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  • Dr. Naglaa El-sherbiny


  • Preparatory phase (3 months)

    Aim : focused on top manager to :

    1. Understand 5S- KAIZEN-TQM


    2. Establish structure of 5 S


  • Steps Preparatory phase

    1. Dissemination of 5 concepts

    2. Training of management staff

    3. Formulation of quality improvement team

    4. Situation analysis of 5 activity

    5. Selection of 3-5 areas

  • 1-Dissemination of 5 concepts

    Education true meaning of the 5 S

    Wrong concept??????

    True concept?????

    Practiced daily to be a culture of health facility

  • 2-Training of management staff

    Basic concepts of 5 S-kaizen-TQM

    Action plan development

    Self monitoring and evaluation

  • 3-Formulation of Quality Improvement Team (QIT)

    Responsibilities of the QIT:

    1. Conduct situation analysis

    2. Train staff

    3. Implement 5 S activities

    4. Solving problem by KAIZEN approach

    5. Provide technical advice to WIT

    6. Review action plan according to situation analysis

    7. Write progress report every 3 months

  • 4-Situation analysis before 5 S activity

    1. Taking pictures to all departments as a base line

    for useful comparison and measure the progress

    2. Observation and interview the staff are another

    tool s in situation analysis

  • 5-Selection of 3-5 areas

    Criteria of selection:

    1. Presence of Personal commitment

    2. Situation need to be improved for better care

    3. Section facing few problems to be easily managed

  • Introductory phase (6 months)

    Training of staff

    Work improvement team

    Implementation of 5 S

    Continuous improvement and standardize

  • Getting Started

    Planning launches your 5S activity

    Evaluating tells you what you need to do

    Preparing gets you ready for


  • Planning Assemble a 5S Lead team (WIT)

    Define the work area 5S boundaries

    Assign work group members to their 5S areas

    Install a 5S communication board

    Determine 5S targets, activities, and schedule

    Review/finalize plans with work group and site


  • 6-Training all staff Everyone participation (successful key)

    1. 5S KAIZEN-TQM concepts and tools

    2. Situation analysis for each department

    3. Work Improvement Team (WIT)

    4. Development of an action plan with self monitoring

  • 7-Work Improvement Team (WIT) Cooperation & Commitment (successful key)

    1. Regular meeting (weekly)

    2. Prepared agenda

    3. Focused discussion

    4. Encourage and support all the team

  • Evaluating Your Initial Situation

    Prepare to take work area photos

    Take work area photos

    Evaluate current 5S Level of Achievement

  • Implementation phase (2 years)



    Expansion of 5 S activities

    KAIZAN activities

  • 8-Practice the first 3 S Challenges (successful key)

    1. Sorting by proper use of Red tag tool

    2. Set in order by use can see, can takeout and can

    return philosophy

    3. Shine by preparing a cleaning schedule with

    responsible person and exact time for continuous


  • 9-Practice the fourth S

    Regular and Continuous practice (prevent relapses)

    1. Schedule for doing

    2. Development of SOPs

    3. Use of checklist for each activity

  • 10-Making 5 S culture

    Good habits (successful key)

    1. Good practices for patients care

    2. Refreshment training to the staff

    3. Awarding of good practice

    4. Periodical meeting QIT-WIT

  • Preparing for Implementation

    Obtain existing standards for color-coding

    Decide on 5S color-coding

    Prepare for Sorting

    Prepare for Set

    Prepare for Shine

    Prepare for Standardizing

    Prepare for Sustaining

  • Implementation of 5S activities

    Conduct situation analysis of your hospital

    visit all sections and units, and take photos before 5S

    Select 2-3 pilot areas to implement S1-S3

    create show that other sections can copy from the pilot


    Develop checklist and monitoring tools

    Important to measure changes

    Share progress and changes of pilot areas with other

    sections and units

  • Contents of progress report from


    1. Composition of QIT members

    2. Actual Implementation structure for QIPs with


    3. Training records (type of training, number of trainees)

    4. Self-evaluation results

    5. Records and Good practice sheet

    6. KAIZEN cases (if any)

  • Implementation of 5S activities

    Seeing is believing! This will help to reduce


    Expand areas to implement 5S step by step

    Conduct regular monitoring and coaching

    Keep all records of QIT and WITs activities

    Utilize 5S tools effectively to enhance 5S activities

  • Maintenance phase (sustainability)

    Continuous 5 S cycle

    More KAIZAN activities

    Refresher training

    Awarding and motivation

  • Preparatory


    3 month



    6 month

    Implementation phase

    2 years



    On going

    Situation analysis

    Training of managers

    Training of staff

    Sorting Setting Shining

    Standardizing Sustaining Expansion areas to practice 5S activities

    Continue 5S


    5S Phases


  • Expansion and sustainability mechanism

    in a health facility

    Training of



    of QIT



    Practice 5S-KAIZEN


    Internal evaluation


    Consultation visit

    by MoHSW

    Progress Report


    Establish Mechanism of generating ideas Learning each other Self evaluation Technical improvement Team work and ownership



    External activities

  • 10 steps for 5S implementation

    Step 1: Dissemination (Sensitization) of 5S-KAIZEN-TQM concepts

    Step 2: Provide 5S training to Hospital Management Team (HMT)

    Step 3: Quality Improvement Team (QIT) should be established in a health facility for leadership and commitment for Quality improvement

    Step 4: Conduct Situation Analysis (Problem finding + Solutions). Take photos of current situation as baseline data

    Step 5: Identify the priority area(s) =Target area(s) to be improved based on the analysis

    Step 6: Provide 5S training to staffs in the targeted area(s)

    Step 7: Establish Work Improvement Team (WIT) is better be established at targeted area(s) for ownership of quality improvement Program and commitment

    Step 8: Conduct Sort/Set/Shine activities at targeted area(s) to be the 5S showcase

    Step 9:Proper practice of S1- S3 and develop standards and regulations for both administrative and technical aspects for Standardization of practice

    Step 10: Work to improve the condition more & more. Repeat 5S cycles for Sustainability





    E b

    y Q

    IT an

    d W


    After TOT, trained personnel need to take this 10 steps

  • Action plan

    Activity Objective Strategy Who will do

    When will be started

    When will be completed

    Impact on customer

  • Key words of success There should be continued commitment and

    support by top management

    5 S implementation start with education and

    training of all health workers

    There are no observers everyone must participate

    Practice 5S daily in order to achieve standard and

    be as routine work

  • Thank you

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