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Page 1: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed AutomaticSprinkler Fire Extinguishing Systems - Code of Practice[CED 22: Fire Fighting]

Page 2: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING
Page 3: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING
Page 4: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

Is 15105:2002




fndian Standard



ICS 13.220.10

@ BIS 2002


NEW DELHI 110002

October 2002 Price Group 14


Page 5: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

Fire Fighting Seclional Commiltee, CED 22


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Fire FightingSectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

A sprinkler system consists of a water supply (or supplies) and one or more sprinkler installations; eachinstallation consists of a set of installation control valves and a pipe array fitted with sprinkler heads. Thesprinkler heads are fitted at specified locations at the roof or ceiling, and where necessary between racks, belowshelves, inside ovens or stoves or below obstructions. The main elements of a typical installation is shown inFig. 1.


A sprinkler has two functions to perform. It must first detect a fire, and must then provide an adequate distributionof water to control or extinguish it. Each function is performed separately and one is independent of the otherexcept insofar as early detection makes extinction easier because the fire has not grown large. The classic useof the sprinkler is in the hot gas layer which forms beneath the ceiling of an enclosure in which a fire isdeveloping.

The sprinklers operate at pre-determined temperatures to dis~harge water over the affected part of the areabelow, the flow of water through the alarm valve initiating a fire alarm. The operating temperature is generallyselected to suit ambient temperature conditions. Only sprinklers in the vicinity of the f]re, i.e., those whichbecome sufficiently heated, operate. It should not be assumed that the provision of sprinkler system entirelyobviates the need for other means of fighting fires and it is important to consider the fire precautions in thepremises as a whole.

Structural fire resistance, escape routes, fire alarm systems, particular hazards needing other fire protectionmethods, provision of hose reels and fire hydrants and portable fire extinguishers, etc, safe working and goodhandling methods, management supervision and good housekeeping all need consideration. It is essential thatsprinkler systems should be properly maintained to ensure operation when required. This routine is reliable to

(Continudon third cover)

Page 6: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

IS 15105:2002

Indian Standard



This standard lays down the requirements for thedesign and installation of fixed automatic sprinkler fireextinguishing system.


The Indian Standards listed in Annex A containprovisions which through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this standard are encouraged toinvestigate the possibility of applying the most recenteditions of the standards given in Annex A.


For the purpose of this code, the following definitionsshall apply.

3.1 Alarm Test Valve — A valve through whichwater may be drawn to test the operation of the watermotor firm alarm and/or of any associated electric firealarm.

3.2 Alarm Valve — A check valve, of the wet, dryor composite type, that also initiates the water motorfire alarm when the sprinkler installation operates.

3.3 Alarm Valve, Pre-action — An alarm valvesuitable for a pre-action installation.

3.4 Alarm Valve, Recycling — An alarm valvesuitable for a recycling installation.

3.5 Alarm Valve, Wet— An alarm valve suitable fora wet installation.

3.6 Arm Pipe — A pipe, other than the last sectionof a range pipe, feeding a single sprinkler.

3.7 Assumed Maximum Area of Operation,Hydraulically Most Favorable Location — Thelocation in a sprinkler array of an AMAO of specifiedshape at which the water flow is the maximum for aspecific pressure.

3.8 Assumed Maximum Area of Operation,Hydraulically Most Unfavorable Location — The

location in a sprinkler array of an AMAO of specifiedshape at which the water supply pressure is themaximum needed to give the specified design density.

3.9 Cut-Off Sprinkler — A sprinkler protecting adoor or window between two areas only one of whichis protected by the sprinkler.

3.10 Design Density — The minimum density ofdischarge, in mrnlmin of water, for which a sprinklerinstallation is designed, determined from the dischargeof a specified group of sprinklers, in l/rein, divided bythe area covered, in m2.

3.11 Design Point — A point on a distribution pipeof a pre-calculated installation, downstream of whichpipework is sized from tables and upstream of whichpipework is sized by hydraulic calculation.

3.12 Distribution Pipe — A pipe feeding either arange pipe directly or a single sprinkler on anon-terminal range pipe more than 300 mm long.

3.13 Distribution Pipe Spur — A distribution pipefrom a main distribution pipe, to a terminal branchedpipe array.

3.14 Drencher — A sprayer used to distribute waterover a surface to provide protection against fireexposure.

3.15 Drop — A vertical pipe feeding a distribution orrange pipe.

3.16 End-Side Array — A pipe array with rangepipes on one side only of a distribution pipe (seeFig. 2 and 3).

3.17 End-Centre Array — A pipe with range pipeson both sides of a distribution pipe (see Fig. 4 and 5).

3.18 Fastener — A device for attaching pipe hangercomponents to a building structure or racking.

3.19 Fire Door — A door and frame of specifiedfire resistance conforming to IS 3614 (Part 1) andIS 3614 (Part 2).

3.20 Fire Resistance — The ability of a componentor the construction of a building to satisfy for a stated



Page 7: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

IS 15105:2002

FIG. 2


w -- -o--

10--- +-+


0 0------ ---- 1JO-----* --- ---- -0I


10 &---- 0 ---- 1

0- --- Q--- 1

0- ----- ---o-----o1

0- +---’-- +----4---

0 0 J---O----43------ --

L0-----0--- --o-----oI

m Gt

----- --- -0-----0

(3- J----- ---J --Q------Q

o- -0----- -- 1 ---o----aI



I -o---- e----aperiod of time the appropriate criteria specified in

I IS 3809.


-- -0-----0-----03.21 Fire Shutter— A shutter and frame of specifiedfire resistance complying with IS 3614 with respect to


i-------o Q stability and integrity.

L 3.22 Fully Hydraulically Calculated — A term-- 0---- ()-----0I applied to pipework sized as specified in 4.5.2 or an


installation in which all the pipework downstream of-- 0----- 0-----0 the main installation control valve set is sized.

I 3.23 Hanger — An assembly for suspending)- o---- Q-----o-- pipework from the elements of building structure.

I o3.24 High-Rise System — A sprinkler system in---- -- O----Q which the highest sprinkler is more than 45 m above

I the lowest sprinkler or the sprinkler pumps whichever

Iis the lower.

6 3.25 Hydraulic Alarm, Intermittent — Soundingof a hydraulic water motor alarm gong for intervals

3 THREEEND-SIDEWITHENDFEED totalling less than the alarm period.

o- ---- 0-----0--- - *---+---*

ro- --- i-0-------- --0-----0 ----0

I* --- -o-----e+ ---O----* ----*

& ----- ----— -- —-—— -1

FIG. 5


o- --- I-0---- +-- --O-----O– ---0I

*---- I-o-----o ---,--- u---+ –---o

o- ‘0------ -- -*- 1---0----0----0



Page 8: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING


Is 15105:2002 $

‘?3.26 Installation Sprinkler Installation — Part of asprinkler system comprising a set of installation maincontrol valves, the associated downstream pipes andsprinklers.

3.27 Installation, Pre-action — A dry installation inwhich the alarm valve can be opened by anindependent fire detection system in the protectedarea.

3.28 Installation, Recycling — A pre-actioninstallation in which the alarm valve can be openedand closed repeatedly by a heat detection system.

3.29 Installation, Wet Pipe — An installation inwhich the pipework is always charged with water.

3.30 Jockey Pump — A small pump used toreplenish minor water loss to avoid starting anautomatic suction or booster pump unnecessarily.

3.31 Low-Rise System — A sprinkler system inwhich the highest sprinkler is not more than 45 mabove ground level or the sprinkler pumps.

3.32 Main Distribution Pipe — A pipe feeding adistribution pipe.

3.33 Node — A point in pipework at which pressureand flow(s) are calculated; each node is a datum pointfor the purpose of hydraulic calculations in theinstallation.

3.34 Precalculated — A term applied to pipeworksized as specified in 4.5.1 or an installation in whichpipe downstream of the design point is sized.

3.35 Range Pipe — A pipe feeding sprinkler directlyor via arm pipes of restricted length.

3.36 Riser — A vertical pipe feeding a distributionor range pipe.

3.37 Rosette Sprinkler Rosette — A plate coveringthe gap between shank or the body of a sprinklerprojecting through a suspended ceiling, and theceiling.

3.38 Section — The part (which maybe one or morezones) of an instillation on a particular floor fed by aparticular riser.

3.39 Sling Rod — A rod with a sling eye or screwedends for supporting pipe clips, rings, band hangers, etc.

3.40 Sprinkler, Ceiling or Flush Pattern — Apendent sprinkler for fitting partly above but with thetemperature sensitive element below, the lower planeof the ceiling.

3.41 Sprinkler Concealed — A recessed sprinklerwith a cover plate that disengages when the heat isapplied.

3.42 Sprinkler Conventional Pattern — A~“f

sprinkler that gives a spherical pattern of water.,


3.43 Sprinkler Glass Bulb — A sprinkler whichopens when a liquid filled glass bulb bursts.

I3.44 Sprinkler Horizontal — A sprinkler in which !,:+the nozzle directs the water horizontally. ,1

3.45 Sprinkler Intermediate — A sprinklerinstalled below, and additional to the roof or ceilingsprinklers.

3.46 Sprinkler Pendent — A sprinkler in which thenozzle directs water downwards.

3.47 Sprinkler, Roof or Ceiling — A sprinklerprotecting the roof or ceiling.

3.48 Sprinkler Side-Wall Pattern — A sprinklerthat gives a downward paraboloid pattern discharge.

3.49 Sprinkler System — The entire means ofproviding sprinkler protection in the premisescomprising one or more sprinkler installation, the pipework to the installations and the water supply/suppliesexcept town mains and bodies of water such as lakesor canals.

3.50 Sprinkler Upright — A sprinkler in which thenozzle directs the water upwards.

3.51 Sprinkler Yoke Arms — The part of thesprinkler that retains the heat sensitive elements inload bearing contact with the sprinkler head valve.

3.52 Staggered Sprinkler Layout — An off-set lay-out with the sprinklers displaced one half pitch alongthe range pipe relative to the next range or ranges.

3.53 Standard Sprinkler Layout — A rectilinearlayout with the sprinkler aligned perpendicular to therun of the ranges.

3.54 Suction Pump — An automatic pumpsupplying water to a sprinkler system from a suctiontank.

3.55 Suitable for Sprinkler Use — A term appliedto equipment or component accepted by the authoritiesas far a particular application in a sprinkler systemeither by a particular system or by compliance withspecified general criteria.

3.56 Supply Pipe — A pipe connecting a watersupply to a trunk main or the installation main controlvalve set(s); or a pipe supplying water to a privatereservoir, suction tank or gravity tank.

3.57 Suspended Open Cell Ceiling — A ceiling ofregular open cell construction through which waterfrom sprinkler can be discharged freely.



Page 9: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

IS 15105:2002

3.58 Terminal Main Contlguration — A pipearray with only one water supply route to each rangepipe.

3.59 Terminal Range Configuration — A pipearray with only one water supply route from adistribution pipe.

3.60 Toggle Support — A swivel device for securinghangers to hollow sections ceiling or roofs.

3.61 Trunk Mains — A pipe connection to two ormore water supply pipes to the installation maincontrol valve set(s).

3.62 User — The person responsible for or havingeffective control over the fire safety provision adoptedin or appropriate to the premises or the building.


4.1 Layout plans should be drawn up in accordancewith the following requirements.

4.1.1 Plans should be clear, contain all requireddetails including scale and point of compass andshould be dated.

4.1.2 Plans of new installation shall show the entirecompound; all buildings therein, with their door andwindow openings, and the boundary walls. Buildingsunder construction and future extension envisaged,shall be indicated by the dotted lines. Plans ofextensions to approved existing installations need notshow the rest of the compound but sufficient detailsshall be given of the existing installations incorrelation to the extension, to enable the Authorit y’sInspection staff to check the plans and offercomments. In case of storeyed buildings, drawingssubmitted shall include plans of each storey togetherwith sectional elevations.

4.1.3 Material

Plans should be on white paper or ammonia paper orFerro Prussiate paper.

4.1.4 Plans should generally be prepared inaccordance with IS 962, shall not exceed 850x 1200mm in size and should be drawn to a scale of1:500 or 1:1000. In the case of very large compoundswith more than one risk, it is advisable to submitseparate plans for each risk with a key plan showingthe relative situation of the various risks, etc, in thecompound.

4.2 Signs

4.2.1 Pucca walls to be shown by double lines, doorsand windows being clearly marked (see Fig. 6).


4.2.2 Iron or other non-masonry walls to be shown bya thin line and nature of construction indicated (seeFig. 7).


4.2.3 Fire walls, i.e., perfect party walls to be indicatedby the sign “T” at each end of the wall, or have theletters “P.P.W.” alongside or across them at regularintervals and marked in distinctive colour (see Fig. 8).

P.P.w. P.P,W.



4.2.4 Fireproof doors andlor shutters to be marked asfollows:

Single Fireproof Door and/or Shutter S.F.D.Double Fireproof Door and/or Shutter D.F.D.

4.2.5 Sky lights to be marked “Sky Lights” or “S.L.”.

4.2.6 Boiler to be shown by a rectangular figuremarked “Boiler”.


4.2.7 Sprinkler mains to be shown by a blue line; thediameter, length and number of pipes being markedalongside and specials and reducers to be clearlyindicated as below:

- mm dia, lengths of -metre each (see Fig. 9)


4.2.8 Sprinkler pumps to be clear] y marked and thecapacity and head to be indicated in each case.

4.2.9 Pump(s) suction piping to be shown dotted anddiameter to be indicated (see Fig. 10).



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# !


4.2.10 Fire service water tanks and reservoirs to beshown to scale (see Fig. 11).

..-. ---- —--- ------- ---- -------— —— -- ----— -- ---- —-



4.2.11 Sprinkler trunk mains to be shown by a blueline, the sizes being marked alongside:

-— ————------mm DIA. spk. Main

4.2.12 Fire alarm bells to be shown by a blue line, thesizes being marked “F.A.B. ”.

4.2.13 Sprinklered blocks to be marked “S”.

4.2.14 Electric cable(s) for the fire pump(s) to beshown in green line(s).

4.3 Installation Layout Drawings

4.3.1 General

The scale shall be not less than 1:100. Layout drawingshall include the following information:







North point indication;The class or classes of installation accordingto hazard class including stock category anddesign storage height;Constructional details of floors, ceiling,roofs and exterior walls and walls separatingsprinklered and non-sprinklered areas;Sectional elevations of each floor of eachbuilding showing the distance of sprinkleredfrom ceiling, structural features, etc, whichaffect the sprinkler layout or the water distribu-tion from the sprinklers;The location and size of concealed roof orceiling voids, offices and other enclosuressealed at a level lower than the roof ofceiling proper;Indication of trunking, staging, platforms,machinery, fluorescent light fittings, heaters,suspended open cell ceilings, etc, which mayadversely affect the sprinkler distribution;The sprinkler types(S) and temperatureratings(s);







IS 15105:2002

The location and type of main control valvesand location of alarm motors and gongs:The location and details of any water flow andair or water pressure, alarm switches;The location and size of any tail-end air valves,subsidiary stop valves and drain valves;The drainage slope of the pipework;The location and specification of any orificeplate;A schedule listing the numbers of sprinklers,medium and high-velocity sprayers, etc, andthe area of protection; andA key to the symbols used.

4.3.2 Precalculated Pipework

For precalculated pipework the following details shallbe given on, or with, the drawings:

a) Identification of the design points of each arrayon the layout drawing;

b) A summary of the pressure losses betweenthe control valve and the design points at thefollowing design rates or flow :

1) In a light-hazard installation :225 l/rein,2) In a moderate-hazard installation: 1000

l/rein, and3) In a high hazard installation the flow

corresponding to the appropriate designdensity.

NOTE — For light and moderate-hazard installations withprecalculated pipework the pressure needed at the design pointis not stated. Instead the friction loss in the pipework betweenthe control valve and the design points is limited to apredetermined quantity, incorporated in the value specified forpressure at the control valves. Static head is added to thispressure to give the value defining the minimum actual watersupply running pressure. A typical summary of pressure lossesis shown in Table 1.

4.3.3 Hydraulically Calculated Pipework

For hydraulically calculated pipework, the followingshall be given, with detailed calculations, either onpurpose designed work sheets or as a computerprint-out:

a) For each design area of operation :1)2)3)





the area identification;the hazard class;the specified density of discharge (inmm/min);the assumed area of maximum operation(AMAO) (in m2);the number of sprinklers in the AMAO;the sprinkler nominal orifice size (inmm);the maximum area covered per sprinkler(in m2);detailed and dimensioned workingdrawings showing the following:

i) the node or pipe reference schemeused to identify pipes, junctions,


Page 11: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

IS 15105:2002





sprinkler heads and fittings whichneed hydraulic consideration;the position of the hydraulicallymost favorable AMAO;the position of the hydraulicallymost unfavorable AMAO;the four sprinklers upon which thedesign density is based; andthe height above datum of eachpoint o~ identified pressure value.

b) For each operating sprinkler:1) the sprinkler node or reference numben2) the sprinkler nominal K factou3) the flow through the sprinkler (in l/rein);

and4) the inlet pressure to the sprinkler or

sprinkler assembly (in bar).

c) For each hydraulically significant pipe:1)2)3)




the pipe node or other reference;the pipe nominal bore (in mm);the hazen-williams constant (c or K fac-tor) for the pipe;the flow through pipe (in l/rein);the nominal fluid velocity (in m/see);the length of pipe (in m);the numbers, types and equivalentlengths of fittings;the static head change in pipe (in m);the pressures at inlet and outlet of pipein ba~the friction loss in pipe (in bar); andthe indication of flow direction.

NOTE — A line diagram of the pipe layout shall be preparedshowing the following:

1) the node or pipe referencenumbers;2) the distributionpipes;3) the rangepipes;4) the sprinklerheadsunderconsideration;5) [hefourhydraulicallymostunfavorably placedheads;and6) the flow through, and pressure at the end of eachhydraulically significant pipe.

4.4 Water Supply Drawings

The drawings shall show water supplies and pipeworktherefrom up to the installation control valves. Thedrawings shall be on an indicated scale of not less than1:100. A key to the symbols shall be included. Theposition and type of stop and check valves and anypressure reducing valve, water meter, water lock,orifice plate and any connection supplying water forother services should be indicated.

4.5 Hydraulic Calculation

4.5.1 Pre-calculated Installations

A hydraulic calculation (with relevant flow tests) shallshow that each trunk main together with any branch

main, from each water supply” to a main installationcontrol valve set water supply test and drain valve andcontrol valve ‘C’ gauge (i.e., including the installationcontrol valves) is capable of providing the requiredpressure and flow at the installation control valve testand drain valve.

4.5.2 Fully Hydraulically Calculated Installations

Where the pipework is fully hydraulically calculatedthe following additional details shall be given:

a) a modified pressure-flow characteristic graphindicating the usable pressure at any flow upto the maximum installation demand, and

b) the demand pressure-flow characteristic graphfor each installation for the hydrairlically mostunfavorable (and if required the mostfavorable) AMAO with pressure taken as atthe control valve ‘C’ pressure gauge.


5.1 As the water supply, pumping capacity and otherfeatures of the sprinkler installations depends not onlyon the size of the risk, but also on its fire growth andspread potentialities, the risks are to be categorizedunder the following classes for the purpose of designof the installation :

a) Light hazard class,b) Moderate hazard class,c) High hazard class, andd) Storage hazards.

NOTE — A broad classification of various occupancies is givenin National Building Code (Parr IV) Fire Protection.

5.LI Light Hazard Class

Non-industrial occupancies where the areas of rooms,corridors, halls, etc, are not more than 125 m2 andabove are bounded by masonry/or R.C.C. walls raisedup to the roof and door openings therein protected bydoors.

Typical occupancies are as follows:

HospitalsHotelsInstitutionsLibrariesLaundriesMuseumsNursing homesOffice buildingsPrisonsSchools, Colleges, etc.

NOTE— If any occupancy or block within the light hazardrisk is larger than 125 m2 in area or having an area less than125 m2 in area but not bound on all sides as stipulated above, therisk should be classified as ‘moderate’ hazard.


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Is 15105:2002

Table 1 Statement of Distribution Pipe Losses Between the VariousDesign Points and the Installation Values

(Clause 4.3.2)

Run ofDistributionPipe fromValues to

(1)A-floor 3

B-floor 3

C-floor 2

D-floor 2

E-iloor 1

F-floor 1

Pipe Size













Pipe Length







No. of Equivalent Pipe TotalTurns Length of Turns Equivalent





















Pipe Length












Pressure Loss at Design Flow RateA

/ \Pipe










Static DifferenceHead Gain (ph)

(mBars) (mBars)(8) (9)

o+ 473

0+ 374

380+ 403

380+ 10

760+ 328


NOTE — The pressure drop caused by any orifice plate in the distribution pipework should be taken into account by a correspardingreduction in the static head gain.

5.1.2 Moderate Hazard (Manufacturing Occupancies) Car parking areas within building or basement

AbattoirsAbrasive wheel and powderAircraft factories (excluding hangers)Airport terminal buildingsBakeriesBiscuit factoriesBookbinders, publishersBreweriesBoot and shoe unitsCablesCandleCardboard factoriesCarpentry and furniture [not involving foam/foam


CementCeramicsChemicalsCinematographic and T.V. productionhroadcasting

studiosCloth processorsConfectioneriesDairiesDehydrated vegetable factoriesDepartmental stores/Retail shopsElectronic equipment and assemblyEngineering workshopsFibreboard factoriesFlax, jute and hemp millsFlour millsFood and beverages



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IS 15105:2002

Glass factoriesHosiery and garmentJewelleryLaboratoriesMotor garagesPaint shopsPaper millsPhotographic film factoriesPlywood factoriesPrinting pressesRestaurants and cafesRope factoriesRubber and plastics (other than foam plastics)Soap factoriesSugar millsSynthetic fibres/yam factoriesTanneriesTextile millsTimber and wood-working (except saw mills)TheatresTobacco factoriesWoodwoolWoollen millsVermicelliWax factories

5.1.3 High Hazard (Manufacturing Occupancies)

Aircraft hangersBitumen and wax coated paperCelluloid goodsCellulose nitrateCigarette filterDistilleriesDuplicating/stencil paper explosivesFire worksFloor cloth and linoleumFoam plastics and foam rubberHessian cloth/Tar felt match factoriesOil millsPaint, colour and varnish factoriesResin, rosine, turpentine and lamp blackRubber substitutes making unitsSaw millsSurgical cotton, mattress and pillow makersTar distillation unitsWoodwool manufacturers

5.1.4 Storage Occupancies

Storage risks (stacked or high-piled) are categorisedunder four classes as per classifications below:


Carpets, Non-synthetic/synthetic yam and fabrics,Mechanical and electrical goods (dominantly metalparts) and hardware items, Glassware and crockery,fibreboards, groceries, metal goods, Papers other thanthose listed under categories 2 and 3 below, Powderedand canned foods, Plastic/glass bottles containingnon-flammable liquids, etc.


Batteries, Baled cotton/synthetic fibres, Books, Baledcork, Baled waste paper, Cartons containing alcohols( in cans/bottles), Cartons of canned lacquers whichdry by solvent evaporation, Chipboard, Cardboardrolls (horizontally stored), Cereals/Grains/Foodstuff/Flour/Sugar in sacks, Cellulose/Cellulose pulp,Electrical goods other than those stated in Category-I,Flammable liquids in non-combustible containers,Leather goods, Palletised liquor stocks, Plastics(non-foamed, other than cellulose nitrate), Rolled pulpand paper and asphalted paper (Horizontal storage),Veneer sheets, Wooden patterns, Metal/woodenfurnitures with plastic seats, etc.


Bitumen/Wax coated paper, Candles, Carbon black,Card board rolls (vertically stored), Charcoal, Coal,cellulose nitrate, Foamed plastic and foam rubberproducts, Flammable liquids in combustiblecontainers, Linoleum products, Matches, Plasticsother than those stated in Category-II, Rolled pulp andpaper and asphalted paper (vertical storage), Rubbergoods including tyres and tubes, Sawn timber,Ventilated wood stacks, Waxed and asphalt coatedpapers and containers in cartons, Woodwool, woodenpallets and flats (idle), All materials having wrappingsor pre-formed containers of foamed plastics, etc.


Offcuts and random pieces of foamed plastic orfotimed rubber rolls of sheets of foamed plastic orfoamed rubber, Foam mattress, Expanded polystyrenepmk~ging, Foam upholstery, etc.


6.1 Initial Considerations

6.1.1 Outline Design

Consideration should be given to any benefits thatmight be gained by changes in building design, workprocedures, etc, when preparing the outline design. Inplanning site layout and building design, particularconsideration should be given to the following :






the occupancy hazard class and goods categorywhich determine the water discharge densityand water supply pressure and flow ;the siting of any main water supply connec-tion(s);the siting of any water supply tank(s) or reser-voir;the siting of any pump house;the maximum quantity of water available fromthe supply source compared with the systemrequirements;the location of sprinkler installation controlvalves, together with the access thereto,


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indication of their position, and the disposal ofdrainage and water supply test water;

g) the source and means of supply of electricpower, etc; and

h) the protection of valve sets, pipework andsprinklers against accidental damage.

6.1.2 It is important to consider building design in thecontext of fire protection, e.g., choice of materials,support of sprinkler pipework having regard to theload imposed on structure by the weight of sprinklerpipework and the contained water, need for inbuiltdrainage (which is strongly advised for computerareas) or raising of base of stacked goods above thefloor where water damage may be severe, etc, whenstorage of goods is involved it may be appropriate toconsider the height of the building and of materialstacks, and the height and type of any storage rackwhich may have a considerable bearing on fireprotection costs. The design of double entry storageracks may be influenced by the need to mountsprinklers therein. Where sprinklers are fitted in racksadditional rack structural members may be needed toprevent impact damage to the sprinkler head and pipe-work,

6.1.3 Interaction with Other Fire Protection Measures

Account should be taken of possible interactionbetween sprinkler systems and other fire protectionmeasures. Examples of possible adverse interactionsbetween sprinkler protection and other fire protectionmeasures are :

a) water damage to an inadequately shielded firealarm control panel in a sprinkler protectedarea with consequent possible failure of thefire alarm system.

b) Operation or failure of smoke detectors inzones adjacent to one in which water dischargeis taken place because of the water spray misttraveling to adjacent zones.

Such possible interactions need carefulconsiderations.

6.2 Extent of Sprinkler Protection

6.2.1 Building to be Sprinkler-Protected

The sprinkler system should provide protection to allparts not specified as exceptions (6,2.2) in one of thefollowing:

a) the building under consideration;b) any building communicating directly or in-

directly with the building under consideration.

Where there are unprotected buildings within 6 m ofprotected building the exposure hazard can be reducedby using cut-off sprinklers over unsealed openings anddrenchers over combustible walls in the protectedbuilding.

1s 15105:2002

6.2.2 Exceptions (Buildings and Parts of Buildings

Not Sprinkler-Protected)

Obligatory exceptions, sprinkler protection shall notbe provided in the following parts of a building orplant:

a) grain silos or grain bins inside buildings form-ing part of com mill, distillery, maltings or oilmills;

b) ovens, hovels and kilns in pottery, earthen-ware, brick, tile and glass works; and

c) areas, rooms or places where the water dis-charged from a sprinkler may pose a hazard.

Sprinklers shall not be fitted over salt baths, metalmelt pans or frying ranges, or in positions where watermay discharge into them or indirectly drain into themnor shall water pipes be fitted in these positions.

6.2.3 Optional Exceptions

Generally sprinkler-protection shall be consideredfor, but need not be provided in the following parts ofa building or plank






Stairs, spaces below stair headings (but notrooms above a stair) and lijl wells — Any partnot provided with sprinkler protection shall beseparated by walls (225 mm brick or 100 mmR. C.C.). Fire doors not less than 1 h in fireresistance, shall be provided in the openings ofsuch walls.Washrooms, toilets and WCs (but not cloak-rooms) — Any part not provided withsprinkler protection shall be separated by walls(225 mm brick or 100 mm R. C.C.). Fire doorsnot less than 1 h in fire resistance, shall beprovided in the openings of such walls.Rooms or compartments containing electricpower distribution apparatus, such asswitchgear and transformers, and used for noother purpose(s) — Any part not providedwith sprinkler protection shall be separated bywalls (225 mm brick or 100 mm R. C.C.). Firedoors not less than 1 h in fire resistance, shallbe provided in the openings of such walls.In papermaking machines, the undersides ofscreens or of shields erected over the wet and(where there is no other fire hazard).

Communicating Buildings

Sprinkler protection shall be considered for, but neednot be provided in the following communicatingbuildings or structures:

a) building or storey segregated from thespnnklered building by walls of not less than4 h fire resistance in which each opening isprotected by two (arranged in series) fire doorsor fire shutters each of not less than 2 h fireresistance;


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IS 15105:2002






canopies of non-combustible construction, notextending beyond 2.3 m from the buildingwall. Any such canopy not provided withsprinkler protection shall be fitted with cut-offsprinklers under the canopy over each openingbetween it and the sprinklered building. Anyopening 2.5 m or less in width shall beprovided with a cut-off sprinkler, positionedcentrally over the opening. Openings exceed-ing 2.5 m in width shall be provided withcut-off sprinklers over the opening, not morethan 2.5 m apart and with a sprinkler not morethan 1.25 m, from each side.exterior loading docks and platforms either ofthe non-combustible construction or with thespace beneath closed off against accumulationof debris;Building used solely as ofices ana70r privatedwelling(s) — Any part not provided withsprinkler protection shall be separated by walls(225 mm brick or 100 mm R.C.C. Fire doorsnot less than 1 h in fire resistance, shall beprovided in the openings of such walls alongwith cut-off sprinklers.Stairs, washrooms and WCs external to thesprinkler — protected building, in which allopenings to the sprinkler-protected buildingare protected by doors of not less than 1 h fireresistance or cut-off sprinklers.Staircases, washrooms, toilets and WCs exter-nal or internal to the sprinkler — protectedbuilding which forms a means of communica-tion between the sprinklered building and non-sprinklered building. In any such part notprovided with sprinkler protection all openingsinto the communicating area from thesprinklered and from the non-sprinkleredbuilding shall be protected by fire doors of notless than 2 h fire resistance.

6.3 Storage in Open or Open Sided Shed

The distance between combustible materials stored inthe open or in an open-sided shed and the sprinkleredbuilding shall be no less than 10 m or 1.5 times theheight of the stored material whichever is greaterunless there is a fire wall in between or a suitabledrencher system to protect the openings of theprotected building facing the open storage


7.1 Water for the sprinkler system shall be stored inany easily accessible surface or underground reservoiror above ground tanks of steel, concrete or masonry.The effective capacity of the reservoir for variousclasses of occupancies of sprinkler installations shallbe as indicated in Table 2.

Table 2 Effective Capacity of Water Reservoir(Clause 7.1)

Class of Hazard Exclusive Water Storage(1) (2)

Light hazard Not less than 20 minutes run for thepumping capacity or 35 tnq whichever isgreater.

Moderate hazard Not less than 1 hour run for the aggregatepumping capacity or 200 ms whichever isgreater.

High hazard Not less than 2 hours run for the aggregatepumping Capacity.

NOTE — A higher capacity of reservoir than that required as

per Table 2 mw be stimdated, where considered necessarv.

7.2 Water supplies for the sprinkler installationsshall be free from suspended, fibrous or other matterswhich may accumulate in the system pipework andit is recommended to use filtered water for thesystem.

7.3 The use of salt or brackish water is not normallyallowed. In special circumstances where there is nosuitable fresh water source available, considerationmay be given for the use of salt or brackish waterprovided the installation is normally charged withfresh water.

7.4 Combined reservoirs for other fire fightingsystems such as Hydrant system, Water spray systems,etc, along with the sprinkler system are permissibleprovided : (a) all the suction inlets or foot valves areat same level, and (b) aggregate capacity of thereservoir is equal to the total requirement of all thesystems put together.

7.5 Reservoirs of and over 225 m3 capacity shall bein two independent but interconnected compartmentswith a common sump to facilitate cleaning and repairs.The construction/arrangement of the reservoir and thecommon sump should be in accordance with thedrawings as shown in the National Building Code,Part IV.

7.6 Level indicator shall be provided for measuringthe quantity of water stored at anytime. The indicatorshould preferably be graduated to read directly in m3of water.

7.7 Water reservoir shall be cleaned at least once intwo years or more frequently if necessary to preventcontamination and sedimentation.

7.8 It is advisable to provide adequate inflow into thereservoir so that the protection can be re-establishedwithin a short period.


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8.1 The design density and the assumed maximumarea of operation for various types of risks areas givenin Table 3.

Table 3 Minimum Design Density and AMAOfor Light, Moderate and High Hazard (Process)

Risks at Roof/Ceiling Sprinklers(Clause 8.1)

IS 15105:2002

Table 4 Storage Occupancies for ModerateHazard


Category Maximum Storage Design Deusity AMAOHeight in Metres thniuhnz mz

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 4.00 5 36011 3.00 5 360111 2.00 5 360

IV 1,25 5 360

Haxard Design Density AMAOUmin/m2 mz

(1) (2) (3)Light 2.25 84Moderate 5,00 360High 9.00 260

8.1.1 Light Hazard

The density of water discharge shall be at least2.25 l/min/m2 over an assumed area of operationcovering 84 m2.

Not more than six sprinklers shall be installed in aroom except in either a corridor where there is a singleline of sprinklers or a concealed space protected asspecified in 13.3.

8.1.2 Moderate Hazard

The density of water discharge shall be at least5 l/min/m2 over an assumed area of operation covering360 mz.

8.1.3 High Hazard

The density of water discharge for process risks shallbe at least 10 1/min/m2 over an assumed area ofoperation covering 260 m2.

8.1.4 Storage Hazards Storage hazards are categorised from thenature and type of storage. When the height of storageincreases beyond specified limits, fire fighting isrendered more difficult. In worst cases it may not bepossible to fight the fire due to difficulties in reachingthe seat of fire and also accessibility to the fire fightingstaff is impaired due to excessive smoke. In case of thesprinklers also the same difficulties are encountered.Storage risks can be categorised under “moderate” or“high” depending upon the type and method of storageof goods within the godownlwarehouse blocks. The storage occupancies can be regarded as“moderate hazard” risks if the height of storage iswithin the limits for various categories as given inTable 4.

Goods stored not higher than what is stated in Table 4for the appropriate category or not higher than theeaves height of the roofs or within 1 m of a flat ceilingwhichever is the lowest shall be regarded as moderatehazard storage. If the above conditions are not met,the risk shall be regarded as high hazard storage. In case of high hazard storage risks, the natureof the hazard is determined by the height of storage,storage aisle width and area of each storage block.Goods stored not higher than what is stated in Table 5for the appropriate category or not higher than theeaves height of the roofs or within 1 m of a flat ceilingwhichever is the lowest shall be regarded as highhazard storage.

8.1.5 Requirements Common to Moderate and HighHazard Storage Risks Wherever possible, the deflector of thesprinkler fitted in the ceiling shall be at more than1.5 m from the goods stored below. However, in caseof jute godowns, no jute stock shall reach within 2 mof the deflectors of the sprinkler heads. In case of storage in racks or shelves, if theheight of storage is more than what is specified inTables 4 and 5, intermediate sprinklers shall beprovided for each shelfh-ack in addition to the ceilingsprinklers and overall design density and AMAO shallbe maintained as per Table 5.

Table 5 Storage Occupancies for High Hazard(Clause

Category Maximum Storage Design Density AMAOHeight in Metres tA22in/m2 m2

(1) (2) (3) (4)

I 6.5 12.50 260

11 5.5 15.00 260

111 4.5 17,50 300

Iv 3.5 22.50 300

.- If the top of the storage in the top tiers of theracks or shelves is within 3 m of the roof sprinklers,top tiers need not be protected by the intermediate


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Is 15105:2002

sprinklers. However, the other tiers shall need to be shall not belessthan 2.2 bars plus the static pressuresprinklered. equivalent of the height of the highest sprinkler in the The aisle width between the storage stacksshall no[ be less than 2.5 m and the maximum area ofeach storage stack shall not be more than 150 m2. Ifthese parameter-s are exceeded, the design densityapplicable shall be loaded by 2.5 i/min/n12.

NOTE — For storage heights beyond what is stated in,the basis for design is rendered invalidated and in such cases fulldetails of the risk shall be submitted to the Authority in advancefor consideration, In case of mixed storage (both moderate andhigh hazard stol-age) in buildings, the parameters willbe governed by the most hazardous occupancy.

installation above the “C” gauge when a water is beingdischarged at a flow rate of 225 lhnin.

8.2.2 Moderate Hazard

For the design density and the AMAO specified, thewater supply running pressure at the installationvalve shall not be less than 2 bars plus the staticpressure equivalent of the height of the highestsprinkler in the installation above the “C” gauge whenwater is being discharged at a flow rate of 1800 l/reinor 1.5 bars plus the static pressure equivalent as statedabove when the flow rate is 2 100 l/rein.

8.2 Pressure and Flow Requirements 8.2.3 High Hazard

8.2.1 Li<qh(Hazard The design density, flow rate and pressure

For the design density and the AMAO. specified the requirements for different floor areas for this hazard

water supply running pressure at the installation valve class are as specified in Tables 6,7, 8 and 9.

Table 6 Pressure and Flow Requirements for High Hazard Installations with 15 mm (K = 80)Sprinklers Precalculated and Pipe Sizes from Tables 24 and 26


Minimum Design Flow Rate Past Running Pressure at the Design Point at the Level of theDensity Installation Highest Sprinkler in the H@h Hazard Area (Bars)

(1/min/m2) Value (1/rein) Floor Area per Sprinkler in rnzr *

6 7 8 9 10 ,,1) 12’)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

9.0 2800 1.8 2.4 3.2 3.9 4.8 5.8 6.8

12,5 4550 2.7 3.7 4.8 6.0 7.3

15.0 4550 3.8 5.2 6.8

1JWhen ~ ,noderate hazard instal]a[ion requiresto be upgraded to high hazard, theseParameters shall be used.

Table 7 Pressure and Flow Requirements for High Hazard Installations with 15 mm (K = 80)Sprinklers Precalculated and Pipe Sizes from Tables 25 and 27


Minimum Design Flow Rate Past Running Pressure at the Design Point at the Level of theDensity Installation Highest Sprinkler in the High Hazard Area (Bars)

(thninhnz) Value (thin) Floor Area per Sprinkler in mz

‘6 7 8 9 10 11’J ,21)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)9.0 2800 1.3 1,8 2.4 3.0 3.8 4.6 5.5

12.5 4550 2.0 2.8 3.6 4.6 5.7 7.0 8.415.0 4550 2.8 3.9 5.1 6.5 —

IJWhen ~ moderate h;lz;ird instatlation requires to be upgraded to high hazard, these parameters shall be used.


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IS 15105:2002

Table 8 Pressure and Flow Requirements for High Hazard Installations with 15 mm (K = 80)Sprinklers Precalculated and Pipe Sizes from Table 25


Minimum Design Flow Rate Past Running Pressure at the Design Point at the Level of theDensity Installation Highest Sprinkler in the High Hazard Area (Bars)

(1/min/m2) Value (I/rein) Floor Area per Sprinkler in m2

‘6 7 8 9 10(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)9.0 2800 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.0

12.5 4550 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.015.0 4550 1.6 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.417.5 4550 2.2 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.920.0 5600 2.8 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.822,5 5600 3.5 4.8 6.3 8.025.0 6750 4.4 5.9 7.827.5 6750 5.3 7.2 — —30.0 9000 6.2 — —

[)wh~n~rn~dcratchaz~rtinstd]ation requires to be upgraded to high hazard, these parameters should be used.





Table 9 Pressure and Flow Requirements for H@ Hazard Installations with 20 mm (K = 115)Sprinklers Precalculated and Pipe Sizes from Table 25


Minimum Design Flow Rate Past Running Pressure at the Design Point at the Level of theDensity Installation Highest Sprinkler in the High Hazard Area (Bars)

(i/mirr/m2) Vahse (I/rein) Floor Area per Sprinkler in m2

‘6 7 8 9 10 ,,1) ,21)’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
























})When ~ m~d~rate haz~d installation requires to be upgradedto high hazard, these parameters should be used. The water supply running pressure at theinstallation valve “C” gauge shall not be less thaneither:

wherePr = the running pressure at the design point

and flow rate specified in appropriateTables 6,7,8, and 9 (in bar).

Pf = the calculated pipe friction loss be-tween the installation valve “C”gauge and the most hydraulicallyremote design point (in bar).

Ps = the static pressure difference be-tween the highest sprinklerdownstream of the design point andthe installation valve “C” gauge (inbar). Where AA4A0 is fed by more than one dis-tribution pipe

The pipe friction loss shall be calculated on the basisthat the flow rates in the distribution pipes are in



where the AMAO is not larger than the areaprotected, i.e.

Pr~Pf~PS : or

where the AMAO is larger than the areaprotected, i.e.

pr~d + Pf + P~

pred = running pressure as specified inTables 6, 7, 8 and 9 as appropriateat a flow rate equal to a value asindicated below:

Pr.d=Area protected

AMAOx specified flow rate (in bar),


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IS 15105:2002

proportion to the fraction of the design area fed by each which sprinklers are liable to operate simultaneously),

distribution pipe as shown in Fig. 12. the high-hazard area flow rate required shall be Mixed moderate and high hazardreduced by the ratio of the actual area to the AMAOand to this flow rate shall be added the flow rate for

Where the area of the high-hazard protection is less the moderate hazard area taken as 5.0x the excess of

than the AMAO but there is an adjacent area of the specified high-hazard AMAO over the actual

moderate hazard in the same room (i. e., an area in high-hazard area (l/rein) (see Fig. 13).




AREA B15 SPRIN y y/y y y ll~SUPPLY





















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8.3 Fully Hydraulically Calculated Pipe SizeInstallations

8.3.1 Pressure Flow Requirements

When tested as described in 18.3, the water supplyrunning pressure at the ‘C’ gauge shall be not less thanthe value calculated by the method as given in 13.5(4 sprinkler method).

8.3.2 Velocity

The equilibrium water velocity shall not exceed6 m/s at any valve or ftow monitoring device, or10 m/s at any other point in the system for thestabilized flow condition at the demand pointinvolving an AMAO or, where the system includesintermediate sprinklers, the total number of sprinklersassumed to be in simultaneous operation.


9.1 General Requirements

9.1.1 Pumps shall be exclusively used for the firefighting purposes, be of a type approved by theAuthority, and shall be :




Electric motor driven centrifugal pumps.orCompression ignition engine drivencentrifugal pumps.orVertical turbine submersible pumps.

In all the above cases, pumps shall be automatic inaction.

9.1.2 Pumps shall be direct-coupled, except in thecase of engine-driven vertical turbine pumps whereingear drives shall be used. Belt-driven pumps shall notbe accepted.

9.1.3 Parts of pumps like impeller, shaft sleeve,wearing ring, etc, shall be of non-corrosive metalpreferably of brass or bronze.

Where sea water is used or where the quality of thewater necessitates the use of special metals and alloys,the use of such metals and alloys shall be insisted upon.

IS 15105:2002

9.1.4 The capacity of the pump(s) would depend onthe type of hazard protected and the same shall be asper the sizes shown in Table 10.

Table 10 Pump Selection

Nature of Risk Pump CapacityUs (m3/h)

(1) (2)Light 27(96)


Moderate 38 (127)47 (171)76 (273)

High 47(171)76(273)114(410)

Delivery Pressurekg/m2




9.1.5 Pumps should be capable of furnishing not lessthan 150% of rated capacity at a head of not less than65% of the rated head. The shut-off head shall notexceed 120’%of rated head in case of horizontal pumpsand 14090 in case of vertical pumps.

9.1.6 In case of electrically driven pumps, it isrecommended that a compression ignition enginedriven stationery of similar capacity be installed as astandby and vice versa. However, where the sprinklersystem consists of more than one pump, prime-moversof all shall not be of same type.

Notwithstanding the above, if power to motorized firepumps is obtained from two sources, one of which isa captive generating plant located in a block either6 m away from all surrounding building or, where thisis not feasible, segregated from adjoining buildings ina manner indicated in 9.1.13, more than one pump maybe of the electrically-driven type.

9.1.7 In case of Jockey pumps in such systems to takecare of minor leakages, the capacit y thereof shall notbe less than 3% and normally not more than 10% ofthe installed pumping capacity.

9.1.8 Each pump shall be provided with a pressuregauge on the delivery side between the pump and thenon-return valve and a plate giving the delivery head,capacity and the number of revolutions per minute.

9.1.9 Each pump shall be provided with anindependent suction pipe without any sluice or cut-offvalves therein, unless the pump is situated below thelevel of the water supply in which case sluice or cut-off valves would be essential, where the Net PositiveSuction Head (NPSH) available at site is less than0.5 m in excess of the actual value, require at 150% ofthe duty point as per the manufacturers curves orwhere the water supply has fibrous or equallyobjectionable matter in suspension or mud and/or sandliable cause accumulation in the installation, suction


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IS 15105:2002

pipe(s) shall be installed in a jack well fed through aculvert fromthe main water supply. Atthe supply endof the culvert, a sluice or gate valve shall be provided.

9.1.10 The diameter of the suction pipe shall be suchthat the rate of flow of water through it does not exceed90 m per minute when the pump is delivering at itsrated discharge. If, however, the pump is situatedbelow the level of water supply, the diameter of thesuction pipelheader shall be based upon a rate of flowof 120 m per minute.

9.1.11 Centrifugal pumps should be fixed below thelevel of water supply. However, if the primingarrangements are such as to ensure that the suctionpipe should be automatically maintained full of waternotwithstanding a serious leakage therefrom (thepump being automatically brought into action toreplenish the priming tank should the later be drawnupon at a greater rate than the rate at which it is fedfrom any other source) , positive suction may not beinsisted. In. such cases, the capacity of priming tankneed not exceed 450 litres and the diameter of thepriming pipe need not exceed 50 mm.

NOTE — For the purpose of 9.1.9,9.1.10 and 9.1.11,a pumpshallbeconsideredashavingpositivesuction only ifthequantityof water in the reservoir above the level of the top of the pumpcasing is equivalent to the requirements in 8.1.

9.1.12 If the pump is allowed to be installed above thelevel of its water supply, there shall be a foot valve anda priming arrangement, the latter consisting of a tank(having a capacity at least three times that of thesuction pipe from the pump to the foot valve)connected to the delivery side of the pump by a metalpipe having a minimum internal diameter of 100 mmin the case of centrifugal pumps with a stop valve anda non-return valve therein of the same size. Adependable independent filling arrangement and alevel indicator shall be provided for the priming tank.The provision of a vacuum gauge for the suction pipeis recommended.

9.1.13 Pumps shall not be installed in the open. Thepump room shall be so located as to be both easilyaccessible and where any falling masonry and the likefrom other buildings occasioned by other cause,cannot damage the pump room. Normally, pumprooms shall be located 6 m away from all surroundingbuildings and overhead structures. Where this is notfeasible, they may be attached to a building provideda perfect party wall is constructed between the pumproom and the attached building, the roof of the pumproom is of R.C.C. construction at least 100 mm thickand access to the pump room is from the outside. Thepump rooms shall normally have brick/concrete wallsand non-combustible roof, with adequate lighting,ventilation and drainage arrangements.

NOTE — The pump room shall be located 30 m clear of theequipment/vessels handling or storing flammableliquids/solvents and/or gases.

9.2 Electrically Driven Pumps

9.2.1 The substation(s) and/or D.G. house(s)supplying power to the fire pump(s) shall be ofincombustible construction and shall be located atleast 6 m away from all surrounding buildings. Wherethis is not feasible, all door and window openings ofthe surrounding buildings within 6 m of thesubstation(s) and/or D.G. house(s) shall be protectedby single fire doors and 6 mm thick wired glass in steelframework respectively. Likewise, roof eaves, if anyof the surrounding buildings falling within 6 m of thesubstation(s) and/or D.G. house(s) shall be cut andwall raised as a parapet. The above provision shall alsoapply when the substation(s) and/or D.G. house(s) arewithin 6 m of each other.

Where the substation(s) and/or D.G. house(s) areattached to buildings, perfect party walls shall beconstructed to segregate the substation(s) and/or D.G.house(s) from the attached buildings and where theattached building is storeyed, the roof of thesubstation(s) and/or D.G. houses shall be of RCCconstruction of at least 100 mm thickness.

Transformer cubicles inside these substations shall beseparated from HT/LT cubicles and from each otherby blank brick/stone/concrete walls of 355 mmthickness or of RCC of 200 mm with door openings,if any, therein being protected by single fireproofdoors. The substation(s) and D.G. houses shall alsobe separated from each other as above.

Transformers installed outdoors which are supplyingpower to fire pump(s), shall also be located at least6 m away from all the surrounding buildings[including substation(s) and/or D.G. house(s)]. Wherethis is not feasible, all door and window openings ofthe surrounding buildings [including substation(s)and/or D.G. house(s)] within 6 m of the transformersshall be protected by single fire doors and 6 mm thickwired glass in steel framework respectively.Likewise, roof eaves, if any of the surroundingbuildings falling within 6 m of the transformers shallbe cut and wall raised as a parapet. Blast walls ofbricks/stone/concrete blocks of 355 mm thickness orof RCC of 200 mm thickness shall be constructedbetween two transformers and these walls shall beextended horizontally by 600 mm beyond theextremities of the transformers and vertically 600 mmabove the highest point of the transformers.

NOTE — For high hazard (B) occupancies, substationsupplying power to fire pumps shall, in addition to complyingwith the above provisions, be located 30m clear of all equipmentwhere flammable fluids having a flash point below 65°C arehandled and/or stored.

9.2.2 Overhead feeders to substation(s) supplyingpower to the fire pump(s) are not permitted within ahorizontal distance of:


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IS 15105:2002 k

a) 15 m of any process building/plant or tankscontaining flammable liquids, or

b) 6mofany other building ortanks containingnon-flammable liquids or of storage in open.

In case the feed to such substation(s) is by means ofunderground cables, the cables shall not pass underany building or permanent structure.

9.2.3 Sufficient spare power shall always be availableto drive pumping set(s) at all times throughout theyear.

9.2.4 The electric supply to the pumping set(s) shallbe entirely independent of all other equipment in thepremises, i.e., even when the power throughout theentire premises is switched off, the supply to the pumpshall continue to be available interrupted. This can beachieved by taking the connection for the pump(s)from the incoming side of the main LT breaker.However, in cases where two or more transformersand/or sources of supply are connected to a commonbusbar or where there is provision of a bus couplerbetween the busbar sections, the connection may betaken through the busbars (see Fig. 14).

9.2.5 The fire pump circuit shall be protected at theorigin by an automatic circuit breaker so set as topermit the motor to be overloaded during anemergency to the maximum limit permissible by themanufacturers. Further, the under-voltage release/novolt coil of the circuit breaker shall be removed.

NOTE — Where cable lengths are long enough to warrantback-up protection, provision for such a protection shall bemade.

9.2.6 It is recommended that telltale lamps whichcould continuously glow when power is available tothe fire pump(s) circuit be provided and fixed in aprominent position, both in the substation and in thepump room.

9.2.7 A direct feeder without any tappings, shall belaid from the substation to the pump house. The feedershall be laid underground and shall not pass under anybuilding or permanent structure. Under extraneouscircumstances, use of overhead cables may bepermitted, but in no case shall such cables be permittedto contravene the distance indicated in 9.2.2.

9.2.8 Where there is more than one source of powerfor the operation of pumping set(s) every electricalcircuit shall preferably be so designed as to ensure thatwhen necessary the set(s) continue to operate withoutthe manual operation of an emergency switch.

9.2.9 The pumping set(s) shall be securely mountedon a robust bed plate, if of the horizontal type, and shallbe free from vibration at all variations of load.

9.2.10 The rating and design of motors andswitchgear shall conform to the relevant Indian

Standard Specifications. The motor shall be ofIj

continuous rating type and its ratings shall beequivalent to the horsepower required to drive the P

pump at 150% of its rated discharge (see 9.1.4).

9.2.11 The motor shall be of totally enclosed type ordrip proof type, the latter having their air inlets and

~outlets protected with meshed wire panels to excluderodents, reptiles and insects.

9.2.12 The motor(s) shall be wound for class Binsulation preferably for class E — and the windingsshall be vacuum impregnated with heat and moistureresisting varnish and preferably glass fibre insulatedto withstand tropical conditions.

9.2.13 Motor(s) wound for high tension supplies shallhave a suitable fixed warming resistance to maintainthe motor windings in a dry condition at all times andparticularly under monsoon conditions. The resistanceshall be connected to the lighting or other equivalentcircuit.

9.2.14 Heating apparatus shall also be provided,when necessary, for medium tension motor where theyare located below ground level, in order to maintainthe motor windings in a dry condition. Adequatedrainage arrangements shall also be provided in thepump house in such cases.

9.2.15 The incoming cable to the fire pump roomshall terminate in an isolating switch fuse unitincorporating the HRC fuses and where necessaryprovided with a distribution system.

9.2.16 The starting switch gear for the fire pumpsshall be suitable for direct on line starting but otheralternative arrangements as remote controlled aresubject to prior approval. It shall also incorporate anammeter with a clear indication of the motor full loadcurrent.

9.2.17 Cables for motors and switch gears shall bearmoured or enclosed in heavy gauge screwed steelconduit according to conditions.

9.2.18 It is recommended that the equipmentthroughout be painted fire red (Shade No. 536 as perIS 5) and suitably m’mked for identification.

9.2.19 Necessary spare parts including a set of fuses(in a glass fronted box) shall be kept in readiness at alltimes in the pump house.

9.2.20 The wiring in all installations shall be done inaccordance with IS 732.

9.3 Compression Ignition Engine Driven Pumps

9.3.1 Pump Room

The pump room shall be artificially heated, ifnecessary to maintain the temperature of the room


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IS 15105:2002




I----- ------

L-+ ------- .-1


r-l--;~c ----- 1




I FIRE PUMP ~L --_.4QTQ~_ --l


CASE -11


~~+tR+j+,nT ;



----- ---- ----- -- 1



BREAKER IL o ----------- --- —-—----4

I LOAD POINTS- 4 ----— ------




FIRE PUMP I~--- _M0T0R I---- ---4

CASE -111\HTl r -----



t. I---- ---- -- ----- ----


----- -- —-- ---- ----i 7II















.- —---1I ~1I


1A o!Ic (-,







I FIRE PUMP MOTORS i1--------------—- -- .--J



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IS 15105:2002

above 10“C. Adequate ventilation shall be providedfor the air required for aspiration and to limit thetemperature rise in the room to 10”C above theambient temperature when the engine is on full load.

9.3.2 Engine The engine shall be :

a) of the compression ignition mechanical directinjection type, capable of being started withoutthe use of wicks, cartridges, heater plugs orether, at an engine room temperature of 7°Cand shall accept full load within 15 secondsfrom the receipt of the signal to start.

b) naturally aspirated, supercharged or tur-bocharged and either air or watercooled. In thecase of charged air cooling by means of a beltdriven fan or of a belt driven auxiliary waterpump there shall be multiple belts such thatshould half the belts break, the remaining beltswould be capable of driving the fan or pump.

c) capable of operating continuously on full loadat the site elevation for a period of six hours.

d) provided with an adjustable governor to con-trol the engine speed within 10% of its ratedspeed under any conditions of load up to thefull load rating. The governor should be set tomaintain the rated pump speed at maximumpump load.

e) provided with an in-built tachometer to indi-cate the rev/m of the engine.

f) provided with a time totaliser (Hour counter). Any manual device fitted to the engine whichcould prevent the engine starting shall returnautomatically to the normal position. Engines, after correction for altitude andambient temperature shall have bare enginehorsepower rating equivalent to the higher of thefollowing two valves :

a) 20% in excess of the maximum brake horse-power required to drive the pump at its dutypoint.

b) The brake horsepower required to drive thepump at 150% of its rated discharge. The coupling between the engine and thepump shall allow each unit to be removed withoutdisturbing the other.

9.3.3 Cooli\~g System

The following systems are acceptable:

a) Cooling by water from the dkcharge of firepump (taken off prior to the pump dischargevalve) direct into the engine cylinder jacketsvia a pressure reducing device to limit the




applied pressure to a safe value as specified bythe engine manufacturer. The outlet connec-tion from this system shall terminate at least150 mm above the engide water outlet pipe ahdbe directed into an open tundish so that thedischarge water is visible.A heat exchanger, the raw water being sup-plied from the fire pump discharge (taken offprior to the pump discharge valve) via a pres-sure reducing device, if necessary, to limit theapplied pressure to a safe value as specified bythe engine manufacturer. The raw water outletconnection shall be so designed that the dis-charged water can be readily observed. Thewater in the closed circuits shall not be lessthan that recommended by the enginemanufacturer. If the auxiliary pump is beltdriven there shall be multiple belts so thatshould half the belts break, the remaining beltsshall be capable of driving the pump.A frame or engine mounted air cooled radiatorwith a multiple belts driven fan from the en-gine. When half the belts are broken theremaining belts shall be capable of driving thefan. The water in the closed circuit should becirculated by means of the auxiliary pumpdriven by the engine and the capacity of theclosed circuit shall be not less than that recom-mended by the engine manufacturer.Direct air cooling of the engine by means ofmultiple belts driven fan. When half the beltsare broken the remaining belts shall be capableof driving the fan.

NOTE — In case of systems described in b, c and d above, afailure actuated audio-visual alarm shall be incorporated.

9.3.4 Air Filtration

The air intake shall be fitted with the filter of adequatesize to prevent foreign matter entering the engine.

9.3.5 Exhaust System

The exhaust shall be fitted with a suitable silencer andthe total back pressure shall not exceed the enginemaker’s recommendation. When the exhaust systemrises above the engine, means shall be provided toprevent any condensate flowing into the engine.

9.3.6 Engine Shut-Down Mechanism

This shall be manually operated and returnautomatically to the starting position after use.

9.3.’7 Fuel System Fuel

The engine fuel oil shall be of quality and gradespecified by engine makers. There shall be kept onhand at all times sufficient fuel to run the engine on


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Is 15105:2002

full load for three hours, in addition to that in the fueltank. Fuel tank

The fuel tank shall be of welded steel constructionconforming to IS 2552. The tank shall be mountedabove the engine fuel pump to provide a gravity feedunless otherwise recommended by the manufacturers.The tank shall be fitted with an indicator showing thelevel of fuel in the tank.

The capacity of the tank shall be sufficient to allow theengine to run on full load for:

Light hazard lh

Moderate hazard 2h

High hazard 3h

NOTE— Where there is more than one compression ignitionengine driven pump set there shall be separate fuel tank and fuelfeedpipe for each engine. Fuel feed pipes

Any valve in the fuel feed pipe between the fuel tankand the engine shall be placed adjacent to the tank andit shall be locked in the open position. Pipe joints shallnot be soldered and plastic tubing should not be used. Auxiliary equipment

The following shall be provided:



A sludge and sediment trap,A fuel level gauge,An inspection and cleaning hole,A filter between the fuel tank and fuel pumpmounted in an accessible position for cleaning,andMeans to enable the entire fuel system to be

bled of air. Air relief cocks are not allowed;screwed plugs are permitted.

9.3.8 Starting Mechanism

Provision shall be made for two separate methods ofengine starting, viz :

a) Automatic starting by means of a batterypowered electric starter motor incorporatingthe axial displacement type of pinion, havingautomatic repeat start facilities initiated by afall in pressure in the water supply pipe to thespray installation. The battery capacity shouldbe adequate for ten consecutive starts withoutrecharging with a cold engine under full com-pression.

b) Manual starting by :1) Crank handle, if engine size permits,

or2) Electric starter motor.

NOTE— The starter motor used forautomaticstartingmayalsobe used for manual starting provided there are separate batteriesfor manual starting.

9.3.9 Battery Charging

The means of charging the batteries shall be by a2-rate trickle charger with manual selection of boostcharge and the batteries shall be charged in position.Where separate batteries are provided for automaticand manual starting the charging equipment shall becapable of trickle charging both the batteriessimultaneously. Equipment shall be provided toenable the state of charge of the batteries to bedetermined.

9.3.10 Tools

A standard kit of tools shall be provided with theengine and kept on hand at all times.

9.3.11 Spare Parts

The following spare parts shall be supplied with theengine and kept on hand :






Two sets of fuel filters, elements and seals;Two sets of lubricating oil filters, elements andseals;Two sets of belts (wherever used);One complete set of engine joints, gaskets andhoses;Two injector nozzles;One complete set of piston rings for eachcylinder; andOne inlet valve and one exhaust valve.

9.3.12 Engine Exercising

The test shall be for a period of at least five minuteseach day. Where closed circuits cooling systems areused the water level in the primary system shall bechecked at the time of carrying out each test and, ifnecessary, water shall be added during the course oftest procedure.

9.3.13 The following conditions will strictly becomplied with:





To test the engine at least once a week;To maintain the temperature of the engineroom at not less than 4.5°C at all times;To maintain the minimum quantity of fuel oilrequired as desired in these clauses;To use a good grade of fuel oil equivalent inquality to that specified by the engine maker;andTo keep on hand the spare parts required asspecified above.


! 0.1 Piping

10.1.1 The pipe used in the sprinkler system (from thepump house to the installation valves) shall benormally laid underground or in masonry culverts with




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removable covers of incombustible construction andshall be of any one of the following types :

a) Cast iron double flanged class “A” pipes con-forming to the following standards:

1) Horizontally cast iron pipes 1S71812) Vertically cast iron pipes IS 15373) Centrifugally cast (spun) IS 1536

iron pipes

NOTE— In case of vertically cast iron pipes,where the nominaldiameter of the pipes exceeds 300 mm or where the pumpdelivery pressure exceeds 7 kg/cm2, class “B”pipes would benecessary.

b) Centrifugally cast (spun) iron class “A” pipeswith Tyton joints conforming to IS 1536.

c) Wrought or mild steel pipes (galvanisedor not) of heavy grade conforming toIS 1239 (Part 1) and IS 1978 (when installedunderground) or electric resistance weldedsteel pipes conforming to IS 3589 havingwelded joints and coated and wrapped as perIS 10221.

NOTE — At least 10?io of all the welded joints should beradiographically tested and half of the joints radiographedshould be field joints.

10.1.2 Pipes may be laid overground on exclusivesupports. Pipes shall be of material conforming to anyof the descriptions as per 10.1.1 with welded, threadedor flanged joints and supported adequately at regularintervals. The pipes shall run at least at distances fromthe face of the building(s) and/or open storage area(s)as stipulated below :

Light hazard 6mModerate hazard 6mHigh hazard 15 m

10.1.3 Underground pipes shall be laid not less than1 m below ground level. Where soil conditions areunsatisfactory, masonry or equivalent supports shallbe provided at regular intervals.

NOTE — In case of poor soil conditions, it may sometimes benecessary to provide continuous masonry or equivalent supports.

10.1.4 Pipes shall not be laid under buildings or plantareas or storage areas. As far as possible, pipes shallnot be laid under large open storage, railroads androads carrying heavy traffic.

10.1.5 Pipes should not traverse on ground which isnot under the control of the owner of the installation.Pipes shall also not pass through public roadways.

10.1.6 The installation piping (from the pumphouseup to the installation valve and also the installationpiping with sprinklers) shall be capable ofwithstanding for two hours a pressure equivalent to150% of the maximum working pressure.

10.1.7 All bolt holes in the flanges shall be drilled.

IS 15105:2002

10.1.8 Flanges shall be faced and have jointing ofrubber insertions or asbestos compound.

10.1.9 Welded joints shall not be permitted for pipeshaving diameter less than 50 mm.

NOTE — Where joints with odd angles are encountered,reference shall be made.

10.1.10 It is not permissible to run the sprinkler pipesthrough an unsprinklered building or occupancy andwhere it is not practicable the suppl y pipe line shall beinstalled at ground level and enclosed in brick trenchescovered with removable RCC precast slabs.

10.1.11 All installation pipework above ground shallbe installed at a slope not less than 1 : 500 forhorizontal run of pipes. Normally the pipework shallslope through the installation valve. If the pipework istrapped (below the level of the installation valve forexample in the basements), arrangements shall bemade to provide drain cocks at the bottom of suchpipes to drain the trapped water.

10.1.12 Sprinkler pipes shall not be embedded inconcrete floors or ceilings of any building.

10.2 Fittings

10.2.1 Fittings installed underground shall be of castiron heavy grade conforming to IS 1538 whereas thoseinstalled overground shall be of medium gradewrought or mild steel conforming to IS 1239 (Part 2)or malleable iron fittings conforming to IS 1879.

10.2.2 All fittings shall be able to withstand at least apressure of 150% of the maximum working pressure.

10.2.3 Welded fittings according to the laid downwelding procedure are permitted. Welded parts shallbe galvanised or suitably coated after welding as perthe requirement of the areas to be protected by thesystem, i.e., chemical and electrolytic corrosion.

10.2.4 Welded joints should not be permitted forfittings of less than 50 mm diameter.

10.3 Supports (Pipes and Fittings Above Installa-tion Valve)

10.3.1 Sprinkler pipes should be supported from thebuilding structure which itself should be capable ofsupporting the water filled pipework and should notimpair the performance of sprinklers under fireconditions.

10.3.2 Pipework should not be used to support anyother loads except where primary support is designedfor the suspension of the piped service.

10.3.3 Distribution/Range pipes should not besupported from ceiling sheathing or cladding or fromany other associated suspension systems.


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IS 15105:2002

10.3.4 Pipes below obstructions such as duct workshould be either supported from the building structureor from the steel members supporting suchobstructions. Such members should be capable ofsupporting the weight of water filled pipes too.

10.3.5 Hangers should not be welded or fasteneddirectly to the pipework.

10.3.6 The supports on which the pipework restsshould be secured firmly in position.

10.3.7 The thickness of all parts of pipe supportsshould not be less than 3 mm.

10.3.8 Wherever possible, pipes should be supportedfrom non-combustible building elements.

10.3.9 Pipework in corrosive areas should be of eitherstainless steel or suitably protected against corrosion.

10.3.10 The distance between the pipe supportsmeasured along the line of connected pipes (whetherthe pipes run horizontally, vertically or at angles) shallnot be less than that given in Table 11.

Table 11 Distance Between Pipe Supports(Clause 10.3.10)

Pipe Diameter Spacing(1) (2)

Upto65mm 4.0m65mmto 100mm 6.0 m100 mm to 250 mm 6.5 m

10.3.11 Distribution Pipes

a) The first support on a nominally horizontaldistribution pipe shall not be more than 2 mfrom the main distribution pipe.

b) The last support on a nominally horizontaldistribution pipe shall not be more than450 mm from the end.

c) Drop or rise pipes shall be secured to thebuilding structure either directly or indirectlyat the adjacent nominally horizontal part of thepipe within 300 mm of the drop or rise.

10.3.12 Range Pipes

a) At least one support shall be provided for:1) each pipe run connecting adjacent

sprinkler, and2) the pipe run connecting the distribution

pipe and the firstsprinkleron the range pipe.b) Pipe supports shall not be closer than 150 mm

to any sprinkler axial central line.c) The first support on a range pipe shall not be

more than 2 m from the distribution pipe.d) The last support on a range pipe shall not be

more than 1.5 m from:



The range pipe end; orWhere there is a horizontal arm pipe of450 mm or longer, the arm pipe end ; orWhere there is a drop or rise exceeding600 mm, the drop or rise pipe end.

10.3.13 Outgoing mains from the Installation valve tothe system should be supported at every 3.5 m of itsrun.

10.3.14 The thickness of all components used in pipesupports should not be less than 3 mm anywhere.

10.3.15 Some of the typical supporting arrangementsare shown in Fig. 15.


11.1 General Requirements

11.1.1 All the measurements between sprinklers or ofareas covered by groups of individual sprinklers shallbe taken in the horizontal plane.

Notwithstanding the above provisions, the hydrauliccalculations shall show the dimensions of the truelengths measured along the slope of the pipe.

11.1.2 Sprinklers shall be installed upright or pendentas required under the circumstances, with the deflectorparallel to the slope of the roof, ceiling or pitch line ofstairs.

11.1.3 Where the slope of the roof is greater than 1 in3, a line of sprinklers shall be fitted at the apex unlessthere is a row of sprinklers at not more than 750 mmdistant radially therefrom.

11.2 Coverage and Spacing of Sprinklers

11.2.1 Light Hazard (lass Maximum area coverage per sprinkler

a) Sidewall sprinklers 17 m2b) Other types of sprinklers 21 m2 Maximum distance between sprinklers onrange pipes and between adjacent rows of sprinklers:

a) Sidewall sprinklers 4.5 m])b) Other types of sprinklers 4.5 m Minimum spacing between sprinklers

Sprinklers shall not be spaced at less than 2 m exceptin locations where the heat sensitive elements of thesprinklers can be protected from wetting of theoperation of the adjoining sprinkler by suitable baffleswith the prior approval (see Fig. 17).

U For ~oom~ exceeding 3.7 m but within 7.4 m in width. one row ‘f

sprinklers shall be provided on each wall at the above spacing andif the length of the room exceeds 9.2 m, the sprinklers in the oppositewalls shall be staggered (see Fig. 16A).


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Is 15105:2002















-j-” wCLAMP (6EAM)





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Is 15105:2002

!O-’1-2“7’+-3“ -t--- 37-7-2”7’ -i 0“91,

I i 1 1 1I I 1 I


P n e. a[ 1 1 1


ROOM WlDTH>3.7m*7.3m


1+-37 +37+ 37 --+1+



‘ooM ‘ENGTH=’’”7” ~



iz-i n n

OS 2,75 J 3.7 1. 3 “7 1+1-


——— ——— —.— —— —— .


--1181-’-+-’ -“l-4 1-16B ROOMS MORE THAN 7.4 m BUT NOT MORE THAN 14.1 m WIDE

Alldimensionsin millimetres.FIG. 16 SIDEWALLSPRINKLERSPACING





1 Distance between sprinklers and theboundary (see Fig. 17):

The distance between the boundary andc)

sprinklers when measured along the range pipeshall not be more than 0.5 times the spacing

between the sprinklers and when measuredperpendicular to the range pipe shall not bemore than 0.5 times the spacing between the 11.2.2

ceilings or where the roof has the rafters ex-

posed, the distance between the boundary andthe sprinklers shall not exceed 1.5 m.Side wall sprinklers shall be located with thedeflector vertical centre line not less than50 mm and not more than 150 mm fromthe wall face against which they are mounted.

Moderate Hazard Class

range pipes.However, where the external walls are com- Maximum area coverage per sprinkler

bustible or built with asbestos and metal or a) Sidewall sprinklers 9 m2

open sided and also in case of open joisted b) Other types of sprinklers 12 m2


Page 30: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING Maximum distance between sprinklers onrange pipes and between adjacent rows of sprinklers

a) Sidewall sprinklers 3.4m1)b) Other types of sprinklers :

With standard spacing 4.0 mWith staggered spacing :

Sprinklers on ranges 4.6 mAdjacent rows 4.0 m Minimum spacing between sprinklers

Sprinklers shall not be spaced at less than 2 m exceptin locations where the heat sensitive elements of thesprinklers can be protected from wetting of theoperation of the adjoining sprinkler by suitable baffleswith the prior approval (see Fig. 17). Distance between sprinklers and theboundary (see Fig. 17)





The distance between the boundary andsprinklers when measured along the range pipeshall not be more than 0.5 times the spacingbetween the sprinklers and when measuredperpendicular to the range pipe shall not bemore than 0.5 times the spacing between therange pipes.However when the layout is staggered, thedistance between the boundary and thesprinklers when measured on range perpen-dicular to the boundary shall not be more than0.5 times and 0.25 times the spacing betweenthe sprinklers on alternate range lines.However, where the external walls are com-bustible or built with asbestos and metal oropen sided and also in case of open joistedceilings or where the roof has the rafters ex-posed, the distance between the boundary andthe sprinklers shall not exceed 1.5 m.Side wall sprinklers shall be located with thedeflector vertical centre line not less than50 mm and not more than 150 mm from thewall face against they are mounted.

11.2.3 High Hazard Class Maximum area coverage per sprinklera) In general 9 m2b) In storage racks (intermediate) :

With a single row of sprinklers 10 m2With a double row of sprinklers 7.5 m2 Maximum distance between sprinklers onrange pipes and between adjacent rows of sprinklers:

a) In general 3.7 mb) Within storage racks (intermediate) 2.5 m

I)For ~oom~ ~xcee~ng 3.7 m but within 7.4 m in width. one row of

sprinklers shall be provided on each wall at the above spacing andthe sprinklers in the opposite walls shall be staggered as shown inthe Fig. 16A.If the widthof the room exceeds 7.4 m, it is necessaryto sprinkler the central portion by conventional ceiling sprinklersand the distance between the above and the sidewall sprinklers shallnot be less than 3.7 m (see Fig. 16B).

IS 15105:2002

05? ‘“

D *D

“ t-



1[ - ;




S — Spacing between sprinkler on range pipes.D — Spacing between range pipes.


Alldimensions in millimetres.

FIG.17 CEILINGSPRINKLERSPACING Minimum spacing between sprinklers

Sprinklers shall not be spaced at less than 2 m exceptin locations where the heat sensitive elements of thesprinklers can be protected from wetting of theoperation of the adjoining sprinkler by suitable baffleswith the prior approval (see Fig. 17). Distance between sprinklers and theboundary (see Fig. 17)

a) The distance between the boundary andsprinklers when measured along the range pipeshall not be more than 0.5 times the spacing


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Is 15105:2002


between the sprinklers and when measuredperpendicular to the range pipe shall not bemore than 0.5 times the spacing between therange pipes.However, where the external walls arecombustible or built with asbestos and metalor open sided and also in case of open joistedceilings or where the roof has the rafters ex-posed, the distance between the boundary andthe sprinklers shall not exceed 1.5 m. Side wall sprinklers and staggered layout forthe installation are not permitted in high hazardrisks.

11.3 Spacing Below Sprinkler Heads

A clear space of 0.5 m shall be maintained below thedeflector of the sprinkler heads in all cases except highpiled combustible storage areas/jute storage and aboveopen suspended ceilings where the clear spacerequired as above shall be 1 m.

11.4 Location of Sprinklers in Relation to BuildingStructure and Plant

11.4.1 Roofs and Ceilings Roofs and ceilings, without beams or bays

a) For conventional and spray type of sprinklers,the sprinklers shall be installed in such a waythat the deflectors are at distances as shown inTable 12.

b) For side wall sprinklers, the deflector of thesprinklers shall be not less than 100 mm andnot more than 150 mm below the ceiling.

Table 12 Distance of Deflectors from Ceiling

Type of Ceiling Distance in Millimetrest

Minimum Maximum Prefemed

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Combustible.asbestos 75 300 150cement sheets, wiredglass and other types offrangible elements

Combustible with exposed 75 150rafters arrd/or open joists

Non-combustible — either 75 150 150plane or arched or sloping Roofs and ceilings, with beams but withoutbuys

a) In case of conventional and spray type ofsprinklers where abeam or joist is so deep thata sprinkler cannot be located below the beamor joist as specified in Table 12, they should be

located above the base of the beam or joist ata distance below the ceiling and at a distancehorizontal from the beam/joist as specified inTable 13 (depth of’ beam/joisL less than300/450 mm) (Fig. 18).

b) In case of side wall sprinklers any beam orother obstruction below the ceiling within therectangle centred on the sprinkler, of dimen-sion A x 2B shall not exceed the depth as givenin Table 14.

Table 13 Sprinkler Location in Relation toBeams and Joists(Clause

M]nimum Horizontal Maximum Height of Sprinfder DefteetorDisranee from Sptier Above(+) or Below(-) Bottom ofVertieat’kxistotheside Beam (b) or Joist (m mm)

of Beam or Joist (in mm) (see also Fig. 18)(a) 0.0 \

(see also Fig. 18) Conventional Sprinkler Spray Sprinkler

~~Installed Installed Installed InstalledUpright Pendent Upright Pendent

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

200 -20 1) 1) 1)

400 0 1) o 0

600 + 30 1) + 20 + 60

800 + 60 1) + 30 + 120

1000 +100 –21XI + 50 + 200

1200 +140 -170 +100 + 280

1400 +190 -120 +130 + 360

1600 +260 – 30 +160 + 470

1800 +390 +170 +180 + 670I)The~etyps are not “Sedtit these horizontal distances

Table 14 Sidewall Sprinkler Location in Relationto Beams


Depth of Beam Minimum Horizontal Dktance(mm) Between Sprinkler/

Wall to Beam (in m)


More Than Less Than Perpendicular to Parallel to WallWall Either Side

Dimension “A” of SprinklerDimension “B”

(1) (2) (3) (4)

o 100 1.8 1.0

100 125 2.1 1.2

125 150 2.4 1.4

150 175 2.7 1.6

175 200 3.0 1.8NOTE—Any obstruction below the plane of the ceiling withina rectangle either side of the sprinkler by 1.8 m should beregarded as a boundmy.


Page 32: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

IS 15105:2002

. . .~..,“, . . .

b.”- .~- ’’”.’ ?-”,’0“4” . -.4-;;;..’. . .. -..!”-..

... , .. . . . . . . .*


—--- -——- ———.


.-- —- -— -- _— --1I





I :~-a ~I I

KEY:~ — Minimum horizontal distance.b — Distance of deflector above (+) or below (–) bottom of bedm or joist.c — Depth of beam or joist.

FIG. 18 SPRINKLERLOCATIONRELATING TO BEAMS Roofs and ceilings, with bays ana70r deepbeams



Where the depth of a beam or joist exceeds300 mm or 450 mm for combustible and non-combustible ceilings respectively or othersimilar obstructions form ceiling bays so thatrequirements under cannot be met,then the beam or joist or any other suchobstructions shall be regarded as a boundary.Where the distance between centre tocentre of beams or joists is 1.8 m or less, theabove parameters do not hold good and refer-ence shall be made with full particulars.

11.5 Columns

As far as possible, the sprinklers shall be located awayfrom the columns. Where a roof or ceiling sprinkler isless than 0.6 m from the face of a column, anothersprinkler shall be located not more than 2 m from theopposite side of the column.

11.6 Girders



Where the top flange of a girder is not morethan 200 mm in width, sprinklers shall bepositioned either not less than 1.2 m from theside of the girder or directly above the girderwith the deflector not less than 150 mm fromthe top face of the girder.Where the top flange of the girder is more than200 mm in width, sprinklers shall be posi-

tioned not less than 1.2 m from the side of thegirder.

11.7 Roof Trusses




Where the roof truss members are not morethan 100 mm wide, sprinkler shall be posi-tioned either not less than 0.3 m from the sideof the truss or equidistant from each side of thetruss with the deflector not less than 150 mmabove any truss member.Where the roof truss members are more than100 mm but less than 200 mm wide, sprinklershall be positioned either not less than 0.6 mfrom the side of the truss or equidistant fromeach side of the truss with the deflector not lessthan 150 mm above any truss member.Where the roof truss members are more than200 mm wide, sprinklers shall be positionednot less than 0.6 m from the sides of the truss.

11.8 Concealed Spaces

11.8.1 Roof Spaces

Spaces between roofs and ceilings (including those atthe apexes and sides of buildings) more than 0.8 mdeep measured between the highest point under theroof and the top of the ceiling shall besprinkler-protected.

11.8.2 Intermediate Floor Space

Concealed spaces between floors and ceilings shall besprinklered where they are as follows:

a) More than 0.8 m deep; or


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Is 15105:2002

b) Not wholly of non-combustible construction;or

c) Containing combustible materials.

11.8.3 Space Under Lowest Floor

Sprinklers shall be installed in all spaces below thelowest floors in a building where the floor iscombustible and :

a) the space is accessible for storage purposeandlor entrance of unauthorized personsand/or accumulation of waste and debrisand/or is not sealed against liquid spillage;

b) the space contains utility piping and instal-lation such as air, steam, wiring, shafting, con-veyors, etc; and

c) flammable liquids are stored in the floor above.

11.8.4 Bins and Silos

Where the area of the bins and silos exceed 9 mz andwhere the same are detached, sprinklers should beprovided inside the bins and silos containing sawdust,wood flour, pulverized coal and similar ignitablematerials. Care shall be exercised to ensure that formaterials which tend to swell under water and burst,reference shall be made with full particulars.

11.8.5 Corn, Rice, Provender and Oil Mills



A sprinkler should be fitted at the head of eachdust trunk. Sprinklers shall be installed at notmore than 3 m apart in all dust trunks whichare constructed of combustible materials andwhich are installed at more than 30° from thevertical.Tiers of cyclones (centrifuges), or similarplant, sepa~ated by less tha~ 1 m shall beprotected by sprinklers in the interspace asshown in Fig. 19.

11.8.6 Elevators, Rope or Strap Races, GearingBoxes and Dust Receivers






Elevators, other than pneumatic elevators orslow moving endless chain, ring, loop or forkelevators capable of operating only when theelevator is full, shall be fitted with a sprinkler.The sprinkler shall be in the box at the top,located to discharge over the head and bothlegs or shafts of the elevator.Rope or strap mces, gearing boxes andenclosed shaft machine drives of combustibleconstruction or communicating betweenfloors, shall be fitted with internal sprinklers.Dust cyclones and dust collection chambersand boxes either inside the protected buildingor outside and directly above any protectedbuilding with a combustible roof, shall befitted with internal sprinklers.The trunkings connecting the dust collectionchambers to the protected building within10 m shall be protected with sprinklers.


Sprinklers shall be installed in the following areas:

a) In the passenger carrying space;b) Below the ceiling;c) Between the ceiling below the escalator and

the passenger carrying space;d) In the escalator boot; ande) In the motor areas.

11.8.8 Hoists, Lift Wells and Enclosed ChutesThrough the Floors

The above areas, if not segregated from the mainbuildings in which they are located, shall besprinklered.

11.8.9 Machinery Pits and Production Lines

Machinery pits in which combustible wastes mayaccumulate and the undersides of the production linesshall be sprinklered.



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11.8.10 Enclosed Paint Lines, Drying Ovens andDrying Enclosures

The areas shall be sprinklered on the inside and sidewall sprinklers may be considered for these areas.

11.9 Obstruction Below Sprinklers

11.9.1 Sprinklers shall be fitted under the followingtypes of obstructions which are either: (a) more than0.8 m wide and less than 150 mm from the adjacentwalls or partitions, or (b) more than 1 m wide.

Internal overhead platforms, heating panels, galleries,walkways, stagings other than in film or televisionstudios and stairs and stairways unless specificallyexcepted.

11.9.2 Ducts

Sprinklers shall be fitted below the ducts under thefollowing circumstances:

a) Rectangular and more than 0.8 m wide and lessthan 150 mm from the adjacent walls orpartitions;

b) Circular and more than 1 m in diameter andless than 150 mm from the adjacent walls orpartitions;

c) Rectangular and more than 1 m in width; andd) Circular and more than 1 m in diameter.

11.9.3 Hoods Over Paper Making Machines

Sprinklers shall be fitted under the hoods or shieldsover the dry ends of above machines. If there is anenclosures, side wall sprinklers are recommended.

11.9.4 Storage Racks

Sprinklers should be fitted to protect the storage inracks.

11.9.5 Worktables

Sprinklers shall be fitted under the worktables wherethere is a power source or where combustible processwaste may accumulate.

11.9.6 Suspended Ceilings

For protecting the suspended imperforate or openceilings with sprinklers, the protection needs specialconsiderations due to several factors likecombustibility of the roof material, behaviour underfire conditions, structural integrity, etc.

11.10 Canopies

Canopies that are non-combustible and less than 2 mfrom the wall of the building need not be protectedwith sprinklers provided cut-off sprinklers are fitted atthe door openings leading to the canopies. However,under other circumstances, the underside of thecanopies shall be fitted with sprinklers.

IS 15105:2002

11.11 Exterior Docks and Platforms

Sprinklers shall be fitted under the exterior docks andplatforms of combustible construction unless suchspaces are sealed against accumulation of debris andwaste.

11.12 Sprinkler Protection for Specific Hazards

11.12.1 Film and Television Production Studios

Sprinklers shall be fitted under solid or slatedplatforms (except those used for temporary platforms,etc, for sets but including those for lighting and otherequipment) if these are more than 0.8 m wide and alsofor walkways, connecting stairs including those usedfor lighting and other equipment. Sprinklers shall alsobe fitted in concealed spaces or cavities more than100 mm deep between combustible linings andwalLs/roofs.

11.12.2 Theatres and Similar Premises

In addition to the sprinklers in the roof or ceiling,sprinklers shall be fitted under the grid, the flies, thestage and any other obstruction to the discharge fromthe roof or ceiling sprinklers. Care shall be exercisedin siting the sprinklers and associated pipework in casewhere moving sets are involved and also wherepersonnel have to work in the close proximity of thesprinklers.

11.12.3 Computer and Similar EDP Areas

Pre-action sprinkler installation is recommended forabove type of risks keeping in mind the effect of waterdischarge on such risks

11.12.4 Plastic Roof Lights

Sprinklers shall not be installed directly below rooflights of PVC or plastics of similar thermal behaviourand shall only be installed where (a) the area ofrooflight does not exceed 5 m2, (b) the distancebetween the individual rooflights is not less than1.8 m, and (c) the total area of rooflights in anybuilding or in those communicating therewith does notexceed 15% of the plan area of such building(s).

11.13 Intermediate Level Sprinklers

For high hazard storage in racks, shelves, etc,protection by rows of intermediate sprinklers ismandatory, if storage heights are beyond the limitsspecified in and (Tables 4 and 5). Therequirements for the above provisions are as givenin 11.3.1 to 11.3.4.

11.13.1 The location of sprinklers shall be such thatthey are not obstructed by racks or structural steelwork and as far as possible, they are in the path oflongitudinal flue space. The discharge of water shall

be able to penetrate the goods stored in the racks. Theclearance between the sprinkler deflectors and thestored goods shall not be less than 150 mm anywhere.




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1s 15105:2002

The number of rows are determined by the height ofthe racks and/or shelves.

11.13.2 The horizontal spacing (longitudinal)between sprinklers shall not exceed 3.5 m for Category1/11 goods and 1.8 m for Category 111/IV goods.Laterally for every 3 m width of the racks (includingtwo racks when stored back to back), there shall beone sprinkler.

11.13.3 The vertical spacing between sprinklers shallnot exceed 3 m. If the top tier of the racks is within3 m of the roof sprinklers, top tier need not beprotected with intermediate sprinklers.

11.13.4 The location of intermediate sprinklers shallbe such that the product of the horizontal and verticalspacing between sprinklers is not more than 9 m2 forCategory I/H storage goods and 5 m2 for Category111/IV storage goods.


12.1 General Requirements

12.1.1 Supply Mains

The nominal size of supply trunk mains and branchmains shall be not less than the size of any installationmain distribution pipe, at its main installation controlvalve, supplied by the trunk main.

12.1.2 Installation Pipework

Individual sprinklers shall not be connected directly todistribution and main distribution pipes, except in thecase of light-hazard installations where sprinkler maybe connected directly to pipes not exceeding 50 mmnominal bore.

12.1.3 In moderate or high-hazard installations armpipes or drop pipes not exceeding 32 mm nominal boreshall be used to connect individual sprinklers wherethese are fed from pipes larger than 65 mm nominalbore.

12.1.4 Where upright or pendent conventional orspray sprinklers are fitted within 400 mm of the pipeaxis alongside a pipe of nominal size greater than65 mm, the deflector shall be not more than theappropriate distance given in Table 15 above the loweredge of the pipe.

12.2 Oritlce Plates

12.2.1 An orifice plate used to hydraulically balancean installation, or to accommodate pumpcharacteristic, shall:

a) have an orifice diameter not less than one-halfof the internal diameter of the pipe into whichit is fitted:




be fitted only in pipes of 50 mm nominal boreor greate~be of brass or stainless steel with a plain centralhole without burrs, and of a thickness comply-ing with Table 16;have an identification tag, projecting beyondany flanges between which it is clamped, onwhich is clearly stamped the nominal pipediameter and the orifice “K” factor.

12.2.2 The orifice plate shall be fitted not less thantwo pipe internal diameters downstream of the outletfrom any elbow or bend.

12.2.3 The relationship between orifice size, flow rateand the pressure loss shall be calculated using the datagiven in Tables 32 and 33,

Table 15 Location of Sprinklers Alongside FeedPipes Larger Than 65 mm Nominal Size

(Clause 12.1.4)

Minimmn Horizontal Maximum Height of SprinklerDistance from Pipe Deflector Above LowerCentre Line to the Edge of Pipe (mm)

Sprinkter Centre Line ~(mm) Conventional Spray

Sprinkler Sprinkler Upright/InstalIed Pendent andUpright Conventional


(1) (2) (3)100 00 17200 17 40400 34 100

NOTE— Dimensionsmaybe interpolated.-

Table 16 Orifice Plate Thickness According toPipe Nominal Bore Pipe Nominal Bore

(Clause 12.2.1)

Pipe Nominal Bore Orifice Plate Thickness(mm) (mm)

r \Over Not Greater than— 80 380 150 6150 200 9


12.3 Concealed Spaces

12.3.1 Protection in Concealed Spaces

Where there are concealed spaces above ceilings orbelow floors, and where the space below the ceilingor above the floor is classified as moderate orhigh-hazard for which protection is Specified in 11.8,the concealed spaces shall be protected as follows:

a) if the concealed space contains only waterpipes, electric wiring or air-conditioningtrunking of non-combustible material by


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-— ----

10 mm sprinklers with a maximum area ofcoverage 21 m2 per sprinkler and a designdensity discharged of 5 mm/ rein; or

b) otherwise as specified for moderate hazard.

The maximum area of sprinkler coverage andpipework design shall be as given in Table 17.

12.3.2 The feed pipe to the sprinklers in the concealedspace shall be arranged and sized as follows. Light hazard

The concealed space above or below shall be protectedby a separate pipe from the installation valve. Moderate hazard

If the concealed space above a precalculatedinstallation are fed individually from the pipeworkbelow, the range and distribution pipes in theinstallation shall be sized by taking the room andconcealed space sprinklers cumulatively.Alternatively if two feed pipes are used, one for theconcealed space and one for the room sprinklers, thecommon feed pipe shall have a nominal bore of notless than 65 mm.

The concealed space below a precalculatedinstallation shall be fed by two feed pipes, one for theconcealed space and one for the room sprinklers, thecommon feed pipe should have a nominal bore of notless than 65 mm. High hazard

If the concealed space above or below a precalculatedinstallation shall be fed by a separate feed pipe fromthat feeding the sprinklers in the room. The concealedsprinkler feed pipe shall be connected outside the room

1s 15105:2002

between the installation valve set and any 48 sprinklerdesign point for a high hazard sprinkler amay outsidethe room concerned. Fully hydraulically calculated installation

The pressure and flow characteristics of theinstallation shall be satisfactory under each of thefollowing operating conditions:

a) When the appropriate density and AMAO areneeded wholly in the room.

b) When the appropriate density and the AMAOgiven in Table 17 are needed wholly in theconcealed space.

12.4 Precalculated Sprinkler Arrays

12.4.1 General The size of distribution feed pipes, includingin light-hazard installations any which are partly rangepipes because of the three sprinkler limitation, shall beas specified in the tables from the terminal point(s) upto the design point(s). The feed pipe between the installation maincontrol valves and the design point shall behydraulically calculated on the basis of a maximumflow loss, corrected for static head gain for designpoints not at the highest level, at a particular flow rate. Where the number of sprinklers in an arrayin a room, or in an area protected by a distinct groupof sprinklers having its own distribution pipe spur, isless than or equal to the number of sprinklers for whichthe distribution pipes are hydraulically designed, thedesign point shall be positioned at the point ofconnection to the distribution pipe of the range of the

Table 17 Sprinkler Protection of Concealed Spaces(Clause 12.3.1)

Class of Protection Concealed Space Pipework Concealed Space

in Room Design Maximum Area perSprinkfer, or Treat

.f - as Hazard Class/ \

Lkted (in m2)

Pipework Hazard NominalSize AMAOasDesign Class as for Hazard for Hazard

Method Class Listed Class Listed(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Light Light Light

Pre- Moderate Moderate 21

calculated Moderate Moderate

High Moderate 21

Moderate Moderate


Light Light Light

Fully Moderate — Moderate 21

calculated Moderate Moderate

High Moderate 21Moderate Moderate


Page 37: IS 15105 (2002): Design and Installation of Fixed …Is 15105:2002 mm?7m NJTfhwFr** wFmFTdM-fa@m fndian Standard DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF FIXED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER FIRE EXTINGUISHING

1S 15105:2002

array which is hydraulically nearest to the installationcontrol valves. Where the number of sprinklers in an arrayin a room on a distribution pipe terminal spur exceedsthe number for which the distribution pipes arehydraulically designed, the design point shall bepositioned at the point of connection to the range orranges immediately upstream of the group of rangescontaining not more than the maximum specifiednumber of sprinklers beyond the design point. Risers or drops, connecting ranges todistribution pipes and pipes longer than 300 mmconnecting single sprinklers to distribution pipes, shallbe considered to be distribution pipes and sizedaccordingly. The design point shall be positioned atthe point of connection of the riser, drop or singlesprinkler pipe to the horizontal distribution pipe runwhen designing the hydraulically determined lengthof feed pipe. Pipe diameters shall not increase in thedirection of flow of water to any sprinkler.

12.4.2 Light Hazard



I Range and terminal spur distribution pipes

The nominal size of range pipe and terminaldistribution pipes, i.e., distribution pipes downstreamof the design point, shall be as given in Table 18.

NOTE— It is possible only under light hazard risks thatsprinklers can be feddirectlyfromthedistributionpipes, Distribution pipes (other than terminalspurs)

All pipework between the installation main controlvalves and the design point at each extremity of aninstallation array at the highest level shall be sized byhydraulic calculation using the values of Tables 19and 20. Design point

Normally it shall be two sprinkler point. However,under the following circumstances, it shall be threesprinkler point (see Fig. 20):

a) If the range pipe caters to 4 or more sprinklers;and

b) When the range pipe runs along the apex of theridge root or





1 Pressure 10SSbetween supply point and:A (2 sprinkler point)= 0.7 barB (3 sprinkler point)= 0.7 barC, D, E, F, G, ‘H,J & K (2 sprinkler point)= 0.9 bar


( ) (5/‘J

c) ( )

o f?)


2 Dimensions shown as <25 mm> or <32 mm > indicates probable pipe sizes resulting from calculation.



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c) When the range pipe is the only line along anarrow room or corridor. Maximum number of sprinklers that can befed from a range pipe shall not be more than six. The pressure loss between the design pointand the entry point from the distribution pipe to therange (where more than two sprinklers are provided inthe range) shall be calculated as per Table 20(column A). The pressure loss from the entry point assaid above at the extremity of the installation and theinstallation valve shall be calculated as per Table 20(column B). In case of sprinklers in different levels in thesame risk, allowance can be given to the static pressuregain in the successive levels below the top-most level.The nominal size of the distribution pipe shall howevernot be less than the minimum size specified in Table18 for the range pipe fed from the design point. The layout of the sprinkler installationshould, by and large, conform to the method shown inFig. 20.

Table 18 Light Hazard Range and TerminalDistribution Pipe Sizes


Pipe Size (mm) Maximum Length Maximum Number(in m) of Sprinklers’)

Allowed onthe P]pe Siie Stated

(1) (2) (3) (4)





l)T&limitof 3 sprinklers does not preclude the use of 25 mm

pipebetweenthe2/3sprirrklerdesign point and the installationvalve if hydraulic calculation shows it is possible nor does itfollow that 25 mm pipe may be used between the 3rd and 4thsprinklers where the two sprinkler point is the design point.

Table 19 Maximum Pipe Flow Loss BetweenEach Design Point and the Installation Control

Valve in Light Hazard Installation(Clause

Design Point Maximum Friction Loss Distribution andIncluding Changes of Range Pipe Loss

Direetion (Bars)(1) (2) (3)

Twosprinkler point 0.9 See Columns AandBof Table 20

Three sprinkler point 0.7 See Column Bof Table 20

Twosprinkler point in a 0.7 See Column B

narrow room or range at of Table 20

rcmfapex exh with a singleline of three sprinklers

Is 15105:2002$

Table 20 Pressure Loss Per Unit Length for 4!Design Flow Rates in Light Hazard Installation


Pipe Nominal Size Pressure Loss Per UnitMaterial (mm) Length (in nlBar/m)

f \ ~Cohrmn Column

“A” “B”

(1) (2) (3) (4)


25 44.0 200.0Steel 32 12.0 51.0

[1S1239 40 5.5 25.0(Part 1)] 50 I .7 7,8

63 0.5 2.2


1 The equivalent length of an elbow, bend or tee where the wateris turned through an angle shall be rtaken as 2 m in using the dataor in using Table30 or Table31.

2 Whereheavygradesteel as per IS 1239 (Part1)isused, tlowrate shall be taken as 100 I/rein for column B.

12.4.3 Moderate Hazard Range pipe and terminal distribution pipe sizes

The size of the nominal bores shall be as shown inTable 21.

Table 21 Range Pipe Nominal Sizesfor Various Pipe Layouts in

Moderate Hazard Installations

Range Pipe Layout Pipe Nominal Maximum NumberBore (mm) of Sprinklers to be

Fed by Pipe ofSize Listed .



(1)Ranges at remote end ofeach distribution pipeSPUK1) Lasttworangesin two


2) Lastthreerangesh rhreeend-sidelayout

3) Last rangeh all otherlayouts











332 440 650 9 A single sprinkler shall be fed by pipe of notless than 25 mm nominal bore. There shall be not more than six sprinklerson any range, including apex range where the rangesrun under a roof longitudinally, sloping at an angle thatis greater than 6°. Distribution pipe (except terminal pipe)

The main distribution and distribution pipes(including all risers and drops) between the highest


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IS 15105:2002

design point and the installation valve shall be sizedby hydraulic calculation based on Table 22. Themaximum friction loss shall not exceed 0.5 bars at aflow rate of 1000 l/rein. The distribution pipesdownstream the design point shall comply with sizesstated in Table 23. The layout of the installation shall,by and large, be in the same fashion as shown inFig. 21 (particularly for large installations) to enablehydraulic balance.

Table 22 Pressure Loss Per Unit Length forDesign Flow Rates in Moderate Hazard


Pipe Nominal Bore Pressure Loss Per Unit Length[1S 1239 (Part 1), Medium]

(mm) (mbar/m)

(1) (2)65 3580 16

100 4.4150 0.65200 0.16


1The equivalent length of an elbow, bend or tee where the wateris turned through an angle shafl be taken as 3 m when using thedata or in using Table30orTable31.

2 Where heavy grade steel as per IS 1239(Part 1)is used, flowrate shall be taken as 1000 Vmin.

Pre-calculated distribution pipe nominal boresdownstream of the design point shall comply withTable 23.

Table 23 Distribution Pipe Nominal Sizes inModerate Hazard Installations and MaximumNumber of Sprinklers Downstream of Design


Pipe Layout Distribution Pipe Maximum Number ofNominal Size (mm) Sprinklers to be Fed

by Pipe Listed Below

(1) (2) (3)

a) Twoend -side 32 240 450 865 16

b) All other types 32 340 650 965 ,gl)

I) This doesnot preelude the use of 65 mm nominal bore pipe

between the 16/ 18 sprinkler peint and the installation valves ifhydraulically found in order. The feed pipe for all the other design points(except the highest design point) shall be similarlysized by hydraulic calculation. In case of friction lossin any part of the feed pipe not common with that

feeding the highest design point, allowance can begiven to the static pressure gain in the successive levelsbelow the top most level. The nominal size of thedistribution pipe shall however not be less than theminimum size specified in Table 23 for the range pipefed from the design point. Design point

The design point shall be 16 sprinkler point for twoend-side sprinkler range pipe and the 18 sprinklerpoint for all other layouts (see Fig. 21).

12.4.4 High Hazard Range pipe and terminal distribution pipesizes

Range pipes and nominal bores shall be as given inTable 24 or Table 25 depending on the sprinklernominal size and the table in which the watersupply-pressure flow characteristic is specified (i.e.Tables 6,7,8 or 9).

Table 24 Range Pipe Nominal Sizes forVarious Pipe Layouts for High HazardInstallations with Sprinklers of 15 mm

Nominal Bore and Pressure Flow Characteristicsas Given in Tables 6 or 7

Range pipe Layout Pipe Nominal Maximum NumberSize of Sprinklers to be

(mm) Fed by Pipe Listed(1) (2) (3)

a) Ranges at remote endof eaeh distribution pipe spuc1) Last tworangesin two end- 25 I

side layout 32 2i) Last three ranges in two 25 2

end-side layout 32 3ii) Last range in all other 25 2

layouts 32 340 4

b) All other ranges 25 332 4 No range pipe shall connect to a distributionpipe exceeding 150 mm nominal bore. Pre-calctdated distribution pipe nominalbores downstream of the design point shall be as givenin Table 26 or Table 27 depending upon the sprinklerhead nominal size and the table in which the watersupply pressure flow characteristic is specified (i.e.,Tables 6,7,8 or 9). Distribution pipe upstream of the designpoint

The main distribution and distribution pipes betweeneach sprinkler design point and the installation valveshall be sized by hydraulic calculation using the pipefriction loss per unit length given in Table 28 for thefiow specified in


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IS 15105:2002

Table 25 Range Pipe Nominal Sizes for.Various Pipes Layouts for High

Hazard Installations withSprinklers of 15 mm Nominal Boreand Pressure Flow Characteristics

as Given in Table 8 or of 20 mmNominal Size and Pressure

Flow Characteristics asGiven in Table 9(Clause

Range Pipe Layout Pipe Nominal MaximumSii (mm) Number

of Sprinklers tobe Fed by

Pipe Lkted

(1) (2) (3)

a) End-side arrangements


40 11) Last three ranges 50 3

65 6



12) Other ranges 40 2

50\ 465 6

b) End-centre arrangements1) Two end centre layout

i) Last three ranges 32 140 2

ii) Other ranges 32 21)

2) Three and four end centre 32 1layouts, all ranges 40 2

50 4

‘) 32 mm feed to each.

Table 26 Distribution Pipe NominalSizes for Various Numbers of

Sprinklers Downstream of the DesignPoint in High Hazard Installationswith Sprinklers of 15 mm Nominal

Bore and Pressure Flow Characteristicsas Given in Table 6


Distribution Pipe Nominal Maximum Number of SprinklersSize Listed (mm) to be Fed by the Pipe of Size

(1) (2)

32 2

40 4

50 8

65 12

80 18

100 481)

I)This does not preclude the use of 100 mm nominal size pipe

between the design point and the installation valve if it isDossible by hydraulic calculation requirements (

Table 27 Distribution Pipe Nominal Sizes forFeeding Various Numbers of Sprinklers

Downstream of the Design Point in the HighHazard Installations with Sprinklers of 15 mm

Nominal Size and Pressure Flow Characteristicsas Given in Tables 7 or 8 or Sprinklers of 20 mmNominal Size and Pressure Flow Characteristics

as Given in Table 9(Clause

Range Pipe Distribution Pipe Maximum Number ofLayout Nominal Size Sprinklers to be

(nun) Fed by Pipe Lkted(1) (2) (3)

Four end side layout 65 8

All other layouts 50 465 880 12100 16150 481)

l)ThiS doesnot precludethe use d 100 mm nominal size PiPe

between the design point and the installation valve if it ispossible by hydraulic calculation requirements.

Table 28 Pressure Loss Per UnitLength of Pipe for Design Flow

Rates in High Hazard Installations(Clause

Flow Pressure Loss Per Unit LengthRate (in mBar/m)thin r >

100mm 150 mm 200 mm 250 mmNominal Size Nominal Size Nominal Size Nominal Size

Medium Medium Medium Medium

Grade Pipe Grade Pipe Grade Pipe Grade Pipe[1S1239 [1S1239 [1S1239 [1S1239

(Part 1)] (Part 1)] (Part 1)] (Part 1)]

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

2800 34 5.1 1,3 0.43

4550 72 11.0 2.7 0,90

5600 115 16.0 4.1 1.40

6750 160 23.0 5.8 1.85

9000 250 36.0 9.1 3.00

NOTES1 Where other grades of pipes are used, pressure loss datashould accordingly be changed.2 The equivalent length of an elbow, bend or tee where the wateris turned through an angle should be taken as 3 m when usingthe data or in using Tables 30 or 31. Design point

The design point shall be the 48 sprinkler point or ifappropriate as specified in 9.2.3 .2, or Fig. 23,24, 25) The highest sprinkler shall be eitherdownstream of a sprinkler design point or in an arraywith its own terminating distribution spur. The layout of the sprinkler installation shall,by and large, conform to the methods shown inFig. 22,23,24.


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IS 15105:2002 .p4,

1. 1








12.5.2 Forhydraulic calculation purpose, it shall be12.4.4.8 Thepressure loss inthedistribution pipe toany particular section of the installation valve, shall beadjusted to that needed to match the water supplycharacteristic by either”

a) suitably sizing the distribution pipe spur feed-ing the particular section when the distributionpipe nominal size shall not be less than that ofthe first length, sized by the pipe tables, ofdistribution pipe downstream of the designpoint to which it is connected, or

b) fitting an orifice plate complying with 12.2 in theparticular distribution pipe (we Fig. 23,24, 25).

12.5 Intermediate Level In-Rack Sprinklers

12.5.1 Where more than 50 intermediate levelsprinklers are installed in the racks, roof and/or ceilingsprinklers in the concerned area along with theintermediate level sprinklers shall be installed with aseparate installation control valve set.

assumed that minimum of three sprinklers areoperating simultaneously on each level up to amaximum of three levels at the hydraulically remoteposition. The minimum operating pressure in anysprinkler shall not be less than 2 bars.

12.5.3 In-rack sprinklers in association with theceiling sprinklers shall always be fully calculated forthe purpose of hydraulics.

12.5.4 Areas covered by individual sprinklers in largearrays for standard layout and staggered layout areshown in Fig. 26.

12.5.5 Sprinklers not constituting a full range or rangepair shall be grouped as close as possible to thedistribution pipe on the next upstream mnge row to therectangular area (see Fig. 27).



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IS 15105:2002




13.1 Hydraulic Calculation and Pipe Sizing

13.1.1 Pipe size and layout shall be based on either:a)



full hydraulic calculation in which case thebasic hydraulic performance shall be asspecified in 8, i.e., under “Design density andAMAO”.Notwithstanding the density requirements asstated in this section, no roof or ceilingsprinklers in a fully hydraulically designedsystem shall discharge at a pressure less thanthe required as shown in Table 29.pre-calculated installation (not including in-termediate sprinklers), the pipe sizing tableswith hydraulic calculation of portions of thefeed pipework as specified in 12.4.2 or 12.4.3or 12.4.4 according to the class of hazard.Any extension to a precalculated installationshall not be fully hydraulically calculated.

Table 29 Minimum Sprinkler Discharge Pressureat Any Sprinkler in Fully Hydraulically

Calculated Installations(Clause 13.1.1)

Hazard Class Minimum Preamrre at AnyDischarging Sprinkler (bar)

(1) (2)

L]ght 0.70

Moderate 0.35High 0.50In racksprinklers 2.00

13.2 Calculation of Pipework Losses

13.2.1 The static pressure difference between twointerconnecting points in a system shall be calculatedfrom:

Static pressure difference (~) = O.III (bar),

where h = vertical distance between the points inmetres.


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Is 15105:2002











13.2.2 Pipe Friction bss

Frictional pressure loss in pipes shall be calculatedfrom the Hazen-Williams formula as unde~

6.05 X 105p = &5x &87

~ ~ ~ @85





loss of pressure per metre length of pipe(bar)flow rate through the pipe (in I/rein)mean bore of the pipe (in m)a constant for the type and condition ofpipeequivalent length of pipe and fittings (in m)

The following values shall be used for “C”installations for calculation purpose:

Cast iron = 100

in sprinkler

Mild steel = 120Galvanized steel = 120

13.2.3 Fittings and Valve Frictional hsses

Frictional losses in valves and fittings where thedirection of water flow is changed through 45° or moreshould be calculated by the formula stated in13.2.2 above using the appropriate equivalent lengthgiven in Table 30.

13.2.4 The effect of velocity head can be ignored forthe purpose of hydraulic calculation.

13.2.5 The size of range pipe shall not be less than 25mm and also the minimum pressure shall not be lowerthan those specified in 13.1.1.

13.3 Maximum F1OWDemand Calculation for aFully Hydraulically Calculated Installation


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Is 15105:2002



13.3.1 The datum point for pressures and heights shallnot be downstream from the control valve “C” gauge.

13.3.2 At any pressure (P) , the flow demand (Q) ofthe installation shall be regarded as the sum of:

a) the flow to the ceiling or roofsprinklers with the AMAO in the hydraulical-ly most favorable location; plus

b) the flow to any non-rack intermediatesprinklers associated with (a); plus

c) the simultaneous hydraulically balancedflow to any rack or shelf sprinklers in theirspecified number and hydraulically mostfavorable location.

13.3.3 The pressure-flow demand characteristics ofthe installation shall be determined either:

a) by calculation (as stated in 13.3.2) of sufficientvalues of Q to determine the intercept of theinstallation characteristics of the curve withthe water supply characteristic curve; or

b) by calculation (as stated in 13.3.2) of a singlevalue of Q from the equation:



P. =

Q=QO =


= P. + O.I(h) (Q/Qo)2 - O.l(h),

pressure at flow Q measured at the datumpoint in bar.pressure corresponding to the calculatedinstallation flow demand measured at thedatum point in bar.flow demand at pressure P in l/rein.calculated installation flow demand inl/rein for pressure PO.height of the highest sprinkler in theAMAO under consideration above thedatum point in m.

By extrapolating the pressure flow demand graph tointersect the water supply pressure flow characteristic,

QMM can be determined.

13.3.4 The maximum flow demand (QMax)shall beregarded as the point of intersection of the pressure


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IS 15105:2002




y–.— - --— —-- —- ----------- ______ —----- _-—__ -----

T ,9------- -. +_____

\! I\\




!\\\ -&-+-— –\\‘~ i, ! I’ j’;\\t, \ --<,, It.-- . ,+‘\ ----\L---- 1

\ !‘\\\I;\\ \ /’ ‘:.?:’!\ /\\(

//\\ 1 //\\ //\\ / \/il,\ ~/\\ OUTER BOUNDRY

/“” OF AREA‘i<:.


. ..: ~ 1/- .-<.



flow demand chamcteristic of the installation and thecharacteristic of the pump either at low water level or whenthe reservoir is full whichever is higher (see Fig. 28).

Table 30 Equivalent Length ofFittings and Valves

(Clause 13.2.3)

Fittings Equivalent Length of Medium Grade Steel Pipe& Valves (in m) According to IS 1239 (Part 1) (C = 120)

for Diameter in mm Equal to


\100 150 200 250

(1) (?2; ; ; (5) (6) (7) (8)

Screwed 1.46 1.89 2.37 3.04 4.30 5.67 7.42elbow 90°

Welded 0.69 0.88 1.10 1.43 2.00 2.64 3.35elbow 90°

Screwed 0,76 1.02 1.27 1.61 2.30 3.05 3.89elbow 45°

All other 2.91 3.81 4.75 6.10 8.61 11.34 13.85fittings

Gate valve 0.38 0.51 0.63 0.81 1.13 1.50 1.97

Alarm valve — — 3.94 5.07 7.17 9.40 12.30N.R. valve

Alarm valve — — 119.71 5.36 35.88 47.27 61.85N.R. valve


Butterfly 2.19 2.86 3.55 4.56 6.38 8.62 9.90valve

Globe valve 6.43 21.64126.80 34.48 48.79 64.29 84.11

NOTES1 The equivalent lengths can be converted as necessary forpipesof cast ironby multiplyingthe abovevahresby0.714.2 The equivalent length for sizes smaller than 50 mm areprovided in Table31.

Table 31 Equivalent Length of Fittingsand Valves

(Clause 13.3.2)


Fittings Equivalent Length (in m) of Medium Grade SteelPipe (ii m) According to IS 1239 (Part 1) (C = 120)

for Dhsneter in mm Equal twf——~

(1) (2) (3) (4)25 32 40

Screwed elbow 90° 0.77’) 1.04 1.22Welded elbow 90° 0.361) 0.49 0.56Screwed elbow 45° 0.40’) 0.55 0.66Allotherfittings 1.54 2.13 2.44

I)Itis recomen&d to avoid,as far as possible. 25 mm sized

elbows in the installation.

13.3.5 At the maximum flow demand, the pressure atthe datum point shall not be less than Po, i.e., pressure

corresponding to the calculated installation flowdemand measured at the datum point in bar.

13.4 Maximum Pressure Demand Calculation fora Fully Hydraulically Calculated Installation

The calculation shall be as follows:

Pressure flow calculation shall be made for theminimum allowable density from the most remotegroup of four sprinklers in the AMAO hydraulicallymost remote from the installation valves (see 9.1,9.2,9.3 and 13.5.4). Where there are both roof or ceilingsprinklers and intermediate sprinklers, the truehydraulically most unfavorable locations of eachinstallation should be taken together, irrespective oftheir actual locations in the building. The result can be


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IS 15105:2002



— — drawing construction linesh.. -.right angle

— zone boundry line ~. sprinklers_ range ppe

a- mid point along range pipe‘-- ‘-intermediateboundry line (between b - mid point between sprinklers

areas covered by adjacent sprinklers) c - m~ Point be~een ‘anges



extrapolated on to the water supply pressure flow a) the calculated flow rate(s) into the junction arecharacteristics curve of the pump as stated in 13.3.4. within *2 litres per minute of the calculatedThe water supply pressure at the point of intersection flow rate(s) out of the junction;of the curves shall not be less than that given by the b) all values of the pressure calculated for theminimum density calculation. junction are within fO.005 bar of the mean

13.5 Hydraulic Balance Calculationsvalue.

13.5.1 Balancing Across Junctions 13.5.2 Overall Balancing of the Installation

Hydraulic calculations for each pipe junction where For each position of the AMAO the sum of the

flows join or separate for each position of the AMAO calculated sprinkler discharge values of all sprinklers

or for each group of intermediate sprinklers assumed discharging simultaneously (using the calculated

to be in operation shall be sufficiently accurate that : nozzle pressure in each case to establish the outlet


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Is 15105:2002






-o-e 0--0

— —


l“”s’ NAvO”RA”E\ I I I














e la * 0 Q IJ,






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IS 15105:2002

FLOW ,!./min. —


flow) shall be within *1% of the hydraulicallycalculated total tlow into the installation.

13.6 Design of Orifice Plates

13.6.1 Tables 32 and 33 may be used to design thesize of the orifice plate according to the systemrequirements for achieving hydraulic balance.

Table 32 Orifice Plates for Medium Grade Pipesas per IS 1239 for Sizes 50 mm and 65 mm

(Clauses 13.6.1 and 13.6.3)

Pressure LossPro (Bar)



















Diameter of OrificePipe Sizes

t T50 mm 65mm

(2) (3)



27.10 —

27.90 —





32.20 34.50

32.80 35.30

33.70 36.30

34.70 37.60

35.90 39.30

37.50 41.20

39.70 44.20

42.70 49.10— 53.60

Orifice K



















13.6.2 The orifice diameter for medium grade pipesconforming to IS 1239 (Part 1) of sizes 50 mm to 200mm for discrete values of net pressure loss Pro for astandard flow rate of 500 l/rein are provided in Table34 and 5000 l/rein in Table 35.

13.6.3 To select an orifice plate which will produce anet pressure loss of PrX bar with a rate of Qx in l/rein,the value of Pro can be calculated from the formula asbelow:

Pro = Px (5001QX)2 when using Table 32Pro = P. (5000/Q,)2 when using Table 33

as appropriate, and refer to the appropriate column forthe correct orifice diameter, interpolating asnecessary.


14.1 General

14.1.1 The various types of valves used in theinstallation are as under:

a) Stop valvesb) Test valvesc) Drain valvesd) Flushing valvese) Check valvesf) Installation valvesg) Pre-action valvesh) Subsidiary valves

14.1.2 All valves in the sprinkler installation shall beright-handed (i.e., the handwheel or key should berotated clockwise to close the valve); the direction ofopening and closing shall be marked and an open/shutindicator fitted.


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Is 15105:2002

Tab1e33 Orifice Plates for Medium Grade P\ptiasper IS 1239for Pipe Sizes 80 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm

(Clause 13.6.3)

Pressure Loss Pro Diameter of Orifice Orifice K Factor(Bar) Pipe Sizes

/ A \80 mm 100mm 150 mm 200 mm

(1) (2) (3)35.00


(5) (6)



—25.00 44.80


20.00 46.401000

15.00 48.901118

56.2010,00 52.30


9.00 53.201581

59.008.00 54.10


7.00 55.301768





66.504.00 59.80 69.70


3.00 62.002500

74.20 82.302.00


81.10 95.801.00

3536— 82.20 97.10

0.90105.70 5000

83.30 99.300.80

108.10 527084.40 101.70

0.70111.10 5590

— 85.70 104,000.60

113.90 5976— 87.00 106.80

0.50117.70 6455


122.20 7071— 115.10

0.30129.10 7906


137.70 9129

0.10152.60 11180

— 165.80 15810

NOTE—T}~epressurelossproducedbytheorificeplateisthenetlossacrosstheorifice,notthepressuredifferenceofthe flange. TheK factor should be marked on the plate.

14.1.3 Butterfly valves, if used, shall be of the gear-operated type for sizes more than 150 mm.

14.1.4 Valves which interlock when closed shall bepositioned in a conspicuous place where the key isobtrusive when the valve is closed.

14.2 Main Stop Valves

14.2.1 One, and only one, main stop valve shall befitted immediately downstream of the main alarmvalve of a standard sprinkler installation.

14.2.2 The main stop valve(s) should be at a firebrigade access level and readily accessible whenresponding to a fire alarm.

14.2.3 Where the working pressure of the installationis more than 7 kg/cm2, Cast iron valves with PN 1.6rating shall be provided. However, Cast steel valves ofclass 150 shall suffice for installation under allpressure conditions.

14.3 Test Valves and Cocks

14.3.1 Alarm and Pump Start Test Valves

Test valves (15 mm nominal size) shall be provided,as appropriate, to test:

a) the hydraulic alarm or any electric alarm pres-sure switch if provided, by drawing water from

the downstream side of a wet alarm valve, andany downstream main stop valve(s);

b) any water flow alarm switch installeddownstream of the main installation valveset. The test valve shall be connecteddownstream of the water flow alarm;

c) an automatic starting device on a pump; andd) any pump house sprinkler alarm flow switch

installed upstream of the installation controlvalve.

The test valve should be installed close to the alarmvalve, flow switch or pump starter as appropriate.

14.3.2 Test Cocks

A test cock should be fitted as follows:

a) on suction pump supplies, upstream of thepump outlet stop vaive and the check valve;

b) Immediately upstream of the check valve ona water supply feed pipe or trunk subject to anyrequirements of the inflow water authority.

14.4 Drain Valves

Drain valves sized as below shall be fitted to allowdrainage from:

a) Immediately downstream of the installationalarm valve or, if fitted, its downstream stopvalve; and


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IS 15105:2002



Immediately downstream of any subsidiarystop valve; andAny pipe other than drop pipes to singlesprinklers in a wet installation which cannot bedrained through another drain valve.

The valves shall befitted at the lower end of permanentpipework. The outlet shall be not more than 3 m abovethe floor and shall be fitted with a brass plug.

Light hazard : 40 mm

Moderate hazard : 50 mmHigh hazard : 50 mm

14.5 Flushing Valves

Where a sprinkler pump draws water from anon-potable source such as a canal, river, lake, etc,flushing valves shall be fitted at the spur ends of theinstallation distribution pipes.

The valves and any associated drain pipework shall beof the same nominal size as the distribution pipe towhich they are attached. Each valve outlet shall befitted with a brass plug cap.

14.5.1 Check Valves

Check valves shall be provided where more than onewater supply is available and the same fitted on eachwater supply pipe to trunk main.

A test cock shail be fitted upstream of the check valveand downstream of the water supply main stop valve,except in the case of a pump supply where it shall beupstream of the pump delivery check valve and of theoutlet stop valve.

14.6 Subsidiary Stop Valves

Subsidiary stop valves, which shall be of the samenominal size as the pipe in which they are fitted, shallbe provided only to control the water supply to thefollowing:




Any sprinklers supplied from upstream of aninstallation main control valve set.Sprinklers under hoods over the dry ends ofpaper making machines where it is necessaryto turn off the sprinklers to enable machinecylinders to be changed. The valve shall besecured open.Sprinklers protecting a computer area.The stop valve shall be electricallymonitored or of the type which interlockswhen closed, and in alternate installations shallbe a screw-down diaphragm valve.

14.7 Installation and Alarm Valves

14.7.1 A sprinkler installation shall be fitted with asuitable main installation valve to control the watersupply to the installation. The valve set comprise of:

a) a main stop valve,b) an alarm valve, andc) a water motor alarm and gong (see Fig. 29).

DRAIN “’%=4 II



14.7.2 The main installation alarm valve(s) shall befitted immediately downstream of the main stop valve.

14.7.3 An alarm valve controlling the water supply toeither a high-temperature area or to an area wherefreezing temperatures may occur either shall be of atype without a water seal or positioned at such adistance from the protected area that the water seal isnot affected by the high temperature or freezing.

14.7.4 The main stop valve shall be placed in thevicinity of the main entrance of the risk protected at aneasily accessible place. The valve shall be securedopen by a pad-locked or rivetted strap and protectedagainst impact damage.

14.7.5 A plan of the risk with the position of main stopvalves shall be placed in a conspicuous location. Alocation plate shall be fixed near the valves bearing thefollowing words in raised letters :




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IS 15105:2002

14.7.6 Alarm Valve Alarm valves shall be fitted on the mainsupply pipe immediately above the main control valveand before any connection is taken off to supply anypart of the installation. In buildings containing more than oneinstallation, each alarm valve must have a numberindicated thereon and the relevant alarm gong shallbear the same number in bold figures. As far as possible, one risk shall be protectedby one alarm valve only. Where the risk is quite largeand has to be fed by more than one valve, the areas fedby the alarm valves should be planned and suitablydemarcated. Details of the division of the sprinklerload with the demarcated areas shall be exhibited nearthe alarm valves. The provision of one alarm valve fordifferent blocks in one compound is not normallypermissible.

14.8 Multiple Controls

Multiple controls installed to control open sprinklersor open drenchers or to operate a pressure switch shallbe acceptable in specific cases.

14.9 Alarms and Alarm Devices

14.9.1 Each installation main control valve set shallbe provided with a water motor alarm suitable forsprinkler service located as close as possible to thealarm valve.

14.9.2 The water motor shall be installed with itsgong on the outside of an exterior wall and with itscentre line not higher than 6 m above the point ofconnection to the alarm valve. A strainer, readilyaccessible for cleaning, shall be fitted between themotor nozzle and the alarm valve connection. Thewater outlet shall be positioned so that any flow ofwater can be seen.

14.9.3 The pipework to the water motor should begalvanized, medium grade complying with IS 1239(Part 1). The equivalent length of pipe between thealarm valve and the water motor shall be not more than25 m assuming an equivalent length of 3 m for eachchange of direction. The nominal size shall be not lessthan:




14 mm for equivalent lengths less than or equalto 6 m; and20 mm for equivalent lengths greater than 6 m.

The pipe shall be fitted with a stop valvelocated within the premises and should be providedwith a permanent drain through an orifice not largerthan 3 mm diameter. The orifice place maybe integral

with the pipe fitting, and shall be of either stainlesssteel or a non-ferrous material.

14.9.5 Any device to reduce the frequency of false orintermittent alarms fhted to the installation shall besuitable for sprinkler service.

14.10 Pressure Gauges

14.10.1 General Specification

a) Pressure gauges fitted in the installations shallcomply with IS 3624.

b) The scale subdivision shall not exceed:1)



0.2 bar for a maximum scale value up toand including 10 bar0.5 bar for a maximum scale value ofmore than 10 bar, up to and including 16bar1.0 bar for a maximum scale value morethan 16 bar.

14.10.2 Application of Pressure Gauges Installation control valves

Main control valve sets — A pressure gauge shall befitted at each of the following points:

a) Immediately downstream of the alarm valve(designated the ‘C’ gauge); and

‘ b) Immediately upstream of the main control stopvalve (designated the ‘B’ gauge). Water supply connections

Pump supply — Each pump supply shall be fitted witha damped pressure gauge on the supply pipeimmediately downstream of the outlet check valve andupstream of an y outlet stop valve. Removal

Means shall be provided to enable each pressure gaugeto be removed readily without interruption of the wateror air supply to the installation.

14.11 Any other provisions like fire brigadesignaling from the alarm valves, Advance warning,etc, proposed to be incorporated in the installation.


15.1 General

15.1.1 Sprinklers and multiple controls installed inthe sprinkler systems shall be suitable for the fireprotection service.

15.1.2 Sprinklers shall not be reconditioned orrepaired. Used and/or defective sprinklers shall bereplaced by new ones. However, the multiple controlsystems may be repaired or reconditioned but pressuretesting shall be carried out before commissioning suchinstallations.


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IS 15105:2002

15.1.3 Sprinklers andmultiple controls shall not bepainted except fortheidentification pttrposes. Theyshall not be altered in any respect nor have any type ofornamentation or coating.

15.2 Sprinkler Types and Applications

15.2.1 Sprinklers shall be of the following types :

a) Conventional pattern;b) Spray pattern;c) Ceiling or flush pattern;d) Concealed pattern; ande) Side wall pattern.

The selection of sprinklers shall conform to Table 34.

Table 34 Sprinkler Types and Sizes for VariousHazard Classes(Clause 15.2.1)

Hazard Class Pattern of Smink]er Srmintder Size Nominal

(1) (2)

Light hazard Spiny, ceiling or flushand/or side wall types

Moderate Any type from the abovehazard

High hazard Conventional or spraypattern only

Orifice Less Than



15 mm

15 or 20 mm as thecase may be

15.2.2 Conventional type of sprinklers are designedto produce a spherical type of discharge with aproportion of water being thrown upwards the ceiling.These are usually built with a universal type deflectorenabling the sprinklers to be installed either upright orpendent. It is also possible to designate them forupright or pendent for certain applications. Thesesprinklers can almost be used for any type ofapplication (see Fig. 30).

15.2.3 Spray pattern type sprinklers are designed toproduce a hemispherical discharge and no water’ isdirected towards the ceiling. These are built both ways,i.e., upright or pendent. These shall not be used in highhazard, high piled storage risks and also in case ofmoderate/high hazard class risks where there isexposed structural steel work or where the roof or

cei~ing or its supporting structure is of combustiblematerial (see Fig. 30).

15.2.4 Ceiling or jlush and concealed type ofsprinklers are designed for use with the concealedpipework and are installed pendent with plate or baseflush to the ceiling with the heat sensitive elementbelow the ceiling line. These shall be installed only inlight or moderate hazard risks and not for the highhazard class. Common applications are hotels, boardrooms, offices retail stores, etc, where the aestheticappearance is of value. The deflectors are nom-tallyfixed however, retracted type of deflectors may alsobe used.

15.2.5 Side wall type sprinklers are designed toproduce a downward paraboloidal discharge and thespecial deflector fitted to the sprinkler causes most ofthe water to be discharged on the opposing wall andfloor with a little of water discharging on the wallbehind the sprinkler. These shall not be installed inhigh hazard applications or above suspended ceilings.These are not substitutes for standard sprinklers butmay be used only in offices, hotels, halls, lobbies,corridors, conveyor housings, etc (see Fig. 30).

15.2.6 Multiple controls system consists of heatsensitive sealed valve controlled outlets usingsprinklers or any other heat detecting device assensing elements. Multiple control is used when agroup of open sprinklers or sprayers have to operatesimultaneously on a single detection according to thedesired circumstances.

15.3 Sprinkler Size and “K” Factor

Sprinklers shall have a nominal orifice sizes of 10 mm,15 mm or 20 mm as shown in Table 35. “K” factor ofthe sprinkler shall be as per the following equation:


whereK = K Factor,Q = flow through the sprinkler orifice in l/rein,

andP = pressure at the entry point of the sprinkler


Table 35 Sprinklers Nominal Threads, Orifice Sizes and K Factors(Clause 15.3)

Nominal Nominal Mean Value Limiting Values of K FactorsOritlce Thread of K Factor / \

Size (mm) Size (mm) Dry Sprinklers OthersA

* \ / \

A4in Max Min Max

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

10 10 57 52 62 54 60

15 15 80 74 86 76 84

20 20 115 106 124 109 121


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IS 15105:2002






FIG. 30 TYPEOFSPRINKLERSThe desired “K”factors for the sprinklers are shown in Table 36 Fusible Link TypeTable 35. (Clause 15.4)

15.4 Temperature Rating and Colour CodingTemperature Colour of

Sprinklers shall have one of the temperature ratings Rating “C Yoke Armsgiven in Table 36 or Table 37 and shall be (1) (2)correspondingly colour coded. 68/74 Natural

93/100 White141 Blue182 Yellow227 Red

48 I


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Table 37 Glass Bulb Type(Clause 15.4)

Temperature Colour ofRating “C Bulb Liquid

(1) (2)57 Orange68 Red79 Yellow93 Green141 Blue182 Mauve

204/260 Black

15.5 Selection of Temperature Rating

15.5.1 General The temperature rating of a sprinkler shouldnot be less than 30”C greater than the highestanticipated temperature of the location of theinstallation. If the process conditions in a risk calls forcontinuous air conditioning round the clockthroughout the year. In high hazard installations protecting highpiled storage with intermediate sprinklers, the roof orceiling sprinklers should have a temperature rating of141”C.

NOTE — The sprinklers at the top of the racks should begoverned as per Under glazed roof or where there are roofsheets of PVC or similar plastic material, the sprinklerrating shall be either 79°C to 100°C, or 141°C for highpiled storage. The temperature rating of the roof or ceilingsprinklers within 3 m of the plan area of the boundaryof either an oven or a hot process ventilating hood,fitted with sprinklers shall be the same as the oven orhood sprinklers, or 141°C, whichever is lower.

15.6 Protection to the Sprinklers

15.6.1 Any sprinkler, other than ceiling or flushsprinkler, installed in a position at risk of accidentaldamage shall be fitted with a metal guard suitable forsprinkler service. It is particularly important forintermediate sprinklers in storage racks.

15.6.2 Sprinklers installed in a rack or under aperforated shelf, platform and the like, where waterfrom higher sprinklers including roof/ceilingsprinklers nuty cause wetting in close proximity to thebulb or fusible element shall be fitted with metal watershields of nominal diameter 80 mm. The shield shallnol be directly attached to an upright sprinklerdeflector or yoke assembly. Such shield shall formlittle or no obstructions the sprinkler spray pattern.

15.6.3 Sprinkler rosettes shall be provided for theconcealed sprinklers which should be of metal or

IS 15105:2002

thermoplastic plastics and shall be suitable for thesprinkler service. No part of the rosette shall be usedto support ceilings or other structures and shall projectfrom the ceiling below the top of the visible portion ofthe heat sensitive element.

15.6.4 Sprinklers and multiple cotttrols installed inareas where corrosive vapours are prevalent shall havecorrosion resistant coatings suitable to sprinklerservice. Frequent coating with good qualitypetroleum jelly is recommended. The coating shallhowever not be applied on the fusible links or the bodyof the glass bulb.

15.7 Spare Sprinklers to be Kept in Stock

15.7.1 A stock of spare sprinklers shall be maintainedin the premises so that prompt replacement is possibleafter the operation/damage of sprinkler heads. Thespares shall be kept in an easily accessible locationunder conditions where the temperature does notexceed 38”C.

15.7.2 The following guidelines shall be followed inrespect of stocking spare sprinkler heads:

Hazard Class

Light hazard

Moderate hazard

High hazard

In all State Capitals and Otherwithin 100 km thereof Places

6 sprinklers of each type 25

24 sprinklers of each type 50

36 sprinklers of each type 100

When there are more than one installation within arisk, the above quantity shall also be increased inproportion. Each type of sprinkler used in theinstallation such as conventional or spray orceil ing/ilush or side wall sprinklers and appropriatetemperatures shall be stocked as per the aboverequirements.

15.7.3 Spanners for the sprinklers shall also be keptalong with the spare sprinklers in readiness.

15.7.4 Drainage Arrangement

Itshall be possible to drain the water from the entireinstallation through the installation control valve byopening the drain cock. Normally, it is not permissibleto provide separate arrangements for draining thewater from different areas or pockets. However, incase of sprinklers below the false ceilings, below the

obstructions like ducts and also for intermediate

sprinklers, it should be possible to drain the water fromtime to time through separate arrangements. In caseof areas, where sprinklers are installed below the levelof the installation control valve, it is necessary toprovide drain cocks for all such sprinklers as deemednecessary.


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M 151U5 : 2(JUZ


16.1 A sprinkler installation should be based onanyone of the following types:

a) Wet pipe installation,b) Pre-action type installation,c) Recycling installation, andd) Deluge installation.

NOTE—Othertypesofinstallationslike alternate wet and drypipe or dry pipe may also be used.

16.2 Wet Pipe Installation

16.2.1 A wet pipe system is a standard type sprinklersystem permanently charged with water underpressure both above and below the installation alarmvalve. The above system shall be only installed wherethere is no danger at any time of the water in the pipesfreezing.

16.2.2 Size of the Installation

The number of sprinklers in an installation but notincluding the sprinklers in the concealed spaces andinside machines, etc, shall not exceed the following:

a) Light hazard : 500 per installationb) Moderate hazard : 1000 per installationc) High hazard : 1000 per installation

16.3 Pre-action Installation

16.3.1 A pre-action system is a sprinkler systeminstalled only to prevent a premature discharge ofwater from pipework or sprinklers that have sufferedmechanical damage. The pipework should normallybe charged with air under pressure and monitored togive a warning indication on reduction of the airpressure. Complete loss of air results in the openingof pre-action valve and thus allowing water into thepipework. The system at this stage becomes a wet pipeinstallation valve. The system provides a pre-actiontime for the users to save their valuable equipment likeEDP and computer installation, antiques, museums,etc, where water damage due to the sprinkler operationis colossal. These systems need additional detectioninstallations for triggering the pre-action valves.

16.4 Recycling Installation

16.4.1 Recycling installations shall be used onlywhere these are necessary for the following reasons

a) To restrict water damage after extinguishmentb) To avoid closure of the main installation valve

if modifications are made to the pipework or ifsprinkler heads are to be replaced;

c) To prevent accidental water damagebreakage of pipeworldsprinklers

due to

These are similar to the pre-action type installationsexcept for the additional built-in features for automaticcontrol of the water by timers.

16.5 Size of the Installation

The number of sprinklers in an installation (pre-actionand recycling) but not including the sprinklers in theconcealed spaces and inside machines, etc, shall notexceed the following:

a) Light hazard : 500 per installationb) Moderate hazard : 1000 per installationc) High hazard : 1000 per installation

16.6 Deluge Installations

Deluge installations shall be installed where it isnecessary to apply water over an entire area in whichafire may originate.

16.7 Multi-jet Sprinkler System

Under extraneous circumstances, the above type ofsystems can be considered. For example, the abovesystem may be considered for installation within ductswhich pass through the perfect party walls if provisionof dampers on both sides of the perfect party wall isimpracticable. The above system shall consist of mainsprinkler that should operate a group of opensprinklers inside the duct on both sides of the wall. Themain sprinkler shall be installed preferably in thecentre of the wall within the duct. The open sprinklersare expected to provide water curtains within the ductson both sides to prevent propagation of the fire throughthe ducts in the absence of dampers.

16.8 Detector Sprinklers

In locations where electrical installations are to beprotected, sprinklers in such locations may act only asdetectors and sound the installation alarm withoutdischarge of water. The water from the sprinkler pipesmay be suitably arranged to be by-passed outside therisk upon operation of sprinklers.

16.9 Other Type of Sprinklers

Where other types of sprinklers are used for specialapplications such as Fast response sprinklers, Earlyresponse quick suppression sprinklers, large orificesprinklers, Recycling sprinklers, etc, are proposed tobe used in the system.


17.1 General Arrangement

The user shall carry out aprogramme of inspection andchecks, arrange a test, service and maintenanceschedule and keep appropriate records including alogbook which shall be produced on demand.


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17.2 Precautions and Procedures When System isnot Operational

17.2.1 Maintenance, alterations and repair of systemsnot fully operational shall be carried out in a way thatwill minimize the time and extent of non-operability.

17.2.2 When an installation is rendered inoperative,the user shall implement compensatory measures.These measures include—shutting of fire doors andshutters, alertness of the security and safety staff,reinforcement of first-aid appliances, etc.

17.2.3 As much as possible of the installation shall beretained in an operative condition by blanking offpipework feeding the inoperative part or parts wherework is taking place.

17.2.4 In case of manufacturing risks, where therepairs and alterations are extensive, or it is necessaryto disconnect a pipe exceeding 40 mm nominaldiameter, or to overhaul or to remove a main stopvalve, alarm valve or check valve, every effort shallbe made to carry out the work when the machinery isstopped.

17.2.5 Any pump out of commission shall be isolatedby means of the valves provided.

17.3 Planned Shut Down

17.3.1 Authorities shall be kept informed beforeshutting of the installation for any reason whatsoever.

17.3.2 A round through the risk shall be undertakenbefore a part or total shut down to ensure that there isno indication of fire.

17.3.3 The heads of all the departments or blocksshall be notified in writing that the installation shallremain inoperative and they shall exercise abundantcaution during the period.

17.4 Unplanned Shut Down

When the installation is rendered inoperative as amatter of urgency or by accident, the measures statedabove for planned shut down shall be implementedwith least possible delay.

17.5 Action Following Sprinkler Operation

17.5.1 Following the operation of sprinkler(s), theoperated heads shall be removed and replaced withappropriate sprinkler heads and water supply shall berestored.

17.5.2 The sprinklers in the vicinity of the operatedsprinklers shall be checked for damage by heat or anyother cause and replaced if necessary.

17.5.3 The sprinkler pump shall not be shut off untilthe extinguishment of the fire. The starting of the pumpshall be automatic and the stopping of the pump afteran extinguishment shall be manual.

IS 15105:2002

17.6 Periodical Testing and Maintenance

17.6.1 General Sprinkler systems require competent andeffective care and maintenance to assure that they willperform their purpose effectively at the time of fire.Systems shall be serviced and tested periodically bypersonnel trained in this work. An inspection contractwith a qualified agency for service, test, and operationat regular intervals is recommended. Operating and maintenance instructions andlayolut shall be available or can be posted at controlroom and/or at the fire station of the plant. Selectedplant personnel shall be trained and assigned the taskof operating and maintaining the equipment. At weekly, or other frequent, regularscheduled plant inspection, equipment shall bechecked visually for obvious defects such as broken ormissing parts, external loading or other evidence ofimpaired protection. At least once a week the system shall bevisually checked and the reading of various pressuregauges of each Installation valve shall be recorded. A trained pump man shall be available on allshifts and at all hours to operate the pump or wheneverrequired.

17.6.2 Fire Water Reservoirs/Tank It shall be ensured that fire water tankreservoirs are always full and free from any foreignmaterials. The water level shall be recorded weekly. Depending upon quality of water, reservoimshall be cleaned once in a year or two years and sludgeformation shall be prevented.

17.6.3 Fire Pumps All the fire pumps shall be run at least 5minutes everyday. During testing water level ofpriming tank, delivery pressures of pumps, speed andalso other parameters are to be checked and recorded. All pump glands shall be maintained in goodworking conditions and checked weekly. The bearing grease caps shall be checkedonce every week and refilled with fresh grease. ifnecessary. Starter contacts shall be cleaned every week. Insulation resistance of pump motors shallbe examined once in every six months and record shallbe maintained. Starting mechanism of diesel engine must bechecked, the battery charger and also the batteries

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Is 15105:2002

must be maintained in effective conditions and theengine shall be run at least for 5 minutes every day.

17.6.4 Sprinkler System Installation All piping shall be examined at intervals todetermine its conditions. Frequency of inspectionswill be dependent upon local conditions and shall beexamined once in a year. All the Installation valves and sprinklerinstallation and associated equipment shall be servicedand tested annually by qualified personnel. Discharge test of sprinklers shall be carriedout at least once in six months. After each operation,sprinklers shall be removed and cleaned, unlessobservations under flow conditions indicate this is notnecessary. Manual checking devices shall be operatedat least twice annually. When normally opened valves are closedfollowing the system operation or test, suitableprocedures shall be instituted to ensure that they arereopened and that the system is promptly restored tofull normal operating condition. All sprinklers shall be inspected for proper

positioning or test, external loading and corrosion and

cleaned if necessary, based on experience but at leastonce in six months. The entire system shall be flushed at leastonce a year. It is important to ensure that the sprinklerbulbs are kept free from paint or dust (otherwise it maynot function correctly) and that the bulbs are accessibleand clearly identified for maintenance purposes. All the equipment pertaining to the sprinklersystem shall be painted at least once in two years.

17.6.5 Installation Valve and Alarm Gong Assembly The pressure gauge readings above andbelow the valves shall be monitored everyday atcommencenient of the first shift. The time taken for the operation of alarmgong after opening the drain valves shall be monitoredevery week and corrective actions taken in case ofmalfunction of alarm gong. The alarm gong assembly shall be checkedthoroughly once in three months.

Periodic maintenance chart and summary sheets forthe hydraulic calculation are shown in Table 38:

Table 38 Periodical Testing and Maintenance Chart(Clause

S1 No.i)













Main piping

Sluice valves



Deteetor elementSprinkler installation

Pressure gaugesPainting of

ActivitiesLevel checkingCleaningRunning testTest flowLubricationGland packingOverhaulRunningLubricationBatteryLoad testOverhaulFuel tank checkLubricationStarter contact checkinginsulation resistanceFlushingGauge pressureO~rationGland packingLubricationOperationAlarm checkOverhaulCleaningCleaningFlow testPerformancePerformancePhysical check up of piping for seeing

dislocation of support, wrong orientation,overloading, etc


DurationWeeklyOnce in two yearsDaily 5 minutesAnnuallyQuarteri yWeeklyOnce in two years5 min all daysQuarterlyStatus weeklyAnnuallyOnce in 2 yearsDailyWeeklyWeeklyHalf yearlyOnce in 2 yearsCheck dailyMonthlyMonthlyQuarterlyWeeklyWeeklyAnnuallyQuarterlyQuarterlyQuarterlySix monthlyQuarterlyMonthly



AnnuallyEvery two years

52 I

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Is 15105:2002

18 PIPING SYSTEM supply pressure at the appropriate flow rate shall not

18.1 Installation Pipeworkbe less than the appropriate value specified in 9.2and 9.3 for all types of hazards.

18.1.1 All installation pipework shall be pressuretested in accordance with 10.1.6.

18.3.4 The drain valves fitted above ihe installationvalve shall be opened and the time taken for the alarm

NOTE— Inwater sensitive areas, it is advisable to test the pipespneumatically before carrying out any hydraulic testing.

gong to operate be noted. There shall not be asignificant variation in the timing between the 15 mm

18.1.2 The coating and wrapping of the underground and 50 mm drain valves fitted above the installationwrought or mild steel pipes shall be carried out valve to drain the water from the installation.and also subjected to ‘Halliday’ tests as per IS 10221.

18.4 Pump Output18.2 Initial Testing to Regular Testing Procedures

A running pressure test shall be carried out at theThe system shall be tested as specified in 17.6.2,17.6.3 delivery of the pt,rmp at full load conditions (QMax).

and 17.6.4, i.e., making the initial tests which shall The pressure obtained in the test can be used to correctbecome routine tests later as a part of upkeep of the the pressure available at the ‘C’ gauge of thesystem. installation valve.

18.3 Water Supplies 18.5 Auto Start of Diesel Pumps

18.3.1 The entire piping system shall be thoroughly Wrhen commissioningtheinstallationthe automaticflushed before commissioning in order to removeforeign materials which might have entered or be

starting system of the diesel engine driven pumpset

present in the system piping during the course ofshall be activated with the fuel supply isolated for six

installation or which may have been present in existingcycles each of not less than 15 seconds crankingand at not more

piping at maximum flow rate available to the systemthan 15 seconds rest. After

completion of six starting cycles “the fail to startconsideration shall be given to the disposal of waterdischarged during the flushing.

alarm” shall operate. The fuel supply shall then berestored and the pumpset shall start when the manual

18.3.2 In case of large installations (where the start button is operated.number of sprinklers in a single building and those in 18.6 Installation Valvesthe buildings communicating therewith exceed 500),it is necessary to ascertain the hydraulic balance to 18.6.1 All the valves shall be physically checked for

check the performance of the pump when working at proper installation and leakage if any. The reading of

most favorable and unfavorable locations. Pressure the pressure gauges shall be checked to see whether

at the outlets of the orifice plates shall be measured at they match after a few drain tests.

all locations to check the correctness of the size of 18.6.2 The proper functions of the alarm gongorifice plates selected. associated with the installation valve and its level of

18.3.3 Each installation valve shall be tested audibility shall be checked. An audibility level of

separately. The pump shall start automatically and the 85 dB above the background noise level is required.


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Is 15105:2002

IS No.




1239 (Part 1) :1990

1239 (Part 2) :1992






(Clause 2)



Colours forready mixed paints andenamels (fimrth revision)

Code of practice for electrical wiringinstallations (third revision)

Code of practice for architectural andbuilding drawings (second revision)

Mild steel tubes, tubulars and otherwrought steel fittings : Part 1 Mildsteel tubes (fifth revision)

Mild steel tubes, tubulars and otherwrought steel fittings : Part 2 Mildsteel tubulars and other wrought steelpipe fittings (fourth revision)

Centrifugally cast (spun) ironpressure pipes for water, gas andsewage (third revision)

Vertically cast iron pressure pipes forwater, gas and sewage ~irst revision)

Cast iron fittings for pressure pipesfor water, gas and sewage (thirdrevision)

Malleable cast iron pipe fittings(second revision)

IS No.




3614 (Part 1) :1966

3614 (Part 2):1992






Line pipe (second revision)

Steel drums (galvanized andungalvanized) (third revision)

Seamless or electrically welded steelpipes for water, gas and sewage(168.3 to 2032 mm outside diameter)(second revision)

Fire check doors: Part 1 Plate metalcovered and rolling type

Metallic and non-metallic fire checkdoors: Part 2 Resistance test andperformance criteria

Pressure and vacuum gauges (secondrevision)

Fire resistance test for structures (firstrevision)

Horizontally cast iron double flangedpipes for water, gas and sewage (firstrevision)

Code of practice for coating andwrapping of underground mild steelpipelines



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Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

OrsyutizalionFire Advisor, Ministry of Home Affairs, New DelhiAvon Services Pvt Ltd, Mumbai

Bhabha Atotmic Research Centre, MumbaiBombay FireBrigade,Mumbai



Centml Public Works Department, New Delhi

Chief Fire Officer, State Bank of India, MumbaiConcord Ami Pvt Ltd, ChennaiController of Quality Assurance, Pune

Defence Research& Development Organization, Delhi

Delhi Fire Service, Delhi

Directorate General of Supplies&Disposals, New Delbi

Engineer-in-Chiefms Branch, New Delhi

Eureka Firetech Pvt Ltd, Mumbai

Fire&SafetyAppliancesCo,KolkataHome Department (Fire Service), Chennai

Home (Police Department), Govt of Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad

Indian Rayon, DelhiInstitution of Fie (India), Delhi

Kooverji Devshi& Co(P) Ltd, Mumbai

K.V. Fire Chemicals, MumbaiLoss Prevention Association India, Mumbai

MECON, Ranchi

Ministry of Home Affairs, New DelhiMinistry of Defence, New Delhi

National Airport Authority, New Delhi

Newage Industries, Gujarat

Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Debra Dun

Oil Industries Safety Directorate, Ministry of Petroleum& Natuml GM

Railway Board, DelhiReal Value Appliances, MumbaiSafex Fire Services, MumbaiSteelage Industries Ltd, Chennai/Delhi

Steel Authority of India Ltd, Rourkela

Steel Authority of India Ltd. Bokaro

Surex Production & Sales Pvt Ltd, Kolkata












SHRIE. S. DEsAt (Alfernare).WmtS. N. KUN~UDtRECTOR

















SHRID. NEOGI(Alternate)


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Is 15105:2002


Tariff Advisory Committee, AhmadabwJ/Delhi

Vijay Fire Protcctiorr System Pvt Ltd, MumbaiWest Bengal Fire Service, KolkataIn Personal Capacity(ffouscIVO.33/2965A,Vewudu High School Rod, Cochitl)In Personal Capacity(B- 1/64, Sector- 16, Rohini, Delhi)BIS Directorate General





SHRIS. K. JAIN,Director (Civ Engg)[Representing Director GeneraI, (12t-oficio)]


Joint Director (Civ Engg), BIS


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(Conlinliedfrorn second cover]

beoverlooked orgiven insufficient attention bysupervisors. Itis, however, neglected atperilto the lives ofthe occupants of the premises and also at the risk of crippling financial status of the owners. The impollanceof proper maintenance cannot be too highly emphasized. When sprinkler systems are disabled, extra attentionsould be paid to fire precautions and the appropriate authorities informed. This has been discussed in detail inthis code.

This code has been divided into several sections and each section deals elaborately with various aspects of thesprinkler protection system. The requirements have been supported by figures for illustration and clarity. Mainelements of the sprinkler installation are shown in Fig. 1. The code is very clear about where the system is notrequired and where the systems can be excluded.

In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international coordination among thestandards and practices prevailing in different countries and considerable assistance has been derived from LPCand TAC regulations with some radical departures on areas suitable to environment in India.

The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex B.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rulesfor rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off valueshould be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

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Bureau of Indian Standards

BI S is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promoteharmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goodsand attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any formwithout the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of

implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed

periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes areneeded; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standardsshould ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 22( 4777 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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