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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1




Sebastian Chirimbu

Assoc. Prof. PhD, “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest/ Wales University of Romania

Abstract: A major problem of contemporary society is how we are dealing with difference, as it appears

in various situations: the difference between cultures and, implicitly, values, the difference between

personalities, the difference of economic development or political ideas etc. Our society is becoming

increasingly more complex, and migration, the multiplication of contacts, the disappearance of borders,

the internationalization of education, the development of information technology and communications,

the economic globalization are obvious realities. Countries are becoming more interdependent, in order

to obtain or preserve some mutual benefits, the demarcation between what is domestic and what is

international being more and more difficult to achieve.

Keywords: language learning, intercultural competence, globalization

1. Contemporary society between education and diversity

A major problem of contemporary society is how we are dealing with difference, as it

appears in various situations: the difference between cultures and, implicitly, values, the

difference between personalities, the difference of economic development or political ideas etc.

Our society is becoming increasingly more complex, and migration, the multiplication of

contacts, the disappearance of borders, the internationalization of education, the development of

information technology and communications, the economic globalization are obvious realities.

Countries are becoming more interdependent, in order to obtain or preserve some mutual

benefits, the demarcation between what is domestic and what is international being more and

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


more difficult to achieve. „Given our globalized economy and huge population diasporas, the

world is a vastly different one from what we knew just a few decades ago. Public education,

often viewed by people around the world as the central way out of poverty and ignorance, will

either gain from this unique time or lose its moral authority as the one place where young people

of all backgrounds and conditions can expect to receive an education that will prepare them to

live productive lives. Hence, understanding the sociopolitical context of schools and society will

be decisive in helping chart the course of diversity education in the years ahead‖ ((Nieto, online

source accessed, 2000).

Several major forces of change exercises influence on current society and education.

First, there is a tendency to reduce births in almost all countries. As a result, this leads to the

second factor of change, society is becoming more and more aged. Thirdly, the process of

emigration-immigration waves has led to a dramatic transformation of the population, from an

ethnic point of view, in many states. We have in mind, in particular, labour migration from

geographic areas with an economy in transition towards democratic states with a sustainable

market economy. Fourthly, there is a dramatic social change in family life, which has gradually

lost its traditional values. With the dismantling of the traditional family has come a decrease of

the degree of accomplishment of its educational and and social integration role.

„Multicultural education, intercultural education, nonracial education, antiracist

education, culturally responsive pedagogy, diversity, ethnic studies, peace studies, global

education, social justice education, bilingual education, mother tongue education, integration –

these and more are the terms used to describe different aspects of diversity education around the

world‖ (Nieto, online source accessed, 2000). Diversity and the evaluation of ddiversity

education has become such a major issue that cannot be ignored in the international arena.

Several factors have a major impact upon the educational systems, education programs being

forced to respond adequately to these challenges (Chirimbu, 2015:119).

We are witnessing in the recent decades a significant increase of mobility from higher

education and to the diversification of the types of international cooperation once "ensuring a

common framework of convergence of public policies in the field of university education"

(Pricopie, et al., 2011:2/ online source accessed).

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


According to Knight (2003:2), the internationalisation of education, understood as a

process of "integrating the international dimension, intercultural or global objective, mission and

achievement of education", has prompted extensive curricular reforms that have resulted in an

increase in the number of academic programs taught in languages of widespread, cross-border

recognition of qualifications and training standards, increase physical mobility of students and

teachers, encouraging cross-border cooperation. Responsibility for education, in this matter, is

essential, but also problematic, since the concept of identity can be interpreted in two ways: the

affirmation of one's own identity, rediscovering their own cultural roots and reinforcing

solidarity group can constitute a positive and liberating experience for every individual, but, if it

is poorly understood, can hold back or even frustrate the dialogue and contact.

Therefore, education should make individuals aware of their own roots, so they can have

points of reference to find your place in the world, but should support understanding and to

promote respect for other cultures and the critical interpretation of their own cultures.

2. Perspectives of intercultural education

The contemporary society is foreseeing an intensification of current trade and

transformations in all spheres, including that of education. Intercultural education is an education

of the interpersonal relationships involving members of different cultures. Intercultural

education is a new dimension of contemporary education. The purpose of this type of education

is to facilitate intercultural relations, contribute to the formation and intensification of the attitude

of tolerance, acceptance of the other, which is different. Differences in relation to other cover

several domains targeting: language, religion, social practices, communication, networking,

clothing, food, production, leisure, traditions etc. According to these the individual in interaction

with a different culture may have a series of complex reactions by nature cognitive, affective,

behavioral. These reactions can be acceptance or denial of the other.

The values contained in the aims of intercultural education cannot be achieved by itself in

intercultural relations. Openness towards each other, its acceptance, tolerance, are not innate but

are built into individual personalities through systematic educational steps. From the perspective

of the cultivation and promotion of these values, the role of the school is particularly important

in turning these differences into a source of personal and community development, and less as a

source of prejudice, tension, discomfort.

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


Rey (1986, in Dasen, Perregaux & Rey, 1999) cited by Marchis, Ciascai and Costa (2008:

1) considers that ―the term intercultural was chosen as a result of the rich sense of the prefix

inter and of the (anthropologic) sense of the word culture. The prefix suggests a process. Thus,

when we say intercultural, we implicitly say interaction, exchange, reciprocity, interdependency,

and solidarity. Similarly, we say value recognition, recognition of lifestyles, of the symbolic

representations to which human beings relate (both individuals or groups in relation to other

people) in order to understand the world; recognition of the interactions that appear at a certain

moment between the multitude of aspects within one culture or between different cultures, in

time and space‖. The new stands toward cultural realities determine the extraction of new

significance from old cultural symbol as a result of modified references.

The problem of cultural pluralism is increasingly debated in the western perimeters and

constitute a support in action in many democratic states in the world. Cultural pluralism

formulates the hypothesis that ethnic minorities have a unique style of learning and that elements

of the educational curriculum should be revised to meet the cognitive style and profile of

students belonging to different ethnic groups. Educational plans and curricula are recommended

to be structured so as to interpret events according to the views of an ethnic group.

3. Strategies for the implementation of intercultural education

The intercultural perspective of education may lead to the extinction of conflicts and

eradication of violence in schools, through the formation of behaviors such as: ability to

communicate; the establishment of confidence and cooperation within a group; respect for

oneself and others, tolerance toward different opinions; making decisions democratically;

accepting responsibility for others and the self; interpersonal problems; mastering the primary

emotions; the ability to avoid clashes. The main strategies for the implementation of intercultural

education are:

-Intercultural transfer stage (school, like other institutions, contributes to the achievement

of equal exchanges, interferences between cultures);

- Compensatory strategy stage, the differences, the aquisition by all of the same cultural

tools (Elimination of diversity, of otherness);

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


-Cultural heterogeneity recognition stage, safeguarding the specific character, which

cultivates differences individually (points and cross-cultural communication are not capitalized;

the existence of risk that individuals remain "between cultures").

4. Competences in education. Definitions

The concept of competence is one having multiple meanings, meanings that vary

according to the scope and the context in which it is used. Its meanings have diversified and

changed the measure extending the use in psychology, in the present, in sociology and pedagogy.

According to G.Boutin (2004), the concept of "competences" has its origins in taylorism,

faithfully reflecting, at that time, the principles of organisation of work in the industrial

environment. In this instance, the approach has penetrated the North-American school system in

the late 1960s. In the vision of J.Tardif (2003, online source accessed), competence corresponds

to a complex action capacity based on the mobilization and efficient use of a variety of


Four traits are specific to competence (Aubret, Gilbert, 2003:7-8): reference to the tasks,

expected efficacy, the structured processes of mobilization of knowledge, skills and behavioral

attitudes and the ability to make predictions on this effectiveness.

Analyzing the structure of a competence two interconnected dimensions can be

distingusihed: the internal dimension which includes components and relationships forming

competence seen as potential or as the individual's or group's availability to act competently and

the external dimension that includes the components and relations framework in which

competence is manifested ((Voiculescu, 2011:19-34, 34-39, online source accessed). The internal

dimension of competence is a functional system comprising three components: knowledge, skills

and attitudes.

As regards the external dimension, one can distinguish three determining factors: task,

situation and context. The two dimensions are interdependent, condition each other, so they

should be treated simultaneously, forming what we call a pattern of operation of an integrator

competences.The author provides a comprehensive definition of the concept of competence "is a

characteristic of the individual or collective feature attached to the possibility to mobilize and

put into action by effective manner in a given context a set of knowledge, capabilities and

behavioural attitudes" (Voiculescu, 2011:17, online source accessed).

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


5. The concept of intercultural competence

The concept ofintercultural competence is characterized by a certain ambiguity. From a

historical point of view, the concept of intercultural competence arose as a result of studies

carried out, involving the experiences of those who have worked abroad in the 50 's, 60 's and

early 70 's. These studies have been spurred by the problems of cross-cultural communication

and collaboration among individuals originating from hampered collected from different

backgrounds. He has, however, in his semiotics of Geertz's vision and has established itself in

the late 1980s as an attempt to define new goals for learning foreign languages (Nedelcu, 2008).

In the literature, researchers and theorists still uses a number of terms that are more or

less close to the concept of intercultural competence: cross-cultural communication, cross-

cultural awareness, global competitive intelligence, global competence, cross-cultural adaptation,

intercultural interaction, intercultural sensitivity, intercultural cooperation, cultural sensitivity,

cultural competence, ethnorelativity, effective cross-group communication (Fantini, 2007:9). In

the broadest sense, intercultural competence is defined by A. Fantini as representing "a complex

abilities required to perform effectively and appropriately within the interaction with others that

in terms of different linguistic and cultural environments" (Fantini, 2007:9). In terms of its

function, intercultural competence is the ability to negotiate cultural significance and to conduct

adequately effective communication behaviors which recognize the different identities of the

interactions in a specific environment and involves the ability to mobilize knowledge, methods

of action, but also affective experiences, positive attitude in solving intercultural interaction


In the past two decades, the efforts of intercultural competence operationalization have

begun to rely on the emphasis on the development of intercultural competence (Hammer,

Bennett, 1998). For explanatory reasons, we have divided the models and theories of

intercultural competence in the following categories: structural patterns, patterns of interaction,

development models, models of adaptation and causal models. The variety of these models is

explained as a result of the variety of individuals, experiences and contexts in which it has been

imposed on intercultural education. This, in part, to validate the models presented as landmarks

for the training and practice of intercultural competence, which is the expression of the variety of

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


cross-cultural practice. It follows, from here, the impossibility of the existence of a universal

model valid for intercultural competence training and explanation.

The concept of intercultural competence relates to a set of knowledge, skills, aptitudes

and behaviors, which used to allow the harmonious and complementary individual solving

intercultural interaction situations. Intercultural competence is demonstrated by finding effective

solutions to the problems encountered in intercultural contexts. Intercultural competence

comprises the following components: cognitive, affective and behavioural. The cognitive

component entails the existence of adequate cultural and intercultural awareness. At this level is

the recognition that people interpret the same behavior in different ways. Affective component

comprises a set of attitudes of esteem and recognition, valorization, respect, curiosity towards

each other.

Behavioural and communication component, involves the ability to empathize, to tolerate

each other's presence, to find and utilize effective ways of coping in intercultural interaction.

Thus intercultural competence a person can assess cognitive level: (assessment of capacity and

awareness issues, understanding the situations to relate appropriately and efficiently), affective

(attitudes, evaluating the degree of emotional involvement, desire and motivation to

communicate appropriately and effectively with others) and omportamental (evaluation of skills,

skills that are mobilized and manifested in behaviours, to relate effectively in intercultural

interactions in nature).

Intercultural competences foster the establishment and development of intercultural

relations. Intercultural relationship aimed at the relationship between representatives of two or

more cultures and lies in harnessing the skills, knowledge, attitudes, capacities of those involved,

in order to foster communication, understanding, transferring information between them.

Cultural competence of an individual can be formed, developed and evaluated according

to at least two variables:

a) the external situation defined as the totality of challenges acting on the person and to

which he / she must respond.

b) internal resources, aimed at the full potential that the person in the situation of

intercultural interaction must mobilise in order to have the appropriate response.

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


Intercultural competences in pupils can be acquired within the framework of activities in

formal educational environment, non-formal and informal.

Instructive-educational activities carried out in the school represent a framework

conducive to the acquisition by pupils of some capabilities that constitute fundamental elements

of intercultural competence. The cognitive development of the student through capacity building

activities will help the learner: to cooperate with colleagues to solve tasks, to build together with

other pupils a behavioral code, concerning their reactions in situations of beliefs, norms,

principles, values, divergence of opinions, to become aware of the characteristics of its own

people, features derived from the cultural origin and to capitalize the proper contexts, to observe

and evaluate the conduct of colleagues for the purpose of comparative reporting to them, to

establish some benchmarks (models of personality, symbolic elements) and track them over the

course of evolution and to adapt and integrate into a collective, in intercultural environments.

Activities outside the classroom offer students multiple opportunities to participate in

events and actions with intercultural character. Activities organised for leisure (excursions, visits,

camps, exhibitions, performances) as well as activities in the socio-professional help to develop

the students ability to:

-to organize intercultural activities;

-to establish and maintain friendships, intercultural contacts;

to explore and investigate some cultural backgrounds.

6. The Development of intercultural competence in the process of early age language


Language is a universal feature of the human species, then it can be concluded that the

linguistic activity will occupy, in every culture, a first place in the enculturation process. It

means that by learning foreign languages we will be able to accept and recognize the many other

dimensions of human cultural contexts concerned. It is possible to build specific language skills

to lead the student to build mental identity of each language's representative which it learns.

Restructuring the curricula of foreign languages according to the European framework in

all curricular courses will remove forever the myth of "overloaded curriculum" invoked by some

teachers at the beginning of any failed and will open a joint communication between languages

considered so far as distinct disciplines. At the same time the setting of standards and

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


performance levels realistic and consistent from one stage to another, the study will allow

teachers to hold a clear roadmap and less troublesome for students that guides them, depending

on the needs and characteristics of the group, so that each of them should be able to record

measurable progress on a range of performance aimed at both intension and extension.

The special position of the English language as lingua franca requires a different

approach on the teaching. As a global language, it enriches the cultural not educated, but is a

skill whose market value leads to a social demand to be taught. It must nevertheless be made

without affecting the teaching of other languages.

The development of intercultural competence in the foreign language learning early

concerns, on the one hand, the educational aspect social relations with others and, on the other

hand, the appearance of communicative understanding of a foreign language. Even at this early

time is possible and useful, according to the child through the themes and activities specially

chosen to ask questions, for example about:

- subjects about the culture of the language learned (e.g. holidays, customs).

- material about "foreign" in contrast to its own culture, which sharpens the perception

of childhood (e.g., current objects/art).

- to stimulate empathy for people belonging to other cultures.

- natural situations (role) to practice the ability to engage in intercultural situations.

Age is only one of the variables that we must take into account in the process of

establishing the level of proficiency in a foreign language. The general trend of specialists is

considering initiating early in learning a foreign language highly beneficial, without having an

exclusive role in achieving linguistic performance, but only if she is the use of certain

fundamental conditions: the existence of an appropriate educational environment, interactive

nature of the classes, teachers who are fluent in the target language. The child learns to know the

other culture, while it is submitted in a foreign language through pictures, texts or through virtual

offerings. The perception of the alien, simultaneous perception of the familiar plays a central

role, whereas the familiar new information and impressions you get extra seached at learning.

Among its advantages we should take into account the positive impact on children's

language development and their intercultural awareness as well as introducing much easier the

second language in secondary school classes. Other advantages can be summarize as follows:

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1


-The positive impact on the child's intellectual evolution;

-Development of a flexible thinking, acoustic sensitivity towards language;

-improvement of the child's identity and mother tongue communication;

-Open communication with individuals belonging to other linguistic and cultural systems;

-Increase self-confidence and the formative and educational potential of the school;

-Increasing the chances of success.

Ỉn such a context, the dilemma regarding the timeliness and effectiveness of foreign

language learning as early as kindergarten becomes an extremely visible one.

7. Conclusion

All living cultures are today outcomes of intercultural communication; that is why

contemporary society is considered to be characterized by a plurality of cultures and by a system

of interrelations and interactions through which cultures influence each other.Through the study

of foreign languages, instructors can begin as early as kindergarten pupils to form

sociolinguistic and pragmatic skills related to language learningso that umtil the age of

adolescence it should correspond to an European identity. Creating a model of personality

starting from their plurilingvistics knowledge and skills enable young people and adults to

promote values such as solidarity, peace, tolerance, social justice, environmental consciousness

and making changes in their lives and their communities, both locally and globally. The

traditional separation of teaching a teaching another language-including language teaching of

national minority languages, and language learning is a fundamental barrier in the development

of policies that encourage linguistic diversity and plurilingvismul and it is the educational

systems‘s task and goal to erase it.

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SECTION: PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu Mureș, 2015, ISBN: 978-606-8624-21-1



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