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  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring





    Prof. Rajnish Kumar Misra Arundhati Biswal - 020

    Swati Tripathy - 049

    Sangeeta Das - 186

    Subhadarshini Das - 140

    Anuradha Bose 145

    Bhavna Malik - 154

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to our PROJECT GUIDE Prof. Rajnish

    Kumar Misra , for his continuous and tireless support and advice not only during the

    course of our project

    We express our profound gratitude to the respondents of different organizations without

    whose support this project would not have taken this form. It was a pleasure and good

    experience for us to work on this project.

    We would also like to thank our friends without whose support we could not have

    completed this project.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring




    Concept of the study

    Review of literature

    Objective of the project

    Theoretical and operational definition

    Review of Dimensions

    Analysis of the output:-



    Independent Samples TTest

    Factor Analysis



  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYAn intellectual person had quoted:

    A mentor is one whose hindsight turns to be your fore sightThis study is conducted on the employees of the organization to develop an instrument on mentoring

    style. This instrument explicitly measures the mentoring capability of a person i.e., whether a person is

    capable of being a good mentor or not. Initially the conception of the project started with through

    analysis of classic articles related to mentoring. The operational definition is designed on the basis of

    the scrutinizing these articles.

    The important characteristics of an outstanding mentor are evident from the classic articles. Under

    these characteristic dimensions several sub-dimensions were built. This project underlines dimensions

    of a good Mentor like inter-personal skills, counseling skills, self-awareness, role model and business


    Inorder to measure the instrument quantitatively several measurement tools are used. Our instrument

    measured by some quantitative techniques in SPSS like Independent sample T test,correlation analysis,

    factor analysis, reliability test and so on.

    After the measurement the norms for different categories of age were done.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    Many organizations today view mentoring as a valuable method of supporting individuals on learning

    programmes - or indeed as a powerful alternative to more traditional training strategies. Foremost,

    mentoring involves communication and is relationship based. Mentoring is defined as a supportive

    relationship between a youth or young adult and someone who offers support, guidance and concrete

    assistance as the younger partner goes through a difficult period, takes on important tasks or corrects an

    earlier problem. It is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the

    psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional

    development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained

    period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or

    experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protg). It is an attempt to

    transfer experience and expertise from experienced individuals in an organization to the less

    experienced. It is often used as a kind of "fast-track" support scheme where one (relatively) senior

    manager oversees the activity and performance of a more junior colleague who is earmarked for rapid

    progression. "Those organizations using mentoring have found reduced staff turnover". The mentor

    relationship is one of the most complex, and developmentally important, a man can have in early

    adulthood. The mentor is ordinarily several years older, a person of greater experience and seniority in

    the world the young man is entering.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    Mentoring is defined as a supportive relationship between a youth or young adult and someone who

    offers support, guidance and concrete assistance as the younger partner goes through a difficult period,

    takes on important tasks of corrects an earlier problem. As per Murray and Owen, Facilitated mentoring

    is a structure and series of processes designed to create effective mentoring relationships, guide the

    desired behavior change of those involved, and evaluate the results for the protgs, the mentors and the

    organization. But the mentor relationship is one of the most complexes, and developmentally important,

    a man can have in early adulthood. The mentor is ordinarily several years older, a person of greaterexperience and seniority in the world the young man is entering. No word currently in use is adequate to

    convey the nature of the relationship we have in mind here. Words such as counselor or guru

    suggest the more subtle meanings, but they have other connotations that would be misleading. The term

    mentor is generally used in a much narrower sense, to mean teacher, adviser or sponsor. As we use the

    term, it means all these things, and much more in terms of cordial relationship which two people share.

    The basic idea of the instrument development is, keeping in mind the importance of having a mentor in

    an organization. By measuring the mentoring ability of a person and the identification of the same would

    certainly create value to the organization. So developing the instrument circles around the concept that

    could identify the person who inherit such qualities and would act conscientiously towards the protgs


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    This review is from Emerald Backfiles 2007,Work Study, Vol. 42 No. 6, 1993, by Ken GregsonAs with all new activities/schemes, we should first be clear about our aims and objectives. Why are we

    introducing mentoring? What do we expect to achieve? If we are not clear at this stage, implementation

    of any particular form of scheme is almost certainly doomed to failure. Are we trying to transfer

    professional skills, technical skills, personal skills, communication skills - or the whole bunch? Are we

    using mentoring to augment or to replace other forms of training and development activity? In terms of

    the organizational framework, we must be sure that we have an organizational culture in which

    mentoring can effectively take place. We need a culture in which managers are expected and encouraged

    to develop their staff fully, and in which staff are expected and encouraged to make a full contribution,

    to grow into their roles and to take on new responsibilities. We must avoid a fear of failure and

    encourage an atmosphere in which employees expect to be respected for their honest endeavours.

    Although we may have an organization which is task-oriented, it must be recognized that true, long-term

    development requires some time to be away from the direct task. This is essential if mentoring is to

    succeed.Mentors and those to be mentored must be matched to each other. There is almost certainly has

    to be an element of choice with the person as to the individual he or she feels happy to take on - whether

    there is a similar degree of choice with the person being mentored is debatable, and may depend on the

    nature of the organization. The nature of the relationship, and the responsibilities and demands imposed

    by it, must be clearly articulated. Mentoring is not a replacement for an effective training and staff

    development scheme - but it can make one even more effective. Most organizations which have adopted

    mentoring have already developed good staff development systems. Mentoring has, quite rightly, been

    seen as a particular vehicle to use for certain people to develop certain attributes and skills.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    This review is from Leadership & Organization Development Journal17/3 [1996] 5056, by

    Terri A. Scandura, Manuel J. Tejeda, William B. Werther and Melenie J. Lankan University of

    Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

    Why should an organizations leaders support mentoring, given that research and practice suggests that

    mentoring offers mixed results for the organization and its leaders (Jacobi, 1991; Merriam, 1983)?

    Mentors foster nurturing environments wherein protgs may develop faster and more completely than

    their peers and are therefore better prepared to compete in the organization and as leaders. This clearly

    creates issues related to non-egalitarian work environments in which some individuals receive

    preferential treatment (both in perception and in reality). A key issue for future research and theory

    integrating leadership and mentoring is whether the costs of a non-egalitarian work environment

    outweigh the benefits of mentoring. Potential benefits of mentoring are first explored in this paper. Our

    intent is to unite the mentor, protg, organizational worlds into a coherent argument for greater

    corporate-sponsored support for mentoring. We conclude that leader-supported mentoring offers leaders

    a pathway towards more effective and more egalitarian organizations. Therefore, attributions about

    mentoring motives range from the selfish to the altruistic, the political to the organizational. On the

    selfish end of this continuum, many mentors realize that the very art of mentoring shapes protgs

    motivations. Continued long enough, a shared commitment may grow into a bond of loyalty between the

    mentor and protg. As the mentor continues to mentor further with a variety of protgs, the mentor

    becomes the hub of a network populated by protgs, tied to the centre through a series of implicit

    bargains long since melded into a web of personal and professional loyalties. That network serves in

    many capacities, from protgs pulling strings to locating talent and information on behalf of the

    mentor (Ragins and Scandura, 1994). Other benefits may accrue to the mentor. The mentors role in the

    organization may be seen as having greater legitimization, especially when mentoring is valued in the

    organizational culture, as among professionals. Each mentors world is unique, shaped by personal,

    professional, and other situational motives. Even within this private world, motives for mentoring are

    more likely to be a kaleidoscopic mix that changes through time, rather than a single, fixed viewpoint.

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    This review is from the article Characteristics of the Mentoring Experience:A Qualitative Study

    by J. Barton Cunningham Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Ted Eberle

    University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Personnel Review 22,4

    There are several historical examples of the mentor/protg relationship. A mentor has been defined as

    "someone who served as a career model and who actively advises, guides, and promotes another's career

    and training", possibly in a one-on-one mentor relationship of high trust. Terms such as guide, coach,

    counselor, guru, confidante, teacher, adviser and role model are frequently cited in conjunction with the

    mentoring term. Mentoring has been defined as assistance given on career functions, psycho-social

    functions and role modeling as well as on vocational, salary, and promotional matters. Many of these

    studies suggest that mentoring serves both vocational and psycho-social functions. What skills are most

    useful for mentoring others and how should this relationship be constructed? Mentors are portrayed as

    individuals who could help new managers "learn the ropes". Respondents frequently described their

    mentors as influential role models, who exhibited behaviour, skills, and styles which they wished to


    Certain skills and qualities are seemingly important such as:

    interpersonal skills;

    organizational knowledge;

    supervisory skills;

    technical competence; power and charisma;

    status and prestige;

    willingness to be responsible for someone's growth;

    ability to share credit;

    patience and risk taking.

    Mentors are more concerned with protgs developing a sense of commitment to their learning. They

    indicated that this sense of purpose and commitment can only be achieved through the protg's

    willingness to invest considerable time in learning different aspects of the organization's philosophy and

    mandate. This requires patience, endurance, and the protg's willingness to place his career plan

    temporarily on the backburner. Mentors placed substantial value on a protg's interpersonal skills and

    sensitivity towards the needs of all employees and employee groups. Mentors emphasized the

    importance of creating a safe and supportive environment, conducive to sharing responsibility and

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    communicating openly. Mentors did not express as great a concern towards the frequency and duration

    of meetings, as much as they did towards the quality of the interaction which took place. Quality as

    denoted by mentors suggested the provision of appropriate psychological reassurance and affirmation

    during intermittent periods of struggle and crisis. Mentors also acknowledged the importance of

    focusing their interaction on broader philosophical and conceptual issues affecting both the protg and

    the organization in general. protgs, on the other hand, were more intent on discussing specific

    management skills and career strategies. This apparent difference may be attributed to the participants'

    different levels of experience and the mentor's greater awareness of their ever-changing organizational

    environment, as well as how these changes affect the types of skills and abilities protgs are constantly

    required to develop. The level of mutual respect was also an important relationship factor. Protgs

    place substantial value on this criterion, primarily as it relates to the mentor's willingness to permit them

    to become involved in challenging and stimulating work assignments. Mentors also perceived mutual

    respect as encompassing respect for the protg's desire to learn. However, mentors also emphasized the

    importance of each participant demonstrating respect for the professional and personal integrity of each

    member. Mentors and protgs also mentioned the need for respecting each other's shared responsibility.

    Mentors emphasized the importance of protgs formulating their own strategies and solutions to

    different issues, prior to engaging the advice and wisdom of the mentor. Mentors also emphasized the

    importance of protgs recognizing that the relationship was interactive rather than evaluative in nature.

    This implied that the protg exercised an equal responsibility in challenging and stimulating the

    preconceived ideas and positions of the mentor. The relationship

    was evaluative only to the extent that each participant provided his/her partner with direct and honest


  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    This review is from the article Mentoring: a natural act for information professionals?, New

    Library World Volume 102 . Number 1166/1167 . 2001 . pp. 269273 by Judith Field

    Mentors can provide individuals with career planning advice, professional development guidelines, mid-

    career evaluation guidance, personal development suggestions and the building and/or reinforcement of

    one's self confidence. Mentors can provide individuals with a helping hand, a listening ear, be a source

    for suggestions, advice and information, can provide names of contacts and may personally arrange

    introductions. Mentoring is most effective when both parties are honest. This means that the mentee

    should be frank about what he/she needs or what his/her expectations are from a mentor. The mentor

    must be honest about what he/she is willing to do and to keep any promises he/she makes. Neither party

    should have hidden agendas; both parties should recognize the need not to abuse each other's time and

    that this relationship is a two-way street.


  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    As already mentioned, some of the more traditional roles that mentors assume throughout their

    relationship with their mentees are those of teacher, coach, advisor and guide. There are many other

    roles that mentors may assume such as: sponsor, role model, valuator, motivator, inspirer, protector,

    communicator, confidant, advocate, assessor, partner and the most important one of all that of friend.

    Mentors can provide valuable bridges or links in the career development for their mentees. They do this

    by providing introductions to people, providing them with background information and making them

    aware of opportunities to enhance their professional growth.


    A mentor must be someone who can be permissive in the advice they give. This advice should be seen

    as being offered in a non-authoritarian manner and must be soundly based. A mentor must be willing to

    take time to find needed information; to be analytical in ascertaining what is really needed; to have a

    strong commitment in assisting others in their career development; to be a good communicator who can

    provide practical advice and yet can see the big picture. A mentor must be successful and self-confident,

    ethical with no personal agendas and be seen as a person of integrity. If an individual selects someone to

    be a mentor and it becomes evident that this is not a productive or collegial relationship, the mentee

    should end the relationship as quickly and politely as possible. The mentor has the same obligation to

    end a non-productive mentoring relationship. The mentee should also feel free to only act on part or

    none of the advice given and the mentor should not take these non-actions personally.

    This review is from the article Mentoring and career development by S. Gayle Baugh University

    of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, USA, and Sherry E. Sullivan Bowling Green State

    University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA, Career Development International Vol. 10 No. 6/7,

    2005 pp. 425-428 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Mentoring is no longer viewed as necessarily long-term, as the changing nature of careers and

    organizations has caused many relationships to be of a more temporary nature. Benefits, both

    instrumental and psychosocial, are seen as accruing to both parties to the relationship, rather than

    primarily or only to the protege. Mentoring can be accomplished by immediate superiors, peers within

    ones own organization, individuals outside of ones organization, subordinates, and any number of

    other individuals. Mentoring relationships need not necessarily be dyadic, as different forms of group

    mentoring have been proposed. Mentoring relationships are no longer considered to be relatively rare,

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    and may occur sequentially or simultaneously. What is it about mentoring that catches and holds our

    attention? We think it captures our attention because mentoring holds both the great potential for

    enhancing career success as well as the possibility of contributing to career blunders. When mentoring

    relationships are good, they can produce beneficial career outcomes to mentors and proteges as well as

    to the organization(s) in which they take place. When mentoring is dysfunctional, it can be disastrous for

    the individuals and organizations involved.


    To develop an instrument that measures the capability of a person to become a mentor and also to

    develop a healthy mentor-mentee relationship in future.


    Mentor is a person who provides guidance, support, knowledge and opportunities to the Mentee. He

    must be self aware and possess excellent interpersonal as well as counseling skills. He should have

    sound business knowledge and should also be seen as a role model.


    Mentor style is the degree to which a person provides guidance and support to the mentee using his self

    awareness, interpersonal and counseling skills as well as sound business knowledge.

    From the review of various articles, we have found out certain dimensions which a mentor needs to

    possess and discussed about those dimensions.

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    It refers to mental and communicative approach applied during social communication and interaction to

    reach certain effects or results. The term "interpersonal skills" is used often in business contexts to refer

    to the measure of a person's ability to operate within business organizations through social

    communication and interactions. Interpersonal skills are how people relate to one another. Having

    positive interpersonal skills increases the productivity in the organization since the number of conflictsis reduced. In informal situations, it allows communication to be easy and comfortable. People with

    good interpersonal skills can generally control the feelings that emerge in difficult situations and

    respond appropriately, instead of being overwhelmed by emotion in prevailing situations.


    Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common

    system of symbols, signs, or behavior (Webster, 1983, p. 266).

    Communication is basically the information exchange which is the exchange, that is only a necessarybut not a sufficient condition for understanding the complex process of communication. The whole

    process revolves around the ability to convey the clear cut idea with clarity of thoughts.


    o Item 1-I discuss the tasks and goals with my colleagues

    o Item 2-I encourage my subordinates to give ideas during our meetings

    o Item 3-I give a proper direction to discussions, when they become confusing

    o Item 4-I affectively convey my ideas to the person who needs my guidance

    o Item 5-I ensure that my subordinates feel free to discuss their ideas and opinions


    It is the socio-cultural behavior of a person which reflects his relationship with his subordinates in the

    work place. Personal accountability, the value of forgiving, apologizing, and telling the truth, meeting

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    conduct (both as an attendee and the leader), how to celebrate special occasions in a multicultural

    workplace, maintaining humanity in cyberspace, that visualization and meditation enhance focus and

    civility, ways of disagreeing without being disagreeable,that good relationships lead to good business

    which leads to success which is determined by this ability.


    o Item 6-People feel free to come and meet me whenever they need my help

    o Item 7-I ensure that a comfort zone is developed between me and my peers

    o Item 8-I like to interact with new Employees


    Rapport is a process of building a sustaining relationship of mutual trust, harmony and understanding.

    It is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world. This happens through matching the

    accessing cues from words, eye movements and body language. Rapport is the ability to be on the samewavelength and to connect mentally and emotionally. It is the ability to join people where they are in

    order to build a climate of trust and respect. Having rapport does not mean that you have to agree, but

    that you understand where the other person or people are coming from.


    o Item 9-I meet my subordinates in free time to discuss their problems

    o Item 10-I compliment people so that they feel free to talk to me


    Basic skills in counseling are amplifications of communication skills. In a professional relationship,

    basic skills in counseling are hopefully communicated by a counselor's enthusiasm, confidence, and

    belief in the client's ability to change. These counselor behaviors are incredibly important in client

    outcomes, perhaps more important than theory or technique.


    Listening and assertive communication are discrete skills that can be learned, and once learned, can be

    used to enhance any relationship. But typically, a listener needs to attend to the speaker, which means

    position him or herself to indicate to the speaker that the speaker is the center of the listeners attention.

    Those behaviors can include eye contact, body position, even turning the head to the side, giving the

    client your ear, so to speak, encouraging comments from the listener, mirroring body positions.


  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    o Item 11-During interaction I tend to rephrase

    o Item 12-I note down the important points while interacting with people

    o Item 13-I dont interrupt a person while he is speaking


    To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations. In organizations, the

    critical examinations of the issues and taking into consideration each and every aspect reflect the

    analyzing ability.


    o Item 14-I look for the cause and effect relationship while undertaking project.

    o Item 15-I make sure to give justification for my course of action.

    o Item 16-I simplify the business problems into sub parts for thorough understanding.


    A teacher is someone who imparts knowledge. But setting aside that definition of a teacher, a teacher is

    a person of different responsibilities and jobs blended into one. One could not be a teacher without being

    able to handle a lot of responsibilities and a flexible personality to adapt to different situations. A teacher

    needs to have all the positive traits available; patient, kind, loving, caring, honest, real, down to earth,

    friendly, calm, alert, smart, etc., because she has a lot of responsibilities to take care of and must be able

    to adapt to different personalities and situations around him.

    Statements:o Item 17-I advice my subordinates to move forward with clear objective

    o Item 18-I convince my subordinates to proceed in a methodological manner

    o Item 19-I help my peers when they feel dejected


    Empathy means the ability to name the emotions one is observing and to ask the speaker the accuracy in

    the perceptions. The Discrete Skills associated with empathy include listening, and reflecting patient

    feelings and implicit messages.


    o Item 20-I make my subordinates feel that I am always with them

    o Item 21-I understandpeoples needs and feelings

    o Item 22-I try to find out the root cause of my subordinates problems to help them

    perform better.

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    It is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face ofdelay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain,

    especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being



    o Item 23-I analyze the problems faced by my subordinates, before reaching any


    o Item 24-When my subordinates convey their ideas or suggestions, I silently listen to them

    until they complete.

    o Item 25-I feel annoyed when it takes long for a meeting to start.


    The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific

    action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as eating aremotivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything from

    reward to coercion.Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision, policy, safety, security, affiliation,

    and relationships are all externally motivated needs where as job satisfaction and zeal to perform is

    internally motivated need. And the person who influences these feeling in a constructive manner is

    known as the motivator.


    o Item 26-I encourage my subordinates to come up with new ideas

    o Item 27-Whenever my subordinates achieve goals, I reward them to keep their morale

    high.o Item 28-I set moderately easier goals for my subordinates as compared to the goals that I

    set for myself.


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    Self-Awareness states that when we focus our attention on ourselves, we evaluate and compare our

    current behavior to our internal standards and values. We become self-conscious as objective evaluators

    of ourselves. Self-awareness includes a recognition of our personality, our strengths and weaknesses,

    our likes and dislikes. Developing self-awareness can help us to recognise when we are stressed or under

    pressure. It is also often a prerequisite for effective communication and interpersonal relations, as well

    as for developing empathy for others.

    GOAL CLARITY: Goal Clarity requires understanding at all levels of where we are today,

    where we want to be tomorrow (define tomorrow), and how we are to get there.


    o Item 29-I plan my day- to- day activities in such a way that it helps me come closer to my


    o Item 30-I analyze the pros and cons of any activity I plan before performing them

    o Item 31-I follow a structured approach to achieve my goals

    o Item 32-I redesign my objectives , when they become obscure.

    COMMITMENT TO OWN DEVELOPMENT: This becomes one of the foremost

    characteristic of a mentor. Commitment to its own work by identifying his own mistakes and

    developing on them is of utmost importance.


    o Item 33-I take necessary steps so that I dont repeat mistakes in future

    o Item 34-I dont hesitate to learn from people

    o Item 35-I attend seminars and conferences concerned within my area of expertise

    4. ROLE MODEL:

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    Role model is a "person who serves as an example, whose behaviour is emulated by others". True role

    models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in

    a way that makes us want to be better people.

    RESPECT OTHERS: A mentor should have respect for views of his peers and subordinates

    which will help to foster a healthy relationship


    o Item 36-I value genuine efforts put in by my subordinates

    o Item 37-I ensure that there is healthy criticism for any effort put forward by my


    o Item 38-I behave differently with my subordinates who are elder to me

    HUMILITY: The term "humility" is derived from the Latin word "humilitas", a noun related to

    the adjective "humilis", translated not only as "humble", but also alternatively as "low", or "from

    the earth", and "humus", humid. The concept ofhumility addresses intrinsic self-worth.


    o Item 39-I share the credit of my success with my team

    o Item 40-I take the responsibility of my teams failure

    PEOPLE ORIENTED: The mentor should look for developing his subordinates and

    provide a helping hand at the time of need.


    o Item 41-I give enough opportunities to my subordinates to grow

    o Item 42-I entrust my subordinates with important tasks to develop their capabilities

    ETHICAL: The word ethical implies pertaining to or dealing with morals or principles

    pertaining to morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.


    o Item 43-I dont compromise my principles for the companys rules and regulations

    o Item 44-Whatever I think is right, I go for it


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    A mentor should have a thorough knowledge and experience of the business as a whole and should also

    have knowledge regarding the functioning of various departments such as finance, marketing, human

    resources, operation and so on.

    INNOVATIVENESS: A mentor should have the quality of being novel: have freshness,

    newfangledness, newness, originality in his thoughts and ideas.


    o Item 45-Even after failing many times, I persist on trying new business related ideas

    o Item 46-I look at the business problems from various perspectives to arrive at an

    altogether different solution

    ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS: A mentor should keep track of the upcoming changes

    and developments in his environment .


    o Item 47-I am aware of the new developments in my area of expertise

    o Item 48-I update myself about the changes that are happening in my industry

    TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: An individual's knowledge and expertise in the specific

    group task and its processes, that is, knowledge of the skills, strategies, and tactics of a sport,

    and its rules and regulations. Technical competency is a managerial competency that a

    mentor or other leader requires to be successful.


    o Item 49-I keep adding to my existing skill sets to enhance my competence

    o Item 50-I find it difficult to cope up with a new technology

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    Descrip tive Statistics

    65 2.00 5.00 4.3846 .8041

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2769 .5997

    65 2.00 5.00 4.3231 .7095

    65 2.00 5.00 4.3846 .722265 1.00 5.00 4.2769 .7397

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1846 .8820

    65 1.00 5.00 3.5231 1.1334

    65 1.00 5.00 3.6923 1.0296

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1692 .9112

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1538 .9393

    65 1.00 5.00 2.5538 1.1323

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1538 .7548

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2923 .5789

    65 1.00 5.00 3.8615 1.0440

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2615 .6909

    65 2.00 5.00 4.2462 .7712

    65 1.00 5.00 3.9692 .951565 1.00 5.00 3.9231 1.1083

    65 1.00 5.00 3.6154 1.2586

    65 1.00 5.00 4.0000 .9520

    65 1.00 5.00 4.2615 .8154

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1385 .9499

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1692 .8398

    65 2.00 5.00 4.3231 .7095

    65 1.00 5.00 4.1077 .9035

    65 2.00 5.00 4.2308 .7239

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2615 .6194

    65 1.00 5.00 4.0308 .9349

    65 1.00 5.00 3.9077 1.2083

    65 1.00 5.00 3.6462 1.110165 1.00 5.00 3.8000 1.2525

    65 1.00 5.00 3.6000 1.2349

    65 2.00 5.00 4.2923 .7229

    65 2.00 5.00 3.9077 .8790

    65 1.00 5.00 2.3231 1.1195

    65 1.00 5.00 4.0615 .9981

    65 1.00 5.00 3.6154 1.4218

    65 2.00 5.00 4.1692 .7820

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2769 .7182

    65 1.00 5.00 3.2000 1.2525

    65 1.00 5.00 3.8000 .9874

    65 2.00 5.00 4.3231 .7727

    65 1.00 5.00 3.8923 .9862

    65 1.00 5.00 2.2769 1.1111

    65 2.00 5.00 4.1846 .9502

    65 1.00 5.00 3.7231 1.3051

    65 2.00 5.00 4.0769 .8893

    65 1.00 5.00 4.2769 .7808

    65 3.00 5.00 4.2462 .7078

    65 1.00 5.00 3.5538 1.0160

















































    Valid N (listw ise)

    N Min imum Max imum Mean Std . Deviation


  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    STEP 1: The first step in the analysis of the data collected is the Descriptive statistics. This table

    provides the summary statistics, like mean, standard deviation, the maximum and minimum value for

    each variable as answered by the respondents in a scale of 1 to 5.

    The mean value for each item signifies the average score given for that item on a scale of 1 to 5,

    by 65 respondents.

    The standard deviation for each item signifies the spread of the responses, i.e. the average

    difference of the scores from the mean of the distribution.

    The minimum value for each item signifies the minimum score allotted to that item by any of the


    The maximum value for each item signifies the maximum score allotted to that item by any of

    the respondents.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    STEP 2: The next step in the analysis is the correlation table.

    Here, we have found out the Pearson correlation coefficient, which gives information about the

    degree of correlation as well as the direction of the correlation.

    Correlation signifies the degree of relationship between two variables. It may be either positive

    or negative correlation. Thus its value varies from +1 to -1. Positive correlation signifies thatwhen there is increase in the value of one variable, the value of the other variable also increases.

    Negative correlation signifies that when there is increase in the value of one variable, the value

    of the other variable decreases.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    From the above displayed correlation table, we find out the homogeneity index. Here, we

    analyze each items correlation with the total score. The above highlighted column shows the

    same. We see that those correlation value which are accompanied by either a double star or a

    single star are highly correlated with the total score, i.e., they play a significant role in explaining

    the most appropriate characteristics required to be a mentor. Hence, we delete those items which

    are not significantly correlated with the total score. In this case, we have deleted 13 items, which

    are, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 22, 24, 37, 38, 42, 46, 47 and 48. With the remaining items, we proceed

    towards the next step.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    Group Statistics

    44 4.6136 .6547 9.870E-02

    21 3.9048 .8891 .1940

    44 4.3636 .5743 8.658E-02

    21 4.0952 .6249 .1364

    44 4.4318 .6611 9.967E-02

    21 4.0952 .7684 .1677

    44 4.5682 .5866 8.843E-02

    21 4.0000 .8367 .1826

    44 4.3409 .6450 9.723E-02

    21 4.1429 .9103 .1986

    44 4.2727 .8174 .1232

    21 3.9524 1.0713 .2338

    44 4.4091 .6220 9.377E-02

    21 3.6667 1.0165 .2218

    44 4.6136 .4925 7.425E-02

    21 3.7143 .7171 .1565

    44 4.2500 .6862 .1035

    21 3.8095 1.2091 .2638

    44 4.4318 .5866 8.843E-02

    21 3.8095 .8136 .1775

    44 4.4091 .5421 8.172E-02

    21 3.9524 .6690 .1460

    44 4.3636 .6135 9.248E-02

    21 3.3333 1.1106 .2423

    44 4.4318 .5866 8.843E-02

    21 2.8095 1.4359 .3133

    44 4.1136 .6893 .1039

    21 2.6667 1.1972 .2613

    44 4.3864 .6182 9.319E-02

    21 2.5714 1.3628 .2974

    44 4.1591 .8337 .1257

    21 2.4286 1.1212 .2447

    44 4.3409 .5683 8.567E-02

    21 3.7619 .9437 .2059

    44 4.0227 .9019 .1360

    21 3.5238 1.2498 .2727

    44 4.4318 .6250 9.422E-02

    21 3.9048 .7003 .1528

    44 4.3864 .6893 .1039

    21 3.9524 .8646 .1887

    44 4.3409 .6450 9.723E-02

    21 3.1905 1.0305 .2249

    44 4.3636 .8378 .1263

    21 3.0000 1.0488 .2289

    44 4.2500 .7193 .1084

    21 2.2857 1.1019 .2405

    44 4.2500 .6515 9.821E-02

    21 3.4762 1.2498 .2727

    44 4.4545 .5888 8.877E-02

    21 3.8571 1.0623 .2318

    44 3.6591 1.0330 .1557

    21 2.2381 1.1360 .2479

    44 4.1818 .8148 .1228

    21 3.0000 .8367 .1826

    44 4.5000 .6288 9.479E-02

    21 3.9524 .9207 .2009

    44 4.1591 .9135 .1377

    21 3.3333 .9129 .1992

    44 4.3636 .6503 9.803E-02

    21 2.3810 1.3220 .2885

    44 4.3409 .7759 .1170

    21 3.5238 .8729 .1905

    44 4.4318 .5455 8.224E-02

    21 3.9524 1.0713 .2338

    44 3.7727 .9367 .1412

    21 3.0952 1.0443 .2279

    44 4.4091 .6220 9.377E-02

    21 4.0476 .8646 .1887

    44 4.2045 .6317 9.523E-02

    21 3.2857 1.0071 .2198

    44 4.2955 .6675 .1006

    21 3.9048 .9437 .2059

    44 4.3864 .6893 .1039

    21 4.0476 .7400 .1615


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    N Mean Std. Deviation

    Std. Error


  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    STEP 3: Here, we find out the independent samples T- test.

    Through this, we get the group statistics of the highly correlated items, as we have displayed

    above. In this table, we can find out the number of people who have scored high, medium or low

    for each item, along with their respective mean and standard deviation.

    In the above table, we first see whether the Levenes test is high, i.e, (> 0.5). If it is high, then we

    use the results for equal variance assumed value. If it is low, we use the results that do not

    assume equal variances. A low significance value(2- tailed), i.e. less than 0.05, we use those

    items for further analysis and we eliminate those items which have a high significance value.This is because a low significance value means, there is a high difference between means of the

    two groups. In this case, the number of items that is eliminated is nine. Those items are, 2, 3, 5,

    9, 14, 25, 44, 49, and 50. The remaining items are used for further analysis.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    STEP- 4: This step involves the analysis of the factors that emerge from the displayed tables.

    The above communalities table shows the variance explained by each item. Initial communalities

    are estimates of the variance in each variable accounted for by all components or factors.

    Extraction communalities are estimates of the variance in each variable accounted for by thefactors (or components) in the factor solution. The lowest communality as observed was of item

    36, with a variance of .590 and the highest was of item 20, with a variance of .874.

    Comm unalities

    1.000 .672

    1.000 .6491.000 .660

    1.000 .689

    1.000 .753

    1.000 .840

    1.000 .745

    1.000 .748

    1.000 .740

    1.000 .874

    1.000 .777

    1.000 .700

    1.000 .671

    1.000 .766

    1.000 .659

    1.000 .752

    1.000 .803

    1.000 .638

    1.000 .865

    1.000 .648

    1.000 .774

    1.000 .728

    1.000 .590

    1.000 .745

    1.000 .685

    1.000 .669

    1.000 .633

    1.000 .647




























    Initial Extraction

    Ex traction Method: Principal Component A nalysis.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    A factor can be defined as a collection of highly correlated variables clubbed together

    In the above table, we observe that eight components explain the maximum variation from

    among all the 28 components. The cumulative variance of those eight components is 71.86%.

    Hence, we club all the items in these eight factors. Here we have extracted only those

    components whose eigen value is more than one.

    Thus, we conclude that there are eight factors which have emerged as the most significant ones,

    and in the following steps, we determine the items that come under each factor.

    Total Variance Explained

    8.381 29.933 29.933 8.381 29.933 29.933 6.031 21.538 21.538

    3.009 10.747 40.680 3.009 10.747 40.680 2.589 9.245 30.784

    2.055 7.340 48.020 2.055 7.340 48.020 2.172 7.757 38.541

    1.562 5.578 53.598 1.562 5.578 53.598 2.059 7.354 45.895

    1.474 5.265 58.864 1.474 5.265 58.864 2.045 7.302 53.198

    1.346 4.806 63.670 1.346 4.806 63.670 1.931 6.895 60.093

    1.234 4.405 68.075 1.234 4.405 68.075 1.653 5.903 65.996

    1.060 3.786 71.861 1.060 3.786 71.861 1.642 5.865 71.861

    .971 3.467 75.328

    .917 3.276 78.604

    .804 2.872 81.476

    .701 2.504 83.980

    .612 2.184 86.164

    .586 2.091 88.255

    .503 1.798 90.053

    .451 1.609 91.662

    .361 1.289 92.951

    .342 1.223 94.174

    .295 1.054 95.228

    .264 .941 96.169

    .244 .872 97.042

    .181 .647 97.688

    .162 .577 98.265

    .140 .500 98.765

    .129 .460 99.225

    8.460E-02 .302 99.527

    8.067E-02 .288 99.815

    5.182E-02 .185 100.000






























    Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

    Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    It is a diagrammatic representation through which we can find out the number of factors that are

    extracted. The x- axis represents the component number and the y- axis represents the eigen

    values. In the above graph, we determine the number of factors that are extracted by observing

    the kink in the downward sloping curve.

    Scree Plot

    Component Number








  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    In the above table we determine that what are the items that come under each factor. This is done

    on the basis of the degree of correlation of the individual items and the individual factors. For

    example, item 21 has a correlation of .816 under factor one, but when we look at its correlation

    with other factors, we observe that it is not significantly correlated with them. Hence, item 21

    will be kept under factor one, as it has the highest value of correlation with this factor. In this

    way, we determine the following:

    Com ponent Matrixa

    .816 -.319 -2.65E-02 -1.50E-02 1.552E-02 -3.36E-03 -1.84E-02 -8.75E-02

    .813 -.198 -.103 .111 -.221 6.980E-02 -.161 -4.02E-03

    .805 -.203 2.910E-02 -.131 6.638E-02 9.527E-02 -9.75E-02 .123

    .777 -.306 -.268 .140 -1.13E-02 -.147 .223 -.113

    .734 - .374 - .238 -3.27E-02 2.610E-02 -4.81E-02 -2.62E-02 -1.39E-02

    .693 -.416 -.129 -.193 -9.82E-02 -1.85E-02 -1.13E-02 .175

    .645 7.992E-02 -1.13E-02 2.719E-02 -2.03E-02 .558 -.161 - .119

    .611 .157 7.572E-02 7.507E-02 .125 -.388 -.283 5.760E-02

    .588 .339 .399 .132 4.272E-02 2.686E-02 -.219 4.282E-02

    .586 -6.21 E-02 .485 -2.13 E-04 -3.50E-02 -.358 .175 9.439E-0 2

    .582 8.623E-02 .328 -.336 -.189 6.941E-02 .222 -.298

    .547 1.52 5E-02 -.343 -.262 .382 -9.62 E-02 -5.62E-02 -5.83 E-02

    .534 -.374 -9.18E-02 .343 .268 1.436E-02 -.123 .102

    .514 .484 -.268 -3.29E-02 -.402 5.749E-02 -1.85E-02 -.129

    .484 -3.00E-02 .459 -.315 -5.39E-04 .274 2.426E-03 .255

    .464 .339 -.155 .160 .412 -.279 .203 -6.57E-02

    .462 .411 - .438 3.347E-02 -7.69E-02 5.603E-02 -.273 -2.60E-02

    .445 -.383 .230 -.350 .171 4.133E-02 -.188 5.392E-02

    .320 .555 -.182 -.302 .137 -.107 -.301 -.333

    .305 .537 .281 .223 .127 -7.76E-02 3.198E-02 .409

    .254 .467 2.912E-04 -.253 -.202 -.314 -7.29E-02 .421

    .326 .339 -.457 .115 7.404E-02 .328 .346 .227

    .350 -.173 .287 .527 -3.34E-02 .336 -7.40E-02 2.901E-02

    .286 .414 .207 .466 .342 6.512E-02 -4.41E-03 -.189

    .385 .417 -2.89E-02 5.439E-02 -.528 .131 7.610E-02 .102

    .431 -.135 .241 .311 -.454 -.372 9.132E-02 -.358

    .462 -.121 -.288 4.425E-02 -3.27E-02 -8.12E-02 .548 .170

    .375 .347 .353 -.295 .293 .196 .454 -.248





























    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


    Extraction Method: Princ ipal Component Analysis.

    8 components extracted.a.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    FACTOR 1: Items 21, 30, 39, 20, 19, 18, 34, 28, 13, 29, 17, 45, 33, 15, 12, 36, 16.

    FACTOR 2: Items 27, 23, 3

    FACTOR 3: Item 40

    FACTOR 4: Items 43, 26

    FACTOR 5: Item 1

    FACTOR 6: Item 35

    FACTOR 7: Item 32, 4

    FACTOR 8: Item 41

    We then give a name to each of the factor looking at the statements that fall under each factor.

    FACTOR 1: Cordial and Ambitious

    FACTOR 2: Resourceful

    FACTOR 3: Creative

    FACTOR 4: Modesty

    FACTOR 5: Amiable

    FACTOR 6: Self advancement

    FACTOR 7: Stimulator

    FACTOR 8: Conscious and Responsive

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A)

    Mean Std Dev Cases

    1. ITEM1 4.3846 .8041 65.02. ITEM4 4.3846 .7222 65.0

    3. ITEM12 4.1692 .8398 65.0

    4. ITEM13 4.3231 .7095 65.0

    5. ITEM15 4.2308 .7239 65.0

    6. ITEM16 4.2615 .6194 65.0

    7. ITEM17 4.0308 .9349 65.0

    8. ITEM18 3.9077 1.2083 65.0

    9. ITEM19 3.6462 1.1101 65.0

    10. ITEM20 3.8000 1.2525 65.0

    11. ITEM21 3.6000 1.2349 65.0

    12. ITEM23 4.1538 .7548 65.0

    13. ITEM26 4.2615 .6909 65.0

    14. ITEM27 4.2462 .7712 65.0

    15. ITEM28 3.9692 .9515 65.0

    16. ITEM29 3.9231 1.1083 65.0

    17. ITEM30 3.6154 1.2586 65.0

    18. ITEM31 4.0000 .9520 65.0

    19. ITEM32 4.2615 .8154 65.0

    20. ITEM33 3.2000 1.2525 65.0

    21. ITEM34 3.8000 .9874 65.0

    22. ITEM35 4.3231 .7727 65.0

    23. ITEM36 3.8923 .9862 65.0

    24. ITEM39 3.7231 1.3051 65.0

    25. ITEM40 4.0769 .8893 65.0

    26. ITEM41 4.2769 .7808 65.0

    27. ITEM43 3.5538 1.0160 65.0

    28. ITEM45 3.9077 .8790 65.0

    N of

    Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables

    SCALE 111.9231 209.2909 14.4669 28

    R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A)

    Item-total Statistics

    Scale Scale Corrected

    Mean Variance Item- Alpha

    if Item if Item Total if Item

    Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted

    ITEM1 107.5385 198.9087 .4292 .9066

    ITEM4 107.5385 200.2524 .4167 .9069

    ITEM12 107.7538 198.5947 .4221 .9067

    ITEM13 107.6000 197.5875 .5615 .9050

    ITEM15 107.6923 199.0601 .4752 .9061

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    ITEM16 107.6615 202.2587 .3774 .9075

    ITEM17 107.8923 194.5351 .5323 .9049

    ITEM18 108.0154 187.2341 .6228 .9029

    ITEM19 108.2769 187.5159 .6757 .9019

    ITEM20 108.1231 183.2971 .7202 .9006

    ITEM21 108.3231 182.0659 .7712 .8994

    ITEM23 107.7692 202.5553 .2870 .9086

    ITEM26 107.6615 203.6024 .2643 .9088

    ITEM27 107.6769 202.5034 .2822 .9087

    ITEM28 107.9538 193.4510 .5643 .9043

    ITEM29 108.0000 191.5625 .5378 .9047

    ITEM30 108.3077 181.6538 .7679 .8995

    ITEM31 107.9231 199.1346 .3443 .9081

    ITEM32 107.6615 200.7274 .3418 .9079

    ITEM33 108.7231 191.3284 .4731 .9064

    ITEM34 108.1231 191.8909 .6004 .9036

    ITEM35 107.6000 202.2438 .2935 .9086

    ITEM36 108.0308 197.6240 .3857 .9075

    ITEM39 108.2000 181.1938 .7512 .8998

    ITEM40 107.8462 197.3822 .4449 .9064

    ITEM41 107.6462 203.5760 .2291 .9095ITEM43 108.3692 199.4865 .3057 .9090

    ITEM45 108.0154 196.2341 .4988 .9055

    Reliability Coefficients

    N of Cases = 65.0 N of Items = 28

    Alpha = .9087

    STEP 5:

    Cronbachs Alpha: It is a statistic that is used as a measure of internal consistency reliability of

    a psychometric instrument.In this case, we observe that the alpha value is .9087.

    Through the above analysis, we find out the items which have the potential to reduce or enhance

    the overall reliability of the instrument.

    For example, if we delete item 21, then the reliability of the instrument would reduce to 89.94%

    from 90.87%. Hence, we say that this item is very important in this instrument. This also enables

    us to delete those items which do not contribute much to the reliability, i.e. if we delete an item,

    and the alpha value either remains same or increases, then we can conclude that the item is not

    important and should be deleted.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    In this section we were keen to know whether mentor style varies with demographic variables or

    not. For this, we chose a specific category i.e. age. Thus we wanted to know whether different

    age groups show different mentor style. Hence, we divide the age variable into three categories.

    The minimum age of the respondents was 24 and maximum was 58.

    Thus category one, varies from 24 years till 33 years. It comprises of 21 people.

    Category two varies from 34 years till 46 years. It comprises of 23 people.

    Category three varies from 42 to 58 years. It comprises of 21 people.

    NTILES of AGE = 1

    Here, people had a minimum score of 91 and a maximum of 133. Thus the dispersion of scores isMean Plus/minus standard deviation, which is equal to115 12 = 103115 + 12 = 127

    NTILES of AGE = 2

    Here, people had a minimum score of 85 and a maximum of 128. Thus the dispersion of scores is

    Mean Plus/minus standard deviation, which is equal to

    11114 = 97111 + 14 = 128

    Descriptive Statisticsa

    21 91.00 133.00 115.4286 11.6986


    total s core

    Valid N (listw ise)

    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

    NTILES of AGE = 1a.

    Descriptive Statisticsa

    23 85.00 128.00 111.4348 14.3490


    total s core

    Valid N (listw ise)

    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

    NTILES of AGE = 2a.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    NTILES of AGE = 3

    Here, people had a minimum score of 86 and a maximum of 133. Thus the dispersion of scores

    is:Mean Plus/minus standard deviation, which is equal to

    10917 = 92109 + 17 = 126

    After analyzing all the above scores of the three age categories, we could conclude that the upper

    limit of the scores for each category was almost equal. But, we found that category 3 had the

    lowest score as its lower limit, i.e. 92. Category 2 fell in between, i.e. 97. Category 3 has the

    highest lower limit score of 103.

    Bell curve- 109(mean)

    Descriptive Statisticsa

    21 86.00 133.00 108.9524 16.8507


    total s core

    Valid N (listw ise)

    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

    NTILES of AGE = 3a.

    85 101 117 133

    109(C3) 111(C2) 115(C1)


    C1-mean score of category 1

    C2- mean score of category 2

    C3- mean score of category 3

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring


    From the above bell curve, we can see that category one has the highest mean among the other

    three categories. Category comes second and category three is the last. But it is also clear that the

    scores do not vary much, so we can conclude that mentor style is not dependent on age category.

  • 8/14/2019 HRD Instrument on mentoring



    After doing this study we can conclude that mentor style is determined by a number of

    dimensions like Interpersonal skills, counseling skills, self awareness, Role Model and Business

    knowledge. When a person possesses above characteristics, it is very likely that the person can

    turn out to be a very good mentor. Mentor plays many roles like a teacher, guide, and above all a

    person who directs the mentee towards the right path. Hence, this relationship surpasses all sorts

    of prejudices and emerges to be the most enriching relationship, which redifines both the mentor

    and the mentee into a better human being.

    This project has been a great learning experience for us, since it not only enabled us to

    understand the intricacies of developing an instrument, but also widened our spectra of thinking

    to greater horizons.

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