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Page 1: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,
Page 2: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

European Settlements

-European Settlements

-as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas

-Spanish-- St. Augustine, Florida 1565 oldest settlement still inhabited and capital of Spanish FL for 200 years

SW, Florida, Texas

-French– Canada, Mississippi R.

Champlain- Quebec, fur traders, “Big River”

-Dutch—New York

Hudson- New Netherland, all immigrants welcome

-English—East Coast

English take New Netherland and rename it New York, also founded New Jersey.

Page 3: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

First English Attempt

-Roanoke, NC 1584

Queen Elizabeth I attempts to permanently settle

Sir Walter Raleigh- led settlers into NC

Lost Colony- carving of Croatoan, Meanings? Where did they go?

John White- left for supplies 10 days after arriving- 3 years later he returns and all had vanished

Virginia Dare- White’s granddaughter, 1st born English child on American soil.

Video- http://www.history.com/topics/jamestown/videos/mystery-roanoke

If it says “attempt” what do you think that means?

Page 4: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

English Settlements

-Virginia Company- joint stock, given permission to start a colony

Jamestown, 1607- 104 of 144 survive the trip from England. Land near James River (modern day Virginia)

John Smith – bartered with natives to keep them afloat, BECAME THE LEADER OF THE COLONY

Hard times- not enough food especially with 400 more mouths to feed, landed in May therefore….

Powhatan- settlers raided their food supply

“Starving Time”- winter of 1609-1610- 60 survived

the winter, resort to cannabilism


Page 5: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Jamestown- success?

-more colonists- 150 more

-1st democratic gov’t

House of Burgesses

1 gov., 6 councilors, 20 burgesses (2 from each town)

-tobacco as a cash crop

John Rolfe- Trinidad seeds and better method

Pocahontas- marries John Rolfe

-headright system

50 acres to each new colonist

-indentured servants

-first slaves imported

Think-Pair-ShareWhy is the House of Burgesses so important to the development of U.S. government?

Page 6: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

What else?Oh yeah, she died shortly thereafter of smallpox.

Page 7: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Clash with Indians

-desire for land led to conflicts

-European feelings of superiority

-no intermarriage with Indians groups

-fought wars with Powhatan Indians (There were 12,000 of them, known as Algonquian. Why?)

-Virginia becomes royal colony so that King’s Army can protect settlers

Page 8: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

First Rebellion

-Indian dispute on the frontier

Backwoods farmers vs Natives for land

-Colonists ask for protection from Virginia Gov’t, but were denied

Sir William Berekley- governor

-Nathaniel Bacon led the frontier colonists in a rebellion against the Virginia gov’t

Burned Jamestown

-showed signs of discontent with leadership

- Virginia began to support farmers and expansion

Page 9: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Religious Reasons

-Henry VIII begins the Anglican Church

-Reformers want to rid the church of all Roman Catholic traditions


wanted to purify the Church of England

individual and congregational control of religion

Page 10: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,


-Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion

-Plymouth Mass. 1620

-Mayflower Compact

set up direct democracy for the colony

-colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops



-William Bradford

Pilgrim leader

“Of Plymouth Plantation”

Page 11: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,


-Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion

-Plymouth Mass. 1620

-Mayflower Compact

set up direct democracy for the colony

-colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops



-William Bradford

Pilgrim leader

“Of Plymouth Plantation”

Page 12: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,


-Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion

-Plymouth Mass. 1620

-Mayflower Compact

set up direct democracy for the colony

-colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops



-William Bradford

Pilgrim leader

“Of Plymouth Plantation”

Page 13: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Massachusetts Bay Company


-John Winthrop

-City on a Hill

be an example to the world

-connection between church and state

-strict adherence to Puritan rules

Page 14: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Puritan Dissent

-Roger Williams

Separation of Church and State

exiled from the colony

fled and founded Providence R.I.

-Anne Hutchinson

belief in individual worship

banished in famous trial

fled to R.I.

Page 15: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Puritan Dissent

-Roger Williams

Separation of Church and State

exiled from the colony

fled and founded Providence R.I.

-Anne Hutchinson

belief in individual worship

banished in famous trial

fled to R.I.

Page 16: European Settlements -European Settlements -as European nations began to settle the New World they settled in certain areas -Spanish-- St. Augustine,

Indian Resistance

-some cooperation but short lived

-disease, land, and religion caused disputes

-Pequot War, 1637

massacre of Indians

-King Philip’s War

lots of deaths on both sides but colonists win and Indian resistance fades

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