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(Using Facebook to Win Back Your Ex!)


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Charles Uadiale

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Page 3: Facebook Tactics to Make Up by Charles Uadiale

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Page 4: Facebook Tactics to Make Up by Charles Uadiale

FACEBOOK TACTICS TO MAKE UP.(Using Facebook to Win Back Your Ex!)


You want to get your ex interested again. Maybe you two ended the relationship recently or the break up occurred months ago and you are just now becoming aware of how unique they actually were. Regardless of, you are longing to win your ex back however you have little or no idea how you will make that possible. Perhaps you have by now attempted to recapture their interest by writing them romantic poetry or sending them flowers. Evidently, those things haven't worked and you want do something different. Winning back an ex into your life really doesn't have to be difficult. With the correct approach and some careful thought you can make them see the reason you are the ideal person for them.

That is why you’re going to have to take the steps outlined in this ebook and make them your own. It is up to you to make sure you are deeply thinking. If something doesn’t quite match up to your situation, make it so.

You are holding the reigns to your relationship. I’m not; your best friend is not. It is up to you.

Let's begin by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a relationship improvement author and I

live what I preach. Unlike most “gurus” I am currently in the relationship of my dreams.

I will do whatever I can to help YOU also find your dream partner or dramatically improve your

current relationship.

Follow this workbook, to the best of your abilities, and it will greatly help you on your way!

Also, if you have received this workbook through signing up to my newsletter at

www.howtogetbackonyourex.com you can be sure that you will be receiving many more FREE

goodies as well!

Let’s Begin!

Page 5: Facebook Tactics to Make Up by Charles Uadiale

Facebook is a great way to utilize the power of SOCIAL PROOF to build instant attraction.

What is social proof and how important is it to your ability to win back your ex?

Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon

where people assume the actions of others reflect correct behavior for a given situation. This

effect is prominent in ambiguous social situations where people are unable to determine the

appropriate mode of behavior, and is driven by the assumption that surrounding people possess

more knowledge about the situation.

The effects of social influence can be seen in the tendency of large groups to conform to choices

which may be either correct or mistaken, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as herd behavior.

Although social proof reflects a rational motive to take into account the information possessed by

others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single

choice, so that decisions of even large groups of individuals may be grounded in very little

information (see information cascades).

Social proof is a type of conformity. When a person is in a situation where they are unsure of the

correct way to behave, they will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behavior.

When "we conform because we believe that other's interpretation of an ambiguous situation is

more accurate than ours and will help us choose an appropriate course of action," it is

informational social influence. This is contrasted with normative social influence wherein a

person conforms to be liked or accepted by others.

Social proof often leads not just to public compliance (conforming to the behavior of others

publicly without necessarily believing it is correct) but private acceptance (conforming out of a

genuine belief that others are correct). Social proof is more powerful when being accurate is

more important and when others are perceived as especially knowledgeable.


Did you know that every now and then your ex will check your Facebook page just to see how

you are doing without them? This may not be because your ex is still interested in you, but

because they can't help being curious. Why are they curious? Well, it is because human beings

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are social creatures, they can't help but to talk, chat and keep in touch with other people. This is

why social media such as Facebook is so popular.

Now, what if you can use that to your advantage and win your ex back? This article will show

you some of the tricks, which you can use on Facebook that will make them wonder what are

they missing out on.

Basically with Facebook you can do so much things, and if you are actively on Facebook, then

you can bet that they will eventually stumble upon something about you. It will work much

better through the magical powers of having mutual friends with your ex.

Facebook lets you keep in contact with other people. It is a perfect way to show other people a

little glimpse of your current lifestyle, even if in reality your life is not as good, your Facebook

page can make you look many times more exciting.

Now, we are going to examine various Facebook tools to help you win back your ex.


Your profile picture is the face that you show the world on Facebook. Everyone puts up their

Facebook profile picture with some sort of ulterior motive.  Whether we’re trying to tell

everyone we’re hot, or “Hey, I’m kinda chubby but I’m the funny friend”, or “yeah, maybe I’m

socially awkward but I know my way around a guitar and a love song”.

It is important to recognize the differences between what the person wants you to think and what

you are actually thinking. Learn how to make the best impression with the following tips!

If you are like most ex, then one of the reasons your ex fell out of love with you is that you

stopped doing the things that he thought were sexy about you. The shavings every other day, the

tanning, the teeth whitening, the sexy lingerie, the "everything gone" waxing, the working out

every day. Start doing these things again, and make sure he knows about it. Do everything you

can to bring up these things. These things are like magnets to your ex. It is like love potion. One

sneaky trick you can do is take some sexy shots (not nude of course), and upload them to your

Facebook. If you do not want your family to see them then make sure to set the privacy settings

to "block" certain people from seeing the pictures. Also, make sure to update your status with

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"getting waxed, everything gone, I feel like a little child", etc. After a few days of this, your ex is

going to start messaging you again, wanting to meet up.

This one is obvious. Go out a lot, and look HOT!

Don’t add or tag photos – let other people do it so it doesn’t look like you’re desperate for

attention. Feel free to comment on photos though.

If a friend tags you in photos, and they aren’t set to be private, you can be sure your ex will look

through them and wonder who all those guys hanging out with you are…

Change your profile picture and change it often. Use a picture your ex hasn’t seen that shows you

beaming and looking hot. As you change your look get new photos taken.


All ex check their ex's Facebook page multiple times per day, this is a fact. They want to see

what you're up to. If your status keeps saying "I'm sad", "I'm broken", etc, this will do nothing

but send them back to the club. Get your friends together or do this yourself. Make 5 fake

Facebook profiles and make sure to set the privacy settings so your ex can't see any info but the

picture. Make sure you update your status to say something like "had a blast last night",

"hungover", etc. I am sure you get the picture here. Your ex needs to think you aren't missing

them. Next, get your "fake men or women" as the case may be dependong on sex, if you are a

guy get women and if you are a gal get men, and then have them post to you and your friends

walls saying "you are awesome", "thanks for the night of my life", etc. This will get your ex

wanting you back bad.

So the basic message you want your status to convey is, “I’m having a great time.

I’m not destroyed by the breakup. I’m interested in life and I can be lighthearted. The breakup

was just water off a duck's back.”

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However, don’t be boring. What does that mean? Don’t update your Facebook status every ten

minutes, and don’t comment on other people’s statuses 30 times in a day—once or twice is fine,

but don’t overdo it.

THE WALLSPimp your wall, if your wall or profile isn't looking too great it helps to improve it a bit. Start

commenting on more people's walls and update your status regularly, make sure that you

mention anything exciting that you've recently done. It helps to get a lot of people commenting

on your wall. This shows that you are actively being social and thus, your ex will see you as

having a bit more value

Have more of the opposite sex posting on your wall. When a girl sees a guy with a lot of girls, it

indicates to her that this guy must have something really good going for him. The same applies

when a guy sees a girl with a lot of guys. Why else would your ex be surrounded by other guys

or girls, encourage guys or girls to post a comment on your page by posting male or female

related topics respectively, such as an interesting book, tv show, clothing etc

I am willing to bet that there were some things that your ex loves and is passionate about that

you didn't like. Whether it was cars, basketball, hunting, fishing, golf, motorcycles, or something

else, he liked it, and you didn't. Well, here is where you will sense a real sense of power. Start

becoming a fan of all of the things your ex is. If you want your ex back, then start to honestly

become interested in their interests. Talk about the game, the cars, the golf tournament, etc.

Update your status with, "watching the game with a bunch of friends, awesome."

If your ex writes on your wall, reply with a direct message. Try to keep your initial

conversations with you ex private.

RELATIONSHIP STATUSThis may surprise you: Don’t change your relationship status. Now you might be thinking,

“What??? Why shouldn’t I change my relationship status?”

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Your first inclination might be to change your status from “in a relationship” to “single.” Don’t

do it! When you change your relationship status to single, you attract attention, which can be a

bit embarrassing. Do you really want everyone in the world to be asking about your breakup?

The first error that people make after they've broken up with someone is to change their

relationship status to "single" then to "it's complicated" then to nothing at all, etc. This can be

compared to a cry for help, it's attention seeking behavior. It's needy, and it's too much

information. What happens is you will send the wrong message to your ex, and you'll appear

slightly obsessed and unstable, even if you had your best intentions or were just 'playing around'

with your status.

Here’s what you do instead: Just remove your relationship status from the items that are

displayed on your info. In other words, you won’t be revealing your relationship status AT ALL.

What this does is to add an element of mystery. If you are looking at someone’s info and there’s

no relationship status displayed, you don’t really know what’s going on with them. What you

want to do is to arouse the curiosity of your ex the next time they look over your profile and

make him or her wonder, “What’s going on here?” If you change your status to “single,” it may

feel like you have accepted “defeat” and you are acknowledging the total demise of your

relationship. By keeping your status to yourself, you take back some of the power you may feel

you lost during the breakup.

So don’t change your relationship status. Instead delete it altogether.


The number of friends you have on your facebook profile shows more than how "popular" you


Its how many friends you CONTINUE to make after the break up that makes the difference.

If your ex sees that your are adding new friends consistently, they are going to get curious and

wonder about you.

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Let your ex wonder:

Who are these people?

What is he or she doing now?

Have he or she forgotten about me already?

Wasn’t I significant enough?

All things that will freak your ex out!

The best way to do this is to become more socially active and put in an effort to invite people as

friends on facebook.

Could be a bit of work at first, but remember the more crowds that are gathered around you, the

easier it will be to attract more.

Get friendly. Expand your friend list. Friend everyone you meet.


This is the most powerful step you will take. Untag your ex from any photos.

Now why do you want to do this?

Some people will recommend untagging your ex because you are pissed off and spiteful and you

just want your ex to know that. I don’t think that is a good idea, because that type of energy just

generates a reciprocal negative energy. Untagging your ex because you are spiteful, angry, or

jealous isn’t going to help you in any way.

The reason you want to do this is because, now that your ex has left you, the relationship is over.

Period. Untagging shows that you are resigned to the fact that the relationship is over.

In The Magic Of Making Up, you learn that you are not going to start your previous relationship

back up, because that relationship no longer exists. What we teach you is how to create a NEW

relationship, one that is actually better and more satisfying.

So you untag your ex because leaving him or her tagged looks like you are still hanging on, still

hoping that things will work out, still clinging to the past.

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What you want to show instead is that you are mature, poised, and confident, and that you are

saying “I’m okay with this, this is over.” You show this attitude through your actions rather than

your words. Remember that people believe what we do more than what we say. Untagging is an

action that shows you are beginning to move on and therefore making yourself more attractive.

Some of you may ask, “How can the fact that I’ve moved on make my ex want me?

That would just make my ex think things are really over and he or she should move on, too.”

Here is the answer to that. Does thinking that your ex has moved on make you give up on the

relationship? No. It makes you want your ex even more, doesn’t it?

When you think your ex has moved on, it makes you want to fight to regain his or her love.

Similarly, the worry that you will soon be unattainable can be a powerful motivator for your ex

to reconsider the breakup.

Because we want what we cannot have. Untag your ex so that you show you are moving on and

giving your ex the opportunity to remember how much he or she wanted you and how badly it

would hurt to lose you forever.

These are the what-NOT to-do if you are going to have a chance to win back your ex.




There is nothing worse than clinging on to an ex and telling them how much you need them. You

couldn't make things much worse. If you start to come off as some kind of immature person who

can't stand on their own two feet with some self-respect this is only going to make you look bad.

You need to appear fine with the decision and even aloof. This is a good way to start to get your

ex back. Seeming like an emotionally needy person at this time will put too much pressure on

your ex to support you when they will want time to think about their own needs.


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This would be a disaster just after a break-up. However genuine your emotions might be, please

do all you can to avoid this as it will only have a negative impact and you will not get your ex

back this way. It will cause further strain as you appear to have completely given up and will be

a serious emotional burden for your partner in the future.


Understandably you are focused on how to win your ex back. Ignoring yourself isn't healthy

though. This is something that I've learned. You need to take care of yourself even if it's hard at

the time. Keep busy, distract yourself and eat healthy and exercise. How to get my ex back

involves taking some of that time for you.


This will be the height of frustration. And the moment you call or text them, you have put

yourself into a defeating position. Your ex immediately gets the upper hand; they will be able to

dictate their terms, and even if you get back together again, you will not be happy for long. So,

break all communication with them, even through the Internet. You both need your space for

some time.


A lot of people write about their breakups on their blogs. Some even start blogs just to write

about their breakup. After all, a breakup does give you a lot of free time, doesn't it? But, never

commit this mistake. You should not mention your breakup on any public portal, even if you are

doing it just to show the brighter side of your breakup. If you do that, the immediate impression

you are creating is that the breakup matters to you-at least as much as to merit a blog. Again, you

are giving your ex the upper hand by doing so.


Another big mistake is to get into a rebound relationship. If you want to get your ex back, this is

certainly not the way to do it. If you get into a rebound relationship, you are sealing your exit

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route right then and there. You are telling the world-"Stay away from me now; I have someone

else." Your ex is definitely not going to consider you after that.

Most important, your ex gets the picture of who you are and it’s strikingly different than the one

he or she left behind. With the Facebook strategy you can become freshly attractive to your ex,

and that’s the first step in your quest to get back together.

You can get your ex back with a Facebook strategy, but it’s only the beginning. You’ll need a

solid plan with proven steps to follow to ensure you don’t blow your one-time opportunity.

Overall though, Facebook is simply a tool to get the communication flowing and to show your ex

with social proof that you are doing something to change!

Change is good if your ex left because you are not making him happy anymore.

Of course, make sure to read The Magic Of Making Up for the complete course of action, as

doing this ALONE may not get you far.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!You have just taken the very first step toward winning back your ex. Now you must take the

final step and take action on your thoughts and ideas. Immediately begin taking action on at least

one of the great ideas you came up with through working through this workbook.

I wish you the best of luck in having the relationship of your dreams! You are now one step

closer to doing just that!

Are you prepared for what to do and say once your ex's attention is focused on you once again?

If you aren't prepared, and you make mistakes, you significantly reduce the chances of getting

back together, so to grab yourself a copy of The Magic Of Making Up:

-->> CLICK HERE <<--

Thanks for reading!

To your relationship success,

Charles Uadiale

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