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CRO for B2BJoe DovetonBusiness Director – Fresh Egg

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What is CRO?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the discipline of improving

website and app performance through an ongoing programme of

analysis, testing and iteration.

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Why CRO?

Well, why do you have a website?

B2B marketing is mostly about leads

To get leads you need to make it easy for website users to interact

The principle is the same as B2C marketing; make it easy for the

user to gather information and make decisions

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10 B2B tips forCRO success

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1. Trust your data

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How much do you really trust your data?Don’t make decisions on inaccurate data - get an analytics health check

Are you tracking the right things?

Are the correct events being recorded?

How is it reported back to the business?

Who is acting on it?

Trust your data

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2. Get a process

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Get a process

Anyone can do CRO, you just need to follow a clear process

Gain an executive sponsor in your business

Get a project team (maybe even part time)

Spend 80% of your budget on staff and 20% on tools

Always have a data gathering / discovery / research phase

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3. Have a scientific approach

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Have a scientific approach to uncovering the evidence of why users are not converting

The HIPPO could be wrong

Stop making site changes based on an opinion

Collect evidence. Both quantitative and qualitative

Quantitative: web analytics, and business reporting

Qualitative: UX studies, customer surveys, user testing, competitor analysis

(Have clear hypotheses for the changes you want to make)

Have a scientific approach

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4. Page leakage

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In Google Analytics, one of the most valuable reports is page valueleakage – this gives you the priority areas to look at

To calculate leakage multiply page value by the exit rate

This will give you a list of the most valuable pages on your website that feature as part of a converting journey that still have a high exit rate

Fix the biggest holes first

Page leakage

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5. Hierarchy of goals

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#5 Hierarchy of goals

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What do you want your users to do on the page? Make this the clear priority.

In visual hierarchy, all secondary actions should be downgraded

The main goal should have a clear high contrast user action; a call-to-action button is perfect

Use language specific to your business such as “request a call back” or “request a brochure”

Make those social buttons monochrome and put them below the fold

Hierarchy of goals

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6. Improve those forms

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Optimise your forms

B2B sites often have a form completion as a main form of data capture

Problems with forms include bad labelling, extraneous fields, unclear outcomes and unresponsive elements

Use form analytics to work out which form fields are causing you problems

Use form analytics to collect field-by-field data

Improve those forms

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7. Mobile is a game changer

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Mobile web issues that stop conversions include:

Site load speed. If your website has lots of bandwidth hungry images this may slow down your page loading on a mobile

Use a “mobile first” approach - either a responsive site that renders appropriately for mobile, a specific “m-dot” site built for mobile

Ergonomics are different on phones - users will mainly be looking at the screen in portrait

Avoid drop downs and enable click-to-call functionality

Mobile is a game changer

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8. Sales & customer service

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You may not know ‘what you know’.

Conduct stakeholder interviews with your sales team and customer services

What feedback do they get about your website?

What improvements to your site are your clients suggesting?

Sales & Customer Service

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9. Get a good tool kit

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Get a toolkit that matches your budget and aspirations.

There are options for every budget

For the enterprise level, Optimizely and Adobe have the most complete functionality and best support network

Equally, at the lower cost end of the market AB Tasty, Feng Guiand Hotjar do a brilliant job at an affordable price

Get a good toolkit

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10. Towards personalisation

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B2B generally has more focus than B2C - some businesses have a finite universe of customers. In fact,

segmentation and personalisation is easier in B2B.

You can personalise by geo-IP location, time of day, products previously viewed

The list is endless

Getting customers to log-in and present lists of requirements allows you to build segments of users with

similar requirements

Personalisation is a journey not a destination

Towards personalisation

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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is for everyone. Especially B2B

Following these top 10 tips will help you start eliminating the reliance on opinion in your web design

CRO is not just AB or split testing - there are many methods of generating insight - from querying your web analytics, to undertaking

user studies, interviewing internal stakeholders and running surveys for your customers

There are many alternatives to writing up a lengthy business case and recruiting a team - start small and agile

CRO is bringing the spirit of enterprise and experiment to a B2B organisation like yours. So, why not you?

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Thank youJoe Doveton – Business Director, Fresh Egg

T: 01903 285857

E: [email protected] www.freshegg.co.uk

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