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Under the supervision of: Dr. Richa K. TyagiAsst. ProfessorBBAU, Lucknow

Presented by:Lhaihoichong SingsonMsc 4th semesterRoll No- 1169BBAU, Lucknow

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Think Globally and Act Locally……..

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Identification of wastes sources from the selected site

Preparation of questionnaire and data collection according to the waste sources.

Assessing the appropriateness of implementing an alternative clean energy sources as per the data collected.

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Lucknow zoo’s profile

Popularly known as : Prince of Wales Zoological Gardens Location : At the heart of the city Born on : 1921 Area : 71.6 hactares Status (CZA) : Large zoo Possessions : 468 mammals, 100 birds, 378 reptiles Speciality : Swamp Deer, Black Buck, Hog Deer

Barking Deer, White Tiger , Himalayan black bear, Indian wolf, great pied hornbill etc.

Uniqueness : First zoo in India to implement Solar energy within the whole zoo premises.

Other attractions : Aquarium, Nocturnal house, Museum, Nature Interpretation Center, Toy train & Vintage train.

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A glimpse of Lucknow zo


Museum, Indian Aircraft, Botanical garden, Toy

train, Vintage train and historical monument

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Questionnaire Report • Data has been collected in the form of questionnaires which is

categorized as i. Animal wastesii. Biomass wastes, and iii.Anthropogenic wastes • To know more about the technical management of solid waste

generated in the zoo.• To estimate how much wastes is produced at the end of the day,

how it is managed and utilized for the development of the zoo.• From the data collected through questionnaires, assessment is

done by providing suggestive measures in terms of alternative energy sources for waste management to create a cleaner & healthy environment without causing pollution.

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Animal wastes Biomass wastes Anthropogenic waste1. What is the total strength of the animals in the zoo?

1. Name the different plant species found in the zoo premises.

1. What is the estimated number of visitors per day?

2. From which category/ family do they belong?

2. What is the approximate number of trees planted?

2. What steps are taken for degradable type of waste and how much quantity of waste is generated per day?

3. What is the total number of each family?Mammals/Reptiles/Birds

3.Which plant category is given preference?Herbs/Shrubs/Trees

3. How much amount of waste is generated ,Paper/Polythene/Plastic bottles?

4. How much waste is generated byLarge animals/Small animals per day?

4.Is the trees planted in the zoo, sufficient or less?

4. Which category of visitors are more in number,Adult/Children?

5. How much amount of waste is generated by one animal in a day?

5. Do they have any value added products? If yes, which type?

5. In which season canteen’s waste is generated more?

6. Where are the wastes dumped?

6. What is the total area of zoo? 6. In which season is the visitors’ rate high,Summer/winter?

7. How are these waste utilized? 7. How much biomass waste is generated?

7. What are the different types of waste is generated from canteen?

8. What are the conventional methods used by the Lucknow Zoo Authority for the animal waste management?

8. How is the generated biomass waste utilized for the zoo management?

8. Which type of waste is generated mostly by the visitors? Is it degradable/ Non-degradable?

9. What are the different types of benefits obtained from the waste generated?

9. What are the benefits obtained from these plants species?

9. What are the steps taken for non-degradable type waste and how much quantity of waste is generated?

10.Are they useful for the zoo management?

10. What are the steps taken to manage the biomass waste?

10. What steps are taken by the concern Authority to remediate the canteen waste?

11. Are the benefits obtained from the waste management exceeding the negative impact caused by it?

12. What are the different modern methods practiced for solid waste management?

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Potential alternative approaches for utilization of waste materials

Animal & biomass wastes are both organic in nature and can be manage using various methods such as-

i). Biological conversion Anaerobic digestion Bio-hydrogen Plant productionii). Thermo-chemical Conversion (TCC) Pyrolysis & Bio-char production

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Direct liquefaction Dry gasification• Anthropogenic wastes can be either degradable or non-

degradable. Degradable wastes can be treated alongwith the organic wastes while for non-degradable wastes, the various methods can be applied as given below

Incineration Gasification Pyrolysis Recycling Sanitary landfilling

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The other sight of Lucknow zoo…

Improper dumping sites of wastes in the zoo


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Conversion platforms for animal &biomass waste-to-energy

Biological platforms

Animal & Biomass waste

Thermo-chemical conversion

Fuels: Heat & Power; Chemical


Vermicasting bin

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Flow diagram of anaerobic digestion process & end points of products

Organic waste

Homogenization tank

Anaerobic digester

Solid-liquid separation



r Composti



Biogas CH4, CO2, minor



Heat & Electricity

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Main thermo chemical processes, their intermediate products & end use

Organic waste



Direct Liquefaction Pyrolysis Combustion

CH4,CO2,minor gases

Bio-oil Char/Charcoal




Fuel oil

Soil Amendme


Heat & Electricity

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Modern Landfill


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Table 1: Composition of fresh animal wastes in the zooTable 2: Approximate product & composition of biomass

wastes in the zoo

Name of animals

No. of animals Wastes generated per


1. Himalayan black bear

3 1 lbsx3 (1kg= 2.2lbs)

2. Sloth bear 3 1 lbsx3

3. Giraffe 2 5 lbsx2

4. Rhinoceros 1 1000 lbsx1

5. Swamp deer

57 3.5kg

6. Barking deer

23 3.5kg

7. Hog deer 30 3.5kg

8. Samber deer

15 3.5kg

9. Spotted deer

198 3.5kg

10. Rabbit 10 2.8kg

Zebra 3 kg

Tiger 5 kg

Lion 2 kg

Hyaena 9 kg

Wolf Indian 5 kg

Jackal 2 kg

Monkey 20 kg

Leopard 11 kg

Total 399 kg

Sources Composition

1. Twigs Approx. 2kg/day

2. Dry leaves Approx. 3.5-4.0kg/day

Total Approx.6.5-7.0kg/day

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Evaluation Total amount of waste generated per day = Dry biomass weight = () x 20/100 = 1kg of dry biomass generates 65 liter of biogas Hence, ()kg of dry biomass generates = 65 x () liter

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Conclusion Wastes management is considered highly important

sustainability issues for zoos as it is one of the main sources of wastes.

It can be managed using the 3 ‘R’s principle (reduce, re-use & recycle).

From the three sources of wastes found in the zoo premises, animal & biomass wastes are more focused for waste management as most of the waste are derived from these two sources.

They are also completely organic in nature. Besides numerous benefits derived from proper waste

management such as organic fertilizers, feeds for animals, etc. Clean energy can also be obtained to substitute fossil fuel

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Future Recommendations

The 3 ‘R’s principle should be strictly implemented. Research should be done to control nutrient loses from animal

wastes, to design & develop eco-friendly equipments, to combat intolerable & unhealthy odor.

Awareness regarding potentialities of wastes should be made known to the students through lab work so that work on waste management can be effectively carried out.

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