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Page 1: JMockit Framework Overview

Mocking with JMockit

Mario PeshevDevriX CTO, SCJPConsultant, Trainer


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• What is Mocking

• Where to use mocking

• JMockit introduction

• Expectations and Verifications

• Annotations and Coverage

• Comparison of mocking frameworks

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What is Mocking

• Isolated class or method testing

• Ignore dependencies of related classes when not necessary

• Simplify testing environment by providing empty proxies instead of complex logical units

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What is Mocking (2)

• A mock object represents a surreal interface or a class with modified output

• Code behind is being skipped to reduce the effort of initialization before running a test case

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Mocking Scheme

DB Server

Web Server

Application with dependencies



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Why mock?

• Replace all collaborators with mocks

• Avoid the use of Context with specific setup

• Test only the core functionality of a class or a method

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Mocking advantages

• Remove dependencies from external libraries and servers:• Databases• Web servers• Sockets• Web services

• Less time for writing unit tests for legacy code

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How does mocking work

• Two general types of mocking

• Proxy based• easymock, jmock

• Class loader remapping• jmockit, powermock

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Proxy based

• Proxy based approach relies on reflection

• Java Reflection API is a powerful toolset to inspect Java code at runtime

• Different structures could be explored – classes, interfaces, fields, methods• Even private methods could be called

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Proxy based (2)

• Reflection provides mechanism to create objects, invoke methods and access get/set field values and return types

• Interfaces could be implemented dynamically via java.lang. reflect.Proxy

• Proxy return values could be defined

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Class loader mapping

• This method relies on the Instrumentation API

• Instrumentation API is a set of features since Java 5

• It allows remapping of the classes to be called by the VM

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Instrumentation API

• In package java.lang.instrument• Provides services that allow Java agents

to instrument programs running on the JVM

• Instrumentation does direct bytecode modification of methods and classes• Uncatchable by debuggers

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Instrumentation API (2)

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Remapping example

• We have a Book class to define Book model behavior to a model.

• We need to separate DB logic dependences from the Book

• So we define BookMock class and Instrumentation remaps VM links from Book to BookMock.class

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• Open source mocking library

• Under MIT license

• Collection of tools to be used in testing environment together with JUnit or TestNG framework

• Bytecode modifications done at runtime through internal ASM library

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JMockit Components

• 6 components in the toolkit:• JMockit Core• JMockit Annotations• JMockit Expectations• JMockit Coverage• JMockit Hibernate Emulation• JMockit AOP

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JMockit vs. the World

• JMockit is far more complex, but more powerful than the other mocking frameworks

• It allows mocking of static methods and final classes

• http://code.google.com/p/jmockit/wiki/MockingToolkitComparisonMatrix

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JMockit inside

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Expectations API

• Provides a record-replay model– Set one or more expectations– Define a real sample code using directly or

not the mocked object

• Automatic verification of all expected invocations is transparent with JUnit/TestNG connection

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Expectations API (2)

• Mock types could be defined as instance fields of the test class or of an Expectations anonymous subclass inside the recording phase

new Expectations() {ClassToBeMocked mock; {

… }


new Expectations() {ClassToBeMocked mock; {

… }


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Expectations API (3)

• Expectations could be specified of any kind of method invocation• Interfaces, abstract classes, concrete final or

non-final classes, static methods, constructors

• Private methods and constructors could have expectations too

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Expectations API (4)

• By default, all expectations are strict– For each expectation a matching invocation is

expected and in the same order– If additional invocation to mocked

type/instance is detected, assertion error will be thrown too

• Non-strict expectations could be defined – singular or in a specific block

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Expectations API (5)

• A non-strict expectations could be invoked any number of times (0…N) and in arbitrary order

• Unexpected invocations don’t cause errors to the test

• Mocked objects could be passed as test method parameters (TestNG included)

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Expectations Sample

public class MockNoInterfaceClassTest { static class User {

String name() { return "joe";

} }

@Mocked User user; …

public class MockNoInterfaceClassTest { static class User {

String name() { return "joe";

} }

@Mocked User user; …

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Expectations Sample (2)

…@Test public void mockNoInterfaceFinalClass() {

new Expectations() { {

user.name(); returns("fred"); }};

assertEquals("fred", user.name()); } }

…@Test public void mockNoInterfaceFinalClass() {

new Expectations() { {

user.name(); returns("fred"); }};

assertEquals("fred", user.name()); } }

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Verifications API

• Additional phase for verify to the record-replay model

• All other invocations in the test can be verified to have occurred (or not) after the replay phase• It is possible to not have expectations but

verifications only

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Verification API (2)

• Doesn’t make sense when we have 100% strict expectations

• However, when we have mocked types with non-strict expectations, this is where we could make sure invocations are being called as required

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Verification Demo

static class UserService {

void populateUser() { User user = new User(); user.setName("fred"); user.setAge(31); } }

@Mocked User user;…

static class UserService {

void populateUser() { User user = new User(); user.setName("fred"); user.setAge(31); } }

@Mocked User user;…

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Verification Demo (2)

…@Test public void verifyInternalMethods() { new UserService().populateUser(); new FullVerificationsInOrder() { { User user = new User(); user.setName("fred"); user.setAge(withAny(1)); } };


…@Test public void verifyInternalMethods() { new UserService().populateUser(); new FullVerificationsInOrder() { { User user = new User(); user.setName("fred"); user.setAge(withAny(1)); } };


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Verification Types

• InOrder• The order of invocations in the Verification

block has to match the original order

• Full• Guarantees that _all_ invocations in the

replay block must be verified in verification block

• Could define FullVerificationsInOrder too

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JMockit test method template

@Test public void aTestMethod(<any number of mock parameters>) {

// Record phase: expectations on mocks are recorded; empty if there is nothing to record.

// Replay phase: invocations on mocks are "replayed"; here the code under test is exercised.

// Verify phase: expectations on mocks are verified; empty if there is nothing to verify.


@Test public void aTestMethod(<any number of mock parameters>) {

// Record phase: expectations on mocks are recorded; empty if there is nothing to record.

// Replay phase: invocations on mocks are "replayed"; here the code under test is exercised.

// Verify phase: expectations on mocks are verified; empty if there is nothing to verify.


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JMockit Mockups

• A different kind of API which adds functionality to mocking types

• Mock classes are defined and applied for a method or a testing class• Mock methods are @Mock annotated and

behavior is defined that replaces the original method body

• Number of invocations could be set too

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State-oriented mocking

• Useful for testing the argument values instead of checking invocations • Allows complex data handling and


• Achievable with mockit.Mockup<T> generic class for mockup creation

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Annotations Demo

@Test public void mockSystemNanoTime() { new MockUp<System>() { @Mock @SuppressWarnings("unused") long nanoTime() { return 0L; } }; assertSame(0L, System.nanoTime()); }

@Test public void mockSystemNanoTime() { new MockUp<System>() { @Mock @SuppressWarnings("unused") long nanoTime() { return 0L; } }; assertSame(0L, System.nanoTime()); }

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JMockit Coverage

• Code coverage API

• Bytecode modification done only on runtime (constructions on demand)

• 1 .jar only – based on “convention over configuration”

• Automatic analyze of all classes (specific set could be defined later)

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JMockit Coverage (2)

• Output could be as XHTML report or any serialized file

• Line-coverage and Path-coverage metrics

• Incremental test runner• Analyze only modified local files

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Coverage Report

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Hibernate Emulation

• Designed for the speed of unit test and functionality of Hibernate-based integration tests

• Fake Hibernate 3 Core API Implementation

• O/R mapping data is ignored as well as real connections to database

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JMockit installation

• Download jmockit from project homepage: http://code.google.com/p/jmockit/downloads/list

• Copy jmockit.jar in your Eclipse project

• Add the -Djavaagent=jmockit.jar (with relative or absolute path) to your JVM arguments when running Eclipse

• Run with JDK and not JRE

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JMockit with TestNG

• For TestNG support with JMockit, the Initializer listener needs to be added– -listener mockit.integration.testng.Initializer as program argument

– Or as a TestNG XML parameter in testng.xml:

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Running JMockit with TestNG

Eclipse Demo

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@Mocked and @Injectable

• @Mocked• All instances of the given class (current and

future) are mocked

• @Injectable• Only the given instance of the class is


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JMockit vs. PowerMock

• PowerMock is only extension to other mocking frameworks

• JMockit provides a new Expectations API

• PowerMock API is low level and requires specific API calls

• Methods are mocked in a declarative way with specified partial mocking

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JMockit vs. PowerMock (2)

• JMockit has support for mocking equals(), hashCode() and overriden methods

• PowerMock uses custom class loaders which is heavy and could lead to conflicts

• The –javaagent approach in JMockit is simpler and safer

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JMockit vs. Mockito

• Every Mockito object invocation requires a call to its mocking API (between record and verify phases)

• Mockito has inconsistences in the syntax used for invocation of mocked methods

• Mockito has different syntax for calling methods returning values and void methods

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JMockit vs. Mockito (2)

• In Mockito all invocations to mock objects during the test are allowed, never expected• Verification is not automatic

• JMockit Expectations & Verifications gives plenty of options for best combination of strict (expected) and non-strict (allowed) mock invocations

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JMockit vs. Mockito (3)

• Mockito needs additional object for in order and full verifications

• JMockit gives a combination of VerificationsInOrder or FullVerifications (or FullVerificationsInOrder)

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