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Page 1: General Excellence for March

Thursday March 8 2012★ ★


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75¢Volume 88

Issue 10© Copopyright 2012 Masked Rider Publishing Inc

Remember To

Spring Forward!Daylight Savings Time

Starts Sunday, March 11th!


The Texas Department of Public Safety is again

urging Spring Breakers to avoid traveling to Mexi-

co as a result of continued violence throughout the


“The Mexican government has made great

strides battling the cartels, and we commend their

continued commitment to making Mexico a safer

place to live and visit,” said DPS Director Steven C.

McCraw. “However, drug cartel violence and oth-

er criminal activity represent a significant safety

threat, even in some resort areas.”

According to published information from the U.S.

Department of State: *

- 12,903 narcotics-related homicides were report-

ed the first nine months of 2011 alone.

- The number of U.S. citizens reported as

murdered in Mexico increased from 35 in 2007 to 120

in 2011.

- U.S. citizens have fallen victim to transnation-

al criminal activity, including homicide, gun battles,

kidnapping, carjacking and highway robbery.

- Rape and sexual assault continue to be serious

problems in resort areas.

Some bars and nightclubs, especially in resort

cities such as Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Cabo

San Lucas, and Tijuana can be havens for drug deal-

ers and petty criminals.

Crime and violence are serious problems

throughout the country and can occur anywhere.

The State Department now urges U.S. travel-

ers to defer non-essential travel to all or parts of 14

Four candidates will vie for two city council posi-

tions in the upcoming local election in May. Those po-

sitions are the only contested race on the ballot

Deadline for filing ended Monday, March 5th, for

the City of Big Lake and Reagan Hospital District


Terry Jones was the lone candidate to file for

the office of Mayor. Incumbents, Robin Collins and

Cliff Miller both filed for re-election. They will be

joined on the ballot by Sandy Armstrong and Sandra


All city council positions are At-Large - the top

two candidates receiving the most votes will be de-

clared the winners.

Three places on the Reagan Hospital District

board were open this year. Those being SMD 2, SMD

3 and SMD 5 (At-Large).

Three candidates have filed, one for each district.

Ron Galloway has filed in SMD 2, Ann Schneemann

filed re-election in SMD 3, and Robin Russell filed in

SMD 5 (At-Large).

Reagan Hospital District will not be required to

hold an election in May since no other candidates


Galloway, Schneeman and Russell will officially

hold those positions on the board in May.

Early voting will begin April 30 - May 8. Election

day is Saturday, May 12, 2012.

Reagan County Commissioners met Tues-

day morning with Attorney Chad Elkins in a

special called meeting to discuss the county's

subdivision regulations as they pertain to RV


There was some question during the com-

missioners' last meeting if an RV park would

fall under the county's subdivision regulations.

Elkins said that he researched the topic fur-

ther and came across a few attorney general

opinions that say an RV park would be consid-

ered a subdivision in Texas.

Elkins said it would be his opinion that all

RV parks built in Reagan County would fall

under the current regulations, which were ap-

proved in 2002, even though RVs are not specifi-

cally noted in the subdivision document.

Developer Matt Salazar was on hand with

questions about the county's regulations. Sala-

zar said he and his partners are looking to build

an RV park just east of Big Lake on a five acre

piece of land that stretches from the county line

just south of Highway 67 to the west edge of Reg-

gie's Trucking.

Elkins said that the current subdivision reg-

ulations are extensive and cover every question

imaginable and provided Salazar with the 30

page document.

Commissioner Ron Galloway said that he

wanted to review the regulations with Elkins

because he has received calls from multiple

parties looking to build an RV park around Big


"I'm completely for growth in Reagan Coun-

ty," Galloway said. "I just think that it needs to

be orderly growth. We have seen what disorder-

ly growth looks like up on Ostrich Road."

Salazar said that he was not coming before

the court to get out of anything, and that he was

OK with paying fees and doing the job right. "I

just want to see exactly where we stand," Sala-

zar said. "If it is between spending $100 or $20,

well I'd rather spend the $20."

Salazar also said that he was concerned that

the regulations would set back construction by

a considerable amount of time.

The court told Salazar that they would be

ready to review the plat for the land by their

next regular meeting on Monday.

"We want to work with all developers," Com-

missioner Tommy Holt said. "We just have to

County: RV Park = Subdivision

Friends, family and community members left fl owers, teddy bears and other tributes as a show of sympathy and support for the family of two-year-old Francisco Hernandez Jr., who passed away Friday after an accident at the family's home at 304 N. Texas Street. The child was reportedly run over in the residence's driveway by an SUV driven by his father in an accident that Chief Deputy Jeff Weatherby called terrible and tragic. Paramedics and deputies were on scene within a minute of receiving the call at 12:59 p.m., but Weatherby said there was nothing that could be done to save the child. - PHOTO BY J.L. MANKIN

Melissa Gonzales, US Post-

al Letter Carrier in Big Lake,

was recognized in a small cer-

emony last Friday for display-

ing heroic conduct during an

emergency situation.

Mrs. Gonzales was on her

daily route January 18th, when

she encountered an elderly lady

who had fallen in the street.

Melissa says she was turn-

ing onto Pennsylvania Street

when she heard someone holler

to call 9-1-1.

An unidentified male was

standing over the lady.

Melissa called EMS and

went to the aid of the injured

lady, covering her and making

sure she was coherent until a

deputy and EMS arrived.

Dorothy Howard had gone

to check her mailbox when she

fell off of the curb and hit the

pavement. Mrs. Howard suf-

fered a major head wound, a

broken cheek bone and a bro-

ken pelvis from the fall.

"To me, it's part of the job.

Anything can happen out there

and we are out there on the

streets every day. I'm just glad

I was there at that time," said

Mrs. Gonzales.

Georgia Brown, daughter

of Mrs. Howard stated "We are

so thankful she stopped to help

mother, as well as the gentle-

man. They were lifesavers."

Brown was out of town at

the time of the accident.

Big Lake Postmaster Garry

Goff commended Melissa, and

presented her with a framed

letter from the Postmaster Gen-

eral, Patrick R. Donahoe.

The letter read:

I want to personally com-

mend you for being a consci-

entious employee and citizen.

When you discovered a woman

lying in the street with inju-

ries to her head, you immedi-

ately called emergency person-

nel and stayed with her until

help arrived. I know she ap-

preciated the care and concern

you showed her. Thank you

for coming to her rescue and

displaying such heroic con-

duct during this emergency


The Postal Service has

played an integral role in the

daily lives of American citi-

zens for 236 years. Through

the faithful completion of their

daily rounds, and by going the

extra mile for customers when-

ever needed, letter carriers

maintain and strengthen this

proud tradition. Your efforts re-

mind us all of the ties that bind

communities and our country


We are fortunate to have

a employee of your caliber as

part of our postal family. Well


Goff said Melissa was com-

mended by the National As-

sociation of Letter Carriers

President, Office of Personnel

Management, as well as the

Postmaster General.

She has been a letter car-

rier for 11 years for the US Post


Georgia Brown added that

after a weeklong stay in a San

Angelo hospital, her mother’s

recovery has been slow from

the traumatic fall, but she is


‘We appreciate Melissa, the

community and the churches

for their continued prayers,

and food brought to Dorothy,”

she concluded.


Big Lake Postmaster Garry Goff , Melissa Gonzales, and daughter Zoe Gonzales. - PHOTO BY MARLA DAUGHERTY

Letter Carrier commended

for helping injured citizen

City Council is the only contested race

DPS advises against Spring Break travel to Mexico

Angel Aguilera and Fernando Saucedo will represent Reagan County in the Regional Powerlifting Meet this Saturday, March 10, in Sundown. Angel Aguilera will compete in the 242 weight class; Fernando Saucedo will lift in the 165 weight class. - PHOTO BY J.L. MANKIN SEE COUNTY ON PAGE 3


Page 2: General Excellence for March

Iran’s Terrible Rationality

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of

Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, thinks that

Iran is a “rational actor.” He is indisput-

ably correct.

Tehran couldn’t have made itself into

the world’s foremost exporter of terror

and extended its tentacles throughout

the Middle East without resorting to ra-

tional calculation. That’s obvious. What

Dempsey is implying, though, is that a re-

gime capable of such calculation can nec-

essarily be de-

terred if it gets a

nuclear weapon.

That’s an unsup-

portable leap.

If the Sovi-

ets, the famous

“evil empire”

bristling with

thousands of nuclear weapons, could be

deterred, why not Iran? The Soviet leader-

ship became more pragmatic over time.

After Nikita Khrushchev renounced Jo-

sef Stalin, it didn’t believe that war with

its enemies was imminent and inevitable.

Iran’s religio-ideological fire, in contrast,

is still burning hot.

From our perspective, there is no point

in establishing a theocracy, killing in-

nocents abroad, pursuing sectarian war,

crushing protesters, denying the Holo-

caust and threatening Israel with anni-

hilation, either. From the point of view of

the Western liberal tradition, the Islamic

Republic itself makes no sense. Yet there

it is, withstanding punishing economic

sanctions to pursue the weapon that the

regime wouldn’t want in the first place if it

accepted international norms.

A highly ideological leadership with

a sense of desperate urgency is the en-

emy of deterrence. In 1941, Dean Acheson

rightly said: “No rational Japanese could

believe an attack on us could result any-

thing but disaster.” Except the Japanese

-- driven by a sense of honor alien to us --

believed that they only had two choices:

getting squeezed out of China by the U.S.,

or launching a risky war.

Even in the Cold War, deterrence al-

most failed. During the Cuban Missile

Crisis, the airstrike and invasion pushed

by the Joint Chiefs of Staff might well

have unwittingly prompted a nuclear ex-

change. The defense secretary at the time,

the late Bob McNamara, maintained that

“we lucked out.” Ah, yes, that crucial

backstop to deterrence -- luck.

The Israelis can be forgiven for not

feeling very lucky. Do we think Israeli

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and Aya-

tollah Ali Khamenei will establish a “red

telephone” to smooth out misunderstand-

ings after Iran goes nuclear? The Iranian

regime is factionalized, and it is sure to be

the most fanatical elements that control

the nukes. It also is prone to bouts of popu-

lar unrest threatening its existence. If the

regime ever believes it is going down, na-

tional martyrdom might look gloriously


In March 1945, Adolf Hitler gave his

infamous Nero Decree, essentially call-

ing for the destruction of Germany. After

the first U.S. atomic attack on Hiroshima,

the Japanese war minister mused about

how wonderful it would be if his nation

were destroyed “like a beautiful flower.”

It is in this tradition that former Iranian

President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani -- a

relative pragmatist -- said that “even one

nuclear bomb inside Israel will destroy ev-

erything. However, it will only harm the

Islamic world. It is not irrational to con-

template such an eventuality.”

On his own perverse terms, Rafsan-

jani’s reasoning is unassailable. He’s just

another “rational actor.”

Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.

(c) 2012 by King Features Synd., Inc.

Green is okay. It’s not my favor-

ite color. It’s not my least favorite. But

wouldn’t a nice azure blue or sunshine

yellow be just as good as green? Why did

it have to be green?

I’d love to support

our Irish friends on

St. Patrick’s Day, but I

have absolutely noth-

ing green to wear. I’ve

come to the conclusion

that nobody does un-

less they bought it for a

St. Patrick’s Day party

ten years ago.

There is a rule

written in stone some-

where (perhaps this Blarney Stone I

keep hearing about) that you cannot go

to a St. Paddy’s Day party wearing any-

thing other than green. Additionally,

you take the risk of getting kicked out

if you dare show up in orange, which is

very… not green.

Nobody wants to get kicked out be-

cause there will be shamrocks… and

beer. Lots of beer.

There’s a rule about having to drink

beer on St. Paddy’s Day too, but I choose

to ignore it. Beer makes me nauseated.

What can they do? Send a leprechaun

to make me drink? … Bring it on, little

green man. I think I can take you.

By the way, the leprechauns did not

sprout from the St. Patrick legends. The

little party-crashers simply took over

the holiday because St. Patrick was a bit

boring. In fact, it is very unlikely that

he ever drank beer, sported a mono-

chrome wardrobe, or ate corned beef

and cabbage until he puked.

In fact, the modern corned beef tradi-

tion sprang from the original meat used

to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day: bacon. I

AUSTIN — Dates put on the calendar

make the prospect of party primaries seem

more concrete now. An order by a three-

judge panel of the U.S. District Court, West-

ern District of Texas in San Antonio, set

May 29 as the date of the 2012 general pri-

mary election and July 31 for the primary

runoff election.

Despite continuing questions and ob-

jections over redrawn state House and U.S.

congressional districts, the order written

by Judge Orlando Garcia and dated March

1 includes a list of primary–related dead-

line dates for federal, state, county and lo-

cal offices. In a long list of requirements

in Garcia’s court order is the reopening of

the filing period for candidates. Filing was

set to begin March 2 and end at 6 p.m. on

March 9.

Furthermore, the order waived the

state law requiring that a runoff election

be held no earlier than the 20th nor later

than the 45th day after the final canvass of

the main election for any municipal, school,

or other political subdivision election held

on May 12. It also suspended the require-

ments of any home-rule city charter re-

lating to runoff election dates to allow for

compliance with the order.

Coach puts face on Alzheimer’s

Darrell K. Royal, head coach of the Uni-

versity of Texas Longhorns football team

from 1957-76, appeared in the state Senate

Chamber on Feb. 28 to promote efforts to

understand and deal with Alzheimer’s dis-

ease. Royal, 87, suffers from Alzheimer’s.

Royal’s wife Edith spoke to the Joint

Interim Committee on Alzheimer’s Dis-

ease, an assembly of lawmakers tasked

with studying the economic impact of the

disease over the next five years and work-

ing toward mobilizing assets to combat it.

Standing with the Royals were celebrated

Texans Lance Armstrong and Matthew


State Health Commissioner Dr. Da-

vid Lakey estimated 340,000 Texans suffer

from the disease and the state’s minimally

funded Alzheimer’s disease program was

cut by 50 percent by the Legislature. While

most of the estimated $65 million cost of Al-

zheimer’s treatment in Texas is covered by

Medicare, Lakey said, many Alzheimer’s

sufferers don’t receive needed services.

Texas Department of Aging and Dis-

ability Services Deputy Commissioner Jon

Weizenbaum estimated there

are 2.7 million Texans pro-

viding informal caregiv-

er tasks for Alzheimer’s


RRC elects new


The Texas Rail-

road Commission on

Feb. 28 elected cur-

rent Commissioner

Barry Smitherman


Smitherman, who

joined the agency in

July 2011, succeeds

former Commissioner Elizabeth Ames

Court order sets May 29 as date for primary election


Spending Time

With the DragonI was visiting with a Rotary friend last

summer and we were talking about recent

books we had read. He said he had just

finished the third book in Stieg Larsson’s


in Sweden in 2005, 2006 and 2007. His fas-

cination with the three books caught my

attention. I had heard about the series, but

hadn’t paid much attention to it, although

the titles indicated to me that this was

something I

needed to read.









practically jump out at you from the book-

shelf. The conversation about books made

me feel almost ashamed that I hadn’t read

the series, which was the talk of the liter-

ary world. Steig Larsson died in 2004 short-

ly after delivering the three manuscripts.

I bought the first book and after just a

few pages I was hooked. Not since reading

Thomas Wolfe in college had I just abso-

lutely jumped into a book. I was caught up

in the love story, the family saga, the finan-

cial intrigue and the mystery. The story

is about a journalist, something I could

identify with at the outset. I may have set a

record for reading THE GIRL WITH THE

DRAGON TATTOO. It was difficult to put

it down.

While I was reading it and after read-

ing it, the images conjured up in my mind

about the characters stayed there and I

wanted to find out what was going on with

them. Of course I bought the second book,


before I finished the first. I devoured the

second one also, fully engrossed in the on-

going story. The first two books were pa-

perbacks. I read the third book, THE GIRL


a Kindle. Reading from a machine had the

same excitement, if not more, than reading

from a conventional book. My wife Susan

read the series right along with me.

Work, play, home life, outside activities

were ignored occasionally to stay up with

the story. When we visited our son in Dal-

las we were talking about the books and he

told us that a Swedish company had made

films of the three books and he had seen

them all. When we got back home we went

to Blockbuster and rented the first one.

Wow. The characters and locations were

just as I had imagined them.

The film was true to the book for the

most part and stayed with the story. We

watched one of the movies on Monday, the

second one on Tuesday and the third one

on Wednesday. We finished watching the

movies about the time the American ver-


TATTOO hit the theaters.

We were impressed with the American

version. I personally like the ending better

than the Swedish version. While the lights

were coming up in the theater, we were dis-

cussing the movie, talking about the subtle

differences and similarities between the

Swedish and American versions. The per-

son sitting a seat away from Susan began

talking to us. Of all things, he just hap-

pened to be from Sweden. Our conversa-

tion lasted well into the lobby of the theater.

We’re waiting for the next two American

movie versions.

St. Paddy’s Day Madnessby Tumbleweed Smith

Rolling Along

can see how people who drink large

quantities of beer might make that mis-

take. (“I wondered why that darn pig was

mooing!”) But whose sick idea was it to

combine corned beef and cabbage with

kegs of beer, anyway?

Aha! That’s where

the green comes in!

After voluminous

amounts of corned beef,

cabbage and beer, the

only green you’d see is

the green around your

gills around 2:00 am.

After waking from

a coma next to the com-

mode in a bar to which

you don’t remember going, one has to

further test his intestinal fortitude by

going to the parade with a hangover.

And yay! The parade has bagpipes!

Lots of bagpipes. Because, apparently,

the friendly Scots support the Irish mad-

ness with an instrument that looks like

one of the alien patrons of a Star Wars

pub. It sounds like one too.

Of course, after ruining your only

green shirt with the contents of your

stomach, you would have to brave the

parade in a color other than green.

There are consequences for blatantly

breaking the St. Paddy’s Day rules. Now,

every Irish grandmother in the city will

subject you to an “affectionate pinch”;

which is an oxymoron. There really is

no such thing. However, if somebody’s

grandmother pinches you, you are not, I

repeat, NOT, allowed to slug her. Anoth-

er St. Paddy’s rule written in stone.

So, yes, I wholeheartedly support our

Irish friends, and even those who are

only temporarily Irish. But, gee, I just

don’t have anything to wear.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

d there




Lauraon Life

by Laura Snyder

To Subscribe...

Call 884-2215

Publisher 1947-2005: Mike WerstPublisher: Randy MankinEditor: Marla Daugherty

Photographer and Reporter: J.L. Mankin

The Big Lake Wildcat is published weekly at 707 N Florida Street in Big Lake, Texas by Masked Rider Publishing, Inc. Subscriptions are $23.50 per year in Reagan County and $27.50 per year elsewhere in Texas. Out of state subscriptions are $30.00. Periodical class postage paid at Big Lake, Texas 76932. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BIG LAKE WILDCAT, P.O. Box 946, Big Lake, Texas 76932-0946. Notices of entertainment where admission is charged, cards of thanks, resolutions of respect and all material not news,

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Page 3: General Excellence for March

RCES has another group

of “owl”-standing students to

show off during the month

of March. This month the

focus quality was achieve-

ment in school. These stu-

dents do well in the school

environment. They make

good grades, participate in

class, and have good atten-

dance rates. These students

make good scores on tests,

AR, daily work assignments,

etc. They work in coopera-

tion with their peers and are

a good classroom citizen.

Jake Hruska is the PreK

Student of the Month. He

is the son of Jed and Ginna

Hruska. Jake does well in the

school environment. He par-

ticipates in classroom activi-

ties. He is a good listener and

a good classroom citizen. He

likes to play at centers and on

the playground at school.

Kinder Student of the

Month is Levan Aguilar. He

is the son of Aurelio and Blan-

ca Aguilar. Levan is always

enthusiastic about school. He

works well with others and al-

ways tries his best. He always

participates in classroom

discussions and pays close

attention to the lesson being

taught. He tries his best and

never gives up.

Jaydyn Reyes is the First

Grade Student of the Month.

She is the daughter of Blanca

and Jason Reyes. Her favor-

ite subject is Reading. Jay-

dyn takes pride in her work

and always does her best. She

is a hard worker and a fast

learner. Jaydyn always comes

to class prepared and ready

to learn.

Representing Second

Grade is Roxanna DeLeon.

She is the daughter of Teresa

and Hector DeLeon. Roxanna

can always be counted on in

everything she does in school.

Her grades are fantastic! She

has made every A/R Reading

goal for the entire year. She

is always looking for ways to

help her teachers and other

classmates. Her teacher says,

“If I need to rely on a stu-

dent to help me with a task,

she is the first student I look


Clarissa Flores was chosen

by Third Grade as Student of

the Month. She is the daughter

of Marcos and Clarita Flores.

Her favorite subject in school is

Science. She always has a great

attitude inside and outside the

classroom. She achieves her

goals and helps other students


Fourth Grade Student of

the Month is Hannah Cer-

vantes. She is the daughter

of Clementina Ramirez. Han-

nah was selected as the 4th

grade student of the month

because she excels in all of

her classes. She always works

hard and tries her best. Han-

nah has scored well on all

of her benchmark tests. She

works well with her class-

mates and is a pleasure to

have in class.

Rounding out the group

is Julian Robles. He is the

son of Christy and Julian

Robles. Julian is constantly

participating in class, always

striving to do his best in ev-

ery subject. He always has a

positive attitude and demon-

strates good teamwork skills

with his peers. Julian has

been going above and beyond

to reach his AR goal with a

total of 309 points for the year

so far!!

Teacher of the Month is

Third Grade Teacher, Lacey

Epperson. Mrs. Epperson

uses innovative teaching strat-

egies, is very reliable, and de-

velops positive relationships

with students and parents.

Mrs. Epperson is a value to

her students and to her staff.

She is ready and prepared to

teach her students with a good

attitude. You can look at her

students and see how much

they appreciate what she does

for them.

The RCES Parent of the

Month is Daniel Fraga. He is

the parent of first grader Osiel

Fraga and sixth grader Gus-

tavo Fraga. Mr. Fraga and

Osiel enjoy reading, writing,

and math together. Osiel is

very proud to show his dad his

good grades, AR test grades,

and accomplishments they

work toward in class. We ap-

preciate the way he supports

his child as well as the school.

DEADLINE for all


at 5:00 pm884-2215


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GO GREEN!!!Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with

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Se Habla Español!!!Have a safe Spring Break!

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make it fair for everyone.

The good 'ol boy way of do-

ing things is thrown out the

door. These regulations are

in place to give our coun-

ty some protection in the

future. It also gives us as a

commissioners court some-

thing to hold your (develop-

ers) feet to the fire. My main

concern is that everything

is safe, orderly and sightly. I

think that is something we

can all agree with."

Elkins said that the ap-

propriate action for develop-

ers to take when placing an

RV park in Reagan County

would be to first pick up a

subdivision packet from the

county clerk's office.

The developer would

then need to produce a plat

stamped by an engineer

for commissioner approv-

al. After that construction

can commence with over-

sight from the county's road


Elkins also said that if

the developer is receiving

water and waste water ser-

vice from the City of Big

Lake they would have to pro-

vide the county with a letter

from the city stating that the

city's services can handle

the extra load.

Elkins said that develop-

ers that do not receive ser-

vices from the city will have

to contact TCEQ for their

on-site waste water and the

underground water con-

servation district for fresh


The commissioners also

noted that none of the regu-

lations pertain to RV parks

within the City of Big Lake

as they have their own set

of rules and regulations.

The court finished up

their meeting by asking El-

kins to draft an addendum

to the subdivision regula-

tions to include RV parks.

The meeting was ad-

journed at 9:45 a.m.


County: RV Park = Subdivision


Jones as chair. Ames Jones

resigned from office last

month to run for a state

Senate seat.

“As Texas energy pro-

duction is increasing at an

unprecedented rate, the

Railroad Commission must

continue to maintain a fair

and predictable regula-

tory climate in this state,”

Smitherman said, and ex-

pressed eagerness to work

with the state Legislature

and the Sunset Advisory

Commission in the 83rd

regular session, scheduled

to convene in January. The

Railroad Commission will

undergo Sunset review, a

process that scrutinizes

each state agency and rec-

ommends whether an agen-

cy should continue or be


Most schools are


State law gives the Tex-

as education commissioner

authority to impose sanc-

tions against any school dis-

trict or charter school that

receives a lowered accredi-

tation status.

This year, 97 percent of

school districts and char-

ter schools earned state ac-

creditation based primarily

on academic and financial


In a March 1 Texas Edu-

cation Agency new release,

Education Commissioner

Robert Scott said 1,185

out of 1,220 districts and

charter schools met the


Accreditation sta-

tus for each district and

charter can be found at



Phony email targets


Texas Attorney Gener-

al Greg Abbott on March

1 warned citizens not to

open attachments, click on

links or respond to fraudu-

lent email that looks like it

came from the U.S. Internal

Revenue Service.

“Tax season is a particu-

larly active time for identity

thieves, because it provides

an opportunity for crimi-

nals to create fraudulent

emails and websites to trick

taxpayers into divulging

their sensitive financial in-

formation,” Abbott said.

“Taxpayers should re-

member that the IRS does

not use email or text mes-

sages to contact taxpayers

about issues related to their

income tax returns,” Ab-

bott added.

This year, the deadline

for filing federal income

tax returns is Tuesday,

April 17. According to the

IRS, the filing deadline

was moved back because

April 15 is a Sunday and

April 16 is a holiday in

Washington, D.C.

Capital Highlights . . .CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

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Happy Homemakers meetHappy Homemakers met Thursday, February 23rd at

the A.L.E. Building. After a brief business meeting the pro-

gram was turned over to Charlene Belew, County Agent

from Glasscock County, and Shantay Claswon, Coun-

ty Agent from Odessa. A fun craft was demonstrated by

the agents and made by the members present, who were

Arla Schwertner, Jeanne Warriner, Margie Blake, June

O’Briant, Dorothy Wille, Argie Perez, Janice Randle and

Hermit Dittman.

Page 4: General Excellence for March



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The Reagan County

Owls’ added another feather

to their cap this past week-

end by bringing home the

championship hardware in

the Crane Tournament.

In game one the Owls

faced the Ft. Stockton


The Panthers struck

first in the top of the 2nd in-

ning going up 1-0.

Then the Owls respond-

ed with a run to tie the score

1-1 in the bottom half of the


In the 3rd the Owls took

the lead 3-1.

The Panthers then cut

the lead in half with a run

in the top half of the 4th

bringing the score to 3-2.

Ft. Stockton then ral-

lied with 3 runs in the 5th to

take a 5-3 lead.

In the bottom half the

Owls tied the game at 5 all.

The Owls then scored 5

runs in the 6th to take a 10-5

lead going into the last in-

ning of play.

The Panthers made it in-

teresting scoring 3 runs to

bring the final score to 10-8

in favor of the Owls.

Cristian Sanchez picked

up the win going the dis-

tance while striking out 6

batters and walking 4.

In game 2 the Owls

played the Van Horn Eagles.

The Owls quickly found

themselves down 2-0 after 2

innings of play.

In the 3rd, 4th and 5th in-

nings the Owls scored a run

in each to take a 3-2 lead af-

ter 6 innings.

Then, in the top of the

7th, the Owls added 3 more

runs to seal a 6-2 victory.

Trenton Gardner had

a complete game victory

while striking out 7 batters

and walking 2.

In the Championship

Game the Owls faced the

Ft. Hancock Mustangs who

were defending champs.

After a quiet 1st inning

the Mustangs struck first

in the top of the 2nd going

up 1-0.

The Owls battled back

and scored 2 runs to take a

2-1 lead after 2 innings.

Both teams failed to

score in the 3rd because

Reagan County Jr. High

Boys Track Results. Loca-

tion – McCamey

7th Grade Results:

2400m run – Tyler Bastin

5th; Tyler Rardin 6th

800m run – Chris DeHoy-

es 1st; Robert Howell 2nd;

Turner Stark 5th

110 hurdles – Jose Salas 1st;

Riley Henson 3rd; Zach Ad-

ams 5th

100m Dash – Johnathan

Gallegos 1st; Antonio Rico


800 relay – Reagan County


400m run - Robert Howell

4th; Turner Stark 6th

300m hurdle – Jose Sa-

las 1st; Riley Henson 2nd;

Zach Adams 4th

200m Dah – Angel Rico 4th;

Eddie Cemental 5th

Pole Vault – Robert Howell

3rd; Zach Adams 5th

Long Jump – Johnathan

Gallegos 1st; Anthony Rico


Shot Put – J.D. Esquivel 4th

8th Grade Results:

2400 m run –Marcos

State bound...

Reagan County’s Rosemary Davis and Zoe Gonzalez advanced to the state powerlifting meet in Corpus Christi after strong performances in the regional meet held in Monahans Saturday. Davis took fi rst place in the 165 class with a total weight of 845 lbs. Davis had a squat of 350 lbs, a bench of 145 lbs., and a dead lift that matched her squat. Gonzales took third place in the 123 class with a total weight of 735 lbs. She had a squat of 325 lbs, a bench of 120 lbs, and a dead lift of 290 lbs. The pair will travel to Corpus Cristi on March 16 for the state powerlifting meet held at the American Bank Center. PHOTO BY J.L. Mankin

Owls nine top Crane tournament: Keep McCamey at bay


of great defensive plays by

both teams.

In the 4th Ft. Hancock

scored to tie the game at 2-2.

The Owls then erupted

for 7 runs in the 4th to take

a commanding 9-2 lead.

Then in the 5th inning

the Owls added 3 runs on a

double by Benji Gutierrez

that ended the game 12-2 for


for the Owls.

Luis Gonzalez pitched the

entire game picking up the

win while striking out 2 bat-

ters and allowing only 2 runs.

Sophomore Trenton

Gardner made the ALL


Senior Cristian San-

chez was named TOURNA-


Other players having

a good tournament were:

Benji Gutierrez 8 for 11, 3

runs scored and 6 RBI’s; Ed-

gar Lopez 4 for 8, 4 walks, 5

runs scored, 3 RBI’s and 4

stolen bases.

Next action for the

Owls will be at home Mar.

8-10(THUR-SAT) in the 1st

Annual Reagan County

Baseball Classic. Bracket


This past Monday Mar.

6, 2012 the Owls hosted the

McCamey Badgers.

After 1 inning of play the

Owls were up 1-0.

In the 2nd inning the

Owls scored 4 runs to go up


Both teams were quiet in

the 3rd. Then in the 4th the

Badgers put up their only

run of the game bringing

the score to 5-1.

After that the Owls put

up 6 more runs to cruise to

an 11-1 victory.

Pitching for the Owls

were: Cristian Sanchez 7

strikeouts and 7 walks in the

win; Lorenzo Benitez 3 strike-

outs and 1 walk in relief.

Players hitting well

were: Laz Rodriguez 2 for

3, 2 runs scored and 2 RBI’s;

Trenton Gardner 2 for 4, 2

runs scored.

On Monday Mar. 6, 2012

the JV team took on the Ft.

Stockton Panthers JV. The

Panthers went up 2-0 in the

1st inning. In the 2nd the

Owls scored 3 runs to take

a 3-2 lead. The Panthers

answered back with a run

to tie the score at 3-3. But

the Owls battled back with

3 runs to take a 6-3 lead.

After two more innings of

play the Owls scored 2 more

runs to make the final score

8-4 in the victory. Fresh-

man Juan Lopez and Julian

Perez pitched well for the

Owls. Players getting hits

and scoring runs were: Zach

Ramirez, Angel Aguilera,

Leander Miller, BJ Avila

and Mason Baggett.

The Reagan County Owls varsity baseball team won fi rst place this weekend in the Crane Tournament. The Owls notched wins over Ft. Stockton and Van Horn before tromping Ft. Hancock 12-2 in the championship game. The Owls will host their own tournament that begins today and will include the Reagan County JV team, McCamey, Ozona, Crane, Eldorado, Grape Creek and Kermit. Everyone is encouraged to come out and support the fi rst annual Reagan County Baseball Tournament. COURTESY PHOTO

Cervantes 3rd

1600m run – Marcos Cer-

vantes 3rd

Shot put – Baylee Barton


7th Grade Placed 2nd over-

all with a total of 117 points.

Varsity Boys

The varsity boys com-

peted in the Cristoval

Relays last week. Zach

Ramirez had a great day

placing in all event that he

entered. The results are as


Zach Ramirez -

1st -Triple Jump *with a

jump of 39’ 4”

2nd -200 meter dash

3rd -High Jump

4th-- 400 meter dash

Julian Perez - 6th -3200 meter

run 5th- -1600 meter run

RCMS; RCHS Boys Track

Reagan County’s Trenton Gardner and Cristian Sanchez received All-Tournement honors after their solid play in the Crane Tournament. Sanchez was named the tournament’s MVP while Gardner was named to the All-Tournament squad. COURTESY PHOTO

Reagan County

Reagan County JV





Grape Creek



Thurs6 p.m.Gm 4

Thurs3 p.m.Gm 3

Thurs12 p.m.Gm 2

Fri9 a.m.Gm 5

Fri12 p.m.Gm 6

Fri6 p.m.Gm 8

Fri3 p.m.Gm 7

Sat3 p.m.Gm 11

Sat9 a.m.Gm 9


Sat6 p.m.Gm 12


Sat12 p.m.Gm 10

1st Anual Reagan County Baseball Classic

Page 5: General Excellence for March

Eight Reagan Coun-

ty High School Culinary

students travel to Laredo

on Tuesday, February 28

to compete in the South

Texas High School Cup-

cake Battle. Reagan County

was represented well at the


There were 30 entries

submitted from six schools.

There were eight individual

awards given and Reagan

County brought home 5 of

the awards.

• Erica Lerma, junior,

won 3rd place and Best

School Spirit for her “Owl

Cupcakes” entry,

• Javonie Barrera, fresh-

man, won Best Presenta-

tion with her “Vanilla Ham-

burger Cupcake”,

• Veronica Perez, ju-

nior, won Best Piping for

her “Chocolate Garden


• Cassandra Vargas, ju-

nior, won 2nd place, Best

Frosting, and Best Cake

with her “Chocolate Truffle


Cassandra and Erika

will go on to represent Rea-

gan County at the Texas

State Cupcake.

Judges rated each cup-

cake on overall and indi-

vidual product taste, degree

of difficulty (including cre-

ativity and originality) and

the appearance (including

color, shape and texture).

on the following dates:March 11April 15May 13June 10July 15

August 12September 16

October 14

2-4 pmVFW HALL -Big Lake

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Battle of the cupcakesRCHS students prove they can ‘whip’ up a win

First, second and third

place overall winners will

compete in the state com-

petition, where they will

create cupcakes in front of

a panel of judges. The state

competition is a real life ex-

perience for students where

they will experience the

intensity of a professional

kitchen and having to work

in front of judges.

The winner of the state

competition is usually

awarded a culinary arts

scholarship to the culinary

school of their choice. This

years state competition

will be held in Houston this


DPS advises against Spring

Break travel to Mexico

The Big Lake City Coun-

cil met Tuesday and ap-

proved an ordinance that

amends the city's traffic

code to set limits on where

and when commercial

trucks can park inside Big

Lake's city limits.

The ordinance, num-

bered 12-03-06-1, states that

any owner of a commercial

vehicles of more than 10,500

lbs shall not park in the city

limits of Big Lake on prop-

erty that is not owned or

leased by the owner of the


The ordinance allows

for specific written permis-

sion to be granted to a com-

mercial vehicle driver as

long as it is issued by the


According to the ordi-

nance, the same restric-

tions apply to cleaning and

changing fluid on trucks

over the weight limit. Truck

maintenance can only be

conducted if the owner of

the vehicle also owns the

property, and the piece of

land also contains drains/

catchments for fluids and

is constructed to prevent

the contamination of the


The ordinance rounds

out by prohibiting any com-

mercial trucks over the

weight limit not owned by

the City of Big Lake from

parking on municipal prop-

erty unless it receives writ-

ten authorization.

The council noted that

there is a list of vehicles

that are exempt from the

ordinance that includes

service vehicles, deliv-

ery trucks and emergency


The ordinance was con-

structed to give local law

enforcement another tool to

combat parking issues that

happen around Big Lake.

Sheriff Jeff Garner, in a

previous meeting of the city

council, told council mem-

bers that in the past things

would have to get out of

hand before his department

had the authority to have

an unwanted commercial

vehicle moved.

The meeting was called

to order at 6:15 p.m. by

Mayor Cindy O'Bryan with

council members Phil Pool,

Paul Jones and Charlie

Walker present. Council-

man Cliff Miller joined the

meeting in progress.

The council began the

meeting by approving the

outright purchase of a Cat-

erpillar backhoe for the to-

tal cost of $78,000.

The backhoe will have

an 18" bucket, since the city

already has a 2' bucket, and

comes with a 5 year 5000

hour extended warranty.

City Secretary Eve-

lyn Ammons said that the

machine will be paid for

through the city's general


The council then dis-

cussed deed restrictions

and permits for RVs in Big


The council placed a

moratorium on the city's

RV codes until December

31, 2012 during their last

meeting to give them time

to hold workshops to shape

the city's RV policy going


Mayor Cindy O'Bryan

said that City Attorney Mel-

anie Spratt-Anderson could

not make it to the meeting,

but passed along some in-

formation to her about the

deed restrictions issue.

According to O'Bryan,

deed restrictions are not

considered the business of

the city, and the city should

not issue permits for deed

restricted land.

O'Bryan said that An-

derson will bring case law

to support her opinion

on the subject at a future


Councilman Paul Jones

then raised an issue with

the city's current permit ap-

plication having a $50 "mov-

ing fee" for RVs.

Jones said that people

currently pay for the right

to move RVs on Texas pub-

lic roads by paying for li-

cense plates.

City Secretary Ammons

said that the fee is used as a

way to keep track of where

the RVs are located within

the city.

The council agreed that

a separate form would be

drafted to take care of the

wording discrepancy.

The council was then

notified by Public Works

Director Troy Kuykendall

that the city has received

permission to close their

old waste water treatment


Ammons said that it is

possible for the city to lease

the land to be developed as

long as no permanent build-

ings are placed on the site.

She also said that the city

will never be able to sell the

property, but they are free

to lease.

The council asked Am-

mons to draft an advertise-

ment for local newspapers

to get the word out on the

land. The council discussed

allowing the closing, or fill-

ing in, of the waste water

plant to be the payment for

the lease.

Councilmembers then

approved a resolution au-

thorizing a Sheriff Posse

horse parade on March 24,

2012 on Highway 67.

The council approved

the city's bills and meter de-

posits before adjourning the

meeting at 7:09 p.m.

NO PARKING: Limits on commercial trucks



Jesse Cortez For Sheriff

Pd. Pol. Adv. by Jesse Cortez Campaign, Virginia Martinez, Treasurer

- Dedicated to the protection of

every citizen in Reagan County

A CRIPS gang mem-

ber, last seen in Fort Worth,

has been added to the Tex-

as 10 Most Wanted list, and

a $7,500 cash reward is of-

fered for tips leading to her

arrest. All tips can be offered


Damesha Roshun Tray-

lor, 33, is the first woman fea-

tured as a DPS Most Want-

ed fugitive in more than 10

years. Her criminal history

includes Aggravated Assault

with a Deadly Weapon, Pos-

session of a Controlled Sub-

stance, and 17 arrests for


Traylor is 5 feet 4 inch-

es tall and weighs about 270

pounds. She has numerous

tattoos, including “Sexy D”

on her outside right wrist

and the same faded tattoo on

her outside upper left arm.

The words "Playa Made" are

tattooed on the center of her

lower back. She also has cut

scars on the back of her neck

and left forearm.

In the past she has

worked on farms, in restau-

rants and at laundry facili-

ties. For more information,

view her wanted poster at:

h t t p : // w w w. t x d p s .




Roshun Traylor&id=110.Texas Crime Stoppers, which is f u n d e d b y t h e G o v e r n o r ’s Criminal Justice Division, offers cash rewards to any person who provides information that leads to the arrest of one of the Texas 10 Most Wanted fugitives or sex off enders, http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/texas10mostwanted.Anyone with information can provide anonymous tips in three diff erent ways: Call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-252-TIPS (8477). Text the letters DPS—followed by your tip—to 274637 (CRIMES) from your cell phone. Submit a web tip through the DPS website by selecting the fugitive you have information about, and then clicking on the link under their picture. All calls, texts or e-mails are anonymous, and tipsters will be given a tip number. You do not have to give your name.Do not attempt to apprehend these fugitives yourself; they are considered armed and dangerous.

$7,500 Offered for Fort

Worth Gang Member

We appreciate our readers!


Destiney Bauer, Yaritza Reyes, Miguel Lopez, Erika Lerma, Cassie Vargas. Front row (L-R) Stormi Browder, Veronica Perez, and Javonie Barrera. - COURTESY PHOTO

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Mexican states, four more

than 2011.

The situation in Mexico

today is significantly differ-

ent than it was just a decade

ago,” said McCraw. “Many

crimes against Americans

in Mexico go unpunished,

and we have a responsi-

bility to inform the pub-

lic about safety and travel

risks and threats. Based on

the unpredictable nature

of cartel violence and other

criminal elements, we are

urging individuals to avoid

travel to Mexico at this


DPS acknowledges that

many travel to Mexico with-

out incident, but the risks

cannot be ignored. Travel-

ers are encouraged to care-

fully research any planned


Travelers should always

check the U.S. Department

of State website for the most

up-to-date information re-

lated to security issues in

Mexico. (See *http://travel.



U.S. citizens living or

traveling in Mexico are

urged to register with the

nearest U.S. Embassy or

Consulate at https://travel-



Page 6: General Excellence for March


What term refers to a type of

patterned sock or sweater and

a region within a country?

2. LOGOS: What is the official

logo of the Atlanta Braves

baseball team?

3. HOLIDAYS: When was

Father’s Day first celebrated


4. CHEMISTRY: What is

the color of sulfur at room


5. ANATOMY: What human

organs are responsible for

cleaning waste from blood?

6. HISTORY: In what year

did U.S. law require cars to

include turn signals?

7. FOOD & DRINK: Which

vegetables are used primarily

in succotash?

8. BIBLE: What is the longest

book in the Old Testament?


W h i c h C o n s t i t u t i o n a l

Amendment deals with self-


10. MOV IES: W hat new

category was added to the

Academy Awards in 2001?

Find Answers and Find Answers and Solutions on Page 10 Solutions on Page 10

1. Who holds the Los Angeles

Dodgers record for longest

hitting streak?

2. Since 1940, name the only

two players to retire with a

career batting average better

than .335.

3. Who holds the NFL record

for most consecutive games

with at least one touchdown


4. Name the last Wooden

Award winner (top collegiate

player) before Kevin Durant

to go on to win an NBA

season scoring title.

5. Which No. 1 overall draft

pick recorded a hat trick the

earliest in his NHL career?

6. Name the only two

drivers to win from the pole

position in NASCAR Cup’s

Homestead-Miami Speedway.

7. When was the last time

before 2012 that no male U.S.

tennis player made the final

16 at the Australian Open?


Page 7: General Excellence for March

James D.

Jepson, at-

torney from

Fort Stockton,

Pecos County,

Texas has an-

nounced his

candidacy for

District At-

torney in the

112th Judi-

cial District,

comprised of

Crockett, Rea-

gan, Sutton,

Upton and Pecos Counties.

Jepson graduated from the University of

Texas Permian Basin in 1985 with a Bach-

elor of Arts in Criminal Justice and earned

a Juris Doctor in Law from Thurgood Mar-

shall School of Law at Texas Southern Uni-

versity in December 1991.

He served as an Assistant District At-

torney with the 83rd and 112th Judicial

Districts of Texas from November 1992 to

December 1996 covering Brewster, Crock-

ett, Jeff Davis, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Sut-

ton and Upton counties. Jepson was also

appointed Special Prosecutor in the 109th

Judicial District of Winkler County, Texas

in 1996.

Jepson is a former member of the Col-

lege of the State Bar and attended the Pros-

ecutor’s course at Northwestern Universi-

ty in Chicago. Jepson is a former member

of the Government Attorneys involved in

Capital Litigation and the National Asso-

ciation of District Attorney’s. Jepson is cur-

rently and has been a member of the Texas

County and District Attorney’s Associa-

tion. His hobbies consist of hunting, fishing

and cooking. He is a member of the Odessa

Chuck Wagon Gang for 4 years.

Prior to and during law school, Jep-

son spent over 16 years of employment in

law enforcement. Jepson first came to Fort

Stockton in 1978 as a police officer for the

City of Fort Stockton. He also served as a

peace officer in and around the 112th Judi-

cial District serving as Chief Deputy Sher-

iff of Reagan County for over 3 years until

being accepted into law school at Texas

Southern University in 1989. Jepson also

worked as a police officer in Houston, Tex-

as area while attending law school and rais-

ing his sons as a single parent.

Jepson is married to his lovely wife,

Elma. They live in Bakersfield, Pecos Coun-

ty, Texas where they farm and ranch. Je-

pson is the father of two sons, David Paul,

28, and daughter-in-law Melanie of Mid-

land, Texas and James Robert, (JR) Jepson,

who is now deceased, and a grandfather of

two, James Ryder (JR) and Ryleigh Denice


“I feel that I am the most qualified can-

didate for District Attorney for several rea-

sons. As a parent, I know the importance

of having a good community to raise our

children in. I also know that it takes com-

munity strength and compassion to raise

young people today. As a former peace of-

ficer, I know what it is like to spend the

night working on a criminal case when one

of our neighbors has become a victim of

crime. As a former prosecutor, I know how

important it is to be fair and just with the

system. The Office of District Attorney is

a very powerful position and one has to be

fair, just and wise with this responsibility.

Before someone is indicted and formally

charged with a crime it is important to be

absolutely sure that there is enough evi-

dence to convict that person. As a man who

had to work his way through law school

and a single parent, I recognize the impor-

tance that to most of us place on our good

name and our reputation. Before you ac-

cuse someone as a criminal, it is important

to look at all the facts and evidence before

you ruin his reputation”.

As a former prosecutor I have been in-

volved in well over 100 jury trials and han-

dled directly or indirectly several thousand

other criminal cases. I have been involved

in cases ranging from DWI’s to Capital Mur-

der’s. I have also been involved in cases

that were in the national spotlight includ-

ing the prosecution of the “Republic of Tex-

as” militia group in Jeff Davis County and

the investigation of the Marine shooting in

Redford, Texas in Presidio County, Texas. I

have represented the State of Texas multiple

times in the Appellate Circuit Courts in El

Paso and San Antonio, Texas and the Court

of Criminal Appeals in Austin, Texas.

I have been in private practice in Fort

Stockton, Texas for the last 11 years with

the majority of my practice consisting of

criminal defense. I feel that this gives me

the advantage of knowing both sides of

criminal law.

I have always taken a strong and tough

position on violent crime and will continue

to do so. If one of our neighbors children is

shot, stabbed, murdered or sexually assault-

ed, it’s time to get ready for trial because I

will not plea that type of case for probation.

I look forward to the opportunity of

serving as your next District Attorney in

the 112th Judicial District. If you have any

questions, comments or would just like to

visit with me, please feel free to contact me

at 432.652.3322.”

James D. Jepson announces

candidacy for 112th District Attorney

This chemical truck overturned Friday, March 2, 2012 near the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 190 and State Hwy. 163, spilling an unknown quantity of methanol which caused both roads to be closed and traffi c diverted for a couple of hours. The driver, whose name has not been released, was airlifted to a San Angelo hospital where he was treated and released. The truck is owned by Southwest treatment Products of Sonora. The accident remains under investigation. COURTESY PHOTO JORDAN DE LA ROSA | Ozona Volunteer Fire Department

An overturned chemi-

cal truck and the resulting

spill of an unknown quan-

tity of methanol, caused

U.S. Hwy. 190 and State

Hwy. 163 to be closed for a

couple of hours on Friday,

March 2, 2012. The truck,

owned by Southwest Treat-

ment Products in Sonora,

was in the area to service

oil and gas wells.

The wreck, occurred

near the intersection of

the two highways, some

34 miles west of Eldorado.

The driver, whose name

has yet to be released to

the press, was airlifted

to a San Angelo hospital

where he was treated and


Methanol is highly

flammable and when it

burns, it does so with an

almost invisible flame. A

hazardous material crew

Chemical spill closes US 190 & SH 163(HAZMAT) from Big Lake

was called to the scene to

deal with the spill, and

to determine if any other

chemical products on the

truck had spilled or leaked


Multiple agencies re-

sponded to the accident

including the Crockett

County Sheriff’s Depart-

ment, the Ozona Volun-

teer Fire Department,

Crockett County EMS, the

Texas Department of Pub-

lic Safety, Irion County

Sheriff’s Department and

the Texas Department of


The accident remains

under investigation at

press time.

Melissa Perner, editor of the OZONA STOCKMAN, contributed to this story.

The Blotter is a summary of the previous week’s activity by the Reagan County Sher-iff ’s Dept. For practical reasons of time and space, The Blotter does not include every call made to the Sheriff ’s offi ce, nor does it include routine security checks, minor traffi c stops or routine patrols. Incidents of major impact will be reported separately. Subjects reported to have been arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

is a summary by the


ARRESTSFEBRUARY 28 • Lindsey Keiauna, 36 year old female. Arresting of-fi cer, RCSO deputy. Off ense- out of county warrant, possession of Marijuana < 2 oz. Released on cash bond. MARCH 4 • Leeann Salcido, 25 year old female. Arresting offi cer, RCSO deputy. Off ense- public in-toxication. Released on citation.

INCIDENTSFEBRUARY 28 - 12:48 PM • Rea-gan Memorial requested ambu-lance for transfer to San Angelo. EMS responded.1:45 PM • Complainant reported subject almost ran them off of road- W. Hwy. 67. Offi cer responded.7:03 PM • Offi cer responded for a locked vehicle - Maryland St.8:37 PM • EMS responded for re-verse transfer - California St.8:39 PM • Offi cer assisted with stranded motorist - W. Hwy. 67.FEBRUARY 29 - 12:26 AM • Offi -cer responded for an alarm - 2nd St.9:30 AM • Complainant reported oil fi eld theft - N. Reagan County. Offi cer responded.4:59 PM • Complainant reported a reckless driver - E. Hwy 67.6:35 PM • Caller reported an 18-wheeler parked on city streets - Pennsylvania St. Offi cer re-sponded.7:27 PM • Caller reported loose livestock - E. Hwy. 67MARCH 1 - 1:31 AM • EMS re-sponded for a female subject - Pennsylvania St. Patient trans-ported to RMH.7:49 PM • Complainant reported loud music - 9th St. Offi cer re-sponded.10:15 PM • Complainant reported loud music - S. Reagan St. Offi cer responded.11:23 PM • Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - Plaza St.MARCH 2 - 8:27 AM • BLVFD re-

sponded for HazMat spill - Hwy. 67.11:19 AM • Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - S. Texas St.12:40 PM • Caller reported a mi-nor accident - 2nd St. Offi cer re-sponded. 12:59 PM • EMS responded for a male subject - Texas St. Patient transported to RMH. 3:04 PM - Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - Hwy. 1375:11 PM • EMS/Deputies respond-ed for vehicle accident - W. Hwy. 67. MARCH 3 - 1:59 AM • Caller re-ported vehicle driving in wrong lane - N. Hwy. 137.3:00 AM • Caller reported vehi-cle trying to move an old motor home - Utah St. Offi cer respond-ed.9:34 AM • Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - S. Texas.10:48 AM • Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - S. Texas.2:04 PM • Caller reported live-stock out - W. Hwy. 67. 5:45 PM • Complainant reported loud music - 1st St. Offi cer re-sponded. 5:58 PM • Caller reported a grass fi re - FM1676. BLVFD responded.MARCH 4 - 6:20 AM • Caller re-ported that no one would give them their keys - 6th St. Offi cer

responded.6:44 AM • Offi cer responded for alarm - 2nd St.9:05 AM • EMS responded for male subject - 4H Arena. Patient transported to RMH.3:05 PM • Complainant reported loud music - Caliche St. Offi cer re-sponded.4:11 PM • Complainant reported 6:30 PM • Complainant reported damage to property - Utah St. Of-fi cer responded.8:19 PM • Complainant reported altercation with juvenile subject - Main St. Offi cer responded.MARCH 5 - 1:06 AM • EMS re-sponded for female subject - Vir-ginia Circle. Patient transported to RMH.1:50 AM • Caller reported hear-ing a woman screaming. Offi cer responded.6:59 AM • EMS responded for mi-nor accident - 2nd St. 1:48 PM • Offi cer responded for locked vehicle - Pennsylvania St.3:50 PM • Caller reported a ver-bal altercation - Utah St. Offi cer responded.4:09 PM • Complainant reported subject from earlier altercation had returned to residence - Utah St. Offi cer responded.6:45 PM • Offi cer responded for alarm - Mississippi St.


The City of Big Lake Animal Shelter

is open Monday-Friday8:00 am -5:00 pm

After hour calls for emergency only, such as dog bites and wounded animals

Page 8: General Excellence for March

To place your classifi ed ad,

call 325-884-2215


DISTRICT 7C Rule 38 Case No. 7C-0273277DATE OF ISSUANCE: Feb 29, 2012 Status/Permit No. 727400NOTICE OF PROTEST DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, Apr 11, 2012Address: Railroad Commission of Texas ATTN: Drilling Permit Unit P.O. Box 12967 Austin, Texas 78711-2967Fax: (512) 463-6780Email: [email protected]


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PIONEER NATURAL RES. USA, INC., [RRC Operator No. 665748] has made application for a density exception permit under the provisions of Railroad Commission Statewide Rule 38 (16 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.38). Applicant seeks exception to the DENSITY requirement of the fi eld rules for the AMENDED NEW DRILL permit in Sec. 160, Bk. 2, T&P RR CO/TEAGARDEN, J M Survey, A-441, SPRABERRY (TREND AREA) Field, REAGAN County, being 25.5 miles NE direction from BIG LAKE, Texas.

PURSUANT TO THE TERMS of Railroad Commission rules and regulations, this application may be granted WITHOUT A HEARING if no protest to the application is received within the deadline. An aff ected person is entitled to protest this application. Aff ected persons include owners of record and the operator or lessees of record of adjacent tracts and tracts nearer to the proposed well than the minimum lease line spacing distance. If a hearing is called, the applicant has the burden to prove the need for an exception. A Protestant should be prepared to establish standing as an aff ected person, and to appear at the hearing either in person or by qualifi ed representative and protest the application with cross-examination or presentation of a direct case. The rules of evidence are applicable in the hearing. If you have any questions regarding the hearing procedure, please contact the Commission’s Docket Services Department at (512) 463-6848.IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST A HEARING ON THIS APPLICATION, AN INTENT TO APPEAR IN PROTEST MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE RAILROAD COMMISSION’S AUSTIN OFFICE AT THE ADDRESS, FAX NUMBER, OR E-MAIL ADDRESS SET OUT ABOVE BY Apr 11, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. IF NO PROTEST IS RECEIVED WITHIN SUCH TIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO PROTEST AND THE REQUESTED PERMIT MAY BE GRANTED ADMINISTRATIVELY.


The location and identity of the well is as shown below:


Lease/Unit Name : VON GONTENLease/Unit Well No. : 7Lease/Unit Acres : 322.5Nearest Lease Line (ft) : 467.0Nearest Well on Lease (ft) : 1515.0

Lease Lines : 577.0 F SOUTH L, 467.0 F EAST LSurvey Lines : 2073.0 F NORTH L, 467.0 F EAST L

Field Rules for ALL fi elds on the permit application are as follows:

SPRABERRY (TREND AREA) : Special Rules 467/660, 80.0 acres

This well is to be drilled to an approximate depth of 9000 feet.

If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Applicant’s representative, MECHELLE TESTA, at (972) 969-4088.




6th grade – Elijah Mar-

tinez. 7th grade – Alex

Garcia. 8th grade – Celeste



6th grade – Atalie Acos-

ta, Kati Creech, J. R. Es-

quivel, Myriam Gonzalez,

Alexis Goynes, Ashley Lem-

ons, Fernanda Munoz, Sho-

ni Scott, Justice Sweeney.

7th grade – Zach Adams, Ty-

ler Aguero, Hannah Arm-

strong, Tyler Bastin, Luzzet

Benitez, Eddie Cemental,

Jacob Chavez, Emma De-

LaRosa, Mikayla DeLa-

Cruz, Tiffany Gonzalez,

Brianna Goodloe, Sierra

Guerrero, Molly Harrison,

Riley Henson, Tyler Rar-

din, Jaelyn Reyes, Nicole

Rodriguez, Samantha Sosa,

Turner Stark. 8th grade –

Rosanna Aguilera, Brittany

Armstrong, Baylee Barton,

Marcos Cervantes, Alan

Jimenez, Brittany Merrill,

Andy Perez, V.

Perfect Attendance: 6th

grade – Atalie Acosta, Alex

Carbajal, Haley Cemental,

Kati Creech, Angel Gal-

legos, Alexis Garcia, Juan

Garza, Deandria Goodloe,

Alexis Goynes, Isabel Hol-

land, Esmeralda Jimenez,

Elijah Martinez, Fernanda

Munoz, Justin Ortiz, Mag-

gie Ortiz, Daniela Perez,

Jodee Perez, Abel Rodri-

guez, Mariana Rodriguez,

Andrea Veloz. 7th grade –

Zach Adams, David Botel-

lo, Eddie Cemental, Jacob

Chavez, Emma DeLaRosa,

Chris DeHoyos, Mikayla

DeLaCruz, L. J. DeLeon,

Rodrigo DeLeon, Carlos

Del Rio, Annalee Esquiv-

el, Aracely Esquivel, Juan

D. Esquivel, Emma Guer-

rero, Damian Mendoza,

Sara Morales, Marcos Or-

tiz, Tyler Rardin, Anthony

Reyes, Jaelyn Reyes, Nicole

Rodriguez, Jose Salas, Sa-

mantha Sosa, Turner Stark,

Kadee Warriner. 8th grade

– Jacqueline Avila, Bay-

lee Barton, Shilloh Brown,

Aracelly Candela, Marcos

Cervantes, Leonel Del Rio,

Breanna Flores, Giselle

Hernandez, Josh Hernan-

dez, Mariah Hill, Corey

Hoffman, Breauna Jara-

millo, Alan Jimenez, Isidro

Lopez, Raul Maldonado,

Brittany Merrill, Zuleima

Monsivais, Jacob Peddi-

cord, Indira Reyes, Juli

Reyes, Haley Sanchez, Juan

Sanchez, Daisy Tavarez, Ya-

nira Vaquera, Carly Wilha,

Mattie Williams.

RCMS Honor Roll


DISTRICT 7C Rule 37 Case No. 0274962DATE OF ISSUANCE: March 5, 2012 Status/Permit No. 734083NOTICE OF PROTEST DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, Apr 16, 2012Address: Railroad Commission of Texas ATTN: Drilling Permit Unit P.O. Box 12967 Austin, Texas 78711-2967Fax: (512) 463-6780Email: [email protected]


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PIONEER NATURAL RES. USA, INC., [RRC Operator No. 665748] has made application for a spacing exception permit under the provisions of Railroad Commission Statewide Rule 37 (16 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.37). Applicant seeks exception to the LEASE LINE requirement for the NEW DRILL permit in Sec. 24, Bk. 1, UL Survey, A-U24, SPRABERRY (TREND AREA) Field, REAGAN County, being 12.1 miles W direction from BIG LAKE, Texas.

PURSUANT TO THE TERMS of Railroad Commission rules and regulations, this application may be granted WITHOUT A HEARING if no protest to the application is received within the deadline. An aff ected person is entitled to protest this application. Aff ected persons include owners of record and the operator or lessees of record of adjacent tracts and tracts nearer to the proposed well than the minimum lease line spacing distance. If a hearing is called, the applicant has the burden to prove the need for an exception. A Protestant should be prepared to establish standing as an aff ected person, and to appear at the hearing either in person or by qualifi ed representative and protest the application with cross-examination or presentation of a direct case. The rules of evidence are applicable in the hearing. If you have any questions regarding the hearing procedure, please contact the Commission’s Docket Services Department at (512) 463-6848.IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST A HEARING ON THIS APPLICATION, AN INTENT TO APPEAR IN PROTEST MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE RAILROAD COMMISSION’S AUSTIN OFFICE AT THE ADDRESS, FAX NUMBER, OR E-MAIL ADDRESS SET OUT ABOVE BY Apr 11, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. IF NO PROTEST IS RECEIVED WITHIN SUCH TIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO PROTEST AND THE REQUESTED PERMIT MAY BE GRANTED ADMINISTRATIVELY.


The location and identity of the well is as shown below:


Lease/Unit Name : UNIVERSITY ‘1-13’Lease/Unit Well No. : 3HLease/Unit Acres : 491.7Nearest Lease Line (ft) : 153.0Nearest Well on Lease (ft) : 1479.0

Lease Lines : 153.0 F NORTH L, 500.0 F EAST LSurvey Lines : 2495.0 F SOUTH L, 500.0 F EAST L

Wellbore Profi le(s) : HorizontalLateral : TH1Penetration Point Location Lease Lines: 153.0 F NORTH L 500.0 F EAST LTermination Location BH County : REAGAN Section : 13 Block: 1 Abstract: Survey: UNIVERSITY LANDS Lease Lines: 476.0 F SOUTH L 500.0 F EAST L Survey Lines: 476.0 F SOUTH L 500.0 F EAST L

Field Rules for ALL fi elds on the permit application are as follows:

SPRABERRY (TREND AREA) : Special Rules 467/660, 80.0 acres

This well is to be drilled to an approximate depth of 8200 feet.

If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Applicant’s representative, MANDY HEDGPETH, at (972) 969-3873.


RESOLUTION 12-03-06-1


WHEREAS, The Sheriff Posse of Reagan County are holding a Rodeo in Reagan County and having an ‘Opening Parade’;

WHEREAS, The City of Big Lake recognizes the public purpose of a parade and has traffi c and safety concerns for all parties involved;


The City of Big Lake, Texas will cooperate fully with the requirements of the State of Texas Department of Transportation while participating in the Traffi c control on State Hwy. 67 on March 24, 2012 for the Sheriff Posse Parade.

Cindy O’Bryan - Mayor


Evelyn Ammons - City Secretary

ORDINANCE 12-03-06-1



Any owner of Commercial vehicles of more than 10,500 pounds shall not park in the City limits on property that is not owned or leased by the owner of said vehicles, unless specifi c written permission has been issued by the landowner.

Maintenance, cleaning and/or fl uid changes on trucks over 10,500 pounds shall not be performed on any property in the City limits not owned or leased by the owner of said vehicles or property equipped for truck maintenance and/or fluid changes. Such property must contain drains/catchments for fl uids and shall be constructed to prevent contamination of property.

No trucks over 10,500 pounds not owned by the City shall be parked on municipal property, unless authorized by the City of Big Lake.

Passed and Adopted by the City Council this 6th day of March, 2012.

Cindy O’Bryan - Mayor


Evelyn Ammons - City Secretary


Seniors: Kalie Adams, Stormi Browder, Katie Dorsey,

Tony Flores, Brooke Ham, Whitney Hoffman, Charles

Judd, Jessica Lawler, Larry Perez, Johnna Pullig, Sarra

Settle. Juniors: Dylan Bradley, Patricia Gifford, Emily

Kidder, Erica Lerma, J Riggs, Timothy Stark, Jordan

Subia, Hannah Wade, Brittany Wharton. Sophomores:

Trenton Gardner, Stephanie Ortiz. Freshman: Alyssa

Armendarez, Mason Baggett, Javonie Barrera, Sara

Modi, Miranda Rico, Irene Rios, Tania Salas, Jennifer



Seniors: Lorenzo Benitez, Katarina Blackwell, Tara

Blain, Leonel Botello, Karly Clark, Rosemary Davis,

Codi Dunn, Estevan Garcia, JoErica Garcia, Matt Har-

rison, Jasmine Hernandez, Karla Hernandez, Jose Ji-

menez, Jose Marquez, Julie Matthews, Erik Pena, Sa-

vannah Ramirez, Fernando Rey, Yaritza Reyes, Gynova

Samples, Juanita Sanchez, Fernando Saucedo, Karisa

Vargas. Juniors: Victor Carrasco, Jonathan Cervantes,

Emilee Craig, Oscar Godinez, Brean Merrill, Veroni-

ca Perez, Christopher Pool, Itzayana Ramirez, Daniella

Samaniego, Jonathan Samples, Norma Sanchez, Cas-

sandra Vargas, Samuel Weatherby. Sophomores: Angel

Aguilera, Sara Baucom, Destiney Bauer, Bryzeida Cas-

tellanos, Thomas Croghan, Juan Encinas, Zoe Gonza-

les, Anna Hernandez, Jalisa Hernandez, Telia Jimenez,

Abigail Maldonado, Deyanira Marquez, Juan Marquez,

Cody Ortiz, Zackary Pool, Justin Pullig, Vanessa Soto,

Kevin Sweeney, Leanna Torres. Freshman: Jaime Agu-

ilera, Brayza Castellanos, Macy DeLaRosa, Estevan

DeLaCruz, Karla Esquivel, Luis Estrada, Brady Fisher,

Jacqueline Hernandez, Jennifer Lopez, Leeander Miller,

Julian Perez, Catherine Stout, Katie Wade.

RCHS Honor Roll

Barnhart Shaw’s General Repair Inc.

For All Your


Air Conditioning


Heater Needs


Electrical Contractors License #25767HVAC License # TACLB00026613C

Contact us at

Office 325-876-5000

Doyle 325-650-8572

Justin 325-226-1410

RODEO RODEO Sheriff Posse Arena - Big Lake

Bareback Riding and other events! Cabalgata at 9:00 am Starting at Reagan/Irion County Line - Hwy. 67 East

March 24, 20125:00 pm • Admission: $7.00/person

Live Music - Brisket Plates soldAll proceeds benefi t the Sheriff Posse Arena

For more info: Robert Galvan 325-650-1401The Sheriff Posse is not responsible for accidents



Page 9: General Excellence for March

HELP WANTED: Las Rosas Burritos now hiring full-time waitresses.

Competitive Pay/ Excellent Benefits.


Apply In Person - 1601 HWY 67 E., Big Lake, Texas




BTA Oil Producers LLC, 104 S. Pecos, Midland, TX 79701 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fl uid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas.

The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Spraberry formation, Texaco Lease Well No. 4. The proposed injection well is located approximately 11 miles north of Big Lake in the Spraberry (Trend Area) Field in Reagan County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 5574 to 6674 feet.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely aff ected or requests for further information concerning any aspect of the application should be submitted in writing, within fi fteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P. O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711. (Telephone 512-463-6760).

I M M E D I AT E O P E N I N G S Local Combo Drivers! $2000 Sign-On Bonus! CDL-A with 1 year Experience and Hazmat Required. Call or Apply Online: AVERITTjobs.com 903-830-1872 EOE.

HELP WANTED: Roustabout PusherRoustabout HandsBackhoe Operator

EC Roustabout, 104 N. Main, Big Lake. (325) 884-3002 or Ernesto Cardenas (325) 450-7569

Now hiring CDL drivers

for growing company, plenty of opportunity, we off er

competetive pay and benefi ts for qualifying applicants.

Must pass drug screen and background check.

For further information please call Crown of Thorns @ 432-686-0335


Reagan Hospital District is now accepting applications for a full time Radiology Technician. Qual i f icat ions include an Associate Degree in Radiology and current ARRT registration. CT experience is preferred, ultrasound experience a plus. Duties include ER, inpatient, and outpatient procedures. We offer flexible scheduling, on-call compensation, and an excellent compensation package commensurate with experience. Please contact Amy Wireman in the Administration Offi ce at 805 N Main, Big Lake, Texas 76932, (325) 884-2561 Ext. 736, or email [email protected] for a full position description, to obtain an application, or to submit a resume.


Paul Musslewhite Trucking is now hiring Experienced DRIVERS for the following p o s i t i o n s : D i s p a t c h e r, Mechanics, Vacuum Trucks, Pump Trucks & Hot Oilers. Must be able to pass drug/background screening, must have CDL. Day & night shifts.

Apply in person at 159 Santa Rita Rd, Big Lake

Ward Clerk/Nurse Aide – Part-time - HospitalCNAs – all shifts - Full & part-time - Care CenterLVN - part-time, mileage reimbursement - Care CenterDietary Worker – Part-timeRN-12 hr. night shift. Full -time, mileage reimbursement - HospitalLVN - full-time, nights - Hospital HOUSEKEEPING - Full time & Part-time

Applications may be obtained from the RMH-Administration Offi ce or RC Care Center Business Offi ce, 805 N. Main,

Big Lake, TX 76932. Resumes may be faxed to 325-884-2891. Reagan Hospital District is an EOE.

*Excellent benefi t package for full-time employment

Reagan County Care Center & Reagan Memorial Hospital

Employment OpportunitiesOPEN POSITIONS INCLUDE:

Reagan Hospital District is now accepting applications for a full time entry level Accountant with the goal of promotion to Chief Financial Officer. Qualifications i n c l u d e a n A s s o c i a t e o r B a c c a l a u r e a t e d e g r e e i n accounting or a related field. Duties include general ledger reconciliation, bookkeeping related activities, and simple accounting processes. We off er an excellent compensation package commensurate with experience. Please contact Amy Wireman in the Administration Offi ce at 805 N Main, Big Lake, Texas 76932, (325) 884-2561 Ext. 736, or email [email protected] for a full position description, to obtain an application, or to submit a resume.



Gazelle Transportation, Inc is expanding into West TX, and the surrounding areas in the permian basin. Driver applicants must have Hazmat, Tanker, Doubles and Triples endorsements

along with a good MVR record and a minimum of 3 years Class A driving experience.

Tanker experience is preferred but not necessary.

Gazelle Transportation, Inc off ers an industry leading compensation package which includes:

Exceptional pay, Health, Life, Vision, Dental, ST Disability, 125 Plan and 401k Plan. Drivers participate in two separate

bonus programs: Quarterly Safety Performance and Annual Longevity Bonuses.

APPLY NOW! Positions are limited! Prompt response is encouraged to ensure your consideration.

Request an employment application by calling1-855-H-A-U-L-O-I-L or by visiting our website:



Gazelle Transportation Inc is truly committed to the Safety and Success of our drivers!

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EOE Wescon Management Group. MUST BE DRUG FREE.

Background check conducted.

Hair sampling and drug screen conducted.

Apply in person @ 1105 - 2nd StreetCALL 432-520-4000 FOR MORE INFO.

JOB HOTLINE 1-800-583-4063

Apply Apply

Today! Today!

HELP WANTED: Now taking applications for evening waitress -- need someone 3-4 nights weekly. Apply at Grandma’s Kitchen between 1-4 pm.


Reagan County Commissioners are taking Sealed Bids for the following items:

1. Load King 2. Finish Roller 3. 1 Overhead Fuel Tank 4. 4 – 500 Gallon Fuel Tanks 5. 1 – Water Tank 6. Scrap Metal & Misc. 7. Old John Deere Riding Mower 8. Scrap Tires

For info call the Reagan County Auditor at 325-884-2233 or items may be seen at the Reagan County Road Dept. at 308 W US HWY 67, Big Lake, TX. 76932.

Sealed competitive bids are accepted until 8:45AM on Monday, March 12, 2012 at the offi ce of the County Clerk in the Courthouse, P.O.Box 100, Big Lake, TX 76932.

Sealed Bids shall be marked as Lots numbered above or all Lots.

Sealed Bids will be opened at 9:15 A.M. on March 12, 2012 in Reagan County Commissioners Court at 300 North Plaza Street, Big Lake, TX 76932.

604 N. Plaza3BR/2B, CH/A,

Shop/Storage. Many Extras!$164,900.00

806 Maryland3BR/2B, CH/A

Recently Renovated$95,000

600 Utah3BR/2B - $75,000

Have property you want to rent or sell?

Certifi ed Appraiser

Call Janet Wilburn 325-884-5770

or 325-650-3611

TEPHENS SReal Estate

309 12th St3BR/2B, CH/A


1303 Oak Drive3BR/2B, CH/A, 2-car garage

GREAT BUY!$170,000

DEADLINE for all


at 5:00 pm

TexSCAN Week of March 4, 2012

AUTOSCASH FOR CARS We buy any car or truck running or not. Damaged, wrecked, salvaged OK. Get top dollar instant offer today. 1-800-273-9194

CABLE/SATELLITE AT&T U-VERSE for just $29.99/month! Save when you bundle Internet+Phone+TV and get up to $300 back! (Select plans). Lim-ited time call now! 1-877-577-4394

DRIVERSAVERITT STARTS REGIONAL CDL-A drivers at 37¢ cpm with 1 year experience. 4-12 months experience? Then we have a paid refresher course. 1-888-362-8608 or visit AVERITTcareers.com EOE

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DRIVERS- $2000 SIGN ON bonus. Get miles/home weekends, SW regional. Top pay/benefits. Paid orientation and training. 3 month OTR and CDL required. 1-800-545-1351 www.cypresstruck.com

DRIVERS- DAILY PAY! Up to 42¢ mile plus 2¢ mile quarterly safety bonus, new trucks, van and refr igerated CDL-A, 3 months recent experience required. 1-800-414-9569 www.driveknight.com

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EXPERIENCED FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunties now open with plenty of freight and great pay. 1-800-277-0212 or primeinc.com

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3 TRACKS TOTALING 693 acres in Reeves County, 15 miles North Pecos, river frontage. Call Jack 1-214-755-6224

25 ACRE RANCH BARGAIN! This one has it all! 100 yr old live oaks, pond with great water well. Historic rock walls, pasture areas for horses/livestock. Asphalt road, concrete ribbon curb, electricity, more. Ag exempt - incredibly low taxes! Just $7,830/ acre! The Best Priced Ranch in the Hill Country. Call now 1-866-999-6697, ext 22

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AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guar-anteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting as low as $6900, Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265

BREWSTER COUNTY, Indian Wells Ranch #28, mule deer, 381 acres, $265/acre. Terrell County, Paint Mare Ranch #24, whitetail, 133 acres, $265/acre. Owner financed with 5% down. 1-210-734-4009. www.westerntexasland.com

FORECLOSED HILL COUNTRY HOME on 13.93 acres. 3BR/2BA furnished home with incredible hill top views. Canopied amid 100 year old live oaks! Includes 1800’s settlers home, 2 water wells, shed, storage barn, fenced animal stalls & pond. Originally $499,900, liquidation price: $349,900. Call now1-866-999-6697, ext 24

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The City of Big Lake is currently taking applications. Must have a H.S. Diploma or G.E.D., and acquire a CDL license within 90 days. Applicant must pass physical and drug screening before beginning work. Great benefi t package. Pick up an application at City Hall, 203 N. Plaza or call 915-884-2511 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The City of Big Lake is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

R e a g an Co u nt y is t ak in g applicat ions for the road d e p a r t m e n t . E x p e r i e n c e operating heavy equipment and CDL License is beneficial. Applications are available in the Auditor’s Office in the Reagan County Courthouse at 300 North Plaza Street, Big Lake, TX 76932.Reagan Count y is an EOE REAGAN COUNTY


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Page 10: General Excellence for March


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1300Pecan GroveBig Lake, TX

Chad ElkinsReagan County Attorney★ for

Pol. Adv. paid for by Chad Elkins, PO Box 279, Big Lake, TX 76932. Chad Elkins Treasurer★

The Commission issued

a total of 1,581 original drill-

ing permits in January 2012

compared to 1,484 in Janu-

ary 2011. The January total

included 1,442 permits to

drill new oil and gas wells,

32 to re-enter existing well

bores, and 107 for re-com-

pletions. Permits issued in

January 2012 included 470

oil, 165 gas, 883 oil and gas,

54 injection, two service and

seven other permits.



Texas preliminary De-

cember 2011 crude oil pro-

duction averaged 1,045,816

barrels daily, up from the

942,114 barrels daily aver-

age of December 2010.

The preliminary Texas

crude oil production fig-

ure for December 2011 is

32,420,281 barrels, up from

29,205,524 barrels reported

during December 2010.



In January 2012, opera-

tors reported 765 oil, 234

gas, 18 injection and three

other completions com-

pared to 368 oil, 286 gas, 27

injection and zero other

completions in January


Total well completions

for 2012 year to date are

1,020 up from 681 recorded

during the same period in


Operators reported 800

holes plugged and zero dry

holes in January 2012 com-

pared to 600 holes plugged

and two dry holes in Janu-

ary 2011.



Texas oil and gas wells

produced 530,873,658 Mcf

(thousand cubic feet) of gas

based upon preliminary

production figures for De-

cember 2011 down from the

December 2010 prelimi-

nary gas production total of

559,443,990 Mcf.

Texas production in

December 2011 came from

135,328 oil wells and 87,372

gas wells.



Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 241Oil Completions: 86Gas Completions: 15

RRC District: (2) REFUGIO AREA

Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 73Oil Completions: 91Gas Completions: 25


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 83Oil Completions: 30Gas Completions: 0


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 49Oil Completions: 9Gas Completions: 38


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 21Oil Completions: 0Gas Completions: 7

RRC District: (6) EAST TEXAS

Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 43Oil Completions: 3Gas Completions: 33


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 82Oil Completions: 42Gas Completions: 9


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 166Oil Completions: 53Gas Completions: 18

RRC District: (8) MIDLAND

Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 493Oil Completions: 394Gas Completions: 2


Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 82Oil Completions: 12Gas Completions: 0

RRC District: (9) NORTH TEXAS

Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 155Oil Completions: 41Gas Completions: 68

RRC District: (10) PANHANDLE

Permits To Drill Oil/Gas Holes: 93Oil Completions: 4Gas Completions: 19



1. ANDREWS - 2,294,4952. GAINES - 2,124,2643. YOAKUM - 1,805,3594. ECTOR - 1,729,8375. UPTON - 1,627,0936. MIDLAND - 1,570,3267. MARTIN - 1,317,6338. HOCKLEY- 1,300,6389. SCURRY - 1,178,24310. KARNES - 1,073,665



COUNTY - TOTAL GAS (MCF)1. TARRANT - 64,790,4832. JOHNSON - 39,560,8073. PECOS - 21,803,6994. WEBB - 21,586,2405. DENTON - 19,892,1406. PANOLA - 18,767,4857. WISE - 17,956,0518. FREESTONE - 17,373,0699. ZAPATA - 13,362,70910. ROBERTSON - 13,265,560

Texas monthly Oil and Gas StatsJANUARY PERMITS TO DRILL

The Reagan County Var-

sity Team played in the Re-

gional Team Tennis Tour-

nament last weekend.

On Friday the Varsity

traveled to Crane where

they met Kermit for their

first match.

Regan County defeated

the Kermit Yellow jackets


The Owls traveled back

to Big Lake to take on their

second round opponent

Team tennis takes #1 in regionalsCOURTESY PHOTO BY BETTIE JAMES

which was the Ozona Lions.

The Owls advanced after

a quick 18-1 win over the


In the final match of the

evening the Owls squared

off with a very good Forsan


Reagan County played

great tennis and carried

a 5-2 advantage after the


The Owls capped off

their 13-6 team victory with

a strong showing in singles

after a long day of tennis.

On Saturday morn-

ing the Owls were again at

home as they hosted Crane

in a 9:00 a.m. match.

Reagan County defeat-

ed Crane 18-1 to move into

the finals against the Wink


Reagan County once

again boarded the bus trav-

eling to Crane to take on


The match got underway

at 2:30 pm with Wink taking

a slight edge over Reagan

County after the doubles

leading 4-3.

The Owls proved their

mental toughness as all

of the Owl team members

played hard and took the

lead as the momentum be-

gan to swing.

Reagan County went

on to defeat Wink in a hard

fought match that went

down to the final match-

es being played for a 11-8


The first place region-

al team tennis victory ad-

vanced the Owls to the 2-A

and under State Team Ten-

nis tournament that will

be held in the Round Rock


Sixteen teams from

across Texas will be

competing on Friday

and Saturday for a State


State Team members in-

clude Fernando Rey, Katie

Dorsey, Lorenzo Benetiz,

Karla Hernandez, Jordan

Subia, Karly Clark, Juan

Marquez, Anna Hernan-

dez, Timothy Stark, Whit-

ney Hoffman, Jonathon

Samples, Katie Blackwell,

David Garcia, Veronica

Perez, Joey Marquez, Jes-

sica Lawler, Dylan Bradley,

Tara Blain, Eddie Ortiz,

Gynova Samples, Charles

Judd, Vanessa Soto, JR. Per-

ez, Erica Portales, Pancho

Sosa, Itzy Ramirez, and Ka-

lie Adams.

We would like to con-

gratulate all of our Owl Ten-

nis players on their Region-

al Championship and wish

them the best of luck as they

compete in the State Team

Tennis Tournament this


Trivia testANSWERS

1. Argyle (sock and sweater) and the Argyll region in western Scotland2. A tomahawk3. 19104. Yellow5. Kidneys6. 19547. Corn and lima beans8. Psalms, with 150 chapters9. The Fifth10. Best Animated Feature



1. Willie Davis hit in 31 consecutive games in 1969.2. Ted Williams (.344) and Tony Gwynn (.338).3. Johnny Unitas, 1956-60.4. David Robinson, in the 1993-94 season. (Durant’s came in the 2009-10 season.)5. In 2011, Edmonton’s Ryan Nugent-Hopkins had three goals in this third NHL game.6. Bill Elliott (2001) and Kurt Busch (2002).7. It was 1973.


Steve M. Sessom, D.D.S.General DentistryHwy. 277 N.

Eldorado, TX(325) 853-2534

304 Ave. DOzona, TX 76943(325) 392-2575

DEADLINE for all submissions

Monday’s at 5:00 pm

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