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ERD 2012

Confronting scarcity:Managing water,

energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth

Water-energy-land (WEL)

Innovative WEL thinkinge.g. Payments for Ecosystem Services

Lake Naivasha Kenya


Manage demand to reflect scarcity (e.g. change food and packaging wastage);

Improve resilience to shocks and protect poorest);

Expand quality and quantity of supply (renewable energy, soils, water storage);

Promote use efficiencies (Productive, allocative, WEL / nexus-wide);

Framing Sustainable Development Goals around the WEL nexus

• Integrated development and environmental goals for the Water-Energy-Land (WEL) nexus

• Integrated (WEL) thinking, domestic capabilities and effective, country specific institutions

• Integrated (WEL) action by the public/private sectors and the global community

• Integrated development and environmental goals for the Water-Energy-Land (WEL) nexus

• Integrated (WEL) thinking, domestic capabilities and effective, country specific institutions

• Integrated (WEL) action by the public/private sectors and the global community

Thank you

For more information on ERD 2011/2012:


www.odi.org.uk www.die-gdi.dewww.ecdpm.org

Dirk Willem te Velde and Imme ScholzRio 19 June 2012

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