; Karen Grant, former ELC member, friend of Charlene Olsson; Mother of Jeff Dodge, a friend of Ben Beard & Liz Brandt; Norma Horn, friend of Janice Johnson; Erich Lear, friend of Carolyn Todd; George Morris, friends of the Holbrooks, figh ng brain cancer; Nancy Danne el, friend of the Beards, with Stage 3 Lung Cancer; Harriet Heinen, aunt of the Kimberling family, recovering from surgery to remove colon cancer; Terrie Gilbert; Dean Rogers, dealing with prostate cancer and related back problems; Cheryl Jurgens, friend of Gwen Sullivan’s sister.

Those, dealing with cancer:

Please help us as we update our prayer list. If you wish to make a prayer request or update an exis ng one, please call the church office at 208.882.3915, or email [email protected]. Thank you.

1‐150802 ‐‐ 5

Becky Bronner, daughter of Steve & Andrea Fountain, dealing with joint issues.

Mike Voegtle, Katy Beard’s cousin.

Pam Palmer, friend of Ron Landeck and many in Moscow.

Rosanne Manley.

Janice Brandal, recovering from lung surgery.

The Thane Family, Ann, Eddie, Clint, Christy, JP and Jasmine, sister of Robbie Giles.

Jean Langeman, Debbie Stone’s mom.

Alene Orvik, Shelley Dales mother.

Sandra Lytle.

Those with special needs (cont.):

Douglas Dion, Edith’s son, suffering from conges ve heart failure.

Randy Dion, Edith’s son, recovering from a paralyzing stroke.

Lynda & Cari, sister and niece to Shirley Engerbretson.

Grace Lyon, living at Whitman Senior Care in Pullman.

Clara Dockter, con nued strength.

Sara Kimberling, con nued healing.

Elaine Meyer.

Dean Ve rus.

Ken Strassburg, Kathy Kwiatkowski’s brother.

Elanor Vanderbeek, Shirley Engerbretson’s granddaughter.

Devin Revard, Clara Dockter’s grandson.

Andy Fountain.

Those who have requested our con nued prayers:

For strong community & welcoming in the Lutheran Campus Ministry.

Pa ents of the Lugala Hospital in Tanzania.

Residents of Good Samaritan Nursing and Special Care units.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

2 Tenth Sunday a er Pentecost

Readings: Exodus 16: 9‐15; Psalm 78:23‐29; Ephesians 4:1‐16; John 6:24‐35

9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Fellowship

3 7:00pm Youth & Family Mee ng

4 6:00pm Habitat Board Mee ng

5 8:00am Weekly Publica on Deadline

6 Church Office Closed

7 Church Office Closed


9 Eleventh Sunday a er Pentecost

Bring Your Garden To Church! Readings: 1 Kings 19; Psalm 34:1‐8; Ephesians 4:25‐‐5:2; John 6:35, 41‐51

9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Fellowship 2:00pm Cordelia Free Summer Concert Series: Jon and Rand



12 8:00am Weekly Publica on Deadline

9:00am ELCW Piecemakers

13 Church Office Closed

6:00pm Church Council Mee ng

14 Church

Office Closed

for Cont.

Educa on


16 Twel h Sunday a er Pentecost Readings: Proverbs 9: Psalm 34:9‐14; Ephesians 5:15‐20; John 6:51‐58

9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Fellowship 2:30pm Interfaith Worship ‐ Aspen Park



19 8:00am Weekly Publica on Deadline

20 Church Office Closed

21 Church Office Closed


23 Thirteenth Sunday

a er Pentecost Bring Your Garden To Church! Holy Groundz Readings: Joshua 24: 14‐18; Psalm 34:15‐22; Ephesians 6:10‐20; John 6:56‐69

9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Fellowship

24 6:30pm Emmanuel Preschool Board Mee ng


26 8:00am Weekly Publica on Deadline

9:00am ELCW Piecemakers

27 Church Office Closed

28 Church Office Closed


30 Fourteenth Sunday

a er Pentecost Readings: Deuteronomy 4: 6‐9; Psalm 15; James 1:17‐27; Mark 7:1‐8, 14‐15, 21‐23

9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Fellowship


Emmanuel Summer Office Hours Through August 31: 6 AM ‐ Noon, Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri (Unless otherwise noted.)

All announcements for the Emphasis: Weekly Edi on are due into the church office by Wednesday, 8 AM (unless otherwise noted).

Summer Church Office Hours through August 31, 2015: 6 AM—Noon, Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri

Aug 2 ‐ Clara Dockter Kaleb Maxwell Shaun Hill Aug 3 ‐ Curt Flisher Aug 5 ‐ Maureen Marten Aug 6 ‐ Gen Long Aug 8 ‐ Elise Deringer Kendyl Landeck Aug 9 ‐ Garre Stone Aug 10 ‐ Mitzi Houska Rachel Brooker Amy Brandal Aug 11 ‐ Jillian Swi Aug 12 ‐ Evan Brandal Valarie Bahr Aug 13 ‐ Tammy Hullin Aug 14 ‐ Tom Brandt Lori Maxwell Ashlyn Fakhouri Aug 15 ‐ DonaRae Lanham Aug 16 ‐ Shelley Dale Kim Sprenger Aug 17 ‐ Ma Bayly Dana Mastro Aug 19 ‐ Diana Pals Aug 20 ‐ Katrina Brownell Aug 22 ‐ Sco Dockins Macie Bakken Aug 24 ‐ Meredith Stone Aug 25 ‐ Kevin Peterson George Paris Vicki Jahns Sara Mar n Lawrence Aug 26 ‐ Liz Brandt Aug 27 ‐ Cam Johnston Olivia Halladay Aug 28 ‐ Anne Peterson Aug 29 ‐ Bill Mock Sherri Nelson

Debbie & Bryan Marsh 08/11/1984

Bob & Debbie Stone 08/11/1979

Chris & Janet McIntosh 08/16/1980

Ben & Shannon McLuen 08/16/2003

Dean & Sally Rogers 08/17/1974

Jon & Sharon Kimberling 08/20/1983

Kris & Pastor Dave Daugs 08/22/1981


1‐150802 ‐‐ 7

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” Mark 10:45

Serving on: August 2, 2015 August 9, 2015 August 16, 2015 August 23, 2015 August 30, 2015

Ministers: The Congrega on The Congrega on The Congrega on The Congrega on The Congrega on

Presiding: Pastor Daugs Pastor Daugs Pastor Daugs Pastor Daugs Pastor Daugs

Dir. Of Music: Janet McIntosh Janet McIntosh Janet McIntosh Janet McIntosh Janet McIntosh

Organist: Gail Grubbs Gail Grubbs Gail Grubbs Gail Grubbs Gail Grubbs

Altar Guild/ Bread: Norene Benne Norene Benne Norene Benne Norene Benne Norene Benne

Acolyte: Cooper Cox SERVANT NEEDED SERVANT NEEDED Sarah Greenwalt Abby Cox

Altar Flowers: Norene Benne Jackie Greenwalt Gloria Peterson Jones Robbie Giles SERVANT NEEDED

Assis ng Minister: Kris Daugs Debbie Stone Kurt Queller Ben Beard NA (Pastor Daugs)

Comm. Assist: Janet Williams Ron Landeck Gwen Mitchell Anne Peterson Julie Spangler

Counter: Helen Joyner Heidi Bi erwolf Helen Joyner Vern Kinnison Carolyn Todd

Kas Dumroese Helen Joyner Gwen Mitchell Heidi Bi erwolf Julie Spangler


Pastor Dave & Kris Daugs

Craig & Tammy Greenwalt

Jeff & Karen Hill

Cam & Jeanne e Johnston

Shelly McGuire

Lisa & Don Bender

Leo & Jackie Greenwalt

Annie Horras

Jon & Sharon Kimberling

Paul & Kathy Kwiatkowski

Steve & Andrea Fountain

Ma & Jolene Halladay

Gretchen Isakson

Jack & Karen Kelly

Ron Landeck & Deb Wya

Robbie Giles Walter Hesford Janice & Irv Johnson Helen Joyner Larry & Carol Lass

Greeter: Josh & Nikki Cox Garth Sasser Elizabeth Carney Jeane e Peterson Gwen Sullivan

and Family Nancy Sasser Blake Paris Anne Peterson Nancy Ruth Peterson

J.A.M. Leader: Janet Williams Deb Marsh Robbie Giles Carolyn Todd Nikki Cox

J.A.M. Assistant: Gretchen Isakson SERVANT NEEDED Deb Wya Julie Spangler Shannon McLuen

Reader: Martha Hunt Ron Landeck Marge Remington Karen Kelly Brita Meyer


Vern Kinnison Vern Kinnison Vern Kinnison Vern Kinnison Vern Kinnison

Kurt Queller Kurt Queller Irv Johnson Mitzi Houska Tim Roberts

Josh Cox Irv Johnson Walter Hesford Tara Roberts Tara Roberts

Patrick Blaufuss Patrick Blaufuss Patrick Blaufuss Charlie Campbell Patrick Blaufuss

Charlie Campbell Charlie Campbell Charlie Campbell Walter Hesford Charlie Campbell

C o n t a c t t h e C h u r c h O f f i c e ! L e t u s k n o w h o w y o u w o u l d l i ke t o h e l p ! e m m a n u e l m o s c o w i d @ g m a i l . c o m o r 2 0 8 . 8 8 2 . 3 9 1 5 8 ‐‐ 1‐150802


NEXT Sunday

August 9, 2015


The Congrega on


Pastor Daugs

Dir. Of Music:

Janet McIntosh


Gail Grubbs

Altar Guild / Bread:

Norene Benne



Altar Flowers:

Jackie Greenwalt

Assis ng Minister:

Debbie Stone

Communion Assistant:

Ron Landeck


Heidi Bi erwolf

Helen Joyner


Craig & Tammy Greenwalt

Leo & Jackie Greenwalt

Ma & Jolene Halladay

Walter Hesford


Garth Sasser

Nancy Sasser

J.A.M. Leader:

Deb Marsh

J.A.M. Assistant:



Ron Landeck


Vern Kinnison

Kurt Queller

Irv Johnson

Patrick Blaufuss

Charlie Campbell

Thank you!

Help ME Change the World

Every Sunday this summer Mission Endowment (ME) will be helping to collect items for baby, hygiene, and school kits.

We need your help! One week, one item at a me, we will Change the World!

August is Collec on for School and Health Kits

August 2: Bath‐size towel (dark color recommended about 52" x 27") August 9: 70‐sheet notebooks of wide or college ruled 7" x 10 1/2" (no loose‐leaf paper) August 16: Blunt scissors (no sharp ones) or 30 cen meter rulers August 23: Pencil sharpener, unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers, or 2 1/3” long eraser August 30: New ballpoint pens (no gel ink), boxes of 16 or 24 crayons

Check this space for weekly reminders!

Our Passion for Compassion will Change the World!

MISSION ENDOWMENT GIVES AWAY MONEY from the Endowment every year! That’s right, we do!! And we need your help to make that happen. Look for the request form in the Church narthex or on the website, fill it out and return it to the Church office by the due date (October 11). Then plan to a end the All Saint’s Potluck (November 1) where you will describe your project (in 2 minutes or less) and vie for votes. Having trouble deciding which non‐profit we should support? Look at the ELCA website for ideas. We solicit requests for local, regional, and interna onal groups.

What would like to do?

Here’s an idea! Make a posi ve impact on the Sunday experience of all who enter here!

Flowers are indeed an enhancement to our worship space. Their significance is evident when we celebrate blessed occasions such as marriages and

anniversaries and births. A flower’s beauty and scent comforts us as we mourn and remember loved ones who have died. For centuries, flowers have held a significant role in the house of God. I believe we can all agree that weekly floral arrangements offer much to

our worship se ngs here at Emmanuel. This Servant Opportunity can’t be any easier! Just contact the church office (by phone,

email, or just stop in!), let us know what day you wish to provide flowers, bring your gi to church on Sunday and place it on the Altar, then take it home to enjoy a er service!

It’s that simple! Arrangements can be from your garden, from wheat or twigs, from a flower shop, or ???

Please see Deb Dumroese if you have any ques ons. If you wish to dedicate to or memorialize someone, please let CindyMarie know before the

Emphasis: Weekly Edi on deadline. (Usually Wednesday’s at 8 AM.) Thank you for your service in this important ministry!

1‐150802 ‐‐ 9

Hi! CindyMarie here.

I am at a disadvantage! I have served with you for over 6 years now,

and many of you I s ll only know by email and phone!

I, for one, would sure like to get to know you be er! Please send a short bio

and some pictures of yourself and family to me in the Church Office!

It will be featured in an upcoming issue of the Emphasis: Weekly Edi on!

[email protected] 1036 W. A Street

Moscow, ID 83843 208.882.3915


Featured in THIS issue of the “Emphasis: Weekly Edi on:”

A Foretaste of Upcoming Chris an Educa on Opportuni es August 2015 Prayers & Concerns August 2015 Emmanuel Event Calendar August 2015 Servant Schedule “Meet our Members…”

Plus our regular features: “ Ed Opps” “Quick List” of Emmanuel Happenings “Servant SCOPE”

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