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Page 1: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...

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I')' III••1.m',.,'·,.".!.',.I'.·· .. I· 11.1 ' I'~' ,. I, ,/." , I . I, 'I: i I Ii·} II J

,'I'\INt:';Mm:;;I~b'~i:' . ':., H iM' .a'.,',' . : ~1~1'~'~P~.A=G~E~S~" .']). toverag~f;i~'i.n42.; I, ",;,' E'." '!~A, L.n',"I' .Section. Oned M,~d-Wmter Meetm8i <It I' , County Fiel I I I ' .

.orfolk _ Tend'1ncy t~ , . Pages 1 to 8

Io~,e Holidays .....\ Bill <rf 1/ ' I ' , ! . ,/ '

" i~~~sMa:de\lmpre~slv"T~f'J"YN(THY A I NE, NE SKA;-i'f(URSDAY,l<EBRUARY 27, J9,n -~---~-'--NUMBER'F~THREE,I hlorniaFlliods~ I I' '--------_._._,-- ----~··---,-... --·-I l.-.-..-.-.-----r;-"*. ---- '-~~--------'-- ----------1 t ~ ~

,I T e Northe~sl Nebr~ska Edli- ° n.. I '1 WOII h' gl...° , I Legion Reg~ter8 -(1 ttl LtD· D· h·fc~i~~i:~~!~~~E~¢2~t~:~;~~1I~ I ~~~'rt'omAcr,~,I~~~n.t ~T ' ",I ~eco II~Z .! waYn~~~~~a~~l~~d ~~: ~on rac s· e, ralnage Itc'Iant.attending a Iba~q"e'l in Ite I 1\ , ~,lIf W LINS-~upe,vils.Lr of I Work of CI bs sprvice men We&nesday I",l week For Road .Gravel elL'~6 ~rg'pr~\IJ:~" ;~~~~:dOf ~~~i And Fifth Dies " . Ihe ~;;~na; youtr~1Ad- $t~te Leader L. I. Fr~.bi~~~::,,~,7~dn~~:m~;ei7,~c~,;:~YOfbne(~:J J. N.I~inUng Will Resurfare ontract s etIbr thcr sang at ,the ev¢ning bap- mihistratlo~for girls, W'S in won B 5 k H for natlOnal defense. Other Wol"1d W-kefield to Pender

I ~u. t, <ind hi~ rich, well trainjed I I --+ ~fYb~~h.MvtAay .int~e a ~~f: 1 e I?ea er e e ' Win veteral1i may secU~'e blanks Q '$

Val 'C was hIghly plea.sing. The ~illiam King, Once Resident frs, a IS lhg : proJee e e j e Early in March. 'from Floyd \...:O'O&cr f')r voluntary 'Highway Sector. PARTISAN MOVE IN "; Airport Improvements Mad~:YOL ng me,D's fath~r; Well knO\fn df Winside, Was One '1'}:)~J.t l:e;~;~41~~U~~~:hf~~e I~c~:~ Wayne rJDunty 4-H membc s will reglstr~~ Contract for regravehng the- D-IRECTI N G LOCAL T? Meet Regulation3 of°1S ond cit~zen, as present, iajpd I· In Car Mishap timEt employlment witho t cost J;>c given recognition for QI:ll. tandr Wa~eheld-~ender hi g h way in ELECTIONS STARTS Fe_deral Supervisor.


1e hilS reason to be proud of tb II " d b th ~ng club work Wednesday e ening, M WOll ~ Wayne county was let by thp statetw .boys he has .contributed ,to WI1Jam Kmg, 42, Oall\.ctale one to, employe~s an ena e -.March 12

jat a bariquet an pro" en I I eave r-


soe ety..· ~j' fp r kJ!led In a hJghwuy tragedy g~I;JOa~~ ~~~~~rgm~~~ a ~~: gram in the Pl'esbyterian' arlor~. ~{~af~n~~gL~~C~~y~:.u~~~~i~OunJg A ~~~Mt~N;m~~~ybe;~l1~~~~ cr;eo:{:~<~;;Q~.~a~:~~~~i~~~~~~~. I' * * ~ 1 , leat Ilden Wednesday IClst week, J'LlrIllshed br thc gover enL Several medal$ Will be a arded. T d .f C was also aW}rdect resurfacmg on party lines in electmg munjci- was let ffuesday by Wayne coune'l

he afttrnoon's session lv-as de- artn rly lIved near WlDSlc!C M1. Tq secure 'the project it IS Don Cunningham of Siou City, 0 ay or amp the highway 'outh of PIlger. The pal and school offlcer~, and to Ulys~es Schlueter of Fremont,


,vq ed ma~nly to a· discuksion lof ng t:Ml and MIS. Tom Chne, necessary f~r the count, city Will preside as master 0 cere- Wayne man urnishes about 5,000 thus do away With non-polltical for $B511 The Connecticut Mutual'I

pe ding legislatton, the discuss~on a~ 36 of Oakdale, Bernard ori one or ~ore local or a iza- pl0nies. L. L FnsblC (1)f 'ncoln, Volunteers Fill F~bruaryand tltblC yards of gravel. orgamzations hitherto handling Insurancc cpmpany dismissed anJe by Fred M':1nd~r, seeretary'of Hull, 35, of Valentme, lost then.fj t f n sh lent ~e state 4-H leader, will be ne of E Roadside improvement on high- lendershlp in local affe.llrs. Par- injunction SUIt agamst the Clty ..on II~' ~ebl..ask?,Pr-e·3saSSOClation.ryrr. Illves md Ml-S Hull was cllt/{:ally m~~ser~°hOU'k ~o ac~om d:t: ~he speal<:er$ Gro~p smgl g and j arly March~Quotas way al between MadIson and tlsam'Jlp has not entered mto prOViSIon that a ditch be dug to

1 er mentioned two bills tJp.at linjUrjd. She dIed Mon~!J.Y. 15 girls at tne hme, a pay other numbers w 11 be la

Fged For This CC)~nty. Pierce WEllS let to Grover Haring C1ty eleclions here Within the faCilitate drainag~. The work (,f

'Iar regarded clearl"'- in the public's ~ II' , Agenl Ch¢1 W'aillor,a, h pes 'to <:~ deepen g d I" hI .

I'J., Th car in which th fl\.:e were I,' hlc', wale' and leI pone. WI' ,.. I t wf $5325 memo'y of Dlde<t Inhabltan"S m an s ralg enIng th~

ll\ erest-one to on' I blt~" Clyne ("OUll y:, r ( JrUeJI y quo a I. G'ad' ,ng' b-Iw~n Thurslon and '" " ,",.. . . ~ C "lpC pu Ica on iridm~ with Mr. Hul! driVIng, TJloe govermment ee[ui s the !have 200 at the banquet w Ich 1~ of 17 I t h It t k • .. <:.<.- Fat· a long time only one mass creek Will be done for a distan_cat he pe it 1 t d tit ILl ,. ,I vo un eLl S \', () v, 1 e ,j f TO f t 1.' .180na .a.x IS a::. ano er Ijt,lmp d off the 11IghwaYi, near Oak- h USE', fUrnl$hes heat,'foo ,pays lopen to allirterest..{d m 4-1 work. ~e" Itt j lh 'haltflllll und hIghways 73-W and meetIng was held to make nom- 0 ;) ee a DOg the Logan at th3:~o requu''''' pubhc.lion of the p 0 '1 ar s ml I Clry Ialll og In e S{['- ,.. farm n th I f W Ih~~ , "'" - dale od crashed mto a bank. ~hie girls and takes car f all Tickets are now I hi the h1nds of lectlve serVIce pldn leaves thlS ,7 was let for $3,368. JnCltlOns, and nomlllees were o,r eas 0 ayne, e place

I~e~ed:ng~ ~ft~hOollboards.It is 1n - Mr . Huq 35 years old, was oilier expenses indudi g em- club leaders. ' TbursdClY Tl1 0rnlll g (111 the 5:30 usually certain to wm Il1 the on whIch Lloyd Powers llve:s,

e sao a measure.s atemo.vjng ,rushe to a'Nol'folk hm;pltal. She ~~oyment of a graduat !come , '. I tram for Omaha. In ,the gr'Jup arc PIOctures Shown ell'cllnn. Local offices provlde Work l:ii to start by April 1 and 13to ard p~ssage. ~Ifc. 15 surpns ng Ibad a fractured skull broken pel- economist for supervis '., Fif- P dCl Ed d F J I 1JUle or no pay, but plenty of to be completed by May 1. \' ~.~ ~ t~~~~~~:a:~~:~t~l~~n~O;g~<¥en !Vis aqd hip and fractUl;ec;l jaw.~, teen gll·ls retlu'n to thei omed ,I erio . OSeSli Cla;~~n' Po:~~=:)~~ck;~Ua~~lm~~~I~ kiCks, and so 1t Ie> nfJt always onTth: ~~~~~I~,~~~, i~ON~~~7:u~K1g~:

t * * * It 4ppear::i that HulL probably a~ the end of two weeks, s~ that , ncr, Lorenz ,Jungmcyer, J.yle L~-, T'0 Parent Group easy to persuade cdpable per- for $995 and Lage & Pfeil's f~"r $',_

\ I ., 't f.k fl t Ii ht a~lOther 15 may be ae o*mo, I COt S I cke, End .Jones. Frcrtl KlIbl]<, Gfr-, sons to accept them and should- 398.fMam speech 01 the artCinc~on mls 0 a re cc 01 ,g on a d<iJted. Girls may return the n I y C, 00 qld O'Connor, Malvl\l Nyd<Jhl. AI- er unnece:;;sary responslbl1Jtles.

I, ~s olmtted <IS the speaI<ct, Ft'ed Iblldg' fOI Col Cdl .tind sWel ved the house for two weeks' nfning n In tIme It became des lIable to As the council was informed thntI Z romel publishel o.f the Cepal mach ne suddenly d . f th f th h I ,.,e Selders, FrClnk !Phl11Jps, John Declamatory Conte:st Is Held have competitlOn, and 2ccord- the company providlOg water soft-

:1 unty ·Ne\.... s, could not be pres- ~Borl1 NC'<lr Wm~lde. n~;ll1:ec~I~~dmo;er~~ne {]~~: Da~e for Commencem~nt Is fl~~~~~C: I~ar~:o~dar~~:·t'a~~lrl~~~ In College High School ingly a second local party was I~~mg serVice wishes thlS dOIH~let because of i.i vl::;lt flom some Mr Kmg was bOIn on a !cum 1 h Th . J f' Set f Wayne HI' h Fr,'dav Afternoon. orl1an'zed. Some towns usc po- rough an indiVidual firm rather-L e sew eTC. e purpose s a a - ~ ert OLsOll. The mtln were gIven ~ '> th h h

I "I -1a-j'Vs," ThiS IS 10 notewo;hY betw en Wayne and WmsIde Jan- fMd opportunities for gi 1 who Late I'n May. ' . litu;<J1 party machinery tn Clty an t raug the city, EmIl Lue-c nflict w th tJ W nd b bl u Y 22 1899 a son Qf MI and eir transpor~C!tlOn."l;-md meal tJ(~- Dr. H. b. Gnffm HhowefJ" mobon ders and Ross James took the con.

1 I 1(' 0 a ploy ar , ", < ~ cpuld not otherwjse SF>cure ~ j lets Wednesd<:ly CIt the local ofilce. elections, whereas others follow'II ff reneo~s notlOn that people h ve MIS. R KlIlg The f mtiy tnov- trtailllng and employme 1.1 The First six-week p¢riod of ~he sec- pIctures of the "City of Wa;hjng- the plan long held in Wayne. tract. The two plan to erect a

I a haunt1l1g dle<ld of "m·laws." ed to Oakdale about 20 yenls ago NYA gIrls' project h s been oncl se ester in,I,Wayne school t i~ expect~d thCit the group wll~ ton" Monday evclllng <-1t, the No change In nomlnating poh- bulldmg for the resoftening plantI I stead of tl umplllg up an eXdU~ Dece sed hdd been oI1eratmg an established 'in Bhdr, Per ,Fair- closed dnesday and repod cards be I In trall1ll1g at Fort Robwsqn! monthly meeting of the P.-T. A. CIC'S could be made efiedive for on the sIte of their plumbing shop

't111el~ [10m them, Ml Zimme auto epan shop 111 O<.lL<dale biury, Hastings, Mmde ,Cam~ go out F: ·iday. ~: fr;he local QU01;-l fhr March 5 is IpB,.ec',luYrh~lli,'n' die'dcuu'c'aeld"ont.heI3UJa5enchOef tIltS year. on Logan street.'I c nee san cng<lgcment lD OIdel t MI Kmg IS SUI\I\ed vY hls wde, bridge, Ravenna und DaVId ~igh school cqmmencement is <_'-' Airport Is Improved.

,b With them 'lllat l~ fduly don I the f~mel Myrtle Sclo~, whom he dity. ,set for ay 22 and schoo closes ree. WillIam DUWT1!py, EmJi Ma~· Smith gave a reCldll1~;, "Mane An- Improvements at the airport todUS1\;e ploof th<lt he llkes t~e mall d September 9,1 1924, and I ! May. 23. ' n and Elmer Hab~rtnan. volufi- tOJnette," Mrs. G. W. Co.sterisan' P' hi" I • d meet federal regulatlons are bemg

I alld thdt they It]<(' han--plobably two ons, HOI ace, 16, dlnd Paul, 2 G. A, A. held <l regular meeting teers, Will bkely flJl thIS quo~a. dIscuSsed the advantages of gooq U IC DVlte made by the city. An additlOnal

ithe lulc outsldt thc lelllim of J~{ersl Anot ql son dIed III ijlfancy and A BI d~. Mond,h. Girls made apPOIntments tt'hey ?"o to UmClII<l ancI Will then speech. Mrs. F. A. Mildner recom+ 77 acres \va.5\-added to the field :'0

I l l lJ I I l I W 1 M K rea oun I1les be assIgned to camp. ',' mended bo<,kc . B"lween 60 and 70' T H M· th t . hl b II

W 10 llrn (I Itl() le1 s-~n- dW len was 1Ile( III aync. ling . , to check on points for letters. ., '.- a runways m1g e onger. Itthey I UJI out ()J lukes, also eaves his palent~ oj Tilden Mrs. G. B. Childs is 'subatituting LeWIS Hayes ancl LlltnJr L'S\1to , attended. The 3rd grade won the 0 ear USIC is reqlur-ed that electncity be pro-

t "* )ol .. and blothel, Jack 01 NOlfoll< A Di 'd . h '.1 M dare thc remalllJl1g volunteel:' not flag for the next month Sillce morc vlded at the grounds by March l.I agCl.lll t IS w.eek ~or M.1SS au e tyet called.J>, • Spe<-llullg !If 1m-laws," 11 II bloth'l. J<Ime~, dnd a plstel Alln, scusse ere Curley who IS Illl It Will be sev- Wdyne county lJ'-Is no cdl for parents from tllc1r grade attended Prof. John R. Keith Will A portable plant-has been mstalJ-

plob-abJe Lh(\y w111 do mOle wl10le are a so bUI Jed III W dyhc WallcH.:e eral days before IMIss CJI1rley IS March 10 to 20 t~ll~h )<;t parts the meetmg. The 4th grade was ed there to serve untll the lines canheartedlv than anyone to ease ~am King {!f Norfulk, Wayne ('allege ,-- bl t tu second, the 2nd grade third and Prese~~ Sym phon y in be blIllt fmm the city to the field.jly l"eLtl~'III~!lIPS. and nu one ,sutl stude lt, IS H nephew. and MI:,. Circulating of Petit ons for a e 0 re rn of the state do huve qUOLl for the 5th grade fourth. Winter Concert. A shop 11;'<: been provlded through

• . Mrs. Hcr~ry Reynolds substituted Ithe Idst of trch md:Y; c n-'cC'lvedfers mill,' Ihlln thHI1 they do wilel I Kate RIchard::; of WCly\1C, illl i.lunt WeeJ} DUltnct !ill Friday for MISS Hqlen Tas~emeyer _ DcclaJDatory Contest. a sm,-t.ll <lddltlOn and some'partl-llaggIllg tnlsfrll tun~ comes a~on~.1 of .d~e ea~ed.. Stilrt in Cotfnt.L.. who was In Norfolk wlth her The local declamatory cont8:o,t The- college symphony orches- tlOnmg off of space III t~e hang~.Somctlrnco: what ~eems unneces- Rl s for MI'. Kll1g Iwe!"e' ('nll- f mothel whd under1went an opela- C"'d t C was beld Friday afternoon. War- tra. with Prof. John R. KeIth dl- The shop I, furnace heated. Ail-oar~<lIY Interferencel dl~turbs, but duct d Fridiq at Tildftl Melhod- Bounrlal~jcs of thC~Pl?POSCd t10n I 0'1 DC ourse r-en Noakes won flr.st place 111 the rector, wlll present its. mld-wmter I:; to be Installed in the hangar butthelt' 1:-; no questlOh of :omcenty of is't c urch ,md bUlI~1 WeI:-; 1I1 Wayne tolunty weed c'a Icabon Junior High News.! •• original oratory glvmg "Grass." concert thIS Thursday ev~ning at the CIty has secured a 50-day ex-pUI j)cJSt'. \ Way e cemetery. . district w~re discussed. e nesday, WIlma Reiners. JeSSIe Pile, Joan In LIfe SavIng Falley Holleberg was the other 730 1n the' college auditonum. The teoslon af tlme for doing this to

~ ~ • "fJ M 1M'" ;;t0en Ofl"gellc and pl'eci c ohair " nt ta 1 Ih d J publtc IS extended. an inVitation to gaI'n more lavo.cable wealhe'.11""'" I oe Vlce:-; "l' I. aile l'S. "-- me .." .w·. - Jones, Mary Tcs~ Kesslell, Kath- cn es n In IS IVISlOn. acque- •In tile <lltCl noo N. B. MonJl11 at weT held SaturdHY ~It Tilden n of th, tq.mp?rary or a lzatlOn ryn Thompson, and Du8/ne Otte __ line Helleberg who gave "The Last attend.' A petitlOo seeking curb and gut-

~anct()lpil Wd:; elel'ted presi~e~t, ~et odist church. BU"lal wa::; In met at W;Pyrie elty halL? C com- completed an aIrplane joijrney in Red I Cross Expert Comes, to Generatlon" won first place in the The numbers WIll include: L'Ar- ter fo~hree blocks on west 2ndClan'neL' Olso,rl of Crofton, I VICe Ttld n, Mrs, Clme waH the tonner rrpttee ~gl·ees thiolt all .IlalEland the penmanship project. I well C interpretative oratory. Bill Dlir IC51enne Suite, Bizet; Serenade street was presented to tire coun-presJ{I('llt, and, p. R. McCo:( ot Gel' 'ude Meyer5. ''.fhe couple 1Ii the cp ntlY bhould be'l eluded. Fifth Gl~ade News~ ayne 0 ~ge ampu8 and RuthJeao Phipps were.oth4r from "Eme Kleme Nachtmusik," 01 Tuesday. The petition earnedPl.lg(,I,15Ccletary;",tre~sureJ',Id was ieflv three chlldren, .~~lfforcl, 13, T~e qu~s ion to be ~et led. IS .. Marlene McNutt and i],:lichard For SpeCial Work. entrants. "China' Blue Eyes," given Mozart; Jazz Pizzicato, Anderson; names of two-thirds of the prop-..d.eCldcd t.o hold file summel:j seSr liley. 12, .and ~enneth,!9. Mrs, ,Lu- whethel1 r fat waynet ~nd I~- Reese made a oo,lorcd JtI~n and: _ by Cletus Sharer, was first in the Fugue in G Minor, "The Lesser," erty owners. As a larger number

I SlOp ·at. SeJltlylcl'\, The won~el'fu'~ c-~nd elIDe of V(i~ner,~who IS 109, c4lrpo-:at~ lUnges aho 11 be In mammy out ,of ¢l/aY. rh~ lllodeis humorous. JImmie Golder Fnd Bach; Aubade from "Le Cld," 'bf signatures is required., the pe-.~ P?!~( at that .p.l,aQ.~ ·W~I~ 9ue o~ th~ PSI. . 9lin~:s g71andlI.\i ther. Lloyd, ~e dJstn ·t. . I are six inchesl t<H~. , II .-' BettYJane Baker were also in this ~as!Br:.:'t;.; B~ue Danube l Strau~s. t1ti9P ,,,,,:.a!, plap~.9n:Jil~ ,fQl". cpn-

deCiding attractlo'l}s. ' Mey rs of WinsitlQ, is relative of .' The nd*alltage uf ha~itf tuw~s Anitadel Fit¢lil' and ! Marvin grou,p. Erville BU"'ck 'won first place' The orch~stra personnel in- sideration later.·, * * * . MIS'I Clme. Inclu~'2'ri Wl~h the far~ 'and 10 Johnson made soap carvings after in extemporaneous. In the dra- eludes: FiFstrviolin, Vern Malstead, Name New Cusiod1a.n.

·Be};lde:; ,1. prl~gnlm of lIlstru- SEjrvICe::i fill" MI'. JIuH were post- the dlstnd lS admowleri led. Un- seeing a movie on this tOPIC last matlc division Jean Banister, glV- Manlynn Gnifflth, Lonamc John- Ed, Sala was -chosen new cus-mental mUSIC, .sl)~gs and tap ¢lancl- POl1

rd on uccount of Mrs. Hull's d'('r the rte'-'t'nt luw sucl~ plan IS week. ing "Dust of the Road," won first son. Sara Mlernck. Gay Dunning, todlan for the municipal audltor-

.) ll1g pt IIv~dt>c:1 by tc Norfoll< Cham- L'l"lti al conditiOn. Dobhl\? fUIlC'1 ill COs~IY. The Inew brndw~edi eradl J In Four~h Grade. place. MIsS Lettie Scott directs the J e ann C t t ~ Snyder, Josephin€ lum. Mr. Sala is selling his repairber of (Olnmcrcq III the cvenmg~ nte. wcrc twin at 01Nt'111. The l'l<lltIOt'\ law before the r~gISlatl\J.,e1 Pupils are sorry to hiwt' George local contestants. Ahern, PattY1, eressler; second VIO- shop equipment and willan cH:!pr(':.;s WdS ~l~'('n b.y JClmes W. HUlls leave no dllldren prnpOCif;, tn ~impllfy pl (Jll'edul'e <ln~ Martens le<~ve. He is muving to Assembly Program. 1m, Geo[gC aarlow. Barbara Reh- the Clpartment in the auVaverkfl, C'hem!st1ry Instl'uetol at --- -----......---., l1J'rlucc (,xp(,~lses. If thl~ plasses, It ~n, ~<L, next week, I GeOl'ge Rcv. G. B. Duniilng spoil:(' at the berg, Lola NFmnamaker, Milo Ble- He succeeds R. F. Jacob15Cre~ghtoll 1I1l Iu."J"SJty, Omaha\. He S~ F would be pOSSIble to 1l11'Jude towns treated classmCltes FndClY. assembly l~rngram Wednesday (',1, Mary D*nis, Lnrramc MJller, tn go to Montana to conda ., In

talked (lJl till' different I:>.Jnds ate oreasic <.1dVimLlgcolisly. Third Gmde New!'i. I mrJnllng. I Beryl Nels n, Barbara Strahan, camp. The change is.effective theof alcuhol arc and lu?w they The bCdrd WNlnesda,y also dls- PupJls completed clothmg study I -Hixtil Grade News. Frances He finger Anthony Mc- urst of March(;JCt. Thp It'd~t Ilannful variety of ! Contest"Is Set l1l!sSfd rlr('ul,ll1D~ petltltm.s ;1skmg and arc- startfng it food !urut. A T!le SIxth Grade Star was iSSll- Cabe; VIola,. Gen~vleve Lundak. -"--olf-'-----alctllwl I~ !;itldl, and any flor the (ll~,tl)("t It was folt thilt th1S mlnlature stall' 'IS bemg establish- ed last weck. NettlC Lou Relbold Susie Soud~rs. Josephme Ahern; A atPI Dof It CC1n ,1 Jilt of dami.lge when qan plocecd III 11llal ~rQ~ls even ed in the room. Tommy Bahe a was editor With Robet·t penni' as- \lOloncc,llo, iMJIdred Ringer, Ann nnu ay' aytaken Into till' human o.ysteln. : t ~--- Uhough blJlltHi,1l les {II Uhe dl~tl"wt ,JlIllmle Sund arc arranging orange sistant. Reporters \>""f're Myra Al- l\.hern, Homer Scace. Dorothy Va- '-/

·x· ~ .)to W yne College ~ill Serve t:lICly lw dt'tprmln,d laldr. crates to set ve as shelvc6 and all derson, Dick Bamster, Bernard sma. EmelYTI Griffith; stnng bass, S h did HF. Valdcrndl Pet(,IS()Il~ l~lgill s Host to ~pea.l(ers. lnt!'l e"t III \I!ced f'rCl~rcatjnn IS pupIls a"c bnnging empty cuns and Cooke, Alan Dan1els, Marvll1 Beverly St$han, Dorothy Shel-, C e u e ere

publl:-;hcl, ,s('lt<.'ti.:lI'Y to Oovelllvr I Middle of J\.1arch. ~1()WlJ1g" III northeast, Neblaska. f(jod cartons. Tht, formal store Harms, Darrell Hart, James Hed~ don, Vernon Jacobs, flute. Cath-·Griswold. Wd::i introduced" ilmi United effol t rnah:cti control meth- opemng IS phllUll'd fOl' ncxt Mon'-- kens, Janice Johnson, A~bil erine Cavanal,l.gh Ruth HoUsteln· .spoke IJlwfly, hi'; 1:em,u1ts c~lieJly Nebla"ka IlltL'l(·oIJ<&gratc' F(J)'['n- o<!smo]"ceffp(t,\('., day when gu'l:; will wear theIr Korff,BillyMClrtm,Delore-s ers. oboe,JeanM.ines:CynIMl1ls.clar~Girls. from Twent~'onc Highdevoted tu dll~[JllnclT.ta dlctat~)rshlp SiC :i1ss()(:lati(lll contest wlll lH' held. Ql1.cstluliS and ans~(jrs IC'gi:lld- mothers' clothqs and boys wear Richard PoweI~, Manlyn . ett me4..Arthur Gulliver, Orval GrCl- Schools Are Invited toand l'ncouragltlq faith In dll.'moc- at Wayne State TeHchc!"s college, l:ng blt1dwped el 'ldH'<.JtlOl1 arc avaJ!- thell' fathers' to go shoppmg. and LOIS Weseloh. :-r' h,lm; bao:soon, Lynn Paege. Don Party on Ranch.racy. ·lta.1pb C/)X· Iqf Arapahoe, Malrch l;~ 14 <lnd 15j MI<:s Lenore' Dble at ~he (jUIce of Agent Chet The room~admg ¥.lith 18 on The spellmg class average

i'for Baker; trumpet, Bill Lubeley. .Jim-

preSIdent of the Nebl"i.l~ka Pt'e~s P. Rams y lfi 111 ('harge of the ('un- Walters. fhf'sc WIll be sent to any the dental h_r roll havmg ull the 19th week of.. school was 97.6 my Osborn; ,horn, Roderick Pcck, The lIth annual play day ;It meassoC'IHtllll1 and' now head of t e test. who telephone lor them or send a work,. completed. percent, the highest average for Al1lta Olsen, Lyle Seymour. Ker- Wayne State Teachers college tl;rdepal tm<'lIt of ,agnculture alt I s A deb<1tfus Ifm men and postal card request. J<"'r0In SetCond Grade. the whole year. No one In the mtt Leonard; trombone, Wilmer high school girls and their spunsors~oln, was vresentiO'd as alslo WillS women teams, class I B 01· sccond Herbet·t Bcrgt I.S chairman of t:lie Lois Boyce t~·eated ~ chlldrt'n to III life sav1I1g, und watel safErty for room had below 90 percent. ElliS, Bill Ltnfmd, Richard Hedg- from surrounding towns VJJil be,state Pt('~s Sccretary Fr d Mm~..... and thIrd, debate t~ams, da;;s A f?unty Ol:gamzatlun. Other pre- candy bars un her blrthpay Mon- ms"tttuctors lhe wprk may pOSSl- :E}esldes class work news th~ pa- .1m; tuba, Gene Hackler. perCU5- hcld March 22 With a ranch th('nle

,)to * * and B €xtemponmebus for men cmct chalFmen are Wo/l' Woehler, day. bly be given 10 th~ evenmg'jS All per contams news from the other slOn, Van Blradford, Manan Vath, arranged. Mrs. Esther DeWitz L. ... n-Ttl(' mectlllg at Norio6... show~d and women, class AI i.mel H public ~~r~ Jcn;o;en, c., H. Mlorrls, Theo. Firs~ Gtad,e Neurs . I mt~rested ar€ asl<.£d to see Mrs grades. Robert Hanfen. Lois Hill. son is m charge.

that m,lny young mell are l'omjhg dp,cusslOn. amI. thrre oratoflc::l:l IKltng, Walter Ecnsk.ej Wm. RIg- The room has 27, un the den~l Esthel DeWltl, Cell ~son to ma~e at"" The towns invited to attend <lreto the flont JIl tile ncwspape field, gt·oups JIlc1udlllg lmep: women and Igert, LllWl'cnce Rmg. ~,yryn Bress- honor roll with 23 having all work ran~ements for taJ~rng the course. Labor, Is Sufficient Have A'nniver8.ary Allen, Belden, Carroll. Colemllge,and o:te is impressed by {their the peace Ol'atlO~ls, w,ill make up l~r, C. A. Bard, Lee S~l1Qin, Leon- complete. Dale U'oe and Reba 1\1lr. Bruso, Red Cross first aid, Crofton, Dixon, Emerson, HartLlg-

.f,'~lJ·II','stnC's;;, their sturdy ch~llact.Pr th: program fori, the eont{'<:t. An- lurd Posp.ishil and Al;r~ Watson. B k 1 Ih' k lifel saving and i.lc¢ldent reven- For Bomber Plant Ob *', H ton, Laurel, McLean, Pencer,If"" ec nel' ar now IS wee, I se vance ere R d i h Sta t

and thel!' mtelligent devo on 'to ot! er part WIll bela btlqlH't Thurs- ,InformatIOn about th proposed Children akJ turns t'el1l.dmgltrw hon field representative n Iowa Labor for construction of thc Pierce, Pilger, an 0 p, non,

. i~~~~erl~t~l~e~~l':~~~t~:~~~osp 'nsable '~;rec~V~~~~~s:.or,th > after-dmner ~:,~~~~t may be secunjd from this ~i~;'~I:akisnta~:nra~~e~~~d~1eck f~~~e~:~o~~~a~:tc~tl:~~~ef~/~t~~: ~~~o~~';:~ae;~:~~~y:1\~n~eath~~:J Mr. and ~Irs. William M~yer ~~~~f~~~~~i;;:a::~':i~~:;:Wayne

.* * .)(- fight out-of-sUlte ~)I"ofessors and -- --~~-----:-r-- Donme Skeahan and, Ro~ than 10 years, now j) as ists Red mainly from Omaha vicinity, at::- Are H ored by.FamilY Between 12 and 20 girls <::ndFebruarli Holidays, ,la, yers will actl as judges. 'The Sustaills In).-'1Iries Jensen have perfect attendance for Cross ehaptci"p 111 the c ordinatIOn cordmg to Walter Steffen, Norfolk their sponsors from each school

Q f Go\'('rnnlellt Officer elused Ion 'pl blic is wclc0tl1:>C tJ attend, the year. of their aCCident prevention serv- manager of the employment serv- At H me in Wayne.' are welcome.Lind.J1n·s blrthqily.- ~1 d (;Jgam on I In S('affol(1 i~all - Kindergarten NeW's. lees and in tI'amin~ of voluntary I ice. Mr. Steffen adVIses workers Mr. and Mrs, Wm, A. Meyer --------Washington's b.hthda . ~e In- '10 Th' IF I" Pupils are I tearing gown the leadershIp. n01 to go to Omaha anticipating a were hono Sunday afternoon 0[1 Is Elected Memberdency. is to observe more holid ys, ver ,Ie ence ] barber shop and are makirg furni- Smce 1930, Bruso has been a job unless actually advised by the their 49th redding anniversary of ...f)f W 't 'G -ldand if the government $hou]d e er , i Orra ~artin May Have Back t}Jre and decarabons feW the pl3iY Red Cross IHY instructor In ii..tst employment service. February 5 when their children _rr rl ers Ulget :Jround to O\>.,1n all businesses S hO Jt in.f T I'k I Vettebra Injur~d from house. Pictures have be~n drawn aid and.<l.n exammer in sW1IT,lmmg The Omaha employment office were guest in their home. Lunch- Prof.(J. Q..'Owen r!tceivect woru

T and industries m accol'dance Jiih U ~etJ u a I Accident Mobda • and framed ~pr the waps. and life savlI1g. He has taught first has been flooded with applicatIOns eon follow d a SOCial time. this we'ek that he h~s been. electedsoclahs-m, usual actIvItIes wouldl be t Y aid classes on playgrounds, ill for work The plant wlll be c~n- In lhe 0'up were the fam,'II'es to membership in 'the Nebraska

d d • ~ L V 1 d t ,oJ h ted b th d tm t Writers' Guild. Proi'. Owen ~·s au-::,:uspeq e. molle ftequehtly and illiam J. LQefJel Delivers 0118 Maltm lecelf,red two Ol ogan alley r,;;rCQut .sCOl,l mg groups, In In us ry, an~ s liC y e war epar en, of their si sons and daughters,mOle conljpl~{Qly ~tY ;r. ~hIee Clacked llbs ~ld probabl~ -.p In the CWA, and sWlmmm@andandthearea'slaborsupplysee!lnsthorof several pUblicatlOns a dis.

j. if '!C. , Address f r ,...lub and 11111,JUlY to a veltebr<;l. onday when Group Holds SUP!1T hfe sa'\Tlng 10 playground groups, to be sufflclent for constructIOn Mrs. Wm. ictor. W. H. Meyer, Ar- active in literary work. I -,

'*thur Meye , Louis Meyer, Martii! .J,

But do we need lUOle hohd 5? FarlJile quests. 11)e fell from a se<tjfold while wOlk... Boy :scouts and dads of the - Y M C A's and camps. He was also needs. E t G ~'I'~ ,

~r ~ d M Sl ff dd h d Meyer and Mrs. roes 1'0110::-, a so . t' of the Colsonl(rle have Sun ays and evenIg~ ,. '" ling on a bUlldmg at the college~ gan Valley dlShlct of the Covered lrector of the Red Cross natIOnal r e en a s timt w en a - a grandda gbter and husband, Mr;. e 10 enor

ljif duty, and sually the worl Ing ,jr Over the eJ1ce},ls the subject The scaffold was b~mg lowered Wagon counCIl Will h!Ve a bean aquatic ~chool at Camp Myst1l.~:, dltIonal skIlled workers ar,e neEd- A hatchery is being redecorated th..istI e t lk. wi eh J Loeff I and Mrs, \ n Hastede, Mr. an~ k '

week ha:; pee~ShOi tened PHd In 1 a 11 me:and one Iside blted, Icausmg Mr, supper FrIday eVf..ning March 21 Hunt. Texas, 111 1939 and 1940. ed they WIll be recrUIted through Mrs, Meye h, ....e 15 grandchildren wee·.sel'V;lCe an'd 'a luevemen..t sugg sts ~lll ,gIV.~ thIS e~e lllg {or Wayne i MartH!} to fall about eIght feet onte) at the Wayhe nllUllclpla1 aUdltor~ After attending the Umv€I'slt'y the emp1oy;ment se.rvl<;e. - and 'One eat grandson, -the son df ===B::R:::IE=F::;[=IND;:;~=~==::::::"more wolk I stead of 1e-9s, rrtOlC ens <. ~b lnd fa,mel guests at ::ipme bndk Ml Martm IS 10 a 10" tum M cr. Bloss IS geI~eral ehaH- of IlllllOiS. BIU~O was employed In •• Mr. and rs. Ed. Lang of SIOUX ~Ir~ambitIOn to rJ1ake c(mtrlbl.\tlonk to Motel Shatt n M

l'1lLoeffEtI, who IS c~l hOSpIt man THe district IS lln-ade up of reCleatlOnal adlvlhes, 1I1c1udlng Lawyers of Dtstrwt sectlqn .One..

substantml prIJdlllCtton and lest to chalrmaR of an m husbandr at j, Wayne 81)ld DIxon colt1l1ttes plus sWlmmmg ~nd hflij sal;lng at the C . N lk City, Page Two-Wayne School. Cityfleetmg JOY I Ides. We do not I, ow the eollege of agn ullule m lll- {JiOes'to Posit on the towns of RaIldolph. Belden alId Sprmglield, III , Y,\I'I C A and oon, onvene In orf0 Mr. and ·Mes. Meyer, the lalter Council. Hoslti,ns. Loeals.

I ,')f anyone whb is overworked, but coIn, ,Wlll teJl 01 new posslbl lUes ., • Laurel, With about 300 scouts, ductmg fIrst aid Classes 011 thE M. S McDuffee of Norto~{, was formerly orothy Roeber, were Page Three.:-Cotresppndence,j w1 do know Imany persons ho In agllcultme.lIn Baste n POInt fathers and guests €xpe<;ted to at- Spnngdeld playgrounds DUI1t1g chosen PJesIdent of Nmth JudIClal ma.rried i 1892 at the Lutheran P<;tge Four-Editorials.

w uld' hke to wOlk more, ~arn About 80 are'l~xliJe:ted to atte I George Kyl reSign d as jU.liO; tend A qourt O'f honor will aLso 1934 he wal;! count.}' Supef\.lS0r fdr Bar assobatlOn at the annual con- church n rtheast of Wa.yne and Page Five-Society.. IIn re and bel trt~~'e useful. There the dlOner an?- flOglam, each college msbuctor a Bloomfield~ be held the same e'i'enlug Claude CWES in Macon county, Ill. L*er venbon 10 NOifolk Saturday. Ken- have live in and near Wayne' Page Six-Wakefieldh North-is 'eward of milia in accomPiSh... member bllng ljl-g l (Eilmel fn~nd 11\1., and has taken pOSitIon to WIegers df Wayne, If tl)e' boy scout he attendedl the ,NatIOnal Recrta., neth Johnson of Wayne, was elec- since. ' east Wakefield. Altona.it}g thulgs wot-th IWhile eveb. if pay: as gUest. .. 1 ~ ~aShtr.tgton, D. C fbegins hlS executive, for thIS dtsbjict. tIonal School m New YOlk qlty ted member of the executIve com- . Paugmnes.even-s.p.qrts. Want Col-in dolbWI' IS not I~rge. apd lhe'e is J. T. Bresslerl JI, s chanman of n w .brk Maleh 3. r. Kyl was and at thIS lnne was ,ecreabonldl-I mlttee. H E. Slman gave a tnbute Positi n Accepted J

lnOre\mlSeryj th~n satisfa~bo I'!':il arrangenaents I~r '.0CC 'lOn, h re 0 spend the w k-end1with Electe~toK~'1ney rector of Internailonal Hou,e, al to ,the late J. E Bnllam All I Virginia City Page Eighl-Concord. SoutheastI lo~finf' away tIme fitn n~ 0 ~ee", Add. . h s 1 rents, Mr. an Mrs.~. G. /l' ~ t ColumbIa UiOlVersl~Y. He later lrat- Wayne attorneys exceptmg W. A. Wayne. .-- - --ti~es'l ,I J ltlOn lEarEers K\YI. 19 choo acul Y,tended Ihe,45Ih. natIonal tcalqingl Crossland, who IS in Lincoln. at- Alvin burn, principal ai Dal- Secliol'~'

I·x- f t It I I I Seekin lee ricit »1-' DonEl-ld $derson'I~lYne grad- school for seout executives ill I tended. ton for t ee yearS", has accepted PageOn~:p'ayjofftf1YEft:.:$arlyDicta.w f~r c Da~. j l l Manage Sale uate, has b~n electellteaCh SCI- Mendahm, [N. J. I a positio as mechanical drawing Resident ,:pies. ~omalf~s·Club

Students 0 ~ers n hlg~' s hqo \va.tr: eo PtbliC ower dis , G L ence ]n }j;.ea::ptey lug ihoOI, suc- DUl lUg a tWo-year perIod In lhe MAKING FARM DEALS i~structor ip. the school system at' Meets. LQq:ge Dii1n;er.~l Sag1Harb ,rd, N., Y .• lenl'n<Jd 0 trlct" "go, ddihd6al farm, I For Stat e ruu" ceedmg Dr. W. G. am' who muted Sla es navy, BrusQ w"' 'c- UN....ER PU&Ctl"SE PLAN R?anoke a a city of 70000 Mr, Page TWO--,&r'v. De.VO. NOrlh-the m<!'Illlng cOf Ithe bIll qf r~ght ers who M eledlxie ~erv ~ raska Slate "r I, f /;\ cam';;-'to W'Ilfll' coll g I Mr An- lif''' In sw fIlmmg and wrestb~g La~ence F hO$en bought Osburn ' 1iI"teach in h;gh s~hool west :Wayne. -:' . ~by iT-stallingl dl1ctaior f'pr'Hne da • lice. I~ is d; that'fi.dm 'Wit a 'ers assoclatlQ tmgl dersen }las hiS M. A.I d~gre~'lfr()rn and qU~hf e4 fori the seml-fm~~1 the lJohn Kre;ll state farII) under and also nduct night classes, Th~ Page Thr~Rural Schools.

~The~ were, f ree~, to.· ~~g~ e,J" ,,?G '.WJ1e~ li~es' wil pe, bull ,1I. 81 of sows and i ~e :Universi~ Iof N~b ask.. lHe oflhe 1~20 ymplcs, / ., I, the tenant pur~ ase . plarl. :'rwo position,' i . a Ii!),e 'promotion and Page Four~.roll.

~~l~ e:y,·suf ere "In' aYri ty a,nd a:~out 1 . ", ; taught in 9s~ond,'e'I idge ~nd' . " j I 'other sueh sales in 'fayne' F9unty earries a' ,increase in salary. H~ Page Five-'-YTW,slde,

erial! Plero Cpuht Ils'~~ , .s!~, l1a~1 t F 'day,\' ~SWOrthllbeiQr~goil g, t6.0'N~lll IFr.~h: Ken1<,el leil Satu:I~~~ are pending final approv,I'1 and was here unday to visit his folks~ ?age Six-Northeas!"ling ~Mse ltI!i: • ~~ i\ry~, ak of ch061l Hi. ;neW !worl ·t Kearney f r C1'l'i:' a, Ia.,to aceept a' II several sales ar~ ilf e;u-ly sl\Illes of the Basil Q,burns, and left 1Iton-I~' 'BuU®lg ~e~¥:f"

. i /' fS.' egall] tI\is;'w.~ J ...... ~.... t on in, 001 ther~. ' , dfve/opment. . ' h day for· e le:¢: ..:

.. I" r,:,C;"'i""',t".~"'·""'~'r·':!; ""'1"'1'1 ,!,·o,t ...,"-:·· ,[, ':' if , (r:) 'i . / "J: I '." J ,I "",011, J...':;:.;}:j;

Page 2: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...


i£::' 12c



3~:~; 25c

2t·~J~~ 29c

2~:~: 25cQl.

25c -,.Iar "

2 i;;on~~ 15c



No.2 IOeCan






.2~~~. ISc

~:~ 3St

Royal Satin


. . :: .' '


"SPEEDY·MIX" SIIORTENISGGuaranteed to Please yon Completl'ly

Bread :~I~~t::r~;I,ght'S'

Ma~ola ~::.ak~::iil.

Macaroni ~~".-ner·s•

Corn ~::~~~~~~~;I~

Tomatoes ;~a~~~~'

Peas ~:nd:~~,"Prince Leo,


Shrimp ~:f~~,,:>~~ze.

Duchess ~~~~ING

PinecyJple g~~h~"d

Cookies ;'~~'~~~10'~"

Coffee ~r~~~~~round

BI kb ° Moonat . errles Glow


Po'LI····"Rose-DaIeICK es DILL_:..

*Flour ~~~~'Bag 77c

Brown Sugar ~:~~o.

H Tt? MIX-Every' evening mix 1 lb. wheatSe- i_SolHi "E" Emulsio", 3 lb.<;. whole oats (for e<:lehor s). Add w<-Jter on~y if necessary for rnJxin~

TO FEED-Feed on t6p of mash first thing in th(' nllJrn­or at noon e\ ery day Feed dry gram and mash :1s II-II J I

WE HAVE 30 AND 100 LB. DRUMS O~ HA:!':n

fo 1 Cash or Blue Fciod Order Sf~PS

I .'....

4S,lb. 1.,Bag .If

HarVf':St Blossom

-must plea e you completely ... or your money b~Jck!


*FLOURKitchen Craft ... superior

quality, mixes easily

Steaks ~foi~'orswi's " Lb, 2ge

::::: d:;~ ;;:;~; .~:: !:~Beef Ro_st ~h~ck Cuts Lb. 2ZeGroundIMeat ~dnp~;kf Lb, lS~"'Back BreOn ~~~:~h:SPi:~esd,... Lb. l~t,, .. h SAL!'i10N, Sliced, Lb.19c COD FILLETS,I, Ift~IS Whk>le or Half, Lb. 15c Skinless, Lb..,,+, ~.,;

i" I I

Toilet S apPalmolive I

4 ~':~ 1 t c

2~~:. SSe 4~-'::, 1.0J

Toilet Soap






Some new - some Old ideas. But all of~

them offer a chance ~o serve y.our family ~something different they will enjoy. Julia

Lee Wright's article in this week's Family

Circle gives many recipes for making ap­

petizing dishes \.Ising canned fish. Come

in and get your copy. It's free at Safeway.

Thruugh cuilstom, Citrus Fruits have been priced by "piece" or"do:llcn," but we believe by "wei.ght" will enabte you to compareprices more accurately and get more value for your money.

*0 : . Sunkist, Nav"I, Lb 'SC~anlles Calif., Size 21\8 .

*Grapetruit ~:;s~4seedle.J, Lb. :lCB : WholesQ,me, Convenient 3 b IOC.ana~.FlS Fruit for Lunches...., L S ;

*App~s Winesap or Jonathan Lb, :SC*pota:,oes ~.ds~~1u~ph 1S Lbs.1Sc

M .k ~l Eatwell I-lb.ac ere Brand Can

S d'· I 33t-oz.

ar lOr In Oil .... · Cans

Tuna F akes ~::ry~2~~':;

ChKraft American, 2-lb.

. e.ese '. B.riCk 0,r yelveeta. Loaf

Cracke s r_~~:::~,e;:ic ~~~.,

Crackers r~a"o~·16C. ~~~.

Peanu~Butter~:~L Jj 19c

MO. llw.· SALAD Qt. !?2Irac e nIp DRIlSSING Jar ". C

P : hlile /:...."d. . No.2; 17cears iSmall. BartleIL_...... Can .

C . r '. 2-lb. ISc

M04°~ peer~t~~~~~· :~ 29cay Day Jt~~lingOil Can

J ·c'e ILlbbY'~J .. . 3 cl~a-"ozs' 23c'01 "PINIlA~PLE .I' ',I'

*Prune$ ~~~~ 100 i,~~' 23c

Grape-Nuts ~t:z. llc

Corn Flakes Miller's ~t-:z.·9c

S ' J[ubinger's, Da.rk, to-lb. 45yrup 5-1b. Can ~5c (;an C

CL' b MOlk 'Contesl 4 Tall 2514eru I ilJlosps Sat Cans C

MOlk' Borden's o~ 4Tall 27I' (:arnation Ii eans C

G f "t "li,h- 3No.2 25rape rUl "1ay Cans C

Coffeet-ir;~~"113c" ~37c

:! '}i II "-'I I fj1' ,J~"'i'~,AYNE ~~RALD' W YNE,1 j,-JaRAS~A. BUR' DAY, FEBRU 2', 194 ~ , I 1~ I

S.-ii'~f1' ~Wed;j~g ,. '. --;;r;-~;~arrY.'.'~~;e- ~O.-.;.Isurda.~. I tai' e !he 'Ilr/Ple Th.i:;' card 'cl';-;; T i.OCALS Mfs. St:':~~::~:t'~GlenWO~~--;'I . I b 'd ~enIlp.g In "onor 'of JN1rs. ·ISt ateil> ,at...-.: ir home Thursdat evening. 0\. ~ • ,la, ,

: i flY 8 S(!Tilfe b dny.~ r ,,! Gu~sts wer~ 'Mr. ami NIrs. Glenn The. L.:Mareks were in,Chad- iT'om':Cavanaugh who is..employ-! In hl)~or 'Of Mr. a d Mrs" Oscar Gu~. Ithe Erne~t laehmet Bri$'gs;Mr. ~ndMrs. ,ehas. b'Con- ron Sa urday and Sunday,. led. jn. .. Omaha, was home' for the

plet(>rs~n's 25th"W~ d~~la~tver_ homelSat r~ay evening wifrel ,M~. nor! Mr. and Mrs. ,Martin Klawjt- Mr. n.d Mrs ..R. L. M~lure of Week-end. fshy of,Februnry 23, UJeir chJltlren and !Mr.. [A'bert Behrrj.~r. i Dn~ ter,~ all of *.<orfolk:, Mr., and ~rs. South lOUX C.I~Y, were Sunday Mr. and Mr!'l. James Morris ofa~ranglj.'C1 a surprise for tnem ~Sat.,. daugHte , qoyd Behm.er'r'r,11 and HI C. Mitte1J.-steadt, Mr,,1 and Mrs. guests t L, B. McClure's. "I Lincoln, spent Saturday and Sun-urdny €1'.vening, Feb)' ary 22. ,Guests M.rs. I[-r nry .!Asmus and ·fa ily, Mrr. rr-apk Mil.l.,¢r and lVIr. an.d M!"s~ __.X~.?~l §9?.~lte and Bill 8.oe.man day at R. w. LeY's.were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sydow and Mrs. l4eo Jovdan an f'!mi}y- IEriq Meiqrhenry. PrIzes were left Tu sd~ for Herman, ~o to Miss Loeroma O·Conner I ofVinet fP.'ll)nY'.Mr.,a~d Mrs.~.mil 9.,f YVI.nSi{!~,; •• and ML<.;s LyJlia Beh"'law"r~ed'~~O Mr. and. Mrs. Marti.n VIsit Teatlves two weeks Wakefield, and Lester Nelsen: ofIYIeyer and ehildren'l Mr.· and Mrs. mer Irf Om1jlha. Klaf.N"ltterl Mr. and Mrs. NorriS Prof. and Mrs. John & Kelth Oakland, were Sunday guests lin

ovrr' 1,200. The 'tate mljl who e }<~mett Baird, Mr. '~nd Mrs. A,den , ,- I Schroedell" and Mrs. H~rOld Han- spent t e week-end with Mr. and the Geo. Berres, jr., hom('.Wi 1 plant more t an 31B"~O() see - AlJ"tm nnd Warren,: Mr. imd ll\1'rs. ' II. G. L Card Cluti. sen, A two-course lun heon was 1I•••••••••••••••••a •••~ r-!inlg-s. Most v81.eties C'xceptl g Earl B~J1nett and sons, Fred 'fre- Thri H. q. L. c~rd clull met 3,t serve? by the ho.ste~.s. he George _Austrian pine a e- still Elvailabl., \rPrt ;;lL~d Mllrcelfa, Ralph Austin, the. ~. E. Bo~ter home i1!'ueSd<lY. WashIngton mohf was, used. T~e 1 .. 2 .. 3'Ration ... Bran, Butte-rmilk~Oats '11

and orders may e pb~lcd wi 1 Mr. ~mcl Mrs. Alfred Test, l\jIr.land evenlhg. Guests were Mr. fd Mrs. club meets March 6 <)t the Norns '(Mix Tonight-Feed Tamor~ow)

Agent Chet Walt 1'5. G ~~'~il,1;.I>r:~r ~:~~:~~. :r~:.ssYi~O:~ ~a~~~~~~~~'~~r~l;~u~{h¢~~a~t: Schroeder home~ The "1~2~3 Ra1jon'; is a splendid pou~try"feed that is designenHE~MAN LU DBER ll>aIH.:d I'al three-tIer weddlOg t'alke Iset .~. h~l~b, Ie; plcl~nmg 0 ):nghland Woman's, Club. to i crease Intake of feed. Chickens lIke it .. It sharpens the

BUYS F RM NIEARB The fljh~nds pl'esented M.L/ <lnci gho~ :1t Nortnllt the following Tpe Highland Woman's club met app tite. For pullets, it ,is an excellent body-builder. For hens,Herman Lund erg bo4ght f1'o \ Mrs. Pdersull with a gJft uf wec <, at the Arnold MiU-er home Friday ib'ooi crweOe',·ge'h·t.intnke of oilts ... helps ma~r:tain prodycUon <lml

the t:pnnecticut utuul Jnsurnn e .comp,Jny the atter's I 240-a(:'L' mU!lcy. Bi.-rthda.y Party'. " ME'veniAng

l· ww'tdh. 11 mdemM~ersI ane

'I 1"11/' tilt' S8me 6~(>asion Sund~y ,rs. . ur mger an ISS ren~

farm Inortheast )f Wtlyne. Llj d clinller guests in th~' P~teTson horne A nllmhpr' of fl'ipnds anti neigh- ':tumelS as guests. The lesson,Ij"oweJ1:-:> is on the pIClCl'. W\,l'e Mr. und Mrs.'Aaron Helgren bors ~gatlwr,ed ;It the .Julius BOje. '.' (~lISe Chang('s for Health,'~ was

Colir-NCii--p OCEE.)lNG and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hel- ho:me Sun~fJY evening in t~mor Qf \'en by Mrs. Harol~ Han~n <lndWa'y~e, Nebras [i, Fe~)l'L"ll' :!:5, gtell, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Heydon MISS Anrl~' Sehermer's rrthdav Mrs. ltd. Meierhenry: Mrs. George

<.lnd d,lUghtel's, MI". and Mrs, ,JUI:' nnnlvcrc11'1 Th0 evenIng w* Lang~be.g gave a report on her 1:-1941. j' 'l I B I A spent plqymg (,luis pll:;-"'S bemg tnp to Ca,llforma, the Rose Bowll ••

The regular meting of tht> city He gl'f.'ll and ever y, H. ,Ht'l- nwarded tf) Mr" I' I ('d Kennedy game dnd the tournament of roses I_ t"ahze more from your eggs ••• Sell them to Us on g-radf'council was held 'n ttw city derk's gren, 1\1l'. ;lIld Mrs. Levi- Helgn'n MIS M[]rtlTl SdhpIlTI(!r Alfrf'd Iparade Mrs EriC Melerhenry g<Jve • I _office in the mu icipfll atJditol'ium (Aml~rl,,~,·~rf';(i.:::r',.,M.,ni.s>;M· J"s".Y"H' C~yldrso'hn ~,nr,dd sehenn

ler ,JI1(] lA -;tf'r Voecks a repolt on her tnp to Flul"lda A I: I WE FEATURE COUNTRY SERVlCE

with the following members prps.:. J ., ., ., L 1ent, to-wit: MaY~)J' RinW'l", ICULlll- Mrs.' Emily Pe,'Il"son buked and unc leon W<lS S~{ r ~;o;~~u~~:t~~snc~~nn:X~S ~:e:t~~~ i: I Sherry Brothers Producecilm/i!n Lundberg,1 Miller, Me-Clure, ~~~~;t~,II~,l~:~'ve~W~~<.; t:b~~d~:~Ol'i~t~~~~: Tripi£" Thrf'e Card C'ub. WIll be \\ Ith Mrs Reuben Puis I: Pho e 206 Formerly Johnson Brothers Wayne. Nebr.

~~i~~~~~:~~~~~ ~ntt·Mr~.Petp~an IlrM~,:.~n:d;M:';';L~Y~le;M;.;n;~:~:.;~:~;~:M:":~;h:2:7=;:::;:;_.~~~~~:.;~;.:.:.=.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.~.~.;.:.:.~.:.:.;.~.:.~.;.~.:.;.~.;.~.;.~.;R~.;.;.;.~.~.~·~.1city attorney. Ab~lenL {)f sil\'C'J'w;JI"(' <.:Jnd a cflf-The meeting WH:-i lJI'der kl' S('I'VICl' from the rf.'1<ltnres ,lnd

by the n~ayor: an(i till" minutes or chdd:'{'II.the last regul;lr meL'lilig \\,t,r1' 1'(';ld Aft1:rIiO{)1l cnJ)Ns for the nhni-and approvud. \/('I,";dry weI'!' Mr. and Mrs. Albert

The following cluirns \1./(")'(' I':(-! AllllfTSIIIl <IIHl dnughters, Ml'. Dnd ,<lmined, rp~ld alla lin moli,nl I).Y I MI':;. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. IMiller and ,,('conUI q lJy 1"11('1" \\'l,'n: I HI'I) !':~'!l'k"on Mymn. Theseallowed and PI d1'Il'd 1 .<-;Ij('e~t....,. ,lIeO pn:sented tile clJu!j]edrnwn, t()~witc C;IITI',~(j. i i\'ltil ;J gift I)f mOlley.Wright Lllrnbe-l' Co., co II~' ~ _

;md lumbl'l S ;'-11 'ii IKendrkk Oil Co., J cal 2~'i -==---~---:;-=---

Schneider ElectriCal , IIOSKINSmotor beal'lllg 22 J

N. W. Eell Telephone Cll I byphones und t(~ll charges I I. J;j , Mrs. W. J. Ohlund

Al~~~a~ay Fostcr, 5 wI'ck..,' 7,').(JfJ II~~_--.;. '~o:~~sS~:~~~/lLlS, F~'b. s;r!<-lry, UO.OO ;vri:<~·'IEl.<..,i(' Tingle spent the

John Mindrup, Fieb. snlary HJO.(JO wl'l'k -cnd with friends at Elgill·Harvey Meyers) I/'eb. salnry 175,00 Miss Reba Hill ~pent the week-Texley Simmenhan, Feb. cnd in HlP Harry HaJlsen home.salary: ;'v1r·. ;:Ind MI·". Arnold Miller <!lnd

E<lrl Petersen, Fel) ':(JIl visikd ill the Victor' ClockerN. H. Brugger, pie lJ. )}(Inlf'

. fkllmt'l' of Omnh<l,Ct;~l~l~l':~~~)o;:OtM~'~'jJ'ljl- IIII' wl'{'k-I'nrl ill HII' Ern('~;t

Inters-tJlte Machinery <rnd i\1l' ;lIl;;n;:.~. K E. Potter vi",itC'(};l~/::I\~S Co" tools [lnd in the Fred Lundquist home at

White Electric to., wh'(' 0[(~;~~Jl:~Il~U~(:'~~GllSSchmidlt wel'e 1and sllpp]i('S airport visitor..;; ill ill(' Hl'rrn;m Buss home

The KorsmeYl'I' sllpplil' ,l..lllnduy I'vening;.Wigman Co., w,lkrmaiIl, <ltln Mro.;..To(> Veslwrna of

valves and ells Wl'l"L' vi.-;it0r>1 in the Ed.Walter S .. Bresf'>ler, d('J'k, AppH IHJm(' Friday

freight on L ('<Jl's olf II '16!J.!JI If. C. Mittelsteadt Httended theH. E. Siman, attt)rJ){'y fL'(' lettel' f';trriel's' W<lshington dinner

and expense :lfll,lS ;It No!"fiJlk S:riurduy. ..Marie Brittain, abstruets, Mrs. Mattie Voss <lod Herman·

aRsisting III fUleC!U:;Ui"(' :\00.00 0pff'r w{..,·(-' busiiness visitorsJ' in:Geo. Bornho.ft'rel): .'i<.1l;;1I')-' 1] 5.00 'sioux City' Tuesday. '. ,.;~;(;

~: ~. ~~~:;;·t';~I;~a~'~I;~l'Y ~.~~~:~:; f'll~:t;~ <~~~~'('~~~~st~;::~r~h~~~~r~t~~Hans Sundahl, FC'lJ. lltUlIJ NeiHke home Sundoy.Homer S. S(';l(~C', L I'llI'. ilnd Mrs. Art Marotz and

salary r:!mHy visited in thp ILyle· MarotzFred Ellis, Feb. llome Sund<:ly evening.

burying cats Jerry Mittelsteadt spent theHenry Foltz, jr., Fc'u ,I~d- week-end with Neil Hill lat the

ary 100.00 Tom m,ll home at NorfOlk.R. F. Jacobs, Feb. fj(j,OO Mr. ,lnd Mrs. Art Behmer and

day anelJoon >Ill the WaIte!' OUe H D Addl'ion Feb ;n.:l(J f,lmi)y WE'T'P guests in the Ed. Kol-home wh e ,her parents ljlttended Peoples Natlll~l ( .. ,1<; 1[lth homp S,;ndi.lY evening.the fune 1 or the late C. C gas fJ,fJ·l Mr. ;md Mrs. Leo Jordnn <lndSlaUghte

JMI and Mrs: Clhas Jas P MaIsh COIf), Jl It LIlUily were guests in the Henry

KInney, I ,were [llsa :Sunday for vent ].15 i\~mus llOme Friday evening.afteITIOO VISitors In tije Otte Coryell Auto C(), gdSfl!Il1{" :i.:13 1\[r."_ Harold Peterson of Grandhome ~ I J L L COlyeH & Still g IS(I Island, spent sf'veral days bst

waiteI Ott(, accompamed ohn lIne . - 2.03 \\,p€,l{' in the Carl Strate home.and Chu KJhney, Jr, to stoux JohnT BressJer,[lr ltnt (II Mr. clOd Mrs. OLiver Kiesau

City we~eSdaY All werf supper au pOl t 41 40G.5'ti Wsc{'II":"'ndgt"ehSolm"e sinundtahyeev:ntbge.rt ;guest~ i the Chfford J NII'tlTod S J IckIer, blac smlth wk ~,95 t'J'v ~Hhome I M Chas Kmney, Jr ,who Wnght Lumbf'[ 0, mdtt I ~nd Mrs. H, C. MitteISteadt !had ~n to the CJty Tuesdar to Ials I 266 72 an~mily were visitors in' theVISIt er SIster, Mrs. NlmrOd~re- C & M GlOcer;Y,1 flTOr on Henry L8ngt'nberg home S!'ay..tU111~~ h e with them. claIm No.'" 722 312 Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Nelsen

Mr. a Mrs. Albm. Pete on, St. Paul Lutheran Chw (11, and family visited in the H, ard iDOllIver I net Neal were after con furnace I 2500 ]\1f)rris home near C:arroll> Suhday. Ivisitors ldltunch~nguests the Walter S Bresslqr, clelk, . Mr. ar:c;l Mrs. Les. Walk~r af,1

---*f"---'--t--I---- i Nels BJo lllUld home, Feb ary moneyadv for ~abo,lj 2G 40 OrnLlh<l, were guests m the Henry18~ for rs. Bjorl,tlund'9 birithday N W. Bell Telep~one Co, L,tngenberg <:md Willard Fl~tche~1anmvers Mr and Mrs Rfuben fHemen.,phones . ._~-. 5.55 home's Sunday.Goldberg were supper guestslf.rs. This "being the ~;me: advertised ;Mr. an~ Mrs. Ado~~h Bru~gemanGOldber~i~hrH~ ·V.iSit.€d in the I . ar- for opening bids o~\ t.h4digging of n d. ffamJly w.ere VISitors m thetin HO~ ell:- home from SIlI day a ditch as per advertisement, the s. Dora Bruggeltmm home nearuntil Tq sdny evening. following bids were, present: (;~n()l1 Thursday, .

tl - John Einung, $995.001 Mr~. Lloyd Behmer and Chll?r~n

Se :"e.~11 P...o.Ject Club., Lage & P.feil, $1,398£0: 11r1~ _H~nry Anderto/l·ieft FridayMemb~ gathered in the '~ome f t C' . go to be w,lh Mrs Anna

Urys.ges S,chlueter,' $ 50,00 AO,,'. de'rl~~.'n' who "s ',11.' .of Mrs.. allter .otte Tue$daj'. aft- b ~"ernoon ~ r their FebruarY meet- MotIOn .~as made y(McClurc ;Aug;. Behmer, :\rthur Behmering. TQ.~! eS'sOh on ·"Hous~ Ch[anges a~d secbnettd by Pet-due that the CHIld Mr. and Mrs. Harold BElhrnerfor Hea,~,"was presenter bY Mrs. bId of Vlysses SchlUleter be 8C- w¢re S·undny ,dilllier\guests in theAlber~ '. Longe and Mrs. K~netb cepted tU:;d that the mayo~' and Wftlter Ohlund home:.Pacl{er. '0 visitors w~r p~esent. clerk be ,structed to ent¢' mto, a Mrs. Louis Krause spent severa

t\I contra.ct . Jth Ulysses -:>c~ueter ~or d,iYS last week with her, sister,

, 'Bilr 'aay ~iV~~ry~ the ,dIgg g of the ~1~Ch. M{DtlOn Mrs. Martha Lutt" in the Herb.The. fa lowing rel~tiv b~ought carrIed. I , , Peters home at Wayne,

their l~j: ch and spent Spnday Motion .by Lundberl'5 and sec- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Netson ofafterno~n in the home 0 Mr. and' onded b McClur~ trat t~e,~ cit~ Omaha, atp.d Mr. andi. Mrs, LioypMrs. E.rer NelSO.n fo.r rs~ Nel- attorneYl I. D. Addl~O~, be ~lUth01- PuIs were Sunday <thnner guestsSOl~'s tal day of atUrday: ized to b d the sum1$200.0!O Oil in the E. E. PoUer ~ome,MIL. an 'Mrs. ~Carl ,Jo on and the Den is property' to be! sold 'Rev. nnd Mrs. F. c- Ebingell' andDwaine- :rIallsttbm, Mr. and Mrs. March. 1" 1941. Motl on. c9Jjried, famity nttenc1o>d the shver we.ddingErojl JA:ndetson "an !VerTI l Moho ,was made b ·MJlIelf and c-elebration of Mr. a'~d Md.. W. I-L·M~.,. a \:l MJ:1s. Law.r.".n. el~on eCOlidedl'by Fitch .tl.at the.1 city A. Wittler,at WinSid." M.ond8Y.and M'tgEe,Ann, ~'It€ 'amel.. , .0rneY'I'H: D. AddIS n, be :.1uth- Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Bauman andson, ri. ~nd M s. b,rt F. onzed -t I bId the su of $3150.00 son, Keith, of Ellsworth, Minn.,

Ln.nge n.. '.d. IBe.ve.rly... sat.. ar.ev.e-. on tfl..e ragan prope~ to b~. sold sp.. ent the week-end lWith the lat­tling v' ~tors in the e O~home March.-l , 1941.: MotlO cai·~~ed. ter's parents, Mr~ ari,ld Mrs., Her-home I,ere Mr. and s. tJ:1lfr Moho I was made Y,. Mct1ure man PuIs.Florin. 'Mrs. Anton 0 berg, and seeo ded by Lund erg that the Mr. an'q Mrs. w~. LangenbergMr. ,fill M.r.s..M.hrtin Ho rob: rg. city 'eoli. Cit'7:-approve. nd con. firm alhd family and Mr, od Mrs. vial....

. ; the pur hase by H~II .' Addison; ter Fleer and family were Slunday:W.lLBUR . I cityattq ney, on beqa of the city dinner guef;ts in the ft. D. Langen-

',:yJUinner,Th ~. of the x certificate, o. fto :114 berg home. Ic1~b meets Thu sd~Y, wlth inclusiv . Motion c.aI'~ d. ' " , ! MI". and. Mrs. Sam Nelson of l

BUS.h f,or a'covered The I etition of man Sll.nt"OmalI~, spent th!f w~.e.k..end~.in the. 'and at rs for curb a gutteI1 0 rl.1oyd Puis homq. ~rs. Pul$. who

- west S: c~nd str~et at read kn has been r~ceiVing~~c.liCal:atten-.:JilOr:~"Bb1b So on fi~eJ '. I I ti0':l in Om8ha.the p st five }'leeks,nd!,¥r!S,' John ,y -and.,~on,· A,'IDI lion ~as' rna e by 1V£~l1Ef l1eturned with. the, ::·'~rs.'H"enry~uh,tMr.anli and~e~ ndedb~.):..tirl rgtllat)Ule: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Konaih and",J*g... el.,.lVI.r ..,an.q " rs~ El.. m.et mayor e instr~c~edlt ign ib. .l~as.~ qaughter, Miriam, r tUrne.dl. homew¢re SU.l'tl.a.y. ests'1.n th,e f.or an. ddit.iiP. nnli. 7.7 C'es. d.lllrn.d F.riday.after spend..ing the past twor~ue!)Om~'fo1VIrs.~u- fOl'.air o~t. Motion ea ·(ed.: ',:months with friends aid r~latives'Allan' erdue' birthdays. . lV+ot, nl to ladjou(n. otion ~a,,- 1n California. They IsP vis/ted at

ried. I :' . 'the Rev, Frey home atl Dl\l1}'er.

Tf' tHINq

'R&.. !,~\<%::~~rs.¥;~ :~~t~J~gh~~ 1~~~1!!!!~~~~!~!!==~~~'J ,.) ~. ',? 'BR land "Mr;"'arid'·~rs. '. :ter-!ECkertIJ

:iltE!rlil,·l: I .~'f,";~I;~'~;'~0';':;~1~~;'i




Page 3: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...


.... 19c



25¢:2-POUND.BAG ..



BAGThis well-known brand guarantees "'perfect -Pan­cakes and 'VafOes Every Time."


MISSION FIGS2-~~~~m ,., 17~

Superb Brand

Fruit Cocktail ~~~ECANA balanred assortment or choicest dic-ed fruits ina heavy syrup. :\lay now be had in the big, pe.rtysize can.

Fresh Oysters'Black Cod Fish

BEEFeROASTslPoond 19c

& 17c

North State Peas 3 h~~LSweet. ,dependable peas of dependable quality.

"Red Dot"

PQtato Chips ~.~J'Thin. ("risp' and finest rla,-'or,


Nancy Ann White Bread"Now enriched \l'ithNltamin B-1

POUND 1 ...•.7c H·rg~.10cLOAF.:....."

FRiDAY ano! SATURDAY, Febr. 28 and Mar. 1,

~enten Suggestions"1\-Iany ~luggesUons fo1' weloolIl(> changes in your

~;n;~~lbn::h~~ ~:p~~~n~n~ t:;~~~t;d~n::ia~:X~:d

~~~~iJe~~~~'~~o~rt~~~~h~\.~~~~~~St~::: ~H:~acquainted. \\ith the rt'"C'ip(>-$lon the "Dependable'~'

Superb and ~[ommg Light brands.


Pancake Flour

I I.

Superb Brand

& b S 5·1b. Pail. 24c. 44cq,m er yrup IO-LB. PAIL..._...._...Keep well supplied with sYl'UP for the popular coldweather food sQeh as pancakes. c.orn bread andfried mush.

~~;t u-.:~2c

_1. Ie

i<ROASTs~~1Pound 17¢&~

Sugar Cured

*Strip Bacon .:~~nd .19c - 23cWhole. Half PlelCe or Sliced

Fresh-Beef to Boil pot:"'D13cShoulder Beef Steak pot:ND... 22c*Sliced Pork Liver POUND. ..... 9c*Neck Bones 4 Lbs..15c



T. ,vtJorlow, She aecoJPPaniedJviJ 3. Gdlh: M~ann and daughter,FlO! ence, of Omahal who went toH;:lrtington ::lnd returned hare tosby O\'e-r Sunday. Other Sunday'

LOCAL NEWSMr. and 'Mrs. Elary Rinehart of

Neligh, spent Sunday at RobertRinehart's .

Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest AldersQnwere at LeMars, la., last Wednes­day to see Dale Alderson playbasketball.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Herber of Nor­folk, were Sunday evening guestsin the'Rev. W. F. Most home.

The <Avec Tyrrells of Pender,

~~n;~~n~~;.\~~~I~~sT~r:~.Sel~Mr. and Mt"S. D. W. Greenlep.f

and Mrs. Abner RobinSon of Te­kamah, were Saturday .guests I.nthe Rev. W. F. Most home.

M,. and Mm. R. W. Hahn of Cb­lumbus. were here Sunday to vi~it

Mr. I, and Mrs; C. M, Craven andDean and Mrs. H. H. Hahn,

Mr. and Mrs. R. R~ Larson plana trip to Los Angeles, in a week :ortwo_ They wiU stop at Hannah,Wyo., to visit Miss LaVern Larsonabd also go through Utah.

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hahlbeckwent" to Norfolk Sunday andbrought back Miss Helen Tasse­meyer who had been there withher mother who had undergone anoperation. '

.' Mr, and Mrs.: R, W, Haller I ofWinsid~. were Sunday evening

I guests in the G. G.-Haller home ~or

I an oyster sppper" They were h~re

~gain Tue'i'!ay ti> see Mr. ~allerwho is ill. ,I I~s, Ruth: ~senba~ of roen­

, ~axd. came Friday and Visitee:~n.-

[~l. S~'d'~1\~i~ her sistCrSlR.I, II ,/ ' , ,I

I"" , " 'II ' ,





Ce~tral Garage .,.IILLERI :& STRICrodLAND. .I

, ',I ~ I I'll II IPhone 220 I ' , Wayne, Ne.br

J,I 'I I', .' "01>,r <

1935 Plymouth Tudor

1986 Plymouth Sedan.


..... $300 ,

. ..... $425

1985 Chevl:olet Coupe .... ..........$450,..... $225



1939 Chevtolet Truck 1))8".$550,

19:1G Ford Coupe

1940 Ford Tudor.

1939 Ford Tudor .

1933 Ford Pickup .



and Nadl!1eI:_ht \\"'t.'k III

1\11 ilnd 1\1r".look 1\11'. ilild Mt·s.tu l':(h;:11 ,I!'tel

hell' ('!t. C,IHn(' tllnp.

IUr. ~Illd :VI I" EnH'sl Spllttgcr-l)(\l' .l11el ll;1\lghkr:--. \Vrrp Thursuay

~~h~7,~~gh1 h(~r'~{~ ~~'te~<Jl~iIS~:~::~

~j;):lf;t::l:~~Ill I;' > IW,llfrj~~I:.~p\l ~ tl:~()rl~,~:l t


With l\~. \Vcrt..J. O. B. dub met Thllrsday with

Mh. lVIel\"lll \Vert. AU memberswf'!'re pJr.es.ent. Mrs. lfusseH Lind­sG/Y entel"t:.Jln." In Iwo \v('eks rm· anal~ day meHmg.i I'I

t, Nebraska

'1'1 • ',i.,


Repre$entatJive for

W" p~ Thomas


Elkhorn Val~ey finan~e (0.

Do You Need Money?

laf!d~ll)1rs,,"tIQrenc~ S 11\~m. of Jilite I" town tbbJf~6~havJl1 Ikeyel,Wi!l mov" 0''; 'the v~cate~ 'tbdir s!lyer wed';;"~,1 ahtti~ersaryBe:L en. the ~]atteI h, fo "lner (:~~,~,~ ~v "~l:l hJ~i s n!?e 'r pis re j pbce. ' 'I I of february 23. Mrsj Henry !\\rageiroy e Yqung, ~ie¢e 0 t~e L nos, t~~n., E~lll i..un1. chatd and . L OrvQl Puckett ~nd son, Drarrellj, man bmught.a la~ge .dti'dorated

,,·-:-t.,....:.,...,.-t..,..._-+_..,..;,....,;;,,11Is.p:ettt tllEt iift~~noclm: t}je~e. Gdlt.,;, l\.elJUlt Titl"fl 1/", Pat Beng- Fho attended' th¢ Farmers Uniot!l ca*c. A program Was glVen. Rev.rr dn 11be- Edgar La.1t1n f3trmlYl and SUn, Clat'ence N~ sbn. Warren II rl {'f)tlveni'tion Jt Orr/aha also attf'ndl W

1A Gerdes spoke and presented

~L. wrence ng wa~ In a~ Ml.-\ and Mrs. Bolp Nel~on ~vere :Bressl'1, ;A-lIanlS~ <lLaht, Albert I Ql·be./t letl drives a nClc<u: '(>(1 the $onj<; Efenje i~~ revue. 'n~e~' th ~oupfe with a isilver wreflth.

1lU~sdi.lY WI ~ ;~tQClt pn the, mati.. qinner g~ests in. tJl,e lOla NijlSon ~ose 'Ustm Ri g ten and My II/" an~l ~I s Orval Puck tt -were 'r ct· . J T . l' d -a d f nfly cr nte:, "J' I, ~ l". jhlome Suhday, r < Ilion '<»150n, D da d Fl~'twood~ ISU d..Y vdlJers ~lt L .J ill ;;f'ICI's ~\':;~)~~~1111;tt~I~~~(. he COt1\'{1 tltl(T ~~I:ti::: e~el~ ~u~da;n din:;

EQ1,lfllJclrs hnnd.UcnrYNelso IThe Emil Lund ~aniily we~~ in tanl€1Y Swans n ~nd Hmold ~I .lnd MIS, Will KOl~b were M·., "' t, 'D Ij3 f. h . Inth 1ft~ar~etdcl ho. the .hrst of til the Fred Uteoht horh~ SU~dlay berg Fll dy c\cnm9 VlSltOl:-; bt EmJ1 C I "M'dnd Mts. . \,,~ olph. ~j. gursts 01 t e o(,c~slon. e ~I

I>.'ee - ~l!__ .... I ~ I "'m ~ riG :.In( rs. Claneo usklrk and su!n ert\J.oon and ,evening ,a nuIblbcr1'1 ~ Ruclol I Rays I have b~ evemllg helping tll!ti cele rtE' H dAr ~ I '\i(, :I 1\1 H b t KI . and:\11 mJ MI'l G"u nll~h_llJk 'I cajled Refreshments were serv-

~ssJStnjg th~ Lel~1ll ~nge f~lmll~ ~~~d:;.stG':~~d{~~I~r;;~;S~~tu~~i a ~b n~~v rS!lr .. Th ~: "(;::~( l\ ~1~l1q/~a~IIL\1 s I::~ ~~e~r ~'l C t nt(C1 tamed <1; (hnnt I Sun- ~e SIX dec~r~t;: w~~~ng cakes

~l n~ovmglo tlletr netr home nea~ day mght with hl~ g)f~rttimQ~her U ser~la ce eJe BIXS~lll s (3y .It w: <;:; RI!:j.<-~ 1l~~hon(Jj ()!I \\ re presen e eco p _

II iSfwr tillS' eek. I J IMlfS Renty RubftC1li. in t¢lwn II ' Forlthell 25thlwe dmg all.n!vel.,. II ~md Mrs \\'dltf'r Chlnn MJ" RJn~ S butkld,ly 01 TW.'l<d:L} 1 _;.- --,

NIl' nnd 1\1 S" Edgar Larson nn Mrs J C Bles.sler and MIS Ed saD, IMr and Mr 'e 4 Bard \\(. e FIlU ly c\( t1lng \ JlltotS ,-,t The N Ii L 1\ banquet ancl me( t-If

t" I'1E9d were ltl ,he Frank seder.sbunl Sahdahl helpeq thellr r!nother, i,.hs held~pen hOUS~ a theIr home Get] Buskll k;; In,.; ~lt 'Emels(~n S l,tunVly v.,.as well l WlrnlJR Itt~m1e FrHhl,Y evenm.g) in h(mor ot J. W Fledrlckson, C~lebr::lte l,he1 MondlY aft(,1'n on Whe-h Irrlend~, Iunday FtblUlIY 24 b(·tn~ Joe <l/hnded by Imc:nb(rs ,h.>m ',"'1IMI· ISederst~tm's 70tl1 bIrthday. I bj~Ithday Thursday when ~hey ll1clu mg Rev a d rs C ,po Hall, Cl ."s('J- " blrthduy. "I flW Ilyends 11" \\<-ly 1\111 C-t"u Bu>« I{ \VOl (By Staff Correspondent)

I Fbr th€" Le L HelgJ~'s 7th wed ... w¢:re aftemoO~lU ch on gues'tS Il1 Collie and were s rved vefresh- enjoyed '--l ()OPC'ldtIVl:' dlllWi \\lth d 17.(> d \\rltt(n II ttc' ,-wd ~llUdmg .Q.nntve ry of Fritiay, Mr; thE> B W Fre rlcQSOl1 home Jf¥IIS menL f(Jll~wm.!f <l soclall time th1 Cresseys wOIl on a IJletulf'. F11C..., Mrs.·Roy Pierson visited Mrs.

land MiS S ~ !,!~lSon ~nd ~hJ Lee Stauffel Iso attended flom IThatdevenmg 50 rE'latIvl;}s an~1 VE'I nd M.le KUlth sp~nt the .tL.JI"!-'S were tqkeh for .thell·. paper enas. White Monday.-lRnYifluld .An e,rSOn .~amlly sp.¢n~ here 1 fllen .s called to eXite-nct Cojtlgrotu~ wElel-.-( rILl \~ Itl1 Pdll1Jne M~'ndk( ln \·.llich ("urn('s tu :lll m{'mbt.'rs l"f'?U-I Victor Haase spent Friday ('ve-

IOle'1ilv~'nillg tEre- . r I Mr nnd lYIrsl'PJrt l30rg Invlll'f1 latlon~. The table fbr the OCcasion r('~('Jnbl m(" [If Pdullnc's 9lrth - oipg'at Alb,:'~lWatson·s.I \-v.Ntl1e.sd~y[ €'venm~ MI" a~ the E W Lundnrllam~ Jas Cham1- was I!:e-nterpd WItJ+i yellow cut U<-l (JI SL;nd>.lY • I and Mrs. A. :\\'. n"r)ll" Mr, trommy,J~son spent SaturdayIMIS E:<lgar-I,jpr~onwe e In the ~ . bers [ao-ulies to. tpeu horne to flowers ilnd cilfldles Mrs C L 1J\tull Gust.l!s()n, d~lughleIs ,Inri :vJr~. Hl'nry I~Jrth, Ml'. <lIlld nl~ht with ph Watson. .IBltwkmdll I1tjme fo u reception spend Slunday ev~n1g und IC€lt..\_ Bdrd $€'Ived m thelliJftelnqton and Je II an<J Vl\lltl .111(\ Ml$SjMdl Y Mr- \Vrll. MC"Quistl,-ll1, Mr, ¢{nq Donald Wischhof Elnd JlInrnyIf01- lVIl illl~I"lMls V mle Btocl<:fl blateth(·wed.dmga IVetSdlleiSof Lenoqa Rtng and ~~len EIIckson HI 1:1 ~ S q I\Jr-;. {)r\';.rl PUl,kett :lnd M)". ~rnJ Bu~h have been quite-ill.Ilm;)!i1" \\ ho jl'l<, mat fted dunnf the three couples l hlch o~cur pOllted m the evenlf1g Be~ty Jane tot se~t J~~;~~t~ll~ \~('l ( ltlll I <l \IISI~ 1\11.--; Goo. BUf,kid" \Vl'H' :!mong ~hl~ ;Mrs. August KrUSE" spent FriClayI the w(.>('k dunng the v.eek. A Wafne I'lll{per BIrd \\-as In cmalge of the guest :l:';{l r d ,-iltpnd;mts ,It thE' fur]('l<-ll servicc!; artefnoon <It Vernie Larson's.I 1\11" O!nd I MIS Ray Roberts,1 was enjoyed. I book GiftS of Sliver, moot'¥ and I dlll Is 'JUIS Hnns"/l..-rn Sun'ddY for Chtshl ~1.JlIgh:tl.'il or ,Miss Lois Pierson of Ogden, la.,I LeollLll d and SonnY wer (' Ih Sloutocll Friday dmnel gtlcstis m tile Rol .. (<11 ds \Vel e pI esent~d With good ~ dl~~~(~i:J~l'''(\\~ntl~~ ~\l~:it~l ~'1 (:l~ I]t Ctl a . TexJs H( furm, ll~ !Jl ted ,;pent the week-end at home.Clty 'l~lHl1'sd~y ma~ketlng st&tl~.1 he Longe home were IMr dnd MIS \"I"hes fOI m.lllY mOie sudl hdppy Hrfnl"Y Tarndw·:--,'. 11.1 Lesl~e. Mrs. Ge.rtnldp s(J.l1~lC'r Mr. and Mrs. Hobert AukerErHllllte hotl~e tll~Y}'I"ltpd Ih thle Lowell Scott and Mr~ ClalM dUl- cc-lLblLlllons Mr. ,-lnd i\dl!lph EnFfli:-;b (,-~,:~~(' hum,.. Nurfulk [01- ll1e- st..jn .. ss·~ne~.t. Friday evening at Roy Pler-\V.J!tf'T" ,R.Hl1l:.l 11 home 1t1 SO'l.lth I ley anp daughtel j BbnlllE' ,11ij of l M M AU t Ii n' .,. " "

(Ity .. , ~f Bend, .Ore., whb ~rrlved the dZly'· ~;l'l' ~·tUl'dl1Y {'\~"111n~('::I~Jtl:rsl(~:~I ~1r. and tyIl·:-;. Ch:stel' Han~erj, IThe Albert Watson family visi-~r: ~mri M:['~" Fred ~rid(son.t~ before to visit the la~ies' parents, II BRENNA Chestel· Hansen·s. 1 11,'11. Llllfj .Mrs. HplU".Y K()j"th, Ml".llnct ted Sunday evening at Hobert Au-

Wl,ll$lde, haC! Sunday dmflN 'AlIt the Albert Ki11ionS. I Mrs. KiIl,iO~ . oJ;' MI."s Marilyn Tf'sL W,IS jT.mind- l\1)'~. Ench Al~er.s and. \-'fr. pnd ker's.Mr: and Mrs. C.'lrl Sundell. a111r accompanied the~l tb the LOj:1gc (~y Staff C;orf'~sponden~) ed of her 12th lmthday Sunday I S~ll~';;' hAlbcrt Klllj(JIl Wl'r (' ,.,t Al't The Harry Evans family were:whIch they ati(trded funeral SElIl· - home' and un Monday Hnrl,lll Korth ('clc-I - dUg ter'~ S~nday l:V(,~1n m Sbnday dinner'gues,ts at Fred An-lce~ for thp li.ldl('~'cuncJe, the 1@ e Waiter Herman); \lfelc nmon~'" MI,I"md Mr~ LQu Bakel welte blnteD. hiS 12th bJrthd"y Ihunur or Mig Slaughter S bll·t OIlY diln~.Che1:J

'~laugjlter. ' I I" group of nerghbOi'rs ~vho went to ThUr1sp-ay everllngl gupstr; JIl, the ~1Is<' M.lIY H( lpn BI{'Ss:lt'll \o\,)s a I dlJd <1]<;0 us <:l fUlewC'11 for Mr. ,~nd Mary Ann Evans spent the

E . .,r. Lunltluhl' tnnk his m6t ~~r; the Geo Mar tenS home saturf<lY Fr,mik Bdket h~)me.1 Thul "d<.1" mght \ 1,,11(11" at f'JJ" saCk-! ~JJ s S13l1ghkr (lS tlwy are ) 'mg week-end with Beverly Ann An-Mt",1:S.\.1(,~:''''I~~(JtRil.' l~,~::~dt:~l~i;~{~:l<~ evening as a surJl>n~r Refr£' 11- Mr and MI:s Ot~o Meypr spent el"s()ns ttl 'Adkcflild dnd at MJ!- til II falm they pur~l1<tse ot'al'derson.

c " ~ t.Y menb wele enjoyed after n so 1<11 ldst \-\edmsctdY ei,enmg tl1l'1 ton (<(lst'irsl)!)',., I<'lld IY IJlght IHI'''dljl' Thl'll "1JH \\ 111 .Il'lll the MI'. and Mrs. Rudolph GreunkeMontl:lv "r'Il{' !nrlies rpmained <itl q time The Martells young fo ks Cdll Tloutmi..lll horne, (II' J'l'hnPTllx (jIll"' th(y h'3"\e ariu family spent Sund:JY eveningMI":';. 1:untld1l1 l'lltel'{;d <l ho~p~tll were complJmentfd [It n partyl In Mt HId MIs HenlY Reeg \\el€ <1\\ I) l\lr md Mrs Alt Longe ll~lted <It Art Young'sfot· '~ye tr(-'~tm.cnt. L. the CJty hall Frldpy evemng wI~en d.l!:it tV~nesd;]y alt~nopn guests III H(, \\d" :Jlt b~(J.I~h:~m~~Ilt the 'Cl1ff Oak home III Qllilah<l Mr. and Mrs.· Herbert Thun and

Mr. flnd j\Jr" L;:l\vre~ce C:arl~1I1 a number from ~en~ attended r the Adam Rl'cg ho e l ( nut here. ll"t \I. C'ek The Oak-. \\ t re f;atur- daughters spent Sunday evening ati and -r:[1tI7 '<;iE'lW., a~comf?anled Ilt A numbet' of hldlelS viSIted ~lrs Ml .llld Mr:i; H lly Granqlllst FI I'd .r .lhde lNerd IddY (J\ tCtlllgtlt \ ISltU! S at Long'l:;;, Erwin Vahl-kamp's.i t~L'it' i


:>C g\fcst.s. Mr. an,d ~,I~~, W W Evans s3j1e Iday" Tuesrl~y and famJly \\tete 1'1 U1sduy 'lIPPd <It the HeI'man as they were Culled by the death Miss Arlene Griffith who teach-Ilowdl Scoti, \.ve-re 0t Wat.er~." Q, Thl;' sale Wa~ \"J11 attended nnd gll{S~S <1t 1\1f'lvln elt's IO! Ml" Oak s father the latd Chas es at Belden, spent the week-end

II ~ I d ti 'i' I J~,hdt', In Pendpl' Friday Oal' '"E HOB' k~flold' H W'S .., a,. ("\\,('1· thl~ \\'E'P,,-lI'n , VISI.I ~ puces were g'o@ MI <llld !'4IS A chn~ Wei t <.lWU l:;S SUSI£' Ew- e\j'enltW Mr..1~lhdl"S birthd~lY. ~. n <:-... • e a also at Frank-Grifflth's.! ,r~ ...P:arl Sq'ott :lt1d the Dwm-nt Evans mOved We<t1nesd,ny to WalCe.,lln g ~'dlJ('d last Wed ('sddy t'\erllrlg . ' un !lncle of Mr.s. Longe. We ex- Mr. [lnd Mrs. August Donnan

S(olb. I .. 1 field after many y:E'ars of nl<;l-j Hl t~e Gl'Olgt' BIU <-; hom!' :\J1'. all~~ M.l·S. 1',01l1wt pU,lr('h'J~<;C'd knd sympathy ~u tile bNeflVl'd ah,d f<lmily .spent Monday ('\.eningAllnpltf' BOl·'''~ thIrd blrthdav of 1 1 lh Ice ri'te· 1 1 "will n'll I '1 ~ "11'1 d ~I H\t· AIIg.'u"t, (JH''-t' I.lnn III thl' f.m- ones. Mr.". O<lk If> th" funnel" 1\.'I,·ss 'It Fn:d B~km~n's' . c,', '"'.'. - ~l cC'ncc 011 epa ,:J .. rc \< - IV I·. all, jV n;. us,s'!" ,In S,J" • "lr. ,end "."So EI'mor Tho ';'0nM(:r,ld,l~ .\: ,l~ ~ ~ lne-mbcre.d Wh:l in,g. Mr. and Mrs,. CliIaunrey Agler' ;Iud .son were TIl ,Irsd~,y {'veninr. elr.SI)!l \"lcllIlty ~Ind Will. tllll\'P there. l\T(j(' E\·uns who taught Jtl dl$trict n ,,"Vl< '-- rrtE>1 <.

MIS, H<J.''Y,L~\L''On .;lnd Billy. ~fS' will occupy the 1 place <lfll'rI1nll\ojts HI tilL' .ErllElst Splittgerbe· Arnllld Bru¢II.~:lrl \\'111 !:li"mltl!t:' \·<.1- 4 {If LeslH'. ur Sioux- City, spent Thursoo¥' inEmil Miller. I\J1":-;. H;:\~s Lubler- M<lrch 1. home." l'<\lIr'r1 farm. the Harry Evans home.

ste.d"t. ,Dic!(v :lnd JU.~~ AIl~l hdMr. and Mrs. Geol Buskirk, Mr.' ML and Mrs. Mel\'i~ We\'"\ <ln~ Mr. ClnOI Mr Silver 'Wedding Is I ~ Charles Pierson and Patty.Jean

MIS. (1Jf[ I\hlllsqn vlslt'et1 m tll(' nnd Mrs. A. W, Dr1p~ and Ml".lfdmlly \\'('l"(' FriddY sU!jlp¢r guest· we-n' I of Wakefield, were Sunday dinnerAl"t Borg ,. and Mrs. Clare .euski~k and G:l?-ll<1st wl'l'k 11l the Donal!d l\1i1IJi"e ;It GPD. Observed by Jahfles guests at Roy Pie-rson's.

MI". ~l.nd, Art Borg, Mr. r~P lilO were di,:mer gUl'!Sts Sundayl:tn IllO!1lC, I, S.tlUff0r,; pl,lf1 to move to Wake- ::vir. and #$. Fred Jahde '\I.'ere Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierson andMrs, hid .S:1.n.d;:d11, Mr. a~d milS. the W. C. Rm~ 110m~. To celebr~tc' !\'l:l·. :tnd Mrs.. Rny Grmbll' <Jnd I fl{'kl IVl<i,fC'h I. , surpnse~ 'Ifursday (\v('nmg v.'l~en Kenneth were Sunday supper1:~1\\T('IH(, Hlng, .TQ{'- Johnson Ul1'd Mrs. Rin-(~ l~irthdalY of TueRday" Albtrt 1,lst Wedrwsd;ly <)flL 'A r,lr~\w{'ll p:ll"ly \Va" ,had [or the- Lacltf'S' Aid "nd thPll" r(l~iljes, guests at M. V. Crawford's.hl'l"11l11 I"'H~ lfl:r.m:lll utec!.~t :ver.'e ~he ~OIlOWln~ n,e,lg.~bors S" pen.t, tr e',' "j.I](,'on Ih.(' C:ll"l Bl"flnZYllS~! i <lnd MI:. Frl'd Hunl ;:1'0 thL'y nLlmb~rtng abmlt GO, Ol.'uught u c()- Mr. af!d Mrs. Cl<lrence Staple-

th~,~e \~ho nttend~d ~~e nfte.lnoon WIth h"'·I. Mrs. FA, Sa~-Ihurtie. I ~ I tTlo\ing'suuth o[ W,-lyln(' 1l[1;l uperatlve supper and Ice cirlc<lm man of Belden, were Sunday sup-, I'.lrln loan banq~t I<it, d.al11, Mrs. C. F,. Safldahl and pdc;- I\1rs. Art1lur ()ueg:l:Jrcli and Ma. _ J--ll~ll"{, Mr. Hurd purch<lscd. Wll\ luncheon fur later III honor uf per guests III the Art Young home.

]',H1P"I'."OI1 S;l.tll'rda~ noon. . clUa, Mrs. ~olhe Longe, Mrs., ,. ipe ~ml ;vIr:- :R;:lY G~rhble SP€l,t 1------- - ---- ---- --'-~--~~------____ Mr~. J. G. Kyl and Katherine,:'nd Mrs Lee S.tnuffcr '~d gar Larson. Mrs; ,Henry Nt Lon jl"nday III !III' A. N. Gr:Jnqlllst I Mrs. Festa Thiel were Sund8Y 3ft-,Ii (' from tI.w\nei h~ <lnd M.r.s. Bob Nelson. hurrH', ernoon guests in the Frank Grif-

into tile II si- Ralph Ring wels brought to hiS £o:\'l'r('11 :111(1 rAI\\"lll Lind"ily nth home.. , . by r, he l~omC' Sat:ll'd"y !lfI~p~'noon [rom 111('; \', l'IiL' Tlllll "d.,y dl11rl('r guests m Ml". and Mrs. nobe-rt Stone, Mr.

l:UHI\y In \\"l0- Coe hospital wh7,rcr :he Iwcl bt'''l'Tl, til' !\!I." .. 1"I.y Lllld~i.lY hUIIlP :.It I and Mrs. Fred Stone. jr., 'wereJ-\()od wislws Wl With since Tlle~dllY. Fle_' j~ (loing as \\"(i'll! \VIIf',ldl' Thursday callers tn tile Frank

,lh~'tll Ii> n('\\, ~,()m('. : I ilS can be e~~ctE'!d b.llt will ,1)0 I ]\~r" ,md M,.::: Gr,mquis.t j Griffith home.Mt Mrs. (;l1b('r! Linn and doubt l~(' ('onlll'led ~o hIS hOI.H.P lor! '-1m! iVli.<ry Ellt'jl \\'t"l"e \V{'dll£,g~ i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bleeke :1nd

\\'.~lld;l Wl'!"t' SunddY dinller gl1(!:-; ts lsome ~Im:. BesictftOj m~l~y jj"[C'llds: dllln{'l· ~:ll('''b ttl till' CI;lrcIH:)L'1 ,'son spent Saturday evening m.theill till, !lpnl'y N(']s()tl !lom('. Mr. and l'el:..rll\·l'S who VIS,ltE'd 111m i hom~'.! Otto Lutt home for Mrs. Blecke's

.--------~I . , 1\[1·. ,-I/ld IVIt·" Arlhur ndegnardl .and Delores Lutt's birthdays,IJ <lnd d:wghters :-pen1 T~lrsdtl.Y Mr. and Mrs. Art Young

IS YOUR COAL BILL ~)AST DUE? Hl the \VIIJ Tec;t lrnwfl,lT '~a:~~'n~r.fa~~y, ~:.. a:der~:~

{ lVIl s lV!p)'('r ;lnc! Alvin Rastede, Mr. and Mr6-. Her-ARE YOUR. WINTEn: CLOT!iES \\",'j f' .sund'ly t'\ l'!llng man Rastede and family, thE' last

l:.l'l w('t'k In the Arth 1" two of Concord. were Sunday call~Iwnw :'vJ:IXlIlC O(]("gClar ers in the Ted Fuoss home to sec

,'lCcmn""n;, d tlwrn 110nw ulltd the new daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dorman,Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johansen,the last of PlainVIew. were sun-IIday dinner guests In the AugustDormnn home. Mr. und Mrs. D~n

IHeithold ::ll1P. son, Mr. and Mr::i'I'Edwin Heithold and daughter, Ar­nold Junek, Mrs. Mike Draghu andchildren and Mrs. August Franzen 1were afternoon cal~rs. i

At Herbert Wischhof·s. ,:

Neighbors and .other friends sm-Iprised the HerbE'rt Wischhof fam­ily Sunday eventng as a farewell. ,:In the group were Mr. and Mrs. IJohn Bush, Mr, and Mrs. John:Finn and family, M~. and Mrs_IIJohn Dunklau. Aldan and Wilma,

I'Mrs. J·ulia Perdue. Allan Perdue,lMiss Lo,tj.n"Bu~~, Mr.;. lm~ .,Mrs'lHenry A:rp;' \vIr: ~"d' 'Yts:' toriPaulson, M:r. and Mrs, Lloyd Dun-Iklau and son, Mr; and Mrs. FredBeckman, M1SS Guinevere Lyngen.Pr~zes in cards went to Mrs. JohnDunklau, Mrs. John Finn, CarlPauls9n and Fred Beckman. Thelallies served luncheon.

Page 4: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...


NUDYs -'PrintsI $495


Rayon j'i'inls$3°0



Jllne .Love Frocks" $200

Betty Rase Coats$1475 $167:5,

('J)'II -pNll J'.Jyfln" Prl'lIn',,h hq aftrl"n')on-: .Ithflme. r'll ~ch(jul or' offll"'<'\\Cdl SPI mg U.dOl::' aud(OmOllldtlon::..

(~rd of Thanks.I WIsh to express SJ!l('('lP i-l!lll/f­

ClatJOn to my fllenns \\h() ICtnelll­be red me \Vlth tCilds and Ictt(" ,during my stay In the hu;-;pIldl­Mrs. E. J. Fuc"lel.

Plans ConsideredFor Country ClL~b'

Wayne Country dub bVilld met ITuesday evenmg at the B(>-Ch.en-!haucr office to consider plan~ (01 Ithe sedsom. Commiltet·s apPulntpd Iwill 1('port at a medmg wlthlt1 'afew days. Clarence Wllght IS club!pi eSldent. I,

Are to Be Married.' I,' ITully Straight, Jr., of Clill[JII.

and MISS Evelyn R'. Halder' of!Wayne, wdl pe mnillcd Malch 4 i

by Rev. W. F Mo"t. !

. To Laur{"l Position. IMr. and Mrs. EI Vltl ])IJI J!1r!; tllI'.­

cd Wednesday to L,llli (,J whp) t' \11Donnt IS mech,Hllc In thc J!dlll IDeere Implement shlOJl.

, B('turns to Omaha. jRobC1t Johnson, who came !lOInI':

Sunddy II om Om,dra whet'e ll{' 1('­celvcd tre,ltmcnt"i, ldUl fwd ttrueTuesday 'for fUl'thel eLfI c

Leave for Oregon. J

Mr ,md Mr:.. Jake ()clJ~l'r pl,lt1 !to Jea\e Satllrd~y for PlidLll1d.1Orc, wheie the f(ll mel \~ lil beemployed III a fadolY.

Name CandidatesFor City Election I

Party convcntlf)l]:-; and :Jard Icaucuses were lwlrl· Wednesday.evelllQg to pldce Hl nomulfItwtlcandlaatc$ lor th(' CJty elettlfJl1April 1. The tel ms of Eo E. F11eet­wood. and Albeit Juhnson exph'eon the school board On the COLm­

eli the terms of WaJtPI Miller ardLloyd Fltch m FIl~t \\dld. W. F.Perdue III Second uncl CUll WrJghlIII Third <Ire out

Will Return Soon.Dr. J. T. Anderson lelt Atldutj('

City, N J10 thiS Wpdl1PsddY til It·­tunl home after dUClJdltl"; till.'

~;:;:;~~:n'lr~;S~)l~'~d~~~~(': 'l~ ,~~.1,\I~':/,~ic,l<If!on oC School AdIlIlJJI,tl,lt"I:>/'meetings,

_. -- - -- - -Cub Pa<'k Mcds.

DfJY scuut lub" IIf the tf.1JlJllI g


school have a polek !TH.'C'lmg tilL-.Thursday evening at 7 o'clol'k HIthe gymnasIUm. DIck Danl"ter b111 charge of the handicraft C'x­hlblts W. R llaITI(,l" has thalgclof the advancement d\~dJ"(ls L 1".Good IS chdlfmiln uf the polck ("(J!ll­

mllLee. All Pdl ents uf culJ~ ~II L' Iurged to dttend.


College ~()Neli.·sF. T. A. hi:ld d br('akfc!.-,t Tue::.­

day eVCrlJng at Prof. K. N.Parke's wlth 16 altendmg. Theevenlllg was sp¢nt III stunts arldcontests. :

. -I-- --­WIi"!SJDt' BOARD

Wmsidc, Nebraska, Februdl'y 3,l~l. i

The village bOdrd (If trtl."tecs of ['the vllIage of Wmsldc, NelJrdskdmet at regular :;ess]{m at' 7.30 p.

~~s16~E~~~:~~Or~~~~I~~~n~(~~IDitmah,. Henry Fleer and H. L.Neely, trustees, and E. T. Warne­mund~, Village clerk.: The mmutes of the la:-;t regutii

meetmg were and upon mo~

tlOn made and carned, appl 0\ edas read: l

The folloWlllg bills were readaudited and upon motIon allowedand watrants ordered drawn; 1Fred Wittler, mgi., misc.

bl1ls IiJald ~ $ 6 D')Standard 011 Co., oll 24 r; ISIOUX City Iron Co" W,Jste 17,5UN. W. Bell Tele. Co., phone I

lental and toll 4651FaIrbanks Morse Co., 1 e- Ipau'S' 4.11

Cole ElectrIC Co., repaIrs ,24,50H. F. Miller, 'salary. 8500Fred Wittler, salary 140.{)0Green Mask Lab., -sand pa-

per. .. 21.89Interstate Mch. & Supply

,Co., packmg. r 7.86GaebleIj & Neely, ffil'rchan-

dlse .~ 30.04Gaebler & Neely, mdse. for

G.il~di::::~,;;nito;a;;ci;~ 3.72

G.t~~~1~~i;, ~t~~i tilb~r:::~~ 19~9gEmployers Mutual Casu;",-altr Co" insurance _~. 213.05Wayne IHerald~ pub. pro-

cecditlgs ..._.....:........_.._ .._... 2 13E. T. Warncmunde, salary

and noftage ..__ ._._ _....... 3900H, E. S~man, salary ;......... 25.00W & F' Machine Wks-~ re-

pairs " J. 23.~OState Journal Ptg. Co.,

books and sheets : I 48.94, , E. T.IWA:RNEMUNDE,

!27tl . ~ :~(J aerk

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meyer werein Norfolk Tuesday.. Carl Wnght went to Omaha

Tuesday to a lumber meeting.Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meyer and

Lorfamc spent Sunday at Cole­ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 1.ierfkcnsspent Friday eVgJung at HerbertPerry's,

'MIss Norma Fuesler who teach­es at Allen, spent the week-end attq.~ E. J. Fuesl,er home.

The Arthur Magdanz family <:It­tc:pdeq fl surprise party for Paul~agd<;tnzat Pierce Friday evbning.

JMr.i'and· Mrs. HcrbClt Perrys ent ~onday and Tuesday in theF~apk JiJaker home helping them

:h~= ~~~~ ;:~a~~:;:?:;.i:~~~ofl Pender~ bought I ~fann the

~rkers faye had.((.,J .. ' ,,' j.

) 1-" 'ir. f:~· i .~ ~'{ ,>":i~i< . .'J·

Attend state Meeting.. Albel·t Wat~on, Di'lIl v'uck,

WdJter Fenske, Berna) d ~ptlttger­

bel i-lnn D£:'1I\:.'1 Kal, lt1embel s,of theUDal d of supenllsOJ s for the Waynecc~unty sUll COnS('I\atl<lJ1 dlstflct,pl<:tn to Clltl'nd ,II mC'clmg February28 anp jVlalch 1, 1Il Lillcoln, togeth­er WIOi "UPC1\l'lsnls of other l"ioJldlstneb III Nf'\Jr.]sk<1. Albcl t W~tt­

snn IS ~he (')lCllrm.11l ol the W;;J)"nccuullly bOilrd.

It i5~~~l~erSl,:'1cte~ing to :f3s f: WaN~~ieldljl-! Logan ,a y"hepr 1m lVlqual ul'ge vlrlues !-s. wi. C. It h~).1 "I (By Mrs. Alhe, t Anq r;lm)

'they d noJj.r clIc~. But thoy Ilc-t:-""'-t++-..,.......-+-;~i--lI,L+-...:.. ......._--4_-1-..,..:._'1I know hat is .gh!tntl what IS . r. and rs. GfUS Schlultz fPent Ruth Armstron spen Sundaywrong. If tp~y sa anything F,r. day in1,orfolk. Ii wilth her s~ster. M ". No , at Dix-thlt t~ches prtver human rc- ~r. an r!4rs. CharlIe Ifuridberg onl Ila~ionslIIPs'ihe m ,t take the S nt Su ~ijy evening la~ Ernest I~l" and 'Mrs. Ru sell enstrands\(~e ~ctat d by (,'onSClenre efsonj::J. ' were Sunday dinn r guc s at GustTIley ate a pa~ent y altrUistH: r. ~nd ~rs. Leo scdJttz were -Wenstrand'p. I ,

If thcYlfm 0 ca.lon to l<.ly Sat."daYe:v¥t.flgguests~rMr.and 'Mrs. Geqrge Aindcni 11 Was aasIde cqnsc enc and do thmgs Mrs. Lou E~y. r Thcsday overn~gI1t gueft of Mrs.oyt of lllq,e Wit what they h,\(1 - Mr. and Mrs, Ernes~1 Packer P::aul BengtsoI\,1 J

~a~~;~'n~~~~ ~~ )Wm~~e~v~~e /ene~ ~~e~~n~tk~l~l~~~~~ert~ at the il~~.~~~yan~f~:;~O~~~nt:s~~~r;e~~like klClnntt t emsdvcs They The' Jos¢tfu 'Enckso~l family H.emy Bartlmg's. Iare just 'tob wj;'qk to do WhClt were Sunctay--a.rternoon J' guest,,; at 'Sunday evening V1SlttwS at EI}ulthey w;;l11t 1:6 ~p-cast te~ptCl- ! ,the Emmet~Eflckson horne. Muller's were Mr.' and Mrs. Wl11tum aSI~e----i4nd 1>0 they ns(' and Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Wolter Baker and family. 1

fall-rige in go ~ mtentions and were ThurSday eveningl gu.£'sts of Mr and Mrs CICl(ence Bakerfall in Iselfish practice. People Mr. and Mh. Carlin Petel1son and ~'hlidren :.v·ere Sunday eve-endorw the GoJdch Rule and .. ,Mr. and Mrs. Nep Swagg~lty nlnt VISitor:; at John :[}dhl's.want to', fOllOW'~ 1t, but when wE!re Sunday aHern'oon guests of hUlsd;lY cvenll1g guests <:it Har-th<!y slip back into the CUrlent Mil'· ilryd'Mrs. Elmer Lundberg \e HenrtlllgSetlS were Mr. "indin rwhich the fl test surVives or' !'vIr. and Mrs. Clarence Wolter MI ". MClrv11l Linder and Gerry.c<i~~ries off thclbiggest,worldly were Sunday dinner gue::jts <1t the Mr ann Mrs. Anton AndcrbelYgatn , they often forget the Elmer Fishq home at C~lrr(J11. and VernelI were SuhdClY 8fter-scriptural injunction until the The Ern€i~t Anderson falmJiy and rlOon visitors at €laln~ Anderson'oS.'subJect 'q" broll~t up agam and Ef:I. Lindtierg were Sund;jy dmner MI s Ernest Mitchell Clnd Mrs.it is apP'I·opriCltr. to reenullcir<te gUQsts in tHe OpcClr Johns\Jn home. H~rbcrl Johnson spent ThursdayIt. ConS1Clenng human fralltles Mr. and :Mr~,. Verdel Lund aJn~ afternoon With Mrs. Vidor John-and the needs of the flesh, peo- Gary were Sunday evenll1g 'VISltots sun.pIe usu~~ly make noble attempts Jrl the Lavern tednCkson home. Mr. ,HId M1S. Oscar Bjorklundto be c¢lIltslstcnt. lVIr. and Mrs. BIlger PeClrsdn and daughter:; were ~unday cvc-

.. were--.. Sunday aftcrtl<;)(Jn 3J1d nlng vlsJlol5 elt the k KU~lJup----E'd--il"' -------- lunchcoll guests of Le~j Dahl- home.:.J tor-IS gren's. 'I ,sunday illtcrtlOUn and supper

(('"ntllllllf:d fl<om I'ug-c One) Mr. and Mrs C. A. Uundbell"g :gucsts elt Will Borg's were Arlene- . - -r-- ---- -. --~ -- -and Rudolph w Ie sunqa, dmner and M8rJonc Halstrom and Doo-tIccd un¢ler autocratic rule. T11e guests of Mrs. Sophw 00 ms and Ole Pal k. Istudenls iwere g\ad when the day duughters. I MI'. ill1d I\lr" Clarence Baker andwas over and Amelilcdn customs Mrs. HeD! y Roeber and thl ce Ichddlen were Thursdar dinnerof cquallty and laln\ess WCiC re- daughters and' Mrs. EmJl Millet' guests at Will Te:;\,::i, It b~mg Eve-stmcd. , I' VIsited Mrs. MinnIe Mlller and lyn's buthddy.

.* ~. * 'i-' MISS Erna. Mrs. Lawl ellce Blaiiert andnain on 'Big /Scale. Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmer Lund, son, RandaJi, und Mrs. [)to Schultz

Southern Clll~Ort'11<l does e\l'ry- M<lrJonc and Dons WEHe Sunday wele Sunday nftcrnoon 01:>ltors atthing on il big sc~le It IS now out- evening guests Il1 the Erick 1"1 cd- Vl,r gl1 Ekberg s.

~~17:1I~)f~~~.r p~l~\~cOf ti:~e t~(~I:~I,~ dckson hpme. Don;ild Flcetwood w;t:, a Sun-MISS Ann Bakel' and Wl'"l('y ddY afternoon 'Irld supper guest

amount for thc 15ea;-.;on has lallen, Baker of Spencer, Neb, wele Sat- ,It the Elves OI~(Jll home. He alsoand It IS stll\ cO(l1lng. Los Angeles urday and Sunday guests 111 the callt:'d on Ralph Hltlg In the aHer-lIver wh;ctJ h,b the distinction of lvIl·S. MJI~Dle Millel" hOline. nooll. IbCl~1g dry most oj the year, IS now Mr. and Mrs. Rouertl F. HClnS<llI, MellY Ellen ,l(l1l(:'" of Emerson,ovcrf[owltlg. Floods and property eti b t th I

damage have resultE'd. While Nee. :~~:n~~~n~he ;C:\~,~l Et~':1;Oi;~~~ :~~\~l, M;s ~~'o(J~~(~or~~S~~~~fa~~br.lfika has receJ1,:er! more mOisture banquet In Emerson Saturddy. ily. She Icturned lImne Mondaythan usllal dnd IS thus havltlg Its Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert F. Hilns(Jn, l'VClllllg. Isnl~ put lJ1 betti:-'l' shClpc than for Mr. and, Mrs. Emtl Mrller Wl!'l'(' BLirnell fH1d Annnd Grusc i:lt­seV'!Clal yC'ClJ"S. It I" eXpetlCnclIl.g no SIOUX CI~y VISItors Thuf'"o.;dny whl'lI tendpd a fan:'v{cI1 PCllty for theuO'jVclcome excqss. t1;;men had stock on the mHrket. Gc'ol·gc. !\1dl"tlnsl young lnlks near

.• j ' r. aod Mrs. Kenneth Slutz and W,lyrle l;l"t wcelL They are movingLJving Condttions arglC Kay and Dean Slutz were to low."

Seen As Deplorable Sunday dinner and suppcp gucsts. MiS Gus Sl'h!iltz and Mrs. Emilof Mr. a'nd Mrs. Oscar BloomqUist Ekberg .~PClJt il large part (Jf last

1jhe deplorable livmg cOJ;ldltJons Mr. and Mrs. Norttl~n MU{fen \\c'ck <it VJJgil iEkberg's asslsllllgIII t:entral AmE:'l"I~a HndDlq Mexl- 8nd family of Newca$tJe,l......wcre WIth cdnng fo!,tBarbCiIi:l, who wasen wele df'scrl))f'd fnr Klwanwns Sunday,' dmner (lnd supper guests III ,J!l week.rvr(~llday ,by CliffOld Heyne of at the pteve Swanson home, The Mr. and MI:-;.l HdTVC"y llenlllng-

~~~C':\1~;;1~o t~~:~n~~unt~~~~I.t~I~ ladlE'S are SIsters. sell VISited Aldn Oberg SundayHeyne, who whh ,I compCllllon Mr. ~nd Mrs. Paul LRssman and afterlJoon. Mr, ,'jlnd. Mrs Lars NI,,~

Donnie! MisoS Cleva ,rurgenson, sen were Sund4y e\cnmg VISltOIStra:vPierl by loot over mou~tdln Henry Bush, Harry I·hnnenchs and i:lt Iknnlngscn':::j.l1i1ths .sq\dom fJ'equented, descrtb- WaHer,Bottcher spent FrtdClY cve~ Lddll.'s uf SUljmY"lde school dlS-

~~ 'lt~l~t~r~~:: :\t~h~~e~:Cl)huet:e;(~~I~~ nlllg at Emil Miller's. tflLl tf)ok their Ilunch "wct went toMrs.: Oscar Bloomquist entJ~- thl.' school Monday afternoon to

~)I:°fr.:7n~:~il~c~.I~~i~~I~~~~~~~}~:= tamed the Pleasant Hill club Wed .. sul"J)1"I~l.' tlJ(,l~ ~acher, MISS Arm_bah 15 poor. Chet Walters, clasCi- nesday~ afternoon. T'I1Je tIme wat strong, It bel g her birthday,

spent lp needle work and VIsiting. l\1J". and Mrs. Cbl'cnce Holm and~~~~~:~l~t~~~;p.e~~~c:~.t LmcOln, 111- "Phe hqstess s€!rved luncheon. MCI'lyn and Mr. and Mrs. Herman

Mr. land Mrs. Ben Lund were Stolle llnn dpughters were enter­Sunday dinner gue."Lo.; of Mrp, C. tained [or Sunday dlllner and sup­,John Andersnn. The Elmer Strom per ilt the Reuben Holm homefdlmly o( Omaha, WCJe !Jut-of- I'lld,ly c\enlllg VISltOlS at Ken­town guests. 'neth Wl'llslrand's wen' Mr. and

Mr. and Mrs Al thlJl' Fell, Mr. MI'. Glover Cal I' :ltld Cllllton Mr.and Mrs. Bernard Ellckson <:>lJfl and Mrs. Russell WCllstrand wei eMyron attended Mr. toilld Mrs. Os- S<:J.llHday C\Clllll'" vI'.ltors th,ele.ulr Petcrs-on's silver weddmg ,m- 'SunddY c\ellltl/-t" \ ISltnt's at Oldnlvcrsary Sunday, 'Slndccrt's hclpmg them celebrate

Theron Culton marketed t.'dttle thell' weddrng annl\ersary wereIn Omaha Monday, MiSS Erna Ml1- Mr. and Mrs. eLl.ence Holm andleI i:lcl'ornpamed 111m to the uty M{'llyn, !\tIr. und MI~. Frank Holmw)JCre they were guests at tile and ]\1[;-;, bmlly PtalsonCllarlie Culton home.' ._ MI. 8nd Mr" Arthur Vesccn dnd

MLss Helen AndersOlI \Islted Edcll <:lIe !Jlmlng to town thiSMrs Ernest Anderson Monday aft-! v,;eek. We Wish them much hapPI­emoon and from Wednesday unt!l ness III theJl' new hbmc. Mr. andSaturday evening she was a house Mrs. ClaIre Anderson and sonsguest of Mrs. Reuben Goldberg. w1ll move to the Veseen place.

MIS. Lawrence Blattert and Ml". ,md !VII s. Paul Bengtson <lIldRandell were Sund.ay dmner children WCI e Sundely dmnerguests In the Schultz home. In the guests at Olaf Nelson's Clarenceafternoon, they and) Ml s. Leo Nelson, <:J. natHlna! guard of SIOUXSchultz visited Mrs., VIrgil Eek.-- City. spent Sunday at home, re-berg. I turning tu SlOUX City Monday.

Mrs.; Paul Lessman and BonnH.' SUllddY dml1er and supper guestsDale ~nd LeRoy Lessrrwll \Ver~ .1t Heroert Johnson's were M1'. andSundajy evening visitors i1t Mrs. Mrs Harry Wrmdel and famJiy,MJnIlJl:~ MIller's. The h~.'O hitter Mr. and 1\11 s AlfJ'ed Nord-strom)('turned to Des Momes dUflng tile and family. Mr. and Mrs. Victorweek.1 Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben

And agam the gnm n~ilpcr sl1- Johnson. •ently stole in and clalmed one of Thursday evcnmg \ lSI tors atour fp'rmer neighbors and Park. Herma~ Muller's, In honor of Mr.Hill teside~ and sincerest sym- Muller s birthday were Mr. andpathy; is extended to the bereaved Mrs. Walter Grosc and famlly, Mr.relatl~'es of the late CharlJC Oak. and Ml s. Anders Jorgensen and

Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Wolter Neva, 1\11'. and Mrs. Emll Mullerand fMISS Verna Wolter J were <lnd Marcella, Mr. and Mrs. Johnamong the large group of relatrves Danl and Norma Jean and Marvllldnd friends who helped Ml'. and and FfanclS' Muller.Mrs. Fred Wolter of DIXOn, celc- Friday evenmg suppct guests atbratlk their 30th weddIng aOO1vel'- Anders Jorgensen's were Mr. andsary. Mrs. Clarerlce Bakel and children

Thur1day evening Mrs. EmIl and Mrs. Ev'a Conner and children.Ml1kr, lVII's. V. H. R. Har"!S0n, Mrs. Other Vlsltors that evening helpmgE. C.•Shellington, MJSS Ectla Clnd Mr. and MI·S. iJorgcnsen celebrateMISS Ruth Collins attended the' thel!' wedding anlllversary were;musiC hour program at WSTC at Mr. and Mrs. Haryey Henningsenwhich tlme Miss MarIan XYltlicr and Sharon, MI". and Mrs. Emilsang solo parts. Muller and Marcella, Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and'Mrs. Emil Miller rnter- Lawrence Herfel and Carl Holm­tamed at dinner and suppen- Sun- berg.day for the following guests. Mr. --,-------and Mrs. Emil Hanson, Gel1aldmc LOCALSand Stewart of Pierce, Mr. andMrs. Alfred M. Daniels and Chll­dJ·en of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. :Et'.M. Gustafson and Elinor.

Mr. and Mrs. CecIl vlarren,Dwayne and Keith a~d HarfIY Bes­sire of Laurel, were TuesdalY eve­ning visitors at Bernard Ericj{son'sfThey caIIllO to get litUe BOb~tWar-

~~~:~~:sth~e~::r~~= ~~e~~~,pairing thew home Whiqh· ~asdamaged-by., fire. -j-. I 1

F.mn Books 'AvaUablt 'Farm ac'count bdoks ma~be ss­

cured .t -(\.gent Cliet W~lt rs' of­fice in 'tbe' ~QUrt h~use. TIl e hejp

, greDt!y' in m~ing 'income aD< re-ports.! I

I' I , ' I( IFloYp. Mill~f ~ recleetea head

of Pierce sch 01. I' "I'"I~,:y, ,llln~~4i;~*i:i~:n~~~,j;!1 "' .1 i,i:: ' •• ~ .•• , .~

'Relish SOURCE ~f ilIforrnation touch-

~_ THU n ..":~ . ~~!,,~:_l+=,'-'-+-~'Mental ,1'1' IS ~T surpds'ng 'that

,1T:U(i8tSI:,nd~n(nt;:e~.if¥~r:~~tei~ Iv~Su~~:I ~dnk keyee' hi yh, so e low, find di~1ree- the Ameri-

rrJ~~t in wpat shoul be done nd hatI $l;io'-lld be left undo~ in a worl ilil~ eas­I· ing]y disorder d,'an ,lnereaSit\gI1'ch ged: ,with uncertain y an fear. : I -

,I For twenty ears *tel' the,,,,a to IiJake, t4ef$orld saf, for l emocracy, e Yjel'e

shit' il1g e~ono Ie po icieSlt' " rmoolze. wlt ~he p~aeeful idra, and i Iv ~ hoped

and often ,beli ved ~qciety ()ul~ h¢nce-, 'fort'h move al ng 'slej'enely 'Iod I happily.

Pao'ple f1e,y hi h fOj'~' time, g;"bt morethan they ¢ou d af{~ d. apd ,'1ft n PIt onmore style 'th n waij OQdl fo~ their ouls,

I' little sus~cti g tha a j;evl1re' lev ling- _.~...,_---_dowll,orde'l as in~ ospect. ~ The Ncb aska Iq,islaturt' Is ohowln

; Finaily Imes tig t ned, Va!Lle~c ''1shed, little jlatleIlC~ wllh IIPIV tax hi Is-npenin. - un~mploy en grew nd'tlJe ab'-l d ~I't life the transom' nd 'Ii,wing them out in rapid

../ wa$ gi¥en. so ar pI x ts blow. Al h pen- succession. I he sesxioll is apr:: renUy ~et to. ed so tmeXI~ec edry t ,t no one h';jd . e to pass, no la\\t 1I0t ('onsistent with actual~ake a~rflpg mentst'I~-0 soften tll'e ,jhock. needl, and re ove an oncumb ' nee of use­The W s~ln on "d inistrati0n tackled less jaw~ as f II' a, possible. 'l'he legislature

r $ventt-hi g I it dream inner cirtle could I is n(~t fanLtlJl"' ic and is in no m od to in,vite~#fit>~.QL£l!l a ay out of the tanglinll' eco- I doubtful ex'p 'rimenls. ( It IS e, idenlly hent

JilomiCJllo~rss, utea a ,-nccompliEthel/ little on Ipaving 10 the new (Ileal InlWashington

, lJ1l~¥.Po~v~ "hi ~d:~~b :S~S;'lld gl~at~r task I wild gue",d' n economil' tinke ·ing.

....,-r~aring i!i nti~ b" rie s to ali n th1'eat:s 'rhe leg >tal nre-h~-;;;;;~nsiderallO"~;J;at ,,;oul te I' d01"l) I stitutio s df fr"", a hIli to r qUIl'e slale Illsljlu~lOns to buy

,.~"bple~.he e 'nd e'J,,~:r"here. N wonder Nebra$ka rjlr@ducb ilK idr ,\I' JIIosslble, and" people s n~rve ~f .",.r~m. texturelar¢ often in tal;i;idg ~he step II b hut lendorRing a, upset and I~ c nfhc,., , " policy ~alk!ed as Jail' 'lilli, .Iu~t since time'

,I . '. 'J" imme*,<I>ri~l: Therp aI'p pJ(jIl~,V of s'oureesflwofold HE II' uirla1 Press en:lCe of sLllPnlY'withlll the statp Ifj, satisfy de­Defense mpM~l e the nded 0 lJU.lld-


mands of d'llItJlptition. an!I it is only reasoll-ng de",ns .not qnlY gamstl able to IJlI~'lfrorn those'who are taFll foI'

~~reign atlilc , but.; n suppol1t IOf f.uture Llp,keep.- mde~endehce ~nd h,¢ ~tandards0 IIVll/g, I"'--~.- ob _. . __,_

.1.I'OI~llgdde ~e as t ,ofold, It says:: ]<"jhn"II'y is al!Oul I'pad,v to stC'p Ull'. of"First" A erican i dustry, aided I:)y the ~he t}1a('~.,-I <uld glvp \va,'v' 10 March whIch

other ,gro1PS ·n our eco lOmy, is going 'tu out' HeK b~t\'..· :ell win LeI' alld Kpriqg and which~u,pr6d~c til mater:ial and equipment neces~ !f!~Y l>e liW or turbul<:nl with.eqnal.facil-saty ~OI. aU nal de~el1se. From the 1SJ!nallest l~Y. By M~~"ch 1 m()~t I armer:-\ intendIng tnmachme S op owned 'anjd oper~ted ,by one man ~ove wilf71JE' }wtUl'd ill theili new l1omes,

Ii' right up '0 tle la~g~sU factopes. In ~e land, ~djusUllg"~~(1m:';H'I\'cs10 !lew Ilpig-hborhood:-;W:hOleht~atlltedd Platrtotlf~1 ctooperatton IS bemg mnd PIAn.lllihg- their v('al"s w~)l'k. All feelgIven 0 !le eme e ....br . h 'h I If ! ' I - I. "That lis p eparedrel> for today. Butl'0 the . cl.l... ?pe~ ,01'.'<,111..' l.pwarc ~ 1!11 cro~ pro( ~c-

J;'pce to 'mak Ameltca .strong,' we must not ~lOllletit dn!~ fumel rOllnd~tti n thHlllIsuaLfH~glect p.repa edness ~ol' tomorrow. FOflwe a~<e' 'J::---- ._-- ~--

$t.riving) th~o gh all!oA this defense effort, to Meed t)j'i~€'s ,cl!'P 011 the w .v up, accord;pr~erv~ pur AmEll'ican way of life and our jng to }"('lHmt markt,t quoUdiullS. Hogs arc,~ericalnlins itutions: .f\.nd we can ftccQmplish ~l third hligh{'1' than t hpy WE'I'e a . 'par ag'o~t,lns goal fni~ If we prepare ours.el.":.es to go fOT- and bepf' stpprs have soared 1we ty per

..- wp.l'd -tal I hI her stardard of liVIng when thlS I'~' *' I"drisis is;o er. Just as we obtain airplat1es and ~~.I:t.. CJl'OnO~I}d~.~:~,v (~Il~t~ le.neI~~t '. ,. , It~nks today 0 ly by ,productIOn, so will better: II.~L, .-I".ll;] n~~~t ~lVlllg :"d":~nd:-u Is .\\l~l, I( clC~llving fok' eve yone in the future come only as new hl~h ]{ vels. Bill \\ Ith IJwltIp.lH (! ll\ll~..,qll of us pro uce more and more'thro,-\gh the denR oj d~'lJ~, what a h\-'adaetlC WIll followWorkmg lof a system 'bf private ehterptise. ' te$tol'atioh df. \\ orld jH';LC{, arttd cullapse of.' uTha~ is be two~old concept of Amenca's defense nbe(~s! .

defense.I ! '

Page 5: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...




iHosiery is still the lm\Jurlanlone-fourth of yoUr- cqstumeo... See. the nel¢spring oolors

in •• OR 0.11 in 8·Run-Stop

St o<ckings"They'~ .rhinJ

for your',Legs"

il 00' I~.. , .Ii I '-I·L

; __~..l-.-.....~~_"

A New Shipmenlpi



I AI.TONA ; .. Mi~S Rac~el l!ansen JaIled Satrurday mornmg 10 the Emil Meyerhome. I :

HOfDer Biermann and Max Edi­son spent Thursday evenmg m theAlbert Greenwald home. I ,

Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Splittger_


Imember Me." this will be a com­munlOn service. qur ajk is to haveevery member present. Our friendsare e~rdial)y invited to worshipwith U5.' il. ,J

B. Y. P. U. fi<t 6.30 p. m. .Union Len1fih service at B. This

is the flrst of a senes'of union'Len­ten services. The Rev. WilburDierking of the· Pr:e:$ytenanchurch Will bnng the ~ssage.

',: Ii f ' II'RAJ],D,I AY,FEBR ~Y 2 ,194~ "


Fancy Red "fincsap




.. Pancakt 'Flour3-lb. I' :LfI\~

.'Bag.. 'i1- I ,.

. ilr.CAIlOI!II1\'" ,


~·lb, 'l$¢~---+-r-~....;.._

.fiG\ SOAP'.5 La"'I' I I ;r8<~

Uars ,I I

J Here are 'the fj~1Jrd fixNsI you've always \\a.nlqd hutuntil no\-\( lIe~'l'r {'rHIlll lli" Thl3

mira('le yarn L.a&lex pli 8 the. rna ieal thread Nvlon l1lt-lk'$ os-

!'lillIe ~ylies. You'II f~el III m ~f'RS~-1hey;rc lighter, f";J.ft~,'r --yr,t yr)u

ran s,"e iJr ·your..;rlf their ,l-igurc lwtle-fits ~ they're firmer, more per~at;ive.



S,lAN'Sf' p r" A R IS L I" () It iM E N A;"; n W Q, lU E ~




CltyG,oce,y.Uome' of C!I(jicp !lfeais alUl (;I:fAccrie>(

_...--L PHONE 355 --_


O'lt;\;GES I tO~~~,lcdmlU ~l.lZ.e PCI 25c

6~~ Pound~1){'I"



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~I ¥ ~. .Mt·~. , H lier r'e~eivea II and Mrs. RGl ph Berridg~J ne';' i se:Jin

- I I Y IUS. '.' r. I, i members of the club, and! their I F'. GoI ' ,'I , I ,I I J r* *, 'II I 'husbands were welto1Iled ~t th~ I R. G.

bi Britae.£.unCheon., 11 partiY. ~ I: ; Mrs. ', I '; I d' I I l[ j J I s. c,l M Cra~en entertaiJlj.~ I .' # *' * , i Prest , Mrs W'~ A. Wollenhaupt! ",s:qql~~ ~ E ~,S 0 I l\1, Ha~i\iirs whoI ea 'es Soopi101 ed idorl:h embh~ and J\!1tS'1 Mrs. McMaster, Hostes~~ and liss Betty ''Wl'ight.j Royul N-j';"ligh Drs 11p~t 'next I I H~lron .t~ll{e" Mm 1. II j I w J Bennet of Airmstrong, Ill.) M1·S. c. A McMaster Cnter- fi; )1

'. Jb..tesdi,y:.! ..... ' , ,r,! IMmel'~'~ club In 'et next ~hl - at nc~eon ,and hridge 'lhur~-I tClmed ~onday club this iweclc : CHURCHES,J E,t>.F'pnc~H.~ "l:i,da;r- viti IM1'~' I i d~y "wlth",~hs:, 1..., w. Ro~:, Mils. day ~ ·S. Aj'T. Cll.aYcomb, wlh.o Other guestsi 'fete ,Mrs, \S.' fl· I It :. ,

II Ivm' J'a~e:!; , L -" I Af J.i. GU~hJer l10p t le Iles!;o~1. I to~J hI h 5cprc p~lZe" prest;nted ! Lutgen,' Mrs. W. F. Dicl'kin1, I uel Ev. Luth~~ Church.,I Mrs. R. W., jlrtels' .ntc'-tam/ I., ,St. MPty's Guqd. b~l(c $alc , thlrto IJIrs, .Benn~tt. Ine woril-I Mrs. R. R. Ul.rson and Mb. E. I eFt v. ~-'. Co Ductor, pustor.)'<".l:col'e',t:.lok rct 1"t tta 9 r s~.t., M11r. 1, start~n Ht 1 p.,m.,_ I en eet again in ~wo weeks. ,! w, Hus,,:. Mrs. Russ~l AngerS!' , >Lclycn 1en'lee in the German

..,. ,4 f\ y. I 'I P 1 I" N"t""'~ ,',' 1"'711 I ~ *.* ..:t , .mlll Mrs. A. M. Damels arJ. ne 'la,'gu, g... ~.undiiY at 10 a. m. 81. Paul's Evan. Luth. Church. At AUgust, Matthes'.I ~Ml'a. A. B. C lrhart.'entl! 'tams, ll~ eop e,,'1 '-' '-'fas q . IC~" I ~.... 't' 5" ,.. ...

. ;Ont~· lii 1 b't ,., ',lB. 'lnd" D. meclt.s ,hJS fhms- Ma jI-O to ~VJeetilngo j members of the club. Sna~dra _ I' _'_, (G. Gle:;;chcn, pastor.) .Guests In the August Matt.hes.Hle, ell ,e elY.· i IiI V n'n' w·U M r 11 P t ]l:l.1'11octo ,m('Hwcrs were on:;; and s;wee\l-.eas were attrad- ,I Salemfehurch. Church school at lota. m. WOl'- .ir:.• home Sunday, February 16. fb:.tNUtltu:ml'(' wedlf€Sday tyeC'lg Il"I>,',!:I' c- 1 ~ .

ttl M'" ·1 I ~ I q':;1I1. Mu,. PdU! I l'awebl,l <lS- I gu ,ts f ,M~s. Ra;y GlIderslccve tlv.e 'aIDa the home. Prizes lb drtc\. A. Uo erel', pastor.). shIp serVH..'es at 11 a. rho supper In honor of the twin5',n '. R.',:'!·'I'b'·1 ,Y/: 'fl·e •..·d ...Y ~l~t:;. /' ' l"cH ·ua IY18, Mrs. Douglas Rus- bndge ...we~t to Mr, Andel S~I Sullday schuul at ~ p. m. S~rv- Week-day' religious !Ilstructjon Mal"]ol'lc and Marilyn, 6th bi.....th_

W'~I M ,.- R' Wh '1 <. Heb~ltalis JJH'C~ 'nd;ly cvc- sell1iwa.~ a a-uc~. Prizes in 5:0U I and Mrs. T. T. Jones and iJi Ch - kes at a p. m. Tuesdays at 830 a.lm. day WC1'C Mr. and Mrs. AugustI 1 1 I:;>. •• Q[ oW i lIlng. r-tJjs. Ailce ,M, bbDt!. Mrs. I we It to,Mrs.,Ed. Granquist, Mrs. !lese checkers to MIS. Lnrso. CatechetlcallinstructJUl1 Tuesday Secund I"en~n serVIce Wedn~s- Matthes, sr., Mr. and Mrs. George

I.Kar~ K'lu~. J eet~ n 'XJ;\lfues_. Ella Smit)) und Mrs Mmy h c,., I C. . Ppwcr~ ~nd Mrs. Texley'l Mrs. McMaster presented no _ and thursday.' J day at 7.3U p. m. TOple:; "Man's Nau and famlly, ::vIr. and Mrs. Hid.q.f,y \\Ilh Mis. lflCd· Ko 11l~. I~er've. . SI erman. The hostess served., erg to each of the' guests. The Will and God's Judgment." .Roggenbach and fam~ly, Mr. and.I' Mrs. R. C,. ahlb{' Jt IHer-- Mrs. 1\. C. NO\"tOl atld Mrs. I Ml'. Ct'~de Hockorn cnt~rtalll:;; I hostess sel'vcd and wa:'; oS$Isted ThIPhilUS <;hurch. An adult confll"matlOn class Mrs. Otto Thles and family, Mr.laillo M. B. C. , ext M( nl1ilY· I'Shlrley Spl'ilglle ,. lel'l,,,,, the 1 Ma 'eh i- , by Mj" VU'g'?la McNulty. Nett ~Rev.. Hoteru, pastoL) meets Wednesdays after the Len- and Mrs. Ernest Wolf of C,el!ih-

'I 011. it. W. ;a,spcr, el~t.ist, I B.l'lptJ~t Aid Mlll"t,h 6 HI tile NUl - r r* "* .X- Monday MIt;. Junes C'Jltcrtams: Sulnday ctwull.lt 9.JIj oj. m. t:ng- ten ~ervice. ton, Herm8n Broschelt, John,l'houe )20~", W yne• .;Jeb. j'27U ,t,m Jwrnc. I Wi h Mrs. Kingsleyo * * * I ll:;;h ,::;erVIl"l'S at lU.30 a. lll. .... The Women uf the Church W1J.l Wendt and MI'. and Mrs./ Leu

. ;~. '1 I M ~ i I r -Bl,d-Um Members, were BU<:Jiness Women's Club. A~h WcdnesddY. Lenten .!;el\]I.;('S meet thl::, ,Jftel'n(H>Il <it 2 o'cluck. RIchter.• CHT\leO club, I i\~ d It;JO \lncl1- )1". <ll){ I.".,. . t\,li( U :,O)J bell wJll hd\ l' the j)wguun. gu sts llf Mrs. a. J. Kmgsley ""Bu"I'nes" <'nd I', olc".""I'Ol,"1 at 7;~O p. rn. Cunfll.mCltlUn classes Saturduy at

~'Oll thlS ,l"ndd \.\"tl1 Mlis L. F. ,will C.'llt.Clti.ll11 ~h~' ;ICUJty, dill) I'J(.!"bytClh111 r adles AJd a'id '" "'''' .,,, Fl C t h l l' 1 t S t 1 nd "'3D M,'s. E. (:, M"ae

w"e I'n Omahal ' I I t (j 1 1 I 11" t r ...., r 'i'u. 'sday, eVCJllllg. HIgh SC01~ Women'" club 'net 'fu"".day e"e- 'J cc C ICt.l IllS rue Jon d Ul'- a L.. p. m. _ .. " ... "Clrv. I 1,1 a I)COC( llrlW !lC'X ue$- MISCiHJllil" SOlIuty will I,a" a ~ It•. t nt t MI'''' .... ....., ¥ d"y,U.'9 a. rn. f S d '' • , (l.·, ",'en,11 J ' , J .... pr es I co I pdl' we a .. . b 1'" rom un ay to Tuesday attending

l' 01 ttuglJtly clllb lJd~r l,HI 1 y '- g I r JUlllt medll1g at the cl1 jCh' ',.. lllUg at t e dub room. t wus Grace- LuLheran Church. the state beautICians' convention.iUtiChCon~tlJdd ~ With 1M1~ J T. 1 flEO dldptC" cct· llext Maldl J' .,t 3 ,'''10'.1.. R pi, -r:-.,F., ood find MIS. W. H. deqided tcp make SCl"afJuooks tu

~l -'... '-. ~vf':ctt. 'he ~u~tc~.:;; sel'v:..?, using be lSent to 1m e;gn c0untru..'$. MIl'S A~tq-na Trini~y Lulheran Church. (Re\. Walter Brackellslek, pastor.) MISS Mildred Steele and Miss{~C,slel·." ~"'1I""1~ MIS. vi I TlIe,d<IY OItIlIO""' Illl MIS T w Chdmblll.l1l1, sUjJlIllitencl'I,t\Of Stll·p"tl'lck motif. Mh. It. W: TIuilh D,,';'me pl"yecL U plUno (Hev. Waltel' B.-ad<enSlek, Thllr>ddY (th,,) ,,'enmg al 7:30, Paulme McyC!' wCle tllere Sunday.~.. ,,""""'" "."", "",I,,,,,,,J,,,,,,,,J"'"''I''''''''''' '"'' """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,,, "'''''''''''' "","" [!J I tilt Sunddy 'slhool ot l<.ll g Ul B4rtl'ls entcJ"t<:ul1s the e'Vt:lllug ut sulo. WIlbur Ahlvers :<<.Ing vdth \aC,-l1lCY pastor.) Y. P. S, BIble study and social. En-

II , I • I ~ 'tilE stLltc 01 NebJiiska, WI llbe l'4i'lhrrCh 11. -"," ,* MISS Damme plaYing the accorn- SonddY, Gt'rman Lent.... n sel vIce tcrtalllment cummlttee. Robert ~""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Ift ~ I gUt.,t "'llldkel All the LH.h S.101 -" ..,.- C I ~It ::l p. m. Engll;--,h Lenten sen' Ice Meyel" .and Ch \ Jlk Peter". ~cn..mg:~, ~

I 1 I ;11ClllIlCh dlld COll"';JlgdtlUr Ill' Pa ty Sler~e~ Clo::te::t. :~~~l~ae~l~s ;~'~hs ~~'~~~SPg'CI~I~~ ~~ at a (j clock; Eldo Weseloh and. Clifford VIctor. ~~ ',/;(~ ~ ~o"

I 1 I ~_ tu dtt('~,. uthlhs Study cJub n:allzet! MI/';s Meta Strate and 1\11:;S Ber- C~mIlrmt.lll(Jn cldSS me.eb each Satulday, church sehuol at 1:30 : X (i _j_ . ~I

u ut $30 for the locul milk fund nide August. The sening COI))- TUlisday and FtlddY <1t 9:15 a. m, p. rn. ~ ~f,{~,:... ~,''i II '~SO(JIE1'Y fr,m a:'Dl:neS olt: blldge partIes mittec.was Mrs. A. L. Jutlubsen, ISundilY, SunddY ::-chool <:It lU a.


~ ,WE HAV,E THEM!,~ WI't> Mrs. M I er. i h ~d. Tflc condudlng pa;·ty WilS M~ss Nma Thompso,1 and Mrs. First PreSbyterian Church. m. German Lenten :;l'1'\ICe at 10,10 ~ ~' ~,

II ~y S tUl'day ut Hotel Struttun, Minmc Kagy. The dub v:'dI ha, c (Wilbul" Frank Dicrkmg. Mimster) o. m. Engllsh Lenten serVlce <.1t 11 :~I I ~ I IVl.1.1J. met WCdllt'sd'-l.Y \\-Ilth B idge wo.:' plaj.-'Cd ut e1ght t;..l- j dmner palty in tv,,) weeL. (Hus::ocl AlldcJ·son, MUS1C D1rector) u'cluck. ~ n /...... ~

111 ~ ~'II·., H('llIard IMcY('1 tUI anls bib. 1"'lze, went tu M,',. o. R. The committee" ;\1"., Helen (Aluel'l G. C"I'1,on. Org"rust) TUbday, ,hOll ,che","ul ,,:t 1.3U ~ 7' \ !• ~ I' dnd .sut'lal tl~~"J.' *" ~ B wen,'Mbs COlol Stodd'.I1·d and Gl'ldeisleeve, Mrs. A. D. LI2\Afb:, cllJl~~~e"'I"g,.:~·I~~~ll."IPO ~~'m' . p. ffi. I ~ Y _1 L:

1J lFS ~ .'J' ,,- - M ~JMiflne Hove. 1\1IS. Ted Foust. :vIl..,. F_ w, l'h- .Wedne."d<JY, ml..'n·~ dub mel'ttng :: '\ ', ~ rWith Mrs. E . Slipsky. ,* " * be,.g' and Mi" lkk" Bnwcl', Cnllege forum. 6:45 p. m, at 7:30 p m. 1' ,,;

~_: I ,Culltl;let l.:1Llb met I'll S.~ldY I M s Casper, Hostess. HIgh sehoul forum. 6 (JO p. m. The chJld1en's t:lo1 ss - .'~," \\ Ith ~11 s 1 tI M~s J 1 Lel1ten "erVlces wJlI be held 011 me t t :\-1 d W d d ltid

~B,( It :: , -,., , , '. . C(I~~l I~ 1~~l~·b~~.~,;"'I~~~·JI~~llc~~r~:~ll~~~ Have Guest Day Party. the ' WuJIll'..,d,JV evemngs ~I ;~<:/!~t' 41~1115 '\~.' m.e ne:s <JY <l ,,- ~


'1 ~lt',1 :,',,, l:u["rll"~I.I,y. * jl"lex[ h"!" o( MI',. Neltie C"II. Othel' sp~~,:;::,~~",; g~~':"~;:;s P;~;~':'~:~ 5, L~019. "6, Murch Our Rede""",,'s Church." . gtI:sts \1!crd :V11 s. L. B. McClure, and tea Tue~ddY "Jtern()on ,Jt ,'he _

·With Mrs.~Ahderson. 'M J M SliM W M (Re", W. F, Most, pusIIH·.) BE MEA SUR ED,r- ·S. , . ,. 1<)1(111.' p. . . ..- cl1ureh With 15U attl'ndlllg, E\'\:,ry Methodist Churrh.M,", J, T. Allrllll'o"" ,nlutcllll-I H Wklll"dl](1 ~ll'" <C;. P. H"r\l- chUlch III Wayne \Va, leIH'c,eh,- DIVine w"lShlp ,elVlce. II" m. SCIENTIFICALI;Y I

I~~·~ll:~ ...lc~·"~~ 1;~1tl(~;~llL)\tltl'.1 \e:l~~ 1~~~:~1 snn. Mrb. L. W. Vath Iwd high l'd <llld gUl'st.ti well' ;:;Jso P1Cb~llt G.{l~:: ~Jr~~~):I.J~~~'-,.t.",I~,~:\r:I;·;~E'nd_ Sunday ",ChilO!, 10 a. m. Gt:rman

T,HE NEW . ",' .'('t , ",1 ." tl,e 1·I{h". ~cfjJre pl!ize JII blldgl'. Ml"Z'. Paul frlJmCarl'OJJ WJt1 Id nd wi, ent. ,John H. KeIth. l'~'r)Jl.\dl1'ector; ser\"lL"e.~, I':W p m. FOR YO~.R CLOTHES _,~... H,<lrrlllglun en tel taillt-i Ill'xt Mon- ,::; l'd <J (C- , I.ChOir Iehe8\~'~al TuesddY, 7.:W IJ· Peepl- don', "y an=hing if the,e .:'.

' I, X X X dllY. ~)\~ll~~d~~~ ::l·g:~~·~ p~:,~;~~~:II'ur:IJ,:'~ Mrs. John T. HIl.., 1l!1", .II., Olganlst. m ~ .. ".. J'

,NYLON i,FOUNDATIONS'I' Bible Class Me~t:. I I ,. 'k 'k ,ntel'edmg 1'1 "gl'"m III the "~,~~~~I·i".,, M,,,,,h ~,'", '1~,~~7~ Adult mst,Jell"n Fnd"Y.'8 p, m. at< unsighlly w,inkles ClOd bulges ,' 1\IJ~. H,11I"YI Hq\'\.I!Ij) ¥llCI- Fot Mrs Ochsner :VI IS<ltutday 'iliJOul, 2 p m. across the back of youe coat .•. ~II I IIIIU! l'.i1Jl('C11("]l'(T"ucsd<JY hen IVIr:;;.l:l~lm,ltl sclllcj {'lIlt'lt;JltlC'd l'!lUlch <lUdlt\lllUm.. l". S. 1\. SClmrJ!1 :-,lIlJ.I('ct F,l1th of Col Uillon Lcntl'n Sl'I\"lC(,"~ :\ldlL"h 2 or if "our coat coUar pults away.':

Lutgen"icad ...omt' of he:' own lVIodt'l'll Churth' .\ good musiCI :\11'-,. Cllal Jutle was Iff,ld- Tllt'.\ida)l .1Itl'J !wun compllITpcn- 'I L at 8 p. m. in the Baptl"t chul ch •.. bUI _I..

m• rrf-os~lfy '.'ou'"ppear- :.'I' :1.·':'11~'- EtflJl l'ntct1ms .talyt~h;l' llIl'Ce. MI":-;. Jal~t' poems lleMt ...,.!I(lllyE. t'Y prrJgl,ln1\\illb"I!J1.>l'nt('d.College Ul...... '-f" •

l!luStl" 'd \\ltl1 ch,l1k Il'dgue, 6'30. Htlllt'lt <\\'llght, pIC'Sl- 1~.h Rev. W. F Dll'lklllg sl--lc<Jk- anp,,~~.,af'n~ar,,'nlue,S5~anul'td< ',.~enaop.~'2:iangh. :,~.Il\.:-.L 'ful',-d,lY, I qtthsnel',whulsmo\l1lgtuI1urt- drdwmgs.Mls. \V.1\lcN<JttHnd dellt. Bigli '(!lUll] 1t'dgUl', 7. Art , ..... , " .. " ~~-~ 'il- * I Itlr

d, OrC'. Other ~uc"'ts ,+,01'e MIss Dololl'S :\1cN,ltt plc ... ctlted LmgH'I1, P1'CSlr1ent. l~. ~.UIlCllrncn mel'! .:\Lllch 6 ..11 H tee of a perfect 6t. TlU! fit of ~

Felber, Hostess. !' I MI's. 11. n HCftl, MI:;. Gur;Ldv "The Story of Old GIIlIY." I th 'd d ~ther =C. [l. llllLJ 'tn'{'t 41Molltlay With l(IIJII <In(l Mt~. Adolph n(lhl~f of Guests then WClIt tlJ the lhUtch Fl B rh' Ch I Ladll',", uf our cllllldl .Ill' lJlged ~our (0 e; epeq s, I~ • 0d ~

, A Wm:--ddc, Mrs. Wm. Knoll. Ml.~. !Jai'lors fOl' tei! ""lllCh '~dS stel v- rst a" 1st un· 1. to attend \~lOlld DclY of 1'1 ayer ow expert y you, are ~~ure :~;I~I 1~/l·lh.f;(,~'.'~~~~I~ ,~I;:;m,·ll~l~ I~loyd Miller, MIS. Petal Henkel cd from tables ,-lttLldl\c JJl red ~~~~~. ~; ~i11~,~~~\~a~:~':.'~1l +,-1 \ Ices Fl"lday ilt tile Presbyter- •.. and how skillfuUy~ pr~. jS,II')g~llJ. :\11'>, C. H. 1'1shUl".lll- ~;8~~l..'~I":·el~~~(r· Thomas. i

TheiJnd whlte. These coluis Wcn; ClJuldl sclluul at JI) d. m. ~oln- ~~nl c:'~~~Cl};r~<;0~~I~~JI~kla~~~~r~~~.~ :sen~ea:ere/<l:~:;e7~ro-:~e~~~:r[!~~

tl'ILIIll, lll'xt [VI()Jldcl.y. abo used 111 HH' menll. Un the ing w()l:-ihlP ;-It II. Mcs;.,agC', "Re- fllshtng coffee. Price & Co. suit A tremendous:: ',':

* '1:." 7~ With Mrs. ~a;:bell. ~'0"""''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,.,, .. ,,,;,,~,:,,-~:,;,,:,~ MISSionary Aid has deCIded on variety of di'5finctiVe f~bria in- ~llH'~~~'C~I~)edTl~,~e~'~l~~'Sd<lY MJs. C. W. Campbell enter- j K A G Y , S ~ ~~;~: 1~1~~e~~~d ~(~l~h~~:~~I\~~~ sures easy scleetloDo I"

\\'Ith :\11". Fred Lltcden,. 1\11:-'1 !tuned the MdJOI' gl ()UP uf the ~ " ~ 1'11lSSlOns, dnd W.cst 1ndle::. IOJ" fUl-l '" 1I [11("1('1" \~ .lei 01 gucst. Tbu., l)UplJ(";ltl' club Mond"y ,d'kl- : :: cign mls:;wns. Goud used clothIng ! :

ll()..,lc".c; ~l'l \ cd <litCl a s~JCl<ll 1l(~()t1. Mrs. Will<.lrd WJ1Lsl' WfiS d : ~ ~ for babies and older children and .... 1 i""., '111l1H'. :\11 l1.Cllnlt Lr!lLHH..' t'n- guest. Mrs. L. E. Blown ,'had I ~ used she-etmg to make bandages

kd.IIIl'i f\.Idl~h G, hIgh scoreiand MI~. R. K. Knrk-' Sprl'11g TPu'b-Froc'k havade ~ alewantcd.'1"heAldJsnowm<:lkmg* oil, --;.;. rtwn' and Mrs. W. II. Swett tied 1 :1 r, 'I ~ a qUilt for Tabitha. Towels and hotMrs. Young

l£ntertats. Jill" second. Mrs. Swett t,edtcr- ~ pads are needed. Bnng thlllgs to !

--1\;11);. M,le Young e ltCl"tdii)lcd Ulin:rc; 111 two wc{'l(s. The Mhnol Chambl'aY:B, Percales, PU}Jl~ns ~ work on at the meet lOgS, iAltlu"l Nlls. Inta NyI..' gnJllp meet:; next M()nd~lY with ~ A~h Wednesday WClS Februt-lly :,;!\)IIJldlly. 1'1 In lllJdgu \\l'nt Mrs. W. A. WuJ!cllh,llIpL and Tub Silk ~ '26, the II!'"t d,q of Lent. DUlmgto lVIl". \V. l'.llllllllg ulld 11". y. .y, * E Lent we ,He pl"lvlleged to followCh".,. 1ll'11\l'h.. The !l1),,\,(:;::1 SCI '- For Mrs. H·awkins. ,~~ the steps uf uur bclrJ\ed Sa\tuu1'cd. \Il~. W, l' ClIlYl'l1 l'lltl'!" .-fil1·S.•J. M. Stralldll ';;11111 MIS. < ~ to }edl"ll hl!w to Ine and how to1.1111.'. ~1.11tll In Y. 1\. MlldlJCI clltcIl.uJ1l;d Wed- :: dll', Lent shuuld mean a mure

·x- -:.,. me:-;c!ay <It 1 ()'( JlIlk llJlIQheon Iearncst devotIOn tu OUI L-otd andWith Mrs. 'Gildersleeve., hlJl!Ol IVIl:-. WI!l. Hclwkill.:> 111 more :;inccl"e walking 111 the ways

11.1,:ll1flll' (llll) llH'JIl!JCI h ~\ I'll' tilt, IHlllH'. OllJl'1' g'lil'sb of God. May Lent bt' for u" d meJI.c1-,' .~.., "I \11,.1\ I·, (;I1r!Cl'1l'tT{' W,'lt' MI .... D. C. MdllJ. MIS, .J. T Sincell.' challt)' ~lnE1w:ievut1un to the.1''.111<1) \'. IIHy ('Jllllyl'd 1.111- Un,..,.,I!'!", }l', rvlt ... .John C. (".11- needs of our felluwmen. specIal I ~..,1tl~;I, II ,I .olWI,d flint'. Till' lldll lVIl.., V. A SCI1!!')', J\1'.". cummunlon WltJi~ uur Hea\"{~nly ::h'I,II':, 1"(IX H.lIp·h :'vII s, E. S j)Jall, Father ll1 pr;l.¥cr and rnedltCltlCJIl(loti 11,'111 <It tile l\11' !\Ilr!( I ~jlll ,ltld Nil.... and denYing rinse-he-:. so a:. to be-llilll,(' rd :\il .. {'),lllt' 1\lyt'I:-'. A Mlttll'btddt, till' ]'f",t uf come fQa::.ter uf thll1gb wc dl':-;l1e

-,I' -/,'

Have Din.ler Pa'rty. .;{. ,x,Nil-l-'u IlllJl'l" dJld hUS1)dlld., In Farewell Party. IS th t W . I

al 1111111'" TUNJ.IY Mrs. Ed, Slip,!.y "lid D. 011 wes ayneL E.l:llO\\1l hurne, B. MlMUl't!,.entel".I<llllCd and (By Staff Co~resp()ndent)

lJl'ltlg MJ ". Drown, D. club W 'SCL1Y cvenm,g la~t

C;ltrlpbcll olld MI'O'. weel,- com! lmenbry t(1 M1':'. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D,mgb~lgL ll. DCI ln games dfter- Glenn EllithOlf'c who is movmg spent Fnday 111 the Russell PryUlWdld IVIr, (Illd :VIIS. W~ddcn Fel- to Bt'ldgeport. Prizes in Calc!:;; homC'.". >

UCl' tl'Cclv~d ~11~. ;~.~.t ~((lI"~t~lct~~~~m~~(~a~~~: da~~~t:7.dc~;;~~ R~~~~~~::;.u~'~fe~'~ S f"....:Club Has luncheon. :Paul Pa\Velsl~l.'/\ gift. wai prc- n0011 at T. J. Plyor·s. uits

lVlr:-;, V. A. Senter, Mrl-;. T, S. )Sonted to ~IS, EUltliol'pd. The Mr. and Mrs. Austm Exleben of ~ Conle FirstIJ{ool< and MIS. C. T. Inghtlm e:lub med" tillS 'l'huI'sday WJth Hoskins, called Fnday ufternoon •

onlcrtallt'· l A'ilte women !lnd ~rs. Earl Pelel',en_ m the Harry Buker home. ~,[I T'l.,"S Sprz"ng' !¥rs. VJet'r w{,,,t Monday' <It 1 I ~ j7(. * 7(- , Stripes, Plaiel.'J, Oots and Flortl1s In n'-gulaI·. half ~ize Lawtun Burtun of OntarIO. Cal.. II ' ~I"l""k lu, ehe'm III the: Sentel' NJ;ssion y Aid, " Ulld .Jllltior SlZeo. These "Weal' E,wywhere" dresses and Dwight French were Friday " • G 1 i!lnql~'. Gm)Cs and cuntcs;1s were 'I Missiu ~l'y Ald' of Oll!' TIc:" . ure figure- flilttel'lng 111 style and pdiced fur evcry pur~e. dlnne.r guesL.., at Nelse Granquist's. "~ti;~ ~~llar,," ir ip-1VprSI{Jn, Ml"S. ,1. T. Brc:>.:>ler Icleemer':;; Ichurch met Thur_y Mr. and Mrs. Harold QUlOn and ij;-'ntet!t:l1BI:i next lVi11nduy. 't ng With Mrs W F Most $19~ $595 daughters were Friday evenmg • C<Jsua~ Suits with !

Wi~h QM~~ cl~Uu~~';'TueSdaY alt~~~:~~t:~Er~~;~h~£[~11~~~ f ~ _l~_ __ __. ~~~~~a~~ :~e, :Ia~~h:~::::s::: • ,(;~;;;~~~;~~~e~ 0 i,cl"lloon Wi h MJs, Harold QU111l1 MIS: H€I'ltJan Btil.e~:r, Mrs. Dun Sprz"ng's po-ntll"eS! Ml"lll"nery EIleen were Sumday dinner and J,lekets ...neD I' WV1.lde. MI ..,. C. E. B~B- D igan ' Mr"s JoJhn Schi"o¢der , Il:- luncheon gu~sts last week at 'Har- .:nd tlw important ::shuof, I\lrk Ben Benshouf cl1ld , M~,~nHel.:nan Nrlld~lCr and Mrs' ry Bake.r's. "Soft" Suils... !,.Mrs. H. W. W111tel·5tl..'lO W¢lC J Wm~ PWdenstoclc : Mrs. M. L: Evelyn Soreme-n. Ardythe and

/\fhor d kt'lIsJl1gtOJ;1. the/. Rlllgcr l'ntertam,; H'l. March when PhylliS Johnson of Bancroft, were Navy.' Black _ Pastels- ~;"CI veri. Till' club ml'eL 1\1lS. AntJi<J HattJg ~v111 be lk.-ad- Saturday mght guests Ia",t week· 'U.gss to $2500 ~~5 ",vlth MIs, U. B. l-LlLlS. <':1. in the Chas. HeJkes home. W

I " ·x· -x' .x-, . * * .;f Mr. and\. MI>-. Carl Johnson,IVIris. ~lipsky, Hoste:ui: f~r £arl H1all. , Phyllis and Ardythe of Bancroft.I .:\1rs. Ed. StJp"l,y cntcJ t:l.l'net\ ut A group Ild{,l a rin-h(ls~ uyster € were Sunday ~upper r gues.ts last1 ~o'l'1olk luncheon and bridge sltppiPt' lVtollll~i~ evenilJglll1 the : week in the Nclst' Granquist home.last T~lsdety compl1mental YI to Inussell I!'rcstol1 hl~m~ Ita Eall I" Mr. and Mrs, H. W. WmterstemMI:; entl f,l!lthorpe who IS I}lall whl) lelt ~rdJ esd.ay fOJ and Mr. and Mrst Bert Surberffill\lll Blldgepo't In bllqge, Ibmdha t~ tdke IllSI almy! ~xam- were Sunday guests last week in,played dt two tab It's, pllze's went (IJlnatlPns Guests W~l q Ml and the T. C. Wmturstein home fOl'-

~::::.:~:~~,: """ .':' ,"" ,"'"'. '''',,' ,."" ,,:i:";;;.~~. N", ~'cl, M.. w,,;~'"' '!:.,~.Rnral Home 'soclety h<;ld a I

Ia'clock luncheonl Thursdat, Xth Navy .; Black - Pastel

IMrs. Art Munson. Mrs. il' ur he.l~~~;~~~~~:rTsalt:~;~.twere

!EVan~ and, Mrs. Anna Mo~·teqson

were Iguests. MI's. ~A.~S~bel' P. L. March was in Vermilion.

land Mrs, Lawrenqe R~nr. ~ave S. D., Tuesday Q-Q business.

,t!1e Ifsson. Mrs. Elrnest' Dun9-sh1 Mrs. Jenni~ Jqhnson was a Sun-l:entm!tPllls March 20. ' day dinner and $fternoon guest at


. '. " * I ' l<j~OJ""U' N 'l J. K. Johnson's..,I '~1" Mr3. Haller. I il!.IY\~ ~ i. Mr. and Mrs. ~lJ:el~n Larsen of, InlhonOl'of Mrs.IG·1·Ral er's Wakefield, were:Sun ay guests at,'birthday Monday,i a ·o~tp ~ur- • M7 s •• a ". I' E F-rank ILarsen's'f

! ipriSli'1cl. her in the ff~on. r ~ MlSS~BeverlY tra~an spent the'IQuer'ts were Ml'sJ WnL 0 ue- I ~ week- d 10 SIO x City WIth M1SS' i woo" lVIisS~ Susie; SouCie s, l·s. oj) N j ~ Betty trahan a1 the Mer~illMul-yhr s Nielsen, Mrs. GI . Ilog- I ew ' ; readl amtly. , ,el'~, Mrs. Waltcl" l'hipPiS, Miss ¥ Mrs'

lO. P. H rsladj Miss Hen-

Neill Ch ~ , fmIlWStK([m;j ~ nettafnd Miss Mabel spent Sat- ~. I e "ox, Mrs. as\ upham, I ' .' I urday and Sun ay in the JuliUs ,~'lVU'slj,Ole G. Ne)soJ). Mr,_..Jt!. W.I I n_

',,' Hal r. Aft~k "a. s.?dia~ J~irhe, II -..t! ~ ~ur~ .s~;:~ote c:~:u:;~ Ai: ~"11un eo" WOlf ~serve~' ',by! ttle ''''''''''r~'''i'',:"J'~ v n ,,'__. I_

:Ji':;:dl~'i~:hl"I,:~II;J:11. II I Ii °--1



Page 6: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...




T~is will be our lastI sale tbis"' spr;ing

. 1 -,--"- --'-1,..:-,.;.1---t,-

-Sales Pavilion

Starting at 1:.~O o'clock p. m.

Head HorsesI

orse, \


Saturday, March 1

I "

Tem'n of sOl'rel mares, 4 and 6 years old,IWeight 2900.

Team .of grey mares, 3 .and 4 years old,in foaf, weight 2900.

Team of rrtares, 6 and 7 years old, in foal,weigM 27pO.

The~e horst:is wiH'be sold under the usualI

guarantee to 'hitch satisfactorily.,

'Tea'l' of black geldings, 8 years old,I weight 2600.

Balbnce ofithe offering will be matchedteams Itndi:some·'smooiJh mouth horses.

! Ii


~-:·D····-Y' "I I It,I , , -~tlr- .: I I • H: I'd gu sts in thb Hart'~ Roberts hbme [and ap~ons. The! Qstess' se~~d'I ',' el,1 ·al. t\'1' n"',', ".1 1_- ay''In'e 'eira ft,eAldllatnhdeGcihIP"I"drrteonl x·acDepDtietghoo'sCea,In· ne r Sioux Ci\y. lIm,heo~. I I.. of 'Irs. Emi~ Rogers ·accomp.anied I Mr. <lmd Mrs. Martin Ekberg aIrel.


" ',' . I '. I I I ! • Galtf.ornla were he e for the fu- Ed Gustafsd;:m and ,Faith and Mrs. Dean of OmLilw, were. Siltllrd~yt-~ 1'1" I \ II I J 'II II ' I • I I " ,I , neraI other OlJt-o[ town relatIves Jo ephine qustafsdn to visit Mrs. o\'ernight gu~t1'; in {ht{ Albelrt~clllj, I, 1 I I' ~ I I M S'E WI T, I Ii'.' ,I attending were~Mt+. oct Mrs Fred Ch is Ro~el/'s rt-ear~·Allen Sunpay ILunda_hl home.. Sunday Iplc Lu"tl-

I,' ,; ';~~~sl'S dden r:11 'Sod' I Hann1ninn ~f I eek II Ea~ly Re~iJent !Fu er'al h."ie"ls I t{~~~~~;r.i~s 1~~~~~:5~:;f :r~:~~Mi~sM~~i~~::~~~r~~ci ~:~~~i~n~nE:i~r~~~~~~:b~~'.> I"'~ It I I J ,.,,.., ::J' ~ " 1\ 1 q:ook of Pende , and [l numb~r of Marjory were Sunday afternoon Ekberg hrtmE'. 1V!rs, Nagel return-

j .~I.'I~ I L I I N" I b ~:OcJ I Forecast. I ~ -- ~ 'I pi ~ IT ' ' d dH ;; ~elativeg from kl~tl.d I and luncheoh gue!>"ts·ln the Herbert ed hOr)1c with the M::Jrtin Ekbergs.n . 0 e , ~ V D,UV \e~ No, 3 w,ll h~V'~la W ,1_1' I.•r~ ,asses 01 exas on ude ' ,ere:tPallhearers jvere ~oe and ~e,- Lundahl home. I

r,I I ., J regulin mttetl g next Wednesda . e(uulng en':lOl~ I I T lard Enckson" PaJI and lLevl Mr. and Mrs. NormaJ;l AndersonI ~- I P E 0 h~ht t meets ne' I H "CI .l.1.J I ' l ~ ~ ahlgren, Fred FcEldnck,on "nd and Jenene' ,pent Thursday eve- AI:rroNA

5,ar Attacrk ~ast 'nda1y Mond;y e~'1e~1 'Of~lt.h MIS. R9b~ t S "e](l]]l lUr'j-/u Sudden Heart A.uack Fatal Ch les Oak Pa~es AwajY Rollle Bartlmgl i - ning in tho Herman Anderson ....Proves ,F tal Tha 1:4 ay E. Anders p. 101 electIOn $f of _ To Chester ~1~Ughter htJe Asleep at Harpe I I ~-] home and Sunday in the Chas. (By St'-1ff Corr~sponJ.erH)

1" d • 'd: I -=--1 I L W did l;-r • Rev C A TurI1jqUlst arrlv'ed ISherm:w homp.'I ? Eno It An er \0. ce~~~~o~~~eF3t~a~~~nJl~~;~/~~t~~ ~ Miss. Ruthl ~uelr berge IS ast e es ay. : Early rlday. ,,0me_SU~day'lfrom MmneapolJs I Mr. and Mrs. CUarence H~lm I Mr. <lnd :'\11'-;. F'r·E'd FrC'vert ~Ind

~h~1hom€! l1'!Q':ondny Ia~ rooon thiS Satu da evenmg for M s .. A,t SuniJa y erViCeo! I reSIdent of Wakefle ~, dIed F~bl u- day ternoon at 2 from the home enct' I S~.Olle and dJugh1ers wer~ S~nday IQ. Be.bmer ." ;Jt HOSkil.'I'

roy 'fat.l1 to Enoch erson. Helen Gr~yl ho Willi be Il"hll.ll~d I IU17 19 of a heart I nttack whlle and 30 from the Covenant M1S- \ dmner and Iunchpon guestsm the MI<;sJ(Jve I1u'h . > t rr~ s'ke h bee~*wlth the f] I a few soon to Manl n Rehbei~ MISs Mah- "' MISS Ruth Nuer~ erger, dm ghJ.. Iwalkmg olang a st¢eet In E1edra, slOn hurch for Charles Oak who iMJ I I Reuben I-to~. home. . urda~· tf) wedn;sd~P\ ~Il th(~n~ )',,:.11I~·

days t w~s pbOllt hlSfonte two JorIe Soderb g of SIOUX City, d~d tt'll of Ml anp MI A L. N~rn~ Tex-as FlUneral sel~lces werel held I?8SS away early Fnday morn-I,)\T the ~W k f" ldl Mr, and ,IS. Harvey HenOl!1g- Peterson h'!ml' \::lrh 1\'l1'-,-j Fl"l'-~md a half, miles sou w st of MISS Geno\ I I\e Mllkr WJIl aSSl t be~gel of W<~~(efIe , becam~ Ith~ lat the MethodIst church In E~ectl d mg hile sleepmg. Mr Oal4 had fl" r as a e Ie son, Anona. und Burnel Gr~s.E" I pnco.e . .\oVake{!eld, as ;ll~U<lI Mon ay n'lmn- _ r bride ()f Robert P stergard'l s0-\1 fbef?re leavmg fOl IWakeflCld. The I not een III but had had heart 1 (By Mrs Je ell K!Hllon) Fred Lundm ~lOd Eph .J.ohnson l

l. . .'

ng. • 1 I SpciaI. I II lit MI ,HId Mis 59n J OstelgarCI Ibodpr 31rlved hele ~<1turd<lY e\e- troub e for some time Rev. C A. 1 were, Sundtiy a!ternODO VISltOI'S lJ1 Mr. ilnd "\1r~,. BIIUW Sldlltl~t': IHT

Fpne131 rlt~ WIll blhe~d Fp- V ~ I d I of Goth:l1bUlg, atl he MetlH~dl1t ~llng Rites were hF]d Sunduy aft- Turn U1st and the Conley funeral MISS Nadlen ¥Ierls of Omaha, the Pete Obtf"rg home. Ienid .d~ugr~ll'l .',\(.~" IIIttyaftemoon t 2 from herSalem Ple~nt aJ YUAi . L 1 I th~rch SundaY nf~e nann, Fe~rur- Ilern/1on at 2 110m tlhe Presbytenan I home of West Pomt were 1 tpent the week-1nd vnth her pa Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stolle nnd I Tuc,;ddy ]<1'>t \\(:-t'h: [01 .1\11'.,>.utheran cbu ICh With eM~ Clal- m~t~a~<lenx\ ~r~~sda U(~~:l~ r:;l~ dl Y 2.-1, ut 1 o'cloc Htt-v I}.e.rJt chu;~ ch hel e Rev IAllan McColl I char~e. Mr C~nley IS a 'sOn-tn-la~ ents. J 1'-1 daUgh~rs Were Tuesday dinner II Stark's b11 thUdY UJl!nl:1

nceHall1,1l1d he Hypscs¢ vlcem Ed M G I y I Clifton oJfltldlted lin the ·tJ res4nae landthettYPSefunJr~;;ervlcewele of d ceased Mrs Harry Wendel Thul'e Johnson was a Wednes- guests 10 the Roy Holm h~me_ ~r. MI'. and ::\hs. FI;lfd,

'harge. Bt1lI.~1 VIII be In VlJ {ef1eld:J c u rc I of the LmlllJes anti. fnends 1m charge Hel bel tl eClI sang two sang jtwo songs Bunul was- 1O.J.he day· evenmg guest Hi the NOI man and Mrs. He.uben Holm a.nct ~~mc.e and b.,JbY., !.VIr.. <Inti .\1lemetery. F M t.· -, " Plecedmg UlC (i emony Qean hYritns, "Abide Wit Me" and Wak~fleld cemetery, ~ - t\rrdler.'lon home. [were Thursdny Clften'loon ViSitors. IAshby of Norfolk. \'.1'11'

Martm En h Ande SO~ wasI orl rs. 11~ T I INW'I nbpi gf'l, ~ousm of the b~lde, 'Rock of Ages" ~",jh MISS Vena CI il' 1 J 0 • b Mfr and Mrs Harry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klilion, Mr. guests. at E. W Ld"llnl·.lllilL Abuut 15 Ildlf'1i spent hursdly,' 1 d'" ' TV 1 res Ohn ak wn::; orn at d M J 11 K'U

orn N!EHCh I, 1891, 10 W,lyrw e\len ng Witl Ml P::\ul Ell '1 ~! P aye At Dav.nl ' MIsS en(1 GIe~n l)lay1Og th aecompunl- Andov.41 III Odtober 10 1858 and chi'1dren spent Sunday aftel- f::Jn . rs. ewe I Ion. were~ Donald Grecnw,ilL! \~('Il\bunty. He Is bap~lz d t10 the In hoinul of h 1 bl:thd.JY ,tc {S 11 IGrl~en pbyeu the 1'" ~ddmg rna c.h (1)(:n1::; BUIldl wa$ n the Wuke- He c*me' with hiS parents t~ Stan- noon In the Rudolph, Longe 110me amo~g the IU~Che(ln gUf>"S,ts m th. Omaha ,Jlld I 1[1'.1alem ChUlCh Apfll 26,181, and I I Tl1c (!lurch W~IS ~lcoratcd With !lCDcli ~emetclY t]: 1874 H d 0 k Mr and Mrs Clarence pearsonlC. \\. Longe ,10rffi> Sunddy after- Menday \\Itll :\11-

, as confmue Aprll 8, 11~ Fdr Hannahtl oh~on. I pllmt~, fet ns ~nd c t flow('rs~ I Chestel C Slau~ tel' was bUl n I~~d r~~ I~B82 At ~~o~~:oofahl~ and family were Surlday afternoon nuon following the Slaughter fun-I man U.~"w<Jld ~Jnd I\lr:--, P,'Jtli (; I r • I' - 'Deceased h d selved l sl cl ITI8-j A gluup 01 lnends spen~ Flldpy I ,Thc bllcle wOlel powdel blue \n Jusperr county, ~ota" neLl I' Col- dea t l1 he wus 82 years, 4 months, ViSitors m the Harol~ Mmer home :eraL. wuld.

'line gun 0jratOl 1'rl h ~',I\ WOlJd aftel noon WI h MIss Hllnna.h J/Jiln- I u!JnJ,;ole enSCinblt Hot nnl) 01- (a)(, JanLalY 3, 1&70 He was one II dpys He mal fled Au usta Mr and Mrs ReulJ.en Holm welc<f: :\1r. <lnd Mrs. George .Jensen, Fred ;lnu A1\ III Ell"'I:' "f .\'J -ar He h<ld a so sp~mt ell 1~~ yeals ~, 1 t 111.1 1 1namen1 on Ihe eire'S WdS ,1 C~lrn~"n of Ii fmnlly of 12 Cl~ll ren He In<lr- E~, t W t P t N b ~ I SundaY evenmg vlsltors lJ1 the I h;Jve spent the gre<Jter part of the I thun Ia E\'l'I..VII Til :('

i~ EI Campo,' (2XUS ~ ~r~t~(fl~)lllln(~~)~~1 ~~:~l~h~~C nc l,.lon I loel{ct, whl(l~ v...ll ,1 gift, of the IIIUI MI"~I Jennie 1M tdda Heikes l~ICI~'3;; ~o t~~s U~)\r~~ weer~ b~~~ Bertll Larson h?me ~ar Emerson Iweek in Sioux ~itY,with ~heir son, Ibr<-lr;, 'I'~d ..t(l;n r, 11

Mr Andel S( n mar r!< 11S5 Ro-j J ~) bnc1cgrootn Shl h l .I (01 sal-{~ ()[ M,lfch 30, 1893 Tu tHIS unIOn wei e nJ~e Chlldl en A s(Jn Camel on Mr <1nd Mrs ,Velmer Anderson Vle-leion, ~h.o. IS r~co~ert.ng from 'I Sund,ly rilJ111t\r but at J: 1 I.setta Holmes une 5 141) ,It the Wi t plhk IO,;\:,S 110 ('I, Ml'"is Weld bOln IOLit chl!(!Ienl MIS Ed Rudd d d a f ' , were luncheon guests In the Dr D an ;Jppendlcltls opelatlOn In n hos- H nsco'MISSion P<ltSOldge ot vea'i POint· ~:sM~~;Ull~'::~~;k \\111 ent&l- N~lelnbflWI dS blld*:-l- uf BrrdgepclIt, MI'ch ' , Leo Byron IE' I,n In ancy P QUHnby home Thursday after- Pltl! there I <~l"" F~l IU1('; P,t(l'''lill ,iI 1})1),_BcslBes hiS lfe he Ie vel d !;IS- t [I 51 II' I I d A I f mtllrl ~ll( il wo-pn:ce SUit of Eledi/a Trcxd<: 11al vey LeRoy Th~ famliy mOVf'd to Wnkefle"ld Ihoon ~I Mr <Jnd Mrs Jewell Killion and f d I) II P [ , II

;r.; LlIn Ie dll ...1 l{S Ie (J I ' ommunlty 1 1907 I M 0 k' 11 '111 "n I ( L C'1~"!l .,1 .--" I )-ter, MIs. sethiossmn of <lkefleld, EmcIso!1 .It hel IJUlllc !ttl" 'lhu~~- !l1. 11.1\:' lJltll' ,lllell l,ld a COq;dgC uf Ckvdll.lnd, OhIO, MIS Russell C Tn, n r a s Mr and Mrs Olver Stamm, La- Darlt(j'n t;>J1Joyed a waffle supper tlltc \\l.'hl{-t'IHI III til' 1) _antl two brot lEn;, Em anil!:'l and d .' (11 'roses ,Ind swet;lt f';IS, 1 I Gl1bc.rt (JIf Fkct!-Jl TCX'IS 'Ill of youngel clays hl' JOlOed the Free donna and Donnv ~ were Sunday With 1\11 and Mrs EllIs .Johnson

~/ I ' I _ ,IYiJlternool. ' . ' , '.,' M lc eh rh t OkliJ d I homt' :\11~ }<!"__ EtiWfll'd of H)uston 'f¢.xur' One I I (.. age U:-t['!g.lrC! ;Ittt'nded illS hom were lien: \Vlt)thCil' mother ISS m u c a a an an dmver guests m h Alfl€d Miers TUf'sdl<lyevenmg G AI.fr€d John- I W d u'brother, Osea , died' ab~;ttt a ye~lr For ]rs Diljs - I bJ'otlll'I' a'i lJ!i';;t .ma

r... ur ithe funeral. sm,cEj commg to W;JkeflCl had flome 1 son rdturn~d to hiS hol1'le that eve- II m Illn~ lIntl £: tl(.'~ ,I)'

ago. .. I I l\,:" .', . .' l I A. hnn1l'lng the c'n11- Deceust'd m(,vcd:I ,ith his par- gl:e.Jil hiS SUPPOlt to the ant Mr. and MIS. Roy Holm and I nlng ttrter hiS VISit In the KillIOn :\li'i" ['dI1:el Hansln '-., It-, __ i ~ g~ ~Jl~P (r. ~~ Il ncJs S}J( nl 11,"1 \\':1'; ,It th hurne ()f tllw ents from· low<l to vfayne county MissIon ch.urch, ~'r. Oak ~ad been daughters wer~ ::Jmohg t~e Sunday homC', j urd.1Y ;Inu Sunday at 11,,1·,r, I~. I'E .. I 1,,~' Jl' \~€d~f.;'d',11 ~ft,ll nootl \\ 1.lh ~Js:. p,dt'nts !ollowmg the in 1884. HC.' !Jv~d nefr WakefIeld actl~e until the time of 1115 deat~. dinner guests 10 the Emil Walters :vIr and Mrs Carl .Jrlhnsnn nnd \\ Itl! ht'l ~unt, Mr>.; ~ l. I ~

lneJS(~ln S \\( 1 ner ~~thU~I:t l? tH In JIOlllll Iii 11.'1 ('hurch SCITI('(', F(J!Jowlllg a until ~t'ver,i1 years a tel' his mal'- Mr, ?nd :tv'lrs: Oak c~lebrated their home, Dv.-dlme Hallstrom, Mr and Mrs IShe dc(nmpamed 1\1 I t 'II

I, C·'1 I. Cll..,l; ,U", ld Ollthd, . trip lVlr. ;lJ1d Mrs. lhklg ..JI·d n<lgp. He was made;: Mfb-"ter Ma- gold~11 WeddlJ1~ anlllversary April i Mrs. Alfred Miers :md Nadien Emil Anderson and Alvern Alfred Glen') \\"Jl<ice v.ho • d II11 Ollnty ~jl1tfl'st be at, hmn(' 011 '-1 r;lJ1l'11 twar G[)th- nn nil' W' l~~'rld M' 16, ~~37, at their farm house north- Icalled on Mrs. Earl Fitch <Jnd in- DanH:'!lson were among the guests I fill nl' ~ l)lother 8t S 1'1_ i 1 ~ FO;~l\'~~;o~~~h.e,~:O~ H Mathf'w- enbUig. . ~odgel. MI'~C Slau~hte:· movedCl~7tl~. ~est! ~f Wake1'i~td. They had re- fant in a Wayne hospitzl1 Saturday 10 thE! Elmer Nelson home Sunday Il\If and Mrs P,lul :,1 IL'I III r

La,r.ge A~-~nt _J ~'I,ftess j 1M Both lVIl Zlnd MIS oF:tert.atd his filmily in 1902: to Bonesteel S Sided m WakefIeld the last year. afternoon. ilfterrtoon In honor of Mrs Nel- Flatl('l.., of ThClYCJ, \'1 f till I•• ~..,. .....~ ~, son's bll thd y Mond(jY 12 I fIends ~I .J' ~' • ...• " h...I~ R d iA ~ daJ..l,! • 'zllegl<-ldudt('S fl(J,,~ he ngllcul ut'dl D. where he was acti e in the set- Deceased IS surVived by hiS WIfe Manlyn HarrIson was a Satur- son's'lUlrthday and MISS :\111dred Mullel Jlld .\11-

.1' I ,~ce~, :en ·~i: t~ In took v. c~oliJeJatlJVe dmnet 111<1t e~ ('- Icollt:'gE' dt the Unll'el slty of NI- tle'mclnt 'and dev¢lo ment of the and the following children: Mrs. day overnight guest with Mary The Thursday club was enter- ShavlC' 01 LIfl.Coln, ·Mf. <.llltf \11', ~o I ...chOO~tl . nmg to ei om~ Ibl 8skd M' S (J'i1(,1~)rd m<~Jored n newly opened ,ro~¢bu reservation. Ellen Wickstrom of Oakla~d, Mrs. Jane Anderson in the Vel mer. An- Wined. Thursday arternoo~ -in the HerbPI:.t I?< Igt, TWll~1 Zliid j:L,r)~'llI Emcrsory h gh - schoql! won the With Mrs. Mj"tgomer

Yh~lrnt;' ((on()ml~ S dn~ hd'i b( en e - The family went to 0 IbIS, S. D., in Alrca Conley of West P?mt, Mr.s. derson home. Reyn11d Andcrson home. Mrs. were SundilY guests lf! the' .\11 ,J.

I sdu I't iPily' tl D1kq~' t M J Ii 1\/1' pjrl~(d In (u tu 1(~lllnty the p,lsf 1907 'lOd It W'lS thl€l'e that Mr and M Ie Swenson and MISS NellIe Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Killion Leon l·d Olson gaye a Teading on G. Bt'lgt hrlmL'., J' dec:;Zr'Jla~~)i; (,~l~le:~ he~l' ~~-.fJ~~n~ tdJ~1:~ the ~ll~:I~~/ll;go;le(:~Lt t\}0 }U ,II Mrs, 'Slaught(:r llni~d with the 0;) .. of Los Ange.les, Clifford of and, daughter<' were .Wednesday Linc n's birthday ;)nd Mrs, ~I\"in

i' en MO.tldUY. D.O.I.'iS Nelsoh of Wake- TuesddY <JlftL'H)OOn Altel til(' h "_I 'I MI dlld MI S S In~ ()C;U'1 gell d ~~d proe.r;Qyteria.n church. The Sluug.h- Omaha, Mrs. M<lmle Cnrlson l J:Icr- ,ev:e~mg supper guests III thc Paul Fred lekson gavc on(' pertBlllJng.to Plan for Party•. ;, field high" plaqed first, the dru- son lunclWOIn 'Wels :.t'l\L'U G"lgf, MI ;](1 MI~ Hndnl..'Y S8t- tel'S ~hel1 moved to inner, S. D" man Zlnd Delbert of .Wakefleld. Killion.home, --. . .. W;:J~h ngton. The members stHrted PrlJgn'''''d',(' Hf)rnem,dHT~l.mati.Js;divi~jon.Thewir~~rsjhthe' _ trJllLl'; 01 (,r)b1Wl\lrUlg, MI dfd in 19,13 and in 1919, to Electra, Th€re are 12 grandchlldren and Mr. ,and Mrs. Marvm K~lIlOn ~helr ~ancy work for the year, party FnudY ('venint-;,I other di'vistOl:ts were: All:e Back- At ~orge ~rneU's. MI" LIY I\lLKlnnlk: 01 Wlnn('bd () Texils, wh~r(' they liycd since. one great grandson. Mr. Gnk atso Iand Elizabeth were Sund<J)( dmner mclu mg tea towels, pillow sllp.<; the l'eCfeatlnH hall III \V<Jync.,_ man of Ponca, .in1erpr~t '1ive 01'<1- 'fhe ')00 (Iu) met INtt I ( jlIJI~l CJl11-of-t!)wn 1\\ 11l Ml', Slaughter took 'a keen inter- -------- -.--------------- ----- --_._-

I tory; J<.icquelllle \lant nburg of lUng With .md Ml'> I tll\ 'v'vlddlllg e."t In uffalrs of the day Clnd nI-"I Emerson, lextf'mporat)('tJl~sl .Mar- Dmnell Tht'l nCtaSlnn \\ IS I ~- ways haa a kind <'1J1d jovial word

I jorif' Jlfl:\nsnn of F:m('r~.QJ~,I~Jl'lgll1UI tll('ll' lBth \'f'1'ql'din,g '1IHlIVl'I,';'lry. CH URCH E for, he l{ne\V. He h;lc! ,I, onltOI'Y; NeolTIla ,Jllcobrof.Emci'- I 1 ~ , llllc;t ul

~Dn,,'humOlI'ous. I I]Jast IJr(,sidq~~'s·plarlf'Y. ' B('Sld('~ four chil-John Gaff flf tile l!ll Pus1 PJ'fHi~ient's Tnl't I :Vll, . . reaves eight

NeI.H'uska, served <IS TlI~sdHY 'Itlt.~r~lOon MI~s I<)dlla St. Paul's Luth. ('hurch. He-illY Iii VldentltlC', J(J~-

Lois I3mt'iman in th(; \DUhlgl"~,n. J\fis~ ('1,11';1 HlIlflcll:' \":I~, i (Ik\'. W. J\. (;('nlf''i, P,I"t()I'~J i S ..0., Ted of Lus,humul'lJus d..i\'I:';10n III . of hO'il(':,:,_ Tht' .\1,'U n lt'll wllrLt'd Ull :1 ~ Elli-dl~1r ],l'lllill '-,('n·I('('<;. '.t 11)i,I . of l>ellld.er, _,J~lcl"..LaVern Gros'C who wn~ qllllt. I I It I. II<!o] :It II d m, I of. .Jlln ~of /\lIlance,: Har-

In the locul e()ntl'~1 t~rwen Nlm- ~ _ ' I J\rllilt ( VIIILI.V nt'llllle;. ly of Yank1on, S. D.,I Ben 01 Hed-rod \Vas a.w:lrded 'seconH, pla\.'(~ III At Ole Shirk rts. ~- / I fll'lei, S. U. All but the first thn.'l'the dl'ilmntics division! ijn pI<.lcE' Ofj Mr. and M·s, C\:wcnc(' J filIi'll, 1 Christian ('hm'('h, , n<llne~ were hE:'I'~1 1olf' the funerZll.~elen l~d_ck,so~ as. repfrtcd pro- Mr, and Mr!i. *ranl\: JIolm ,md Ml':';, J I (,Hl'\·. c;. B. vunb,ll1g, pastor'l \VOI.~ w.,as l"eceJ\:~d Monday th<.l.tVI011sly. 1 Emily Pearson spent Sunduy ('V{'- ~und,IY;;( 11lJlIl :It ll) ,I. In. Co n- deceaSEd,s onl~ $Ist~r, Mrs. ,Etta

IJlnes~ in Schbe;tJ. ning in the Olr Strirket1t horne rOt· and <ILl 1 n, m. McM<JnnlgZll, 68,oOIW;11' f:ll\nd deadA large number of stupents have then' 20th we4ding ;ll1tll\'l'I,>:It'y. .It 7:~J J). i m , ,I,t .hu· honll' ,It H~rrJ(~k,. S. D.

been absent from schlobl because _ " Chdrles SlaughtPI+ oU Mobndge, S.of the lIu The hlg;h kchool hd;, Bridge (tub Ict>ts. CO\'f'nant MiR:lion (;IlUl'C'h:- L!., .,mel Sol SI<JUgh.t~r of Hel'l'ic.k,been ,lftectL'c\ more tllian Ithe gl.ldp'i Bildge club let (8'_ \. l'. :\. TLlrllCjlll;;t, pastL)'l S, D,. j)n;,ceded 'their brother Jll

Un~('ss attendclnce 1nhI?rJ1Jves, the nlllg la~t Wce { v.lth MI;., 'I'hl:'; Thursrl,l)' ('\'elllllg, death. "SIX weeks"exammatIll~SwhIch alel p t : M wL'ek S('h'll'I'~ Pdllbenrers Wl'lC ChestJcr ;Jndto be thIS Thursdn qnd FndZlY u eg~~~~n F1ri~~ ~~:~~'\(~~l,;()~~~~ ,Sul)~I:IY:"· school ,It l(~ ~l. C:l~arles~-t;eil~es ,Of W~yne, ,Harry,.WJIl hctve to be postplJlI1~d until the d d jvI rn MOl nlng at 11. l':\7L'- Cbude, GeOlgc ,lnd HdY llEllu.'s 01first of the week Thlsl\1lould mezll1 ~~JUb '::~ee$ ~~ I~ 1l~t\:()I(~:~J(sl~l" \:1\\\ l~i;lg' Sl'I'\'J('I''i ,11 U~J1{()tD City.that the lepdJt caJ is ~\01l1c1 dlso MIS P,llif Str Jtlbltg _'"

e delayed Eng. St. John ~ J..Juth. Chul'ich. Wakefielld LocalSt1J,te Supervi ot IDies. 1;'01' Mrs.'llanso~ (Hc\', W. A, Gerdes.: pastM) Mi~s Marg:Jret Hilthcl of Wayne,

, Mls~ BIrdIe VOl' l~sl state su- I . English Lcnten serVices at 1l:30 spent Sunday at A. C, Bichers.pervisor of volCatlOt al home t'co- MISS sthell Sdlwcldtfcger ,llld I p. m. SUllO'I)' s.ehool nt 10:45 nO, m, Mr, alld Mrs. C. ,E. Heikes' of

Wayne, vif:;ited lVII'S. C. W, LongcoIn SunClny. She wdll qe missed guests,qt two tables of blldge l<1st Wday ut 1::30. SC\turd<JY.'by those who hove wOJ'ked With Wednesday c enmg 10 h~m01' of Tl'::Jchurs' meding Thursday ev('.,. Mt", mild Mrs. H, J. Lenzen <Jndhq1' MIS. Vi H R Hanson's birthday. hinG family Aited )..¢JZltiv('s at R<ln-

_/ ' D:ogs on Gro~nd~. Pa.tno~lc dec :atH:~~ wer:e ~se~.· '=t. ; _ dolph ~day.~Own;rs'of dogs al·e i'8s,ked t9, .M~ss ryIarie B ~l.WC: dnd Dl. G. V\, rreshyte;rl.an~G!:tul'ch, Ml'. and Mrs. C. J. A. Larson of

keep tfte animals 8t hom as many Hent<;>f won l~ze~. (Rcv. Al],ln Me-ColI, pastot,) Allen, callea at Fred Rowley's'~f_.these- dogs ha/;'c pee tearing For :Jo'e ('res ~ Chlltch scho,)l <Jt 10 il. m, M~rn- SZlturday ¢¥I:ning.cl~\hes of the sm<J~l dPldf·en at re~ "I'·S y. v';·nrship at U, Mrs. Robert, N~ernbergcr ofces~..anq if! ~om ~nstrnces' thq . .lni l~on()r (~' .Jot Cl'f'ssey'~ 80th Aid mlcets tl,rJis Thur~(;lY Omaha, conie Thursday to visit inchildren hjlVe bee b~t~e~. h!rt~d~IY.Mo d<J~, gl~csl" ljl IllS arte!'fl(!O!1 ,11. t!H)' c!1ul'ch for 0 cu- the .L. C. ~uernbel'~.er ho~e:

I J~ ho~e :01 a c( veltd dish hmdheoll opernt \'c lLlnc1~('(m. Mrs. Gebrge IIMJ". Clnd MrsI' A.~. Pospisil lindHe1lScltkes OflJ1 rve' WElle Fred, urt n an~ Gi~orge Pcmgcr's gmup!is in charge of tlw farr-nlly spent. ,the i\\,feek-end' in, '. , :ji'., YU. kel", Mr, . nd. rs. C. W .. Mc- bUZ,ILll", table. I C/,")Witt). friends' ~nd relatives.

A1tnwer-s~I' Here G ,re, Mrs. dn ~reSSler, B¢rthn, _ ,J.. 1I11~n 01 All~n, spent Sun-Mr. add Mrs""1M'"l~r' en?chke Mary and C m, r. an.cl MI'S .. A. MethodL~t C.hurch. Ict,lilY lfternoon ,and, evening with

c~l~brated the~r 54th.w:e ding Hl)- .W. ~Olp~, 1'., ~ d Mrs. (~rr.I~IC (R~\·. Ke.nt (:liftnn, pastor.) Mrs. Mary Green apd ~ ':'ena.m\iersary Febr~ary 13. Mr. a.nd Pu.ckett ,~md. Dale, ~. P: ~Jdl,u~en, Sll1ldllY: l'n':whinu ,It 10 ,;!. m, Re\', nnd Mrs. J.I A. ~arhn ofiMrs: GecHtge EICkhof~ a d ~a:me Alice, ~sthtt!l and ,'A.lthu.l. ~1(' dft- Slllldny ~('h{)l)l ,lit IU,45 D. nl. W,lrrel1, Ore., are elxpceted to be


and JErnes't. E.. Henscllke ~ver din~, el~n.O?n was ..~ent 111 Sll1gll1g and . Ladi!cO;'. Aid nWd'i. l\1.11Th V\'ith ViSJ.,tO. rs in wakcfieltovcr .sundny,nel~ gues1$, Mr, and'M

t"A Qlph VISIting, Ice, 'leu01l and cake were Mrs, Wm. lIug(~!l'nan. l\II'M'Ch 16,

Hen.SC.hkC' a!ld family er r a.'ll;O ~erved later 'n thft afternoon. The Aid members \Ve1.·C iIhvitcd Miss GCnev.icve iller. goes t.oevening cullers. : -- to W8yne 1'lH'.'ldny arternodrl for Norfolk S~nday to Ista1't work in

! " !,I Wak field Local a program at the Methodist chUl'~h. the Farm Lwn off ce there. She'Candidates Na ed George an Vegie Iloltorf cnlll- ~" / hfls been iln the locail office nearly

~ L !' t· ed Sunday e~'ening at' Wm. W~l- Salem Lui~eran Chure",. two years,

, , . y ~~a " a~· leS tel'S'. t I (Hev. Clarence P. Hall, pas~or.) Mrs, Roy] Knapp and daught~r,CltFCry n~ ~IVIC E te '~l'lse par" Mrs. Geo ge Ekkhoff spdnt The Woman's Missionary! sbei- of Omnha, $pent Sunday with Mrs;he~ hel~L!tllr convejtlOn.s and Thursoby il~.J the M;n':' Henisl:.'hke ety has the mqnthly meetin~ this Knapp's mother, ~rs. W. J. John­~a~e~se~ i'VV, dr~~s~a)j veTll?g ,~t hnme. Thl.Jt'sd<lY aft~dlOon ~t the cliurch. son, who is improving from her~~'7, CIty a.!!J.d tOllum. IAI ouncllt:n,m 'Herman nJlebig of ,Hoskins, \Vas It lei the whltJ shower for iBeth- recent illness. I

,,~9~11 each~,1Na 'd for dvo year term a. Monday dinneI~ gu€l>t 10 the Wm, phage institute.1 Bring your gi~t. I Mr. and l\1rs. ~ay Je~sen of Em­[W ill nonimat d. Te1'IlJ~ of ~:;~. S~r Wolte~s homi2 ,l FEIeral servkes for Enocl~ 1\n- erson, were SUI~dayl dinner guests

a.."....'0. ~rt.. ' Andelso~exr.lre., Mr. an.d Mrs. 'Wm. H~lg¢lmnn de~. 11 at church Friday uft€::rn.non in the Fred Lehm;;in,home. AIrI vis­~ a~dl a~. for tw~ se 001 b.oard spent ~undaf~'vening wlth Mrs. at , i~ed in the He-mIYI Echtenkamp

po itlOn 'fi e nom a e~at tine Catherme D It and R y. Senior Llltil~r League mee1s Fri- home in the afternoon. :..os,arne C '<iU es.. H. ; D elson's Mr. and rs Paul U emal'k ~nd day nigIJ~ at church, ReV'. Hall will Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. Minet and

I ..•. a."~i' J.' ,S e~lingt 11. sl te 'ms e:k- daUghter. VLi.t .d ' in the I'S. Em- le<ld <ll'tother discussion;, 1 "~m- family of .'LaUr~l' ~Pent Sundlay in,~l~ e." ~' '. 1 ll'I" . rna Sehwnr, 1,I~ome at mer'pon portJnt Differences." "Rea~l :the ~'e Mrs. W. E, ,MilneF home. Ruth

I 'l'J"t, h estlO~ of u ~dl[}g ~e Sunday eve mg. 1 II Lutheran Compamons for ~eijl'u- iner, w.hp har: SWent the week,.~r p se I neWI ~om ,u It cent r Charles owley is wOlkingl In my [) Bung your quest~ons h re returhed orne with them.:i\.Jj...l'.llt;1~n.....I.'Will lab;~ 1~>P ~r on ,Ie the Douglas all(:ilane faetOlJy' at ConfllnwtlOn class meet~ $ut- M~. and Mr. George Eickhoffj~a~~()t 1 ,the pr~l ele ht)" ! Inglewood, ~al HI;! had b~p'l ot- mdny at {) 30 u, m. and" Elaine,wer S\J~}day afternoon"'/1'" I I tendr~g. ~ch 01 ~t Los Ang¢Ies. ~ SerVIces next ·SundaYl th ~lrst and suppe~ gue tslip the Cl~rence

. ,ioQs. ~.,.,! Mrs Ern st Ekeloth ac~ompu- Sunday In Lent, 10 a ...~.. unklay Longe home a~atyhe. In the eve-'.. IOns ".IUIl. .. a;: ~V.eml'.g nled her cja ghter dnd hushan\l, school al1d BlbIG clnsses~ 11 a.!m., !ling the $;i.'ck offs' Bill Echten-~t th~',h ,te~. ,-'" I i: ~1'. and Ml' Jaimes Tho~p.son ,f Lenten ~orshlP serVIce; '{ .3Q p,' m'J kamp. BerW1ce an~' Elmer visited, ; ',: r--t' ,,," .:' Stbu~. City, ~" Masl,ell SatJrday I,enten v€sper serVice, I I II in the He ry 'olt!' orne"

!. l'I ~(j sU O~ ~N)~'.~ .', to VISIt Ml EI).eloth's mottlel, Tuesd<..)ymghtlthleJUtlllflr ~her :Marvm lch 1.¢1 rlBeqson, AI...l~I' ob:t,' ,Felt unO, rw ,t ~ '~on~i1 MI'r and IS Howard Nuerrt- league Wl'l have theIr onthly v n Dutto ) D a~ StiPp, Arthur

~i al. 1 ,I r' - I , b~q~er hom a c10uple of ~a 5 t~'e Every Wednesday mght UI'mg lj d,' Rola d M n~.. Mery, E:.ermlt'. ,." 'I~.I . I' : , .' i .. last\'~lf~he eek bn theIr W~Y1-FOr:n Lent.qt .30 there WIll be p~Clal urner, ,e areq~ elson, :Qerton

,,-,,:. , .~I'!, eellS,;, F'irt Riley, an, to Fort MGad, $. Lenten s rVIces,1 I arg, ellfjan Pa 11 and I Marvm, ax ~1O l?cal,'1379 fl1<l¢ts D __' I e,kes, wllO h~ve j med the na-

BeEtl , . n:v •v~niJl~,iJ~ th~ 1VI1'S, At org went to qim~h~ lVIlC a~d !virs, Elmer Str and' ~' nal guafs ~t ~ib x City, sPl"'tG11e.s..t~r. ~~ha~n ,hoh)e,: .. '•.. '1.".. S IUfdlly, a I rnoa,11 to attend jhl> family Or Oma~a, spe~ Iji turday llda;y Iv th ~o e fOll/s, IThey

, i ,: , ! ' " ",' d 'e sets COmje~hOn un!- a.n1 Sun ay \jn Ithe M's. 1 , John va this wee~~rl Camp lClai-"_I;, 'I., ',<> : ' ·:1: 'I' lM '.s. BOl·g An erso homeJ and ith Qther I rue LO isia a, W IddI1- Weaverl' e Ii to fhiS -county,_ :reI bves Mlss PhyUi H~ pse of res !jec d C1lt+e of bIS eyel

g to I l~. Eumctl ~r::l~~~~pr~e~::r~~ ~imel milt el LU-/ Vleh~ ~ c~ml~f l°"llee- t~e ~st of

'I I "I' , • I, 'II I: II I 1 I

Page 7: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...

'1_,1, c ;,~JI.,I!I'\ I' ~~LA "N q UAII,J." I~. j I,1' , __~I~, _~ ,_,~_\ i'AGis,~~1"aRt Irinas 1 lCloats, ~o C 0 e, Wi si e Fi~emen w Yl1e iyh Q i t ou TY ~OJ\,' , Ibeeg of SCribner, at teSt ,Pete,'s hme wIth relatives a; '¢alhoun

, I"f! ~ e~son' wit ,~o &1' _ inis,es'Sea o. 'l - W ne, bra*a, Fe ru ry I ~nd 19,1941 Lutheeanl'chuech ~e bride" a woen returnmg home,

F ' e'M t I w~. D f 1 I: W . . m'(· 'l- .lj}oard met s per ~JOllr ment: and Is Febr avy ~9, 11941. An COUSlh of Mr HISCOX I Farmers from £15 commumtyo 1 ge,: ee 1_ ee en, es e ea'l ' a~oe lIn Tie, or Lo Pil' l , mcmnhbe" pr.serl on Feb< 1B, except Co slOner Wmi J Mlsfeldt D1 'Dnd Mr~, C T Ingham ,'nd camf tO,the Shol shall Frid"y tu

I ~ . CMch lJ~m QrriSOllSE ra,kp- C ach EI!woOd MOl is'l W Ali embers pr~sent 0iFebr~19' .. II MiSS (Clara Chilson reltc Sunday SIgn their 1941 f rffi <:ongenutwn'Of I t 111'7 leadmg Wll~cat c~geFs n ase T . 'I high IB1ue~,1 defending chb. a~ Minutes of t1neetm he~dI ebru~ry 4, 94, read and apP1l?ved. dmnt'l guests tn th9 Al W. Ross 5011 contracts, ', I ex 'y,'ee Ihen'sea<~00~'.carnpa1g'n nilheJ!I1ll ourney Ina S of t N1rti\east Neb aSim~to, WfiERJi;l'\.S, Glady e Maxne Wmterfh"¥.been eomm1tl<p'fo the home , "Me and M", Ray Spah1 Mdr= I court thl weel<,-end I whep. l:!ley I T r thlJ ear clQsed theIr a aigtil i Nl;])rrska In~tItutJOn f FeebUe Mlhded au , and that the/parehts' J K Johnson anM Russ-ell ar- son. Gary, were Satmday dhmerWayp.e Pre ~ L ~ JA!IIJ tangle w th l()~a tt~acher~ Fr d~y 1) f W -'--M I I' D. tIe vlth BloomfIeld o;n op han of "<lId child nre unq,bl1to PirO'.llde the ne es ary depOSit of $4000 for rtved home Mondty afternonn and !';upper guests -m tjle foe

~' .,Y ns: ~iIl e\cntng bnd H~stJhlgSl <:ollege- *_ e ~at ayne Efrchan~s mars, ach tl?am havm ~on fOil cl~Jthmg, etc', I from Alhambra Cnl, where they Hmkle home ~

and tIartJ gfon rHlg~ A e tJd:1by evenll1g. I I F~nal qa:me, 39 ,to 31; fAre ga d lost one 'if e BJues'loa 1'HER"E:FOR~, be It ref;olved by thi County Board Qf Wayne had sppnt se\ernj \!.reeks Oihers MI' and Mrs. John Voss andNam~c;I as S~eded Tea s I The Iov. nns frow Cedar aUs Eligib'e to Ettt,r Mid,*"est to kIyJ"l, Henkel's teanjl dUJrlll Coun~y, Nebra~ka, th<.lt~the sum of $4000 e ~dvanced to the supenn-I of the fnmliy remniDed ,md are 1fumJiy were Sunday dmne'r gueStsof Meet 0 • M h q[<?feated the WlIdcat~ earlier 111 A A M Om the Ia;l season and!. tJn Wen tendcnt of saId Instltut~on and such addltl nal sums am the fll st meet- enJoymg the c(Juntr3f In the home of Mrs, Voss' s1stCl,

enlng arj • t~le season by n nan ow, 31 t

129' •.• eel n $.ha, lout .Ind defiooted the sam PItre lng: m Decembe:rlollwctl ye,ll' tn mdmtam ~ balance equal to the sUm of MIS, EmJi HC:lnsnn and two Chll-I Mrs Ernest Prmce

Rdrlltir:senttlU\Cs of pmttlChpatJ Ig mal gm, and dt present urc lea mg The W n~lde" Firemen, fmtllists teE In the loop tourdey mal t $40 Of) dunng her contljpuancc In S~lld IOstituUbn dren of WakefIeld urtd Mrs Crillg I Marjie Kuhl and France'S CUb-t~nms} 01d a mbetlog dt the Way 1Il


the strong Nmth' Cen1rJl 00- 10 the to n ~eam toul'~ey here two wall off wl~h meet h~or . I CotTles ~ow M I SWlhurt~ Commlssioner of DistrIct No' 2 ;md, CUlley :mc;l daughter of Bend, Ore, 1 bel took p<lrt m the n:'cltal givenhl~h Sl hu01 SljhUld<IY

Imorning Ito fplenre I, week,; 0, butUt 1hell' way to I T e Blud' Tlflentor started tl ffiLlkEls the folltl\vmg I appomtment'l, wh~ch aPPOintments <lIe duly spent Sunday <.JftelntJrlO \Vlth Miss I by the plano puptls of the 5t J

mak,b p.lllltlgS dnd cotnplete otlier "'The HastingI'> Blonco~, ahr;ays the NO! hC'Jst Ne lO.$ka A A U sen" n Wltl'b. nlo great a ount f <.Ippl(~\ed............ l\LJUdl' eu'If'',' MISS Curley IS Im_IFnm~lS'<llurch In Randolph W('d~::HlahgenlPnts I fl)J the dl~tIjct fnIl of $llIPIIS('S, \.\;('re dcfe<J.te~ on bnsket all fhampmn last ThUlS- able materInl tiut h"as Wh~ped h Il'ranh:hn Ree~ <:lS *o3d O'v€rseer of Rdad Distnct No 2G, pi IJ\ mg, frfJm her dInes" nesd<.Jyafternoon.ChiS:': B lllgh s('hnl~l }),uketbhll the11 home court enrly thiS month clay ev nmt whelp. Uley defedted tear mto shaPf With suchleg\fla I E'led pargstadt ds!Rodd 9verserr of Road District No 31. Mr ;.md MIS Howard Mnr"hiOulIn ImPilt tt)1 bE' 1H'1~ .. t the b', the' Wildcats by ;) 47 10 33 the Wa ne jVIerchqhtf, 39 to 31, In lty t at 1he~ hbve been Irnpr~lVlI1bI Comes now Geo I A Lumber on, JLlstlc~ of ;;eace for CIty SJIOLVS mo\ ed th~ lll<.;t of the wC'ek to the'WcrYI1l' ,lllOIVllllll11 l\Lneh 5i G, 7 m,lIgm but IMve shown ~nlls der~ the fin I gd!me of thd tournament I $te3 ily until now they ate 1?el~ WdYp:l.C, ,,:lnd <lppom1s George Bor hoft qlf Wayne, NebrilsR<l, <.IS hiS I.. II~ I fdrm nnc ,md one-half mrles o;outh/lno. B ~lbJc lmpl!), crnll'nt slnc€' th('n II The game, tram;fcll'eq} to Wtnslde Ipl;)(' d by some among the1strong r ConstdblE'. \l;hlch apP~Jntment IS 0 motlbn d:Ulw,8Pproved~ 11:11 J" Jrnsen spent Sundily 10 °f1 Sho!ps fl>1 merly 'OCt upled by.

TIlt' 14 te;]I~S (>nt('1("'1 In the --------~- lrom NOilulk <!It th¢1 mutu<Jl re- tea s entEjled m the dls-tn t The followmg orJi:.cldl bonds 4e apptrov,ed the COlmty BOdIC] HH Utt!) Peters hom£.' 1(1 ('n Burnh,om Mr and MiS EdnWl..~1 Wll'H dn, Jd{ r1 mIll two iJr,lc;k- W·ld 4, D f t IqUE..'ft of the two tC'CIInl' was played Clas A meet at NOTf01l1 whl Frzmklm Re('~ 01-; ~\eISE'er of rclrld I1lsttlli't a 26, I ""rtlC FI~hel ,Inn snn Gordun. Olm<.;te.ld mo\ed flom east ofd~ of sC'v{.'n t~~lll1s (wh, {)n~' te~m I oatS e ea Iheftllc the 1,lIgpc t clowd 01 the Icpfl c, Mmch 4. I 1fl ed Burgstadt ,1;:11 0 \('1'5(,(,1 of Odd Dlstnct No 31, " of WIWldl' \\l>fC Sholes lJu"lness IShl-,jes ,to the GEorge No;)kl?}; farmIII each Nr'dWlljd' .J F01ll1 ~etqd-' meet 1 GeOlge Bomhoft lis Const<:lble or CIty of Wayne 1\ l"ltOI ' Sdturddv ne,lr 'VI .. yn(' \\ h<.>re J;IIIr Oimde'\'l&d t('~ms, s<;1tZtc'd oflHl,)ls, -8 'b t 48 32 The Wm~rd<' tedm held the lead Be' w. 1 The CountY,Trc4sUler IS herclby cndered to transfer the sum ofl Ch,n]E'Y Landl)(>r~ (Jf Rilndolph.\ L'> employed by ~r, Noake~.

,were pl.H'( <l \~~ Q In t\lth l,Hfd( 1\l'1, 0 ca s, • Ithroughout the gdme except for ue agers III $::l 70 flam the County G('ner,il Furld tn the Jury Fund sperlt SUlld,lV \\ rth hi" mother, Ath'nd ~1a...."'Onic Banquf>t.Allan ;ll1d LyOlls ,lp!Jt',]llng: 'lin the __ only a monwnt endy 10 the mitl'll I ThE' lollowlng ctllms Dre on mot!on iludlted and allowpcl as of! l\'Ir<; Emm;) 1 andbclg Mr <lnd MIS, Martm Mno'f'nUPpCI fl,lmt' >llld Ildltll1)~h111 hlgl~ Victory Here Friday Assures frame wher the MerchDnts were fift 1l_. t F'P1JI. 18, 1941. clnd WdrJunts ordeJer! dr<lwn on the resppctJve fund~1 MI', .lnd Mrs Ed Kpnnv <lnd <lttf'ndf'd the Masonic b,mqu'tt.lt~chbol dlHl \\rb)IH.' l'ltj} In tilt' W S f 1t1 fl'ont,:J t'p 2 The $COle W,lS tied on ~rence IJI"e as herein "hr)\,/11 W,J1r~lnts to be \aJldliJle 'Il'id l'f'rldy for dl.'llvC'ry O!ll f.lmdv ',f C"lrro)1 <,:pf'nt Sunday m th<: MasonIC hfll III RdlHilJlph~OW(,l' i I" ayn~ t,aters 0 at Ireast 1l1Iee tJn1£'s l 111 thls quarter, WIth S'(TUROAY, MARCH 1, HJ11 Ithe lA'nl" Kenny home IMundi..lv evening

~ All ftl"t 1(j~ll1rl [f.tnws 1)1 tlH' Tie with Chadron fori Top the StOlE' at the ('nd of the> penod Av nge Early Season:Defea1t Gene::11 Fund, CJUlt~ .I numbel m thq Sholes . -nWf1 Will b~ h( III W{'r~)( Scl.1Y)11 Position lin NIAA Loop. sLmdlng cIt J2 to 9 In Wmslde's I No Name,' \\ hDt lor Amount! (flrnmdl1l1v hd\ t been qUite ill With Pleasant Hour Cluih.JVI~lch 'l b.(' I~llllil~ ,d 1 ~l~ P'r'ti ' favol lIalr tlme scdre saw the Y Nipping Pierce Cagerls 1R2 M"yp! & Bl(hrl~ U:,;('d tractor. ' ~350 00 Imflu('nl.d trw pd"t weeK I Mrs Glade Mcfaddt'rj entrrbm-ings ,1lC',1' f(1 111\\ tJjJn, I lill ,H k<'1. ~ C~\~H'lh. Jim Mnn )o;on's Wayne Fli emf'n IUJ'W1t'1 lTl ~t·ont. ~1 to 1fi i Final Game of l1purney IR;, L. W Needh<IlTli' S;il,llY dS Co) (:Ipi k, Fehruary lfH3 fiG R,dph [>(olt('1 of Brokf'n Bow, ed the Ple:l'<Clnt Hour Hub mem-1\lk'n \ s I10ly TI rlllt\' (J! iLlltlng-- Stol\P e;jJgpts ,l~Stll'Nl themselves of With Eckd"t sparJ~lng the Flrc- N 21 t 20 C t 1Rfi Izora Laughiln,1 Depilty en Clel k. F('brudry 10416 \ l"lh d III tile Glf'n BUI nh3m home Ibers '-It hel hOme Thurs(lny 'llte-r-t(JI1. ():m N(O~\ld' t!( .,", Wm' ldc,ll ~ 1 'ilSt " tiP Inr 1(~ honOl ~ 111 !he men ,"lOr] 1\lol111<JIl le,ldJn~ the I yarrow 0 Guil. lR7 Susvn E EWIn1,r0So,'t t~) Co ctIf'rk, F'ebru:Jry R3:l3 Thill ~dd) retulnmj.( home ~nd8Y noon FullO\\ Ing :::l sO<:I<11 tlln~. the1.30 F:1l1l1 llh, 1,\(' Elllrll ,v<.; INIAA hpl(' J,~ ...1 ]orHl.lY evemlg MCI'Chants tm\:' karns h.J1tled :11- oaeh Elwood MOlflS'1 Wayne 1RR Twila Rerg1..h;;~t to (0 Clefk, Ff'hrudxy GOOO! i\11 ,nl! :vIr" l-l,lrrv S'lmuelsonlh()ste's-'(,I\l'd~1t\\O-cOJll'-'oluJ1.<:h-I,yun' 'i 4-, ' hl']( k(,t I:I1lr't \\ )H'n tlWY dcleiltl'tl till..' Ppru Bob- most eVPllL¥ 1hrotl~h(jut llw thlld 1lir-: bask(~thdll qllmt WOn'''' the ]f!9 Om'lha PI Intm~ Co SlIPpIIC. Co CIf>l k 82G .. IHI f,Inll 1

V \\f're Srlnday gue~t<; 10 I ponjnr'l'Hr') r ,11 1)1 l Itlll 2:41:i tats dl'll ndmg ehampwns, 48 - ~2 C/llaJtC'r which (nded with \Vmslde IN~) thf':l<;t N('bl,lSka conference 1fJO Statc JOl1fll,l1 Ptg Co, SljppllC'S, Co Clerk 60c. Co I thl' } l( I t J,l<:obs( n home near 1- -~--~ - --nonwi 100, \\T<ikcfIP](1 Thl' Wl](!c.~ts SLllt(c1 off slow" In lront 2![)1022 tj rndrnent champIQnsr'lJp <It Tnr[l~ $880 040

IAllen:1! .B•••••IIDII.alllll•••• -:.,

hy('. T el,l l 'l \\1 ,'IlI(' Pn'p flnrlln~ ~tli( ])er tl c\d('nse r:::lther Wlnsld(' star:1ed ,1 SCOllI1g SPlilt P (I ce 13st Frlo.lY cvenl11g when 191 NUl flJlk D.llly N<-"\." StlPp~;es, Co Clerk $5590. Co 1\11 Ind 'l\lr<.: \V,Jlt0r GubbC'l and I. 1 itSHin' I ClJJIJlUJt :(),pendld1(,' ;)nd WCle In the [lOll 1 Ilpm~c thdt put 1hemlt c:y dcfeflted Franklyn Httnke* TrE'<lS $1In, 5700 famd\ H(rn,~un:l<Jy gUe"ts 10 thel: tq.ndard' .;

Second l!'\II'd 12-.1 ,dtel I~ mInutes of In flnnl' :n to 2:::1. and then held P IC eagers, 2l to 20, rn the ftn</tl 192 MOn!oe CalculatlOg Mach Cfo, RCPd1l9 ,md ~L1pplleS, Co, Mr<; R'I"I y<:lbcr home In Ran-I: -erl Thul "d IV ' h.llf At th.lt pOint. how- oft a detelmllleH Wuyne dn\e 1hnt go e Jf the meet TrE'ds $675 Rjep;llrs. Co Clftk $575 12.'50 I • 0 'I:

I of tilt' All('n Ifni,,' Wayne men settled down scored thtf'C' fwlden; III II "S than n arnrng the 1ight ~o baHle 193 K-B Pnntmg Co. Supplles,1 Co Supt $2255, Cn CIE'rk I "nd l\11 ~ ,J(J(' Hrnkle, <lnd : g 0 ay -Ne\\-('w,;t!«\VlIl"Idl' meebnr 100 before them [lnd closed a mlnutle I r( top anors of thc meet. t~e $2087, Co .Judge Moo Cn AttOlney $400 Clelk DI"t Lrrnl1y 'P('lt Sllnd.l'y ,!fternoM mi. • - : 1at6:Hl,ErrJler"'''Tlnll'ptln~~hpwU1 m.ll'/;Jn to 17-16 dt mter- A,ldo Molinari cOPIlf'd scoring1iB es S<Jttercd Hurtmgton lhtl1e Court $400 5542 til(' H1J\)(lt .Jon(s l~(jme west of I: :1ner of W-e I, '1IIt'I-Lyons 11lt a hPn'Ol'S 1101 the ~.lme WIth hiS 12 fl t 1'0 lOci Wpdnesd<:lY, 29 to 15, 194 L W Necdh<:lllil, Cdsh ;Jdv ffit postnge 27 fiO CJr)(,ll ~ .l: •54:1, tht \"IV\itWI f)f thq, Hmtlll!{ phlnts C n M\siPldt the uri \\,on hdndlly from IP1.lIry\leW 195 State NdtlOlla1 B~nk. F'IOD/: charge'S. Co Treols $9'i4, ILm" Tlt'tgen ,lnel <.:rln, Alvln,l. Egg-o-Da~T supplies the :Jton ~llt;ll-Dq(j-,dlll ,Inri Homel' chnmplj1ils wdh 11 E<-kcTt, HI tllf' ,ellll-]lOoIls Thllrrsd~y, 34 ('leI I, DI"t C'()tJrt 8:'it Co C ll'k ~315 ]354 '"ok,] t\ll<-k IOold, of stO<'k to I: necessary miJ1f"l'al to B)Pomol 1.11'glll ~ ,It 74:1: :11111 Don W,\elble dnd "\Vclblc 1( 20 I 19G J J Steele. SjlalY as Co Tleasulter. February 111667 '\ (Jndd\ \'1 lllng ;J short. promole egg procluc- =1

I \VU],l (1111~ nl' \\llllH'r 'I: 01124-24 bllt ,lltpi tl1dt It W,lS <11,- e,Hh dqd1ng B tl){jl(' I Seconds Lose to Bloomfield. 197 Lonnd B.lhdp, :ID!pu1v ro Trleds~lrcr, Februnry 10417 ~ - ----I: ' iii Itlw Colel 'on!' Pl <'0 gdlnf 111l)st ,,11 Wdynp "\\olth MOllIson S ! 1/'0 Compete in Omaha, (, 'he Wdyne s e l' 0nd's qnder 198 Dorothy F Stre1e, As" t to CD Tl'idsUI'el, Febl Udl-y 8'333 I_ lwn. :1'ut gOO In;('n ltlcreasmg thel! lead <IS the I By Vllttue of their Wln, the Flre~ ach Fr<:lnk Sullivan, W&~t tj)ut jn 199 Grace Steele. ~ss'1 to Co Trt';J';llnt Feqrtldry 60001 G h' : . I II)

Seml-flJ'JI'n1 g,lnlf's ;Iro sclwdule 1 gdr;lC' progressed men dl'e eligIble to compete In th~ t ~ seml-flOals of the seconp Iteam 200 Omaha Pnntqlg Co. SlIpplle!'; Co Treas. 626 OOC S : If l~e hf'n IS to produce =/for 74S ,HHl !1 00 Fll~1<Jy even In , :EOlW<ll~S Whitmore <lnd Goth- Mldwelst A A. U tournament ~t t lltney The Blue resen\es, paq~d 201 J J Steelf',OO Tle8s, EXPlless adv, for Co, Treas.. 49 I • the greatest poss11Jie: =

. and til(' lil"~ls 'of. ill[' seml-fln,l c; 101, With 1::> (lnd 11 pOlOtS, were the Om('lh~, bcglllnlng' March 3, ;Ina Forwald Murray. nudged the 202 Frz.mk F Kodf, Sal:lry os Cllibrk Du.;t Court. February 166671


320/0 I-} f ~ h =1nnd Irn,ll 1',\1111(' SfI1UI'ddY nt 7 5 ~tund-outs of the game They are nolW makmg p].m s for the trJl~ artmgton seconds In th¢ fllst 203 Vena Beth Fuller, Asst to 01erk Dist Court Fpbnwry GOOO ': num >er 0 egg-::i,. fi C ~and q on fOln;f'd the sppnlh('ncl of the Wlld- Th"lbox smrt' ..I t!ouncl, 11 to 10. 'Illd drbpPl1d <1n 204 Fron,; Kf)llff Clerk Dist :Colld. Postnge, Februarv ::l50 M h Mk I. must have the~e mlnf'r_11

(on~o'atlons..pns ..ihic. II Il,i:~ s('{(,Jl]~1 h,llf,dtt~ck,th:1tSIHlt- Win~ide (19) I Wayne (31) I ¢ cJtmg sccond lOl1nd Igame to 205 Gco L<l)T1I)~IS:)'l J1.11lJlfken.'I{'es 30°1 as a er ;: ({Is that F..gg-o-lh1.~ eOI1-A (, 11 "LIl.llull "0110<'; rnr losf'l <; pf ~(l cd till' \ lSltOl S d{!t rlse ,-md ~n- fg ft pf fg It rH IloOmflPlrl. 12 to 11 Bloomfield '20H Fr,m F KfJrf:!, Clerk Dlst <tourt. Costs III case of lllsanity I I· tams.

tht, fll'1 1'''111](1 js. 1)(>111* pl.llll1q\1 dblp(] Ow WdYIW tcn to scole <11- M1Sfp~dt 1 5 I 2 lMolin;Jl i, f 4 411 >\t to the Plnlnvle'w shonds In of FlorencE' MrmtgomelY 27 Wi I 100lb I: InnH 1111 1ll.jtl'll<lllzps those gdll1lS I:,O"t 1t WI]] F'l<..sht:l<H1 Hmold Eckert, f 4 0 0IH~1n(', flO 1 HVlmils The WdYlle seconds h</ld 207 J M Cheny Snl,lIy rs Co ,Judge Febrt!l<:lry lSR33 ,s. i: 'will Iw pl,l~l( d ,It 2 151 ;mel :3 f• 0 Fit! h 111~ T~('d In d. Sp,ll klihg per- D WeIble, (' 4 0 :3IF Webb. f 1 () 11 OIl top hOr)fJl S In the tUlltnf:lmeht 208 Gwendolyn E Boll ton, Ass't to Co ,JlIdJ':c Febl uury fJO 00 .(p,250 • 7 pounds. _J $111°0IThuI'd,lv, 5 IS :ll,ld ,6 30 rll rdjl y, 1111 mame <11 the JOI \\I'm d PiD'St F Wielhle,g 4 0 0 SI111t];L c 3 3

10 It lC past tv.n year", 209 J M Chf'll \.: Co .Judge. 5t<:lten:lent of <:osts. State 1'1' I: 12 pounds I$1 ~50

,ll'Hl the (~)Il~()ldtlC~n. fmtll{ (lj 6110 Centel Gl'lIballgh led the attark N Welble,g 0 {) liB IWebb, g {) 0 111 ~ Al nold M3U,I 590 I. 1-' ,S,~tf(lltcl\ 1n tllP l\~'pnl th,11 a Class fur the \1',ltOIS With 10 J)owts F. We/bIt' g 20 3Ir,md'lhl, g 22 13 1 Wayne 29, Hartington 15. 210 J M Cherry Co Judge, Stdtement of COf;tC;. St,Jte I' : 25 pounds '$2 50 ~C pLv-roil ,1~lfi'rr)f' h Ul'()lll~ht () !VldnttlP stor Pelu gU<lrd, WdS[ \TPlJeI'H'l,g () 0 0' Paced bYIFmward na1C-Pbwets, Kecn<Jn 2~OG¢ WAYNI= I: . 9

",Vd} III IH~''lht'''bj)rl of v.,lllCh \\ II fnulcrl out of t1w gdmp <llte-r. llI11C -----~ ----\----..' ho sCOlcd 10 pomts, the Blues 211 .T M Cllpr rv. Co .Judgc Stdtemf'nt of co"t" State L I- 100 pounds $750.not Ill' mli(~t' \lntl~ M"rch 3, t 1<" I1lrnuh S of

rthe sp('ond h,l1f, nnd Tot~ll lq 1 91 TO!'ll 11 {) 7 a<.:tly sllPP1d past the Hattlngt n .James n Gnef, Jr 1037 : . =

con"nl.ltlnll fltl,rls \\111 1)1' Jlu 11l'd FOl\'ldld vv<llkel wellt oul on pCI- Fll'e t111oW,; I1lIS's('d WlIlslrl'a G, high qUlllt ir the first round We ~ 212 ,r M (,helly, Co Judge. Statement of co~ts, State PRODUC-= I· -' enhc,lfl dn.l1(nll ,,011dl' t\\ () mlnu1ps Iw[orp thE' flndl "\V lylH' ;}. It dd\ Cf t:Jtpr BeflY ;Jry<-l GU,l~ d L L M(Kmnon 401 L 1= K- k 'Iii

ft'am An,trds to BI·Made. rpin I - ~_____ --IrJ(kompucih.Jdded6pomts while 213 r B D('~el SCilaryD"Cfl Supt, Febludry 1G6GG • - Ir man s.Wlllm'lS of the n1P(J't wl1llPcE'Ive WJlh but 30 sNonds l('mdlJllJlg W'~ C fU l1d Wlli~Jley paced the' loslfrg 214 Omah;l School Supply Co. Supplle<.; Cn Supt \564 Dick Pinkham i: •

the lpguld,-I Nebl ~1s.1{[J fIlgh SChQOII to bE" plIY! d the game W<lS held 1 yoe agers \\ Ith 5 POlr!-ts The Blueo; held 215 "UnlVf'rslty Publl"hmg"Co. SupplIes. Co 5upt 466 Phone 213 \\ayne. ~eb. \= .=Actn ItitS .1/,>SO!Cl,lLi0I1 Il'Ophy tlSl,101 ll? lor u\)out 11ve minutes when I H,lrtmgton to one flPld goal III tlhe 216 W M Welch Mfg Co. 5upl)11eS, Co Sllt::t 2034 • ··Your Rexall Store'" ~:nWdl d m.ldl' til ,ill dJ<.;IJ It t wmn1fl SI\II. hltp ~U\;stltllte Pu \I {'('nter I L d· ~t till st tlll(?C qumtels 217 F B Dpck(,l. Co Supt, Poslcage 600 d' II •

'"\C'1 HlP 'Ulll 1n <lnnltloll UIf" push~d Ahe\1l wto tlll' ble;lChf.1S ,ea In a e The hOlx corc ' ..f! z1Ht Cldude L Wllght, Salary ;tsCO Assessor, February fJ.{)OO II_~~••II•••••II••~!....-Mol\ Ilf (hrm])' I ~\r ( IIJllll'H'1 ec I" dlld ,1 sqU<lhble- onsued With both I \\avne (~9) I HartiJ~gtbn Or,) 21fJ .J'llm's H Plle S"Llly a~ cq SnPI Iff ~ebruary 10000 I[J --,--uri tlill i 'I 'i Il' I" 1 l)l( "((fll)d nwn IIIl illy lWln}'; dr"fJlllllllld Wt-+:·'A- -d-- p.1 r fl f f It f 220 ,Jum0~ Ii Pile C(' SIH'llff, J'llor fee" :md bonrdmg of ~WI A

~ )111 I t( 11'\ 11)(1 i!JI' \\ 1\ r\l' 111~11 Trll b()x S( 01 C 'J "IIt,lJTlor~ Avances r;:oto ITst ['Il\\ PI sf'; 4 1~'n\llke1t f ~ 0 P2 Pi bnn('l.., ~(; Op :. AI<';l'hn,,1 ~\ ilt pi I "l lIt III 1\' 11 d Il> I )\avnl' (t8) : Pl'ru (.2) Place In N I A A .:.)cor r ; DCl rv f 0 f) 4 H',,\\ 11th f 0 1 4 221 () B N('I~()n, SEJlul" as Cn J:lllitor FeblU,ll y Gi o~1hC' \\lllIlll<'; III th(' CI1l1s,11I!IOI' I' jrf~p!, I fgftpfl 40thier Moves to Fourt. nC'llj. (' 2 21fG,:JI\ln ( 1 ~ 1 222 CI(>(nMd"kL.lh~J,.)tml('s,Sllpp1Je<.: en ,r::lnltor ~51S('II[''' 1'lIlllrtl0 f (, ~"Wc11k('1 I 124 1 300 WI t 1331223 Un1tc(]..ChfmJC'Zll Co. SupplH~ Cn ,1.1\)ltOl 500 ~ I

<\11 III 1('1I111 lll)(,l,j 1e lm \' 111 hf' (,fijlll<'l, f 1 ~ (I HI Itt f ] 0 21 WolYIl(' Sbtl'S \VJ!,k It c::lgc!rs, Srl1lt'I~1m~ r. 2 n 21 Jllll~;~SV : 0 ~ 3 J 224 1rltn l nalronnl (hemlc.Jl Co, SuppllC'<': Co Jat11tfll :l:l::lO. \<:e]P(t! dIN rilill 111:-. In III II,..,\' l>ul 1Vl d,lIlz l 1 1 1 G lJ.lUgh. c 3 4 211111di::l tlrL' tUh'ldg(i' uf.l H :.\lOT')I-r H~ I 0 I lie Ihol f 1 , 11225 'Jlcopl(s N.ltm,lI G<.lS Co G,)S It COUlt!JOUS<', 1-2 tn 2-3-41 lOR 1)61 ~~:-==::::==::==:-=~~===-=~~~~I~rrino l'lrll\ ItiU tl 1\\,11 ri~ \\ til bt I11dd( AfH'rll. g 0 2 :~:M( Jntlle' g 2 2 4 SOI~ diE.' 11<lJOg OJl the L1 tJ..,t 01 ~e- G:::ll~S/ f 0 0 ~IB~lk;~~' gOO 0 226 .T r StL'c]l', Cn TI t'dl' F'l ('Ight .1d\ for Co .J...lllftQr 1 44 ~, ' ., ~":'0"tId Otic, 111 rll I III (nn'Ol m rfll c Al\d ~Pll g 2 I 0 HdnnclhJ g 1 4 2 br q kil (OmlwtltlO·n \'v th S rl I f) 0 1 227 Luedlf" R('('g. A."s't 111 FSA offlcf', Feoru<lIY 6000 FOR SALE I Hampshure -bred giltS, 'au 0wl1h \'](, N Ii S \ A nllltl.lt r'ltch I' 2 0 1 'R ho",de, flO 0IelgJ 1 hut onp loss Do 1 e j lin c _~I _ L 2lW C' I W,dttrs, Spbl v dS Co Agent, January 3000 I farrow In~arch pnd Apnl. t

TI t 'I t til YClr Will Nltz f I 1 11Pl~cdl gOO 0 ne11r~t lontendel hlS seven \\ ns 22!l Lllcl1l(> Schlf(jlcrl('t" A<;s't 1n 01 Agent, February 6000 us reclea~nd...scgrU'yyour ge dl~ 0111 tlllllt. I IS , ,<' /j • To1<ll , 1 7121 Tot 11 4 114( -' ~ 2412 'I FUR SALE -Onl:' used dlummum no\\ W. F. Biermann. f27ltl

be 1111(1('1 tlH ".lIlW m:1l1-.lgPllwnt ,18 Bl'st, g 2] I BYf'rs gOO. 0 ,In two defp,Ib i I 2:30 C T W llt('l s. C 1 AgC'nt MIleage, January tub elcdnc :\ilaytag $1750 - - -------------the OIW 11,1 'rt.ll N, I' ThO! pC: Rdzlolff gO () ] IWhlte, c I 0 1 tl1 thip N1AA. the Wildcnts Ire WaYne 34, Plain\fiew 20. 2'~1 i\gt IniltUl \~1 EX~~~I~n ~~~ 1~~c;_up~:~:~e",_C~A.g:nt __1-=-2~ Gdmble Store ' f27t1 1FOR SALE ~Brooder hou"e jnseli\ Illg" .. trl\lrlld\1Wnt dllf'C'tor L::Hlllll.lt gOO 3!Snye1<..'r, f 00 1 lllJpOllt lit the p1PSf'nt time \ lth~ , I - I' good conditIOn, slx~sJded; <:lIs annd r; n. ('llllds (]<.; t()Urndrnpnt ---I ~~-- fl d' Vlctmlf'S ;J1)(1 bile dcf dt Tn th~ seml-rl~dl"hTt~~d;JY. ~~h¢ .~ -,- (~~~t..I<,~~o~~~~~~~~~~~ _~ FUR SALE - T";IJ good used hog house, 8 by 20, four pe s;m;1l1,II'lrl ry'ot,11 1812141 Tot<ll ]{)]216 H(~ilev('1 Chadron St~lte, onl Blues £,lmu1,:Jte t C

t<lJn\~W (' I \\dshlngm<:lchln(':-"S750nndup, F-14 Farmall tr<.l(tor, dod tl t-

~ __ -T- ----1__ s.ro!p :It h,df tlJ"rW' W,lylW 1n, (Jthp~' posslbl(' eontfi'ndel has twq qUint :l4 to 20 Forwmic D'erry <lS 10 'AI,S Hlrschmah home Don's 0.rcbestl<11 G<.lmlJl{' Store ,f27tl tm plow, and cultl'..cltOJ, a so

D II. 1 Ppr\117 gJnt's thiS weel{-E'nd With th~ th(' big ,gUll for,the w1nner~, scorT ..J.-l ~I.... played <It Hartmgton FllddY i -- ---- ~---~-- tracl1l1 llstel (lnd McCOlmJC,,-'

I 0\\ 11 a1~1,II1~hnl I Flee 1hrows ml,;sf'd WnY;llc 0, P¢Illl BobcdtS ;Jnel necds both win mg 12 pOlnts Francls Smith added Elmer Ccchm spent Mond<lY cve- Dr L ;E. Young arrived homp FOR SALE ~A dose us; ,bullthng I Deering sep;lUtor. pn1ctlGlllIyL Peru 7 1nl share ronfct('tlce honors W,t! 7 more BM," was [hIgh for~thc nmg at J K .Johnsdn's FrIday from Chicago where he had I lut JOI 8450. Pavem(~H ~,~d new Flehch Pcnn, Boyd HDtrl.

TlIr~da\\, ,13 tn 8 OfflcI<1]" Best (Wayne St<lh'), u~d WtldC<ltS, I I losers With 6~int!'; I.The B ues Harry Wood of BloomfIeld, spent attended the mld-wmtpr denUl :\lar 1tll1 L Rm~er. ""I' f21tI Wayne, • £21~1'" Bunhnm (Nebrnska WeslE'y.m). I _ ,lhd then swrted sco1!'m~ to holdi Friday m the T C Bathke home, c11111C - ~ ~-~--~---~ --- ±-

Wayne Prep-:Finishes Sea~on ~- W'". -,-'- INebl'aska coH~:c sI~a:~~~~s~p ;r~~~~~t 1~~2ci ~~t t~~eh~TsTh~U~t~~~ m~~:es;onRto ~:~t';hll~:~~~US~'~~~ qu~e ~u ~~o~~:' h~~~ ~~a~IS bs:~~ F(;~ !l~,r~~~l~~(~t~~~d~lt;~~or~.u~- RADIO SERVICi!-Here 1uesday with RecQrd 8l11es In fJ·om wJYhe 8 1 394 29 flu,llter W,l$ almost even, bu't 321 West 4th, I Supt N, F. ThorpC', IS ml1<-h Im- B.J1clm"n,.3 ml east of AI~~~a2 Phone 487 for prompt. '0': 131Wins and 4 \-ossesJ W p' II D~~ne 7 2 35~ 130 Wayne agam hit <.l ~ot streal ,in Mr. and Mrs Henry Frevert proved, It efficient radio se-rvlce. I~, I est OInt ere Chfldnm ~ 1 174 14 ~he fmal name to wall{ a:vvay Ith were {It HosklJ1S Tupsd.1Y .1t the A L Swan and He1"bclt Lutt FOIl SALE -Spa-~~barley for Hemmingson Radio Senti~

W,lynf! Prt'p's ,'tJ1Ue "\VIH:1c;)~ _ __. Petu fl 4 420 137 r nice margm I I Ed, Behmer hom¢ wer~ a~~mg the Legion men lTI seed, l-st pnze at Wayne fair, 31Bt! \Vay~. Neb. ,C;I'g'prs haH n!l. €,,,sy llme l 0lth T d ' 28 t 13 V' t M~lat1d 5 4 1312 34 The box SCOlC: I \ Mrs. FIOfe.ncf Helleberg was 1D ICnmd' Island Monday and Tues- 45c Simon Lessman, WakefIeld,Hill tOllt t TuC'sdav e\,cnlllg hel ues 8Y 5 0 1 Ie ory }~astllngs 4 5 1302 33 Wayne (34) I Plfllbview (~O) Qmaha Sunday for the state hair d f n ~eet ng . Rt. 2, f20t2p ::::::t:t=lIwy rlcrle'altpd the H,ll tlllr; on 19hj Giv~s Blues Seasion Record ~ 1'1 1 5 13691331 fg ft pf fg ft pf dressers' convehtllon. ny ar I. FQR RENT -qUint 4'l jD 8, ijn nu rm,lllg.1n e of of 13 Wins and 5 Defeats) Ke Ilnty 1 9 469 53 Powers, ~1 ~ :l'Trubc, f 2 1 2 Mrss Ma~y OJNflll 'of AmswoHh, Joe !Lutgen of Grand Island. and FOR SALE ~ 5-roorn house, all t-"

thesE',lsOQi(jJ tht"PlepIDd r,blmg- '? "\V" sllcy~ln 1 11 404 51 Delry, r,. 52 2lPetergen,f 2~2 entered a 10call1ospltal Saturtiayla couple of young men fnend!'; modern exrept heat, lot 75x150, -r-ing tlH'II'l94n-41 lecold to 13 IOS\ The Wayne high BI~es closed _ I Beny. t 2 I 11Albin, d 2 as a ed'cnl ~t Ie~t 'r were Sunday guests m the Dr. S pa\mg paid, $1,500, G, A Lam- FOR RENT ~3-room .apartrn~nt,nnd 4 dd'ats I j thtll' 1940-U bagketball ('ampaJgn NJAA StandingS, 'Hoekorn, g 0 1 2lJellkin~, g 014 Mr

mJ I 1:' ~ 4er ~n spent 3at- A.ILutgen home. berson, f27tl Edw, Seymour, fmtl

Edwlll 'r-'pI,lgue led the aHa Ii: of atlthe munliclpal fludltOTIUm court ~ W L Pts biffismlth' g 3 I oIBo~tgen, g 21 2 1 U d s. d S ~ ~'th Mrs Gu Mr. and Mrs Erv10 Heftl'and -------~--the wuytc te~ltn \\ Ith 15 pc ints, ller~ Tue:-;elu:v,. evening, whBn thrY W~yn~, I ,'j 1 1257 1. Hos:::le. g 1 0 2lThomas, f 0' 1 2' T

r ~~k~~s ;tU~e~~er I • 1 y11 son, Mr. and Mrs, Otto Hahne of FOR SALE ~Modern home on FOR RENT -MFlrch 1, front tfftce

pon Echt nkdl11p and Bob Hughes de~eated the: 'West Pomt lllgh qhadrbn :'1 1 174 1 14 Sund. ~ 0 0 OIPeters, c d 0 0 'M d M H' in IFr vert Colendge, were last Wednesday curner of 7th End Pearl for $1,- in Ahern bUl(di.ng. ~27t1each SCOI ng (i The I~lttle Wli ('<Its Cadets, 28 to113. to bring thp loqal :{eru 2 2 1155 118 GI'qUlst, t 2 0 11 r ~~ ~:' d e~ ry gu ~t luncheon guests In the Ben Meyel 800, An old .hou"e but qUlte hve- FOR RENT:-4'-roo;m houseJ 3;~1got off t <In early s1art and held to~m's record tor the season to 113 !1--ealln('Y 0 G 177 28~ --1 ~ -L..- ;er~ C ;es l~ lOll er es m'l home. able Maltm L Ringer, f27t1 mLDorlheast of Wayne on hlgp-·a: 21-~ ~elad <J~ \\al~l ti1TIICr'l~1 {lOg wr~ ,and :~ ~efeats, in~IUdmg I;}S~ I crl y ~ - I ! Tdill 14 6111 Total 6] 813 ~ K Jona:sel'ln~n s~r;:,e. Jimmie The ~alph Berndge family mov- FOR SALE -----One reg 1s t e r ed way 35. Carl:Samuels.on, f21tlPnICe eeillsetn., 1~I"oadle~m W,{'S <-'Inerence Olllnilmdn I ,,,'lutmore Leads ScorC":rs:l W' -I I Knox ofLmc~llll spent the week- edWedpesdaytotheE.J,Hunte- ~held th~, VISI ors sco!e 1_5 lftmg gailles. I F rward Quentin Whltryp01' ll-yne 21, Perce 20. d ' th M ,'w J mer house on West Third which Shorthorn bull, 3 years old. Two REN Il.o ItIle thild ' quart~'r. 'I { H~\ndlcal~ped by the loss of ~par1,l;:p1ug of the Wdyne s#ring Alth(lugh outscol'ed f;rom the en WI rs. "'I' ,one,s. the Dr. Wm, Haw\<.ills family 1"e- Shorthorn bulls,- 1 year old, IFOR T:~ ,ouse at 802 ga:J

In thelpleltmwmy r ~a ~, the Berry, Ke~sler <md Lessman, whol att~k, last wel1\k replaced BI sing floor. 16 Ito 12, thJ WayneflUIeS ~ Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lflisen ~nd cently vacated Robert Eddie sr, CarrolL St. Strictly modern. Phone 01

Flrep SeCiOrds def~ated t11f. Hd ihg- were out b/ecause of Illness, Coach </If ~arney, fdr fIrst place mong managed to score Ienou~h oints obble OIi;.ebI?om were Sunl.i~.y~ IN F ;" I ., " f20t2p write Wm. :win!gett, WaiIthill.,ton seCdnrs, 22 tb 15. Mor'ns, ho~ever, used hIS aV3]II- N1A1'-i scoreT s Biggest g;lJin t t e (10m the free throvJ line to a enge f:jvenmg guests at Ratmond Flor- Supt. . . orpe pans to ar- Nebr. , , j2tf

Thtio b~'J <;('ore: I , , able cagerp to good adva-nta~e, rvee1F,' howeve~', Wd.S that of Dojn Ian em'ly season defeat and edge ihe's nve horne Saturday from a tn~ FOR SALE: - Reglstered DurocI ~ E'Vay~'C (43) '.It 1131'ltm bm (8) the Blues lholdmg the Vlsltors to ~oUlt~r, who moved flom r~h 10 the Pierce' qumt In the final Fn- Mr. and Mils. ArtHur Magdclnz to Washmgton, D, Co, and Atlantlc bred gilts to fc'lIrow In March; LOST ana FOUND

1 I fg ft pf ' f it pf only SIX field goals eluTing 'the' ~th hlace, day c\'!€nmg 21 to 20 t t k €et qnd famlly vlslted rel<ltl'ves and City, N r J. He attended a national nlso a few September boars" I·j I ~ ,B1oss,:1 1 3 ~I,Durk,ett'l f 0 2 entIre enco~nter, two of these be- f' Conference Leadetrs, II h()nor~. Forv:rard Dl1k~ ~1:r:~ain ~llends at Pidrde Saturday 1ve-: educators' conventiOn In f\t~ntlc ~::fuY~tt;;I~~~~ & Sons, 5 ~2~~ LOST:-Man?s o~ro e gol~K, ECh~' flO !Jurg¢ns,:f 0 OJ mg s~oredl11"l' thE" first h.alf, I~' g fgJ ft I f p~ paced thfe Blue scorers Ithis time nmg, I, City. ~ wrist watch IIh ' ayne F i'day.I? ~ch' , f 3 0 \,KlramlclT, iff 0 01 01 , S~lth a ld ILdwers led the~scpr- Whi anI wJ~yne 6 24 161 2 4 With Ie pomts Scoring i honors of L~r, and Mnji, lT~d Hdlrschmaw of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hlsc6x were FOR SALE -Good six-room ,and Rewart'L l11Qp.ire Herald~ ~27t1Spragu ,c 7 1 IF etc,3er, iug attacl~ of tflf Wayne tea , the gleS n£l.K~_a ney 6 18 16 7.2 the ~mf were held by Rowley, ~Lartmgton, were Sun ay guests In in Sonbn,er Sunday afternoon, for bath dwellmg located adJolDing T , -Finn, cOl ~IGarVmi\C 0 2 0 I former wi~h 9 pomts and the at~er ad allader, had 4 2q 7 2 7 Rierc~ gtj,ard who tallied 11 points: Ithe G, M. G+lcler home, ~eyf the weddlOg of MISS Ruth Sl?rmg- Bressler park for $1,600, Spienr ' WANlv.rh'I~Wf Ig 01 QCal~bUl "f fa 0 0 w~th"8J F~rguson paced the oshs ' otH'er, Wayhe 6 Hi 1610 A-lthq~~gh th~ Blues he~d the lead brought Evel:fn Goldf:'r and IVon er of Hooper, and Emil Schuelen- did locatIOn and a very good .Q.~RLHu ~'o;l' g 3 0 IIWll1tlley, g 10 0 3 WIth ~POlhts.1 Bru ,Chadrbn 4 19 7 I 3 thr01..j.ghqut most of the game the -- ----~- home. Martin ,L. Ringer. f27tl'G~ffO;dl 2 0 ,1I"H:lh~J gOOD Th bOl sc[e: nd~on, Wcfyne. 6 16 9 0 1[ margih of differentte was neverB,HlI c.s, 0 q 21H s ..... lrth, f 11 1 2 Wa Ihe 28) I W, P. OS) I more than four points. IPierce put FOR SALE:-IB acres adjqining

, \~he~l'ritT), ~ g~ ~ J fg f pf fg f~Pf 0 ers eceiV~18 I the gep,mr: into its. first tie 13-13, I CIty of Wayne, 5-room house,,,-en c, g Grqui~t, 1 ~ lIKonlm'r~ f 2 0 H t T tl late In the third quarter, <f.~d held barn, hog house, chIcken house, i--'- -I-L_

--1 \ ~ POWet~, f 4 {, 11Ferguson, f 3 0 ~ on r a It e a 17-~61ead for less than a minute bUlldmgs in fair shape. See G,187 7 ~tal 1,1248 DenY'le '21 2\Wagner, c 012 :P e Powers, dependlabl f r- mldwa'y In the lastPer~.d. Pierce's A. Lamber"on, ""127tl

Y' qua,rt'N~, ..:-43 Smith, g 4 l. 2lBauman, g I 0 ~ q,r on th~ Wayn,e £.gh c 'ge closmg Gnute scoring drive fell11 21, 34 3 8 Hossle, g O;rl 0 BeCk'h'r, 'g 0 0 ~ ej\ ,wa~ 0' e of thr"" l~ r~ to just $<> of overeomln tlle 21-17 FOR S.j\LE:-Improved 160-aere2 5 1 B- Ho"C1wln, • 1 I!Khnk, gOO el: ve a 'pe ial gold ih .' w rd lead the Blues had bu It up, I farm between Wayne and Car-

S d e niB ' ~ roll for tt50 per acne:- This wouldun ,f 0 v i.tzM, f 0 0 ,'y eve ing for 0 I d'ng Toe b x score' - ,

~l r mance during the N h st W:tyne (21) '\ 'Pi Je (20) I r make

la splendid ulvestment and

Tota 121 7\ Total 6 16 ttl aska cdnference tl~utn m nt fgftpI fgftPtl is worth mote money. Is well~eo 'e by q arters: II at '~rce last week. Ot~e.r;'s 0 eo- Powers, If 0 4 1 Beybr flO 31 rented. Martin L. Ringer. f2711

ayn . i, 7 10 2,~ 2~ ceh a Slmnt award w~r~ ua s Derry f 3 2 0IMagd~nZ f 2 1 21

011\1 -, '2 1 ' 13 1. Bo of Pie ce and ~IIS ~ of BerrY'~ 10 3 M:e:sre~ F' 0 I 41 I ~==1=,:::::=I=lj::::=i=i==i,throws missed: lW'ayn '2r :91 mfield. ~ I Hossl~ (j 1 31:ROWI t g 5 1 4; I"

oInt ~ ',I ,,', - "I' 1 0 oth!' Wayne pIa rrs, J "II, Smith.' 1 I 4 BOYd~~tl. 0 0 ~, Be y and ill <e'TIerry, ere gi en Gr'quis, f 1 1 2 Wy~n ;1 0 0 Z

M rabIe' eqtion r O! i~'on, Hoeko ,g 0 O,IIl'toJjs ie gO 1 Iala p with, eyers of Pi ~c I 'g_ __ 1 ' __

reighton, Pete s and Total 6 9 14 'rcttal 8 4 19 IPla'-invlew~nnd ?I r~ of - EreejhrOWS1J$SOO.:1 wayne,'1~'11~;I~:~;~~:E~~rJj]:~r~?r'/'\ II I Pierce

rI" I j , I '-I' 'I

! ,I :' ',1\ "; ,", I')" , i ",' I,·, "Ii'.', II' ,,11,1 1, I I I

Page 8: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...








Jack Sprat

Cut Stringless


Cocoanut Cr~amor Fig Bar




PEACHESIn lIeavy Syrup

2 ~;~;! 35¢


3 ND.'2Cans.

3 ND,~,


Jack ,spratj

. PORK & BEANS3-z:~ .+ 25¢


~~~cn 19clOO-~~S9c

2 Do~en 31cge




,3 Pounds





10e2 Pounds l5e~ Pounds He.~g~nd 16~c~::-md 1ge

2 Pounds. 2ge,_2POUlIds, 2ge'f~~~nds l5e






Swift's Brook eld


4 p~ckages.



New Texas


Jack Sprat




In Friday

3 Bunches

IT MO.R~ "!"HAN P+YS ... Our new pol~cy of m~king a small charge qf 5c onall dehvlCnes saves everyone money. It IS worth 5c to eyery housewife to haveher grQeeries delivered and save 200/0 on her grocery needs of the week.

Mrs. Farmer Customer: This is going to be a big saving te you becau&eyou don't have to help pay for the city delivery expense. It is not fair and neverhas been to help pay for a free city delivery that you cannot use. We are going to 'make it as fair to one as the other.

"'APPLES :;::::;.~~~~n

CARROTS '~:I';;ornja .



*ORANGE, ~:~i~~nia

L.ETTUCEJa,iforniaCELERY ~a~~,:;rni.


48-~:;' 1.25

Gold. Rant. Whole Kernel

2 z:~; .... 25¢


CATSU~2 Tall 14-oz.Iktttles 1'"

EvengeUcal Free Church.(ReL O. W. SWClbuck. pastur.)Thursday, Young people's meet­

ing will be held at ~he parsonageat 8 a'dock. Haroltl· W. Carrlsonw111 be the le1:lder.

SaturdCly, confirmation class willmeet at the pClrsonage ·at 2 o'dock,

Sunday, the Rav, .J. H. Mars ofYankton, the well-known radiopreacher, will preach ~t both serv­ices. Everyone is linvlted to hearhim. Services are as follows: Sun­day school, 10; mornJng wor::;hip,11; pI'ayer bands, 7:30j evenmgservice, 8. I

,Prayer meeting every Wednes­day evening at 8.

f:<lncord Commercial ClubGives Trophy for Meet

Here This Week.

'11oumcy h HeldIn Local School



cit. 'I


Heavy dlj,ty snap-on wrehchset. I

Til;e n;grboving tool.Pyrene: fi:re extinguisher.Ca~h reg~ster.Adding II/achine.Desk. .

,/;:18J3S C basketball tuu.rn,.llnentst· rte~ this Wednesday evening atj::' ncaA The teams plaYLng 'werebi~o~urston, Beemer-DakotaCj'~y, Sholes-Concordr Carroll, Bel':'9-~n, Waterbul'y, WYtot an,d ObertdljelW byes.! IRowmond Schrein I' and F, B.becker of Wayne, ar'" ~fficials for

I.hd~~~~ra~~~~\NiHbe played and't' Concordia Lutheran Church.

1Concord Commercial c.lub IS giVi1g (Rev. Wm. T. Chel~, pastotj-)a trophy t~~~:rw~~~. Sunday school and Bible cllol.sses

Belden and ICon~ord teams play- ~:~t ~~~~~ll,~t ~u~~~· ~iSt~=cd Monday evening at Concord. Sunday school, assembly . f.'hen

n'aurel bas-kletbu'U tea.ffi defeated there will be a' presentation Of the

<»,1 cOltllTuedday ,nir.ht last w~k topic, "Ftiends of the jVIigr{ints."'28· 0 27. Wat~rbut·y defeated Con-Col d 27 tu 18. J.... All members of the Sun~ay ~chool

Primary News. will have the privllelfe of givingThe cHildren hbve been study- some .artiClQt sueh as ~o~p, t~'weIs,

ing the lives' o( fWashington and p-encils, crayons, tooth i br shes,Lincoln thrOrh Ini~tures, poems. tablets or any other· ~seful hing.

II"' These in t\.lrn will oe 'distr' u1:ed'an~ ~~~~~t~h ~j~~ t;~s ~:~~!;SFri_ by our missionaries, for these

needy migrant ~ildr¢n.· ]Bring

I~~n~te:~~~ l~x~~~6~~d It~·I'~~h ~'hat J'1ou wish and a~ many ~s you

the post offietl. Tljeats were served llk~~IY communion seI'vices i Sun­the same day by Lowell Nygren day at 11 a. m. In our ,Lutneranand Buddy. Fisher in honor of theirbirthdays. j I qhurch this is a day of penftence

and prayer and will thus 1: ob-Delmar Ho dor ~s the 'only pu- served in the ble1?sed sacram nt o'f

Ipil who was neither tardy nor ab- tile <litar. By special errang ment:sert ,the past six weeks.' the choir will sing, "S(j)ftl\ and

~~, Tenderly," J

og H0'1t~ L~st 'Lenten services Sunda:\, ~ ,ening

A' t sk ii Fa at 7:30 when we begin thel path

~aT e rttt ',of suffering with Ghrist, An urgent

The Coneorh ~IUllteer fire de- appeal is being: resouqded th~'~l,!ghartmeQt wer~ c lled to the Wm..,our church that ~very·cG'll~re.'cttion~skel1: farm Sa Ul'day altei.noo.n seriously and ~ earnestlly o~.serve

~ere cit large ~pg house was burn- Lent. Let us be in f".1omelwlth ,pray­

in . Th~ fire h'a gained so much £1' and devotion with a:Ontin~ation

h ad~a.Y that~.it*:,s impossible to in the church. 'I

save the buiIain . The loss Was The brotherhood will noti meetfovered, by ins.. ur,' ceo ! ,Thursday but postponed. unti~ntxt

, month.,I i Daughter:i Is Born. , I • Confirmation class ,Illeet&., $attir-I 11\1". ~II(I Mrs, "lied Fuossarellhe lJ.y at 10 a. m. ~ \1pro\td [tlarents of a daughter, Joyce On Frid_ay. afternolPn of :thi~ week.!Phyllis~ born TU~day, February at 230 members of our Mlss~onary:118; I' I : SOCIetIes are InVIted to fe1l9~shlpi

- I I + : III a prayer gay serV1(~e w~}h thejAt Lyle, Q(.eveUmd·s. MethodIst ch?-rch pi Uaurelr Mrs.

,ifhCd' follo,ving; ladies, spent Chell IS requested to i pre~ent a,Ttiul's ay. afternoon qUilting on MISSIOnary tOPIC.tl\~ L.: C, A. ~Uilt at Lyle Cleve­

,Ilaild,''ill,' Mrs: G enn Magnuson, Mrs:~vcn ,Petersc , Mrs; Geot&e MagJ

Inuson,.1 Bernicf FOl'sberg rrd VillaIGunnft'son. i, ' , ' I

:;n*m'~~"~I~~~E\~{i~:rr.~·' i:::ct~ :*~t;~~:~t~~lfIT~ jl*d:~j h'~e~~~ri~!ii~ii~i,~,"~·,~,,,I,··\il'I"·"j'ii",,,,o>""·""·"'C}!"'I,'1\"""'''''!-·'',''''11'''"''''::':11 i'f',·'i'ci f.'lf'''··':"lti'',lc--''..- ,1,-1.'.-"'1":':",-,..........I~~~fIJ~~rr~~~~Qi j :i'·1:j.':I"~,,"\' :'. : 1,:- ""'1, .' ",,, "",_,' '.1' '>.'".-",' 111,1,/ ','IA'""" , d.""


Su day di ncr gUbsts, Mf a dl4a;y visiting tl~1 Carl U ter cks ~'d In the J6hn Nelon orne there t o~~or their J anlf acts of kind-IIII S Wi IAlbert NelsfJn a'nd son ~ere Mon-I dmner 8fid Junch~n uests IlastMr . IIVae, C~al'k.* I ~,ere. od returned!. home atu day. Bur- S5 nct floraf ttl~tis at the time on e 8t yne day evenrng guests last week 111 Iweek In the Kdspar Ko 'n homb.

hel:',Ar Ander fiS and IV n CJsra JOhnSOlltOOd Mr. e rge cUe Ny~rep staye~ at h, Swan.. 0 t e death 0f lou ear nhusband ffedt) the Ed DClmme home I _'IGa IS" 'l~re S day gUj9ts fll derson were uests 10 th oy s n home durmg t11C11' b ence-. ad' ather.-~r.s. Is O. Ander- (By a rrespo en Mr and M J h . d B l' F Dal G' \,Fr nk a :ison's II Johnson hom Thursd y er-J The Harr~ Ma~erg famIly sand childJret' I I -- . rs. 0 n I· ICSS cr or c nm s. 'I

l an :&ve;et~ Sw nsonJw e Oon. I r. and M~s. Fran car~on ant', " Ben N s en a di family were and Warren, w~re Tuesday evening Abr,>ut 45 guc",ts s pnsed Mr.Tu sd y ttij:llQo, gU~ts i-I The Ted and aoold G n alson ~lSS K~thleen P mero wer lIave Quilt~. I sundaY~ ner uests ml the ehas guests last week m the Lou Lutt and Mrs Dale Gt,ttnm who wele

~~~~~~~~~~~f~dOlPh w nson's. ,Iamilles wele I Sunday I 1ej hursday supper guests 1m th f MlJ's. Carl Utterijack 'was host .... Meyer h e.. I home. r cently rnarrIed, ~'htSclUY ~ve-iij ¥lS$ alJol1el *mgsion w all~uests 111 the Gyrl Gun a on ~rn Car sdn I)ome. . ,ess to a number of ladles at a Mrs. . ]Web 1 spentlbst Wed,- Ml and Mrs John Kuy and sliln g <It the JElhn Gn m !lome.

Fr.~~a'Y 0 rmght gues~ at J srome Mi. an4 is' DavId pete~on and qp'Ilt1ng pa,rtX Thursday afternoon. nesday n fa cfleld vllth MiS spent Thursday evenmg mthe A~- tel a:;oclal tIre, I he ~e~ts_.MIId1 e d S anson. I ~ Ml and MI:; ;R0belt ~w n nd f mlly well dmne~ gues Sun- l'fiose who ~re gu~sts were. Mrs August ar soh fled J'ugel hurne Lut MI;:, Jugcl:; s rvcd. I

~I' ~nd MIS. Mrx HotdOl f W Cj farolly were sunfiay after 0 n n ay In th~ . O. Jo~son me. C. OJ. D. Clark, Mrs. liarold Jeffley ElaH~ IH nso was a la:;t Wed- bll thday. 1 I >- I

Su d~y a ternoon VISlt?ll:i In ellsupper guests wi the Hen y • I H. Nelson a d Emll Nelso called Nhs. CecIl C arIt, ~rs. D. A. Paul: nesday ave ~g t guest lin the Emil Mr. and Mr~ Arthur Lon e and . For Ed. Web1jr.Ja es Ha k homf 1 ~ orne. I, there Sunday afternoon. rrJrs. Wm. alI~ Mrs Ivan Clark Balelmal1 h me daughter were Tu<csday e g Mt and M P ul R~ , t

iss Mildred Swan,s~n wa a l Mr. and MIS. George l'fIa$US .1 Sunday supper guests m~lbe Ed ~Iird Mis. F. tRle~h: Mr and ~rs George fOX wele guests last wed. 1n the Edinund t<Jmed gucstst~t t;o ta8~~;~'fe~Il-i~~;~Fillday afternoon I Vlslt?t In d famIly wer~ Sunday In e l{:.lrchner home were Mr. a d Mrs _ Fnday elVen ng ,callers ast week Longe home ThutsdClY ('\,l'nmg 05 <l SOIPl fFnld MaW"pes ho~e I guests of Ml atll.tl MIS, 11\1 vld J RUdolph Roeber, Walter M )'er and ,l For • Matthies at M&'tlO B1stlan s Mr. and Mlc; Wlll T(>~t (an{l Ed Weber I f I l~C tllll

John and Chad 5 ·Swdnson w ellPetelson. t son, Walter, Miss HaU and ~r and GueSts m the Elred IMatthies Ma Ine EJTlmons of Allen, spent Mallp, and Mary ElJ~ll Nlsscnlwel C day P IZC ~letll:)~OlMr; ~ ; Il~4Fl'lday dmner g ests 10 the -, I Ed Ntedllckson and f~ml y a d MIS. JUhps KIrchner, Ed. uth. home Mondanvenijng In honor of the lweek-~d before ll;:l.st m the last WednesdaY gu~st;; m the Ray Cl MJ l~d Ml Ow ~ Tl (;)-d(l~ph Swanson home. Bonnadell Roe wele Tue da cv - Mr. anH Mrs. Wa.lter R ynolds Mirs. Matthies' bIrtHday were Mr. Eml Barel an home.. Nichols home LL;nt:heul~ Wi..lS S~I ved . 101Jl<l::i

C H Doeschel $.nd E~Watid ca 1- nmg VIsltOl'S 10 the Axel red 1'lC11 and Dean of SlOUX CIty, were dm- and Mrs. Jim KmgstJon and daugh- Ml and t s Carl Doose wele Mr. and Mn; CCill Thomsen tlnded In thel d Rlet~ hom W~dn i ion home. ner guests Sunday In the Frank tersl Mr. and Mr:;. Elmet Steele last Wednes y evening guests 10 Idaughters ~erc Sunddy dmnerd~y evenl'ng last week. I Re\- ~md Mrli; W. T. ~h~ll a Reynolds home The Flo~d Rey- a'1d , daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LoUIe the John BeOJarnm hprne. guests last week til- the J HenlY r,For :\Irs. Hammer.

MI. ~md MIS F~ank C:;allSfn Po cl, tended. :it. gathermg at watfle~ nolds faouly VISIted therelm the R¢uter and Marvlll j MiSS Gerthy d 1he Maltn~ Hoists ViSIted Sun- Bnnkman home 1..... Mr ~IHI M1S Wllli:lld f-idmmcrVetrn were Wcd~esdaylILl ch~ 9 lastFlldaYdndwercgue*s He afternoon. ~~dMls5MlldredS\o\fansonLunch-' at 10 the hrls Holst home at Mr and Mrs John BcnJamlnilil'tcJ und BcI1bd'a -.lean WPIL' TuesddYguests at Emil N~lsor'ls. ~ Ii C P Halls.· Mr, and Mrs E J. HUg~eS and 'e9p lwas served. . H{opet' Chns...Holst ~as been III daughter were TlJUISc!dY evening dllllll'1 guests !febludl;'! IH In the,M1S N 0 And~lson and rfa~ lX

IMIS John Swanson lejtUl ed Gall wer'e 10 NOifolk S turday • _ Mr amd Mrs MaitIn Ba5tlan guests ,In the Wl1l [e"t hpme 101 F~ C Hammel home fUl Mis r

wele Sunday dm{1el guests III t Ie her home III Omaha Satulda aIte where Mr. Hughes attendf. a dl- At Emll Carlson's. were Fl1day e\enmg guests last Evelyn s blrthd<lY '1 C Hammel s bnthday "b(,n1n~Rayn!lOnd Ellcks0r home. I spendIng a week 10 the rt'I1S. N. I lectors' meeting of the atJomil ~aturday evening a group of week In the EfTIII Barelman home Mr. and MIS AltnUI H<lgeman guests welc MI Clnd f'vIIS J()hn

Mr and MIS. Georg.e Ltpp It Andelson home. ~ AssoclatlOn of Postmaster at the friends called III the E~~l Carlson Mr .md MIS' Herbert Frevert and Melvm Mtllet ''''Cl(' last Wed- Brudlgam and Eleanul Mdl ;vIIwer1e' Mond<JY ~inner guests, in it Ie Mr. and Mrs., E.rnest C~rls.'dn an .. Hotel Norfolk. I hdJ11e in h~nor .of .~.he ,Carls0'1s ' were .Sunday di~mer guests last nesday evenmg guest:-; .10. the Ed- <lind Mrs. Peter Jorgensen, CurdonRqdq-lph Swanson home. I, Vera and D~Vld John~on'weI' Mrs. Waldo Johnson, Mh. Glen third weddmg anl1lversaty whicPt week.1O the Harns Sorensen home. mund Longe hom~. " and NCidme, Mr. and Mrs. Petel

f"!t·$. Ha.rold GUhnarsqn and V r- luncheon guests ln the ElmlllCarl ' M\a.gnuson and Arlen, Mp;. Lyle was Sunday, Febru~ry 23. Those Mr. and Mrs. Chet Butterfield , Mr. and Mrs., CC'orgr.:.. F ox and Nelsen and Elwin, Mr. <..lnd Mr.':>lie: eplled 10 the Clarence Dahlqu s~ son home Monday. . I I : Cleveland, Gal'y Don were guests present ,were Mr. and Mrs. LalfeI1n and Arthur JakIe spent Fnday eve- son spent MonddY e\"l'n~ng last Jo"n Lutt and Ardyc:E', Mr. <..llldhoh1~ Thursday afternoQn.. . ~' Mayn<.li"d Magnuson a~d NIyron in. th.eThos., Erwin home I Thul's- Peterson ar;td son, NIr. :and Mrs. ning last wl'ek'In the George Fox week 10 t~~ HerbY. H<JnsOti hume Mrs, Harvey Lutt~. Ml dnd ;\11

Mrs. Harold ,GunnariiQrl a 11 Peterson spent Wednes ay ~tterr day evelllmg in honor of Verdcl Raymond Forsberg and Peggy and home. for Harold s bIrthday. IOUo Lutt, Legter cmd Dclol es, M,.Vdrhe :lpent Si;lturday vlsitmg 'n nuon in the Glenn Magn ,son horne Erwm's birthday.. I.' Mr. and Mrs. Joe IForpberg and Mrs. Ceor;e Thorn sl)n and fam- Mr. and ~rs.. JdC(j~ MI". and. M:s. Carl Bichel, 1\11". ,mrJthe Carl Gunnarson h.orne. as guests of Arlen. i ' "Mr. and Mrs. AlvlP-. Rastede at- .,daughter. ily were:' SU~da aft~rnoun -'uests and M:s. W<Jltct Hecb ~,(~nsI~r~. Ftank BarghCJlz,. Arthur, ,Hal-

Mil's. Axe.1 Fredflc~son Cl$d. Ivan Anderson return¢d tol F011t tendU.d .tlt:te 49th weddmg ~nmver- i t -I".:: h ~ were Sunday dmner gllc~ts ldst ly and Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. F rani.Famy ~lslted 1Il the Elffnest.Peter~ Rlley, Kan., Friday. He waslcall- .~a~·y celebration of Mr. and Mrs. For Rodney Hank. :~mewee( III [e Art ur ann week In the Otto FIeld ~ll)me at H.enschke and EI?or, Mr, 8n.d Mr.~.SOIl home FrIday aftenJl.oon. ' , eel home by the death of his ~'ath- Wjm. A. Meyer in Waynel Sunday Mrs. Max Holdom, Mrs, Louie . WIsner... Dl~k Geewe, M.f, and Mrs, Juhn

fi.lmily~ wel,1c I Mr. and Mrs. Antoin Gr<lnqui.slt er, N. O. Anderson. _ aflterhqmp., The Meyers ~re Mrs. Haberman, Mrs. Elmesrt Echten- Mr. and Ml s. Albert Damme, M_L and Mrs. 0, R. Sl'!ders ,Ind ITest, Marian, Delores; and Ardale.~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I~nd DOI'is viSited Sunday ev<-nint Mr. and Mrs. Asmus Berlning 'Rasted~'s gran~parents. I kamp, Ed~ Luth .atJ.q James Ha'nk Ben Damme, ~~'~ and Mrs. Carl farolly, Mr, and, Mrs. Alqn ~OC:.'h MCircel:a Brudig~m, i LOUIe aqrl!II I ~l the Dean Hanson home. !' and .1amily have rented ,the INels Mr. fntct Mrs. Evon Petetson and family were guests In the Everett Damme and Wallen, Mr. and Mrs., and s0.::r~Wmslde, ~':'~~~l.mdaylH~ns ~eewe, Gus Jaf'ger.

", Mr. and MI'S. Carl Doescher e.:tcl Bo:;tlom farm west of Ii)lxonl i:lnd LaITy and Mrs Oscar Johnson and Hank home Saturday affernoon. h --- ______o____ -- -'-'-"::::;:;:- - - .. ---=-:-=--=--=-~~'iiiiiilIl,lmily were Sunday aftenwulI ~I:S- ure mOVIng this week, : VOlldet:yn w~;'e Sunday' dinner Mr. i:lnd Mrs. George Vorlers and Items _Mar~~d T us <+:) May Be Purcha."ed ~vith Blue Stamps or Cash Jit?!"s !;It Mrs. 'Kate R~winkle·s. '. ML and Mrs. Herman !E'uod a d gruests lin the C. J. Magnuson home. Chi:lrm were supper guests. and I

\MabeljeaJ;l Peterson of S("rgd~h~ famJly and Mr. and MIl'S. Henr l\lr.r. add Mrs. Kenneth Olson <lnd Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Doescher andBll-lfl, la .. \vas a dinner g\leS~ ill Rl:;tcde called JIl the 't~d RLios' Ml·, J~)hnson joined them. in the family and Marvin and 'Vera Re-th~ ,D. A. Paul home, ,sunday, II home,~und(;l~ afternoon:1 .. Hern/101l fut" lunch. wInkle were evenlllg guests. The

lVIr:::;. Glenn M,,\gtluson and .~~.j- Luctll~ Kdrdell. ChUold, and occasion was· the 2rl.d birthday oflen <lnrl Mrs. Waldo Johnson :::;pel~'t M.iltOt,l C<:lrlson were SJnday .iJt- arl~ied Saturday theil· son, Rodney.Friday in the Thos Erwlll home, el nOO!l ,.md :-.upper guests o£ MI". For Carl Ji..uths.

Georgl' Mag111ls.on and M'lY- ClIl~'l~:;:i :~;~e~~j~~~~;'s~~~~lm re- ~y LIIlJl(~ran,J)U~lor Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl

IS-PCtlt Tue~.ct;lY alternoon \'I$.- turned Iru!Yl Excelsior SI?ring~ Fri- 'Luth held a farewell party for

~JII~!!~!II!leb!''~iti~,,~)gti~n~t~h~C~G~"~d~ie~I~(':J~OI~m~<~O~O~h~U'1n~Etnay. Thl '. Erwin remalzlJed 'there Miss,"Anita Johnson Bride of ~hem Friday C\·elllng. Those pres-MI". an~ JV.lrs.,Paul.Koestcr UIl", jul' (l l{'\v weeks' treatment. el1t were Mr. and Mrs. Frank C<lrl-daughtl'IS ()J Allen, spent Tholl.c,- l\1r. ,11Id Mrs. Harold Gunn~lI'son J, P. Vanderheiden at sun and Opal, Mr. and Mrs. Verne

and VCllie spent We~lnesda.Yi aft- South Siouic: CitiY' )' . Carlson. Mr. ;md Mrs. Dclm;lI'. 1 / ('mooll ul last week visiting in the I Miss Anlta Johnson, davghtcr..of Carlson and family, Mrs. Kate Re-

B. Ai If","HICK'S Albin Cddson home near W:.llYne., M :jk.~e and children, Mr. and Mrs.~ ....,'! Lenus Larson or Upton, Wyo., 1". and Mrs. C;;rl Johnls~JI1, 't<:HUt Zben. J"Ohnsun, Mr. 'arnd Mrs.

Thitt; year bJy! Pttri~a Embryo fed e~;eks • • . retul"I1ed home Saturday. He hud . ~~Ob i:~s~U~(~~.I~~~eid~I~~~~~h~~d~~: rry M<dTberg and fatmly, Mr:'I " ueen hnc t~ attend fUlcral Iscrv- and Mrs. .n.vcrett Hank aud son,better livall»ility, I m.pre vitality a d more j("{'S fIJI" lll.':i unde, Nels O. Apder- ~~~I~;~f~abL:':~ll;.yW~~~~a~-~~e~~~~= Mr. and IVtrs. James 'Hank and-weight to selI'lat m'r~...et time. I sun. ["LlU parsonage in South SlOLlX family. Mr l. and Mrs. Fred RuseI'

. Book"i"our chicks now _ ~e Ml' 'l\lrl ~l'S RUdo!I:lh R('ebel' '1 R h " a~d familY'tMr. and Mr~. Max Hol-I w.ill t'{110W a substantial d5- ArI\oict'l{o0ber, Walter Meyel's Clnc! ty. cv, Mar.s perro~lmcd the dorf and f· mlly. Mr. and Mrs.

coun 0 M reh 10. Call Kjrchm"'r were ThUl'sday i:lft- ,i~~.I~~~~~r~=:J~O:~il ~:~·e t~~i~ Jullus Kirc nero G~mes of Vi;U'JOUS, ('l"noon luncheon guests in the Ed. omre un Cl farm suuthwest of Lau- types were the evening's entcrtain-

Come in d w will be glad 'to r.i5CUS5 Kirchner home. (',1. ~l~~t~ w~~ea ~~;tS~f ~;::~t~~an~e~your chic t

probems with you. \\'~::'S:~;~~Cl;~~~hI:li~l~~;st~r~t~~~~ The bridc worc a formCiI go,vn of Luncheon was served by the ludics

b'leclric B~·oo ers ... Oil Hlooders TL'c1 Fuoss home. Lila .JeJn ,Fuuss gi~~ ~~~~i~usr~r~~~('rll~~ll~~~nfJ:~~~l of the party at a late hour.

','rr ~ ,Pea~, Moss, Eteo IlS spcndlng <l few we('k~ wlth Mr. ~tHifed sleeves, blue veh'et bQ",w~ 81. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church.

I ColllliA.",'0', :'Ha'.,It".h ..ry an~l~~:~!~SI~:.d~~ilSWCltlSCm and ~r~~I~~;i~~ ~~i~:~ ~~~qU~\e~~f ~~i~~sL~o~~h~~~t~;,Cp~~~~;'~'.~U.. Ardi~, Mrs. Arv~' N. Peterson arltd aHsman roses. and bCloY"tbreuth.

Phone 13 Wa~ e, Nebr. Olaf N&lson dro e to Osceolcl, Neb., 'he bridegroom wore a darl, blue atSr~d~r:~~ChL~~fe~n~:~v~~~o~~JJ Friday to attend ,the fUnel'a~. serv- uit and a Tal1sman rose bouton .... 1 4:

i~~~~~~;~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~i(~'eS~o!~' O~I~af~Y~O~U~n~gd~a~h~L~Th~W~V~i~Sil-1 iere, 1J~:dies' Aid meets Thursday 3fl-Si;~~S~{D~~~~e~~~~et~~~le from ernoon at 2 u'clock in the home of'Mrs. Carl Kuch. .


Page 9: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...

COMPARE our au~o finan:­

In9 I plan with any othe~. Lettha'

facts tell you whIch is &e~t. Weigh

these poi~ts: toto' cost, convel!- ­

lence, insurance protection, your

"bargaining position", anCl tile

I building of credit standing. We.[. will gladly gfve you co/np,:te

Information. about our auto loans.


1"liil11;\1 .,1,li,,1 J

iI~t'11icf I ft' sf,"willIB > ill I a

High 'SCi~OIII t\i~, 'ito 11~~;::i:;:~:;~:tI::t~==~:*Jrk:~::J.*'=~=~~t:;l~~~~~~~~kj~~~J~~~;~;;;:~.:::;:..::.....::::::,..::;:",.:~~=~;::~~~~~~~~~::;;::'~q?mpet'1 jill ed' matt ry __ _ _, AdM·' " t f -~,---- - I NUllfBER FORTYTHREP.

p~~~g~~~~~ ~ ;fD~~i;:'\f'-~J:~ ,~Iu~' ~;1~-)I]~;~:i~1~-~~-I i-, I W--·--,-'-I-----I- --, .--'~--,--- ~"muSIC' contcsts to b lrel at r t o.r, I Huma. Welfare mrs In Con ..~st " .Lodge InteredWayne Sta[~ Tel. cl,els colleg' Hils T IAd~re {J Stud nt '8 ° ' P d Held at ~ollcge t SOl ' dHBP~l'lg, I ndJ !i'tC IIC ,chlOtz, :h tlOh~l ' elng romote tlmn ale ere, 111gh "htlul Icclm "'tUIY~ and scelbl'uy 0 L S, A. A, wtlllsP~~k , ' -- I

I I ' 'itate Spee,ch E,vent Will'One <iet p1,l)' {01 test 1v~U be llcld M,fl' 1 6 at Wnyhc state 'I'd lch S IMarch 213, ~IUI.d<} the cluectl 11 of q~ll€lgo He wIll be -a gucst!,luf tt e Mrs. C. R.iCaley Gives Report . Be Held at School in IMasbn3 Serve as ,ljIoats tj)

'''Prof. ,K. N. l-'<lltke., Dollh dj.1ss A Lutheran qlulJ tlnd wiH spi[Jak !~ Of Attivities Among Wayne in March. I Prospective DeMol~ya atcu\i4' B, high ;jell )bl:;; ,,~, ill. co*npete sJillau, groups of stUdent,S th,rOUgl - Wi 'CI b 1 El t P

'"" , II omen s U. r Ellis McShannon. Croftun :';1":'11- anque ~ ,rogram.in IOl'l¥imtl <Jl' jt~)rY,i hurnf/;,ous, (Iut trw day, Th,lt evenmg 'Ile. Wdrarllutlt, c*tC'rr~()lle and.olatori- 'fpeal\l at the Lutheran ClUb, dmn"r Adjusting democracy for human IOf, took first p~ace In' Wa~ne col- II Ml',e (han 2UO Masons and P10.,-cal i illtcrr)n~t<Jtibl. Aboul 3 0 'are whidll will be helP' at the studen - welfare is the objective of the lege peace or~tlOn contest con-I jKCtlVl' jkMalays gathered at tJlec",.(>eeted to elll '. ~lpUllt 2' one- uttion bLlilC,ling at the cOlled,e. 'I Federation of .Woman's dubs, the dUeted last Tl'J.ursday. The vlctf)ry Plc:;bytcflan church parlors Thur:;-ad plays \vill I IPl'.c~~'ntl.'d. i

l largest or~aniZ~ group of 'Y0men entitle,S_ him to . compete .. In tne c!iJ.y ('vening ff)r H banquet andThe m'usie t:J test >Vill bt held, JrnlJited to ASSis4"t I In the world, e plamed Mr~. C, R. state mte~collegIate contes~ to b~ prf,gram, the purpose of whifh w".;.

I Apl'il18 and ltl. It I~ ll1UUgh 2,000 I F. d. - n Caley of Spri gfield, state presi- held In v.:ayneMarch 13" 14 ,lnd 15~ to. t:tJmulate M~sonic activity. Tornmusicians will httcll~ ,son) whDt n tnl

• lng OOI1fS dent, in addressing )'Vayne Wom-' A com~nJttee of facuJ~y member~ R1gelf)ll of Fairbury, past mClst['rless than tiN 2, l5 tot'<:ll l'cgl'tereel 'Many books from the I Way~e an's club and 'guests,: 150 in all, at and students act~d ,as Judge~. MiS" CflUfl('1!0r, ',va:; principal speakt:l,

r last yCdl Thc lli "CI cote in npmbC'l' t;:ity lfbl'ClTY have, clUJ ing the past the club l'ooms Frida~. Each wom-l Lenore Ramsey. ~s s~onsor. '. eJnp ha51L,H., g . the i~portan~e ofIs beC,dU,,'il' tile rlyn1' dlstlipt l1as yldl, been ,checked out Ipllcl ~ot an can spare in this by doing her ~c~han~on .1S a senlor a~d IS lod!;e ',;.,rJlk ill .makmg pnes Ide

'" been dl\lclcri tu ~lcc()m~lUdtltc letUlpe~ 1hese books i clle r. 1l part in her own horne. 'maJonng III history and pohtIcal more worth 'A;'hile. R. V. Tye., alsoschouls m tl <lIC,lS tll( OtlHol v<llu<jbl~ <Inc! Ml p I': S HQall, Clty World and national affairs were!sc;J.ence. He has bee1,1 active In In- of FaIrbury, }\.:as ,_scheduled tIlbCiIlg Il1 jrh~ lllll;,j (:on-

IIJUI ,11 IClill , would appreclatfe lt vmy discussed in Washin~on, D, c., t;~natlon~1 Relations club, Alpha SP~<1k but because o~ illnes5 he \',<:15

tc~t IS also I tlt~ dllec lUll Ql 1 rnuc1t II <Jil llbrd!y u::;cp; wo~ld recently when ,72 votIng delegat£s ! 61 Omega .and Y. M. C. A. . ullLihJe to be pre~;ent.Plp1 K N Pm ke look dbuut theil homes djhd sec If attended the .board meetmg. MJ:;s, I Bot! Carlisle of NOrf0Jk, and EI- UthC'rs \vbo spoke were B'_b-- -'-1- <- --i----I . dny r- f the mlslilld bOlll~ Cdll. Ibe Caley told that a club woman. twtt Olson of Morehead, la., were Ayer, l..e",llc Jochens ,and Wiley '1..'.

N b ',,' rrl ~ 100md J from auroad explained that wdm-l other contestants. :\1athl:;, all of Fairbury. FranK F.U"" er V'l-e lOI es Thle books gone me ~'Avldt~on en's clubs in England have drvert- Tcachers colleges and cbureh Krlf'ff 1'[ Wayne gave the w('lco.n,eShows n liner ascI flom the Glound Up," ~y L1eut e~ from the regular procedure now I schuols wlil send student:, here IfJr and R. W. Bartels served as m&Hl,r

MOle ~clepJlo 1C'~ wCle III ervicel G B Manley" "Best pl<ly~. 1924- tl)! help In national defehse work'l the March contest which will lll- of !:'erem()nlcs.in the ~c II 19 ) 1h<lh {'V([ )(Jfore, 1925 1" by Bl,lms Manu~ "Love's '1I:"orm

erReslodeot- She also explamed that clu.bs In elude debate, extempore and ora- Town:;; represented were No;-.

.. nccoIdHlJ lo qlil' dtlibUColI Ie rt or La.b91 s Lost." Vol 3, ntten by r l . Germany dIsbanded because It was, tory. frd]';:, Carml1, Wisner, Pender, t.rll-the N,nUl"\t.. ... !I( r'll Bell tel phone Wilhelm ShakespeaI~, "lD e Orchid I I required that secret police .be on I ---,---~--- W,lkefield, f\l1en, RanUOllJrt'md t\\O cbmp,ltlPs Th~ H\l'l~mts," by NOlmdll cDonald, Of W' P hand at each gathermg..Th.ll> and IBrother of Wayne ProL' John, R. K!?:~t,h;lUl'llbcl oj Cdt s han- "(,h,h I~s Dlc!<:cns, HI~ II Life and " , iayne asses &ther restrictions made It II:l1POs-1 J d P A Wfll the college male quartetdlea durin~ YCilir was fL1 pelf War'"," by Stephen, Leacq~k, sible to continue under HItler, U ge asses ,y m two IJIlmbers, They were <JC-

(:(,1}1 lc!;:.; UW!l (()~ 1?30, U1C YCa'!' I :'Hl:j,:C IStorics lof 192,~,'t~e.mofwi Rites Are Held in Mercer Mrs. Caley also reported on CJ \ Thomas Cherry, 85, brother Ilf comp,mlcd by Genevieve' Lund<:'.k_-'of rnu.ximum.lllllg,',C1lstancc, usage. clW,~j~llb~"O.ljcn~y:. G~VeInment te~cher's request thdt the Alml'rJ- .Judge.J M. Che,'TY, dJe,'d.,Fleb,~- (;IOlJP .singil:g was also conducted

"A-l,'eduction ll1 f{'\9nHCS P,(/!l' tele POSlflOns, by re,gldn? Pub, ~o., ',At Lutheran 'Church Jor cas cooperate more thornugh1y and Hry <1 at hlS home ,/1 InrontH, by l'rr,L Ketth.p!i()ne !J.~JS bet n made and Ian in- "Th ~ Last of Ithe PIal "s~en," by ~rs. J. R. Washburn. that Spanish be taught more unl- Carwda. l..kceascd w~s edtJllg ,<;up- Ralph Crockdt is chairman of·crease in inl 'c'"tmbnt pc~. tde- Zan' prey. \'Thc Rcpnomy' of versally. South Amen{'an~ 'asked prJ" when he was ~uddenl~stnck- the local DeMolay advisory cam-phon. ,1$ cOrhlf It"C'd ~vit~i 19' 0.' Abuimtailce," I~y StU<li't~ Chase. "A M~s. Margaret Was-Jlburn, resi:- the teacher if people in the Un~tedI['no Slln'lI1g are ~hree o,ono, cmu mlttee. Others on the comnutte'"e

'Tax{'s took!, boul!onc-se\enth Ojf G:l1fl',111 Hj~to~~~," b~ I'.!:'V. N. M~y,~ d4nt of Wayne vicinity from 188~ States think of both Amencas two daughters. HiS WIfe died In were Frank Korff, N, F. Thorpe,tO~<.JI l'l1'v(mucs til la,~O lind ~mount- CIS. DemoCldcy In ~Denmark, t11902, passed "way February ,6 when they sing "Amenca." .:rheJ 193,5' Bes1des" ,Judge Cherry ,nf R W. BClrtels and T. ~. Foust.

, ed:l~ ~() jmore t l(tn ~livldt:h'i:,; paid. int?l'IHlliol1nl ,min? ~l~ove bljJok, aii her home in Mercer, N. D., teacher explained that South Am- WCl,YrH', Mr. CflE'ny le8\·f'c; an'lthe[I Fat ih~ threC' 'ornplHlics, t;.:,xcs <l~- wn tC~l 4Y ,Jo.sephl,?e qolf~ark land fr m Ileart trouble, aged 75 years, encans are very anXlOU5 to learn brfithel', Dr. A. B. Owny f,f Pas<:l- JIOHTGAGE 1~'DEBTEDI\j""ESS

qjgni~bk to PPt'J'iltllOIlS mhountcd A. L: H~llm<~n. Th, Song, ~f I' 9 Imonths and lone day. Funeral more about tbe Vmted St<..ltes. Stu- den,l, Cal., ~llld iJ j,1:>.tpr, Mr::;. Jen- 'I'll" f"ll'JwlI1g' shows the mort-~ol $6,038,lIfHl ,J whlLih was equiva- 'fhree, Fl'lcndf'" by ,Tphn G, ~el- !'ilks wert:' conducti?d FebnJ8ry 10 dents there would apprCC1~ltc h<:lv- I rue Beerwy of Deb JrVlnllll'·, lTJdrobtf'dness record of Wayne

, l'entl tl1 $fi'HIL pel" Itl'l,ephohe. ne-' hardt" '''hmc IEyre," 9Y Charlotte iniltne English Llltheran church Ht ing scra?books . sh()':~/Ing picture:,! -~--~----- Nl'hr<-lska, for the month~urdiJlg 1lH' t~ITC f.'Ol'1panies as an Broptp, "Merch.ants of Death.': .by ,I' 'M rcer with Rev, Sorensen ofHc'i- that depict life' III thiS ('ountry. Buys Laurel.Parlor. ('IHllnl!: .hnllt=lry 31, 1941:

/\){D~I~~)ting lInl!. ('Ol~PO~iIC net tele- H. C. Englebrecht "nd,IIF. C, HaDlg- '<Ili g. Pal1bft~rers were, Martin Uneasiness over the dcmgers ()f W,dft'r ;V]Cj"T, who tL }J~'( tI 11, V.lrm mortgages'l'phollle (',1\'11111 ~ to ~l\'eTagc illvest- hen:: 'I ~ Pet, sen, RossG<-lrdmer <lnd Anton wat- are more apparent fJll bntll falmmg neal" W<Jj'ne, bO,lH(h t the [' 'filed $ 82,116.30. :m:Ql.lit ill 1[']('11-10110

1plant fG~' the .c.~fficiall bo~.rd om('e~il~g was J'Cld Ni. sen, nepl~' Harry and Oliv- coasts thiJn In the middlewest, Mrs. Kuhn recreatlnn pa~lor III I....gun'l II F;]rm mortgages

YlfC1lI; W('l(' 01.4:! -1Jf'rlecI1t. . Tuqsd..JY f verjll1g, Rn~tme bus ness er ickard Albert Jorgensen. Caley added. Speakers at the board Mr. Mcyer·s son, Walter, Jr., Willi -<-rele<.L.;ed 60,750,00'1' rf' r'1l1pl():y 'C:' ,dl lhe f'lld flf the Was 1r;In~actt1'd, il ' Bu 'a't was Mercer beside Mr. meetmg 1ll Washington told th<lt aS~,l::;t him. I 4 City mortgages

;\'(";'11 llllmIICI'(' I l~,P;:i7, 0.[ w!1o\n I ~-t, ,j wa~hburn who died January 11, greatest precautions are taken tn I fl)' rI __ 11,112.00

7.:l7h, or: 111(1["1:' 111,~n fil pel' cel1~I"I~~I)" and, MI,s, LF,~.wdten:e Jj °SI.l'~IS ~~ \ 19t4 : an~ hDerdson: EdAwil~[' WlhgolBdied ~'~latl,'dAdPmrel's'sid"oe~t'oatnh~ WMh""" 0 RHOo",'I€'€- s,~Tlultredar;y" 100r' MSI',r"aol,tl'l"an, ME.omntli,y 112ft 'I :J (r~lt;~,'a,:,r"dor.tgages . i j. ,wpn' \\'(II1}('ll,' IllCI,r\'lTage,lengtl Cdr<:son, we,le lIt ,'II::IY dl1f. i<=' UI , a amp 0 ge In pn, . ~'- ........ < <... ,.r ~,. 9,547-.pOof SCI"\ "'ild.. r8'Y('ill'~, I{~r dil;Y gucsb ?J IVI'l~~ Lettie ~cotl. M's, Washburn's maiden name IS by'special··earrl only, ;md one II;)OG Ch,lt',l'\'mortgages 1- !.

dlld tl(';H':-; w6men cn:l- Mrs, .Iolle's IS the- ',lormer Arlene WClS Margaret ,Jane ,Jones. She wa,s' t guard and j j [ ) 392' 62353" " gfli.qg'In mus ~8SS a rlub )"fYImS were Mrs. W. D. ". I t'f ,'..... . ; ,SC{~tt. , i ~~:1~~~ ~~rl:i;ih~~rlR7~ S~~~f~.e~'~ mu~, have the r,lg~t hat~d b~~e. d Noakes, Mrs. W. F. Most, Mrs. A. 3J-! ClJattd mortgages 6579 ;]

JPllll'.-; ;It EmN'- Mis~ Hc-Ie* R,ly :Was home !from Iowa! and northern Missouri. Tn l'h~'ldP~~~I~~~~to~e oft~l:rC~ub ~~_ McEachen, Mrs. MCGlllll.,· Mrs. I relea:;ed _.~ , 2 ~ 5,2,

t~UIl"<ll 111(' ?D, _ Vd'dj~re ovt~_$\lneay, _ YOU11B' womanhood she was bal~- Jectives. Mrs, Caley told that 'Ne- ~~_7Yo~~..~I~:;:'q~rs.:~ I ~~ose~: Mr. and Mrs. (}hris Lueders wen~",'-••,' GI:IISIIlJIlP~:,~lllIm~l3rn~L1tHilIiJm:RIJ1hJmliillti~rnriPlDIJClGJIUEiI[]llJl',PE'JlimDll3gam[m tizPdlin the BaptIst faith. She W,lS braska has don~ little in thlo, com- Nicholalsen, Mrs. N, p, N,yberg, Ito Umaha .Sum;lay, the latter to,-.. '1: IT "'\ m mellT eq to James Rosco Washburn pared with othel' states, though Mrs. August NYI,b~rg, Mrs. Ed. atte~d the state beauticians' con-!!'I I i


~-t T~b 'B"6stl a,jJ : '1 ,! ' Febr ary 8,1880. , gb~,nderaasl,enonmdiatniOynSplhacere.eSarAesnuorvte~Oy Per¥y and Mrs. It. N. Parke. 11.:entlOn,. I, "

,,:" '1, ~i!,U

",E", .~:~, ','I', I II, :" 'Mrs:. crt Basuaf of lYaYJIc shared the lim~light atla ~lle- Thrte~ years after their marriage n • -

t bratioJ) ..~the McCI <IrY¥J'nitarium and hospital in Exctlsior the .. Vtfashburns traveled b~ cover- In Douglas county shows that orte• I 'I "RI:At' rt,4JV: NGS· Springs, I o. Il«r., p~ itur ,I shaking bands Wit11 Dr. A. is.' Mc- ea W<l-gon to the virg-in pn,"irieg of ill three need medical attention.

lIo" :I", r • " " ' . '.!',:' .', : Clf~ary, f' ncJet hf tJ,P-" i, stitution. ap~)ea.r(~d in the ('urreht':issue northt'ast Npbrl'lska and located 10 Mrs. Caley explained that na-:Jlr of the, "j'lCCII·ltl·y News' a magaziJ~e whieh .Ji0e~ quarf..e..ly W m"d€'s lwest of Wayne, In 1902 they tlUlIal defense is alread,Y \</c1l or-

R f I ' f' : i " : fOrDH"1' patients of Ulc s<IJ,llitarium. ill every .m.te of th~ ~ion, v.!f'nt to MrLl'Cln county, N. D., to ganized and that the Red Cross=1', ,y~", ' ,It,.,t,·,me'!t" lanjyour' .pri~g ~ I'.. y " ..... ... ~na~v~r\a.1 foreign «~,ountries ~\.IH~remail ('arl still be d~ livered. pione~l", Inc<Jiing on a homest('('Id em care for internationctl emer-"i ',4 tra~tbr ,Ifu , ne~<Js·II' YOU.ll, : Mrs] B:tsti:tn w:t~ honored ill'9~O I)y briug hNd of the ",Honor three miles southeac;t of MercN. gencies, Effort>; of the club can1= ,I ' 'I war,t qJal t~ fJels ~nd ods D: !toll" sodety of OIl' sanitarium~()Ml ~hc and MI'. Bas~~'a.n atJ. They moved into Mercer in 1913, thus be devoted to Its othet worthy.. I r~~ 1 I ' h 1'1 tendml Ul(' £'dcbration.·~ Dudng.-> pioneer limes Mrs. objectives."g ,,: ~lf and you'll. t.ant to "save t e ~ -----~--~_.-- Tho nall'oJ"'1 "I'g"I.,'zoll'OI' "r~ - I" Waghburn was often called llpon ,. 11" ~" c, •

• II;\)}: ~/ most posslb e O~ t~e8e., Let : W I (h I OJ(lcllfl" ml n to ce<.Jse f10Ih to ilelp fnet;J.ds dllring sickness ;.:md IInplIlg lo raIse a Bulilon dollar1, :! ~~ /8 us Hgt.tte'wi~h'ypu.' ( : OIHena H J~OIl" t~JlC lilt!'"' li lfif <:ln~ tUI n thea c;hf' gBve t~lc;pIfIShl.v o[ her :timf'. endowment fund In carry rm II.:.;: I' I II.. I ~.r "j I) f 1).. _I UwlugJlb II) 1)(,/)1(,11 w, ys Thl:-; IS Sh~ w,as ,Jlso most devoted to her work, this being cl(lllated through

< .. , \ IWobilgas and Mob "lail : Ii JL ay 0 ! (.lye\i myI S)J]Ull hopc dJld layel d~ 1 fall1l,~l gifts of lOc per member,"I I 1\ r • - -- lhl> btl! J m~ssj e 'ren childrPTl were borJl to Mr. Mrs. S. A. Lutgen introduced

, ; I ..f. arc' unl {orml,\ the vel y fll h~ t g-radt>. :' Servi';e.s 'Arc Arr nge~ at Ull1ll:';S t(~1 my de~J{ H cmd Mr~i, Wllsllburn, The ~ou~ge~t, Mrs. Caley.I i" And \\ C l.llI sav~ _rou mone~ thl HcasOIl. ,,_I Presbyi,crian fT'h rch for 11('jHI ot /)'c"lrJIllg the ~('ti~ tWjn Rons, died at birlh:. EdWin Mrs. B. E. Trumrt of Pbinview.

T I'll I d M r at district president, spoke briefly.

"I ',,10 Fr,'day Aft"r oon, llllil JII)' pe~I('C'. t~:'m~ a mc 1ere die oH in 1918, ra an ae IV,e.. • t'~ , 't~' She told of the dtstrict conven IOn= '.. IS llO IIn11t to th m CI' of men, hoq,e; Ida, Mrs. Martin !'feES" IS m

_: WOml'll 01 WdynC mEet fiJI' 1Jl"~IY- Wllffi('n, and Chl r:en, ho cannot Washburn. N. D.; H<;l.rvey attHar- ~,~a:e~~o~~ ~:l~~~L~S~r,M%i:·tr~t:' ('l' ~OmfJlTOW ;Il the r l"l'sbykl'lilll rc,-;t IUIUl tllC'j' haVCtwritten of many, Minn.; Cora; Mrs. E. M. vice president. sang "The South.1 chU1T11. Th(L,->l' who HI d It !'nCUB- tllri'lr ab.horrence of ~ reign

bIwa:rsd' Shirts, at HamIc'l:ol~I' MqndtA';dL~.reen Winds Are Blowing,'" by John

:1 venlen,t lo ,ltll'lJd D','IJC1 iJ;]g, UTlch- ;lIlt the1r d£,slrc that,1 ur e ove. at Snow Crest, <;l I .; an e 10 ,I hie Th ' , It'T' ga Densmore, "Clouds," by Earnf'st., eon at 1 (,'l'!uc), ,Ire ur ~ed to come co l.l'tJ·y slwll ~eC'p t ~I peace. IS Mr!; C. B. Nle sen, a , UJun ,r '9 . .. d All h d l t ~ d Ira Charles, and "The Little Shepherd

==1 ~. J, r" [{)~~,::~'~lY~;;lI;~~·~~,;.,,~J:J~~2~!I·]"eco~'ds of IS agem~~·(':;~~t~:~. r~;~~~S:n01 ;~~;Jpresen\ ;or :~eg;u~era~~There Song," by Witte!: Watts.

I 1 Good~"etrfJ<I i~,J.., I, ,,!', InVj'olltill!l Irl,culnnl

1',nd9tihn JI'l· i ,rn,1 gl,l,d ,ll,lat ',t~~ rt;lessage,s are 14 grandchildren and two great Coli e g e students, including

V 'r' ~ ~ " , I d d h'ld 0 W on Franct-s B)ezek, Bel'''} Nelson, Jan-:1 I , I" 01 I the' brld D,l~ oJ l?n yet'. In till:> II the) IlC,',II'L" Jorhrn lel~d goo - gRra CNI Iren, d' dn~ 19~r;nus , ese Ridell, Dolores'" McNatt, Wm,

:"1' ! ~'rmers & 'etch ,D ,,0."1 ,,0" Senator lJavi, or P'nllsyivallw, an, p"acc 1l1' • wo, . 0 er Ie ,cn, IC m, Redburn, Edwin Carstensen ands[JOke "~lin ))<:I1't 'ctS I'Olluts; lhis, the Wi rjd 'IDay of ~rs. iWashburn' also leaves two

I 1 V d S D Gene Tavener, were presented by

I"lIit!::' pre,sidq'llt, lum IrrUW is tlll~ we S!t,Ollld Ijein with all brlhe~, Edward of orman" .., Prof. Russel" Anderson. Genevieve

I R. G. fU LBE T i' ' Wor d D,olY Of'J'I"IYcr'inct j seell1S mell and ~?mcn evel~y- an Earl of Ch:mee. S. D.~ and Lundak was accompanist. TheyP Lon 486 ' Wayne, Neb.' ,"pp"jnn,ltc th,tt ii, W mo\/~ 11"1)111 c1wl"Ish thqse nO,b,te a:,s- th e ~I'sters: Mrs. W. H. Pickard

II " " ~ iF ' 'II N D Mrl A nie sang "Gri«;ldle Cakes," "Peasant" t I 'i the.~n~pil'iltlOn whll'h laS c]mc t1~ (ln~ w~J'tnJ sentlments. of ksicl ardvi e" ' ", 'IS. n and His Oxen" and "The Lonely~_~IIIIiIl.... II.~lIl!I••Rl!II ••~1li ~~~••• all ~1'~••~-~~1;~~~-~~!~~ tis 1/1 the bll"tlJrlay {' kbnJ Ion ()i ~l~ c(miln ,e to l )l"otec~ .t.he He sc! ,of usta, S. D., and' M~S. Heart." Beryl Nelson sang a solo.ftll••••••1iI ~ I,II·''-··••·~ Geol'gb- Wast,lilllgtOll, t 1(' fH h,cr of I~trn;ll, v~due '. of {Ill, ~ubh,c 11 Ertb,ma I Eisenha,uer of Modes 0, The club octet also sang. In this

• our c0untry, we :·.llOU d en l' intu WHclI llCld, theH' begmlnmgs,}h toe ca~if.. I , group are Mrs. T. T. Jones, Mrs."I • the,quiet spfri{ oj thd Wor[d Day i 's N mell wllo bQhdved that re- 'I ,I :Ii H. D. Griffin, Mrs, Russel Ander-

140 rf I q 5 of Prayer; for slln'l~ tll'p truest , ion' IS the tr!lle ljas~s of dem?c- Sflis Large Tent;\.. . son, MJs. C. C. Herndon, Mrs. 1l.lids. 4Rd 'i·,' .,.edan pat~'i~lism i:; tl:e tlll,Of'Way tu the racy, a~ld the only :h(jP~ of lastmg II r R 'i C· I W. Casper, Mrs. Clarence McGirm,

'i- " 37 uick SplJ iCoLlpe -: wol'ld felloWshIp we! ~eel\;, Um peat.:e for aur repufuht· I 0 usse~ l~CltS Mrs. J. T, &derson ,and Mrs.".: , 36 I· :11 good' ill for our fell0vt' mon should '! "if . Walt r Savidge sol~ his I, large Claude Wiegel'S, Mrs. H. A. Weich=( 'ontiac Seidan beglin: at home, but l it need no~ 'The foud stump lP1ap 'was set up drramatic tent and equipme~t last was accompanist.=i ' 1 : stay t home, All over the wodd in ~eda[' county li.l:;;~ week. The wkek t6 George King:of Rolll3-, MO. Off).cers an~ appointed commit-I' " hey. M. ~dan : tod~Y in every land 'jand -sounded cQunty put: LiP a ~6,OOO revolving The te}'t a'ccommodates 2,000 peo- tees' had luncheon together Frid~y

, hey. St. !tn. Sed. : in ~ ery tongue, IS the voice of fL n~l~I~~~~Pt e, , ~~:l;; eer~t~~~lu~~ii~~~~\ra~~~ noon at Hotel Stratton t~ honor the\

: d T di' "' aiction. Mr, King bo~ght th~ tent ~~~iting 9fficers. In the group wete. or u IO~ : f6r the Russell Bros. circus. The

hevrqlet ,Coupe : [II compad;y will use the tent a~ Rolla I.jio~niitlileiSieirViinigiiciommii~ftiteici'iatitihi·i.iiiiiii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiijiijjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiii~~iN.. TI ~~W for the l entertainment to be pro-II

:11 r::e~:~:: Sedan \! 'AR~A~L~- r~~~ tte

large army camp lbcated

E ; ~acIied by 17 Year~ of ~:lt~W= ,I Farmall Su~ce"8~ I

: ,

Page 10: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...

122· E. ReconJd Sir.

Dr. E. H. olsonEyesig tSpecialist

Wayne, Nebr.

Martin t. RinkerREAL ESTATE FAR:vI LOA.NSWrites every kind of insunmce ex..

c~~~ein~p~~~~~~n~il~E toInsurance.

The first of \March brings an llncertain race

bctwe~n Jhe'lion and th,,: lamb, but which­

ever win , t1~e fact is certaih- that ...

I _ .'i __..., C' d· the pres~ntati~~ f ~;~;tAet ;~~aI~'n~st' -ti~~' ·ot"1 Anna 'claus~:: '~~Yl g of. said petition an,d .;;the- 'Hec~i~; i',',.,', '!!al'm," '",'. n II ~'tP:,S said estate is th'rl

mohths from that thle :instrument filed on t ! thereof,ll?e given ~o a l'p~sonsjn-<. ~ '_. ., _. Jti-. ~ the~28th flay'of FJ ruary, 1941,' and 8th aci~ ~f Februar,:y, ,,1941, an terested in said mMte [bY lJt{blish-

1.':111,'.:' C,,·~I·i~.':I""':~'~ Ele.J,tiOQ'0'::f::F:e~b'~rru!afry:;'~1~9L4C:lf~,:f~~~~~~~;~~f~~i.(E~:~~9~j~~~~;:;~f~2£~I~J;~0~~~;~J~t~

*' v' ~I, ' execution'o! oo;d imtrument may (Seal) J, ivL CHERRY,

5 PI • Ii "t U .I I , (Seal) J M CHERRY be committed to Adolph Claussen 03t3 , 'GkJUnty Judge.P, mg ,an•• g,.,..,~ s , n,'I''lr when Ihe, membol' was 'eaug.,t, in' , m, " ," al',J A~coriling' 0 Early;'I' InnJleCti'jC dl'illL ' I fl3t3 . , County .Judge. & ~lenQre HeWl0ld as executors. ) I

;7', -.; J ~ I ORDERED, That February 28, CAVAN'A GN' ~N-ewspaper in~'Ponc'a. ~ ollis Ij~ra.n~bl ?f WirJsj~e, SHERIFF'S SALt!: 1941, nt!10 o'clock a. m., is assign- '

~,.;oj; t . jl ' , , underwent ';;in 3peraholl_ ,I' eel for hearing snid petition, when

'ram,'. >the Wayne 'Jerald f, l' 1Christen J. rj/ie1sen of Winsip.e, By virtue of an Order of Sale, to, , "' d' I d' d b th I k all nersons intcrested m:;;y anpearFe rwilry 26', 1925:, ' ~' led 11 ebnlary J71 1925, at the age me n-ec e ,Issue lye c er""" r, rl' I h d" t 'W \ at the cDunty ('OI1]'t room in Wayne,, WilY11e'S parties arranged 0 t- of 69,1 t e Istnct cour 0.. ayne crJun y,

~ I N d I d ,md show C,II !.-E;' the I)rayer of1icd caucuses tp nominate can~;- , IFI'om, tie 'ald ror 1905. ebrasl{a, upon a eCITe r<'!rr tTl'", th h M t h 1"4(1 I thq pHiti(JnPl nr;t be g.rant-dat s for the sprl,h,g,' e,lec tlic. FI'O.~ Wtl\lud f~rald for March erein at 't e (l C, .-, , erm

~. ~ . "-I th f' 'II d" pd ;:nnd th~t llfJtJCe of the pendf:>n('yITel s of Walter Mlll~:er', Erhfst '16, J9 )5: Mrs. G. ieman has been ereo , III an ae, un pen mg m ..

Bic el and ~. C. Gilde~:slC'eve ~>F- serio\.isly ill .•. H, F:'. Slaughter said COMrt wherein' ~mmu E. Nel-pjr~~'O!l the council a~ld .thost· lib! opened a h~tel ,In, Dallas l s. IJ:. . . . SOn .Wd"S plaintiff land Harvey L.R. 'I ' , Ley aUd D. E. I3r<111HlI'~ qn Mark Stringerj sr" went to Stan- Hanson, ('t al., Wf'I'C defendant", Ithel ~iCl1o(i)l ijo~l'd.: • i: tOn for medical c~j.re-. , . Mrs. Nagg W~l' on the 17th, day of March,

'I *'edericl~ ,Berry,. ~'u11 £1~ItbCjI', died Pot hel' homel near Wakefield, 1 1, at 1U o'clock a. In., ,]t the"Gepevieve Wpi~ht, Una S hru~~r, March 10, 1905 ... W. W. Black is d)Or or the office' of the cl(>i:'J~ ofI Be~~<lrd IPt>lla'rtl pnd Fri dn B~t- buildJng a ne"?! re~idence on his said court, in thu ()1111 t hUllSC in

tels·took, honors III the local high farmll10rth of Carroll ... ,The cold Wayne, in saId county, S('JI to theschlaol declamatory contest. : storage plant of Davenport broth- higlJest blddf'r fur cflsh, the fnl-, 'l'he state game. warde~ tt1~n~d ,ers in Norfolk was destroyed by lOWing descl'ib£d n'll! (':-;t~Jtp, to-loo~e four pairs of! Hungartan pa~- ,fire .1 •• A buggy tongue fell a:qd wit: .

; 'ridges hi the vicinity of the Ne~s struck S11Criff Grant Mears on the" The South Halt of the Nurth-lJen,':ien f~rm. southeast Of. WaYl1~1 headi cutting his scalp." • Ru,ssell easi Quartel' '(S%NElA) of

:,' ·N. E. Pearson and MlSS E~Vll1li Wil1i~ms startrd a J,1ewspaper at SSh.ecl'pti0TnW;nWlye~~,I~X «122d)', ~~ng~ Thei Mort,ellsdn of ~ Wak;~!1eld, wene Sholes and n~med it the Sholes L ., I' m"d'ied Februar,y 25,1925, Signal, , , A, H, Stamm bought Four (41, East of the 6;h p, Beckenhauer Service~... ~o!~1n NelS6.t~ 8!ld, Mjs~ Ina, JOh~" ao acres n~ar Carroll and, plans to M., Wayne county, Ncbl aska,

\ son were marrli~d "F,ebrufllI'Y 2." erect ,new buildings ... The Pres- ~,omso'autn;StfYdulheetah'f,~;eeon5aidI~.--.e,enrgee'$t,~,,:[ .=_"'"_"_":,.C"_"'._:'C"'_-_"""_":-",'--_--_~~""_ Phone 75 - Ni'gnt j Boyll Itotl'1: 1~~51:lat Carroll. '. II' I ~ byteI"lall ('Ongregation hak" enough u .~ I.lL Drs. Lewis' &- Le~wi8-\ . ¥s Ellen Gustafso1[l of Wati:e;i-' money to buy a pipe qtgah ... W. 813,32 with iri"tercsl, and Gusts and I DR. T. T. JONES CHIROP'RAc'roRS'

fJ..e d, and 'Harry Lemp~~ of Emer:~ H, Gildersleeve n1ans extensive accruing cosis. IY I h' Osteopathic PhYsician (E t bl' h di 1914)ron, Iwel'~ mar,ried F~bruary 24, .improvements on his farm soutn" Dated lj~ Wayne, Nebras{.q. t lS I Neur:C:lo:e:e~ Service

1915~ I: east of Wayne ... The Wayne 11th d<.Jy ()f Fd)/~LJary, 1941. Eyes EXll~ined _ Glasses Fitted" ,T,' Wag.~on~r, 71, ,resident. of I Cemetery uss@ciation bought 10 14-4996 JAMES H. PILE, Wayne, Ne,b. n30U 112 East 4th ~~one'4.9-~Vayna. Neb.

, 13r~na preCI~ct some xears, dl~ acres to add to the plot •. , Mrs. fI3t5 SherIff. I .~;;;~~...~~;;;;;~;;;;~'in iSSOl,lri February 18, 1925. ' A. P. Childs died March 17, 1905, I __ • i I

, 111\ s, Ivor Ahderso~ bf Concord, in Youngslo.wn, N, Y" and, riles SIIERlf1i"s SALE. I Benthack Hospital,un~~rwentanoperabonIn qmah". will be in Wayne .' .. In resPonse By VlrtlR' of an Order of S<.J!e, G. A. Lamberson Plihne:20'~ !son W,L

asborn to 1V!iI·, af1? Mr$. to ~ petition signed by students, to me directed, I$SUeP by the clerk Real Estate and All Kinds of 320 Lincoln St.

' : ' e'oert1it:ier&,t, of ne~r '¥aYT!c-, Prof. Pile ,wil! give a lecture for of the dIStlIct dourt of Wayne! 'e r:ual:Y 17, 1925. I \ their entelitainm~nt... Neil Wil- county, Nebrasktl, upon a decl ee 'I Insurance Except Life. Wayne, ~ ~~~Jr-iI Idali'J.~ht~r lwas born ito~. and Iiams diedl March' 1.2, 1905~ at the rendered thelC'ln ,\t the November Wayne, Nebr. 11 r 1 --: NIrS'iE.~. :T0?es of Om~"PJa, ~ebru- age or 40 Mi$s NeptufI and 1931, term thf'-n~()f, In ah actlon IIII•••iI ill.lII.lli:lIlUIIll.Ill ••: ary ]23,," 925. Mrs. Jontes IS the Miss Stewart ~f the co-llege faculty pendmg in saId ¢ourt wherein The I- :

. 'fo1'llielr atherine OwElbs of Car- will take part 'in a teachers' meet- City of Wayne, ih the State of Ne- = •,rolll.' i '. \, ing ~n Norfolk ... David Allison, braska, was IjlJaintlff and Susie: :• AI1taU~hter: was born Ito ~r. and brotrer-in-law of the Baird broth- theY h'ad bee Dragon, et aI.~W('j"f: dplend~nts, I II •,Mrs. UliilS ,Menke F~bruary 2.1, e<rs, tiied in Denver in March, 19,05, 'II I I th' f' '1 I " H' 'G •

~ WI , on t 1e, r Cly U l~ Z!n: 1, II I ' ,ang, •] 1251'~ - , and jWas bmied in Wayne ... Tom, 1941 at 10 O'cl,OCk~. m., ~Jt the door flO •

.~ A b~, .as po~,to ~:' anm Mrs. son of Levi Kimball of Wakefield, transfer of property at vah.iahon of the offic-e,_jJf, the clerk ~)f said: :

. ;Wa1 r" aas of Hoskms, Febru- went to Arizona for hI'· health, , , approved by the board 'Of direc,tors. I' h' I h ,", •j ,0 cour ,In I e cour ouse on wayne, I- Let''s Go'!~ry ai11

~5., J. W. Fre91'ickson bought the P. J. Fifth;-The existence of this in said t:ounty, $ell to the highest. :I. Pietfe, is ,to have an a'rtificial Neff farm neur Wakefield for $21,-, zporation s.hall commence on the b'dd I th f 11 d ' •Ice n.1ahL . 150 a'nd Ji', O. Borg bought the l RccovP'l"S from Il1ness. ffnt,h day of .tanuary, 1941 and COn- s~rib~d f~;a~a:s~'ate,e to~w~'mg c- :-

di,~~"}e~ ~~:y~~~t~~f~~~da~\~;l~~~ ~~~~r,~~~~~ b~~~l~or ~;~,11~: E. W,~I~~1l.\1~~~~~\~~;~~ak~7il~ ~:nr;:~ " m~:t~~~rl:r~~~h~t2~~:~t of ~~;s ~;~~~~~~~t~:{~~~~v{'(~7)~ Eof ,53J' Johnson will be married in Sel)- f!'Om pnCLllTIonin. All the' indebtedness to whieh this 'Corpo:" 2 ) I t I" . •

fi "" ' I' Iwenty,foUI' ( 4 , wen y, Ive Yes, J,'mm-y /'.0 •~.larry· cNamara bOUl;l1t the tembel' 1905 beell ill '\vith the f1u. ration shall subjeCt itself shall not \25), and tweinty-six (26), In •.., II}.1eaii~' g ~.nd plUin,bing ij,.usiness nt Fl'ed'Volp~ of Bloomfield, form- - exceed two-'thirds of its paid U.p BI I t I II (23) C I •,", " Win PIDrder 01'( wen y- Hee " U - fl"l of pe·.p, •vvilsn : r f OT!). Wrl\.Schartow. erly of Wayne, has been offered ' ,'. ,', I ': For Vernie BttiJckmans. ca'pital stockl lege Hill Addition tn W,-lyne, U III

,Wa}har Hayde~ dif!Jd at Ponca a position in a bank in Yakima, Mr'~. El Wm V;)hlJtam~) .. pent About 40 J'e']atives and friends Severtth;---lThe business of said East o[ the 6th P. M., WJyrie now.' .' :Febntar 13, 1925, aged 61. Wash Wakefield is talking of ~es.:JvY a~e: oon l;l', w~'('I~ \\,ltll in the Ed. Brockm~n corporation ~hall be condu,cted and county, .Nebrm<;ka, II

Edl L' hmkuhl antl Miss Ida having" ~l~ctric lights and a com- rs. m. el '. . W0dnesday evening for managed by' a board of not less to satisfy the aforesaid decreE', the :$l~Gr. d 'Wisner, wer'e- mm:ried in mittee- will visit other towns ~o in-. :he J. M, anleys I an~ mO>'l~1~ reccptirm for Mr. and Mrs. \7e1'- than three d!irectbrs to be elected

'Fe-br~~~' ,1"921:). , veytigate co~ts . , . H. E, Mason, ~h~S ;:~u~'~e'~~urer to Ithe :\;»1 m Brockman, wh9 were married' by the stoclqhbldchs and to hold ~~t~U~~t~~:s~h:~~O~o~~~nagn~3J:c1;~~ I ~Henry' ,Lage- bought the C. E.. who has been head of the Stanton y <.' • I (by, More came for the evc- their offices :for one year and un- . t ' I

Ben-shoo 8Q -east of Carroll for' schocH, will leave· the teaching' Mrs. ~arl lc1or, J~": tett~rn('d tV'll'';. Henry B)'oesch, Mr. find til their successors are etected'and m't-~~:ds'at Wayne, -Nebraska this Tired! Dull! Listless! Back\\'nrd! Co(rrrdptl$l~O.-,art' 'cre. :'., . . - . profession ... Lewis Owen is hom~ Fr~d?y from the,call Vl-ll'tur, Wr.l, Braesch and baby ~nd qualified, such li'lection to take 11th day or l-~ebliuary. 1941.. vision so oi'ten eliminates all these. Giy'c your

Muss, athenne·'FJscH.er of WIS- bUHiding new barns and gr;!maries. sr., am In ayn,e., I t Brae-sd1, Mi~s irma C'~hn(>I" place at such time .and to lJe,con- JAMES H PILE' 'h ' h A ff' Mr d MA ¢IEh w r = 12-4321, , child an equal chance Wit at ers, W COl',: ,:;n~'I.·, fnd enrY Korth 0f.R~Itlt1olph, on the Everingham place north,. . a~ rs. f' d TIl • {er~ e ,-lnd MI'S. Otto Coon of, Gretna, ducte<! in sU¢h manner as shan he ,c_ ,

-··','--:-:'We'f"l.nn-a-·fietl FebruarY 117 1;925. we~ 6t Wayne Tl e EngliSh. Tuesday la,t ~k d nnl r guc ts Tlrli'. ,inri Mrs. F]loyd Barto and Mrs. prescribed' by the by-laws of the fl3t5' Shenff. l·ection~ in young eyes usually Rave morPj~p.riou~ ..., Ervin c-M"anigal of Pirger, i18r- Lutheran church' v:,U'l b~ eniarge~ at. W. F. Sclw der's. I ,rhn{,j(~ Bnrto Of Hllbbal'~, and Mr'l corporation. :Untn sU~h di.reetofJi 'NOTICE OF PRJOBATE OF WILL adjm:;tments in ad ult eyes. I

,rawly es at>M the loss of a hand remodeled and providl'-'d with I; ~\s'I<~:;est 'one a!nd b~J~;l (>I~ fiti'd ;,111'0.;. Will Korte of McLean, are elected b(y the stockholders~E. The state of Nebr[1ska, WLlyne l,. flll;r~ce, and' electric lig.hts 3t'~ ~e~'s. ~h~Yw ~1ee~n~::~t;. 'tee out-of-<town J?:,ues1s. The n. Stratton, J. E. Stratton and H. t DI 'J T G-II .. '

cost---of. $2,000. , . Earl Fleetwook'i M I M M'I R mc,wed Fnr];IY to D K. Dodge .shall const~tute such co~~~' ~~;unty {'ourt, held at the r... J es~' Ieof Way~€', and M.iss Nellie Hetts. of dau:ht:I~(C,-;n~~'uf ~~ 1 ~;~:' MdA">!1n. Iward of dlre-ctors, .

!Ft. Atkll1son, WJs., weI'€' marned F·d t' t 1 Elghth.;-The offieers of. said I ~~~~~~ ~~~~;~~~;nl~h:ngt~~·a~(l;J(~


March ']5-1 1905, .. Samuel Larsen Ef;, ,~y suppe.r gups S '1 \ n< For Ray Perd~e. 0 c(:rpOl'atl~n ~hal1 be ~ preSIdent, FebruarY,1941. . OPTOMETRIST I

of Wausa, and Miss Ellen Westliln .;.;:. d MAt l\fI d, ,j. j A group had a farewell pnrty vice preslderyt, ,lI1d secretary and In tPle matter of the estate of,J. ~of Wakefield, were married Mardh f I !'.;!In . 1~': r jag jll1Z ~ tH ~~I!\Jrd8Y {'vening lAst week for tre~surer w~,,o ~hatl be chosen by H, Claussen, deceased. Phone 305~J Wayne, Neb. 21",,1J2 Main

' 15,.1905 ... W. J. Erxleben and am~ly wer.e 'llday ('\-t'lll,ng glJiOf;;ts R"y oF'erdue hi;; home. "Guests tl b did t s d h J'Mfls Helen Sydow of this vicin.ity,' ~bt Wl3\('k III t 1e II. A. L('.~ hwiklt \\lpn' Mr, and T. A. St:'<light s~~ll ~~d ~h~irll:fcfi~:~ f~; the~e~ On re<:.iding atld filing the peti- .1I.1i1l••~•••B.~•••"'we'e married M~l'ch 1.5, 1905 . .. Ime. ltnd Ml', and Mrs. Fnx:! riod of one ,year and until theirJo~n Morris and J.ohn Shannon of rJ~/~' ~~r~~~ir;dl~n:'/l~~::lll~~~n~l;I~ll(~ I(Jtll' ,Ind Mr. and Mr:-;. f;d. successors shall be elected andCal:roll, w('nt to Wnusa to investl- 1 t y 1 '} l~' j T Ig rUd"ls Nlcm,mn c-md MI', ~nd Mr·s. qualify, The:sccretary and treas-ga~ the oJleration of a 'grain ele- has I

wee ~ ]fl till: '.1 ,,\' ,11 ":Ih k;)nlp Mlk,e !i{lll~('n family, Mrs. urE'!' may be ~ll1e and the same' per-vator, One lTI,ly be ~;tarted in Car- o~;-e' d', ' C'!lrI':j.'il'a G:I,thj(' :Illd Herman, Mr. :-;on.rol1. ' ,r. an Ml~$. W. n. Fl~nch ~lJ(1 ~lIld F'l'ed Rf->eg and Raymond, Ninth;~tJritil tl;1e o,fficers of the

Early Days in Ponca. f~~l1Y weT'~ l~ Omallj(J ~,Hurclfl'y. I,Mr. [Mrs. August Longe, Ml'. curporation are elected and quaIi-From the. Ponca Journal for ~Wlght Frenfcl ac:o~p~JnH!'cl Ulcrn i1.lnd MI'S, Chrils B::1i('r ,md family, fied as above:. provided, the .follow­

M 9rch 28,1884: If present weather r~e for a ~:~.d(]?'S~·'l' . IMr., qTICl Mrs. W. E. Bnck an,d ing named pQ-rso.ns shall co.nstitu.tecontinues a few days, garden mak- M r. ~nd "F H' S~()ni' Jr., ~rlll"I'1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard iPmspl- the officers ot said corporatIOn, VIZ;ing will begin a earnest ... Fann- r. an .~rs·1 Robert Ston:e of .f;hill, Mr. and Mr~, Elhardt IP'ilspi- H. K. Dodge]shall be' president, Lerfl have commenced seeding on ~au!rel, vlslte~ Thur~ ay aMtermJon f;hil,,ffi~nd ilamil~, Mr. Dnd Mrs. W. E. Stratton sl)all be vice president,the up~ond , .. Bonfires were kin- In the Carl VI.CtO;, Jrl' ho~e. , F· Schroeder nrd daughters, ,H1enry Ianp. E. O. St~at1.on shall be seere-dIed on the- streets in celebration ~rton Burfn of C,O~~?')J.~a'I,f., HI.I<lS{', Mts. Juli<l Perdue an9 AI- tm:y and tren~ul'er.or Dixon county's victory over the nr~~ve.d Thurs ay to, ':'ISlt sfvelal ~fln. <ln~l MiSS~Lottia Bush~' The Tenth;-TI~IE' manner of hol<iiing

d."yS In the : R. FrencJ~ hom;. ~roup. Pl'fl.".ent Mr. Perdue with meetings of istockholders for the~~t~i~1a:,~%~td ::=~ee~ia~g~~c~nth: ~~h Burton, lS Mrs. I' I"<ouch ~ tglft. Mrj..pe diue leaves s10h fqrpurpose'of electing officers ond the

J:;t-~y.r,' ed,<everYO!~eskates U'erew. dM!C E'N'I"!~ ,f)wato<dl~cnplmtry with r.cter·methodo'fcohductingthe9usinessan~., t time ... The M<;in H.' 1~. 'M " ,t '1&~' i, ~ 'hristfnsf}nl

l. ! I ' of the corpor!ttion shpIl be as pl'e-

raili Blair had sev- ~n rs. en y. au! JI., .r. dn, I ,------+---+ i sCI'ibed by th,~ by-laws thereof.eral try ice; Repairs N1~s. Gustav elson W('~': SlI~<l;:IY !, ~r~ Geo~ RqH:laff of PicnrQ, will IN WITNEss WHEREdF '. thewI'11 requI're '> few I, .. 'months and di~er guests n the '/vallred Cbl'l- h'e'iv& $12.40 a week rdr 326 . d' h h "t' t

.. s'o~ home. I : ,I . '". . .' underslgne, ave ereUl!J 0 I seduring the interval cars will be M d M' E I V'llkJ Fe ks, d(C~Idmg to datfttlon of the their,hands t1~is 17th day oflFebru-

f ' h ,r. an ,S, "r.'w n, : ',U 'Ilm,p ~ompcnS'atiKln court, The claim was ary, 1941, 'i~~n1-e%;~~;Yo~~~\i~f~10~~ W;~-e and daughted; B;t.d M~. \Wd ~Vhs. lfiled ag<linM Daniel Dickinspp and j) i

railroad bond issue,' all feel sympa- F1ea , VahIl'L81~' Jr., w:,re, Fniday fl'nry Bockelm:!lll for whom Retz­thetic with holders oC bonds for IS pper guest 1I1 the Jo.rl'llI Vjlhl- aff was moving u, bUilding when f20t4

~, .." they purchased them in good faith. \: :Phome.~ 1M 1 . ~(' suffered faial injuries.

,ebr. Read" the Herald Want Celumn ~O{,~dja~r~m ~~~tH ~fv;Uy~~n~~" ~OTICEOF 'INCORPORATIONI a farm one He west of witner i N()tic~ is heteby given tl;J.at E.

i/sl.~lillil1i'niHJ~IiI!1I!11:iI!lIJlII••~liIalul*iI~iill!I••il .Skturday. Dorthy Longe spent: tl1e ''0. Stratton, L IE. Stratton and H,=day in the F ,3nk Longe hlome. 'K. Dodge, of thJ State of NelJraska,• IMr. and M*s, Bilge1" MEjyer and 'have associated themselves to-'=sbhs of Wak~field, Mr. ahd Mni. !gether fur thee purpose of fonning!! Etr~eman LUHberstedt and LalTy, Iland becoming 'rr corporaUon un--


; l'/'Ir. and MrSI W. H, Meyer spentI!del' the Laws Of the State bf Ne­Ii'riday In the August L~bel ste-d t ~raSkal1ome. I Fll'st;-tThe n.jlme of the Icorpo­

: I Mr and MIS. T A Straight and ratIOn shall be I North Nebraska• tlarruly, Luc lIe Behnet~, Opal evel ag~ Comp~ny.=G-ranqUlst a d Ellsworth. Steele Second~-The [prmcIpal ptace ofII :t~ Sunday dinner gU~sts last Itl <msactll~g the 'pusmess of SaId

t t~Jl':, in Ih

lM<S['Wmt:IDrder If,~~~~~a~~n~~~jk:~'as~;, Wayne,

= Mr, and M s, 1'1 d ~upp of I" Th1rd:fThe g~ne 'al nature ofB 100n'liJeld, sent S turdh night 1"~he bUSIn~sS to be tr nSDeled by the.. I st week In the C H. JeVrey corporab~n shaH b to buy and=lome. The H pp:;; ar moVU1g Ith1$ ell and ~al ge~erallY In bever-a: eelt flom B oomfle d tp lV,lan- ages, bat 1. alcoh ltd and non-.~1-= ester, Ia. I coholIc, nd to perate places bf• Mr. and M s. Otis Hab, I f:'irs. ibusHl.ess or th~ s leland dispensa-= a:old Mess rscl'iml t afd 11m-ltIonOfSU h be'fe agps; to buy and• ,J ne A,OIl of wa,kef~,ld',MI'. and, sell cigar, Ciga,re'tts~ tObac,co an,?=I ·s. Elqard 'Pos Ishl 'Jere: othkr ardcIes I artd I merchandiseII: ursdaYI ey ning uest~ . iIlI ,the IUsu,allY sbld aJ,d ~ept for] sale in:: :ugus~ ~ubb! rste;dt Iome~ suqh of busijfle~s; to purchase• ~r·"I~na r~.. ,Flo:rdl Hupp and'lan<!i od ,an~ ppera~e lunch: i miIylof iE,10 inf~e,ld,1 Mr. nd Mrs.! i c0t!n nd to btl-y, sell, lease,• arold J €-fit y. Mr.: and~M . F., rno tal an .personal prop-,= IivI. ~ei~"h, ~t Concp,rd, Mr. rid Mrs,., crt in ludheltap/fe Mf the, m,ain

,j,. ~~. H. l!~ffr~ \q~~MrJ" ~d ·S~. p~ po&ets abo~e ~e forthl -and to

i i,l,I, ~,~r,"jj~t',fr,!,'!:\""i'r: J:,~I<"sa t,dY ? ,W, ,Y,'1'~JI! ~ l)~.I;af,.!I, ,',r" , :tl)l(h' J'h~rt~iI'\.• :lVlr,a:l\'l!s,' ,:"a'l<, ef erg ,ana cqnn';"'te ,', ,t e, car-

'. ;Ch~rle, had m~er Su, day l'lst n ofl the a ovemenl!ohed=:w~ek i the ernoh Van1hq c atl objects of tl{e corp rktion..- l'l'akeflkId,. I" , 'tal-I'I,r ' be• ,',.!.J".'" J"wi~ , M

Page 11: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...

(t'oJlIJnuf'd f'''"11 I'agf' Fourl


I,'d'~' i '

r :-1.1here a week. The ·Nolan Hole-Ikamps, who returned Monda ,plan'to "leave Fnday for Los eles toViSIt before gOll1g to.Washln ton tolOCate. 'I

Rev. Geo. PUI1J;nan. of Wa~sa,

~~~~ ~~~t~r~'r~'ri~ks~~e:~~:~~'Althea Quast were in RQ.lla, N. D.,£1 urn Tuesd<lY to Satuq:faiY, them.cn attendIng to busm~ss, theleand 1I1 nearby pomts. Snow drIftswere hlghel' than the L'ar and the,

guests III the Rev. Oeo. Pullman thermometer went to 34" belowhome at Wausa.' zero while they were gonq.

MISS Betty WeC\ver and MISS MIS Lyle ShIpley and dttughter .Wanda Kmg moved from the Nu- and tile fOlmer's father, Hahs Bro­Ian Holekamp residence to the W.; gren, SI., uf Gctna, were here fromR. Thomas place. Sunday to' Thursday last week.

The Clifford Parkers were at They wele m the Ole BrogrenMyron LaI'sen's Sunday. MIS. U,jl- hhme Sunday, at Edwin BJogren'ssen's sIster and family were also [MOnday and at Clifford Parker'sthere from Fostel"~ I Tuesday Tiley, also Mq;. Parl<.er

MI'. and Mrs. Marvm Schlueter <.Ind Wm I31 ogren weie m the Hansdnd:Delbert of MadlsOll, wele Sat- Bl'uglen, Jl., home at Plen~e Wed­urday and Sunday guestb In the nesdi.lY,JulJus Hmnellehs home.

MI~s Ruth Petel"s~n of Weldon, Tu R-etire from Farmii\g.la, and MISS Mabel Jeem Petel sell B('call~e of Illness which has fol-uf Sergeant Bluff, weI e week-end lowed a ~aH suffered two years agoguests t J M P t' thb month, Gus E. Paulsen IS con-

The ~ H, Wa:ne~I::;~:~ e lt1 thl; ductmg a cJosmg out sale MarchOtto Walgner home atNOl'[olk Sun- 6 dnd v.Jlll"etue from Clctlve farm­day afternoon and <.It Cldrence \ ll1g For a nUmber of years Mr.Boell1ng's 111 the evetllng. Pdu!scn has been promlfl~nt)n thIS

Tile Gus Paulsens and Mr<; Ed. Pdl't uf thiS state as a successfulTrautwem were m Wayne S",tUI- rillser of Puland ChlIl<JS and Short..,

Iday. Ml-. Paulsen and Mellgalct hOl'n:-i He wlil stay on the homeAnn were there Thursday Iplac.c north of C<.lrroll and has

Joseph and Joe Wurdmgel <.lnd rt~nted the land tu a ft'w nelghbors.MISS .:vIa! cella Fnedenbach of .Randolph, were Sunday C\'enlng Excllallgesd10ner guests at Paul Broeker's.

Manon Jones, Mr. and MIS, W,dtcl Clal}CI', formerly of Wisr-Merntt Jones and Gary, and M1S::; ncr, ctll~'d III Oklahoma at the ag~

Isabel Taylor of NDrfolk, s(X'nt of 34.Sunday With Mrs. W. E JODes. ;\1l:-is Hden Huey and Elmur

~~:U;:;~i~::~~:;':l~~:~:i~~~~'~:::~~~'~'~S~O:~'7:e::,:::'~fIeld, fOI" Iowa to do carpentl'y Dnkotu county 54 years, dIed ~wo)-k. . Long Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Franzen and MIss Arlene Kettler and JamesDale were at ChUord Parker·s Wragge, jr, of Pierce, were mar­Sunday evemng. The Franzens ned last \\ eek.were In the MIke Dlaghu hume 101' Isabell? Mdcklm of Pender, ..ycjndmner. the Ak-Sur-Ben medal for best 4-

Mr. and Mrs Geo. Gnsklll, Mr. H club work m Thurston county.and Mrs.. John Gasliull and b<..lby, Shirley Hicks of Stanton, one 9fand VIrgIl Shufelt were m thc the dhtllct \vmners lIll' the stateJ h Sh h t 0 d D, A. R contest, placed second ins~n~ay. anRon om~" smon the stute e\l'nt. Dorothy Bellamy

Gust Johnson, RICh,lld Lmk. uf Nurth Pl<ltte, was fIrst.Ceo. Lmn and Da\e Theophtlus D1X(lfl county dIstrict court con-

Iwere Jn Wayne Fndi.lY evenIng to \enes M.dllh 3 Among ~hose on<.lttend the Masonic (,Ind De:vlolay the Jury <..II e Henry Ech*~p,banquet. ' L<lwllnle Bluck, M<lUriCejG~-»r""i,

Mrs. JulIUS Hlllncl'Ichs dnd MIs? Is()n,.Ll\vl f.'nce Johnson, G E~~~ 1:-r~~H(elen were Clmung gue~ts. at Cl sln and Mal tIn Thomsen of Wa e-r ~~~~

shower S<.lturdClY III the. home. of! neld. ,,.,9Mrs. Wm, Harder neal Wuyne, fO!MIsS Evelyn Hal del \A., ho will uc I Office In HospitaLmarfled soon. Dr. S A. Lutgen has his office

Mrs.. Don Blink" Donna Bunk, in the Wayne hospItal. Phone 6t.Betty Honey and Henry Harmc!cr --

were III Omaha SatUlday MIS I ~MmIlle JennCWl'lll letulned \A.,lth ~;/. kthem and IS spendmg thiS \\eek I41JK/lVI'WIth her daughter, MIs Ermh, W .-

M,,, FIO/en'e Sellu"., of KeBr- estmrihouse!ley, spent Sunday at W R Scr,.Jb- 6ner's The La\'vlellce Butler iamll) MAZDA IAMPSWdS also hele Ml Bullel h<f:-illlm-~ ~_pleteq speCial tJ alI1mg III Blall <lnd ( ,OmaUa ,md he wJlltenwlI1 at Wm- 15 ~ 25-waUSide t~potanly lOe

Mr ,1I1d MI s C. H MOl f!S hdd 40.50-60.'"

ivUo~d;:o~ll~ne~l~~~dM~I :Il~a~~l~ ladCoultel called that! afternoon 111 the r: 75 -.lOO-watt

~r~. ~~~~I~ ~:;;=tta~~r:~~ ~~~ l5eC. H. Morn' home m the evenmg, L. W. McNATT

Mr, and Mrs. Nolan H"lek.mp I HARDWAREwent to Omaha Sunday to takehome the former·s motheJ:;, Mrs. Phone 108 "-ayoe1 Neb.Stella Holekamp, who had Vlslted

District 55.(Hutll SmIth, teacher.)

Marilyn Maas IS the only pu­pIl ,With pel feet <.Ittendancc forthe month,

Valdntmc day was obsen'edvnth ;!l program In whIch eachpup~1 chose what he wanted todo. Stiones, songs and poemswere given. Puplls made a hearthouSe "llld <.I stand-up dog togua~·dJ the Valentlllcs that weredloppcd flom tile chJmney. Val­entmes werc passed out at closeof the pal ty.

The 3rd <.Jnd 4 th gl adcs eom­plete<ii a booklet of Lincoln andWasl1mgtun. They arc studymgSwqden, Norway and Dl::'nmarkand have eomp~eted a study ofAJ. abw and Lap1<..lIld.

Portlalts of Washmgton andLmcpln and the WashlI1gton.monUment were brought by pu­pIts and were posted on the bul­letIn board. VcdentlI1es, log cab­ms, hatcht'ts and ehen les wereattl'adlve deeOl·atlOns.

Kenneth Stamm, 6th grade'r,m<.lcte the S<.lnd table scene for

~~~~f~~,tl;;I~~~e~~~e a L:ncoLn

All are workmg fO!" 100·s. Forcach 100 a pupIl d1 a ws a heal tor1 hIS chart.

The 1st gradel s completedDay III 80d Day Out books, and2nd gradel s memonzed poems.Plitn<.lIY pupils made !Jooklctson the month.

District 61.(Mane HansenJ. te~cher.)

All had perfec~ttendance thepast month. .t

Valentme day was observ'fdWJth a covered dish dmner atnoon WIth games and Valentine"exchange afterward.

Several new Victrola recordswere bought WIth money fromthe progt·am and some new folkdances were learned. Pupils en­JOY BIeking, Ace of DiamQnds,Looby Loa, Oa ts Peas Beansand Barley Grow.

The Gleaners IS a new pie1ure

bO~:f8~~t~r~~~~~:~~~d_ing.Snowbound. ,..

The 3rd and 4th graders, inco~ectlon With a. stttPY of Ja­pan, coUected articles made ill­

Japan for a school, m~um.'They fllso made a Japanese sandtable scene,

The 5th and 6th grades are.. making l;looklets on Nebl:aska

Indian trIbes.The 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th

, grades have written p;!l.~rsabout~ the lives of Benjamin' Franklin,II :Abrah~fl1 Lincoln and GeorgeI ;Washington for a 'qooklet onG~eat Men. :

I, IThe 1st g'radel~ ~¥ enjoyingl


;new AIiC'e and Jerryj readers. I: Jety Gramberg-aml Lila JeanllDorblan receive~ ~'Wus inlspelling tests. I ~

I Hillside ,School Club -is the-

!iname of the citizenship gT~UPl,oT~ani7.ed.\>fficers fort~u th

1al'1' Artol~C U, ~ tdl!~~}d ntJ •

r-:;;(J! ,;~'. .l'i:;:,}:i

District 75.(Audrey Rl.n;, teacher)" .Vernon II,lnsen ~nd Chal1cne

Rethwlsch had perfect attend­<.lIlce the p<Jst month, Charleneleads HI the attendance !'ecclld101; the yeal.

In the i.lllthmet.tc contest,Eh.:anor Ann Hanserl \vas flr::;t,V(flrhne ,.mel Helen Coulter tIedj 01' secund amI DUl"Uthy AnneHcthwlsch was tim d.

The 5th and 6th gl ades madelJ1tlPS uf Suuth Amenca andth('~e were put on lhe b letmIJUdl d, A boyJdet Will be aaefor each COljlltl y II1 Sout Am­el'lea as It IS studied.

,The 7th and 8th glader drewfrce-h,md the Cll cuI y sys­tam <.lnd the draWIngs were puton the bulletm ~oald.

All wrote letters to Supt. F.. B. Decker and DOlothy Anne

Rcthwlsch's letter wa~ chosenbest and was sent.

A ValentlllC' party was heldFebluary 17, a Iew days late be­cause of Illness A trea~ure hunt

. was the party th~me. Light re­fre::;hmenb were sel \ cd.

The club deCided tu conductan amateur hour WIth each pu­pil taking pal t. The Inlst ISEebruary 28.

PIctur~s loaned by Supt. F. B,Decker were ellJoyed very mudl.qspet.:1311y those 01 the GI andcanyon tlnd Yellowstone park.The 2nd graders llked Jack I andthe Beanstalk as they were read­lng the story. Puplls wrote tothank Ml. DeckeJ. for the pic­tures.

neen st rted.. For each daY~f Don~d rirag~, jce, l?r~sidentperfe t eaIth inspection, a Ii k and Faye Be~Ga ,~lecretarY. 'is rec i ed for a chain in it l1;t Ru.th. Fuoss b ou ht candyof th ~'m. The pupil wit~1 e bars as a treat fo b. r bIrthday .most i s in the chain will 'Tin January 30. I'

the c nest. 'VIsitors the pa~t rb.onth werePu il and teacher enjoyeq a Joe Schraeder of Wobdbme, Ia.,

Vale i e party February 14. Norma Jean Heier and BobbYRefre hments of rice krispie FUQss.bars, cdokies and ~ocoa were $-----~~----'-~-serve ~nd Valentines were ex- -CARROLLch~~ :e1·FebrUary is a patl'1otic

~~; i~~e~~~~t:~~:~~~e~e;~~wor s, pOd Bless America, havebeen co~pletetl by 4th grade and

;.~~C ~ ~~~~~~:ic1~~y~~0~;leo~ti~~~and shIelds are on the bulletinlJoaJd_ I

SJveJ'al .1cw textbooks havelJee bOllg~ for lower grades.

A 1 Have been mterested in a~tu y Qf Abraham Lmcoln a~aGeorge Washmgton A compari-

so~jo;n~;~'~t;~e:~l~~~ ~~~~'tor,Marcella Wiese prepared the


District 8i..(LUCIlle Harmelel', Teacher)A p;ll ty was enjoyed on Jame~

JOlles' 4th birthday.. Others pres-,erH Well' Carol Jones, Irene Lar­~ell. Ld Vada Harmerer andD1dy LetMt s. Jones served lceCl'f'.lm <It ,cake,

Valentmes were made in artwork ,lnd were alsv exch<lflged. '

N\ll m<l LaJ sen's slde led. overDelOi es H<lrper's l<:lst week inthe ~pellmg contt:;st whIch closesl~O(m.

;~tl~,l:,n~;~ro\I~~ a~,f~e~~~ert~~~~:weI (" III tllree weeks. 1

The 5th and 6th langu<:lge classlJ \ studylllg prellxes. Each took a'pi ('fiX and found as many wordsd>'; pOSSIble usmg tt A prlZC glV"

('ll in this went to VIrginia Lar­"('n,',,5he used the preflx, un, andI(JUlld OVCI' 500 words WIth It. I

Shirley lIarpcr and MelvinDndenstedt' cumpleted anoUl(~r


District 69.(L.tlzeln Banc!, teacher.)

:\1<11 llyn G<Jmble 1$ the only. pLlpd wlw had pel"!ect attendl,HltT the sIxth month of };lhuol.

Ulstllct 40 enter t~llIled diS'"till t:-; B9 <lnd 28, nUl til, tit a Valr~lltllJe PUI ty Febl Udt"y 14. Val ...cntll](:s WPI e exch<.lllged.

BJ1!y Gilmble und Geri:J1dP1 (Jill' held JX'l feet scm es of 100tilt, past month. Gene CluussenJlac! the same glade for ttllec\-\oceks.

The 1"t grade lS reading Funin the Ram.

The 7t1l gl adc completed TheLcgend of Sleepy Hollow.

LlIlcoln s dnd WClshmgton·sbll thdays <.Ind Valentlne'::; dayweI C obsen· cd. '

A party was hcll::i Fnd<JY mhonor of Wdshmgton's bIrthday.The 5th and 6th grades dt uma­tlzecl a play, I-Iow Lucy ServetlHer Counlry. GJmes were play­ed and glrlS sel'ved luncheon.

Dunng spare tllne uppergrades huJe been painting out­deJor scenes. These are posted O(lthe bulletin boat·d and pI ogres~of each cluld noted.

District 31.(AdpIllle Pohlman, tetlclH~I.)

}-yle Kruegel', Olmd<.l Barner;IIJd Evelctt Schuetz hcl\e hadall', ave! tlge of 1UO for the month.

bOlOthy DaVIS, Evcl'ctt Schu- Ietz, DOl ~s Schuetz, Bevelly Da- IVl$ ,md VIl gIl Schuetz had per­f<..:tt att(>ndance fur the month.

A V,dentJl1e pdrty was enjoy­ed with contests and games alt­er' wl1.ieh candy, cake and pop- Icol'n WCl e SCI ved, these brought I

by- all. Valentines W<'I'C exchang­ed from el box. Ml;;S Pohltnal1gave candy V~lentme treats .•

Washmgton dt V<111ey F()]ge lsithe sdnd table scene. I

Lyle Kllleger blought trcntslloJ cdndy for hIS 12th bJl thddY'ulld ,dl sang the bu thq<.Jy songlfOI 1nm.

btio~s, 'He hris begun a study jOfcorn. He has completed most re­quir'G'd n~,ading and is nt;'w study­.lng The Man Without a Coup-tly. '

The 5th and 6th grades dr¢wmapS of South America, showirgni:ltu~·t11 reg;ons." ,

In aN, pupIls made plgS frdlmpI Hlls and stuffed them wIthL'utton. 'they alsu mude chalk I!J1t.:lu.l'es. '

\ ,It :-:lligghh 1I~lt'1I1gr'nl'(, Con­seliJuentl,y lH' W,IS !'(,nl(hcd to af o~tcr-lJt)]1H' \\ I til

~'IVLll1Y ])0\; or w(',lk ,Ire

fll ('{'ri mlo r!t'111HllHI)lY by !nOlt'

(I \('1, dd('ltDlflC<! nlkndplS\ /1('11 :-;11('11 !HI.\''' '-,llLCTl'd III thrll'1<11"t ell(Jlt· ,111("\ \\111 tllo ,q)plO\­al,ol t!Jell "lIpPllflr tlltor". tht,yg,1'1l1 {'l\nfH!('Il! III tlll'msc!\es;ll~rl ,It!('lllpt' l\ l' ~enulls dlld

llJizilrdOl[ _ of 'nsl'"" I'In !1t:-i jjJ;-.! al"'!J()Jldt .let, to

hi: ~tll('. tlH' \Veeil~-\~'lll~'d boy l'i

o~se,,,~C'd WIth b\ltlthat nol'-rnd1 ll1:,tln( l might protect

~~:l~eg l"~~~~: ;l#l'~<l ~~C(::~~!r~~~~SI~~ddred until ]w to~C's IU entirely.,tJIllles~ he 1:--' chC/ckpd c<~rlY in hiS

cl~reel", he \\'lM becpme n hal'den­f'K:1 CnmlJln1. It I" 'beCclf,se of thISlO~s of instlllct th~~t sb e young­~t(']"s ,Jll' cdpdble of C Jmffilttingrime SCl"IOIIS ulrrll"Se~ ~lhll1 thosec# m<:JtLll pCl'sob:;, I

Urgt'd on by 1.\\00 oIdc!" boysnf ::.tl nngf'l' wdJ <lnd no doubtpCl sumler! some\vhdt by thell'[t;hre<ltl.; M S('l'IOL!S phYS1C.!1 111­

Ij'll1"Y, flome]' stolp bicyclqs for,them to ~ell Thpy gave- hIm'labout 25 1)('1' (,{'Ilt of the pro­It'ceds fJjom 'the ~<ll(', not only of1~1('ycles but also of other prop­erty, 11)(' sclwml!?- for the st('al­mg of which ilwy l<lld' out Jll dc­tat! lor him.Hom~r \J'lS 14 years old, but

he had ddvanepd III school onlyto the fIlth ~l'ad(', ObVIOllsIy hIS I

m('nta~ gifts were inferIOr. ,Because of fCdl o[ physical I

harm they had thl'calened to do ~IhIm he would not divulge the:names of the buys who In-Istrlfcted him In wrong-domg,Eventually, however, they wereappl'ehended and placed on Ilgid lprobation.

, Homer received little care 01·~upervl5ion from his parent",1

:~.~~_~~<;e l~~~~~, ~~~~o~f~s~om_--"I"'-+_ T ~~. ------r-.--~

t~~ts ~ond~ctcd all I Vu]entine (Mr~. ~l".?~;~~~8Teac'ficr) ,~~Y. Tho Valentine box was Vtllentine men Were made df

J~~1~~Cdp<~~}I(~;.1 1~~ll~~qp~nJ)a~.~~ pipe deal'1ers. DOlhes were llsed

~enlt~. Pupils. ICCClvcd muny ~~l~~k~~xv~~~n~~:~'eJh;e~~~=r~\~~ ~~~~el~\~~~~. IS ctudYlllg <lry 14 and each one recelved a

¢vdngclme tJlld WilL make a nu~~~e\s~f g~:~~~s ~~~~h~::~1;_llilooklet. I shaped spellihg bboklets. i

I D1''trid 79'1'

qOl'lS Mae Mejler brought ideII (Mrs. l\1Jldltd WItte, teacher.) ('l"('tlm as a treat for her bIrthday


'1 Mrs. Will. (I uegCJ' treated uJl Febl'uClI'Y 16. ' I

~, Recent club meetings have

o popcorn !Jails on II Unculn's honored Abraham Lincoln andIrthduy, I George Washington. Older pu-

I Commulllty club ~ncl! at the pIls presented plays at each"chool Februdry 14. meetmg:' An important event in

tThe 3rd and 4th grqders made the life of each !man was given

ineoln booklels, for roll call. -r

Dwayne WIllers has' had per- School was nvt held thr~e

feet attendUincc for tlle year ex- dClYs because of ~he illness of ttte

jcept for a day and a l~alf Illness. teacher. IWi.lrr;1a Jensen, 'Sllu'ley Jean The 1st graders are making"Kwu,eger and L0"Yell 1IJt0hlff had booklets on goo4l health habits linpel'f~~ct records for thl~ mo,nth. connection with· their reading, J

Tl'jie 3rd and 4th fadC~·S ar~'T Esth~r Korn received a lettfE:rstU(~Ying t;l0rway. I from a' new "pen pal" in w~st

I , District 71 1

/. ,I Virginia. II I 'I ~i I The 6th grad~rs are be~g,, (!\ial'jorie French, I;teachf!r. j product map o~ South Amerlca., Margaret and Be~r Wacker l)Iolebooks contain quesliqns,;he the'only pupils \ ·th pbrfeet maps, drawing and collections of~ttendance- thIS y ar. VirgIl pictures. :Stolze has a pertee ""rec01jd for Ithe past two m.onth. ~ Dis~ict 60. ~

For the'V"lentin,1art each (Frances Lang~nberg, T~ac"~r)'la a game ,I I c' Jte~t. Donn?' Lee l'fIuehlmeiert-B!ob-

a Chen"les ' l:td~'pndy bie Thomas, j>dna, Longneqker, ea rved y thel each- I and. Mareella !iese had perfect,

. r. \~:~~~~i~: ,~e~:1 at~~rl~a~;~t~~ffn~:~t~~~ ~~d"'lJ ~ I ed 'falentine1s iday, Edna Lohg;--

I '*~~~i~' 1 tofz~o~:x~~ 'I ~~f~~e~ i a.~~i~~frcei~~" W~~:h~~;

Disttict -28, North.(Hden Oedernan, teacher.jTeacher and puplls WeI e

glllC$t:,; <1t a Valcnt111;Party mI i dlo;ti ll't 40.

• ... NTdn JIl Brum...nond brought~, , ' I I 1~1"C4J~t;..; lUI hI:; Lm'thday Feblu~.uyJ

,.;;._----"- """'~" \----~~~--- --=t==--==~-L:::::::: -"--- -----r- "":± - :::1=,--4 ''"if.dn.l'Y !3ladpr ;}lld Malvm

., I>JpilS Will E~lh'IO I)islriet :Sp~'Hi~lg I ~:I,:~::,~:'~nfo:'"t;,~fll~~HPe~~~~te.~~S cHin!! B(Oc el'(~ l'Eo

V"_1I1 I~ A'I,I"U11u:c(1 tile loU,' pUpl" h d pelieet 1'0'-L) ".IJ U OJ d the IJLI:-lt mun h. _

_1 ..........<-.-.- I I I JJUdtlC ~lnd Mm Vin Brummond

Champions Will Be ~ickcd ~ortbea8t Nebra~ka Plipil~ ~::l~lt:){;~;~;~~st,B~a~~I~'" t~~nm~hs~I 4-t Ann~al County Meet I Win Compete I Here in muney 1Il theIr health b<..mk.s.

In Court House. l Early Part of' Ap,ril.

Wayne ,county'::; spellJl1g eon- NiJr'tllccI"t Nq'!J1 d:;l~d I'll/)cnnitest Will be helel next Sa~Uld{lY tcnd~nb. mt'l'tjn~ 111 NUtllolk Id:;t<It the COUI t hou::;e 1Il Wdyne. IThul~sday, madclllJ)'llllmou:; J {'-

'Pupils below the 6th gralflc en- Iquest tlldl d: dht 'J( t :-;J1'cllmgtel' the lower dIVISIOn con,tL'~t at ,('vent ug,Jll1 1)(' hcJId III \\fe.yne.9 :W' T!lu~e J]"l the 6th,1 7th dlUI The ~l1klll\J(Jll (,f f.Pj tl 11 was

I ~~jJU711 ~~~;~('~~lt~t· lt~~~ ~XPt~~~r~i; ~J~l(~I~?:'rlt~l~i p~ltl'~'l'l~ll~~:ll :~'~I t~~;pg{)~S to the champion and med<.lls .Kllch UJUllty IS l1'htltlCrl 110.en>-

'It)''lll{~le,'lg~'Llln,,ngll'l'-l'll,P'thael>)jUlot,ov~,~cdt,w\,~ tel' Iljot mOl {' thdll thll't' st~dtnt~b... ...,' 10 the dlStl let (mnIJilclltJ(IlL S IP1.

Sl(/n. F, B Dccl'l'l \\ ill cilkl tht:! L'O n>-Last year's Ch;JmplOn W~lS Do- , ty d amplUn .lIlt! ]'lltlJlCI -J p ,:

Ioles PC'tels. She and wlIiners ltl TiJ dlstllct hl,pe~ tot\'fo pleviuus yc,us, MurJorle Ml*S JO':,:-;,(' KI(,J~~.('r 01C,.ldtiWe and Otvl1le Peters, dJe U(JU1~ty, to CUI1UUlt the e\ellt :Sheilll It om dlsq let 26 sOlUth (J[ 11<tndlc the (()Ilt~~t 1.1:-;tl 'ybllWayne. LdSt ye<ll's rlllfll1Ct'-Up D~)u ~Ias Kielty ul Mllrij~()IU,was Wilma Dunklau. , t{Jfll~ rll:-ttJLt hotl~J1s JI1 1W4Yflie

n~,;~~~C~,~~~\~~~~a~f~~~~~~~ ~~~~= lust ~YCul'. I I ,test I n Omaha Apnl 25 and the 1 D,k1I'k~ 27. 1

\\'Jllnel lS III the state event In " iFlorcn!e .LI"!\. Te,lcher)

~~::.r~,~:;~ ~~:eldler of Nance JIj I pupd:-; lldd perlect ~lttcnd-{ounty, will be t11Hlble to cOn- iln~;{;:sf<.l.:~(~~,~l\J;l tlH.' hp(lltl1

dlld the cuntest b~cau~e of I1l- n?-C~l'd for the Jl~lst mont~ wete>nc"s ct, B. Childs will ha\ C ('<ll'Hed bv SIll! Icy Hi:lmmer. De-chalge. ]fJrt~t; Hdmrn:'r, l~<.Iul Hqlls<:hlte

un~1 LOUise e,ll m,m. IBirthdays of Famous People. 'I!~~ 5th and 6th grad9s QlrewFpbruary 27-Henry W. Long- nWIPs of South Arne-Ilea

fdlnw. poc't, 1807. ~ I~ s!wlllllg, highest l/..jr'dt1l'sFebru8r y 2fl .!C Isabel In'mg, 1 welje eaili'ed luI' til(' p,lstl month

;~etr('ss, 1871. by .Joann!..' [;t'IOO", Dlil CLlrman.MouTh 1 - W. D, Howells, P'l~jl lI('n~chke ,md IDl'1OlCS

:luthOl', 1837 H~qiTnn(,L IMarch 2,...Pope Leo XIII, 1810 Th honor of LIncoln\., l:jllrlhdi1YMa~cJl 3~Alex, G, Bell, tcle- thd,'4tl1 gl,lders rn'ldC' 'ltbOOkll't

L~hollr, 1847. ;m~ th(' ,')111 ,mel fitll gl8 es're'letMilIch 4~Kntltc Rockn,e, InHC'l('stlng stones nn hi. life.

CO(l( h, 1888. ~~u()lis Jldssed nul Vdl('ntincsMal eh 5~Ho\'I';l1"d p)'le, o.rUst, if an~ enJoyl'd :1 tl'(';'lt glYCr by the

18S:L _te<1,,-,h('r on_Vdlen~l~e d~lL_

Cost>! Are ,Compared wi\j1Other Levies in State

I Fbr Education.

w~d'Oc i:ounty's' sdlUul tuxesarc ~ow III companson with oth­('I s II~ the stH.te, 'H.'COl rlmg toJlgu~e~ eompilcd III the ~6t11 bl­"n~aI rC'port of the ;;ti:lt~ super­int ndcnt. The average ruralsch 01 dlstllct levy In Wayneeuu~lt:y IS 2.46 mills, whereas the<tv9rure In the state IS 4.58. OnlycIg\1t ~ountles have a lower levyand' Ilour of these hm e higherpl"(~perty vcduatlOn_, tree mgh school tUition t<lXFevlY avelages 1.11nliis 1Il wayne\cuunty and 1.81 In tHe state.OnlY 11 countlC's have lowerlevy thall W<Jyne county's andci~11t uf these ale sandhlll ,\teasth*t ha\(~ county hIgh schouls.

Wayne county's total I'uI,lisc~ool levy 'I;, 3.50 mills. Theottte <iverage IS 62. Only SIX(u ntlcs have a lower totul .1\­

CI gc than Wdyne L~l1nty andfl~'e ur these haVe grcdtel' plUp­CI'~Y valtwtwll.

t'NCbl'aSkd CIty ,md vlUage

St oul tdXPS dV('l',lge 1O.7!J mills

w lCIT<.lS WRYllC euunty':; town:;p', y only an avel <.lge (11 !),2 null:;.

S,fhoo) Tax LowIII Waynt?County'

Dist.rict 1;1.I (Lucen Barnes, teaclll'r )

"Roy Grullkc, DUaI}C dud l!en­Ill.;; Gleullk.(' bud pelied attl'lld­aliL'C for the mouth.

Alt 11lO]i.'cts JOI' the 1Ilunthwelt' Vedentltll':; ,md W,;slllng­tOil dnd J,Jncollt ])lctUICS.

A \,lIclllllll' jldlty \\:1-' held}'f..'1J1 UdlY ItJ. AHl'1 <lndg,1Il1e::;. V<.lIClllIlH':-i dJ::;-1.l1uuted 1Jum Ll dl'lUli..lt('d lJ~JX.

A tlcat ul IH.'dl t COOkll':> eUlU

ei:llldy was gl\ f..'1! by the tt'ach'cl.Thu ht ,md ~nd l<.lngu<.Jgc l'iuss

is Wlltlllg poems 1'01' d lJooklet.The 3rd and 4th geogl Oilphy ella;'"hs ~tudYl'llg Holland. The :Jth and.6th gl ades al e ffidlullg ,southAmCIICutl booldets wllh ImljJSand t:;tOllCh, The 7th gJ,ldCIS alestudYIng The u:gend 01 Slecpy IHollow.

D011a Ftly Yllung, Dorothy AnnIYoung, EddJC Baler, M<1tlcnc'fhun alld DIl:ky 'EVtlllS tn~dtcd

I tldssmates and t(,achel to cdndy..M"dllene also brought !leI blrth­ddY cake to dIvide WJth uthel s,

Most of the ,~ll'ls lfl tltel schooland MISS B,ar'n{'s attend~d ;J'1m thday surpnse [or Dorothyand Dona 'Young III thell homeFebru,Hy 8. The same gl'oUphelped Marlene Thun cpleblvteher birthday Febl ua['y 22,

VISltOl s fot the month wereII Betty Jean ~hun, Mrs. Arthw'

Young, Irma and Janlce.

District 7.jI (Jeanette Stu'Ve, tcacller.~

Mrs. Duncan R. Mc<c.'!ullstans~rpl'~sed all February 14 by

~~~~~1~7Jao::~c~C~U:~~cl~~'~'I~S~cIhtine box designed ~y 1st iJ.nd2fd gradeu, was 9pencel .. Hatchets and chernes, sll­Ituettes ~f Lmcoln <.lod Wash­1 gton, Statue of Llberty and5 ate capitol are decoramons.'!Ihese were made by uP@ergqldes. Joan <.ind Larl'Y MeQUls­tan have perfect attendance forthe month. I

Mary Ann PuIs and Joy Fan­r1ing ~al'ned 10

Jin spellmg fur

a month. ': Awards in tl e goqd l'ea~'ng

nutttest for the month wen toI,.-ah-y McQui'stah, Glenn L 19Cand Joan McQuistan.

New IJbrary books have beenbought :jand children ,enjoy the

~~~;l;d~:~ah~r;l~inl~~~e~~SilveI' S1tates~'by Mary Dodge,is if'ead for' nibn opening exer-cises. 1\< -

The dUD 11' 's as active mem.."bers,1hls mon 6: Joy Fanning us,preSIdent, ,Toan' M~Quistan viceprbsidbnt, [Mamie Thomsen'see-"l.'eta'rY, DaI'le~n Utech: '

, , DOhald Longe and Ma~ 'l'sehf'or'otder, J~anFa. ,:~ gy: .MCQilistal1, fjlenn

'~JUnior Utecht lOt"ut~ch '

lot' beI1a

:'if' nlenu Longe~ Ihoveil to

Page 12: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...


Seed corn grader.Grindstone.J;>isc cultivator. : ,!Four hog crates. It

' 8 x 9 lwal'. tent.Three'sets ,work hamj1 • eol-

lars a.!'d fIYD<lts.: .Two fuel barrels. i5.pen Economy farrow'"I& bog

house. , ;"14 x 16 farrow4tg hog ,cr1Ue·2-pen individual bog h0:1"".- ,Three single in1ividua1 \101og

houses..- ! ,



, ,

Stacker and two hay sweeps.Potato digger.John Deere endgate seeder.16-in. walking plow." ,Three New Century single row~ cultivators.Two triple box wagons.Hay rack on steel truck.Fuller & Johnson 3 h. p. gas

engine. r---.Sandwich 3 h. p. gas engme.

Fourteen purebred Poland China gilts, bre;d forRegistered Pol,nd China boar t

(All arr vacdnated against Cholera and erysipelas)

Three Shorthorn milk COWE; ShOlihorn cow with calf at side: Tw(}3-year-old cows ,to calf in spring; Two 2-year-old heifers to calf illspri;ng; Seven ~tock COW!'i in calf; Four yearling heiferH; T\vO steercalves; Heifer calf; Registered Polled Shorthorn bull, 1 Year old.

(The above is my entire high grade Shorthorn breeding herd)

15 Head Hogs

']\I ~.

-\;'~ .' I:,'slAv'I>E

Lunch Wagon on Grol1nds


'Iteam of bay: mares, 5aJ7.d 6 yeai's old, weight 3150.drey mare 9 years oid, weight 1600. ,Bay geldiJg, smooth i,mGluth, weight 1500.nay ge.lding, smoothlmol.1th, weight 1400.-r!;l'~ ,

1 'II Car~oll Local. reI, spe It Sunday-here in" the Gus Nelson r' sp~nt_Donald Morris has been ill 3e-./- Paulsen "hnm(;-. friends ~lnd reJ,-,ti"e~

'i r e;ral days. Rev. ~has. Stevens ~n~' family Bluffs and Omqha. IIrene Smith w~s at Paul Broei.. were Sutnday dinner gUest.s of Mm. Mr. and Mrs. 'H. . Honey and

I . , ker's WMn~sday night. . Maggie Evans., ! Junior speI)t Satur~'y and' Sun-I I . ,I i Mrs. Anna Schluns had Friday Miss Winnic"-and .Will'C6JIins day with re~atives-a reighton.

.~~4~~~~~~~~~_~_-~~~~~~4-~~~~L¥~~--~--~~~~~~-~-~~-~~~~-i'~I~~~' w~at~n~~'s. ~inllieT.~llins-home~Ml~~·~,~~iJ, i . , Bonnie and Betty Wagner! were Wayne Tl)ursday. Hruza of Norfolk, Jre Sunday I

Banqetl'Is .He d in I at Cliff Smith's Sunday night. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred V"g! and guests at the r· J. ughes iwme. I,1.h d t gh ch Miss Lucille Rees was home I Donald of. Bancroft, were at Wrn. Don Brink 'plans al'rive home,

Ie' P 1,8 urr , from Orchard for the~week-€nd. Sundahl1s Sunday. this T1:\w"sday fro CalifonHaMore l,an :100 gath red at ~h~ Dewayne arid La em Benning Mr. and ;vIrs. Leonard Arh,strong where he had spent hree months. ~

M~thQ(;il: t parf,q,rs ~on a! e\1en.~ng, Were with Dale Fran en Saturday? of Ne-wc<:lstll.", were Sundab' guests Me and Mrs. N. . Warth ahdfor the, :annuaU communIty; f~try.er Ollie Smith was in Grand Island at Aug. Behrend's. J Colleen Rae, and C. . Mack were I

~~ sor. ib+nquet sp~nsbr~d by ~he Tuesday for the Legion conven- Mrs. Elmer, Pestel returned here in Omaha from Frid y tp Sunday.!Churchl· Pie W«;.>men s sbclety se~v- Uon. ·1 <Jfter spendmg several weeks.with Miss Eva Paulsen I l)f Emerson,pd t?e,dln)ne~ev. Chas. St~,vf.S Mr. and Mrs. Oberlin Morris her sister ut Laurel. and Mh;s Lucille ~P~ lrren or Os-presld~.1. at the pr,o~am af:erwa d. w~re at Arthur Link's Sunday eve- The LlOY,d Behmers, who had mond, spent the wee· end at home.The.Welsh qua~'.tet,.'mc1ud~ngJo n ning. . Ibeen at Mrs. W.· E. Jones' home,. l\!lISS Mildred ~els n spent 'scy­DaVIS" LIQ[.t ~orrJs.' lrwl.n 30 es Chas. Friedenbach spent the moved ~rom Carroll. eral. days tbe past ~eek in thea?d I~~..OIT1S r. WIth ~ISS B~r- w~k-end at his home in Bloom- Mr. and Mr~. Delwin Jones and RaYpro Hinnt'richs hume -at Lcwrd.nIce F:ttroDlS aCcfompamst, Stq'lg. fie d. I.r· JoDean were Sunday dinner guests 0,11 and Mrs. Wm. $undahl \Vl'l"V

Alfred! :Kucer~ aj-so sang and Ihe< he Enos Williams family ·visi- <Jt Stanley Gnfflth·s., in' W<Jyne Tue£day :to help Mrs.led th~ ~rqup In s?ngs. Supt, A... iH·1 ted Sunday ~t the -Qienn Jery.kins The Oeo. Gaskills and John Gas- Blair Jeffr(:oy celebralll::' her birth- ...Jensen .~gaJ:,e the, welcome and home. kills w€.>re 8t the J,ohn R.' Jones day., .

I Morgan! Hm~r rerpond~li.. R~~' .. ~. Miss Beatrrce Tift and Miss home Sund;Jy cyening. rhe E. L., Penrsnl'l -family <mdI -r-:=-- ~. ~()rton .Of BelDen, \"~Sl PIlllJCI H,mnah Mills were in Wayne 5at- Mr. and ~J·s. John Gettman Mr,-'-anl:l Mrs. Elmo Jenkms welt:

Fathe,· of Carroll ~ p,ll ,p~l~kel. ~~ urd<IY. . spent S~nd<.JY <.Jfl('rnoon with Mr. S\:lnday dinner gLl('~b at p;lld

L )l:'" A R . S . .- no ·t I'MI' <:lnd Mrs. Jack Ross of SJOu:,;: ~nd Mrs. H. C. B'lftels. Gca:ry's.a1.fY rasses way. AugtJ.$~~~~'e~~ Whf,P~hd·erwent City, ·spent Sunday at T. A. Hen- The Chfls. K({ll~ f<Imily moved MI·. and Mr;;. Gen, ILl-nn ,md 111".

an ap.atian m wJ ne a few wcel(~Inessy·s. to the ~mrerty the? bought from and Ml"5. Donald ;\101",t.o; wen.' Sllll-ago, ~a:; stH! the~~ Ups week. Franz and Elf:eda Schut~ were Mrs. Elizabeth WIIlI8ms.. day supper guests ut f~l.! ~~t:'\"l H!I\J-

, _.~~ I in the Ed. Rethwlsch home Sunday Mr. l.lnd Mrs. Harvey Eddie, Don- erts home.

I 'Si,pl in progr~m. ufternoon. ,il? a-?d ~.Jr)y{'e ~'~re ~lt Kenneth MrT.h:ndFl'M~·drc.J."ll~~~(:;",r,'.J~,jl"'C"",Far~~rs who wjshe~ to sign 'up Miss Bernj~e Petronis was in EddlC.'i Sunctdy dJtc'rn(J()n. ... • " _"W"" ~""

in the -~941 AAA pl'ogr m did s<; <It Sioux Ci.tY,Wlth home folks for the ~~. <.l.nd .111"5. ~m. Mills ;:md Leota were Sund~y-guE'Sb lit \\ r~the cOflrri~lllity h81l hEre Mond~IY. week-end, , ML'iS Hanndh wue. III the Allen Pritchard's. ,

!. r· The Ed. ~eQny family spent Stoltenberg home Sund'JY. Mr. and Mrs.'Gco.IStulz and :-'1r.1 ~ves Light jlant. Sunday in the- Lenus Kenny home The Alfred Cooks of Laure-l, and Ial'ld Mrs, Elmer Ph~llip;; Wl'll' ,Tl

Joe ~UffY-leav(,t> t e llght p1an in Sholes. 1\T1"'o. Sarah C(J(Jk were Sund,<.JY Sup- tF1e Jufius HinnenchS huml~ Thlll -the fir t of March, ha\ring resigryed Miss Irma Christensen of Sioux j)n guests at Wm. Sundahl s. day eye-DIng, I I ..,

his \\'0 k to go into thle well busi- Cit~, spent the week-end at Jens MISS Ruby '-ind Miss Laura Fred- Rev. and Mrs. C. Et. Fredl"l(].;A 11

ness. 1 Is .tuccessor hhd not been Chnstensen's, nckslln, MISS MIldred Nelson, El-' were Monday last I:wel'k SUP!" 1

secure ,the first: of thb week. The Gus Paulsen family of Lau- mer PC'.$tel. CI<Jrcnt:e and VeJ'mond l (,'''1l1'IJ\H',j "n_r·~l-';'. "1"1",.,, ~-~-- -~--~---~~---- .

Page 13: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...




20 lio34.lJ0

10 O~





2.5~25.0 'l




COUNTY 0 RD.(Continued from Page 7,ISection One)


IMO lMI1533 for $1730 30119 for $100.90'

Unemptoyment Relief Fund~, 297 for 45.00

Whereupon Board adjournedi.o:a;~i;~:County ClerIJ. '

Road District FundsRoad Dist. No. 29

292 Leonatd Bruggeman, Erfctmg snow feneeRoJd Olst. No. 46

293 H. P Olson. Road work .. _... 2 00Old Age Assistance. Child Welfare and Blind ,Assistance claims

have bee-n approved for the month of F'ebruary, 1941.Rejeetea Clatms

The following claim was on molion rejected:Claim No. 2198 for Standard Office Equipment Co~, ~covering

mlmeogruph machine, in the atnot'mt of $235.00.Laid Over Claims

The fnllowing claims are on file with the County Clerk but havenot been passed on or allowed at this time:

General Fund

Thill Commillee i. ,..,luntarily sharing with lawenforcement officials the respoDsibility f~i' pro­tecting the pnblic and the Nebraska Beer IDdu5tryfrom law violating beer dealers.

We look upon that responsibility ••• public trust.Beer' r~tailer8 who violate Nebraska law must andwill he eliminated.

'We l.m. contiuue to he keenly aware of the priv. "1ile~ of protecting !:hi. ecohomicallr, aIid ,iocially ,

. ~mpt/rtant induBtry for the benefi~ of all :Ne-b~aBkan ..• ' ,-. I" .. . '- '

YoUI can help ",; attain this wor!hw¥Je" objectl~~by withholding your patronage from thooe tew I

outI~t. which tolerate unwholesom~(ou~"t!<!na.. I.I"

;~i L: I. Frisbie, SupplIes, Cpo Agent.. _ .e; •••••••_ ••• _

Hastings Typewriter Co., Supplies, ICo. Agent. _., ...234 Standara Office Equipment Co., Su,PpUes, Co. Agent235 C. 1. Walters, Co. Agent, iPostage ad~., Jat;lUary ..... '"236 Royal Typewriter Co., Typewriter ~or Co. Agent... ~H.l2.0237 M.1. SWlhart, Telf'phone tolls adv. Ifor Comm. Dist. No.2,

10-24 to 12-18-40 .. .)... " ~. 40238 Wm. J MIsfeldt, Telephone tolls adv. for Comm. Dist.

No.3, November ... ~ 'l.,r 2~

239 Betty M Wright, ..Jumor Stenographer. Ass't in to.-Reliefoffice, February ._ : . ..1..1, 1. •••••• 61040

240 Wayne Book Store, Supplies, Co. R~TIef office .. .. 2.q241 T":'Jla Bergt, Clerical work on OAiA, ChIld Welfare, and

Blmd AssIstance warrants, Februa.lty .. ..242 Wayne News, Printmg proceedings .243 Jay Drake, Foreman on vVPA Prbject 7012, Febr. 5 to

Fehr. 18 .,. . .. -_. .' 1.2.00244 Lage & Pfeil, 2271 lbs l"2_m. rebm?s WPA and eqUIpment

renta I 1 -'- 14:g 1

1245 Wayne Cylmder Shop, Repalr work 1 t246. B F McGuIgan Gas, 011 and used stove 1'7 S:247 ,I N Emung Gravel 2'.1 G

Mothers, Pension Fund ~

J M Chc.rry>- Co Judge orders that Mothers PenslOhs be nllawerlnt amount" as listed m Clatm No 248 I - - T

Mrs Lyle A'wy, Mothers pensIon for February. 20. ~~Mr~ Anna HattJg. Mothers pe-nslOrl for February Ht$Q "0 I

Mrs. Gl<:tdys Fox, Mothers pension !for February 11),,00 r·Administrative E'xpense Fund

Esther Thomp,son; DIrector III, Bat of salary as Co. ReHerDIrector, Februarv '-'- 1 2~_9GMyrtle D. JohTL"O~, VISItor, Salary as VIsitor In Co ReHefoffIce, February ... 85..(Jb·Myrtle D .John<;on, VIsitor, Mileage on aS5-lst<:lncc ca~es j 8~

Unemployment Relief Fund .Myrtle D Johnson, Vtsitor, Stamp plan mIleageAllowclnce for support for February, 1941:Elmer John<;;on 20.00Leonard M. Ptckenng _ 10.00Mrs Allee Chance, Bat. due for board, room and cnreof pnorTnbltha Home, C<lr£, of poor ehlldren, 1-27 to 2-27-41.f=stheT Thompson/ Director III, Food stamps issued. toprJQr, February

r~~o~~b;~~:eGd~~~~~::~~:~~~rtTimlin s Grocery. Groce'rles for poorSafeway Store. Groceries for poor\Velble Food Market. Groceries for poorLarson·s Grocerv, Grocenes for poorSafew<lY Store, Groceries for poorWayne Gratn & Coal Co, Fuel for poorWrJJ;;ht'", Lumber Co. Fuel for poorFullm tnn Lumbf'r Co, Fuel for poorDr Walter Benthack. Prof. serVlces $2750 hospltDh:z:atlOn$200 for poor 129,501Dr C R Mullong. Prof senllces for poor, 9-24-40 to1-1-41 15.501

2G6 Dr A Texley, TrcmsportatlOll of poor to UniverSIty hos-pital $1000. pmf servwcs fnr poor $7 00 17.00

2(;7 S A Ltttgen Bal due for CrIrf" of pOor 20002Gfl Nebrrlsk:l InstJlution for Feeble Minded. DepOSIt adv. for

f'lothmlZ. ('t(', for poorGf'neral Road Fund

('omm Dlst No. I-Erxleben245 W.1vne C .. llndf'r Shop, Repair '''lark24f/ n. F MrGtltgnn. Gas. otl cmd USf'd stove269 Fro.nk EI xlf'ben. OverseeIng rO<ld work, January270 Stand"rd 011 Co. GFJ<:;o]me271 H. AssE'llh'E'tmer. Repalflng tractor fnr WPA .272 Wes Hansen Rf'pairmg ~

273 .1. J Steele, Co Treas, Expre<::s 8d\'. for Comm. Dlst. No 1Comm. Dlst No 2-Swlhart

263 Fullerton Lumb€r Co, Lumber (lnd hardware274 M 1. SWIhart. O,·crseemg road ' ....-ork, January27f'i Socony-Vae-uum OIl Co, Oil and grease276 Ted Wlnterstem, RepaIr work277 Centrnl Supply Co, RepaIrs

Comm Dist No.3-MIsfeldt27B Wm.T Mi9feldt, OVGJ"S€"eing road and repaIr work, ,Jan.

CnntrtJrtor~ Supply Co, Repairs, clatmed $9.73, allow~d atStrlJE':'l Compnny. Repairs

Automobile or Moto1' Vehicle Fu'lldRO<ld Draggm.'!: DI<;:t No I-Erxleben

Leon H.1nscn. Operatm~ patrolLeslie SWloney. Ope-rating patrolLonnie Henegar, OperatIng patrolLe<:hc SWinney, Operating patrol.LOnJlJ(' Henegar. HeparTlng patrolCentral Supply Co, 'Grader blades

Road Draggmg Dist. No 2--SwihartBeLich Hurlbel t. Operatmg motor patrol and repair work_ 24 $0Glen ~cnkms. Operatmg motor patrol last half oC Febr. _. 4000

Road Dragging Dlst No.3-MisfeldtE H. MnlgJaard. MaIntaining and repatr workpliver Relchert l Malntaming and repaIr work~oy('e Lotl,£{l'H'cker, Pushing snow and hauling WPAlumber ~




Page 14: H M' . E'. - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1941... · mis, ~ #$. ~:. ,.. ...





Beauty -Cleanliness

Meyer &, RossJ)ho~~ 4~.W W~Yne~Nebr.

. I ,

II <\\·illg th(' 1I10:-;t modern huilding equipment andbeing' thoroughly experiellCl:'d through 16 year,..;(Jf contrading, I am IlOW pn~Jlarl'd fo serve~n)u

ill every capacity ill COJl:-itructioll work. Wfl.-ct·t](~ryou plan to build a home. uarn. or Homall iJuild­illgs or do ::;()mc repair \yorK. 1 am prepared toserve you. Cabinet wr/tk a ~';l)('ciaILy. I will ap­preciate au upporlullily tu figure with you.



New Linoleum PatternsLet us show you these new design~. We can 5ave

you money on linoleum ... and we lay it for you.

Philco,Radios - Refrigerators,Washing Machines'

For a Complete Fr~e Estimate on BQilding

and Remodeling Costs ... See


BUILDING or REMODELING ... your homemust be electrically modern.' Our electricianscan plot a complete, economical wiring s.ys­t~m; or they can modernize your pr-eaenlwirini layout.


Phone 5~3 Wayne, Neb.


Now Is the Time to Ma'ke ThoseImprovements You Want and Need!

Paint ancl wallpaper ,\-"ork wonders iIi "dre::;singup" your home and pre~erv'illg it.s value.

We will glad~y make suggestions and funlishc~timates without obligation on your parL


Phone 273·W Wayne, Neb..!

- . ill

Isons called SuncWY ,,~vening IU$twce1k.in ~he_RpJ~Aus~in home. '.

!.---~~------~ ,"l,VIr. anp.ilMrs. 'E.;P. Caauwe caIl- pro~fssive>~()me~kers.,

cd in the: Ray, Rdberts. a,'oct J. H." "pmgres.'.lSive. H.pm.e.mpkers.• ~],l'bSpahr .!llilmes Fri4ay', a!.~rnoQn. Iwith h~pandsas:guesfi ~ad a,~ ­

Merlm ~ut~ of Lme'oIn, spent ered dish lunch~~ if!1hursday tSatw.ctaYi. a~d S,U,nd.aY w..ith BobbiC Ad.en-. A,"'~'stin's." ,The.:. jl~SSO~,.. ,.u.,onBergt. I 1" '. "farm. hQ.use'. repair :-?n ;iITigaij"n

Miss. ~c~~ ~nsen.Visited MissIof Ul,rm_:gar '" ~:;"I '. 'A verille' ,I s~~th;':.,irt .. Li.',nc,oln Suu- Mr~,',E,',r.ne"S!. .' •..~.. i, ,.S..,. '.,'~'»_day of l.a:st~~~,~.,' MarC~'2Q with J. ::J;'!:'"

Mr: ~d ~s.,Earl' Bennett and I wald.'a~~sting~, .i ,>?;h ¥

1::.I!~g::i~~;i~;i\!;~,'·; ,j!)l~ffi\i?Lt'NJ.~Jlf1~j~1!!i!~: ,: ;~~1~li:. ';,:



"2roeod p~"A PBoVEN FAC'J11A prime):oat of Base·Coat if:A,-J:J.II~1and a: finishing coat ofEndurance Paint is all'you,need to preservb your homeand keep it looking likenew for years. These two

produ~ts have been tested andproved' successful-. Save one·

~hirdor more on your paint bilJ~

bypaintinglheGlidden 2-coatway!

Keep '/fOWl- .,.J/ome '1I0UIUJ:!

See Us T~~ay 'for

Free Es~imate.

on thelWork­

~ You' Are flan:ningto HaVEl: ,Done

·,1 ,I

I -FRED 'KfMPt' ." ,i', ': ",', . .-~.

i " .PAI~ljERandDEC:O~TORI!1~O~1li~~VV' . \ ' 'Wayne;

C Ihaft Lbr. CO.

Paint! !!l:!:!!. §pr1ng

'L ~. hi , . I. ,et us ngure t ,e pamtlng

job you'.d'.llike .to ~.ave,'1 done.You'll be a'reeab y .sjlrpris.ed at thb saving .you can

make bly lusing hi h quality

Glidden paints.

PHO\ll~1 7

l' ,

..... ", I'!: ·1

Brigl1ten!.UpVtiur 1,HOme


( , • ' I! Du~tn oQr .s'tdr~ r~nlqdell,ing, ourI. entire stoe.k of wa.Ilpfipers is of­I: Fered at ~peciall-bargaiP pri¢es.

, T/tls s. the tin)e to dp l'aJ;>erijog.

!fe.t y ur ahar" of the~e ,real liar.gaIns I

".,,' . C I! i3 .',' and up

I '~I

~~~d;~~tla~t~~·\:)~a~t~;tl~ei;~1~11:~~~bin: Curlsuil home.

Al'l}old JUllek uf CiJrrollJ C<.J1I1l'

\ I I I ;~'1~~~1~~~:~~ '1tl~'c~1l'da~~n' Heithuld

C.~' 5Uo St m,·, and M,·•. WdJ Wi"I<Uw! a"d• USS $1.00 ore ~~~'i;'L~r~~:,l:h\\',~~;i; evo"ng 111

Mrl ar~d Ml'~. franklin Flcge olllelWi I ~1<:lI~glllter ::;pent Thu]'scl,ly l1:'1o.'t'llillg

, . i !a-y~e Nebraska lt1 Hl~ Halls Holdorf hOOle.•~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~*~2~~~~~~~\MIJ. emu Mr~. George Martctl~__'__._~___ alld l<lmily \:iPCflt week-end bcIur~la::lt with"l'el~qves at Huuper.

J1VIlIS. Marvl!~ V~itor Clnd Varllerl!;('!~. ".·PL'llt TU~Sd.' y aJ'ternU(IJll Idstwcpk wIth Mr.1i. urold {o'rE'se.

Mr. Cltld Mrs, E' \Vurcl MC')ter anclf<H'I1ily spent Thursday cv{!ning,.)ll

Herbert J.; Echtenkc rnp' horne.,mel Mrs. Henna- Ge'ewu

WC1'e l<1::;t Wednesday a 1

guil.'sts in the· Fr,llJk Bl'udigaIn110mC'.

M:L ,Jlld Mrs. L. E. M{'y~r ,I!lelfafOlly were Suml<lY artbrnoutl'gU!C~ts last week in the Hl{~hal'd

H&l1rnan llumQ.i [\.11". and Mrs. Hermall :Gccwe

~I od""'r....'I-.ze 'YoI~r Home~ were Sunday supper guests lust~ I!I ! week in the W. G. <Jnd Floyd Ech-

jtenlmmp home.

En g YQur homd up-to date l\flth all model 111 COll~ Mr. and Mrs. Frankl'in Flege <llldye iences. Let I us instltll the late:::;t IlllC fIX/LuI eti daughter were Sunday dirliler unciIn our home a~low cQst. suppcr guestsi last week in tile

I I HalTY -BCilli;'er home.F uores,ce ,t Lihhtdng ML and Mrs. Fred Frevert 61

l lf 1 Watu:;a, Mr. arlld Mrs. He~btprt Fre-

ls MQd~rn llumiqation, vert were uriday gucstsilasl week

W-e 'an install fIL oresceht la~'ps Iin at Barris orensert's. I I

Yo~r home 'It elnO...liJ.al p~ eeS, ML' an !VIrs. Herm,!", GeeweH~ ~ ., ~pent Tu day evening ~f:l~t week

ELl;: TRI<;AL W ~~'I~'fAll~1K;inds m the Ge rgd Wischhof" ~r., home

ILUMBING, nd II AT! G for Mrs, isehho!'s birtfitlay,

Mrs. Joi

Cmbit met !With Mt:.S., E S He.rman ,te~be, 'Mrs. E~q~st Al-

CO"'"0 Ii.oO de~·son 3.rlj J4rs. ,Wilbur' ftajll Fri-II . Iii ~ day after o~~~' 'a.s a col1\1.M.}ittec to

I ,I I SCI:V? at P -1(j A. ,Mondayl ~ening.

Lueders ' Phone 3 5.~. OSs J;''''e.,s 1II1js q n1 'm Meyer spent last

.~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ;dek: In ~l~e De~~l ~eyerl ttOITIC atEllflerson. She VIsIted Moqday eve-nil~g with Gleraldine Cai:ph i;'llld

", I ~uesd()y evenin~ \vith !Mal'g<ll'ct

ea t'li 1 (,IT.-!.ll~l I... ami Gc,rtrud~ clhseman.;


U.. '.. U , I'IV {J S (lnie' ' ML and Mrs. Hans Ho\lIorJ 'and

B a tU. 1 .I.. 1 dalllghter, Mr~ anlfl Mrs. Fj'cd Flege,e ,U "U ltlO e Mr. and' Mrs. Fl'anldin tlege lando· '. I '. I ~cllughter were guests. at 'an oyster. UI' '$erVlce is outstandin' ... Paint supper saturti.ay'eVeIllng'jast 'IIeek

Spraying-. I .Iwa:upap~, r Removing. . . ill the Ermest Echtenkarn) homc.

CIF.~I.l!.il.le~~..all'd. g",! w.orkl1l!lliSh,i Jl Mrs. Dan Hejthbld a~d Lpl'ry,•. , l'J:up,dre , of 'natlO allyadv.1rt,'oed Ml's.. col~[ad.'. Weiershe ,or and

IJ p Berruce, 1\11.1'8, Adloltbh Cl us~en andp.uttarnjs lof )eailtifu-l wallpaper de- Judith Ann,' M!r:. land Irs. J. H.s-Ign~ .: . S 'art! colo' Kch~mes and Cl<lU6s.cn speht Th~rsda~laf:tci"noonstyl "f '~ "tf·t..•,e 'O.~to 1,,1Hei.thMd. ll[d,mc.. Theed 01' YOll • p>l,mted va Is. 1a s 'quIlted. " t

I •• a!nd Mrs, :F~ed -{\~v~nnann.• : ,M'. and Mrs!. Fdn! BNu!ljgam."Mr.

, u d MI'f:i. IWJ;ll. :til' digarlll and sonsR IPARl iCU~ARS w~re. Tl,'LUtsctay...oystet·.supper

g~ests m hel He.ljmun Ge we home.Mt. and rs! Gilpel't Kr H all andG~h We e ~verlin~ call s.

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