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SUNDAY, 23. 04. 2017This was the first day of our trip. We had to get up at 2 o’clock, because our air plane flew away at 20 past 7. We were so excited. First flight lasted 1 hours and 20 minutes. We watched beautiful views from air plane. We came to Vienna. Second flight lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes. We visited Athens.

The last flight lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes. Finally we came to Rhodes. At the airport waited for us driver, who drove us to the Semiramis Hotel. There the Greek students welcomed us. After our meeting we went for a dinner to the nearest restaurant. Then we went for a walk around Rhodes. At 9 p.m. we were really tired so we came back to the hotel and fall asleep.

MONDAY, 24.04.2017On that day, after eating a delicious breakfast, we went together to the city center. We took some photos and went to the beach. We could relax there and, of course, take beautiful pictures. After that we had lunch and came back to hotel. We met Hungarian and Greek colleagues. They invited us for coffee and we all agreed. We went to the “Coffee Island’ – a great cafeteria in Rhodes.

We came back to the hotel and we started preparing for official welcome dinner. We went to the “Black Adder” restaurant, where the dinner was held. After eating delicious dishes and dessert, and knowing the rest of the group, we returned to the “Semiramis” hotel and we went to sleep. It was really a great day!

TUESDAY, 25.04.2017On that day we spent most of our time at school.

At the beginning the pupils took us to the school.

After this, a presentation on the partner countries

of the project took place. We could learn basic

information about each country.

Then there were workshops: musical and artistic.

Our group was divided. Some people went to

music (me and Oliwia) and the other went to art

classes. On the musical workshops we learned to

sing songs: in Greek, Polish and Hungarian. It was

really funny.

Later we visited Melissokomiki Dodecanese –

the biggest company in the Dodecanese producing

and packaging beehive products, and the

Byzantine church of St. Nikolas Fountoukli. We

went to dinner where we tried traditional Greek

dishes. After that we visited Filerimos. From there

we could see the panorama of Rhodes. It was

amazing. We came back to hotel and we had free

time. So our group played cards. It was great time!


WEDNESDAY, 26.04. 2017

We woke up at half past 7. We went for a breakfast and at half past 8 we had departure from a hotel. Between 8:50 and 9:35 we had art workshop with Mrs EfiKokkinaki, after that we learnt Greek language with Mrs Marianthi Parasou & Kety Zervou. Then we had other activities.

After workshop in school we went to Acropolis in Lindos. There was really beautiful. We watched the antic architecture. After this we had lunch time at Mavrikos restaurant. We ate traditional Greek food. I really liked that. Then we went to Thermai of Kalithea. We were walking in the sea. After that we came back to the hotel and had a free time.

THURSDAY, 27.04. 2017 This day was fantastic! First, when we were atschool, we learnt some Greek dances with MrStylianidis, psychical Education Greek teacher. I think the dances which we danced were very rhythmic and not difficult to dance. Everyone had a great time. Next we saw some dances by students from Greece. These dances, as well as all other lessons were great. I hope, in future, I will dance this again. Next, we had a small break and time to talk with our friends from other countries, drink something and eat. We could go outside. I liked it, because in our school we haven’t any place where we can sit, outside.

Then we played crycket, a sport like tennis. To do that we must go to the playground, and I was surprised how big it was. There were lots of playgrounds: one, to play football, one to play volleyball, etc. When we finished playingcrycket, we went back to school and one person from every country of our project Erasmus Plus, told us about Education system of his\ her country. About Poland’s education system told us Kamil. After these presentations, we went to cinema 9D. There were many fantastic special effects. We watched two movies: first about Colossus of Rhodes, and second – a funny, short movie, race alluding to Greece mythology. Some effects are so realistic! Next we had free time. At the end of this day we went to the art exhibition. First we had time to look at thepaintings. After that we had a lecture “Space, part of our lives” by Mr Vaios Lappas& Anastasios Veliadis about the jobs of the future.

FRIDAY, 28.04. 2017On this day we could see some special places in Greece, but first we went to school and watched presentations. Next, we had a fantastic quiz about Greece, our project and people in this project. I think this quiz was a fantastic idea, to sum up the visit. After that, we visited the Old Town and andthe Knight’s Castle with amazing mosaics. I remember, I was suprised, because there were so many details in them!

Both Old Town and Knight’s Castle, we visited with a guide, who told us lots of interesting facts about these places.Next we visited RODIAKI newspaper printing plant, we saw how to print newspapers, and how worked printers in this place. At the end of the day we had a farewell party, with some Greek traditional dances. Everyone had a good fun, danced and talked with our friends. The music was fantastic, like the wholeday.

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