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January 13, 2013

Mailed: January 9, 2013


Lenten Worship Schedule.................... pg 1

From the Staff............ pg 1

The Miracle................ pg 2

Visitors from Chontala..................... pg 2

Among the Congregation............. pg 2

Memorials.................. pg 4

From The StaffBill Conlin



Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13: 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Lenten Services: Feb. 20, Feb. 27, Mar. 6, Mar. 13, Mar. 20: 7:00 p.m.

Soup suppers will be held each Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

As we begin the New year, I am thinking back to January 2012 when I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Guatemala to visit our brothers & sisters in Christ in Chontala. What an incredible experience! Like many others who have visited our Ministry Partners in Guatemala or Tanzania I can honestly say that my life has been changed forever.

Can you remember back to 1983? I was a sophomore in high school and the only real concern I had was passing my driver’s test so I could drive our ’79 Mercury Monarch

from home to Mounds View High School and back. During that time, our friends in Chontala were enduring unspeakable violence at the hands of the military dictatorship. Our friends had to watch as their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers were rounded up into the Methodist church and the militia killed all the men inside. This is the same community with which Incarnation has developed a ministry partnership.

When we ask the question “Where have you seen God today?” I don’t have to look any further than the people of Chontala. Despite the horror of essentially losing a generation of men thirty years ago, these people live each day in the promise of God’s hope. They work incredibly hard in the cornfields and sew beautiful wares to sell at market. Life is not easy, but they live with a simple joy. The partnership has taken on a personal meaning for me. I was fortunate to stay at the home of Maria Tomasa who lives with her son, Tomasito, his wife Manuela, and their 4 beautiful children. I also had the opportunity to meet young Selvin Perez, the student our family sponsors. I was able to spend time with Selvin, his 4 brothers, and his mother Raefela. I played soccer, Frisbee, and Animal Concentration with the boys. We communicated through members of our delegation who speak Spanish. I thought not knowing the language would be a barrier, but discovered it was not at all.

As you might imagine, their trust is not easily gained, but our friends have whole-heartedly welcomed our Incarnation delegations each time and now we get to return that hospitality. On Monday, February 11, four members of the community of Chontala will arrive in Minnesota. Those of us on the Chontala Action Group would love for you to help us welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ as we look to strengthen the relationship we have built.

We have planned a number of events and opportunities for our guests that will take place here at Incarnation and out in the community. If you want to get involved please let us know, you can contact Mike Spellman at [email protected] or 651-765-0998.

I encourage you to see if God is calling you to this potentially life-changing opportunity to be His welcoming presence to Tomas, Tomasito, Maria and Rafela February 11-18.


Visitors from Guatemala

Among the Congregation

Recently Hospitalized: Mike Wielenberg; Steve Dorr; Dave Thorstad

Sympathy to: The family of Caryl DeYoung on her death; Margie Schmidt and family on the death of her mother; Corey Husu and family on the death of his father; Rich Omland and family on the death of his mother; Jocy Teske and family on the death of her father; Phil Belin and family on the death of his father; Marcine Widman and family on the death of her son; the family of Lilly Leeper on her death; the family of Tom Bulen on his death.

This story was submitted by a member of Incarnation who asked to remain anonymous

I am writing this story to document a profound experience I have had this week. I am led by the Holy Spirit to pass it on to bring hope and reassurance in this world of turmoil and upheaval. I can assure each reader that I do not normally write articles, nor have I often encountered God in such an obvious and sudden way as I have this week. My purpose in sharing my experience is to underscore the certain truth that Jesus is our hope, our security, our future, and He is active in our lives when we invite Him in. Early this past spring, an issue surrounding oak trees sick with oak wilt, a highly spreadable disease, arose. I called the city and asked for help to save my tree. A woman from the city came out and got involved, resulting in the spread of the wilt to my tree. I will not state names, but I will state that the neighbors involved are solid Christians and intended no harm, whereas the city employee acted imprudently. The result was that I got down on my knees to pray when the city sent me a certified letter to begin action against me. God had finally gotten through to me to pray first and act according to His will instead of my own. I prayed daily asking God to deliver me from this expense and difficulty. I spent a few months gathering evidence, times, names, dates, and information to go to court concerning this fiasco. On Friday, November 9, I e-mailed an authority at city hall to inform them of my intent and asked them to check into the specifics I had reported to them. I outlined what I felt were the three possible ways to resolve the situation without going to court, but God had something much better in mind. On Monday, November 12 in the morning, I received a phone call from a neighbor across the street asking to have a meeting with us. When we got to their home we had a lovely chat for about an hour and then came the zinger: my neighbors had obtained an estimate for the removal of the tree and wanted to pay to cut it down for us! Over the shock of relief, the temptation to dissolve in tears, and wondering why they wanted to help us, I was aware of Jesus in the room; in the hearts of these beautiful, obedient Christian people. I asked my neighbor why they were doing this; here is his answer: “I was in church on Sunday listening to Pastor Medin’s sermon. He looked out at us and said that sometimes we have to do something for someone else in order to do something for God. I went home and looked out the window, and there was your painted tree. I knew I was supposed to pay to have it cut down, so I called my tree guy and had him do an estimate. We would very much like to do this for you.” Just like that - wow, God is ironic! None of my neighbors knew I had lost my job 3 months after moving here, that I was in motion to begin a suit against this woman who had caused the problem, or that I had prayed for deliverance. This miracle has many benefits for God; He gets glory and we get affirmation of faith: through the Spirit moving in Gary’s sermon . . . through the givers’ obedience and testimony . . . through my emboldened witness to answered prayer and God’s way of deliverance rather than the world’s (or my own) . . . through the removal of the tree within the legal mandate, though unjust I am forever changed. I can tell you I have not asked for or received help like this from anyone other than my mother at any time in my life. It is not easy to receive when you consider yourself strong or independent. Perhaps learning to accept what God gives is part of the lesson for me. Certainly we all need what God offers us to gain eternal life, and we also need to let Him live in us and lead us RIGHT NOW.

- A newly strengthened believer

By Lynda Thompson

As a member of Incarnation’s second delegation to Guatemala in 2009, I wasn’t sure what to expect from our Mayan hosts. When I arrived, I experienced several surprises. The village of Chontala was farther into the mountains and much more remote than I expected it to be. Our hosts were a bit reserved at first, but they quickly warmed up

to our presence and they graciously included us in most aspects of their lives for the better part of a week. And my biggest surprise - tortillas are harder to make then they look! I can only imagine what our guests from Guatemala must be expecting from their trip to Minnesota in February - yes, February!

Four people, Tomas Tol Pérez, Tomas Panto, Rafaela Pérez, and Maria Luisa de Tol will arrive in Minnesota on Monday, February 11 to share in the life of the Incarnation faith community and to experience life in a northern winter. The Chontala Action Group has been busy preparing for this visit since last summer and now we are less than two months away from welcoming our guests. Throughout the week, the visitors will be at Incarnation several times, joining with us on Ash Wednesday for worship, worship services and SPARK Sunday school on February 17, participating in SPARK Kids’ Club, and working alongside families from Incarnation at Feed My Starving Children to pack food for hungry kids in many nations. There will be a dessert reception on Thursday, February 14 for those who attended the summer support dinners and sponsor Chontala Scholars.

There are also activities planned in the community - a tour of Mounds View High School, a high school basketball game, a trip to Como Park, visits to Stillwater, and various winter activities. The Chontala Action Group is planning the schedule and there are several opportunities for people from Incarnation to transport our guests and participate in some of these activities. For those of you who either speak or are learning Spanish, this visit is a great opportunity to practice the language. These visitors are charming people who have been so gracious to Incarnation delegations, so we want to reciprocate and show these guests from the land of “Eternal Springtime” what life in a cold climate is like. The Contala Action Group welcomes your participation. To learn more about the schedule for the week or to volunteer to be part of any activity, please contact Mike Spellman at [email protected] or at 651-765-0998.

The Miracle


Adding a Name to the Prayer Concerns ListIf you would like to add a name to the public or private prayer concerns lists, simply contact the Incarnation Office. In order to protect the person’s right to privacy, you must have the person’s permission before adding them to the list. They remain on the list for three weeks and may be relisted.Search: Prayer Concerns

Baptismal NapkinsVolunteers are needed to make Baptismal napkins. Please contact Shelly Maesse 651-484-7213 or [email protected] for more information.Search: Within Incarnation

Incarnation Lutheran Church

Connect & Grow

Prayers for the ChurchEvery Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m., prayers are offered for the Church and congregation in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome!When: Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m.Search: Prayer Ministry

Worship & Prayer

Incarnation Lutheran Church Office: 651-484-7213Web Site: www.incarnationmn.org - If registering online, most major debit and credit cards accepted

If payments are made at the Incarnation Office, Visa and Mastercard are accepted for payment.

Children, Youth, and Family

LifeHaven Meal DonationsThere is a new sign-up sheet at the Information Center for Sunday meals with menu suggestions and quantities. If you would rather, you can donate $35 for a meal. Thank you to those who have donated in the past.Search: In Our Local Community


Father/Daughter Small GroupExplore “what’s right with the world” by watching a DVD by National Geographic photographer, Dewitt Jones. Father-daughter teams will watch and talk about the DVD in a small group with others (for daughters 18+). The group will include stories from Connecting Stories @ Incarnation. Leader: Denise FloeWhen: Once/month on Mondays, 6:45 - 7:30 p.m., Jan. - MaySearch: Small Group Ministry

Mothers of New or Soon-To-Be College Students Small GroupConnect with other moms who have children in college or about to enter college. Get together at Incarnation for a light breakfast, conversation, and prayer, using the faith study, Connecting Stories @ Incarnation. Discover how God is present during a time filled with life transitions. Cost: $10. Leader: Audrey FenskeWhen/Where: Once/month on Fridays, 7 - 8:10 a.m., Jan. - JuneSearch: Small Group Ministry

Short Stories Small GroupRead a selection of short stories and talk about them in a small group setting. This small group will read stories from the Listening for God series, watch DVD segments on the writers, and take part in guided conversations, all while getting to know one another. The cost is $10. Leaders: Stephanie Hammerly and Liz ThompsonWhen: Once/month on Wednesdays, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Jan. - MaySearch: Small Group Ministry

Cooking for High Schoolers and Parents Small GroupThis small group is a chance for two generations to come together for fun, cooking, devotions and prayer, and sharing a meal. To build relationships within the family team and across the small group, both people on the family team need to be present to take part. Cost: $20/person with scholarships available. Leader: Kara JacobsenWhen: Once/month on Sundays, 4 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. - AprilSearch: Small Group Ministry

Knitting & Prayer Shawl Small GroupsIncarnation has evening and daytime small groups that knit or do other types of needlework together, while taking part in conversation, devotions, and prayer.When: Once/month on Tuesday mornings or eveningsSearch: Small Group Ministry

Spread the Good News Small GroupThis is an opportunity to think about your faith story and the experiences that have shaped your faith. You’ll have a chance to become more comfortable talking about faith with others. The group will use the faith study Connecting in Grace: Spread the Good News. Leaders: Becky Benson and Denise Floe.When/Where: Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 p.m., Jan. - AprilSearch: Small Group Ministry

Donations for the Silent Auction/Carnival NeededDonations of hand crafted items, event tickets, gift certificates, etc. are greatly appreciated to support this event. To donate items personally or as a promotion for your business, contact Martie Martin, preschool director, at 651-766-0723 or [email protected]. The event will be held February 24 in Grace Hall from 9:00 a.m. When: Donations accepted through Feb. 10Search: Preschool

Incarnation Preschool RegistrationPreschool registration packets for 2013-14 are available at the Preschool and Incarnation Office. Forms are also on the Incarnation website. Call Martie Martin at 651-766-0723 for more information, to schedule a tour, or to have a packet mailed to you. Please check the website for registration dates as qualifications vary.When: Jan. 7 - Jan. 30Search: Preschool

Chontala Visitors February 11-18There are many activities that welcome congregational participation when five visitors from Guatemala are with us in February. We have a need for drivers, a lunch meal host on February 13, and dinner hosts on Saturday, February 16, and Sunday, February 17. Contact Lynda Thompson ([email protected]) for specific information.Search: Ministry Partners/Chontala

Faith and WorkFaith and Work is for anyone in the employment world, to gather for dinner and discussion about how Christian values and faith tenets are integrated into professional life. The next topic will be “Shared Leadership”. Cost is $10 for meal and program. Email [email protected] by Feb 1. to register.When: Feb. 5, 6 - 7:30 p.mSearch: Faith and Work

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Incarnation Receives Memorial GiftsDuring the Fourth Quarter of 2012

In the fourth quarter of the year, Oct. - Dec. 2012, Incarnation Lutheran Church received the following memorials. We would like to publicly thank these people for remembering Incarnation. “We gratefully acknowledge these gifts and join in loving remembrance.”

In Remembrance of: Robert Rothe A Gift was received from: Craig & Roxanne Anderson, Alice Burnside, Kurt & Luann Chatfield, Carolyn Fassett, Kimberly & Keith Friedrich, Kathleen Leighton, Richard Lindholm, Mary Ann & Roger Mack, Erhardt & Delores Paasch, Wendy Paulson, Terry Wagener, Denny & Carol Paulson, John & Pat Miller, Gloria Rothe, Roger & Lu Durbahn, Charleen Swanson In Remembrance of: Len Munson A Gift was received from: Lynne Holt, Carolyn Fassett, James & Doraine Newland, Emily Becker, ML Gudmundson, Leroy & Gloria Strate, Richard & Mary Lazzeri, Jim & Carol Fruehling, Patience & John Gall, Erma Andrews, Carol Adams, Terry & Elizabeth Swanson, Charles & VL Routhe, John & Margaret Miller, Duane & Marlys Nelson, Doris Nyquist, Rev Kenneth & Evelyn Kaden, Myrtle Kranz, Freda Munson, Harlan & Marlene Stoehr, Tim & Kelli Zandstra In Remembrance of: Ralph DeYoung A Gift was received from: Bill & Joan Reichwald, Dennis & Carol Paulson, Bob & Donna Quick, Lorna Rademacher, Larrie & Lou Ann Reese, Dick & Dora Riter, Jack & Karen Ruff, Rich & Linda Runbeck, Bill & Bev Seabloom, Rollie & Murt Seltz, Marlene Selvog, Tim & Cheryl Skildum, Bev & Joe Stepka, David & Marsha Stimpson, Jeremy & Sara Stimpson, Harlan & Marlene Stoehr, Rollie & LeAnn Sullivan, Anna Thorstad, John & Maryl Wahlstrand, Don Wallin, Cal & Sharon Wilson, William & Janet Jungbauer, Richard Lindholm, George & Marianne Kulka, Terry & Julie Edwards, Ronald Kuhn, Steve & Barb Zawadski, Marcia & Larry Bartels, Margaret Trondson, Philip & Susan Foster, Gloria & Jay Chadima, Louis Deslauriers, Jim & Rosemary Cokley, Dick & Beryl Schoonover, Robert & Gayle Edberg, Betty Anderson, Audrey & Jonathan Smothers, Zelpha Haug, Doris & Warren Anderson, Denis Bakke, Toni Arndt, John Hanson, John & Kathleen Kidd, James & Marcia Landis, Rosemary Lentsch, Shirley Hage, John & Beverly Pearson, Juliette Zalk, Lucinda Eastman, Beverly Flaherty, Dan Blees, Audrey Tyson, John & Mary Lou Schmitt, Doug & Phyllis Ostergren, Don & Jean Alsop, Al & Joyce Anderson, Bob Arndt, Erik & Sue Aus, Alan & Sandi Bahr, Mary Birkeland, Jane Conlin, Mick & Marge Danhoff, Scott & Beth Durbahn, Randy & Nancy Erickson, Marilyn Fritze, Tom & Jan Hardel, Jerry & Carol Erickson, MaeEtta Jarvis, Carl & Jan Johnson, Harry & Marian Johnson, Dale & Vernita Kennen, Herb & Joyce King, Myrtle Kranz, Carol Lacey, Bob & Alice Larson, Van Linck, Gene & Mary Lou Lindholm, Gary & Mary Lunstad, John & Pat Miller, Louise Ostergren, Madison & Nancy Overmoen, Larry & Donna Wipf, Jerry & Claire Gilbert, Esther Circle, LARKS, Nancy Nelson, The Labernik Family, Denny & Karol Campbell, Marlys Nelson, Mahlon & Judith Christensen, Dave & Lynne Plummer, Terry Swor, David & Carolyn Sanders, Ken & Colleen Vollmers In Remembrance of: Tom Conlin A Gift was received from: Bill & Bev Seabloom, Ken & Rosalie Grosch, Harlan & Marlene Stoehr, Joan Ireland & Joe Springer

In Remembrance of: Mike RheinA Gift was received from: Carl & Gina Nerison, Gary & Mary Lunstad

In Remembrance of: Dick CabillotA Gift was received from: Steve & Judy Kaatz, Arvin & Jane Gehrking, Bill & Joan Reichwald, Jack & Karen Ruff, John & Pat Miller, Al & Joyce Anderson, Harlan & Marlene Stoehr, Bill & Linda Armstrong, Gene & Mary Lou Lindholm, Bill & Nancy Swenson, Bill & Bev Seabloom, Jim & Carol Fruehling, Herb & Joyce King, Ken & Rosalie Grosch, Harry & Marian Johnson, Larrie & Lou Ann Reese, John & Gloria Norlinger, Jan & Carl Johnson, Mark & Karen Johnson, Bette Olson, Marlys Nelson, Roger & Lu Durbahn, Mick & Marge Danhoff, Vern Kleinsasser, Dave & Marcia Stimpson, John & Margaret Miller

In Remembrance of: Caryl DeYoungA Gift was received from: Louise Ostergren, Ken & Rosalie Grosch, Carl & Jan Johnson, Carol & Daniel Labernik, Mick & Marge Danhoff, Marlys Nelson, Don & Jean Alsop, Midland Hills 4th Wednesday Bridge Club, Jim & Mary Landis, Harry & Marian Johnson

In Remembrance of: Charles J. LinderA Gift was received from: Carol Jo Forneris Memorial gifts were made to the Endowment Fund in memory of Len Munson by Bill & Nancy Swenson and Jan & Carl Johnson; in memory of Ralph DeYoung by Bill & Nancy Swenson and Carl & Gina Nerison; in memory of Caryl DeYoung by Bill & Nancy Swenson and Carl & Gina Nerison; and from Carl & Gina Nerison in memory of Leona Medin, Bob Mattson, Ken Granquist, Harris Hallgren, Glen Gullikson, Don Ostergren, Dick Cabillot, Cleone Tang, Tom Conlin and the mother of Eunice Fultz.

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