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    WdWdVol. 8, No. 24 www.ossekeag.ca February 14, 2012

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    RAVINGSBy Mike Hickey

    BLANKSo what do you do when your mind is just a blank and it is

    time to write a Ravings!!! A number of things are going onbut are still a little too fresh at this point to write about. eyneed to simmer and stew a bit before serving up to the publicMany years ago (nine maybe) I was able to use a brilliant articleby an Australian writer on how to get your adult children tomove out of the house. It was very witty and funny as heck!!!Unfortunately, getting good substitute writers to ll in for you ispretty hard to do. at Musings lady has oered to ll in fromtime to time, but I wouldnt want her stu printed anywhere. So... out of desperation I called upon my best friend to see if hemight be able to help me out and being the good boy that he is he said WOOF!!! So here he is!!Hi there, my name is e Jet, and I belong to a wonderful man

    called Mikie. I also live with a strange little old lady, who hasthis even stranger liking for three fat creatures that I have toshare the house with. Mikie is my best friend cause he doesntlike those fat creatures either!! Mikie is so wonderful because ..Hey thats not a full dish ... You got to put more food in therethan that!!! You could stand to lose a few pounds yourself!!If he wasnt my best friend, why, I would gladly chew his leg oEven when they are on a diet, the fat creatures get three meals aday and I only ever get two!! What about that, big shot friend??

    Although, Mikie is a real tight wad with the kibble, he doesregularly take me for walks in the woods. I love walking in thewoods!! Hey slow poke ... why are you stopping and just lookingat trees?? I have squirrels to chase and I cant just hang aroundin one place while you snooze!! Id just leave and go o on

    my own, but the coyotes might get him. More importantly, thecoyotes might get ME!! e kibble police can look aer himself!e other nice thing about Mikie is that in the winter time he

    likes to light res. Dont worry ... if the kibble doesnt improvethe Fire Marshall is denitely getting a call. I just love sittingright in front of the stove with a blazing re going. I am so happythat I even let one of the fat creatures share some of the spaceHey Mikie ... the re is dying down ... get over here!!My best friend Mikie would be just about perfect if it wasnt for

    the Strange Lady and the Fat Creatures!!!anks Jet. e end!! 800

    Your Community Connection

    Tel: (506) 832-5613 Fax: (506) 832-3353 email: [email protected] www.ossekeag.ca


    Locally Owned & Operated by Debbie & Mike Hickey

    242 Main St. Hampton, NB E5N 5L9

    Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

    West Branch Library621 Fairville Blvd.

    Tue., Fri. & Sat. 9am-5pmWed. & Thur. 9am-8:30pm,

    For your convenience youcan drop off ads and editorial

    at the following locations;

    payment by cheque

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    Published BiWeeklyNext Issue: February 28

    Deadline: February 21

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    Attend Tampa Bay Lightening vs Ottawa Senators hockey game March 6th

    $650.00 Double Occupancy *Taxes Included. Transportation on a

    Deluxe Motorcoach, Hotel Accommodations plus full Buffet Breakfasts at

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    and theme park tickets not included in tour price). Guarantee your seat

    with $100.00 Deposit. Payment in full by February 21, 2012.

    Call Carolyn at 506-696-2678 for more details or to book your seat.

    March Break Escape 2012 ORLANDO FLORIDA With

    MARCH 2nd to MARCH 11th, 2012

    FREE PUBLIC PRESENAIONFree public presentation with Professor Eli Diamond of Halifax:Is Faith Important on Todays University Campus will be heldon Monday, February 20that 4:30pm in the UNB Saint John,Hazen Hall lecture theatre.is presentation is being hosted by interfaith Campus Ministry.

    Reception to follow. All welcome. 601

    ON HE COVER.O.P.S. DONAIONLocal TOPS group sold tickets on a basket and $500 fromthe fundraiser went to the Chicken Noodle Club, to help feedchildren in the Saint John and surrounding areas by giving thema good meal for the day. 723

    Photo: Carol Green, TOPS leader 5242 presents the cheque toDonnie Snook, Paige Giggy-Smith and Brandon Garnett.

    LOCAL .O.P.S. CHAPERSTOPS Club, Inc., an international weight-loss support group

    (Take O Pounds Sensibly), town to help residents of Saint Johnrealize a healthier lifestyle, has regular meetings held locallyat: NB5248, Carleton Kirk West Saint John (Monday evenings,weigh in at 6:00 and meeting 6:30pm); NB5247 Crescent Valleyin Saint John North (Carleton Kirk, 55 MacLaren Blvd., ursdayevenings with weigh in at 6:00 and meeting at 6:30pm); and inMillidgeville (Seventh Day Adventist Church, 509 WoodwardAvenue with weigh-in from 6:00-6:03, meeting 6:30-7:30pm)

    Your rst meeting is always free! For information on a chapternear you please contact Donna or John Buckley at [email protected] or call 849-0550. 727

    SJ WINE FAIRe Saint John Wine Fair will be held on

    Saturday, February 25th

    at the Saint John Trade& Convention Centre. Sip, socialize and support agreat cause! Once again this year, youll nd greatwine oerings, micro-breweries, hot and cold horsdoeuvres, the always popular chocolate fountainand much more. Plus live entertainment from the

    Saint John String Quartet!Purchase tickets by phone 674-6195. Proceeds from the Saint

    John Wine Fair support Canadian Red Cross programs in NewBrunswick. Must be 19 years or older to attend. 935

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    RCL CARLEON #02290 Ludlow St. West 635-9919Sundays: 1:00pm, 25 50/50Bingo, canteenavailable. Doors open at 12:30pm. Everyonewelcome.

    Mondays: Bingo, doors open at 5:30pm, Early Birdgames start at 6:30 and Regular games at 7:00pm.Canteen available, everyone welcome.Fridays: Meat Dart Shoot register at 7:00 andplay at 7:30pm. Everyone welcome.Saturday, February 25th 3:30-6:30pm, Jed & Moe, no covecharge. Everyone welcome.For Hall rentals please contact eresa at 672-8012. 712

    MARKE PLACE WELLNESS CENREGrowing as a community togetherMarket Place Wellness Center is a community Wellness Centrethat is located in the Carelton Community Centre, designed topromote the health and wellness of the residents of the west sideWe oer a wide variety of programs (most of which are free) andnew programs are always in the works. Stop by and see us if youhave any questions on programs call 674-4335.Specimen Collection - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7:30am-2:30pmby appointment only, please call 648-6681.

    Food Bank - Tuesdays & Fridays 1:00-3:00pm.Art for Seniors ursdays 1:00-3:00pm.Monthly Foot Care Clinic every 3rd Wednesday, by appointment657-2273.Are you over 50 and want to be more active?Join our free classes- Tuesdays from 10:00-11:00am at the Hope Centre and Fridaysfrom 2:00-3:00pm at the Carleton Community Centre. Nocharge. Food Purchase Club - for more information call West-674-4335One change (old North End) - 635-2035, Crescent Valley - 693-8513, St. Josephs Community Health Centre - 632-5537 West Side Community Kitchen Program free.

    Social Development worker on site to answer questionsTuesday aernoons from 1:00-3:00pm. 720

    RELAY FOR LIFEHi. My name is Kalyn and I justsigned up my team for the GrandBay-Westeld Relay For Life. Relayis a powerful overnight event that

    brings communities togetherto celebrate cancer survivors,remember loved ones lost and

    ght back against cancer. Im ghting for my papa, who battledcancer and lost. Who are you ghting for?

    To sign up your team or to get more information join us at onTursday, February 16th 7:30pm at the Centrum in Grand Bay-Westeld (Pamdenec room). For more information call SheilaBurtt 757-2525 or Cathy Shannon 757-8891; or visit relayforlife.ca.See you at the Relay on June 8th. 726

    COMMUNIY ADUL LEARNING PROGRAMFree classes in Math & English, lower levels up to GED. Smalclasses, mornings or aernoons, Monday-Friday. Start at yourown skill level, work at your own pace. e program will takeplace at the Carleton Community Centre.Call Jim Burns for more info at 658- 2815. 729

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    Boarderline CrazyBoarderline CrazyFebruary 17th, 18th, 24th & 25thFebruary 17th, 18th, 24th & 25th

    Show DatesShow Dates

    March Shows: 2nd, 3rd,9th, 10th, 30th & 31st

    March Shows: 2nd, 3rd,9th, 10th, 30th & 31st

    LADIES VOLLEYBALLLadies Volleyball League plays at the Carlton CommunityCentre on Sundays from 4:00-10:00pm (one hour play), for ages18 and up. For more information contact Jennifer LeBlanc at1-506-755-9081. 719

    LANCASER LEGION # 69Wilson Street, Saint John, Phone 635-8095, www.rcl69.ca.uesday, February 21st, 28th - 7:00pm, dance withDelbert Worden in the Memorial Lounge.

    uesday, February 14th

    no entertainment.Friday, February 17th, 24th 9:00pm, Karaoke in theLower Bar with Norm Boucher.Saturday, February 18th, 25th- 1:00pm, Dance withDonny & Delbert in the Lower Bar.Saturday, February 18th 9:00pm-12:00mid-night, Dance withAlberts Trio with Reg Gallant in the Upper Hall, $7person.Sunday, February 19th 8:00pm, Dance with Johnny & Sonnyin the Upper Hall.Sunday, February 25th 8:00pm, Dance with Albert & Sam inthe Upper Hall. 710

    DONAION O FRAUD-PREVENIONPROGRAMA $50,000 investment has been made by the New BrunswickSecurities Commission to support the ABCs of Fraud programoered by the Saint John Volunteer Centre, a United Waymember agency.

    e ABCs of Fraud is a free educational program available forall types of groups and all ages. Presentations can be bookedthroughout the province in either o cial language by contactingthe centre.

    Volunteers provide interactive and enjoyable presentationsabout recognizing scams, preventing fraud and nding availablecommunity resources, said Marie LeBlanc and Sharon Stout,program co-ordinators at the centre.

    As an independent provincial Crown corporation, theNew Brunswick Securities Commission oversees the capitalmarkets in New Brunswick and regulates those that sell ormanage securities. Its mandate is to protect investors fromunfair, improper or fraudulent practices and to foster fair ande cient capital markets and condence in capital markets. ecommission is funded by regulatory fees paid by those operatingin the investment industry including public companies, mutualfunds and more than 7,000 registered individuals and rms.

    e Saint John Volunteer Centre is a clearinghouse for volunteerresources, an agency of the United Way, serving Saint John andbeyond since 1973. Saint John Volunteer Centre: engagingpeople to volunteer eectively in the community. 938

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    AV RIDERSe Grand Bay-Westeld ATV Ridersregular monthlymeetings are held the2nd ursday of eachmonth at the GrandBay Centrum at 7:00pm. For Clubinformation please contact 757-8787or visit the website at grandbay-westeldatvriders.ca.New members always welcome. 724

    SOUHFIELD SMEL FRYe Southeld United Church (814Rte 865) will be holding a SmelSupper (optional ham) on SaturdayMarch 3rd from 4:00-6:00pm. Cost fothe supper is $10/adults, $5/childrenunder 12. To assist with parkingissues, two pick-ups will be oered one in Norton and one in Sussex.

    Please phone 839-2326 or 839-2132to place your orders. 808

    SMORGASBORD A S JUDESere will be a delicious smorgasbord of delectable homecooked food at St. Judes Anglican Church (319 Lancaster Streetfrom 4:00-6:00pm on Saturday, February 18th. Admission $8adults, $4/children under 12. You are invited to come and enjoythe hospitality and help yourself to a variety of delicious homecooked dishes served buet style.Contact 672-4301 for more information. 722

    S. PARICKS DINNERAnnual St. Patricks Day Beef Stew Dinner will be held onSunday, March 11th from 4:00-6:00pm at St. Matthews Churchin Grand Bay. Cost for the supper is $10/adults, $5/children$25/family (4). e dinner includes tea/coee, dessert, livemusic, cake walk, 50/50, quilt draw.All welcome. 721


    e Church of the Ascension ACW

    is sponsoring their Annual PancakSupper at the Anglican ChurchHall in Apohaqui on SaturdayFebruary 18th from 3:30-6:00pme menu includes: pancakessausages, homemade beans, brownbread, pickles and layer cakes fodessert. Cost for the supper is $7adults, $3.50/children 6-12 and preschoolers eat for free.Everyone welcome. 806

    KOC BRUNCH & CRIBBAGEe Knights of Columbus (#9176) are now holding their SundayBrunches at St. Matthews Church the fourth Sunday of eachmonth. 702

    Eldridges Honda

    1230 Fairville Blvd, Saint John 635-1223

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    Tuesday to Thursday 9AM - 4PM



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    up to$200 IN ADDITIONAL VALUEwith the purchase of your hearing aids.Book your FREE APPOINTMENT TODAY.Paul Owen BC-HIS

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    e Marco PoloQuilters Guildwelcomes allthose interested inquilting whetherthey are beginnersor experiencedquilters. Join us at St.Columba Church on

    the rst Wednesday of every month from7:00-9:00pm and every ursday from10:00am-2:00pm. Come and enjoy thefellowship of quilting. Bring a friend, enjoythe programs, take a workshop, learn amost enjoyable and time-honoured skill.

    For further information contact: SandraBetts 672-4636, [email protected] Norah Sullivan-OToole 674-1639,[email protected]. 728

    107 Catherwood Street, Suite 201(above Lawtons Drugs)

    Operating on a same-day appointment basis;

    we are open 5 days a week, starting at 11:00am

    to book from 12:00-2:45pm in order, as needed.Phone 693-2273 for appointments. Patients with

    or without family physicians are welcome to call.

    The Adult Asthma Education Clinic

    Speciality Clinics:

    Have youWestside Medical Clinic has moved!

    without family physicians,

    please call 657-3455.

    please call 672-3504.

    Lawtons Drugs is pleased to haveWestside Medical Clinicjoin our team for health and wellness.

    heard?WES BRANCH LIBRARY NEWSTime for Tots - for children aged 18-36 months every ursdaymorning at 10:30am.

    Story Time - Friday mornings at 10:30am. Pre-registration isnot required. Baby Sign Sign up for a three week session to be held onWednesday, February 15th, 22nd & 29th at 10:30am.Baby Sign

    February Food Drive: e library will be collecting non-perishable food items for the West Side Food Bank.Book Sale: for the month of February.uesday, February 14th - 2:30pm, Heritage Tea with Gary

    Hughes, Curator of History & Technology, New BrunswickMuseum, who will give a presentation on the War of 1812. Tea

    and refreshments. Tursday, February 16th 7:00pm, Mystery Book Club.In the Gallery - paintings by Jay Melanson; In the Window -

    carvings by Jay Melanson.Shake up the Break!: We are getting ready to shake up March

    Break with you, so Shake it up Saint John and nd your way intoWest Branch LibraryMarch 3rd10th.Saturday, March 3rd Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course

    at the Library from 9:00am-3:30pm. Cost is $40 (cash or chequepayable to Help Educational Services). Pre-registration isrequired by calling 643-7260, space is limited. Bring your ownpeanut free lunch and a teddy bear or doll. Participants willreceive the Canadian Red Cross Babysitters Manual and a walletcard.

    Hours: Sunday & Monday - Closed; Tuesday, Friday, Saturday- 9:00am-5:00pm; Wednesday & ursday - 9:00am - 8:30pm.

    Drop into the West Branch Library (Lancaster Mall) or call643-7260 for more information. 708

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    Whats nextafter retirement?

    Scores of people spend their working days dreamingof the moment they are eligible for retirement. Butmany people nd that once they retire they do notknow what to do to ll their time. Boredom actuallymay be a side eect of retirement, and some peopleactually want to go back to work.

    Much of the focus when planning for retirementconcerns nances; all other factors take a backseat.Having a post-retirement plan in place can mean thedierence between happiness and having a hard timeadjusting, according to experts. Here are some tipsthat can help anyone ease into the golden years.

    Establish goals. Goals also motivate retirees to getup in the morning, now that a commute to work isntpart of the daily schedule. Donate time or money. Giving back to others,

    whether to the community or to a charitableorganization, can feel good and give retirees somestructure. Try new things. Part of goal-setting is to add thingsto the list youve never done before, which can boostfeelings of excitement. Meet with people. Part of what makes work fullling

    is the opportunity to get out of the house and interactwith others who are not members of your family. Itseasy to fall into a rut when you are not being mentallystimulated by conversation from dierent people. Realize its alright not to love retirement. It is OK toaccept that maybe retirement isnt entirely what youexpected and to make changes that can enable theexperience to be better.



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    This Valentines Day buy her

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    SINGLES & FRIENDS EVENSSingles and Friends will be hosting a dance on SaturdayFebruary 25th at the Br #69 Legion, Wilson Street W in SainJohn. Doors open at 8:30 and music by DJ will be from 9:00pm-

    12:30am. Dance is open to anyone over the age of 19. Admissionis $5/members and $7/non-members. Check info line at 6961914 for update if weather is nasty.Breakfast for Singles continues every Sunday 10:00am at Hollys

    Restaurant in Hampton and weekly volleyball on Wednesdayevenings 8:00-10:00pm at Rothesay Park Middle School (cos$4) open to all adults - married or single.

    e purpose of the Singles group is to organize activities forsingle people to participate in and we welcome your input andsuggestions. Our phone line is 696-1914 for updates as to what ishappening and our email is [email protected]. 819

    SNOW GOLF FUNDRAISERIts Golf Canadian Style - HSE proudlypresents the 10th Annual Snow GolfChampionship on Saturday, February 18th,hosted by Midland Meadows Golf Coursein Norton, in support of the ChildrensWish Foundation.

    In 2011 HSE Snow Golf raised over $20,000 for the ChildrensWish Foundation of New Brunswick. For many the tournamenthas become a tradition and for others it has become a new wayto experience both winter and golf. No matter your ability youresure to have a great time, so dig your clubs out of the garage andget your team of four together for a round of golf youll neverforget.

    For more information on rules and registration check ousnowgolf.ca. 814

    KC HISORICAL SOCIEY MEEINGe Kings County Historical & Archival Society, Inc., will holdits next meeting on Saturday, February 25th at the CentenniaBuilding, 27 Centennial Road, Hampton, starting at 2:00pme subject of the meeting will be the History of Rothesay. All

    are welcome to attend. 803

    H.O.P.E. CENRE BINGOSt. Josephs Parish holds Bingo every ursday 6:45pm at theHOPE Centre (4347 Loch Lomond Road). Jackpot $1000 in 49numbers or less. 939

    RENOVAE YOUR BODYe Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism is oering Taoist TaiChi Beginner classes starting Saturday, February 18th. etheme for this years practice is Renovate your Body. Our 12-week program will help get you in shape for spring activities.

    When the body feels exible, strong and balanced, and themind is simultaneously alert and relaxed, the spirit surely lis.Join us for an introductory class to learn more about Taoist TaiChi internal arts. We practice in a friendly non-competitiveenvironment where all are welcome.

    Beginner classes start uesday, February 21st 10:00am at7:00pm at the Assumption Centre in Saint John. e rst classwill provide some background, a demonstration of the set, aquestion period and the opportunity to try some tai chi practice.

    For information call 658-9854 or email [email protected]. Renovate your body and mind. Li your spirit. 809

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    KV QUIL GUILD DONAIONOn Tuesday January 10th Anna Marie Hutton, President of theKennebecasis Valley Quilt Guild, presented Christine Levesque,Director of MindCare New Brunswick, with a cheque in theamount of $1,742. ese funds were collected as part of the2011 Quilt Show titled Serendipity through the Quilters Walk.Many local charities have beneted from the generosity of theKV Quilt Guild and from all those people who attend the annualquilt shows.e KV Quilt Guild members thank all those who attended the

    quilt show and they look forward to seeing everyone at the 2012show in September titled Its a Small World. 805

    SUPPER FOR H.O.P.E. CENREIn support of the H.O.P.E Centre a Pancake Supper will be heldon uesday, February 21st from 4:30-6:30pm at 4347 LochLomond Road. Cost for the supper is $8/adults and $5/children.950

    RNS MUSICAL PRODUCIONe students of Rothesay Netherwood

    School invite you to join them as theypresent, Legally Blonde e Musical.Based on the Broadway hit show and boxo ce smash hit, Legally Blonde is ahilarious comedy about a California girlwho heads to Harvard in search of love,

    but ends up nding herself instead! e show runs Tursday,Friday & Saturday, February 23rd, 24th & 25th at 7:30 pm in theschools tre Susan B. Ganong.Tickets are $10 and available at the door, or may be reserved by

    calling the School O ce at 847-8224. 816

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    SJ MULICULURAL & NEWCOMERS CENREFriday, February 17th 3:00-4:00pm, Newcomer InformationWorkshop - Let the Driver Examiner tell you how to be a safedriver on the road. For more information contact Li Song -642-1209(direct), 642-4242(main) or Email: [email protected], February 18th - Career day for youth. Contact KarenCasey, Youth Program O cer 642-1205 [email protected] more information and to register.

    New students and volunteers are welcome at the Saint JohnMulticultural and Newcomers Resource Centers Englishconversational classes. English classes are held on the 3rd & 4th

    oors of the City Market at the following times: Tuesdays from4:30-6:00 and Wednesdays & ursdays from 10:30-12:00noonand 4:30-6:00pm. Classes are also oered at Rothesay HighSchool in room 115 on Mondays & Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pmClasses are held in Quispamsis at St. Marks Catholic Churchon Mondays from 10:30am-12:00noon. ese classes provide acomfortable, informal setting for people to practice and developtheir English skills. Participants have an opportunity to carry ondiscussions and meet new people from a wide range of culturese center welcomes new students and volunteers to join ourgrowing groups.

    e SJMNRC Employment Centre provides assistance for

    newcomers interested in working SJ and the surroundingcommunity. Contact Mary Stack at 642-6464 or [email protected] for more information. Lunch en Franais: Would you like an opportunity to practicespeaking French? Every Friday from 12:00noon until 1:00pm wewill host a French lunch, either at our centre or a local restaurantIf you are interested in attending please contact Marie-PauleGodin at 642-7265 or [email protected]. 923

    SAIN JOHN FREE SCHOOL!Join us on Saturday, February 18th at the North End CommunityCentre (195 Victoria Street) for our 3rd full day event! e Saint

    John Free School wants to provide you with the opportunity toshare your knowledge and learn from others. Free meals, freechildcare, and musical entertainment are provided.ere will be four sessions throughout the day, and each session

    will have four classes running simultaneously. Class typesinclude how-to, lecture and/or discussion, physical activities,and childrens activities.

    For more information contact Jennifer Smith 608-3462,[email protected] or visit the website at: sjfreeschool.ca.954

    March BreakMarch BreakUltimate Public Swims

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    Ernest Crossman Donald McQuadeRickey Lapointe Shane Kelly Steven Collins

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    1010114State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, Aurora, Ontario

    Sarah Mallory-Wright Ins AgcySarah Mallory-Wright, President

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    Congratulations to Alana Totton, Norton (Gutherie Road) whosubmitted this photo of an old farmhouse in Mercer Settlement.Alana has won a voucher to a local Subway for a foot long mealdeal. 823

    AENION AMAEUR PHOOGRAPHERSis could be your chance to click and win. Have you takenthat nearly perfect photo well, send it to us it could bechosen as Ossekeag Publishings Pic of the Month, sponsoredby participating Subway locations. e rst of each month wewill be choosing one photo, from those submitted during theprevious month, to be our Pic of the Month and the winner wil

    receive a voucher for a Footlong meal deal from participatingSubway locations.Please visit our website (ossekeag.ca) for complete contest info

    and rules. Editors note Dont forget that you can submit holiday/seasonal aer Christmas.Submission of photos authorizes Ossekeag Publishing the right

    to print and display your photo (with photographer credit) inany of our four publications, our yearly calendar, website andFacebook group. If no photo of suitable quality is submitted

    judges can elect to choose no winner for that month. 821

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    MARCH 17th 2012 SIMPLY CALAISShorter Day, Still a Bargain! Stop and shop at

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    KENOs RenovationsRenovations with meticulous worksmanship

    KOC MINI-BINGOe Fr. omas Beck Lancaster Council 8094,Knights of Columbus are sponsoring non-smoking Dabber Mini-bingo at the Msgr.Osborne Family Centre (basement of St. RoseSchool), Manawagonish Road, Saint John West onTuesdays, at 6:30pm.

    Admission - non-perishable food item, 50 centsfor three face card. 703

    MAKING BREAKFAS AVAILABLEStarting the day o with breakfast is one of the most importantsteps in achieving academic success in the classroom. Workingtogether, the Hampton Junior Achievers and Jacobs Industrialselectricians and carpenters assisted in making breakfast availablefor the 200 students at Bayview Elementary School by donatingmore than $600 worth of goods. Bayview was selected becauseof its need for funding and its partnership with the Irving OilRenery, where many of the carpenters and electricians work.

    Junior Achievement oers business education programs in theareas of work readiness, entrepreneurship and nancial literacy,delivered at no cost to elementary, middle and high schools.e Hampton Junior Achievers is a group of nine high schoolstudents who have taken the information learned from theprogram and developed a product called Munch E Z, which isa pre-packaged meal targeted at busy individuals and families.

    David Brown, the current president of Hampton JuniorAchievers said At the time that Jacobs employees committedto buying 200 of our meals we were thrilled. When they told usthey were buying the meals to donate to an elementary schoolsbreakfast program, we knew that we wanted to help out too.e high school entrepreneurs used $200 of their prot andpurchased a grocery store gi card to donate to the elementary

    school too. 945

    Kim Spence of the Irving Oil Renery accepted thegi on behalf of Bayview Elementary School fromDavid Brown.

    COVERDALE CENRE PRESENAIONe Coverdale Center for Women presents aperformance of the world renowned play eVagina Monologues, on February 14th at theImperial eatre at 8:00pm. is is a specialfundraiser to raise awareness and help end violenceagainst women.

    Coverdale is partnering with Billys Seafood for a specialValentines Day package that includes a three course lobsterdinner and desert for two, and two tickets to the VaginaMonologues for $125. Last run for this special is on February14th.

    For more information, visit our Facebook page: VaginaMonologues at Imperial eatre - facebook.com/pages/Vagina-Monologues-at-Imperial-eatre/264548006917381. 940

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    SHARON WILLISON FUNDRAISER DRAWSharon was driving to Cavendish PEI with her two children -Tat 14 years old strapped in the front seat and Evan 11 yearsold strapped in the rear seat of her car. Sharon lost control ofthe vehicle and collided with a pick-up truck hauling a campertrailer; the youngsters escaped with minor injuries but Sharondid not fare so well. She was rushed to the emergency hospital inMoncton where she underwent critical surgery - the amputationof her le arm at the shoulder and reconstructive surgery on herle leg which the surgeons managed to save.Sharon is receiving short-term disability, 63% of her salary, but

    the mounting expenses for a prosthesis and months of rehab arehaving a major impact on her day to day expenses. e majorexpenses will be the vehicle and home adjustments that have tobe made to accommodate her changed lifestyle.

    Cruisers Custom Cycle decided to ra e a 2011 custom buildFatboy with the proceeds of the ra e going to the SharonWilliston Relief Fund. 1500 tickets will be sold and the draw forthe Fatboy will be held at Cruisers on Wednesday, March 14th a7:00pm. e custom build can be viewed at Stews Bu ng andPolishing, 248 Rothesay during normal business hours.Tickets are $20 and can be bought at Stews or Cruisers Custom

    Cycle, 89 Station Road, Saint John or by calling 738-2211. 951

    PRE-SCHOOL DONAIONS O SPCAChildren at the West Side Co-operative Preschool had fun withthe donations they made to the SPCA this past Christmas. 725

    Back row: Madison, Whittaker, Rachael Ahearn, Santa,Alexa Vallejo.Second row: Sebastien Gillis, Finley Jagoe, SorchaWatts, Jack White, Jacob Hanson.Front Row: Sophie Fillmore, Darren Melanson, LydiaGreen, Cedric Carr, Sarah Brown, Jeery Fanjoy, LiamFord.

    PANCAKE SUPPER A PORLAND UNIEDe Portland United Church (50 Newport Crescent) is holding aShrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on uesday, February 21st from4:30 to 6:30pm. e menu is pancakes/syrup, sausages, baked beans,hash brown potatoes, gingerbread, beverage and the cost for thesupper is $7/adults; $4/children under 12.

    For information or tickets, call 632-4030. ere is ample parkingand wheelchair accessibility. 948

    SEAWOLVES FOOBALL CAMPOn Sunday, April 1st the UNB Saint John Seawolves Football Teamwill be operating a combine/ID camp for High School and returningplayers - all welcomed. e camp will take place at the Forbes ElliotAthletic Center at UNB Saint John.

    For more information, contact [email protected], or BarryOgden at [email protected]. 944

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    Congratulations toAndrea Ludwig

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    Call us local 832-5613or toll free 1-888-289-2555www.ossekeag.ca

    KELLY RECREAION BURSARY ANNOUNCEDe Greater Saint John Community Foundation andrepresentatives of United Commercial Travelers of AmericaSaint John Council #755 (now known as Jack Kidd Council#755), and Branch #14 of the Royal Canadian Legion, cametogether in late December to sign an agreement to take overresponsibility for funds in e John Kelly Recreation Bursarye Fund, originally established in 1993, was set up in memoryof John Kelly in recognition of his contribution to the youth oSaint John. Proceeds from the fund are used for bursaries forstudents entering or currently studying sport studies.

    UCT has donated over $68,000 to e Greater Saint JohnCommunity Foundation. is new, permanently endowed fundwill annually support bursaries for students enrolled in yearsone to ve of a post-secondary kinesiology (including physicaeducation, recreation or sports study) program at the Universityof New Brunswick. Bursaries will be awarded based on a varietyof factors including nancial need, reasonable academic successand aptitude for their selected course of studies. e fund shalaward at least two, one thousand dollar bursaries each year (oneentrance and one for a student who successfully completed theirrst year of studies). Applicants for the bursary are encouragedto contact UNB Fredericton, to complete an application for

    undergraduate awards.Anyone wishing to make a donation to this bursary can do so atthe Foundation o ce with a memo directing it to the John KellyRecreation Bursary. 957

    Back: Dr. Stephen Willis, Chair, e Greater SaintJohn Community Foundation; and Mr. Wes Cosman,member of the Jack Kidd Council #755.Front: Brian Curry, member of the Jack Kidd Council#755; Bill Lawlor, member of the Royal CanadianLegion Branch #14; and Sara Mudge, Secretary, eGreater Saint John Community Foundation

    NAIONAL SCHOLARSHIPSBullyingCanada, Canadas National Anti-Bullying Charity isnow accepting applications for the organizations ScholarshipProgram. e scholarship is open to students in their nayear of high school who have worked to end bullying in theirschools and communities to aid them with their post secondaryeducation. e rst round has three $100 scholarships, withmore to follow in the months to come.e deadline for applications is March 1st. For more information

    please speak to your school, or contact BullyingCanadaApplications can be downloaded online at:.bullyingcanada.ca orcan be requested by telephone at: 1-877-352-4497. 943

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    SPRING GROUP PROGRAMSFamily Plus is pleased to provide group programs to thecommunity, organizations and Employee Assistance Programs.anks to the Sisters of Charity and the United Way the feescan be oered at a subsidized rate for the general public. iswinter/spring we are oering a slate of evening programs. Allprograms are six weeks in length and are held at the o ces of

    Family Plus/Life Solutions, 199 Chesley Drive, Suite 204, SaintJohn. Pre-registration required for all groups. Call 634-8295 formore information or to register.Personal Breakthrough for Men - Assists men in the developmentof positive coping skills/strategies to help eectively manageanger, stress and conict. Start date: Monday, March 5th. Personal Breakthrough for Women - Learn how to be moreassertive, let go of barriers and establish healthy boundaries. StartDate: Wednesday, April 4th. Introductory session: Wednesday,March 21st. Active Parenting Now (5-12 year olds) - Learn how to build astronger relationship with your children, instill self-esteem andapply key discipline methods. Start date: Wednesday, May 16th.953

    LOCAL VON WELLNESS CLINICSe following VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) WellnessClinics will be held during the month of February: uesdayFebruary 14th, 21st & 28th- 9:30am-1:00pm, Main Street Baptis

    Church.Monday, February 20th - 11:00am-3:00pm, Grand Bay GuardianDrugs Grand Bay-Westeld.Friday, February 24th - Foot Clinic, Grand Bay-WesteldGuardian Drugs. Call 635-1530 to book an appointment. 707

    CAREGIVERS SUPPOR GROUPe 4th ursday of each month at the Saint John AlzheimerSociety o ce 152 Westmorland Road, beginning at 7:00pm. 919

    The United Church of CanadaTWO RIVERS PASTORAL CHARGE

    Minister: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Stevenson

    Church Office: 757-2201 www.2riversunited.com

    Westfield United Church Worship11:00 am - Service10:45 am - Sunday SchoolYouth Group - check our website & FacebookAsh Wednesday Worship - Westfield United Church7:00 pm - February 22Kingston Peninsula Worship Service - 9:30 amLong Reach United Church - February 19, March 4Summerville United Church - February 26, March 11

    Youth & Young Families Minister: Amanda Francis

    FIVE-PAR EDUCAIONAL SERIESe Saint John Alzheimer Societys 5-PartEducational Series will take place on veconsecutiveWednesdaysat 7:00pm until February29th at the Rocmaura Nursing Home (10 ParksStreet): February 15th - Navigating the System.Presented by Stacey Guimby, Department of

    Social Development; February 22nd - Future Planning (Legal& Financial Matters). Presented by Attorney Dwight Allaby;February 29th - Resources & Support. Presenter to be conrmed.

    ese sessions are free of charge and completion certicatesare available upon completion of all ve sessions. For moreinformation please contact the Saint John Alzheimer Societyto register: 152 Westmorland Road, 634-8722, [email protected]. 616

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    MUSINGSBy Debbie Hickey

    Stu Piling UpLike the Snow?Stu Piling UpLike the Snow?


    Your Community ConnectionYour Community Connection

    Call 832-5613 tobook your classified ad

    Call 832-5613 tobook your classified ad

    FA CAS

    Is there anyone who doesnt love Gareld? You know, the bigorange cat whose motto in life is All I do is eat and sleep. Eatand sleep. Eat and sleep. ere must be more to a cats life thanthat. But I hope not. Well, I have three cats, and though theymay not have Garelds attitude two of the three are denitelya mite, well, tubby. Not huge, but certainly overweight. eyhave never had lasagna, but being indoor cats they do not geta lot of exercise. Plus we have normally free fed all of our cats.e dry cat food and lots of fresh water stay out all the time andare relled whenever empty. is has worked well for previouscats, but obviously is not the correct process for these ones!

    I have oen wondered how I could reduce the food intakefor one or two cats without starving the other and have nevercome upon a workable solution, or at least not one that didnthave me policing each cat so as to ensure no one eats twomeals while someone else gets little or nothing. But . . . I nowhave a plan. Aer much research on cat foods - protein levels,weight control vs not, etc - and some pondering, I started anew feeding regime. No more food out all the time. ere arenow three meal times, and only three meal times, and at allother times the food is put away out of the reach of little paws.e dish goes down for a half hour when I get up, a half hour atsupper time and another half hour at bedtime. ey can eat allthey want during those time periods, but when the timer goes,the dish goes!

    Wisely, I started this on a workday so that I did not have tolisten to the pitiful cries of a starving cat. Smudge has always

    been VERY vocal when the food dish even begins to approachempty, so a missing food dish denitely warrants complaint.Loud and oen! Within a few days, however, even she seemsto have adapted and while there are still moments of distressthey are dwindling. And not because she is prostate, weak fromhunger, but because she has learned it does no good. It has onlybeen a couple of weeks, too soon to tell if it is going to result inany weight reduction. Crossing my ngers.

    Meanwhile for all you non-morning people who hate to getup: Ill rise, but I wont shine.~ Gareld. 801


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    MARIE SHORT COUNTRY/VARIETY Show, Sunday aernoonFebruary 19, 2pm, Hampton Senior Resource Center. Featuringspecial guests Allison Inch, Eddie Bertin and Living Water Trioalong with the talented regulars, Denny James, Herb Isbill, DonnaStephenson, Stirling Nickerson, Tim Wallace, and Donna Chaseand Don Short. Admission $10 at the door.


    SPRINGFIELD FIREWOOD, quality hardwood, cut, splitdelivered. Call 485-2349.

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    RENOVATED, LARGE, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, Grand Bay-Westeld, $500 & $600/month, heat and lights not included. Fomore information please call 650-3692.


    SHEEP HERDING CLINIC February 18-19, 2012, 8:30am5:00pm. Hampton Riding Stables 560 Lakeside Rd. InstructoHeather Lowther, accomplished dog wrangler. $100/full dayTelephone aer 6pm 506-654-7874 or katsher2010@hotmaicom.


    MR. HANDYMAN, no job too small. Serge Ethier 654-7744.

    GROUND BREAKING LTD. Mini excavator, backhoe and dumptruck. Experienced crew with full liability insurance. Drain tilesmall demolition, topsoil, culverts, landscaping, shoreline workand more. Chris 639-8766 or Matt 651-5172.

    TAOIST TAI CHI beginner classes Saint John, information sessionand rst class: Tuesday evening, Feb 21, 7-9pm at AssumptionCentre, West Saint John. Try this body-mind-spirit approachto building health, strength and exibility. For adults of all agesincluding teens. $130 for 12 weeks. Students and Seniors, $90. Foinformation: [email protected], voicemail:658-9854.

    GETTING MARRIED (BOOK EARLY). Civil weddingperformed when and where you choose. Telephone 847-2079.

    HAUL AWAY of junk cars, trucks, tractors and farm equipmentSmall fee for appliances and small scrap. Drop o site 54 Backland

    Road, Kingston. 763-2933 or 333-9067.DAVES LIGHT TRUCKING & Cleaning Service, junk, garbageconstruction & roong materials, demolition, brush, decks, smalmoving jobs. 7 days a week. Also picking up unwanted vehicles832-3982 or 653-0026.

    SEWING JOBS DONE for ladies, gentlemen and children. Hemdone on pants, dresses etc., other alterations. Non-smoker. Cal672-2599.


    WAYNES AUTO WORLD - In house nancing. Buy, sell, leaserent. Owner Wayne Ganong, bus. 738-6777, cell: 647-8777. wwwwaynesautoworldltd.com, 53 Epworth Park Road, Grand Bay- Westeld.

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