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Table Of Contents

1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1-1

Welcome! ........................................................................................................................... 1-1

What's New ........................................................................................................................ 1-2

The Graphical Interface...................................................................................................... 1-3

Main Window ................................................................................................................ 1-3

Project Workspace ......................................................................................................... 1-3

Tool bar.......................................................................................................................... 1-4

Menu bar........................................................................................................................ 1-5

Main title bar.................................................................................................................. 1-5

Manual Overview............................................................................................................... 1-7

EsteemPlus Design Flow Chart........................................................................................ 1-10

Working with other programs .......................................................................................... 1-11

CAD Programs............................................................................................................. 1-11

Zip Programs ............................................................................................................... 1-11

Email Programs ........................................................................................................... 1-12

Web browser ................................................................................................................ 1-12

2 Setting up Esteem Plus .............................................................................................. 2-13

Esteem Plus Package........................................................................................................ 2-13

Installation guide.............................................................................................................. 2-14

System Requirement ........................................................................................................ 2-16

3 Menu ........................................................................................................................... 3-17

File Menu ......................................................................................................................... 3-17

Create A New Project .................................................................................................. 3-17

Open Project ................................................................................................................ 3-19

Import Project .............................................................................................................. 3-20

Export to Esteem v5.2.................................................................................................. 3-22

Backup Project............................................................................................................. 3-23

Send Project ................................................................................................................. 3-25

Save All Plans.............................................................................................................. 3-26

Print.............................................................................................................................. 3-27

Print Setup ................................................................................................................... 3-27

Project .............................................................................................................................. 3-28

Reset Project Analysis Result ...................................................................................... 3-28

Check Project Grid Integrity........................................................................................ 3-28

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Table Of Contents


Check Project Integrity ................................................................................................ 3-29

Adjust for Datum Distance .......................................................................................... 3-29

Progress Bar................................................................................................................. 3-30

Edit Menu......................................................................................................................... 3-31

Verification ...................................................................................................................... 3-33

Check Plan Integrity .................................................................................................... 3-33

Check Grid Usage........................................................................................................ 3-34

Wall.................................................................................................................................. 3-35

Clean All Walls From Non-existence Grid.................................................................. 3-35

Update Walls From Liftcore Data ............................................................................... 3-35

View Menu....................................................................................................................... 3-36

4 Tools ............................................................................................................................ 4-39

Standard Tools ................................................................................................................. 4-39

View Tools ....................................................................................................................... 4-40

Properties Tool................................................................................................................. 4-41

Modify Tool ..................................................................................................................... 4-43

Plan Input Tools ............................................................................................................... 4-44

Run Mode Tools............................................................................................................... 4-45

Input Grid Tools............................................................................................................... 4-46

Input Beam Tools........................................................................................................... 4-47

Input Column/Support Tools............................................................................................ 4-49

Input Slab Tools ............................................................................................................. 4-51

Liftcore/R.C Wall Tools................................................................................................... 4-52

Slab FEM Results Tools................................................................................................... 4-53

3-D View Tools................................................................................................................ 4-55

Shortcut Keys................................................................................................................... 4-56

5 Project Workspace..................................................................................................... 5-59

Activate/Deactivate Project Workspace........................................................................... 5-59

Activating Element........................................................................................................... 5-59

Insert Key Plan................................................................................................................. 5-60

Delete Key Plan ............................................................................................................... 5-60

Restore a deleted key plan................................................................................................ 5-60

Rename key plan.............................................................................................................. 5-61

Resize Project Workspace window.................................................................................. 5-61

6 Parameter Settings..................................................................................................... 6-63

Project Parameters............................................................................................................ 6-65

Project General Parameters.......................................................................................... 6-65

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Table Of Contents


Project Design Parameters ........................................................................................... 6-67

Project Detailing Parameters ....................................................................................... 6-72

Project Quantity Parameters ........................................................................................ 6-76

Design Parameters............................................................................................................ 6-79

Column Parameters...................................................................................................... 6-79

Wall Parameters........................................................................................................... 6-83

Pad Footing Parameters ............................................................................................... 6-87

Pile Parameters ............................................................................................................ 6-91

Plan Design and Detailing Parameters ............................................................................. 6-95

Plan Settings ................................................................................................................ 6-95

Plan Beam Settings ...................................................................................................... 6-96

Plan Slab Settings ...................................................................................................... 6-110

7 Creating Gridlines ................................................................................................... 7-115

Drawing Gridlines.......................................................................................................... 7-115

Click grid and drag method............................................................................................ 7-116

Using grid generator....................................................................................................... 7-120

Table input ..................................................................................................................... 7-122

8 Creating Beams........................................................................................................ 8-125

Click and drag method ................................................................................................... 8-125

Beam generator wizard .................................................................................................. 8-127

Beam Table Properties ................................................................................................... 8-128

Input Beam Load............................................................................................................ 8-129

Point load ................................................................................................................... 8-129

Uniform Distributed Load ......................................................................................... 8-131

General Variable Load............................................................................................... 8-133

Connecting Beam........................................................................................................... 8-136

Beam Offsets.................................................................................................................. 8-137

9 Creating Columns and Supports ............................................................................ 9-139

Drawing column............................................................................................................. 9-139

Column Generator Wizard ............................................................................................. 9-140

Defining Support Conditions ......................................................................................... 9-141

Column Offset................................................................................................................ 9-143

10 Creating Slabs ........................................................................................................ 10-145

Input Slab ..................................................................................................................... 10-145

Using Slab Wizard Generator ...................................................................................... 10-146

Input User Defined Slabs ............................................................................................. 10-147

Input Slab Load ............................................................................................................ 10-149

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Table Of Contents


Input Slab Line Load ............................................................................................... 10-149

Input Slab Point load ............................................................................................... 10-151

Input Cantilever Slab Edge Line Load..................................................................... 10-153

11 Creating Liftcore ................................................................................................... 11-155

Input Lift Core ............................................................................................................. 11-155

Create Wall Opening.................................................................................................... 11-157

12 Running Analysis ................................................................................................... 12-161

Generate slab mesh ...................................................................................................... 12-161

Analyze FEM slab........................................................................................................ 12-163

Design slabs ................................................................................................................. 12-166

Slab Design Results ................................................................................................. 12-166

Analyze beam............................................................................................................... 12-168

Beam Analysis Results ............................................................................................ 12-169

Continuous Beam Method Design ............................................................................... 12-170

Continuous Beam Design Control Factors .............................................................. 12-170

Design beam................................................................................................................. 12-172

Beam Results ........................................................................................................... 12-173

Beam Details Display Option .................................................................................. 12-173

Batch process ............................................................................................................... 12-177

3D analysis ................................................................................................................... 12-178

3D Analysis Results................................................................................................. 12-178

3D Frame Element ....................................................................................................... 12-180

Run column design....................................................................................................... 12-182

Column Design Results: .......................................................................................... 12-182

Run wall ....................................................................................................................... 12-184

Wall Design Results: ............................................................................................... 12-184

Run pad footing design ................................................................................................ 12-186

Pad Footing Design Results..................................................................................... 12-186

Run pile foundation design .......................................................................................... 12-187

Multiple pile type selection...................................................................................... 12-187

Pile Footing Design Results..................................................................................... 12-188

13 Display Options...................................................................................................... 13-191

3D View ....................................................................................................................... 13-191

Layer Settings .............................................................................................................. 13-193

Search Element ............................................................................................................ 13-194

14 View Results ........................................................................................................... 14-195

Textual Files................................................................................................................. 14-195

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Table Of Contents


Export Drawing as DXF file ........................................................................................ 14-197

15 Tutorials.................................................................................................................. 15-199

Setting Parameter Template ......................................................................................... 15-199

Starting a new project................................................................................................... 15-200

Parameter Settings........................................................................................................ 15-202

Input Grid..................................................................................................................... 15-204

Major Gridlines........................................................................................................ 15-204

Minor Gridlines ....................................................................................................... 15-205

Define slab cut section............................................................................................. 15-206

Insert Liftcore............................................................................................................... 15-207

Input Wall .................................................................................................................... 15-208

Input Beam................................................................................................................... 15-209

Insert Column............................................................................................................... 15-212

Input Slab ..................................................................................................................... 15-214

Floor Analysis .............................................................................................................. 15-217

Copy to other floor....................................................................................................... 15-220

Transfer Column .......................................................................................................... 15-221

Input Wall Opening...................................................................................................... 15-222

Running 3D Analysis ................................................................................................... 15-224

Run Element Design .................................................................................................... 15-227

Design Column ........................................................................................................ 15-227

Design Wall ............................................................................................................. 15-228

Design Pad Footing.................................................................................................. 15-228

Design Pile Footing ................................................................................................. 15-229

16 Getting Help ........................................................................................................... 16-233

Contact Info.................................................................................................................. 16-233

Tech Support ................................................................................................................ 16-236

Documentation Feedback............................................................................................. 16-238

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1 Introduction


EsteemPlus is a integrated total solution computer program that offers a

complete package in reinforced concrete design. Now with EsteemPlus, you can

create and edit a model, perform analysis, design, produce calculations and

drawings through a graphic driven interface within Microsoft Windows platform.

With the increasing demands of economical but safe structures, EsteemPlus is a

powerful program that can assists you in achieving that objective.

EsteemPlus with a finite element analysis based engine, is capable of creating

and model a structure in finite element accurately which is difficult to perform

manually. The analysis and design capabilities of EsteemPlus are tested, proven,

and valid based on the latest researches and code of practices.

With the user-friendly graphical interface, EsteemPlus enables you to input the

data with ease and accurately. The graphical interface plus the 3-dimensional

view allow you to see and define how your structure model would look like.

Conventional way of designing a structure is a way of the past. EsteemPlus can

assist you in simplifying and speed up tedious calculations and detailing process.

Together with its design and analysis capabilities, the ability of EsteemPlus to

generate logical CAD output files will significantly increases the efficiency of

drawings production.

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What's New

Now with EsteemPlus, the user data input will be adopting the graphic

driven input method, replacing the manual spreadsheet input method.

You can also define and modify the elements manually in the table


With new software engine, you can have the options of running your

analysis using Finite Element Method (F.E.M) or the conventional

method. This is just one of our many new features.

Key Features in ESTEEM PLUS:

• Structural analysis in 2D/3D.

• Finite Element Method (F.E.M.) engine.

• Generate R.C. Shear Wall, Lift Core.

• Graphic User Interface (GUI) using "click and drag" method..

• View model in true 3-D.

• Allows opening in slabs, R.C. shear wall and lift core.

• Element properties and loading input in a single form.

• Full integration of transfer beam to the structure model.

• User defined non-orthogonal slab.

• Check automatically on model integrity.

• Batch run elements for all floors.

• Ability to flush and offset elements automatically.

• Automatic compilation of project for sending and backup data.

• Allows user to check and view project status.

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The Graphical Interface

The main layout of the graphic interface with features is shown in

figure below. The main features of the graphic interface are main

window, project workspace, tool bars, menu bar, input bar and main

title bar. The description of each items are shown in this chapter.

Figure 1.1: Graphical User Interface Window

Main Window

The graphical user interface of the program runs under the main

window. Similar to other Windows applications, the window may be

resized, moved, minimized, maximize and closed. For additional

information regarding the Windows operations, refer to Windows

help at Start Menu.

Project Workspace

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The project workspace contains the layout of the structure. The

project workspace comprises of floor plan, column, wall, pad footing

and foundation footing. Double click to select each individual

element. You are then mapped into the selected element active

window. There is a box next to the each element name. The tick in

the box shows that the particular element contains data or has been


For example, if you have new floor and you want to create gridlines.

Before you input any data into the floor, the box is empty. Creating a

gridline will activate the tick in the box. This shows that the floor has

been edited.

To run column, wall, pad footing and pile footing analysis, double

click on the box next to the element names. Analysis for some

elements will only run after certain analysis have been performed. To

understand the sequence of the analysis, please refer to Esteem Flow

Design Flow Chart. For example, to run wall design, you have to

run the 3D-analysis first. After successfully performing each analysis

and design, box will be tick. You can then proceed to the next

element analysis.

You can close the project workspace window by clicking the cross at

the top right corner at project workspace or right click on the menu

bar deselect the project workspace. To enable project workspace, go

to menu bar, right click once and a menu will be shown. Click on

project workspace to bring up the window.

Tool bar

Tool bar contains buttons that you select to carry out certain

commands. Most of the buttons are associated with the function in

the menu bar. For example, you can open a new project by clicking

on the icon. Alternatively, select File menu > New Project

command performs the same function.

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Each buttons carried a brief description of it's function. To display

these functions, move your cursor to the button, hold for a few

seconds without clicking on it and the description will appears. You

can also see the descriptions at the bottom left corner of the window.

The tool bars in the program are not customizable. However, you can

display or hide the tool bar buttons to your preference. Hiding certain

tool bars will not allow you to carried out certain functions which are

not in the menu bar. To display the tool bar, right click on menu bar

and select the tool bar you which to display.

Menu bar

Menu bar contains topics that are divided into groups and categorized

according to the related functions. The menu topics contain related

commands that are relevant and closely associated to the menu topics.

For example, Save command allows you to save the project and this

is a general command. Hence it is categorized into File menu. To

access a menu, left click on the menu and this will slide down a list

of submenu commands. Left click once to select the commands. Each

individual commands are described in latter chapters of this manual.

Main title bar

The main title bar displays the program name and the installed

version. It also displays the active window name and the description

of the tasks. For example, you want to input slabs into the second

floor. You activated second floor named 2b by double left click the

element in project workspace. In main title bar, it will display

"Esteem Structural Software 6.x.x.x - [Plan View 2b]

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Figure 1.2: Main title bar description

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Manual Overview

This manual is designed to provide you comprehensive information

regarding the operation of the program. This manual is written to

help you get started with the program. Bundled with tips, notes and

examples, this manual is set to assist you whenever you have any


ESTEEM PLUS Operation Manual is organised as follows:

Chapter 1 Introduction

Introduces the program's key features and identifies what's new in the

release. It describes on how to get started with the program and

provides an overview on how the program actually works.

Chapter 2 Setting Up EsteemPlus

This chapter identifies the package and requirements to run the

program. It also demonstrates on how to install the program into your


Chapter 3 Menu

Introduces each command allocated in the menu bar. The

descriptions of each command and their functionality is explored in

this chapter.

Chapter 4 Tools

This chapter describes the functions of each tools and explains how

you can use them.

Chapter 5 Project Workspace

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This chapter describes the functions of the project workspace and

demonstrates on how to use these functions. Chapter 6 Parameter Settings

This chapter provides you the description and the functionality of

each parameters forms in the program.

Chapter 7 Creating Gridline

Gives details and ways to create gridline for your model. It

familiarizes you with three methods of gridline input and shows you

how to get the most out of these methods.

Chapter 8 Creating Beam

Shows how to use each components such as member sizing, beam

offsets and loading input. It provides the descriptions on how to

model your beam with two different sections.

Chapter 9 Creating Column and Support

Provides the methods and ways to generate column and support. It

explains on how to set the support condition at beam intersections.

This chapter also explains on how to apply lateral load to the column

and wall.

Chapter 10 Creating Slab

Explains methods you can define slab using the components in slab

input. It provides the description on how you can input load to the


Chapter 11 Creating Liftcore and R.C. Wall

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Shows you how to create liftcore and wall with explanations of each

of the command functions.

Chapter 12 Running Analysis

Explains the process of the analysis and design of the structure model.

Chapter 13 View Results

Gives details on how to view, search and export results to different


Chapter 14 Display Options

This chapter describes on how to utilize the display options in the


Chapter 15 Tutorials

A sample project that demonstrates the functionality and application

of each commands in the program.

Chapter 16 Getting Help

Provide information on how you can contact us.

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EsteemPlus Design Flow Chart

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Working with other programs

EsteemPlus is a stand alone program and does not requires any

compliment software to fully utilize the program. However

EsteemPlus output files can be assessed using other programs. The

file types and the associated programs that uses these files are

described as follows:

CAD Programs

Save as DXF file format: You can transfer the detail drawings into

CAD related programs. DXF format is an AUTOCAD data

interchange file. It is a CAD vector format designed to allow the

exchange of vector information between CAD applications. This

DXF file saved can be open with any Computer Aided Drawing

software such as AUTOCAD and INTELLICAD.

Plan views can be saved as DXF file. You have the options of save as

construction drawing or save as what you see on the screen. Save as

construction drawing selects only layers that are considered as

common practice in the detailing of construction drawing.

Save as what you see on the screen selects layers that are displayed

on plan view. Layers that are hidden or turned off will not be saved

in the DXF file.

Zip Programs

Backup project saves as ZIP file format. Project files are

compressed in ZIP format for the following functions below:

• Backup project: Selecting this option allows the program to

compress the relevant project data files into ZIP format and

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saved into your specified location. Refer to topic "Backup

Project" for further information.

• Import project: You can open project previously saved in

ZIP format. Refer to "Import Project" for further


• Send Project: When you use this command, the current

project file will be automatically compressed as ZIP format

and attached to the email. Refer to "Send Project" for further


You can unzip the project files in ZIP format outside of EsteemPlus

program but requires files compression software such as Winzip and

Pkunzip to extract the files.

Email Programs

Sending your project to us through email would require email

software such as Outlook Express, Eudora and others. Once you click

send project to us, EsteemPlus automatically compress the relevant

project data file into ZIP format and attached to the email addressed

to us.

If your computer is connected to the internet and email enabled, you

can send us directly. Otherwise, you can save the email into floppy

disk and send the email using an email enabled computer.

Web browser

To update the latest version of EsteemPlus, you can either request a

CD from us or directly go to our website at

http://www.esteemsoft.com/download.htm. To access the internet

you would require web browser such as Internet Explorer and

Netscape Communicator.

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2 Setting up Esteem Plus

Esteem Plus Package

Upon receiving your purchased a copy of Esteem Plus, you will

receive the following items:

• A EsteemPlus security hard lock.

• A CD of the latest version ESTEEM PLUS.

• A copy of EsteemPlus Manual.

Should you discovered that one or more items above missing,

damaged or faulty, please contact us and we will replace the item you

reported immediately.

Note :

Please be aware that the software is constantly being updated.

Certain functions may not be reflected properly at the time of

printing this manual.

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Installation guide

To install Esteem Plus into your computer, please follow the step by

step instructions as below:

1. Before installing EsteemPlus, close other programs running

on the operating system.

2. Place in the hard lock onto the printer LPT parallel port at the

back of your computer. If the printer port is occupied,

remove the existing cable or other hard lock and place the

hard lock onto the port. After that, replace the removed cable

or hard lock onto Esteem Plus hard lock. Note : For USB

lock, you must install the program first before placing the

USB lock into the slot.

3. Insert Esteem Plus installation CD into your CD-ROM. If

your system autorun is enabled, Setup Wizard appears

automatically. Otherwise go to Start menu > Run > Browse.

Select your CD-ROM drive, for example D: and left click

twice on Esteem 6.X Plus folder. Select Setup by

clicking left button twice and Setup Wizard will appears.

4. Select Next button after you have read the instructions.

5. Software license agreement form appears. By selecting YES

button, you have agreed to oblige to the terms and conditions

applicable to the software.

6. Selected Yes will proceed to the directory destination form.

By default, Esteem Plus is copy to C:\EsteemPlus, otherwise

press the browse button to select your preferred destination.

If you have input a non-existing folder, Setup Wizard

automatically create the folder in your specified location.

7. Esteem Plus creates a folder in the Program Folder. Press

Next button if you want to keep the default name, otherwise

change the folder name.

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Setting up Esteem Plus


8. A summary on the setup information will be shown. If you

accept the current settings, select Yes or press Back to edit

the information.

9. Esteem Plus is now copy to your computer. This might take a

few minutes depending on your system.

10. The program will then try to communicate and search for the

security hard lock. If the program successfully finds the hard

lock, select Ok and proceed to the next step. Check the hard

lock connection again if the program fails to find the hard

lock. If problem persisted, please contact us immediately for

our assistance.

11. After the completion of the setup, you will be prompt to

restart the computer. After you have restart your computer,

Esteem Plus is ready to run.

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System Requirement

Esteem Plus supports Windows 9X, Me, 2000 and XP environment.

The minimum and optimum specifications to run this software are

listed as below:

Minimum requirement:

• Pentium 1000 Mhz or equivalent

• 256MB RAM

• 4x CD-ROM

• 120 MB hard disk space

Optimum performance:

• Pentium 4 1800 MHz or equivalent

• 512MB RAM

• 500 MB hard disk space

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3 Menu

File Menu

Create A New Project

Select File menu > New Project command to create a new project.

You can also click the New Project button on the toolbar.

Naming the project

In Project Settings, you can name your project and specify the

location of the project folder into your preferred directory.

EsteemPlus automatically creates a working folder in that directory.

Define number of floors

• Number of key plans allows you to define the number of floors.

• Insert Floor enables you to add floor manually.

• Delete Floor allows you to delete the selected individual floor.

• Fill Default automatically names the floor plans by default.

In data table under Floor Name, you can rename the floor to your

preferences. When you have defined the floor properties, click OK to

accept your selections. Clicking Cancel button cancels the changes

you have made. After selecting OK, working folder for each floor

will be created under the main project directory.

Note : You are not allowed have floor name ending with a

number. The reason of this is due to the naming style of the beam

that follows the floor name. For example, if you name a floor to

GF1, then the beams mark would begin from GF11, GF12, GF13

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etc. This will not be valid if you have two different beams with

the same mark.

Figure 3.1: Create New Project Form

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Open Project

To open an existing project, select File menu > Open Project

command or Open .prj file button located on the toolbar. Find

the name of the project and click once for the project name to appear

in the File name when the Open Project form appears. Click the

Open button to select the project.

For project that is modeled earlier than the current version 6.x, select

Import Project command to open the project. A prompt will appears

requesting you to import project instead if project earlier than version

6.x is detected. You can open project file from the earlier version 6.x.

A prompt will appears requesting user to backup the project or to


Reminder : It is recommended that user backup their project

from the earlier version 6.x. Project file converted to the later

version cannot be open by any previous version of EsteemPlus.

Backup project will be compressed in ZIP format. Opening project

file modeled later than the current version 6.x cannot be performed.

A prompt will appears stating that the operation cannot be performed.

User must update their current version to the latest release in order to

open the project file. For the latest releases and updates, please

contact us. (See Chapter 16 for our Contact Info)

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Import Project

This command enables you to import backup project files from

EsteemWin v5.2 files, Backup files and Auto backup files.

EsteemWin Version 5.2 files

You can specify the location of the EsteemWin v5.2 project file by

clicking the button on the right of the form. Alternatively you can

input the location of the project file manually.

You have the option of renaming the project title or remain the name

unchanged. Save the project to the preferred location in the directory.

By clicking OK, the project files and related folder will be converted

to the current version in the location that your have specified.

Reminder : Do not attempt to save the project file into the

existing Esteem Win v5.2 folder. This will overwrites the data in

the folder and all the data from the previous version will be lost.

EsteemPlus Backup / Auto Backup files

This function is only available for EsteemPlus version and

above. You can only import project files from the current and earlier

version of EsteemPlus. To import the backup file, select File menu >

Import Project command > Import from any Backup Files

command to bring up a form. In this form, click on the top right box

to locate the backup file. After you have located the project

backup file, you have to specify the location of the backup file you

want to extract.

By default, the program creates a new working folder based on the

existing project name followed by dashed "-" and number of backup

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file extracted. For example, say your project is called "Building A"

and you want to restore a earlier copy of this project. When you

extracted this file, the program creates a backup project folder as

"Building A -1". If you restore the backup file again, the program

creates a project folder as "Building A-2".

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Export to Esteem v5.2

This command is only applicable to user with EsteemWin v5.2.

This command allows user to transfer the beam results to EsteemWin

v5.2. Currently, EsteemPlus v6.X does not support T-beam section

design. However, user can use EsteemWin v5.2 to redesign the beam

section. Valid beams design results will be exported to Esteem Win

v5.2 for analysis.

Reminder : The beams results from EsteemWin v5.2 cannot be

incorporated back into Esteem Plus v6.*. The results and the

details of the beams will be independently generated in Esteem

Win v5.2.

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Backup Project

User can backup their project using the File menu > Backup Project.

Specify the location and project name in the form and click save

button to backup the project. All relevant files of the project will be

saved and compressed in ZIP format. (To restore the project file, see

Restoring Backup Files)

In each project backup, only the project data and parameters will be

saved. Project analysis results will not be saved during the project

backup. When you have restored the project, you have to reanalyze

the project in order to retrieve the results.

Tips : We suggest that you backup your project often. Your

project might be corrupted or lost due to computer breakdowns,

power failures and unforeseen software performance. Backing up

your project enables user to recover the previous work saved.

Auto Project Backup

You have the option of backing up the project automatically. To

enables auto backup, click Project Design and Detailing

Parameters > Project General Parameters form. The backup

files will be automatically stored into your project folder > backup

folder > auto folder. The program will saves and displays the project

name, date and time of the backup. In the Auto Project Backup area,

you can select the following options:

• Backup Interval (minutes): From this pulldown list, you

can select the duration of each project backup. You can

choose to disable this option by selecting Disabled in the

pulldown list.

• Maximum Backup Files: This option allows you to select

the number of backup files allowable in the Auto folder. The

program overwrites the earliest backup file if the program

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detects the maximum allowable backup files in the folder.

The program will continues the cycle of replacing the earliest

backup file with the latest backup file.

Figure 3.2: Auto Project Backup settings

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Send Project

In any case you experiencing bugs in the software or difficulties

running your project, you can always send your project to us and we

will assist you to solve your problem. Your project will be send to

[email protected] by your designated email program such as

Microsoft Outlook, Eudora and Outlook Express. If you don't have

email facility in your computer, you can save the email and transfer

the backup file to other computer with email facility.

To send project via Email, select File menu > Send Project command.

This will brings up a form that allows you to select which account

you want to use to send the project. Click Cancel button to cancel and

message "Fail to send project" will appears. Or else, select your

Email account and press OK to bring up the Email form. Your

project files will be compressed in ZIP format. A copy of the backup

project files will be saved in the backup folder.

In the Email, please include the following information:

• Your name, company and contact number.

• Description of the problem. If possible, please write

down the exact message of the error displayed.

• Type of operating system.

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Save All Plans

Clicking on File menu > Save All Plans command or icon saves

changes made to all floors. This overwrites your existing project file.

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The File menu > Print command or toolbar prints contents that

are displayed in the active window. Clicking Print command, a form

will appears. This form contains three sections as below::

• Printer selection allows you to select the printer you want to

use to print. Default printer is set if no selection is made. You

can also print the output and save it to a file. This allows you

to convert the file into another file type used by other

program. For example, user can convert it to *.PDF

document file.

• Print range allows user to select the pages you want to print.

• Copies allows user to specify the number of copies you want

to print.

Print Setup

Clicking the File Menu > Print Setup command enables the Print

Setup form. This form has two section areas:

• Printer selection allows user to select the printer. Printer

selection will set to default printer if no selection is made.

• Paper properties allows user to select the paper size, paper

orientation and the source of paper.

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Reset Project Analysis Result

Selecting this command resets all your current project analysis results.

Any analysis results performed will be permanently deleted. You will

not be able to retrieve the results once you selected this command.

Note : This command is useful when you have trouble

assessing the project. When the program performs analysis and

stalls during analysis. The analysis is incomplete and the results

data would become corrupted or invalid. Clearing the corrupted

results would allow you to assess the project.

Check Project Grid Integrity

This command allows you to check the grid integrity of the whole

structure. The program performs integrity check for any grid

discrepancy between each floors of the structure. The program

reports gridlines with any discrepancy.

Grid discrepancy occurs when two or more gridmarks between floors

that do not match. For example gridmark B of floor GB is 4000mm

from gridmark A while gridmark B of floor 1B is 4100mm from

gridmark A. The inconsistency in dimensioning of the same gridmark

B in different floors creates grid discrepancy.

You cannot have different name for the same gridline position in

different floors. The program detects this discrepancy in grid

integrity check. For example, for the same position of gridlines, you

named gridline on floor GB as gridmark A. However on floor 1B,

you renamed the same gridline as gridmark A1. This is not allowed

and the program reports discrepancy in this particular case.

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Check Project Integrity

Using this command initiates the program to check for the global

structural integrity. Any warnings detected will prevent any further

analysis until problem is resolved. The program highlights the

element that contains error. The program performs checking on the

following area:

Check transfer column: The program checks for valid transfer

column in the model. Transfer column can be supported only by

beam or wall.

Check for column: The program does not allow column offset from

the position out of the column area above or below it. The program

does not consider eccentricity into column design. However in

column design, moment due to minimum eccentricity will be checked

by the program.

Check for wall: Detects any created wall for every floor.

Check for wall opening: Detects any wall opening for every created


Check rc wall overlap: Detects any overlapping walls.

Check rc wall opening overlap: Detects any overlap opening in the

same location. If wall openings overlapping detected, the program

automatically delete the later created wall opening.

Check wall data for individual floor: Performs checks on the

validity and consistency of data for wall.

Adjust for Datum Distance

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This is applicable only if you import project from EsteemWin

Version 5.2. With the variation in gridline input between EsteemWin

and EsteemPlus, gridline's dimension from the imported project data

requires adjustment. Click on this command to refresh the imported

gridlines in EsteemPlus. This is due to the different style in creation

of gridlines for both Esteem softwares.

Progress Bar

During analysis, project status bar appears on the window showing

the progress of the analysis. In certain cases after the analysis, the

status bar remained on the window. Click on the progress bar

command to clear the status bar in the window.

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Edit Menu


The Cut command, Ctrl-X shortcut key or button

deletes the selected objects in the active window. When

the objects are deleted, it is stored in the Windows

clipboard. You can copy the cut objects into a spreadsheet

or pasted back into the program. This is only applicable to

text format, such as design calculations textual output. To

reverse the cut action, use the Undo command.


When the objects are cut, you can restore back the objects

to the original state by using Paste command or Ctrl V. In

the graphical input, paste action do not allow cut objects

to be duplicated to other members or sections. You can

paste the text output such as design calculations into a

spreadsheet in text format.

Select all

You can select all objects of the your selected input in the

active window. For example, during editing slab, you can

select all slabs by clicking select all. This tool is useful to

modified the properties of the same members

simultaneously. You can also delete all the selected



Go back to the very last action you took. You can undo up

to the last ten actions.


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If you have decided that you did not want to undo an

action, select Redo to reverse back to the previous action.

You must use Undo command before you can use the

Redo command.

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Check Plan Integrity

This option allows you to check the integrity of the active floor.

Warning reported will not perform further analysis.

Check duplidate slabs: Detects any overlapping slabs in the same


Check column offset: Detects for any column position that is out of

the allowable offset. This also checks for column that are too near to

neighbouring column.

Check column overlap: Detects any columns that are too close to

each other. This also checks for columns that are overlapping.

Check support for upper column: This will detects floor for any

unsupported column from the upper floor. The upper column must be

supported either by column, wall or transfer beam.

Check duplicate supports: Detects for multiple supports at any

same grid intersection.

Check beam support condition: Detects for any undefined beam

support conditions.

Check connected beam wall offset: Detects for any out of position

beam-wall connections.

Check beam/beam overlap: Detects multiple beams overlapped on

the same gridline.

Check beam offset: Detects any beam that offset out of position.

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Check beam/wall overlap: Detects beam and wall overlapped at the

same position along the gridline.

Check grids for transfer column: Detects availability of gridline at

lower floor of the transfer column. The gridline at lower floor must

be in the same position as the gridline where the transfer column is


Check grids/beams for transfer wall: Detects any beams

supporting the transfer wall.

Check beam sequence along all grids:

Check input beam load:

Check slab first point:

Check slab direction:

Check unreferenced column data:

Check unreferenced non-column support data:

Check input wall load: Detects wall loading that is too close to the

wall edge.

Check input slab load: Detects slab loading that is too close to the

slab edge.

Check Grid Usage

Clicking the Check Grid Usage displays the usage of all the gridlines

in the selected active floor. If there is element created on the gridline,

the program reports the gridline as "used" and "unused" if no element

exists on the gridline.

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Clean All Walls From Non-existence Grid

The program detects walls that are inconsistent in each of floor

keyplan. Walls must be placed on gridline with the exact position on

each floors. If the gridline dimension varies between floors, the

program will detects inconsistency. Using this command clear all

walls that are incomplete.

If the "incomplete" walls are placed on purpose, you have to redefine

the height of the floor. Refer to Liftcore Properties under Input

Liftcore chapter for further information.

Update Walls From Liftcore Data

When you have deleted a grid, walls that are intersected with this grid

will disappeared from the window screen. Use this option to redraw

the walls.

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View Menu

You can select the options of displaying views in the key layout plan.

This options will be then incorporated into the output drawings (DXF

format). The following are the display options you can select:

• Draw slab edge as dotted line: You have the

option of selecting the line type either as dotted line

or straight line for your the slab edges. This will be

displayed at the plan layout on the screen and in the

DXF drawing.

• Single beam mark: For multi span beam, only

one beam mark will be display if this option is


• Show beam dimension: This option will allows you

to enable or disable the beams dimension in the beam


• Show upper column: You can see the upper

columns by selecting this option. This option allows

you to check the any column discrepancy.

• Differentiate project wide grids: When you

have a grid that is only available to a floor, selecting

this option allows you to differentiate this particular

grid from other common grids. The colour of this

grid is different from the other grids.

• Zoom to search element: When you search the

particular element using the search tool, enabling this

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option will automatically zoom into the selected


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4 Tools

Standard Tools

Below are the descriptions of the command and the functionality of

all the tools available on the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Usage

of each tools are demonstrated in other chapters of this manual.

Command Icon Description

New project Creates a new project from


Open an

existing project

Run project from a saved file.

Save Save changes to project.

Print Prints the document in active


Undo Performs Undo last action.

Redo Performs Redo last action.


Delete selected object.

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View Tools

Command Icon Description

Zoom out Zooms out one step.

Zoom in

Zooms in one step.



Zooms in selected area.



Zooms in the drawing.


previous Returns back to the

previous zoom.

Pan Move the view within

window beyond the

original view.


Redraws the existing


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Properties Tool

Command Icon Description

Send project Send project via email.

Save to DXF file Save detailed drawings as

DXF file.

Select All

Select all members of the


Window select

Select members of the

element inside the window


Show grid mark

Displays grid mark at current


Project status Displays project status.

Layer settings

Open project layer settings


Setting parameters Open project setting

parameters form.

Design parameters Open project design

parameters form.


Enable/disable project


3D View Generates model in 3D.

Batch Analysis Performs analysis and design

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to all floors.

3D Frame Element

Builds 3D frame model.

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Modify Tool

Command Icon Description



Open design/detailing

parameters form.

Show grid mark

Displays grid marks at

current window screen.

Display grid count Accumulates number of

grid marks

Upper wall and

column Displays top floor wall and

column members.

Column reaction

from plan Displays column reactions.

Column and wall

reaction from plan Displays column and wall


Duplicate floors Copy current floor to other

floor plans.

Search element type Find element member in

floor plan.

Turn off search box Disables element highlight.

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Plan Input Tools

Command Icon Description

Input Grid

Define gridlines.

Input Beam

Create beams.

Input beam loading.

Input Column

Create column.

Define beams support


Input column loading.

Input lateral loading.

Input Slab Create slab.

Create cantilever slab.

Input slab loading.

Input Liftcore/R.C.

Wall Create liftcore.

Create R.C, wall.

Flat Slab Generate flat slab.

Copy Plan Copy selected elements to next

gridline. (NOT AVAILABLE)

Mirror Plan Mirror selected elements at a


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Run Mode Tools

Command Icon Description

Switch to plan input Return current command to input

grid command.

Generate slab meshes

Prepares slabs meshes for FEM


Analyze using FEM Performs slabs analysis using Finite

Element Method.

Design Slabs Runs slabs design.

Analyze Beams Performs beams analysis.

Design Beams Runs beams design.

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Input Grid Tools

Command Icon Description

Batch grids input

Multiple gridline input


Increase indent

Shift grid mark to right or


Decrease indent Shift grid mark to left or up.

Grid count Displays number of gridlines in

the layout.

Cumulative grid distance Displays distance of gridline

from the initial position.

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Input Beam Tools

Figure below is the description of each commands under the Input

Beam. Usage of these commands are demonstrated in other chapters

of this manual.

Command Icon Description

Input Beam Create beams using "Click and drag


Displays beam properties.

Allows to modify beam properties.

Input Beam UDL Create Uniformly Distributed Load

(UDL) on beam.

Input Beam GVL Create Triangular Distributed Load


Create Trapezoidal Distributed Load


Input Beam Point Load Create Point Load (kN)

Reorder beam mark Automatically reorder beams mark from

bottom to top and left to right.

Generate beam on all x-axis Generate beams to all gridlines on the x-


Generate beam on all y-axis Generate beams to all gridlines on the y-


Offset beam to center of grid (x-

direction) Offsets beam to center of gridline in the


Offset beam to bottom of grid (x-

direction) Offsets beam to bottom of gridline in the


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Offset beam to center of grid (y-

direction) Offsets beam to center of gridline in the


Offset beam to right of grid (y-

direction) Offsets beam to right of gridline in the y-


Offset beam to left of grid (y-

direction) Offsets beam to left of gridline in the y-


Connect selected beams Connects two or more individual beams

on the same gridline.

Disconnect selected beam Disconnect joined beams.

Reorder Beam Mark Automatically reorder beams mark from

bottom to top and left to right.

Clear Load

Delete all loadings applied to the beam.

Rearrange Beam Mark

Centralize the beam mark position.

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Input Column/Support Tools

Command Icon Description

Input column Creates column

Input load Creates point load to


Input lateral load

Creates lateral load to


Generate column Applies column to all

gridline intersection

Window select input


Creates column within

window area.

Flush column with

beam bottom Aligns column to bottom

side of beam

Flush column with

beam top Aligns column to top side

of beam

Flush column with

beam center Aligns column to center of


Flush column with

beam left

Aligns column to left side

of beam

Flush column with

beam right Aligns column to right side

of beam

Flush column with

beam center Aligns column to center of


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Support at x-direction

Applies support condition

at x-direction

Support at y-direction

Applies support condition

at y-direction

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Input Slab Tools

Command Icon Description

Input Slab Creates rectangular slab

Input User Defined

Slab Creates customize

rectangular slab

Slab Line Load Input line load

Slab Point Load Input point load

Cantilever Edge Line

Load Input edge line load

Generate Slabs Automatically generate slabs

to key plan

Reorder Slab Mark Automatically rearrange slab


Group Slabs

Rename selected slabs with

same mark

Slab Mark Prefix

Changes the slab mark prefix

Clear Loads Clear all loads applied on


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Liftcore/R.C Wall Tools

Command Icon Description

Liftcore Creates Liftcore wall/Shear wall.

R.C. wall opening Creates wall opening.

Point Load Input point load on wall.

Liftcore properties

Displays liftcore properties.

R.C. wall to grid center Align wall to center of gridline.

R.C. wall to grid top Align wall to top of gridline.

R.C. wall to grid bottom Align wall to bottom of gridline.

R.C. wall to grid center Align wall to center of gridline.

R.C. wall to grid right Align wall to right of gridline.

R.C. wall to grid left Align wall to left of gridline.

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Slab FEM Results Tools


Icon Description

Show mesh

Displays slabs generated meshes

Toggle mesh node


Displays meshes node number

Display nodal value

Displays value of the selected


Moment X contour

Plot contour for X-direction


Moment Y contour

Plot contour for Y-direction


Displacement contour

Displays displacement contour

Bottom stress X


Plot contour for X-direction

bottom stress

Bottom stress Y

contour Plot contour for Y-direction

bottom stress

Top stress X contour Plot contour for x-direction top


Top stress Y contour Plot contour for y-direction top


X top steel area Draw X-direction top steel area


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Y top steel area

Draw Y-direction top steel area


X bottom steel area Draw X-direction bottom steel

area contour

Y bottom steel area Draw Y-direction bottom steel

area contour

Line contour

Display contour as line

Textual result

Open slab analysis textual results

Slab line load node

Open slab line load assignment


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3-D View Tools

Command Icon Description


Allows you to rotate view at any orientation

about the center point.


projection Displays orthographic view.

Keep scale Maintains view during window resizing.

Lighting -

Fly mode Move view to any point in window.

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Shortcut Keys


Shortcut key

Select All Ctrl-A

Print Ctrl-P

Import Project Ctrl-I

Parameter Templates Ctrl-T

Copy Ctrl-C

Undo Ctrl-Z

Cut Ctrl-X

New Project Ctrl-N

Redo Ctrl-Y

Zoom In Insert

Zoom Out Delete

Help F1

Close Window Ctrl-F4

Continuous Panning Ctrl & icon

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Full UDL on beam (Input beam


Shift & Left click

+/- 10mm (Grid Input) UP/DOWN arrow

+/- 1mm (Grid Input) Hold Ctrl &

UP/DOWN arrow

Search Textual Results (Output

textual results)


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5 Project Workspace

Activate/Deactivate Project Workspace

You can close the project workspace to enlarge the graphical

interface area. By default, the project workspace is displayed on the

left side of the graphical interface. To close the project workspace,

click on the close button located on the top right of the project

workspace. Alternatively, you can left click once on the Project

Workspace icon.

To reactivate the project workspace, click on Project Workspace

icon. Alternatively, right click on the toolbar menu and a dialog

appears on the screen. Left click on the project workspace to

reactivate it.

Figure 5.1: Toolbars activation selections

Activating Element

When you have created a new project, the floor plans, column, wall,

pad footing and pile footing are shown in the project workspace. This

project workspace window allows you to activate the floor plan

where you can edit and input data such as gridline, beam, column,

slab and wall. Double left click on the floor plan name to activate the

floor plan. In this window, you can design column, wall, pad footing

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and pile footing. To design the elements, double click on the element


Insert Key Plan

You can add a floor plan even after you have defined a number of

floor plans. To insert a key plan, move the cursor to the floor plan

name above or below the floor you intend to insert. Right click once

on the floor plan and select Insert Key Plan command. This brings

up a form that requires you to specify the name and position of the

new floor plan.

Delete Key Plan

You can delete a key plan in the Project Workspace window.

Selecting this command will permanently delete the key plan. You

cannot undo the Delete Key Plan command. To delete a key plan,

move the cursor to the floor plan name you want to delete and right

click once. Select Delete Key Plan to delete the floor plan.

Restore a deleted key plan

You can restore the deleted key plan. To restore the key plan, insert

key plan and name the key plan exactly to the deleted floor plan. The

new key plan will be empty. To retrieve the data, you have to update

the program. To update the program, close the project by clicking on

File menu > Close project command. Open the project again and the

new key plan will contains the data from the previously deleted floor


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Project Workspace


Rename key plan

You can rename floor plan after you have created the floor. To

rename floor plan, please follow the procedures as below:

1. Right click once on the existing floor plan. Click on insert key plan


2. Insert a new floor plan above or below the floor plan you want to


3. Name the new key plan to your preferences.

4. Double left click on the new floor plan and copy the existing floor

plan to the new floor plan.

5. Then delete the existing floor plan.

Resize Project Workspace window

You can close the project workspace window by clicking the cross at

the top right corner at project workspace or right click on the menu

bar deselect the project workspace. To enable project workspace, go

to menu bar, right click once and a menu will be shown. Click on

project workspace to bring up the window.

You can resize the project workspace dialog to your preferred size.

Double click on the project workspace title and the dialog shrinks to

a smaller window. To resize the dialog, move the cursor to the

window edge and drag the dialog box. Left click on the project

workspace title bar and drag the cursor to move the window. You can

place the dialog box anywhere in the window. Double click on the

title bar to restore the dialog box to its original position.

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Figure 5.2: Project Workspace Layout

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6 Parameter Settings

Parameter Templates

Parameters in the Setting Parameter Templates are the default

parameters of the project. Therefore when you load the default

parameters, the parameters are reverted to these templates setting.

You can customize the templates and adopt these settings when you

create a new project. The customized parameters will be applied to

all floor plans of the new project. Click on File Menu > Setting

Parameter Template command or press CTRL-T shortcut to bring

up all the project parameter forms. Press Save & Exit button to

confirm changes made on these forms.

Note : If you modify the settings in the parameter templates during

a project, the changes made will not automatically apply to the

current project. However you can adopt the changes made by loading

the default parameters on each parameter form.

Resetting parameters template

You can reset the settings in the parameter templates to EsteemPlus

default settings. The program default settings are located in the

Parameters folder located in the EsteemPlus program directory. The

parameter files in this directory are named with DEF extension. For

example, beam parameters file is named as beam.DEF. Copy these

files in the Parameters folder and replace the existing files in the

main directory of EsteemPlus.

For instance, you have installed EsteemPlus program in

C:\EsteemPlus\. Therefore the default parameters are located in

C:\EsteemPlus\Parameters\. Copy the files in this directory and paste

it to C:\EsteemPlus\. Select Yes to overwrite the parameters in


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Figure 6.1: Example of DEF files type

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Parameter Settings


Project Parameters

Project General Parameters

Clicking Project Parameters command and select Project

General Parameters menu brings up the form. In the Project

General Parameters form, you can carry out the following actions:

• Company Name: Input your company name to

display on the textual output files including

calculations. Empty the box disables this option

regardless of any name input.

• Job Description: You can name your project title to

be display on the textual output files.

• Date And Time: Checking this box displays the date

and time of the analysis performed. Empty this box

disables this option.

• Autocad Font: You can select the font style for the

drawings to be transfer to CAD software in DXF file.

The font style selected in this option is only

applicable for exporting DXF file. This option does

not change any font styles in the program.

• Include full path of the calculation file: Checking

this box displays the location of the calculation file

in the computer. You can browse to that particular

file outside EsteemPlus and open it with Word


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Figure 6.2: Project Design and Detailing Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Project Design Parameters

Clicking the Project Design Parameters allows you to define the

code of practice, load factors, steel reinforcement diameters and the

steel characteristic strength. The form includes the following items:

Code of practices that are currently available include:

• BS8110 : 1997 Structural use of concrete.

• BS8110 : 1985 Structural use of concrete.

• CP65 : 1999 Singapore Standard on Code of

Practice for Structural Use of Concrete.

To adopt one of above codes, click once to select the code

from the drop down lists.

Load factor: Specify the dead, live and wind load factors to

define the load combination for the ultimate limit state design.

For example, setting dead and live load factors to 1.2 and 1.6

respectively give a load combination of 1.2G + 1.6Q. This

load combination will then be apply to the ultimate limit state

design for elements such as beam and slab. By default, for

ultimate limit state load combinations are set to the


Dead (G) and Live Load (Q)

1.4G + 1.6Q

Dead (G), Live (Q) and Wind Load (W)

1.2G + 1.2Q + 1.2W

Characteristic Strength: In this area allows you to specify

the characteristic strength for different types of steel

reinforcement. The types of reinforcement that you can

specify are high yield steel, mild steel and BRC steel.

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Steel Reinforcement Diameters: You can select the steel

diameter bar to be adopted in the element design with up to

ten different bar size of steel. To change the bar, click on the

bar that you want to change in the form. The figure for the

bar size is highlighted and modify the bar diameter to your

preference. Make sure that your input the bar sizes in

ascending order and from a value of 1 to 100.

Setting minimum main bar diameter: Select the minimum

diameter bar size allowable in the element design from the

pull down list.

Project Symmetry: This option allows you to mirror the

structure to the specific direction. The mirrored structure is

not displayed in the window. The program assumes

continuation of the structure to the selected direction. For

example, you have selected project symmetry along right

grid as shown in figure below. The program mirrors the

structure to the right grid. Now the beam between the two

structures take loads from the original structure and the

mirrored structure. The shaded areas in the figure represent

the loads carried by the supporting beam.

For X-direction, you can set the structure to be symmetrical


• bottom grid

• top grid

• top and bottom grid

For Y-direction, you can set the structure to be symmetrical


• Left grid

• Right grid

• Left and right grid

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Parameter Settings


Figure 6.3: Mirrored structure along right grid.

Live load reduction: You have the options of enabling live

load reduction on the column, wall and foundation.

3-D Analysis Options:

Wind load analysis: Checking the Wind Load Analysis box incorporates notional

load for the 2-D analysis. If programs detects RC wall created in the model, it

automatically enables wind load analysis.

Pin foundation: Checking this option set the all columns bottom condition at

foundation level to be pin restraints during 3-D analysis. This is not applicable for

shearwall that acts as vertically cantilevered beam from the ground. Disable this

option will not create a valid design for foundation designs in later stages. Currently,

this program does not support moment design for foundation.

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Slab diaphragm effect: Selecting this option considers the slab effect into the frame

analysis. The lateral loads acting on the structure will be transfer horizontally

throughout the floor slab to the main lateral resisting element.

Double precision in analysis: Checking this option allows the program to perform

more iterations in equation solving to provide more precise results. However more

resources are used to perform this analysis and this might affects the performance of

your computer.

Ground Floor Non-Suspended Slab: Enabling this option

assumes that non-suspended slabs at ground floor provide

restraints to the column. The program considers this effect

and determines the effective height of the column. Disabling

this option allows the program to determine the effective

column height based on restraint conditions. This is only

applicable when there are only slabs (without beams)

connected to the column at ground floor.

Note : This option does not affect the slab design at ground floor. For non-

suspended slab on ground floor, simply do not create any slab on this floor.

Default Beam Analysis Setting:

Support moment redistribution: Checking this box allows

the program to apply moment redistribution to the structural


Page 77: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


Figure 6.4: Project Design and Detailing Parameters form

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Project Detailing Parameters

In the detailing parameters form, you can specify the settings of the

drawing layout that include the text font and arrowhead styles, types

of scale and bar reinforcement styles. The drawings are automatically

drawn according to the changes made in this form. Following are the

items for which you can edit the detailing parameters in this area of


General Option Drawing

• Name: Specify the title of the scale. The scale names are

later selectable from the drop down lists in the Individual

options for drawing.

• Scale: The type of scale available for drawing settings.

• Small Character: Specify the size for the small font in the


• Big Character: Specify the size for the large font in the


• Arrow Size: Setting this size will translates the size in the

detail drawings for the scale.

• Net physical tracing width for drawing (mm): This option

allows you to set the width of the drawing in actual paper

size. Detailed and scaled drawing generated such as slab cut

section detail is superimposed within this width. If the

drawing exceeded the width defined, the program will cut the

remaining section and continued at the bottom of the drawing.

For example, say you have specify the physical tracing width

to be 300mm. You want to generate the detailing of a

10000mm multispan beam in scale of 1:25. 1 mm on paper

equals 25 mm. The beam spans 400mm on paper. Therefore

Page 79: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


the beam will be cut at 300mm on paper and remaining of the

section is continued at the bottom.

Figure 6.5: Definition of net physical tracing width

• Ratio of character width to character height: Specify this

figure to set the size of the character based on the width and


Figure 6.6: Typical character height and width dimension

• Ratio of arrow width to arrow height:

Figure 6.7: Typical arrow height and width dimension

• Full grid for foundation detailing: Checking this option

displays gridlines on the foundation plan.

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• Tension bar anchorage coefficient: This figure multiplies

to the bar size in diameter (mm) to provide tension anchorage

length generated in the detail drawings. Refer to Table 3.27

BS8110 Part 1 1985 for the anchorage coefficients. If the

specified value is less than required, the coefficient in the

code governs.

• Compression bar anchorage coefficient: This figure

multiplies to the bar size in diameter (mm) to provide

compression anchorage length. Refer to Table 3.27 BS8110

Part 1 1985 for the anchorage coefficients. If the specified

value is less than required, the coefficient in the code governs.

• Radius of dot of rebar (mm): Specify this figure set the

radius of reinforcement bar in the concrete section of the

detailed drawings.

• Rebar symbol: Option of selecting three symbol types Y, T

and H for detailing purposes. All main reinforcements

generated in the detailed drawings carried these symbol.

Figure 6.8: Beam detailing descriptions

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Parameter Settings


Figure 6.9: Project Detailing Parameters form

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Project Quantity Parameters

Clicking Project Parameters command and select the Project

Quantity Parameters menu brings up the form. Here you specify the

raw materials, placement and excavation costs applicable to the

quantity takeoff calculations. The items in this area you can specify


Construction materials

• Concrete ($/m3): For each concrete grade used in the design,

specify the concrete price and the placement cost. The

concrete grades specified in the design parameters must

match the concrete grades in this list or else the program does

not provide the quantity. This is due to the price

unavailability of the concrete grades specified other than the

one in the listed.

• Mild steel (kg): Specify the material and the placement cost

for the mild steel specified in Project Design Parameters.

• High Yield Steel (kg): Specify the material and the

placement cost for the high yield steel specified in Project

Design Parameters.

• BRC ($/m2): Specify the price of BRC per area of

reinforcement as in Project Design Parameters.

• Concrete density: Specify the concrete density in kg/m3.

• Main steel density: Specify the steel density in kg/m3.

Temporary materials

Page 83: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


• Timber plank: Area of formwork for foundation, column,

pile footing, beam in area m2.

• Plywood: Area of formwork for beam sides in m2.

• Lean concrete: m3 for raw material, m2 for placement cost.


• Currency unit: You can select the currency unit from the

drop down list. The currency symbol will appears in the

quantity takeoff report.

Excavation for foundation

• Depth : Specify the depth of the foundation excavation. The

excavation volume is calculated based on the area of footing

required multiply by the depth of excavation.

• Costs ($/m3): Specify the foundation excavation cost. The

price for the foundation excavation is based on volume of

excavation multiply by the cost per m3

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Figure 6.10: Project Quantity Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Design Parameters

Column Parameters

This is the section where you can set the column design and the

detailing parameters. Click on Design Parameters command >

Column folder brings up the Column Parameter form. In this form,

you can select the following options:

Main Reinforcement

• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

strength for the reinforcement of the column. The pulldown

list is derived from Project Design Parameters command >

Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

minimum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

• Maximum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

maximum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

Stirrup Selection

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• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

yield strength for the reinforcement of the column. The

pulldown list is defined from Project Design Parameters

command > Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum stirrup diameter: This option allows you to

select the minimum stirrup diameter for the minimum

column dimension.

• for minimum column dimension: The selection of

minimum stirrup diameter is based on the minimum column

dimension specified here.

Other parameters

• Concrete characteristic strength (N/mm2): Allows you to

specify the concrete characteristic compressive strength at 28

days of the column.

• Steel percentage of reinforcement bar (%): Set this figure

for the minimum reinforcement provided in the column

section. This figure varies according to the code of practice

adopted. Refer to BS8110: Part I: 1997 Table 3.25 for

minimum percentages of reinforcement. By default the steel

percentage of reinforcement bar is set to 1%.

Page 87: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


• Concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): Specifies this

figure to provide the design depth of concrete cover to

longitudinal bar. By default this value is set to 25mm.

• Load allowance (%): Allows you to provide additional

loading on top of the reaction loads from the analysis. This

value will be multiply to the loads from the column reaction.

The program default value is set at 10 percent. Set the value

to zero if you do not want any load allowance. The column

design will be based on the final load (with additional load


For example, you have a column reaction dead load

(G) and live load (Q) of 100 kN and 50 kN

respectively. You have set 15% load allowance. For

load combination of 1.4G + 1.6Q,

Ultimate load = 1.4 x 100 + 1.6 x 50

= 220 kN

Load allowance = 15%

Final ultimate load with load allowance = 220 x 1.15

= 253 kN

• True Biaxial Column Design: Checking this option allows

the program to analyze the column with true biaxial design.

• Bracing for structure: You can set all the columns bracing

conditions to braced or unbraced. This options only

applicable for 2-D analysis. The program automatically

determines the column bracing conditions if project requires

3-D analysis.

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Figure 6.11: Column Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Wall Parameters

This is the section where you can set the wall design and detailing

parameters. Click on Design Parameters command > Wall folder

brings up the Wall Parameters form. In this form, you can select the

following options:

Basic Design Parameters

• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

strength for the reinforcement of the wall. The pulldown list

is defined from Project Design Parameters command >

Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

minimum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

• Maximum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

maximum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

Stirrup Selection

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• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is generated based on the Project Design

Parameters command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is generated based on the Project Design

Parameters command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

strength for the reinforcement of the wall. The pulldown list

is defined from Project Design Parameters command >

Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum stirrup diameter: This option allows you to

select the minimum stirrup diameter for the minimum

column dimension.

• for minimum column dimension: The selection of

minimum stirrup diameter is based on the minimum column

dimension specified here.

Wall Properties

• Concrete characteristic strength (N/mm2): Allows you to

specify the concrete grade of the wall.

• Steel percentage of reinforcement bar (%): Set this figure

for the minimum reinforcement provided in the wall section.

This figure varies depending on the code of practice adopted.

By default the steel percentage of reinforcement bar is set to


• Concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): Specifies this

figure to provide the design depth of concrete cover to

longitudinal bar. By default this value is set to 35mm.

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Parameter Settings


• Load allowance (%): Allows you to provide additional

loading on top of the reaction loads from the analysis. This

value will be multiply to the loads from the wall reaction.

The program default value is set at 10 percent. Set the value

to zero if you do not want any load allowance.

• Finishes (kN/m2): This option allows you to specify the

finishes (dead load) applicable to the RC wall. By default,

the value is set at 1.0 kN/m2.

Bracing for structure

• Automatic check based on 3D analysis: Checking this

option allows the program automatically determines the

bracing conditions. Checking on unbraced condition assumes

all walls are unbraced.

Default BRC setting

• BRC wall: Checking this option automatically provides

BRC square mesh reinforcement to wall. The program

changes to conventional reinforcement if sizes available do

not satisfy the required reinforcement.

• BRCB: Checking this option adopts BRC rectangular mesh


Default rebar setting

• Single Layer: Checking this option provides single layer

reinforcements to wall.

• Double Slender Moment:

Plain wall option

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• Plain Wall Design: Setting this option allows the ultimate

axial force to be calculated based on the beams and slabs as

simply supported on the wall.

• Minimum Steel (%): You can set the minimum percentage

of reinforcement for plain wall.

Figure 6.12: Wall Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Pad Footing Parameters

This is the section where you can set the pad footing design and

detailing parameters. Click on Design Parameters command > Pad

folder brings up the Pad Footing Parameter form. In this form, you

can select the following options:

Basic Design Parameters

• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

strength for the reinforcement of the pad footings. The

pulldown list is defined from Project Design Parameters

command > Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

minimum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

• Maximum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

maximum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

Concrete Properties

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• Concrete characteristic strength (N/mm2): Allows you to

specify the concrete grade of the pad footings.

• Steel percentage of reinforcement bar (%): Set this figure

for the minimum reinforcement provided in the pad footing.

This figure varies depending on the code of practice adopted.

By default the steel percentage of reinforcement bar is set to


• Concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): Specifies this

figure to provide the design depth of concrete cover to

longitudinal bar. By default this value is set to 50mm.

• Load allowance (%): Allows you to provide additional

loading on top of the reaction loads from the analysis. This

value will be multiply to the loads from the column reaction.

The program default value is set at 10 percent. Set the value

to zero if you do not want any load allowance. The pad

footing design will be based on the final load (with additional

load allowance).

For example, you have a pad footing with column reaction

dead load (G) and live load (Q) of 100 kN and 50 kN

respectively. You have set 15% load allowance. For load

combination of 1.4G + 1.6Q,

Ultimate load = 1.4 x 100 + 1.6 x 50

= 220 kN

Load allowance = 15%

Final ultimate load with load allowance = 220 x 1.15

= 253 kN

• Soil bearing pressure (kN/m2): Specifies the capacity of the

soil used to determine the footing size.

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Parameter Settings


• Minimum thickness of footing (mm): This option allows

you to specify the footing minimum thickness. Footing with

lesser value than this value will automatically set to the

minimum thickness.

Suppose for example, you have set minimum footing thickness to

300mm. The program designs a pad footing that only requires

200mm thick. With the minimum footing thickness set at 300mm,

the pad footing adopts 300mm thick instead.

• Incremental dimension figures for footing dimension

(mm): This option allows you to specify the dimension

increments for the next footing size. Footings are

automatically grouped to similar sizes based on the load

capacity. Smaller dimension increments increase the number

of pad footing type.

For example you have 5 pad footings with 1000 x 1000, 1200 x

1200, 1250 x 1250, 1050 x 1050 and 1400 x 1400 respectively. If

you set the incremental dimension to 100mm, the program will

sort into 3 types of footing sizes. The 3 types of footing sizes are

1050 x 1050, 1250 x 1250 and 1400 x 1400. Any footing sizes

within 100mm increment are grouped into the same type of


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Figure 6.13: Pad Footing Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Pile Parameters

This is the section where you can set the pad footing design and

detailing parameters. Click on Design Parameters command > Pile

folder brings up the Pile Footing Parameter form. In this form, you

can select the following options:

Automatic main bar selection and spacing

• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

The list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Select the steel characteristic

strength for the reinforcement of the pile footing. The

pulldown list is defined from Project Design Parameters

command > Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

minimum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

• Maximum center to center spacing (mm): Select the

maximum allowable center to center spacing between two

reinforcement bar.

Concrete Properties

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• Concrete characteristic strength (N/mm2): Allows you to

specify the concrete grade of the pile footing.

• Steel percentage of reinforcement bar (%): Set this figure

for the minimum reinforcement provided in the pile footing.

This figure varies depending on the code of practice adopted.

By default the steel percentage of reinforcement bar is set to


• Concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): Specifies this

figure to provide the design depth of concrete cover to

longitudinal bar. By default this value is set to 50mm.

• Load allowance (%): Allows you to provide additional

loading on top of the reaction loads from the analysis. This

value will be multiply to the loads from the column reaction.

The program default value is set at 10 percent. Set the value

to zero if you do not want any load allowance.

For example, you have a column reaction

dead load (G) and live load (Q) of 100 kN and

50 kN respectively. You have set 15% load

allowance. For load combination of 1.4G +


Ultimate load = 1.4 x 100 + 1.6 x 50

= 220 kN

Load allowance = 15%

Final ultimate load with load allowance = 220

x 1.15

= 253 kN

Pile Properties

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Parameter Settings


• Pile type: This option allows you to select either square or

circular pile.

• Pile size (mm): Specify the pile sizes to be adopted in the


• Pile capacity (tonnes): Specify the maximum capacity of the


• Center to center spacing: Specify the distance between two

piles center point

• Pile penetration to pile cap (mm): This option allows you

to specify the distance from the soffit of the pile cap to the

end point of the pile.

• Pile edge to pile cap edge (mm): The distance from the pile

cap edge to the pile edge.

• Minimum thickness of footing (mm): This option allows

you to specify the footing minimum thickness. Footing with

lesser value than this value will automatically set to the

minimum thickness.

• Detailing of pilecap top rebar: Checking this option

provides reinforcement for the top side of the pilecap.

• Incremental dimension figures for footing dimension

(mm): This option allows you to specify the dimension

increments for the next footing size. Footings are

automatically grouped to similar sizes based on the load

capacity. Smaller dimension increments increase the number

of pile footing type.

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Figure 6.14: Pilecap layout

Figure 6.15: Pile Footing Design Parameter

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Parameter Settings


Plan Design and Detailing Parameters

Plan Settings

Shear load coefficient from slab: Checking this option enables the

distribution of slab panel load to beam determined by shear force

coefficient as defined in BS8110: Part I: 1997 Table 3.15 or

BS8110: Part I:1985 Table 3.16. Leave the box empty converts the

slab panel load to beam using 45o lines of area load method.

Column height of the lower floor (mm): Specify this value to set

the lower floor height. This only applies to the selected floor plan.

Figure 6.16: Plan Design and Detailing Parameters form

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Plan Beam Settings

Plan Beam

This is the section where you can set the beam design and detailing

parameters. Click on Plan Design and Detailing Parameters

command > Plan Beam folder to brings up the form. In this form,

you can select the following options:

Automatic main bar selection and spacing

• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum

reinforcement bar diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

This list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum

reinforcement bar diameter allowable from the pulldown list.

This list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Steel Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Specify the steel

characteristic strength for the reinforcement bar in the beam

section. The pulldown list is derived from Project Design

Parameters command > Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum center to center spacing (mm): This option

allows you to specify the minimum distance between two

center to center reinforcement bars.

• Maximum center to center spacing (mm): This option

allows you to specify the maximum distance between two

center to center reinforcement bars.

Automatic stirrup selection and spacing

Page 103: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


• Minimum diameter (mm): Select the minimum stirrup bar

diameter allowable from the pulldown list. The list is derived

from Project Design Parameters command > Steel

Reinforcement Diameters.

• Maximum diameter (mm): Select the maximum stirrup bar

diameter allowable from the pulldown list. The list is derived

from Project Design Parameters command > Steel

Reinforcement Diameters.

• Reinforcement bar (N/mm2): Specify the steel

characteristic strength for the stirrup bar in the beam section.

The pulldown list is derived from Project Design Parameters

command > Characteristic Strength.

• Minimum link spacing (mm): This option allows you to

select the minimum distance of two center to center spacing


• Maximum link spacing (mm): This option allows you to

select the minimum distance of two center to center spacing


Other parameters

• Concrete characteristic strength (N/mm2): Allows you to

specify the concrete grade of the pad footings.

• Steel percentage of reinforcement bar (%): Set this figure

for the minimum reinforcement provided for beam. This

figure varies are according to the code of practice adopted.

By default the steel percentage of reinforcement bar is set to


• Top or bottom concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm):

Specifies this figure to provide the design depth of concrete

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cover to longitudinal bar. By default this value is set to


• Side concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): You can

specify the concrete cover from the side of the beam to the

center of longitudinal bar.

• Vertical clear spacing between two layers of longitudinal

bar (mm): Clear face to face spacing between two layers of

longitudinal bar in millimeter.

• Two rebar sizes auto-combination for multi-layer

longitudinal rebar: Checking this option convert two rebar

sizes into one equivalent rebar size.

Figure 6.17: Plan Beam Parameters

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Parameter Settings


Beam Detailing Parameters

You can configure the beam details to your preferences in this form.

The changes made in this form apply only to the selected active floor.

You must save every time you made changes for the configuration in

order to be effective. Refer to the figures 6.18 for the description of

the detailing parameters. Below are the options available in the Beam

Detailing Parameters form:

• Minimum length of rebar bent at end of beams (mm):

Length of reinforcement bar starting from end of the bent

until the end of the bar. (Refer to figure 6.22)

• Clear gap between section of detailing (mm): The distance

between each cut section of beams. (Refer to figure 6.21)

• Position of span's dimension line: Select from the pulldown

list to set the location of each span's dimension either at top

or bottom of the beam.

• Bottom bar lapping at support: Selecting this option from

the pulldown list determines the bottom bar lapping type at

beam support.

Crank bar - The lapping length is based on the smaller diameter

reinforcement bar, φ multiply by 30% of each span.

Straight bar - The lapping length is bade on the smaller

Automatic bar - Selecting this option allows the program to

automatically assign the type of bottom bar lapping. The lapping

length is based on the larger diameter reinforcement bar, multiplay

by 30% of each span.(Refer to figure 6.19)

• Underline beam mark for every span mode: Selecting this

option underlines every beam marks of the beam. (Refer to

figure 6.20)

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• Beam section cut is looking from left end of the beam:

Checking this option views the beam cut section from the left

of the beam.

• Distance of section mark from beam elevation details


• Ratio of top support bar curtailment as percentage of

span length: This option allows you to determine the

curtailment length of the top support bar as defined in

BS8110: Part 1: Clause 3.12.10. (Refer to figure 6.19)

• Maximum length of bottom rebar before continuation at

support (mm): Set this value for the allowable length of

single continuous bottom rebar spanning one support to

another support.

• Minimum length of top rebar before continuation at mid-

span (mm): This option overwrites top support bar

curtailment length if the ratio is less than this specified length.

• Incremental dimensional figures in rebar curtailment

(mm): Length of bar curtailment increases by this specified


• Maximum size of bar diameter for cranking bar:

Selecting the bar diameter size from the pulldown list. In the

detailing, any bar diameter size more than the allowable size

will be automatically change to straight bar lapping. This

option is only applicable when the lapping type is set to

cranking bar.

• Order of beam sizes in beam mark detailing: Selecting

this option to determine the style of beam mark in the detail

drawing. You have the options of choosing (width x depth)

or (depth x width). For example, you have a beam of 230mm

in width and 600mm in depth. Selecting (width x depth) type

Page 107: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


displays the beam mark as (230 x 600) in the drawing. (Refer

to figure 6.20)

• Arrow line for the link: This option allows you to choose

the type of stirrup links naming style.

• Detail of stirrup: Checking this option displays the number

of stirrup links required in the beam detailing.

• Detailing of distance with/without or no gap: You can

select whether you want to display the distance of stirrup

links in the beam details.

• Symbol of detailing: Select the style of stirrup links in the

beam detailing.

Note : To apply the settings to all floors, set the parameters in File

menu > Setting Parameter Template command before creating a

new project instead.

Figure 6.18: Typical beam details

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Figure 6.19: Section A shows crank bar and ratio of top support bar


Figure 6.20: Section B shows options of underlining beam mark and

beam mark order

Figure 6.21: Section C shows clear gap between section of detailing

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Parameter Settings


Figure 6.22: Section D shows the length of rebar at end of beams

Figure 6.23: Beam Detailing Parameters

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Beam Subframe Design Configuration

The program allows you to select the method of analysis you want to

adopt for your design. In the Beam Subframe Design Configuration

area, you have the option of:

• Subframe design for beam: Checking this option allows the

program to analysis the model using subframe analysis


• Pin support condition at first and last supports: This

option allows you to set the beam support conditions to pin

fixity at first and last support. For monolithic structure in

frame design, the first and last support carry moment.

However overwriting this condition to pin support allows the

moment to distribute the moments to the mid-span.

Continuous Beam Design Control Factors

You can analyze the structure using continuous beam method.

However the continuous beam method requires to satisfy the factors

below. If any of the factors being exceeded, the program will run

analysis adopting subframe design analysis.

• Beam span greater than (mm): This option allows you to

specify the maximum allowable beam span for the

continuous beam method. The program automatically convert

to subframe analysis if beam span is greater than value

specified here.

• No: of floors greater than: If any number of floor greater

than the value set here, the program automatically convert to

subframe design analysis.

Page 111: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


• Relative column/beam stiffness greater than: You have the

option of defining the allowable column/beam stiffness

before the program convert to subframe analysis.

• Adjacent span length difference greater than (%) : Any

difference in span length greater than this percentage

specified here automatically convert to subframe design


• Differential fixed end moments percentage greater than

(%): If the fixed end moments determined using continuous

beam method are greater than the percentage specified here,

the program automatically convert to subframe analysis.

Figure 6.24: Beam Subframe Design Configuration Parameters

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Special Design Parameters

• Stirrup bar characteristics strength (N/mm2): Specify the

strength of the shear reinforcement links provided for beam


• Maximum beam width using the above strength of

smallest stirrup (mm): Specify the allowable width to adopt

the above characteristic strength for stirrup.

• Maximum drop for continuous beam analysis (mm):

Specify the maximum allowable drop for the beam to behave

as continuous spans. Drop with more than the maximum

allowable drop be assumed as new beam span.

• Maximum difference span's width for continuous beam

analysis (mm): This option allows you to specify the

maximum difference in span's width to consider as

continuous beam. For example, you have set this value to

100mm. You have two adjacent span beams with width of

125mm and 250mm respectively. The difference of beam's

width is 125mm and it has exceeded the allowable difference

width of 100mm. Therefore the program considers these

beams as simply supported.

Figure 6.25: Special Design Parameters for Beam form

Page 113: Esteem Plus 130404

Parameter Settings


Requirement of Code Of Practice

• Minimum depth of beam requiring side rebar (mm):

Specify the value for the provision of longitudinal bars near

side faces of the beam.

• Maximum spacing anti-crack bar side rebar (mm): This

option allows you to specify the maximum distance between

anti-crack bars at the near side faces of the beam.

• Degree of upper/lower end column fixity for subframe


• Stirrup check for compression bar buckling.

• Most critical live load reaction mode: Enabling this option

allows the program to determine the most critical load

combinations by applying pattern loading on the beam.

Disable this option allows the beam to be fully loaded with

one loading condition of 1.4G + 1.6Q. This option is defined

in BS 8110 : Part 1: 1985 and 1997 Clause

• Design moment at column face: This option allows the

program to design beam based on design moment at column

face instead of the support.

• Design shear at column face: Enable this option allows the

program to design beam based on design shear force at

column face instead of the support.

• Automatic deflection control by increasing compression

bar: With this option, the program automatically increases

the compression bar until the deflection control governs.

With additional reinforcement area provided, the

compression modification factor increases. This enhances the

Page 114: Esteem Plus 130404



allowable span/depth ratio. Additional reinforcement area

provided are shown in the beam result. The compression

reinforcement area allowable is up to 2% of the gross cross-

section area of the concrete. The program displays warning if

compression reinforcement area required more than 2% of

the concrete area for deflection control.

• Support moment redistribution: Checking this box allows

the program to apply moment redistribution to the beam

analysis. This option here overwrites the same setting in

Project Design Parameters.

Figure 6.26: Requirement of Code of Practice parameters

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Parameter Settings


Beam Default Modes

In this form you can modify the following options:

T-beam generation modes

Support mark mode

Span mark model

Figure 6.27: Beam Default Modes

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Plan Slab Settings

Plan Slab

This is the section where you can set the slab design and detailing

parameters. Click on Plan Design and Detailing Parameters

command > Plan Slab folder to brings up the form. In this form, you

can select the following options:

Center to center spacing

• Minimum spacing: The minimum allowable distance

between bars

• Maximum between main bar: Maximum allowable

distance between bars

• Maximum between distribution bar: Maximum allowable

distance between longitudinal bars

Automatic bar selection (mm)

• Minimum bar: Setting this value allows the program to

determine the minimum bar size to be used in the slab section


• Maximum bar: Setting this value allows the program to

determine the maximum bar size to be used in the slab

section design.

Characteristics strength (N/mm2)

• Concrete: Specify the slab concrete characteristic strength

for the section design.

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Parameter Settings


• Reinforcement bar: Specify the characteristic strength of

the reinforcement bar.

Design options

• BRC slab: Enabling this option adopts BRC reinforcement

type for slab.

• Top BRCB: Checking this option adopts BRC rectangular

mesh type for top reinforcement. Uncheck this option alone

adopts BRC square mesh type reinforcement bar for the top

reinforcement layer.


• Steel percentage of reinforcement (%): Set this figure for

the minimum reinforcement provided in the pad footing. This

figure varies are according to the code of practice adopted.

By default the steel percentage of reinforcement bar is set to


• Concrete cover to longitudinal bar (mm): Clear cover of

concrete from the slab face to the surface of the main steel

bar in mm.

• Maximum drop for continuity over support (mm): This

option allows you to specify the maximum allowable drop

for the slabs between support to be continuous. Any value

greater than this will automatically considered to

discontinuous slabs at that support.

• One-way slab moments increment (%): You can increase

the design moments for slabs that are determined as one-way.

By default this value is set to 15%.

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Figure 6.28: Plan Design and Detailing Parameters form

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Parameter Settings


Slab Detailing Parameters

You have the options to configure the slab details in this form.

Changes made in this form apply to the selected active floor only.

You must save every time you made changes for the configuration in

order to be effective. Refer to the figures 6.29 for the description of

the detailing parameters. Below are the options available in the Slab

Detailing Parameters form:

• Ratio of top bar support bar curtailment as percentage of

span length (%): This option allows you determine the

length of the support bar curtailment based on the percentage

of the slab span length. Refer to BS8110 1985 Part 1: Figure

3.25 for further explanation.

• Clear gap between section of detailing bar (mm): The

distance between each cut section of slabs.

• Incremental dimension figures in bar curtailment (mm):

Setting this figure allows the program to increase or decrease

the next suitable bar curtailment length by this value.

• Minimum anchorage length at discontinuous edge

support: This option allows you to set the minimum

anchorage length at the discontinuous edge support in

milimeter (mm). By default, the length is set to 600mm.

• Position of span's dimension line: Specify the location of

the span's dimension from the pulldown list. You can select

th span dimension position on the top or bottom of the slab.

• Underline slab mark for every span mode: Selecting this

option will underline every marking of the slab.

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Figure 6.29: Slab Detailing Parameters form

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7 Creating Gridlines

Drawing Gridlines

You can create the grid lines using the three following methods:

• Grid input generator - Defining the grid line using grid

generator wizard.

• Click grid and drag method - Graphical interface input in the

active window.

• Table input - Editing and modify grid line properties.

The above methods are described in the later sections of this chapter.

The table below describes the function of each icon in the Input

Grid command:

Command Icon Description

Batch grids input

Multiple gridline input


Increase indent

Shift grid mark to right or down

Decrease indent Shift grid mark to left or up

Grid count Displays number of gridlines in

the layout

Cumulative grid distance Displays distance of gridline

from the initial position.

All dimensions are in millimeters,mm.

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Click grid and drag method

This function enables you to create grid lines by using the graphical

interface. To create a grid, point the mouse cursor on the previous

grid line. Note that the cursor will change to a cross once the cursor

is pointed to the grid line as shown in figure 7.1(a). Click on the grid

line to select, drag the grid line to the next grid location and left click

once to create shown in figure 7.1(b) below. Each dimension

increment is by +/- 100mm. To adjust dimension by +/- 10mm, press

UP arrow to increase and DOWN arrow to decrease the dimension.

For increment of +/- 1mm, hold CTRL key and press UP/DOWN

arrow keys. To cancel the grid selection, right click once or press the

ESC key.

a) Cursor changed to cross when at gridline

b) Extending the grid line dimension

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Creating Gridlines


Figure 7.1 : Example of creating gridline

You can create grid line from any reference grids in the same

direction. You can rename the grid to your preference by clicking

twice on the grid label and type in the grid mark. You can also

modify the dimension of the grid by clicking twice on the dimension

label at the bottom grid and type in the new dimension.

Note : If you want to edit the dimension of the major gridline

with minor gridlines in between, you have decrease the indent of the

minor gridlines before editing the dimension. The new dimension

specified actually begins on the previous gridline. The program

cannot differentiate between major and minor gridlines.

For example, you have gridlines labeled A, A1 and B. Grids A1 and

B are located 1000mm and 4500mm respectively from grid A. Grid

A1 is a minor gridline. Refer to figure 7.2 to 7.5 for further

information. You want to change the dimension of Grid B 5500mm

from Grid A. Double click on the dimension at the bottom grid and

specify 4500mm. This is because the dimension of Grid B begins

from grid A1 and not from grid A. If you modify Grid B dimension

to 5500mm, the final dimension of Grid B from Grid A is actually

6500mm from Grid A.

Figure 7.2: Original position of Grid B 4500mm from Grid A

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Figure 7.3: Grid B dimension edited as 5500mm and displayed as 6500mm

instead of 5500mm

Figure 7.4: 5500mm actually begins at Grid A1 instead of Grid A.

Figure 7.5: To achieve Grid B 5500mm from Grid A, the dimension should be

input as 4500mm instead of 5500mm

If you create a new gridline to the left direction from the initial

gridline, the program will name the new gridline based on the last

defined gridline. You have to change the grid mark manually in table

properties if you prefer another grid mark label. For example, starting

y-direction grid line mark is labelled as A and the last gridline you

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Creating Gridlines


have defined is labelled as E. If you create a new gridline to the left

from grid mark A, the grid mark will be label as F.

Tips : Create major grids first and add the minor grids later.

This creates a regular naming to the labels of the grid lines.

Note : The distance between 2 grids must be more than 300mm.

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Using grid generator

Clicking Batch X Grid Input button brings up the multiple grid input

form as shown in figure below where you can specify the number of

grids of your choice. All dimensions are in millimeters,mm.

Figure 7.6: Multiple Grid Input

To enter multiple grids with different dimensions, specify the grid

dimensions followed by the comma. This will generate the grids

based on your specified input.

If the grids are symmetrical, input the dimension followed by 'x' and

the number of grids you which to input. The program will duplicate

the dimension to the proceeding number of grids defined.

You can also use the combination of the above methods to create the


For example suppose you have 3 grid lines with dimensions of

3500mm,4500mm and 6000mm respectively in the x-direction. Thus

input 3500,4500,6000 in the x-direction grid form. You have 10 grid

lines with dimensions of 4500mm respectively in the y-direction.

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Creating Gridlines


Input the 4500x10 in the y-direction grid form. This will generate 10

grid lines with dimensions of 4500mm for each grid.

Note : You cannot input negative value for the grid dimensions.

This is not a valid input to the program.

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Table input

You can edit the existing grid properties by using the general

properties as shown in figure below when the input grid is activated.

Figure 7.7: Grid Properties Table

The General Properties allows you to modified the following:

• Rename grid mark allows you to replace the existing grid mark. You

cannot have multiple gridlines with the same grid mark.

• Modified the distance of the specified grid. You can input the

gridline distance with a minimum of 300mm (0.3m) to maximum of

100000mm (100m). Negative values are not allowed in this


• Rotate the grid in degree. Positive degree denotes clockwise rotation

and negative degree denotes anticlockwise rotation. The rotation

point is situated at the bottom of y-direction. Note that the slanted

grid cannot intersect with other gridline.

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Creating Gridlines


• Selection of cut slab section for detailing view. You can only define

the cut slab section with numerical values.

• Hide internal grid allows you to disable the gridline in the key plan.

Defining a cut slab section

Click on the grid mark on the graphic interface and the grid mark will

be highlighted. Specify the slab cut section number on the table input

and left click once or press enter to create the cut section. The slab

cut section is displayed on the plan layout. You can view the slab cut

section only after you have designed the slabs. Click on the slab cut

section number to view the section. You are only allowed to name

the slab cut section with numbers.

Figure 7.8: Slab Cut Section

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8 Creating Beams

Click and drag method

Input beam dimension in the table properties. To create beam, move

the mouse cursor to the grid intersection where the beam starts. Point

to the intersection and beam icon and green box will appear. Click

once on the grid intersection to select the starting point of the beam.

You can see the beam outline when you drag the mouse to extend the

beam. Click on the grid intersection where the end point of the beam

is located.

Figure 8.1: Starting point of beam

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Figure 8.2: Created beam

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Creating Beams


Beam generator wizard

You can generate beams in each direction using the beam generator

wizard . Selecting this command generates beams to all the

grids in the respective direction automatically. Generated beams have

the same properties such as size and drop. You can edit each

individual beams using the table properties.

For example, to generate beams on the x-direction gridlines, input the

general beam dimension say 230x450 in table properties located on

the right side of the window. After you have input the beam

properties, click x-dir beam generator command. Beams of

230x450 within the x-direction gridlines will be created.

Note : All previous beams created will be overwrite and replaced

with the generated beams.

Tips: This feature is useful if you have many similar beam sizes in

the plan layout. It is faster and easier to generate beams and

then make changes on the individual beams later.

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Beam Table Properties

In this table properties, you can modify the concrete section, offset

and drop of the beam. Click on the Input Beam icon, to activate the

table properties. Before creating a beam, specify the beam properties.

Left click once to accept changes made. Now create beam using the

methods discussed under topic "Click and Drag Method" and

"Beam Generator Wizard".

You can also modify the beam properties after you have created the

beam. Click on the beam and the current beam properties will be

displayed in the table properties. Specify the new properties of the

selected beam and left click once to amend changes.

Figure 8.3: Beam Properties table

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Creating Beams


Input Beam Load

Point load

You can create point load at any point on the beam. The Point Load

command creates a point load on the beam. Clicking the point

load command brings up the load magnitude table on the right side of

the window. In the table, you can input dead load and live load or the

combination of both. The unit for the point load is kiloNewton (kN).

Move the mouse onto the beam you which to add point load and the

cursor changes into an icon. Click on the mouse left button once to

select the beam and the cursor will lock the selected beam. Move the

cursor to the right to specify the position of the point load. Click once

on the mouse left button to create the point load. Once selected, by

default a red dot for the point load will appears on the beam. The

point load position always offsets from the left or bottom of the


For example, you have a beam on grid A, B and C spanning 3000mm,

4000mm respectively. You create a point load on the beam, 5000mm

from grid A. Move the cursor towards 5000mm, upon passing

3000mm, the distance begins at the second span from gridline B.

Clicking the mouse left button at 2000mm will give you 5000mm

from gridline A.

Figure 8.4: Moving cursor to the right of beam

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Figure 8.5: Distance starts at gridline B

Figure 8.6: Point load located at 5000mm from grid A

You can edit the created point load on the table properties. Click on

the point load on the beam, when selected the point load will change

from red to green color. To confirm changes made to the point load,

press ENTER or click the mouse left button once.

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Creating Beams


Uniform Distributed Load

You can create uniform distributed load at any point on the beam.

Uniform distributed load is a load of constant magnitude applied

along a length of a beam or and area of a surface.

Click Input Beam UDL command brings up the load magnitude

table on the right side of the window. Input dead load and live load in

the specified form. The units for UDL is kiloNewton per meter

(kN/m). Move the cursor to the beam and the cursor changes to UDL

icon. Click on the beam once to lock on the selected beam. An active

box displays the position of the starting point of the UDL either

from the bottom or left of the grid. Move the cursor to select the

UDL starting position. To define the starting point of the UDL, move

the cursor to the specific distance and click once. The active box then

displays the distance for the UDL end point. To select the end point,

click on the left button once.

Note : Uniform Distributed Load, UDL always offsets from the

left or bottom of the grid.

For example, you have a two span beam separated by grid A, B and

C with 3000mm and 4000mm respectively . You want to create a 5

kN/m uniform distributed dead load starting from 2000mm and

ending at 4000mm from grid A. Select Input Beam UDL command

and define 5kN/m dead load in the table properties. On the selected

beam, move the cursor 2000mm from grid A and click once to define

the starting point. Move the cursor 1000mm from grid B to select the

ending point. Click on the left button once to select. Once created,

you can see the UDL magnitudes and positions of the UDL on the

key plan layout. By default, the UDL is indicated as red color hatch

on the key plan layout as shown in figure 3. You can change the

hatch color to your preferences, by selecting layer settings


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Tips : To fully loaded the beam with UDL, hold SHIFT key

and left click on the beam.

Figure 8.7: Defining the starting point 2000mm from grid A..

Figure 8.8: Defining the ending point 1000mm from grid B.

Figure 8.9: Beam with UDL. Starting point is 2000mm from

grid A

while ending point is 1000mm from grid B.

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Creating Beams


General Variable Load

You can create non uniformly distributed load such as trapezoidal

and triangular load using General Variable Load, GVL

command. To create general variable load, click GVL command

to activate the load magnitudes table. There are 4 entries in the load

magnitude section as shown in figure 8.10. The first dead and live

load start from the left or bottom of the grids while the second dead

and live load end the loads. You can modify any created loading

positions using the load position table.

Figure 8.10: Load Magnitude Table Input

Warning : You cannot leave load magnitude entries blank. This

generates an infinite value and will create error to the program. Set

the entry to zero instead of leaving it blank.

To create different type of loading patterns, you have to specify the

load magnitudes accordingly as shown in figure x. In the figure

below, X and Y represent the load magnitudes respectively and 0

represents zero/nil. Type 1 and 2 are triangular loads while type 3 and

4 are trapezoidal loads.

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Figure 8.11: Type of variable loadings

For example, you have 2 continuous span beams of 3000mm and

4000mm respectively marked by grid A, B and C. You want to create

a 2000mm triangular load, 4000mm from grid A. From left side, the

triangular dead load increases from 0 to 5 kN/m. Click on the GVL

command and input 0 and 5 in the first dead load and second dead

load entries respectively. Since there is no live load, input 0 to both

first and second live load entries.

Select the beam by clicking once and move the cursor 2000mm from

grid A. Click once to define the starting point of the triangular load.

Move the cursor 4000mm from grid A. Note that when the cursor

moves further than the beam spanning between grid A and grid B, the

dimension display resets and begins at grid B. Now move the cursor

1000mm from grid B and click once to set the load end point.

After creating the load, the load properties are displayed on the key

plan layout. DL and LL denote dead load and live load respectively

while SO and EO denote starting offset and ending offset


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Creating Beams


Figure 8.12: Defining the load starting point.

Figure 8.13: Defining the load ending point.

Figure 8.14: Triangular Load created.

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Connecting Beam

You can create a continuous beam with different sections and drop.

In order to create a continuous beam, create a set of individual beams

and join them together. Individual beams created will be assumed

simply supported. Select all the affected beams using window select

command and click on connect next beams to create a

single continuous beam. This will be indicated by the beam

connector sign shown as figure below.

For example, suppose you have two continuous span beams consist

of 230x600, 230x450 respectively. You have to create two individual

beams with the respective sizes. Press window select command

to select the beams. Point the cross cursor to the starting of the beam,

left click, hold and drag the cursor. Expand the window until the two

beams are in the window box. Release the mouse left button to select

the window area. The two selected beams will be highlighted. To

connect the two individual beams into one continuous beams, click

on connect next beams command. Now the two individual

beams are connected indicated by the beam connectors on the plan


Figure 8.15: Beam connector indicator

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Creating Beams


Beam Offsets

You can offset the beam to flushes with the column. To offset a beam,

select the particular beam and specify the figure in the Position table

on the right of the window. Left click or press Enter to confirm the

changes made. The beam offset is based on the center of the gridline.

Input negative figure shifts the beam to the left/bottom of the gridline

and positive figure shifts the beam to the right/top of the gridline.

You can offset the beam using the offset wizard. These features can

automatically offset the beam to the left, right, top, bottom and center

of the grid. Figure below shows the description of each offset


Table 8.1: Beam offset commands

Beam to beam offset

When you offset the beam located perpendicular to a beam, the actual

position of the beam is updated to the perpendicular beam. For

example, you have two beam, primary beam GB1 and secondary

beam GB2. Primary beam GB1 spans 5000mm from Grid A to Grid

C. Secondary beam GB2 is positioned along Grid B. Grid B is

located 2500mm from Grid A. Secondary beam GB2 without offset,

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is 2500mm from Grid A as shown in figure 8.16. If you offset beam

GB2 100mm to the right of Grid B, the program automatically

recognizes GB2 position at 2600mm from Grid A as shown in figure


Figure 8.16: GB2 offset 2500mm from Grid A

Figure 8.17: GB2 offset 2600mm from Grid A

Beam to column offset

This option allows you to offset beam from the column. If you have

beam offset from the column, the actual position of the beam is still

located at the center of the column. The program will not

incorporates the offset eccentricity to the column analysis. This beam

to column offset function is merely for graphical purposes only.

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9 Creating Columns and Supports

Drawing column

To create column, click Input column command. Set the

column dimension in the Concrete Dimension table. Move the cursor

to the grid intersection. Upon the grid intersection, the cursor changes

to a column icon. Click on the grid intersection to create the column.

To change column size, select the created column and modify the

dimension in the Concrete Dimension table. Left click or press

ENTER to confirm changes.

To create circular column, specify the column diameter in X input

and set value of -1 in the Y input at the Concrete Dimension table.

To rotate column, click on the column and input the rotation angle of

the column. Positive degree denotes clockwise rotation and negative

degree denotes anticlockwise rotation.

To offset column, click on the column and specify the offset

coordinate. The column offset from the gridline intersection to the

centre of the column. The initial position of the offset (X=0,Y=0) is

at the grid intersection. Refer to the figure below for the coordinate

sign convention. For example, input offset x at -50mm and offset y at

75mm will translate the column position 50mm to the left and 75mm

to the top of the gridline intersection.

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Figure 9.1: Sign convention for offset coordinate

You can select upgrade end condition of the column. This end

condition refers to the K stiffness factor of the column-beam


By default, columns bracing conditions are automatically determine

by the program. You can overwrite the column bracing condition by

checking the boxes on the respective bracing direction.

You can set the column sizes to match the beam sizes by selecting

the Fix column to beam size command. For example, the width for

x-direction and y-direction beams are 150mm and 230mm

respectively. Creating column at the beam intersection automatically

set the column size to 150x230 if this option is enabled.

Column Generator Wizard

You can generate columns using Generate Columns command. To

generate columns, specify the dimensions in Concrete Dimension

table. Left click Generate Columns to create columns at grids

intersection. All the columns generated using this command have the

same properties.

Note : Using column generator command will overwrites the

existing column defined in the key plan.

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Creating Columns and Supports


Defining Support Conditions

You have to define support condition when you have primary beam

supporting secondary beam. The support conditions are indicated by

arrows. The beam is defined as primary beam if it is parallel to the

direction of the arrow. To insert a support, click on Input Column

command. Point the cursor near the beam intersection. If primary

beam is located at X-direction, move the cursor along the x-direction

grid near the beams intersection until an arrow parallel to the beam

appears. Similarly for Y-direction primary beam, move the cursor

along the grid direction until an arrow parallel to the beam appears.

Hold on to the arrow icon position and left click to inset support.

You can create column at the beam intersection and modify the

column to become a support. Left click to add column to the beam

intersection. Select the column again and click on the support

conditions icon on the Concrete Dimension table as shown in figure

9.2. See example in figure 9.3 for the support conditions


Note : You can check whether all beams support have been

defined by selecting Verification menu > Check Plan Integrity.

Undefined support condition on beam intersections generates

warning in the plan integrity checking.

Figure 9.2: Support condition definitions

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Figure 9.3: Beams Layout

Table 9.1: Beams Support Condition

If two or more beams are not connected, you cannot define a support

at the intersection of two individual beams. In order to define a

support at that intersection, the two individual beams have to be

connected. Refer to Chapter Creating Beams > Connecting Beams

for further information.

If you have beam that offsets out of the column, supports are not

required as the beam are considered to be supported by the column.

The beam offset on column is for graphical representation only. Refer

to Chapter Creating Beams > Beam Offsets for more explanations.

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Creating Columns and Supports


Column Offset

Position table located on the right side of the window allows you to

offset column to beam. To offset a beam, select the column and

modify the column properties in the Position table and left click to

confirm selection. The offset initial point starts from the center of the


You can offset the column to beam using the wizard generator. This

feature can automatically offset column to the top, bottom, left, right

and center of the beam. Figure below shows the description of each

offset commands.

Table 9.2: Column offset commands

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10 Creating Slabs

Input Slab

Select Input Slab command to create rectangular slabs. This

command can only be use with defined beams and walls. You can

only create slabs using this command if the slabs are bounded by

beams or walls.

You can modify slab properties to the following items:

• Thickness of the slabs in mm

• Finishes such as flooring and plastering (Dead Load) (kN/m2)

• Live Load (kN/m2)

• Drop in slab (mm): Positive value denotes drop while negative value

denotes raise level.

Figure 10.1: Slab properties table

Click on Input Slab command and input the slab properties.

Move the cursor to the slab area you want to create. The cursor

changes to slab icon if the slab input for that particular area is valid.

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Left click to select the area. Slab mark and the properties of the slab

are displayed on the slab. This input is only valid if the slabs four

corner are bounded by beams or walls.

You can edit slab mark prefix to your preferences. By default, the

slab mark is assign as "FS". Use the command to bring up the

Slab Mark Prefix form. In this form, input the new prefix name and

click OK to confirm selection. The new slab mark prefix applies only

to the selected or current floor.

To rename each individual slab mark, double click on the slab mark

until the mark is highlighted. Modify the slab mark and left click to

confirm selection.

You can reorder the slab mark using the program automatic wizard.

The slab mark arrangement starts from left to right and bottom to top.

Click reorder slab mark command and the program will

automatically arranges the slabs mark.

Using Slab Wizard Generator

Clicking the Generate Slabs command generates slabs to all the

defined boundaries of beams and walls. Using this command

overwrites the existing slabs created. All slabs created using this

command have the same properties.

Tips: Generate floor slabs first and modify each individual slabs

later. For floor plan with many similar properties slabs, it is

faster and easier rather than creating slabs individually.

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Creating Slabs


Input User Defined Slabs

For Input Slab command, you can only create slabs that are

within the beams or walls boundaries. Selecting Input User Defined

Slab command allows you to create and customize rectangular

slabs at any gridline. You can also create cantilever slab using this

command. You have to create four gridlines where the slab is placed


Click Input User Defined Slab button and move the cursor to the

first corner of the slab. Upon the first corner grid intersection, the

cursor changes to cross icon. Click once to define the first point.

Move the cursor to the second corner of the slab and click on the grid

intersection. You can see on display that the two corners selected are

joined by a line. Select the grid intersection either in clockwise or

counterclockwise direction. Proceed to the third and fourth corner to

complete the four intersections. This will form a customize

rectangular slab.

For example, you want to create a 1000mm cantilever slab with

125mm in thickness. The slab will be placed on grid 5,6,C1 and C2

as shown in figure XXX. Click on Input User Defined Slab

command and specify the properties. Move the cursor to grid 6/C1,

on the intersection the cursor changes to cross icon. Click once to

define grid 6/C1 as the first corner of the slab. Now click on grid

5/C1 to define the second corner. The two corners are joined by a line.

Proceed to grid 5/C2 and grid 6/C2 to complete the slab. Once the

slab has been created, you can see the properties displayed on the


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Figure 10.2: First corner of cantilever slab

Figure 10.3: Cantilever Slab

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Creating Slabs


Input Slab Load

Input Slab Line Load

Use Input Line Load command to define linear load such as wall.

Click Input Line Load command to activate the load magnitude

table. The position of the line load input is based on coordinate

system. The initial coordinate (X,Y=0,0) is located at lower left

center of the gridline or beam. Left click to select the slab and the

slab icon changes to "x1" icon. Specify the starting point of the line

load x1, y1 by moving the cursor and then left click to confirm. Then

specify the end point of the line load x2,y2. You can modify the line

load coordinates using the input table on the right side of the window.

Right click to cancel input line load at anytime.

Figure 10.4: Coordinate system

Warning : Internal line load must be defined at least 300mm from

the slab edge.

Tips: Convert the 300mm missing load line load to equivalent

point load acting to the beam.

Note : If the slab is supported by the beam with offset, the initial

coordinate is located at the center of the beam instead of the center of

the gridline.

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For example, you want to create a 1500mm line load on a 4500mm x

4500mm slab. The starting point and ending point are (2000,1000)

and (3500,1000) respectively. Click on the Input Line Load

command and select the slab. To specify the starting point, drag the

cursor to X-direction of 2000mm and then Y-direction of 1000mm

from the lower left center of the slab. Then drag the cursor to X-

direction of 3500mm and Y-direction of 1000mm for the ending

point. This will create a line load as shown in figure below.

Figure 10.5: Example of line load position

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Creating Slabs


Input Slab Point load

You can create point load acting on the slab by clicking on the Point

Load command. This will activate the load magnitude table. The

point load position on the slab is based on the coordinate system. The

base point (X,Y = 0,0) is located at the lower left center of the

gridline or beam. Left click to select the slab and the slab icon

changes to "x1" icon. Specify the coordinate of the point load (x1,y1)

by moving the cursor and left click to confirm. You can modify the

point load properties using the input table on the right side of the

window. To cancel the input, click on right mouse button.

Figure 10.6: Coordinate system

Warning : Internal point load must be defined at least 300mm from

the slab edge.

Tips: Convert the 300mm missing load line load to equivalent

point load acting to the beam.

Note : If the slab is supported by the beam with offset, the initial

coordinate is located at the center of the beam instead of the center of

the gridline.

For example, you want to create a point on a 4500mm x 4500mm

slab. The coordinate of the point load is (2000,800). Click on the

Input Point Load command and select the slab. Drag the cursor to

X-direction of 2000mm and then Y-direction of 800mm from the

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lower left center of the slab. To confirm coordinate, left click once.

This will create point load as shown in figure below.

Figure 10.7: Example of point load position

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Creating Slabs


Input Cantilever Slab Edge Line Load

You can input edge load on the cantilever slab. Use Cantilever Edge

Line Load command to create edge line load. This will activate

the load magnitude table. Specify the load magnitude in kN/m and

click on the slab. At the selected cantilever slab, click on the edge

where the line load is located. You cannot specify the starting and

ending point of the edge line load. The program applies the line load

throughout the selected edge. You can modify the edge line load

magnitude using the table located at the right side of the window.

For example, you want to apply brickwall load of 4kN/m on the 1m

cantilever slab. Click on the Cantilever Edge Line Load

command and specify 4 kN/m in the dead load form. Select the

cantilever slab and click once on the slab edge. This will create edge

line load on the cantilever slab. In the window, dead load and live

load are identified as DL and LL respectively.

Figure 10.8: Cantilever Edge Line Load

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11 Creating Liftcore

Input Lift Core

Use Input Lift Core command to define liftcore and shearwall.

The command brings up the wall properties form. In this form, you

can set the following options:

• Dimensions (mm): You can specify the wall thickness of the wall.

The measurement unit for the wall is in millimeter (mm)

• Position (mm): You can offset the wall from the center of the

gridline. Positive figure offsets the wall to top or right of the gridline

and negative figure denotes offset to bottom or left of the gridline.

• BRC setting: You have the options of selecting the type of steel

reinforcement for the wall. You can either select BRC or non-BRC

steel reinforcement.

• Rebar layer: You have the options of selecting single or double

layer of steel reinforcement for the wall.

• Apply to other floors: You can copy the wall properties to other

floors. Clicking this button overwrites wall properties from top and

bottom floors to this setting.

To create wall, click on Input Lift Core command. Specify the wall

dimensions at the Dimension (mm) table. Move the cursor to the

grid intersection of the wall starting point. When a square box

appears on the grid intersection, left click once to select that point.

Right click once to cancel at anytime. Then move the cursor to the

wall ending point. You can see the outline of the wall while moving

your cursor. Left click once to define the wall.

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Point Load : You can input point load on the wall. Specify the

point load in the load magnitude table. Left click once to select the

wall. The active dimension appears when you move the cursor. The

reference point of the load is based on the left or bottom of the

gridlines. Move the cursor to the load position and left click once to

apply the load.

Liftcore properties : In this command, you can modify overall

height of the walls, liftpit depth and the wall mark. Left click on the

wall to display the wall properties. To edit the wall height, specify

the beginning and ending floors of the wall.

Align wall to grid line: You can offset the column using the offset

wizard. These features can automatically offset the column to the left,

right, top, bottom and center of the grid. Figure below shows the

description of each offset commands.

Table 11.1: Offset wall alignment command

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Creating Liftcore


Create Wall Opening

This command allows you to create opening on the wall. Click on the

Create Wall Opening command and point the cursor to the wall.

Left click once on the wall after the cursor changes to "WO" icon.

The elevation view of the selected wall will appears on the window.

On the properties table, specify the wall opening dimensions. Click

once on the wall and the opening appears on the wall. To cancel at

anytime, click the right button. The reference point of the wall

opening is located at the bottom left corner of the wall. Move the

wall opening to the position you want to place and click once to


You can also modify the position after you have created the wall

opening using the properties table. Close the window to return to the

keyplan layout by clicking the cross button on the top right corner of

the window.

For example, you want to create a 1200mm x 2200mm opening on

the 4230mm x 3000mm wall. Use Create Wall Opening command

and click on the wall. The wall elevation appears on the window.

Specify the width and the height of the opening and left click on the

wall. The opening layout appears on the wall. To position the

opening at the bottom center of the wall, move the cursor until the X

and Y coordinates are set to 1515mm and 0mm respectively. Left

click to confirm the coordinate of the opening. Alternatively, set the

opening to any point of the wall, click on the opening again and

modify the X and Y coordinates to the exact location.

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Figure 11.1: Active layout of wall opening

Figure 11.2: Created wall opening

Alternatively, you can use the alignment wizard to set the wall

opening position. Refer to the Table 11.2 for the description of each

alignment command.

Table 11.2 : Description of lift alignment icon

Apply to all floor: This button allows you to duplicate the wall

opening to other floors. Click on the button brings up the Wall

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Creating Liftcore


Opening Assignment form. Select the floors you want to duplicate

and click OK to confirm selection.

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12 Running Analysis

Generate slab mesh

Clicking the Generate Slab Mesh command activates a dialog

that controls the mesh generation settings. In this dialog you can

specify the maximum mesh size and the mesh type. By default, the

mesh size is set to 1000mm. The accuracy of your results increases

with smaller mesh sizes as more unknown displacements are

involved. However smaller mesh sizes take longer to analyze due to

more equations involved. This requires more resources from your


In the dialog, you can also select the type of mesh you want to adopt

in your analysis. You can select either triangular, mixed or

quadrilateral mesh in your slab mesh generation. Click OK to

generate slab mesh.

Slab Internal Column Model Options

You can set the number of nodes available at the column during mesh

generation. Check on either model as single node at the column

center or model as 8 nodes along the column edges. Selecting model

as 8 nodes along the column edges option provides nodes at the

column edges and middle column faces. The program automatically

applies the additional nodes to the column supporting slabs only.

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Figure 12.1: Mesh Properties Dialog

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Running Analysis


Analyze FEM slab

Click on the Analyze FEM slab command to run slab analysis. In

this command, the program analyze the slabs based from the

generated mesh using Finite Element Method (FEM). You have the

option to analyze the slab as plate or shell. It is recommended that

you analyze the slab as plate.

From the post-analysis, you can view the following components as


• Show mesh : Displays generated slabs mesh from

previous Generate Mesh command.

• Toggle mesh node number : Selecting this option

displays all the slabs mesh nodes.

• Display nodal values : This option shows the node

values based on the current result selection.

• Plot contour for x-direction moment : The program

plot contours for slabs x-direction moment. Contour changes

from light to darker colour denote increasing moment from

negative to positive value.

• Plot contour for y-direction moment : The program

plot contours for slabs y-direction moment. Contour changes

from light to darker colour denote increasing moment from

negative to positive value.

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• Plot contour for displacement : This option displays

the displacement contour of the slabs. Contour changes from

light to darker colour denote incremental in displacement.

• Plot contour for x-direction bottom stress

• Plot contour for y-direction bottom stress

• Plot contour for x-direction top stress

• Plot contour for y-direction top stress

• Draw x-direction top steel area contour : This is the

required area of reinforcement based on x-direction moment.

• Draw y-direction top steel area contour : This is the

required area of reinforcement based on y-direction hogging


• Draw x-direction bottom steel area contour : This is

the required area of reinforcement based on x-direction

sagging moment.

• Draw y-direction bottom steel area contour : This is

the required area of reinforcement based on y-direction

sagging moment.

• Display contour as line : This option enables results for

the floor slabs to be displayed as line contour.

• Open slab analysis textual result : In this area, you can

view the slabs moments and shear forces, slab loadings

assignment to the beams.

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Running Analysis


• Slab line node assignment verification : Selecting this

option allows you to view the converted user input line loads

into point loads assigned on the slabs.

• Cut section to display moment : This option allows you

to view slab moment at defined cut section. To define a cut a

cut section, click on Cut Section icon to activate this

command. Then click on the nearest gridline to the cut

section position and move the cursor to the cut section

position. Click once to create a cut section.

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Design slabs

Clicking Design slabs command activates a menu that control the

slab design parameters. In this menu, you can specify the concrete

and steel characteristic strength, type of reinforcement, concrete

cover and bar spacing. Refer to Chapter 6 Parameter Settings for

the explanation of each parameter. Click on detailing parameters

button brings up a form to set the slab detailing properties. Click on

Save & Exit button to run design slabs or Cancel button to exit

without running.

Slab Design Results

Brief Calculation : Summary of the design calculation which

includes slab properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

Detailed Calculation : Displays detail design calculation which

includes slab properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

Quantity measurement : Displays the cost and quantity of

materials which include concrete volume, reinforcement tonnage,

formwork areas and the total cost for the slab of the selected active


Slab top bar reinforcement : Displays generated top

reinforcement bar on slab based on the design calculations. To save

the top reinforcement layout plan, click on Save as DXF


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Running Analysis


Slab bottom bar reinforcement : Displays generated bottom

reinforcement bar on slab based on the design calculations. To save

the bottom reinforcement layout plan, click on Save as DXF


Save all slab cut section into single DXF file : Click on this

button to save all the slab cut section into a file.

Display slab failure report : In the post-analysis, if any slab

failure, the program displays the slab failure report. You can view the

report again by clicking this button. This button is not available if

there is no slab failure found.

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Analyze beam

This command will only be available if you have structure model

that requires 3D analysis. This process performs preliminary

checking for the beams. It involves distribution of loading from slabs

and secondary beams to the beams. This process checks beams for

bending, shear and deflection based on continuous beam method or

subframe analysis. If you have a 2D model, this command will be

disabled as you can analyze and design beam using Beam Design


To run beam analysis, click Analyze beams command. This

brings up Plan Beam form for which you can specify the design and

detailing parameters.

Slab loading transfer option

In this option, you can select to type of loadings assignment to the

beams. You can either choose point loads from FEM slabs,

conventional slab load assignment or combination of both. If you

have any slab that requires FEM analysis, the conventional slab loads

assignment only will be disable. However you have the options of

selecting the combination of point loads from FEM slabs and

conventional slabs or only point loads from all slabs derived from

FEM analysis.

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Running Analysis


Figure 12.2.: Beam Analysis Loading Options

Beam Analysis Results

After the analysis, you can click on each individual beam. Clicking

on the each individual beam allows you to display the following area:

i) Loading: This will displays the loading assigned to the beam

including beam self weight.

ii) Calculation: Displays the load assignments and summary of

preliminary beam results.

iii) Checking: Detailed beams checking.

Plan Load Summation Report: This report displays the summary of

beam's loading and reaction. The program checks for the distribution

of loading to the beam and from the beam to the support. If the

difference between dead load's loading and reaction load is almost

negligible, there is no missing load observed. The difference might

varies for live load due to pattern loading distribution on the beams.

Beam Failure Report: This report displays any beams that failed to

comply with the analysis. The failed beams will be highlighted in red


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Continuous Beam Method Design

By default, for two dimensional structure (2D); the program analyzes

the model using sub-frame analysis. You have the option of using

continuous beam method design instead of sub-frame analysis. To

switch to continuous beam method design for the current active plan

layout, click on Design and Detailing Parameters icon > Plan

Beam folder > Subframe Design Configuration button and a form

appears. Untick the box for "sub-frame design for beam". Notice that

the continuous beam design control factors option is now enabled.

The settings for this option will govern the continuous beam method


Warning : Any value exceeding the design control factors

automatically switch the analysis method to sub-frame analysis. After

performing beam design, verification of the beam conditions based

on the control factors can be view in the brief calculation for

each individual beam.

Note : This setting is only applicable for the current active floor.

This option is not applicable for three dimensional (3D) structure as

the program automatically performs frame analysis.

Continuous Beam Design Control Factors

• Beam span greater than (mm): If any beam span greater

than the span length specified here, the program

automatically switch to sub-frame analysis. By default the

value is set to 6500mm.

• No. of floors above greater than: You can specify the

number of floor allowable for the continuous beam method.

Number of floors greater than the value specified here will

automatically switch to sub-frame analysis.

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Running Analysis


• Relative column/beam stiffness greater than: The program

checks for the relative stiffness of column/beam before

adopting continuous beam method. If the stiffness greater

than the value specified will automatically revert to sub-

frame analysis. By default, the ratio is set to 0.5

• Adjacent span length difference greater than(%): With

the variation of length difference greater than the value

specified here, the program adopts sub-frame analysis design.

• Differential fixed end moment percentage greater

than(%): The program detects any differential fixed end

moment between and within span greater than this value,

switches to sub-frame analysis.

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Design beam

Selecting Design Beam command performs design, assigns

reinforcement and details beams for the selected active floor. Click

on Design Beam command brings up a form, which you can specify

the beam analysis and design parameters. Refer to Chapter 6

Parameters Setting > Plan Design and Detailing Parameters >

Plan Beam for explanations of each items. The parameters changed

here overwrites the previous settings and design is based on these

settings. Click Save & Exit button to accept changes. This brings up

Beam Analysis form that allows you to specify the slab loading

transfer method to the beam.

• Quantity Measurement : Here you can view the quantity take-

off for the beam concrete, steel and formwork of the selected floor.

The price per unit is determined from the parameters specified in

Project Design and Detailing Parameters command > Project

Quantity Parameters form.

• Save all to single DXF file : Selecting this option will combine

and save all your selected beam details into a single file.

• Summation Load : This report displays the summary of beam's

loading and reaction. The program checks for the distribution of

loading to the beam and from the beam to the support. If the

difference between dead load's loading and reaction load is almost

negligible, there is no missing load observed. The difference might

varies for live load due to pattern loading distribution on the beams.

• Unstable Beam: Displays any unstable beam highlighted in red.

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Running Analysis


• Beam Failure : This report shows the beam failure and the

description of the failure. This option will be disable if there is no

beam failure detected.

Beam Results

Click on the beam on the floor plan layout to view the beam design

results. You can view the beam details, loading, moment and shear

force diagram, calculation and beam check. Following is the

description of each these items.

• Beam details: The program automatically generates beam

reinforcement based on the calculations.

• Loading: Diagram of loads distribution to the beam is plotted.

• Moment and Shear Force diagram: Selecting this option displays

the moment and shear force envelopes diagram. You can adjust the

text values sizes by setting the zoom percentage.

• Calculation: You can view the beam design summary that includes

beam properties, loading, moment, shear force and reinforcement


• Check: You can view the detail beam design calculation in this

section. The calculation complies with BS8110:1985 Part 1. You can

open the calculation report outside of EsteemPlus under *.001 file


Beam Details Display Option

You can view a particular beam by selecting the beam from the

pulldown list. Click on the arrow button and select beam you want to

view. In the beam detailing, you can control the layers of the beam

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detailing to your preferences. The following items that you can

control are:

Cut one section for every span : Selecting this option creates

one cut section in every span

Cut three section for every span : Selecting this option creates

three cut section in every span. If you enabled this option, the above

layer will be disabled.

Show beam front shadow : Selecting this icon allows you to

display the section of the front crossing beam.

Show beam back shadow : Clicking on this icon displays the

section of the back crossing beam. This beam section will be shown

as dashed line.

Show concrete profile : This option allows you to disable/enable

the concrete layer. This includes the beam, slab and column profiles.

Show main bar : This option displays the top and bottom main

reinforcement bars.

Show link detailing : This option allows you to turn on/off the

shear link reinforcement layer with this icon.

Show beam span's dimension line : This option allows you to

disable/enable the span's dimension.

Show grid mark : This option displays the grid marks.

Show span mark : This option displays the span mark of the

beam. Disabling it, reverts the span mark to the actual position of the


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Running Analysis


Figure 12.3: Span mark enabled

Figure 12.4: Span mark disabled

Show beam reaction : You have the option of enable/disable the

beam reactions.

Single beam mark : By default, beam mark will be shown on

each span. Enabling this option will only display one single mark for

the entire beam.

Go to next beam : Proceed to view next beam.

Go to previous beam : Return to previously viewed beam.

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Figure 12.5: Pulldown list

Figure 12.6: Beam detailing description

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Running Analysis


Batch process

Click on Batch Process command brings up a form that allows

you to select the elements you want to perform analysis to all the

floors simultaneously. In this form, you have the options of running

slab analysis, slab design, beam analysis and beam design. Check on

the box to select the analysis and click on the Options button to

specify the analysis parameters.

Analysis option

• Slab Analysis

• Slab Design

• Beam Analysis

• Beam Design

Note : If you check on overwrite existing valid slab design

result check box and accept option by click OK button, previous

results will be overwrite.

Figure 12.7: Batch analysis options

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3D analysis

Click the Analyze button to bring up the 3-D analysis option form.

You can choose to perform analysis with pin or fixed foundation. It is

recommended that you select pin foundation for your analysis.

Warning : If you unchecked the check box, the program assumes

fixed foundation for the structure. Pad and pile footing design will

not be applicable if you assume this condition. The footing design do

not check for moment at this moment.

3D Analysis Results

After analysis, you can view the behaviour of the structure based on

the selected load combination. Click on Click to View button to

generate the deflection based on this load combination. You can

choose the type of data you want to be displayed in the textual output.

Before you generate the model, click on the ticked box to exclude the

data in the output.

Once you click on Click to View, the output report will be displayed.

You can open this file with Word document. To find a particular

output result, press CTRL + F to bring up the search dialog.

You can create a new load factor combination to your preferences.

Click on the load factor column and specify the value for each factor.

Click on Click to View button for the user-defined load combination

to view the results. The selected load factor combination will be

highlighted in yellow colour.

Figure 12.8: Load combination table

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Running Analysis


Notional load results : This program automatically considers

notional load into the analysis. To view the notional load results,

click on Notional load textual results button.

2D view: You can view the structural behaviour in plane view. Click

on Open 2D View button to display the structure in plane form.

In this view, you can select X-Y view (plan view), X-Z view

and Y-Z view . From the pulldown list, you can choose to view

the plane frame from the selected gridline.

Show deflection : You can choose to disable or enable the

deflection of the structure using this option.

Show original element : You can disable the original element

when the deflection model is enabled. The program automatically

show the original element if the deflection model is disabled.

Animate deflection : Click on this button animates the deflection

of the model based on the selected load combination.

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3D Frame Element

Click the 3D Frame Element icon brings up Mesh Generation

form. Click OK button to generate the frame elements. The following

items describe each of the areas on this form.

• Lift Core Mesh Size: This option allows you to specify the

maximum and minimum mesh size for the liftcore and shear

wall. The smaller the mesh sizes defined, the more precise

the results is. However this will also take up more of the

computer resources and might affect the overall performance.

• Slab Diaphragm Mesh Size: If only Project Design

Parameters > 3-D Analysis option > Slab Diaphragm

Effect check box is checked, you can specify the slab mesh

size. Otherwise this option will be disabled. lab diaphragm

effect: Selecting this option considers the slab effect into the

frame analysis. The lateral loads acting on the structure will

be transfer horizontally throughout the floor slab to the main

lateral resisting element.

• Mesh Types: You have the option to select the type of

meshes to use in the analysis. It is recommended that you use

triangular mesh for the analysis.

• Check project integrity: If this check box is checked, the

program automatically checks for the structure integrity

before generating frame element.

• Gradient effect:

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Running Analysis


Figure 12.9: Mesh Generation form

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Run column design

Click on the column command in the Project workspace to design

column. This brings up the column parameters form. Specify the

parameters setting and click OK button to perform columns design to

all floors.

Column Design Results:

Warning appears if column does not meet the design requirements.

When column design is completed, column schedules and elevation

view are displayed. You can save the column detailing as DXF

format by clicking on Save To DXF icon. Following are the

information that you can view:

Brief Calculation : Summary of the design calculation which

includes column properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

Detail Calculation : Displays detail design calculation which

includes columnb properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

Quantity Measurement : Displays the cost and quantity of

materials which include concrete volume, reinforcement tonnage,

formwork area and the total cost for the column of all the floors.

Sway Checking : Displays sway calculation for the

determination of column's bracing condition.

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Running Analysis


Elevation View : You have the option of displaying the elevation

view on the screen. Disabling this option will not save the elevation

view in the DXF format.

Column Design Report : Displays the column end conditions

and percentage of live reduction adopted if any.

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Run wall

Clicking on the Wall command in the Project workspace brings up

the wall parameters form. Click OK button to perform wall design to

all floors.

Wall Design Results:

Warning appears if column does not meet the design requirements.

When column design is completed, column schedules and elevation

view are displayed. You can save the column detailing as DXF

format by clicking on Save To DXF icon. Following are the

information that you can view:

Toggle plan detail view : This option allows you to display the

plan view of the wall.

Toggle liftcore detail view : This option allows you to display

the elevation view of the wall.

Toggle liftcore slab cut section view : This option allows you to

display the cut section view of the wall.

Brief calculation : Summary of the design calculation which

includes wall properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

Detail calculation : Displays detail design calculation which

includes wall properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required, reinforcement provided and deflection check.

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Running Analysis


Quantity measurement : Displays the cost and quantity of

materials which include concrete volume, reinforcement tonnage,

formwork area and the total cost for the wall.

Sway checking: Displays sway calculation for the determination of

wall's bracing condition.

Elevation view: You have the option of displaying the elevation

view on the screen. Disabling this option will not save the elevation

view in the DXF format.

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Run pad footing design

Double click on pad footing command in the project workspace to

design pad footing. Pad footing parameter form will appears on the

screen. Specify the parameters and click on Save & Exit button to

run design. Refer to Chapter 6 Parameters Setting for information

on Pad Parameters Setting. You can save the pad footing detailing

in DXF format by clicking on Save To DXF icon.

Pad Footing Design Results

On the key plan layout, the service loads (kN) for each column are

displayed on the footing. Below are the following areas which you

can view:

Brief calculation : Summary of the design calculation which

includes footing properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required and reinforcement provided.

Detail calculation : Displays detail design calculation of every

individual footings.

Quantity measurement : Displays the cost and quantity of

materials which include concrete volume, reinforcement tonnage,

formwork area and the total cost for the pad footing.

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Running Analysis


Run pile foundation design

Double click on pile footing command in the project workspace to

design pile footing. Pad footing parameter form will appears on the

screen. Specify the parameters and click on Save & Exit button to

run design. Refer to Chapter 6 Parameters Setting for information

on Pad Parameters Setting. You can save the pad footing detailing

in DXF format by clicking on Save To DXF icon.

Multiple pile type selection

You can adopt multiple pile types in your pile footing design. You

can assign for each pile to carry the specific column loading. When

you press Save & Exit button in the Pile Footing Parameters Setting

form, Pile Type Configuration form will appears. The following is

the description of each items in this form:

• Capacity (tonne): This is the allowable working load each

pile can carry.

• Size (mm): Specify the size of the pile to be adopted in the


• Spacing (mm): You can specify the center to center spacing

between each pile.

• Penetration (mm): Specify the distance measured from the

soffit of the pilecap to the end of the pile.

• Thickness (mm):

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• Edge (mm): This is the distance measured from the side of

the pile to the edge of the pilecap.

• MinBarSize (mm): You can select the minimum

reinforcement bar size allowable in the design. This list is

derived from the Project Design Parameters.

• MaxBarSize (mm): You can select the maximum

reinforcement bar size allowable in the design. This list is

derived from the Project Design Parameters.

• Column Load (kN): Specify the total service load that the

pile can carry. The program assigns the pile type based on

this load. If the column load exceeding this value, the

program adopts the next pile type configuration. When the

actual column load exceeded the allowable column load, the

program adopts the pile size with the highest allowable

column load.

Figure 12.10: Pile Type Configuration settings

Pile Footing Design Results

On the key plan layout, the service loads (kN) for each column are

displayed on the footing. Below are the following areas which you

can view:

Brief calculation : Summary of the design calculation which

includes footing properties, design moment, area of reinforcement

required and reinforcement provided.

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Running Analysis


Detail calculation : Displays detail design calculation of every

individual footings.

Quantity measurement : Displays the cost and quantity of

materials which include concrete volume, reinforcement tonnage,

formwork area and the total costing for the pile footing.

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13 Display Options

3D View

You can view your model in three dimensional view. Below is the

description of each elements shown in the 3-D view. Additionally

you can use the zoom functions to view the 3-D structure. For each

zoom functions, refer to View Tools under Tools chapter.

Figure 13.1: Description of element in 3D view


This option allows you to rotate the model at any angle. To rotate the

model, click on the model and drag to the direction you want to view.

Orthographic projection

This allows you to change the perspective views into orthographic

views. The model appears to be projected from infinity on three

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planes perpendicular to each other giving you the true dimensions


Keep Scale


This option allows you to shift the 3D model to any position in the

screen. Click once on Fly icon, move the model to your

preference. To maintain at that position, right click once.

Change display layers

You have the option of modifying each layers properties. You can

change the layer color, hide layer and set layer transparency.

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Display Options


Layer Settings

Click the Layer Settings command to bring up the form where

you can set the display colors for items in the model. You can

separately specify color for screen display and color output for

exporting drawing. In this layer settings form, you can specify the

layer name, DXF layer no., Screen Color and DXF color. The

following items describe the areas in that form:

Layer Name: Each layer name represents the item in the screen

display. Untick the box next to the layer name turns off the item in

the screen display.

DXF Layer No: This is the layer number for the drawing in DXF file

type. When you open the DXF file under CAD software, the layer is

labelled according to the number specified here.

Screen Color: This is the color selection applies to the item in the

screen display. The colour specified will not be exported to the DXF


DXF color: This is the color selection applies to the line object and

fill color for the drawing in DXF file type.

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Search Element

Use the Search Type command to search element in the floor

plan layout. You can search beam, column, slab, wall and grid

intersection on the selected floor. To use the command, left click on

the Search Type command and select the element you want to search.

The pulldown list displays all the members of the selected element in

the layout. Click on the button and select the member from the list.

The selected member twinkles on the window. If you have enable

View menu > Zoom to Search Element command, the program

zooms in to the selected element. To disable the twinkling, left click

on Turn Off Search Box command.

Figure 13.2: Search element buttons

Figure 13.3: List of search element

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14 View Results

Textual Files

When you have run design for each element, you can view the output

text files associated with EsteemPlus. The result textual files can also

be accessed outside of this program. You can open the file using

Word related programs. The location of each files can be observed at

the header of each textual files. This path is only enabled if you

checked on the box under Project Design and Detailing

Parameters > Project General Parameters > Beam

calculation output files > Include full path of the calculation file.

Figure 14.1: An example of the location of beam result file

The following is the file extensions for respective elements that you

can accessed with Word program:


*.OO1 - Design calculation for most critical pattern loading

*.OOA - Design calculation for full loading

*.BQV - Quantity takeoff report


*.SCD - Detailed design calculation report

*.SIP - Design summary report

*.SQV - Quantity takeoff report


*.CLN - Design summary report

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*.CCD - Detailed design calculation report

*.CRR - Design report

*.CQV - Quantity takeoff report


*.WLN - Design summary report

*.WCD - Detailed design calculation report

*.WQV - Quantity takeoff report

Pad footing

*.PCD - Pad footing design summary report

*.FTP - Pad footing detailed design calculation report

*.FQV - Quantity takeoff report

Pile footing

*.FTG - Pile footing design summary report

*.GCD - Pile footing detailed design calculation report

*.GQV - Quantity takeoff report

Note : If you modified the textual file in the existing location,

the data will be permanently edited until you rerun and

overwrite the existing design.

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View Results


Export Drawing as DXF file

You can export your drawing layouts and members details to CAD

programs in DXF format. This command is used to save your

drawings in the DXF folder created in the project working folder.

The drawing scales in the DXF imported files are determined by the

settings in the project detailing parameters. The selected items are

exported to the DXF files as lines. Text is exported to the DXF file as


Save as construction drawing

Selecting this option will save the key plan layouts as construction

drawing. Detailing such as concrete sizing, dimensions, steel

reinforcement layout are shown in the output. Data that are

considered not relevant to construction drawings such as loading,

member color fills are not shown in the output.

Save what you see on screen

Selecting this option will save all the details of the layouts as on the

screen. This option allows you to customize the drawings before

transferring to DXF by controlling the detailing layer.

Figure 14.2: Saving Options form

Single DXF export

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Selecting this option will save your selected individual member only.

Group DXF export

Selecting this option will combine and save all your selected

members into a single file.

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15 Tutorials

Setting Parameter Template

Before creating a new project, specify the parameters to be adopted

in the design. You have the options of setting the parameters at the

start or during the project. If you specify the parameters in this

template, all the default parameters will be based on this template.

Click on File Menu > Setting Parameter Template command or

press CTRL-T shortcut to bring up all the project parameter

forms. In this case, specify the beam concrete characteristic strength

to 30 N/mm2 for all the floors. Click on Plan Beam menu and change

the concrete characteristic strength value to 30 as shown in the figure

below. Click on Save & Exit button to apply changes to all the floors.

This applies concrete characteristic strength of 30 N/mm2 to all floors.

Next time when you create a new project, beams for all floors adopt

to this value unless you change it otherwise.

Figure 15.1: Parameter templates

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Starting a new project

In this tutorial, we are going to show you on how to model a 3-storey

reinforced concrete structure. Start a new project by selecting File

menu > New Project command or click on Create A New

Document tool to bring up the project setting form.

Figure 15.2: Create a new project icon

Name the Project title, in this case the project is called tutorial.

Specify the location of the project in your computer. Since we have a

4-floor structure, select the number of key plan to 4. Click on Fill

Default button to automatically name the floor. In this case, name the

floors as below by clicking on each floor name in the floor name


• Ground Floor - GB

• First Floor - 1F

• Second Floor - 2F

• Roof Floor - RF

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Figure 15.3: Create New Project Form

Tips : You can name your floor to your preferences but not

exceeding 4 characters. Click on the floor name and rename the floor.

Click OK to create project. The program creates a new project folder

at C:\EsteemPlus\. In the project folder, the program creates

individual subfolders for every floor respectively. Data input and

analysis results are stored in each of the individual folders. At the

window interface you can see the floor plan you have created in the

project workspace.

Figure 15.4: Floor plans in the project workspace

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Parameter Settings

Setting Floor height

For GB floor, specify the column (stump) height to 1500mm. Double

click on GB floor name at the project workspace to activate the floor.

Clicking Design and Detailing Parameters icon > Plan

command brings up the form. Change the column height to 1500 and

press Save & Exit button to continue. This change is only applicable

for GB floor.

Fig 15.5: Plan form

Note : Customizable parameter setting for each floor is only

applicable to the forms located in the Design and Detailing

Parameters only. All other settings are general parameters

applicable to the model structure.

Change steel reinforcement strength

You want to use main bar with steel characteristics strength of 410

N/mm2 instead of 460 N/mm2. Click on the Project Parameters

icon > Project Design Parameters form and change the value to

410. Click Save & Exit to apply changes. Now in the project, all the

element designs will adopt the new steel characteristics strength.

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Fig 15.6: Project Design Parameters form

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Input Grid

Major Gridlines

Next we will create gridlines for GB floor. Double left click on GB

located at the project workspace to activate the GB floor. This will

bring up the graphic user interface. Click on Input Grid icon >

Batch Input Grids icon to create gridlines.

We have 5 major grid marks on the x-direction with dimension of

4000mm,4000mm,4000mm,4500mm,5000mm respectively. On the

y-direction, we have 4500mm,4500mm,4500mm,4500mm and

6000mm respectively.

In the Batch Input Grids form input 4000x3,4500,5000 for x-

direction grid and 4500x4,6000 for y-direction grid. Click OK to

generate gridlines. We have now created major gridlines for GB floor

plan as shown in figure 15.7.

Fig 15.7: Multiple Grid Input form

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Figure 15.8: Created gridlines

Minor Gridlines

Now we would like to add some minor gridlines to the plan. There

will be 2 cantilever slab at 1000mm right of Grid F located between

Grid 2-3 and Grid 4-5. To create additional gridline, move the cursor

to Gridline F and click once. Drag the cursor 1000mm from Grid F

and click once to create a new grid.

Add another gridline 2555mm from Grid 5. Click on Gridline 5 and

drag the cursor to 2500mm. Hold the mouse position. To increase

50mm, press the UP arrow key. To increase additional 5mm, while

holding CTRL key; press the UP arrow key. Click once to create the

new gridline.

Next to indent the grid, click on the grid mark and when the grid

mark colour changes to green, clickg on the Increase Indent


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Define slab cut section

To define slab cut section, click on Grid mark 2. When the grid

mark changes to green colour, specify the slab cut section number as

1 at the properties table. Left click once or press Enter key to define

the cut section. Create more slab cut sections 2 and 3 at Grid mark

B and Grid mark D respectively.

Figure 15.9: Final floor grid layout

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Insert Liftcore

To insert liftcore wall, click on the Input Liftcore icon. Specify

the wall thickness to 125mm at the table properties. To create wall at

Grid C/4-5, point the cursor to grid intersection C/4 and left click

once the green box appears. Then move the cursor to grid intersection

C/5 and noticed that an imaginary blue line appears to illustrates the

liftcore. Left click once to create the liftcore. Using the same method,

create liftcore walls at Grid 5/C-D ,D/4-5 and 4/C-D.

Figure 15.10: Created liftcore wall

Tips : To cancel an active command or actions, click on the

mouse right button. Use Undo to return to previous


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Input Wall

To activate wall graphical interface, click on Input Liftcore icon.

Firstly, to create wall at Grid F/1-6, specify the wall thickness to

125mm at the table properties. Then, click on the grid intersection

F/1 to define the wall beginning point. Then drag the cursor to the

ending point at Grid F/6 and click once to create the wall.

Figure 15.11: Wall created at Grid F/1-6

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Input Beam

Click and Drag Method

Next we will create beams on the gridlines. Click on Input Beam

icon to activate beam input interface. At the concrete dimension table,

specify the width and depth of the beam to 230 and 600 respectively.

To create beam at x-direction, click on grid intersection 1/A and drag

the cursor to grid intersection 1/F. Point to the intersection and left

click once. Repeat this procedure to Grid 2/A-F, 3/A-F, 4/A-C, 4/D-F,

5/A-C and 5/D-F. Change the beam 3/A-F concrete section to

230x750. Select beam 3/A-F and at the table change the width and

depth to 230 and 750 respectively. Press Enter or left click once to

make changes.

Generate beams

At the table properties, change the size of beam to 230 x 600.

Generate the beams at y-direction by clicking on Generate Y-

direction beam icon. Notice that beams are created to all

gridlines at y-direction. Delete beam G/1-6 by selecting the beam and

click on the Cut icon. Alternatively, use Window Select icon,

click and hold the cursor at outside of the beam and drag the cursor

until the window covers the beams area. Press Delete key or click on

Cut icon to delete the highlighted beams.

Connecting beams

Create a secondary beam located at grid 5A/C-F. Beam 5A/C-F has

two different section 230x450 and 230x600. Create two individual

beam 5A/C-E (230x450) and beam 5A/E-F (230x600). To connect

these two beams, select the beams by using Window select icon.

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Once the selected beams are highlighted, click on Connect Next

Beam icon to connect the beams.

Figure 15.12: Created beams on plan layout

Figure 15.13: Connected beams sign indicator

Input Line Load on Beams

Click on Input UDL icon and at the Load Magnitude properties

table, specify 5 kN/m for the dead load. To apply line load on Beam

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1/A-F, hold SHIFT key and move cursor to the beam. When an icon

"audl" appears, click on the beam to apply full load on the beam.

For Beam B/1-6, create a 6 kN/m line load from grid B/2 to B/4.

Input the load in the load magnitude table and select the beam. Move

the cursor to grid intersection B/2 and click once to define the load

starting point. Next, to complete the line load, move the cursor to

grid intersection B/4 and click once.

Input Point Load on Beams

Click on Input Point Load icon and specify 10 kN live load at

the Load Magnitude properties table. Select Beam 3/A-F, move the

cursor to 2500mm from Grid 3/B and click once to create the point

load. Make sure that you click onto the beam and not near the grid

intersection to prevent selection on the wrong beam.

Figure 15.14: Line load on Beam B/1-6 and Point Load on Beam 3/A-F

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Insert Column

Generate Column Wizard

To create column, click on Insert Column icon to activate the

column graphical interface. Specify the column dimension x and y to

300 and 300 respectively. Make sure in the Input Options, "Fix

column to beam size" and "Input grid at intersection" boxes are

empty. Click on Generate Column icon to apply columns to all

beam intersections.

Create Individual Column

Click on column B/1 and click on cut icon to delete the column. To

input circular column, at the concrete dimension; specify x and y to

300 and -1 respectively. Now click on grid intersection B/1 to create

the circular column.

Alternatively click on the original column B/1. When the magneta

colour box appears, modify the concrete dimension x and y to 300

and -1 respectively and click once to make changes.

Define Beam Support

Delete all the columns along Beam 5a/C-F. To delete individual

column, select the column and click on Cut icon or press Delete

key. To delete columns, hold CTRL key and click on the columns.

Press Delete or click on Cut icon to delete the selected columns.

Beam 5a/C-F is a secondary beam supported by Beam C/5-6, Beam

D/5-6. Beam E/1-6 and Wall F/1-6. To define support, move the

cursor towards below of grid intersection 5a/C. When the arrow

appears, click once to create a support at the grid intersection. The

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beam parallel to the arrow direction represents primary/main beam.

Repeat the procedure above to column 5a/D.

Similarly, create a column at Grid intersection 5a/E. Select the

column again, click Create support at y-direction icon on

the properties table to change the column to support.

Figure 15.15: i) Column Layout

ii) Support at Grid 5A/C, 5A/D and 5A/E

iii) Circular column at Grid 1/B

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Input Slab

Generate Slab

To create slabs to plan layout, specify the slab dimension to 150mm

at common slab properties table. For finishes and live load, input 1

kN/m2 and 1.5 kN/m2 respectively. Then click on Generate Slabs

icon to apply slabs to plan. Delete the slab inside the liftcore.

Change the properties of slab bounded by Grid D/2, E/2, E/3 and D/3.

Select the slab and on the common slab properties table, specify the

drop to be 50mm.

Create Customize Slab

To create partial slab bounded by Grids B/5a, C/5a, C/5 and B/5,

delete the existing slab first. Select the slab at perimeter grid B/5, B/6.

C/5 and C/6 and press Delete or click on Cut icon to delete. Click on

Input User Define Slab icon and move the cursor to the Grid

intersection B/5. When the cross appears and click once to define the

beginning point of the slab. Next move the cursor to Grid intersection

C/5 and click once when the cross appears. Repeat the procedure to

Grid C/5a, Grid B/5a and return to starting point Grid B/5 to create

the customize slab.

Create Cantilever Slab

Click on Input User Define Slab icon, specify the slab dimension

to 125mm and move the cursor to the first point at grid intersection

F/4. Continue defining the slab by clicking at Grid intersection G/4,

G/5 and F/5. Repeat this procedure to create cantilever slab at Grid

intersection F/2, G/2, G/3, F/3 and finally return to initial point F/2.

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Click on Reorder Slab Mark icon to automatically arranging the

slab marks.

Figure 15.16: Slab layout

Input line load on slab

To apply a line load on slab FS18 bounded by Grids B/4, C/4, C/5

and B/5, click on Input User Defined Slab icon. Specify live

load magnitude to 5 kN/m and click on the slab once. Move the

cursor to initial point X1 at 1000 and click once. Then move the

cursor to initial point Y1 at 2500 and click once. Define the ending

point (X2,Y2) at (3500,2500).

Input point load on slab

To apply point load on slab FS8, click on Input Point Load On Slab

icon. Specify dead and live load to 3 kN/m and 4 kN/m

respectively. Select the slab and move the cursor to coordinate (1500,

2500). Left click once to confirm each coordinates.

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Input cantilever edge line load

Click on Cantilever Edge Line Load icon and specify dead load

to 4 kN/m at the load magnitude properties table. Select slab FS11

and click on the edge G/2 and G/3. Then select the slab again and

click on the side of the slab. Repeat the following to slab FS21.

Figure 15.17: i) Line load on slab

ii) Cantilever edge line load on slab

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Floor Analysis

Before copying GB Floor to other floors, ensure that the elements on

the current GB Floor are adequate. To do so, run analysis on each


Generate Slab Mesh

Click on Generate Slab Mesh icon. Set the slab mesh to

1000mm. Click once on OK to create meshes based on the loading on

the slabs.

Figure 15.18: Generated Mesh

Analyze FEM slab

Use Finite Element Method (FEM) due to customized slabs for slabs

analysis. Click on Analyze FEM Slab icon and select analyze as

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plate when the form appears. Left click OK to perform analysis. By

default, the deflection contours appear on the window.

Figure 15.19: Slab deflection contour

Design Slabs

After the slab analysis, design the slabs by clicking on Design Slabs

icon. This will bring up the Slab Design Parameters form. Specify

the steel percentage of reinforcement to 0.13%. Click on Save & Exit

button to accept changes and run design. Click on the slab cut section

name to view the cut section.

Run Analyze Beams

Click on Analyze Beams icon to bring up Beam Analysis/Design

Parameters form. Click on Save & Exit button to accept changes. In

the Beam Analysis form, select "Use point load for non-

conventional slabs, conventional method for conventional slabs"

under Slab Loading Transfer Option. Click OK to perform analysis.

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Summary of loading and reaction from beams are displayed. Close

the load summation report and return to floor plan. Once you have

return to floor key plan, you can save all the slab cut sections in one

DXF file. Click on Group DXF button to save all slab cut

sections into single DXF file.

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Copy to other floor

Now that the elements on the floor have been checked. To confirm

this, click on Project Status icon to view the progress of the

project. All the elements design and analysis are satisfied for GB


To copy to other floor, double click on Floor 2 (1F) and this brings

up Copy Plan form. From the pulldown list, select key plan GB and

click Copy button to confirm. Since the floor height of GB floor is

1500mm, change the floor height of floor 2 (1F). To modify the floor

height, click on Plan Design/Detailing Parameters icon > Plan

menu. In the Plan menu, edit the column height of the lower floor

(mm) to 3500mm.

To duplicate Floor 2 (1F) to other remaining floors, click on

Duplicate Floors icon. A form appears for the floor selection

duplications. From the pulldown list, select Floor 4 (RF) and click

OK to confirm changes. A message appears on the screen prompting

any data on the duplicate floors will be overwrite. Click OK to

duplicate floors.

Figure 15.20: Floor plans in Project Workspace

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Transfer Column

Now we would like to create a transfer column. Beam 5A/C-F from

Floor 4 (RF) is supported by a transfer column at grid 5A/D. On floor

plan RF, click on Input Column icon and specify the column

size to be 230 x 230. Click on grid intersection 5A/D to create the

column. Now the transfer column is supported by Floor 3 (2F) beam


Figure 15.21: Transfer column on partially shown beam 5A/C-F

Figure 15.22: Transfer column in 3D view

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Input Wall Opening

Shear Wall Opening

Activate floor RF by double clicking on the floor name in the Project

Workspace. To create wall opening, click on Input Liftcore/Wall

icon. Then click on RC Wall Opening icon and select Wall

F/1-6 to bring up the wall elevation. Specify the door opening width

and height of 1500mm and 2200mm respectively at the dimension

table. Click on the wall to insert a wall opening. Move the cursor

until the position is set at (X,Y) coordinate at (5415,0) and click once

to place the opening.

Repeat the above procedures with the following dimensions:

1) Opening with width and height of 1500mm and 2200mm at


2) Opening with width and height of 1000mm and 1200mm at


3) Opening with width and height of 1000mm and 1200mm at


Figure 15.23: Openings on RC Wall

Click on Apply to Floor button to copy the openings to all other


Liftcore Opening

On RF plan, click Input Liftcore/Wall Opening icon and select

liftcore wall 4/C-D. Specify the wall opening width and height with

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1500mm and 2200mm respectively. Then click on the wall elevation

twice to create the opening. Select the wall and click on horizontal

center and vertical bottom icons to automatically align the

opening to center bottom of the wall.

Click on Apply to Floor button to copy the openings to all other


Figure 15.24: Opening aligned at center bottom of the wall

To view structure model in three dimensional (3D) view, click on 3D

View icon.

Figure 15.25: Model in 3D view

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Running 3D Analysis

Use Batch analysis function to run all floors simultaneously. Click on

Batch Process icon and check boxes on Slab Analysis, Slab

Design and Beam Analysis. Select OK to all options to run analysis

using default settings. Click OK to run batch analysis. Now click on

Project Status to view the progress.

Figure 15.26:Batch Analysis Options

Generate 3D Frame Elements

In order to run 3D analysis, click on 3D Frame Element icon to

generate 3D model frame. Mesh generation form appears for the

mesh sizes selection and type of mesh to be adopted in the analysis.

Use default settings and click OK to run analysis.

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Figure15.27 : Generated Frame Element

Run 3D analysis

After generating 3D Frame Element, analyze the model by clicking

Analyze icon. Click OK when the analysis options appears to

begin analysis.

View the structural behaviour in terms of deflection by selecting

different the load combination. Add new load combination by

specifying dead load, live load and wind load as 1.0, 2.0 and 1.0

respectively. Click on "Click To View" for the new combination to

generate the structure deflection based on the new load combination.

Close the window to return to floor plan layout.

Figure 15.28: Add new load combination

Design Beams

Noticed that after you have run 3D analysis, the design beam

command will be activated. Click on the Batch Analysis

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command and check on Beam Design box. Click Ok button to

simultaneously run beam design for all floors.

After analysis, go to GB floor, click on Design Beam command and

when program prompt for redesign beam, select no button. Then

click on Beam 5a/C-F to display the beam details as shown in

figure ....

Save the single beam details by clicking on Save to DXF

command. Select the location of the file you want to save and

click on Save button. This will only save beam details GB13B. Close

the beam detailing by clicking on the button and return to floor

key plan.

Once you have return to floor key plan, you can save all the beams

details in one DXF file. Click on Group DXF button to save all

beam details into single DXF file.

Figure 15.29: Beam Detailing

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Run Element Design

Design Column

Double click on column element in the project workspace. This will

bring up the design column parameter form. Specify the steel

percentage of reinforcement bar to 0.4 %. Click Save & Exit to run

column design.

Figure 15.30: Column parameters

Save the column schedule in DXF format. Click on Save DXF

icon to bring up the Save As form. Rename the file to Column

Schedule and click OK to save drawing.

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Figure 15.31: Partially shown column schedule generated

Design Wall

Double click on wall element in the project workspace. This will

bring up the design wall parameter form. Click on Save & Exit

button to run wall design.

Figure 15.32: Example of wall detailing generated

Save the column schedule in DXF format. Click on Save DXF

icon to bring up the Save As form. Rename the file to Column

Schedule and click OK to save drawing.

Design Pad Footing

To run pad footing design, double click on pad footing element in the

project workspace. This will bring up the design pad footing

parameter form. Specify the soil bearing pressure to 75 kN/mm2.

Click Save & Exit button to run pad footing design.

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Figure 15.33: Pad Footing parameters form

Figure 15.34: Pad footing plan layout

Save the column schedule in DXF format. Click on Save DXF

icon to bring up the Save As form. Rename the file to Pad footing

and click OK to save drawing.

Design Pile Footing

Double click on pile footing element in the project workspace. This

will bring up the design pile footing parameters form. Click on Save

& Exit button to bring up Pile Type Configuration form. In the pile

footing design would have 2 types of pile size configuration, 150mm

and 250mm square piles with pile capacity of 30 tonne and 45 tonne

respectively. However specify the ultimate column load for 150mm

pile and 250m pile to 250kN and 400kN respectively. This enables

the program to allocate the number of pile according to the column

load permissible.

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Figure 15.35: Pile Design Parameters

Figure 15.36: Pile Type Configurations

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Figure 15.37: Pile foundation layout plan

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16 Getting Help

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Page 240: Esteem Plus 130404




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Page 241: Esteem Plus 130404

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Tech Support

Our technical support is available via email, telephone, fax and on-

line help. At Esteem work hard to provide you with intuitive

technical supports. Additionally, we try to provide superior online

and print documentation to enable you to work independently. If you

have a technical question that you cannot answer with the available

tools, please contact our Technical Support department. All of our

Technical Support representatives are eager to answer your questions

and help you create the best Help systems possible.

As a registered user, you can access our web based support on our

website. Esteem Innovation Support Services are subject to term and


Help Us In Helping You

Our technical support team are readily to assist you

We understand that engineers requesting our assistance on the

software are constantly working under tight deadline and need to

receive answers to their questions as soon as possible. To increase

our efficiency, whenever you have any technical support question,

please provide us the following informations below if possible. Your

information provided are valuable to us. Using the information you

have provided, we can understand and eliminate the possibilities

better and faster.

• Your name, company name, and contact number

• Your Esteem version number

• Your computer operating system (e.g., Windows 95)

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Getting Help


• Description of the problems

• Exact wording of any messages displayed when you encountered the


• All previous email threads with Esteem about the issue, if any.

We might encountered the same questions previously from other

users. Matching your information and theirs can related us to the

same questions and in terms provide you with a solution that is

proven from previous users.

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Documentation Feedback

At Esteem, we strive to produce the highest quality documentation

products and welcome your feedback. If you have comments or

suggestions about our online Help or printed guides, please email to

us at [email protected].

Together with your feedback, please include the following


• Product name and version number

• Printed manual or online Help version (Manual version is located at

the bottom of page 1)

• Topic title (for online Help)

• Page number (for printed manual)

• Brief description of content (for example, are you reviewing step-by-

step instructions that are inaccurate, grammatical errors in a specific

paragraph, information that requires clarification or more details, etc.)

• Your suggestion for how to correct/improve documentation

This email address specially cater is for documentation feedback. We

acknowledged and appreciated your feedback and if necessary, we

will contact you. If you have any technical question, please contact

Technical Support.

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