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We welcome this morning Rev. Meggan Farwell Director of Christian

Education at First United Presbyterian Church. We also welcome Jason Pues as our organist.

Wishing Floyd and Patcee Bucher a very blessed and happy 60th wedding

anniversary on January 3. God’s blessings to you! Pastor Randy will be out of the office until January 4. Should any needs

arise, please contact the church office. Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study meets on January 6 at 9:00 a.m.

Church Chix meets on January 9 at 6:00 p.m. at Gippers. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

If you travel and stay in a motel or hotel and do not use your shampoo, conditioner, lotion or bar soap, please bring them back and give them to the Pantry if they are not opened. They will be gift wrapped for distribution. They are also looking for toothbrushes and toothpaste.

UPCOMING EVENTS December 27 Pastor Begins a Week of Vacation January 1 Office Closed in Observance of New Years January 4 Pastor Returns From Vacation January 6 Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study January 26-27 Youth Ski Tr ip


Ruth King


Henry Akerboom, Moraine Ridge; Ginney Amen, Woodside Oaks; Don Carmichael, Froedtert Hospital; Allen Collins, Manor One; Cathy Crelin, friend of Nina and Don Lundin; Marje Crowl, home; Johnny and Tracie Davis, home; Gladys Dehne, friend of Leah Mott; Loren Dunn, home; Marjorie Holmes; Meredith Ingram; Lauren, Connie’s friend; Ben and Rita Mach; Maureen McCotter-Grun, fr iend of Donna Jansen; Carol Mickelson, home; Lauren Miller, gr eat niece of Mary Ginnebaugh; Derek Morrissey, great grandson of a friend of Donna Jansen; LuAnn Nelson, daughter-in-law of Dori Nelson; Ginny Nixon, home; Bob Olsen; Iner Osgood, home; CJ Olson, South Korea; Kathryn P, friend of Donna Jansen; Richard Parkinson, home; Pat Piaskowski, home; Cathy Rennells, home; Rosa, Connie Greenawald’s cousin; Sherry, sister of Connie Greenawald; Tom, friend of Connie Greenawald; Heather, Megan Siewert’s sister; Marian Turk, Verona; John and Marilyn Van Langendon, home; Keith Wallace; Vivian Wallace, home; Peggy Wolfe, Renaissance; Uraba Presbytery and churches in Colombia, South America; the churches in Gnozdovo and Yartsevo, Russia.


Today Hispanic Pentecostal Church 9:00 p.m. No Confirmation Class Monday, January 1 Office Closed in Observance of New Year’s Day Tuesday, January 2 No Staff Meeting Wednesday, January 3 Youth Group 6:30 p.m. All Church Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 4 Pastor Returns The Commoners 11:00 a. m. Building and Grounds Committee 5:30 p.m. Stephen Ministers 6:00 p.m. Sunday, January 7 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:45 a.m. Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m. No Sunday School Hispanic Pentecostal Church 1:00 p.m. Home Communion 1:15 p.m. Confirmation Class 6:00 p.m.


December 31, 2017 10:00 A.M.

Bold indicates congregational participation *Indicates congregation standing, as you are able.




LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE Nancy Siewert *CALL TO WORSHIP Hallelujah! Praise the Lord from the heavens! Praise the Lord throughout the earth! Glory to you, O God, for you sent your only Son, that we might have abundant life. Glory to you, O Christ, for you dwelt among us that we might be your people. Glory to you, O Holy Spirit, for you guide our hearts and direct our lives. Glory to our God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—now and forever more! In joy and thanksgiving for God’s eternal presence, let us worship God in spirit and truth! *PRAYER OF THE DAY…………………………………………Nancy Siewert Saving God, the prophet Anna and righteous Simeon sang your praise and proclaimed Jesus our Lord to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. Let us who seek redemption in this day prepare our hearts, that we may believe the good news of Jesus, receive the light of salvation, and live according to your word. Amen. *HYMN #133……………………………………….."O Come, All Ye Faithful" CALL TO CONFESSION………………………………………….Nancy Siewert PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) ………….………………Nancy Siewert Gracious and loving God, in Jesus Christ you came among us as eternal light shining in constant darkness. We confess that we have not always welcomed the light in our lives or trusted your good news to be good. We have closed our eyes to your glory in our midst; expecting little and hoping for even less. As the visible reminders of this joyful season begin to fade, we allow the promise your Christmas miracle to be forgotten. Our “hallelujah’s” and “glory to God’s” are replaced by half-hearted efforts to celebrate your love. Merciful and forgiving God, free us from our doubts and renew our hope, so that we may discover with each new day the fullness of your eternal grace. Help us to live in the truth of Christ the Lord, born to save us from our sins, a truth that extends beyond the boundaries of a holiday season. Give us strength to seek your love, your grace, and your mercy every day of our lives, confident in the lasting hope of Jesus Christ. Amen. SILENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION WORDS OF ASSURANCE

*RESPONSE IN SONG #137 He came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; he came down that we may have love; hallelujah forevermore. *THE PEACE Jesus said: “As the Lord has forgiven us, let us also forgive one another.” The peace of the Lord Jesus be with you. And also with you. We exchange signs of peace.


SPECIAL MUSIC CHRISTMAS CAROLS Hark! The Herald Angels Sing; Hymn #119 verses 1 & 4 Once in Royal David’s City; Hymn #140 verses 1 & 4 Angels We Have Heard on High; Hymn #113 verses 1 & 4 What Child Is This; Hymn #145 verses 1 & 4 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION……………………………………..Nancy Siewert PSALM 148: A RESPONSORIAL SETTING

Refrain Verses 1-6 Refrain Verses 7-12 Refrain Verses 13-14 Refrain OLD TESTAMENT READING………………………………...Psalm 150 (Pg. 583) EPISTLE READING…………………………………...Colossians 3:12-17 (Pg. 201) This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON “Singing our Faith: Hymn Stories” Reverend Meggan Farwell


*HYMN #122...………….……………………………..."Silent Night, Holy Night" PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER, pg. 35


*RESPONSE #717 For the life that you have given, for the love in Christ made known, with these fruits of time and labor, with these gifts that are your own: here we offer, Lord, our praises; heart and mind and strength we bring; give us grace to love and serve you, living what we pray and sing. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION……………………………………Nancy Siewert


*HYMN #143 …………………………..."Angels, from the Realms of Glory"



Reader: Nancy Siewert Audio: Matt Early Lock Up: Deacons #3 Ushers: Bill Klass and Harland Merrell Nursery: Judy Exl Choir Director: Allan Russell Organist: Jason Pues Greeters: David, DJ and Nick Young WELCOME

We welcome families with children and infants to worship. Worship bags

with activities are available for children in the narthex. If your child becomes uncomfortable during worship, please feel free to leave the sanctuary and return at an appropriate time. Our nursery is room 205.

Assistive Listening Devices are available for the hearing impaired. We have two kinds: ear speakers and neck loops (for T-coil compatible hearing aids). Speak to the audio person for help.

We ask guests (and members) to sign our friendship pad. Guests please include your address and phone number. If you are sitting at the end of your pew, please tear off the sheet and place it in the collection plate. We greatly appreciate your assistance.

Stewardship Notes

Thank you for all that contributed to the Christmas Joy Offering. A total of $325.00 was given. If you have not had the opportunity to support this mission, envelopes are provided inside the bulletin.

We are trying to conclude the fall stewardship campaign. Thank you to all who returned a 2018 pledge card. If you have not yet done so, you may put your card in an envelope and either mail it or place it in the offering plate. Extra cards are on the literature rack. We appreciate your faithful stewardship in support of our shared values! The Pantry requests jars of jelly in the month of January. Please place the jar in the shopping cart in the back of the church.

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