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Page 1: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.




VA. 2.1162

Month of Jul~-

Carrier Boys

Now Collecting

• J" \ r""f' 1'1-<are prlntf'c! on\ ,,'10\\ P:lpE'"

• PI""~., II.k \ our h"" for ar"ce'pt

Gros.e POint" Re"lev. Carnersare no" coll!'Ctmg thf' delI,erycharge of I;c for the

P S T"'Il ~ub!K'rrpfl"" ,....... S ("\""l .. y51 N" 'Otf 'eoa'" \l,,'" .,. ~"; I ~"\a.aI~at <'! In, t')t"'~ .. ("t"l~\.arl..\ ~ ..

PJt'Pf'T 1n '''''~ Mf' ....n~jl •• 1"t o.1rnttarfl

TheMemorial Center's

CorrectPhone Number Is

TU. 1.6030

Page 3---


Bell ProjectBu,t(lf! P."nthc,< rClntraclo,s rE'-

c('lvcd S410 for rcm('l\ lnll Ihf' hf'llanrl '''\\!'r fr"tr1 the '''p "f the

IFarm~ \ofml~,pIIJ tlu,ldml:

Deny Woods' BeachIs Lost For Season



Council's Aid

Photo" Contest


"M'. emory


Landlords ~Seek Park

Thr III 1\ IItch 0\\ nerl pa'" n,e::lot at KerchE'\ aJ ~nd "lr~l llanhas he"n cmdl'rlzl'rl Ih..l. f'lim.nat-In~ IhE' Cilu~e tor COMplalnt< nf•• nti h '()\'In lZ a Inund ' h" d I ('aI from th,< lot

First Winners In


ThiJ If/eek'JReview

Extpnd Tax DalpPil' k CounCIl Mnnrt.., Cl..lended

PIE' rlatf' for \ Illage la" C('l\!f'ctlon",1hout pt'na Itv to AuIlu<t '\1

• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

nnounceFor More



Aboul jOO persons attendedthe three day presentatIpn of'NIght Must Fall" bv theGros~ePOinte SImIans "at theEmol1 Ford estate on LakeShore r(lad last week end

lmmed atelv followmg thefinal .ho'.\, inembers cf thecast" ere treated to a delIght-ful barn Yard dance and frolIcat the nearby Alger Sheldenproper'\ arranged by BeverlySklllrr;>n entertaInment chalr-'11 an

Among those who attended• party recently at San Fran-CISCO'Scolorful BalalaIka wereMr and Mrs. WIlson B Bryceof 1316 Roslyn road.

WIlham J Wayne, firemanapprentIce, USN, son of FredJ Wayne of 1460 Maryland ISODa crUise to ports In TheNetherlands aboard the de-stroyerUSS O'Hare.

Mrs Jack Burnett of Mary-land a,enue has more than theUSual obstacles In domg thehousehold chores these days asthe basement IS clutterect. WIth12 new blcyrlel< nrt7P~ for theMetropolItan cl~ks FIeld Dayfor local youth, Saturday, Au-gust 20

Husband Jack and chaIrmanof the program IS stortng theblkes there for a few days

by ThePointer'---V~terans and theIr frIend!!

are InVIted to attend an Jet!cream SOCIaland card partyat the War MemOrIal Center,32 Lake Shore road, thISThursda,', July 28 at 8:30 p.m.

The party IS beIng spon-sored by the Ladles AUXIliaryof Alger VFW Post 9%.

• • •

Health Com.Fears'MorePolio Here'

rges Parents To Keepots Away From Crowds

Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 YearsT;;26:-=NN~0."11------~:i ...a:-;;;27;----;C:;;I:;;R;;C;;U;-LA7T=I:::O~-:--------------_ N PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 28 1949

tWi' (:~I-'--f'O;00;':' t;('pn!'p.'f

.\ - Slamman Park c1E'rk'\'~rl , ~.t call 1('1rloll 0'" "lE'rs

'1 '" , t:al(" 10 obtam lQ49-'.,( '''r t>'I"r pt't.~\f ."~ '\lI.1:!lJ<t1 ~ thl' de::ld-r. \'- "'~~Man declared

L~. 'rlrll'rl Ihat he IS ...on~'d-, 1\lZ' , po<;<Ih,lIt\, of extf'ndInIl'• :\l'- v' to 10 pmH, - ;;"1<to dl<cuo;s tht> mlltter

"-I l}l nllVf' Bf'Allvals. "'-rk~"p r "' ....

NoLife Guard~ i~o S\\'-immina

, t""'

at Park Beach

ManagerCitizens Pla~ Aerial DDT ,.~ ITo Conduct

PolIO reachmg epIdemIC status In DetrOIt struck in Survey President Ghesquiere PromisesGrosse Pomte Monday for the second time withm sev- •eral days _"," Pool To Be Ready By Augu~Jt1

Stricken were a five-year-old CIty of Grosse Pomte boy Village Body Has Power , ,ho was rushed to Herman KIefer HospItal by his parents, To Remove Restrictions The Grosse Pointe Woods bathmg beach WIll be opened

a 12-year-old Grosse Pomte Park girl. Monday, August 1 or a few days later accordmg to A. A.The girl, moved to a hOSpItal last week, is now at home The Federal Rent Control -4 Ghesquiere, Woods preSIdent.

recovenng Act of 1949 subject to consid-, 8 F. B.d HIS statement cuts short re-Dr T S. DaVies, TownshIp Health CommISSIOner, fears I erable controversy across the I IrmS I ports heard In the vtllage that

that due to the early apP7arance of polio here this year. the country entered into the Park the beach WIll_not be ready atnumber of local cases wIll surpass last year's figure when CounCIl sessIOn Monday when for Parking all thIS year due to complIcahoDllse\'en chIldren were affhcted.. a Park attorney sought to de- IIn wlrIn~facllItles for the chlor-c 1 matI on plant beIng Installed at

• ontro the Vlll~ge from a Meter Contract the beach. ."In 1948, we receIved our fust paho report on August 20," government restnctIon. Ghesqull~re saId that he has

( 0 Dr, DaVles said. Representing two Park prop- EIght parkmg meter companIes been assured by DetrOIt EdIsonAccordIng to Dr DaVIes, poho erty owners, Attorney OrvIlle F,I are bIddIng for the Grosse Pomte that the reqUlred lIne servu:e

appears In the late summer and Sherwood asked the CounCIl to Farms contract callIng for 70 over MIlk RIver WIll be mstalledfall period usually striking here consIder the pOSSIbIlIty of takIng' meters to be erected at the Vtl. by July 30.m August such actIon. !lage shoppIng center on Kerche- A small delay was necessItated

Though he asked parents not to He saId that the Park admmi- val between FISher road and Hall I when It was dIScovered that abet-orne unduly alarmed, he cau-I stratlOn has the power to de. place "rIght-of-way" for thIS work wuhoned them to keep chIldren I control the VIllage from the Act I RepresentatIves of these firms I requIred from Federal authontielaway from crowd!!. . • I sUbj~t to approval of Governor I WIth theIr wares attended M(JlI- who gOh.n regulatIons affectml

The Health CommISSIoner does I WIlliams I daY'5 seSSIOn of the Farms Coun- \ lakes and nvers. .not oppose chIldren sWimmIng, _~ He outlIned the procedure reJ dl at whIch time bIds were ~g to Charl~ Bay ofHowever, he suggested that par- qUlred for thIS measure In accord I opened . the DetrOIt EdISon and Ghrea--ents keep them away from WIth stat~ l~w: , . Fmal actIon, however, was qUlere, thIS perml~lon has beenbeaches durIng crowded perIods. SublllJS510n of petihoDll to tabled pendIng further study by I granted and It should be "full

MeanwhIle a group of reSIdents property own~rs, the PolIce and FIre comnuttee. speed ahead now,"on ChaJfonte are plannIng to ,«' ,,~~ Public Heannp . AccordIng to figures subnutted I The chlormatlon system patApproval of Governor Wl!. Md' th t 1l _... ' •charter'a plane to spray a dlsIn- I '\ - Iiams on a). e me ers \11.'1 c~. terned after the plant at Park',fectant powder, reported to curb I . I from $59 to $72 each. Waterfront Park will assurethe posslbll1ty of pobo and kIll The attorney saId that hIS The commIttee IS gIVIng con- Woods' restdents srle and season-bugs and Insects . clIents substantIated by anum-I sldet:atlon to one plan offered long swu:nlIUng despIte lake eon-

_ . _ , I ber of other local property owners I wluch perrmts the Village to use I GltI

I, Ihe spOKesman 01 l.ll1JO i1 .....ii.i .-: would p~~ any ~ en- the ~ for a SIX-month trial ODS.

wPo lI~ked that h,IJ ,P9le. .l1e • "'~Tlatled I pertod WIthout any mvestl1)ent I' NO SO"'Ptt1;","~'A" Jinnrn:lCheu Murrav ""+~ _Surpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons. WIth the revenue ftsmIth, Farms engmeer. Tuesday I \ \,..ouncu autOurul:'Cl MWUL'l'dl I to be dIVIded between the firm ----.---to obtaIn permISSIon for thIS IC-I Manager Lane and VIllage At- and the VIllage. Ordmancebon torney Heflter to look Into the If Far If Is t t

The 81rbourne preventatIve was matter further ms 0 ICla are no sa IS-origmated by two ex-G.I pilots Lane stated' thOlt he WIll con- fled WIth the meters after the Muddle Stopsfrom Gregory, MIchIgan who duct a survey to determme how trIal pertod, the company WIll re-charge $100 for theIr servICes, or many reSIdents would be affected move them at no cost to the Vile Ca L drmore dependmg on the area .: by any change in rental regu. lage. r aun ytreated ,< .. - latIOns. Farms Counc~11S also conslder-

Trted In Ohio, IndIana CItIes ",.~/;. • - ~'oJ~ The offICIal roughly estunated mg the pOSSIbIlity of placmg me- Park resident and. realtor, Joh:Dand towns, thIS aIr-spray has A Grosse Pointe roll call at the Westchester; Sandra Jane Halford, 16841 that there are about 1,000 land-I ~~ at the Far.ms owned parkmg I C. Staudt would llke to ereel. a~;~~~~~ffeCtIVe according to the YWCA's Camp Cavell on Lake Hurol'l. E: Jefferson; Judy D. Goodnow, 75 Handy; l°t:t~~t t~:v~:~~!t~nts on a na-I a~ea,mw~~~ ~~~c~~~~~~~I~~~ I Speed ''D'' car wash Set'Vll:e -

They stated that any com- bnngs 31 SWImmers to the hfe guard's Jeanette Cameron, 1322 Hampton; Fran- tiona I scale are I resent an Investment of $35,000 Kercheval between Nottinghammumty that has been treated has tower. Grosse J?omte gIrls vacationmg at ces Babcock, 1417 Balfour; Jube Watson, ,TIghe E Woods. Federal hOJls-1not Includmg maIntenance cost. and Beaconsfield,not had a fatal poho case on Its Camp Cavell mclude' Judy WIIsen, 422 W_ 467 LIncoln; Eleanor Treat, 318 FIsher; ing expedIter saId in Washington 'I There IS no charge for parkInl And the Park Councl.1 raises 110records Fisher Rd., NancyWalker, 1215 Three Ml1e Joan SmIthers, 1968 Fleetwood; Dana that the Government WIll appeal, on Hus lot now objection to Mr. Staudt's plall

AccordIng to Mr SmIth. the Rd.; Carole Vollmer, 219 McKmley Rd; Munroe.,260 Provencial; Connie Mohr, the recent rulIng of a Federal I ~------ prOVidIng he comphes WIth thegroup plar.3 to have the plane Sandra Taylor. 734 Neff Rd.; Martha '1362 Harvard; Joarl Kathryn Karnatz, 542 dIStrIct judge In ChIcago deemIng IMet C1 b VIllage ordutance.fly low along Chalfonte spraymg Slowm, 1124 Nottmgham; Joanme Scher- Barrmgton Rd.; Julia May Jones, 1899 the Act unconstItutIonal TO U In hIS buIldIng plans presentedthe powder over the desIgnated er, 16908 Cranford Lane; Bonme GIlmour Country Club Dr.; Betty Jean Hoyt, He said that he wou,Mlmove for Off 12 to the CounCIl several weeki &10area the earlIest poSSIble revIew of the ers the realtor' felt that he dId &bld~

Be said that though 16 reSIdents Randolph, 1087 Lachmoor Blvd; Joannie 1150lh Lakepomte; Donna GeorgI, 338 Mc- case by the Supreme Courl WIth the ordInanceplan to pay for the job. It ""ould I Merrill. 393 Notre Dame; Betsy McKay, Millan; JudIth Fordon. 1371 Oxford Rd.; MUDwhile. the attorneY de- ~T B." _. .benefit many others In the VlCln- 428 FIsher Rd.; Lmda MaIre, 1864 Holly- Barbara LeIgh EIsenhauer, 1060 WhittIer; elared, rent control WIll contInue 11,. ew tkes 'ine counCIl ClaIms he dlC1 not.t I wood; Peggy Lutton, 314 McKInley; Jylie Martha McDowell Cope, 862 Sun- In effect as far as the hOUSIngI The dIfference of 0plll1on can

I YThe success of the treatment of Nancy Kaser, 624 Hampton; Sue Johnson, mngdale and Carol Ann Baude, 1301 Ho1- expedIter's offIce IS co~erned, I Twelve new bicycles will be be traced to the ordInance'.I course depends a ~rea~ dealdon I 2025 Hunt Club; Ahce ElaIne James, 726 lywood. w

fIth fulItadlmmstratlOn and en-I ~e~rrodpedOllttOanevCelnubt,wAnmnerslaFt thlde "mguhdfdlemtedrpbwretaldtlon"oftbth°ksr-_~~oo~~~~~sal I~~en, s ~ ~ I~ ~~an ~se~.

SmIth told the spokesman that ------- Day at Grosse POInte High School I PIerre Heftier, Park attorneydue to the danger Involved In, Thug Slugs APPROACH 80,000 MARK School Board fIeld, Saturday. August 20 from and Staudt assISted by nls counsellow-flymg, he felt that the plan, 10 a m to 4 pm I wII! attempt to clear-up the nus-should be conSIdered by other IB P dd k Record Cro wdQ at p:nr Press F ' The program whIch mcludes understandmg at a meetmg thilVIllage offiCials : en a oc ..., ~ Helps arms i fIeld events and novelty games. week

1the plan was I ,WII! get under\\ ay WIth a ball-

Consequent v I N I f M P k · S game bet", een Grosse Pomte Post DUrIng the dISCUSSIon at the, ~Iated to be hE'ard during a PublIc BenjamIn H Paddock. 49,:: eec,,or ore ar '"lng pace. Due to complamts received 303 and Bng"s Pos' eJltrles In Park CounCIl seSSIon Monday.Works CommIttee scheduled for, Insurance executIve. was slugg • from GratIot TownshIp reSIdents, the AP.1"~'can "Leg "'J B Staudt receIved unsohC1ted sup.WednesdaY evenIng which m-, In an attempted robbery attack The grass area on the ea~tern SIde of Farms Pier may be con- Farms was forced to dlscontmue ..~.. Ion unlor ase- t IT Ieludes th'ree members of the I In a washroom on the sev~nth I verted Into a parkIng area next vear to meet the Increasmg demand' burnmg branch~ on GratIot ball League po~ om ~ gen~ eman In theFarms Comml~lon floor of the Buhl BUIldIng. but for parkmg faCIlIties at the park I TownshIp property On EIght MIle Clowns and other fun makers au" lence. W 0 dec ared

Ifnghtened hiS attacker off when ThIS plan IS one of several to~ road . ....111 be On hand to keep thIngs GIve John that auto laundry,he called for help M S th t ld th V 11 moving at a merry pace then I can get a car"" ash whIle I. i bE' conslderM by the Rf'C'reatlOn locatIons could not be arranged urray ml 0 e I age The FIeld Day ""Ill follo\\ the \'ISlt the liquor store across the

Paddock of 893 Vendome IS CommitteE' durIng thp off-sea<on I convenlentlv 1CounCIl that through the courtesy t t"secretary of the General Under- I to\\ ard~ rhangIng and Impro' mg . ' of thE' local Board of EduratIOn. danre held for adults at Club s.ree

I wnters lnc the park's facilitIes to best meet Accordmr to Farms off'clals the VIllage IS no" lL<Ing school EalZle. Gratiot ilnd 8 MIle roadHe was In conversatIon '" Ith thE' rerreatIonal needs 'of the 74.779 persons "Slted the PIer as property at Chalionte for thiS Fnda~ e"enmJi:. August 19 'N ottin gham Club

another man when the thug reSIdents I of July 2?~WIth a nf'v" attendance work. Many valuablE' gIft!; ""Ill beI struck him behmd the ear WIth a The ftnCcibihtv of ereetin* I I record being establIshed on July The en!!meer explamed that gIven away to fortunate guests I Sends.4 to CampInd plumb-hne weight \\ rapped ..~~... \\' th rareful bu mm" there <houlrl

Behmd the front page thIS In a handkt>rrhlef ('orrt'ess10n stand will also M 4 when 4.361 persons passed the be n.~ complamts on the part of J ile I Nottingham Sportsmen's Ciuhweek are the follOWIng artIcles Paddock was treated for a head consideM. gate Farms resldE'nt.~ Uven n \\II! pay all expenses to send fourand plcture~ of major Interest cut Earlier thIS season, the rom- The nef'd for additIOnal parlunll HE' stre<~en the neces5lh of a T under prIVIleged ~trOlt bo}s to

Ym,t WInners 10 "Memor} I burnIng area In the rommumty roub J - 4gal- a ~ummer camp at Bnghton,Contest" ------- ~ttee planned to place- vl!!I'1rlmgspace IS Immment as there l~ no and exprf'ssed a .\:pec.al nClte 01 W 4 n Mlch

Fllrm~ lIlew Pump~ Pass FIT!,t Woods Spf"eder~ I mllchmes at the park hut droPPE'd street parkIng pn\'lleges In the appreCiation to the School Board A JUH'nlll" probatHln Violator The Club. compnsed of Gros..~Te~ts ~~ F' the Idl"a when SUitablE' protl"ctn e proxImIty of the PIer •for thl"lr courte<y \\ a~ ilrre<tert b.. Park Pollce Mon- Pomte and Detroit men hopes

Pomtl' PersonalltJe< DISCUSSesPay ~)O Int"'s ---------------------------------- da' IInti rE'tumert to Wa\ne C"un- to ~end a larger ~oup next ,ear

Chat' Rlckar '" At Memoll'a' Center I" Di'tpnllon Home~ ~ Thrf'e motorl~l< allE'IlPd to have ILol"ahtt> to Be Fashion Model been lr::ovehnl( 60 mlle~ an hour The hov 'lho aITorrlm/: to po-'WI' Hate DI~r Jnc1ceyo;- on Mark il'E'nUe In Gro«l' Pomt" N M F d · keF dT Co • 'lit .... '''''In not hP til<"',pllnprl h\ hiS

.ioonnJ!' nachelor Wood < WE'rE'fined ~'iO E'ilch h, ame 1 r~. re erlC • or 0 mmlttee parents ;ond "ho hil~ heen m trou-300 Attl'nrl 'Roannfl 20~" Jud~e Gf'r'r!,:e RE'auchllmp m hl" repelltE'rllv farl"< rharge~ of

Dance Woons Trilfflc ('ollrt TUI'<rta\ The panellN'I "rollnrl-le\'~l tampering \, lth U SMalli'arTI"~ F,,:. 0u'. ",. To"'l'\ ,. c Post ~!5 Gro<:~f'POInte ('ana- namE'i'l to hearl the Program Hf' I.\: alJE'l!ed to have takent Inflt<1 \\E"fe \' I t ~ II r-u~'" <""Il I room In tnf" \\-tli ;'~t:'lll '11("l~ (!.~~ Lt'o~1I''Io" Pne. ':'n,f thlD 'nr~l C('\mmlUttp f' \{ t f l

GU:"ll~~St._ T -f' to World Cham- Harn~, Jr If! of Df'trolt RohPrt ('l'nter ha. he"n <f'If'rt~ h' LelZlfm poet James Lf'E' nl'''' h apPOlnlN! ~~e~ f".p.....< ~",., "C::!' rr,::.!.. a" LA'" P Craft. If! ",f \oft (,lE'men~ ::onrl hi t h

pionPomtt' "" <E'n lcem"n for thE'lr T1tt' 'Vf'Tl'llln< Rnom .\ III pu ICIY C alrmlln !la, f' a -------C'hf'<ter ,J Topor.\:kl 11 "f St I • n<>rt ,....Troph,e< f"r Park Tf'nm- Mt'f't ]r'1.l'l1Z" to he known il< Thf' he open...-l rl::oil' to all r"mtf' pre Imlnaf\ rf'..... In'" ll".n.. ('1'1 I I' I

Wmnf'r< ('l11lr Shor,,< '-l'lf'l;m< Rnom " ",a~ "n- "etE'ran- "'5 ~f)(rT1 a< the rnom 1< th" orgllrol71ltlon of hl< r"m ' 11 ( l1.JtJrt"'(ChJ1rlrE'n Ha\~ Fun lit Plav- WM>d< Poll ..." <::llrlthill Harr!. nO\lnrE'O ilt lhE' Centr, < ROllrrl furm<hfOrl A. <,,,n o",,>:n .. lmlt mltlfOf' ann ~U!::lle<t,on< r"r \of:ln ('r.'I: 14 of nelro" \\ a<

and C,::oft ....."rf' r ....ml: nn :hf' rlrmon~' atmlZ thl' (f'n',," <. rls::rn\lnrl~ milln <Ir"el nf D,r('rlor~ n..('{'tll'\l: M"nrlll\ I II' Vf'lrran\ R""m \', I ~ f 1 t 'h I' rNIII' tor", h":lrl ,n Illr\ ill RonPomlE' Man SE'll< !'Ie\\ TV n,/<ht pl.crrl n'fOr tnr rl"nr 1,l",m. Il-" U n'« 0 ,I' r"mnllIn ~ <;'''''Ilr, H'''plt<ll <;he ""'~ hllrt

Sholl pn ~ .."X,llil""(,< \\ iii holrl tnrlf SQrC'....." nf th" R" nr.: \\ h'l" pl." In>: Ilt (,t> of (;ro"l"

IR(,ll1n,~~"lIi~an('~ Th",,,nrr\\~ (1"'<1C ..iI""r mel'tnjZ~ n a "nom on thE' T" ...nlf' n,n«(' "'"r('roorlNl Pnml"'<p",rk<lft,," Lnm< R, Irl\\ In .. m('mh. r ~l"...ond f1"or h\ \I,. Ch",r'". B L,,)rd,,: lh" V!emorlill C('nt"r Rl"a'cl It "'" declClcrl 10 continUE'of D ('(t0l< anrl ~ commanrlE'l Oth!'r rl('\'plnr>'11...nt... ot the th" sO('lal uses of th" Center"r Gro«e Po ntE' "'.mE'l' an Monda~ nl>:l'1tD ~f'cto. ~ 1'\"1'('1- ' \\ ,'h a tren-al:_ part, 5'1I\o1r-1,"1:1 'n P )<t 101 In) f'rl the In;: \\., rh "a. Ihe la<t untIl rla' -\u!::l...t 11 Ilnd a rlanc('C''''1'('r Frdia\ n "l'" \\llh r"p Sl'plC'mhf'r 12 ,n<ltldprl f"r th" 2010 ",,,e IpouP In

T("('ntal'\P~ (r('lm AI;:,," VFW Mro Frl'rl"r (K C Y"rrl \\d~ r" h <;rr'f'mh{'r

Park \'lInlclpal Manager Lane'1aled!.~t n('l SWlmmmll: WIll heD""T11 '1'~ at thf' Waterfront Park;1\'",. ::: arrl~ 3M' on duty. La". -~,rl thllt mornm~ VISI-~r' ii' '~. par', frequentl" l(O for

~u .... <' 1m ~ unll'uarof"drI. , r that thl' he:rch hour~

., "r 'n 10 a m to 9 pm rlallv",. c:: ...


Less than 24 hours afterMrs. E GrIesbach's. ad ap-_OSI"8r1 ," H"A ~"V1l1l1oU1'C lnc;t

I~d~f~u~d ~iu~, -her - valu-able key rIng COllftWlng-.lle.V-nal ~YS was rewrnea w nerhome at 1232 Beaeonsftel<t bya DeIghbor ReVIew reader.

Page 2: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.

Cite Ser\'ice CrewGro~e POInte's C h r y s 1e r- f

Ph mouth dealer. Fishel andRecold, 15000 Kercheval, Iecel\ eda certificate of ment from the IChrysler-Plymouth Masler TeCh-InJclan Service Conference

The honor was In recognitionof the serVice crew's satisfactorycompletIon of a special coursededicated to the achIevement oflutomotlve mamtenance knowl-edge.

2 - The Groue Poilt.. Review - Thursdey, July 28. 19491 Do You Remember?5 LOO RECORDSf I Z3 YEARS AGO expected to be ~mplete<! In two FIVE YEARS At.• BUT LET K AT BOT~ • Grosse POinte teachers face'll , I weeks lone cue of In(.ntlle Il~rl

A.....~ r,';-"""\ housmg shottA,IH' It was almost' 15 YEARS AGO was reported by Dr, Thoma';!!!, .....~.J , •• ,••• ,••••• ,__ '0•• _" F.. nk ", .. p.. won ,he M"h'. n""., G,,. .. Po'nt. k."". S""''''-A.-~.... ~ - ~'"," ........, ...,...".-.~., ......~ A t Champion- mIssIoner nror'''''''' ~A. an vwhel e In the POinte I gan Golf SSOCla Ion

c~.. _ .."",,~..t~~ \:::'~ The stone and ma.on wOlk was ship Woods Commlsblon Pd«~d a~ ~ ....: ~,."r;",,~~ completed on the nl'W Park fence. A son&fe~t IOmplete With 15 OIdmance plohlbllln,g ~Sl~~ntn

~ .' Thp ornamE'ntal Iron work '" as piece band marked thE' first annl- €I am kel'pIng dom!"!1< aOlm ,S. I'er<ary of the dedication of and fowl as

Grosse POinte WaterfJ ont Park ONE YEAR A(.oEngineers Resulue 10 YEARS AGO Grosse 'pointe bank ()ffl~lal

Plan~ fOi the VlewpoInte. new nounce<! that Saluldll\ ban arFox C.'eek StudY annual for Glo,se pomte HIgh hours would be dl<contlnue/in1

Eventt B Lane, Pal k mdl\d~el, School, Wel e unoel way ! RU'hard Wink II'I lIno I~hn riUlMurra SmIth Farms engineer, Chlldlen of Defel, Trombley, I Ion wele ~embel~ of th .. [)~trojtand T~omas Hanson CIty engl- RIchard. Mason, and Mall e School I Boat Club s wlOnJn,g r 11'\\ a\ thlneer "III meet Mond~", AURu~t I i Plffa),grount~< h:;~a~dl~~it~ay all ~~thc~~~I~le,~~~Jt~~,~R.gptta atto contmue their study diSCUSSion d:.:l.:.:.....er_e;...nt-:).:.pe-s---------------

~~~~t'0 Detrolt'!> Fox I Creek Be'tl;nii~The ol'tlclals Will plesent a JOint

report to DetrOIt at a speCialmeeting on Oct 20, opposmg theproJect



-16MGE. Eight MiJ~ RMld(')pI' Rlllll ..mllllt GIllf CIlJ.....

LA.. 7.711411 Sur Gutl"t

Gt't Our Price FIrst

GooO rf><;o)uhon<. kc'pl an-crea.<f' In ,alue hy settlnll IIn ex-amplp for oth!'r< to fol1n\\

PUBLISHERPOIiI 81ackbllrn, Advertising Mg,

Dottie YOllna, AdvertiSing'ohn ,. Browne, CtrCulotlon

Dr Evans, Llbl"al'lan of Congress, hasmdlcated that books w0uld be chosen asa "defense of our wa" of hfe" and thusmake theIr contl'lbutJ~n to better under-standmg- Presumably he has In mind thatthiS 18 one "VOIce" program that can't belammed. But we hke to thmk that our:'way of life" Itself mcludes such thingsas .wanttn~ to supply books for hbral'leswhose stocks have been destroyed andwantmg to provIde the tools of learmngfor those who wlSh to learn. That is, orought to be, our way. CARE IS again blaz-mg a traIl in lilood works and its supportIS agaIn urged.

Children are the anchors that hold a •mother to life, -Sophocll!'3.• • •

How sharper than a serpent's tooth itIs to have a thankless chtld !-Shakespeare •

Pomte s FIrst Newspaper


,A true fnf'nd \Isuall) I~ not

~ l.rnv_rfIrfi' 1l"td ('f,cRct.-r .trlkM\ t'lU "f 'our l"vet! nne<l


You owe it to ,nurwlftn t.k~ c.r~ nf ,.mJr ('ar.


L B OLDHAM,Ch.rle. Monos, Editor

Toni Ebner, Stoff WriterDori. Milotll, Stoff Writer

In Its appeals for help for the needyin Europe CARE has made effectIve uSPof the slogan "Our Fnends Abroad AreHungry" The orgamzatlOn nas now an-nntl!'l('P(j <;omp of thp details of the pro-gram whIch It hopes to meet another kmdof hunger, the hungpr of mind, throughthe dispatch of sCIentIfIc and techmcalbooks to hbrarll"s abroad. A semce ofthlS IS what one would have been ledto expect from an orgamzatlon that hasshown how sensItive It IS to need' andhow competent It IS m meetmg It. Thatproved competence should inVIte the full-est support for the program.

T'nen there's the home town pranksterwho thInks the best way to keep the''home fires burmng" IS by gIVUlg every-ope-a hotfoot"


The- Lessons of ExperienceThe Indianapolis Star r~ently prmted medIcal care do so through prIvate ip.-

• fine edItorIal on the medIcal care surance companies-much like the Blueproblem, called "Freedom Best In Moo- Cross and other pre-payment plansical FIeld," Here, In part, IS what It which have been .developed in thIS&aId: "If Congress IS gomg to learn fromthe experience of others in devisin~ a country. Those who cannot afford tobetter public health program In the pay are covered through governmentUnited States, the place to learn IS from aId, which is paid to those same prIvatethe .successful, and - not from the Un5UC- Insurance groups. In other words, poli-cessful. bcs is kept out of the picture.

"Germany tried SOCialized medicine Most of the advocates of compulsoryand ruined its medical system. government medical insurance base their

"Britain is trymg It and British doctors argument on the undoubted fact thatare bogged down with red tape and some people haven't the means to obtainlulrdes of patients. adequate care when they fan sick. What

"The ScandInavian countries have they don't pomt out 15 that these peoplebased their health programs on liberty make up only a small proportion of ourand have set an exa."tIple of outstanding populatIon-and that they can be helped,success that we would do well to fol- with government funds, without de-lbw." . storying medical progress and initiative.-The Scandinavian system is essentially In other words, you don't tear down the

simple. Those who can afford to pay for" house because the roof needs fixing.

. Just Comipent:- Judging from all the outrageoM crimes - . • -lign in village store-If you don't seeand killings committed today what this what you want-then you're too darnedeountry needs is civilized medicine. fussy. •••

• • •

\ New 'C~fRE'Program

"We Hate Disc Jockeys"By JOHNNIE BACHELOR

In our books a disc.jockey is a fili- His scope is so wide the llstener isbuster set to music. The playboys are on convlDced this learned scholar of thethe air 24 hours a day and twice on Sun- needle use to know Jeanme with the lightday. bright haIr when she was a redhpad.

They play and sell everythIng from He not only tells u. the name of theBOUt) to nuts and claIm that the" can song but also enlightens us about a Dannydo Mom's wash WIthout getting soap on Downbeat who used to play "brass" forthe record. Tommy Dorsey before he "tIckled the

It's easy to recognize a jockey. He Ivones for Gene Krupa, and is now teach-wears a record for a boutnniere and has mg the violIn In a Brooklyn flat.needles for fingers. The only connection between the

There are no horses involved with his Downbeat person and the announced!!!l.deavnr. Th,.y l('ft aftp!, the fiT'lt audi- compOSItIon is that they are both mem-tion. bers of the ASCAP.

Instead the jockeys rIde records and One who speclabzes In this medIUm islike at the track the customers take a dISC dIspenser who descrIbes hims,elfa beating. as the "tall boy in the third row".

Don't tell us that the Increasing de- If that's what happens in the third row,mand for disc jockeys and psychiatrists is we'll take a back seat in the balcony.eoincldental. One platter propagandIst who must be

Station managers must select a disc an apprentIce because he is bmited to anjockey by placmg a contender In a small hour program gIves a brief commercIalroom where he can talk and Jest WIth the and then devotes the remaInIng threeplatters. Hours late,r If he emerges from mmutes to musIc.the room claimmg that the records' are Our tip to the one who labels himselfnow talkIng back to him, he is ready for the "belfb~r" IS to get baCK Into the hotellus dISC debut. bUSIness before It'S too late

ImmedIately he becomes a Deems At least "Room ServIce" offers some-Taylor of the lower Circuit. thIng beSIdes pancakes.

OFF ICES AT 15'121 .KERCHEVAL BET WEEN MARYLAND AND LAKEPOI NTEVAlley 2.1162 - 2.1163 - 2-4588 . 2-4559

PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE GROSSE I-'OINTE PRINTING CO40,000 Readers Every Thursday • • • - SubS('r1ptlOn Rate, 5 Cents per copy, By Mail $200 per year


It's Color Blind ',Vacation Tips I Familiar NameBull Seel"ng Rnd GOing on a vac8hon~ Then take I LeRn)' Bnant. 211. of DetrOit,

"l: along the pamphlet. 'Mlchljtan '" ho '" as shot In the arm hy I

I• A Lot of Bull I Wlsht"; You Well," the MICh1ll:an Ferndale police authontlell '\\ hll!'., I Department of Health ~u~Jeested aUemptlnll: to enter a laundrvHuman belng~ may c;ee red,: ThE' pocket.~17E' folder '" hlCh th!'re IS the llame per~on qUl"'t-

but the bull cannot, arcordIng to wa~ prE'pared bv the Departmpnt IOnM here rf'("ently relatIv!' to aT~eaTch exp""~ working for The In t"" mtere~t of cutting nown Il:a~ ~tatlOn robbeTV In the CityWorld Book Encyclopl'dJ8. thp million va('atlon -:allualtJe~ of Gros.~e POInte arcordmg to City

Thf' enr'dopedillt.< havp dls- elf~rrpflCf'd m th!' ~tlltf' f'lIch ?bllcf'('o,'ered that bullll. ant:! 1111 other '\ ear glve< <;ujtg~tlOn< for pro-h'~ nf animals except monkeys tf'ctlnlt IInd mamtlllnlnlt' It'ooclare color blind ' I heliith "hll!' vacatlonm/(

Th!' foloN 1< a, alillbl!' fromAlthouorh II bulJ ('"nnot telJ II th!' Incal heillth d!'partml'nt< th!'

Tl'd cap" from a '" hitI' on!', the tour,et mformatlon ('pnJe~ Of the<pe<:-tator< at Il bull filtht Cl'rtllln- MK"hlllBn Department of Health, •Iv ~'ln and what hold matador Lan<In/( 4 Mlchllllln"ould have the audaCIty tn lip.pear an an arl'na ~ Ilh an un TO-m.!",tlt'. u ..'h,t .. "':lII~ t~::It ~~hl"I bed ~n~t~


Page 3: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.

", " ,i

'ijL~~.I .~\

I r,J "II, I; ; ~ r;

, ~,il,If 'I,J


341 Fisher RoadTU. 1.2313


Smucker'1I Assorted




16822 Kercheval

California White Seed ....



BinninghlnPhone 3810

Californio--Iest for Juiceand EYery Use

ORANGES3 10Z. $100

ftL _ .. II .... "I'...nunc "I. ~£w

180 W. McNicholsUN. 1-6700

3 Apricot 3 Strawberry, 3 KedRaspberry,3 $2"Blaekberry ease of U

~~OL, ~~~~~ ., 25~k(,Ires" Protluce

Lb. Tin



. 49c•

ROCKET CHEMICAL SALESo rmH'qhcm ~,c'" go~

IKeep on the straight and nar-

row road Remember that riverslU!tcrook,>d by follOWing the lines I

; of least resistance



Beat The Heat!!

Sftre Bros Colomb .... Mare .It Mocba


Price. EHectiYeThurs .• Fri•• Sat .• July 28-29-30 S.





'I Leg 0' Lamb 79IL.

WIN N ERS I TIle ~ one Poiftt. Review - ThuMBy. fuly 28. 194y - J

I PO',nte Sailor I Super MarketReturns to States ,F P - te

BflIle J Kittredge, fireman ap-' or olnpre.,tlee~ USN, en!' nr U',," ~n'.! .4.. :-:e" $7n.COO bu:!d ...ng .whiCh

I Mrf ~ruce J Klttl "djle r,f 2081 WIll Mu~e a $(Iant super marketLanca<ler Grosse POInte Wood~~ and an appropriate Village storewas scheduled to arrive at An. Will be completed next fall at 107

I napo • Malyland Monday from Kercheval In the heart of theII Portsmouth, England, after a IS- Farms shopping center. accordmlday stop at Guantana'11o Bay to Murray Smtth. Farms engIneer.

I Cuba, a~ a cre~ member aooard He saId that a bUlldtng permItI thp deSTr(,yer USS New for that amount was ISSUed to, The Ney" WR~ a Ullit of the MId. the MamnJo Investment CoI shIpmen PractlcP Cruise Squad. ConstructIon has begun.

ron which ('arrled 1235 Naval ----Academy and Naval Resel ve Mid.shIpmen

CboleePot Roast,Beef-Lb •. '

White Meat

TunaBumble Bee Recl Alaska


Spice Island

Deviled Tuna. 2 TiuSSC125-Ft. Roll Diamond

~axed Paper.2Ro~45cTe:uun White or Pink .

Grapefruit Juice ~z29cStar CrOll

Tomato Juice


Strawberry Preserves, 3 Jars $1Case of 12 for 53.89

Oranre Juice--% 1'Jn~

Tin Makes 11'2 PinVi

Ivory Soap2 Large for 27cMed 3 for 27c

Smoked BeetTongue-Lb, .•.

CRISCO3-Lb. Tin'87cl-Lb. Tin 33c

McMillan's CountryRoll Butter-Lb.

Gnde 1 Skinless 390Franks-Lb.

ILonghorn CheeseLb.








RInd" 'nrt" nf TlllIf'f Rnt ...

Downtown Trainand Camera Shop



Park Police reported that a t

prowler entered the FrIedt home I

I at 756 Pemberton last FndayDR. ARTHUR F. BOELL mght through a basement v. In-

Funeral sen Ices for Dr Arthur dow. Nothing was reported mls-F Boell ~ere held Monday morn- sing i

I mg at the Gnfflth and Wade i -------------- I

'Funeral Home and St Clare, 53. died Thursday, July 21, at hiS I

Monteko Church Bunal \\as In home, 1385 Berkshire roadMt Ol"'et Cemetery. I He receIved hiS medIcal degree

I For 25 ) ears on the ~t Joseph s at the Umverslty of MichIgan andMere) Ho<plTal stdf, Dr Boe\!, ~as a member of the Amencan

- College of Surgeon~ MIchiganI State Medical SocIety. and theI Wa\ ne County Medical SOCIE'tv iI SUrviVOrs are hiS Wife Laur. I

eUa Ruth, a son Jos(>ph A, and'two daughters, Mary Ruth andI Barbara Anne-


Arell1tecturaJlv DesI...... '.land Engmeered

Order NowWhile Winter Prices Are

Still in Effect

Call: LOrain 7.22937601 E. Jefferson AYe.

~te NanI Annory



eath Takes

Final Rites CAN YOU INDENTIFY HIM? Gratiot Twp.Held For" I ~ \ i"!!!!!e!-/;l1-}J Asks To JoinF. C. Bahr _ I ~.. t"",,~ Pointe Radio I

Christ Church. Grosse POinte ... lJ Hal ry Furton, Farms Clerk'ithe ~('I'ne Wednesday after-I -.:..,; A 1 told the Farms CouncIL, manag.1\ as •

noon of lhe funt'ral BE'rVICesfor "".~ IIIUON AISTRICT & TlflE (., / In$( body of thE' new Inter-Munl-IB h f 41 '" "v ,/ ClPlilllty Pollce Radio system thatF'edeJlI,{ Charles a~r, 0 41""(11 tlllIl.lU •• O<I nu,,, early next week the City of

Renal10 I (lad. who dIed Monday OIIlOITIl>CH.t... Grosse POinte ~ 111Jom the other I

1tFord HospItal. He was 62. 7, four commUnities In uSing theBUll"I \\ a~ at Woodlawn Ceme- (.)~6( /.£/1,1 * ' , new servIce record of Station I

tery ~ .. " I WRDR pohlE' radiO system, which IAs VICe PI eSI- I , 3 4 \.. .. ~elved the Park. Farms. Shor(>s

dent of the Chry- .... and Woods and Station WRTRsler Motor Parts SIT a I II U ~ ~ WhlLh tlan~mltted City cal1JlCO!pOlatJon, Mr I~ 13 1.l ~ 1& \1 16 ~ I Furton also reported that at a'Bahr had been Jrt n I~ relent JOint meeting of pollce andI n C h a r g e 0 f " 21 2l :z 23 Z4. t~5 mUnJclpa I offlclal~, It was agreedthat part of the 0 31 j that th(> WRDR bUilding on Vern-

ICompany's work I II I 21 3 j, I ler road bp used a~ a remur head-for the last 12 ,..".. • quarters for the new service,year~ He first '.:::," . "" I ThiS action was accepted byJOIned Chrvsler H~ Clark Schwelkart, Township Sup- Sue Matson', of the ReVIew staff IS presenting ticketsCorp, In 1934 on • - ervlsor proViding the City. whIch 10 the Colony and Punch and Judy theatres to three of

",,'j '" '~Lal1. became,genelal j left the Township In 1934 pay the five winners In the "Memorv Photo" contest Prom~:e' m8ndger of the Chrysler ~7.tt~':...':.'/ I their proportionate share for renl I left to fight they arp LIII'Y HvnrlC:. lQ, nf 1430 Wayburn;\lntor< Parts Corporation two -~ _. Is Kav Elfes, 12, of 19!'i2 Lancaster, Estelle MacFar1ane, 10,

ar' later and Vice PreSident Jf I ~ III M:-7f At the meeting, action wa." a 0 of 1448 Anlta, her brother Don 14. who helped hl'; SIsterIe' • 1937 • • 1'f' approved to bid for the Town'i For Employees andlhatat!l'dty In I ,.,--' Shlp'S FM radIO equIpment The WJn. The other two winners Mrs. Harold Grunewald, ofdb P I ManagementBorn In StlOU s ulg. pnn~y - < I I bIds to be opened Mondav, Aug- 754 Notre D1\me. and Sue Wilson, 17, 869 Nottingham,nl" nn October 12. 1887. Mr •. 1usL8 at me Townsnlp office --"-----------------------~ • Kindly keep this in mind

Babr'~busJOessJcareer began In I ~ J1I; _: ~,1 F t d J ed t 'h c 1 H I Ph when thinking of your1'"'0' ",th engl!1et"!!ng and tele-

I",.- 'J I ur on .sc os 0' e coun h e S oney, "( •.,.~ I that the radiO commIttee favor- appliance needs.phoneopelatlOn In Cleveland and" {';<""pt'" ably receIved a request from - - Th' f

thendUClngthe next SIXYdears

In I "t? 1:: I GratIOt Township to JOUl the new PolIce Hunt Rmg Ie • ALSO _ Please notice"mllar Ilork In DetrOIt an Cuba .; 'l' ,~; t. • For qUlclc, .osy, positiv., lOllI-lost. these dates so that youFrom1913 to 1917 he was In m. I /.i* doh ".... ~.- '> servIce I •• I of II types of • k _f_

Techmcla'1s present stated that I Grosse Pomte Farms Pollee are curb. It bore Maryland hcense I '"II .",per-e an'n a I nn piC up your repiIUdustCialengineering and finance • \ s.ph' tanks, c.upool$ ond IIreas. ,. b' d funhl he lamed the Army. He I MEMORY PHOTO CONTEST thiS could be eaSIly arranged, mvestlgatmg several clues rela-I platew. 1traps. ~C::C';:ti~~0ti~~.avance Itstl'\.ed as a Captam m the SIgnal 1-------- .....;.__,;:;.:;...- Police offiCials agreed that the I hve to a ghb, darmg and UnlVlt. Mrs Bonbnght descnbed the ""D,~ 85cCorpsand then a Major In the 4 b -Z-t R b P:ctures union would promote good pollee ed VISItor at the home of WIlham thief as 45 to 50 fears ol,d, gray- I ro ~ I K0RT EAirCOlP5 In 1919 he jomed the.l. "" y to emem er., work. P Bonbrlght. 102 Touraine Ish hair, parted on the Side, and ..-M.... '...

MIchiganSmelting And Refinmg" • Accordmg to FurtoR, the fol-I Though the Intruder v. as sur. wearmg a light brown SUIt and I S E P TIC 1c '01" ,.. ICompany In Detroit as general Pays Off For F"ve Pointers lOWing 'offICIals attended the Prlsed by Mrs Bonbrlght. hejsuedesult. TANK AI y D.. I.... .,manager and remamed In that .. radiO meetmg' suavely explained that he was ------ EN U ',0",.,4..._ ...

1l1Dnfor five years :rIve POinters made their abll-I at the .'unch and Judy Theater I From Grosse POlOte Park the telephone service man ILeual Fees R 01 DH..... __Hewas a member of the Amer- lty to lellember names and faces and "October Man" as part of' Arthur E. Louwers. Chtef of I He left WIth Mrs Bonbnght's .l:' KMpS ,.ptic lanks. etc, In lafe, !

IcanChemIcal Society, American pa. dlvldends by submltllng the I the new art pohcy at the Colony Po!JCE' diamond eng'agement rmg valued I Legal servIces rendered In con- wor1unll orde' Without removal. :OClety for TestJ.ng Materials, wmnmg ('ntnes In la~t week's Theater. From the CltY,of Grosse Pomte at $7,000 Inechon WIth the establlshment of I Comptet.,nlt,uctiOftl with each can.

ncan Society 01 Steel Treat- •Memory Photo" contest. I I Norbert Neff. Clerk, Thomas V I The loca!Jte shortly later told the Grosse POinte Inter.Mum.rs, AAAS. Army Ordinance PriZes of two tIckets each wet I OBITUARY 'I Trombley. Chl~f of Police pollce that he entered a gray clpal Pohce RadiO System cost'~Iatlon DetrOIt Board of t h Pu h d J I e From Grosse POinte Shores Cadillac sedan parked at the I$550"'"'VC , 0 t e nc an udy or Co ony E t CPt Pdt .ommerce, and the followmg I Theaters were awarded to IThrnes K' J ffrU mans' reSI end' Ilubs DetrOIt DetrOit Athletic 11...------------ lomas . I.' les, uperlnten - I

~ountry Club' of Detroit, Arm~ Sue WIlson. 860 Nottmgham ALICE BUEL LYDECKER ent, OrVIlle C. Ingalsbe, Chlef ofNavy (Washmgton). Mrs Harold Grunewald, 7.54 Fmal rites were held thlS week Pohce. _

. h • M Notre Dame. I I FlOm Grosse Pomte WoWods'SurvIving. are IS Wife. ary Estell M f I 1448 A ta Ifor Allce Buel L~'decker. of 141511Jarold Gregory ASSistant Cluefalrfax GrIffith Bahr; hIS son, K ~If ac ~~5~neL t OJ IParker. DetrOIt. descendant of of Police 'redeflCkG Bah~; and hlS daugh- ~%y He;~ds, 143~nc:a';burn two promment DetrOIt famIlIes From Grosse POinte Farms

ten, Mary Arnustead Bahr and A A noted pianist and mUSlC Wm F Connolly Jr PresldentTyler Bahr \ enue. .., ,ean. These \\ Inners were the firstj teacher, she once taught at what Walter Hoyt, ChIef of Poliee,Funeral services were held at five to accurately Identify the IS now Grosse POinte Country Harry A Furton. Clerk30 pm, WedIU!sda~, at ChrIst "Memot:Y Photo" which appeared Day School She was 75. The followmg radio techniCians)hurch III Grosse POln~. Bunal In last week's Grosse POinte Re- I MISSLydecker was the daught- were also present. _.ill be In Woodla,,'II ~emetery. View as that of Crystal and Ier of Gen Garrett Lydecker, chief Mr Frank M. Hartz. Mr W.ar.

Nancy Gregory of Hawthorne i of the U S. eaglneers for the ren Carson. Mr Harold Campau,Road, I Great Lakes dlstnet before the ChIef Operator of the Wayne

The picture, which oClgln~lIy 11 fIrst World War. She was the I County Sheriff's Station, Mr. I

appeared In th~ August 12 Issue maternal granddaughter of Alex-I Denl MorrISon, RadIO TechniCian

eckendorn of the ReVIew, was taken at the ander D Bue1, who was a memo for all Macomb County PoliceGrosse POinte Woods Lakefront I ber of Congress In 1848 and was RadiO Systems. T

• Park after Its mauguratlon the presldmg offIcer In the fIrst _Rites Will be held Frldhay, JUI.v The "Memory Photo" Contest Michigan House of Representa- D th T k

8 at 10 a m. at Ver eydens contmue< thiS week With the', tlves. ea a esuneral Home. 111300 Mack, for above pIcture. _lbert A, Heckendorn. who died Ilf yoU can Identify the photo, RENE J, REAUME C'- - f '29ddenly Monday trom a heart Jot your descnptlOn down and I uuS 0!tack at hIS home, 585 Lake <end It to Charles Manos, E<iltor, I Ser'",ces were held Monday forbore road He was 66. Grosse Pomte ReVIew, 15121 Ren~ J. Beaume, 50, v,ldely known U~- ~- c:! ... J _ • IA pioneer resIdent of Grosse IKercheval I :~_~~S:S:..~~lnte'L~_hoL~as. kll~e~ II~(J"'(J"- ut~LIc-.:.:~. '!: ~:;:::;:;;~;;;7. ~;o "'...- iu~ }1'LlUl"~ Ubeu 1J1 Lne comeSl .-. -"-'"-"J " ..~....... 1-'..... & ..... 1 Jack: L Gladden who was Il~ at the E. D. Speck estate are taken from the files of the I from the seventh floor of the I named the outstanding senior of Ior 43 years. ReView and have been used m Norton-Palmer Hotel. Wmdsor I the Class of January '29 at Grosse!lImal WIll be at White Chapel pre\ 10USIssues of the paper. He roomed at 920 -Pembroke I Pomte High School died Sundayemeterv Tuesday IS the deadlme for the and was a brother of Leonard In Cr.J.ttenton Hospttal after a longSllr\'l\;,~g are two sons and contest each ~eek But It IS Im- Reaume. preSIdent of the Leonard I Illness,

hree daughters' Mrs Alberta portant to gt:t your entry m P Reaume Co, and Ulysse G Fmal ntes were held Wednes-omlhu~,Mrs Dorothy' Hyne, of early Reaume. preSIdent of the U G'

jday at Forest Lawn Cemetery

rosre Pomte Mrs James WJ1-1 Subjects In the picture and Reaume, Ltd. WlOdsor. Born at Waynesburg. Pa. Glad-lamsof CmCI~nati; George Heck- : members of t1,elr famllles are not The deceased was active m I den spent most of hiS 38 years In

ndorn,and Clark "Bud" Hecken-I eligible to enter. automotive Circles : Grosse POinte, where he was em-om, also of Grosse POinte. P.nzes are a~ arded on the HIS family said that he had ployed at the Board of Education.

baSIS of promptness and accuracy been suffermg from a heart all- During thiS penod he also at- I ~~~L~,ottaee• ------ I and Judged by the ed'tonal staff ment the last two years tended the Detrolt College of Law Ilistaken I of the Gros<e Pomte Review I __ and acqUired a law degree. ,I Five winners are selected each • He enlisted In the Air Corps In

CItyPo!Jce's investigation of a ~eek to receive two tickets each OSCAR J. BAlER the latter part ot 1941 and servedrowler report by MISS Pat Dee, to the' Punch and Judy or Colony I Rites Will be held Saturday at I for four years In World War II.t, her home, 704 Lincoln road TheaIer~ 9 30 a m at St Clare Montefalco , Survlvmg are hiS ",de. Mary-Isto\ered the Intruder was only I This ~ eek S \\ mner< \\ III enJoy I Church for Oscar J Bayer of 1333

1ellen: two sons. Thomas and I

bov fnend Jl.bke Murphy or I such features as the "Connecticut I Balfour ,,'ho dIed Tuesday. He Craig: hiS mother, Mrs. Mary97 RIvard Blvd. I Yankee In Kmg Arthur's Court" was 65 Gladden, and two Sisters, Mrs. I

Bunal Will be at Mt. OlIvet Martha Armstrong and Mrs. ICemetery. Claue Second' and a grand- I

He was a member of ",1.' De- mother, Mrs. A: E Gladden. Itrolt Yacht Club and Harmome HIS family reSIdes at 13026Club and other orgamzatwns Houston, DetrOIt. I

SurvIving are a daughter. Mrs _Dolf Mae. a sister. Mrs Elmor Park Prowler 1

Van Loom three brothers, WIl-ham, Edwin and Walter, and agranddaughter, Mary Lou Mae

Page 4: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.



for Pick-up and DeliveryAlso


in I[~ C'U~t orne (reezns on dl'riAI, Olllcr olTrc L. dFor rh f es. U<lt oe~ not ~dl rhem

e reUer 'OU d, nee at '\ pncc ,on II f'f,L:ldd to pa\. ~t \ ,ll,f

local applIance dealer

Bachelor Laundry Service

MANY EXTRAIt's a fact' F CONVENIENCESr. . reUers bna th

fight iato "our ,-. ch g e coraer grace",J 'ut enmeals ready fo .. • • • store wbole

. r Jlg-tJme .extra busy da seolDg e\tn onys ••. let "0 Inext w~I..'s m 1 • J U P an and budget

ea s t<><lay!

SAVE TIME MPace these t. • ONEY, EFFORrr

neart-wa--.:_save you tUn ........g facts' Fsh' e and mone' . retzers

°PPUlg trip do the Wo kY i . . IJlake Ooeyou put superb m r 0 IJlany ••. helbeat-and-serve speed.eaJs On Jour table wi:

Detroit's Finest Quality

DRY CLEANINGPhone TV. 5-3230

MORE DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS MEALS'The fact is frozen foods make mig~ty taStyeaung! Fla\or seized and held at ~ts ~

. . and minerals locked Ilgbt 10-•• vttaDUDS th;es, you'll enjoy out-of-season favorItes e

year round!

MEALS ARE EASIER TO 'REPAlEtThe factS speal.. for themsehes! With a

., dless botber • . • DOfreezer, tnere s no nee. no cm-",orrv about leho\ ers spOlhng .. ' d r

- ed guests roL_rrassment when uneJ:pect f 'IT<I d '11 get a reezer• 1 r_t the facts-an youtn. """





CleanersThe Most Modernly Equ!pped Plant for Quaht\' Work



4 - The Grona ,- -- - - -- - -1949.. Ornte R!y,ew - Thursdoy, July 28_


My New BuickAI/gency

Ready ToServe You at


l't[ore than IS vea" eXDerif>nf'p In R .. ;,.~

lIales and M!rvice qualifies me to luarant~you complete satisfaction when you nail~ounelf of our fuilitie<;


Groves Buick, Inc.15m Harper RE1t::R1RF: TU. 1-6161

Rickel-Porter ErgagementAnnounced At" Mackinac

At their Macklnac Island summer home, Mr. lllld Mrs. Alminfuckel of Edgemont Park recently announced the ensagement oftheIr daughter, Lorone, to Willlam C. Porter. son of Rev. and Mrs.~hll Porter of Dayton, Ohio.

The ~de-elect was graduated flOm Wellesley College andGrosse POlIlte Country Day SChool She 1Jj a member of the JuniorLeague and Tau Beta soronty.

Her fumce IS a graduate of Kenyon College where he be.longed to Psi Upsilon fraternity.






Not An Auctlon - All Items Prteed,

617 Fisher Road, GrOSH Pointe, l'tIich1can

Saturday, July 30, from 2:30 p. m.


Household Furnishings



:t ~"":J t rw

~,. >$ ~/

.4, tif


T1Zt'dsummer Weddt'ngs and 0ngagements ff{ighlight-_--:.=--_....:::-_-----------:------

ENGAGEMEN(fJhinte newlyweds £eave IHOLD HOA,A.EI 'I4,:WeddilJrJ{jJreallast g.{elcl :~;:!:_~~17:".:~h"t" ;;;;;

TUTORI.NG SERVIC[Ao~ pupil who lIould hk

coachiog for an hour a eI \leek

or more 0 any sublect tbru

11 th I elementary. rra ie school bnear Onekama, Mldtlgan, Mr and of the Georae Shumneys follow- dmg breakfast fa owmg e nup- Purse. and John 3elgman school, jr, college or re~.1~Mrs. Wilham 0 Kronner of East ed the Saturday mormng mar. . tlaJ vows of Margaret Bergman, A leceptlon was h~lc. In the reading aod VU,ual edu 'blef[~;,on ""enue announced thc I I nage vows taken by their daugh_ I , Idaughter 01 the John G Berg- i bride's hume, after which the I maT call ca 01engagement of theIr daughter I ter. Shirley, and Paul :oJ. ouel-I Imans of Lake Shore Road. and Icouple ldt fOI Canada I TPatncla to Owen C Createau lette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~ t ' Frederick MeIssner. Jr, son of ------ U. 1-6440

The bride-groom elect IS the I I Ouellette of 1047 Maryland Ave. Jt -' the Frederrck MeulSners of Me- I The foot as an English unIt of I FInommee MIchigan or capable tuton \lllb dson of Mr and Mrs Owen C. I Rev. Father Jarnel BoglarskJ, a I ' • I measurement was at first based I grees. e.:reateau of DetrOit and Paw former school mate of the groom, .( : FOI' the ceremony 10 SI. Paul's on the actual length of the hu- T hPaw He ISa graduate of the Um- performed-the double-rmg cere. Ion the Lake. the bride wOle white man foot. Before the Unit was c,luf:; er. may rell.\ler ~1I'erslt" of DetroIt mony at lh~ Asswnp.lon Grotto • marquISette, carrYing lark!pur standardIzed at a length of MIs R b t ..

J • d ..... t . 0 er n, Mc(,ullolllPat has attended the Umvelslty Church.. an C81_ Ions. twelve 1Oches, It vaned horn

Jf MiChIgan, Barry College, and I The bude wOle a white satm f < Also in alJ-wlute wele maId of ------------.-IIas graduated from MaM.'grove I gow d Ii t I th ' honol, Mary Beverly Bergman,

OJ I n an nger IP vel WI a and the bnde's other four listen,:ollege I ~:e~~_~._~~~r!~ ... ~~~~'.lcarned a MRS. PAUL N. OUELLETTE as brldesmaJds, Mrs. J, Yuen,cer,

The couple plan to be marne-i I t I .. " ....... u~-!'. ~••u v.~.uu. Mrs ... J, Falago. Enen &no.October 15 I f! I Preceedmg the brrde dOI\n the q ~ Nancy Bergman, and Barbara I

I I aISle were Georglanne Ryan, ma-I ~1l1l0UnCe oLate Evans of Menonunee. II I tron of honor, and mal~! L":'lS Flower girl was .susan Yuen,

Shurnney, Pattlcla Shumney, and I _() . I7J . gel'Jeannette Ouellette QUIHlnel J\ttes I Archie MeIssner was best man,

They wore Identical gowns of Mr and 111SEarl F Ganschow and ushermg were Jack Yuenger.pale bwe taffeta under white or. of Saginaw announce the engage- -------------glllldy and carried sprays of led ment of theIr daulhter, LOIS Ann, S 1T' P'roses. to Erwm H Foersterlmg, Jr. son t. y t1Jcent testa

Thomas Ryan assISted the of the ErWin H Fosterhngs of I D B'l J' F d

Igroom as best man. Seating Beaconsfield Road L'Or Ul (lt1Jg U1J Sguesla were Roland, Clement, and The bride-elect WIll be a selllor Ladles of CharIty of St. VID-Maunce Ouellette. at M1chllan State College m the cent de Paul are holding theIr

The brIde's mothel selected a fall. annual FIesta and Dmner Sun-dmner dress of gold crepe and Hel ftancee, also a Michigan cia A t 7 t St VlDcent'sth 'h State student, IS affillated With y, ugus a .

e groom s mot er wore a 118ht Delta PhI Delta and SCimitar Villa, Brighton, Michigan, to ralSegray silk gown. fratermlles He was graduated funds for a new hpme under can.

from Grosse Pomte High School structlon at 12 Mde road andand served with the Army Medl- Inkster,cal Corps In the PaCIfic The Sisters and children of St.

After a Sentember 10 weddrng Vmcent's Home were fOJlCl!:dtoat St. John's 'EplScopal Church in leave their old' bwlo.mg on Mc-

Dr. and Mrs Arlmgton F Sag1Oaw, the couple plans to live Dougall m DetrOit last year be-Leckltder of 840 Berkshire road In East LansUlI where they will cause the 100 year old edJnce wasreturned by plane recently from complete their studles at Mlchi- conSidered unsafe.a two-month tour through the gan State The publ1c IS inVited,European countries. I

Their daughter Carol, who WIllbe. a semor at the UmverSlty ofMlclugan m the fall, is in EuropeWith a student group and will behome about the middle of AUI\1lt.

LaScala OperaOpens Door ToYoung Talent

There still IS time for young IMichigan smgers between the Iages of 18 and 32 to en tt" the I$2.000 scholarslup contest offeredby Grmnell Foundal101lo,.OfMUSICUl cooperatlon WIth the Phlladel-Iphi a La Scala Opera Company, J'which holds Its annual festlval lDMasOniC Audttorlum, from oC-1 :'.~tober 3 Uuough 9 tjl

Application forms and detaUed I' .,mformatlon may be obtamed by >

""rltmg to Ed.1th Rhetts Tilton,chairman of the scholarship com-mIttee. 606 Fine Arts Building,DetrOit 26. M1clugan. MRS. EDWIN McCARTHY -McGratb. Jr. Photo

The $2,000 award IS to be used • • • • • •to finance a ) ear of advanced Edwm McCarthy, son of Mr. Kadcmskl, JUDlor bridesmaId,coachmg under the personal su- and Mrs Cecil McCarthy of Alter and Manlyn Cernak, flower girl.perv:rslOn of Dr A. Victor PelOSI Road, clauned Patncia Mlyna- All four attendants were iden-and the DetrOIt Grand Opera As- rek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tlcally gowned m white organzasociahon for Ptuladelphia La Sca- Anthony Mlynarek of IroquoIS over blue taffeta and earned bou-la. The wmner Will be presented Avenue, for !us bride In a double- quets of blue cornftowers Withduring the 1950 opera :ltason m nng ceremony Saturday, July 16, matchlng halos. Festiv.al PromisesDetrolt. ...... at St. Catherme Church., James McCarthy was chosen

Applicants Will be gl\en a pre- Fr Robert Handley, COUSUlof I by Ius borther to be best man. Varied P,lJOramliminary audltron In their district the groom, performed the nuptial Anthony Mlynarek, brother of --~11 the number of candldates war- Mass. the bnde, ushered guests to thelr A M1scellaneoWl booth will beruts it. Th~ chOlien will then 'GIven in marriage by her fa- seats. one of the main attractions at theappear before a group of Detroit ther, the brIde wore II dress of For the ceremony Mrs Mly- Summer Festival held at Ourjudges in September. Fmal con- white nylon net and lace over a narek selected a plIlk dress wltft Lady Queen of Peace Church entest will be held In October dur- hooped satUl skrrt A halo of matching hat. The bridegroom's July 28, 29, 30 and 31.~R~ F t 1 k h I I The varIed dJsplay will mclude: __ es lva wee -:-t e winner to I les-o!-the-vaUey held her fin-I mother wore aqua crepe and lamps, aprons, pillowcases, tow- A O. C7r (1), I

, be decIded by a JUry of artIsts ger tip veil. She carned a bou- white accessolles. el.. art objects and lutchen ' l"tl"tOUnCe pelung J"lnnounce 'JJtrln: selected from the Phl1adelphla quet of 'Ylute stellltanobs sur- Following the Church rites, gadgets,,La Scala Opera cast I roundmc two wrote Ol'cl"ml:.. breakfast was served to the wed- of Nelv Knit Shop Mr, and Mrs. Joseph R. Kramer..,~ Rides, prlZllS, refreshments and: Deadline for recelvmg applica- 1.UO Walter Cernak of South dlng party at the Stockholm. festlV1bes for all ages Will be of 1661 Bournemouth announce• tions has been set for September Bend Indiana, $lSter of the bnde, The newlyweds left for a wed- among the festiVlties Mr and Mrs George O'Saer of the birth of their second son,: 1 Entrants are requested to en- served as matron of honor. dmg trip through the East after Pr ed fr' th . t ill AllaJld road, are a~ouncmg the Michael Joseph, on Monday, July,close a stamped, addressed en- Others 10 the bndal party were the receptlon at the Mlynarek's I to thOC~ L0:f ~ even f; go grand open1Og Friday cl Del- 11. Mrs. Kramer 15 the former~~!:'~, lega1-~!:!e-"_~d b~..b: Ann McGee •. bndesmlUd;. Maraa home in the evenmg Scho:l build:u! fun:.en

0 eace t~~:'s ~.~~~: n~~~p a~nl~n;:; Bernadme Carnaghl, will be mal1ed to them at once. I _ I Ic.;':-~~G;;':"e-?o~~-;; ~~~.~:- i TV S -L I--H- - . I':.'75,000 US,e YWCA I Y<, ~et_sclzmar- rrzerrill I TrMaovreethleanr'6so,oAooi~_chl'''anpea,' beFae~~:~~e:: ~~: ~e::~~g :~~ An A:m~ral~~ev15~:~~':ill". I lOll. croch~tlng suppl1es, With free!D- be presented to Manne HospItal.Each Month Igad pie were gIven assIStance by struction under the superVISion oy the Riverside K1wanis Club.. t Travelers Aid. everything from of Delphine (Mrs O'Saer). at theIr Thursday nOon meeting

ApproxunatdY 75,000 pair of nnanemen nnounce casework to mformahon and dl- MInerva, Botany and Fleisher's at the Whittier Drs Frenchfeet a month dance on our floors, I CJ CJ I rectlon, durmg 1948, accordrng to are the famous yarns stocked. and ParIS ....111 receive the 11ft 10scamper up our stBU'S, rest under f 1 figures released by the National behalf f th h talour ....-mg tab'-- or -.'--- room The engagement of their dau-! ratenuty. T a I Aid T I AId . The h 11.,. a P OSPI .

LUll leb, ~ ht F J Kre The I lans t b I r ve ers ,rave ers IS a s op WI .....,,0 carry a com- ------desks, romp 10 our gym, swun m Ig er rances. tschmar to coup e p :0 e mar. member agency of the United plete hne of mfant's wear and Life ExpeetaDc" lDuea.setlour pools, and sleep m our beds" Harold W. Merrill, Jr, IS an. fled next summer. Health d W If Fund f I JHel ' nounced by Mr and Mrs F ed I an e are 0 notlolll. A baby born m 1850 could ex-says en D Beavers, executlve k Kr tscb . r - N I MichIgan and money to support Mr. and Mrs. O'Saer formerly pect to live to be 38.3 years old.dlr~or of the YWCA of De- eflc. e mar.. avy Mothers I its serVIces was raised In the Un- operated O'Saer's Market In 1960, accordmg to We expec-trOlt. MISS Kretschmar IS a graduate I Ited Fund camp81gn this sprrng. M k th W od on tnacy tables. the average We

Dunng the f1tst SIX months of Iof Grosse POlIlte H1gh School and Navy Mothers Club No 68, 10 I The people from MIchigan who ac 10 e 0 s span WIll be 682.1949, attendance at YWCA events will be a sophomore at MIchigan conjunction With 26 other orgam- ran mto difflculties 10 travellmg ==-------------totalled 456,347. These people m- State College m the fall. zatlons, including Gold Star and sought help from Travelereluded students, homemakers, Her fmancee. the son of the I Mothers, Moms of America. and Aid came from 118 cities or Ibusmess and professional women, Harold W Mernlls of Stanton Blue Star Mothers, Will stage a townsteen-agers, women In mdustry, Lane has been attendmg the Um- carmval Saturday, July 30, on the ------ Iand strangers L!'1 the cIty. verslty of Minnesota. grounds of Veterans' hospItal at The center of population IS I

Some were members of 106 dJf- This fall he Wlll enter M1chlgan Dfe~~born for the entertaJnment I movUlg westward. It IS now onferent classes, some lived In the State College as a JunIor. He IS a feave e patients. Those unllble to the western border of Indiana II"\\.'CA resIdences Some of them member of Alpha Tau Omega f ~ bU1Id~g WIll be served and wI cross It by 1950. accord.came to the Y for help Wlth per- 1- :re res ents 10 their wards I mg to census experts.sonal problems or for some em- Iergency Some served on the ex- Salt Adds Flavorecuhve boards and committeesfor the DetrOIt YWCA In Its four To Egg Whitesbranches - Central, HighlandPark, Lucy Thurman, and Dear- Many of our warm ~eather:born. desserts call for egg whltes-as

______ ,. ,In angel food cakes, mer10gues IT I and chiffon desserts The tnck I'I

Ournamenf 01 Music I to whip them so that theIr vol-to Open Convention I UlT\e IS good and t,heu texture

tender. IThe year s most ..colorful "Tour- Emma DuBord. home demon-

nament of MUSIC" w.n usher m stratJon agent, saYS egg wlutes Ithe 31st natIonal conventIon of h be IThe Department 0f MichIgan W Ip st when they are at roomAmencan Legum here July 28- temperature Take them from I31. Iyour refrigerator at least half an I

Amencan Legion po,t. are i hour befor" you plan to use them. I

<endmg their finest, preClSlon- I she adVIses. Addmg a few grainsdrilled bands, and drum end i of salt before beahng see~ Wbugle corps to COf"pete for cashpnzes and trophIes ! unprove thClr quaht~

The varIous umts are commg When you combme thee beaten'n the gaye.<t of umfoTMs, led Iegg whites With other mixtures.bV dazzlmg maJorette~ and their fold them m carefullv Don't beatmstruments sparkllng In the sun IThey plan to flU Fordson High or itlr them 10. Use a light under-School stadIum \\It'l stlmng tor- I and-over motion AVOIdovermlx-rents of color, rhythm and mel- I mg or vou Will lose some of theody I air you've beaten mto the ",hltes.


Page 5: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.



F ' J" ...-..I$... 10."

I ' Jlh Ie 5 ....S- 12. JO

T s 1.,1.s... 12,21

Iii' "..."Ii""HI" 1SIUNO'HEIGHT



%Of43 \lACIi. "Vl!~ ., rleet,,_""0•• : 'l'll $-3MJ



OPENTb..n.."rI..at. 10;,.... • ,





ThIS IS the time of Vtar wheegro~nuptl should never complal.ol their tro ...bles Think at thesmall Cry who have bItes. lor.knees and stubbed toes

Be Sure10 Shop The



(( ({ II W



01 sp«'dh7eJ lral!1l0~ ;'1;0'1\rhrl arc master tech.n,o.an •• n the an of ~rHC1ng \ (Xlr ('llr. The\Sll\e \011 m0ne\ Ileo\I'oI! of the speed 'l\ith 'l\hichrhCO\ dl"'gllOSC' YO\lr car s nced' Thev seve youfuru re ~ada( t," he'C:I\.~ of the thorough""-''l\ IIh ... hlCh th ..1 meet theo;e n~d,ICnn,lt \our lar m looa, W'c'd like 10 ,ho ... \011

tht: nr- nl~n.,p "",. ,,,.. ,,,'Ct 'ft.""" ''''-.rt 'ft ,..,.. hit..'0 sho'l\ \'011 'l\ h"'t 'l\e' thInk 1\ lhe f,ne"t--andfa\teq-~n Ke ,our rar eler had

Smart Moderns



\ o~ u '" no,!" 11",1/(', Jh""" ft',.,,-,{ ,{

_~g.i~~e~_}e~r~ ~otorSales,Inc.Ir.r. ~/."., ,..,~ t-I- ,.~ ~ -I 'l'1..~ .H,_M _. ,,-,,, .j;".f,...._,.~ /1",,...,.."'-!c','-' ~w Ie Itw• __ Hl.,,_""-'---~-- .1""10.+-, ...,(,,, ."",.,...tt. II /It,""I" __ ""'-f M.. N,It/_~

'\l e re m,shrv proud of • pl.que ~rnlh a~,rdedus. Jr slgnifll!S .hat otlr m«haOio h,\e rom-pk~d a full vesr of postgradua~ trlllnlnlt lInrier1M- 'M,~er Tahnici.n Seni~ Plan'11\15 mean ... 101 to ut--hul it mran~ 51111 moreto Hl\1 Ir m..an. thar-~hrn \ou hnng 'our( hr. .Irr or Ph motlth he~ for ~n ,a-you ge..tk. f'X~rt ~,tvk of ~~,'i."...hn no,'" ~no'lltheir stuff' .Our mea ~er. rood befou 1!In tool.. Ihu )rar


.And About.•Thurldoy, July 28,- 1949





19467 t-bck Ayenue


_ _ "'J' .T"R'~r. • • .

rnfi'wt<.' Wear and Nf"ltlon,




/It. Complete Llnf' of

KnItting and Crocheting Supplies


---- -I The Crolle Pointe ReyiewI

I Fashion Model

• BOTANY. nd


~~j ~tdfr~ANNOUNCING

- "... - ,-,--."-' --

junior oLeague '


Lake HuronCamp LuresLocal Girls

school girls at the Det! OltyWCA's Camp Cavell on Lake I

llulon have elected Ehnol TI eal, I

318 FI.her, as one ~!three "rep-rlllentatlve campers to serve ascampheads. The honor IS award-ed for leadershiP and sportsman- Ii!IlPNlnet) new campels will 111-

Me at Camp Cavell's 40 acreslJ!\ Satulday, July 30, and 60 pres- I

ent campers will remam throughthe next two weeks There ale\JUa few opemngs for the fUlal

~ampperIOd which opens August'IJ, d.l..\.vrd~::.: t~ M~r~nT"l_ M~g~~.amp director

Gro:.se POinte gIrls \\ ho planLVarrive on the ShOles of LakeHuron Saturday are SandraStrehler, tJ~l Washmglon, Suz-anneShmon. 437 Malson, SandraRobertson, 156 Kerby. ManlynMendenhall, 294 Mernweather.Lorna MagUIre, 1417 L<>chmoor;'Emily Jean Lutton, 314 McKm-ley; Sally LItchfield. 1336 Hal v-ard, Susan Kross, 318 Mern-weather. Carol Kretschmar. 916Lakepomte. Darlene Kopf. 995Nottingham; Carol Ann Hoilldge.1051Audubon; Nancy Lee HIlton.'36 Nottmgham; Judith AnnHagerman, 242 MUIr; Jean E1Jz,Cooptl, 223 McMIllan. NancyClo\\'. 1381 Oxford, and JanetBcvnton. 275 McKmley Rd


Vegetables OfferMealtime Variety

.5,Mrs'. H. Kerr :C0 !flc (U IEye Quality When

I Honored BY.I ut 0 O~\in '?:Juests Selecting Linens~Volunteers I !inspire [fJol'nfe {j)arties Ib~tQ~~~:~gl~~~n~:tl~~~I~::t~~~

Volunteer serHce has become I ('an afford does not need to meanI a habit WIth Mrs Harry W, Kelr, MI and MIS Owen Ulldge, I dlDnelS at the D A C la.t Sat- the most expensive,' adViseslof 55 Toullune. and she aays It (01 mel POlntel" who left Monday, I urday, July 2.1 Mr and Mrs Emma DuBord, home demonstra-Ihas rnabled her to meet mterest- July 25, for their home In Miami, Robel t T Schallel, of Yorkshire tlon ae:ent

I~ng people ~'Ioflda, were hono' ed Satur- Road entertained for theIr week- I Tow~ls are made of LOtton

day evening by MI and Mrs. end house guests, Mr and Mrs ure ImE'n or a combmatIon',I Because oC h~1 eUol ts MIS. VIIgll B Wallmg, ot Pember. Theodore Robinson, of Hamburg, I ~ 'd I ttle fo decora.

IKerr has been lIamed "Volunteer- ton Road, at a dmner par- N Y I and Mr ar j Mrs Harry ayon IS use a I r

ty at the 0 A C Other Wiltse, also of Hambul g Mr and I tlve towel~ as It IS lustrous whenot-the.Week" and awarded the guests at the tete were MI and Mrs Howard House were others dry-but It I! weak when wetRed Feather lapel pm She IS Mrs HalOld W. Burton. Mr. and In the Schallel's dmner group. Color and design add to towel

I servtng her second year as chair- Mrs Ft:ed Rohn and Mr and MIS cost ~llu8e of the extra workIman of the Group Work and Rec- 1.. M Reeves . MI and Mrs Hou~e, the J06eph and expensive dyes mvolved

Ireahon DIVISion of the Council of Hadleys and the Herbert Ander- YOI,lrregulatIOn terry cloth 1m-SOCial Agencle~ Many pal ties have honO!ed the I sons were co.hosts Sunday, July el1ll are always on the Job both

Urldge~ who, With theIr son, 24, at a brunch party for the to wear well and to dry becauseMIS Kerr IS! former 'pI e~~dent Duke, have baen occupymg the, viSitors thIS takmlZ nlace at the H,"" .... ~ ....,1.. f~)O' .. ,,, Th .. 0""'"''''

I~~d ';rv~:'~n ~~~"b~~;~d~a~t:;Fred Rohn home on DevonshIre I Yor~hlre Road home of Mr and I~pll- d~ the dr~mg and shl)uldRoad dunng their several weeks', MIs House be I d 'h" k

[lhalrman of Its camp committee. ~tay. The Rohn~ have been at c ose an ,ICASIde from her CounCil actlv- thell symmer home In Canada. Light s h 0 u I d barely s h 0'"

I Illes she IS a member of the • • • MI, and,Ails Mallm Pullhel, of' through a towel Hems should ~I Junior League proJect-lmdmg MI and MI ~ Calleton Healy Golden Beach. Fla, wele hon. n..at With tltm small stItches andI committee and a member of the were host~ at a small bl eakfast I 01ed bv Mr and Mrs Edwal d W ,be back stitched at corne,;s toIboald of trustees of Detroit UOl- Pdl ty lor the t:ndges at theIr I Guenthel. of Three MIle Dflve, at prevent ravelmgverslty School and Grosse Pomte LlnLOln Road home on Satur- the D. A C Saturday, the other I Sheets today are made of lOt-Country Day School da~, July 23. 'and on the ple- I dmner guests bemg Mr and Mrs. ton - muslin or percale - and

Cale of three children lOunds \lQUS Thursday, Mr and Mn Frank Kuhn The Pulcher~ are limenout'Mrs Kerr's busy career Leo Fitzpatrick gave a cocktaIl spendmg two months at the Whit. Muslm sheets are coar~er and

The Central Volunteer Bureau. fete and d1l1ner In the gardens tier Mr and Mrs Guenther and I Qeavler than percale and comea Red Feather servIce. CIted Mrs of theIr Cloverly Road home their son, Edward F, WIll leave I With varymg thread counts A

IKerr as one of Its outstanchng • • • July 30 fO! two weeks In Canada thread count of 112 per squalevolunteers I Oth~ __Vls_lton occaSIOned small north of Quebec. Inch or lower IS impractical be-

------- ~ - -----.--- ------- cause the material won't wear II ii' well A count of 128 glves me-!Suggest ReCipe Pointers EnJ.oy Vicarious !dlum durabIlity and satisfactory

MISS Sue Carson has been selected to do PortraIt and I h I Iwear Highest quality mushn III

~~t~~?I~~d~oo~~~~.ga~a: :al:ldt~v~:tG~~~~gSOfo~~:~t~r: F~~r;~gm~:~~:~me dish Trip to South Seas at GPYC I~~OO~:: percale from 180 to 200I Texas. during the Post Graduate course at' the WI'nona' th I Hold a IIheet up to the light Iyou'll enJoy :lei v10g while vege- A tnp to the South Seas and lard Snure to jom them for e I and It the threads vary from

School of PhotographY,\Wmona Lake. Indiana, July 31st tables are abundant and garden back 10 one evemng IS an annual festiVIties thick to thm there Will be IIPOtsto Augu~t 14th Sue lS a Tn DeIt and VICe Presldent (Elect) fresh OCCUlencefor members of Gros~e Mrs. Newton Mannmg and Ithat wear out qUIckly.of the sophomore class at MichIgan State College. She 1S CASSEROLE POlOte Yachl Club. ThiS year s LoUIS Kean were With Dr. and Pure lmen sheets are very ex-the Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carson, 1302 Som- SIX tablespoons butter 01 fOIt1- versIOn of their Beachcombers' Mrs Alex Stuhng Dr and I14rs Ipensl1M!~t wear for years and

The followmg leClpe ploml~es I erset Road. and a graduate of the Grosse Pomte Hlgh School tied marganne, 1 tablespoon of Party was held Saturday Edward. J Guenther, the Rich.ard years So look for strong selvalutXClung new uses for summer-j In 1948. mmced omon. 6 tablesppons flour • Hawauan ftowers and \ mes J. Martms, Mr. and Mrs. WIlham and weaves, clear colors.ume vegetables ---- ---- -- ---____________ 3 cups milk, salt and, pepper to h\ med around the bamboo cov-I W. Farr and Mr and Mrs JOlleph I If you know the brands by ex-

SUMMER VEGETABLE - LIKES TO GET SLAPPED taste, 6 hard-cooked eggs, shced, , eled plliars of the Fo'Castle and E Burke were also on hana for penence your task IS easier. AnMEDLEY I 2 cups cooked sreen beans. ''2 1 starfish studded the gIant fishnets the fun. I mformatlve label helps too.

Four new potatoes. 8 tmy (.al- i --------------- (.up fine bread clulJlbs, 112 cup suspended about the room If the I Dr and MIS Clarence E Ma-rots or 4 medium SIze, 12 to B t P f C M T I grated ch€ese lei-bedecked guests so deSIred, gUlre Mr and MIS Harold Cross CLUB MEETS I16 (1 bunch) green Onions, 21 eau y re ers ave- an ype Melt table fat U1 saucepan. add I they could even choose Hawanan Mr. ~nd Mrs Paul Marco and th~1 'cups shelled peas, 2 cups green I ' onion a'ld cook ovel' low heat food flom the menu Wilham !tInds were 10 Mr and Rn elslde Clu.b announCt!$ anor ",ax beans. 2 tomatoes, ~alt. \ lIglma Ma)o ll"ps James Cag- made )u:t a moment before untll tender, Add floul and blend Followm the mtel1ude of IS- Mrs Elmer Benz1O's party. Com. Inter-club meetIng .wlth North,pepper, 1 cup bOUIng water. but- I ney 5 type of love maklOg : Maybe he 11 take hIS ftst and give Add mJlk and cook until thIck land ente~mment featurm mu-I and Mrs John R Sutton Jr. DetrOIt Club There Will be alei or fortIfted margarine I, He's sweet" she saId, rub- YOIJ a jolt of a little uppercut and smooth, shrrmg constanUy,1 SIC and Hawauan' dancersg the I JOined the group later In the I round table meetIng at the reg- I

SClape potatoes and calrots bmg hel reddened left lheek,! Just befor' he grabs YOU and Season to taste With salt and pep- art moved out to the' all I e\'enmg I ular lime on Thursday at theUnless carrots ar«! tmy, cut In where Cagney had jU,t sla ed I kisses you No fakmg the kIsses. i pel In a greased bakmg dish I P V g ,Y I • WhIther.hahes Tlil>l Onions, cut beans her - PP, eIther Thev smack Or maybe I arrange alternate layelS of beans, hghted dance floor at the water s Commg over from pre.party IIn mch lengths and tomatoes m 'Mo~t of the 10\e s(ene~ I I he'll change It to a fingertip slap I eggs and sauce. endmg WIth edf:' nd M A J Bad, cocktails m the ga.rden of MI. and IQuarters Cook potatoes for about plaved on the screen unlll I at on the cheek. I sauce. Combme crumbs and r. a IS_ 10 S\\ orth Mrs. Hubert Lehr s RIVard boule.S lDInutes m covered saucepan mt~ these fa<t- aced \\ est:1 n I Vlrgmla stopped to collect her I cheese and sprmkle over top I "ere among the many members~ vard home were Mr and MrsIn small amount 01\ bOIling waler.11plctures and ga~gster dl dmas I tl-joughts on the matter. then con-I Bake lD model ate oven. 350 de- I who entertamed at the party. I Glenn Munger, Mr and Mrs.Dram. savmg water. lweI e well sort ot blah <he tlnued In explanatIOn.. grees, for 25 to 30 mmutes, 01 I Their guests were Mr and Mrs I George W Munger of Ann Arbor,

Arrange omans Cflsscro,s., fabh- bega~ to e~pla n . I 'It's because It make~ for a Iu'ltll hghtly blOwned Serves 6 Owen Undge, vISIting here from I the Ray Johnson<, and Mr andIon In heavy frymg pan, to form I The weslern ICtUIe <he Ie- better "cene. one WIth a real A salad made WIth sliced toma- Flonda, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mrs RI(.hard Mead of Blrmmg-• sectlons In one section place I fell cd to \\ as ~olorado Tell k- punch of dl ama 10 It, as \\ ell as toes and cucumbers With green Wart en. the Clareoce Kramers hamparbOIled potatoe). in anothel, I tory," m whILh she appealed llS I sex ,But If MIke eve.~ tned It" pepper rmgs on lettuce and top- and Mr and Mn Frederick Hlm-,tile carrots, In the third, the I a half-breed female" bandit In I I dId halt kill hIm, Vlrgmla I ped With French Dressmg and a rnelmall The \\<ord "barballan" oftenbeans and lD the tourth the 10 e th J t M (' Th I fiDJ,hed. spnnkhng of minced chives or Another largt' pal ty '" as head- used today to express another

_ 'Deali: ' ~DTlnKle 11rbtlv wi1~ 'C::::IH' ~':'J':..!$~)~...l ~r"'''' 0'le •~l':~~:1-10-1- ~ ::L'¥!tht:', Ul l.OUI:!te, J~ ::L"lll.-Ildel' ~we~L Ud~lj is Uel1l.1UU5 witn t.lU"lo .:d =-:". ~.!::lnrl ~'!.:-Z !...~:; J:3.cq-;..C:' l ut:lbon h DdQ Jndnnt-rS. OrUl8Utv. 1and pepper, Add -enough bol1lOg I ;eceontlY -c~mpleted at - Wa-r;~r I O'Shea. her husband I rather bland casserole dIsh. A TheIr daughter. Jeanne Mane. or lack of taste. ongmated mwater to the water m which po- Bro~ With Cagney VirginIa and N I " I hearty dessert IS called for, so I was there WIth RIchard Femmel, ancIent Greece. The World Booklatoes y,ere cooked to make 1 Edm~nd O'Bnen ' • , QVY s Best at A" Fa" I serve ,warm gingerbread cut m and others mcluded Mr, and Mrs : EncyclopedIa say s that thecupful. Pour o\er vegetables 10 • In a regulal mU<lcal romance Everythmg the Navy's air arm i thm shees then put together sand- C M Long, Mr, and Mrs George Greeks consIdered anyone who I

pan and cover WIth tightly fil- type at 10\e SLene' s.ald Vlr- I could hurl today agamst a po- wlch fashIOn WIth vamlla Ice Mitchell, Mr and Mrs. James M I was not a Greek a barbarian. Iuna: lId Cook over low heat for gmla the girl ha, to worry I tentlal enemy Will be thrown cream Baker, the LIonel Sorensens and I and, to the Romans, a barbanan13mmule~ Add tomato quarters about a lot of thmgs, such a"s mto the 81r Saturday and Sunday, ------- Mr and Mrs George Lott I was anyone who spoke neItherand wok 5 mmutes longer Sea- not gettmg your hair lOu,sed.1 August 6 and 7. before tens of What a flOe world thIS would I Carl SmIth was chairman oC Greek nor Latinson With butter or margarme and hItting just the nght head hIt for thousands of DetrOlters at the Ibe 1f everyone found bme to do the party and he and Mrs. Smith I ------.trye hot Serves 4. I thE: IIght< holdIng your llps Justl Second Interna!lOnal AIr Fair at all the thIngs they planned at one asked Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hop- Cdhfornla IS the largest pro.

To complete the menu (0\ a so. meltmg mto your lover s arms WIllow Run Airport I tIme or another. kes, Jr, and Mr. and Mrs. How- ducer of cantaloupes,fam.lydmner serve devilled eggs" m a dreamy ,art of "ay, and On orders of Dan Kimball, un-cheese biSCUItsand peach cobbler all that sort of thmg dersecretary of the Navy, the sea-'/,l!h top mIlk or cream for des- I But 01)' 1\ot II nil Cagney scanmng branch of Amenca's5trt I Go mto a love ~cene \\Ith him mIlitary machme IS sendmg more

and) QU Ile\er know just what s than 70 flrst-Ime fighters. bomb-Too many people walt for hap- gomg to happen. for he never Iers and torpedo planes to Willow I

plness to come to them Instead plays them the same. even If II Run for the biggest aIr show everofgomg to work and m~kmg It. It'S a Ietake of a scene you .staged In DetrOIt

Page 6: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.


It 5 p. m.


Say: "Charge U:"

VA. 2-4558




The GrossePointe Review

For Thursday PubltcaboD


SINGERS~~I~\ER13131 E. Jefferson VA. 1-8810

Between Lenox and Drexel

ILannen Trn;ns 1

I G "I A. treat Lnh'(JsI •I

Richard J Lann('n seama~recrUit, USN, son of F!PlhplLan

nen. of 321 Moross rO:lrl 207II

I undergOlnA: recruit tI an In!: atld' 1 tbtI wor s argest Na\al Tla

IninCI Center, Great Lakes, 111I RecrUit halOIng IS 01f h

' arpI breakdown between CI\ l!t'lnI and

."" I Naval life In whIch thp Mil "~ I "ary

" .;.~~ l'mll1l learns the fundam('ntal'<, -{. ~. pnn •

• , ~ Iclpals of the Naval S('1 \" P

'y' '" I In the course of hiS II<lIning Ihrt"crult IS tau~ht <PMnanshe

< ~fL Navy customs, terms ha,lc or~I~,ance, gunnery, slgnalInl( an<ln- "Igahon al.

Upon completIOn of n's trail!.Ing the recruIt IS as<lgn'd ellhto units of the Fleet or to a se erIce school for specialIzeI'! tralnl~

I ---




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Bids For Harmsworth Trophy

"My SweetIe," Queen of the Gold Cup Regatta will beamong the hlglt powered boats bIdding for the Harms-worth Trophy Friday and Saturday over a seven-mIlecourse on DetrOIt RIver "My Sweetl&" IS expected to bepiloted by its new owner. Horace Dodge.


ThaI', rbe differ..nce between ordi-nary gt'ease loh~and Lt. RRICARF.Take hrake 110'IO~S. for example.ChKklnR wear na "I"lilr pan ofLUBRICARF -tospot thm handshefore they can",core drums onhl~h mlleap;e canIt ~onlv one of rhemany ,lho~~~t!~1__8"''' tnan L\.'Il'I\.I"

CAR F ""and, ouro"er ord.narv luhncstlon Ask usfor df'tall~ ahnont th... fanory.plaoned pro~r.m of malched '0-mTlea/te ma,nt('nanc- only RUlckcao 11:" e ) 0\.

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,- Th. G,... Pointe keyiew-ThII rsday. lilly 18. 1949

300 Attend f'(lRoaring '208"Dance At Memorial Center

J #,. . ~ .•/

Wol-ld's Champ'{Pointe Too Much For

{Personalities ,Pointe StarsThe "Roarmg T" pntlf" pI e. and Tom Rice, Nancy LIgrtbe<!y Br'''gs Bee'" yu:"rt', World's I

"lUled at the War Memorial and Torn Wocdulgham, Joan B~' TOSI EBNt:R ...Center Saturda\ night as over Clarke and Don Sickiesteel. Marl- S.oHball ChamplOn, trounced the I .'

300 perSOM allended tht' second h nn L~mb and Ched Swenson, I I Grosse POinte AlI.Stars 10-0 Mon. Idance m a series of vouth actl \'1- J ovce Bo" en ltnd Allan Rutter,,1 I day at Defel School field Itles sponsored by the Cent!'r's ilnd LoUise Mohn and Jack Scott. Pitchers Macerom and DUlollBoJrd of Directors ------- held the local batters to three

Couples cro"ed the entire O1dIn l'urller"s Villani hits, while their teammatesfloor of the bUilding as they I t<luched \"lJllIam Pankhurst anddanced to the mU'le of Clark Wll. Gets GM Degree Douglas Slegfned for nme I ~11ams and hIS Orchestra. - HIKmg safely for the AII-StalS I

Japanese lanterns bobbE'd O\er JospE'h A Villani. assistant: I were Lenzlon, VanHavle andthe tables set up on the lakE'front .ervlce manager at Turner Motor i I Thlelmansterrace for refre.hment. Com- Sales 15100 Kercheval Will be Managel ... MelVIn Clandel andple~ grounds mcludmg the hox. I amon'g the 260 who "'nil. receive I Richard Van G<lethem used 17wood gardens and spacIous gleen enj!lneenng and busmess admin!- I All-Stars In the contest, playersoverlooking the lake were open stratlon degrees Hhleh WIll be selected by managers of teamsfor the fest!\ Itre' conferred by General Motors In- playmg m the Summer Recrea-

Mrs ("harles B Lord. Youth stltute, central educational and lion League Sponsored by theChairman for the Center BClard trammg agency for Gf'nt'ral local Board of Educauon.

f D d b d th d A t The !lame ISsponsored annually Gieche Hits Grand Slam Homero Irectors escrI e I' ance I Motors. Friday e\'enmg, ugW; I here b\ the School Board for theIS a "complete success" 5 durmg the 22nd commencement 1-----------------

"The affair \~ent very smooth- exercise. to be held In the In- rerreallon of reSidents P th C t 6th Str,ol.ghtIv" she <aId "The voung people I dustrtal Mutual ASSOCiationAudl- co~~e~l~ron:~' ;;:'~:~ha:I l~~~~IO~~ an ers apure .g

were especially co-operative and tOrlum In Flint accordmg to an i 3,000. was held do""n Monday to iWm. III Boys" ~aseball Leagueappreclallve" announcement by Major AlbertMrs Lord also Cited the com- ~obey, preSident of the Institute I about 500 due to ram.

ftuttee for their enthUSiasm and I Those Iecelvmg degrees Will I f b II 8y SAJ\/DLOT SPORTSTER ll'ltcher. Allan Gleche In thethe long hours tht'y spent pldU- ha\e quallhed by successfully I Top So t a - R H E first frame the Cubs Pitcher, Bob

I .. . . . Wright walked the bases fullIllng the dance completIng the requirements of Panthers 10 10 1 and Ailan stepped up and hit aHeaoed by Jim Brown the GM's five year programs either Teams To ,TI•e Tigers ..••••••••••.. 2 5 3 home run With the bases loaded.

~mlnJttee consisted of Chuck I In the mid-year or the )<ear-end Panthers won theIr 6th straight The IndIans ~cored three moreReno Hank Murra~. Sail\' Strat- classes M E Coyle, executive F T. I H victory With no defeats Bob runs m the first for a total ofton, Bets\, Bachmann. Joe Co- vlre-presldent of General Motors. or It e ere Marcereau was on the mound for seven. When Bob Wnght walkedbane. Tom RIce, Don Sickle- Will make the commencement ad-I I the Panthers allowmg 5 scattered I two more and Bill John doubledsteel, Mary Gratzer, Felice dress Some of the top boftball teams hIts and strlk'ng out 12 Tigers to right field and scored later onThorpe. Helen Plath, Burt Spur- ------- I in the state Will vIe for the I Ed PiechI' and Bob Keller each Mike Graw's smgle to rightrier. LoIS Gehrig, Manlyn Smith, California Bound I ~Igg~~~~t~ be~ll~~m~ 0~~~daa~ll scored 3 runs for the Panthers. I Allan Gleche struckout sevenDeana Lindh. f I a h t I ., Bob, Henderson drove m 3 runs men The game was called m,t:.eAmong the dancmg couples; Pfc. FrancIS W. Hass, son, a August 8 W en a wo-game e Iml- h d bl d It' .-re Letty Kretschmar and Bill, Mr and Mrs Rourke J Hass, of , i ff gets underway Wit a ou e an smg e, accoun - fifth mnmg because of darknesswoo na Ion p ayo '. I mg for.all but one of the runs R R EBroderick Dom Buser and Ray 1089 LaketlOlnte, has left for Los CHET RICKER ON THE JOB Contenders mclude: Jackie's R R E . . .Schums,ru{ Margie Smith and Bob IAngeles, Cl'hf .• where he IS gOing .' Bar 1947 and '48 State ChampiOn, . • 2 Tigers . . ..•. 12 11 3......- M r' Ann Queen and Bob to spend the next week. Pic Hass As the speed kmgs spIn around the tm cans on their choppy Ra' Whyte Chevrolet, Pmgree Indians , ..•..••••.. , 9 6 SI Clare Cubs " •.•• , 7 . 4 3WaLI•

g,da yc 1 M d IS a member of Battery A 38th I course In the current-heavy DetrOit River to compete for the cov- P Yk Lea ue leader RIle Motors St Clair Cubs. , ..... , 5 4 11 The Tigers remamed m 2nd

elgan aro me orrIs an • T h L I eh t R k 11h h . s ar h g t • y I IndIans won their first game In I placA ';"Ith their fourth victory InJaAI. Le"'erenz, Mr. and Mrs. FA Bn , stationed at Fort LewIS, I eted Harmsworth rap y, oca man e IC er WI ave IS e~ e d t tong eams ., ..~.. • h h t ft g anI °T erds r, th reg four starts With aid of their 7 starts 0\'6r 5t Clare Cubs whoBar Stahl M and M s WI1- Wash He was a member of the pmned on the river to watc t e Immense wa ercra pa eant nul'S ay s games m e _ ~.

1iamry Erne, 'Je~ sunm~s and DIVISion Artillery bowlmg team I RIcker has been chairman of the race "",mmttlee smce 1921 and ular league schedule, JackIe's Bar dropped mto the cellar DonLoyat Jodar and Betsy Bachmann and golf team When nol partici-, each season hiS commtttees are fIred With a portion of hIS splnt and Vermeleyen battled nme m-I T h. F Selke was the big nOise for theand Bill Ma~on. patmg in .t!ports he IS a.P141JI1berI an~ zeal that are so mtlmately a part of hiS nature nmgs to a scoreless tie. The gl\ille 1 rop leS or Tigers, hlttmg a home run, a

Others were Janet Van Osdol of a survey team. Pic H'ass Will Most of hiS life he has been m the racmg bus mess, but ai- bemg called due to darkness ~ • trIple and a double m three triPSand Bob Beaupre, Joan Cronm receive hIS discharge m'Septemb- ways as a sldehne. In 1908 VI-henhe was a kid m school he be- DeFcurs beat Eastern Heatmg, Park Tennts to the plate. drlvmg In four runs8nd Joe Cobane Jean Collinson er. gan a calculatmg career as timer for the first Vanderbilt Cup 1 to 0, called at the fifth ummg, 1 and sconng three runs

, Race and he took hV post on the Judge's stand on Long Island darkness: and Ray White edged Ch. STANDINGSto watch a battery of courageous racers shear through streams Hudson A A, 2 to L ampwns Team W. L.

* * * of boiling spray. Later he migrated to IllmolS. Indiana, and fl- Monday's games were cancelled Panthers , •..•••••••••.• 6 0nally Michigan. but he always carned lus vigor for speed rac- due to ram, Fmals in the Grosse Pomte TIgers ..••• , •••••••••••• .4 3

, , mg along 11\ hiS hip pocket. STANDINGS Park Tenms Tournement Will be Wildcats •.••••••••••••••. 3 2* * TICE. So profiCIent was hiS reputation as timer that Chet found It North Division held late thiS week at Grosse Indians ......••••••••••. 2 <4a profitable pastime and was able to put himself through Cornell. W. L. Pomte Waterfront Park courts I St Clare Cubs , .. ,1 5N0 In the pnvate busmess world Chet IS a soft-spoken local edttor for RIley Motors •.•.••••••• , .6 0 Trophies and medals Will be pre- A two-game ehmmatlon senesAmer;can Maclumst. a monthly trade JournaL T Q.R. Post. . .. , .•••••• 4 2 sented to Winners, Will determme the champIOn

~ Chet added the first big feather to hiS racmg cap In 1910 G. P. Appliance •.•••••• ,.4 2 Contestants who have already I I b d- - ,..,. ... ::::;. at the VanderbIlt Cup Race when hiS disagreement With an- Omers" .....•••••••• .4 2 qualified for title play are Corky I Hard work and no p ay IS ad

- re ,"",_ .. - - other offiCIal scorers led to a powwow In VanderbIlt's swank Jolly Dutchmen 3 3 Leckllder and LeRoy, Johnson, for anyone, but stlll not as ba-::: _'"o:t7"%UJ-' New Yo"k oUlce. When the smoke cleared, Chet's heart was Bruce A. C 2 4 who meet Sunday for the JUnior as all play and no hard work, il. -t- , light and hIS wmner, Harry Grant who pIloted the Alco. also G P Merchants •••••••••. l 5 Boys' Smgle Championship, and I

in order to facilitate Employees' received laurels Harper Sports ...•..... ,,0 ii K. Frantz, paired with Martha WrAlf' A WM~,u,'r. Three years later A. R. Pal tmgton recalled the erudite man- South Division McCray Will face Jack Dillon and Al"U" Rl ~vacation schedules we will ob- ner of thiS nsmg young race expert and Rlcker was called upon to W. L. Tie Lorame Neeme for the mixed Um'j

h f II . use hiS clock at the Indianapolis Speedway for their famous four- Jackles Bar • .. ., . .4 0 1 doubles honor, also scheduled forserve t e 0 OWIng: wheeled claSSIC Ray Whyte Chev •.•. 5 1 0 Sunday,

"One of the greatest problems the Speedway ever had," Eastern ~Ieatmg .... 3 4 0 Among the favontes In theRicker recalls, "Will give you an Idea of the populanty wluch Defours Ins ...••••• ,3 4: 0 men's compettl1on are Ray Klem-thiS event has In the country. From a 12-man press' team m the Hudson A. A ,2 5 0 smith and Frank Dillon.pioneer days It now takes more ~an 165 men to cover radiO, Verrneleyen Cleaners 1 4 1 RESULTSnewspapers, and televIsion" • Already made playoffs. (Inc1udiDI Wednesday's Matehesl

O'_ .... rd,a- ,..."....+ ... ~..n 'h,,",,_ \...;.... u....Y""Y¥\C"I1I~ .... .,..h ,.""., Irl"\1""r"\ t'hllQ ~p,.~ ", __ ,_ Q: __ l_ lOt'l'!S ...... fll'I'!IIJc:\

II ::~::~;;.;;f.~,J~I:-';~~n~ ';:n~th;..~;~.~:~~~;:'ti;;' D~t~~;tY;t~h- cl~b.11>1 r>. ~ ~_ Vl no,.",ll" I "R:'Kle~;;;rth ~f;;i;dL. olOhD-To the wmner goes the oldest trophy of Its kind In the world which I ~.luGl'''''.1. ... .I.~ J V.I..l.O son. 6-2, 6-1.was Originally donated by Sir Alfred Harmsworth, late publisher of At Lo I Ft"eld w. McHugh defeated F. Dt.llon,the London TImes and better known as the late Lord Northcltffe. ca 6-1; 6-0

The prize rests temporaflly 11\ the lobby-of the Club house. PlaCido Pirates and St. Clare B Castel defeated F. Messmg,MISS Dorothy LeVitt was the fIrst person to receive the Trophy, TIgers, undefeated leaders m the 6-1. 6-0She won It m 1903 at Cork Harbor, Ireland, averagmg a speed Blooper Softball League were Men's Doubles <Quarter-finals)of 193 miles an hour. Gar, Wood took. the trophy In 1939 "'YIth' scheduled to meet Wednesday at Dillon-Dillon defeated Carroll-hiS MISS Amenca X With an average of 1249 mtles an hour. the Neighborhood Club field. Messmg, 6-2; 6-2 ....

This year when the power boats Jockey mto startmg posItion Both nme have two wms m play- L. Johnsoq-Kennedy defeatedthe timers Will be usmg a new deVIce which Ricker has pampered off competitIOn Schuman-Schuman, 6-2, 6-3When Castaldi deSCribed the nme-foot black diSC With glarmg VIS- I Other contests paired Rorek Klemsmlth-Frantz defeated BIblltty he claimed that "It let's you feel tIme." and St. Clair Terrace, and Fmna- JohMon-Bleckl, 6-2, 6-1

When the drone of the races has dU¥! away thiS season gan with Cormlhes Mixed Doubles (Semi-finalsRIcker Will go back to a pet hobby Which IS boatmg. \>ut of a These four clubs were each de- K. Frantz-M. McCray defeatedmilder sort He skIppers an L-Class sloop on the lake and even feated once and a second loss W. Pattyn-W. L Pattyn, 6-4, 7-9, Ilikes to race With It. He and hiS Wife are Lincoln Road resl- meant eltmmatlOn 8-6 rdents and take time out occaSionally to \'ISlt theIr married chI1- STANDINGS Junior Boy's Singles (Semi-finals)ren, Charles, a former Air Force Major, and Madelme, wife of W. L. C Leckllder defeated E. Mor-a UniversIty of Wlsconsm professor Plaetdo Plrale~ 2 0 wede, 6-0, 6-0 I

I I St Clair Terrace •••• 1 1 1.. Johnson defeated D. .:5mart'lA. Pl' IR ., C 116-3,7-5 Irmy 0 ICy oyono s rew Atkm Aces _

111 order to Insure that only the E R d Kor~k. ; .. .. . ~: : Loses Wheel, Tire Ihighest type mdlVlduals are ac- i arlls ecor I~~~I~~:S ~~~~~.:::::: 1 1 I A I1re and wheel were reportedcepted for enlIStment m the U. S Royono finished first again In 1 stolen by Melson H. Sharron of IA F th De tIn t of the Fmnagan 1 11 Manne City, from hiS auto I

Ir oree, e par en the BaYVIew-Mackinac Race est- 1 (forfeit) parked near Kerby and Chal- t

!Air Force has announced a new I abllshmg a new record for the Campbell s ...••••• •• 0 2 fonte A l'ontractor. Sharron ISpohcy ~ hereby all appl~ant~ for long haul to Mackmac Island. but • Ellmmated. i workmg on a Fanns sewageenlJ.tment Will be reqUITed to 110st the treasured Clas~ A CrUls-1 ------- I project 11\ that area_

I furnish three letters of recom- mg Trophy to Onkahya Ip. PestsI mendatlOn prior to the time they I Sk d b J h B F d J I lerI d f Ippere y (\ n or , r.are accepte or processmg _ 1Royono made the run In 27 hour.. Farms paId $135 to Atlas Pest

127 mmutes and 47 second~ and al- Control Co for mosqUito controlthough crossmg the Ime two dunng the present season at

Ihours ahead of Onkahya, sklpper- Farms PIerI ed by George Sd!:tt she lost first 1 --- - ---------

place on corrected t'me I '8II/&K ~ II In the CruIsIng B Clas~. MediC. ~ tI 16M'}skippered by Ted WhIte took first I ~ o#'lea.,~.place I" ,.::;;;.---I Rovono'. crew whIch set the

I record mcluded John B Ford It I~ ~A a~.L'II.'~and Ill, Harr) Pattf'r.on. Carl ,~ .." ....411f_,~__ r' 1. "

I MUIr. Jilck Seranton. Joh!l Pottle, 1III:Ial~A'PI".John Det~,lf'r Bob Bnant. Russ .. W~"'''''''''"Poullot, Doc Wilham. NIle. Jack- I

son. Dave "aren. George Bar-I field, Ivan Gustafson and Howard! Fmch.

,. Clvllmltlon. VI!' re~N't to S;l\'

I IS In lI;rE'at perl! If we behe\!'all that the nE'WS commentator~tell us


LAK. SHOll MOJOI SALIS...... 1MB E, JEFFERSON - B.tweeD Pblllp and ManbUqu. - VAj,lO) %-1185



Page 7: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.





FINAL SALEBaseball Shoes


FRIDAY, July 29tbSat., July Sf and MOil .• AU8. 1,iiNGAROONOW $495

Were ••

It _ -1 __ 1_ .........1 ..••• ""....... • '" Vl ."................. .

w. J. Symons JoinsTracy Motor Sales

TI&ey Motor Salee, GrouePOInte Llllco!n.Mercury dealer,announced the addition of W. J,Symons to their Sale. Depart-ment.

A veteran of close to 30 yearsWIth the Lincoln-Mercury dlV1l-ion of the Ford Motor Co.. Mr.Symons WIll continue to extendhiS courteous service.

rangements for the presentat.!onof a colossal outdoor, all-.tar en-

I trertalllment extravaganza to beI presented In U. of D. Stadium.Friday nIght, August 19th. Allproceeds from the benefit 'per.oermance WIll be turend OVeT by

I the BOYllvJ1leFoundation to Boy.-IVille of MIchigan.

!Top Show To A.id .Boysville Fund

I The Knights of Columbus Boys-vJ1le Foundation of the DetrOIt





15554 E. WABREN, Corn_ Somerset

14356 E. "ARREN, Comer Cha1merI

Fint East Side SHwi..,!


COMPLETELY AIK-CONDmONED• Diftfte!'. C T• LKftCheon. W.e afer 0• Break1au Partie. - Clubs, ck.

• Shon Order. TV. 5-9704

- With -

John Mill. .nd JMn Gr.. nwood

* * *And on the S.m. Program:

T.I. TU 2.2324


- With -

Judith Anderson .nd Michae' Ch.k.hoyProduced Wntten and Directed by Ben Hecht

BEN HECHT'SThr:!hng Pen Picture of Ballet Lo"E>S and HatH


recently. It completes a proJect whIch be-gan about two years ago to elImmate base-ment floochngs In the vIllage. Mr. SmithsaId that WIth the addition of the twopumps, the pumpmg station is adequatelyequipped to serve the vlU~e even afterIt 15 completely developed.




Here IS one of Grosse Pomte Farms' new$145,000 storm overflow pumps in action.Village Engmeer Murray Smith, left, lihownWith B B. Mason of 168 Kerby road, re-ports that two pumps can pump 150,000gallons of water per minute. The machines,Installed at the Sewage Pumpmg Station atKerby and Chalfonte passed InItial test runs


Gas BurDers• Stokers

VA. 2.1103



8811 E. Jeflerson at Crane



OF AN EARLY INSTALLATIONWe are Licensed Gas Heating Contracton

Bu" Wltb ConfIdence From A R.e1lJLble Old E.u.blished FirmTllaupnds of satisfied ClIstomen

B & B CHEVROLET CO." ('I!Ir": 7':;0 Till 7 - Slit j"1Il Till 2

liS" Stands for

•Headlamps checked and Aimed tomeet state laws and give safe vision.

Steering mechanism checked.l\fountin~ holds ti~htened andPitman Arm adjusted to safer('ontrot

ST0 P Both hrake shoes adjusted on allfour wheels h~r fartory trainedmechanics using special equip-ment.


• Cm&ktnc If "II 'l'lMPI• Flnm "Gand• llrlJM~ot ""dr ;1ITJ''lIl( c ......""..• 'ft (JIlT Ci."'li"a'k .. tI


Whelt your club &Odaht}or pansh gra lip plans adumer or luncheon. belure Of lis success byholdlDg lt at The Whlt-tier Make resen'ationlnow for your .prlne ao...Clal eventli


"The Shredded Wit"

All PopularLocal and Premium

CAFE LOUNGE11241 L WAD'" ....... HAM




Mtn"'YE ~.. oW~v,r,.....t. "11"

Cartoon - New\

Th. Same Delicious Foods

CALL VAlley 2-9000

dlhe WH ITTI ERBurDI Drive on tlI. Beautiful Detroit !bver

Box OHice Open7:30 P.M.

Children UncNr 12Admitted Free




• ill~ I,

KAYHOWARD IThe Girl With the Mullon

Dollar PersonalityTuetd.ay-Rhumba Nirht, Cbrlstopher Smith and his

Daacers, Bob Rodriguez' Band

l..kr~ · 7::= .• WlIIIfS OICI.ING Coyer ." '~:;'t. NO DOOR

or MlDimlllll ,\ WOHDilFUL FOOD " .. ,(l CBABGS• ~ WOOEIA TE PRICES - •

/ l 61 , ......... ~ '" ,..::

'7 Children Enjoy Summer Fun'Pro~ram At Playgrounds ~'

Althou~h textbooks have Offl- Ruthann Snell for brlnllng eightlIallv t'lo,ed (or thp l!14R_ !949 newcomelSslhool )<'ar, summeitulle pl<lY Othel spellal events planned Iheadquallel s for lhlldren In the fOI the summer are a peanut and I

Mack.Velnl!!1 alea centpi alound puppet show for which the groupMason 'lehool Will construct their own dolls'

I A from sticks and gauzectlvltJes al e In full :-\\< lIlg fOl

Ithe 80 youngstel~ attending dall ' MISSWebb and MISSGolla en-sess! \ JOy their playleader dutles rndi om at lhe playglounci feel they are gettIng valuable ex-I

IMason IS one of five Grosse perlence for future teachmg

Pomte elementary schools open Iwork Ifor supel vised play durmg the Isummer months a~ part of the MliS Webb, a senIOr In elemen- IBoald of Education's summer rec- tary education d.t Mlclugan Nor. Ireatlon program mal College IS the daughter of

FOIrest Geary, In lhal ge of the MI and Mrs Alex D Webb of 601program, dIrect'! the stafl' of co1- Lincoln roadlege girls serving a~ play leaders MISSGolla will complete a slm- 'I

at Mason, Richard, Defel, Maire, liar lourse at Wayne Universityand Trombley Schools next year She IS the daughter of I

The playgrounds al copen Mon- Mr and Mrs Harold G Golla of I

,day thlough Friday for two dally 1366 HolI)woodI seSSIOns,frllm 1 30 to 4 30 P m ------ana b JU to II .su p m 14 t~ :

Playleaders Bd.lbala Webb, 23, D ectronlCSand Barbara Golla, 20, have dl. IVIU",j Md:-Ull dClt:lllOon dlllVHlt:lo C'_-.;tt To Be

--N-'-~"'-~--~-''''-''~''n''d-.-r-N''--e'':-'--M~''--a-n--.-g--e-m-e-n"t--.,-----.-~II~~;f~~a:uoa;~:nJ~:~~~~~ts I~:t:;~ I GW"d" dspersed WIth occaSIOnal 'parties ra uate ,

The RATHSKELLER CAFE ' Ian~v~~~~:la:t~~~~~s for the most I The Crystal Ballroom of the:f I part, revolve around the croquet MaSOniCTemple was to be the

M k A N I set and the baseball and soccer settmg for graduatIOn exerCisesIC ve. It ottingha,m I fields : Thursday mOlnmg of the first En-

John-"Riek" and "JIm" Park, Ownen 'A stroll through the craft room gmeerlng class of the ElectrOnics

I at Mason School reveals boys and I 1nstlt~te 1nc to complete the I

girls from three to SIX years of' school s .speoal th.::e.!~ar course

I age IndustrlOusl stnn m _I of mtEn"lve tramm!> In .he theor-ca on • y g g ma ,etlcal and practical phases of elec-

r I beads, workmg With clay, I tronJcs, radiO, and teleVision, ac-

I,and changmg magazine pictures I cordmg to Dr. J. W Head, Presl-Into mtereshng cartooI1lland puz- I dent of thIS DetrOIt technical spe-

I • WINES • LIQUORS • BEERS zles I clalty school.

j FaIry tale movies and story,You're Invited to Pay Us a V15it Ihours are popular Relay races The eighteen students graduat-

and "musical chaIrs" games rate mg WIllbe awarded dIplomas cere 1 .. - ...... __.1.-------------------------.--. high With thiS "under SIX" con- tlfymg them as electrOnic and r/ LADIES MAN REGAN

tmgent televlSlon engmeers. r"olteUe 1\Leather and plastic crafts busy The guest of honor at the grad- V j b . St L Ab t G· is I

the SiXto thirteen year-old group uatlOn celemOnles will be Paull ar earns ou lr IKey chams, lanats, bracelets, and Penfield, advertlsmg manager of I r"It'que B Wk. IS. H II

rings are among theIr accomp- the DetrOIt E<i1sonCompany, and vII y or lng n ororlt-v ouseIlIshments PreSIdent of the DetrOit Televi-I .J

Transforming tm cans Into slOn Round Table 1.- -' I BURBANK Calif. - Ronald Then he grinned.saucy and colorful Bower pots IS According to Dr Head, during Paul Conrad Sloan, son of Mr. Reagan has a way With glTls I "But don't get any Ideas about

I currently a favonte actiVIty. ' the three year mstructlon period, 'p lucky fellow, and he attnbutes ' k' ' ..I As always baseball and other I the graduating students have be- and Mrs. hlhp Sloan, of 44 It all to the fact that he earned me not 11 Ing that kmd of work,

I. I • I Shoreham Road, IS among tho~e h' he said "I do"organized games m 0 n 0 poll z e come well founded In techmca IS way through hIS freshman ' .

Irecently named on the honor, sports actiVIties for thIS age knowledge and operatIonal skill year at college by washing dIshes

Iroll for the past semester at the d t

A boys' and girls' softball team Iof all types of electrOniC test an wal mg on table m a sororityare being formed to compete WIth eqUipment (With whIch the school University or DetrOit house, WhiCh,If you didn't know,groups from other playgrounds jlS completeiy eqUipped) and In He IS a senior II" the Sl:hool of I 1< a place exclUSIVelyfor girls'

A Newcomers' Party was held the practical apphcatlon of elec- Dentistry. I The expenenee" says Reagan,at Mason recently Playgrounders tromcs to mdustnal and com- • • • was pOSItively Invaluable to himbrought guests to compete m mUnlcatlOn needs, mcludmg com- ExpanSion of facl1Jtles in the as an actor when he finally gotgames and stunts, vie lor prIZes, i merclal televl~lon, radIO broad- University oC DetrOit College oC aroun\i to starTIng In Warnerand devour home-made cookies castmg, and studiO procedure. Engmeenng IS to mclude a new Bros' romantic comedy, "The

Iand ice cream sticks. I Dr. Head claims there IS an ur- $11,000 testmg machme whIch Glfl from Jones Beach," a Pic-I

____ One hundred and eight young- gent demand lor speCialists In all WIll be of use m all the engl- ture In which he ISdumbfounded,sters attended the affair but the of these fields, espeCially In tele- neering departments, It VIliS an-I amazed, heckled and Inundated Ipnze of a comic book went to I VISion, nounced by Professor Herman E. by more beautiful lasSies than

I '-===:111=================-=--==-=-=-;'-;-;-91 Mayrose, Director of the Depart-I anyone man has a right tooSeein IIt ment or Engmeermg MechaOlcs a lifetime


, •• both Old Friends and New. •• I • • • "1 wallow In 'em" ReMlan ' ~~ ~ FREE PARKINGEVERYBODY'S ' II The specLal summer program SIghed "To start off Wlth, there'. \ CIS ndayf ot mstltutes and workshops at I gorgeous VirgInia Mayo who, rm DbullM'll 65 eestll aD4 Up omp er. u

_ I ~ '" !NVITED TO I "'6 lTn'" r~,tv t D t t f _ told by experts. IS the most beau- Home Made Pi. aad Putri. Dinner... $1.65.. re- '-I III _.- --". e.;:___ 0 e. rOl, 0 . In, I'tJrui lllrl In • hllthlng .1IIt In thf'1 nl ftf'l'ft.. 11111 nr-- AIID. U-~ ~~r~~ dlJ1G'.6.REO~SS~""~IPE,OINHTEOB'llBSo:"NI ~~:~;i~':~~s ;ll(t;~~~~\e;d~~: world But she's Just the start I~LUilil"lII Inn nw i"ulUUI~i._ _ ..... WIll termmate thn "'eek With of a.flood of beauty, so to speak. lSCGS E. WarreD. eoruer .BeaeoasfieId

--U~!I~D; two workshops, one m Remedial "One day, In a beach scene, "I Your Bost.-llteve Ga1ulos el G_ PolatetTWAIl4-~ Readmg, and the other In Mod- ftollc With no less than 50 of the _ern Languages. Currently In ses- most lovely dawes In Cmemaland,slon, both Will end July 29. I thought that was :!!methU\g;

WHERE THE "HAMBURGER DE LUXE" IS KING • • • but the next day, at the same

• SHORT ORDERS • PIES • PASTRIES place. same setting, there were II A total of 20.005 persons were '100 of them'

"The Best Coffee Thts Stde of Heaven" enrolled In campus classes andOPEN 7 A M 'TIL 1 A M extension service courses offered "Then I go on locatIOn, up the

HARPER, NEAR BEDFORD ROAD by Michigan State College dur- coast, and I have 35 more beachIng the 1948-49 fiscal year, ac- beauts, and then I have anothercordmg to the annual report of I scene where 1 watch 48 moreI Robert S. Lmton registrar. , sClnullatmg creatures model, I bathmg SUits representmg the

Represented m regular campus styles from 1900 to now, andenrollment were 15,118 students I then In my role as an artist, 1(81 per cent from every MIChI- pamt pIctures of 12 of the mostgan county of Keweena"" 3,167 beautiful models Warner Bros.from 47 other states and five could find In Amenca'possessions, and 350 students I "rm here to tell you that forfrom 46 forelgn countfJl!1I that kmd of work, If such It can

I • • • bf' ("aHE'd, a fellow nE'eds a lot IEnrollment at the Unlverslty of I of pOIse, a heck of a lot of poise,

Michigan thIS rail IS expected to and that s why I'm glad I hadreach the same figure as last, that year of work In a sorol'ltyyear, approxImately 21,000 stu- house at Eureka College. Illinois.de'l1ts. I "It bothered me a little bIt at

The cost ot educatmg that first. that sorority house, as Itnumber of ,luaents plus research I would mo.~t any fellow, being Iactl~jtles and other UmverSlty among so many girls every day. Iservices ha< been budgeted at But, I gradually got so accum- I

$18.658.65i for the 1949-50 year tomed to It that I rarely ever gote'l1dmg on June 30. 1950. I nervous enough to spIll a drop I

• • • of soup •_._----The Bo~d of R~~ts 1n a~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pro~.mg the budget. reluctanllyl (;OL.ONYgave approva lto an Increase In

student fees to help close a gap Ibetween the antlclpated expendi-tures and the expected Income


i1=:::::---- -.::::--------'1: ---- Th@otr@15635 MACK AVE.

I ~-:.~:... ![1 for 1F r.fr .



DanCing NiglltlyExcept Sunday


William Elliott 8ower~ 80)'5in in


\H n Till R~ FR' SAT At G 3 - 4.5. ItGreat new och~ by John HYlton ...


t 'WJ ~Ol. __ • ..c;\JIl -

2 CARTOONS ._ ",r~'CA', "iF"~

I;l' . )fON .. TUES





Str:ngmg bIts of macaroni to (01 m colortul necklacesat Ma'on School playground are (left to nght) DaVId Mlch-.I~lr, 7, 1609 Brys dnve; Jan Hunter, 6, 20739 Toles laneJudy Jewett, 7, 17:!J HawthOlne, and Balbala Gene 5,183'7Rosl~n.

Th. Groll. 'oillt. a..le. - Thuflcloy, July 28, 1949-AT MASON PLAYGROUND

Page 8: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.

tions with one of the several billi torepeal the excise taxes ,the federal treas-ury would come;up with about $400 mil.lion In additional'mcome without hurtinganyone. Moreover, the plan would be agodsend to small busmess now forced bothto compete with competitve tax-free en.terprlses and II.t the same time carry thebusiness-depressing load of hIgh warbmeexcise rates on such commodities as fursJewelry, cosmetics ,luggage, communiea.tion, transportatIon, and a score of others

The. desrrability of repeal of these ex-'::!~"S i" gpnPTl'l1y T@cognized bv !tovern.ment offIcials, businessmen and the gen-eral pubhc. The stickler has been the lossof revenue Involved. Mr. Mason's sug.gestlon not only does away with the dan.ger of a revenue loss, but actually pro-VIdes new, additIonal lDcome for thetreasury. Con~ess should give thiS earn-est conSideration at this time.

to the subSCriber, to 85 per cent of the oc.CUpied farms of the United States. It ISa problem, at the most. in not more than15 per cent of the total rural area of thecountry." In short, most of the farmerswho lalk semce now SImply don't want1t, don't need it, or Hunk It not worth tbetrouble and cost.

It was 'proposed that the bill beamended so as to avoid the use of Federalfunds to duplicate service In areas wheretelephohe compames are already on theJob thIS reasonable stIpulatIOn ",asturned down by the measure's sponsorThus, should It pass In Its present formcostly and wasteful duplIcatIOn of e'lstmgfaclhtIes would be mevltable

thiS IS typlcal of the msane dll\ e tohave the government do everytlollng foreverybody, regardless of cost or neces-sity And, equally Important. It IS anotherphast of the campaign to eventually so-clalize the enterprise of the natIon_


Wrtte ,.Hr all ruST AS IN THE "REVIEW PleaM Pllnn cLiULTYOU WANT IT TO BE eacb aeparah word 01 •dPUBLISHID 111 dad 111 E NAME te tII. "lles -.10.....ltb.r ,.oar ADDRESSor ---_._-_ ... ---- ..... _---- ...TR.ItPHONItNT'lfB'EIt or 1 1111.. d ... b1E ."~ (.ltller conti f ADDRESSwo....s). Place a4 ... ,..,.. _ .. _-----_ .. _------ .. ceats IJI !'IY"'...c",ent I1l e.vel .... ... ZONE. .. _. Tef. No •. ______ .. __ ef tIIC "'ANT AD PkUll",.n to G_ P_e IMen ..... 111 'hI ~.~R.vlew. 15IZI It.rdl .... \, bAIl ef UIt G....... !'oW"G...... POID•••. Mlel.. It.vtew.


YOUR AD'S CLASSInCAnoS --Such as "Carpenter" • "Personab~ • MI~c. for Sale" • "Boats and Motor<," etc -


- F.aeh- Wc;'"-Alter.IiTIIIiBk Edra .54 .58 .62---.70 .741 .781 .82 I Jli-.Ie .54 .t8[ 1.82 r 1~

i1i1.Ut 1141 1.18 1.22 -Ad Malt hell U. Oa Wedaelda, for C ..... t Week.. r- I -

As every school child knows, thIScountry has the best and the most exten-sIve telephone service In the world-andby 50 WIde a margin as to make compari-son rIdIculous. All of It has been devel-oped and prOVIded by private enterprisE'"at rates whICh are publicly regulated andrefl.@ct the cost of carrymg on the servIceplus a reasonable profit Under theseconditions, does It seem eIther wise ornecessary to pour out government money,whIch belongs to all the people, for sub-Sidized telephone servlce for special

areas'That IS what a bIll now In Congres<;

wouuld do It would authOrIze the RuralElectnficatlOn Admm15tratlon to make35-year loans at 2 per cent mterest to ex-tend rural phone serVIce to farms not re-celvmg It.

What makes thiS particularly remark-able IS that, accordmg to an authOrIty onthe telephone busmess, "Service IS nowavailable wit.hout constructlOn charges.

Congressman Noah Mascm of IllinOIShas come up WIth what we th10k 15 thelogical answer to the problem of repea! ofthe wartime eXCIse taxes, at the same tunesaving the federal government. from a sub-stantial loss of revenue at a tlme 'tlhen asizable federal defICIt is in the offing.

Mr. Mason 15 author of a bill now beforeCongress that would levy federal incometaxes on the corporhte busmess Incomesof co-operatlves and four other t~s oft~-escaping commercial corporations.He now suggests that thIS be tIed in wllhreDeal of the wartune excises

Taxing the untaxed would pronuce abllllon dollars a year in new federal in-cnme, Congressman Mason estimates,while it is generally admitted that repealot the unpopular eXC15e taxes would costthe government about $500 mllhon in m-come. If, as Mr. Mason po1Ots out, theCongress would combme hIS b1l1 to taxthe profIts of presently untaxed corpora-

The Answer To Excise Tax Repeal

Shall Government Give Us Telephones

Postal Employees Need Pay BoostSPECIAL EDITORIAL SECTION

It seems the task of getting propt>r sal- and others required to wear unifO!'llll

anes for postal employees is one never w~:~n ~~;Y'~n+ " ..~~.... J ,

endIng. ......'Il;.., .... u,,"'" .......... tII- - ......._"" vt.y,'u.~LmentlYear m and year out, smce 1925. postal but postal employees have long Slne~

come to realize that if any adJustment_people have engaged In campaigns to ac- _quire eqUItable salary adjustments. Some are forthcommg, hberabty must be atfew were granted but many others were tl'lelr expense.not. Those granted, In every case only Congress wJ.ll soon adjourn and leavepartially brought salanes up to the level the Bills to dIe In the committees, mak .prOVided In pnvate mdustry, and only mg it necessary to try again next yearpartially up to the eXisting standards of while the underpaId postal employee goe~hv10g costs on for another year. striving to make end!

Each succeed10g year it has been neces- meet, and hoping that next year Will besary for them to engage in another cam- the lucky one.p81gn, not only to attempt to gain part or HIS plight is likened to the underpaidall of what they had previously tried to bank teller, who had embezzled funds toget the prevIous year, but also enough to make ends meet, and was being escortedcompare with the adchtional upward trend from the bank, handcuffed to a police offl.of wages and liv10g costs. cer. The PreSIdent of the hank, obserVing

There are no bargainIng !'Ight.;: or prlvl- }Jroeeed!ngs, gr1mly stat~dt HI neverleges for postal employees, and threats by dreamed he would resort to such achon, Istrikes are entrrely elimmated b~ a pledge thought he was going in debt, like everyupon enterm~ the postal service, other respectable bank employee"

Salary adjustments are only made You, Mr. and Mrs. John Public, andthrough legislation enacted by Congress. voter, can materially help thIS SItuation,Postal people can only appeal to Congress .and then hope for the best. In nearly Congressional action IS swayed by huge

de~aiions of public sentiment A let.every past case theIr cause has beenblocked with technicahtles by some few tet' .. , lfi~~ Congressman and to the two

"'"k Mlelugan Senators, will supply thIS demoSenators and Congressmen who, unthll\ -

onstration. Why not sit down tomght andingly or stubbornly, WIthout knowing orlearning all true facts, refuse to concede ask them to usCi!tbeir influence in getting

1 these bl'lls out of the committees and ontoto the concensus of opihion of their co -

the floor, and then favorably SUpportleagues in Congress. them?

Bills for shght salary adjustments ap-proved by postal employees are now tied You have seen your letter carriers plod.up in commIttees of Congress-HR 4495 d10g through snow drifts and sweltenng10 the House Post Office and Civil Serv- 10 the heat; you have seen clerks engagedIce Committee, and S 1772 In the same in combating a long line of people at servocommittee of the Senate. Ice windows; you have seen mail trUck

These two bills provide a salary mcrease drivers wrestlmg with antiquated "ehl.of $150 per annum, slightly liberalized cles. Each time you have probably won.longeVIty features, vacation and sick leave dered how you could help or reciprocate.comparable to that provided to employees Now is your opportunity! You could do noof other Government AgenCIes, and $100 better turn than by writing to your Con•additional pay yearly for letter earners gressman and Senators tonight.

Three phases of \ lIJagp Im-provement are expecttd to get I

under way shortly as the Park I

CounCil Monday asslgnE'd lobs tolow bidders for tree tnmmmg.curbing and ~treet resurfaCing

AlI.State Land~ape Co \\ IIItrim 687 trE'eS for $2 700

The curbIng pro J e ("t '\a~awarded to W S Kutchmg~ ofLan~mg. pendmg ("]parance of hiSq'lahficatlOn~ He bId $21880

Cadillac A.phalt wa, riven thestreet resurfacm~ contract TheJob Will cost $28 198

SIr Henry M Stan lev \\as notonl) an explorer like Mr Keenof the radiO sene~ he v.as I"Tracer .of Lost Person~ Ac-cording to ChlldeTaft books. SIrStanley found DaVid LIVingstone,the explorer, when he was lost10 AfTica. Stanley was born June29, 1841.

Tech Cagers Climb ILa\\ rence Tech's fast-climbmg I

I:asketball team Will come upWith another major event thISyear when It opens relations WIth I

a Big Ten team.A schedule of 38 games was,

announced by Coach Don Rldler iSaturday. featured by a game\\ Ith the Umverslty of Iowa atthe Coliseum on December 10 It I

IS the first time Tech has sched- Iuled a Big Ten teaTJt Last yearthe Tech freshmen won twogames 'from the Un'versltv ofMichIgan's Junior Varsity ,

With male contestant. blddmgfor valuable prizeS; the programaccelerates the theme "What CanBe Done With A Vacuum Clean-er n

Early reports from Clevelands'radio row mdlcate that the pub-lic has taken such a fancy to theshow, the sponsor might go net-work at the expiration of Its 13week inItial test.

Accordmg to reports It's one ofthe fust TV programs to be pro-duced and sold by a GrossePointe man.

The Kirby people bought theprogram, a few mlDutell after itW&Soffered to them. I

Lovelace desCribes the show mthis manner:

"Actually ItS I 30 mmute com-merCIal set to mUSIC,laughs, g101-lIucks, and fun for all."


Localman and producer BJ.ll Lovelace, left, walts for thebIg blow off" as co-producer J. Hall SmIth demonstratesone of the stunts in the new "KIrby Derby" television shownow a regular feature on Cleveland's WEWS. DetrOIt'sKirby dIstributor, Wl1liam Lieber, watches with anticipa-tion

BILL LOVELACE.Glorified Vacuum CleanerIn New Television Program

2 p.m., and travel across Lake St.Clarr and up the St. Clalr River,nbn-stop to Algonac- before re-turmng at 8 pm.

Sidney's :Mi"tsie-forShowboat Cruises


Special Pay

Blue Cross PaysMidshipmen i$16 Million

EIghty seven M1dshipmen of More than $16 million was paidthe Uruted States Naval Acad. to hospitals and doctors for serv-emy at AnnapolIS VISIted the Icea to Michigan Blue Cross sub-Grosse lIe Saval AJ:r Station this sCribers durmg the fIrst SIXweek as part of a summer- Air months of tlus year, accordIng toCrwse designed to familianze Wl1lJam S McNary, M1cluganthe M1dshlpmen With the Naval HospItal SerVJce executive vIceAir Estabhshment and to broad- president.en their W1derstandmg of the so- Total Blue Cross paymentsCIa! and economic life of the from January 1 through June 30,UnIted States, accordmg to Cap- mcluslve, reached $16,061,47904,tam James P. Walker, Command- McNary sald.mg Officer of the Grosse lIe Base. -------

Medical Officers'

Aero Club InvitesScouts To Air Fair

Uniformed Cubs, Scouts andLeaders of thiS area have beenmVlted, - as guests of the AeroClub of MIchlgan, to. attend theInternational AlI Farr ~t WIllowRun Airport, Saturday and Sun-day, August II and 7.

The actJ.Vlty prOJJUSelto be oneof the most thrillmg and spec-tacular ever staged. All branchesof the Armed Services W1ll berepresented as well .. many com-merCial aIrplane comparues. Theworld's largest, fastest, and mostmodem air craft Will participate;mcluding Vampire Jets of theR.C.A.F., the Boeing Stretho--erw.ser, the lBO-foot Navy Con-slitutJ.on, world'.. largest trans-port, and the new F-86, holderui UJe wuciu:s 5~ rC\.vn.i ojover 700 miles per hour.

Show hours, both days, arefrom 10 a.m. to 6 pm., Additionalmformatlon may be bad from theAero Club of M!ctugan by ~alltngWO, 1-5286.

ST. JAMBS LUTHBRANCHUKCHn. MeMl1JaJl Road, ne&r Kerelleval

Groat Poillte, IlIlellt1aDa.\. Georre E Kiln, Pal&GrDlvtne 5erv>cesu.day at a a.Dl.con.

ducted by the Pastor.Sunday School every Sunday at i 45


Op@D Sundaysand Every Day-8 to •

• FreIIl Prod.. • CIaCIice Meats • 'lality Groc:mes


GROSSE POINTE PARKFinal Notice To Obtain



TU. 1-2008

rJrosse {j)ointemethodist



in New K~rby SchoolSUNDAY. SEPT. 11 th


1"l3O Ken:heval Avella.

SUNDAY SUVICES10:3ll a.m. IUld 11:00 ll.m.

Sunday Sclloolnnt -.l.on-lO.30 ....SecoIld 8eaIoJ:I-ll:411 • .m.WedII.lIedaY EvenJna TutlmOJlI.I

Meetml! 8:00 p.m. ~~ Boom open week daYll

10:00 am. to 9:00 p.m.-Sanday1:30 to 11:00 pm.

Jacklon School AuditoriumKarlborough and WaveneyRev. Charles W. Sandrock,

PastorSUNDAY, JULy 31

Worslup 11:00 a m.Children's Church •. 11 00 a.m.Sa:aday SchrJOl . . _ .. 9:30 a.m.Adult Bible Class .... 9:30 a.m.


ot 10:45 am.REV. HUGH C. WHITE,

Postor.. Vu Antwerp M. TV. 1-1128

Bulld1ZIJr Site OIl Morou,BetweeD ltercheval aD4 ~.

8t. [/JaulEv. Lutheran Church


American Harmsworth TrophyContenders Fight Lone Battle

One of the tlungs often lOoSt after Gar's famous motors m MISSSight of m the runrung of a Amenca X. Yet, there were noHarmsworth Race IS the tremend- government funds thrown in toous odds agaInst the deslgner~ help Gar develop the bOat orand bu~ders of th: .~er!c~ I m~~ors. ..•. 1DOats. 1 IJ~'y IIlU::JL UgUL i:t J.UHe I ..." VIIct:J t;U'UU., U.Lu. nun:: ...L'l,.dll .111-

battle, whIle the challenge!'s from genuity that made hiS fabulousthe foreign countries have the speedboat record peSlble, and Itsupport of the1l' government and Will be the same,when the Amer-the government's research work-Ilcan team IS lhOoSen next Satur-ers behmd them. day m the 42-mlle trials

The forthcommg Harmsworth, I Those boys will be on theirscheduled on the DetrOIt River own, too. Whatever they haveJuly 29-30, offers a pnme ex- developed m the way of hull de-ample of thIS one-Sidedness. When SIgn and power plants wIll bethe Amencan fleet lined up for theIr own-WIth a bIt of hewthe tnals on the Harmsworth here and there along the lmecourse, Saturday, July 23, they from company engmeers But,WIll have had no help-fmancial don't forget-government fundSJor otherWIse - from the Ameri- are not behmd them such as theycan government. Yet, both chal- are With the challengerslengers-E A. Wilson of Canada I From an Amerlcan'standpomtand Achille Castoldl of ltalY-

1thiS makes the race all the mor~

had the backlOg of their mterestlng America has provenrespectlv~ governments In their I superior m the past and It WIllbid for the 'famed l)1t of bronze I be mterestmg to watch how theyHere IS how It works. I fare thIS time So keep your eye

Let's take the Canadian chal-I on the fleet In the races. ThoseJenger It IS powered With a Rolls I lads are wagIng a one-SidedRoyce-Gnffon power plant This struggle

Doctors of Medlcme, DentIStry IS the latest post-war develop- And, from the ranks of thOoSeand Vetennary Medlcme may l\lent of the Bntlsh Empire The racmg Will come the successor to

Orgamzed ReserVIsts holdmg now go on active duty With the research work In the develop- Gar Wood, the Gray Fox of AI-AVlatlon ratmgs whose dutlea m- Army for 29 days or less ment of the motor was fmanced gonac who turned aSide all chaI-volve f1ymg are eligible to receive A smgle tour of duty Will not by the British Government The: lengers-from 1920--when he won I

Lake Shore Bus Driver Roy specIal flight pay It was an- eXceEd 29 days However, a senes best mechamcal brams of the the trophy-until he decided thatSanette reported that a boy on nounced by Captam James P. i of tours not to exceed a total of Brltlsh EmpIre \\ere employed- I "Harmsworth racmg IS for young-Provencal road shot two holes in Walker, Commandmg Officer of I 90 days durmg one fIscal year IS at government expense-to de- er fellows"a bus wmdow WIth a bebe gun. the Grosse lie Naval Au Station. I permISSible under thiS program velop It As a result, the BntlshjI ... .. ~ Applications and further mfor-I Government controls the use of

G P W d M k I matlon may be obtamed at the motor Mr WIlson had to ob-

I 00 5 ar et I Semor Army Instructor, Org- tam permiSSion from the Britishrosse e. I aruzed Reserve Corps, State of IAir MInistry for us6 of the power_"0"' Ma-L_D~een Lancaster & Country Club Drive I Michigan. Buildmg No 90 6301 plant In hiS boat The govern--- aIo; ~w W. Jefferson Ave., Detroit 17,1 ment IS supplymg men to help

I MIchigan Telephone VInewood him prepare the craft for the3-6600, Ext 560 Harmsworth bid Along With the

Government mpn. the Rolls-BOB'S AUGUST HOURS Royce Co also has Its representa-

In order to accommodate em-I tlves on hand to help and adViseployees vacatIOn 'SChedules Bob's wherever possIble It could beIn the Woods Drugs has an- I saId, \Hthm reason. that the Brlt-

Inounced the follOWing hours I Ish Government IS behmd theSundays, open 9 a m to 10 pm Harmsworth challenge

.. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~ and weekdays. 2 pm to 10 pm The same IS true With the AlfoRomeo folks In Italy. The gov-e' nm.,n! r"'<'dn.h h<ls made thepower plant possible It was notthe development of Achille Cas-toldl, the challenger Park Projects

Nov. let's look at the Arne;..lean defenders They are notu~lng the latest government en-gIne projects They are USIng,In most case~ war surplu~ ma-terlal~ Thev have no benefit ofthe latest government re~earchAnd onh. recentlv h,lVe the

I motor manufa("turers takpn an ::l("-

bve Intere~t In helpmg the dp.I femler' throul/h the work of theireompanv engIneer" The Amen.

I can lads are on theIr o",n AndIt \\ a~ ever thu~

I Gar Wood In all the \P"r. hI'hdd the Harm<\, orth n('\cr hadthe h<-nf'flt of govprnmpnt hf'lpHp fought a lone hattlp and hefought It ,0 well that the I(OV-

ernment looked to him In time. of,tress for hiS lat~t developments

It 1< no s€'<"ret that Gar wasthe "FathpT of the power plantsfor the poT boal," that proved sohelpful In World War II The P.Tcraft'a engines ",ere modelled

Navy PatrolTwo Navy PBY's patroled the

lea lanea of Lake Huron durmgthe past week-end while the an-Jl.ual Mackinac Sailtng races wereIn progress.

• - The Groa. 'oi".. Review - Thurad,y, ,.Ix 28. 1949 Holiday Proves£hur~h Direetory Traffic Deaths

~e.,~::rI~JtI ~~~iEsu~~~r~~~~e I' STLJ';Jia1J'ArHGuE':-~~AI, I' Can be StoDvediLesaon-8ermon m an ChrllitJ,an ~~u"'rC'tl' JatkSOb S...hOA] ..\lldltArllll'n • •co",rcnea torouenout tile worl<1 on I Marl1J<)roucllaDd WaveDe)' ISunday. July 31 I Roy. Cbarl.s '" Sandbrook, Putor I At least -ten hves can be saved

The GoJd.n Text (11 CorinthIans S",nda)', Ju1r.. 31-830 am, Adult I each week. end the remamder of13 III is Be perfect be of good com-I BIble Class 9"", 1m, Sunday Scllool; .fort be of one mond, lI\e In peace, II am, Cluldren Church. 11 a.m., the summer If Mlchagan motoristsand'tIle God of lo\e and peace .hall Wor51up exercISe the same caution thatbe with )'ou" ------- •Arnone tile B.ble CllatJons II tllis MESSlAH LUTHERAN they did over the recent Fourthp&.IA8e, II John 4 IS 19, 'And "e Soullle&lt Corner of Itereheval aDd of July week-end State Pollcebave ,l<nown and belle\ ed the 10'" Lall.wood Avellues 't/lat God hath to ua God IS love; Telephobe VA. Z.ZIZl CommISSioner Donald S, Leonard• nd he that d"'elleth In love d"'elleth A.HA. Loeber Pastor statesin God. and God In him We love I\f L I\fulln AiSlstaDt l'alUlr .Hun, because He fIrst lo",d us' Sundai, July 3i-Anotller of a stn.. Reports received thus far by

Correlluve passages to be read from of sermons from texts taken from the the Department's safety and traf.the Chn.stlan S c Ien c e textbook Book of Psalms ",m be delivered 10"SClence ~nd Health \\1th Key to the the t"o servu~es 01 Sunday, July 31'1 flc bureau show only seven traf.ScrJpt\l1"5 by Mary Baker" Eddy, The early sen Ice belms at 8 a.m. flc deaths m the state over theinclude tile folOWInIt p MOI DIvine and the late servIce at 1030 a m Holy ILo\'e ill llI1uute Therefore all that CommunIon will be celebrated 10 the recent hohday. Thls IS the a11-really exlta 11, I';' and of God, IUldman. late servIce only time low for that period. TheUest&HIs 10\ e The Sunday School, IncJudinB a .

------- Bible Cass for Adults, Wllt be III sel- preVIOUSlow was 10 lD 1946 andPEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH "on from 915 to :015 am Vwtora the lugh was 32 m 1938. Last yeara.v~~:G~la~o::u..r ..nd new pupLl&are welcome 23 lost their livesMr. 011140A. lIlorken&,Vitar FAITH LUTHERANCHVRCH Durmg the summer months of

Sunday, July 31-''TtJe Cure for Phlllp at E. Jeffenon Sueetl 11948 an average of 18 persons~~~:~el~v~~ tt~m:.~:~o sed P:e":.~. a;v s~o:&!~c':':'d were lulled m traffic aCCidentsClaus. The pastor of Peaee church Saturday 5 pm-Young Marned each week-end. A savmg of 10W11l apeak in both tile 8 30 and 11 00 C I CI b t Chandle P ka.m selVlce&. 0f;uJ'n~v ';,:Jt am -c~urc~ SChoolI lives a week would mean a total"enSW1d•at&y'~~~~ ~~~~ ::..a.reeto~~:for all ages I of 60 before the end of the pres-- for all ages. 11 a.m WOrshIPserv,ce I '"nb~ ill tae story for the week w.th sermon 'Tongues Under Bond" ent summer

------- Wednesday '30 p.m. - Advisory I Of the total deaths recordedBAJJ~l':~~'U'l'B Board. over a period of 13 consecutive

'I'll. ~3310 I LUTIIBBAN ('HUKCH or Ill. week-ends last year 50 occurred I~~.J~b::"-;10 ~~" C~~ V.nlor ~~~~:~~~'tuevte.. on FrIdays, 95 on saturdays andlie in accord With selene.. and reason N CalviDF ~Uekles, D D, Putor . 86 on Sundays,_~~Y. Auueustst~2-ll011p.m. ~~-, Miss Beatrle. Morrow, Parbb Worker Leonard attributed the Fourth.~ ~ lP the Sunday, July 31-930 a.m-Chureh f J 1 d t ....- toFOUNDATIONSOF ORLD UNITY School CI......s for ch.ldren three years 0 U Y recor llU> year un-(COP_ ava11&bJe .t the PIerce Pub. d C'_.. f I al th part • dDc libraryl anand0~~UItS 11$00 O:mYO~gM~E;: usu care on e c).. rivers,

Worah1p.The subject of the ~r's lDtensJfied efforts of enforcementsermon WIllbe, "Our Pattern and Our officers and the constant empha-~'~~al m~::S~ b~Jf~~d~~ SIS placed on safety by press ana.Luther League will hold an outdoor radlo.meeting. "It shows what can be done

IAlTllIlNSTER PREBBYTUIAN when there IS a desire to do it,"CHUBCH he said. ''Thls record is a remark-

Bev. 'I'~::ol:::"e~ei':.~D.LL able credIt to all concerned andMluter was accomphshed despite the factSunday School 9 45 a.m With eiaS45es thfor aU ares MO~ Worslup 11110 that e volume of Fourth of July

r~.;:.;r:.z~;:::w:': :a;:cf:r~~~e w~e~~~~ ..has ever llv~b1:.c~~ ~~al~v~~e Slt~~~g:Yih:ufrst2'lailJ'~~30.. ~ee ~ ~ Both aerial and ground obser. m hIS offIce lD the Book bwld-second Wednesday in September. vabons mdlcated greater V1gl1- ing the other way wI£h associate

ance on the part of drivers, Leon- J. Hall SnIlth preparmg copy forard said. On the last day of the a brochure for their tG.rbyweek-end the State Police plane vacuum cleaner account when theCIrcled the Detroit metropol1tan Idea for the "Kt.rby Derby" TVarea durmg the congested hours laugh provoking show was born.and periodic traffic reports were This new program whlch ori-broadcast 10 that they could be gmates from station WEWS,received over car radios. Drivers Cleveland home of the sponsonngon crowded highways were ad- fJIm, Scott and Fetzer- keeps theVIsed as to less heavily traveled product before the audiencealternate toutes, With the result throughout Its 30 minute contlD-that traffic moved more quickly tand hazards were reduced. W y.

Usmg the vacuum as the stemof a million novel and amusmgideas, patterned along the "Peo-ple Are Funny" show, the Love-lace and Smith scnpt promises toopen a new door for teleVISion.

Showboat Dance Cruises every ISaturday evenmg aboard theSteamer Put-in-Bay, sailmg onLake St. Clair, continue underthe mUSical superviSIon of Maes-tro Frank Sidney

The SIdney Orchestra plays alsQfor dancmg aboard the nightlyMoonhght CruISes and durmgthe famous excurSIon ship'sS1ghtseemg Crwses on Satur-days and Sundays whIch depart!:r"~ft't .l... :!~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ :!t


Page 9: Health Com. Fears'More Polio Here' Landlords ~Seek Park ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/49/1949-07-28.pdfSurpnsed b¥ the. r~~est, th~ lor oblil!atrons.




VA. 24086

For Space Reser.vation on ThisValuable Di-, .rectory Call

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Repaired, Replaeecl andCleaned-

Metal Decks-Porches,Flat Roofing


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Color Stylt7l.g wtth Pamt and Pap.,.Excellent G ....... PGln11 R.eferaneel



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Sreeder. of FiliI' Quality Slrcl.lAn Itllld. of Pet Suppllel


HUFf'S PET SHOP133110MACK VA. 3'()1Z5


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lInellt Mops \n the c:tty




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Power Mo.e ...PrOlllp' lamee

OfficeEaslern Suppl,T1m LAKEVIEW It IEFP'ERSON

(A"""UI Conter fn1II lea n)WI DELIVIR VA. 1-5524

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SPOTLESS window clurUnl. uul1rln,work a apec.alt)' LA FM2I

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enced cookln,. laundry. c1ean!nl.care of cl1l1dren HI,hell referanC'lVI 2'()122

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VA 2-5727Floor Sandinc •n.ooa SANDING -:;'nd I\~~

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KEYTtT 5.2;70


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Grosse POinte

O'P@nter - Generol Repair\ n:~\RT\~~~~~~CTOR

C:.l 'nr Fr~~ F..rtlm.te

LA 6-5501DlnO\~- Alterations _ Kitchen/I"" rflb. - .t.:lllr"W'aya _ recreatioJ'';;' - ." e. - d"rmers. c.1l TU• _ ~r II A 1-4lllK--------


CASH RATEminimum charge for claw-

t ads IS 50c for 15 wordJ,ur cents lor each additionalord

CHARGE RATEa con\ enleDce Ids Will be

~pted over the telephone.t minimum char.e rate IIlOTl'j words. four cents for

ch ~ddltlonal word PlY-enl can be made by cash,eck or money order.


Upon Request

A 2-4558The

Grosse POinte Review15121 Kercheval

et LakepolDte and Meryland

Say "Charge It!"


DEADLINEp.rn Tuesday

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