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Fostering Critical Thinking with Project Based Learning

Jennifer Dormanjdorman.wikispaces.com/pbl

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Project Based Learning ProvidesA multiple entry point strategy and varied and multiple possible solutions

A focus on universal challenges with local solutions

An authentic connection with multiple disciplines

An opportunity to develop 21st century skills

The purposeful use of Web 2.0 tools for organizing, collaborating, and publishing

Challenge-Based Learning: An Approach for Our Time – A Research Report from The New Media Consortium http://ali.apple.com/cbl/index.html

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Project Based Learning Provides

The opportunity for students to do something rather than just learn about something

The documentation of the learning experience from challenge to solution

24/7 access to up-to-date technology tools and resources so students can do their work

Challenge-Based Learning: An Approach for Our Time – A Research Report from The New Media Consortium http://ali.apple.com/cbl/index.html

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Five Minds for the Future

Gardner, Howard. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Disciplinedmastery of key subjects

Creatingbeyond existing knowledge and

syntheses to pose new questions

Respectfulseeking to understand


Ethicalstriving toward good work

and good citizenship

Synthesizingarraying information to make sense to self and


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21st Century Skills


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ACOT2 has identified six design principles for the 21st century high school

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Design Structure


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Big Idea

a broad concept that can be explored in multiple ways, is engaging, and has importance to high school students and the larger society

Examples –



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Essential Question

identify what is important to know about the big idea and refine and contextualize that idea

Examples –

What is cultural identity and how does it define you?

How does my water consumption impact my world?

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a challenge is articulated that asks students to create a specific answer or solution that can result in concrete, meaningful action

Example –

Create cross-cultural connections at your school

Improve your home, school, or community use of water.

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Guiding Questions

generated by the students, these questions represent the knowledge students need to discover to successfully meet the challenge

Examples –

How do we use water? How much do we use? How is water wasted?How can water be conserved?

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Guiding Activities

lessons, simulations, games, and other types of activities to help students answer the guiding questions and set the foundation for them to develop innovative, insightful, and realistic solutions

Example – Calculate Your Individual Water Footprint

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Guiding Resources

focused set of resources can include podcasts, websites, videos, databases, experts, and so on that support the activities and assist students with developing a solution

Example - WaterSense Quiz from the Environmental Protection Agency’


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each solution should be thoughtful, concrete, actionable, clearly articulated, and presented in a publishable multimedia format

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solution can be assessed for its connection to the challenge, accuracy of the content, clarity of communication, applicability for implementation, and efficacy of the idea

the process that the individuals as well as teams went through in getting to a solution can also be assessed, capturing the development of 21st century skills

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students are encouraged to publish their results online, soliciting feedback

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Exemplar – Energy

Big Idea = Energy

Essential Question = What is the impact of my fossil fuel consumption?

Challenge = Reduce your family’s fossil fuel consumption.


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Guiding Questions =

What is a fossil fuel?

Where does my family use fossil fuels?

What is made from fossil fuels?

How much gas does my family use in one week?

What are the alternatives to fossil fuels?


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Guiding Activities =

Learn About Fossil Fuels

Students research and develop a clear definition of fossil fuels.

How Much Fossil Fuel Do You Own?

Students create a list of products that have fossil fuels in them. They do an inventory of all the items in their homes that contain fossil fuel and investigate alternatives to these items.


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Guiding Resources =

Energy Story: Fossil Fuels—Coal, Oil and Natural GasThe California Energy Commission provides an overview of fossil fuels.www.energyquest.ca.gov/story/chapter08.html

Energy EfficiencyThe Energy Information Administration provides information for students about energy consumption and efficiency.www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energyfacts/saving/efficiency/savingenergy_secondary.html


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Global to Local . . . PBL in Action

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Elementary, Middle, and High School Challenges

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Vicki DavisJulie Lindsay123elearning.blogspot.comBeijing International School, China

coolcatteacher.blogspot.comWestwood Schools, Camilla, GA

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The Flat Classroom™ Project is a global collaborative project that joins together middle and senior high school students.

This project is part of the emerging tend in internationally-aware schools to embrace a holistic and constructivist educational approach to work collaboratively with others around the world in order to create students who are competitive and globally-minded.

One of the main goals of the project is to 'flatten' or lower the classroom walls so that instead of each class working isolated and alone, 2 or more classes are joined virtually to become one large classroom.

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In some ways, Digiteen™ is 21st Century Character Education! 

Students (typically Grade 7-9, 12-16 year old) are introduced to information through a series of videos selected by their school, research current digital citizenship trends and news and compile a collaborative report with other students around the world, and make fact based recommendations in their offline action project at their local school to promote safe, appropriate online behaviors.

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This project bridges the divide between culture, schools, countries, and even bandwidth by providing low-bandwidth methods for participants. 

This is a middle school debate project promoting cultural understanding.

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Students will study the current research and create wiki-reports with their student partners around the world analyzing current trends and projecting future happenings based upon this collaborative analysis.

After compiling their wiki reports based upon current research, and encouraged by "expert advisors" (subject matter experts in the industry), students will then create a video in one of two strands.

• Video strand I competition will be the NetGenEd Challenge where students are asked to envision the future of education based upon current global technological trends.

• Video Strand II Competition is the Macrowikinomics Challenge where students envision the future of global social action based upon their research in current global technological trends.

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How will the process be assessed?

How will the solution be assessed?

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Collaboration (in-person & virtual)

Organization (ideas & materials)

Time Management (planning)

Adequate Distribution of Tasks

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Product (presentation, implementation, reflection)

Checkpoints (drafts, proposals, checklists)

Multimedia (design, performance)

Content (research, documentation, presentation, citation)

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Impact of the Performance (Solution)

The success of the performance, given the purposes, goals and desired results

Adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins

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Work Quality and Craftsmanship

The overall polish, organization, and rigor of the work

Adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins

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Adequacy of Methods and Behaviors

The quality of the procedures and manner of presentation, prior to an during performance

Adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins

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Validity of Content

The correctness of the ideas, skills, and materials used

Adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins

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Sophistication of Knowledge Employed

The complexity or maturity of the knowledge displayed

Adapted from the work of Grant Wiggins

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