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By: John Adamo

Jenn Laing

Travis Kuhl

Brittani Rynkowski

Michael Yingling

Talking down to other contestants, acting like you are better than them

Negative tone

Giving the silent treatment

Cursing / Yelling

Try to stay positive, always picking up other players who are down

Let everyone know of the updates on the food so everyone can be aware of it being complete

Collaboration and helping out teammates

Speak clearly and be attentive

•Heather was relevant in the fact that she took charge of her team and was the spoken leader.

•Chosen as the “kitchen donkey” then came back and was nominated the “best of the worst”

•Good communication skills.

•Other chefs helping one another to get the dishes out on time.

•One leader dishing out orders.

•Coming together as one to provide excellent service to customers.

Heather’s decision


A sign of betrayal


Gabe’s opinion of Garrett’s dish

Opportunity to put someone below himself

Neglecting the idea of collaboration


• Untrustworthy

• Second Guess

• Question

• Misrepresent Company/Themselves

• Truth is the Truth

• Accept It !

• Sacrificing One for All

• Depends on the Situation

• Depends on Situation

• Business Oriented vs. Friends

• Bluntly – Not Caring

• Sensitive – Caring

“It might help Skippy’s feelings if you said he needed improvement instead of calling him a bad dog.”

Divide and conquer

Everyone responsible for one part of the big picture

Different background/different expertise

IS, business, etc.

Team leader delegates to rest of team

Competitive nature of individuals shows itself

Can have positive and negative effects

Most teams are made up of individuals with various backgrounds

Cooperation is a large part of professional environment

Team leaders (managers/directors) delegate to other professionals

The length of your time on a particular show is sometimes determined by other contestants. So stay positive and make many acquaintances, but don’t act fake.


• Think before you speak

• Consider the situation and all factors before making a decision

In order to succeed in a professional environment, everyone must be willing to work cooperatively with others

Sometimes we are put in positions we can’t handle, but all we can do is our best and if that’s not good enough of someone else just know you at least tried your best.

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