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Norbert Laky,

Head of IT Department

National Office for the Judiciary

[email protected]

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●The National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ)

● The National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) fulfills the duties of the central administration of the courts with a special consideration on the independency of judges since the 1st of January 2012.

● Our main goal is to support the courts in fulfilling their constitutional duty to finish procedures on a high level of professional competence and within reasonable time.

● By the optimalization of technical and human resources and by guaranteeing better access to justice we aim to have the legal disputes of citizens decided by transparent court, highly responsible judges in an efficient procedure.

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The NOJ president's strategic goals

● the courts fulfill their constitutional obligations

● optimal allocation and utilization of human resources

● optimal allocation and utilization of material conditions,

● integrity of the judicial system,

● simplification of access to the court,

● development of the training system and collaboration with other professionals magnitude.


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Controlled E-administration Services

● The hungarian goverment in 2011 redesigned the law of the public administration procedures and services (2004. évi CXL törvény KET)

● controlled e-administration services

– the government don't dictate technology, the government built the rules and requirements of authentic communication between legal parties

– the courts can use the goverment's central customer e-gate for trusted communication with legal parties

● advanced electronic signature based on a qualified certificate

– automated e-signature generation

– authentic issue of e-documents

– organizational electronic signature

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IT and communication technologies

● The goals of software developements for court adminstrtions

– e-document filing through a single centralized form system

– automated templates for court documents

– e-document library for judges

– electronic delivery for legal parties

● In 2013 we started to use the e-communication with legel parties

● OpenSource technologies/ building blocks at the courts

– Open/Libreoffice

– Drupal content management system for web portals

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OpenSource technologies at the courts

OpenOffice.org migration in Budapest

● Milestone 1. 18th and 19th District Court of Justice in 2000

● Milestone 2. The Pest Central District Court of justice in 2003

● Milestone 3. The Labour Court in 2005

● Experiences

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The infrastructure of the IT systems

● The courts in Hungary has a country wide network for the 158 court buildings

● The building blocks: Novell technologies, Edirectory, ZENWorks, Linux - OpenEnterprise Server etc.

● The Metropolitan Court is part of the country wide network

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M1 - 18th and 19th District Court of Justice

In 2000 the District Court moved to a new building.

We planned a new thin client based system.

Tthe options were:

● Oracle NC in Java environment,

● WBT in MS environment,

● SunRay thin clients in Sun environment,

● LTSP based solution.r We chose the SUN technology.

● SUN dropped up us to the oo.org express! :)

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MS 2. The Pest Central District Court

In 2003-2004 we had to change the old PC-s at the district courts.

We calculated that we can by

● 110 PC with MSOffice and

● 195 PC (80 more) if we chose OO.org

The decision was the use of oo.org.

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M3. The Labour Court 2005

The Labour court was moved to a new building.

● We set in operation 90 dual boot (Linux/Windows) PC-s, with certainly OO.org

● The Linux environment was based on NLD, and it was integrated into the country wide network.

● The change to OO.org on every PC went trouble free.

● This was the 3. building in which we used only OO.org.

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● Till 2003 at the Metropolitan Court we set in order every PC/ Thin Client with OO.org

● In 2008 only the 12 % of the workplaces used MS Office!

● In 2010-2011 we plan to reached the 5%!

● In the country wide information network, on all the courts in Hungary, the 56% the used Office applications is OO.org(!) and it is growing

Till 2003 we saved 226 696 000 HUF approx. 797,422 EUR.

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Project Camino (StarWars:)

● In 2012 we started a new webportal project for simplification of access to the court

● We planed a new portal system

– Prototype based, every courts portal has the same code base

– The same design for ever court

– Every portal has it's own databese, and every court can choose the functions/moduls set to use from the code base

– The development is made on the central master portal and every courts own portal is refresed by the central master prototype.

– Every portal is a fully functional clone of the centrally developed master site

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Project Camino Technology

● OpenSource Drupal paltform

● OpenSource GITHUB development management system

● PHP knowladge and Drupal practice is needed.

● We plan to base the portal systems developement for the inside IT members of the courts

● Every good developement and every good solution can be used country wide

● Every citizen will meet the same possibilities at every court portal

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