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Page 1: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Presentation of badges to the Class of 2016 Last week at Headmaster’s As-sembly, Year 12 students were presented with their badges in front of students from Year 6 to 11. This year, the

badges were presented to the stu-dents by their buddies from Year 7. I have received many messages prais-ing the support the Year 7s have re-ceived from their big brothers and sisters in Year 12 so it was a great

opportunity for the younger stu-dents to be a part of congratulat-ing the older students. We also invited the Year 6 students to the assembly so that they could wit-ness the ceremony in readiness for next year. Congratulations to the Year 12s for the strong start they have made to the year. Year 6 Speeches On Wednesday, Year 6 students presented their leadership speeches to the Junior School. It is always daunting to speak in front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership skills.


Headmaster’s Report Page 1

Little Souls Page 2

Deputy Head Page 3

Headmaster’s List

Addition Page 4

Dean of School Page 4

Dean of Students Page 4

Cattle Club Page 5

Vaccinations Page 5

Values Education Page 6

School Chaplain Page 7

School Prayers Page 7

Sport News Page 8

Inter House Swimming

Photos Page 9

Junior School Page 10

Head of Boarding Page 11

Feetham House Page 12

Captains Report Page 12

Page House Page 12

Captains Report Page 13

Ramsay House Page 13

Captains Report Page 13

Alban House Page 14

Captains Report Page 14

Becket House Page 14

Captains Report Page 14

Chad House Captains

Report Page 14

Scholarships Page 15

Staff Profile Page 16


Issue No 3/2016 26 February 2016

The Year 6 class after delivering their Leadership Speeches: Back: Gemma Gilmore, Corey Guldbransen, Emma Loxton, Abbey Heidrich,

Olivia Titley, Jade Stoll, Sophie Coffison and Jackson Peagham. Front: Samantha Santo, Kaci Whelan, Kate Harris,

Annika Peace and Samuel Kuman.

Page 2: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

A thank you culture Some may consider manners to be a bit old fashioned but I am a strong believer that the way we conduct ourselves around others is as important today as it ever was. As a school, we are making a con-scious effort to teach and reinforce a “thank you culture”. We are ask-ing students to be mindful of thanking, in a genuine way, all those who assist them. We are al-so asking them to focus on the lit-tle things which so many already do, such as saying please, being on time, excusing themselves when moving in front of others and out of hours, holding a con-versation without checking social media at the same time. Please assist us by reinforcing these be-haviours at home. Staff Mrs Karen Storey has let us know some exciting news. Mrs Storey, her husband David, and ‘Big broth-er’ Mason are expecting their sec-ond child later in the year and consequently, Mrs Storey will be on maternity leave commencing Term 3. I will advise the school of our replacement plans once they are confirmed. Welcome Fr. Greg The school welcomes Fr. Greg Wil-son and his wife Rhonda to the Charters Towers community. Fr. Greg is the new Anglican priest at St Pauls. We wish Greg and Rhon-da well and look forward to sup-porting each other throughout the year. Vale John Lewis AM On Saturday 27 February, staff and student representatives from the school will be attending the fu-neral of Hurtle John Lewis AM, the 7th Bishop of North Queensland, in Townsville. John Lewis was born in Adelaide in 1926, served in the Royal Australian Navy during WWII before becoming the Bishop of North Queensland from 1971- 1996. During his time as Bishop,

Trinity Anglican School and Whitsunday Anglican School were established. Inter School Swimming The excitement is building as we approach the first of our Inter School carnivals for 2016.

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Good luck to all of our swim-mers. I am looking forward to joining the rest of the school to cheer them on. Darren Fleming Headmaster

Page 3: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Sam Kelly

Busy, busy, busy, busy. As I write this Phoenix Rising, I am looking over the Quadrangle which only staff and Year 12’s are allowed to cross. I am always amused when a ball of a younger student (think Year 7) falls on the grass and the student is a little concerned on walking on the hallowed ground to collect it. I always watch to see how the student solves this puzzle. Time has shown me that students fall into the following solving cate-gories: they look around for a Year 12/teacher first, then quickly run on to collect; they walk over the grass “like a boss” thinking that they are very brave for doing so (then run when they realise that a Year 12 or teacher has seen them); or they simply find someone else to collect it for them. The categories change as the age of the student changes. Change is a good thing – it gives people ideas or skills on how to cope with a wide range of situations. Speaking of change, as we are in week 5, I thought I would again discuss subject changes. Students in Year 7 and 8 follow a generic subject program. This program is quite broad and is designed to give skills for students to begin to spe-cialize in Year 9. In Year 9, students can select two “options” or “electives” depending on their in-terests. Maths and English classes begin to diversify to cater for stu-dents at different learning levels. As students’ progress through the years, more options/choices are available until upper Senior where students choose all subjects. Now that we are well and truly finished with the “honeymoon period”, stu-dents will be starting to realise what the real requirements are for their chosen courses. Should stu-dents wish to change subjects the following procedure is followed: Make an appointment to see

me through Flo. This is just to

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check if the requested change is possible. Students in Year 11 or 12 are sometimes re-ferred to Mrs Barb Salisbury to ensure that decisions support chosen pathways.

Pick up a purple “Application for change of subject form” from Flo’s office. For boarders, this form is commonly faxed or e-mailed home for parental consent.

Return to me and I will ensure that a new timetable is pro-duced. A student cannot change classes unless they have their new timetable.

I spoke about this in the last Phoe-nix Rising but thought I would reit-erate as more students may be discussing realities with parents or boarders in the next few weeks. The subjects for the DTTC in Year 11 and 12 have well and truly started. Students have a selection from various RTO’s (Registered Training Organisations) but in-clude: Cert II Hospitality Practices Cert II Engineering Pathways Cert II Automotive Practices Cert II Electro Technology Cert II Agriculture Cert II Health Services The Government funding model changed in July 2014, which re-sulted in students only being subsi-dised for one VET certificate through the VET in Schools fund-ing (this cost is $250 per course per year). Second certificates can cost as much as $4500! This is the reason why we “hold off” VET courses until students reach Year 11 for those students that access that funding. Some students need the extra 8 months to mature to really think about their pathway. A careless decision can be expensive! Glenda Lyon will be giving letters out this week regarding second VET courses through Careers Aus-tralia for those students in Year 12. There is an opportunity for some students (provided conditions are

met) to do their second certificate for $500. I would like to thank Glenda for working tirelessly with students to ensure the best path-ways. Glenda is our VET coordina-tor and organises: DTTC course enrolments, school based appren-ticeships and traineeships and any other alternative courses that we can find. I can now announce that the Sen-ior School Exam Block will be Thursday 17th March to Tuesday 22nd March. As students break up on the Thursday, Wednesday will be used for catch up exams should your son/daughter be away for any reason. On the topic of being away, I would like to remind parents that we do have a very established protocol regarding students be-ing absent in the Secondary School. If ill for a day, parents will need to make contact with Flo. If away for any other reason, or there is extended time away due to illness, parents will need to contact me to make alternative ar-rangements. There are clear guidelines for Senior School stu-dents with regards to what QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and As-sessment Authority) regards as "ok" for assessment modifications or changes. If a student approach-es a staff member saying e.g. "I will be away until Tuesday", staff will ask them if their Guardian has made contact with me, or simply direct them to Flo. If assessment in Year 11 or 12 is missed due to time away that has not been "okayed" by me, assessment will not be accepted or resat. Should a student require an extension to their assessment date, there is a form that students collect from Flo's office that needs to be sub-mitted to me no later than 48 hours BEFORE the due date. This might seem harsh, but the QCAA guidelines ensure "fair play" throughout the State and to sup-port students should assessments need to be adjusted. Thank you to

Deputy Head

Page 4: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

those parents who have contacted us regarding leave. I know from personal experience that there are some appointments that just can’t be missed e.g. orthodontic appoint-ments. If you miss one of those, it can be ages until the next available time. I must say a big “thank you” to Miss Rebecca Pimm and Mr Mitch Sokolowski. These teachers have taken on the responsibility of issu-ing lockers – Miss Pimm to the Year 7’s and Mr Sokolowski to the Year 8 and 12s. Students will be signing for school issued locks and these will need to be returned at the end of the year. There has been a most-ly positive reaction to the lockers, although I cringe at the thought of any food being left in them. Most parents know the smell of cleaning out the school bag when it’s been left over the school holidays. I think you understand my fear. We have had a great start to the year. I am very pleased with how students and staff are engaging. I do have an addition to the Head-master’s List from Semester II, 2015. My apologies to Jorden who was eligible to be on the list.

Dean of School

Karen Storey Communication By now all parents should have re-ceived contact from each of their student’s teachers, either via email, phone or in person to outline what classes will be covering for the term. I know that many staff, in-cluding senior residents in the dor-mitory, Sisters Bindi and Kate in the

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clinic, as well as academic staff continue to deliver the message that these communications should be two-way – home to school and school to home. If you find your child struggling or if there are sig-nificant issues at home or in your child’s life that could impact on their studies please let the school know. I know that Mrs Kelly will be writing elsewhere in this newslet-ter about communicating arrange-ments for leave or absences effec-tively but this is not the only infor-mation we need to adequately support your children. Finding a balance It seems that this issue raises its head at about this time every term and I find myself having the same conversations with students and writing a blurb similar to this one in the newsletter. The time of the term where students are under pressure and have many deadlines to meet is fast approaching. Many students, particularly our seniors, have a number of extra-curricular commitments which chew up large portions of their time and make them wonder how they will fit their school work in let alone complete all of their study and assessments on time. My advice to students is simple (and the same as it is every year); 1. Remember that the most im-

portant thing is your academic commitments – that is why we are all here

2. Prioritise your time and avoid procrastination – if you can do it now, do it now

3. Communicate with teachers, boarding house supervisors or coaches early – if you are struggling or can’t meet a commitment let people know, we can’t assist you if we don’t know there is a problem

4. Be realistic about what you commit to – you may need to make difficult choices but the reality is we can’t do every-thing.

Photo Day Monday March 14th will see the first of our whole school photo days take place. This is the day that individual portraits will be tak-en for the production of ID cards as well as any sibling photos or-dered. The uniform for this day is full formal uniform for all second-ary students. This includes blazers for all and court shoes for senior girls. As the day is so close to the holidays those students who re-quire a new ID card for travel (the 2015 ones do not expire until the end of March) are asked to con-tact the School office as soon as possible. End of Term 1, Beginning of Term 2: As the halfway point of the term comes and goes, this week I feel I should provide a reminder of the dates for the final day of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2. Term 1 ends on Wednesday March 23rd. Lessons will continue until the end of the day and all students are ex-pected to be present unless prior arrangements have been made with the Deputy Head. The first day of Term 2 is Tuesday 12th April. The uniform for the first day of Term 2 is formal uniform.

Dean of Students Shannon Lee

Seniors Lead the Way This edition is all about senior stu-dents. I’ve been so impressed with the way they have started the year, I think they deserve some credit. One of their major goals for the year is to engage with the younger students in the school and make them feel welcome. I have seen this across the board with the way all have engaged with the Buddy program. I have heard of many positive reports from parents and students in year 7 who have been appreciative of their support. Support has been but just one of the feathers in their cap.

Year 8

Jorden Ford


Page 5: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Cattle Club

Mikala Gough

Year 11

The last few weeks, our new club members have been eager to start learning while awaiting the arrival of our cattle To get them started, Lionel had Matthew, Harrison and I teach them about the difference between bos turas and bos indicus cattle. We then had them name the different breeds from some images. This exercise was really successful. Later on in the week we joined to-gether and did some practice judg-ing on some images we had, and everyone went exceptionally well. We are looking forward to a re-warding year with much fun and excitement. We welcome anyone and everyone with the will to learn.

A reminder to anyone who wants to join, the forms for the year are due please get them in ASAP.

A few of weeks ago at the Inter-School Swimming Carnival the sen-ior students did themselves proud, proving they will also be excellent role models. In their first major outing they could be seen appropri-ately cheering and leading their Houses well. They created an ex-cellent atmosphere for the carnival. I also want to make special men-tion of a couple of senior students who have given up their time to help me with the U12 & U13 cricket team; Charly Burge, Sam Bojack, Jesse Hall & Ian Liddle, these boys have been down to training and shared a bit of cricket wisdom. I know the 12s and 13s have really appreciated their exper-tise. Senior Badges During the Headmasters Assembly on the 16th February the senior students were presented with their Senior Badges. As requested by them it was their Year 7 Buddy who did the presentation. A fitting ges-ture and a symbol of the im-portance they have placed on the buddy program this year. Random Acts of Kindness For their first mini project for the year the senior students supported Random Acts of Kindness week. One of the elements was the op-portunity to recognise someone else who was seen doing a random act of kindness. The following stu-dents were awarded a double pass to the World Theatre after being nominated by one of their peers

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and drawn out at random during Headmaster’s Assembly. Brent Marshell Dylan Knuth Tara Yung Congratulations to the winners and a big congratulations to all the senior students who have started the year so positively. I look for-ward to your continuing success throughout the year.

‘Random Acts of Kindness’ movie ticket recipients: Tara Yung, Dylan Knuth

and Brent Marshall

Year 7 and 8 students will have vaccinations on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th March.

Any questions, please contact the clinic on 07 4788 2220.

The Year 12 class after receiving their Seniors Badge from their Year 7 Buddies

Page 6: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Values Education Barbara Salisbury Assessment time is here! Persistence is the Key Persistence is required at this peak assessment time. Persistence is where students learn to push through the boredom of study and work tough when asked to do things that are hard (like assign-ments). Elements of school are fun, but the reality is a lot of the time students need to work tough to do their best. Students seem to relate to those that want to do well with sport, who train and repeatedly practice important skills. The same goes for doing well in each of their subjects. We do our best to moti-vate students to do their best, an extra push from home is also help-ful for those that need it. Strong Leadership Shannon Lee, with the help of Ian Dietrich, has been working hard to prepare and now support all our Year 12s in their leadership of the school. Shannon and Ian have really connected all Year 12s with the im-portant role they play in the school. Year 12s are doing so many things, their involvement in RAK week is just one example and I’m sure there will be more throughout this news-letter. Random Acts of Kindness Week Year 12s lead the way with Random Acts of Kindness Week. Each day they promoted ways we can make a difference by being kind and thoughtful. Year 12s encouraged students to nominate people for do-ing Random Acts of Kindness, and we received double that of last year.

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A random draw was done by Lacey Marshall and Marshell Small-wood in Headmaster's assembly. Dylan Knuth, Brent Marshall and Tara Yung were well deserved re-cipients of a movie ticket prize.

Marshell Smallwood and Lacey Marshall

This is just a brief snap shot of what was written on some of the nominations: Off his own bat, did clean up in

the kitchen in Feetham Dorm Made me a hot chocolate to

cheer me up Ironed my day uniform without

me asking, especially when she had bad asthma

Shared icecream and gave me advice when I needed help

She helped a student who was struggling to carry sports equip-ment

She has been helping me with my assignment which I appreci-ate very much

In the arvo in the library he helped me with my prep

He gave me the notes I missed out on when away from class

They were greeting people friendly and helping their lives feel better

She included the year 7s in what we were doing

Buying me a slushie even when I lost all of my races

Two people dropped plates at lunch, she got the dust pan and broom and helped clean it up

He did extra clean up after the swimming carnival

She waits for me and walks me to tutor every morning

Wrote everyone a valentine day letter and gave them a heart chocolate

She was always willing to help others in need and she swam when no one else wanted to

She’s a great senior Helped pick up a kids broken

plate that he had dropped. Being bright and cheerful in the

morning He let me go in front of him at

the drink tap She was helping one of the

grade 7s, they were crying and she comforted them.

Two students were struggling with the laptop trolley and he volunteered to help them.

Year 10 Career and Development (CAD) students have been explor-ing their interests by completing t h e i r M y P r o f i l e at www.myfuture.edu.au. The room was buzzing with questions and exclamations about what jobs involved and how much they'd get paid. If you would like to explore this website registration for Queenslanders is still free.

Ben Zabel recording interests in his SET Plan

Rachel Hall and Faith Whelan discussing careers of interest

The Year 7 to 9 students will have career aspiration sessions in early March. We have found students who set goals for the future are more likely to see a purpose in do-ing well at school. More on this will be in the next newsletter.

Page 7: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

In our thoughts

and prayers; We pray for the family

and friends of the late

Bishop John Lewis, 7th

Bishop of North Queens-

land, as they gather on

Saturday to give thanks

for the life and ministry of

Bishop Lewis.

We pray for those who

are experiencing hard

and challenging times,

we especially remember

our new boarders and

their families as they ad-

just to being separated

during term time.

We pray for areas affect-

ed by inclement weather,

in particular we remem-

ber the people of Fiji as

they recover from the

damage caused by the

recent cyclone.

School PrayersSchool Prayers

Dean of School

School Chaplain

Br Nathan-James SSF The Admission to Communion The Senior School Chapel services are Holy Communion services in the tradition of the Anglican Church. The practice of celebrating the Eu-charist or Holy Communion was in-stituted by Jesus on the night be-fore he died. He commanded his disciples to do this in remembrance of him; that is to recall his teaching and example. In preparing for, and taking the elements of the Eucha-rist, the bread and wine, we acknowledge that we have not al-ways lived according to God’s word and seek God’s assurance of God’s forgiveness and recommit ourselves to live lives of justice and compas-sion. It is the practice of the Anglican Church to welcome members of Churches who regularly receive Communion in their Churches. Par-ents should discuss with their chil-dren whether or not they wish their children to receive Communion dur-ing School Chapel services. Children who wish to receive Communion and who are not current Communi-cants in another Church are re-quired to be Baptised and have un-dertaken an Admission to Holy Communion class if they are under 14. Alternatively, Children 14 and over should be Baptised and Con-firmed. If parents would like their children to receive Communion during School Chapel services, but their

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children do not regularly attend a Church which celebrates Holy Com-munion, are asked to discuss their wishes with me. Confirmation I am in the process of setting a date with the Bishop of North Queens-land to preside at our annual Confir-mation service. Students wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirma-tion are to discuss this with their parents and let me know that they wish to be Confirmed. Parents are also asked to discuss this with their children. Staff, parents and mem-bers of the School community are welcome to also receive the Sacra-ment of Confirmation and to make their intentions known to me. Morning Chapel Services A reminder that there is a short in-formal Communion service each day held in the Lady Chapel from 7:40 am to 8:00 am. Students, Staff and members of the School Community are welcome to attend these ser-vices.




Application Close 03 March 2016

Email: [email protected]

Web: http://www.aafc.org.au/

Phone: 0407 113 316 The AAFC is a youth development organisation affiliated with the Royal Australian Air Force. As a cadet you will learn about aviation, service life, fieldcraft, drill and ceremonial, teamwork, and more. You will have opportunity to experience life on a RAAF base, flying, develop leadership skills, meet new friends, have fun, develop self-confidence and learn to take responsibility for yourself and others. If you will turn 13 by 22 April and are interest-ed in joining the AAFC please see Br Nathan or visit www.facebook.com/108SQN

Adults who are interested in joining as civilian or uniformed instructors are invited to con-tact the Squadron

Acting Cadet Corporal John Durack going on his first gliding experience flight.

John got to go up in a glider with one of the pilots from

the North Queensland Soaring

Centre as part of his award for achieving dux of his

recruit course.

Page 8: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Sport News Sport News

Karen Storey Secondary Sports Co-ordinator

Inter House Swimming The annual Inter-House Carnival was completed in spectacular fashion at the town pool on the evenings of Thurs-day 11th and Friday 12th February. A summary of the results appears below:

Age Champions and Runner-Up

Records Set In addition to the above records some review of the record books has uncovered the following record has been transcribed incorrectly for a number of years. Congratulations to all of our new (and old) record holders and apol-ogies to Liam for not recognising his record when it was set in 2014.

Another Record

House Championships

We wish all of our swimmers the best of luck in preparation for the Inter-School Carnival to be hosted by Charters Towers State High School on Thursday and Friday, 25th and 26th February. Thank-you to Tye Bolton who is cur-rently working hard to prepare our competitors. I look forward to seeing many spectators in attendance at this event.

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Age Group Runner-Up Champion Open Boys Logan Guldbransen Liam Durrington

Open Girls Kim Andison Tayla Davidson

16yrs Boys Brent Marshall Kade Banset

16yrs Girls Mickala Gough Danielle Milton

15yrs Boys Slayd Hall Toby Fitchett

15yrs Girls Chantelle Reynolds Josephine McKellar

14yrs Boys Todd Thorn Harry Titley

14yrs Girls Amber Aspinall Luka Hall

13yrs Boys Bailey Maff Kayden Fogarty

13yrs Girls Indy Schaefer Sarah Milton

12yrs Boys Blaine Woodard Matthew Luxton

12yrs Girls Jasmine Elliott Briarley Fitchett and

Danielle Curley (joint Champions)

Event Previous record New record New record holder 13yrs Boys 50m Freestyle 29.79s 28.47s Kayden Fogarty

14yrs Girls 50m Freestyle 31.67s 30.57s Luka Hall

15yrs Boys 100m Freestyle 1.07.25m 1.04.35m Toby Fitchett

15yrs Boys 50m Backstroke 36.30s 35.65s Toby Fitchett

Event Previous record New record New record holder 15yrs Boys 50 m Breastroke Incorrectly stated in the program as 27.66s 36.71s Liam Durrington (2014)

Place Boys Houses Girls Houses Combined Championship Points Points Points

1st Page Becket Becket and Feetham 391 350 738

2nd Feetham Chad Chad and Page 388 330 721

3rd Ramsay Alban Alban and Ramsay 223 326 549

Page 9: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Charters Towers Representatives A number of our students have recently been selected in Charters Towers teams to compete at North Queensland trials. Congratulations to: Hollie Grant, Georgie Clark, Sarah Santo, Breanne Peace, Faith Whelan and Chantelle Reynolds who were selected for netball.

Kade Banset, Dylan Knuth, Zane Zabel, Logan Guldbransen, Max Allingham, Liam Durrington, Darcy Meehan, Dar-by Godfrey, Aidan Franettovich and Griff Gordon will travel to Townsville next week after being selected in the Charters Towers Rugby League teams. Good luck to all of these students.

Inter School Sport

The Inter-School Boys Cricket and Girls Tennis seasons are well underway with games this week against CCC

completing the first half of the season. We are currently the defending Champion School in Girls Tennis and are

looking to retain the trophy in 2016. Results of the previous round appear below:

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Left: Becket House Captain Megan Ri-gato, with Swim-ming Patron Jim Rebgetz

Below: Jim Rebgetz (Swimming Patron) with Page

House Captain Dylan Knuth, and

Headmaster, Darren Fleming

2016 Inter House Swimming Age Champions: Back Row: Kayden Fogarty (13 Years), Harry Titley (14 Years),

Toby Fitchett (15 Years), Kade Banset (16 Years) and Liam Durrington (Open)

Middle Row: Matthew Luxton (12 Years), Sarah Milton (13 Years), Luka Hall (14 Years), Josephine McKellar (15 Years),

Danielle Milton (16 Years) and Tayla Davidson (Open) Front: Danielle Curley and Briarley Fitchett (Joint 12 Years)

Team Win/loss Score

1st Cricket Won 53-50

1st Tennis Won 54-18

2nds Cricket Lost 45-46

2nds Tennis Draw 22 all

15yrs Cricket Lost 46-90

15yrs Tennis Won 30-20

14yrs Cricket Lost 44-90

14yrs Tennis Won 36-6

13yrs Cricket Lost 56-27

13yrs Tennis Won 34-18

12yrs Cricket Lost 22-38

12yrs Tennis Won 19-15


Combined House Champions -

Feetham and Backet receive their trophies

Mr Jim Rebgetz, Charly Burge

(Feetham Captain), Megan Rigato

(Becket Captain) and Darren Fleming

Page 10: Headmaster Contents · front of a group but the students spoke confidently about them-selves and their goals. I am look-ing forward to working with the class to develop their leadership

Junior School

Tina Akers Head of Junior School JUNIOR SCHOOL LEADERS All Souls St Gabriels values the roles our students play in making the School successful and great. We take student leader-ship very seriously by endeavour-ing to give our students rich, genuine and worthwhile leader-ship responsibilities that have a positive impact on our School. It takes great courage to publicly apply for one of the more formal leadership roles and I was im-pressed, but not surprised, with the quality and presentation of all the Year 6 speeches at a recent JS Assembly. Congratulations to the following students who have been charged with the responsibility of repre-senting their peers, their House and their School. With their many gifts and talents, I know each of them will be good ambassadors for our School. Junior School Captains Annika Peace Corey Guldbransen Junior School Vice-Captains Kaci Whelan Samuel Kuman Junior School Chapel Prefect Olivia Titley Junior School Environmental Prefect Sophie Coffison Junior School Service Prefects Kate Harris Jackson Peagham Junior School The Arts Prefects Jessica Hay Abbey Heidrich Alban House Captain Samantha Santo Becket House Captain Kaci Whelan Chad House Captain Emma Loxton

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oration with the P & F and Staff, help organise School events and functions to promote a strong sense of community at ASSG. The first JSSG meeting for this year will be held at 5:15 on Tuesday 1 March in Room 3. SCHOOL EVENTS This term the JS staff and stu-dents are looking forward to the: Scholastic BOOK FAIR.

This will take place between the 16 and 22 March in the Ena Eden Learning Enrich-ment Centre;

Annual BIG BREAKFAST on the 22 March;

Grandparents’ Day 22 March;

We always love to see as many parents and friends as possible join us for these and other School events. More information about these events will be sent home soon. We can all ‘Make a Difference’ by working together as partners in the education and well-being of all our students. I would en-courage all parents to get in-volved with the many and varied activities that are planned for this year. Enjoy sharing the learning journey with your child, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any feed-back or suggestions that will help us continue to be the very best School we can be. Always learning, Staying safe, Serving others, Going forward.

Page House Captain Jackson Peagham Ramsay House Captain Corey Guldbransen At this stage of the year we do not have a Year 6 boy in Feetham House to fill this role. Year 6 Leaders Jade Stoll Gemma Gilmore JS Student Council The Year 6 Leaders will play a sig-nificant role on the JS Student Council. The students have al-ready shared with me some excit-ing ideas and initiatives they would like to lead within the School during 2016. We congratulate the following Year 4 and Year 5 students who have been elected to the join the JS Student Council: Year 4 Student Representatives Dru Mossman Hayden Babao Year 5 Student Representatives

Alexandra Holt Seth Guldbransen

The student leaders are required to be exemplary role models for their peers, as they serve our School and the wider School com-munity. The formal service to acknowledge this responsibility and induct the students into their leadership positions will take place in the School Chapel on Wednes-day 2 March. JS SUPPORT GROUP (JSSG) The Junior School Support Group (JSSG) is a sub-committee of the ASSG P & F and will continue to play a significant role in the Junior School during 2016. Many of the activities organised by the JSSG are by necessity fundraising activi-ties. However, they also provide substantial support for the JS Stu-dent Council events and in collab-

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Head of Boarding Darren Guldbransen Head of Boarding Mobile: 0415 903 479 Email: [email protected]

Boys’ Boarding Feetham House Jake Diery Senior Resident Mobile: 0419 471 433 Email: [email protected] Page House Davin Marshall Senior Resident Mobile: 0409 071 433 Email: [email protected] Ramsay House Brendan Travers Senior Resident Mobile: 0400 751 433 Email: [email protected]

Girls’ Boarding Alban House Narelle Kelly Senior Resident Mobile: 0419 771 433 Email: [email protected] Becket House Teneil Smale Senior Resident Mobile: 0407 142 493 Email: [email protected] Chad House Yvonne Schaefer Senior Resident Mobile: 0439 764 638 Email: [email protected]

Dormitory News Dormitory News Head of Boarding

Darren Guldbransen We have lots of student movement at the moment with varying leave requests and I am looking for sup-port from all areas please, par-ents, hosts and students and boarding staff, so we ensure the best possible care for all of our boarders. Our expectation is that all leave is organised by Thursday night, which gives us plenty of time to follow up if we need to, but many times the students themselves organise their leave and the finer details are a little ha-zy, or it is done late which makes it difficult for our boarding staff to get the full picture of exactly what the arrangements are. We never want to stop anyone from going on leave because we are really ap-preciative of the families that open their houses to our boarders and give them the opportunity to have a break from school and boarding, but we do need to get the details correct. The following are three guidelines that are printed in either the boarder’s handbook or the student diary: Boarders who wish to bring a

vehicle to school, must first complete a ‘Student Vehicle Contract’ and have this au-thorised by their parent/guardian and Mr Fleming.

No boarders are permitted to travel as passengers in day student driven vehicles.

No student is allowed to be driven anywhere by another All Souls student, unless writ-ten permission is given.

No student is allowed to drive with people under the age of 21 without written permission which states who the driver will be, and also states that the parents will take full re-sponsibility.

These guidelines are put in place for our student’s safety, so if par-ents and hosts could help us out with following them it would be greatly appreciated. Further to that can I ask that when parents agree for their child to go on leave with a host that you contact that person and dis-cuss what they will be doing while on leave. Things like, how they will be travelling, what time they will be dropped back to the dormitory, if they are going camping, fishing, shooting, etc. or if they will be going to a party, and if so, your expectations re-garding alcohol. Can the details that are relevant to us, like the travel arrangements and depar-ture and return times be passed onto us by the parents or host please. Email is probably the most efficient means for this. Thankyou in advance for your help.

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Feetham House

Jake Diery Senior Resident

We are now past the half way mark of the term, and all of our boarders are settling into what will be a hec-tic assessment period. The boys have had plenty to do over the last few weeks and our focus while in the dorm is now, Rest and Re-charge. Our mornings have been fast paced with early morning run-ning training, swimming training and tennis training. In the after-noons, we have had Cricket, Foot-ball, Cattle Club and Homework groups keeping most of us out of the dorm. Our downtime is now spent catching up on sleep and resting as much as possible. A few weeks ago we had our Inter House swimming carnival, The Feetham boys came in at second place but Becket and Feetham won the combined trophy. It was a night that the Feetham boys could all be proud of as they all stood up and done their best both in and out of the pool. I was particularly im-pressed with Kayden Fogarty. Who is one of our new year 7 boys, Kay-den smashed a few records and walked away age champion for the under 13 age group. Also Liam Dur-rington was unreal in the pool and led by example. Competing in every event and for his efforts won the open boy’s age champion and was also named school swimming cap-tain. Awesome effort by all guys, well done.

Jim Rebgetz, Kaden Fogarty and Darren Fleming

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Page House Davin Marshall Senior Resident

The Inter House Swimming Carni-val was a very satisfying win for Page House. The final winning margin was only three points so every person who participated from Age Champions through to boys who only swam the stand-ards, made a contribution to the result. I thought it was a great ef-fort and our Senior group can feel proud of their leadership on the night of the carnival. The behav-iour of the boys was the best I have seen in my five years as a staff member.

We have had a few minor incidents in the dormitory but overall the boys are treating each other well. I am insisting this year that they take more care in the kitchen and clean up after themselves. After a week without access to the kitchen we have had a major improvement in cleanliness which is making morning clean up a much easier job. The bays have been reasona-bly tidy though I can see room for improvement, especially in the Year 10 wing. Clem Suhr and Dar-by Godfrey have continued as the

We have also had rugby league trails happening over the last few weeks with a few the boys making it in to the CT team. For the under 15’s Darcy Meehan got picked and has been training and getting ready to travel to Townsville to play in the NQ trials. Also in the opens Liam Durrington and Max Allingham got picked to go and try out. To all the boys that went and played in trials and didn’t make it heads up there is always next year.

In the dorm I have been impressed by everyone getting involved in cleaning and keeping the dorm looking respectable. With blokes like Charly Burge, Casey Rankine and Lance Shephard all stepping up and leading by example. The Year 12’s have been fantastic in the dorms helping out the younger guys with homesickness, school work and sporting commitments. Thank you guys and let’s keep it up, as the hard part of the term is now upon us.

Year 12 Feetham Lads: Max Allingham, Charly Burge, Liam Durrington

and Will Healing

We have a lot coming up with inter school swimming just around the corner, and I would like to wish all competing best of luck. And re-member black white black. Feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any concerns.

Feetham House Captain Charly Burge It’s been a good start to the year for the Feetham lads. We all enjoyed the swimming carni-val, narrowly missing out on winning the boys division. Eve-ryone has been getting in-volved with running training in the mornings. Even if some have been reluctant. We have all en-joyed getting to know Jake this term after farewelling Lerchy last year. A lot of us have been playing cricket this term with some of the teams being very successful. I would also like to congratulate Max Allingham on being chosen as the 1st Cricket captain. If your son has any questions or is feeling a little homesick, my door is always open.

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tidiest boys in the wing. Well done boys.

The Seniors continue to have a pos-itive influence in the dormitory and they should be proud of the effort they are putting into the running of the dorm. There is a real feeling of pride amongst the boarders in Page that we have a great community and a real sense of house spirit. Keep up the good work Seniors.

As always please feel free to call me at any time if you have any con-cerns regarding your son.

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Ramsay House

Brenden Travers Senior Resident Week 5… and Beyond! As I write this article we are start-ing week five of our nine-week term. As the half way point rolls by it’s safe to say that Ramsay Dorm is doing really well. We have had a few minor teething issues with our new students and some holiday hangover issues with our returning brigade, but as a whole the boys have really impressed over the opening weeks of this term. One area in particular that has been impressive is the acceptance they have shown to our new boarders. Sometimes moving to a new school in Year 8 or above can be very difficult as the other stu-dents in that class have already had time to form friendships. This has not been the case for Casey Hopf, Kane Whiting and Cameron Wall who have settled so quickly it would seem they have been here for years. Once again this year in first term we have had the Charters Towers Rugby League trials for our U15 and Open boys. A massive con-gratulation must go to Ramsay boys Aiden Franettovich and Lo-gan Guldbransen who were re-warded for strong performances on the day with selection in the U15 and Open boy’s teams respec-tively. Rugby League is an ex-tremely competitive sport in Char-ters Towers and gaining selection is difficult, so congratulations to both the boys and best of luck in the upcoming North Queensland trials.

Page House Captain Dylan Knuth

It is my pleasure to introduce myself as Page House Captain for 2016; it is an honour to take on this role of leadership along with the responsi-bilities that come along with it. I hope to achieve a high standard for Page House during my senior year, building a sense of pride in our House and raising the bar for next year's seniors. I know all this is pos-sible due to the great group of sen-iors we have in Page House and their positive attitude towards the school.

So far Page Dorm has kicked the year off really well winning the inter-house swimming carnival due to our level of commitment and partic-ipation. A big thank you to my fel-low seniors for their leadership and effort they showed getting things or-ganised on the night.

Term one in Page Dorm so far has been running very smoothly with all the lads showing pride and commit-ment towards their House with the whole dorm going to cross country training at least once a week. Alt-hough a lot of the boys aren't too keen on waking up early to go run-ning they still find it in them to have a dig and encourage each other along the way.

All in all I believe Page dorm is set-ting a standard for the other dorms to follow and are working very hard in every aspect of the school.

Page is in for a great term and even better year.

Ramsay House Captain

Logan Guldbransen

There has been little oppor-

tunity to really settle into

2016. The first term has be-

gun, as most do, with a hectic

start and everyone getting

straight into their schoolwork,

sport and other various activi-

ties, along with the new arri-

vals getting their first glimpse

of life at Souls. And if that isn’t

enough, the Inter House Swim-

ming Carnival did not disap-


The Ramsay seniors wanted to

make the most of their last

swimming carnival and the

younger grades helped us to

do this. All the lads were eager

to represent the House, many

of the Year 7 and new boys not

having the opportunity to do

so yet, were keen to capitalise

on their first Inter House event.

With everybody getting pre-

pared as best they could, a

group of eager young men

pulling on their green shirts

and working on the war cries,

we arrived at the pool in high

spirits and with high hopes;

along with a motivational

speech or two from Soks (it

wouldn’t be a true Ramsay

event without one). Despite

having a tough night with qual-

ity competition from the red

and yellow, The Ramsay lads

did not disappoint. Every lane

was filled and everyone wheth-

er in the pool, or in the grand

stand, gave the night every-

thing they had, which is all you

ask for when it comes to

school sport. The senior boys

were proud of the performance

we put forward and we could

tell that the rest of the boys

were as well. We are looking

forward to the next opportuni-

ty we get to pull on our Ram-

say shirts and represent our


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Alban House Narelle Kelly Senior Resident

Week 5 already, not that we are counting the weeks. The girls are really busy keeping up with their after school activities. Swimming, netball, tennis, dancing, gym just to name a few.

All the girls are happy and doing everything that is asked of them which is nice. The older girls are continuing to uphold their responsi-bilities of looking out for the younger girls. It seems to be like a common cold, now the Year 11 girls are catching onto the task of guiding the young grades. This is excepted with much pleasure that they are thoughtful enough to lend a helping hand without being asked.

We had a double birthday on Wednesday, Piper Davey (Becket) and our Chelsea Mosch. Two senior girls decided to cook Chelsea a cake they don’t want to be named (Kiara Henry-Nash and Tayla Da-vidson). Well this cake would not make it to the grand prize giver at the local show, but as they say it’s the thought that counts. I dis-guised it with a lot of freshly whipped cream and flakes. Happy to report that no-one became ill and it was all eaten. So you also cannot go on looks. Thanks Tayla and Kiara.

We welcome Jenny Cantle to our dorm. Jenny works on Tuesday night and from all reports Jenny is fitting in nicely. Just to let you know that she might be at the oth-er end of the phone should you ring up on Tuesdays.

“Happy Birthday, Chelsea & Piper”

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Happy reading and as usual, please contact me should you need to discuss anything about your daughter/s.

Becket House

Teneil Smale Senior Resident

WELCOME ABBEY HEIDRICH Our girls are always excited to wel-come new families to Becket House. This week they have all made me proud as they whole-heartedly welcomed Abbey. Abbey is our second Year 6 student to join Becket this year. Gemma our other Year 6 student has taken her under her wing and has been showing her the ropes. I can see that the two are going to be great

Alban House Captain Kiara Henry-Nash

We’ve made it half way through the first term already, with Inter House Swimming over and done with for another year. Alban came out with some good results with Jasmine Elliott and Chantelle Reynolds receiving runner up age champions whilst Danielle Curley and Tayla Davidson brought home the age champion plate. Although we came third in the pool we came first in the stands with everyone looking snappy with their alligator hats on. We’ve also celebrated in the dorms with birthdays and what’s a birthday without a cake cooked by our very own chefs in the dorm Tayla and Kiara who took on the Alban spirit and made the won-derful green and red flavoured cake.

Becket House Captain

Megan Rigato

What a way to begin the year, with a victo-ry. Last Friday night we were named the champions for the 2016 Swimming Carni-val, whilst also winning the combined tro-phy alongside Feetham. The spirit that the girls showed was unbelievable. To all the swimmers who swam on both nights you all did a marvellous job. Congratulations to all our age champions: Danielle Milton (16 Years), Josie Mackellar (15 years), Luka Hall (14 years), and Sarah Milton (13


We have had a great addition to our House with the Year 7’s joining us. They have settled in really well. This year we even have two Year 6 students. Our next phase this term is Cross Country training; all girls have been participating on a Fri-day morning making it compulsory for our

Becket boarders.

Chad House Captain

Hughina Tindall

The Chad Inter House swimming team came within 20 points of reclaiming

victory. Although I am very happy with this, I am even more pleased with the

girls as every race was competed in, and every lane was filled. A special

thanks must go to Piper and Rachel who gave 110% in every race and came to

most trainings. A huge congratulations must also go to Briarley who came age

champion, also Kim and Indy who came runner-up. Thank you to everyone

who has been attending swimming training and good luck to the 15 competi-

tors who are a part of the School swimming team.

It’s great to see the seniors and grade 11s mingling and bonding with the

younger girls. I’m also very happy to see the girls attending running trainings

in order to grab the big 11 in a row this year for Interschool Cross Country.

The competition will be fierce no doubt, but our Chad girls will dominate. Net-

ball trials are now also underway, congratulations to Hollie, Dianne and

Georgie who made the Firsts Netball Team. The first netball game starts on

the 4th of March and already our girls are very eager to get started.

The seniors have been making the most of their privileges by going to the

servo most afternoons and movies on the weekends, although, this is leaving

our pockets empty and our bellies full. I’m looking forward to a great year.

It’s been great to see so many friendships and enthusiastic students this year

in Chad.

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Staff Profile

Staff Name: Jake Nathan Diery

Duties at ASSG: Senior Resident of Feetham

How long you have been at ASSG? First Year back - I was a student here from 2001–


Where you are from? I grew up on a cattle station at Croydon.

Just moved from Townsville

Something people may not know about you: I used to share a bay with Brenden (Bear) Travers

(Ramsay senior resident)

What encouraged you to do this job? I get to spend more time with my family

What work did you do before coming to ASSG? I was a builder

What is your favourite aspect of your job? I get to watch the boys grow into respectable

young men

And your least favourite? Late Nights

What was your favourite subject at school? Physical Education (PE)

What was the most important part of your education?

Maths helps you save money when you are a broke


Which person (or thinker) has had the greatest influence on your life?

Would be my brother Kris Diery

What would you never do, no matter the price? Support NSW in State of Origin

If you had a motto, what would it be? You have to deal with the cards you have been


If you could choose, what would you have for your last meal? A big steak with mushroom gravy

and chips on the side.

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