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Page 1: Home Community Reflection Questions If the Lord doesn’t ...

Home Community Reflection Questions

Talk through the story of what happened in Acts 1-2 –

(1) What is this story about?

Read Acts 2:42-47 –

(2) What were these first Christians devoted to? (see the 5 Layer diagram and assign words and their verses to each layer)

Reminder of the 5 Layers of Home Community:

Layer 1 – Family (Apostle’s teaching, fellowship, prayer, meal together – 2:42; togetherness – 2:44; sharing – 2:44-46)

Layer 2 – Prayer for Revival (prayer – 2:42; together for mission – 2:44; attending the temple – 2:46; praising God – 2:47)

Layer 3 – Informal Outreach (wonders and signs – 2:43; attending the temple courts [spending time with Jews] – 2:46; the Lord added to their number daily those being saved – 2:47)

Layer 4 – Formal Outreach (attending the temple [this would be like going to a synagogue today to try to evangelize the Jews] – 2:46; the Lord added daily those being saved – 2:47)

Layer 5 – Disciple to Recycle (devoted to the same process – 2:42; with multiplication – 2:47).

(3) Why were they devoted to these things?

(4) What difference does it make if we are or are not devoted to these things?

(5) What does this look like in our context today to do these things? Brainstorm together –

Prayer – specifically for Holy Spirit help to build our house. Action – now go do what we have brainstormed about.

If the Lord doesn’t build the house…Acts 2:42-47 June 1, 2014

I. Introduction – Psalm 127:1 “If the Lord does not build a house, then those who build it work in

vain. If the Lord does not guard a city, then the watchman stands guard in vain.”

Read Acts 2:42-47 Acts 2:42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and

the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. 44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

II. The Holy Spirit is the main Character in the text. Ultimately it is Christ

who will build his Church.

Page 2: Home Community Reflection Questions If the Lord doesn’t ...

Acts 2:42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.

III. The Apostles taught how to live out the Gospel through the examples of

walking with Christ for over 3 years.

What did they teach? They did not have the New Testament

Acts 2:44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common.

45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

IV. Knowing that this was some of the first gatherings between believers,

there was an overwhelming experience of being led by the Spirit.

Can this happen today?

Acts 2:46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,

V. Gatherings were filled with edification in the Temple Courts & in Homes.

Does our corporate worship and Home Communities look like this?

Acts 2:47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

VI. The Holy Spirit is the Builder of the House.

Who’s building your house? VII. Conclusion –

Page 3: Home Community Reflection Questions If the Lord doesn’t ...

PHOTO DIRECTORY BUILD Next Sunday, Aug 26, is your last

chance to have your picture taken for

the Directory coming out! New family

members, kids have grown, or your

photo is not in the last directory?

Please come up to the front after wor-

ship and have a picture taken!

“There is a tradition (it is not in the Bible)

that the world said about the Christians

in the early church, ‘Behold, how they

love each other.’ As we read Acts and

the epistles, we realize that these early

Christians were really struggling for a

practicing community. We realize

that one of the marks of the early

church was a real community,

a community that reached

down all the way to their

care for each other in

their material needs.”

– Francis Schaeffer

June 1, 2014

Friday, June 20 at 7PM Fremont Abbey Arts Center

$20 per person

A wonderful summer dinner, Silent &

Live Auction, live music, and a Dessert

Dash! All proceeds will go toward

the Martinez family’s outgoing expenses

and startup costs to Papua New Guinea

as tribal church planters in July!

Buy a ticket or host a table for 9 people.

Childcare will be available at Grace Church.

$10 per child from 6-10:30pm.

Grace Church - 10323 28th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98146 (206) 937-8400 gracechurchseattle.org

Pastor Ryan Faust Senior Pastor [email protected] follow on Twitter @RyanJFaust

Pastor Jerry Buell Children’s Ed & Family Ministry [email protected]

Pastor Nathan Schlaud Youth & College Ministry [email protected] follow on Twitter @el_schlaudius

Janis Lemert Community Life Director [email protected]

Let us LOVE God & people by praying for: Collins Family (passing of Alice Collins),

The Oso mudslide victims, Larry Lind (severe back pain), Jim Smith (vision surgery appeal

approval), and Betty Saunders (dementia) and those with ongoing health needs: Kim Smith

(seizures), and Martha Miller, prayer for the elders & staff.

LOOKING AHEADJune 20 ················· Martinez Auction 7pm - Fremont Abbey Arts Center

June 21 ···················· Parking Lot Sale to benefit Day Camp VBS - Westside Foursquare at 26th & 116th June 29 ················· Annual Business Meeting

June 29 ················· Grace Summer Camp Car Wash

July 13-17 ············· Grace Summer Camp

August 17 ············· Grace Family Picnic - after worship

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Join us for a time of preparing for worship

through prayer. We meet in the sanctuary

at 7:00am and again at 10:05am after

classes and before worship. Let us ALL

come before the Lord in prayer as we

invite Him in, and to be our focus as we

prepare to gather for worship.

TIME WITH PASTOR RYAN After the service today Pastor Ryan will

be in the north foyer at the café tables

for questions and comments.

CONGRATS TO THE SGALITZER’S Nick and Amy Sgalitzer welcome their

daughter Hana Kathryn born May 19,

weighing 8 lb 14 oz and 20” long.

Congratulations and blessings from your

church family at Grace.

DAILY BREAD DAILY DEVOTIONAL Looking for a daily devotional booklet?

‘Our Daily Bread’ is a favorite devotional

used by millions of people around the

world. Spend time in God’s Word and find

meaning in each day’s Scripture reading.

Pick up the current issue at the Welcome

Center and enjoy the timely stories and

life applications found in its pages.


Like to be added to the Prayer Partners

list? Please contact the Church office.

Have a prayer request? Call or email the

office during office hours. If the office is

closed, call Barb Stuart 932-7459 or Elsie

McCoy 938-0644 who will get your prayer

request to our prayer warriors right away.

WESTWOOD VILLAGE FAIR The multi-church Fiesta Day Camp will

have a promotional booth at the West-

wood Village Street Fair on Saturday, June

14 from 10-4 pm with 2 hour shifts

available. Please sign up in the foyer or

contact Tami Unruh at 206-619-2839.

LOST AND FOUND Lost something? Check out the Lost and

Found table in the family room today! If

you lost electronics or jewelry, please

check with Kathie Varney in the office.

Martinez AUCTION Tickets are available TODAY for the dinner

auction benefiting Noe and Lisa Martinez,

our missionaries preparing to go to Papua

New Guinea for Tribal Church planting. All

proceeds go toward their outgoing

expenses and startup costs. Please

support them by hosting a table or

purchasing tickets. Auction information

Friday, June 20, 2014 at 7:00pm at the

Fremont Abbey

What can you do?! Invite potential

bidders and secure their commitment to

come. $20 per person admission cost.

Note: Childcare available at Grace Church. $10

per child, 6–10:30pm.

Grace Summer Camp - July 13-17

An exciting adventure for kids entering

4th–8th grade in the fall. Registration

forms are at the Welcome Center or at the

office during the week. If kids and/or their

parents help at the car wash June 29, they

will receive a discount on registration. See

Pastors Nathan or Jerry for info.



7:00 am Preparing thru Prayer for Worship

- in the sanctuary

9:00 am School of Theology and

Sunday Morning Classes

for Nursery thru Adult

10:05 am Preparing thru Prayer for Worship

- in the sanctuary

10:30 am WORSHIP - sanctuary

1st-3rd grade dismissed

to Children’s Church

Kid’s bulletins available in the foyer.

6:30 pm Youth Small Groups - various


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm

9:30 am MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm

6:30 pm Financial Peace University - rm 128

7:00 pm Youth Group - the shack


Church Office open 9 am to 4 pm

8:00 pm College age Group - the Schlauds


Church Office closed


Church Office closed

7:30 am CR Men’s Step Study Group


& people, PROCLAIM Christ,

BUILD community, EQUIP the saints,

MULTIPLY ministers, and missionally

SEND out followers of Christ to

be the Church wherever we are.

CONNECT Welcome to Grace! Thanks for joining

us today. Feel free to bring your coffee

into worship and make yourself

comfortable. Take a deep breath, clear

your head, and prepare your heart

and mind to worship our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ.

Grace Church is committed to living

authentically in relationship with God

and others. Together we strive to meet

the needs here and around the world.

To learn more, grab a booklet from the

desk in the foyer.

If you would like us to follow up with

you, feel free to fill out this form, tear

it out and drop it at the Welcome

Center or in the offering plate.

today’s date


I am a guest of



phone (cell)


How to begin a relationship with Jesus

Want to know more about Grace Interested in joining a Group

Interested in serving at Grace (if so

where?) __________________

Address/info change

Add me to the church email list

Interested in baptism

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