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Page 1: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

2855 Briarcliff Road NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329

Through worship, education, and service, we continue the work of Jesus.

phone: 404-636-1418 fax: 404-636-4394

PUBLIC WEEKEND MASSES have resumed in English on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Sundays at 9:00 a.m., and in Spanish on Saturdays at 6:00 p.m. and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. A reserva-tion is necessary for weekend Mass, and can be obtained by calling the parish office Monday-Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

PUBLIC DAILY MASSES are offered Monday-Friday at 8:30 a.m. in English, and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in Spanish. No reservation is required for daily Mass, but the same public health pre-cautions will be in place: a facemask will be required and Mass-goers will be screened by staff or a volunteer Mass guide as they arrive in the church narthex.

ARCHBISHOP HARTMAYER has extended the dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation through the month of July. Those who are sick, those who experience any symptom of potential illness, and those at increased risk of illness should continue to join us by livestream.

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is open to the public during two Holy Hours each Thursday: 9:00-10:00 a.m. and 6:00-7:00 p.m. Exposition will be livestreamed on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. (until 5:00 p.m. on Facebook).

IT IS NECESSARY for us to record the name and contact information of everyone who attends daily Mass, Sunday Mass or Holy Hour, in case Covid-19 contact tracing is necessary at some time in the future.

WEEKEND AND DAILY MASSES AND THURS-DAY EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament will continue to be livestreamed on our parish website, on Facebook and on Vimeo.

PENANCE AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK are available by appointment with a priest.

Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything

to reach the end without delay. We should like to skip the intermediate stages.

We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new.

And yet it is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through some stages of instability

and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you. Your ideas mature gradually;

let them grow, let them shape themselves, without undue haste.

Don’t try to force them on, as though you could be today what time (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting on your own good will)

will make of you tomorrow. Only God could say what this new spirit

gradually forming within you will be. Give Our Lord the benefit of believing that his hand is leading you,

and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself in suspense and incomplete.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (1881-1955)

Page 2: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

Please pray for our loved ones who have died, especially: Beatr ice Kruger , Geoffrey Karugu Ngari, Guilford M. Wiley Jr, Rose Baechtold, Brian Dotson, Gladys Herrera Huerta, Margarita Mendez, Luisa R. Blanco, Pedro Hernandez, Rogelio Tlacuatl, Regulo Rodríguez, Sarah Gillespie, Thomas Ingram, Carmen Mojica, Justin McCart, Roy Doppelhauer, Caridad Correa García, Eileen Claussen, Sara Cruz Magadan, Jacobo Santacruz, Mary Elizabeth Bachner, Delbert Fisher, Deacon John Richard Arsenault, Francisco Javier García Daza, Marcelino Hernandez and Filemon Dominguez.

And please pray for all the sick, especially: Jean Pajuelos, Teresa Gernazian, Ann Marie Barrelle, Dona Maynard, Robert Maynard, Vinnie O’Connor, Elizabeth Markwalter Powell, Joan Eads, Suzanne Anthony, Leonie Lacroix, Brenda Markham, Doris Gavin, Betsy Gavin, Lisa Gibson, Millie Elliot, Marie Brown, Matt Drake, John Murrin, Will Broxterman, Kohlton James, Pat Howard, Clementina Cervantes, Sarah Gillespie, Ellen McIntosh and Donnie Maddox.

Mass in English Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (beginning July 5)

Misas en Español Jueves: 7:00 p.m. Sabado: 6:00 p.m. Domingo: 1:30 p.m.

Reconciliation Available by appointment with a priest

Confesiones Disponible por cita con un sacerdote.

Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 9-10:00 a.m. and 6-7:00 p.m.

Adoración al Santísimo Jueves 9-10:00 a.m. y 6-7:00 p.m.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available by appointment with a priest.

Catholic patients in metro area hospitals receive the sacraments from the neighbor-ing Catholic parish; priests, deacons and Eucharistic ministers from IHM will visit whenever possible. Please call the parish office if you or a family member will be hospitalized or homebound.

Office Hours /Horas de Oficina Closed until further notice

Fax Number/No. de Fax 404-636-4394

IHM School/Escuela de IHM 404-636-4488

Website/Sitio Web http://www.ihmatlanta.org

Bulletin Notices: Please submit your request by email 10 days in advance. Envíe su anuncio por correo electrónico 10 días antes: [email protected].

Report abuse of children and vulnerable persons : 1-888-437-0764




Sunday, July 19 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wisdom 12:13, 16-19;Romans 8:26-27; Matthew 13:24-43 or 13:24-30

Saturday, July 18 Vigil Masses:

Sunday, July 19:

4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

For the people of the parish Joseph R. Busi †

Manuel Zaa † Sergio Magadan †

Monday, July 20 Weekday Micah 6:1-4, 6-8; Matthew 12:38-42

8:30 a.m.

Angelo Cravotta †

Tuesday, July 21 Weekday Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Matthew 12:46-50

8:30 a.m.

Luis Mora Segovia †

Wednesday, July 22 Saint Mary Magdalene Song of Songs 3:1-4b or 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; John 20:1-2, 11-18

8:30 a.m. Tom Moorman †

Thursday, July 23 Weekday Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Matthew 13:10-17

8:30 a.m.

7:00 p.m.

Gerald & Betty Wible †


Friday, July 24 Weekday Jeremiah 3:14-17; Matthew 13:18-23

8:30 a.m.

Communion Service

Saturday, July 25 Saint James, Apostle 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Matthew 20:20-28

Sunday, July 26 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12; Romans 8:28-30; Matthew 13:44-52 or 13:44-46

Saturday, July 25 Vigil Masses: Sunday, July 26:

4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

Rosanell Trayler † For the people of the parish

Rusty Conzelman † Maria Basilio †

Masses are livestreamed at www.ihmatlanta.org/livestream.

Page 3: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00


OFFERTORY July 11 & 12 Offertory $ 11,699.00 Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25

Mission Cooperative $ 325.00

SECOND COLLECTIONS This weekend’s second collection is our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Next weekend’s second collection is for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.

Pastor Monsignor Albert W. Jowdy [email protected] Ext. 235

Parochial Vicar Father Carlos G. Ortega Valera [email protected] Ext. 228

In Residence Father Jean Ikanga, S.V.D.

Deacons Deacon Bob Hauert [email protected] Ext. 251

Deacon Erik Wilkinson [email protected] Ext. 230

Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Gaby Ramirez [email protected] Ext. 221

Secretary Silvia Maldonado [email protected] Ext. 240

Communications Coordinator Marcela Soren [email protected] Ext. 226

Business Manager & Finance Director Richard Plachta [email protected] Ext. 245

Bookkeeper Allen Sakon [email protected] Ext. 243

Director of Faith Formation Drew Denton [email protected] Ext. 223

Faith Formation Coordinator Alicia Guerrero [email protected] Ext. 227

Youth Minister Michele McPheely [email protected] Ext. 222

Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Veronica Thimann [email protected] Ext. 236

Director of Liturgy and Music Jeff Bush [email protected] Ext. 247

Liturgy & Music Program Assistant Shelly White [email protected] Ext. 232

Director of Operations Dennis O’Leary [email protected] 404-636-4488 Ext. 335

Fee-based Professional Counseling is available in the Maloney Center at IHM for individuals, couples and families. Contact Marianela Matheus, M.Ed. at 678-310-8122.

GIVING OPTIONS During the present public health crisis, your parish support is needed more than ever! If you have not already done so, please consider:

ELECTRONIC GIVING Through our electronic giving program, you authorize a specified amount of mon-ey to be electronically transferred from your checking, savings or credit card to the parish account. You also specify the frequency of the transfer.

GIVE BY TEXT You can now make a contribution to IHM with a quick text message! Simply send a text to 888-418-5704. In the message just indicate the amount you would like to contribute. (Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount. Example: $25.) Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit card information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically!

GIVEPLUS MOBILE Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “GivePlus” to download the app for free. If you are already giving electronically, use the same log in creden-tials for this mobile app.

PAYPAL You can conveniently make one-time offertory gifts scanning this QR Code. This code will take you directly to the IHM PayPal ac-count. Please enter your envelope number in the notes field if you have it available.


THANK YOU to the hundreds of households who have responded with a pledge to the 2020 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. If you have not yet had an opportunity to make your pledge, please be generous in your response. For more information, or to donate online, go to appeal.archatl.com.


Good stewards in a parish are like the yeast in today’s Gospel. Their selfless gifts of time and talent help the parish grow and thrive, and their example in-

spires others to become good stewards, too

Page 4: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HANDYMAN If you need a handyman to help with small jobs around the house, you can hire a Safe Environment-approved volunteer from the IHM St. Vincent de Paul Conference to help you with your work. Simply make a donation SVDP of $25.00 for every hour the volunteer spends on your job. If you need assistance with small jobs around the house, call 770-986-4996 and ask for Dirk.

FREE CITIZENSHIP ASSISTANCE Have you been thinking of filing for your citizenship? Now is the time! U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is still accepting citizenship applications despite the current COVID-19 situation. Additionally, the government will most likely increase the fee for naturalization soon, so there is no better time to apply. Catholic Charities Atlanta has a “no contact” means of helping you through the application process using a website, phone calls and video chat. Our services are completely free of charge. Call 678-222-3920 for more information.

Please stay in touch! Visit www.ihmatlanta.org

and click the “Stay in Touch With Us” link under the “Our Church” tab.

And follow us!

HOLY HOURS Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is livestreamed on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on our parish web-site at www.ihmatlanta.org/livestream, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/IHMAtlanta and on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/ihmatlanta. (Ends at 5:00 p.m. on Facebook.)

Each Thursday there are two public Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament: 9:00-10:00 a.m. and 6:00-7:00 p.m. Those attending will be screened in the narthex as they ar-rive by staff or volunteers. Facemasks and the same public health precautions used at weekend Masses will be required.

COUPLES CELEBRATING 50TH & 60TH ANNIVERSAIRES! October 3 The Archdiocese of Atlanta would like to honor couples married in 1970 and 1960 with a Golden/Diamond Anniver-sary Mass on Saturday, October 3 at 12:00 noon at St. Brig-id Church in Johns Creek, celebrated by Archbishop Hart-mayer.

This year, due to Covid-19, jubilarian couples are asked to attend without additional guests. Family members and friends may watch the celebration via livestream video. The Archdiocese will provide updates if it becomes possible to bring additional guests, or if circumstances require addition-al changes. A reception for the anniversary couples will fol-low the Mass. Go to http://tiny.cc/anniversarymass to RSVP.

EVERYDAY GUIDE TO DISCERNMENT August 2 Many think discernment is reserved for a major life decision such as a vocation. Ignatian discernment involves noticing our inmost desires and anxieties, and then identifying which are from God and which are from the Enemy. Responding to the inner movements of God daily leads us into a more abundant and fulfilling life. This retreat consist of two Zoom sessions on Sunday, one at 10 AM and one at 2 PM. The suggested donation for each is $30-45. Reservations can be made with Patti at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit: 770-760-0959 or [email protected].

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field a mustard seed yeast Matthew 13

Page 5: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

Each Thursday, Dr. Louanne Bachner leads an informative and prayerful

discussion of the lectionary readings for the following Sunday. Scripture study is currently being offered on

Zoom. Contact Dr. Bachner for instructions on how to join:

[email protected]

If you are thinking about becoming Catholic or interested in learning

more about the Catholic faith, please contact Drew Denton in the parish


Director Drew Denton [email protected] Ext. 223

Coordinator Alicia Guerrero [email protected] Ext. 227

Youth Minister Michele McPheely [email protected] Ext. 222

Faith Formation Program Assistant Veronica Thimann [email protected] Ext. 236

Adult Faith Formation classes will resume via Zoom in September.

Please continue to check the bulletin for updates.


ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN for 2020-2021 School Year ihmatlanta.org/enrollment

In-person enrollment will be available in the church office

July 13-17 and July 20-24

Enrollment Deadline is July 31

Like the rest of our lives, faith formation will look different this fall:

Sacramental preparation (Reconciliation and First Holy Communion) will take place in person, as far as possible, in classes of no more than 10 students. Classes will meet in accordance with all current social distancing guidelines on Sundays (10:15-11:15 am or 6:15-7:30 pm). If in-person meetings are not advisable, clas-ses will take place through an online platform, led by catechists.

Grade-level faith formation for elementary school students will take place at home, following lectionary-based lessons and family activities. There will be reg-ular online check-ins with catechists and, if possible, a monthly in-person check-in or activity.

Youth Ministry (Edge, Life Teen, and Confirmation) will operate in small groups meeting at various times throughout the week or through an online platform.

Adjusting to the new reality will require patience and flexibility from all of us. In planning for the coming school year, we commit to the following principles, laid out by the Archdiocese of Atlanta:

1. To be present and welcoming and focus on the opportunity to connect 2. To Simplify 3. Communicate expectations clearly 4. Use technology with purpose 5. Keep it meaningful, keep it fun, and listen to your experiences

WHEN IS MY CHILD ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION? In accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines, a student may be considered

eligible to receive the Eucharist next year if he or she:

Is a baptized Catholic who attends Mass regularly

Is in the 2nd grade or older

Received religious education during the 2019-2020 school year, either at a Catholic school or in a parish program (i.e., our G.I.F.T. program).

Is also enrolled in religious education for the 2020-2021 school year, either at a Catholic school or a parish program.

ATLANTA CATECHIST CONFERENCE Now Online and FREE for Everyone! Live Sessions with Q&A will take place at specific times on August 22. Presentations will be recorded and can be viewed anytime afterwards Featuring nationally known speakers and workshops on a variety of subjects. Open to new and returning catechists, youth ministry leaders, or anyone else who wants to en-rich their faith. Learn more and register for free at https://www.virtualcatholicconference.com/ACC2020?r_done=1

Page 6: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

YOUTH MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS We are all called to share God's word, called to make disci-ples. The youth group is calling all parents, all people who love teens, and who love God! Our youth group is in need of several more adult volunteers, who would be willing to give a little bit of their time weekly (or bi-weekly) to spend in fel-lowship with our teens! You don’t need to know the Bible or the catechism backward and forward, you just need to care about the teens and share your love of God with them! There are many ways to be involved, and if you are interested or know someone who you think would be awesome, please reach out to Michele McPheely [email protected].

REGISTRATION FOR YOUTH MINISTRY 2020-2021 We know the world is a bit unpredictable right now, but we also know that our faith is the rock we stand on, holding true to knowledge that with God our lives are better than without. We in the youth ministry are doing our best to be prepared to continue to lead and walk in faith with our teens next year! Extra precautions are being put in place to ensure a safe and still friendly environment. All sessions will be conducted in a small group setting next year, allowing for more social dis-tance and less exposure to others, online and in person op-tions will be available. Enrollment for your middle or high schooler in our programs is open now for the up coming school year! Enroll online today: https://ihmatlanta.org/enrollment

FACE MASKS We are currently sold out! Thank you for your support of our mission! If we are able to get more back in stock we will let you know!

CONFIRMATION RESCHEDULED As we are getting closer to our confirmation dates, August 2 and August 9, at the 5:00 p.m. Mass, just a reminder that all teens should be working on their online retreat, "Greater" and that all paperwork must be in order. All parents should have received the link to begin the retreat, GREATER, with their teen on Monday, July 6. If you did not receive the link for any reason, please email Michele asap. Dress code along with Mass guideline have been emailed to parents. Please make sure everyone attending the confirmation Mass has a suitable face mask to wear the day of! If you have any ques-tions at all contact Michele McPheely at [email protected]..

CONFIRMATION ONLINE RETREAT We are so excited to be able to offer this awesome online experience! Nationally recognized Catholic speakers from across the country came together to collaborate and create an entirely online retreat experi-ence! All teens who are hoping to receiving

the sacrament of confirmation on August 2 or 9, will need to complete the online retreat, GREATER. Information has been emailed to all parents of confirmandi. Please remember this retreat must be completed by July 27.

CATHOLIC YOUTHS FOR CHANGE Look around our world, our nation, our community- do you see situations that you think need to change? Help pioneer IHM's newly forming group CYC! This group will be com-prised of 8-12th grade teens who truly want to do things to help produce positive change in our community. The group will choose their own projects, either creating opportunities or joining in with current projects in the community that they believe in. Make your voice heard, step up and be the change you want to see in the world! Contact Michele McPheely (youth minister) for more information: [email protected]

Page 7: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

La segunda colecta de este fin de semana será para la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de nuestra parroquia.

El próximo fin de semana la segunda colecta será para el Fondo de Reducción de Deuda de Nuestra Parroquia.

Julio 11 y 12 Ofertorio $ 11,699.00 Ofertorio Electrónico $ 13,717.25 Ofertorio Total $ 25,416.25

Misión Cooperativa $ 325.00

Los padres DEBEN registrarse antes en la oficina parroquial; en ese momento

recibirán la fecha de la plática correspondiente y del bautismo. Al

registrarse deben entregar copia del Acta de Nacimiento de la persona que va a ser


Llamar al Padre Carlos Ortega y hacer cita para hablar de los requisitos, por lo menos

6 meses antes de la fecha deseada.

Disponible por cita con un sacerdote.

Si no eres católico (a) o si eres mayor de 18 años y no has recibido los sacramentos de

Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, te invitamos a aprender más

acerca de nuestra fe. Comuníquese con Alicia Guerrero en la oficina parroquial.

La Licenciada Marianela Matheus es una Terapeuta Certificada en Salud Mental en el Estado de Georgia y en Terapia de Juego a

Nivel Nacional y proveerá sus Servicios para Adultos, parejas y Niños en la Iglesia. Si

desea hacer una cita puede contactarla al 678-310-8122.

Llamar a la parroquia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada

1 Reyes: 3:5, 7-12 Romanos 8:28-30

Mateo 13:44-52 o 13:44-46

REFLEXIÓN SEMANAL Los buenos mayordomos en una parroquia son como la levadura en el

Evangelio de hoy. Sus dones desinteresados de tiempo y talento ayudan a la parroquia a crecer y prosperar, y su ejemplo también inspira a otros a

convertirse en buenos administradores.

RETIRO DE CONFIRMACIÓN VIRTUAL ¡Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta increíble experiencia en línea! Con-ferencistas católicos reconocidos a nivel nacional se unieron para colaborar y crear una experiencia de retiro completamente virtual. Todos los adolescentes que espe-ran recibir el sacramento de la confirmación ya sea el 2 o 9 de agosto deberán completar este retiro “GREATER”. La información se les fue enviada por correo electrónico a todos los padres de familia. Recuerde que este retiro debe completarse antes del 27 de julio.

VOLUNTARIOS PARA LOS GRUPOS JUVENILES ¡Este es un llamado a todos los padres, personas que les gusta interactuar con los adolescentes y que aman a Dios! ¡Nuestro grupo de jóvenes necesita varios volun-tarios que estén dispuestos a dar una hora y media de su tiempo semanal para pasar en comunión con nuestros adolescentes! No necesita ser una gran conocedor de la Biblia o el catecismo solo necesita preocuparse por los adolescentes y compartir su amor por Dios con ellos! Hay muchas maneras de involucrarse y si está interesado o conoce a alguien que pudiera estarlo, comuníquese con Michele McPheely [email protected].

REGISTRACIONES PARA EL MINISTERIO JUVENIL 2020-2021 Sabemos que el mundo es un poco impredecible en este momen-to, pero también sabemos que nuestra fe es la roca que nos man-tiene firme al saber que con Dios nuestras vidas son mejores. ¡Nosotros en el ministerio juvenil estamos haciendo nuestro me-jor esfuerzo para estar preparados para continuar liderando y ca-minando con fe con nuestros adolescentes el próximo año! Se

están tomando precauciones adicionales para garantizar un ambiente seguro y ami-gable. Todas las sesiones se llevarán a cabo en un grupo pequeño el próximo año, lo que permitirá una mayor distanciamiento social y menos riesgo, estarán disponi-bles opciones en línea y en persona. ¡La inscripción están abiertas para su estudian-te de secundaria o preparatoria para el próximo año escolar! Inscríbase en línea hoy: https://ihmatlanta.org/inscripcion-del-programa-formacion-de-fe

Page 8: have resumed in · Online Offertory $ 13,717.25 Total Offertory $ 25,419.25 individuals, couples and families. Contact Mission Cooperative for our Parish Debt Reduction Fund.$ 325.00

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