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  • 8/2/2019 Genoenergy Particle Theory--By AMIT JOSHI



    { big bang story is not new to Indians }

    {Indians know more than big bang but search right places in India}


    By:-------AMIT JOSHI

    Violating laws during big bang leads to the situation, where all are trying to understand what particle

    was present at that time 13 billion yrs agowhen universe is just a particlewe can say its an analogous

    component to a creator cell or creator gene which carry information about how this universe will look

    after its explosion, what are the forces and laws of nature will be present in this universe, and how these

    forces will decide the conversion of entities to first living cell after earth formation. I think better term

    will be saying it god cell or god gene or god genoenergy particle.

    We know very well that at present strong force + weak force + electromagnetic forces are combined

    with increment in our understandings of quantum mechanics which deals with dynamic arrangement

    inside sub atomic particles. Thats the fine particles inside the sub atomic ones are exchanging like its a

    game of passing minute balls to lot of hands for creating intimacy between these sub atomic ones.

    But at the beginning this genoenergy particle have all forces combined and we yet lack gravitational

    enegy to combine with the set of these above three sub atomic forces, as we all know that before

    explosion or translation of this information of space-time formation and what forces and set of laws will

    decide every thing in this fabric of space time , each and every of these four energies are interwound

    and creating great dynamicity or greater fluctuations inside and outer membrane of this genoenergy


    Its the case where greater conversion of energy and mass reversibly occurring we dont know what the

    time and space inside it. Its the similar situation as human cell containing long DNA molecule inside it.

    But might be some internal signaling is needed to these genoenergy particle to promotes internalize

    division which creates explosion or translation of its internal information in to external formations of

    space time.

    If we are able to synthesize such an energy cell were lot of conversions of energy and mass reversibly

    taking and so it can able to signalize itself than that cell will decide super living beings and thats might

    be futuristic selection in population.As we study in our purans and shastra that vishvamitra creating hisown universe thats due to his ability to convert his cell to perfect ones so that his cells were able to do

    external change of energy and mass conversions even far far away from its actual position. This is might

    be due to his cells have somewhat miniaturized analogy to genoenergy particle.

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    ENO-RP stands for energy origin replication point, that is the point from where initialization of complex

    energy unwinding occurs like DNA have origin of replication and various proteins acts there{DNA-

    Protein interaction}, here energymatter interaction helps in unwinding of energy complexes it means

    energy codes for space time formation and matter helps in expression and making copies of that

    essential energy. It is having simple evidences as we know energy and matter is interconvert able {

    E=MC2} .

    That essential energy is source for coding various kinds of matters and forces {forces are itself minute

    components of energy and crucial for defining classical and modern laws of our physical studies}. Like

    we know DNA can code for both either RNA or Protein ; and RNA is itself a nucleotide but single




    When there is nothing than also absorbing of one zero to another zero this can be explained by Kdb

    constant. Energy can be equalizing to space and time , so E=S*T*Kdb. Where S= space, T=time,

    Kdb=absorbing+ adsorbing constant, E=energy of genoenergy particle.

    So there is equilibrio at initial stages of forming such a particle, means there is an absorption as well as

    adsorption of zero quantity, let say absorption as positive form and adsorption as negative form.

    Example is very clear if one person A asks question to other guy B than person B gives answer to

    him, this answer accepted by person A is called absorption of nothingness as we know question was not

    a physical quantity. Similarly in nature we can hypothesized at beginning of universe there was such kind

    of absorptions in enormous level.

    Which forms the physical quantities like if same above person A is sitting in examination he can wrote

    that answer and now this answer is written in answer sheet ,so now question and answer both have

    physical appearance. Similarly energy forms from nothingness as universe is huge so this phenomenon

    might be yet running at some places or parts of this huge cosmos. May be there is something calledzero

    line in universe which is yet involved in formation of energy, that can be Dark energy generation points.

    Various zero lines are present in universe which is involved in formation of energy, and this energy is

    interconvert able to matter and various forms of forces at present. Because universe is still random and

    spontaneous, its have lot of diversity meaning it can have zero lines, like it have dark energy and dark

    matter. This can be the concept in beginning there were only zero universe existence and after

    development of genoenergy particle and its explosion yet there be one thing which determines

    formation of universe that is there were some zero lines and zero patches left in universe which are yet

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    involved in formation of energy and particles and there explosions not like big bang but we cwn call

    them mini big bang type explosions{MBTE}.


    In physics, Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime govern the dynamics of the

    electromagnetic field in curved spacetime (where the metric may not be the Minkowski metric)

    or where one uses an arbitrary (not necessarily Cartesian) coordinate system. These equationscan be viewed as a generalization of the vacuum Maxwell's equations which are normally

    formulated in the local coordinates of flat spacetime. But because general relativity dictates that

    the presence of electromagnetic fields (or energy/matter in general) induce curvature in

    spacetime, Maxwell's equations in flat spacetime should be viewed as a convenient


    When working in the presence of bulk matter, it is preferable to distinguish between free andbound electric charges. Without that distinction, the vacuum Maxwell's equations are called the

    "microscopic" Maxwell's equations. When the distinction is made, they are called the

    macroscopic Maxwell's equations.

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    The reader is assumed to be familiar with the four dimensional form of electromagnetism in flat

    space-time and basic mathematics of curved spacetime.

    The electromagnetic field also admits a coordinate-independent geometric description, and

    Maxwell's equations expressed in terms of these geometric objects are the same in any

    spacetime, curved or not. Also, the same modifications are made to the equations of flatMinkowski space when using local coordinates that are not Cartesian. For example, the

    equations in this article can be used to write Maxwell's equations in spherical coordinates. Forthese reasons, it may be useful to think of Maxwell's equations in Minkowski space as a special

    case, rather than Maxwell's equations in curved spacetimes as a generalization.

    In general relativity, the equations of electromagnetism in a vacuum become:

    where is the density of Lorentz force, is the reciprocal of the metric tensor , and is

    the determinant of the metric tensor. Notice that and are (ordinary) tensors while ,

    , and are tensor densities of weight +1. Despite the use of partial derivatives, theseequations are invariant under arbitrary curvilinear coordinate transformations. Thus if onereplaced the partial derivatives with covariant derivatives, the extra terms thereby introduced

    would cancel out.

    The electromagnetic potential

    The electromagnetic potential is a covariant vector, which is the undefined primitive ofelectromagnetism. As a covariant vector, its rule for transforming from one coordinate system to

    another is

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    Electromagnetic field

    The electromagnetic field is a covariant antisymmetric rank 2 tensor which can be defined interms of the electromagnetic potential by

    To see that this equation is invariant, we transform the coordinates (as described in the classical

    treatment of tensors)

    This definition implies that the electromagnetic field satisfies

    which incorporates Faraday's law of induction and Gauss's law for magnetism. This is seen by

    Although there appear to be 64 equations in Faraday-Gauss, it actually reduces to just four

    independent equations. Using the antisymmetry of the electromagnetic field one can either

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    reduce to an identity (0=0) or render redundant all the equations except for those with ,, =

    either 1,2,3 or 2,3,0 or 3,0,1 or 0,1,2.

    The Faraday-Gauss equation is sometimes written

    where the semicolon indicates a covariant derivative, comma indicate a partial derivative, andsquare brackets indicate anti-symmetrization. The covariant derivative of the electromagneticfield is


    is the Christoffel symbol which is symmetric in its lower indices.

    Electromagnetic displacement

    The electric displacement field, and the auxiliary magnetic field, form an antisymmetriccontravariant rank 2 tensor density of weight +1. In a vacuum, this is given by

    Notice that this equation is the only place where the metric (and thus gravity) enters into thetheory of electromagnetism. Furthermore even here, the equation is invariant under a change of

    scale, that is, multiplying the metric by a constant has no effect on this equation. Consequently,

    gravity can only affect electromagnetism by changing the speed of light relative to the globalcoordinate system being used. Light is only deflected by gravity because it is slower when near

    to massive bodies. So it is as if gravity increased the index of refraction of space near massive


    More generally, in materials where the magnetization-polarization tensor is non-zero, we have

    The transformation law for electromagnetic displacement is

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    where the Jacobian determinant is used. If the magnetization-polarization tensor is used, it hasthe same transformation law as the electromagnetic displacement.

    Electric current

    The electric current is the divergence of the electromagnetic displacement. In a vacuum,

    If magnetization-polarization is used, then this just gives the free portion of the current

    This incorporates Ampere's Law and Gauss's Law.

    In either case, the fact that the electromagnetic displacement is antisymmetric implies that the

    electric current is automatically conserved

    because the partial derivatives commute.

    The Ampere-Gauss definition of the electric current is not sufficient to determine its valuebecause the electromagnetic potential (from which is was ultimately derived) has not been givena value. Instead, the usual procedure is to equate the electric current to some expression in terms

    of other fields, mainly the electron and proton, and then solve for the electromagnetic

    displacement, electromagnetic field, and electromagnetic potential.

    The electric current is a contravariant vector density, and as such it transforms as follows

    Verification of this transformation law

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    So all that remains is to show that

    which is a version of a known theorem (see Inverse functions and differentiation#Higher


    Lorentz force

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    The density of the Lorentz force is a covariant vector density given by

    The force on a test particle subject only to gravity and electromagnetism is

    where is the linear 4-momentum of the particle, tis any time coordinate parameterizing the

    world line of the particle, is the Christoffel symbol (gravitational force field), and q is theelectric charge of the particle.

    This equation is invariant under a change in the time coordinate; just multiply by and use the

    chain rule. It is also invariant under a change in thex coordinate system.

    Using the transformation law for the Christoffel symbol

    we get


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    In a vacuum, the Lagrangian for classical electrodynamics (in joules/meter3) is a scalar density

    where The four-current should be understood as an abbreviation of manyterms expressing the electric currents of other charged fields in terms of their variables.

    If we separate free currents from bound currents, the Lagrangian becomes

    Electromagnetic stress-energy tensor

    As part of the source term in the Einstein field equations, the electromagnetic stress-energy

    tensor is a covariant symmmetric tensor

    which is trace-free

    because electromagnetism propagates at the invariant speed.

    In the expression for the conservation of energy and linear momentum, the electromagneticstress-energy tensor is best represented as a mixed tensor density

    From the equations above, one can show that

    where the semicolon indicates a covariant derivative.

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    This can be rewritten as

    which says that the decrease in the electromagnetic energy is the same as the work done by the

    electromagnetic field on the gravitational field plus the work done on matter (via the Lorentzforce), and similarly the rate of decrease in the electromagnetic linear momentum is the

    electromagnetic force exerted on the gravitational field plus the Lorentz force exerted on matter.

    Derivation of conservation law

    which is zero because it is the negative of itself (see four lines above).

    Electromagnetic wave equation

    The nonhomogeneous electromagnetic wave equation in terms of the field tensor is modified

    from the special relativity form to

    where is the covariant form of the Riemann tensor and is a generalization of thed'Alembertian operator for covariant derivatives. Using

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    Maxwell's source equations can be written in terms of the 4-potential as,

    or, assuming the generalization of the Lorenz gauge in curved spacetime ,

    where is the Ricci curvature tensor.

    This the same form of the wave equation as in flat spacetime, except that the derivatives are

    replaced by covariant derivatives and there is an additional term proportional to the curvature.

    The wave equation in this form also bears some resemblance to the Lorentz force in curved

    spacetime where plays the role of the 4-position.

    Nonlinearity of Maxwell's equations in a dynamic spacetime

    When Maxwell's equations are treated in a background independent manner, that is, when the

    spacetime metric is taken to be a dynamical variable dependent on the electromagnetic field, then

    the electromagnetic wave equation and Maxwell's equations are nonlinear. This can be seen bynoting that the curvature tensor depends on the stress-energy tensor through the Einstein field



    is the Einstein tensor, is the gravitational constant, is the metric tensor, and (scalarcurvature) is the trace of the Ricci curvature tensor. The stress-energy tensor is composed of the

    stress-energy from particles, but also stress-energy from the electromagnetic field. This generates

    the nonlinearity.

    Geometric formulation

    The geometric view of the electromagnetic field is that it is the curvature 2-form of a principal

    U(1)-bundle, and acts on charged matter by holonomy. In this view, one of Maxwell's two

    equations, d F= 0, is a mathematical identity known as the Bianchi identity. This equation

    implies, by the Poincar lemma, that there exists (at least locally) a 1-form A satisfying F = d A.The other Maxwell equation is

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    where the curvature 2-form F is known as the Faraday 2-form in this context, J is the current 3-form, the asterisk * denotes the Hodge star operator, and dis the exterior derivative operator.

    The dependence of Maxwell's equation (there is only one with any physical content in this

    language) on the metric of spacetime lies in the Hodge star operator. Written this way, Maxwell'sequation is the same in any spacetime.

    Einstein field equations

    The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of 10 equations in AlbertEinstein's general theory of relativity which describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation

    as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. First published by Einstein in 1915

    as a tensor equation, the EFE equate spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) withthe energy and momentum within that spacetime (expressed by the stressenergy tensor).

    Similar to the way that electromagnetic fields are determined using charges and currents via

    Maxwell's equations, the EFE are used to determine the spacetime geometry resulting from the

    presence of mass-energy and linear momentum, that is, they determine the metric tensor of

    spacetime for a given arrangement of stressenergy in the spacetime. The relationship betweenthe metric tensor and the Einstein tensor allows the EFE to be written as a set of non-linear

    partial differential equations when used in this way. The solutions of the EFE are the components

    of the metric tensor. The inertial trajectories of particles and radiation (geodesics) in the resultinggeometry are then calculated using the geodesic equation.

    As well as obeying local energy-momentum conservation, the EFE reduce to Newton's law of

    gravitation where the gravitational field is weak and velocities are much less than the speed oflight.

    Solution techniques for the EFE include simplifying assumptions such as symmetry. Special

    classes of exact solutions are most often studied as they model many gravitational phenomena,

    such as rotating black holes and the expanding universe. Further simplification is achieved inapproximating the actual spacetime as flat spacetime with a small deviation, leading to the

    linearised EFE. These equations are used to study phenomena such as gravitational waves.

    Mathematical form

    The Einstein field equations (EFE) may be written in the form:

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    where is the Ricci curvature tensor, the scalar curvature, the metric tensor, is the

    cosmological constant, is Newton's gravitational constant, the speed of light in vacuum, and

    the stressenergy tensor.

    The EFE is a tensor equation relating a set of symmetric 4 x 4 tensors. Each tensor has 10

    independent components. The four Bianchi identities reduce the number of independentequations from 10 to 6, leaving the metric with four gauge fixing degrees of freedom, whichcorrespond to the freedom to choose a coordinate system.

    Although the Einstein field equations were initially formulated in the context of a four-

    dimensional theory, some theorists have explored their consequences in n dimensions. The

    equations in contexts outside of general relativity are still referred to as the Einstein field

    equations. The vacuum field equations (obtained when T is identically zero) define Einsteinmanifolds.

    Despite the simple appearance of the equations they are, in fact, quite complicated. Given a

    specified distribution of matter and energy in the form of a stressenergy tensor, the EFE areunderstood to be equations for the metric tensor , as both the Ricci tensor and scalar

    curvature depend on the metric in a complicated nonlinear manner. In fact, when fully writtenout, the EFE are a system of 10 coupled, nonlinear, hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential


    One can write the EFE in a more compact form by defining the Einstein tensor

    which is a symmetric second-rank tensor that is a function of the metric. The EFE can then bewritten as

    Using geometrized units where G = c = 1, this can be rewritten as

    The expression on the left represents the curvature of spacetime as determined by the metric; theexpression on the right represents the matter/energy content of spacetime. The EFE can then beinterpreted as a set of equations dictating how matter/energy determines the curvature of


    These equations, together with the geodesic equation, which dictates how freely-falling matter

    moves through space-time, form the core of the mathematical formulation of general relativity.

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    If one adds times this to the EFE, one gets the following equivalent "trace-reversed"


    Reversing the trace again would restore the original EFE. The trace-reversed form may be moreconvenient in some cases (for example, when one is interested in weak-field limit and can

    replace in the expression on the right with the Minkowski metric without significant loss of


    The cosmological constant

    Einstein modified his original field equations to include a cosmological term proportional to the


    The constant is the cosmological constant. Since is constant, the energy conservation law isunaffected.

    The cosmological constant term was originally introduced by Einstein to allow for a static

    universe (i.e., one that is not expanding or contracting). This effort was unsuccessful for two

    reasons: the static universe described by this theory was unstable, and observations of distantgalaxies by Hubble a decade later confirmed that our universe is, in fact, not static but

    expanding. So was abandoned, with Einstein calling it the "biggest blunder [he] evermade".For many years the cosmological constant was almost universally considered to be 0.

    Despite Einstein's misguided motivation for introducing the cosmological constant term, there is

    nothing inconsistent with the presence of such a term in the equations. Indeed, recent improved

    astronomical techniques have found that a positive value of is needed to explain the

    accelerating universe.

    Einstein thought of the cosmological constant as an independent parameter, but its term in the

    field equation can also be moved algebraically to the other side, written as part of the stress

    energy tensor:

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    The resulting vacuum energy is constant and given by

    The existence of a cosmological constant is thus equivalent to the existence of a non-zerovacuum energy. The terms are now used interchangeably in general relativity.


    Conservation of energy and momentum

    General relativity is consistent with the local conservation of energy and momentum expressed



    local energy-momentum conservation expresses the local conservation of stressenergy. This

    conservation law is a physical requirement. With his field equations Einstein ensured that general

    relativity is consistent with this conservation condition.


    The nonlinearity of the EFE distinguishes general relativity from many other fundamental

    physical theories. For example, Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism are linear in the

    electric and magnetic fields, and charge and current distributions (i.e. the sum of two solutions is

    also a solution); another example is Schrdinger's equation of quantum mechanics which islinear in the wavefunction.

    The correspondence principle

    The EFE reduce to Newton's law of gravity by using both the weak-field approximation and theslow-motion approximation. In fact, the constant G appearing in the EFE is determined by

    making these two approximations.

    Vacuum field equations

    If the energy-momentum tensor is zero in the region under consideration, then the field

    equations are also referred to as the vacuum field equations. By setting in the trace -

    reversed field equations, the vacuum equations can be written as

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    In the case of nonzero cosmological constant, the equations are

    The solutions to the vacuum field equations are called vacuum solutions. Flat Minkowski space

    is the simplest example of a vacuum solution. Nontrivial examples include the Schwarzschildsolution and the Kerr solution.

    Manifolds with a vanishing Ricci tensor, , are referred to as Ricci-flat manifolds andmanifolds with a Ricci tensor proportional to the metric as Einstein manifolds.

    EinsteinMaxwell equations

    If the energy-momentum tensor is that of an electromagnetic field in free space, i.e. if the

    electromagnetic stressenergy tensor

    is used, then the Einstein field equations are called theEinsteinMaxwell equations (withcosmological constant , taken to be zero in conventional relativity theory):

    Additionally, the covariant Maxwell Equations are also applicable in free space:

    where the semicolon represents a covariant derivative, and the brackets denote anti-symmetrization. The first equation asserts that the 4-divergence of the two-form Fis zero, and

    the second that its exterior derivative is zero. From the latter, it follows by the Poincar lemma

    that in a coordinate chart it is possible to introduce an electromagnetic field potentialA such that

    in which the comma denotes a partial derivative. This is often taken as equivalent to thecovariant Maxwell equation from which it is derived. However, there are global solutions of theequation which may lack a globally defined potential.

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    The solutions of the Einstein field equations are metrics of spacetime. The solutions are henceoften called 'metrics'. These metrics describe the structure of the spacetime including the inertial

    motion of objects in the spacetime. As the field equations are non-linear, they cannot always be

    completely solved (i.e. without making approximations). For example, there is no knowncomplete solution for a spacetime with two massive bodies in it (which is a theoretical model of

    a binary star system, for example). However, approximations are usually made in these cases.

    These are commonly referred to as post-Newtonian approximations. Even so, there are numerouscases where the field equations have been solved completely, and those are called exact


    The study of exact solutions of Einstein's field equations is one of the activities of cosmology. It

    leads to the prediction of black holes and to different models of evolution of the universe.

    The linearised EFEThe nonlinearity of the EFE makes finding exact solutions difficult. One way of solving the field

    equations is to make an approximation, namely, that far from the source(s) of gravitating matter,the gravitational field is very weak and the spacetime approximates that of Minkowski space.

    The metric is then written as the sum of the Minkowski metric and a term representing thedeviation of the true metric from the Minkowski metric. This linearisation procedure can be usedto discuss the phenomena of gravitational radiation.


    Now I feel, this all above equational drama is basically prediction based and everything isprediction or probabilistic; until and unless we are not able to get a single example that deals

    with exact conversion of energy to matter because we all are skeptical in some views. Lets begin

    with wood what happens if we burn it, obviously it turn in to ashes and great energy. So I

    decided to trap this energy but I was unable. Actually I want to trap it and convert in to new

    atoms so they again form little wood piece or something else. But most of the conversions

    occurred and I am unable to notice them like we dont know what make dark matter as we are

    not able to see them in any experiment , might be my experiment was successful as it is

    converted to some kind of dark matter. Because basic is energy and either atomic matter or dark

    matter both can be formed by this energy, but we are not able to see dark matter.

    In Tibet and Madhya Pradesh where several saints, aghori and monks converting energy to

    matter daily we call it tantra- mantra vibration{TMV}. This is the vibrations of few words which

    is able to assemble and disassembles energy of environment to matter or vice-versa respectively.

    And that matter can be anything we just need to know which TMV is associated to which kind of

    conversion. Even most of the TMVs are not present in shastra they are selfcreated under several

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    harsh conditions which are called Tapo vyavstha and it is maintained for several years and this

    knowledge passes from one generation to another.


    We know when star ends it sucks up what the matter is present outside and become dense anddense but size declines enormously due to gravitational concept and one point inside it called

    singularity very minute enormous gravitation pull , but still we know some annihilating positive

    and negative particles are present in its outer side periphery where negative particles enter black

    hole and positive leaves them as radiation that can be the reason these black holes are glowing.

    Sometimes we realize things which we dont know exactly is singularity , might be something is

    after it some may say parallel universe and we know with string theory concepts multiverse is

    also kind of new explanation when extra dimensions are talked. Some physist saying universe

    popping out from one another and Membrane theory might be one of the concept Where

    membranes are dynamic they can collide. This makes Levels in universe and make

    understanding more complex. This is the example of probabilistic view. When people exactlydont know he creates mathematical views to be accept by physics. But this all is part of

    paranormal sciences. And it is not in range of present physicists.


    WE know very well electrons in atom disappears in its path and reappears at some place , and

    even they can be at more than two places at a time, thats called uncertainity. This is possible

    only if energy is assembling to electron at new places and electron was disassembles at earlier



    At the end of days god will come and the living ones and selected ones will able to see new kind

    of atoms and compound which are just energy interactions and beyond the present periodic table.

    Even god and death both can be nearby to such yogis and aghoris according to their wish. We

    know they can only convert to present periodic table elements but some are disappearing now a

    days and they were able to construct there own universe but they are bounded to god and thats

    the reason if some OF THEM IS left they never try this.But this is not the end it is the


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    1. Wikipedia as a source for Maxwell equations

    2. Shrimad bhagvat geeta By:-A.C bhaktivedant swami ji

    3. Bhagvat puran , Shiva puran

    4. Molecular cell biology books

    5. Advanced Astronomy and cosmology books

    6. Theoretical Quantum physics and cosmology books

    7. Thanks to google for help in searching several sites related to above matter

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