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Front MatterSource: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Science, Vol. 3 (1883)Published by: Royal Irish AcademyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20490043 .

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14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden. , 20, South Frederick-street.


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n at d t &xtzisitg Vresss, BY PONSONBY AND WELDRICK.

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THE ACADEMY desire it to be understood, that they are not

answerable for any opinion, representation of facts, or train of

reasoning that may appear in any of the following Papers. The

Authors of the several Papers are alone responsible for their


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Report on the History of Irish Fossil Mammals, . . 89

ANGaw, A. H.

Mathematical Notes (Abstract), . . . . . . 289


Recent Foraminifera of Dublin and Wicklow, . . . 545


Reports from the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin. No. 1.-On the method of Regulating a Clock intended to show Correct Mean Time, . . . . . . 66

Researches on the Parallax of 61 (A) Cygni, made at Dunsink, 209 Note on the Applioation of Lagrange's Equations of Motion to

Problems in the Dynamics of a Rigid Body . . . 213 Observations in Search of Stars with a Large ual Parallax, 215 Speculations on the Source of Meteorites, . . . 227 Researches on Annual Parallax, made at Dunsink, . 355 Preliminary Note on the Plane Representation of Certain

Problems in the Dynamics of a Rigid Body, . . . 428 On Homographic Screw Systems, . . . . . . 435 Contributions to the Theory of Screws, . . . . . 661


Report on the Flora of the Blasket Islands, Co. Kerry, . . 368



On the Volumetric Estimation of Chromium, . . . 86 On the Formation and Composition of some Complex Oxides

of Cobalt and Nickel, . . . . . . . 101 On the Colour, Relations, and Colorimetric Estimation of Nickel

and Cobalt, . . . . . . . . . 131 Suggestions on the Development of the Cyclic Law of the

Chemical Elements (Plate xxi.), . . . 793

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vi List of tide Contributors.

BuL, C cwmss A., M.B. PAGE.

On a Series of Bases derived from Pyrrol, and some Com pounds allied to them and to Mucik Acid, . . X 33

Further Observations on Pyrrol and its Derivatives, . . 168 (See also LnnER, EDwin.)

BrAcnwAL, Jonf, F.LS.; and CAnhe, Rzrv. 0. P., M*A.,

A List of Spiders captured in the Seychelles Islands, by Pro fesor E. Pereeval Wright, M.D., F.L.S.; with Descrip tions of Species supposed to be new to Arachnologists, . 1

Bniiiqow, FRacIs, Ph.D., F.R.A.S.

Discussion of Observations for dete ing the Parallax of the Planetary Nebula, 37, H. IV. Ma with the South

Equatorial at Dunsink, . . . . . . 125

BuxToN, C. B., B.A.

On Recent Researches respecting the Minimnum viible in the Microscope,. . .. . . . 248

BURroN, PnrP.

On the Supernumerary Rings of the Rainbow, . . . 186 On Halos and Athelia, . . . . . . . . 403

CAsniGna, RxV. 0. P.-(Sec BLAcKWALL, JoN.)

Cumow, A. H., MA.., Oxon.

On the Constitution of the Native Phosphates of Alumin-um, . 551

DAvY, Eir:ND W., A.M., M.D.

On a New Chemical Test for Carbolic Acid, and its Useful Applications, . . . . . . . . 155

Notes of some Observations on Nitrification, . . . . 242 Preliminary Report on some New Organic Nitroprussides, . 313 On a New and Expeditious Method for the Determination of

the Nitrites, under dierent Circumstances, . . . 563

DREYEB, J. L. E., M.A., Ph.D.

Note on the Meteors connected with First Comet of 1870, . 255 The Instruments in the Old Observatory at Peking, . . 468 A New Determination of the Constant of Precession, . . 617


On the Extraction of Iodine and Bromine from Kelp, . . 152


Report on a Journey among the New Zealand Glaciers in 1882 (Plate xviii.), . I. . . . . 642

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List of the Cuttributors. vii


Further Researches on the supposed Substitution of Zinc for Magnesium in Minerals, . . . . . . . 146

Preliminary Report on Soundings taken in Lough Gill, Sligo, 473


On Hullite, a hitherto undescribed Mineral; a Hydrous Sili cate of peculiar composition, from Carmuoney Hill, County Antrim, with Analysis, . . . . 161


On the Botany of the Galtee Mountains, Co. Tipperary, . 392 Report upon the Botany of the Macgilicuddy's Reeks, County

Kerry, . 5 . . . . . . . . 3 Notes on the Flora of Lambay Island, . . . . 67 Flora of the Mountains of Mayo and Galway, . . . 694

KANE, W. F. DE V., M.A.

Report on the Entomology of certain Districts in Ulster, . 784


An Easy Mode of obtaining the complete Differential Equa tions of Motion of an Ocean surrounding a Solid Nucleus, and subject to any Disturbing Forces (the Nucleus itself revolving on a Fixed Axis); without Calculation or Trans formation of Co-ordinates; from simple Geometrical and

Mechanical Principles. On the Effects of the Lunar and Solar Tides in Lengthening

the Duration of the Sidereal Day, . . . . . 605


Experiments made to determine the " Drag" of Air upon Air and Water upon Water at Low Velocities, . . . 277


On Experiments to Determine the Inflence of the Molecular Condition of Fluids on their Motion when in Rotation, and in Contact with Solids. Report, Part I., . . . 55

HODGES, F., Fellow Inst. C.F.C.S. (Berlin), Zurich.

Report on an Investigation of the Character and Chemical Con stitution of the Fibre of the Flax Plant (Plates xiv. & xv.), 460



On Schutzenberger's Process for the Volumetric Estimation of Oxygen in Water, . . . . . . . 135

(See also M'ALPINE, ARcuIBAnD N.)

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vi L-ist of the Contributors.


Report on the Clearing of Peaty Waters. (Part I.), . . 447 Report on the Clearing of Peaty Waters. (Part II.), . . 596 (See also GXnin . H.)

KxnnAr, G. H,

Sea-beaches, especially those of Wexford and Wicklow (Plates iv. vs., vi., & vii.) .191

Supposed Upper Cambrian Rocks mi the Couties of Tyrone and Mayo .343

KIXAHAN, G. H., and BAmLY, W. H., F.G.S.

Report on the Rocks of the Fintona and Curlew Mountain Districts (Plates xvi. & xvii.), . . . . 475


Eurites, or Basic Felstones of Silurian Age, . . . . 338

KING, WrraIAx, Se.D., &c.

Preliminary Notice of a Memoir on Rock-jointing, in its rela tion to Phenomena in Physical Geography and Physical teology. (Abstract by the Author), . . . . 326

On the Jointing of Rocks in Relation to Engineering, espe cially the Tunnelling of the Strait of Dover, . . . 568

IKOTTr, J. F., F.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P.I.

On some Anomalous Structures in Human Anatomy, . . 332 Abnormalities in Human Myology, . . . . . 407 Muscular Anomahes, including those of the Diaphragm, and

Subdiaphragmatic Regions of the Human Body, . . 627

LAPPER, EDwiN, F.C.S., L.C.P.I.; and BELL, CucUESTEI A., M.B.

On the Distillation Products of the Saccharates of Ammonium and Ethylammonium, . . . . . . 176


On the Albuminoid Matters, Alcohol and Phosphates, in the Burton Ales and in Dublin Porter, . . . . . 109


On the Osteology of two Negroes, . . . . . 347 Multiple Renal Aeries, . . . . . . . 624 Cranium of Native of Lord Howe's Island, . . . . 769 Horned Men in Africa (Plate xx.), . . . . . 771 Crania of Natives of the Solomon Islands, . . . . 774 Morphology of Joints, . . . . . . . . 781

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List oj' the Contributors. ix


Note on the Occurrence of a Premaxilla-frontal Suture in the Skull of the Koala (Phascolar etos cinereus), (Plates x. to X111. )X 335


On the Negative Pedal of a Central Conic. (Abstract), 131 On the Equation of a Tangent Cone to a Quadric, referred to

the Axes. . . . . . . . . . 394

Moss, EDW. L., M.D., R.N.

On Glaciation by Sea Ice, . . . . . . . CA


On the Gaseous Constituents of the Vartry and Grand Canal W aters, . . . . . . . . . . 79


Notes on the Meteor of Friday the 6th April, 1877 (Plate), . 87 On a Cylindrical Mass of Basalt existing at Contham Head,

Moon Bay, Coast of Antrim (Plates viii. & ix.), . 237 On the Directions of Main Lines of Jointing observable in the

Rocks about the Bay of Dublin, and their Relations with adjacent Coast Lines, . . . . 295

On the Correlation of the Lines of Faulting of the Palamow Coal-field District, Northern India, with the neighbouring Coast Lines, . . . . . . . . 310

On a Relation to be established between Coast-line Directions represented by Great Circles on the Globe and certain Loca lities in Europe marked by frequency of Earthquakes, . 503


Observations on the Phenomena of the Tides as observed at Fleetwood, Lancashire; with Ilustrations from the Tides of Rathmullan, Co. Donegal, . . . . . . 72

Computation of Tides at Fleetwood.-Results of Theory and Observation,.. . . ill

Computation of Tides at Fleetwood.-Discussion of Corre sponding Phenomena in different Years, &c., . . 179

Computation of Occultations and Eclipses, . . . . 183 Three Years' Observations of the Tides at Liverpool (Fleet

wood), , . . . 351

Computation of Tides (Plate xix.), . . . . . 656


Report on the Solid and Gaseous Constituents of the Mallow Spa, in the County of Cork, . . . . . . 75


The Application of Spectrum Analysis to the estimation of Bile in the Renal Secretion of Patients suffering from Jaundice, 272

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x List of the Contributors.



Reports from the Chemical Laboratory of Trinity College, Dublin. No. 2.-On the Composition of Liovrite, as deter mined by Mr. Early's method, . . 52

On the Comparative effects of two Metameric Bodies on the Growth of Nicotiana longiflora, . . . . . 613

(See also IIAJUGHTON, REV. S.)


On the Satellite of a Line meeting a Cubic, . . . . 293 A Geometrical Representation of a System of Two Binary

Cubics and their Associated Forms, . . . . . 521

Ross, F. OGILBY.

Myology of the Cheetah, or Hunting Leopard of India (Felis

Tubata), . . . . . . . . . . 23


Contributions to the Study of Nerve-action in connexion with the Sense of Taste. I.-Function of the Trigeminus, . 257

Contributions to the Study of Nerve-action in connexion with the Sense of Taste. II.-Functions of the Chorda Tympani, 268


On Revival of Manuscripts on Parchment, . . . . 64


Report on the Botany of the Mountainous portion of Co. P'er managh to the west of Lough Erne, and the adjoining district of Co. Cavan, . . . . . . . 531



Proof of Hamilton's Principle of Varying Action, . . 69

TicEnnuv, C. R. C., Ph.D., F.C.S, &c.

Laboratory Notes. No. 6.-On the Formation of Magnetic Oxide by the Dissociation of Ferrous Salts, . . . 70

WINDLE, B. C. A., B.A.

Preliminary Report on the Embryology of the Mammalian Muscular System,

. . . . . . . . 501


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DATES OF PUBLICATION of the several Parts forming Volume III.,

Series II.-Science.

PART 1.-August, 1877.

2.-November, 1878.

3.-July, 1879.

4.-April, 1880.

5.-December, 1880.

6.-April, 1881.

7.-December, 1881.

8.-May, 1882.

9.-December, 1882.

10.-June, 1883.

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25TH OF APRIL, 1882.



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A.D. 1882.



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(Firtt elected, 16th of March, 1882.)


Gte Council: (Elected 16th of March, 1882.)

The Council consi?ts of the Committees of Science and of Polite Literature and Antiqnities.

E (mmiifee of iritutru (ELEVEN MEMBERS): Elected.U

(1) Mar., 1876 ROBERT S. BALL, LltD., F.R.A.

(2) ,, 1877 REV. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, M.D., F.R.S., B.F.T.C.D. (8) ,, 1878 EDMUND W. DAVY, M.A., M.D. (4) ,, 1879 JOSEPH P. O'REILLY, cE. (5) ,, 1879 GEORGE F. FITZGERALD, M.A., F.T.C.D. (6) Nov., 1879 ALEXANDER MACALISTER, M.D., F.R.a. (Sec. of Comm.) (7) Mar., 1880 JOHN CASEY, LL.D., F.B.S. (8) ,, 1881 FRANCIS A. TARLETON, LL.D., F.T.C.D. (9) ,, 1881 GEORGE SIGERSON, M.D.

(10) Nov., 1881 CHARLES R. C. TICHEBORNE, PaiD.

(11) Mar., 1882 SIR ROBERT KANE, LL.D., F.R.B.

(otmmittn of 8otiitz sitrn{ur snb 4ntiquitits (TEN MEMBERS):


(13) ,, 1869 VERY REV. WILLIAM REEVES, D.n. (14) ,, 1870 ROBERT ATKINSON, LL.D. (Sec. of Qomm.) (15) ,, 1878 JOHN T. GILBERT, F.S.A. (16) Nov., 1878 REV. M?AXWELL H. CLOSE, MA. (17) Mar., 1879 JOHN R. GARSTIN, M.A., F.S.A.

(18) ,, 1880 JOHN KELLS INGRAM, LL.D., F.T.C.]).

(19) , 1881 WILLIAM FRAZER, F.R.C.S.I. (20) ,, .1882 DAVID R. PIGOT, M.A. (21) April, 1882 THOMAS N. DEANE, R.H.A.

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(As nominated by the President, 16th of March, 1882: with the dates from which they have continuousy been re-appointed.)

(1) JOHN KELLS INGRAM, LL.D., F.T.C.D., (1879). (2) REV. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, M.D., F.RB.., F.T.C.D., (1878). (3) JOHN CASEY, LL.D., F.R.B., (1880).


(Elected annually by the Academy; wit/v date of first election.)






Clerk o the Academy (elected annually by thet ROBERT MACALISTER, LL.B. (1882). 1 Academy) . . . .

Curator, Museum-Clerk, and -Housekeeper, MAJOR ROBT. MACENIRY, (1872). Assistant Accountant, . .MR. ROBERT G. ]ROBSON, (1880). Library Clerk, . .MR. J. J. MACSWEENEY, (1869). Serjeant-atl-Mace,. MR. tJ. J. MACSWEENEY, (1877).

Cnmmittets appoinfeb bQ 0.onnil: These Comnnittees are composed of the Members of Council, to whose names the subjoined

numbers are preflaed in the foregoing list:

Museum, . . Commlittee of Polite Literature and Antiquities. Sec. No. 15. Publication, 2, 3, 5, 6 (Sec.), 14, 15, 16, 20.

Library, * . 3, 4, 10, 14, 15 (Sec.), 16, 18, 19.

Irish Manuscripts, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14 (Sec.), 15, 16, 18.

Economyt House 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16 (Sec.), 17, 19.

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The sign * is prefixed to the names of Life MAembers. The sign t indicates the Members who have not yet been formally admitted. The sign ? indicates the Members who have contributed papers to the Transac

tions of the Academy. N.B.-The names of Members whose addresses are not known to the Secretary of

the Academy, are printed in italics. He requests that they may be comnunicated to him.

Date of Election.

1866. Jan. 8 Adamis, Rev. Benjamain iWilliam, D.D. The Rectory, Santry, Co. Dublin.

1843. April10 1?Allman, George James, M.D. (Dub. and Oxon.), LL.D., F.L.S., F.R.C.S.i., F.R.SS., Lond. & Edin., Royal Medalist R.S., 1873. Ardmore, Parketone, Dorsetshire; Athenceum Club, London.

1871. June 12 -tAmherst, William Amhurst Tyssen-, D.L., M.P., F.S.A., M.R.S.L. Didlington Hall, Brandon, Forfolk.

18 73. Jan. 13 Andrews, Arthur, Esq. Newtown House, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

1839. Jan. 14 l?Andrews, Thomas, M.D., LL.D. (Edin.), F.R.S., Hon. F.R.S.E., F.C.S., Royal Medalist, R.S., 1844. Fort William Park, Belfast.

1880. June 28 tAnglin, Arthur H., M.A. Collegiate House, Broom, field-park, Shef/ield.

1828. April28 "?Apjohn, James, M.D., F.RS., F. and Hon. F., K.Q.C.P.I., F.C.S. South Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

1870. Jan. 10 *Archer, William, F.R.S. 57, Pembroke-road, Dublin. 1870. April 11 tArdilaun, Right Hon. Arthur, Baron, M.A., D.L.

Ashford, Cong, Co. Galway; St. Anne's, Clontarf, Co. Dublin.

1875. Jan. 11 Atkinson, Robert, LL.D., Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Univ. Dub., Secretary of Council of the Academy. Clareville, Upper Rathminre, Co. Dublin.

1872. April 8 Baily, William Hellier, F.L.S., F.G.S., Geological Survey of Ireland, Demonstrator in Palkeontology, R.C.Sc.I. 33, Moyne-road, Rathmines, Co. Dublin.

1872. June 24 Baldwin, Thomas, Esq. 67, Pembroke-road, Dublin. 1840. April 13 *Ball, John, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S. 10, Southwell

Gardens, South Aensington, London, S.W.

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6 Royal Irish Accademby.

Date of Election.

1870. Jain. 10 ?Ball, Robert Stawell, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Anidrews Professor of Astronomy in the TJniver sity of Dublin, andl Royal Astronomer of Ireland. The Observatory, Dunsink, Co. Dublin.

1842. Jan. 10 "Banks, John T., M.D., F. K.Q.C.P.I. 45, Merriom square, East, Dublin.

1868. Jan. 13 "Barker, W. Oliver, M.D., MA.R.C.S.E. 6, Gardiner's row, Dublin.

1874. May 11 Barrett, William F., FR. S. E., Professor of Physics, Royal College of Science. 18, Bel grave-square, N., Jonks8town, Co. Dublin.

1866. May 14 Barrington, Sir Johbn, D.L. Langhton, Kingstown, Co. Dublin.

1880. Feb. 9 -*tBarry, Michael, M.D. 56, Ventnior-villas, Brightont. 1880. Feb. 9 tBarter. Rev. John B. Rose Hill, Rostellan, Midle

ton, Co. Cork. 1879. Feb. 10 -Beaney, James G., M.D. M1elboutrne, Australia. 1878. June 24 tBeattie, Joseph A., L.R.C.S.I. Mount Blacquiere,

Royal Canal, Dublin. 1865. Jan. 9 *-Beauchanip, Robert Henry, Esq. 25, Fitzwilliatn

square, South, Dublin. 1863. April27 *Behnore, Right Hon. Somerset Richard, Earl of,

M.A., D.L., K.C.M.G. Castle Coole, Enniskillen. 1866. June 11 Bennett, Edward Hallaran, M.D., M.Ch., F. R.C.S.I.,

F.R.G.S.I., Professor of Surgery in the Univer sity of Dublin. 26, Lower Fitzwillian-street,

Dublin. 1851. June 9 tBeresford, Right Hon. and Most Rev. Marcus G.,

D.D., D.C.L., Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of all Ireland. The Palace, Armeagh.

1876. Jan. 10 |,Blake, John A., M.P. 2, Saville-row, Lonidon, W. 1879. Jan. 13 Blake, George Dennis, Esq. St. Columba, Bally

brack, Co. Dublin. 1871. Jan. 9 Bourke, Very Rev. (Canon) Ulick J. Kilcolman,

Claremorrrs. 1873. April 14 tBoyd, Michael A., F.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P.I. 90,

Upper George's-street, Kingstown, Co. Dublin. 1854. April 1O -Brady, Cheyne, Esq. (Abroad.) 1849. April 9 XBrady, Daniel Fredk., F.R.C.S.I., M.R.C.S.ER, J.P.

I La C7roza, Ratlkqar-road, Co. Dublin. 1858. April 12 tBrooke, Thomas, D.L. The Castle, Lough Eske, Co.

Donegal. 1878. May 13 tBrowne, John, Esq. Drapersfeld, Cookstown, Co.

Tyrone. 1851. Jan. 13 "Browne,s

llill, Carlow.

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List of Members. 7

Date of Election.

1874. Feb. 9 tBurdlen, Henry, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S.E. 8, Alfred street, Belfast.

1854. April10 Burke, Sir John Bernard (Ulster), LL.D., C.B. Tullamaine Villa, Upper Leeson-street, Dublin.

1855. Jan. 8 -Butcher, Richard G., M.D., F.RJC.S.I., M.R.C.S.E. 19, Lower Fitzwilliam-treet, Dublin.

1866. April 9 Byrne, John A., B.A., M.B. (Dub.) 21, Merrion square, North, Dublin.

1876. May 8 Byrne, William H., C.E., Sunbury Gardens, Palmers ton-par/e, Rathmincs, Co. Dublin.

1862. April14 Campbell, John, M.D., Professor of Chemistry C.U.I. 161, Rathgar-road, Co. Dublin.

1873. May 12 tCarlingford, Right Hon. Chichester, Baron,K.P., Lord Lieutenant of Essex. Red House, Ardee; 7, Carlton Gardens, London, S. W.

1838. Feb. 12 #Carson, Rev. Joseph, D.D., S.F.T.C.D., F.R.G.S.I. 18, Pitzvilliam-place, Dublin.

1876. Jan. 10 tCarton, Richard Paul, Q.C. 35, Rutland-8quare, West, Dublin.

1866. May 14 ?Casey, John, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, C.U.I., a Vice-President of the Academy. 86, SoWth Circular-road, Dublin.

1873. Jan. 13 tCastletown of Upper Ossory, Right Hon. Jobn Wilson, Baron, Lieutenant of the Queen's County. LiaRduf, Errill, Templemore.

1878. May 13 *Cathcart, George L, M.A., F.T.C.D. 106, Lower Baggot-street, Dublin.

1842. Junie 13 "Chapman, Sir Benjamin J., Bart., D.L. Kilua Castle, Clonmellon.

1864. Jan. 11 Charlemont, Right Hon. James Molyneux, Earl of, K.P., Lieutenant of the County Tyrone. Rox borough Castle, Moy, Co. Armagh.

1876. April10 *Clarke, Rev. Francis E., M.A., M.D., LK.Q. C.P.I., M.R.C.S.E. Killinagh Rectory, Blacklion, Co. Cavan.

1841. Jan. 11 ftClermont, Right Hon. Thomas, Baron, D.L. Ravens dale Park, Newry.

1867. May 13 *Close, Rev. Maxwell H., M.A., F.R.G.S.I., F.G.S., Treasurer of the Academy. 40, Lower Baggot street, Dublin.

1835. Nov. 30 * Cole, Owen Blayney, D.L. 1882. Feb. 13 tCollins, Charles MacCarthy, Esq. Union Bank of

Australia, Melbourne. 1882. Feb. 13 tComerford, Rev. Michael, P.P. Monasterevan, Co.

Kildare. 2

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8 Royal Irish Academy.

Date of Election.

1866. April 9 fCooper, Lieut. Col. Edward H., Lieutenant of Co. Sligo. Markree Castle, Collooney.

1856. April14 Copland, Charles, Esq. Royal Bank, Foster-place, Duh tin; 7, Longford-terrace, Monkstown, Co. Dublin.

1878. June 24 Corbet, William J., M.P. Springfarm, Delgany. 1880. Dec. 13 tCorry, Thomas Hughes, M.A. Benvue, Windsor

Park, Belfast. 1864. May 9 tCotton, Charles Philip, B.A., C.E., F.R.G.S.L.1

Ryecroft, Bray. 1876. Apr. 10 Cox, MichaelFrancis,M.A.,L.ItC.S.I. 97,Stephen's

green, South, Dublin. 1882. Feb. 13 ttCox, William Sidney, C.E. 66, George-street,

Limerick. 1857. Aug. 24 4?Grofton, Denis, B.A., 8, Mountjoy-square, North,

Dublin. 1866. June 11 Cruise, Francis R., M.D., F.K.Q.C.P.I., M.R.C.S.E.

93, Merrion-square, West, Dublin. 1870. Apr. 11 Cruise, Richard Joseph, F.R.G.S.I., Geological Sur

vey of Ireland. Castleisland, Co. Kerry; 14, Hume-street,Dublin.

1876. Nov. 13 'fDalway, Marriott R., D. L. Bella 1ill, Car-rick fergus.

1853. April 11 "Davies, Francis Robert, KJ.J. Hawthorn, Carysfor t avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

1855. May 14 *?Davy, Edmund W., M.A., M.D., Prof. of Med. Jurisprudence, R.C. S.I. 1, Fortfteld Terrace, Te2npleogue, Co. Dublin.

1846. April13 *D'Arcy, Matthew P., M.A., D.L. 40, Aleri on-square, East, Dublin.

1876. Jan. 10 Day, Robert, Jun., F.S.A. Sidney-place, Cork. 1876. Jan. 10 Deane, Thomas Newenham, R.H.A., F.RI.AI.

3, Upper Merrion-street, Dublin. 1846. Jan. 12 'Deasy, Right Hon. Rickard, LL.D., Lord Justice of

Appeal in Ireland. Carysfort House, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

1860. Jan. 9 "Dickson, Rev. Benjamin, D.D., F.T.C.D. 3, Kildare place, Dublin.

1876. Feb. 14 Dillon, William, Esq. 2, North Great George's street, Dublint.

1876. Jan. 10 *?Doberck, William, Ph.D. Observatory, Mfarkrce, Collooney.

1851. Jan. 13 *Dobbin, Rev. Orlando T., B.D., LL.D. St. George's8 terrace, Gravesend, London.

1879. June 9 *Doherty, William J., C.E. Clonturk House, Drum condra, Co. Dublin,

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List of Members. 9

Date of Election.

1876. June 26 ?Draper, Harry N., P.C.S. Esterel, Temple-road, Upper Rathmines, Co. Dublin.

1843. Jan. 9 "Drury, William Vallanlcey, M.D. Bournemouth. 1861. Feb. 11 Duncan, James Foulis, M. D., F. K. Q. C.P. L. 8, Upper

ll errion-street, Dublin.

1867. Feb. 1 1 Ellis, George, M. B., F. R. C. S. I. 92, Lower Leeson street, Dublin.

1841. April 12 *Emnly, Right Hon. William, Baron, Lieutenant of the County Limerick. Tervoe, Lim,erick; Athenceum Club, London, S. W.

1846. Jan. 12 4Enniskillen, Right. Hon. William Willoughby, Earl of, LL.D., D.C.L., D.L., F.R.S., F.R.G.S.I., one of the Trustees of the Hunterian Museum, R.C. S., London. Florence Court, Co. Fermanagh; 65, Eaton-place, London, S. V.

1867. April 8 -Farrell, ThomasA., M.A. Care of Mesars. Kelly and Co., Lower GCardiner-street, Dublin.

1834. Mar. 15 I?Ferguson, Sir Samuel, LL.D., Q.C., President of the .

Academy. 20, North Great George's-street, Dublin. 1842. Jan. 10 *Ferrier, Alexander, Esq. Knockmaroon Lodge,

Chapelizod, Co. Dublin. 1878. Feb. 11 Fitzgerald, George F., M.A., F.T.C.D. 40, Trinity

College, Dublin. 1857. Aug. 24 Fitzgerald, Right Rev. William, D.D., Lord Bishop

of Killaloe, &c. Clarisford Rouse, Killaloc. 1870. May 23 tFitzGibbon, Abraham, M.I. C.E. Lond. The Rookery,

Great Stanmore, Middlesex. 1841. April 12 *Fitzgibbon, Gerald, M.A., late Master in Chancery.

10, Merrion-square, North, Dublin. 1875. Jan. II Fitzpatrick, William John, LL.D., J.P. 49, Fit

william-square, West, Dublin. 1881. Jan. 10 Fletcher, Joseph, F.C.SS., London and Berlin.

Gilford House, Sandymount, Co. Dublin. 1860. Jan. 9 Foley, William, M.D., M.R.C.S.E. Kilrush. 1874. Feb. 9 fFoster, Rev. Nicholas. Ballymacelligott Rectory,

Tralee. 1876. Feb. 14 Fottrell, George, Esq. 8, North Great George's

street, Dublin. 1838. Nov. 12 *Frazer, George A., Captain R.N. 1866. May 14 Frazer, William, F.R.C.S.I., F.RG.S.I. 20, Har

court -street, Dublin.

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10 Rcoyal Irish Academy.

Date of Election.

1865. Aplil10 fFreeland, John, M.D. Antigua, West Indies. 1881. June 13 tFreeman, D.J., M.R.I.A.L. 34, Dawson-street,Dublin. 1847. May 10 *Freke, Henry, M.D. (Dub.), F.K.Q.C.P.I. 68,

Lower MAlunt-street, Dublin. 1873. April 14 *tFrost, James, J. P. Ballymorris, Cratloe, Co. Clare. 1875. June 14 Furlong, Nicholas, M.D. Symington, Enniscorthy.

1859. Jan. 10 Gages, Alphonse, Chev. L.H., F.R.G.S.I. Royal College of Science, 5 1, Stephen's-green, East, Dublin.

1845. April 4 *Galbraith, Rev. Joseph Allen, M.A., S.F.T.C.D., F.R.G.SI. 8, Trinity College; 46, Lansdowne-road, Dublin.

1878. May 13 Galloway, Robert, F.C.S. 47, Leeson-park, Dublin. 1880. June 28 Gannon, John Patrick, Esq. Laragh, Maynooth. 1864. Jan. 11 Garnett, George Charles Lionel, M.A. 1863. Feb. 9 *Garstin, John Ribton, M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., F.R.

Hist. Soc., Hon. F.R.I.A.I., J.P. Braganstown, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth; Green-hill, Killiney, Co. Dublin.

1855. April 9 *Gilbert, John Thomas, F.S.A., R.H.A., Librarian of the Academy. Villa Nova, Blackrockc, Co. Dublin.

1876. May 8 Gillespie, William, Esq. Racefield House, Kingstown. Co. Dublin.

1875. April 12 XGore, J. E., C.E., A.I.C.E., F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S.I. Beltra, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo.

1836. May 25 *Gough, Right Hon. George S., Viscount, M.A., D.L., F.L.S., F.G.S. St. IYelen's, Booterstown, Co. Dublin.

1848. June 12 -Graham, Andrew, Esq. Observatory, Cambridge. 1848. April10 l Graham, Rev. William, D.D. Bonn. 1876. April 10 tGrainger, Rev. Johl (Canon), D.D. Broughshane,

Co. Antrim. 1863. April 13 tGranard, Right Hon. George Arthur Hastings, Earl

of, K.P. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. 1837. April 24 "?Graves, Right Rev. Charles, D.D., F.RS., Lord

Bishop of Limerick, &c. The Palace, Henry-street, Limerick.

1874. Feb. 9 Gray, William, Esq. 6, Mount-Charles, Belfast. 1867. April 8 Green, James S., Q.C. 83, Lower Leeson-street,

Dublin. 1872. April 8 tGreene, John Ball, C.B., C.E., F.R.G.S.I., Com

missioner of Valuation. 6, Ely-place, Dublin. 1857. June 8 *Griott, Daniel G., M.A. 9, Henrietta-street, Dublin.

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List of Members. 11

Date of Electioni.

1873. Dec. 8 -Guinness, Edward Cecil, M.A., D.L. 80, Stephen'ts. green, Soutth, Dublin.

1875. Jan. 11 Hamilton,Edward, M.D.,:F.R.C.S.I. 120,Stephen's green, West, Dublin.

1879. Dec. 8 Hamilton, Edwin, M.A. 40, York-street, Dublin. 1847. Jan. 11 Hancock, William Neilson, Q.C., LLD. 64B, Upper

GCardiner-street, Dublin. 1837. Feb. 13 *?Hart, Andrew Searle, LL. D., Vice-Provost of T.C. D.

14, LowerPembroke-street; Trinity College, Dublin. 1861. May 13 Hatchell,John,M.A.,J.P. ForfieldHouse,Terenure,

County Dublin. 1845. Feb. 24 5?Haughton, Rev. Samuel, M.A., M.D., D.C.L. (Oxon.),

LL.D. (Cantab.), F.R1.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.S.I., F.K.Q.C.P.I., Hon. F.RE.C.S.I., S.F.T.C.D., a Vice-President of the Academy. 31, Upper Baggot street, Dublin.

1852. April12 "Head, Henry H., M.ID., F.K.XQ.C.P.L. F.R.C.S.I., F.R. G. S.I. 7, Fitzwilliam-square, Eat, Dublin.

1870. Aprilll tHeily, John Vickers, M.D. tisaduran Cottage, Rushworth, .elbourne, Victoria.

1840. June 8 4Hemans, George Willoughby, C.E., F.G.S. 1, West minster Chambers, Victoria-street, London, S. W.

1851. Jan. 13 -?Hennessy, Henry, F.R.S., Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in the Royal College of Science for Ireland, Stephen!sgreen, Dublin. Brookvale House, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin.

1865. Feb. 13 -Hennessy, William Maunsell, IEsq. 71, Pembrokce road, Dublin.

1873. Jan. 13 Hickie, James Francis, Lieut.-Col. (retired), J.P. Slevoir, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.

1867. Feb. 11 tHill, John, C.E., F.R.G.S.I. County Surveyor's Office, Ennis.

1875. Jan. 11 *Hill, Arthur, B.E., A.R.I.B.A. 22, George's-street, Cork.

1881. May 9 tHillis, John David, M.D., F.R.C.S.L Demerara, West Indies.

1824. Feb. 28 *Hudson, Henry, M.D., F.J.Q.C.P.I. Glenville, Fermoy.

1875. June 14 tHlumeRev.AbrahamdfCanon),D. C. L., LL.D. (Hon.); F.S.A.; F.R.S.N.A. (Copenhagen); Corr. F.S.A. Scot.; Hon. F.S.A. Newcastle; Member of the Philological and Eng. Dialect Societies; Elx-Pre sident Historic Soc. of Lane. and Cheshire. All Soulsd Vicarage, Liverpool.

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12 Royal Irilsh Academy.

Date of Election.

1866. June 11 Hutton, Thomas Maxwell, J.P. 118, Summerhill,


1847. Jan. 11 `Ingramn, John Kells, LL.D., F.T.C.D., Librarian of Trinity College, Dublin, a Vice-President of the Acadenmy. 2, Wellington-road, Dublin.

1879. April14 tIngram, Thomas Dunbar, LL.D. 13, Wellington road, Dublin.

1841. Apri12 *?Jellett, Rev. John Hewitt, D.D., F.R.G.S.I. Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, Royal Medalist R. S., 1881. Provost's House, Trinity College, Dublin.

1842. June 13 'Jennings, Francis M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S.I. Brown street, Cork-.

1867. April 8 Jephson,RobertH., Esq. 30,Lansdowne-road, Dublin. 1881. May 9 Jeremy, Rev. Daniel Davis, M.A. 4, Appian Way,

Dublin. 1863. Jan. 12 Joyce, Patrick Weston, LL.D. Lyre na Grenta,

Leinster-road, Rathimines, Co. Dublin. 1870. Dec. 12 *t Joyce, RobertD., M. D. 21, Bowdoin-street, Boston,

Mass., U.S., America.

1878. May 13 *Kane, JohnI F., Esq. Leeson-park Rouse, Dublin. 1831. Nov. 30 l?Kane, Sir Robert, M.D., LL.D., F.K.Q.C.P.I.,

F.R.S., F.R.G.S.I., F.C.S., Royal Medalist R.S., 1841. Fortlands, Killiney, Co. Dublin.

1873. Dec. 8 *Kane, Robert Romney, M.A. Dungiven, Ailesbury road, Dublin.

1865. April 10 Kane, William Francis De Visnes, M.A., J.P. Sloperton Lodge, Kingstowun; Drumreaske House,

Monaghan. 1870. June 13 *Keane, John P., C.E., Engineer, Public Works

Department, Bengal. Caltcutta. 1867. Feb. 11 Keane, Marcus, J. P. Beech Park, Ennis. 1864. Nov. 14 *Keenan, Sir Patrick J., C.B., K.C.M.G., Resident

Commissioner, Board of National Edulcation, Ireland. Delville, Glasnevin, Co. Dublin.

1876. May 8 Kelly, James Edward, M.D. 13, Rutland-square, East, Dublin.

1870. May 23 ""Kelly, John, L.M. (Dub.). University College Hospital, Calcutta.

1846. April 13 *Kennedy, James Birch, J.P. Cara, by Killarney. 1874. May 11 tKidd, Abraham, M.D. Ballymena. 1876. Feb. 14 *tKildare, Most Hon. Gerald, Marquess of. Carton,


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List of Members. 13

Date of Electiotn.

1875. June 14 tKilgarriff, Malachy J., F.R.C.S.I. 30, Harcourt street, Dublin.

1866. April 9 "Kinahan, Edward Hudson, J.P. 11, Merrion-square, North, Dublin.

1868. Jan. 13 Kinahan, George Henry, F.R.G.S.I., Geological Survey of Ireland, Ovoca, Co. Wicklow; 14, Hume street, Dublin.

1863. April 13 Kinahan, Thomas W., M.A. 24, Waterloo-road, Dublin.

1845. June 8 "King, Charles Croker, M.D., F.R.C.S.I, Medical Commissioner, Local Government Board. 34, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.

1837. Feb. 13 *?Knox, George J., Esq.

1864. April 11 "Lalor, John J., FJR.G.S.I. City Hall, Cork.Aill, Dublin.

1875. May 10 tLane, Alexander, M.ID. Ballymnemy. ;864. Jan. 11 LaTouche, J. J. Digges, M.A. 1, Ely-place, Upper,

Dublin. 1836. Jan. 25 SLaTouche, William Digges, M.A., D.L. 34, Stephen's

green, North, Dublin. 1857. May 11 # XLawson, Right Hon. James A., LLD., Justice of the

Court of Common Pleas. 27, Upper Fitzwiltiam street, Dublin.

1U57. April 13 "Leach, Liout.-Colonel George A., R.E. 3, St. James's square, London, S. W.

1645. Feb. 10 oeFanu, William R., C.E. SummerAill, Enniskery, Co. Wicklow.

1T46. May 1 1 "Lefroy, George, Esq. (Abroad.) I844. April 8 "ItLeinster, His Grace Charles William, Duke of,

President of the Royal Dublin Society. Carton, Maynooth.

1869. April12 5Lenihan, Maurice, J.P. Limerick. 1853, April11 Lentaigne, Sir John, C.B.. M.B., J.P., F.R.G.S.I.

1, Great Denmark-street, Dublin. 1870. June 13 Leonard, Hugh, F.G.S., F.R.G.S.I., Geological

Survey of Ireland. St. David's, Malahide-road, Dublin.

1868. April.27 *Little, James, M.D., L.R.C.S.I., F.K.Q.C.P.I. 14, Stephen's-green, North, Dublin.

1876. Jan. 10 Lloyd, Joseph Henry, M.A.,LL.D.,PH. D., F.R.S.L,, F.S.A., M. Phil. Soc. 7, Lower Gardiner-street, Dublin.

1846. Jan. 12 SLloyd, William T., M.D. 1875. April 12 Lomnbard, James F., J.P. South-hill, Rathmines, Co.


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14 Royal Irish Academy.

Date of Election.,

1838. Feb. 12 XLongfield, Right Hon. Mountifort, LL.D. (late Judge in the Landed Estates' Court). 47, Fitzwilliam square, West, Dublin.

1878. Feb. 11 *tLowry, Robert William, B.A. (Oxon.) D.L., J.P. Pomneroy House, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone.

1868. Jan. 13 Lyne, Robert Edwin, Esq. 2, Ilargrave-terrace, Terenure-road, Rathgae; Co. Dublin.

1851. May 12 '*Lyons, Robert D., M.B., F.K.Q.C.P.I., M.P., Prof. of Medicine, C.11.. 88, Aerrion-square, West, Dublin.

1873. April 14 ?Macalister, Alexander, M.D., F.R.S., L.R.C.S.I, L.K.Q.C.P.I., F.R.G.S.I., Professor of Anatomy and Comparative Anatomy in the University of

Dublin, Secretary of the Academy. 11, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.

1871. Feb. 13 *Macartney, J. W. Ellison, M.P., J. P. Tite Palace, Clogher.

1875. Jan. 11 tMacCarthy,JohnG.,Esq. RiverView, Montenotte,Corkl 1881. June 27 tMcClintock, Rev. Francis Le Poer, M.A. (Cantab.,

Syncer Hill, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth. 1874. Feb. 9 McClure, Rev. Edmund, M.A. Society for PrE

moting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland avenue, C/taring Cross, London, S. W.

1873. Jan. 13 "McCready, Rev. Christopher, M.A. 56, High-streat, Dublin.

1864. April 11 "McDonnell, Alexander, MI.A., C.E.,F.R.G.S.L. St. John's, Island-bridge, Co. Dublin.

1845. Feb. 24 *Macdonnell, James S., C.E. 1827. Mar. 16 *MacDonnell, John, M.D., F.R.C. S.I., F.R.G.S.I.

32, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin. 1857. Feb. 9 *?McDonnell, Robert, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.S. 89,

lfferrion-square, West, Dublin. 1865. April10 tMae Donnell, Lieut.-Col. William Edward Arn

strong,Vice-Lieutenant of the County Clare. New Hall. near Ennis.

1882. Feb. 13 Mclenry, Alexander, Esq., Geological Survey of Ireland. 6, Ashford-terrace, Ball's Bridge, Dublin.

1856. June 9 *tMac Ivor, Rev. James, D.D., F.R.G.S.I. Mo/e, Newtownstewart.

1876. April 10 MacIlwaine, Rev. William (Canon), D.D. Ulsterville, Belfast.

1881. Feb. 14 ?Mackintosh, Henry William, M.A., Professor of Zoology in the, University of Dublin. Trinity College, Dublin.

1871. April 10 Macnaghten, Colonel Sir Francis Edmund, Bait. (Late 8th Hussars), Vice-Lieutenant of the Co.

Antrim. Dundarave, Bushmills, Co. Antrim.

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List of lemberbs. 15

Date ot Election.

1874. April 13 MacSwiney, Stephen Myles, M.D. 38, York-street, Dublin.

1846. Feb. 23 *Madden, Richard R., F.R.C.S. Eng. 1, Vernon terrace, Booterstown-avenue, Booterstown, Co. Dublin.

1864. June 13 Madden, Thomas More, M.D., L.K.Q.C.P.I., M.R.C. S. E. 55, Merrion-square, South, Dublin.

1882. April 10 tMahony, Richard John, B.A. (Oxon.) D.L. Dromore Castle, Kenmare, Co. JKerry.

1880. May 10 tMahony, William Aloysius, L.K.Q.C.P.I., L.R.C.S. Edin. Mitcheletown, Co. Cork.

1874. Feb. 9 ?Malet, John Christian, M.A., Professor of Mathe matics. Queen's College, Cork.

1865. April 10 "Malone, Rev. Silvester, P.P., F.R.H.A.A.I. Six mulebridge, Co. Clare.

1859. Jan. 10 4tManchester, His Grace William Drogo, Duke of. 1, Great Stasnhope-street, London; Ifimbolton Castle, St. Neot's, Hunts; The Castle, Tanderagee.

1871. Jan. 9 Maunsell, George Woods, M.A.,D.L., Vice-President, Royal Dublin Society. 78, Merrion-square, South, Dublin.

1879. Feb. 10 Meldon, Austin, M.D. 15, Merrion-square, North, Dublin.

1861. Jan. 14 tMonok, Right Hon. Cbarles Stanley, Viscount, G. C.M. G., Lieutenant of Dublin City and County. Charlville, Bray, Co. Wicklow.

1858. Jan. 11 'Montgomery, Howard B., M.D. 1860. Jan. 9 Moore, Alexander G. Montgomery, Colonel, Assis

tant Adjutant-General. Royal Hospital, Kil mainhanm.

1861. Jan. 14 Moore, James, M.D., M.R.C.S.E. 7, Chichester street, Belfast.

1869. Feb. 8 *Moran,MostRev. PatrickF.,D.D.,BishopofOssory. St. Kyran's College, Kulkenny.

1866. April 9 More, Alexander Goodman, F.L.S., Soc. Zoo. Bot. Vindob. Socius, Director of, the Natural Historv Museum, Science and Art Department, Leinster House. 92, Leinster-road, Rathmines, Co. Dublin.

1874. Feb. 9 ?Moss, Richard J., F.C.S., Keeper of the Minerals, Museum of Science and Art. 66, Kenilworth square, Rathgar.

1876, April 10 t Myers, Walter, Esq. 2, Richard-street, Spencer street, Birmingham.

1840 Feb. 10 'Napier, Right Hon. Sir Joseph, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D., University Club, Dublin.

1844. June 8 "Neville, Johii, C.E., F.R.G.S.I. Roden-place, Dundalk.

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16 Royal IrisI Academny.

Date of Election.

1854. May 8 Neville, Parke, C.E. 58, Pembroke-road, Dublin. 1873. Jan. 13 Nolan, Joseph, F.R.G.U.1., Geological Survey of

Ireland. 47, Great James's-street, Derry; 14, Hume-street, Dublin.

1846. Jan. 12 4tNugent, Arthur R., Esq. (Portaferry, Co. Down.)

1869. June 14 O'Brien, James H., Esq. St. Lorean's, Ilowth, Co. Dublin.

1875. Jan. 11 O'Callaghan, J. J., F.R.I.A.I. 31, Harcourt-street, Dublin.

1867. June 10 1 O'Conor Don, The, D.L. Clonalis, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon.

1867. Jan. 14 j O'Donel, Charles J., J. P. 47, Lower Ieeson-street, Dublin.

1865. Apr. 10! O'Donnavan, William J., LL.D. University Club, 17, Stephen's-green, North, Dublin; 79, Kenilworth square, Rathgar, Co. Dublin.

1869. Apr. 12 tO'Ferrall, Ambrose More, J. P. Balyna House, En/told, Co. Kildare.

1882. Apr. 10 tO'Farrell, Francis J., F.C.S. The Manor House, Dundrum.

1866. Jan. 8 4O'Grady, Edward S., B.A., M.B., M. Ch., F.R.C.S.I. 105, Stephen's-green, South, Dublin.

1867. May 13 tO'Grady, Standish HI., Esq. Erinagh House, Castle connell; 2, Southampton-st., Strand, London, W.C.

1866. June 25 O'Hagan, Hon. John, M.A., Judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland, and Judicial Com missioner Irish Land Commission. 22, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin.

1857. June 8 O'Hagan, Right Hon. Thomas, Baxon, K.P. Wood lands, Clonsilla, Co. Dublin.

1869. Apr. 12 O'Haulon, Very Rev. John, P.P. Sandymount, Co. Dublin.

1878. Feb. 11 O'Hanlon, Michael, L.K.Q. C. P. I. Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.

1866. Jan. 8 O'Kelly, Joseph, M.A., F.R.G. S.I.,Geological Survey of Ireland. 72, Eccles-street, Dublin; 14, Hume street, Dublin.

1869. Apr. 12 O'Laverty, Rev. James, P.P. Holywood, near Belfast. 1876. Feb. 14 Olden, Rev. Thomas, B.A. Ballyclough, Mallow,

Co. Cork. 1871. Apr. 10 O'Looney, Brian, F.RIH.S., Professor of Irish Lan

guage, Literature, and Archwology to the Catholic University of Ireland, Grove-villa House, Crumlitn, Co. Dublin.

1861. June 10 *O'Mahony, Rev. Thaddeus, D.D. Trinity College, Dublin.

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List of Members. 17

Date of Election.

1870. Jan. 10V ?O'leilly, Joseph P., C.E., Prof. of Mining and ineralogy, eRoyal College of Scienlce, Dublin,

Secretary of Foreign Correspondence of the Aca demy. 58, Parkc-avenue, Sandymount, Co. Dublin.

1878. May 13 O'Reilly, Rev. John, C.C. 13, North Richmond street, Dublin.

1879. May 12 t O'Rorke, Very Rev. Terence, D.D., P.P. Collooney, Sligo.

1866. June 11 O'Rourke, Very Rev. (Canon) John, P.P. St.ilary's, MAaynooth.

1838. Dec. 10 *Orpen, John Herbert, LILP. 58, Stephen's-green, East, Dublin.

1870. Feb. 14 O'Shaughnessy, Mark S., LL.D., F.RS.LS., Regins Prof. of English Law, Queen's College, Cork. 27, St. Patric's-hill, Cork.

1866. Jan. 8 O'Sullivan, Daniel, Ph. D. Rosemount, North Circular-road, Dublin.

1839. Juno 10 *Parker, Alexander, J.P. 46, Upper Rathmines, Co. Dublin.

1873. Feb. 10. Patterson, William Hugh, Esq., Garranard, Strand town, Belfast.

1847. Feb. 8 *tPereira [elected as Tibbs], Rev. Henry Wall, M.A., F. S.A. Scot., &c. Sutton Wick, Abingdon.

1872. Apr. 8 Phayre, Major-General Sir Arthur Purves, K.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., C.B. Bray, Co. Wicklow.

1863. Apr. 13 Pigot, David R., M.A., Master, Court of Exchequer. 12, Leeson-park, Dublin.

1870. Apr. 11 Pigot, Thomas F., C.E., Prof. of Descriptive Geometry, etc., Royal Coflege of Science, Dublin. 4, Wellington-road, Dublin.

1838. Feb. 1 2 Pim, George, J.P. Brennanstown, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin.

1849. Jan. 8 TPim, Jonathan,Esq. Creenbank,Monkstown, Co. Dublin. 1880. Feb. 9 Plunkett, Thomas, F.R.G.S.I. Inniskillen. 1864. Jan. 11 "tPoore, MajorRobert,(Late8thHussars). (Abroad.) 1862. Apr. 14 "Porte, George, Esq. 43, GreatBrunswick-st, Dublin. 1873. Jan. 13 "Porter, Alexander, M.D., F.R.C.S., Assist.-Surgeon,

Irndian Army. Madras. 1875. Jan. 11 tPorter, George Hornidge, M.D., Surgeon in Ordi

nary to the Queen in Ireland, M. Cb. 3, Merrion square, North, Dublin.

1852. Apr. 12 'Porter, Henry J. Ker, Esq. 1873. Jan. 13 Powell, George Denniston, M.D., L.R.C.S.I. 76,

Upper Leeson-street, Dublin. 1864. June 13 tPower, Sir Alfred, K.C.B., M.A. 35, Raglan-road,


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18 Royal Irish Academyi.

Date of Election.

1875. April12 *'tPowerscourt, Right Hon. Mervyn Wingfield, Viscount. Powerscourt, Enniskerry, Bray.

1854. Jan. 9 Pratt, James Butler, C.E. Drumsna, Co. Leitrimz. 1874. Dec. 14 5tPurcell, Mathew John, Esq. Burton Park, Churci

town, Co. Cork; Stephen's-green Club, Dublin. 1858. Jan. 11 Purser, John, M.A., D.Sc., Professor of Mathe

matics. Queen's College, Belfast.

1881. Apr. 11 'Quinlan, Francis John Boxwell, B.A., M.D., F.K.Q.C.P.T. 29, LowerFitzwiliam-street, Dublin.

1867. Jan. 14 5tRead, John M., General, U.S.; Consul-General of the U.S.A. for France and Algeria, Member of

American Philos. Soc., Fellow of the Royal Soc. of Northern Antiquaries, &c. Athens.

1846. Dec. 14 I'5?Reeves, Very Rev. William, D.D., M.B., LL.D., Dean of Armagh, a Vice-President of Academy. The Public Library, Armagh; Rectory, Tynan.

1843. Feb. 13 *?Renny, Henry L., F.R.G.S.I., Lieut. R.E., (Retired List). [Quebec 1]

1878. June 24 *Reynell, Rev. Wiliam A., B.D. 8, Henrietta-street, Dublin.

1875. Jan. 11 Reynolds, James Emerson, M.D., F.R.S., Pro fessor of Chemistry in the University of Dublin. 62, Morehampton-road, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin.

1867. Apr. 8 Richey, Alexander George, LL.D., Q.C. 27, Upper Pembroke-street, Dublin.

1875. June 14 Robertson, John C., L.K.Q.C.P.I., M,R.C.S.L., F.R.A.S. The Asylum, Monaghan.

1881. Jan. 10 Robinson,JohnL.,C.E.,M.R.I.A.I. 48,Clarinda park, East, Kingstown, Co. Dublin.

1844. June 10 'Roe, Henry, M.A. (Isle of Afan.) 1876. Jan. 10 *tRoss, Rev. William. Chapel Hill House, Rothesay. 1870. Nov. 30 Rosse, Rt. Hon. Lawrence, Earl of, D.C.L., D.L.,

F.R.S., F.R.A.S. Birr Castle, Parsonstown. 1872. Apr. 8 Rowley, Standish G., LL.D., J.P., M.R.S.L. Sylvan

park, Kells, Co. Meath.

1843. Jan. 9 P?Salmon, Rev. George, D.D., D.C.L. (Oxon.), LL.D. (Cantab.), F.R. S., and Royal Medalist, 1868,

Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Dublin. 81, Wellington-road, Dutblin.

1853. Jan. 10 *Sanders, Gilbert, Esq. Albany Grove, Monkstown, County Dublin.

1851. May 12 'Sayers, Rev. JohnstonBridges, LL.D. Velore, Madras. 1846. Feb. 9 4tSherrard, James Corry, Esq. 7, Oxford-square,

Hyde-park, London.

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List of AIfembers. 19

Date of Election.

1873. Jan. 13 %tShirley, Evelyn Philip, M.A., D.L., F.S.A. Lough Fea, Carrickmacros; Ettington Park, Stratford on-Avon.

1869w Apr. 12 Sigerson, George, M.D., M.Ch., F.L.S., Prof. of Botany, C. U.I. 3, Clare-street, Dublin.

1835. Feb. 23 *?Smith, Aquilla, M.D., F.K.Q.C.P.I. 121, Lower Baggot-street, Dublin.

1877. Dec. 10 f tSmith, Charles, Esq. Barrow-in-Furmess. 1868. Jan. 13 tSmith, John Chaloner, C.E. Engineer's Office, Dublin,

Wicklow and Wexford Railway, Bray. 1833. Apr. 22 "'Smith, Joseph Huband, M.A. 1876. June 26 Smith, Rev. Richard Travers, (Canon) B.D. The

Vicarage, Clyde-road, Dublin. 1873. Jan. 13 Smyth, Patrick James, M.P., Chev. L. H. 15,

Belgrave-square, East, Rath^mines, Co. Dublin. 1867. Jan. 14 Smythe, William Barlow, M.A., D.L. Barbavilla

House, Collinstown, Killucan. 1873. April 14 *Smythe, William James, Lieutenant-General, R.A.,

FPR.S. Cook Clebe, Carnmoney, Belfast. 1874. Dec. 14 Stewart, James, M.A. (Cantab.), Professor of Greek

and Latin, C.U.I. 21, Gardiners-place, Dublin. 1871. June 12 ?Stokes, Hon. Whitley, LL.D., C.S.I., Member of

the Supreme Council of India. LegislativeCouncil House, Calcutta.

1874. June 22 Stokes, William, M.D., M. Ch. 5, ferrion-square, North, Dublin.

1857. June 8 ? Stoney, Bindon B., M.A., C.E., F. R.S., F.R.G.S.I. 14, Elgin-road, Dublin.

1856. Apr. 14 ?Stoney, George Johnstone, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., 3, Palmerston-park, Upper Rathmines.

1857. Aug. 24 *Sullivan, William Kirby, Ph.D., President of Queen's College, Cork. Queen's College, Cork.

1874 Apr. 13 tSweetman, H. S., Esq. 38, Alexandra-road, St. John's Wood, London, N. W.

1845. Feb. 24 "Sweetman, Walter, J.P. 4, Atountjoy-square, North, Dublin.

1871. Jan. 9 tSymons, John, Esq.' 72, Queen-street, Hull.

1845 June 23 "Talbot de Malahide, Right Hon. James, Baron, D.C.L., D.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., F.R.G.S.I., F.R Hist. Soc., Pres. Archeeol. Inst. The Castle, Malahide, Co. Dublin.

1877. April 9 ?Tarleton, Francis Alexander, LL.D., F.T.C.D. 24, Upper Leeson-street, Dublin.

1869. Apr. 12 ?Tichborne, Charles Roger C., Ph.D., F.C.S. 15, North Great George's-street, Dublin; Apothecaries' Hall, 40, Mary-street, Dublin.

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20 Royal Irish Academy.

Date of Election.

1864. Mar. 16 Trench, Right Hon. and Most Rev. Richard Cheneo vix, D.D., Lord Archbishop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland. The Palace, Stephen's-green, North, Dublin.

1879. June 9 *tTucker, Stephen Isaacson, Esq., Somerset Herald, Heralds College, London, B.C.

1846. Feb. 9 *Tuffnell, Thomas Joliffe, FYR.C,S.I., M.R.C.S.E. 58, Lower Mount-street, Dublin.

1871. June 12 tTyrrell, Colonel Frederick, J.P. Gold Coat Colony, Acera, care of Forbes & Co., 25, Cockapur-street, London, S.W.

1876. April 10 ItTyrrell, George Gerald, Esq., Clerk of the Crown, Co. Armagh. 30, Upper Pembroke-street, Dublin; Banbridge, Co. Down.

1870. Nov.30 fVentry, Right Hon. Dayrolles Blakeney, Baron, D.L. Burnham-house, Dingle, Co. Kerry.

1880. Feb. 9 tVesey, Agmondisham B., L.K.Q.C.P.I Bellevue, Magherafelt.

1881. Feb. 14 Ward, Francis Davis, J.P., Clonaver, Strandtown, Belfast.

1864. Feb. 8 *tWarren, James W, M.A. 39, Rutland-square, West, Dublin.

1881. Jan. 10 *tWatts,RobertGeorge, M.D., F.R.S.L., 5, Bulstrode street, Cavendish-square, London, W.

1866. Apr. 9 Westropp,W. H. Stacpoole, L.R. C.S.I., F.R.G.SJI., &c. Lisdoonvrnaa, Co. Clare.

1876. Nov.13 ftWhite, Rev. Hill Wilson, LL.D., Wilson's Hospital, Multifarnham, Co. Westmeath.

1880. Feb. 9 *tWhite, John Newsom, Esq. Rocklands, Waterford. 1857. June 8 *tWhitehead, James, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., M.R.C. Phys.,

Lon. 87, Mosley-street, Manchester. 1851. Jan. 13 stWhittle, Ewing, M.D., M.R.C.S.E. 1, Parliament

terrace, Liverpool. 1874. June 8 Wigbam, John R., Esq. 35, Capel-street, Dublin. 1873. April 14 Wilkinson, Thomas, Esq. Enniscorthy, Co. Wexfordl. 1839. Jan. 14 -Williams, Richard Palmer, F.R.G.S.I. 38, Dalme

street., Dublin. 1837. Jan. 9 *Williams, Thomas, Esq. 38, Dame-street, Dublin. 1877. April 9 Williamson, Benjamin, M.A,, F.R.S., F.T.C.D.

iB, Dartmouth-road, Dublin. 1857. Aug. 24 4?Wright, Edward Perceval, M.A., M.D., F.L.S.,

F.R.C.S.I., J.P., Professor of Botany and Keeper of the Herbarium, Dublin University. 5, Trinity College, Dublin.

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Royal Irish Academy. 21

HONORARY MEMBERS. Date of Election.


"The PRESIDENT OF THIE ROYAL SOCIETY, AN.D Ex-PRESMENTS of the same, are always considered Honorary Members of the Academy."-By-Laws, ii., 14.

1869. Mar. 16 Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, M.D., K.C.B., F.R.S., (Elected Ron. Mem. D.C.L. LLJD., V-P.L.S., F.G.S., Director of the

in Sec. of Science originally.) Royal Gardens, Kew, Ex-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL

SOCIETY. Kew, London, W. 1863. Mar. 16 Sabine, General Sir Edward, R.A., K.C.B., D.C.L.,

LL.D., V.P. and Ex-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, Hon. P.R.S., Edin., F.RA8S., F.L.S., &c. 13, Ashley-place, Westminster, London, S. W.

1832. Nov. 30 Airy, Sir George Biddell, K. CB., D.C.L., LL.D., (Elected Ron. Mem. ER-PRESIDENT OF THE, ROYAL SooCISY (1871), inr Sec. of Science N T OF THE RYL .n4(,L

originally.) V-P. R.A.S., &c. Playford, near Ipric". 1880. Mar. 16 Spottiswoode, William, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., PRESI

DENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. 41, Groenor-place, London, S. W.

SECTION OF SCIENCE. [Limited to 30 Members, of whom one-half at least must be foreigners.]

1873. Mar. 151 Adams, John Couch, LL.D. (Dub.), F.R.S. and Cop I ley Medalist, V-P.R.A.S., F.C.P.S., etc., Direc

tor of the Observatory and Lowndesean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in the University of Cambridge. Observatory, Cambridge.

1874. Mar. 16 Berthelot, Professor Marcelin Pierre Eugene. Boule vard Saint-fichel, 57, Paris.

1875. Mar. 16 Bertrand, Professor Joseph Louis Fran9ois. Paris. 1869. Mar. 16 Brown-Sdquard, Charles Edouard, M.D., F.ltC.P.,

F.R.S. ColQge de France, Rue Gay Lussac, Paris.

1869. Mar. 16 Bunsen, Professor Robert Wilhelm Eberard. Heidel berg.

1869. Mar. 16 Carus, J. Victor, Professor of Comparative Anatomy. Leipzig.

1873. Mar. 15 Cayley, Arthur, LL.D. (Dub.), F.R.S., V-P. R.A.S., &c., Sadlerian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge.

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22 Royal Irisht Acadeemy.


SECTION OF SCIENCO-Continued. Date of Election.

1866. Mar. 16 Clausius, Prof. Rudolf Julius Emmanuel. Ziirich. 1873. Mar. 15 Dana, James Dwight, LL.D., &c., Professor of

Geology and Mineralogy. Yale College, New Haven, Conn., U. S. America.

1869. Mar. 16 Daubr6e, Prof. Gabriel Auguste. Ecole des Mines, Paris.

1876. Mar. 16 Decandolle, Alphonse, Professor of Botany. Geneva. 1841. Mar. 16 Dumas, Professor Jean Baptiste, G.C.LH. Rue St.

Dominique, 69, Paris. 1875. Mar. 16 Gray, Asa, Professor of Botany, Harvard University.

Cambridqe, Massachusetts, U. S. America. 1876. Mar. 16 Haeckel, Ernst Professor of Zoology. Jena. 1880. Mar. 16 Heer, Oswald, Prof. of Botany in Univ. Zilrich. 1864. Mar. 16 Helmholtz, Professor Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand.

Berlin. 1873. Mar. 15 Hofmann, August Wilhelm, F.R S., Professor of

Chemistry in the University. Berlin. 1879. Mar. 16 Huggins, William, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. Upper

Tulse-hil, London, S. W. 1874. Mar. 16 ?Huxley, Professor Thomas Henry, LL.D., F.R.S.

London. 1864. Mar. 16 Hyrtl, Professor Karl Joseph. Vienna. 1880. Mar. 16 Loomis, Professor Elias. Yale College, U.S. America. 1880. Mar. 16 Marsh, Prof 0. C. Yale College, Conn., U.S. America. 1882. Mar. 16 Newcomb, Simon. United States Naval Observatory,

Washington. 1878. Mar. 16 Pasteur, Louis. Paris. 1882. Mar. 16 Smith, Henry John Stephen, F.R.S., Savilian Pro

fessor of Geometry, Oxford. Oxford. 1873. Mar. 15 Stokes, George Gabriel, D.C.L., LL.D. (Dub.), Fel

low and Secretary of the Royal Society, F.C.P.S., F.R.S. Ed., &c., Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge.

1878. Mar. 16 Thomson, Professor Sir William, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. Glasgow.

1882. Mar. 16 Virchow, Rudolph. Bertin. 1867. Mar. 16 Wiirtz, Professor Adolf Karl. Rue St. Guillaume

27, Paris.

(One vacancy.)

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Honorary Members. 23


[Limited to 30 Menmbers, of whomn one-half at least flust be foreigners.]

Elected in the Department of, Polite Literature. Date of Election.

1869. Mar. 16 Gayaugcos y Arce, Don, Pascual de. London. 1869. Mar. 16 Lassen, Professor Christian. Bonn. 1849. Nov. 30 Lepsius, Professor Karl PRichard. Berlin. 1869. Mar. 16 Mommsen, Professor Theodor. Berlin. 1863. Mar. 16 Muller, Professor Max. Oxford.

BlectedZ in' the leDepartment of Antiquities.

1869. Mar. 16 Benlavides, Don Antonio. Madrid. 1848. Nov. 30 Botta, Paul Emile. Paris. 1867. Mar. 16 De rlossi, Commendatore Giovanni Battista. Bome. 1841. Mar. 16 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, F. R. S., .F.S. A.

Lond. and Scotlanid., &G. Hollingbury Copse, Brighton.

1854. Mar. 16 MIaury, Professor Louis Ferdinand Alfred. Paris. 1866. Mar. 16t Nilsson, Professor Sven. Lund. 1867. Mar. 16 Visconti, Barone Commendatore P. E. Rome. 1867. Mar. 16 Worsaae, Prof. Hans Jakob Asmussen. Copenhagent.

Elected since the union of the two classes of Honorary Members in this Section.

1882. Mar. 16 Ascoli, Professor G. I. Milan. 1878. Mar. 16 Bradshaw, Henry, M.A., University Librarian,

Caambridge. 1882. Mar. 16 Bond, Edward Augustus, LL.D., Principal Librarian

of the British Museum. London. 1882. Mar. 16 Brugsch-Pascha, Heinrich. Berlin. 1878. Mar. 16 Curtius, Professor Georg. Leipzig. 1875. Mar. 16 Franks, Augustus Wollaston, MI.A., F.RS., F.S.A.

103, Victoria-street, London, S. W. 1880. Mar. 16 Fick, Professor F. C. August. Gkittingen. 1878. Mar. 16 Kern, Professor H. Leyden. 1882. Mar. 16 Maine, Sir Henry James Sunmner, LL. D., K.C.S.I.,

Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Cambridge. 1878. Mar. 16 Newton, Charles, C.B., D,C.L., F.S.A. British

Auseuat, Londont. 1873. Mar. 15 Nigra, His Excellency Cavaliere Constantino, Italian

Minister to Russia. St Petewrbury. 1876. Mar. 16 Stokes, Margaret. Carrig-Breac, Howth, Co. Dublin.

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24 Honorary MVe'mbers.

Date of Electionl.

1876. Mar. 16 '

StubbS, Rev. Williami, D.D., Canoni of St. Paul's, London, Professor of Modern History, Oxford. Oxford.

1873. Mar. 15 Westwood, John Obadiah, Esq., F.S.A., Hope Professor of Zoology, Oxford. Oxford.

1875. Mar. 16 Whitney7 Prof. William Dwight. Yale College, Connecticut, U.S., America.

1876. Mar. 16 Windisch, Professor Ernst. Leil)zig.

(One vacancy.)

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Life Members ... ... ..k 152 Annual Members ... .. .. 178

330 Honorary Members (58 + 5) ... .. 63

Total, ... 393

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Should any errors or omissions be found in this List, which is revised to

lst April, 1882, it is requested that notice thereof may be given to the

Secretary of the Academy. He should also be informed of the death of any


As this list will be kept standing in type, it can be readily corrected from time

to time.

R. D. Webb and Son, Pr inters, 74 Abbey-street, Dublin.

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