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Page 1: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

HIV and AIDSData Hub for Asia-Pacific

Review in slidesThailand

Page 2: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

ContentBasic socio-demographic indicators

HIV prevalence and epidemiological status (1990-2009)

Risk behaviors (2003-2009)

Vulnerability and HIV knowledge (2004-2009)

Economics of AIDS (2001-2009)

National Response (2004-2009)



Page 3: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

Basic socio-demographic indicators


Total population (in thousands) 68,139 (2010)2

Annual population growth rate 0.5% (2010-2015)2

Population aged 15-49 (thousands) 37,383 (2008)6

Percentage of population in urban areas 34% (2010)1

Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 14.5 (2008)3

Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 14 (2008)4

Human development index (HDI) - Rank/Value 92/0.654 (2010)5

Life expectancy at birth (years) 69.3 (2010)5

Adult literacy rate 93.5% (2005-2008)5

Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) 103 (2008)3

GDP per capita (PPP, $US) 7,995 (2009)3

Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 286 (2007)4

Source: 1. UNFPA The State of World Population 2010 2. UN Statistics Division 2010: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/socind/population.htm 3. World Bank World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance ;http://databank.worldbank.org/ddp/home.do?Step=12&id=4&CNO=2 4. WHO World Health Statistics 2010 5. UNDP Human Development Report 2010 6. UN Population Division - Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, Population Database

Page 4: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

National response


Page 5: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% of populations at higher risk who received HIV testing in the last 12 months and knew the results, 2007 - 2009

5Sources: UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008 and 2010

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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% of sex workers who received HIV testing in the last 12 months and knew the results, 2007 and 2009

6Sources: UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008 and 2010

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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% HIV infected pregnant women received ARVs to reduce the risk of mother-child transmission, 2005 - 2009

7Sources: UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008 and 2010

Page 8: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

Decline in reported HIV cases among children (0 -4 years) in response to PMTCT programme, 1994 - 2007

8Source: WHO_HIV / AIDS in the South-East Asia Region, 2009

Page 9: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% of adults and children with advanced HIV infection received antiretroviral therapy, 2006 - 2009

9Sources: UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008 and 2010

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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% of adults and children with HIV who are on treatment 12 months after the initiation of ART, 2005-06 Vs 2008

10Sources: UNGASS Country Progress Report, 2008 and 2010

Page 11: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

Pediatric HIV/AIDS, 2008

% of infants born to HIV + mothers who receive ARV prophylaxis


Number of children living with HIV 15,000

Number of children 0-14 years on ART


Source: Thailand country presentation _East Asia and Pacific Regional Office HIV & AIDS Chiefs and Specialists’ Meeting, 17-20 th November 2009, Bangkok

Page 12: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

Percentage of MSM reached by minimum package of services in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, 2005–2007


Source: MOH, Thailand_cited in HIV / AIDS in the South-East Asia Region_WHO, 2009

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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010



t H

IV i







The importance of prior prevention efforts


Line represents what might have been if behaviour had not changed

No prevention

Infection prevented


Source: Brown T. Peerapatanapokin W. The future of HIV in Asia: An application of AEM. Presentation at the Training Workshop on Policy Analysis using Asian Epidemic Model. Hawaii, Summer 2005

Page 14: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

Estimated % of HIV+ pregnant women received ART to preventing mother-to-child transmission, 2004-2007

48 4942





2004 2005 2006 2007

14Source: Thailand Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS, 2008



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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific

% of adults and children with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy, 2006-2007







2006 2007


Source: National AIDS Prevention and Alleviation Committee (2008). UNGASS Country Progress Report, Thailand, Reporting period: January 2006-December 2007

Page 16: HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Thailand.

HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific


slides compiled by www.aidsdatahub.org

Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used.

Please acknowledge www.aidsdatahub.org if slides are lifted directly from this site


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