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NUMBER 161¦PTTQTnmofi r« A




JV. K. crnt-r nj' (Jv ittcj and J/in'n-SU.

TKItMStDaily.(hy mall. payable In advaucc,).-.. .....$5,00jijr the 10Tri-WVekl>\ (peryear,payable In advance.) 8,00

AdvertWng d.»ne on reasonable term*.

All advertbcnients from a diMance. orfrom tranidentcity cnstomero. mtut be paid In advance.


JKTlSTA.Insurance Co. of Hartford.TXCJORPORATED leio.

Capital k Snrplus, 552,194,100.02.The IXCOUK uf tUi« Co^joinr U DOUBLE that of

auy other Vlro lusutance Corporation in theUuittfJ State*.

Atiets, January 1, lfiGO.Cash in baud, Jc iKip^dfe* in ilarfI'd U*nK<&£! 1,418 48Ca-»li in transit. aud In hand* uf A^ruU,m .100.2^7 78U. S. Xreas. Sttua. and accruod interest.... ...7&'.«>0 uoU. S. Stocks, 6 perct. #eiui-annual interest, ...160,750 00fteal K«tatfnaInmmbete<L -~...........7&,v96 00M»nny due the »*curt«.l by MortgaK*......~454 75Del. 1 Ilud C I Co, DM*. « pr.ct. sviukui. lnt.,11,0S9 00llllls Receivable. auiplv secured. ......... 7,040 66Other Mlscallaue w« it*m« 17,844 602*5 State Wds, i\$. 5 k «J pr. ct. »eiui-an. iut..224.S82 26147 Utud*0,7 Jt l^uircU int., annually,...$198,000 008>7 Share* R-tilroad Stock.. 005J .* Connecticut Itlver Co. Stock 1.260 006> " Waterbury Bttik »* ....5.30000&) '' Staff »rd Spring* Bunk " 5,900 0030 4i Proeid mce. It. I.. .. " 1.8720016 4 VJornoy City,N. J.t u " 1,500 00.» Hoitoa. M-H«. '* .* _20,&0G On3-a) " St. L>uii. Mo., M 41 .31.600 00$576 «» ll utf.tr 1. *t «« '24*300 00

«. New York. " " 681.860 00150 V. Y. t». I. A"Tru*t Co. «. .2«.250 00100 " D. 8. Tro*t <i>. B ink Stock 12.100 00

TOT VL ASJBTS. $2,194,100 02pL(A UI LI T1K 4..Unsettledclaimsnet dna.$179.957 05

Upward* of $13,000,000Of Lomm bave been paid by tbo .Ktna Insurance Co.

In the p ut 41 years.FI UK WD INLAND XAYlOATfONRisks accepted at term* con«i*tcnt with solvency and

fair profit.ttpeciala'Unticn'jiren to Intutunetof DWELLINGSami Ckmtenttfor term* ofone toJive jrears.

1'ho progress of this Corporation has been stablend uninterrupted through seasons of AnamHal nun-blue and storm or period* eventful in or exempt fromweeping com! i {rAiiun* and maritime disaster. Be¬lli long eitabli*hed.nn a cash bash, the troubles ofb«* credit <yst*in affect uh in uo material particular.Darin* *-banl tint**" the security of rvlislde Inna-ince i<ar» imperative duty.the ability of pro^tertyoi lers t Muitaiu l-»-« beinx tlion much lemenud.Policiesli4ne-l witlrint delay, and all hnsluons at-luded to vritli dispatch and fl'lclltv. bv

N. 0. ARTHUR. Aftent,O Bee over the B ink of Wheeling.apo


Tl'U CiPITU....m^~ .. $150,000

aBEMARLE Insurance co.op uiiAiiLOTraviLLK, va.

. $000,000

jimsylvauia Insurance Co.op rrrrsauuuii, pa.

ital ;...mm.;.. $300,000

monweallh Insurance Co,OP UARR13UURQ, PA.

mm... $300,000JS at*!** Cotnpaniea harlngappolnted the under-I:. *lnne<l thrir Agudt for Wheeling.and rlcinity,Ad ro*p«tfaHy solicit the patronage of the public.lO-MUpanh" ar«» well known tn ho fir*tela** olficrs.

s promptly adi listed. N.C. ARTHUR. Agt.C»niet» orcrthe Pnnk offflnfllm.

INSURANCE.ia IataranoeOa.at;\Rhecllng»lf OJIce atl*e Sa*lr*9» Ih*«*nf

No 03 Slain St.SB ARJYK NAMED COMPANY, having been[fully or^inizoJ, is now prepared to take risksh«re-it con-Octant rule*, on UulldiugH, Machinery,llture. an 1 Stocki of Merchandise, and.againsthu^MHiteti ling tho transportation of Morchan-pn ilifrtr*. Se-M. I«ak*4. C »n*l* and Railroad*. ,Ellcatlom f»r ln*ur*nce will be promptly at-

l tvhy the President and Secretary.pitr »n v*e«»f tl»«i public Urespectfully solicited. jIP. UILliltKTIl. I1KNRY K. UST,

Secretary. President.DIUKCTORik


ortnnlty U ittUl afforded to thine who with totribe, «m tho hii lite rip t ion l>ook remains open ath>tui>uiy'« office. ray25-yTHOSE WIIO WISH TO BENSUEED

AGAINST ALL CONTINGENCIES.[RjllOSItS INSURANCE COMPANY?r New York.C t ptrAL(every d-dlarpaid in) ....... .$1,000,000Contingaut Fund (uwr(»^... ......... 600,000e Urgent Cosh Capital for the amoutit of risk o>»Hce in the United States.

W. P. PETERSON', Agent.KG INSURANCE CO.OP TUBS VAIi-LKY OP YIRlHNlA.in CtriTM.(p«id to) ............ .... $300,000ich the largest Cadi Capital of any oQlce chartcr-fthi« State.j^Kiro and Inland risk* taken on the most rea*§>le term*.

s equitably adju*ted and promptly paid byW. P. PETERSON, Agt.IK CONTINENTAL INSURANCE13 >MPANY. or New York.¦ CirtTAL(paid In) ......... .M.....M...... $500,000A Contingent Fund (over) ............375.000K this office the asstirrd participate in the profitslout incurring any ri»k.


W. F. PETERSON, Jr, Agent.Jver £*,300,000 of Ca»h Capital represented byBd and well established Agency, where evrrr loasi above offic* has been promptly paid In Wh£l-letore it was du» by the terms of the policy.W. P. FETKRSON,Office next door to the >L Jk M. n Ml,,By.ly Main a t. V 1 mI IINS PRANCE,

: Fire&Marine Insurance Co. IOF WHEELING.[INCORPORATED IN 1S37.Kks risks at the lowest rates onBuilding* of all kinds. Steamboats, Furniture andkandi*e.and agtfmt all dangora attending the¦norution or Goods on river*, KM, lakes, caualsilroivls.

'. U uiDuro, Sec*y. Ilaxar Cbayqu, Prea'tDIRECTORS.

John DjuIoo, Rob't MorrisonS. Brady, Sam'l Ott.t.«b, Rob't Patteraon, Ii*Applications tor ln«nrance will be promptly at- I¦fttoby the Prwddeat aadSecretary.


jIST, KDRBISON & CO.,Jo.olo Orotj.r. ft Produce DeUer>70 i.YSO Mxin-SL, lrkrtttnf, ra.

of Ul.flrm.-*n« traU gvoer-Uly, that we are In nn ismelnnfeciUties for the transaction of anleOvvoery an*l Pr*vl«w» Ita«inaea.*VT'Ut* *11 oMara entrusted

5KSgStf-^ *CO.

CAMPAXan MEDALS, ,I STVLK.Portraiu or >11 tb. conAIdsiM.ruU.t RKDTOCD PRICES by Ik T. n. LOQAS * OO.ui


CIEHAGEKN balmT^BaATKD FOB ooDons, ooiis, .tc,E. BOCKINO, Ag-I.. "Odd Fellows* IlaH Drag Store.

xiuou«£ioo UAJtlJS.,AliF'D HUGHES, M. D.

HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN.HA8 ASSOCIATED WITn inM.I.N thk pbac-tlceof medicine, hi* slater. Eliza C. Hughes. 3!D., a graduate of the "Penn Medical Unlvewlty olI'llHadetphta. Pennsylvania." who will devote betattention exeln«ively to Obstetric* and the Di*ea*e»of females and Children. my2V,00OFFICE HOURS.Morning,7 to 0; Noon, 1 to 8; Evening, 7 to 9.

OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: Comer of Fourth andQuincy street*, below the 1st Presbyterian Church.J. BOON II'LVBG,

ATTORNEY AT LAW,Orncs, N. K. Cor. Moxroe A fourth St*.

(OppotiUtht Cu*rt JTotue.) WHEELING. VAN. II..Will practice in the several Court* of tbl»and the neighboring Counties.

Particular attention will be given to the colaction of claim*. nov20.lyI

S. AYEEY,wholesale k retail

Hat and Gap Manufacturer,No. 146 Main Street,

WIIEELIXO, VA.II(i* on hand the largest anJ liextaiMortmimtof llat*

anJ Cap* of allqualities and cises. janllCYRUS W. FIELD & CO.,


Paper and Paper Manufac¬turers' Materials.

07 Beekmau and 87 Ann Streets,Jy-lyd NBW Y0KK._


. awn .

ForwardingMerchantsD E A L K K 8 INWool, Flour, llacon, Provisions, and

Produce Generally.No. 70 Mnin Street,Jtol.ly WIIKHLIXU, VA.S. G. ROBINSON,

manufacturer OP

WINDOW GLASS,Wholesale and ltotail l»ealer In



M.REILLY,Wholesale Dealer in

GROCERIES,Porflgn and DomesticWines and Liquors,

Not. to A 67 Main Street,wt7.ly WUBKLTNO. VA



Nail*, Window Glaex. Cincinnati SoapIron, Flint Glassware, Lard Oill,-ISSfe.. - " .

Axles, Wrapping: Paper, Cement,Bosiu, Wooden Ware. Starrh.Toother with many article* of Pittabnrgh andWheeling manufacture.No. 50 Paxton's Row, Mnin St.,norl" Wheelinc, Vn.EDMUND P." ZANE,


Commissioner In Chaiuery,OFFICE: (Jurner of Fuurth and J/mtrncdrceis,W II E E I, I N O , V A

Will practice In thercurt* of the atUoiningconntiesand give particular attention tothe collectionofclaims. nniltl.lyCLARK L.1\XL *. P. MILLER

C. L. ZANE & CO.fmparUrt and DruUrs in tfmipn <£ Do»ustio

Wines awl Liquors,Manufacturer* ofT?ure Catawba Wine*,

Qcinct Street, cetween Maim A Market St*.O WIIEELTNO, VA

KBRP conntantly on hand Brandle*. Scotch andIrish WhUkies. Jamaica Bums and Cordial*,Choice Old Bye and Bourbon Whirtdoa. svp-JT.lyX. 11. LOGAN & CO.


HAVK removed to their XKW WARKROOMB, No.47 Main Stmt, nuI No. 8 QiUncy Street,tyMain Street Entrance, next duor to BakerIlopkina. Quin«*v Street entrance near the Rait.R. K. Depot, and wharf.DHL'OS, PAINTS, 0IL8.MKDIC1NKS, VARFlSireS. RRUSIIR8,WINDOWGLASS. PKRPUMKHIES, WUITELKAD,PATENT MKDI0INK8, lc.Offered to the trade, in city andconntrr.at low pricesand of th-iiuility. Cash and promptcnntotnen' areinvited to call. apl,'&8j. a.baku*. w. c. wmottT.

BAKER gt WRIGHT,Wholtcalo Dealers In

Tobacco,Snuff&SegarsNO. J* A IN STREET,ap2,'6»-ly WIIEKLINO, TA.q. wilmawTmsessik-g,


WHEELING, VA.Groceries, Liquors, Winks, Segars, andFor Bias Produce Generally.Jfcbl4-tf


InUllifftnc*r Bu&ding.cor.Quincy «t Main si*.A LL DESCRIPTIONS OF BLANK. BOOKS i.L~LELJ\, aud made to order, printed, heads if required.Mag*xlne«, Music and all kinds of printed matterbound in the beat and most substantial style at reaoeble prlcee.- All -work guaranteed* -S nor40*58.

HATS & CAPS!¦XI** VA*11 o.i hand a.Turn- i-arob andIf welt assorted stock of llata and Ope, whichwe wl l dispose of on the most fevorable term*. Allth«»«e wanting articles in onr line are Invited to callamiexamine,m we will *eli them Jewar than theywere ever offered before In this market,dec19 8.HARPER A BRO.

NO Disunion!TX TtJEW OV trtE PRESERVATION" O* THEJL Untie. I have received a large lot of Prints.'Mue-lias, Checks, and many other goods, at disunionprice*. All iIhim buying piocU for ouh are respect¬fully Invited te Mil at JOHN ROKMKH'S,JauS No. 33 Main CentreWheeling,TTALlPAX WO. 1. HKKRINOSXX half barrels. Nrre. IB Bw.,Just received end furale by !W*.1 M. RKILLY.URB PALM SOAPi Honey Soap.OlyeerlnaSoap, for sale by X. BOCKINO. Agent,noVU Odd Fellow * flail Drug Store.


TERMS OS* ADVERTISING.T*klxx Sous lixu o» Nospoul (est ox* ixcn,)o*Lzss, mauc a 8qca&£.

(Vftk*, $160Um Moorl*........ 6 00TwuMomb*~~ 8 00Three Months, 10 00Six-Months, 16 00Om Yanr,~ 20 00

One Day.1«Q*. .$0 76Two Day* i 'joThree 1 26Foor Doyv. ... 1 60Five Day*...-....,...... 175One Meek.i»..i£Q c2 00Ttro Wwki,...r^.. 3 60J®-Sprciii Notictj* Double the above mt«..M&*Ywrly Advertising on rarwaable terms, accor¬ding to the space occupied and4lte numberofchauge*made.All ndrerttitemfrntii from trnn«ient person* or itrangto he pen'H fnr in cdmrtce.Bu*ine«« Card* not exceeding five line*.$10 peryear,or $0 for alt month*, but for a shorter period nothingwill be rounMl less than a square.Tho privilec* of Annnal Advertising la limited tothe Advertl'crfr* own ImmedlHte business; and alladvertisement* for the benefit of other prsons aswell aa all legal adrrrtlxcmenta, and advertisement*ofmiction en!** and rral estate, font In by them mas*be paid for at tlie usual -rate*.JOST"Advertisements not acoonpanled with writtendirectum, will be Inserted until torbld.aud chargedaccordingly.

,Notice* for Politic*! Meetings to be charged in alcww at full rat«*.Marriages. Notice* of Fnneral*. and announcement*Snrmous, 60 cent* each. itovll«*60

FROM RICHMOND.[Special correspondence <»f the Intelligencer.]

A Revolutionary Scene.Tl»e Temperof the Hob.Letter from WetzelCounty.Richmond, Feb. 20, 1801.

My last letter closed with the mention°f a report that whs in circulation on thestreets, viz., that an indignation meetingwas to be held in the course of the even¬

ing. at which Samuel McDowell Moore, ofRockbridge county, was to be burnt ineffigy and held up to public execration forhi* strong Union speech in the convention.Sure enough that turned out to be theprogramme. Tho secessionists to the num¬ber of hundreds, turned out In the streets,with an effigy in bauds, anil a transparency,1both ready to bo lighted on signal. Onthe transparency were written words to theeffect: that we denounce the traitor Moorft.It was intended to parade the street withthis. And Accordingly, ubout eight,in tlmevening an immense crowd was iu thestreets and 011 the ride walks in front ofthe American Hotel, where Moore boards.The tnlk wns nil about the effigy and thetransparency, and Moore, the traitor. Ami

j the swearing and fuss anil demonstrationswere very exciting, liut it soon t-.rnrd lipthat Hi erf was to lie tin effigy burned norany irunppartmcyi paraded. It. was dis-covered that there was to bo another sidelo this demonstration, and that if life twoindignities were offered there would be

1 such an uprising of popular Indignation as; had not been seen in this eitv Tor many*a; long day. 3'he leaders ok the' movementhad got wind that the thing would not do,aud tbtt all thoughts at.oiitttlj« efflgv andtransparency miist bo cli'oke'.l off.


Witligreat difficulty this wns done, and It

of .Mr. O. Jennings V\ ise, one o'f theeditors of the Kuquirer, who held thecrowd at bay, with a speech, while tomeparties in the secret made wav Villi theefligy. Mdt disposing ofthe effigy -did not'dispose of their plans fur tho evening..They formed themselves into nil Immensemaw, 1 should think from a thousand tofifteen hundred strong, and cotite up hereto the Spottswood Houso, with a bund attheir head playing the Marsellaise iu themost exciting anil furioso style. Before"leaving the American they had played tho. Rogue's March," in compliment to Mr.Moore. As toon 113 they bad settled infront of Hie Rpotswood, and filled up allthe space within good henring distance,they set tip most riotous yells for '-llol-cotnbel' '.!Iolioinbel''.a noted secessionmember of the Convention, and a whiloml'rofessor in the Slate University.mo'slrabid for disunion. Holcombe was notpresent, und they soon found it out, andwhen they did they commenced veiling Torvarious other parties, and fi tally Dickini 1Foil,-Of Princ e Edward, and* Anderson,of Uoulctourt. responded, both making in-nanimatory iiuti-lTnion nnpeals, whichwere cheered in the right and wrong placeswithout sense or system, just oe a'freaktook possession ot .the mob lo whomthey were addressed. One thing was

j noticeable m their cheers, andyour report-er was not the only oue who noted the| fact, and that wus when there was any-thing said aboot tho right; aud interests of. slaveholders, which was Ihe bnrden ofI much ol Mr. Anderson's speech, either nocheers or tbo faintest ones in the worldcame up from the crowd; and on the ootlskirts, several times, groans or derisiveguffaws would come np, showing, as wasremarked by several spectator*, that thatmob was ripe for revolution, but not onthe slavery question more than any otherquestion. It was a turn out of the fau¬bourgs of Paris.a regular ",93" demon¬stration in the incipiency of tho Freoclirevolution, having no guiding star excVptdesire for civil revolution and military o*-citement, and -consequent change in indi¬vidual fortune. I amused myself by sit-ting at oue of the windows and lookingdown on the crowd as they atuadshoulder to shoulder in dense mail'presenting "a sea of upturned faces"'gleaming and glaring from on ler tbogas lights, .many of Ihcm, like somany begrinimrd demons. It ^Wrts amelancholy sight to look on in a free gov.crnment. And it spoke a language of re¬proach upon nil oar. boasted nineteenthcentury appreciation or liberty, thatamounted to p»ioful mockery. ,Ao amus-mg episode occurred at the wind ng up. ifthe term amu'ing is allowable at all inconnection with such ft scenf, and it wetoccasioned by the t inimitable Hall, rf\WtieI county, who. like the lout in'rt.eplay, always steps in at the farce. With¬out a c»ll, without a hid of any kindWithout a person la,all tho crowd belowknowing that ll*U was above, or even thatsuchI a man existed, np ho stepped to thewindow and commenced at the top of hisvoice. The crowd }oiled, "whose that?'1"bold 00, there's -another fellow at thewindow,;' *C. Hall rrplied.-<t am Hal),from \\ etzel." -Whose Hall, from Wetmel?"yelled a sqnad of them. And so the reeaewent on imtit IUU got good started. Andsneh a Mart. And worse again snch aspeech yon never heard. Grammar wasno where and poor common sense, the Terrrommones tsort, was remorseles ily slaught¬ered in every sentence. Xo report eonlddo it ep ia "phrase genteel or thoughts no-hewn." It was and would be in ipite ofall tinkering that the |ienriloft*ia broth¬er reporter oould-give It, its own carina,turr. It ought, however, to Mare-been on'

the rrruril. But it ¦* ilost and .gone, nndlike tUe lost books iOf it will be asource of pereonlnl regret to the schools.He mid that your reporter srw *n aboli¬tionist, and that Cletneoarwas his prophet,nnd that likewise .all lbeXorthtrett mem¬bers, bat himself, were unbound.And now, to finish with, a word aboutHall.: lake the ''gestleaMnl]r DuWnUtX.''of Sew Vuik, who, .wlieu he hasup oyster*, and on'y oysterj, lu all ira tgiuable style*, raw, <texrt<L icollnped nndfried, *lw«vyi* r«inArksr-K*entlemen. ttny otyou that arc fond of ouster*, can find florae,nta private table In the a^act. room." Andso about UftU. And here i* what I Lrave<.to Vilbtlrit in cone!u.«im£ It is n letterfrom one of his constituents, who votedfor bim, just received by ehoof the North..western member?. TbVjjtter Is such fharI can only give you a pert of it:Dear Sir:.Plefl9S oxw^e me for takingthe liberty to nddress *iew lines to you.[But it.r» with -feeling!'<# sorrow nnd ;re*gret that the course of; par member in tbeConvention is.: receive^ by the very menthat gava their votes for him ., and at their.request 1 write this to ytlkw- They-expect- |ed that he would .act Uitxoncert with theother Western members»> to preserve thisgreat and- gloriou#.Cni#n-a and' that hewould attend to their wishes, nnd had uothought that he would suffer himself, to bemade a tool of by Mr. J)£»sell, of Wheel¬ing, whose policy he snhns to adhere to,.rather than follow the vftpbes of his con¬stituents ; for it is* certaft} that nine out of.every ten racnMhat votc&for him, believedhiin to be u good Union mail, and, there¬fore, consider tbetnsttfvea sold to theSouth through the npetn^y of Mr. Russell.The citizens of YVeUfcf. Irish the Conven-.tion to know thut Mr."'J|nll is not acting.in accordance with thejfewishee, nnd if hepersists in his course; ft will be our onlyclmncc to call a County Convention andsend up his in simotion*;;nnd if ho refusesto obey then, to publicly denounce hi*acts, as is already done .by his friends andfoes. Yours, jj .

So much for j our pi^er of Jas.t Thurs-day, you see. ,/tC.

¦mo Pence Confci-euei-TlieP'rauVlluCoiupronflic,

[From Hid N,.ir H'otW.JThe penco conference at Washington ad¬

journed yesterday, imt dit, niter havingadopted. HI n basis of iu)ju»tmeut, what isKnown us the Fraukliu compromise. Theiraction, though not a definite settlement,may prove the emtring.wedge to a settle¬ment ; nud, as such, will be hailed wiihlively satisfaction by all true friends of theLniuo. The ancient :«oruai onwealth ofVirginia deserves a great share of thepraise of having put this dangerous con-

I troversy in so fair way i.r atuiruible ad-justiiteut. At a time when the secession

> feeling was spreading4iko mild-fire nil°.rVribe So"lh' ihat pakjotic and influen¬tial Stale iuterposed it* Rood offices bytakiug,the initiative ia culling (his conven¬tion ; and from that day to this there hasoeeu a constat! l abaletftenl in the progress ofdisloyalty. Elections lu-l^-iy various borderstates, nnd even in Artrtfosns, have ilisnn-

party in the Soytb whose fidelity to thoConstitution Is ret unshaken, have taughtthe North to distinguish between the Oot-I'ton Stutc traitors, wIio hpc in open rebel¬lion, and the BorJer State patriots, whonrc imploring some ground on which theycan stand »nd resist secession at homo.The session of the conference, and the re¬sult of the border State elections, haveproduced a marked change in the publicsentiment of th* North, the effect of-whichis seen in the altered tone of a number ofprominent Republican journals, which,within the lust ten days, have come out in

j favor of the Aditms or some other com¬

promise. The agreement of the penceconference or. what conservative men mustj regard as a fair basis of Mitllcuieiit, willgive a new impetus to the development ofthe conciliatory sentiment in all sections

jof thecountrj.r If,'aswfc most earnestly trust.-the.re¬commendations of the 1'eace ConferenceihouIcf he'iidopted by Congress, Mr. Lin¬coln's hdrtlinlstratlou will opdn under niorefavorable auspices than his friends haddared to hope. The thunder clouds, bear¬ing night and tempest, which lowered 60

' threateningly over the country, are break-ing, and we trust the sun may roll up glo¬riously to the heavens on the morning ofthe inauguration.The b^ts of settlement recommended

by the Peace Conference is embodied in thefollowing article, which is proposed us anamendment to the Constitution:

AttTICLE TUrttTKES.Sbc. I. In all the present territory of

the Uuited Stales north.of the parallel of3G degrees 80 minutes of north latitude,invuluutary servitude, -except as punish¬ment of crime, is prohibited. In all thepresent territory soalh of .that line the sta¬tus of persons held to service or labor, as it1novr-rzuts, shall not be changed. Nor shallnuy law be parsed by Congress or the ter¬ritorial legislatureto hinder or preventthe taking of such persons from any Of theStates of the Uuip% to said territory, nor1o impair the rights arising from said re-latiou. But the same shall be subject to ju¬dicial cognizance in the federal courts, accord¬ing to the course of the common late. Whenany territory, north or south of said line,with smfh boundary as Congress may pre¬scribe. shall contain a population eqnnl tothat repaired for a member of Congress,it shall, !f Its form of government be re¬publican, be admitted into the Union onan equal footing with the original States,with or without involuntary, servitude, asthe constitution of such State may pro¬vide.

Sic.*2. Territory fhall* not~be acquiredby theUnitad States, unless by treaty;"nor,

except for naval and c >mmercial stations.an»l depotSr unless, s'tfch treaty shall beratified by four-fifths of all the members0i the Senate.

S*c, 3. Neither the Constitution, norany amendment thereof, shall be construedto give Congress power to regolate, abol¬ish, or control, within any State or Terri¬tory of the United States, the relation es¬tablished or recognized by the laws there,of touching persons boand to labor or in¬voluntary servitude therein, nor to inter¬fere with or abolish I avolnotary servitudein the-i)istriet of Cetambin, without theconsent-of Maryland, and without the coo-sent of tbs owners, or making the ownerswho do not consent jnst compensation ;nor the pawer to Interfere with or prohibitrepresentatives.and oA-n^ers fram bringingthem with them to the city ofVWashington,retaining and taking away persons sobound to labor j nor the power to Interferewith or abolish involuntary service iqthe places under the exclusive" jurisdictionortHVr United *f>tates within those States

.ml Territories where the same is estab¬lished or rccognized; nor the power toprohibit the removal or transportation byland, sen, or river, of persons held to la*bor or involuntary service in any Stat- orTerritory of the United States torany oth¬er State or Territory thereof where it isestablish fed or recognized tiy luw or usage;tnd the right, daring transportation, oftouching nt ports, shores andlanding nodof landing in-wise of*distress, shall'exist.iNor shall Congress have power to author-is* any higher rate of taxation on personsbound to labor, than on land.Sec. 4. The third paraggiph of the sec¬ond section of the fourth article of theConstitution shall not be construed toprevent any of the States, by appropriatelegislation, and ttrough the action oftlieir[judicial nud ministerial officers, from en¬forcing the delivery of fugitives from la¬bor to the person to whom such services or,labor is due.

Sec; 6. The foregn slave trude and theimportation of slaves into the UnitedState3 and their- territories, from placesbeyond the present limits thereof, are for-ever prohibited.

Sec. G. The first, third and fifth sec-tions, together with this sectioh six v ofthese amendments, and the third para-graph of the second section of the firstarticle of the Constitution, and the thirdparagraph of the second section of tliefourth.article thereof, shall not be amend-ed or abolished without the conseut of allthe States.

SkC. 7 Congress shall provide by lawthat the United States shall pay to theowner the lull *al to of bis fugitive fromlabor in all cies .vhere the marshal, orother oRicer, duty it was to arrestsuch fugitive, was prevented from so do-iog byvViolence or intimidation from mobsor riotous assemblages, or when, after or-rest, such fugitive was rescued by force,and tlie owner thereby prevented mid ob-1structed in: tho pursuit of his romeily forthe recovery of such fugitive.Tho first section of this compromise.the only one which has occasioned serious-difference, in the conference.is fcnown as Jthe Franklin proposition, and has- beenadopted as a substitute for tl.o corrcpond-iug part of the Gutberie compromise. Theoilier six sections form the remaining partof the Gutberie propositions, That is tosay, the compromise as adopted, consistsof tbeGutherfb propositions, with the. firstand principal one so amended as to maketlie rights of slaveholders subject to judi¬cial cognizance by tho Federal Courts, ac¬cording to tho principles of the commonlaw.

If tbes? propositions are adopted asamendments to tho Constitution,- theymust bo proposed to the stato legislaturesby a joint resolution of Congress, two-thirds of both houses concurring. Theymusttnen be ratified by the Legislatures of-three-fourths of the States, when they be¬come a part of the fundameutal law. Wehope and believe that Congress will takethe necessary action before the close of theweek, when the propriety of the amend¬ments will become subjects of earnestdis¬cussion in all tho States.The second section of these proposedamfnripTents will, i^ adoptejl,.be an insur¬mountable barrier to the txten^lon ofslavery, and will effectually extinguishI the tnisuhievious slavery agitation, fromwhich the country ban been suffering forthe last fifteen years. The great Pandora'sbox has been the acquisition of new terri¬tory. By the adoption of this amendment,such acquisitions will hereafter be render-ed impossible, except in such cases ofmanifest and urgent national necessity thatfour-fifths of all the Senators concur inapproving tho treaty of annexation. Thevarious propositions of this compromisecoverall the grounds of controversy betweeu the North and the South, and.though not precisely what either sectioncould wish, are such that both may acceptthem without dishonor, and so remove for¬

ever from the national councils the mostdangerous firebrand ever thrust into them.

Osb op Mr. Lincoln's Stoiuf.s..The| following in ou'e of Mr. Lincoln's stories..| These he tells often in private conven-n-J lion, rnrely in his speeches:»*I once knew it pood, sound churchman,i whom we'll cull Brown,- who wtis oti ncommittee to erect a bridge over a verydangerousund rapid river. Architect'lifterarchitect failed, nnd at last Brown said hebad a friend named Jones who had builtseveral bridges and could build this...Let's Iiutc him in,' said the committee..\ In came Jones. "Cnn yon build thisi bridge, sir?' 'Yes,' replied Jones; *1 conldbuild a bridge to the infernal regions, ifnecessary.' The sober committee werehorrified; but when Jonea retired, Brownthough it but fair to defend' his friend..'I know Jones so well/ said he, »and he isso-honest a man and so good nn architect!that, if be stales noberly and positivelythat he can build a bridge to Hades why,I believe it. But I have my donbts. about,the abutment on the in*crnnl side.* 'So,'Lincoln added, 'when politicians said theycould barmonixe the Xorthern and Southernwings of the democracy, why, I believedthem. But I had my doubts about theabutment on the Southern side."

DISSOLUTION.'PDK FIRM OK 8.UVTKLLS k afTANNON IBJL this d»* dbnolved by mutual rf>a*ent. All par-tie* hiring cUi iiim again «tuU ttrm will praunt themfor ftettlement. Aleo th<xe knowing tbemselve* tobe indebted will J>leo»ecaM and «ettle their accounta.W. O. 8A1VTKLL,.O.O. SAWTKLf*,J. K. SHANNON.The boilneu will be continued be W. D. Sawtcllk Hru.January 2-1,1S61.


Maaafactaren and Dealro In

CLOTHING,No. O Monroe Street,jant Whmilnf Vi.A MOTHER SUPPLY OP No. 1 UULUf\. onop riKK CRACKKR8 and fVstt count TOR-rLDOBS. U>\ New Vmr. will b« 4ue thU morningD*c.27th. 18*6, by AJama Rx]»r«tw, and Jir ralecheap, wholesale and retail, atdnc27riAUPHORlCE.ULVCftStti.iiiSeOAPV_> inn redrod. K. BOCKISO^A^t, Odd Frfl-we*Hall pru« Store. d«-A»

SUNDRIES.Paria Green, CalcinedPbuter,Chrome do Spaiiieh Whiting,do Red. Venitian Red,do Yellow, Yellow Ochre,litknao. Turkey Umber,Window 8aah, Poota. Paint, Tarnish. TVWte Wa*hBriubM. 4c., alwavn on hand and (or taJe low byeaptlS S.G.R0DTX80V.PRBSCH UERL10E8.HKTSKRLL * 8WRARIXQKN will open Monday.Oct.22. Plain French MerinoM, flgun-d do. nteery low price*. -oct2k

1ARB5CU KMB'D L.(;. UAXJDK'F^1? Geuuf White L. d. ITLCi.oxt>a quality,ThM and Brkbon Edsior*. Just raoeivatLmug*> HKI?Rr.LL"A JWEMlINOEX.

NEW FIRM.ipHK UNDKltSlGNHDnA'Yfc ASSDCIATP.DTIIBMJ. wire* together at a firm. nndor the *tyl*Maxwell, Campbell & Tingle,FOR THE PURPOSE OF DOING A

Wholesale Grocery.A*X>.

GEN'L COMMISSION BUSINESSAt No. 68 Main-St., In the room formerly occupied byB.\kcr k Hopkins.We rorfpectfnHr aolicit the theattentionofthe Trade.JAS. MAXWELL, late firm Paxt.m. Donlon 4 Co.TIIOS. J. CAMPBKLL, latewlth Uat * Howell.GEO. R. TINGLE, late with Lkt A UoVell.J*a*-'69.

"DOS*! OZSXJiT A.t OLD raiEXD TO* X XC* *AC*.(OKI Prtrerb.)

COL. SAM. COLT'SREVOLVING FIRE ARMSPistole, Rifles, Carblnea Ss. Bitot Gtu»

pATtXTi or 1860; 1S56; 1667;riMIESE ARMS HAVE NO EQUALS IN QUALITYX andHuUh; are adopted by the Army and NaT}of the United State*, anil the principal guT;ram«ntof Europe; nro uniform In alt their parte, are ilmple.*afe. inre, *errto«ble and ciuibehodin one hundr»lvarieties. a< well as Cartridge* of Powder. ball andihnt. and all «mall parts fur repair*, from all reapectable jjuh dealtfta, ahd tba Hardware trade generallyAddn-M. SecretaryCOLTS PATENT FIREARMS MAN*F*OCO.,tny9-Sm* Hartford, Own.



Watches, Jewelry,Silver& PlatedWare,

FANCY GOODS. &o.No. 20 Malu St.,


COMMISSIONMERCHANTNo. 34 Cor. Market &TJnion-Sts.,Wheeling, VaStbict Attk.*tiox Oivkx to E.V.HTJ5KX Co.v-iir.>*K*T-Remittiturs promptly made. declC^


S. HARPER&BRO.The largest and best selected Stock of

Hats and CapsHARPER & BRO'S

che&f mvmw,N"o. 129


53 Main Stroot,Wheeling, Vk.

WHOLESALE DEALERSWIfnil Rod, Window Ola**. Maryland Lime,liar irou, Printing Puptr, Conimou Liuie,NuiL-*. Wrap. Paper, Klour.Sheet Iron, Planter j'arU, Ulcuigbai Matches,Wire. Land l'lnirter, Salt. jOut Stcttl Cument. Wooden Wars, Ac.Agent* fur Kovk's Improved Connter and PlatformThe rriyhejt if.irlet l'ric* jxiidfor Hagt, Flaxseed,Ginseng. Scrap Irtm, <fc. JylSF. A. BRENTLINGER & CO.

BKU LEAVETO SAY THAT Til KY IIA YE OPEN-etla Pharmaceuticaland Prescription Store in No.lot Market street, where fltcv uiU lie plsased to«erv<» tho*e who may feel dt*pi*t»<l to call.1 TlieirIon* experience ami kmmn accuracy In compound¬ing pby*iciau*° prescription* cannot fall to glva con¬fidence ty all.Physician* and Drngxlst* rmjulrluK pharmaceutl-cal and chemical preparations for their own dls-l»en»iug.nffull and uuiform strength.** hy the U. S.^Phnruiapia. can have them prepmeit at tliM shortestnotice, we being now provided with all neceMaryap|nr;itu». [octlS] F. A. BRENTLINGER ft CO.

HI. Hayes & Co.MASurAcrcRtRs or

LIGHT CARRIAGES AND HARNESS,n&nBJL, location IN THE ATHEN^UMBuilding, corner Market A John streets,opposite ttie Custom House. WheHinj. Va. Alwoyion hand Carriage* of superior norkunn-dilp, warran¬ted to give satl*faction. Also, work built to order, ofth<vlatest styles and most Improved patterns, at thelowest market rates. mylH.lyJAS. M. DILLON,"

No. 107 Market Street,WHEELING, YA.


BRASS FOUNDER.1 \EALER IN WIWHJGI1T IKON. GALVANIZED\J and all/dxe* of L«*d Pipes. hJ.cet Lend., BrassCock* and Valves, Steam Whistles, gteim «ud WaterGuagrs, Lift and Force Pump*, lank*. Ilise. Antifric¬tion Metal. BaucerTin. Zinc, Antimony, CrncihH*,(t.tlVSQ'7.>*'1 Lightning Rods, Inaulator* and Points.AOKNT FDR THE MRNEBLY BELLS. AqueductPipes constantlyon hand.Cash paid for old Copper, Bfasf *odoctlO

New Family Grocery.Tier subscriberbegs lea vetoannouxc*that he hasMpened a Family Groceryand ForeignProduce Storo in the old Post Office building, 1*H»Market street, near thfc corner ef Quincy nt., and .>licit* the gmjerous patronage ofMs friends and tl.epublic generally.It will he my conntant endeavor to offer, at thelowest price*;the !w» «jaaliti** the market afford-*.A superi'ir article ofltotiled Llqnor* and Wine*always on hand.German Prodore. snch as Prune*. Lcntl"*, SpiltPeas, also all kind* of Nuts. Orange* and Lemons,wholesale and retail at theV»*e«t rates.Supcre/r Havana and Domes!Ic Cigars Tobaccoof the different graile«, wholesale and retail at

G. W. REESSING'g,frMI-lyd Formerly with Alex. 1leyman.HEW WOVEH GORE TRAIL

STEEL SPRING SKIRTS,HUPKRIOR ailALITV,Received this day front the ananfulimr.

A"whooping cough i .r. KlVbS OF COUGHS. HOARSEN K$a,are relieved in a few doces. Ly n*Inc theHoarhound Balsam!

£t contains n» Opiuoi or Tartar Emetic."Price *J-". rents. For sale hvt. h. x/yo.vx A CO.

and LOGAN, LIr-T A CO.

. Ii'»One Copy per Year, $1.00

Six Mouths,bvAiutu u Ai>vami. ?6»

The Wwkly lotcllifjcfm itWill contain thirty-two cvtlomit^-imwtiy8*#*#-* ithaliolceand carefully prrparfd reaAinJc xualler.einhraetas alt *ohjeeor.T!«n* muSS^t^ the larpe** ***& be*Mlnr Nrw*pnj»er In tht« action of country., j

DISSOLUTION.f pIIK VMM or R1IOUKS * BhOTIIKH IS THIS1 «l»j by mututl coo*nt Lither partyU authority to settle the Account/. /EvP. RllOWi?.pee. l*th. 1WO. C W.lcHoW;.?.On account of (11 health '1 have this day tryint«re*t in the firm.of Hfcode* Jt 1-<\*th«r »<? Wjn a.WartfelJ, and 1 ctvcrtr.My r» c> cim 6u The n« a rtmol Rhode* A ft *rtlfcl4' tufiny Ud friend* iCHS |*tn fc«.C. W.hlioUi*.

NEW^PIRM. '\\T* have Tin^i>jpr^>\»i m v a ccvrA*T-1V tierthip under tb« r.auieof l.Hnt.ts ft W amiii t>,and trill continue the Wliolrcale Cn*ery. 1 t«.*!t>caand Coroml.Ion brt!r.e» In the hotm.- fctnu-r t«.cupird by Khndea k lirctl.tr. < .'"Pac 12,1*00.3m*. p.maonct. w>t. cu.VAtfntn.SHODES &"WAB.PIELD,fSnCce*4of* to Kli.idr* Jc ltjvtl.er.)wholesale: dnoriiw,'Produce & Oomrniaoion Hfffrchnnts,. tltcll-ly Bridgeport, Oljlo.Tavjrx cviw\»*it.. nenrnr ouaua*. .CALDWELL & GUAHAM,'(Successor* t«» £. \nni<vJ

MAKUFACTUJICR^OFGopperJin & Sheet iron Wate,v aarx» xuuixus ijc ail kixm op

COOKIXii & HtATlXe STOYES,Jfo. 8 Maiy-st., bp. B. k O. R. It. tYrpal.WH15KUNO.®"Coi»try Metch»nt»«ih1 other* are Invited loCall Mliil <*\4luiUA uur«l(4k Ufute i.ikfh«fcil»>:wrhfi.-.

ju.xjavxti. t. j. «"¦wvo.il. uift.tltiscu.MAXWKLL.CAMPBKLL&T1N61,K,Wholesale Grocers


COMMISSION MEItCIIASTS&o. S»>Maluflt.,Wtirrlliis, Va.l^fVK *t>\Y IX FTciKK

Vj« hhU. Prime N. O. Mola#tte»,1*16' hlf. bb!«. «I6Tio hlidf. fully fair to prime X. O. Supar.VJ5 bid*.Cr.«Granut*Ted. 1*UW*A Bftd Coffr* Sushis75 ** Hruut»VCJoldei».Syrup.2o ** NcwYoik do3o0 ba«m good'fair to prime JtW Police.M iHM-kft* J*va CuJTtC.i*ft l>«*eh Na'tl I.f. t>» luuijiTubacitt.46 do tiuiouK itandnnlLriuidfcb TuLacio;16 do do do ltht do111 C*»e4**lltintr»" Vi* »tolU do "lK»u Uui*Ott*? U* dvDA Wf.ch. Y. U aiid G. P. Tea.3^< do Oolong und PouchtmgTea^lOO hhU No. 3 Med. and l.g. Mackerel.60 ** Tar. lar^e <lxw.15 tlorcea Itico.Pepper. l'luirnto, Nutnu-ic^.Clove*. CasaMintard. Ginger. Indipl, Rl-Carh.8«hIh.SitliirntiH. 8oap, Cait'lle^ >Vni>h-boanli'. 11.-. ket».TiiIk«, IlrooiuK. Nails, and all other ar » lr^m-brnced in thatirucery line. nd»5J

FALL STOCK.lints and'Caps for the Million

S. AVERY,No. 140 Main St., Wheeling1, Va,,Has now on iianp tiik most, kxtknkukStock or (iiWmu lu tlic Hat line. er»*r exhibitedin this market. ThePRINCE or WALES HATtNuw the great lethiing Hat for voting gentlemen. IImvo In WmM}* «»f color.qnnlity Ami price. TheMoloflkiivDress and Cassimere Hat,^ inrmH* wlnmikGtnr#.aHia of the moet celebratedpmnnfnctorles dr yMt#nilFnitiaaetpDiK. uTfb*very latest style *n<l fliiw quMity: TOFT KllllKCIIFELT HAT?, nil the Tarletiea of-Shape*. qualltlr.find color*; SAXONY Wool. HATS, made oMhofinest American. Spanish and Saxony Wool*MEWS and BOYS' CAPS.Cloth. Ca**imere. l'lnuli am! Glsxed. from the lowestprice to the flhe<*. CIMldrrn'fc Hat* 'andCapo, bvantll'ttlly and richly trimmed,Just import-ed from Pari*.

Front iuv exjjerlcnce iu manufacturing, and th*care I have takm in selecting my st«-k, U a punruntee to purchase!* that thHr can he suh'ed with thebest of goods ut the lowest price*.MirHat* made to oiSlet un the shortcut notice.8. AYKKY.No. 118 Maln-St., Wheeling,rW Tlte highest price paid for SHIPPING FURS,Jlacuon. Itrd Fox. Grey FU.x. Wild Cat, Mink. Mult-rut, OppoMum and Deer Ski in*.


Nos. 52 and 54. Main St,norl W UWIiig.Ti.The Citizen's Deposit BanfiOF WHKULlNG.Bank opkn fi:om q o'clock, a. m., until 31'. M. Pisonnt Hay*.Thurs«!»y* ID o'ctoca A. X. "fifej&g~ilvnoy received ua transient Jep<adt. -. *Intern! jtaid oh tjfcUil depmHt.r* ;.-v49-Collection* made and proceeds promply remitted

DIRKUTOKri:Jacob Berger. J. N. Vance*Jacob ifornhrook, O. W. Franzhelm,Wnrrvn Cooper, J. K. Ilolsford.Of«. K.Wheat, Cheetrr D. Kn»x.J. U. Millkb, Cashier. Airub Clltnrm, I'res't.[fel»4-*5Ply]Saddles,Harness,Trunks &c.

WHOLKdALE k RETAIL.JB. 8IHSVrAHD.Nu.t8l Main Street, corner. Union, will contiune to keep on hand a large an<lcomplete assortment of all article*In hi* line, cotnt&t-lug of Ladies' and Gentlemen'#Saddle*, FineA CoarceHarness. Trunk*. Valleee,Carpet Dag*, Satchel*, Col,law. Ilame*, Whips, Ar.I wonld re*pectfnur call attention to my *tock. andtrust by atrictalteution and.promptnese, to meritcontinuance of the public patronageAll kindsof repairing promptly done, and In a proper imsunt-r. J. B. SHF.PPAltD.^sejrJO.'aV 131, MainStreet.New York Paper WarehouseONE PltlCfcOXLY. WHKRKPAPER DEALERS,.Booksellers, Stationer* Binder*. Printer*, andCarcluMirn generally can .»¥« from 10 to20 j»er cent,by purehtslng from flr*t hundii.Having increased oar Manufacturing Facilities. wacan offer great inducement* to parties in want «.f P*-l>>nwich as ai# morallyMid l>yn l'a|wr Warehouse.Ledger And Flat paj»er** Foolscap, Letter.-Note. andBillet. Folia. Ilirk^t. Commercial, and all o»French Paper*. Co|«t4 Papew. Tissu". Binder-*.Trunk, and P»r«w fV«ar*l. BMting. etc., e*^4. Baafc-Ncrte. Bond. Drawing. Bank, E*i«eJ"P* 'PUWittratteutiof paid to supplying Bvtk* witb nnnlt-N'trfeand fitter and A«wini P-ijier*. *Seh-»oU-*ud. >ietnin^riwn'B !»nd Pn»f**«lftn«l wm. BIltKeadsm stock, rea-iymle-i A»r Piinteiv. from I t-.$ Headsto the sheet. Bine and White. Wore and t«aM. Infart, a complete Paper Uaaaar. .if^n^ fur i^rct|1a«e.and -are your nxmey. Onlers by mall. a<*c»intMrticrdwith cash, will be ails.! aa well » If pre^-rt (tr per-eon. CAlL-*ON k IIADD.paper Warehouse/14 Beekhian st.

J. C". HARBOUR. ~~

IVStft**'* df lotlit D*vl*r in

CARPETS RUGS, OIL CLOTHSWall Papsi, Cartala Materials,And UpholateryWare ofevery dewcriptionI-IB MftinStreet.WlfKKLlWO.HU.49*Oilt and M^boginy Framcl Looking Ulwuija hawl andmade to order. sep9/&9

i.*.uy»i. 5 m. w. LIST. c. t». ncauAtOGAH. tlSf ft CiO.

Ibmnli r. Ft. Cb )Wholesale& RetailDrofglsHriftinrt* eoti>f*fe. MA*)?i RKtws^red tt» sapply*goc*l»$f »ruperfc.rqtpUlt>/V aft tow nrices, to all thoaawho may findltnlent to make fheir pn«cha»ee at the ^Bridge Confl

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