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Healthy Beginnings: Information Resources for Maternal and Infant Health Naomi GonzalesPublic Health Coordinator National Network of Libraries of MedicineSouth Central Region

Numbers taken from Table 8 of the CDC National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 61, No. 6, October 10, 2012

Top 5 causes account for 56% of infant deaths in 2011


Resources for Prevention & Education



• Easy-to-read material • Resources in multiple languages• A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia • Includes articles from PubMed


March of Dimes

• Availability of videos• Article Library • List of birth defects• Prenatal and postnatal information for

women and infants

March of Dimeshttp://www.marchofdimes.com/


• Drug interactions with breastfeeding mothers• Fully referenced• App available

LactMed (TOXNET)http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?LACT

Research and Statistics

• About PubMed • How to Search • Keyword searching• Pre-structured searches• Structured Evidence Queries

Searching PubMedwww.pubmed.gov

Locating Statistics

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (www.cdc.gov)• Partners in Public Health (

www.phpartners.org)• Kaiser Family Foundation


Locating Statistics

Thank you!

Naomi Gonzales, Public Health CoordinatorNational Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central [email protected] or 800-338-7657

Bibliography• CDC Maternal and Infant Health


• CDC National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 61, No. 6, October 10, 2012http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf

• HealthyPeople 2020 Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Objectiveshttp://phpartners.org/hp2020/child_health.html

• Kaiser Family Foundation, Infant Death Rate pagehttp://kff.org/other/state-indicator/infant-death-rate/

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