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Page 1: February 2013 cultural fuel trend report small size




Page 2: February 2013 cultural fuel trend report small size


Inspiration"Some creative ideas to inspire you !

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Insights & Opinions"Research news about target groups and market insights!

Page 3: February 2013 cultural fuel trend report small size


Page 4: February 2013 cultural fuel trend report small size

LEGO ‚BRICKMENTED REALITYʻ"To create greater brand awareness and establish an emotional bond between brand and consumer, LEGO launched a integrated social media campaign challenging peopleʻs inspiration and creativity by using one of five different LEGO fairytale figures, such as santa claus or a christmas tree. The challenge was to integrate one of those LEGO figures into a family moment holiday picture in a very creative way. In a final step the best pictures were shown in a video telling the fairytale based on those 5 figures people were challenged to create pictures of. !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Lze-FdE6BSo#!!

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SF 50-1ERS VS. BALTIMORE BLACK BIRDS"This Super B... Ehm sorry, we mean: This Big Game teaser ad is just hilarious. Samsung is planning an ad for the Big Game featuring „the next big thing“. But thereʻs one big handicap. Seems like everything is trademarked. So Samsung proudly presents the San Francisco 50-1ers versus the Baltimore Black Birds. Awesome!!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2013/02/03/samsungs-next-big-superbowl-thing/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pzfAdmAtYIY#!!

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FROM COLD TO HOT"Kitchen Leo Burnett Oslo came up with a nice and creative print ad for Norwegian Airlines. Itʻs a clear insight and viszualization that doesnʻt need many words to describe. Cheap flights from cold Norway to some hot, mediterranean places in the world. Definitely different to all the other ads in this category in itʻs simplicity.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/norwegian_airlines_from_cold_to_hot_3!

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MUST SEE MAP MADE BY FRIENDS"The Royal Dutch Airlines KLM combined social media with print, to create a map personalizing your friendsʻ tip when visiting a city. Input is collected via social media by inviting friends to add their tips for a specific city. The information is then summarized and printed on a personalized city map and sent to the orderer within 3 weeks for free.!Via: http://www.adverblog.com/2013/02/13/klm-must-see-map-combines-social-media-with-print/!

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BILLBOARD THAT PRODUCES DRINKING WATER"UTEC, the University of Engineering and Technology in Lima (Peru) built the first billboard that produces drinking water out of air. Since Lima is located next to a desert, the water supply is limited, but the atmospheric humidity is still above 98%.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/university_of_engineering_and_technology_potable_water_generator!

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=35yeVwigQcc#!!

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INTERRUPTION"There are a few moments when nobody wants to be interrupted. But like most of the things in life- they happen once in a while and people can´t do anything against it. Though we can make the difference from time to time. The new musical doorbells from Panasonic will now make a disruption more enjoyable than ever before.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/panasonic_musical_doorbells_interruptions_bath !

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THAT KIND OF RICH"What would you do if you win the New York lottery? Most of the answers will probably be: buy a mansion, luxury holidays, expensive jewellery and so on. But this ad shows an alternative. The ordinary guy in this spot is really popular and likeable because of his humour. But what about the connection between the money and the humour? Just check this out.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/ad-of-the-day-win-the-lotto-and-andy-richter-will-write-your-dinner-table-conversation-2013-2 !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkUzXTapreQ&feature=player_embedded !

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VIVID BEAUTY"This is one of six print ads from the French cosmetic brand SEPHORA. This campaign is the start of the new international tagline `Where beauty beats´. This ad has a remarkable design and the visuals powerfully support the tagline.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/sephora_where_beauty_beats_1 !

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VALENTINE´S DAY"The big question about this day is: What does a man buy for his girlfriend/ wife? The regulars are flowers, chocolate or jewellery. But are these really the presents which women like to get? What about a thoughtful gift? This print Valentine´s Day campagne from razor manufacturer Schick gives men a clue what they got do to really surprise their loved ones. Men, you only have to click Like on facebook to get a razor for free. Happy beardless Valentine´s Day!!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/schick_razor_would_you_kiss_you_1 !

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WEBSITE BLESSING SAINT ISIDORE OF SEVILLE"Leo Burnett Brussels launched a new website, but a problem is all the 30. 000 new viruses which are launched every day. To solve this issue, employees from the agency went to Seville meet the Archbishop Juan José Asenjo. 2001 Saint Isodore of Sevilla was due to his encyclopedic knowledge elected as Patron Saint of the Internet. A digital patron banner of Saint Isodore was designed and sacred on the hard disk with the blessing of Saint Isodore by the Archbishop. The Leo Burnett Website is now protected by the holy blessings of the Saint.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/leo_burnett_brussels_saint_isidore_of_seville !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DNI0U2YAKw&feature=player_embedded !

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HE IS BACK"In 2012 David Beckham was on camera for H&M bodywear for the first time. And this year couldn´t start any better because the new underwear campaign with a sexy TV Spot is about to kick off. This ad which was directed by Guy Ritchie begins with misfortune. Beckhamʻs dressing gown was caught in the familyʻs car door and he is left standing on the street only wearing his shorts and undershirt. The front door was slammed by wind at the same time and he runs after the car to get his clothes back. But bizarrely he is only losing more garments, which for the female audience isnʻt necessarily a bad thing.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/david-beckhams-new-underwear-commercial-2013-2 !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=il21FZu-IUY !

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THE BEST COLORS OF YOUR LIFE"On the top of the picture is a foto depicted. This is one of endless memories people have got in their lives. But what if this isn´t a photo but rather instead a painted picture. The manufacturer of pens and other supplies Farber-Castell is well lnown for the high quality and wide range of colours which is proved in this campaign..!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/fabercastell_amusement_park !

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AND THE OSCAR GOES TO ..."This year the Academy Awards will take place on February 24 for the 85th time. There were two different posters created for this occasion. The first shows all the nominated movies 2013. The second poster for the Oscars (shown below) was created by Olly Moss in honor of all the Best Picture winner of the last 85 years. How many of the Best Picture winners can you recognize?!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/can-you-name-all-85-best-picture-winners-referenced-in-this-wonderful-oscars-ad-2013-2 !

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A SPECIAL REMINDER"This is the new business card from Natalie Daniels which was created by the Austrian graphic design studio Bureau Rabensteiner. The special feature about the card is the thermo-sensitive varnish which allowed the user to create different images on the surface. A heat-sensitive business card isn´t an innovation but Natalie Daniels is working as a photo producer in Vienna. So the design of the card reminds people of an polaroid because of the white trim and the process of developing photos.!Via: http://www.psfk.com/2013/02/polaroid-business-card.html !

Watch it on: !

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UNDERSTANDING AUTISM"People suffering from autism have got a difficult and challenging daily life. The simplest activities cause them a devil of time doing them. This campaign was released to let people who don´t understand or don´t know much about this illness to have an open mind to this topic. Since ordinary things like answering the phone are a huge step for people with autism, the importance of the acknowledging these is highlighted. !Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/autism_forum_switzerland_answering_the_phone !

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FEEL THE GAME - SHOWMOTION"Feel the game or preferably the goal. This campaign was created from the Miami Ad School Berlin for Adidas. Every fan who visits the soccer game gets special insoles depending on which team will be supported. Each goal scored by the supported team leads to the insoles starting to vibrate die to vibration sensors which are connected to the goals and creates a whole a new way of experiencing a soccer match.!Via: http://www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/ambient/adidas-shoemotion-16657205/resizes/1024/ !

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HEART KIDS"In Australia 1 in every 6 babies is born with a heart defect. Therefore the organisation heartkids was established and helps children with heart diseases and their families through this time. But most of these children need an emergency open heart surgery so this communication directs attention to this topic to obtain more donations.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/outdoor/heartkids_open_heart !

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REFRESHING"This print ad wants to portray how juicy vegetables and fruits really are. The moment you look at this ad and the vivid design quality you really do get thirsty. This is the latest gadget from Tefal, a juice extractor, whichthis image tries to prove how much juice really exists in just one carrot and the best way to get to all this fresh and juicyness is with this juicer.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/tefal_carrot !

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WHAT WILL REALLY HAPPEN..."When a teenage girl gets pregnant at first it is a big shock. But what often happens is that these girls think or dream about a happy future with her small family and all the fabulous time and experiences. But how will the future really be like? This campaign from `BabyCanWait´shows what will most likely occur in real life. Hopfully this print ad will be able to reach out to young people.!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/babycanwaitcom_baby_youre_the_one !

Watch it on: !

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CLEANING UP THE INTERNET"But this time itʻs in real life. Everybody knows that cyber-bullying has a devastating effect on the victims. Everbody knows that these people can suffer serious emotional damage. Altough everybody knows about these harmful consequences, cyber bullying still exists widely on the internet. This video from StartupSeeds organisation shows how every harassment and offensive messages hurt the victims until they can´t stand it anymore. Before these harmful words could be written by cyber bullies, a Chrome browser plug-in detects offensive words, and replaces them with positive ones!Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/online/startupseeds_clean_up_the_internet !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o9xx00J9wH0 !

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I AM NOT A VIRGIN"This isn´t a statement, it is in fact the name of an Eco fashion label. The problem of the label was: it couldn´t get into the New York fashion week which meant a lot of brand awareness couldn´t be raised. Therefore the brand created a new outdoor campaign to raise attention for their fashion label and to prove that they werenʻt virgins to the Fashion World anymore they projected this onto abuilding wall. !Via: http://www.adrants.com/2013/02/its-fashion-week-am-i-am-not-a-virgin.php !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZV8VIoUuoro !

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ENTHUSIASTIC TEENAGERS"This ad might be about an advertising award, but the three different situations in these promotion videos happen in our daily lives. This video is about the situation between a dad and his daughter. She is the typical teenage girl phoning one of her friends and gossiping about the last party. Her dad just wants to show off his award and tells her about it. She might not care about the award, but his clients do. !Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2013/02/the-cassies-teeneger-ex-cop/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zckyHnHs6r4&feature=player_embedded !

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WE ARE WHERE YOU ARE"In a fast-paced world, money is always on the move. Emirates NBD, the largest banking group in the Middle East in terms of assets, wanted to show their costumers: We are where you are. But how could this statement be right when everybody is always on the go? The solution: Their ATM´s have always got to be on the move too. This video showing the ʻAwesome Travelling Machineʻ makes a strong case that this statement is correct.!Via: http://www.ibelieveinadv.com/2013/02/emirates-nbd-the-awesome-traveling-machine/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bCwvELvTnmU !

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PANERA BREAD"Such a lovely spot showing the daily routine at Panera Bread. Seems like they have spent a thousand hours of work on creating this spot. !Via: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/panera_bread_company_anthem!

Watch on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oDofsLTo8u4!

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Page 29: February 2013 cultural fuel trend report small size

INTERACTIVE DIGITAL SIGHTSEEING"Not everybody has the chance to visit and explore the most impressive places in the world. Therefore Google Earth covered more than 75 miles of the Grand Canyon by Google Street View images that can be explored online. You can take a walk down the narrow trails or even gaze out at the Colorado River, itʻs totally up to you. Itʻs a great idea although the experience and feelings of a visit in reality can never be replaced. Hopefully we will see more wonderful places to explore online soon.!Via: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/google-maps-explore-the-grand-canyon/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mpcar4L_EXY!

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HARLEM SHAKE – THE ANSWER TO GANGNAM STYLE"This incredibly fast growing viral trend seems to be the answer to Gangnam style in 2013. Within one week more than 12,000 Harlem Shake videos have been uploaded so far. People do the Harlem Shake in every environment, College party, office or when hanging out with friends.!Via: http://mashable.com/2013/02/12/youtube-harlem-shake/!

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IJoKuTlvuM !

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THE VEHICLE OF THE FUTURE"This is the new Lit Motors C-1. It is an electric motorcycle which is able to do so much more than any motorbike before and drives more like a car. One of the biggest changes is the amazing balance dynamic because this vehicle can stop in front of a traffic light without tumbling over. These attributes remind people more of a car and not of a motorcycle. It is also very environment- friendly and the perfect alternative for a car in big cities. It should be in production in 2014, so look foward to it!!Via: http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-idealist/an-electric-motorcycle-that-drives-like-a-car-lit/ !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBVztfLN3lk&feature=player_embedded !

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WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO THAT PACKAGE?"Nobody ever really knows if the transportation of a package delivery went well or if the package was damaged during transportation. Therefore this new gadget was developed to understand what occured. The DropTag is stuck to the package before the delivery and monitors whatʻs going on. When the packet arrives the customer is able with the help of the attendant app to see if the package was dropped or harmed in any way. After receiving this information the customer can decide to accept or reject the delivery. There seems to be a trend going on that people want to be in control of the things going on in their lives and get as much information as possible. In the futher we can expect to see more product devices envelopt that will allowed people to stay in control.!Via: http://www.psfk.com/2013/02/track-delivery-packages.html !

Watch it on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1PaA_KaxKdA !

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30 YEARS OF COCA COLA LIGHT"This anniversary is the reason for these three new desgins for the Diet Coke cans by Marc Jacobs. Every can represent one decade (Eighties, Nineties and Noughties). Each woman wears the fashion from her decade and shows the trends at that time. But it also illustrates the development of the feminine attitude and way of life. Simultaneously to the new designs Marc Jacobs is now also the new creative director of Diet Coke. So we can be sure that Coca Cola will be setting a lot more more trends in the next timeto come.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/marc-jacobs-diet-coke-unveiled-2013-2 !

Watch it on:!

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SUPER BOWL POWER OUTAGE WAS A BOOM FOR SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING"35 was the number of the game because these were the minutes how long the power outage was. But these were also the number of minutes for social media advertising with an amazing success. Especially the brands Oreo cookies, Audi, Tide and Calvin Klein took this chance. The consumers were searching on the internet about information what was going on in the stadium but because of hashtags people were redirected on these brand posts. They received more attention on Twitter and Facebook and positive response in general than with all the expansive and overpaid TV spots.!Via: http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-marketeer/super-bowl-power-outage-was-a-boon-for-advertisers/ !

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PEOPLE TAKE A BREAK"Not from their jobs but rather from Facebook. 61% of Facebook users have taken a break from the social network for several weeks or more now. The most people just haven´t got the time for facebook, 10% cited a lack of interest in the content, too much drama was the reason for 9% of users and 4% are scared about their privat data. Maybe facebook needs a few new features to get the peopleʻs attention so that they will take time for the social network. And if not: Your rivals never rest.!Via: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/05/tech/social-media/facebook-breaks-pew/index.html#disqus_thread !

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TECHNOLOGY & VALENTINEʻS DAY"Valentine´s Day is the day for people in love all over the world. And this is also the big problem about this day, because most women expect a lot from their partners and when they had a unhappy V-Day 53% of them break up. To prevent this happening men rely on the web as the infographic shows. Around February 14th the search for restaurants grew by 135% on tablets, 142% on the desktop and 359% on smartphone, but also Dinner and Recipe V-Day searches hit their peak around this time. The creativity of presents isn´t really available because the most searched presents are Jewelry (+42%) V-Day Gifts (+27%) or flowers (+18%). All in all the web can really help most men to save their V-Day and relationship but the figures speak for themselves. So maybe think about V-Day sooner and get a really special and thoughtful gift.!Via: http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-in-crowd/infographic-can-technology-save-valentines-day/ !

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WHEN SMART IS NOT SO SMART"In 1997 the word `smart phone´ first appeared by Swedish firm Ericsson. Today most of the people own smart phones but the Google `chief of technology advocate´ Michael Jones and the polemical technology author Evgeny Morozov acknowledge big problems with the word smart and our society. People think they are getting smart because they all can use the gadgets or apps and profit from all the information. But nobody think about what will happen when we can´t rely on these things. All these gadgets can design out our imperfections though is this the way everything should be? `... some problems and imperfections are just the normal costs of accepting the social contract of living with other human being and and ensuring that, in our recent pursuit of a perfect society, we do not shut off the door to change.´!Via: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130201-when-smart-is-not-so-smart?selectorSection=section !

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PAY BY TWEET- THE NEW WAY OF PAYMENT"This month American Express and Twitter entered into a cooperation agreement. US customers could connect their credit card with their twitter account and with the help of hashtags which they twitter are able to buy selected items. Last year customers could only get discount deals instead of allowing payments. The same strategy is used now because the Tablet Fire HD and the new Xbox are cheaper than the original price if you buy it over twitter. Maybe this is the new and innovative way tobuy items and perhaps other social networks will follow. Check out the video to see how such a purchase can look like.!Via: http://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-amex-launch-pay-by-tweet-service-2013-2 !http://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/geld/einkaufen-mit-hashtag-amex-experimentiert-mit-twitter-bezahlsystem-1970282.html !

Watch it on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CUXQYrn8zds !

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Released by Planning Department Frankfurt February 2013For submission of interesting news, inspiration and comments please submit to [email protected]

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