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At the beginning of the semester I was slightly apprehensive, when the film brief was given to me.

Before the brief was handed out, ironically I was talking to one of my peers and saying that making a film, will probably make me quite intimidated. Mostly due to the fact of picking the subject matter.

Fortunately, It was a fairly good timing, as a big story had hit my hometown Hastings was hit bad a spot of bad luck when the Victorian pier had been set a light, the day before having the ‘thumbs up’ for a rejuvenation project to go ahead on the pier. So on the weekend I was able to catch the reaction of the people of Hastings and

their day-to-day activities, showing something current at that. moment in time.

The song I had chosen to compliment the film was JohnMayer, Waiting for the world to change. I gathered it was a fitting choice, as things are just not worth having, as there always will be people out there to destroy them.


h t t p : / / v i m e o . c o m / 1 5 7 9 9 4 7 4

The second video I had produced on the title given to me, ‘something we have never done before’. I had a few ideas, one being spending a whole night in London, but in the end I decided to lose my sense of sight, and experience the world in the way a visually impaired person would.

When coming down to it, you may remember myself

getting bullied to a certain extent. As I needed help to film my experience, my so called ‘friends’ led me into all sorts of trouble. It had felt as if I had left my guard down, and feeling very vulnerable.

The song choice for this particular film was a song by Norah Jones, Come away with me. The reason why I had chosen this song, was

she describe it as she trying to gain someone’s trust and commitment. I feel that it does work well in the film. As its suppose to be about that feeling of being able to go into your ‘quite place’ or ‘your own little world’

h t t p : / / v i m e o . c o m / 1 5 9 8 9 6 2 5


Influence Interest

Concepts/ IdeasEditorial

Team WorkingPrint MakingIllustration

FilmStop frame Animation






The site focuses on work of classis design, work from the 1050’s- 1970’s and comtemporary designers, highlights the creatives from around the world. Showcasing articles, interviews and creatives librabries.

The creatives have been influenced from this particular era. It has ‘use value’ as its able to influence other creatives, but the ‘exchange value’ on the other hand helps the

creatives to get there work out there, also tells the public more about them and what they do.

The site expresses a variety of creatives, also updates creatives who are on the site. ( Also links to there own website/ blogs). Researchers also look for new and exciting creatives, which then they upload onto the site.

The visual design is very clean and clear, keeping

to a 3 colunm grid, on the left hand side it shows the work, highlighting studios etc. Then the central colunm features studio visits and interviews and finally the right hand side shows links for recommendations and email updates from the site.

Focusing on undergraduates interested in design, also the sites a place where they possibly get work out from.

WORKSHOPSS cre en pr int ing

B o okbindingR ichard Mor r i s on

The screen printing workshop was probably my favourite workshop. The whole process was a little time consuming but worth the wait. because whatever you print feels that much more precious, and felt really good to get stuck into it.

Richard Morrison, workshop really helped me get back in the swing of things working in groups, bouncing off ideas one another. Really enjoyed generating cincepts/ ideas.

The book binding class has given me a very useful foundation. As it allows me to make a book out of whatever I can get my hands, and also challenging what a book is, and how it reads. This was the most beneficial to me.

Zine which I produced on the idea of what organs human being can’t live with without. Playing around with printing techniques.

First thing came into to my head from original zine, was a bee. As it is believed that bee’s can’t not live without there stingers, and also how they play of fundamental part for us, humans.

This was a zine on senses, correlating a animal with a sense.

With all these zines it was really experimental, especially with printing and the use of paper. For instance this has a crease effect to the paper.

They can be all viewed on:www.alhadyali.gdnm.org



Screen Prints

This is the pagination of the book I had created, at the beginning I encountered alot of difficulties, especially when it came down to working out, what pages went where.

Finally when I figure out it out, then I had to therefore work out what way the paper needed to printed, so the book read correctly.

This book cover on the right was a hard back book, where the front cover was made out of Lokta paper and the inside paper from cartridge.

This is a hard back book, where the cover and pages within the book were printed on cartridge paper. I could have handed this in as a final piece but I developed it even further

This is the version of my final piece in black and white. I’ve used Lokta paper, which is very thin. I feel as it works well as the reader can interpretate any colour they would like to the illustration and also the paper has a sense of transparency, which has a similar characteristic to synesthesia.

I had produced these posters from being under the influence of Olivier Kuglier’s illustration.

During researching synesthesia I came across video footage on people with synesthesia, and from

the footage I hand picked some of the dialogue to incorporate to the poster. The reason purely for this, was to get practice on my illustration skills and also try and come up with a style for myself..

By teaching myself I was also able to experiment with my illustration and also the printing process of these posters aswell as the posters on the previous page. Feeding through cartridge paper to get the textured effect. The reason for these posters were, from both of the tutorials I had, the same comment was given, the fact that the

illustration seemed to look as if they were from a ad from the fifties.

I could very easily make these illustration apart of my external positioning and enter the V&A, but I don’t think its the sort of illustration there looking for.


Sensory DepreviationSean Day

ParisaSwail House

Alphabet f lash cards


This is a visual representation of the colours of the week for a synesthete. Based upon my research. Allowing me to experiment with paint.

Sean Day, the guy who I based my book on. He responded back by sending me links I had already looked at.

Interviewed a synesthetic friend. Answers weren’t detailed enough.

Sensory depreviation, but it was unsucessful, due to not being in the right environment, I was unable to block the noise surrounding me.

During my research I also found that when we were babies we had synesthesia, so I decided to start producing illustration for flash cards, used to teach the alphabet. I went around day care center asking if they had any I could reference to but I discovered they use a new method where they give physical objects. giving me the idea to paint food different colours.

I was intending on producing an interactive piece similiar to this, to the right. As this could easily be a piece inspired by synesthesia.As you move the cursor around, the sound changes the colour also changes to the corresponding sound.

Here to the right is email replied back to me by the creator of this interactive piece, Alex Lampe, giving me some helpful tips on where to start.

Alex Lampe


From what I’ve learn’t during my independent practice, is that I felt I may have jump in to quickly on trying to have a something finished. As I feel like I may have missed the opportunity to experiment more.I very enjoyed illustrating, even though I don’t see myself as one, but the whole process was very enjoyable. I learnt that you can always push yourself to get a evan better result.

The initial book I made I was pretty please with it, experimenting with different types of paper gave my book more of a uniqueness to it resemblance to books I had seen at the hand made and bound book fair. I was also speaking to Jane Craddock Watson, and she sursprise saying I was under selling my book. But the experience of the fair has given me more confidence as I had positive feed back from everyone who pick up. So I’m really looking forward to doing something as delicate and crafted possible for my fmp.

The workshop have been a great help, if there’s any workshop, I’ll be there, as I don’t like missing out on anything. I feel like if I wasn’t to be chosen for the book binding I would have probably been stuck for a final outcome.

The subject is really diverse,, so there’s alot of avenues to explore, so will continue it in my own time. Possibly developing a whole serious of cooks. Also trying to explore and develop the idea of interactive piece which I had a great advice from Alex Lampe.


I think when coming to my fmp, I would probably use the same way of thinking as I did for this unit. The approach towards my FMP would be, taking a subject i’m interested in. As I did in this unit, leaving the subject fairly broad. The topic ‘sense’ allowed me to channell through five areas, with the five different senses. Also allowed me to discover a sexth synesthesia, which I then based my work on.

I would possibly look into science or maybe religion, really researching thoroughly on the subject. From my research I will be confident to carry out experimentation around that subject. Even different condition people might have or habit’s infact.

Continuing the skills I have developed, I will use screenprinting as an process and book binding. I hope to gain many more during FMP unit. I would be looking in to exploring all types of media, to reach an appriopiate final outcome by the end of this unit and for the show.


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