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Page 1: FBC Lubbock Connect - August/September 2015

Love your neighbor...

Invite your neighbor

1231...the transformation continues

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1231 FALL KICKOFFWith the approaching start of a new Sunday School year, never have I been more excited and filled with a sense of anticipation. Our incredible staff has been prayerfully and strategically planning as to how we might most effectively use the resources and giftedness of our church to be a formidable presence in this world and for His Kingdom. The crest of the ministry wave that we have been riding this summer offers us tremendous momentum leading into the Fall kickoff. The Lord has brought transformation to the lives of many this summer, and a rich diversity of giftedness has been added to the life and ministries of our church. As we daily seek to be the presence of Christ, and to love our neighbor as ourselves, with both passion and compassion, we must continue to engage those outside the faith, mend the broken, disciple the immature, and draw them into the body of Christ. If loving our neighbors as ourselves means anything, it means we do not leave them to themselves to walk alone in their aimlessness, pain, brokenness, and confusion. We must encourage and love them into the body of Christ; the life of the church.

In a post-church/post-denominational culture, one of the many things lost, even among those who grew up in church, is an understanding of the importance of membership and engagement in the local church. For those who did not grow up in church, there is an unfamiliarity that raises enough questions to keep them away: “Do I have to get baptized?” “Do they expect me to give money?” “Is my unbelieving husband/wife welcome to attend church and Sunday School?” “Will I be asked to serve?” My experience has been that as we develop relationships with those outside the church, walk with them in the transforming discovery of God’s grace, love, mercy, and forgiveness, such issues are easily addressed and resolved. As always, what is more compelling than quick answers and compelling arguments is our commitment as the church to be the presence of Christ in the world, at all times and in all places, and to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Just this past week, from a copy of a letter forwarded to me, I was reminded of the power and impact of God’s people being the church. It was from a young lady that has become a member of our church in the past year. Wounded by pain and heartache, she began attending our services; providentially setting her life on a path of restoration and renewal. I want to share with you a few excerpts of the words she penned to her Sunday School class:

“I want you to know that I love each of your dearly. God knew his plans for me when I started attending church at FBC. In the beginning, I would talk to no one, afraid I might be judged or rejected. I know at a church this should never happen, but I had those fears. I finally decided to take a stand in church, and I joined one Sunday. But as we always know, God pushes us to give more than just be a member. I was nervous to join a Sunday school class because I hadn’t been in many many years. I met all of you one by one and received love, acceptance, encouragement, and above all, a passion to honor Christ and make Him first in our lives. You each may never know the impact you have had on me during the storm. Needless to say you know my marriage didn’t last, even though I begged God to repair it. But what He did do was repair me, and gave me a whole new family to love and cherish and grow with. He gave me blessings called [Here she lists the first names of every lady in her class]. I hope I didn’t

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Bobby DagnelPastor

forget anyone lol. You have each given me strength to make it through. My sister always tells me that God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers. But God also gives us friendships, love, and people in our lives to help face those battles. So I want to thank each one of you; I know my battles are far from over, and I am sure I will go through many more, but how amazing it is to know that each of you are there for me, praying for me and each other. I pray for all of you as well, and not a day goes by in my week when one of you is not on my mind or heart. I love you all and always remember we are never alone.”

Two of her comments caught my eye. First, while praying earnestly for a repaired marriage, God was, instead, repairing her. It is one of the richest discoveries of a life devoted to prayer; that it doesn’t necessarily change things as much as it changes us. And when we are changed, it changes everything. Secondly, did you notice her LOL (Laugh Out Loud). When I first met her six months ago there was no laughter; only tears and a desperate desire to find something more than the pain of her circumstances. Knowing where she was then and seeing where she is now, my mind immediately recalled the words of the psalmist: “Weeping may be for the night, but joy comes in the morning” (Ps.30:5).

While reading the full letter this past week, I confess that a lump formed in my throat and tears filled my eyes. Part of this was, yes, for the degree of pain and heartache that this young lady has already experienced and endured at such a young age. Yet, my heart was also filled with a mixture of pure joy, for the faithfulness of God’s provision and the transforming work of restoration that is being accomplished in her life, and the inspiration of a class that is exemplifying the presence of Christ; daily bearing one another’s burdens and offering the promise of hope for a better tomorrow. I have intentionally left out the name of the class, the names of the members of the class, and the name of the teacher. It’s because a letter just like this one could have just as easily been from someone in your class, and about the ministry your class has performed. These type of letters are a frequent occurrence across my desk throughout the year. They bear record of those who are continually drawn into the fold and comforted, strengthened, and inspired by others in the faith community to continue forward in the journey of faith.

The greatest argument for being a member of a church is the body of Christ. This was the argument of Paul in 1 Corinthians. The church is like a body, and we are members of the body. Arms, legs, and other body parts do not exist on their own but only as they are connected to the body. Joining, belonging, and functioning with a body depicts the very connectedness necessary for the body of Christ to function.

Let us keep up the 1231 spirit - loving our neighbors as ourselves. They need you. They need us. They need not stand alone. We are wounded healers pointing the way to the One who binds up our wounds.

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Ken DraughonAssociate Pastor for Music & Worship

This summer our family headed to the southeast to visit family, look at possible colleges for our sons, etc. One of the stops on our journey was visiting my brother who has recently moved to North Carolina. He and his wife have a house that sits in the middle of expansive beauty: mountain peaks, lush HUGE trees, wildlife galore (turkeys, elk, chipmunks, etc.). Their home is situated in an area that borders the Pisgah National Forest, The Great Smoky Mountain National Forest, and is near the famed Blue Ridge Parkway! If you have ever been to that part of the world, it is redundant for me to say how breathtakingly beautiful it is! As we sat on my brother’s porch, I was reminded of these words from the very familiar hymn “How Great Thou Art”:

When through the woods and forest glades I wanderAnd hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;When I look down from lofty mountain grandeurAnd hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze; Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee; How great Thou art!How great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;How great Thou art! How great Thou art!

Interestingly, in the midst of this beauty, that with all creation shouts praise to our God, was born a phenomenon known as “talking leaves.” This idea of the “talking leaves” came from the most famous of the Cherokee Indians (who were the “original” settlers in the North Carolina mountains), Sequoyah. He was devoted to helping the Cherokee have a form of written communication that would rival what he had witnessed in his dealings with the white man (about 1821). He had seen the power (and clarity) of written communication between the white man and longed for something similar for his own people. He described to them (in Cherokee, of course) that the “white man spoke by looking at inky squibbles on white paper: talking leaves” (paper made from trees, as we well know). Len Sweet reminds us that

Each one of us is a “talking leaf,” an organic image of God, created by the Rock of Ages. Just as no two leaves are the same, no two slips of paper are the same. Each one of us is a “fifth Gospel.” There are the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and you. We each continue the Jesus story on the pages of our own lives as the gospel becomes “my gospel” and then “our gospel” until it finally becomes the special edition “fifth Gospel,” even perhaps a “third Testament” the gospel translated into our lives and written between the lines on the pages of Scripture.1

Though we can’t always “see” ourselves as “talking leaves” or recognize the possible impact of our lives on others (after all, we aren’t mountainous creations), let’s be mindful that we may be the only gospel some ever read, the only Jesus some ever see. Just imagine that as we continue to be transformed into 168 worshipers (everything we do, think, and say is worship, 168 hours each week), that the people God brings across our path will see and hear Jesus and would respond in praise and devotion to Him! O Lord, let it be!1Len Sweet, The Well-Played Life: Why Pleasing God Doesn’t Have to Be Such Hard Work (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, 2014), 160.

Talking Leaves

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John SchaffnerAssociate Pastor for University Life

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Most of us spend the vast majority of our lives living on mission locally, in our Jerusalem. We do this by being aware of the opportunities to shine the light and share the love of Christ in the daily routines of ordinary life.

However, there are occasional opportunities to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission globally, when we get the privilege of taking the gospel to “the ends of the earth.” I recently participated in this kind of trip as our church sent a mission team of 9 to East Asia. We travelled over 30 hours to reach our destination, which was around 8,000 miles!

We went with the International World Changers, which is a branch of the International Mission Board (IMB). We partnered with other teams from Virginia, Mississippi, Hong Kong, and Singapore to host an American culture camp for 217 middle school students.

We spent the week teaching American Football in the mornings and American culture in the afternoons. Most of the students had never seen a football before and had never heard the gospel. We used our holidays as the curriculum, and Valentines Days, Christmas, and Easter became great opportunities to share the gospel, with the Bible as our textbook. We were in an area that is deeply rooted in Buddhism, and people have little to no access to the gospel. The people there know as much about Christianity as the average American knows about Buddhism. What an amazing privilege to be the first to share the gospel with these students! We were some of the first Christians many of them had ever met and could very well be the last Christians some of them will ever meet.

I am so proud of our team; they represented Christ and our church well as we persevered through very hot and humid temperatures, jet lag, cultural differences, language barriers, and different food. Looking back on our trip, I can say with confidence - Mission accomplished! We travelled to the other side of the world and got to share Christ with those that have never heard. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” We presented the gospel and in doing so unleashed the “power of God that brings salvation.” My prayer has been that what we did and said in our own power has already been forgotten, but what we did and said in the power of God will never be forgotten, and will take root

and bear much fruit.

Thanks for being a part of this trip through your prayers and your faithful giving.


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FBC Lubbock continues to provide opportunities for our church family to use as entry points for missional living. Maybe this whole concept of missional living is still foreign to you. Maybe FBC has not provided the right opportunity for you to use as your entry point. The goal is for us as Christ followers to live a life on mission every day without the church providing the opportunities. However, you have to start somewhere.

Do you still see mission opportunities as something that someone else does? Missional Living is not a choice that is up to us if we are going to be genuine Christ followers. When you love your neighbor as your self, are you willing to serve them? What keeps you from serving others? Is it fear, or selfishness? Give it a try; it may transform you as you see others transformed.

Evening Mentoring Opportunity

Kid’s Hope USA, our mentoring program at Dupre Elementary, is a great opportunity for you to engage as a mentor during the day, and we are still seeking mentors for this great ministry. Maybe you can’t mentor during the day because your work schedule does not allow it. We have a NEW OPPORTUNITY to mentor in the EVENINGS. This fall on Wednesday evenings, FBC Lubbock is mentoring at Lubbock Impact.

What does a Lubbock Impact Mentor do?1. Commit to meet with your mentee every Wednesday at 5:30pm for a meal provided by Lubbock Impact (all mentoring will be done at Lubbock Impact)2. Prepare (material provided) for a short Bible study with your mentee3. Play games4. Assist with homework5. General conversation6. Crafts

Jerry RamirezMinister to Missions and Buckner Initiatives

When does the mentoring program begin at Lubbock Impact? - Wednesday, September 9th

When does the mentoring program conclude? - This is a year-round commitment that will coincide with the LISD school calendar. - The last mentoring date for the Fall Semester will be December 2nd. - Spring Semester mentoring will begin January 27, 2016.

Contact the Global Missions Office at 806-747-8153 for more information.

FBC Lubbock is collecting school supplies - donations of supplies can be placed in the bins located at the main entrance of the Activities Building and next to the business office.

Items needed: Back packs - no rollersEarbudsKleenex boxesNotebook paper (wide rule)Crayons - 24 countPocket folders with bradsDisinfectant wipes2” 3-ring bindersGlues sticksGlue bottlesMarkers - dry erase (black or blue)MarkersWashable markersPointed scissorsPencils (#2, not mechanical)Map colorsPink erasersZipper pouchScissorsComposition notebooks1” 3-ring bindersPlastic boxesPocket foldersSpiral notebooksYellow highlighters

Dates to Remember:Dupre Fall Festival - Friday, October 30th

FBC Christmas Store - Sunday, December 13th

A Life Transformed = Missional Living

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Kids Hope USA - Making a Difference: One Child, One Hour, One

Church, One School at a Time...

Kids Hope USA mentors from First Baptist Church have mentored over 4300 hours at Dupre Elementary through our Kids Hope USA program, but, we need you! There are still children waiting to be mentored.

What is Kids Hope USA?Kids Hope USA is a mentoring partnership between First Baptist Church and Dupre Elementary. Mentors meet with their student during school hours at Dupre Elementary for one hour each week. By mentoring elementary students, you can provide support during a critical time in their lives: when values are formed, self-esteem is developed, and when academic and problem solving skills are acquired. Our motto is: One Child, One Hour, One Church, One School

ONE CHILDYou can do something real in the life of a child at Dupre: you can be a caring adult who faithfully shows up each week to say, “I care about you. I am here for you.” When Kids Hope USA children ask their mentors, “How many other children do you see at my school?” mentors say, “I’m here just for you.” When kids feel loved and valued, they are more able to learn, grow, and succeed.

ONE HOURFor one hour each week, a trained mentor meets with a child and helps him or her acquire basic academic skills. This time is often spent doing school work, reading, playing games, or just talking and creating a relationship. Interested? Pick the time that works for your schedule each week, and we will match you with a child who is available during the same time. All mentoring takes place during the school day at the Dupre Elementary campus. How much is an hour worth? One educator seems to think an hour is worth a lot. “Given the choice between $100,000 for instructional material or the love of Kids Hope USA mentors,” she says, “I would choose the love.” One hour a week, every week, is the most important hour many of these kids have.

ONE CHURCHFirst Baptist Lubbock provides Dupre Elementary with trained mentors and a behind-the-scenes prayer partner for each child. Many church members today have a deep longing to do something real, to make a real difference. Kids Hope USA creates a meaningful, sustainable partnership with Dupre Elementary. Mentoring with Kids Hope USA allows you to put your faith into action! Because of our relationship with Dupre, our church also has events throughout the year that benefit Dupre. Some of these events include: teacher appreciation lunches, special staff treats each month, Fall Fun Fest, Easter Fun Fest, and Cool Kids Camp.

ONE SCHOOLOur schools need help. Dupre Elementary recognizes Kids Hope USA mentors as an effective, proven intervention in the lives of their children. One-on-one relationships fostered by Kids Hope USA mentors restore self-confidence and encourage academic excellence in their school. What Dupre teachers say about our Kids Hope USA program:• “The one-on-one help is encouraging.”• “Thank you for all the mentors do to help our students. They

gain self-confidence because of your help.”• “He doesn’t cry about coming to school anymore.”• “Having support from an adult who is only focused on him is

very helpful.”• “She looked forward to seeing her mentor weekly. She has

more confidence in her academics.”

If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Jennifer Crews ([email protected] or 806-928-7414). We are in need of mentors, substitute mentors, prayer partners, and people to help with events/teacher appreciation. YOU could be the one to make a difference in the life of a child.

Jennifer CrewsDirector of KIDS HOPE USA

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AUG 23 @ 9:30AM


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Our first Preteen Night Out for the fall will be September

25th from 6:30–10:30 pm. This event is for 4th and 5th grade.

Reservations are required and can be made by signing up

online here: https://firstlubbock.wufoo.com/forms/kids-


If you need help with your registration, feel free to stop by

the Preschool Hallway where we have a computer set up

for you to use.

Sunday, October 18th from 9:30-10:45am. For families with children ages Birth through 5th grade. Come join us for breakfast and family-centered activities

and a Bible lesson. Watch for more information soon.

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Our first Kids Night Out for the fall will be September 25th from 6:30–10:30 pm. This event is for birth through 3rd grade. Reservations are required and can be made by signing up online here: https://firstlubbock.wufoo.com/forms/kids-night-out-registration/If you need help with your registration, feel free to stop by the Preschool Hallway where we have a computer set up for you to use.

In September, we will begin our

T2Moms Bible Study again! This will

be our second year to gather MOMS of

any age and any stage! Whether you

are dealing with a new baby, or facing

the teen years, this time to gather

each week is a blessing. Lessons

are DVD-driven, and small group

discussions follow. No “homework”

at all, but you have the option of

going deeper each week through the

Mom2Mom book we use. Children

birth through Pre-K are cared for and

taught a Bible lesson while you are

with us. This is a time you don’t want

to miss!

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As we ready for school, my prayer and hope is that students would find community and comfort with our Youth Group, for I had grown my faith through this ministry. I was a middle schooler trying to find a purpose in a world that seemed so large, and God had blessed me with a youth group that cared and helped me grow into a devoted disciple of Christ. I followed the path He gave me, and now I have the opportunity to be a youth intern and help lead the youth group I was once a student in. I always pray that parents bring their kids to this ministry so they can experience a sense of community and grow as followers of Christ as I have, as well as so many before me.

“In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be...”

Romans 12:4-5 (MSG)

Kavan IngramStudent Ministry Intern

Full Circle

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Ways You Can Servein the Preschool Ministry

Sunday MorningsWe have a place for you during the 9:30 Sunday School hour! Hold, sing to, and pray over babies, or help toddlers navigate puzzles and share Bible stories. Plant seeds in little hearts as you tell older preschoolers stories from God’s Word each and every week through age-appropriate games, crafts, and activities that make the lesson take deep root in their hearts. Lessons are planned and easy to follow, and the time you spend with the children is priceless. Come join our team!Contact Juli Springer [email protected], Meredith Poe [email protected], or Elisa Oglesby [email protected]

IGNITE - Wednesday EveningsDuring our mid-week time with the kids, we will be focusing on Missions and Missionaries! Each month, the kids will learn about people on mission and where they live and how they share Jesus around the world. Come join us for some fun cultural lessons!

Family DedicationWe offer Family Dedication each April and October. If you are interested in being part of the October family dedication, you will need to attend one of the two-hour classes that will be offered in September and October. To sign up for the classes, please contact Juli Springer ([email protected]). The Classes will be offered Sunday, September 27th from 5:00pm-7:00pm and Sunday, October 4th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. Please contact Juli with any questions you have regarding these classes. The actual dedication will be October 25th during the 11:00am service.

ABC Scripture BooksThis August will be our second year to give outgoing preschoolers and their parents a special gift as they move into the world of elementary school and enter kindergarten. We make ABC Scripture Books - a verse for each letter of the alphabet - as a tool in the parents’ hands to teach God’s word in the home in a fun and unique way.

“We love hanging our verse cards in the kitchen on a hook because we see them all the time. We remember to go over them as a family. Mailey received this gift last year, but it has also helped her older siblings, Makenna and Tracen. We flip through them easily and find one for what we seem to be needing at the time. This summer, we chose the “B” verse - ‘Be kind to one another and build each other up.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Thank you for this wonderful gift of truth!”

- Tyson & Melissa Williams

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Ask anyone who attended (or volunteered with) Cool Kids Camp, and they can easily explain what transformation is. This year, we used scientific principles to teach the kids “God’s Plan for Us.” On Thursday, they made elephant toothpaste in their Science Lab to learn about “transformation.” The kids added something new (yeast & dish soap) to something that already existed (an empty bottle with hydrogen peroxide). The reaction was elephant toothpaste...oodles and oodles of a foamy mess oozing out of the bottle. The kids quickly understood that when Jesus is added to our lives, we become something new! I’ve never seen children better grasp what becoming a Christian truly means. To all our volunteers, staff, and church family- we did make an eternal difference in these children’s lives!!!

What it takes for an awesome week at Cool Kids Camp:

Doors were open from 7:30am-5:15pm, Monday through FridayMornings = Concerts, Science Experiments, Bible Truths, Crafts, and GamesAfternoon Fieldtrips = Blazing Bouncers, Adrenaline City, and Lubbock Water RampageOn Campus Fun = Wednesday’s Carnival & Friday’s Drive-In Movie

204 kids attended:• 83 were from families outside our church • 3 of those families are now involved in our summer activities

We had over 85 volunteers:• 42 adults in classrooms• 36 youth in classrooms and on the Rec team• 7 adults in charge of snacks, registration, check-out, and set-up

TRANSFORMATION = Elephant Toothpaste

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This was my second year to help in a classroom at Cool Kids Camp. I have really enjoyed both years. In the past I have found myself having reasons why I could not participate in different overseas mission trips: the timing, the cost, what I would do with our children for the week, or what I would do if I saw a snake or large rat! I never really considered CKC being a mission trip for me until mid-week this year! It’s my Mission Trip all the way to Broadway and Ave V, in Lubbock, TX. Guess what...the timing and cost were just right, our children could go with me, and I NEVER once had to deal with the fear of seeing a snake or rat! It was pretty perfect! I still had the physical, mental, and spiritual exhaustion that I have heard my friends speak of after their overseas trips. I still find myself looking at the sweet craft one of the girls in our 3rd grade class made for me. It is sitting on my desk to remind me to pray for her and the others in our class. I wonder what she is doing, and I’m hoping she is having a good, safe summer. I’m hoping that she is still growing spiritually from her week at CKC. God is not super specific when He says, ''Go’’, He simply wants you to GO and share His love with others. I have been so blessed by my past two years at Cool Kids Camp! - Amy Harlien

When my son was 10 years old, my wife’s cousin was going to be assisting with First Baptist Church’s Vacation Bible School and asked if she could take my son, Landon, along.

I feel like it is important to mention my son had a rough start to his life and was one of the angriest, argumentative, and temperamental children I’ve come across.

On the first day of VBS, however, Landon came home beyond excited about what he had learned and also the Bible he had been given. It seemed each day afterwards he could not wait to share everything he’d been taught. At the end of the week, there was a closing hamburger lunch scheduled for parents to attend as well. My wife and I had taken off work to attend this lunch, and when we arrived, we saw my wife’s cousin walking with Landon, both emotional and in tears. She urged Landon to “tell them the good news”. Landon proceeded to share with us, “I asked Jesus to be my Savior and I’m going to be baptized.”

A couple of weeks later, we took Landon back to First Baptist Church where he was baptized. July 1, 2001. From that moment on, even at such a young age, he was a completely different child and one of the easiest to raise. He made every effort to base his life decisions - from who his friends were, what language he used, to how he carried himself, to what places he chose to go or not go - on what God would want him to do. And to this day, he is a 24-year-old man with a thriving career in the US Navy who still bases his decisions on what God would have him do.

There have been many others who have taken interest in my son and come alongside us to help “train him in the way he should go”, but I will always be grateful to First Baptist Church Lubbock and its members for their integral part.

- Jeff

What a wonderful way to start our summer. Thanks to the many of you who volunteered and made our Cool Kids Camp a great success. Because of your willingness and selflessness, children’s lives were transformed! Church family, as you see those that volunteered, be sure to thank them for us, and pray about how you can be a part of Cool Kids Camp next year.

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Christen FairRoselee FairCarter King

Courtney MillerSarah RadloffJohn ReyesAbbie RoseBrady Scott

Trevor Waldmann

Joined by Baptism or Profession of Faith



August 5baked ham, sweet potatoes, black-eyed peas, salad bar, corn bread, cake

August 12grilled chicken breast, macaroni and cheese, salad bar, dark rolls, cherry dessert

August 19chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, dark rolls, salad bar, chocolate cake

August 26chicken lasagna, broccoli, dinner rolls, salad bar, banana cake

New Members

Elliott Rogers, daughter of David and Jenni Rogers, born June 2015. Welcomed home by sister Peyton and brother Tripp.

Evelyn Barrick, daughter of Brad and Jessica Barrick, born June 2015. Welcomed home by sisters Addison, Emmaline, and Lillian.

Hank Amundson, son of Ryan and Abilou Amundson, born June 2015.

Abram Swofford, son of Andrew and Lisa Swofford, born July 2015.

Please let us know if you are expecting a new little one in your family. We want to make sure their first time to come to Sunday School is a wonderful experience for the entire family.

New Babies

(Most recent giving)Budget Required YTD .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,352,538.08Budget Received YTD .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,305,989.23Landmark 2005 Received YTD .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,712.00

Global Impact Offering GOAL: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $172,450.00Global Impact Missions Received YTD: . . . . . . . . . $38,684.68

Phyllis BeasleyStephen BeasleyCraig GodfreyLatrice GodfreyPatsy SammonsDanielle SprolesJustin Sproles

Joined by Letter or Statement of Faith

Current Budget

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Sunday China Mission Trip Report6:00pm in the Chapel


Final Super Soaked Summer Spectacular


50+ Adult Game Day3:00pm in Lowrie Hall


Preschool Splash Day9:00am to noon in the Church Park


Leadership Training4:00-7:00pm


Preschool Ice Cream Partyat Holly Hop Ice Cream Shop

23Sunday Promotion Sunday

Nine30 Kick-Off (see pg. 8)Sunday Evening in the Park


Preschool Teacher Luncheon


IGNITE Kick-Off (see pg. 8)


50+ Adult Game Day3:00pm in Lowrie Hall


Jump! Begins

25Friday Kids Night Out (see pg. 8)

Preteen Night Out (see pg. 8)

27Sunday Student Ministry Preview Luncheon

Family Dedication Class5:00-7:00pm (see pg. 11)


IGNITE Theme Night: Mustache


Family Dedication Class5:00-7:00pm (see pg. 11)


Women’s Fall Retreat to Santa Fe


Sunday School Inside Outin the FBC Park (see pg. 8)

23Friday Kids Night Out (see pg. 8)

Preteen Night Out (see pg. 8)


Dad & Kid Campout (see pg. 8)


Family Dedication (see pg. 11)


Dupre Fall Festival



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as 7


August2 China Mission Trip Report16 Leadership Training23 Promotion Sunday Sunday Evening in the Park

Mark Your CalendarsChurch-Wide Dates

September2 IGNITE Kick-off13 Jump! Begins25 Kids Night Out Preteen Night Out27 Family Dedication Class

October4 Family Dedication Class23 Kids Night Out Preteen Night Out23-24 Dad & Kid Campout25 Family Dedication30 Dupre Fall Festival

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