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Global Deck

July 2009

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Esty Environmental Partners is pleased to join with

WPP companies Cohn & Wolfe, Landor Associates,and Penn, Schoen & Berland who since 2006 havebeen surveying consumers on their perceptions of the rapidly evolving “green” space with the

ImagePower Green Brands Survey.This year’s survey is the largest – with over 5,000people in seven countries participating.

This deck begins to explain the results – with

topline findings and global trends highlighted.However, it only begins to tell the story, so feel freeto contact us with any questions or comments.

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Top line findings by country

Global Outlook

About Us


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5,756 online interviews were conducted in the U.S., U.K., China, India,

Brazil, France, and Germany from May 4 - June 13, 2009. Results arebroken out as follows:

US: N=1,001, Margin of error =± 3.1%

UK: N=1,002, Margin of error =± 3.1%

FR: N=751, Margin of error =± 3.6%

DE: N=751, Margin of error =± 3.6%

CN: N=750, Margin of error = ± 3.6%

IN: N=751, Margin of error =± 3.6%

BR: N=750, Margin of error =± 3.6%

Interviews were conducted online among general population, 18+. InBrazil, China, and India, respondents were limited to tier one cities.


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Top line Findings by Country

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Deforestation is the major concern: 48% of the

population considers deforestation the country’smost important green issue, a concern shared onlywith India

Putting their money where their mouth is:

More than half the population is more concernedabout the environment than the economy, and 73%say they will spend more money on green productsin the next year. Those who plan to spend more saythey’ll spend up to 37% more.

Media matters: The Internet is the biggest sourceof information about environmental activities, andBrazilians are most influenced by articles they read,not by advertising.

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Fewer consumers think the environment is

headed in the right direction: 62% of Chineseconsumers think the state of the environment intheir country is headed in the right direction; in thesame study in 2008, 89% of the population

believed the same.Being an environmentally friendly company istop priority: 97% of consumers think it’ssomewhat or very important for companies to be

green, which means, for the majority, a reductionin the amount of toxic or other dangeroussubstances in products and business processes.

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Environment in danger, but so is the economy:

50% of the population say the state of the environmentin France is on the wrong track, but only 41% think it’sa greater concern than the economy.

Ready for action: 91% of respondents say they would

be somewhat likely or very likely to participate in theirworkplace’s environmental programs.

Corporations must clean up their acts: Animpeccable corporate reputation is now required and ithas a significant impact on brand perception. Reducingthe amount of toxins or other dangerous substances inits products and business processes is most importantfor a corporation to be considered green, as processes,more than claims, are verifiable.

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The global recession is strongly influencing

green purchase behavior: More than two thirds(77%) of consumers think that it is important for acompany to be green, yet only 32 percent plan tospend more on green products and services in the

next year.

Green commands high customer loyalty: Priorexperiences with a green product are the strongest

driver of purchase intent.

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Indians would love to spend more on green

products but don’t know how: 78% of Indians saythey plan to spend more on green products in the nextyear, but 69% say that the biggest challenge to makinggreen purchases is a limited selection, and 65% say thatgreen products are difficult to find.

Today more Indians are concerned about theenvironment than the economy: When askedwhether they are more concerned about the economy orthe environment, 53% of Indians choose the economy.

Indian consumers are receptive to advertising

about green products: 81% say that advertising helpsconsumers make informed decisions; Indians’ purchasedecisions on green products are most impacted bytelevision.

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United Kingdom

Price proves challenging: Consumers say the biggest

challenge to them purchasing green items is by far thebelief they are too expensive.

Brands battle perceptions in some categories:While people believe Sainsbury’s is the greenestsupermarket and the biggest improver of green

practices, they are more likely to purchase from Tesco.Similarly, energy is an increasing concern and whileconsumers acknowledged the strides energy companieshave made, purchase intent from those brands is stilllow.

Companies need to be more than green: Beinggreen will only drive wide scale consumer behavior if you can also demonstrate value and communicate inpersonal terms to your customers.

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United States

All is not lost in current economic climate: Despite

the economic downturn, consumers remain interested inpurchasing green products and purchasing productsfrom companies they believe are environmentallyresponsible.

Consumers want value and values: Consumers arechallenged in their green purchasing by what they viewas higher pricing, confusing labeling, and lack of sufficient information. At the same time, they place highvalue on companies that are “environmentallyconscious,” ranking that attribute fourth after “offersgood value,” “trustworthiness,” and “cares about itscustomers.” 

Make green obvious and easy: Consumers look forgreen certification marks and labels to tell them whethera product is “green,” and they pay attention toenvironmentally-related advertising.

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Global Outlook

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The global economic crisis affects everyone; only Indiaand Brazil are more concerned with the environment

Which concerns you more? 

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Consumers in developed countries think green products are tooexpensive while consumers in developing countries have limitedselections to choose from

What do you think are the biggest

challenges to purchasing green products orservices?

Multiple Responses Permitted

US UK France Germany China India Brazil

They are too expensive 64 69 77 58 46 45 55

There is a limited selection of items from

which to choose47 49 45 34 58 69 69

They are difficult to find (i.e., in specialty

stores rather than mainstream stores) 30 29 31 30 36 65 63

The green labeling or product

information is confusing or not


25 32 34 38 66 42 39

They are difficult to identify because

they are poorly labeled21 32 39 32 57 44 48

They are of low quality / do not functionas well as traditional products

17 16 8 8 25 16 6

The idea of green products is not

important to me3 3 0 3 0 0 0

Other / Don’t know 9 6 5 9 0 3 3

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Less More

Consumer spending in developing countries isexpected to increase.

In the next year, do you plan to spend more, the same amount, or less on “green” products? 

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Plans to spend 30% or more on green rangefrom 8% in the U.K. to 38% in Brazil

In percentage terms, how much more are you planning to spend on green products? 

*Asked of those who said “More”

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Overwhelmingly, consumers want to buyproducts from green companies…

When you think about what brands you buy, how important is it that a company is environmentally 

 friendly or is a “green” company? 








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Do you think the state of the environment in this country is headed in the right direction or is it 

on the wrong track? 

Brazil, the UK, and France don’t think the state of theenvironment is on the right track; the rest of the countries do

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Additional survey insights include:

The most important steps brands can take to be

perceived as green by consumers

The media sources of most influence for bothgathering environmental information and formaking green purchase decisions

The brand values consumer consider of mostimportance when making purchase decisions

The types of green products consumers expect tospend more money on in the coming year

Perceptions around packaging, and the rolepackaging plays in consumer choice

The importance of “green’ in the workplace

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About Us

2009 ImagePower Green Brands Survey

Amy Longsworth

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Esty EnvironmentalPartners

Esty Environmental Partners (EEP) is a management

consultancy working with corporate clients to build high-impact environmental strategies that create sustainablebusiness value. EEP serves a range of companies, from Fortune 500 to small business, indiverse industries including apparel, financial services,

industrial, and consumer packaged goods. EEP clientsare executives whose responsibilities include corporateenvironmental affairs and sustainability, product linemanagement, facilities management, and the highestlevels of company or division general management.They engage EEP’s team of experienced environmental

and business professionals to help them build corecapabilities, innovate, and differentiate their companiesthrough environmental strategy. To learn more, pleasevisit www.EstyEP.com.

 Amy Longsworth

(202) 365-6638

[email protected]

2009 ImagePower Green Brands Survey

Russ Meyer

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Landor Associates

Landor Associates is one of the world’s leading strategic brand consulting and

design firms. Founded by Walter Landor in 1941, Landor pioneered many of the research, design, and consulting methods that are now standard in thebranding industry. Partnering with clients, Landor drives businesstransformation and performance by creating brands that are more innovative,progressive, and dynamic than their competitors.

Landor’s holistic approach to branding is a balance of rigorous, business-driven thinking and exceptional creativity. Its work spans the full breadth of branding services, including brand research and valuation, brand positioningand architecture, naming and writing, corporate identity and consumerpackaging design, branded experience, brand equity management, brandengagement, and digital branding.

With 23 offices in 18 countries, Landor’s current and past clients include someof the world’s most powerful brands, including BlackBerry, Citi, the Council onForeign Relations, Diageo, Hilton Hotels, Hewlett-Packard, Jet Airways,Microsoft, MillerCoors, Panasonic, the PGA of America, Procter & Gamble, TajHotels Resorts and Palaces, and Verizon.

Landor is part of WPP, one of the world’s largest global communicationsservices companies.

Russ Meyer 

(415) 365-3866

[email protected]

2009 ImagePower Green Brands Survey

Beth Lester

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Penn, Schoen & Berland

Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, a unit of the

WPP group (NASDAQ = WPPGY) is a globalresearch-based consultancy that specializes inmessaging and communications strategy for blue-chip political, corporate and entertainment clients.We have over 30 years of experience in leveraging

unique insights about consumer opinion to provideclients with a competitive advantage - what we callWinning Knowledge™. PSB executes polling andmessage testing services for Fortune 100corporations and has helped elect more than 30

presidents and prime ministers around the world.More information is available atwww.psbresearch.com.

Beth Lester 

(202) 962-3042

[email protected]

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Cohn & Wolfe

Cohn & Wolfe is a strategic public relations agency

dedicated to creating, building and protecting theworld’s most prolific brands. With offices around theworld, the agency is committed to breaking new groundin the delivery of cross-channel media strategies,creative programming, and practice area excellence.

Cohn & Wolfe is recognized year after year by clientsand the industry for excellence in creativity, clientservice, digital communications, media strategy, seniormanagement and strategic counsel. Cohn & Wolfe alsoconsistently ranks among the top “Best Agencies to

Work For” in an annual, industry-wide employee survey.For more information, visit: www.cohnwolfe.com. Cohn& Wolfe is part of WPP (Nasdaq: WPPGY), one of theworld's largest communications services group.

 Annie Longsworth

(415) 365-8521

[email protected]

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Thank You!

2009 I P G B d S

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