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Invoking hope, faith, and confidence for all to pursue their

very best life.


Press Kit


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Creator of the Trending Hashtag,


About IndiaTenacious. Determined. Strong. Tough. Just as these attributes apply to Watty Piper’s The Little Engine that Could, these are also characteristics used to describe India N. Reaves. Having faced many obstacles in life – from losing both of her parents just 16 months apart to surviving unhealthy, destructive relationships to being a functioning drug addict all before the age of 30 – she has an incomparable will to keep pressing forward, overcoming any situation, and defeating all odds.

India has learned the importance of a balanced work ethic and as a talented author and empowerment specialist, transcends every race, culture, and career. Her unique delivery style and powerful messages has afforded her the opportunity to serve as the commencement speaker for Carver High School’s 2015 graduation as well as design the curriculum for and facilitate a professional development seminar for two major childcare centers in Winston-Salem to assist in rebranding their business for exceptional success. Speaking at conferences, church leadership assemblies, and education gatherings, India is quickly building a name as one whose messages invoke hope, faith, and confidence for all to pursue their very best life.

India released her first book, “I’m T.O.U.G.H.“ which stands for “Tackling Obstacles and Unleashing God‘s Hope.“ I’m T.O.U.G.H. is a 60 day devotional designed to firmly establish you using simple biblical principles.

In November of 2014 India debuted her blog site,www.imtoughenough.com and is currently working on the follow up book to I’m T.O.U.G.H.

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How many times have you heard the statement life happens? If never, let me be the first to tell you, it does. Life often times issues out low blows. It knocks you down. It is not always fair. It breaks your heart. It makes you cry. It catches you off guard. So how is it that after all of that, people are still able to not only survive, but become conquerors? Those people have tapped into the fact that there is something innate inside of them that causes them to keep pushing, keep fighting, and keep moving. They realize that they are - against all odds - TOUGH!

I’m T.O.U.G.H. is a 60 day devotional intended to resolutely ground the reader

in a strong spiritual

foundation. The messages in this book

thrust the reader to think and reflect on their own lives and situations and to dig deep in themselves and be contingent on the victor that is in each and every one of us. Through scriptures, stories, personal testimonies, and teachings, readers will grasp hold to the fact that they are built to last.

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Who is India Reaves?I am a native of Winston-Salem, NC and a graduate of North Carolina Central University. I am currently in my 8th year of teaching high school Civics and Economics. Life has thrown me a fair share of low blows but by the grace of God, none of them have been able to stop me.

I lost both of my parents (my father in June 2002 and my mother in October 2003) just 16 months apart before I was 20. I‘ve survive molestation and rape, addiction, unhealthy relationships and much more, so when I say “I‘m T.O.U.G.H.,” it comes from an authentic place.

How did the book come into being?For 2 1/2 years I‘ve been doing a segment at my church, Great Commission Community Church in Winston-Salem, called Solomon‘s Corner. This is just a nugget before the preached word comes forth. Almost 2 years ago, God laid it on my heart to take those same messages and put them into a book of devotionals. In December of 2013

Interview QuestionsI met my publisher, in which I had no idea she was a publisher, and as we became friends she told me I should write a book. Little did she know that was always something I wanted to do. We established a plan and in May 2014 “I‘m T.O.U.G.H.” was released.

What does it mean to be TOUGH?Being TOUGH means that when things in your life are chaotic and everything around you is telling you to throw in the towel, you choose to do the exact opposite, you fight! Being TOUGH doesn‘t mean you don‘t stumble and fall. It doesn‘t mean you don‘t get tired and shed a few tears. It means that you consistently get back up every time life attempts to knock you down. It means that you know that there is something so much greater working in you than anything that could ever work against you!

Have you had to live your book?Yes, I read the devotionals often and they still minister to me. One of my favorite messages in the book is “From Feces to Fertilizer.” I love this

message because it is my testimony. The message talks about how God takes boo boo and uses it to make things grow. That‘s exactly what He did for me. He took the nastiest, most disgusting, dirtiest, and unsavory things about my life and used them to not only help me grow but now those things are helping others grow as well. The issue is that people don‘t want to deal with the feces, but there is so much richness in the feces. It's only when we give our “stuff” to God that He can use it as a growing agent.

What is the overarching message?Understand that life happens. That is the good, the bad, the ups and the downs, but we each have everything we need to not only survive, but to thrive. It‘s in our DNA to make it. We aren‘t built to break and defeat has no place in our lives. I want readers to walk away with a more keen understanding that they really have what it takes to survive and thrive through the many test and challenges that life will surely bring.

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Feces are defined as waste matter eliminated from the animals’ bowels and is also known as excrement.

Fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin that is added to soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants. Fertilizer is often made from animal manure, such as cow and horse manure. What occurs is the natural chemicals from the manure burns off all of the bad elements from the roots of the plant which then enhances the growth process of the plant. So something that people view as disgusting, dirty, nasty, and waste can then be turned around and used to make plants (fruits and vegetables) that are essential to our well-being.

Now if God can take feces and turn it into fertilizer which is used to make things grow, surely He can take every failure, heartbreak, heartache, disappointment, setback, sorrow, dry place, loss, and delay, and turn it into something that will cause you or even someone else to grow!

Instead of focusing on all of the bad things that have happened in your life, change your perspective. Think about how those negative things caused you to evolve into the God strong person that you are today. All of those past setbacks were things that God knew He could use to burn off the waste in you and cultivate you so that the best part of you can come forth. Remember, God doesn’t waste pain. God doesn’t waste disappointment. God doesn’t waste tribulation. God doesn’t waste heartbreak. He has a plan for all of those things and in some way or another He will use those things to help you grow.

So let our prayer be, “God thank You for everything that has occurred in my life up until this point, even the things that I thought were working against me. God thank You for using those situations to make me into exactly who You’ve called me to be. Thank You for turning the waste in me into fertilizer that has only helped me to grow.”

From Feces to FertilizerDEVOTIONAL #12

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BLOGGER &EMPOWERMENT SPECIALIST,India is available for book signings, as a guest or contributing columnist, as a speaker for your conference, and a

facilitator for professional development workshops.


[email protected]



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Media & PressIndia is quickly building a name as one whose messages

invoke hope, faith, and confidence for all to pursue their very best life.

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JONATHAN BUSHUrban Planner | Columnist

Praise for “I’m T.O.U.G.H!” This collection of ‘principles’ is certain to equip, empower, and enable people to live their very best life! Since childhood, India has had the uncanny ability to inspire the dreamer in you! I was most inspired by “The Opportunity to Dream Again.” I too, encountered setbacks, some beyond my control and others that were fear based that made me think my dreams were impossible. India’s message closely mirrors my personal story and hopefully will prod readers to dream, write down their goals, and develop a power team to make dreams a reality! Dust off your coffee table! “I’m T.O.U.G.H” is coffee table worthy and a must have in your personal collection of books!

DR. JIM C. HARPER IIChair, Department of HistoryNorth Carolina Central Univ.

The church became the most vital institution for African American families after 1865 and spiritually has long been a critical element for African Americans. The message or “the word” espoused by ministers connected the people to the spirituality and the church. The meaning behind the message fulfilled deep spiritual needs and offered moral lessons and brought peace to those who heard or read them. It offered a freedom and relief from the problems and issues of the day. This devotional book offers that same kind of much needed relief by reading encouragement by connecting with the reader effectively and emotionally. I highly recommend this devotional book to everyone.


I found the reflections to be thought provoking and encouraging. The use of scripture and real life situations allow for practical application. I felt inspired to reconsider how my life is moving forward when I read the reflections provided. The reflection questions are a great way to begin the change process in our lives.


Great Commission Community Church

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I am honored to be touched by the words of “I’m T.O.U.G.H.” Watching India grow and experience the words in her book has brought sheer gladness to my heart. I must say for every tear shed, prayer prayed, correction given, and experience of her growing pains, this moment in time makes everything well worth it. Kudos on “I’m T.O.U.G.H.”


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