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Page 1: Forging Collaboration and Improving Access to Geriatrics ...... · Forging Collaboration and Improving Access to Geriatrics with eConsult: A Workshop for Clinicians who are “All

Forging Collaboration and Improving Access to Geriatrics with eConsult: A Workshop for Clinicians who are “All Alone”

Dr. Clare LiddyAssociate Professor and Clinical Investigator, C.T. Lamont Primary Health Care Research Centre, Dept. of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa

April 20, 2018

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The eConsult TeamA collaboration between:• The Champlain Local Health Integration Network• The Ottawa Hospital• Bruyère Research Institute• Winchester District Memorial 

Program Funding• Champlain Local Health Integration Network• Ontario Ministry of Health and Long‐term Care

Current Research Funding• Canadian Institutes of Health Research• Bruyère Research Institute‐ CLRI• Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement• Canada Health Infoway

Clare LiddyPrimary Care Lead

Erin KeelySpecialist Lead

Amir AfkhamEngagement & Implementation Lead

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]‐562‐6262, Ext. 2928 613‐738‐8400, Ext. 81941 613‐747‐3235

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Faculty/Presenter Disclosure

•Faculty: Clare Liddy

•Relationships with commercial interests:– Grants/Research Support: None– Speakers Bureau/Honoraria: None– Consulting Fees: None– Other: None

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Disclosure of Commercial Support

•This program has received no financial or in-kind support from commercial interests

•Potential for conflict(s) of interest:– Dr. Clare Liddy has no conflicts of interest to declare, real or perceived

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Where it all started:Champlain region• Population of 1.2 million

• One major urban referral center (Ottawa, ON)

• Surrounding rural communities up to 2 hours away by car

• Demographics/health outcomes similar to the rest of Ontario/Canada

• Long, cold winters (average winter low -11.2°C)

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The problem: poor access

“I have been waiting a long time to get my appointment with the specialist”

“Takes a long time to have an non-urgent patient seen in Endocrinology”

“I refer and then wait and do not even know if the fax was received…”

“I am frustrated by my wait list. I can’t ever seem to catch up…”

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hat is an eConsultation?

Asynchronous, electronic communication between providers

Patient-specific question directed to a specialist

May result in patient not needing a face-to-face visit with a specialist

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ow does eConsult work?

PCP logs onto secure webpage

ompletes simple form to submit to a “specialty”

Assigned to an appropriate specialist (availability/rotation))

esponse received within 7 days; back and forth communication can occur between PCP and 


PCP closes eConsult and completes survey

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ase example - Dermatology

1 PCP asks : “Elderly patient with w lip lesions X 6months and

easing in size. Approx 3-4mm, oth. Non tender . Your thoughts ifferential and urgency of biopsy appreciated.

2 Specialist “ the most likely nosis for this blue-black papule he left upper lip is venous lake. I ot have the benefit of palpating esions. A venous lake is soft, c and has no enduration…”

Detailed question with image sent to Dermatology

Response within 1 day with educational tips about identifying type of lesion

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se example

onsult dialogue10 21:36 PCP asks an additional

stions. “After re-examination the n is quite soft. The patient would t removed for cosmetic reasons. ld you recommend referral to

matology or plastic surgery given tion?”

10 22:00 Specialist response ous lakes are best treated by rtherapy. I suggest Dr X at XX clinic he has the appropriate laser for this. ourse there is a fee since not red by OHIP.”

Impact of eConsult

Opportunity to ask additional question

Educational opportunity and efficient redirect to most appropriate specialist for this patient

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2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

33,327 cases completed*

1,355 PCPs (1,160 MDs and 195 NPs) from 476 clinics in 109 towns/cities have joined the service

109 specialty groups available

vidence base: population reach

Cases Completed PCP Engagement


er of


s Enr










2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

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Current specialty services (n=109)dictions Assessment/atment Servicesdictions – Opioids and otherbstancesergy and Clinical Immunologyesthesiology (Adult) *ck and Neck (Spine) Care *riatric Care


Dietitianncer Geneticsncer Screeningncer Survivorshiprdiology *amplain CCACiropodynical Pharmacy *ncussion – Rehabilitationnservative Kidney Management Clinicrmatology *air loss

abetes Educationdocrinology *

OsteoporosisT & Head/Neck Surgerystroenterologyneticsneral Surgeryriatrics * Medications (Deprescribing)

Mi d (D ti D li i )

Pain Medicine *• Hip Pain (under 50)

Pain and Opioid Addictions/ Addictions – Opioids

Palliative Care * Psychiatry * Psychiatry – On Track First

Psychosis Episode Psychiatry - Perinatal Public Health – Ottawa Radiation-Radiotherapy Injury Refugee and Immigrant Health

(Adult) Radiology:

• Abdominal• Breast• Musculoskeletal• Neuro Radiology• Thoracic

Refugee and Immigrant Health(Adult)

Respirology Rheumatology * Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Spinal Surgery Sports Medicine Thoracic Surgery Thrombosis Transgender Care Urology * Vascular Surgery Wound Care

GeriMedrisk Gynecology Hematology Hemostasis

HIV• Specialists• Pharmacist• Psychologist• Social Worker

Infectious Diseases * ID - Viral Hepatitis Internal Medicine * Musculoskeletal Rehab *

Nephrology * Neurology Migraine Parkinson Patient Care

Coordination Parkinsons and Movement

Disorders Epilepsy Dementia and Cognitive

Neurology Multiple Sclerosis

Neurosurgery OBS/GYN Vulvo-Vaginal Disease Menopause/Perimenopause Urogynecology

Obstetrics Ophthalmology

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edications, Mind , Mobility and more

eriatrics * Medications (Deprescribing) Mind (Dementia, Delirium) Mobility (Falls and Near Falls GeriMed Risk

Chronic pain Psychiatry Wound Care Neurology Parkinson’s Care Coordination Dementia and Cognitive neurology

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he Evidence Base for Champlain BASETM

Better Population Health Improved Patient Experience

Lower Costs Improved Provider Experience

Exploring Policy/Implementation Issues

• eConsult cuts response times from months to days (0.9 days median)

• Two‐thirds of cases did not require a face‐to‐face specialist referral

• Exploration of specific populations (e.g. chronic pain patients, pharmacists) reveal high value of service

• eConsult responds to previously articulated patient dissatisfaction with wait times

• Interviews with patients reveal high satisfaction with eConsult’s impact on access, care quality, and continuity of care

• Across specialty groups, the service cost a weighted average of $47.35/case versus $133.60/case for traditional referrals

• Costs drop dramatically after the start‐up period, reaching ~$6.45/case by year 3

• Further savings that account for societal costs are estimated at ~$11 per eConsult

• PCPs rank eConsult as high/very high value in over 90% of cases

• 94% of specialists report eConsult improves communication with PCPs

• eConsult provides a powerful teaching tool for PCPs

• eConsult services remain relatively uncommon in Canada• Implementation of a successful service requires adherence to key steps• A number of legal and policy challenges must be addressed to support the full and 

effective implementation of eConsult services

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tient perspectives of eConsult

She took photos of both my hands [and] sent them through the eConsult and within 24 hours I was back in the office [with a prescription]. 

t was really, really helpful and I was so happy that it was available. […]

t just kind of gives me a bit of peace of mindproved Patient experience through better access, are coordination

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pact of eConsult on access• Specialists responded to eConsults in a median of 0.9 days*

(Improved access)

• 67% of cases did not require a face-to-face specialist visit (efficient, coordinated care)

• In 4% of cases, eConsult prompted a medical referral (patient safety)

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ducational value of eConsults

This was an excellent educational opportunity for me. I knew I didn't need to worry about this case but I got extra education about when I should worry and what course of action to take in these situations. I have shared this learning opportunity with my residents as well."

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mple Comments for Geriatrics Specialtiesks for the article from AHRQ very helpful!”

t additional information and alternate routes to pursue ”

, succinct answer helped!”

helpful, detailed information to assist me in linking a complex geriatric patient to the sary resources in her community. Thank you!”

offered superb advice - especially in regards to communication with this patient's family. you!”

ks X for your thorough answer. Very helpful.”

k you, Dr. X! I have been slow to close this, but the patient is now awaiting reassessment riatrics. I really appreciate the advice, and I will bear the options in mind for future cases. ”

ks Dr X for your comprehensive answer. Very helpful..”

k you for the added time and effort to answer extra questions.”

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Consult and Geriatric Patients

A 2016 study found 21.3% of eConsult cases were submitted for patients over 65 years of age1

Results were comparable to overall population:Median response time of 0.8 daysHigh/very high value in 94% of casesReferral required in only 28% of cases

Clear evidence of value for elderly patients, many of who face mobility challenges

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onsult for LTC Patients ( early results)

61 cases submitted to 15 specialty groups*5 active PCPs from LTC using eConsult

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pact of eConsult - LTC

• In 62% of cases, PCPs in LTC homes received new advice for a new or additional course of action

• 68% of eConsults resolved without a face-to-face visit

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otential Cost Savings in LTCPotential cost savings through avoided transfers and specialist referrals is tremendous

Avoiding unnecessary specialist visits:• Alleviates staff from the process of securing

transportation for residents

• Prevents residents from having to ask family members to accompany them to specialist visits

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pread and scale-up across Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador• Provincial focus• Uses BASETM platform• Direct replication

Nunavut• Access to Champlain BASETMspecialists for remote PCPs

Quebec• BASE model of Quebec platform

• Launched July 2017l l

Ontario (SEAMO)• Pilot launched in new region (SE LHIN)• Different platform, BASETM workflow• Provincial program

nitobases BASETM platformirect replicationaunch Fall 2017

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Consult is spreading to your region!

Ontario- recently launched Ontario eConsultCentre of Excellence ( Dr Liddy and Dr Keely)Quebec, Manitoba & Newfoundland have mplemented BASE eConsultAlberta- eReferral and eConsult ( advice request)New Brunswick- eConsult funded- launch 2018BC- eConsult and RACE systems availableSaskatchewan eConsult readiness underway in 2018

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Phase 1Outaouais1 GMF‐U 15 spécialistes25 FSP24 résidentsJuillet 2017

Phase 2Abitibi‐Témiscamingue2 GMF, 1 GMF‐U6 spécialistes33 FSP6 résidentsFévrier 2018Intégration au CRDS

Phase 3Mauricie et Centre‐du‐Québec3 GMF2 spécialistes 47 FSPAvril 2018Intégration au CRDS

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For more information, check out our eBook

Available in iBook (for Mac) and pdf (for PC) fromwww.ChamplainBASEeConsult.com

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ank you


ontact details:Clare Liddy

[email protected]

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