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  • 1.Training
    How to do Interventions

2. Become a Professionally Trained Interventionist
for clients and families with these problem areas:
alcohol and other drug abuse or dependence
non compliance with mental health treatment or medications
addictive behaviors, including, but not limited to, eating, exercise, gambling, Internet, pornography, sex and work
3. Speaker Biography
Rand L. Kannenberg, Director of Jeffco Addiction Assessment Clinic (JAAC) in Lakewood, Colorado isa Licensed Addiction Counselor and Certified Case Manager.From 1995 until 2008 he served as Executive Director of Criminal Justice Addiction Services. He graduated with his Master of Arts degree in 1984 and has 25 years paid experience in mental health, addiction, corrections and criminal justice. He has been a speaker at nearly 600 preapproved seminars in all 50 U.S. states, as well as South Africa, Italy and Puerto Rico. He received the "Certificate of Accomplishment for 24 Years of Distinguished Service as a Trainer, Mentor and Addiction Professional" from The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)in 2008. Kannenberg also received the "Trainer of the Year Award" from the Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP), Safety Center Incorporated (SCI) in 2008.He has published a book on counseling, a book on case management, 17 training manuals and a variety of international scholarly articles, research projectsand reports. Kannenberg has been a speaker for MEDS-PDN since 2007. He has been featured on local and national radio shows, all three major television networks and in countless newspaper stories.
4. Narrative Information

In this one of a kind seminar, you will learn how to do interventions. The award winning speaker will amaze you with his wisdom and wit. Every new intervention skill and technique will be carefully presented. All attendees will have the opportunity to practice, get feedback and clarification before the next topic is tackled. The setting is informal, relaxed and entertaining, yet rigorously structured, organized and educational at the same time. You will receive professionally prepared seminar handouts that includes all of the forms you will need to actually document the entire process of doing interventions when you return to work. You will have permission to use and copy the material in your own practice if used consistent with the seminar.

Interventions are indicated when the identifiedclient (referred to as the individual) is not yet willing to admit that he or she has a problem and requires treatment. The intervention isnot therapy. It is education. It is support. Theindividual and the network are taught ways to deal with the disease(s) and given the opportunity to share concerns directly with each other in a way that has never been attempted before.The first phase of the intervention consists of atelephone conversation with the initial caller (e.g., a family member, friend, employer, etc.).The second phase is a lengthy meeting with theindividual and the support system ("network").The third phase is a short follow up meeting with theindividual andthe network(only if theindividual does not go directly from the first meeting intotreatment).

The intervention method used is an adapted version of an intervention model with evidence based research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2008 suggesting that by using the techniques learned and practiced in this seminar, following interventions, 76% of the addicted individuals were in treatment within two weeks, and 83% within three weeks.
5. Training Goal

The goal of the training is to learn by lecture, demonstration and practice how to do interventions for clients and families withalcohol and other drug abuse or dependence (who in many cases also have non compliance with mental health treatment or medications, if even diagnosed; and/or addictive behaviors, including, but not limited to, eating, exercise, gambling, Internet, pornography, sex and work).
6. Training Objectives
1.) Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to define an alcohol/drug addictionintervention as pre-treatment versus therapy.

2.)Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to explain the goalof getting both theidentified individualas well asthe familyinto treatment.

3.)Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to list theimportant and appropriate levels of care based on needs ofstructure, support, and safety.

4.)Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to learn how and why as an interventionist to effectively work with the first caller on the telephone.

5.)Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to practicea variety of skills and techniques to be utilized duringthe intervention meeting and demonstrate both confidence and competence with the various skills.

6.)Upon completion of this training, the participant will be able to explain the significant differences between the interventionist serving ascoach and not a rescuer.
7. Protocol 1
The interventionist informs the caller
of the cost of the intervention and
method(s) of payment.
8. The Preliminaries
Setting the cost of an intervention
How to inform the caller of the cost
How and when to collect the fee
How to schedulethe telephone call
How much time to spend on the phone
9. Protocol 2
The first phase of the intervention consists of a lengthy telephone conversation during which time, if permission is granted to do so, the interventionist obtains very detailed and personal information about the addicted individual, the presenting problem and goals, addiction and mental health history, treatment history, family history, past family efforts, who else might be invited to the intervention, and other relevant information (using the JAAC intake form handed out during the training if desired).(Please note: this form may be adapted, revised or in any way adjusted to better meet the specific needs of interventionists and the agencies where they are employed.)
10. The Screening
Obtaining very detailed and personal information
Obtaining the presenting problem and goals
Obtaining the addiction and mental health history
Obtaining the treatment history
Obtaining family history
Obtaining past family efforts
Deciding other relevant information
11. Intervention Intake Form
Date _________________Day________________________Time______________
Caller Name_______________________________________________________________________________
Caller Home Telephone ____________________ Is it okay to call?Yes _____No _____
Caller Work Phone________________________Is it okay to call?Yes _____No _____
Caller Cell Phone _________________________ Is it okay to call?Yes _____No _____
Caller Email address _______________________________________________________
Client Age ____Male ___Female ___ Race/Ethnicity ______Marital Status S____ M____ W____ D____
Client Status: Employed ______Full Time Student _______Part Time Student _______
Client's Highest Degree of Education _______________________Religion ____________________
Client's Employer_____________________________________ Occupation ________________________
Name of client's spouse (if not caller)_______________________________________________________
Spouse Work Phone________________________Is it okay to call?Yes _____No _____
Spouse Cell Phone _________________________ Is it okay to call?Yes _____No _____
Names and ages of client's children (if applicable):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
In your own words, what issues are making you call about an intervention at this time (substances used, amount, frequency, duration, when first started, when last used, legal/medical/social or other consequences, etc.)?
How did you find out about us (me/agency)?________________________________________________
Does the client have any symptoms of depression?If yes, what are they? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Does the client have any symptoms of anxiety or panic?If yes, what are they?_____________________________________________________________________________________
Has the client ever been psychotic?If yes, when and please describe.
Has the client ever been manic?If yes, when and please describe.
What are other mental health complaints the client has (including sleep, eating and anything else)?
12. Has the client received mental health or substance abuse care previously? Yes _____ No_____
If so, name of therapist or group? __________________________________________________________
When? ________________________________________________________________________________
What issues were addressed? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Has the client ever been hospitalized?If yes, for what, when and where?
Describe any major medical/physical problems:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
List known allergies to food or medication:
Primary Care Physician for Client___________________________________ Phone: __________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last visit __________________
List client's current medications prescribed by this doctor:
Medication Daily DoseConditionStarting Date
Psychiatrist, if applicable _____________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last visit __________________
List client's current medications prescribed by this doctor:
Medication Daily DoseConditionStarting Date
What medications has the client taken in the past?And, what were the results?Any negative side effects to them?
Client Therapist, if applicable _____________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last visit __________________
Client Case manager, if applicable __________________________________ Phone: __________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last visit __________________
Client Probation or parole officer, if applicable _________________________ Phone: _________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of last visit __________________
13. Nearest relatives or friends of client (not spouse) we may contact in case of emergency:
Name RelationshipPhone
Name RelationshipPhone
Has the client ever tried to hurt or kill him or herself before?If yes, when and what did they do?
Does the client have a family history of suicide?If yes, who and please discuss.
Does the client have a family history of psychiatric and/or chemical dependency problems?If yes, please list.
Please talk about the following related to the client only if they apply:
History of trauma or abuse _____________________________________________________________________
History of legal problems_______________________________________________________________________
Has the client ever been in the military?If yes, when and where and what was the status of his or her discharge?
Does the client have any special needs or need assistance with daily activities?If yes, explain.___________________________________________________________________________________________
What do you consider the client's strengths?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What do you think is the client's problem(s) with alcohol and/or other drugs (not previously discussed)?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Has the client ever had a seizure when intoxicated or in withdrawal?If yes, when? ___________________________
Has the client ever been delirious when intoxicated or in withdrawal?If yes, when? ___________________________
What do you hope is the outcome of the intervention?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What else would you like to add?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. What are questions you have at this point?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes about intervention plans:
Next step or follow up action plan:
Miscellaneous concerns, comments, issues:
________________________________________ ________________________
15. Assessment Addendum for Minors
Increased risk of suicide (based on current presentation of danger to self, psychiatric symptoms, history of attempts, psychosocial situation, as well as factors associated with protective effects for suicide)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Physical or sexual abuse, or perpetration of physical or sexual abuse on others
Potential mental health and/or emotional issues
Trauma symptoms, and behavioral problems
16. Assessment Addendum for Women
Assessment of substance use, abuse and dependence
Assessment of barriers to treatment and related services, including case management, transportation and child care needs
Assessment of clients current level of physical and emotional safety
Assessment of trauma sequelae (if delayed for clinical reasons, the expected date of this assessment shall be documented in the client record)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Assessment and documentation of clients need for prenatal care (where applicable), primary medical care, and family planning services
Assessment of clients mental health issues
17. Assessment of child safety issues
Childrens names, ages and custody status
Copies of childs immunization card copied for record (if available)
Parenting issues
Other relationships
Human services involvement (past or present)
Co-occurring or coexisting mental health issues
18. Areas of strength
Assessment of appropriateness of family members being included in clients treatment
Assessment of clients cultural needs, including need or preference for bilingual or monolingual non-English services
Assessment and documentation of consumers self-sufficiency needs
19. Assessment Addendum for Child Welfare Clients
Assessment of substance use, abuse and dependence
Assessment of barriers to treatment and related services, including case management, transportation and child care needs
Assessment of clients current level of physical and emotional safety
Symptoms and/or behavior that can be attributed to exposure to trauma.If delayed for clinical reasons, the expected date of this assessment shall be documented in the client record
Assessment and documentation of clients need for prenatal care (where applicable), primary medical care, and birth control services
Assessment of clients psychiatric issues
20. Assessment of child safety issues (tool listed above)
Assessment of appropriateness of family members being included in clients treatment
Assessment of clients cultural needs, including need or preference for bilingual or monolingual non-English services
Assessment and documentation of consumers self-sufficiency needs
21. Protocol 3
The interventionist and the caller develop a message of recovery (i.e., why is treatment required and what statements of encouragement will be motivating that are based on increasing empowerment and hope, removing blame and reducing guilt and shame) for the addicted individual, finalize who will be invited to the meeting, how to get a commitment from everyone to attend, who will contact them, who will contact the addicted individual, and then schedule an approximately ninety minute meeting to be held at the earliest and most convenient time available.
22. The Goals
Developing a message of recovery
Increasing empowerment and hope
Removing blame
Reducing guilt and shame
23. The Attendees
Finalizing who will be invited to the meeting
The advantages to a large network
Inviting parents and why or why not they should be there
Inviting children on a case-by-case basis only
How to get a commitment from everyone to attend
Who will contact them
Who will contact theindividual
24. Specific Guidelines
Scheduling the interventionmeeting
How long should a meeting last
Definition ofan appropriatemeeting location
Safety concerns
Definition ofthe earliest and most convenient time available
The concept of secretsin interventions
25. Protocol 4
The larger the network the better.Interventions with only one member of the network and the addicted individual will not be conducted.Interventions without parents, no matter the relationship, no matter the age of the addicted individual, are usually not successful.For this reason, interventions without parents may not be conducted at the discretion of the interventionist.
26. Protocol 5
Children will only be allowed on a case-by-case basis if it is determined that the discussions will be age appropriate.Children may be invited for only part of the meeting and then asked to leave the room where someone can watch them until the meeting is over.No secrets are permitted in interventions.For that reason, sensitive issues may be discussed and younger network members could be harmed if not protected.
27. Protocol 6
During the meeting, the addicted individual is introduced and thanked for having the courage to attend, then excluded from the room until the remainder of the meeting is rehearsed with the caller and network.The addicted individual is told that they will have the opportunity to express their point of view and they will be heard by the network.(The meeting is held even if the addicted individual does not attend because of the belief that the network still needs help coming up with a plan to get him or her into treatment.)
28. Protocol 7
The caller and the network set an agenda, go over the ground rules, and review the details from the telephone call.Every member of the network is asked to state their concerns and what their specific request of the addicted individual will be in the meeting.The network decides, based on recommendations from the interventionist, what level of treatment will be requested of the addicted individual.The network decides, based on recommendations from the interventionist, what the consequences will be if the addicted individual refuses to enter treatment.
29. Protocol 8
Consensus by the network around any consequences is needed.The addicted individual is not allowed to negotiate treatment or negotiate consequences.The interventionist serves as a consultant to the network based on a concept of coaching, not rescuing.
30. Protocol 9
Every member of the network is taught how to write a letter to the addicted individual and then given the opportunity to do so.The letters must start with statements of love and support, they must have I messages only, they must repeat the network recovery message for the addicted individual, they must have at least three examples of how the addicted individuals behavior has resulted in problems for self and/or others, they must be free of anger and resentments, they must end with the bottom line (a simple statement about the addicted individual entering treatment that day and full support of what the network approved consequences will be if he or she doesnt enter treatment).They are given the opportunity to role play if desired.The interventionist reads all of the letters and recommends changes as needed.
31. Protocol 10
The addicted individual is invited back into the room.The letters are read directly to him or her one at a time.(If the addicted individual is not in attendance, it is decided who in the network will deliver the letters to him or her, how that will happen, and when that will happen.)
32. Protocol 11
The addicted individual is only allowed to respond to the network after the final letter is read.If he or she agrees to enter treatment, it is facilitated immediately.If not, then the consequences promised by the network are put in place effective immediately.
33. The Agenda
Introducing theindividual in the meeting
Talking abouthaving the courage to attend
Rehearsing the meetingwith the caller and network
Setting an agenda
Going over the ground rules
Reviewing the details from the telephone calls
Statements of concerns
Specific requests of theindividual
What level of treatment is indicated
What the consequences will be if theindividual refuses treatment
Consensus by the network
Negotiating treatment
Negotiating consequences
34. Writing Letters
Statements of love and support
I messages only
Repeating the network recovery message
Coming up with at least three examples of problem behavior
Being free of anger and resentments
The bottom line
35. The Confrontation
Role playing the meeting
Recommended changes as needed
Inviting the individualback into the room
Reading the lettersdirectly to him or her one at a time
Letting the individualrespond to the network
The facilitation of entering treatment
When to have follow up meetings
Requireddisclosures from theinterventionist
Ethical concerns during the meeting
The Platinum Rule: treating people the way they want to be treated
36. Protocol 12
The intervention is NOT therapy.It is education.It is support.The addicted individual and the network are taught ways to deal with the addiction (and mental illness, which is usually applicable) and given the opportunity to share concerns directly with each other in a way that has never been attempted before.
37. Protocol 13
One 10 to 20 minute follow up meeting (with or without the addicted individual who is always invited but may choose not to attend) is permitted with the interventionist if the addicted individual does not enter treatment.The purpose of this meeting is to give the addicted individual a final chance at entering treatment before the network is encouraged to consider the options of emergency commitment and court ordered involuntary commitment at a facility that accepts such patients.
38. Protocol 14
The interventionist is required to disclose to the addicted individual and the network if he or she is an employee of the agency where the intervention is being held (or the substance use disorder treatment program that was first contacted, no matter the physical location of the intervention meeting itself) and to remind the addicted individual and the network that there are other resources outside of that agency and system, and to make information about these other programs available upon request.
39. Protocol 15
Everyone must be notified that there is no compensation to the interventionist for making any outside referrals.Neither will an interventionist accept a bonus, an increase in pay, or any other incentives (financial or otherwise) if the client is admitted to the agency employing the interventionist.
40. Wrap-up
Course Evaluations
Certificates of completion
41. Test
1.The goal is to have the addicted individual enter treatment or the appropriate level of care based on the structure and support indicated at the time of the intervention.

2.Interventions may still be appropriate if there are safety concerns, urgent or emergency situations.

3.Interventions with only one member of the network and the addicted individual will be conducted because, "the smaller the better" due to the sensitive nature of an intervention and the topics discussed.

4.The intervention is NOT therapy.It is education and support.

5.The intervention meeting is held even if the addicted individual does not attend because of the belief that the network still needs help coming up with a plan to get him or her into treatment.

6.Children are always allowed to attend and participate in any intervention because addiction is a family disease and they have definitely been impacted in one way or another.

7.It is ethical and legal for interventionists to receive compensation for making any outside referrals.

8.The addicted individual is only allowed to respond to the network after the final letter is read.

9.The first phase of the intervention consists of a short telephone conversation during which time the interventionist obtains only basic information about the addicted individual.

10. Blame, guilt and shame are key components of the "message of recovery" for the intervention.
42. References Page 1 of 2
42Code of Federal Regulations Part 2 (42 CFR Part 2), Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records.

45 CFR Parts 142, 160, 162 and 164, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

About Womens Gender-Specific Treatment For Substance Use Disorders.http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/adad/PDFs/ItemsfortheWomenstreatmentWebsite.pdf

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (Division of Behavioral Health) Substance Use Disorder Treatment Rules.Effective March 1, 2006.(Designated 6 CCR 1008-1 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse/Dependence Treatment Rules.)

American Society of Addiction Medicine's (ASAM) Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders.(Second Edition - Revised).(ASAM PPC-2R).(Released April 2001).

Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health (DBH),Critical Incident Reporting Policy.Released in June 2008.

Colorados Protocol, Improving Services to Families: Strategies for Substance Abuse Treatment, Child Welfare, and Dependency Court. A Guide for Counties, Service Providers and Judicial Districts in Colorado.

C.R.S. 25-1-1106.

C.R.S. 27-10-103, 27-10-116, and 27-10-117, as amended.

Customer tells : deliver world class customer service using championship poker strategies.2007.Seldman, Marty; Futterknecht, John. C.; Sorensen, Benjamin.Chicago, IL: Kaplan Publishing.
DBH Approved Evaluation Instrumentation for Substance Using Adolescents and Adults (Revised February 2007).

ELMC. EWP. RTC. Interventions. Flier. November 15, 2008. Rand L. Kannenberg, M.A., CCM, LAC (author).

ELMC. EWP. RTC. Interventions. Patient Care Manual. Document #: 01-EWPRCIRT-00011.November 10, 2008. Document Champion: Rand L. Kannenberg, M.A., CCM, LAC (author).
43. References Page 2 of 2
James Hibberd. The Live Feed, The Hollywood Reporter, Nielsen Business Media, The Nielsen Company. Retrieved on the World Wide Web at http://www.thrfeed.com/ on March 11, 2009.

Jeffco Addiction Assessment Clinic (JAAC).7475 W. 5th Ave., # 150 D, Lakewood, CO 80226-1673. (303) 233-HELP (4357)[email protected]://www.jeffcoaddiction.com.

Judith Landau, MD, DPM, CFLE, LMFT, CAI, BRI II; James Garrett, LCSW, CAI, BRI II. Linking Human Systems, LLC. Invitational Intervention: The ARISE (A Relational Intervention Sequence for Engagement) model. September 29-October 1, 2009. Santa Monica, California: Momentof Change Conference. . .

Kannenberg, Rand L. Case Management Handbook for Clinicians (2003, Eau Claire, WI: PESI HealthCare, LLC.).

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Title 16, Article 11.5, Part 1, Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.).
Title 19, Article 1, Part 1; Title 19, Article 3, Part 1; and Title 19, Article 3, Part 3, Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.), Colorado Childrens Code Child Abuse and Neglect.
Title 24, Article 60, Part 3, Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS).

Womens Services Contact List.http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/adad/PDFs/WomensServicesContactMasterList.pdf.

Womens Gender-Specific Treatment Checklist.http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/adad/PDFs/Womenstreatmentchecklist.pdf.

Understanding Child Welfare and the Dependency Court: A Guide for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals (National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare).

Volume of Addiction Counselor Certification and Licensure Standards (6 CCR 1008-3).Effective November 1, 2007.
44. Notes
45. Notes

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