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  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 Course Career Path

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  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 Entire Course

    • HSM 210 week 1 CheckPoint Deinstitutionalization o the Mentall! "ll

    • HSM 210 week 1 Discussion #uestion 1 $ 2

    • HSM 210 week 2 Check%oint &esearcingHuman Ser'ices(gencies

    • HSM 210 week 2 (ssignment Contem%orar! Pro)lems

    • HSM 210 week * Discussion #uestion 1 $ 2

    • HSM 210 week + Check%oint Dierentiating Between Pu)lic and Pri'ate ,rganizations

    • HSM 210 week + (ssignment E-amining .o'ernment &egulations

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee 1 ec Po nt

    Deinstitutionalization o the

    Mentall! "ll•CheckPoint Deinstitutionalization o the Mentall! "ll

    • ,ne o the most signiicant historical e'ents to im%act the e'olution o human ser'ice work was the deinstitutio

    nalization o the mentall! ill in the 10s 3our te-t e-amines some %ositi'e and negati'e outcomes o deinstitutionalization

    • &esources/ Ch * 4% 1++5 o Human Ser'ices in Contem% 

    orar! (merica and the 6ni'ersit! 7i)rar!•

    Due Date Da! 8 9%ost to the "ndi'idual orum:

    •7ocate at least one article rom the 6ni'ersit! 7i)rar! that demonstrates the im%act o deinstitutionalization o

    n local communities

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week 1 Discussion

    #uestion 1 $ 2

    •Discussion #uestion 1

    •Due Date Da! 2 9%ost to the Main orum:

    •Post !our res%onse to the ollowing ;hat ha'e )een th

    e most signiicant changes in human ser'ices o'er the %ast 80 !ears< How has societ!=s res%onsi)ilit! to indi'idual needs changed in the last 10 !ears< ;hat do !ou think the role o human ser'ice workers will )e in the utur


    Discussion #uestion 2

    •Due Date Da! + 9%ost to the Main orum:

    •Search the 6ni'ersit! 7i)rar! or the "nternet or re%uta


  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week 2 (ssignment

    Contem%orar! Pro)lems

    •(ssignment Contem%orar! Pro)lems

    • &esources  Ch 1 4%% 2>?8>5 o Human Ser'ices in Conte m%orar! (merica and (%%endi-es C and .

    •Due Date Da! > 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •&e'iew !our list o local cit! and state agencies 4or the two agencies !ou com%ared5 and select a target %o%ulation E-am%les o target %o%ulations are the %oor@ unem%

    lo!ed@ children@ elderl!@ %eo%le with disa)ilities@ %ersonswith mental illness@ su)stance a)users@ criminals@ homeless@ and %ersons li'ing with H"A/("DS ,nce !ou ha'e selected a grou%@ research a current issue or %ro)lem a ecting this target %o%ulation

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee ec %o nt

    &esearcing uman Ser'ices (

    gencies•CheckPoint &esearching Human Ser'ice (gencies ,neo the )est wa!s to learn a)out how 'arious human ser'ice organizations meet human needs is to research and

    stud! agencies within !our cit! or state• &esources  (%%endi-es B@ C@ and .

    •Due Date Da! * 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Com%ile a list o the human ser'ice agencies in !our cit

    ! or state

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week * Discussion

    #uestion 1 $ 2

    •Discussion #uestion 1

    •Due Date Da! 2 9Main orum:

    •Post !our res%onse to the ollowing &esearch an e-isti

    ng human ser'ice %rogram in !our cit! or state that aects the target %o%ulation and issue !ou chose Briel! descri)e the %rogram and determine which theoretical model most inluences the deli'er! o this %rogram or ser'i

    ce ;hich theoretical model least inluences the deli'er! o this %rogram or ser'ice<

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee ss gnment

    E-amining .o'ernment &egul

    ations•(ssignment E-amining .o'ernment &egulations

    • &esource  Ch > o Human Ser'ices in Contem%orar! (m erica 

    •Due Date Da! > 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •6se the inormation !ou gathered or the ;eek wo assignment and research go'ernment regulations and standards that aect the %olic! and target %o%ulation !ou c

    hose 3ou can research !our state=s legislati'e de%artment or the ;e) sites listed in (%%endi- .@ or e-am%le@ or laws@ regulations@ and standards im%acting human ser'ice organizations

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee ec %o nt

    Dierentiating Between Pu)li

    c and Pri'ate ,rganizations•CheckPoint Dierentiating Between Pu)lic and Pri'ate,rganizations

    • &esources  Ch 1 4%% 12@ 1+@ and 185 $ > o Human Ser'i 

    ces in Contem%orar! (merica and (%%endi- .•

    Due Date Da! * 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Descri)e a social %olic! that ma! aect !our uture %osition as a human ser'ices worker

    •Com%are and contrast how a %u)lic 'ersus a %ri'ate organization might address this %olic! dierentl! "ncludean e-%lanation o how the deli'er! s!stem o a %u)lic organization would )e dierent than that o a %ri'ate orga

    nization or e-am%le@

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week 8 Discussion

    #uestion 1 $ 2

    •Discussion #uestion 1

    • &esources/ Ch 8 4%% 22?*25 o the te-t and (%%endi-.

    •Due Date Da! 2 9Main orum:

    •Post !our res%onse to the ollowing Descri)e a communit! %rogram or ser'ice in !our cit! or state that !ou think needs more %u)lic or go'ernment su%%ort ;h! doe

    s this issue deser'e attention< ;hat t!%e o ad'ocac! ismost a%%ro%riate or this %rogram or ser'ice< ;hat strategies would !ou em%lo! to %romote it<

    • * Discussion #uestion 2

    Due Date Da! + 9Main orum:•

    &e'iew the situations on **? in Ch o the te-t

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week 8 E-ercise Crit

    ical hinking E-ercises

    •E-ercise Critical hinking

    • Part o the res%onsi)ilit! o working as a human ser'ice%ro'ider is )eing aware o )oth sides o the issue ,ten

    times we allow our %ersonal con'ictions to guide our deli'er! o human ser'ices ;hen %resenting an argumentor or against a s%eciic %olic! 4or listening to someoneelse %resent an argument5 we need to )e aware o %ersuasi'e techniues

    •Due Da! 8 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Com%lete the &ecognizing Dece%ti'e (rguments e-ercise on %% 22?+ in Ch > o the te-t

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week (ssignment


    •(ssignment Pre'ention

    • &esource  Ch o Human Ser'ices in Contem%orar! (m erica 

    •Due Date Da! > 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Choose a %re'ention strateg! and e-%lain how it is a%%lica)le to the issue or %ro)lem !ou chose or !our ;eekwo assignment

    •Suggest a solution or im%ro'ing the %ro)lem or resol'ing the issue

    •(nswer the ollowing uestions

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee ec %o nt

    Determining le'els o %re'en

    tion•CheckPoint Determining 7e'els o Pre'ention

    • &esources  Ch o Human Ser'ices in Contem%orar! (merica and (%%endi- E

    •Due Date Da! * 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Post a 200? to *00?word res%onse to the ollowing (nal!ze the scenarios in (%%endi- E and descri)e the le'el o %re'ention each scenario addresses Do !ou think the

    %re'ention strateg! used in the scenario is eecti'e< "not@ what would !ou do dierentl!<

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week > Check%oint

    Com%aring Aalues

    •CheckPoint Com%aring Aalues

    • &esource  Ch 8 4% 2115 o Human Ser'ices in Contem% orar! (merica 

    •Due Date Da! * 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Post a 200? to *00?word res%onse to the ollowing (nswer an! our o the uestions on % 211 in Ch 8 o the te-t

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week > Discussion

    #uestion 1 $ 2

    •Discussion #uestion 1

    • (mericans ha'e dierent o%inions when it comes to ualit! o lie issues here are se'eral (merican 'alues list

    ed on % *+0 in Ch o the te-t (lthough the te-t %resents this as a grou% acti'it!@ com%lete the assignment ind i'iduall! @ ocusing onl! on Ste% * 3ou will com%are !ouranswers with !our classmates as %art o the discussionuestion

    •Due Date Da! 2 9Main orum:

    •Com%lete Ste% * o the &anking (merican Aalues e-ercise on % *+0 in Ch o the te-t

    •Post !our res%onse to the ollowing E-%lain !our rankings How do !ou think !our rankings

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week (ssignment

    Characteristics and Skills

    •(ssignment Characteristics and Skills

    • or this assignment@ imagine that !ou will )e attendinga career air consisting o human ser'ice organizations  

    rom the ollowing %roessions• .eneralist human ser'ices work

    • Creati'e arts thera%!

    • Counseling

    • Social work•

    Fote 3ou ma! ind it hel%ul to search the "nternet orhuman ser'ice agencies or organizations in the area that most interests !ou

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee ec %o nt

    E'aluating Communication St

    rategies• &esource  Ch 8 4%% 18?210@ 21+?20@ 22*?5 o Human S er'ices in Contem%orar! (merica 

    •Due Date Da! * 9"ndi'idual orum:

    •Consider the ollowing scenario 3ou are working as a human ser'ice worker at a local 6nited ;a! agenc! that ser'es se'eral multicultural clients "n addition to the multicultural as%ect@ the agenc! also ser'es children@ wome

    n@ the elderl!@ and the homeless 3our manager has asked !ou to decide the )est communication a%%roach oreach o these clients

    •(nswer the ollowing uestions

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 week Ca%stone D


    •Due Date Da! * 9Main orum:

    •&esearch a career %ath within the human ser'ice industr! that interests !ou 3ou ma! e-%lore the ;e) sites list

    ed in (%%endi- . or search the "nternet using the nameo a %articular career as a ke!word

    •Post !our res%onse to the ollowing ;hich career trends do !ou ind the most a%%ealing< Considering the to%i

    cs discussed in this course@ what o%%ortunities and o)stacles do !ou e-%ect to encounter in !our chosen career< ;hat conce%ts or strategies discussed in this course do !ou think will )e the most useul to !ou in !our chosen career<

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      M 1 wee na u sta

    nce ()use and the Fati'e (m

    erican Po%ulation•inal ProGect &election Presentation

    • (t the )eginning o this course@ !ou selected a target %o%ulation and a s%eciic issue or %ro)lem related to that

    %o%ulation to research hroughout the course@ !ou e-amined the %o%ulation and issue rom a 'ariet! o %ers%ecti'es such as theor!@ %olic!@ go'ernment regulations and standards@ and %re'ention measures

  • 8/16/2019 HSM 210 Course Career Path Begins Hsm210dotcom


      SM 210 Course Career Path

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