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Presented by Ted McGrath, co-founder iEvolutionwww.ievolution.biz

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What is iEvolution?

Evolution is based on the understanding that the world is always changing, which means we are always changing. The key is, we want to change in the right ways as it relates to who we are. Deepak Chopra's Global Discovery: People around the world have 3 core desires: 1) Personal Transformation2) To Make a Difference in the World3) To Connect with others who share their passion


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3 Critical questions for each of us to ExploreWho is myself?

What do I desire from my Life Today?

What is my Purpose?


1)   Continuing to ask the question, who is myself, ties in perfectly with personal transformation, because as we continue to ask those questions the universe will actually line ways up for you to make changes in your life.


2)   What do I desire to show up in my life today----this is a critical step because before we can truly go out and make a difference in the world, we have to understand who we are, but more importantly we have to feel like the world is abundant.


3)   What is my purpose in life? We are all connected in the universe through one big field of infinite potential. So when we are on our journey to discovering our purpose, we then fill that third basic desire that Deepak talks about, and that is, to connect with people who share our passion.


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How do we go out and get more money and get more purpose?

You don't have to get anything, or chase anything, You actually Attract it into your life. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, meaning whatever vibrations, Or feelings or emotions we are giving out to the universe is what we attract into our lives as our life experiences.  What creates those emotions? Our Thoughts? So whatever you are focusing your attention on in that particular moment is resonating with you on an emotional level. So if I just got really bad news, then the emotion, or vibration or energy, I'm sending out to the universe is very negative. And if I continue to focus on that bad news for the rest of the day, I will have more bad news being attracted into my life.


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What are your intentions for your Life?

Where are you Focusing your attention on a daily basis?

 The Law of attraction states that, what shows up in

your life, is what you are consistently focusing your attention on, that's how your Thoughts become things or turn into physical things such as money, relationships, etc…

 You are either attracting these things on a conscious level or from a subconscious level. Studies show that 85% of what we do on a daily basis is a result of habits and beliefs that we store on a subconscious level.


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The McGrath Transformation Theory

Scientific studies show that 95% of the thoughts you are having today are the same as the thoughts you were having yesterday. Only 5% of our thoughts are new thoughts. That works out to 1 hr. per day. On additional hour/ day of contemplating and witnessing our thoughts, means that our day would go from 5% of new thinking and new awareness, to 10% of new thinking and awareness. That in itself is a quantum leap. How would that impact your results?


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The Methodology: 21 days of purpose

Contemplation, Visualization, Meditation Be the observer or the watcher or the witness

to your thoughts. Every morning and every evening? 30 minutes at a time!

 The first 5-7 minutes starts with this: • Who is myself?• What do I desire to show up in my life today?• What is my purpose?


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Go to a place of Peace:

Ask yourself these questions as you sit in silence and a place of peace. Don't force the answers but watch the answers and the thoughts that come to you and choose the good ones. Watch the good ones and visualize them playing out in your life. At a very deep level and at a soul level, you already know what you want in your life, you just have to peel back the layers of the onion to get there and bring out the true hero inside. Utilizing a Mantra to go from a state of contemplation to Meditation:  Ohm Bija Manah - The vibrations of the universe are within us.


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The Heroes Journey/ The Archetypal Hero

The archetypal hero is a recurring character that appears in all religions, mythologies, and epics of the world through out time. Examples: Moses, King Arthur, Luke Skywalker, William Wallace, Simba from the lion king, Greek Gods Why do all cultures and people have similar stories of their heroes?  

-Heroes express a deep psychological aspect of human existence.-Heroes can be seen as a metaphor for the human search of self-knowledge. -Heroes shows us the path to our own soul, our own spirit, our own consciousness.


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8 Characteristics of the The Hero's Journey- Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell

-A hero's birth will always have an unusual aspect to it. Royalty or Danger.

-The Hero Leaves his Family or land to Live with others

-Hero has a special weapon only he can wield-Hero has supernatural help-The Hero must prove himself many times

during his adventure-The hero falls into the pit on his search for

Purpose-Hero experiences atonement with the Father-When the Hero dies, He is rewarded Spiritually


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We are all on a Quest to discover the Hero within us. It is a basic human desire.

Answer the Questions:


Who is Myself?

What is it I desire from my Life today?

What is my Purpose?


Meditate, Contemplate, and Visualize on these questions for 1 hr per day. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening

Pay attention to which archetypes or Heroes come to you in your Meditation/Contemplation Practices



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Contact Details

For any questions or feedback you can reach Ted McGrath at

[email protected]

You can also leave your feedback on our blog, please click on the link below



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