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  • 8/6/2019 Eng Booklet Woman Final1







    Cervical Screening Programme Websit e:


    Cervical Screening Programme

    18/F Wu Chung House,

    213, Queens Road East , Wan Chai

    Enquiry Hot line: 2961 8778

    Fax: 2833 5445

    Department of Health

    24-hour Healt h Education Hotline:

    2833 0111

    Al l Rig ht Reserved 2006 CSP-BKFE-0607

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    Cervical Screening Programme

    InvitationProtect yourself from Cervical Cancer!

    Please have cervical smears regularly and regist er

    w it h t he Cervical Screening Programme of t he

    Department of Health.

    Cervical CancerDisease Burden of Cervical Cancer

    in Hong KongCervical cancer was the fourth most common

    cancer among females in Hong Kong in 2003.There were 408 new cases, accounting for 4.3%

    of all new cancer cases in f emales. The median

    age at diagnosiswas50. The chance of developing

    cervical cancer in the l ifetime was 1 in 112.

    Cervical cancer was the eighth most commoncause of cancer deaths among f emales in 2004.

    There were 128 deaths, accounting for 2.8% of

    all cancer deat hs in f emales.

    Prevention of Cervical CancerRisk factorsfor cervical cancer include infection with

    human p apillomavirus (HPV), sexual act ivit y at an

    early age, having mult iple sexual part ners, smoking

    and the lack of vegetablesand fruitsin diet. Cervical

    cancer is prevented primarily by cont roll ing t he risk

    f act ors w it h measures such as pract ising safer sex,

    avoiding smoking and adopting healthy lifestyle.

    Scientif ic evidence has demonstrated that organized

    population-based screening is very effective in

    reducing cervical cancer incidence and deaths.

    Screening of Cervical CancerCervical cancer is usually preceded by abnormalchangesin the cervical cellswhich can occur without

    any sympt oms or pain. Cervical smear is a screening

    test that could detect these abnormal cellular

    changesin t he cervix. Wit h early det ect ion, promptand proper management, such lesion would be

    prevented from developing into cervical cancer.

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    Diagram show ing how a cervical smear is t aken

    Cervical SmearIt is a very safe and simple t est t hat only t akes a

    few minutes. The doctor or nurse will use a special

    instrument called speculum to gently open the

    vagin a so t hat t he cervix can be seen. A slim

    spatula or a small brush is then used t o w ipe some

    cells f rom t he cervix. The cells are t ransf erred

    ont o a glass slide or int o a bot t le of preservative

    fluid, and sent to the laboratory for examination.

    The test should not hurt; if it does, tell the doctor

    or nurse.

    Persons Who Need Cervical Smear All w omen aged 25-64 years w ho have ever had

    sexual experience, irrespective of whether being

    single or married, or whether having reached

    menopause or not, are recommended to have

    regular smears. Even if one has had no sexual

    experience f or a long t ime or had st erilizat ion,

    cervical smear is st il l needed.

    Women aged 65 years or above, w ho have had

    sexual experience, should seek doct ors advice on

    having a cervical smear if they have never had

    one befor e.

    Women below the age of 25 who have had sexual

    experience and have risk factors for cervical cancer,

    such as smoking, mult iple sexual partners,

    decreased body resistance, could seek medical

    advice from doctors concerning the need for cervical

    smear. Women who have never had sexual experience

    or who have had total hysterectomy do not need

    cervical smear.






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    A posit ive result means abno rmal cells are

    det ect ed. How ever, it does not necessarily mean

    t hat t here is cancer. M ost of t he ti me, it means

    some minor changes and only needs foll ow -up

    o b se r vat i o n s b y d o ct o r. So m e t i m e s f u r t h e r

    investigationsmay be required to see if the changes

    are serious or not . Women should discuss t he

    management plan w it h t heir doct or.

    A f alse negat ive result means t hat abnormalit y

    in t he cervix is not detect ed by t he test . It could be

    due t o sampling, transf er or laboratory error. Since

    it t akes a long t ime f or cervical cancer t o develop,

    having regular smears can detect those abnormalit ies

    t hat may be missed by a single smear.

    A false posit ive result means t hat t he t est result

    is abnormal, but no abnormality is detect ed on

    subsequent invest igations. Since some lesions regress

    completely, or are very local, or small, they can

    hardly be detected in fol low up tests. Further

    examinat ions or repeated smears can assure t hat

    the woman isnot harbouring an abnormality.

    Screening IntervalThe screening interval can follow the sequence

    of : 1year, 1 year, 3 years, 3 years and so on. That

    is, if t he first 2 annual cervical smears show normal

    result s, repeat smears every 3 years. If t here is

    any problem, such as vaginal bleeding or pain,

    don t w ait unt il t he next cervical smear. See a

    doctor straight away, even if the recent cervical

    smear w as normal. Besides, some women may

    need more f requent screening. Doct ors w ill

    make recommendationsaccording to the clinical


    Result s of Cervical SmearThe dif f erent t ypes of cervical smear result s are


    A negat ive result means no abnormal cells are

    detect ed. The woman has a much low er risk of

    harbouring cancerous changes in the cervix whencompared t o t he unscreened populat ion.

    No worry when start with 2 annual

    smears, peace of mind when have

    it every 3 years af t erw ards

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    Methodsof registration1.Regist ratio n t hrou gh healt h prof essionals w ho

    h a v e j o i n e d t h e p r o g r a m m e b y f i l l i n g t h e

    regist ration f orm.

    2.Direct registration

    i. Online method

    Complete the on-line regist rat ion f orm on CSIS

    website (www.csis.gov.hk ). Send a photocopy

    of your Hong Kong ident it y card to CSP by mail.

    ii.Offline method

    Download t he regist rati on f orm f rom t he CSP

    website (www.cervicalscreening.gov.hk) or

    cont act us f or t he regist ration f orm. Complete

    the form and send it with a photocopy of your

    Hong Kong ident it y card t o CSP by mail.

    The benef it s of joining t he syst em

    A f t er r eg i st r a t i o n , w i t h yo u r d em o g r ap h i cinf ormat ion and smear records provided by your

    service provider and laboratory to CSIS, you will:

    1.Receive reminder letter before your next smear


    2.View your st ored smear result s t hrough CSIS(www.csis.gov.hk)

    Cervical Screening ProgrammeThe Cervical Screening Programme (CSP) is a

    territory-wide screening programme launched by

    t he Depart ment of Health (DH) on 8 M arch 2004

    in collaboration with public and private health

    care providers and laborat ori es. The object ives

    are to increase the population coverage rate of

    cervical screening among women and to reduce

    the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in

    Hong Kong. Women are encouraged t o have

    cervical smear in the clinicsor medical centresof

    their own choice and to provide their cervical

    smear information through their health careproviders t o t he centr al regist ry of t he Cervical

    Screening Programme.

    The Cervical Screening Information System

    (CSIS).CSIS is an elect roni c central regist ry f or st oring

    part icipants' information. The Department of Health

    const antly st rict ly adheres t o t he Personal Dat a

    (Privacy) Ordinance and will keep personal data

    conf idential at all t imes. All w omen w ho receivecervical smear are eligible to register free of charge.

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    Flowchart of the Cervical Screening Programme3.Wit h your approval, your registered healt h careprovider can access your smear hist ory. This will

    f acilitate t hem in providing bett er f ollow -up

    care to you.

    Point s t o not e to applicant :1.After approving of your registration, a personal

    account and a personal authorization code will

    be created in the CSIS. Please remember the

    code. Your service provider has t o use t his code

    f or accessing your smear records and personal


    2.If you register through your service provider,

    he/she w il l submit your smear resul t s t o CSIS.

    If you register by yourself, you have to send

    t he smear result s t o t he CSP by mail.

    3.Af t er r egist rat ion w it h CSIS, you shou ld st il l

    have to make appointment with your service

    pr ov i der. CSI S w i l l not ar r ange m edi cal

    appoint ment f or t he part icipants.

    Women and service


    wit h t he DH in

    providing thecervical screening

    information t o t he

    central registry

    The cent ral regist ry

    sends reminder

    lett ers to women

    due fo r next

    screening andprovides

    information to

    service providersfor

    better medical care

    The DH conducts

    publicity programmes

    to raise the awareness

    in t he public

    Women select and pay

    service providers t o have

    cervical smears

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    N.B.: Women w ho are practi sing contr aception can go di rectl y to birt h control clinicswit hout a prior appoint ment. Those who are not practising contraception cancall the women'shealth clinicsfor an appointment. Unmarried women below

    the age of 26 can call a Youth Health Care Centre for an appointment.

    Birth Address Telephone

    Control Clinic Number

    Wanchai Clinic G/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, 2919 7777

    Wan Chai, Hong Kong

    Ma Tau Chung Clinic 1/F, 105 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kowloon 2711 9271

    Yuen Long Clinic G/F, 149-153 On Ning Road, Yuen Long, 2477 3201

    New Territories

    Wong Tai Sin Clinic G/F, No. 1-2, Lung On House, Low er Wong 2326 2447

    Tai Sin Estate II, Kowloon

    New Tsuen Wan Room 1622B, 16/F, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 2742 8183

    Cl inic Cast le Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Terri tor ies

    Tsuen Wan Clinic G/F, No. 10, Wing Hong House, Fuk Loi Estat e, 2493 3318

    Tsuen Wan, New Territories

    Wo Che Cl inic 4/F, 18 Wo Che Commercial Complex, 2604 2720

    Shati n, New Territ ories

    Unit ed Christ ian Net hersole Communit y Healt h Service

    Community Address Telephone

    Health Centre Number

    Jockey Club Wo Lok Unit 26-33, G/F, Kui On House, Wo Lok Estat e, 2344 3444

    Communit y Health Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

    CentreBradbury Kwong Unit 203, Kwong Tin Shopping Centre, Kwong 2340 3022

    Tin Community Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kowloon

    Health Centre

    Fu Heng Community 4/F, Neighbo urh ood Communi t y Cent re, Fu Heng 2664 6231

    Health Centre Estate, Tai Po, New Territories

    Kwong Fuk Community No. 19, G/F, Kwong Yan House, Kwong Fuk 2638 3846

    Health Centre Est ate, Tai Po, New Terri t ori esJordan Communit y Room 610, Champion Building, 301-309 Nathan 2770 8365

    Healt h Cent re Road, Kowloon 2783 7628

    M edical Prof essionals or Organizat ions

    that Provide Cervical Screening Service

    Gynaecologi st s in pr ivat e pract ice and f amily doct ors

    Family Planning Associati on of Hong Kong and Yout h

    Health Care Centre:

    Service ho t li ne: 2572 2222

    Women's Address Telephone

    Health Clinic NumberWanchai Clinic Room 901, 9/F, Southorn Centre, 130 2574 9523

    Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

    Ma Tau Chung Clinic 2/F, 105 Ma Tau Chung Road, Kowloon 2711 9656

    Yuen Long Clinic 1/F, 149-153 On Ning Road, Yuen Long, 2477 3201

    New Territories

    New Tsuen Wan Room 1622B, 16/F, Nan Fung Centre, 2742 8183

    Cl inic 264-298 Cast le Peak Road, Tsuen Wan,New Territories

    Wong Tai Sin Clini c G/F, No. 1-2, Lung On House, Low er Wong 2326 2447

    Tai Sin Est ate II, Kow loo n

    Wo Che Clinic 4/F, 18 Wo Che Commercial Complex, 2604 2720

    Shati n, New Territ ories

    M obile Clinic - 2711 9656

    Youth Health Address Telephone

    Care Centre Number

    Wanchai Youth Room 902, 9/F, Southorn Centre,130 2575 4799

    Healt h Care Cent re Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Mon gkok Yout h Room A, 13/F, Full Win Commercial Centre, 2770 4994

    Health Care Centre 573 Nathan Road, Kowloon

    Tsuen Wan Youth Room 1621A, 16/F, Nan Fung Centre, 2443 2773

    Health Care Cent re 264-298 Cast le Peak Road, Tsuen Wan,

    New Territories

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    Caritas Hong KongPrecious Blood Hospit al (Carit as)Address: 113 Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, KowloonEnquiry Hotline: 2386 4281 (Ext. 109 or 110)

    Caritas Clinic Address Telephone


    Caritas Tsuen Wan G/F, 146 Chung On Str eet, Tsuen Wan, 2498 6941

    Clinic New Territ ories

    Carit as Caine Road Room 032, Carit as House, 2 Caine Road, 2843 4617

    Clinic Hong Kong

    Carit as Ngau 1 On Tak Road, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 2750 2728Tau Kok Clinic

    The Universit y of Hong Kong Lady Helen WOO

    Womens Diagnost ic and Treat ment Centre

    Addr ess: 2/F, East Wing, Tsan Yuk Hospi t al, 30

    Hospital Road, Sai Ying Pun, Hong KongEnquiry hot lin e: 2589 2405

    Fax: 2549 7375

    The Centre of Research and

    Promotion of WomensHealth

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Address: Room 307, School of Publ ic Healt h,

    Prin ce of Wales Hospit al, Shat in, New Territ ori es

    Enquiry hot lin e: 2252 8839

    Kwong Wah Hospital Well Women Clinic

    Address: 4/F, TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong Out pat ient Bui lding,

    Kwong Wah Hospit al, 25 Waterloo Road, Kowlo on

    Telephone number: 2782 1773

    Tung Wah Eastern Hospital Well Women Clinic

    Address: 2/F, TWGHsLo Ka Chow Ophthalmic Memorial Centre,19 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

    Enquiry hot lin e: 2915 7311

    Appoi nt ment Hotli ne: 2915 7555

    Haven of Hope Chri st ian Service Clinics Net w ork

    Clinic Address Telephone


    Haven of Hope Shop 55, G/F, Beverly Garden, 1 Tong Ming 2217 9600

    Beverly Garden Clinic Street, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

    Haven of Hope Shop 101-104, Hau Tak Estate Shopping 2706 6881

    Bradbury Hau Tak Centre, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O,

    Clinic Kowloon

    Haven of Hope Bradbury Shop No. 3, G/F, King Lui House, King Lam 2701 9223

    King Lam Clinic Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

    Haven of Hope S. K. G/F, Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care & 2703 2060

    Yee Hang Hau Clin ic At t enti on Home, 8 Pui Shing Lane,Tseung Kwan O, Kowl oon

    Haven of Hope S. K. Unit 327-328, Po Ning House, Po Lam Estate, 2704 5334

    Yee Po Lam Clinic Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

    Haven of Hope S. K. Yee Shop 7, G/F, Block 2, Verbena Height s, 2997 0324

    Verbena Heights Clini c 8 Mau Tai Road, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

    Haven of Hope S. K. Yee G/F, Wing B, Min g Yat House, Kin Mi ng 3144 9250

    Tiu Keng Leng Clinic Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

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    Woman Health Centresof Department of HealthProvide compr ehensive examinati on f or w omen und er 65 years old.

    Woman Address Enquiry

    Healt h Centre TelephoneChai Wan Woman 2/F, Chai Wan Health Centre, 1 Hong Man 2975 0236

    Health Centre St reet, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

    Lam Tin Woman 6/F, Lam Tin Polyclinic, 99 Kai Tin Road, Lam 2727 5332

    Health Centre Tin, Kowloon

    Tuen Mun Woman Yan Oi Polyclinic, 4 Tuen Lee Street, 2451 6667

    Health Centre Tuen Mun, New Territories

    M aternal and Child Health Centres of Department of HealthProvide cervical screening for women from 25 yearsonwards.

    Enqui ry ho t line: 2112 9900

    Appoint ment Hotline: 3166 6631

    Hong Kong

    Maternal and Addresses

    Child Health Centre

    Anne Black Maternal 1/F, Anne Black Health Centre, 140 Tsat Tsz Mui

    & Child Health Centre Road, Nort h Point

    Ap Lei Chau Maternal 2/F, Ap Lei Chau Cli nic, 161 Ap Lei Chau Main St reet,

    & Child Health Centre Ap Lei Chau

    Chai Wan Maternal Level 2, Government Office, Block 6, New Jade

    & Child Health Centre Garden, 233 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan

    Sai Wan Ho Maternal 2/F, Sai Wan Ho Health Centre, 28 Tai Hong Street,

    & Child Health Centre Sai Wan Ho

    Tang Chi Ngong M aternal & 5/F, Tang Chi Ngong Specialist Clini c, 284 Queen' s

    Child Health Centre Road East, Wan Chai

    Sai Ying Pun Maternal 6/F, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Pol yclin ic, 134 Queens

    & Child Health Centre Road West, Sai Ying Pun

    New Terri t or ies East and Island s

    Maternal and Addresses

    Child Health Centre

    Fanling Maternal & 3/F, Fanling Health Centre, 2 Pik Fung Road,

    Child Health Centre # Fanling

    Lek Yuen Maternal & 1/F, Lek Yuen Health Centre, 9 Lek Yuen Street,

    Child Health Centre # Shatin

    Ma On Shan Mat ernal & 1/F, Ma On Shan Health Centre, 609 Sai Sha Road,

    Child Health Centre # Ma On Shan

    Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road 1/F, Tseung Kw an O Po Ning Road Healt h Centre,

    Maternal & Child Healt h Centre 28 Po Ning Road, Tseung Kwan O


    Maternal and Addresses

    Child Health Centre

    East Kowl oon Mat ernal & 1/F, East Kow loon Polyclinic, 160 Hammer HillChild Health Centre # Road, Diamond Hill

    Hung Hom Maternal & 2/F, Hung Hom Clinic, 22 Station Lane,

    Child Healt h Centr e Hung Hom

    Lam Tin Maternal & 1/F, Lam Tin Polyclinic, 99 Kai Tin Road,

    Child Healt h Centr e Lam Tin

    Ngau Tau Kok Mat ernal & 1/F, Ngau Tau Kok Jockey Club Clinic,

    Child Health Centre # 60 Ting On Street, Ngau Tau Kok

    Robert Black Maternal & 1/F, Robert Black Health Centre,

    Child Health Centre 600 Prince Edward Road, San Po Kong

    Wang Tau Hom Mat ernal G/F, Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic,

    & Child Health Centre 200 Junct ion Road East , Wang Tau Hom

    West Kowloon Maternal 2/F, West Kowloon Health Centre,

    & Child Health Centre # Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices,

    303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po

    Wu York Yu Maternal & 1/F, Wu York Yu Health Centre,

    Child Health Centre # 55 Sheung Fung Street, Wong Tai Sin

    Yaumatei Maternal & 6/F, Yaumatei Specialist Clinic Extension,

    Child Healt h Centr e 143 Batt ery St reet, Yaumatei

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    with lift facility

    # w it h sound reminder syst em in l if t

    with toilet for disabled persons w it h t act ile-guided path

    Enquiry telephone for l if t, toilet and tactile-guided path

    facilit ies fo r disabled persons in Women Health Centres and

    in Maternal and Child Health Centres: 3166 6631 (Press 2*

    and then press 6* ). For facili t ies in ot her organizations, please

    cont act respect ive organi zat ions f or det ails.

    The above clinics/centres are listed for ref erence only. It is not

    meant to be exhaustive.

    New Territ ories West

    Mat ernal and Addresses

    Child Health Centre

    Madam Yung Fung Shee Maternal 1/F, M adam Yung Fung Shee Healt h Cent re,

    & Child Health Centre 26 Sai Ching Street, Yuen Long

    Maurine Grantham Maternal G/F, Maurine Grantham Healt h Centre,

    & Child Health Centre 115 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan

    Nort h Kwai Chung M aternal 1/F, Nort h Kwai Chung Clini c, 125 Tai Pak Tin

    & Child Health Centre Street, Kwai Chung

    Sout h Kw ai Chung Mat ernal 1/F, Sout h Kw ai Chung Polyclinic,

    & Child Health Centre 310 Kwai Shing Circuit , Kw ai Chung

    Tin Shui Wai Mat ernal & 1/F, Tin Shui Wai Health Centre, 3 Tin Shui

    Child Health Centre Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long

    Tsing Yi Mat ernal & Child 3/F, Cheung Hong Commercial Complex,

    Health Centre Phase I, Cheung Hong Estate, Tsing Yi

    Tuen Mu n Wu Hong Mat ernal 2/F, Tuen Mu n Wu Hong Clini c, 2 Wu Hong

    & Child Health Centre # Street, Tuen Mun

    Yan Oi Mat ernal & Child 1/F, Yan Oi Polyclinic, 4 Tuen Lee Street,

    Health Centre # Tuen M un

    Tung Chung Mat ernal & G/F, Tung Chung Health Centre, 6 Fu Tung

    Child Health Centre Street, Tung Chung, Lantau Island

    Wong Siu Ching Maternal 1/F, Wong Siu Ching Clinic, 1 Po Wu Lane,

    & Child Health Centre Tai Po

    Cheung Chau Mat ernal & G/F, St. John Hospit al, Cheung Chau Hospit alChild Health Centre Road, Cheung Chau

    Mui Wo Maternal & 1/F, Mui Wo Clinic, 2 Ngan Kwong Wan Road,

    Child Health Centre Mui Wo, Lantau Island

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